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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1904)
Iff TTTE OMAITA DAILY nEE: WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 17, 1904. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for tkr rolnmns Trill be tikra audi 13 m. for 1b rtrili edition and nntll p. m. for tkr mornlaa and Sunday edition. Rates, 1 l-2r a word flrat Insertion, r a word (hereafter, Nothing (akea for leaa than 2r fr the Brat Inser tion. Theae advertisements Bill be raa roneernttvely. Advertisers, by reqaealla a hered rhrrk, raa have aaawera ad dreaaed to a aambered letter In rare of The Bee. Anawera ao addreaaed will he delivered oa prraeatatloa of the rhrrk only. MISIELLANEOIS. BOYLES COLLEGE JfEW VORK LIFE BUILDING, OMAHA, liusincsa, Sliortnanci, Tpevi.iiug, digoen. DAY AND NIGM 1'. Apply fur Catalogue. R-M403 OMAHA Safe and Iron works make a spe rlHliy of fire escapes, shutters, doors and aafes. O. Andreen, prop., VG 8. 10th at. R MS60 May25 t. M. H A VERLY EXPERT ACCOUNT ANT. 212 BEE BLDG. PHONE 2904. nni n SILVER, NICKEL. Plating. Om. VJvLU bating Co., IV Harney, lei. 2536. R 734 LOCKSMITH iifhS?"" N R M18S F20 CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. R 73S BFECIATe-For a limited time we will fit Jou with a guaranteed pair of spectacles for $1. Don't miss thla chance. U. 8. Op ticians. 3 N. 16th at. R 736 I'KRFIELD Piano Co.. Bee-Bldg.; Storey & Clark, Ludwlg, Bchlller. Weber, R 737 8CAOLE Loan offlce. Reliable, accommodat ing; ail business confidential. 1301 Douglas. R-73S X PRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.. moving and storage. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 1195. R-739 TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. If you don't, we both lose. Good work, prompt attention. 214 N. 16th. Tel. Vft. R 741 COLD crowns from $3; fillings from 26c; net of teeth. 12; tth extracted free. Union Dental Co.. 1522 Douglas, room 4. R 744 E. WALLACE, Taxidermist, 606 8. 1.1th. -746 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans cesspools, vaults, removes carnage, dead animals; reduced prices. 621 N. 16. Tel. 1779. -746 f. MELCHOIR, machinist, Uth ft Howard. R-747 PUBLICITY DESIGNS Wll EATON. In the Bee Bide. R 748 We rent Sewing machines. 7Rc week. We repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured Second-hand machines from 15.00 to Nebraska Cycle Co., Thon 1663. Corner 15th and Harney. R-804 STRONGEST In the World." The Equita ble Life Assurance society. Its policies are sight drafts at maturity. H. D. Neely, manager. Merchants' National Bank Bldg, Omaha, Neb. R-749 SIGN" painting. S. H. Cole. 1302 Douglas. R-751 ALL kinds carpenter Sromptly attended to. ith Lake. MOVING picture machines, stereoptleons Alms and slides at bargain prices; mall orders filled. R C. Taylor, 0 S. 19th sL R-MS43 F2 - , , , E. J. DAVIS, safe mover, heavy hauling. 1119 Farnam. Tel. 351. R 162 M3 VOD1CKA V CO. fine tailoring; all kinds pressing, repairing. Kmc theater bldg. Tel. R-763 Clothes, pressed, hotel tailor. altered. Yousen, Paxton R-20S TRACINGS: Blue prints working draw ings. Sues Co., Omaha. 'Phone 12S. R-237 Apr22x PER FIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg; no Inter eat, hone.'t values, easy terms. R 737 Chiropody Sr.1 Rrotefr.: corn removed. 2-3, 1506 Fnrnam. R-740 W ITTE Gas Engines run for 1 cent a horse power hour. See them. Wltte Iron Works Co., 529 W. 6th St., Kansas City. Mo. R BISINESS CHANCES. WANTED Parties to Join with me In or ganising a new corporation: something new and a winner. Address D 8. Bee. Y-M747 20 J CAN quickly sell for cash without local publicity your real estate, butlneas or partnership, no matter where located. Send me full particulars, price, etc. Ad dress Chas. E. Powell. 19 W. Mohawk St.. Buffalo. N. Y. Y-M712 Marl3 PHOLES - ARMSTRONG CO.. business chances and exchanges; write us, 722 New i ur j-.uo tiiug. i ei. . Y 764 10-Room Rooming House Full of roomers In good brick; rent 136, 1 blocks from city hall, $&o0. Owner leav ing city. Investigate at onoa. Address o ai, see. X 646 TO GET In or out of business call on Wll llama, room 411. McCagua building. Y-M971 BUSINESS FOR will Invoice $6,5uQ; S6.OU0 cash will take It if taken at once; atock ia new, rent cheap; good farming country; biggest, beat and mott comi.lete atock In i. no competition to apeak of; light plant In building; Bales, cash, averuga $1 300 a month and can be Increased; a chance for a live man to get rich; reason for selling, have other business. Addresa C mi dot, uniniiN, rueo. . X M079 19 WANTED, partner: I want a sober, aner getlo man with $260. to mintta business in Omaha; $16 per week wages and half interest in Dusineaa; permanent situation: this Is a good business chance; reference lequirea. Aaaress II. WEUIKK1NU, t-sona. in. I-MMI BX A FIR8T-OI.A88 rooming house at 2309 imugias street, doing a splendid business, one of the best locations in Onuhi: owner, removing from city, will aell at a sacrifice. X M87I it SITl'ATIOXt WANTED. COACHMAN, with flrst-claas recommenda tions, wants situation; expert with horses. Address u w, oee. A ool lax slTUATiUH wanted ty Swedish woman as cook in private family; references. Address u m. lies. a ojs nx WANTED Position In grocery store by man with 16 years' experience; large ac quaintance in umaiu. Addreaa u &, ilea. A 647 MX WANTED Situation aa Janitor or porte by worthy colored man; references Ad dress li S3. Bee. A Mil 18x OVTKOPATHV. Johnson Institute, 615 N. Y. Life bldg. T.1664 Jr. J. A. Meenan, ali M. x . Ufa bldg. T.lwH. Tka The Hunt Infirmary, McCagu bldg. T rvi 7r9 DR. GRACE DEEGAN, 832 N. Y. Life. Tel. 26K6. 790 Fayette Cole, osteopath. 609 Paxtoa block. 791 Zrs. Laird A Laird, 203 Karbach blk. Tel Sntl -!3S F22 tor. IXI8T, at B. ft M. depot, on Dodge atreet car. or at 14th and lodge atreela, ladles gold watch. Monday night. Finder will receive reward by leaving earn at Col lins Ptauo Co., Ill 8. liio atreet. I4iat 860 It work, repairing, J. T. Ochiltree, R-S70 1A8T At B. ft M. depot, on Dodge st. car or at 14th and Dodge sis., htdy's gold watch. Monday night; finder will receive reward by leaving aaJB at Collins' Piano , Co.. Hi lUi JLost-MSwJ U WANTEDt-MALE HFIT. COLLEGE BANI AND of the ORCHESTRA OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE w preparing tor a public concert 10 be given in the near future. Tney me now under toe directum ot rrotessor btlenhauser. 'Una is one thing you cannot anord i miss. Watch lor the uate. The attend ance will he by ticket ana the number will be limited to SOU. MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad fare upon our failure to convince you of this beuig .1,6 iJKHT. largest and only rt-llooir, most practical barber college In thla section. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' Institute, umaha, Neo. B 7W WANTED For U. 8. army, able-bodied, unmarried men, between agea ot 21 and 26, citlsens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to recruiting officer, ltith and Dodge Sts., Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb: B M154 MOLER'8 BARBER COLLEGE of Den ver, Colo., offers advantages in teaching the barber trade that canon t be had else where. Write today for our terms. B-M316 F24X West'n Employ't Ag'y, R. 14-16. Crounse blk. B M4J2 WANTED, ten experienced salesmen to travel with wagon and sell an old Una of medicines and household articles on commission, with a guaranteed earning of $60.00 per month. Applications from ex perienced men only will b conaldered. Address, the Haller Proprietary Co., Blair. Neb. B 178 F20 WANTED California la the place now la iha time. There are good positions open for men of clerical ability, professional men and mechanics. Write us what em ployment you desire and we will send by mall frequent Hats of good openings In ynur line. Registration fee, $t, to be sent with application. No further charges. COMMERCIAL INFORMATION BUREAU. P. O. Box 698. Los Angeles, California. B M169 M-4 WANTED Two men to work from our wagons; steady position and experience unnecessary. C. F. Adams tc Co., 1619 Howard at. B 760 ANY intelligent person may earn good In come corresponding for newspapers; ex- ferlence unnecessary. Send for particul ars. Press Syndicate, Room 63, Lockport. N. Y. B M530 18x MAN with references for commercial trav eler to call on merchants and 8-genta; ex perience not required; salary $24 per week, with expenaes advanced. National, 330 Dearborn St., Chicago. B M668 19x WANTED, bright solicitors for "War Be tween Russia and Japan," by Marat Halstead; endorsed by leading men of the nation; big book; enormous domand; 1.000 liustratlons; big profits; outfit free. The Dominion company. Dept. A. Chi cago. B M586 19x WANTED, experienced bookkeeper on city ledger, must be quick and accurate; steady position for right man; state for mer poHltlons held and salary expected. Address D 16, Bee. B M844 17 WANTED Good coatmaker at nce; steady 1ob for right man. For particulars writ Dan Domash, Nelson, Neb. B M852 22 BLACKSMITH wanted, good plow hand. A. Seldel, Deshler. Neb. B M851 20x WANTED A candy maker work. Address D I. Bee. for general B 858 17 ARE YOU SATISFIED With your present position or salary? Tf not. write us ror pian ana Dooxiei. we lieve openings for managers, secretaries, advertising men and salesmen; also tech nical, clerical and executive men of all kinds, high grade exclusively. Offices In twelve different cities. HAPGOODS (In corporated), 916 Chemical bldg., St. Louis. B WAITED FEMALB HELP. ANYONE need of hous keeper, or man and wife, call Canadian omce, join ana ioage. 43-M70 gen . 2004 Mrs. C. a C-828 17X Shepard, Wirt. WANTED, good gill for general house work: no laundry work: good wages, 114 .8. list at. C M642 19 WANTED A good housekeeper, by a priest. In the country; highest reference; must be a Catholic; very little work; good salary. Address D 19, Bee. C M83 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th at Chicago. ti 7UI DEWEY, European hotel, 18th and Farnam. IS 763 NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Steam Laundry, ltou Leavenworth. Phone A-1783. E-764 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611. E 768 $1.25 PER WEEK. Doran House, 422 S. 18th. Vienna Hotel, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms; la dles Ckfc; private dining r. ; open nights. E-606 NICE furnished rooms. 324 N. 16th. E 768 FURNISHED room with all modern con veniences. iTivat lamuy, zbi Jones bu E M86 FURNISHED rooms and board. 509 8. E M150 26th ave. Tel. Li. FURNISHED room, transients, 606 N. 16h. 15196 M4 FURNISHED rooms. Th Dreeher. 602 S. 16th. E 178 M4 TWO front, furnished rooms, heated, with with alcove, for gentleman. 1622 riurt. E M56C 17x LARGE, warm room. team heat. 1109 Capitol ave. E-M720 FURNI8HED rooms. transients. 712 8o. 16th St., 1st floor. E 808 16x THE FARNAM. 19th and Farnam sta. References required. E MS05 FIRN1SHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, 16th Chicago. LARGE well furnished front room, all mod ern, with board; also good table board by aay or wee, ini ureaner, uz o. iom st. tlll ONE single, south room, with board; gn tieman preierreo. jus aas. . F M6M 1XX MODERN furnished rooms and board; heat D-t,,. bought, sold. Antique Book Con- and gas. L. A., 2282, 618 8. 23d st. BOOKS cern, 218 Karbach blk. Tel. 3U4. F-M871 II N-766 UTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport. 2D-HAND furniture; high prices. Tel. 2020. V 720 Chicago Fumltur Co. N 757 ROCKAWAY. 1S1 Douglas. Maals, 16e. BEST PRICES for used stoves, furniture. F-771 Enterprise Furn. Co., 102-4 8. 14th. Tel. 2?J8. N 378 Mar4 NICE rooms; good board. 808 8. 2m h. . F 226 Mart WANTED 100 cars of bones; will pay a good cash price; write me. 8. M. Hey, 609 8. 25th ave. Tel. Lr-2718. F M423 ftuo Indiana ave., Kansas p-j ROOM and board; gentleman desired. 61$ . N. lth. F Maol 17 WILL the business man who Uvea In Bonn small Nebraska town and answered ad. GOOD table board, with tickets, at 83.6$ ln Bee concerning Omaha property he week. 118 N. Uth St. naa (or sale, please write again, giving F MTV SO particulars; former letter misplaced ad- dress. D 16. Bee. N 836 18x ONE large and small furnished room and board. 201$ Douglas. F MK46 19x WANTED 8 houses. 6 to 8 rooms, which - can be moved before April 1; spot cash. EE8T meala ln rlty. Karbach restaurant. D 94. Bee. N &"3 18x F 867 Maria , WE have caah customer for good grocery stock In Omaha. Templeton-llaverl y Co., FOR EXCHANGE. 212 Bee bldg.. 'phone 2M. N-MfcSl 18 WILL trade beautiful piano for horse. CLAIRVOYANTS. Bchmoller ft Mueller. 1313 Farnam at. tfc , Z7y7 BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. 17th EASTERN Nebraaka farms and all kinds , tte'aWlFfoSXZ GYLMER, palmist. 716 N. 23d. Te..325. Z-hlwi 25x . . . EIGHTY acre, land In Burt county NeK, MSbYCAJl!Er?W OFci.AIRTOY Ysr: I.r.0,nahl. rMJdenct .PrtUv,r,y- C- T' everythliig told. past, present and future; Dickinson. New York Life bldg. Satisfacti'n or no pay. 67 N. 18th. Z M763 B M845 22 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. READINGS 60O THIS WEEK. - Ponelblo, clairvoyant, palmist and aMrolo- BT1LI MAN ft PRICE. 410 1st Nat bk. bldg. ger. reveals all questions of life pertaining K," to marriage, alt kneas. death, changea, , travels, divorce, separation, lawsuits, THE rew Snow-Church Co., lit collec- business tranaactlons. deals, mortgages, tionr. rel estnte, attorneys, collectors, loat or absent frlende. mining venturea, brokers everywhere. 1st floor N. Y. Mfn. etc.; tel!s who and when you will marry; rel 133. 7M reunites the separated; causes speedy ' ., marriage. Readings by mall; eetid stamp W Y WAPI'ICH. advlv Ire. Crelsht n for paxtlculara. Hours. to 9 daily BlaV . . 787-Fa I l& VODOE STREET. DO YOU READ WANT ADS? IF YOU DO, SO DO THOUSANDS OF OTHERS. BETTER HAVE YOUR AD AMONG THEM FOR HE ST STORES AKD OFFICES. FOR SALEREAL BSTATE, FOR RENT, building Fultable for whole- CH1C 9PFPIAI RARflAlNS sale purposes at 1 Farnam, 22x9u, four OWlVIC OrLlrtL DrtlAVJrtinO storljs and flrst-claas cemented basement. ii, Alfolfj Prlintr elevator, flro and burglar proof vault, of- HI II 1C tXUMltX VOUIUiy. fiaHlcXr'rinure1 CUrcS-Ro.eVa c- 160 acr" " valley near North Piatt. gaTOlnt C-o..o f 3 u'n'der-lJffir Building. I -Ma J20 Hcreg n. ,mprovcd. 8pIpndld grove: oTnnico mnA 2"t1()0 inns Pur. nB" under irrigation; 80 acres alfalfa; ' J s, ?n?.lrJ rauTis Nat'l Bank bldg wor,n -X- $9.000. Possession Apr. 1. nam St. Inquire 314 1 Irat Nat 1 Bank bldg. j 40 RcreB Bplendi(J' rlng ,Bnd neBr ortn ' , Platte, all In one bodv. Owner must sell; FOR RENT, three upper stories In four- ",d:eH'l; from to 12 Per tor story building at 91? Kamam St.. two egei; perfectly level, fine alfalfa land. '"r'" a,Z aZfm fit b bida near Le'"Ston. Owner must have cash water, Sec y.. Room loo, Bee bldg g ppr acre The above selected from our large Hst of FOR RENT 4-story and basement build- P bawn''1GIad to end tM P"r" Ing. 1615 DoO i at., now vr PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Omaha Carpet Co. Inquire on premises. . ,.Thm AIfH,fa Men l " Omaha, Neb. TWO-STORY building, 1512 and the second RE 663 18 floor 1508-10 Howard. W. H. Bushman. " CHOICE HOME DENTIST wanted to share office with a MVracTic'e" The Judge Ives Residence. C 21. Bee offloe. jj; N 3,th st choloest location In city, 1 - . Just south fine Joalyn home; lot 60x165 FOR RENT-One-half "toreroom good In- t J, pZmlk IS'd cation on Douglas street. Address D 17, ,,eatlng plant; property all clear and pre- 1 BM er CRBh gale St.J,, QflCK. FOR RENT Fine hall, ground floor, suit- 722 Cii&?mt,ny- Ci8 AenS 49 able for all kinds of entertainments or JN' lrs ula- bpJLmi conventions; Germanla hall, opposite city , . owi u llbrarv, Harnev street, between ISth and S!ly.6 gent's. McCaBue "'"i-mm"' Douglas County Farm Close to Omaha and South Omaha, good farm for feeding or farming; land across 1TOR SALE MISCKLLAMEOIS. the road recently sold for $200 per acre; , . . k-ood house of rooms, barn, granary. INDIAN good, and relics. 1119 Farnam. Vn.' 2D-HAND safo eAeliT Derlght. U19 Farnam. W- FARNAM SMITH & CO., U 777 Bole Agents. RE-165 CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB- BINO Long fir Umbei s. 901 Douglas. OR SALE Modern 6-room cottage, near y 778 High school, steam heat, large corner lot, , eliade trees. Address D 1, Bee office. 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman & RE 597 McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q-779 CHAa w .. c ,st Flo ,7 KIMBALL PIANO, slightly used; big bar- E. VVIUIdlUbUU U., U.S. bkblg gain. Call or write Room 7, Bee "ld.j RE 1 1)6 . Q GLOVER, 1st lloor N. Y. Life, city prop- HARD coal stoves. $5 up; furniture cheap. crty, farms, ranches. Tel. 133. RE "96 Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. cnicago unuiu k. Q--&1 SEE R. II. Landeryou If you wish to buy or sell real estatu. 442 Board of Trade. SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; Tel. iilfil. RE 66!) billiard tablea repaired; large stock cheap - lar flxturea cigar counters. The Bruns- IF 1 OU want to buy, sell or rent a house wick-Balke. Coilender Co., 407-9 S. 10th. or a farm; If you have a business for Q 775 sale or want to buy, call on or write . Kenny R, E. & Inv. Co., 1B0 WATCHES. 76 diamonds, loft In pawn, Thone 336. 300 Bee Bldg. cheap. Diamond Loan Office, 1401 Douglas. RE M6JJ Q M116 1 - i . . - WHEN buying or selling real estate be STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO., sure to get a Midland Guarantee and Headtiua'rters for Whips and Axle Grease. Trust company bonded abstract, 1614 Far- We make a special of the above and nam atreet. N. P. Dodge, Jr., President. for that reason can give you any kind at RE M153 eastern prices. J. O. Blessing. 331 No. 25tn St . Soutn Omaha, union shop. Q (74 W'E write all kinds of Insurance. J Kenny R. E. & Inv. Co., FOR SALE Several scholarships In a first- 'Phone 836. 00 Bee Bldg. cia8, standard school In Omaha, comprls- RE-MWI Ing complete course In business, short- , hnnd and trpeT'Una'- Inquire at Bee $2,4002622 Decatur St., new, aell built. 7 offlce. Q -852 room house, modern, piped for furnace, oak floors downstairs. A BARGAIN. BIG BARGAIN IN Government Clothes H woolen shirts. 150 pair trousers, 100 blouses. 160 campaign hats, 180 caps. 136 pair legglns. Call at 1028 Farnam bt. ttA,,U" """'C'Q1S19-I7x BILLIARD pool tables. 1407 rn",1?t' Bl?y0 ilai m FOR SALE Cigar store In good location In Omaha; win sen cn p; uni ui for selling. Address H 87, Pe(S8, ,x I'.MDCD Best sheeting. $13.50 thotis. UlVlDCt cady Lum. Co., 6th & Doug. t mariu Second Hand Typewriters These machlnea have all been thoroughly overhauled ana are DargauiB iu: un money. oat ... $10.00 12.00 20.00 25.00 40.00 45.00 CallgTaph No. 2 Remington No. 7 Bllnckensderfer No. 6 Remington ? No. 6 Remington No. 6 Remington No. Remington (practically new)... No. 8 Oliver 60.00 75.00 70.00 . 40.00 , 30.00 No. 3 Oliver No. 1 Fmlth-Premler Nebraska Cycle Co. Corner 15th and Harney Q M876 17 WANTED TO RK7IT. RESPONSIBLE party will rent furnished hous for the summer. Address u vi, nee. K 650 20x WANTED To hire mule team for heavy work, beginning ieoruary M, ana lasting until April 10. Address D 74, Bee. K 541 17x MARRIED couple desires large room or two rooma. aujoinmg. witn ooara, in firivate family; no objection to distance f convenient to car line; references ex changed. Address C 63, Bee. K-645 16x YOUNG lady, stranger In city, wants board and room in rennea private lamuy; win he permanent; best of references. D 91, Re K 854 18x WANTED To buy 2d-hand pianola: must be In gooa condition ana cneno. jinnrrM H 69. Bee. K S67 19 x WANTED Board and room In private family, by man ana wire; references. Address D 12, Be. K-M-66 17x WANTED TO Bt'Y. D. V. Shole Tel. 49. Co.. 722 N. Y. RE 603 $1,600 WILL BUY a neat cottag and lull lot In Stewart Place. , THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Llfo Building. RE 60$ SPECIAL atentlon given to property placed In cur hands for rental. Kenny R. E. & Inv. Co. . Phone ,, 300 BeeUlg. QUARTER section of land, close to Coun cil Bluffs; will sell for cash or trade for trr.aller tract near Omaha or Council Bluffs; price. ' $o5 per acre. Address 104 6aP block. Council. Bluffs. u ROSEBUD INDIAN RESERVATION maps showing In colors lands to be opened to settlement; also the Indian heirship land n Charles Mix county; price 60c. Grimes ft Abshcr. Wagner. 8. IklMaM.14 FOR Noon Luncheon try the KARBACH RESTAURANT, where you will find the best prepared meals In the city at reason able prices. 41S S. 15th; Joseph Straub, P-op RE 820 M-14 BIX-ROOM COTTAGE. Lot 33x132. Near High school, bargain. K. t-eiera oc ,-'Eg2517 Moore's and Wallace's Subdlvisions. Out of 17 lots but 6 left, $300 to $400, cheap and choice, easy payments; win su w a..li4 hv surlnff. GEORGE G. WALLACE, BKOWN BLOCK, 153,750 PRICE 15468 RENT. Can you beat that for an lnvesimonir Always rented, noom iw mui mwio tagea. Lots 132x142. Five cottages. Nar a ilnca In. GEORGE O. WALLACE. BROWN BLOCK. FEtd Uf IB CHEAP HOME. Ten-room houio, modern, good barn, lot 6UX1S3, everyiiiuig m .. i,-.., .. . Farnam. Price reduced from $3,600 to $,250. See us quick. THE ABBOTT COWAN CO., 312. 314. 315 Brown Block. RI "Xil 17 SNAP FOR SOMEBODY. 94 nn Vsrnnin near 13th at., with S- story brick nuuaing, earnina ma m nii on price asked. J. B. 'IP. J1'F'. Omaha. RE M867 18 Lpnnni house, cltv water, clatern; barn; tast-front lot. lUBXiw iee i; mi it iu.i cf apple, cherry, plum and peach trees, grapes and pears. If you want a nlc home where you can raise chickens or have garden and plenty of fruit, close - - nnA nmnnrtv Is being of- rrert at 12 000. This Is a big sacrifice, but it must be sold. R. C. Peters .Co., ground floor, Bee bldg. RE msmw ACRES IN BENSON Five acres $1,00 l.i0 1.260 1.600 1.600 3,000 Five acres Five acres Five acres Ten acres Ta-entv acrea Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton block. RE-M878 17 ENGLISH & CO. PAXTON BLOCK. One of the finest 8-room modern residence ln Weet Farnam diatrtct. $2,200. RE M877 20 NEAT cottage home of rooms, with barn, riiv and cistern water; 13 blocks west 16th and Douglas. . F. D. WEAD. DOUGLAS. DO YOU WANT TO , SELL A FARM? If you wsnt to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmei and stock raisers about It. The best way to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goea to 60,000 homes ot farmera and stock raisers, so If you hae a good piece of land to sell at a reasonanle price you win nnu a uiiir among them. The cost of an advertlaenient is n ma II 2 cents per word in small tyie or $2.52 p- r Inch It set in large ivpe. IHt TWfcNTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. IT DON'T COST A CENT For our Illustrated booklet with pointers on "Modern Homes;" call and get one. Shinier & Chase, builders of modern houses, new office 10C Farnam. Tel. 2422. RE MS16 17 8TEAM heated residence on 32d ave., short distance off Farnam St. car; complete In every respect; hard wood floors and fin ish. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS RE 823 16 H $2,)0Q H New 6-Room House This Is one of the new houses built last year on Spencer between 24th and 26tli sts. ; has city water, sewer, gas and bath, piped for furnace; can arrange terms; possession given about March 1; call and let us show you through It; hav many other good bargains. Hastings & Heyden, 610-511 New York Life bldg. RE M868 18 FOR RENT HOUSES. THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store II. H. goods. Storehouse, 1:20-24 N. 19th. OlHoc. lull, Farnam. Tel. 1669-SC3. D 633 FOR RENT 6-room house. 2563 Woolworth ave.; porcelain bath, gas, hot and cold water; newly painted and papered throughout $20. J. 11. Phtrwood, New York Ufa Bldg. D M6S7 HOIIQPQ'n a" Parts of the city. The nUUOCOo. F. Davis Co., 608 Bee Bldg. D 840 Hfil I C. hi all parts of the city. R. nUUOCOc. Peters & Co., Bee Bldg. D 811 PAYNE-BOSTWICK A CO., choice houses. 601-603 New lork Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D 842 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co., Tel. 14ij. Office. 1713 Webster St. D 844 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. D-846 FOR RENT Large U-roora, colonial house, thoroughly modern, 8177 Davenport St. on the southeast corner of 82d and Dav enport St. Apply to H. J. Windsor. 1618 Dodge St. D 998 GOOD flve-r. cottage, 292 N. 26th St., $14. D 216 COTTAGE. 4 rooms, water and gao. 2109 N. 2Slh St. D-620 Houses for Renr. Park Ave., 10 rooms, modem S!5. 8806 N. 17th St., 7 rooms, modern $15. 110 Stanford Circle, 6 rooms, modern $15. 1619 N. 23d St.. rooms $13. 127 N. 87th St., ( rooms, city water 810. 8F14 N. 16th St., 4 rooms, city water $10. 647 8. 2th Ave., 7 rooma. modern $21.60. 977 N. 77th Ave, 7 rooms, city water $16. 90'0 N. 27lh St., 7 rooms, city water-C!3. 81?6 Harney St., 8 rooms, modern 26. The Byron Reed Co., 212 8. 14th St. D MJ8S 17 1646 N. 16th Bt 6-room flat, modem except furnace MR 00 1113 Biigga St. 8 rooms, wall water.... 7.00 2310 N. isth St. -mom cottag. city water 10 00 1808 N. 28th St. ( rooms, city water... 14-00 2312 Clark St. 6 rooms, city water. newly papered 12.80 2422 8. ldth St. -room flat, bath. closet. Jtr water iiin 2818 8. 19th St. 8-room he use, city water, rood condition 20.00 936 N. 24th St. 10 rooms, all modern during winter for 80.00 623 S. 40th St. 9 rooms, strictly mod ern m oo McCAGUH INVESTMENT CO. 1506 Dodge St. D-83C 17 9-ROOM modern house, S. W. cor, 82d and Pacific. 8 rooms, partly modern. 21st and Pratt. mi, nenviy painted ana paperea, 430 Farnam. 7-room cottage, repaired bo suit tenant, 812 r-ara ave. 7 rooms, modern except furnace, 2214 South 10th. ?-room cottare. 3018 So. 19th. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., 1320 Farnam St. D 856 9-ROOM modern house, furnished, walking nisiance; rent reasonaDie. w. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam st D 856 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvaaalng agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents In th country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvaasers make easily $60 to $100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. J 213 WE want 10,000 agents for greatest house- nuia seiier ever proaucea; actually sells ln every house; Immense moneymaker for agents; send 10c for complete sample and our large illustrated catalogue of agents' supplies. Southern Mercantile Co., Dept. B 107, Houston, Tex. J-M446 Aprg TWO 8-atory buildings to lease, both ex- ceuentiy located in retail district. Inquire for terms. R. C. Peters ft Co., 1702 Fnr nam. J 864 23 WANTED General agent for latest St. Patrick emblems, adapted for advertis ing; big demand; twelve styles; write quick: exclusive territory. M. Ernst, Manufacturer, Cleveland, O. J M869 17x WANTED Stat manager to establish only perfect system for manufacturing Hollow Concrete Building Blocks; rare opportunity for competent party. Ad dresa Building Block Mfg. Co.. 616 Lum ber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn J-M866 23x POR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. 1 fin depot wsgons. 3 rockaways, 1 coup. I traps, i wagoneiie, i araya. urummona Carriag Co., Uth and Harney. P 106 FOR SALE, slightly used. 2 carriages. 3 phaetons. I top buggies, 2 arlvlng wagons: cheap. Andersen-Millard Co., 1516 Capitol . ' P .11 FOR BALE. 2d-hand, 4-parsenger broug ham, it bargain If taken at once. 1303 Harney. P-M176 FROST doean't shave men, he shaves spokes. Wagon repairs, 14th and Leav enworth. P 783 L200-POUND horse, double set of harness. j mux wagon ana 1 grocery wagon. etu ben's livery stable, 716 8a 16th, rear. P-833 21 HnfisPQ FOR SALE, heavy and me llJlJE0 dlum weight expresaers. urau ana cnuna. iiarney Direct hth tiles. P MM7 22x HORSES for sale: second-hand harness. vehicles, cheap. Melcher s Stable, 6il 8. lth. P-M868 MIIICAL nrrhactn Bechtold's Union Orchestra. UllllCbUd Jig South Uth St. Tel. 2W7. M 460 F-23 THOS. J. KELLY, voice, Davldge block. W9 DAISY HIGGINS. voice, piano. 2013 Iav enworth. Tel. A-I741. 6&2 Flfl CHAS. II. KEEFER, piano. W. O. W. bldg M524 F2J DEFECTIVES. Capt. Cnrmack. 617 Karbach blk. Tel. A-2X32. -10 lPHOLSTKHING. Peterson ft Lundbcrg, 116 . 17th. Tl L-2368. - XI BM rERSOSALS. HIAWATHA and 60 other songs In on book. 6 cents postpaid. Robert Feenan, hi So. 13'n. U MS36 Ml.'x DON'T READ THIS Unless yoi! weae clean clothes. If you do pstronlxe the Domestic laundry. 241S N, Nth. Tel. B11S2. U-M121 M2 Accordion Pleating, cheapest, best, quickest. Mrs. A. C Mark, 17th and Douglas. U-976 LA BCOK, blk. ladles' tailoring. ANY poor girl In need of a friend can call or write to the matron of the Salvation Armv Home for Women. 3fC4 N. 2th St.. Omaha. Neh. U M.VJH Maylx Stammering cured. J. Vaughn, Raman PId. U 8110 ELITE parlors, $16 S. 16th, 2d floor. U-So$ "VIA VI." way to health. $16 Bee building. U-80S MAHNFTIP treatment baths. Mine. IHAVjn C 1 smith. 118 N. 16. 2 fir.. It. 2. U-M944 Mchsx WHAT'S nicer than accordion pleating? We do nothing but the finest. Goldman Pleating Co., 200 Douglas block. U- WATER'S PRINTING CO., 1212 Douglas st. 0810 BEN BOLT Whr didn't you meet m at Columbia Phonograph company last night? I waited till half past 9. Say. their fre concerts are grand, and I bought dozen X. P. 60e records for 25c each. Peggy From Paris. U-M13T ARCHIBALD Must have rour picture be fore you leave. Don't fall to meet me at Proctor's. 616 H. 16th, Sunday afternoon. We can get 15 beautiful cabinet photoa for $300. Elolse. U-152 PANTORIUM-veln. 407 So. Uth. U-M641 BILLY Am next to a good thing; meet me ft Stoecker's cigar store this evening and we'll smoke a 6c Monogram and I'll "tip" It off to you.-Frank. U-M136 r- Baths and Halrdreaalng KPOpnt Parlors. 205 Ramge Building Tel. 2079. Ladles only. v-m MASSAGE and manicuring, shampooing and bald heads treated. Mme. Za Dore, 212 S. 17th st. U-689 19x IMPORTANT NOT'CE If the children or grandchildren of John Prideaux. who died In 1860, and believed to be burled at Potta vllle, pa., will communicate with Henry Prideaux, Truthall. Helston. Cornwall, England, they will hear of something to their benefit. Other papers please copy. U-8S3 17x THE gentleman who got on a Farnam st. car at lfith st. and noticed an extromely neat and handsome brunette, who got on at same time, car going west about 6:30 p. m. Friday, if It could be possible to make her acquaintance will assure her of the greatest sincerity. Address D 14. Bee. U-834 17x WILL 8. REED, formerly of Concord. N. H., Is wanted by hla father of same place. Supposed to be or has been In Omaha. U-827 17x R. M. Was late Monday; be sure to meet at some place Sat.; Important. T. D. U- 857 18X MEDICAL. MAGNET PILE KILLER. At druggists, $1. IT CURES. 817 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tail, enerman at sacconneu, umaa. 811 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. 1613 Dodge St., Arlington clock, Omaha. -14 WANTED The rase of catarrh, rheuma tism, eosema or stomach trouble that Co-Lon-Co. WON'T cure, 869 29 PRIVATE hospital during confine. it; babies adopted. Mrs. QardeJs, 2234 Lake, Tel. P.ed-1M4. 816 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good rtamarltan Sanitarium, 728 1st Ave., Council Bluff. Ia. 62 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement. Mrs. Fisher, Zul6 S. 11. Tel. 1889. , -816 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Furniture iouaiu. yule hcrvlce. Piano loans. E.iry payments. Live 8tock loar.s. Best terms Balary loans. Any time. We charge nothing for making papers and we never deduct Interest ln advance. 119 Boara or rraae dice. lei. tx. (Established 1892) 306 S. Uth SU X52J MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Bualnesa confidential. Try us if you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 633 Paxton Block, 16th and Farnam Sts. JL SZti WHEN YOU THINK OF MONEY, THINK OF RELIABLE: CREDIT CO.. FOR SALARY AND FURNITURE LOANS ROOMS 808 PAXTON BLK., 3D FLOOR. X M9S6 MONEY LOANED BALARIED PEOPLE and other with security: easy payments; largest business ln 49 principal cities. Tolman, room 440, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. X-620 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people: buslnesi. confidential; lowest rates. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X 827 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 219 8. 13th. X-S28 PRIVATE money to loan on furniture, etc. Easy rates. 215 Karbach Blk. Tel. B-?4. XSii CHATTEL, salaxy and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., R. 8. Barker Block. X 829 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. W-127 PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 937 N. Y. Life. W tkil 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bern Is, Paxton block. W 843 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas W 834 WANTED, city loana and warrants. W. Farnum Smith ft Co., 1320 Farnam St. W 835 WANTED, real estate loans and warrants. R. C. Peters ft Co.. Bee Bldg. W 832 $ per cent farm loans. Farnam. C. Patterson. 1224 W-838 I per cer.t loana Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. W S14 MONEY TO LOAN-Payn Inveatment Co. W S37 WANTED SALESMEN. WANTED Experienced salesman, with es tablished trade, for Nebraaka; state ref erences, experience and salary expected. Singer Bros., St. Louis, Mo. 98 WANTED, experienced salesman, with es tablished trade, for Nebraska; state ref erences, experience and salary expected. Singer Bros.. St. Ixuls. Mo. 968 TICKET BROKERS. CUT-RATE railroad tickets P. II. Phllbin. lioa Farnam. everywhere. 'Phone 7M 758 COSTIMES. Theatrical and masq. Lichen, 1018 Farnim. ; LEICHMAN. MA8Q, 22 L-r83 Farnam. TeL -M121 FIX DANCING ACADEMY. MORAND'B spring lerm: Ieasona for adult beginners, lues ana r n.. i. m-, lesaons dally; lllieral reduction to pupils ho Join sow. Cell 15th and tiarney. M Marl3 PATENTS. II. J. COWGII.L No fee unless successful. 618 8. 15th st, Omaha. Tel. lint.. .' PATENTS guaranteed. Sues ft Co.. Omnlia. FLORISTS. HESS A SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. -S0O I HENDERSON, florist, 1519 Farnam St. 801 SHORTHAND AMI TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN SANT'H school. 717 N. Y. Mf. Neb. Bus. & Shorthand Col. Boyd thestr. S4T DRESSMAKING. IN families. Misa Sturdy, 309 N. 23d -M.-.08 STANDARD Garment Cuttlt.g College, rrl Farnam M318 20 FARMS FOR RENT. 20 ACRES, on Center atreet; good houss and barn. Apply 111 S. 16th St. M873 When You Write to Advertisers two of th pn to mention tbo fact that you GOVERNMENT NOTICES. OFFICE SONSTI'CTING Ql'ARTMAS TER. CHEYENNE. WYO.. FEHUARY 17. 1904. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, subject to tne usiiaa oonuitions. win be received at this office until 2 o'clock, p. m March 17. 1904, and then opened, for the construction of a Poat Exchange and Gymnasium. In cluding plumbing, gasplplng, heating, wir ing, and the furnishing and Installing bowling alleys and gymnastl: apparatus, at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo. Full In formation, blank forms, plans aj.d ispec! flcatlons furnished on application I thla office; also to tiie oC.ce of the chief o. arliT maater, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Om.lia, St. LouK St. Paul, and the otlce - f th Engineering News, N. Y. The United States reserves the right to accept or rc.lcrt any or all bids or any part thereof. Kn velopes containing bids to be endorsed "Proposal for Post Exchange and Gymnas ium at Fort D. A. Ru-well, Wyo.," ami ao dresaed to Captain W. 8. Scott, quarter master, U. S. A., ln charge of construction, Cheyenne, Wyo. F. 17-18-19-20 M16-16 OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master. Observatory Office Building, Dei Moines. Iowa. Feb. 16. 1904. Sealed pro Des posals. In triplicate, will be received here until 11 a. m., standard time, March 10, 1904, for Electric Lighting System at Fort Des Moines, Iowa. Information furnished on application. U. S. reserves right to ac cept or reject any or all propot.als or any -part thereof. Envelopes should tie en- oorsed, "Proposals for Electric Ighllirg System," addressed to Major R. B. Turner, Q. M. F16 17 W-10-M14-15 X.EGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING- Notice Is hereby given that the regulnr annual meeting of the to,kh 'leers of th South Piatte Land company will be held at the ofllce of said company in ..I'.f oln. Ne braska, at 11 o'clock a. m. on tho 2d day of March. A. D. 1!W4. By order of the board of directors. ' C. H. MORRILL, Preitldent A. B. MINOR, Secretary. Lincoln. Neb., Jaa.30. 1?C4. F1d30xm AILWAY TIMS CARD. UNION STATION 10TH AND MARC Y. Chicago, MIlTvaakee ft. St. Paul. e. Ji rHe. Chlrage Pijllytit a t M sm All it pm Chlcaso r..t Kiprvss a 1:44 piw a 8:1 pm OTarlsna LlKT.te al:ttpm al:10ie Dm Monies Btprew l ll a I 10 pi Chicago, Hoolt. Islaad at Paclllo. BAST. tklessa Tsrllfht Umlu4 illlii Cliiesso rxrlliht Local. a T OO m CMcics giprssa. , . -.bil l! m f Motoei (uiw ...,.... 4 10 pm Csluga Fast Cspnai. t:Mpia goekr ktoenula Llfkfi44.. ... t.Msm Lloaoln, Cnlcrada tprlnss. Cea- rar, Pwble sa Wast, . ....... .a 8:89 pm Tas, Caitiornia ul Cllahoma Flyst ..a ;0pm Mlsaoarl Pacific. a 9:K0 am a :S8 pm a 1 :16 pm til M am a 1 tt pm a i ll pm 4 pm all 40 pia St. Loots Biptrss K. C. asd It. Louis Eisraas. Valoa PaclBe. Tho Crorlan4 Limited Tho foot Moll Tho Colifornlo KiDrooa. ...... ..S10 06 sm ..0.0.10 pm ..a r:40 am ..a 1:10 am ...a 4 SO pm t inn a 4. IS oa a 8'tn pm 1:10 pm Tho .Atlantic SdooIkI a 110 om Tho Purtlsnd-Chlcoio 8pocll..a I SO pm a 0 pm Tho Atlantis Bzprooo o 1 10 pm Tho Colorado Special all :3S pm a 1 i am Tho Cblcaio Ppeclal a I 40 am T.lnraln RMtrlca aa Btromi- burs ExpreM b 4-0pm Columbus Local b 6:00 pm Chlcatr) ft Norttawcatern. rut rMnfii a 1:40 om bll 4 pm b I K am a 7:11 ae Local Chlcaso I J" am Hill ..a S:10 pm a s a sts b 1.46 pm al0:O0 pm all yi pm a 16 am a 1.46 pm Laeal Stutit Cltr liayilxht 81. Paul tiayllrht OhUaso Limited Clilcaao root Chicago .. Local Chicago Paat Bt. Paul fit. Paul Riproaa Foot Mall Local "loux Cltr Norfolk and Boneatetl Lincoln and Long Pino.... rj-aswooS Hot Snnnta ..a 1:60 am ..a I on am ..a l:t& pm ..a 1:60 pm ..a 4 21 pm ..a 1:16 pm a 7 :W am a 416 am a 140 pm a to am bio r. am blO .16 am a 6:10 pm o 6:10 pm b 6 10 v.a a 7:11 om a 20 pm .b 4:00 pm ..a t:06 am . 9:06 om tad Lincoln a 1:60 pm Casper and Wromlna Eiproao..d 1:60 pm Hiitinso. iupr1or and Albion.. b 1:60 pm Chicago Great Western. St. Paul and Minneapolis Lmtd at Panl and Mlnnaaooltfl Ea. .a 7:16 am ( htcasa Limited a 4:60 pm al0:lsn St. Paul, Minn, ana cmcaio ex. a o n- pm Chicago Rxpres a 4:50 am Wabaah. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" KI ...a :lpm Bt. Loulo Local (Council DluBal. a 4:16 am o 4 06 pm a t-to om alO:90 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Biprooo a 1:60 pm al0:U pis Chlraso, Minneapolis and St. Paul Llralud a 160 pm Mlnnoapolls and 6t. Paul a I 06 am bl0:3pat BCRLINGTON STATION 10TH at MASON ( klraso, Darlington ft laey Arrla. Chicago Special Chicago Vntlbutod Express. f hlcago Ixical Chicago Lln-Jtcd .a 1W' am a 4 00 pm .a 1:11 am .a 1:06 pm a 166 pm a , :46 am all 00 pm a t '46 pm I 46 s bli 06 pm 1 11 pn a 6 46 am a 1 to pm a pm a 06 am bio 36 am a I f? am BlafT. a l pm an 1 am 6lW Faat Mall liarllaatoai at Mlaaoarl River. Wrmoro, Rootrlo and Lincoln, .a I 60 ant Ksbraaka Eipraas a 1.60 am UenTor Limited a 4:10 pm Bla a Hills and Pugot Round El.allUO pm Colorado Veotlbuled Fljer Llnoola Fast Mall b t 67 pm Fort Crook and Plaltauioa'.h. . . b I 10 pm R.IIotuo and Pacine Junctira. a 1:60 pm BoHora asd Faclflo Janctioa.. . om Kansas City, St. Joseph A Co. Kansas Cltr Dor aHproso. .. ... a t:16 om St. Loulo Flror o 6 26 pm Kaaoas City Night Bipreoo O10 46 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 15T1I ot V EBSTasH. Mlssoarl Paclnc. lava. A-r1. Mrb Local Via Wwptng Water. b 410 pm alOHaa hlraao, St. Paul, Mlun. at Omaba. Twin ltr Paaotngar b 6 W om b 10 pm loua Cltr a 1 00 pm all to am Oakland Local b 4.46 pm b 10 am . Pally, b Pally oirapt Suaoay. d Dally oxecpt Saturday. 0 Pally oacept Moudai. OCEAN STEAMKRS. HOLUKD-AUERICA LINE. nee Ta-awrev btaaoMro of U.6IM Tone. klEW VOKK-KuTTItKLiAM. via uuULUU.Na. lUlllug Tiwauai, at 10 a. Si. Siatendam Fb i.N'oordam March 12 Amatcrdam March 1 iHalaudam M.r h f Rotterdam March aPotadaui April I tilrrasc onty. HOLLA ST.-AM ERIC A LINK, noarbora f. . rago. Ill: Harry Muorrs. 1601 yornaja St.; C. Bothrrtord. Uttl Faruaai Sui 1. B. ll.yooKU. lltl Farnam St. PLANS OF RUNKLES FUNERAL Services at Home by Father William and Interment at I'raapert Hill Cemetery. The funeral of William A. Runkle. for many yeara head proofreader on Th Ben, who died Monday mornliiK. will b hell from the lato residence. ITU Blondo street, this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The following will act aa pallbearers: K. S. Fisher, Monte Collins, William Max well, Georg Eddy. T. F. Sturgaas rqd Patrick Boyls. Father Williams, rector-, of St. Barnabaa church will deliver th funeral sermon at the home and interment will be at Prospect Hill cenitlej-y.