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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. MARrn 12. 1M4. vJHAT AWFUL PAIPIWTI3S I tXPECI URGE SFRBC HUDE ctk vn as and rweety in rairBt J hart Breath. Drxy. Faint. Saking j Mars ?t era j 9.rT E' Irtui: TIET HEil THAT Tail HiVE U SUIT ; et;st ice Tj ---.cve l:st shcuso Awl Weak erve-Heart Falar and Trasee , .,,!. .tiii aa at 5Jdra Death Sau-e Lakes i relate, eat iiw t a-e tae Do the Big at Tii eg a. railire ar we.anm f heart action l nr; sr'ea.eTt- It a mor-t rnij and oaagrert. wnlitii'ii ?? he . The Srat ! ytr. puimi may be vary i.ctl, ar.d a; par- ertly trrrau. Tut li C. faJ 'a til '-hem .f you ' ra.ue y iur The warning -r" piaji , and lincwiiuiNc- NiT'.ksnfi a- 1 we&ine-e. grJd.rtea rwunmiruj jf tut. a humi. straui-. lai: !(: Irura rrwBilitc. short hrata. iicknf eena en. c'dT.eee of t and lagm. S.trn.-jr or pa. pi tat: in :a left tdr if the rfterr. fel lr.g of ur anxiery ta of im- , pre dir. .lana-sr. t-wmtM iirtmM. aieeo- ' A ever-exer-jon. excitement T ' emotion may rrttig on to arsackj. at auty ' time rlrlr.a frtin a at wiping trr riir.i-a positunE will eaaee dizswaea. ar.d rapid: y oiaibir.g najrs will maAe the beert pa-pitate. produoe wm-li:e aad ah.irTnei ! of hrata,. la mnr caaas riere are pa.n ; !r. the realon of ?.he bear, but in moBt i eaees 'h-re is no paia aba-eer JSegriert ef tbeee nnptome wkl result :n heart failure, tpanni or nrurata of the heart, ar dh.Lh. Bus. ft. t. Dua, Fkfsiunu YL. aaja EVENTS CN RUNNING TRACKS! FlTwrltn ta f"r la yrm Orimi Tarf Ewata mm All kat T artm. Kavc yr Cal'Iac mad Basinet Cards pr-oteU at ttaydeo'f. Owe baarcd neat cards 3QC Traiinf StanTs Fres v;m All CasS Farc&ases MM 3 Tit ItUtllt flttlk. TraJinj Stamps Frsi itl .l Cash Purchases Ormt rci!a's for 5torday. fntrafii. VET n-.LUNJ M.r a- .a i :.-rTi txjhv sh-t ia.1 3!arit r:J stt' f iior niLiM w .;. 3 er br-jucrt in- . crmf-l m jv;'.t ;n uuis;.. rntrtT.a. cone- I t-t-iiji -jLiTwi:g i t-1 n.ri ;i.e r ; fc-a n i j -r iom iround una pr t s:.: ins r--:v ;tt: i.h a.dn"t t."iZ.perLar". j . trj .aiJI dlaU I "lii ij-ft : T-a- V. ? l-a . JT u aiaV . b'auuf 'i t-" -"T winter tiad aj. un lafjiu raJ-kLica far truair um n- Aai ?iit: -: " c "t r JBTrlli u to Mid I-.wti'f. lut txr;u m;j-s lp iu-f i M:.un turn Jit(f w a-d ri- ifwa-r T.nim oFuiai. t I T3r H! T: m h ("'intaT'Tietit in r J :r-n nUiUntjtJi itMradtd by in irrn A ' ; 'iacrraji-B of-nditjonii Kr r onij aari : 'r,T5ffctiL b-T m- r-pr nay tnti i:.t- '.u:- ' Piynn. - ii uB.y wLaraiuf element per- j ins to f-jeL Inmt-Tjc tudes s.r sr-fcdr. no sot ; Miff JfLnuiLTT aut.uns; t-m rvnr! -it l4vII.tti frH'r. auirt sw-irjf rit-w n:1fi 1 raarM n.Tnuy. mu frr:ira dry Hidt J wtautn has a-vifp-c3 ;n wjnni o? mnrn-T. RT-a.)- rj'i wn-ffw port ;Ti3y.rr d jrruiail for wtmuna , t t Mfxr C.TTn m.i iura:n f'tnK j T.hs diti.rJir.' r-ifj-jf-nt't- f vu?-nt :r.uCnp4 of tiif rw Tim.: rr.a- jr ho. ir j rjTJjuut ffiiur. out Japim m s aJ" to 7 i FViiurnf i;i-b nurnfrH 25 in The j fnitfi iftai.B lxuhh iajt nr r'i 1 twntr-f:v ;n OiLnu-litv cyraptrw in :i , tw'nty-twd a ysa.r 1110. j t lOKJC ACTITITT 15 TRADE a&CL9. I In 1 - NEW SPRING ARRIVALS Have Just Received grand QPEfi- pnr IMG EX! 8 IT Mil Bj exprft?:? another Lire- shipmea cf tbo?e Nobby Spricg Suit?, ccats. Waists acd cile Skirts. 'H-Ag-l ' v jf - h F trat raoa aia 1"ar,"ia: TJt H wnn. 1 :. rc. a;x F'ta B".'.ar TS.-l ais tad a half furt'-ti- yow-T! fc 3Tr'-v! of Ivy wrsri v.-s-,ry t:rl T;mp. i 1!,. Fortn ricr. aii funurias- haadi'-a? WT.. Nw T?"k aw.iDd. lU-iue uiirl. Time. 1 'V "-'--e. ?d a half- Ta aur.s-r wri. Ma ottrr -('jnd. Fr ) r. -.h:rl Tlat : urt.. witta ra-e. cna m:ir A--a tijr a. J r.o 1CV H .'T gFRiya. Ark., llar-ja E.tulv? i-trai roe. aia f ir.!- . - r.. OHKiniau wsTiti. ljr-'y iiird. i" mr . i SpWTia TlkAT Sil f-TiM.C. JiiB9 'j'Oivl i":uri rrt mil aail a s;c-;th t-iuy i jrtj rt--. a:x furicnir? J ilrtia KirtJj race. STa X --r Fr-i NO iEi::uwi'p Soita n l.-t-r ailka tli No. w.n. a tin . t-o. silver Fra: T--y ;.rir. siy,.. , jj m ui-a. .jur. , H ' Our iwu- II QjTI jt:a rut-, jr.r aijf Emmw-n wn. rn,., l4a3Ul j "iu r"B- -f 'a"-Ta H-ivip "'- ht-w'v v-:.ri Fnr: tnr?iTii2.'''B ai J-srai ra. fiv. aaa a r-riocifa: 1 r. jw aay uo.y . .. 03W ad !"t w.rh jr.. each fnubun wtn, cuntra strcinio. it Tune. J UJl ii A.'BJ Olii TLiiI i mm-i.L T3 .,w FOUR REMARKABLE BARGAINS J-P-ii-rlr OiTUf-" !air'"at ! m "Tf-rla Mt ar J uia. 2 capa. "''ot ; TUra -s-e. Fururty Time 1 Foil ii rs.. t-. e: and ar. eie-i!: Ciii aa dtw w.t.. The FTIrf secuuo. Fille D ur 8.90 Soma Winning Hutnbers Tin ..r s ii. .- r 8-90 yr 1.50 .... - SATURDAY, MONDAY. TUESDAY. Oa this occasion we will sr-v several trcusaai cf ihz season's most bewitching- Pins, Jw York aai London moiels, erabrac tig a cf Millinery Stf'e, which :s beyond quect:on f.e equa Id any American exhibit- VJtR l5PECTKj IS 5:UCITED i ai SI i.. j . a feat ni.rm.r.. a: . 0 f 3 auir"i and r'hr'ien Dt:n :n hrjea. tr'-.wa nul t"Hi xa. , 0-T..-9I be Cjpi.CU'. ed price '. r Tit -oay e uiy -.a By'n .esa 14.90 3-.ade. ireay furnent Frkraary Caralaai Pnalw t B Better Tkaa Flrat EiKetH. I NFV TC'Ri. March 11. Eriiiatreeta to- morrow wui aay : j Woaber cnditiuna have unproved and j :U UiMn JuODUiC t-aae a: .cxr. wjp'. erti roinia. uuLiifrn !rr--8 vriuie re pur La ! cunUfUe ia and reui rt.n or buj-w ! Ui Liie scKimweau lieuga m.i :iif.: :a some ertiti:a aa ta be of lu.e aer-it-e ta wic.aj" ( wheal, baa brtcinaDed wheat r-pi n trm tiat wtoob. The iron o ssowa a (aln 3 a-cvi: ajnd prlrea of cr'oae ma teria. TraaFDurtaiion miti"r tccw un- ; ! pruvemett aaa a-;ilj thrai aupp-ea of eoaa , ' u -rr.a,-e aad anipmenta Jl ctoob lo j ' e ujMunirra. FeCrjary grjan railway a-"a- I irs aa a wiujt? prtimiwi ce lujrt.Ml ueiter r..Tim uie ouuoi.a anme tnie aa 'j ' favtfred. l-rawtMac-aa :o gei.erin ipr:r. uu:- : i k are fouci la ibe nEwiiBr:a f aaa'.ern "'u-v-rs to lake a-id of aprii.s g"-ods ; aad 'n ptrtoua f!mujL pa.:.flr .-;taji . irej orta ane w si-ai tinrt verier; t. . ae TTLHtreBf1 Jl wie i a)i:a aaa appax Tt haa ie n my miefTrrune t aafler far a kn tint wth a rery aerer paa Ja my aunnacli and lx-k of sleep, and wna! avie Iwep 1 did get wma udok warLhleM. I waa ala tnubied with beart C"jbie Tins hui brnini wnrae Uiaa -oauai bef.TTe I oaed r Greea a H-rura biood aad nejre rameey, but Sace then I have ben gra.itly halpad. My ate-ep haa Wn tmprax-ad. ao ently iiKitcd ron a-nd aleei. Inc-zajH-a a- ity aziu iimirr ji -i;b tje tu-a iti Ltirl. Time. I tfl. Fifti -a. u mrlorxs. har.dti-ap. A.-tj w-r.."..n BeunDiX. A-tiUiti Lni.."X Time 1 iJt H m.v.n -i-ii.rir V K Hire n. tiettr facd. laaoejta liuro. Time. ?rrn ki t w: i one aay oc.y La8 a vrtr; .g CaZ.. JtiTch 'JLAscm. 1 v.,a -aie Wnmr T -u S- S. r "S'a.jit!. ij t:.e Bt-r. Para reeuJ-j. I arena ft , gaturiay .. F'irBt not si furiong jpk-uji wm.. i Judge Napioo mun&. ivjitJt.r imrx Time. Pernod race, six A.nJra.ttua win. , Elareo aectMsd. ji.iaeoud u-.r. --roe , Chi.crn a C'L K cnatB. J MM TT-rora SL. wa:ts. i tuns ra. ia iiiirrii-. i.r - . a: . . 3al i.; i.i.-a. , xt Fourtfl rae. ix furitir.irs. nandicap t.- .men a n..V jer Ji-c Fucuai wrn. nura:tauc aafond. Coiuoel at B. cfv uiird. Time I. la. . F l'.h race, ure mile Car.ejo w. J . ' ?:xtii ra". six furnnnfa Crui r wun. i Tnta Oranot leamil. Winn.frda titiri. Time: l.Jrm. i A hardaome line of aui' in botS pluJs ana ?ar,.T "" r fr-sceru: r: ja -- SV-1-- " 19.90 fcs"i jt.fw Burtie b-uib. -.: dp. new Et .n '"errs, a. ciiora itnn 1b' xff re-t Bty- at i-i. SJ -m. Mi.. STvli . asa up t" T F.4U. TO S.H THiit 150.00 Linen Collars 2k Saturday 493 3.SS We Lar? aecarei taa broken lot of laiie-T aai boyd' Liaea Collars from the? largeit lia-ra collar factory of Trey, York, aad -will have a EXTRA SPECIALS 4 90 10. I 00 W1men " wy-r-f Wtlr-a. GRAND COLLAR SALE SATURDAY. ,Your choice of styles and sizes I qqi Saturday .. 2C 2nq . ..2:.t f -ce d-xen a ca raor. 9 3; SPECIALS. 98 Flinca. 39c-The Els ,e Books. 59c"-L2Jies' Lace Collars, 29c UTTH THE lOWlEBS. a;;p-k ilr last rrTi'.rg tie St. CJtar'ee -"H tzre? fr'.'m tbe Jlt noun. 5t"re: ST. CHARI.ES. iet. -d M. cruder forma, enouutss tlie mrfie ouyinj oy ieui.n mterejita iBBt waea. Flmsr.tMJ prcrducta- re akj more iciiv and .o-cr-s.aed riusineaa ia reported. Frtini a.i over the cuuntry rcmea repona of apecia a-ctivtty ameru aa-rtruiTurtii tTTt- that I feel refreehed, and In thai re.spert ; faal Ua a bay. Tha pain la my rtomah. I wtnea I called lndiaaUua. baa left me. I feel aa thuueft rhe wheeia ot um had bees turned !aack a few turna, and I LUJ-ltJute It ail to Dr. Green e Xervara biood aad nerre ! pieTnetit nonini. K-porta are tuat ta - - ... car ahortaae Umita tpe kbil:r' f srMrpera rBanady. I hare nu aesiuuion ia aaylaat. ; ,UJ.pIr!rcrelleed den.a.naa for rr-ae. A before ail the world, that Dr. Grsea i Ner- j iierurMr.a- nature in the irua Bituauctn ;a rura leada a3 the medlrtaea that ha. -a evr , however, the ti thai :n tie aneence :-t , , , . hjiv aareement to th.a "rear a prices, lde come before at FubUah for the rood af nd7 :p.,nn jr( rroalJ(., pff-rtn othera thia latter and my photograph." . toeir producta 6tt enta to SI a ton beiow If TOM are e-aff-rtr. from weaa beart. lam v-ar a qucrtaoona Tbe eneten ehoe . ...... .,u;. and iwatrr tradea ahrw ci2r nnrtr.aj mr- weai aerree. or any . atmilar oontplauct. j t.rry Chemiraua. druss. raaa aad pajata iMwm ijr. ww a Mmin dioihi ana neree a re quite dcuv. FTiTecfcer F-iec.riiTf F iwun . Beeeiin .. Tata, a G-lrhnet t otter . . Saenton . Srnr.-xler ' W WM l' .fin tai ' 1.7! ' Hats 60c Reliable Carpet Department B,e Hew Spring Carpets, flattings and Lin.leuins ara flow on Sale. Sheet Music Special "JOETa TP Sttttirlay Ti' r-r if tt-- r-.l i .i-e t tiut -if hundred 3jsii Tien -j, . T-i Biaed and santT ie pi. ape ir. fr wr.': u; t tw ji .a- a."C a y 'r "hoi'-e rta.:uriy Tor eei :n uic -ur.y by, '."-r va aoi let. 1:3 n l. J .ik. aa 3d. Total. IT T75 sat Hill Boys' and I Children's Gaps B r-a-r.... -;.. ,r Trtthaut borier. ' we :; Beil pwi:i; .jr-i p:- ttrrei at to C.3 yard. t.s ,.j -tie l.esl all w:.i rr.ra su;.t .r,- B-nxIl'-in EruaBeip Sua i tHUk. frai3carpei : r iiwaday ir..y. wtuie tiiey Ax-r.lrjr.-r carpet, wrrii or wtthcrot bnrtler r-" . , -.' "rti si .c tc as yard samples- rf i.n-r.. T i- rutra. iii t, Er-pBeiB Hua- a. B4 -s r-t-.r f V . rue Bpeeuu. r.- Sr.. Ax-r.-.r.5Ter rue-s at ISD.ail. yaroa a -S.. M:,:;iv ar e-vu, at j..c vnrd. -."raj Art r,ttar. 3xI(i- bt C.7S. xJ at! jfAll. h.-.3.S V-1 : r, f? TO : i-.r.ri.!u" .iW ,t.. .'in . Kj'Jl l.rr B". at.f l.jSr i. c r.e .f-ul 1 "ni'.a. new t wo ?t.ev. ""l-jle Me Bm-K '. V.r..iJi Sbire, H1P(. V -:peeed TH.a;t:t. aurti-ut'. 1 1 a-d to e'nrw Her ajri. wiir.a -i'ie u,rvee. wai'aes. I..i?-. tme-t. iviee. vu i-u'.ff . . a.t f.r inii, . aunie. Little fu.- jll'Naiiy. ; The fineat Una ef 57rtr. r.; Iea ahrrwn la the rAry. both plain and fancy rtilors. On remedy. It win rure you aad gtve yaa ; ar fect health. Tbea trouble are eepeelany ieiigw aae mm! aiMt la aJ nana be tanetf-om etearoa atid 'UetveBt-Ti it j-r-.r irx tnr.Tnartla-taly. or fatal reeults will tiluw. Dr Greaai lOerrura blood and nej-re iBmdy ia not a patent medicine, but tHe preacriprloa of the moat aauceBaful lSvtn apaeiaiiat tn curing aerroua and chronic dlaeaaea. Dr. (Jrern, of liQ Ftfh Are., "e Turk (3ty . lie haa the iarawt praruce in the world, aad this grand medical dla roeei 7 m the reault of hla aat experience.. The freat reputation of Dr. ijreen ia a ruaraatae that hla medicine will ctire. aad ' the fact that be can be oooiiulted by anyone i buehelo jjr.3r la Quiet st fDnat eaelern tnarketa bat Baitunore la ourtra arae'y Fearuree thie weea have Se-n ahipmen'j of wheat to Teitere apertimtKra At New T iry rnrda ebow little if ar.y lJEnroi-emert. tut Boetoo Vthhera are dinng Lairiy weii u.nd at Philnaelpnia traiie la reptid equal tt a year aan. TTnol e steady on hand to 'wmith de?nasd Sy manuf licturera but wwaa are not rery larpe. Wneat. tnclurilr.a flour, eajmrm ror week ending- Mar-i "d i;ar"ra-e 1. 884.. 52 bueh-lB. aaaicat 142.' ueheia Bt week. I (WTat buaneia 'r-ta wek Bt rear. l.iti -n buBb. in IWC -!S buaheie In IW"!. FTn .'uly 1. 11B. to dttte they a rr--aat 110 ruaheia in'Mt :K.fiC9SJ Beasor. K14u.;fn huBheiB tn Totaa ..UfiT sat ia The Lenrx ft WUliama team loft three , Btra-ght to the Drexel Shire company on ( aaia Sauuirday at Sc. So, K)c. ic, T5c and tile liate Ciry lufyi mat nigral, snwr. i. i let. 3d. Sd. Ttrtal. - 1M I no lie. , atiO .... JU . T5 -iZ . ... I&4 3fT 3"I ui H.4 li.T 1ST C IT 1ST 1ZS Dcn't Suffer Frcn Eye Trsab'es. Get the Right Ihi of Glasses it the Right Kind of Prices. We Kate 'En- China Dept. Specials L-ON'T JZ&S THi3 CliANCE. r-e-'fraunl i".a:a ix.1 a.aea.. FYu.t aed Ee.rry i'lHUae. 1'sai.ea. ru(.r and cvftrr Buv.i. Suxie iOM.Ui. Cuue, cera. elu.. aarurday wul they ituuit. 6o Tu-nfclera. 8 f:ir .Be l.tpertai t"hinu Cutb aad BaJeerB, eab. as jm-piotte I'ir.ner Seta. rnoefgaxBd Flow, ji Car.t;o. theee aeta aie mtta evnry b tere f ')r from ti.'.w to g-5. on b '. SatuTday at Seaman ... ' Pteerap ' M'llyneaux vB'm Sullivan Tntala r( KB 7K LXXTZ at -WIlilA-US. ! Ea:l , J.n;3ie Mut re .- H irungToa iltuua ............ lBt 2d. il& 1 .Uu : i ii:c Tduui - 9C .4 -15 "36 7! 3d Total zm ma : r 4e ; 1. e 1UK 1 5 Special Shoe Sole afurdoy at any tume. free of chkrye. perwnslly by letter, gtvnm abaoiuse inurun of the I ,im a:nt :Ml n IJBi? ard I' I3l.rilC Husheia l porta fnr 'he wk egr'-pi'e 1?S Ji? b :ah- baneflcial actlao of thl wcndenal medic. aa IfiBt wee. I rc.Biana44 aa.4 to eaO hr all drwatirleea. I 9 iimgaat....j.aaaiiBi iaB iaaMaaggat 4 1 - i b . ; Charges Less Than III Others DR. McGREVV, SPECIALIST Tie aaa all Urai ef Dtmm ml III olv. Tuc-ty-cight lears' txjifrieKe. Lateen .ears ia Osahi. The daX'tur rTtiaruSi- iPUfrwi hu ; Pi r bwn uj-l. ri. rwurx-fi and ?i'U!t"rr f-.r tr-a '.2 rug t.rif tiu9 l d-JM':! . ar"' tin.:!niifi axi J nrT aay br:i(ea ttimtiv fl-jf er-ner rwjortji (f trie srju iie i d 111.4 13 1 SP21NGS K: AT JIM T02 Jlu E.oud P jiauua N ";..aiKI." J i VT' ' en t.'.e a;n jr aad a-i -terau irna ' of tJue d.MiteMr aieaptuAxa ax ume. A pt-r-aiBButit .'ur ;t.r u:e "uJnteed. ; aiStrn FIP1"''15-5- 'iVARAVTKED n : " vvm. Luiuiri THAN FIVE L4I9. r-r"jvia 1 tlty Ljea uf wrerg-s and ttaJty 1 and a4 fartu of tt...r.,r.A uieeaaea. ; TTwttsati by atn.i. ."a- or w-tte. Btx ' TW. i. fllne lli. giut!l Itli; at, imn t. Net). , t.XS H buehe.a 11 venr :iff". "SS.4M bu"'-el n 'jm: ard ..."irx buehen in 'iBP. Fn J-tly 1. I1HC to dare ter iaTrre(jra-e 41."4. 3'2 buabeia aenirBt " ..ill ,?n rmnrniB "Bt BBon. If "W' will b iBhelp m and IX.- Rfi" "41' btietie.B in 1WT. Puetneea fnilurea In the Tr.lted aratee for the -rfl darcfl Hi number ? Ba't "MR 'an (. K It; The ' mk tt TP'S. I".'4 in 3tnM.. arT m 1W1 and 'SHi n 1!b. In Canada fi!ur" for the week BUBIESJ!) RUE Wit. It!-:?, Bumini, Scaly tars cf tiis Skin lasfe:t!j EaUersd fc EatSs H:j Gsat.3 MEfl! cf Tralaiagr Maaie Ge ta ellatk. I ' JTELJOH. Neb.. Marrh H. Sperta; Te'e-1 gsua. Arrsr g-"merta were "trp eed thia wbereny the Kay Bria of Ewnn '. w'.Il loca-e :n Nligt. brtr-a-.n wtth them treir atrtr.g cf fat horwa. at the head of . which is the famnuB Npenaaa pacr. ?nade jn. A laree fiwi ham nf Twenty bra ! ata.'.a i to t.e e-e Ted ai the f":iy park f ir tneir acenmmorintlon. and It ia The inten tmn to have rt ctimpieted within twenty I days. The racuctiurw ia to Oe piaued :n 1 aftape. Groceries! Groceries! The 'tost Reliable Grocery Dep't m ihs Vesi Trading Stanps with Ei erjthing Ysj Eay d Bugrux. fur t. lit I-4h. uaiie ranry wax or ml g- ina.... o iht 1 --ib. iar.e aifted 'B.r'y Tune -4-as To jh; i oee. v a'.r v .m. Malta 1 :ta ieu- tnta. Iu j-0-.oe cr P-'-" a. jer pauj Teas and Coffees Ckiraurw Beakaakm Waa-aed. CHICAGO. Mutrch IT. LiHiaJ bmaJim j are ai.ia u have received wamTnd fren ' the eueral gwemment uiat winter botiaa , au-e aul to be tolerated when ttie are1 MBed m any wa" u turwitrd uieir Hrnrmei j The runn- baa M mic by the DefuLrt- j ment of Justice at Wunxrtoi. 1 n ilia, pure aar.e granii.. ILaxse aacka curti mea. iiu :ar s.-.1: -Aan. vie entire noor etca or tne w etii'n snoa vn . . i -aa. nearl Ltpiuca fn r. Eaae or lm Maaa. T.nter rf lai:e lire and medium priced anoea. at CENTS rN THE pearl uomir.v jl.aa. , hene ft.oca ha-e arrtrea ahd wi,. go on a.e SarartUy. OTii 7H2 It lti.r 'jeet iatir.dry .oap. any brnd r"RiCE6. ie hMj-id LicKed r-avr tieitlis. fur t; ,, . . 2-.K pacaaae aeil paiinaite fuur Chraine irrt n.'aat Japan. E-.ftlie break . - ........ . . -1 - .t-i,. -i . " - -a ap iv w..bii. men b BBrapie b.oii ajia 1 -, tj pacicae c. nulea meat.. . .1' beaw an aa... ehnea. au eat.ier , T beet era etar-n. per pa ar W.imerB r.-e aiJ 't-t CK- Shoea. 1-ipht t Chiida srrr.e C Turraed Soiee. alaee 5 I cana ureaa'aan ( Ur heavy aoe tl ta & Chi. d a or -niai-ee L.'or. ia n.'M. Huik la.ui.drv nn.-'-n. .( TO omen 0 Tine fci lace C.Sv Shoea. ij'x.u- kicKay frwiea. eaea I tn 1 Genu 5a'-n 1 Fa-cy ...ta. oeetee bi":r ir mi'k year welt. eTTeTtFton anica. r SI l.a.f Iju-b r. W Sbiee. Biaee 9 to J r I craj-kere per lb flc The oe.ewateu -Avex." av-rtuBed BL Io a iinu Tuut!i S Satin Ca:, atB i Lre btM-.ia pure tMna: cateup tJioea. w:ta Cuban heela and nal. kid U trf , Lrtre iancr p.iaiea. a-tv itnd tuDB ftl ligv.n a " 1 UM fS.UB i" rnrrHK . B "Xcieen a i-atent kid. ptuent twit virl k:o ohoee "V ' lUaj-aw h"-..He hiireera in-n -nuFturd '. t 1-ic Um ewt -uicT H-Chiand s4r.l1 ami veinurn futf In wei nml f.irB. Mm a xe nu trpri,a- IT-m i"".' Tan . e. , . . . . . . . . j. . 4 R-ib. car.a xiat;.n uJte'. .... Tc ire"B for rhe rTETSOJf and CT.C'SgETT Shoea fTT men aad the TT.TKJI a:i3 -ib. "are bcmutiy. tufti ,r a4p-le r.illl rcrr wnre. , I'uTTr Tfctf' -: !aet. Buiiariel. -ir Tt'.iu i-a, per Id 25o Choice tea ufaiip, p-r ;S. HTc ia-rcy jiiraxitM Lie' d f ffee, 7-r lb., lc A i. O. etne-ia; rc t. . .'-.1. i. t er lb J ajtt.iR n.end. a "oir 'unaron of te hnnat graaea. per h ! Fresh Fittit Prices per d. t Farce .ara-e Juley leinfr.. per dug. Ca.: rr.ia wb.'ta eiaver huner, per rv k 1X! ITa rr crEn the doc-tor. I Sew aeleartae Daajtr47 Treataieal RrrMBeadeg hr a Pyai-iaB. j Mrs. Mary C. Crawfuri Cukeedaia W"aah. : "Herpicide rured me perftTtlj of dandruff and faUn" hiur Dr E. J Eardsiey Cunmpnign. 111.' "'I ueed Kerpidde f ir dend. :3 and falllruf hair, and I ajn weil aatii-fliid with the reeuit " , Alf R Kri'y. TM rreeadeT- rrreet. San ' Fnocrn'O.- Herpicide put a new prnw-.a of hHir on tiy head. Herpicide d"e more ' ' than :a "'aimed." 1 Hurptdde klila the dandr-.1T fe-n. -'De- amy the caua. you -eroiwe tne eff"et " cur dandru?. Ta-Hra har and prver.tB I baldrtem. S"id be al'r.g drtianrtF I'ic tn ata3i;ia f'r eiimpn- to The H'rr-iriue Co.. Detroit. Sherman at MfCocntil Ilrtig Co.. Bpe'-ta: iigenia mi Trading Stamps Free PJ lit raa " 11 a-itiiia. Trading Stamps Free ranch. The vnlume of water w ao grreHt by the tarrlera and aect In by order "f tie that rt backed up to a. depta cf twenty fi-et deriarrhent. it havlruf been dended that or more crer tiie parture and d...wned the expense of najucmw and outlay sevenry-flve nead of ruirt.e and one horse.. , neceemiry tj-erbaianced the. g-ood derived i 5t-me of them were fnund m treea after from U.tur ua. t.te gcrtre had out. The big tr'-n bridge near there la auld to be !n danger, and uiere are al.w feaxa of more dtt-naauje doan niong the river MK2 30.003 zziir:i? ITS TEN CENTS What To Ea: &a fae tm:r v :m m.m.. ... tLT.t Haalta AT-lrlea Tan.e Auar aa Jeera. ium. vller Toeaui. a guou tneu4 re t-nttitea yeu.- ;nare aie nea'a. TuD of ceeei tmrmaBi e'.e"taint-r g Tke lew na Iiihi -rar tna f mmia ailw m vr.. rot I . WHAT TO ET - r - , ,,,!, I eeaywgta . mmm HtiM 4' - I r fiaA.V'V J retiiOtnuiaia. If .11 M.f A UlM.IBBBilll.fc J J Iimbm irnL4iMt . B.ueBiAuea BeiBi b. rai.. mum mua. aacn TMn.-J- 13 - B MB 1 laBtant railef aad refre hia; aleep tor aa'n-tortured tkaalea, and 1 at f r Ured. fretied gooiaers, la war-a batht wttfc Concur Soap aad fent.a aoo;ntina w. CuUcora oiLtn-ent, u.e treat at. a ei,re, god pareat of ucm etti. T he foowej a aeeere caara tr a .3 d.aes o? Cnucara ae'Teat. M Buece IltXie be1 . two yearg old. waa go bauU? aiictad w th ecrtna that be neeuctl eonXABt wa c;.'-'C It aa a.l ever hi a fare and be errau ImsI the aurea couetacl.. Miro.,tpw ba coCea waiii he aiaaeil yti hijod. H-J face asj banua wo.J be cj. reed, ri'g faa.-y never octld tuua out. ai b.B face waa alwtyg (nil of iar: aorea. The hui aaOical treaimuct. aad trtei eeerithtng vary heard of oe cosuxeticeil aa. cx ut CaUrxra Beraetliea laal prrp iod t JOfld ubat at laet aua had wjuJ. r"u! bea.w. The area :efX kiB face and be waa cobrai? cueed, asJ sow ail face la aa moots ta.J roae aa Tuv-m;"i do aora tl&d erer Beaa Vliera ba tv.r t" Maa. L. J. OOT. Ja.La.: rat. 5. T. fu u. issa. Oa xti. h T. I9C2, aw yean Uuer. tlra. Boot r; " I rcaiad ymr ante ef ktad la qoiry and am riawJ inform oa oT vaa permaiat care at my Lii.u lief. Ha la bow a BBUkthe em.J ar tn ping god wtrna gala Tma frt.ra aJ bte.m.3. U aaa urea a gfcari...aa ccra aad arouurat av.ut ia a b n .m after a4 aciH-r Biec.t-ai a a fx! ed." PkfiffMriil abiyaaeat ef Te haee. F' r the first tin la the history of "he ffpfl(j tOLia.itc'1 buFinrae a elupmer.t una Lieea lc one urler ti r"e crTr.i-err.. of a bouJ ttln of suaaufui'turvd smoir'r.g tobac-u. (.u iaJ n 1 tbe N'.rfoik m "A'aeUsra rull- Heal'h at nall rat. A few doeei of Dr King a New Life Pilli ' wtll cieree. tone ar.d lnvigirate the whole tTn. Try Them. Sc. Far aaia by S.U..11 Co. riai i ttarted from D'urtiam. N. CEATH RECCRD. Dan iel Heareauraaia. r-VAWa. !a.. Ma. b II. -Fpectal. a trmr. riin.el Hi.i-o!i!p. is o-d etiidter. -la dead. Ft.RE RECCRD. Tw lilHIm at 4Ibiea. iIF 1 V. Net;.. Me re a ffnwtal. 1 I Thi tr'ttta about 1, rioen a f.r at!"ed j :n 'he tjra-t cf FV-.n arm. ort j F .nr"i Bt-e-t an.i er.ttre.y c.-nB'.imd the ; hi i!r!lna. wtth its .rrt, 15 m-ell aa Jen j rir.a shop atjoin.ra tt nn -he ' a iitui. The l'ui!SlTig waa a .louhie frame . atj-U4-Ture and wm hu!it m The chr'v days I of AIM m. D J PyiT-r ecitor of -he ! arg-ua purchiumd the properry laei year i and waa rr-nT-mT'iat!rg tie "-tmiril nf 'he r-niWrp-"! pr--w rs ho-e to erectlna there;.Tt cooau!.:ig -uf th:ry frs. mL luinled w :1. "H'Uka Mlxrure.' the enutre Ui of t -n-r" being a pur-Jinee mae by Meters. Spragie. Ik Cu., aamene gr n-er. of Ch "iitf'i. III. Thia anirnsent cortair.s JWi .u mv.g.r rjt.. tures "!f t.-iifclv-t"... This m.2 has g'.ne direct fr-m D'irftam. S. C , to Chu.u'g 1. IJ., and ha aftra -tai mu'-a anen-tvri enrtiji.e, and o-med In .li-aa-o Mj.r-h . aired T r-'ir. Mr H'ieh.arrp had been a reiuent of ilonona county for mor than "W"rt7- years. He er..:med "n Cotrpany F F-r-.--ft:x'h New T-irk tr.f:,ntrr. July 5. 'JXi. wu dlBcitaraed "! .tier IT. Iffi. aervira I fn-;e r"irs ahd rtr'-e month,. He haa been a TTtT ';f Ka' - puFt Xf. T" Grand Artr.y of tl?e ainre May 1f. "."St funrral eervic ea w.U be beid Snturday aJtd he will be lr.ter--d n the Blenc-e cem etery Jeka w7. wTaJte. Rra-K I FLA NT'. TX. Ma-h II -John T rt, mat !'T .-o., Jku n . s;.eciai Tr..te. bead attorney cf the Modem TCood The iwiEtim of trie i.jrii iocge Knignta of :m af Braht a diaejuit. ajred S wr to a"e other aatre w ranie hu..dir.ata In the a large brti k biork- Tbe ffremen had hard - re- eptu ta ee-g. two ot tie'r ttn. era ur.a a or trier : all of whom BUiTt T.Hjy for Piere. N H., ' tj rruiic tnnr home MKr liurry M.' '"onn. il. Tf. a.rd &.ui Wrtgn wre tne part.eis and hvp re n f-r "riir.y 'eira r4j di cis ut thia ;uuoe Lini n waa served in the hu? 12a a piejueutt pertod waa epent fi h gtimea. 1 La Crterere nrH by rkaakerlalai C a a Reaie4T. ' The great danger f"Bj !a nrie ie cf ITS j "eti!trig tn pneumcnia Th.e can ba j a vaiiied by uaing Cha-r.terla.r; Courh ' R-medy The Tca .if houssniB : who ueed thi remedy dunrg the ep.demle , rt ui gr'ppe of -eoert year 00 eane jiaa fvir been kn wh to 'eeulT :n pneumnma wbicb how urMsiv'y hat t m a certaia I prevertiire of tbai dar.ger-:ia diaoaae Pica 1 Gaibfr I m Vail Buirft. HlTiaiirT X-b . Mur-s H. .Special The rruu- 'n letter id etxich v.i gt aed tr.e trnriadi v-r f.ip sitiim of trie etutte a:n. e iraugurutuuc of trie -....j ueuvery have been gitier-a up Bark lea a IriKi !. The beat in the w-ir 3 fir cuta wrti boi,a. brutaea. huma, aorea. ulcers. Bait rheum Curte pile or no pay Ac. For aa.e ty Kuna At "o alEXICJJf Whiskey and. Beer Habit PERMANENTLY CURED BY "ORRINE," ABSOLUTELY SAFE. SURE AND HARMLESS. Pbyaicutna tiranmii t crocketineaa a d-.neai of the aerroBH Byatem. rreatieg a arhj era sg lor a lucurt Coni-Bued inoalgenca m waiary tieer or w oe enta away tha tomaca liniag aad ni:fieB : a gefctiee orpins, tkaa desircTng me aigaauua ana r "t the bcn.-Ji. Xo "t .1 otiwer" cua itraj tbt iudi-nea yicmat a memtimaea. C BHISii ' tw-nccnrnti.T reau'vea tae crav-np I t lienor by directly am taa affened oervra. rett:r nir the stomach acu eent:et arcana ui aiirwaU ooooiuoaa, laaproBTaf the appetius ana restore f tuae hea.:Ji. Can U- g. -rn aacrrCy it cesued. Cure Effected cr Money Refunded. Aik r-inr 4rT3rrtr i.t ti.-B r.-a t.ei what be th -kfl of OT. EJVE ; he w li ladormg OCT stitemcati aa Titih; la rer reipecrt. li OiivUM L laus to uure we w.U refo&d you rt7 pcixv paLul um it as cheerr j as we Uica u. No Sanitarium Treatment or Publ!cityl Ra A c ao rt co from ncrra or loa of t.rr-.e: Marnees. wees ar.d wrters. tot canct cure tbose who a-e i-r.ired with this moat lcrriie of a- viiseahrs be ronr ffrrent prr.-'eri. er reea red w.ta tears, sor by e-jur kope that thr mar step drtcame !t can be done otlb w.ia Ok ?.IX F V" m ta-w the retnee aoi. "10 ust it ? If eon deafe ro ctire a-'thuut tie icacw ecre of rbt pt.r.t, bne ( HS.INE No. 1. li the fiarat oewres to be cured ui his own free w '.. btry CEH.INE No. 2. FuJ S-rec'niLa Ijund in cuca pai-kaa. f-nco 9 I per ftox. yeSia w 1 fAn.y raraia a treat irer.t tree ut cm to aa r ptaraiciau awTar e to demunatrate Bat Crr-na ta a enac ac tor r, n n .rniniat. aTa All Correspondence Confidential. For free book Treat: oa Dninkenneai and how to Czre. : bj. to THE OfifliMC CO.. e.. Waseti aTOi. D. C. cr tJ oa Sheraaa & tl.C.ssell Drag Co., Car- 15th & Dzlgz, Qmiha GiSt S. Daiis, Oruggist, Cosnsil B sifts, Iowa. Z Austang Linimcf.t "V gnaiaaa awaa a awaaaaaaa 4 I m 1Ter"ejrX be j V. "ZJ" a-aawa aa ta. I a iwiebr ag teiiiai aaw a aaaaaat Hi mT "i'.i. mm l la mm m. A m-m ?iai aiivMa -Mwhefajaaai a, bi Ba Dreaa. 9aeat. .S!3. i- T1 . Mar-h n. Spe-tuU. , Newa cornea of a peculiar aerliert and a j dleaaTr-nia one at Gtxwge Mtmurs a piace. I on the Beilefourche nr, a mile be- low the big traa bndge.. M mum had a r umber of cattle la b:a naeture. acme of whicli te4r cured to Lee fhrvi aad J A Rue of tbia citr. Aa kse gi-ge formed In the fieuefoorube riaar baiaw iba M-ncara COUGHS. H..2AT CISEJLSE3. -w r.-e- ." i i ta stbitars auod Chilbla iaa. MEXICA.1 Austang Liniment Bean ukuuBj twr av laaaaw aaraa MEXICAN! iTEXICA.t Mustang Liniment fur Maub, Bauit ar Puoixry. Mustang Liniment qtticJUy. Old MEXICAN IbTEXICA? Mustang Liniment raurcai Cata, Baurxua, Ei iiiaaei MEXICAN Austang Liniment caret fep-raiuaa i AVustang Liniment Austang Liniment aUiaaai mmX mil i i Cawri Vdmlcr is csaa MEIIC1.X Austang Liniment ia a puaxii ( c craurc Cur Plica,