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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1904)
TITE OMAHA DAILY REE: WEDNESDAY, FERttTTAKY 17. lOOf. It GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET x Closing Prices Art Low on Everything Ex cept May Wheat OMAHA GRAIN NOW BECOMES CONTRACT Ckm In Rales at Chicago OprrfM ( the Adrl( of the Market . la This ' City. OMAHA, Feb. Hk 1904. Closing prlcca today In Chicago and In Omaha, were low prices with the single exception of May wheat. This milled at the eleventh hour and ended c better than the low murk. The Chicago market wh very eratlc, owing to the tlrxt operation of the new rule on wheat and the wheat pit crowd were conused lietween old and new. Thla ehang'i which make fo. i hard, wlnttr wheat contract wheut at the discount In nrlca found In the iltf ference between thla wheat and No 1, northern spring or No. i red, which have been contract la of considerable lenent to Omaha. The local market does not reach the two varieties which have been the con tract grades, so that No. 2 hard winter was the local contract grade. The change now gives Omaha contract wheat. Hy so largely Increasing the amount of wneat which may be. delivered as contract, Chi cago has made very milch mom difficult, Uih cornering of wheat. The market today was said to he Id such conditio sfter so lost a. skyrocketing that anything would cause, a depression, and the death of Senator Hnnna w;is one of the things which started the slump. isotwiihstMiiajng the fact that Liverpool opened through fear of war complication's turenglh of cargoes and scarcity of spot what fid higher, Chicago and Omaha alter opening a little higher than Mondays close, soon fell away, and began a steady decline, which ended only with the clnslnii hour. May wh?st declined lc, but rallied at the close. Chicago July wheat fell off tc, and May corn IV. Outs also felt the depression. A hetivy liquidation due to longs realizing profits was thought to tie the prlclpal cause of the decline. The range In prices of omnha grnln for future delivery and the close today and Monday were as follows: Closed - Open. High. Low. T'fl'y. M'day. H; short clears, $15 omg 17.00; met. I15.7S 1 60. TALLOW Firm; city t2 no per pkg). 5'c; country tpkgs. free), S'alif.'ic. HUTTK.H Firm; extra fresh creamery, 15 ftiClo: stte dnlrv, 14iii21c. CI1KKHK Wendy; siate full cream, fnncy, large and ' small, Colored and White Sep tember. 12c; lat made, liiie. KHUS-I'nscttlcd; western firsts, ,4c. l'OCLTRY Alive, firm; western chickens, ll'-rc; fowls. l:ie; turkeys, 15c. Pressed, quiet, unchanged. Wheat-May July Corn May July Oats May March . . MB -sll 4't 40 Kill 78 4'4 45 V 42 40 81V4A KM 45 46 41 29 8L'A 77M1 45A' 4h'i, 45 1B 41 HA 42'., 33 30 -w O Loral Cash 4; rain Market, Cash business wag steady thla morning and of fair volume. While Arm, there was no advance In prices. The receipts of wheat were 6 cara In and 2 cars out; one week ago, 2 cars. Hales of car Iota by sample on track. Omaha: Hard Wheat No, 8, 6 cars, 80c, 1 car 78c. Hpring Wheat No. 3, 1 car, fSc, Iteoelpts of corn were 21 cars In and 27 cars out; one week ago, 33 cara In and 11 out. Dales of car lota by sample on track, Omaha: Mixed corn No. I, 10 ears, -41 "c, 3 cars 41c. 2 cars (poor) 40c; No. 4, 1 car, 40c. .'. White Corn No. 4, 1 car. 4oc- 1 car 34c. - Receipts of oats were 6 cara In and 7 cars out. WHEAT-No. 1 hard. Rifff7c; No. 3 hard, TSaao; No. 4 hard, 7WSc; No. 2 spring, srrtQc) No, 3 spring,. 7'jitSic;-No. 4 spring, 6!i)tte. CORN-No. 8. 42Hff43Hc: No. 3, 4nVyff41Hc: No. 4. .V,4H4e: No. 2 vellow. 42Vi?l4.'P.4c : No. 2 yellow, 41ti4SWc; No. 2 white, 42VJ 4avjc; No. i white, 4ru4..-i-. UAID po. j, aYttfl.yn lirn a, nnwi .i No. 4, BWrrVjc; No. 2 white, 42fj43c; No. t white, 4oiQ41c; standard, 40ii41c. Notes from the F.xchange Offices. The Monday transaction In grain for futare delivery amounted to 102,000 bushels Omsha Inspections were- &8 cars. Of wheat, 8 cars graded No. 4 hard winter. Of -orn 27 cars graded No. 3, 5 cars No. yellow, 1 No, 8 white, 1 car No. 4 white. ft rani No.. 4 and 10 ears no grade. Three ears graded No. 3, white oats a-nd 4 car Nt, 1 rve and'l no grade -v. ' At their tfegular meat In g this afternoon the board of directors will .consider. the rate war and discuss plans for further ateps In the contest, to- be taken,' by the TJJI JlltUlgC. f ..,...( . . ( . Note of thai Craln Trade. 'Pallas wires that No-2 geft red wheat Is gellliig freely at $l,W and -"Nov f ' rmPd "f fed t . . " ' ' ' ... T Kansas City wires that. dry weather Is complained of In Kansas and the south west. Bears freely .concede that the crop la short and prices may be. sensational If no relief Is found. - . . . primary receipts were: Wheat, 685,000, against 4,0o0; corn, RW.QOO, against 73. of a year ago, 6htpinents were 183.4'0 ' wheat, against 176,000, and 598,000 corn, against 663,000. ' Contract stocks In regular warehouses are: Wheat, l.tKTC.OnO, a decline of 30.010 bushels; corn, 2,161, UOO, an Increase of 27, 000; oats, 1,640,000, an Increase of 2i8,000. These stocks Include STiO.ocO bushels of No, 2 red and 1,315,010 of No. 1 northern spring. Clileugo receipts were: Wheat, 64 can, I of conrnct grade; 628 curs of corn, 2 contract; HIT cars of oats, 9 contract grade. The estimated receipts for tomorrow are 20 cars wheat, 1M corn and 150 oats. Kan sas City receipts were 232 cars of wheat, UK cara of corn and IS cara of oats. Minneapolis received 204 cars of wheat and Lhlluth 91 cars. . . Craln Markets Elsewhere. ' Closing prides of grain at the markets named Monday and today were us fonows: KANHA& C1TV. Today. ' Mon'y. 82 83 Mj , is so CHICAGO GHAI AMI rROVIMOMI. Features of the Trad I as; and Closing I'rlera on Board of Trade. CHICAOO. Feb. 16. A .change of ruleaNl governing oehverles was laigciy responsi oie for lu-avy luiuidatlons in wneat touay, resulting In July cco.-l:ig 2n2c b low m tinal ngures of yesterday. May wheat t med l(i'..c uown, Way corn is oil it (UlSc, oais io and proviislons 7'c to 30c. JL'emorailzaiion tu ranipatn In tne wneat pit, stalling with coi.iu.-ln caused by the Inauguration of a new rule In et erriire to tne delivery of No. 1 and No. 2 hard wheat on lulure contrac ts. I nth to day No. 2 red and No. t and No. 2 hird winter wheut has been deliverable on ion tract at 6c discount, but the board vote! to make the late after Juiy 1 ul 2c ul.-t- couut. Announcement ot this decision brought out heavy realization sales In the July and September options. I'nces ue clltied throughout the iltiy. The opening was comparatively steady, Influenced by the early Liverpool cables, which showexl slight advance. Initial limitations In May being unchanged to vc higher at 97 ''i Hsu. July wax iiiK-haiiged to Se lower at tOtiS 'V, i.arge quanutiea or juiy ana beplemuer wheut i'nme' out during the flrS't hour on liberal selling by comjnintlon. houses and hxul longp. There was very little support to the market and a decidedly weak lone soon developed. There was nothlna antmrent In the een- eral news to bring out tho heavy orders, (orelgn advices were still bullish on the cash situation. Moreover, the cash demand In all domestic markets was a noticeable feature. Cold weather In the southwest was also a bull factor. In the face of these favorable rlrrllmflliinoM. however, long wh'at continued lo cc me Oiit the entire day. I he weakness In the out side markets and In the corn - and oats pits undoubtedly had some effect. It was also claimed that a natural reacticn from the recent bullishness accounted for a con siderable pnrt of the depression. The clone was wvh k and near the bottom. After sell- lug down te SHic, or lc below the hUh IMiInt, May closed at fWn '.)e. Julv c!oe 1 at 87-Vnn7V4;o after touching S7nc. v lenrnnces or wheat and flour were equal tO 2h2.2O0 hu. Prlmnrv re'elnts were fitf, 700 bn.. against 435,0(10 bu. a year ago. The world's visible supply, according to Bradstreets, showed an Increase of 217 0 0 bu. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago re ported receipts of 3C9 cars, against Mi cars last week and 408 cars a year ago. Corn met with a gooJ demand at the) opening from local traders and for a short time the market was quite firm. The de mand was not long In filling up and when tho bres.if In wheut occurred there was a lot of long corn for sale and the market turned weak. The decline was checkel temporarily by the purchafe of l.OOiiOfl bushels by one of the leading Interests, hut as soon as this order had been flllel addi tional weakness was manifested. Foreign news was less bullish, closing Liverpool ca bles being unchanged. Tho weather was favorable for the movement, but receipts show no tendency to increase, , May opened a shade lower to "Ac higher at Wa'Wc and sold early at KOfiiWic. The c'ose was at the bottom at Mc. July cloed at 62c, a net loss of q(fr',c. Ixcsl receipts were 628 cars, 2 of contract grade. , Oats - were very nervous and easllv affected cither wav. There was a break of nearly a cent In the nrlce of the Mav de livery, on general selling brought out by the earlv decline In wheat and corn, but a fair demand from one of the principal commission houses Induced other buv nor. find a full recovery resulted. The market again declined, however, pite In 'he dav, due to tho weakness In other srnlns, and the close was near the bottom. Mav opened unchanged to te higher at 44irt44V,c, sold between 44Vtc and 44K.C, closing at 44"jO. Local receipts were 237 cars, There Was early strength In provlslors, with good buying of pork and ribs.- The advance In prices, however, brought out heavy realising sales, which were In creased bv the extreme weakness In grains. The mrly gains were nil lot and st the rlose prices were eofiHderaWv lirwer than -yesterday's final quotations. Mav po-k showed the greatest loss, being down V fit lU.-fx after, selling between 314 7" and 15Vi Mnv lard w off I'Uiffl.Vv st- li.ftefr with ribs 7U(ffl0c Inwer-nt 37.10. Rstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Vhet, 90 oars;-. rem. 390 cars; natsj liO cars; hogs. it.""- ora- - :' . The leading futures ranged aa follows: NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Character of Mirkt Unchangeu, bat Uorti Ba ineti Don. SALES CONFINED TO NEW YORK UTILITIES An Abundance of War Sews, bnt Mil itary and Xaval Activity deems to Have Little Effect on Market. 4.WS for demand and st lf2V(i4 820 for o-rtsy bills: ported rstes. 4 SS'MH.M nd 34 "WH; commercial bills. 14 J4. fl IjVKK Bar, 6:'4'; Mexican dollars, 4o. TniNl)f Government, steady; railroad, steady. The closing quotations on bonds are fellows: 1H I. N. unt. 4a K1 Minhitun f 10, Mri. t'enirsl 41. 1 lo 1st Ins Hit .107 .107 . n .. 7 NEW VORK. Feb. ld.-The amount of business dune In stocks today was slightly larger than yesterday, but the character of the market was unchanged. All of the Increase In business was done In the first hour of the market, the sales In that time reaching almost hk many shares as for the whole day .yesterday. This business was a buying movement, largely confined to the New York public utilities and which wan without any news developed. What was regarded as an effort on the part of a party of traders to awaken the market and start the nrlces to movltiK. One or two railroad stocks were Included In the movement. It failed entirely to at tract any following and was abandoned, prices were allowed to drift slowly back to last night's level or below It when the traders took their profits. United States Steel preferred was heavy at all times and this helped to discourage tho attempts to lift prices. The selling of that stock had no other explanation than the supposition that a speculative line was being -disposed of. Amalgamated Copper also seemed to suffer from speculative profit- iaking; but hardened after the announcement of a divi dend of 310 per share on Calumet Herla, whlrh Is double the dividend of the same period last year. There was an abundance 'of war news,.! but the extraordinary military and naval activity Indicated In these market advices seems to have little effect on prices. The decline In railroad earnings ,ls a subject of much discussion. (Jross earnings for the first week In February show declines In the average and complaints by railroad offi cials of the continued stock blockades point to the continuance of this tendency,. The fact, thnt the decrease from last year's level was more than accounted for by the decline In earnings of the trunk lines and eastern railroads is a point In corroboration o the contention that storm blockades are the reason, rather than the falling off of avalluhln trafllc. But the fact that the ratio of the decline In earnings has shown s'.esdy progress since It began Inst summer makes the subject one of misgivings. The war In grain rates amongst western railroads also threaten o extend Into trunk line territory. As these disputes are In regard to tho contracts for business yet to come the uneasiness over poor showings of railroad earning Is aggravated. The bond market waa dull, hut steady. Total sales par value. $1,125,000. United Statea bonds were dull on call. Following are the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: ,.. - sales. iiign.xuw. r. S. ef. ts. ff. dn ropB ' to Is. pt do rotipon dn nw , re . . , dn conpna do old 4i, trf , do roilpofl Atrhlunn Rn. 4s. dn adj. 4n Atlantic C L. 4i 11(1. A Ohio 4 I'M. do 1H ,:iVt Central of Oa. 6a. . . .1061) - 'do tat Inc Jo fhfa Ohio 4H'. -.llJ' t hlraso A. 3'te.. 7S C , H A g n. 4a.... 1 C. M AS. P. K 4s..Ki f ft N. W e 7a....ltH C , R. I. P. 4a.... An ml. ftn...r Ml r :r. a st. L. g. 4a. iTvi ( hlragn Ter. in... Con. Tobaoro 4a.. Coin. & So. 4a r. ft B. O. 4 Erie prior Han 4a. dn gn. 4a r. w. ft n. c. i Hm-klns Val. 44a Offered. Minn ft St. L 4a. t0:: 97 V, 7 7 74 74 M., K. T. 4a. dn N. R. R. of M . 4 N. T. C. JHt... n. J, n, a. e Nn. Pacific 4a 103 dn S. 7"X N. W. c. 4 7S o. s. I.. 4a ft par... !. Pann. ronr. SVi" lfi Reading gen. 4a St. 1,. ft I. M r. (,.. II! a St. I., ft S F. fg. 4a. M'-i St. U S. W. la -teahoard A. I 4a ... 67 OMADA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beoeipti of Cattle Vrf Hearj tol Killen a Little Lower. HOG PRICES HAVE IMPROVED A TRIFLE Fairly Liberal Una of Sheep and Ijatmbs, bat Demand V a flic lent to Hold Prices Steady on Better Grades. rfo. Paplflr in. Hatla-ar ha 1 exaa ft P. la 7 h.',V 7i, f. 8 Steel 97 iWfthaih la 1 . St. L ' W tnlon Parlflc 4a. . do cony. 48 ST, tl do dft. B 104V, ;W. ft I,. F,. 4a . 106 Iwia. Central 4a. N'4 ...I11;4 ...11RV, 4a. 7 ...lotH ... 9't li 6a.... 7J . . . . llS'-S SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 1. 1904. Receplts wete: Cattle. MooUay 3.4S1 Officio! Tuesday 6,du0 10.0UO 1I.0UU London Stork Market. LONDON, Feb. l.Closlng: Consola. monjr MH K. Y. Central.. do srnount ..S. II 15-1 KorfnIN ft W., m,:.nd - 8H . .dn ptd (thlann t;a Ontario ft W.. . 91', Pniifvlvnla .. 'J' Band Mtnea dn nfd altimnra ft Dhlo asadlan Parlflc . hea A tlhlo hlraso Ot. W ... M. ft St. P... nePacra ft R O do pfd rle dn lat pfd do td pfd Ilnoia Central ... lunula, ft Naah.... K. T dn lat pfd. da ' 2d pta. So. Rail war .. do pfd .... Sn. Parlfl .14.1 .. 1H .. 7014 Vnlon Par-lflo .. do pfd ., ITT. 8. Steel u1! do ptd llSlWahlah . . 10TVI do pfd .. 17 1 BTlvrcn rtnr, firm. 27Hd per ounce. MONKY 2diS per cent; the rate of count Irt the open market for short bills Is ayft.S per cent; for three months' blMs, 4(1)3 per cent. New York Mining; ((notations NEW YORK. Feb. 18.-The following are tne closing quotations on mir.tng stocks: 600 ll'i UJ Atchison t.iw . uo ptd i.iuu Lxitliiiortioi Ohio 6,) 7tf do ptd Canaiiiun i'acllic... Central of N. J inesapaKe Ohio... Chicago Alton .... -4iA 3 tlo ptd 4-- MVi Chicago Ot. Western 'm 1o-m Ctilcago oc N, W'.... Chlcagie, M. oi Bt. F do pfd Chicago T. c T do ptd nw a C, C. C. & St. I., Colorado houthem.... luo do 1st pfd 100 WV lo id ptd 1"0 Delaware ec Hudson.. '10O ltjO'a Delawurv, u c W Denver At H. ti. do pfd ' Erie 4.WSJ ZjH do 1st ifd ,4no WV4 do 2i nt.i ) 42 1 Hocking Valley....... 1' K'-t do pta lllnom Central ....... 6iw owa Central :.,... : dl Did K. C. bouthern do ptd J.....V WJ ; 8 IUlvllie & N li1 Mm 11 hat tan . Alet. Bc-curUlee 1-.600 Met.,Bt. Ky.. i,IW0 MjnnL'iipoils &-Bt. 4 ao luu Wheat May. a July b July a Bept, corn- May July Oats Feb. May July Sept. P'rk Jlay Julv May July Itibs May July Wheat May ., July .. Corn- aX uly ..; ..v 4W4 A 454 Whe May ... July ... ... July Wheat May ... .. July .... Wheat. May .. .July .. Wheafc- " May ' July .. NT. LOU18. l h ; , 60 MINNEAPOLIS. PULUTIL 964 , ft I 91 J. M1U NEW YORK. f ' , 99 t B 4H 44 96H V6 M.,St. P. & r). 8te. M l.MO AlcJ4t Opcn.; Hlfh.flibw. J jCloSe" Yes'y I 90V4' H . hHVJtUOH 98 0V, 864 Isintiis.lMWH 44HtlV 134'4-S I 15 024 14 yo 7 774 7 8714,! 7 20 7 36 3:i'l 841n 15 30 15 024 7 SO 7 87',4. 7 n 7 37H S7S 84 54741 30 1 34 14 70 14 05 7 60 7 70 7 07Vi T 20 I 40 - 34 7 624 I 10 7 10 7 20 41H 44' ' 8? 34V 15 00 14 874 7 75 7 82H 7 20 7 30 ' No. 1. a old. b new. Cash ouotatlons were as follows! FLOCK Strong; winter- patents, 4.4I5? 14 207)4. 50; straights, K.oMH.ld; bakers, S2.00 4.50; straights, 4.1(Xy4.3(i; spring patents, til a. 40. HEW VOHK Cfc.ltk.KAL MAUKEf, 44aotatleBs of the Day on . Varlona ' ' ' Coaasnodlltes. NEW YORIC, Feb. -lt-FLOlTR-Recelpta 4o,ih.1 bbla; rxporu, 11, 1M bols.; nisi net tulrly active tvnu nrtn; winter pttitum S1.IUUS.W, amirt aiiiniaiiia, i.tfU4M.iw, itl.ll. nesoia, patents. l..vuij; winter exliua,; wlutsr low grudes, awt 063.4u. Kyo Hour, Urm; fair to goou, U.6oud.i6, choke to tuncy, (3.n,4.pla, Wucavwbviai Hour, uist, ' CottNJJEAL-F1rin; yellow western, 11.05; C4iy, 91. uo; sun anea, r-uo K If k: Nominal, No. '4 western, 72c (. O. b. Afloat: fctale and JerseV. 4M1I08C. UAHLKi tlivady; ceding, 7jo c. I. f. New lots: mmtiiia.. ckk. . c. 1. 1. t.uutcio. - WHEAT Kecalpls, ,t76 bu. ; exports, 4,975 bu.: avpul, tucy; .no. 3 rrd, 1 eievulor auj ti I. o. b., ailutit; fio. I northern Dulutn, ' l.ut" r. o. b., snoat; No. I bard Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b, afloat. Options okiio1 cure on good generu4 buying, continued void ith southwest, firmer cables and vommlbalon house buying in the west. Later prices declined sharply on longs ncl.tuK both here and In the west, resulting In a net loss of Vo'-jc. May, !ii$l.vuS. closed at Wc; July, SHmaa-.c, ch eed at lc; Septeiu ber. 87mavoc. closed at 874c. j CORN Hecetpts l,625 bu.; exports, 11.250 bu.; spot, easy; Nu. 3, tUWc etvstor aud bbc t. o. b., afloavt; No. t yellow, iic; No. 3 white, tuc. Option niarkst opened Aimer on better cables, strength In oiher grains and local buying".- Xhe volume of business was small and as a result of local realis ing final sales were at a net decline ot Vic. May, u'i(HiHc, closed at Wc; July. bttm.t';j&8t closed at osv. OAT-Receipts, 41 DUO bu.; ports, 41.523 bu. ; spot, rtrnior; No. 1. 4a V; standard white. 3c; No. white, 63V; No. I white, ' Mo. HAT Quiet; .shipping. 6O670i-; good to choice, ttjaoc. RICE tjulet; dcmestle fair to extra. S (fHc: Jap-in. nominal. HOPS Firm; common to choice. 19ns, xg,1! ; utoa crop, :t.:u'Sc; 1'scina coast, olds, 10 j!5c: lil crop, J7u.tfc; lsu3 crop, Iti.Tc. HIDKH Firm: Galveston, 20 to sfi lbs., lie; California. 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas dry, U to lbs . 14c. I.F ATMKR Rlendy: acid. 23ffI5V.' ' PROVISIONS Heef. steady; family. 110 00 All u); mess. Is tm iX: beef hams. Lli ??; packet tKOiKilOOO; city extra India TTeas. $15 niil7.0i). Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies. 17 2rti7.13: pickled shoulders, to mi; pickled hams, f 10 H1 00. - lsrd.; western steamed, tt !V refined, weak; eon. weatorn steamed. I7.J0: refined, eaay; con tinent, 7 riouth America. IsaO; com )ouii4, K 61.00. I'ors, tuuMtUcd; family. WHEAT No. 3. 85!fi93c: No. 2 red. 1100. coitN rso. 1. wo: imo. 2 yeuow, oic. OATS No. 2, 40'&4074c; No. 3 white. 424ffl' 45o. RYE No. Z, 5c. 11 A RLE Y Good feeding. 4012c; fair to choice malting, 4KfWc. 8EEDS Flsx, No. 1. $1.11; N-v. 1 north western, $1,174; prime timothy, $3.25; clover, contract srrade. 110.75. PROVISIONS Mess pork., per hhl.. $14.50 if14. B2V4. Lard, per 100 lbs , $7. 404)7.424. Bhort ribs sides (loosei. t. ,on .uu. -onoi i clenr sides (boxed), $7.12Mij7.!5. WHISKY Uasls of high wines, $1.27. Following are the reuclpls end shipments of flour and grain: . Receipts. Shipments. 237.0110 35.500 35. UO ' 54.PI0 44H,5n0 24K.4O0 375.2IO ltl3.i)0 ll.fxiO 14,200 132.800 15.5UO On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 16fu25Hc; dairies, lHU,ri22c. Frgs at mark, cases In cluded, ISWic. Cheese, steady, at lotf 100 - ' , ! Flour, bbla... Wheat, bu.... Corn, bu Oats, bu Ryu, bu Hurley, bu... Available Grain gapply, 'NEW YORK. Feb. 16.-8peclal cable and teleirraDhlc communications received by Itradstreets show the following changes In available supplies as compared with lust aec-ount: Wheat I'nlted States snd Canada, east of Rookies, tlecreased 53,000 bushels: afloat for and in Europe. Increase, Duo.OuO; total snnnlv intvease. 217.UIO bushels. ' Corn I'nlted States and Canada, east of Rockies, decreased lKl.OnO bushels, Oats I'nlted etates and Cauda, east of Rockies, decreased S8:'.u1 bushels. The leading Increases reported - Include Ri'9,HX) bushels at Chicago private elevators, 615 U)0 DUSnelS Bl 1 u w uiro I'lnaiR Glcvnvuri (correction due to revision of millers stocks), 62.0110 bushels at East Bt. Lou I and 50 000 bushels at Chaitanooiia. Th leading decrease .inciunes tsv.uuu nushels In Manitoba. 3to.0u0 bushels In northwestern Interior elevators. 143. UO laihe!a at Kvans villa, and 65.UUO bushels at Fulton. F.vapornted Apple anil Dried Frails. NEW YORK, Feb. 16. EVAPORATED APPLES The market Is easy with demand still llaht and rather more pressure to sell. Common are quoted ul 4Hc; prime at 5'4 choice at DVHJo, ana is u 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRL'ITS Prunes are firm with lobbing demand good and supplies somewhat limited. Quotations range from 3 We to s'e. according- to grade, Aorlcnia remain firm, with choice Quoted at 9V5jlOc. extra choice at lOtiloVaC and fancy at L'dilOc. Peaches are in fair de mand. Choice are quoted at iUi'jC, extra t ll nicy and. choice at vs'4C, and fancy at iioc. Phlladelphin ProCace Market. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 14. Rl'TTER Firm, good demand: extra western cream ery, ttlc: extra taeaxby prints, use. f:0' IS Firm and 2c higher; fresh nearby 33c at mark: fresh western, 33c at mark fresh southwestern, 3ih33o at mark; fresh southern, JtiTJc at mark. CHEESE ijulet but steady; New York full creams, choice to fancy, Ujiu'.r: New York full ereauus, fair to good, lOVUlou Minneapolis Urala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Fib. 14. WHEAT May, S-S'.c; July. P.-; tiepteinber, tv,Sc; on track No. 1 hard, 9;c; No. 1 northern, .Ac; No. I northern, f-V; No. northern, MetiVlc. FLol'R Firm and active; nrst patents $4 .!. ; second patents, J4."if4 !'; first clears. U.UHU3.7": seind clears, $2.1412.10. bKAi-iu bulk, fla.vutjlj.. 3Vkt 9.MJ0 141-4 I4u 20 iti4 Wis lw) 204 42 ' .82 12S . 7- 8i 111 loo ii-a . A2rs ' lilt ltK 1-1" )4 170 w b3 23 '4 ltw 2I5 20 6S- 2614 i t ,. 82'4 19 18 344. .4114 ,600 : 14Vh V l'l .... 130--3 ',& H J0V4-, lBve.-Ui1 -.. ...i W4 5 .A. 21 114 , ..fa . . .una -. 3,K0 . 20 ." 'bin .2,3u0 '. 7',Ui6 .- aoo .' ij'io o lJO 100 li0 1,110 PK 50 100 100 38 ' li&4 58 Ha- ii 115- 4274 7lVi ii 63 , 44 " 33 47V 20 82 23 , 24-14 42 7 22 62 44 14 83'vs 4 20',4 81 2:1 7,800 78 777,4 100 1.8U0 18 88 18 357 100 ' l u Missouri. 1-acllte U-.. b.. dt Texas do DM vj....-; Nat. K. R. of M. pfd New York Central... Norfolk & Western do ptd ....... .1 .. . Ontario & Western Pennsylvania ,...:,-, P.. C C. & St. U. Reading do 1st ptd .v do 2d ptd Rock Inland Co do Pfd St. L. & 8. F. 2d pfd St. L South western.. do pfd Southern Pacific .... Southern Railway ... do pfd Texas & I'acllic..... T.. St. I & W..;.. do pfd I'nion Pacific do pfd Wabush do ofd Wheeling & L. E Wisconsin uentrai . do pfd Adams Express American Express... V. S. Kxpress ....... Wells-Fargo Express Amal. Copper Amer. C. & F da pfd Amer. Cotton OH... do pfd American Ice do pfd Amer. Unseed OH. do pfd Amer. Locomotive. do pfd .. Amer. 8. & R. do pfd . . , . Amer. Sugar Refining 6,200 128 125 Anacondi M. CO. Brooklyn R. T. ... Colorado F. ek I. Consolidated Gas Corn Products do Pfd Distillers" Securities.. General Electric .... Inter. Paper do pfd International Pump.. do pfd National Lend .......... North, American Psxlnn 'Mull Peoples' Gas. 1,000 Pressed "Bteel Car.., do pra i..... Pullmiiji Palace Car Republic. Bteel do. pfd Rubber Hoods do pfd Tennessee C. & I...., V. S. I -eat her ...... do pur t B. Realty ........ do pfd U. 8. Rubber dd pfd V. 8. Steel do nfd . . . Westlnghouse Elec Western I nlon -r.x-nviut'na. Total aalew for the day 236,700 shares, .80,l 400 1U0 700 2.0J0 ,15,5uO . 500 . 200 '49 19'4 68 80 . 4 24jO . 100 . .7' 0 . 100 !! '200 . ) 32 196'. 18 54"' 167 . 43S ' 32 14 18 24" 167 100 .66 100. 2,0 200 . . 2u0 '4V m: ', 'jof) lu ...25.500 Z1 . 100i 37 M 11 84 M 87 iH-4 OS 6!i 2 114 42 50 22- til 4314 14 3 4 81 a 24 35 77 89 18 35 15 18 43 220 JHO 105 210 111 29 - ss 8 1 . lo-H 125 04 4814 31 194 70 23H lh8 33 71 ... ID 85 Toledo 'Meed Market. TOLEDO. O.. Feb. 16 SEEDS Clover. casn ana reoruary, .iil; March. W.ii: April, $6,674. I'rline alslke, f0.2o. l'rime iniothys $1.42V4. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 16 METALS Tin broke sharply In the English marke-t, clos ing with spot 1 5s lower at 126 12s ttd nd 'futures at 17s 6d lower at 126 12s fid: locally tin was unchanged, with spot quoted at $2.o'H'-'9.0J. Copper was unchanged in London at 57 5s lor spot and 66 10s for futures; lni-ally copper waa tlrm, with lake uotcd at 8l2.ufKtii3.ib. electrolytic and 4-ttst lug at $12.3i'V4''dU.24. lead was unchanged In both markets, being quoted here at $4.4o ( anil at til izh txi in i,onion. spcuer was unchanged at 21 1,1s In l,ondou, but was firmer here, with spot closing at $o.UKij .1". Iron, closed nt w's 8rt In Glasgow and at 42s 10Hd in Mtddlesborough ; locally Iron was unchangol: No. 1 nortnern lounory, lfi.nOffiiii.iio: No. 2 northern foundry, $14.00 15. Oo; Nd. 1 southern foundry and No, wift southern foundry. $18. 7MI 14. 25. ST. MU'IB. Feb., lS.-MKTAl,-liMa, firm, $4.3544.4.87. Spelter, higher. $4.75. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 16.-DRY OOODS-The market is Inactive nt first hands and buy ers sre not inclined "to operate except for actual, needs, but efforts to secure conces sions are cnera v unsuccessful. Jobbers. however, report an active day, and buyers willing . to place, free .prders for desirable rarrcnangise. , . '':"'' Coffee ; Market. NEW -i YORK, Feb. 16.-COFFEE The market for futures opened steady at a de cline' or laifind lo. .points under lurtner liquidation and bcar-irs8ure encouraged by rather dlsappolntim French cables and heavier primary receipts, s Trading was very nulet and st ftrut- the market ruled rather easy; declining 40'ta level about 10 and 20 pnlhts-below ?Tnlght's final, but ruled a nuie steadier in'tne eariv arternoon on cuveilcr and buying by lmoorters. but just before the close there was again re newal or selling pressure, ana tne maraei while, finally steady. Vns net 20 and 2i points lower. Sales were reported of 137,000 logs. Including March. 5.50ff.7nc; April. 5.65c; MaV, '5.75(ii 5 85c! July, 6.006 15c; Au gust. .2nnK.g(c; September, .'A'iifl.40r; Octo er. a.Surrifi.tiir; December, B.h.-(iti.iiftc., and January, 6.70c. Spot, market, Rio Irregular No.. 7 Invoice, 7c; mild, steady. ii" 77 . m i " Boston Btoele Quotations. BOSTON, Feb. 16. Call loans, 44 per cent; time loans, 4Vr'BS' per cent, unicwi closing prices on stocks ana Donas: Atrklan A4j. Au-niin aa tn central 4a.... Ai-hlaon 4i pfd Koatoo Albanf.. Iloaton St aWlna.. lluMos Klavatae . Kuchburs pfe .... Max. Cantral N. T . N. li. A H Para Marqutta ... t'ntun faclne A mar. Araa. Oham to pfd A mar. Pnau. Tub A mar. Sugar do pfd Am.r. T. T Asiar. Woulaa .... do pfd Dominion I. A 8 . Etlaun Rlae. Ilium Caoaral F.lortrtc ... Maaa. Elsctrtc .... du pld Maaa. Cm I nltad Kmll t ailed Shu Mah . V, 8. Steal dn pfd .Rid. 7'weatlns. commoa . . tT4 Adventure .. Allouaa .. H Amalsamalad .... .. Sln-a A mar. 3 tne ..241 Hliifham .14 Oal. Hccla ..1.14 rantannlal ..13& t'oppar kangs ... ..101 Daly Waal ..144 .Dominion Coal .. .. n Franklin . . ST 4 Graury llWllal Roral .. Tl" .. Mi ,.ti .. to .. us Maaa. Mining .. Michigan MoD Montana C. at old Dominion .. Oaeeols Parrot kWIQulnoy m Shannon 14 TaniaraaX Trlnlly 77 I'. 14. MlnlOf.. I V. S. Oil. ...... , M ,1'tah 47 Virion , HVi Winona , wolvrloa . T .. 14 .. 44 .. U44 ..4a .. 44 .. 4 .. ( .. M .. .. 17 .. 4 .. If ,.1W .. avi. .. a .. J ,.. ... I i.. 70 New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 11-MONEY-On call easy at 1S2 per rent: closing bid an nflered, at m per cent. Time loans, steady 40 and Is) days, i per cent; f months, 4 I1 per ce I'RIMK nt. MERCANTILE PAPER 4fiCV per cent. utl n i ivn vveiiiviir bi..j i acluai liuaHivsg la bair' tUli ul ii-kwo j .120', Readlns 89 H n atH M-4 S It 404 2 Jin M4j 44 ni4 f4 HS4 Two dava this week.... 1931 14.7)4 24.012 Bame days last Week. ... 5.S06 14.4:( 17,0.13 ame dnvs week before.. 5.0S5 1S.4S7 16.P10 Same three weeks ago... (.lit 12.665 14, lew Seme four weeks ago.... 6.9.1 14.728 22, 4M Same days last year 8.652 16.060 13.010 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The foliowlns tihM shows the receloa of cattle, hogs and sheep nt South omi.b' for the year to date, with comparisons with last year: 1904. If 4. Inc. Dec. attle lie 14. lis.ina V.058 Hogs 2-.6ti7 291.754 S.913 Sheep 23292 1 49.793 &5.4J7 Average prices paid for hogs at Bostn Omaha for the last several days with com parisons: dls Adama Con It IMttls Chlaf 7 A lira 2G ()ntarto 450 Braera 14 Ophlr 60 Brunawlck Con I fhoenl I t'omatork t Potnal IS Con, Cal. St Vs. ISO Sayas 46 Horn Silver ,.120 sierra Nevada U Iron fllver .1J Small Hiipei 20 Load villa Con i Standard 350 Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 16. COTTON Market opened steady at art-advance of 7'S15 points on cable. The market ruled steady to firm until around midday, when March was selling at 12.90c. May. 13.23c and July 13.34c, showed net advances of 37(ff'12 points mere was eonsiaeraoie unumaiion rrom outside sources, and the market was forcel rapidly downward. The decline was ac companied by rumors or a sensational character, such as have been circulated of late without any apparent foundation and before the decline was checked prices had broken through the low level of yes terdny with March reaching -12.34c, May 12 66c. and July. 12.76c. this being a de cline of from &rfif8 points from the best of the session, and a net loss on the options In question of 1G?j19 points. The close was steady, at an anvnnce or points to decline of 14. Sales were estimated SOO.OOn bales. LIVERPOOL. Feb.- 18. COTTON Spot market, fair business done; nticos, 82 nolnts lower. American middling, fair, 7.2d; good middling. 7.09d; middling, 6 94d low middling: 6Wd: good ordinary. 6.78d ordinary. B.oSd. The snies or tne day were 7000 hales, of which 500 were tor specila tlon and Included 6.7np American. Kecemts, 25,000 bales. Including 21.2o0 American Futures opened easier and closed steady American middling, r. o. c. February !8d; February and March. .6 8?d; Mr-h and April. 6 84d: April and Mav. e ma Mav and June. 6 89d: June and July. Rd Julv and Aus-ust. s swt: August am nan. tember. 74d; Hentember and October, g.iTrl: October snd November. g.RSd. ST. Lot IS. icen. is rxjT i jn Nominal tAo lower: middling, 13'4c. Sales, none; re ceipts, IS" bales; shipments, ZJ0 bales stock, 18,670 bales. Wool Market. riOSTON. Feb. 16; WOOL territory wnnls are In demand, wnn nne grans' in moderate supply. In the marVet for pulled wools, a firm tone is notea. r oreign wooi sre nulet. Home oi me leaning ouoih ttons follow: ' Idaho, nne, mTOitsc: penvy flse ifWiate: fine medium. fifl.e: medium 17V,18e Wyoming, fine, If.fllfic; havy fine ' lVfl4c: fine tnedl'im. 16iFl7c: medium 18V,(ffl9c. Utnh and Nevada, fine, M'c heavy nne mwitc: one rnenmm. iimul- merllum. J0rl2or Dakota, nne. iorarnc: nn mrSMurn lftiA(fM7e: medfnm. 19'?r20c. Won line choice. IfWJOe- fine medium choice. IWT'iOc: average i"iTigc; staple, wrp WW.' merllunn pnnr-a. vi'?f-. RT lilllH. reo. io. nou'j roimiput medium grades enmbln snd clothl"- 17 flc; llaht fine. 1fri7u,c; neavy nne. i:ji44je tub washed, zo'ia. gagar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Feb. 16 Raw. steady: fal reflnlna- 2 13-16V: centrifugal 96 test. S 11-3 mrtluoaea flllllHr. 2 i:i-ibc. nennea. sieaov croshed, 6.15c; powdered, 4.5&C; granulated 4.4TWV a. MOLASSPS Kirm, . Kansas Cltr Kraln and Provisions KANSAS CITY. Feb. Id. WHEAT-May, 7IT4c; Julv. 7c: No 2 hard. 88K,i90c; No. 3, 47n! Nn. 1 red. ll: No. . lmc. CORN May. 4'n4ti, c; juiv. 4c: casn No. 2 mixed. 43WI3c; No. 2 white, 44f?441njc N'n. X. 43U.C. OATS No. 2whlte, 42S43c; No. 2 mixed, 41 tie. HAY Choice timothy, $9 50fj9.75; choice prairie. 7 .50. HYE No. 2. 55c. Bl'TTER Creamery, 2123c; fancy dairy 18e. EOOS Steady; Missouri and Kansas strx-k. cases returned. 2V: new No. wbltewood cases Included. 25e. ttecetpts. ttnipment Wheat, hu.. Cc rn. bu.... Oats, bu lKMKal .4.. ini -.. l.ono Il.li0 7"t.nn0 36,0110 Hogs. Sheep. 4,l"0 $." 09 down and rhoue heavies largely from from i ib to $o 10 and ss high ss $5 In was paid. All the early arrivals were disposer! of In good season, but ttalns wero late In arriving. The extreme close rf the market was ac tive and strong, silea being made l;tte that were 51il0c higher than yesterdnv A loid weighing !Wi pounds sold for $.' t7' Ti- ilivi advance cerries tbe high rolnt of the season resentatlve sales: market to the to date. Rep- At, .157 Sn. Yr. ... 4 75 Nr). 43 1M . Ill Data. iimm. UO$.l9o:.lS01.iIlMO.Ilg9.U'4l. Feb. L... Feb. 2. ...I Feb. 8.... Feb. 4.... Feb. 6.... Ib. 6.... Feb. 7.... Feb. S.... Feb. 9.... Feb. HI... Feb 11... Feb. 12... Feb. 13... Feb. 14... Feb. 15... Feb. 1.,. 1 72 4 7311 4 84 4 81 I 4 7 4 J0:s t8 4 8 0 01 6 00 6 01 4 96 4 99 6 03 I $ 5 22 67 I 64 I 64 S 6 70, 6 So ( 82 6 76 74 6 25 I 92 i 94i 5 31 9 11 5 23 6 10 03 6 98 C 71 6 751 0 00 6 70 6 01 6 72 6 04, 6 i 6 !' ( it i 5 91 5 SI C 72 6 21 6 28 5 2i t 25 a 5 82 5 30 5 24 5 30 5 2" t 27 3 63 2 73 3 72 S 72 4 68 3 64 4 621 3 2 59; 4 66: 4 701 3 S6 4 8 I 66 d 7F 3 M 4 84 70 3 71 4 801 3 711 8 76 3 651 4 79 I 4 82' S SS. 4 75 $ 65 8 75' 7 SSj 4 83 t 581 I 75 3 71 3 77 I 81 a a 83 3 f-9 I 89 23 .. 1 2 3 3.. 19 18 1 8 1.. 13 11 12 t 38 15 j :: :: 'i i 146 62 1 y's receipts l 'Indicates 8unday. The official number of ears of stock brought In by each road was: Cattle. 11 i.ara. 9h'n. Tl'r's. m. at bi. f. Ky.... li Wabash 3 Mo. Pac. Ry 8 C. P. System 58 C. A N. W. Ry 13 F.. E. ft M. V. R. R.. 63 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry 28 & M. Ry 58 B. ft U. Ry 9 K. C. & St. J R. I. ft P., east.. 15 R. I. ft P.. west Illinois Central O. West 4 Total receipts 276 rtie disposition of the i as follows, each buyer purchasing th number of head Indicated: Buyer. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 4111 1,335 1,'H4 Swift and Company 1.241 2.9: 4 757 Cudahy Packing Co 1,038 l.Wl 1.8S0 Armour ft Co 851 2.938 2.190 Armour, from Sioux City 23 1,284 Vansant & Co 18 .... .... Carey ft Benton 120 .... .... Mccreary & c'larK so W. I. Stephen 48 .... .... 111! ft Huntslnger 4 ' Huston ft Co 16 Hamilton & Rothohllds.. 87 F. Husk 3 .... Wolf ft Murnan 48 HouhlYk ft B 7 Sol Dcgan A IS F. P. Iwis 31 B. Root ft Co SO Mike Ilaggerty ft Co 72 Other buyerg 398 Ttitul .4.564 10,457 1.803 12,174 61 ?4 1.. . M.. W. . 7.. 29.. 4.. ".. St.. 1 . T4.. M.. I4t. .. 14. 14 . ft.. 70.. J.. II.. 7S.. IS.. 71.. 74.. If.. 7.. 4.. 3::::::' n. 15. 71...... 34 77 U nr. 7t. II YESTERDAY'S MUPMHNTS: The following list shows the number of cars of feeders shipped to the country yes terday and their destination: Cattle i. are. F. Toyne, Lonesboro, la. O. W 2 F, Collnrd, Oakland, la. R. I 1 S. P. White, Oakland, la. R. I 1 CATTLE One of the heaviest runs of cattle for the year to uat was reported this morning and besides that trains were late In arriving, it was the middle of the forenoon before buyers started out, ,,gnd they were naturally ra4her -titdaiamdont v lnir to- the fact that there fwere plenty of cattle in sight to supply all demands. Trad ing was slow, witn prices generally lower. The beef steer market could safely bo quoted generally a dime lower, with the possible exception of something which Just suited buyers, and that kind sold perhaps not much dlfTerent rrom yesteroay. i rail ing, though, was slow from start to mush, and the day waa well advanced Before any thing like a clearance waa made. The qual ity of the offerings .was again rainrr in ferior, moat of the cattle being only ghort fed. The cow market was uneven, sales going all the way from steady to a dime lower. Buyers seemed to want the cows, but they aleo wanted to buy them lower than they did yesterday. With the exception of the more desirable grades the bulk of the cattle so'.d 6iiloc lower than yesterday. The same as with steers It was late before even the bulk of the arrivals was out of first hands. Bulls were slow end a little lower, In sympathy with the decline on steers and cows. Veal calves were no mora than teady. . . ... , Th..r. was a falrlv good Inquiry for tnnUan and feeders and the better grades changed hands quite freely at steady prices and some of the best bunches may have sold a little stronger, ine same as ueuui, though, the commoner kinds wera neg lected and no more than steady. Repre sentative aalea: BEEF STEERS rinlnth Grain Market. Dl'MTH. Feb. 16 WHEAT In store, Na 1 hard. IjSAac; No. 1 northern. 44C; No. 2 northern. 92Wc; on track. No. 1 hard, fsV'c; No. 1 northern. 94c: No. 2 northern, MUc; May, 944c; Ju'y, 944o; September, 85-e. OATS On track and to arrive, 45c. No. t 1 t... 14...., 11 1:::: so 7.., 84 1.... IP.... I.... 'J:::: .... 14.... 45.... IS.... 10.... 1... a ... I.... 14.!!. 14.... It!!!! 17... t... I .. f ... ... 1.. I... 10... I. .. 24.., (5... 1... 1.. 1.. II. . 1... 1.. 1.. I. . I . I . 1.. 1.. I.. 1.. I.. I . I . I . I.. 10 . II. . 10.. IS.. s . s . I AT. Pr. No. A. .... 706 t 10 17 1154 .... S00 I 10 1 I loot .... iSS I 40 I ISM .... 040 I 40 SI 4. ... 1115 045 I 50 1 1160 ,....10ti I 10 6 111S Uli i 16 . 11... U?0 40 I (0 11.. .... . I 40 , I 60 10.. ,....113 I 46 It.. inns t (5 JO. . 1023 I 66 41.. 1070 IN 7.. 1. I 70 0 IJ.I01 4 10 1091 t 70 SO 1274 4 10 1200 I 75 10 1086 1040 I 75 lioT ldlJ I 75 SO 11H 1117. t 75 20. ..1 12"6 1090 S to 17 146 ....1214 s to STEERS AND HEIFERS. 1010 S 60 I I'-'t KiuS S 40 t IKS 117 I 60 II 1031 STEERS AND COWS. ...U70 ...11 to ...1064 ...1127 ...IMS ...11H ...115 ...1350 Pa. S 10 I 10 1 to 60 0 I to t to t 60 t 86 t to t M 4 00 . 4 00 4 0 4 15 4 16 4 to 4 tn 60, t H I 66 I 0 ri7 ... 70 ...1270 ,..1060 ... no ...1100 ...1050 ...1071 ... 66 ... 172 ... ITS ... tf-0 ...If ... " ...1045 ...1215 ...1036 ... ISO . . . 1O00 OS 1 ad SO. COWS. .1500 4 a t 10 I ss t S6 t 40 t 40 S (0 t 40 I 70 I 70. t 76 t 75 t 75 t 75 t 15 I 10 a 00 t 00 1 00 it. 14..., 11... 11... 11... 10... 14... 11... 4... 24... 11... T... 11... II... I... I... 1... 11... I ....1001 MS .... lot ....1061 ....117S ....100 ...,1110 ....1076 ,...11H .... fH7 ....1170 ....1161 ....11 .... S5I .... 171 ....isoo ....1160 ....1076 tt COWS AND HEIFERS. i 06 I 06 ' t II 1 a I 16 I so s so I so s so I S6 t St ' I ss t 26 t 38 I as 1 at I w I 60 t 40 SI ... 70S ... 680 ... 640 ... 740 ... 610 ... 6A5 ... 667 ... M0 ... M ... 170 ...1M0 ...12J0 ...1070 ...1171 ...1000 ...1270 ...1440 ...1470 ... 144 ...640 400 1 16 11 HEir f-KaV .10M I M t I 15 t to t 40 t 60 I to t to I 75 t 16 t 5 II T. . 15.. I . I . 41.. 44.. 10.. 10.. BULLS. t 40 I 60 t 60 t to t 00 t 00 t 00 a on CALVES, t SS t .... I 40 1.... I 1. it!!!!! . Ml ,. IS7 . no ,. ar,0 ,. 775 . 145 .1067 ..1470 ..(070 ..14A0 ..1661 ..1440 .. tHO ..1171 161 to t M t 00 I US t It I to S 80 I so t 15 1 as 1 1 1 ts . I 25 t IS t 40 t 7S I 14 4 no t 00 BTOCKERS AND FEEDER , tno I 76 741 I 00 770- I 00 1O0 I 00 Milwaukee tirata Market. MILWAI'KEE. ' Feb. Id WHEAT Dull: No. 1 northern, 9sc; No. t northern, fa-guec; Ms v. 96HC. R YE- trtaer; No, J, 70.ak , tr.8 , 46J 730 , 724 . Ill , 7S0 . t'.l , t4 , 716 716 741 1 00 t 00 t to t to 1 to I 16 I 40 I 46 t 45 I I I 11 ST.'. 14.! 17.. 61 .' tut VJt .... in .... 741 .... 640 .... tio .... 77 .... IM 1045 ....l"kt ....1210 .... Ill lilt ....11-4 I 60 t 60 I 60 I It t 15 I M t 70 1 70 I 76 I 71 t 75 I 86 I M 4 00 ..180 ..1st ..rt .215 ,.1(5 ..177 ..14 ..181 ..171 . 1 . .t0 tot ..180 ..222 . .185 .228 .215 .171 ..Sit .121 .218 ..117 .-.tit) ..184 ,.S2t .210 ..24 . .2t ..21.T ;.l!t ' '. 143 . .f56 . list - ..r-o- ..Sit ..2 .2)0 41 1 140, HO I7...t.v. : l4...-...v.t-7 tt...A,..SI4' 43. tlx:: 78. ..187 ..t?S .281 :.m ..I8S ..2f.4 ..nt .2,36 . 1EP-1 At. . 242 .251 ..116 .218 .210 .2-4 .233 ..Mi" . 24 . 228 . t.'O ..22S . 241 ..273 .141 . 24 .247 ..f-8 . .24t . 148 .247 ..115 .211 ..174 .233 .217 .283 ..23(1 ..20 ..154 .175 .'.171 . ,tl . 286 . SfiS ..131 ..25S ..21 , tr.4 ,.2S ..2t ..2St ..821 ' ..176 ..186. ..too ..181 ..Ml ..SH .261 ..278 ..278 ..570 .148 Sh. Pr 5 i'5 I P3 6 V 6 l5 6 5 5 05 I 05 6 1 t 05 6 us 5 nr. C "5 6 ('. 5 05 ... S 05 ... 5 05 . . ' t 05 ln I 05 240 40 to to 5 5 t 0:. 6 0.3 I 05 6 OS 6 05 6 1. 6 0714 5 07 I 07', I 074 I 07H t 07V, t 07V41 I 07V, 8 1 10 1 10 10 6 10 t to 6 10 i 10 I 10 t Mt 8 10 I 10 5 10 ( It 10 6 10 t 10 s 10 6 10 t 12'. t 12V, 5 12'4j ( 15 t 17V4 ... 4 0 24 10 4 W id ... 4 M ln ... 4 40 5 ... 4 0 7" ... 4 t II 10 4 83 72 ... 4 15 6.3 ... 4 73 40 4 S 8 160 4 15 71 ... 4 15 f ... 4 I7H M ... I 00 74 40 t "0 85 ... I on 81 ... 6 00 68.... ... S 00 65 , 140 6 IO 61..... ... I on 5 120 6 00 T3 ... 6 on 40 ... 6 00 It 40 t Oil 6 160 S 00 43 ... too 11 80 6 00 28 ... t 00 78 SO I 00 C8 80 S 00 12..... ... t 00 14 60 I 00 (0 80 6 2' to....", 6 Oiv, M S 02', II - 40 , 6 02V, -M...... ... 6 02', 47 ... 6 02'tj It 1,20 & Ml .. 61 40. 6 02V, t7.-... ... 6.02V4 60 ... I 02U ' n..;.. SO 06 44..... t 03 ' 5S ... tSS ' 71.. t.. ... S Oil 76,-..'.. ...'la 2 4 ...t4t 10 I OS 17, 74. 210 40 t 04 . 65 ... 6 05 66 . . S 05 r,6.... 120 I 05 64 80 t 06 ' 77.".... I- I 06 - 68 80 5 05 fn J72 80 t 06 inj !76 40 6 06 61 .. .816 .. 6 06 SHEEP There was n. falrlv liberal run of sheep at this point' today, but the de mand was In good shape, arid the tnarkft could best be described by calling It active and steady on all desirable grades. Somo sales. In fact, were a rhade lilgher. For example, the Johnson ewes that brought $.185 yesterday sold for tt-90 today. When It came to th? commoner kinds trading was nkturally not to brisk, but still prices were not a great deal ' different from yes terday, only a few sales bring a trlflo lower. Trains wero rather slow In arnv Irtg this morning, which delayed the mar ket to some extent, but still the better grades were disposed of in good season. Quotations for corh-fed stock: Uood to choice western lambs, i".5i(i5.sS: fair to good lambs, 25.25tjti.60; good to choice year lings, 4.7.tc5.uO; fair to good yearlings, 4.f,0 tr4.75; good to choice wethers, J4.iHXi4.2r.; fair to good wethers, 3.764.o0; good to choice ewes, 3.76jJ I.111; fair lo good ewes, IS.50UJ75; choice feeder lambs,; fair to good, W.VKtH.oo; leeder yearling", 3.uOft4.O0; feeder Wethers, CJ.i64j4.U0; feeder ewea, L'.fxwi3.2u; culls, 1.7atj2.0O. Repre neniuuve sales: No, zu western feeder ewes 94 westerft' feeder ewes za) western ewes .. 428 western ewes .. 1 buck 48 western h 268 western ewes . western ewe...., western yearling ... western ewes western ewea western ewea 229 western ewes 26 western wethers .., 174 western wethers 249 western yearlings ... 408 western lambs 221 western lambs 11 western lamba S04 western ewes J30 western ewes , 4 western eWeS '. 15 western Wethers' .'..., 4 western wethers 88 western wethers .... 176 western yearling!. .'., 260 Mexican yearlings .. 2fil Mexican yearlings... i4t western' iftmb"...'. v.: 872 western 'lar-nba''".:."-... X3 western ewes 131 western ewes 387 western-'ew!"!'.' 4t4 wesreflh .wejv:.;.V. 63 western-ewes ' i ..' 417 western ewea 201 western ewes 178 western wethers ... 349 Western- wetie 25 western wethers .... 97 western yearlings -.a 159 western yearlings .. 182 western lambs 4o6 western lambs 1 MAY null and steady; timothy-tft.flfatj 13.'"; prairie, in sci.-H .. inr So. IRON CtTT4N 'IIES-ll.u. HAOOINd -s,'iatc. i . , HK.VI' TWINE oe. PlldVISloNS Pork, lower; Jobbing, tl.i.lo1,. Ijird. ray; prime stitm. IfiM. Hncon, flrni and hlglwr; boed, extra shorts, S; clenr. fJt.U'u.; short cle3r. fS 2."i. roll.THY Steady; cnicKelis. I"'; springs, loc; turkeys, 13c: dni-k., 12c: gees", S'f"- Bl'TTKH Higher; creamery, ivnjj'O; dalty. IV11 .". EUtlS-lllgher, 2H0. Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu.. 0111, bu.... Onts, bn 1 1 127 12 ISO Av. Pr. .89 2 60 . 89 2 10 . i'4 a 33 .117 3 90 . 170 2 IiO . 104 S eO .88 3 60 . 90 3 60 . 110 3 f0 . 98 S 61 .9 2 3 85 . 122 8 !K . 123 3 95 '. 122 4 00 . 145 4 20 . 96 4 05 . 72 6 25 .81 6 40 .79 6 40 .93 3 27 .99 i 65 . 85 : 3 80 .88 4 10 . H8I 4 10 . 85 ' 4 10 ,-73 4 60 . 77 4 90 .86 5 00 . 79 5 60 ' . '79 - 6 00 ,. WO ' 8 57 ,. 99 . 3 W, . 99 S 60 ,. 97 ' si 60 ,. 101 S as ,. 10S 3 75 ,. 102 . S 75 ,. 140 3 75 ,. 1ST 4 01 ..94 4 00 r, 40 4 o : ,.88 4 AO ,.60 4 65 .67 4 75 Receipts, phlpments. 14.0W 12Y0O0 119.(t 2,00l 1,.,t1"0 117.0"0 ISO.!1) lu.ono lonx City live stock Market. PIOI X CITY. la.. Feb. 16-(Ppeclnt Tele. grain. CATTLE Kerelptn, 9m.'; mar ket stendv; beeves, 3 6o4i4 60; cows, bulls, and tnlxi ii. $3 ItO.iTJ .'ifl; strs-kers and feeders,! . 76;l 60; calves an1 yearlings. h((3&0. ItlKlS-Rccripts. S.Oki bend; ninrkel a big dime higher at tl 7f.ii5.15; bulk, ft.'Arij'j.Ui. B. E, Oo to Adler'i pledges. 8. E. Cor. Cor. 12th and Farnam sts. auction sale of unredeemed 12th and Farnam st CHICAGO MAHKKT FOR LIVE STOCK. Cattle Active and Steady and Hogs Five Cents Higher. . CHICAOO. Feb. m-CATTLE-Recelpts, 4.000 head; market active and steady; good to prime steers. I4.50ii5.70: noor to med ium, 13.50(84.76; stockers and feeders, 2.2ni 4.26; cows. $1.60r4.26; heifers, 2.2tV4.75: can- ners. tl.6047'2.60: bulla, t2.00tfii4.10: calves t- 50 433 50. ItOUS Receipts today. 30.000 bead: smtl- mated tomorrow, 40,000 head: market strong to 00 nigner; mixed and butchers, K.0O"i 0.S7H; good to choice heavy, 25.SKti6.45; rough heavy, t4.a3Vrft.2S; light, $4.60i5.20; bulk of sales. 5.00i!).6.26 SHEEP AND- LAMBS Receipts. 15,000 head; market steady; lambs, steady and easy; good to choice wethers. J4.OOS4.60; fair to choice, mixed. S4.6iVff4.7o: western sheep, $3.(8X.06; native lamba, 14.034.05. Kansas City Mae Rtoek Market. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 16 CATTLE-Re ceipts, 13,000 head, Including 4no southerns. Market steady; export and dressed beef Steers. 104il5c higher. t4.504ii 25: fiUr to arool stnmg, I3.8u4r4.4ii; western fed steers steady, stocgers ana leeaers, steady, 13.00 4.00; southern steers, stead v. 22.2oy-4.Oi; southern cows, $2.26'i2.tl0; native cows, 11.75 '3.6(; . native heifers, 13 ,fvi 3 .85 ; bulls, steady,' 22 76i.o; calves, I3.00iti6.50. tioots Keeeipta, 11,500 head; market tvgiOe higher; closed weak: top, J.)32'4: bulk of sales. 24. 9ott. 157 heavy, 25.10ti6.22iv packers, lo.i'((iS 15; pigs and lights. 24 75u'.00. HHiUCf ANJJ LAMBS Mere I l)ts. 6.000 head; market- steady to. strong: native lambs, 6.0ii'5.76; western lambs, $490416.30; fed ewes. U. Soil. 00: western'fed vearllnss. 24.6066.00; Blockers and feeders, $2.500.15. St. Loots LIVe stock Market. BT. IX1UI8. Feb. 16. CATTLE Recelnts t.Ouu. head, .including .8"0 Texatia:. market steaay to stroiiig - aim 4iigner; native, ship ping arnl. export steers, i4.2Mn6.aO, the top or strictly fancy: dressed beef and butcher steers, 24.005.35; steers under ,0o0 lbs., $3.5) 5.30; stockers and reeaers, tz.iumTi 7f; cows and heifers. $2.2Mj4 20; canners. tl.otVi4.60; bulls, 22.504.20; calves. 23.(885.60; Texas and Indian steers, t2.80iU4.3o; cows and heifers, 12 1M) J 25. HOOS rleoelpts. 8,000 neaa; market firm and higher: pigs and lights, $4.75(45 16; packers. $4 85fl5.25; butchers and best heavy. tS.Mytr SB. BHEF.P AND LAMBS Reoelpts, S.000 head; market active, tronsr: native mut tons, $35044 60: lambs. $4 8105.70: ctills and bucks, $2.00tl4.25; stockers, $2On7j300. OMAHA WllOl.i:AI.E SI ft KET. Condition of Trnde and Qnotstlons an Staple nnd l'nney Produce. EOG8 Receipts, more liberal; market Weaker; fresh stock. 28c LIVE POCLTKY Hens, tv; spring chick- ens, 9c; roosters, according to age, oc; tur keys, i::rri14c; ducks, ; g'-eso, c, . DKESSK1) ItiCt.TKr-TbrkeVs. 16JT1 iC; ducks. Ht)12c; ' geese, 10c; Chickens, 9WU loi, ... . , lilTTER Pack lug stock. 124iri3c;cnoire to fnncv dairy rollM. lSjiltc; siparator, 2c. FHKSII FISH Tiout. 9 ilcc: pickerel, 64i fc3c; pike. Pi';-perch. fiJiOWr; bluetlsh, lie; whlleflsh. SiJi'ic: salmon, lie: haddock, 10c; codfish, 12c; reiiMiiHPPer, 11c; lobsters, boll-d, pet- lb., soc; lobsters. 'r;-,, yt 1 lb., 2Sc; bullheads, lie; catfish, ' lJ:fl4o; black bass, 2"c; halibut, 13c; crapples, 12c; herilng, 4c; White 13c; blueflns, 8c; smelts, intone. OYSTERB New York Counts, per can.. 4.1c; ier gal., 2ino; extra select, per rsn, S"'Ci per gal., $1.80; standard, per can. 27c; I per gal., Jl 60. ' MHA,i-ir ton, t'SWi. . HAY Prices ounted hv Omsha Whoiesals relcrs' luiso.-liiilon: Choice No. 1 upland, $6.6fi; No. 2. $6.00; medium. $.60; coarse, $.7.00; rye straw, $5.0. These prices are for hny of good clor and quality. Demand fair nnil receipts Pent VEOETART.Ffl. POTATOES-Coiorado, $1.10; Dnkota, per bu.; niitlves, Soc. SWEET POTATOES Illinois, per bbl., $3,50. .NAVY RKANS-rer hu., $2 25. ' CELERY-Luige California, 60c, Tbe and joe. ONIONS Spar.Srh. per crate. 21 "5; Colo rado yellow liiiI red, per lb., tr.' CABBAGE Wlseoualn Holland, Via: new C11 llfortiin. 3Hr. TURNIPS Canada rutabagas, per na., l'4c; white, per bfi., 60c. 1 CARROTS Per bu., 85c. PARSNIPS Per bu,. 600. HEFTS Per hu.. tV. CA ULI FI A) WEH California, per crate. $2.75. CTTCFMRERS-Per dog., $1 Kfll.Rf). TOMATOES-Florida, per 6-basket crates. $C.OO. RAPISTI Per dot. '.inches, r.o. T.KTTITCE HEADS Per dox. punches, 903 (frjl.OO; per bbl., $7.00; leaf lettuce, per do. bunches, 45c. TrrtNIPS Southern, per dog, 75c. PEETS Southern,, per do . 7rc. CARRnTS-Southern. rer dor,., We. PARSLEY Southern, rer dox $1.00. FRUITS. ArPLEB California Hellflowers, per bo, $1.66; New York export Oreenlngs, Russetg and Rnldwlns, $3.T5. fl RAPES Imported Malagas, pe' $.no. CR ANRERRI FS Jersey, per bbl., $7 00; re- box. $2.60; Wisconsin Rcll And Puglo, $7.60; Bell find Cherrv. $6.50. - BTRAWBFRItlES-Flnrlds, per Qt., 60e. '1 KuPiCAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navels, all sixes, choice, $2.00 fi-'.25; fancy, all sires. $2.26fi2.D0. LEMONS California, fiulcy. 300 to 800, $3.60; choice, 240 to 270 sixes, $3.fXKrj3.26. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons. 85c;. Imported Smyrna, 3-crown,- 14c;. 6-orown, 16c; 7-crown, 16c. BANANAS Per medium alied bunch, 2.M,2.0; Jumbos,. $2 76fo3.S. . '' ' COCOANUl-Per sack, $t 00; per 4og., 60c. ' -. : ' OATEBPerslan, per bog of 20 pkgs.. $2.00; per lb.. In 430-lh. hoxes,- 60: Oriental stuffed dajes, pes bog, Xj0. MISCELLANEOUS.-'"'"' CHEESE Wisconsin . twins. .full""cream, i2c; Wisconsin Young Americas, 13o; block Swiss,. JCc; Wisconsin brick,' 13c; Wisconsin limburger, 120. , ; HONEY Nebraska",' per '24 frames, $3 00; Utah h-nd Colorado, per 24 frames, $3.26. - MAPLE HIUJAR-Ohlo, per lbn 10i . .'. , CiniCR-Per bbl., $6.60; per lipl.,' W..1' - POPCORN Per lb.; 2c; shelled, 3fiVjC HORSE RAIN 811 Per case of 2 dos., HIDES No.' 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green. c! No. 1 salted. 7c; No. 2 salted, flc: Nd. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8VjC; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., fV; dry salted hides, Sftllic; sheep pelts, 25'u76e: horse hides, 21.60((T2.60. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft-shell, per lb., lBc; hard-shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard-shell, per lb., 12c; Braxlls, per lb., lie; filbert,, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft-shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c: small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; Chill wal nuts, 12lj13Hc; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1 50; shell barks, per bu., $2.00; blgck wal nuts, per bu $1.25. St: Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Feb. 1 CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,119 head: market steady to strong: nutlves, 64.aixuo.iU); cows una lienors, i.oo'u 4.10; stockers and seeders, $2.664.1$. HOOS JHocelpts, s.134 heaa; mamet mostly 60 higher: light, $4 6Vn6 06; medluin and heavy, $4.'d6 Uv SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.96) head; market steady; lambs, $6 00: ear lings, $6.00; wethers, $4.60; ewes. $4.26. stock In night. Oil! Oil! Oil! Kansas olj fields today offer the greatest opportunity of any oil fields lu the United States. Why? First, the quality of oil brings the hlgh est prices. .Second, wells In the now famous Inde pendence field, cost less to ditll and pro duce from 30 to 800 barrels per day. Third, our lands are so well , situated and so many large producing wells ground us, we expect to have the same renults as our neighbors. We are" not going to work, abut ARE AT WORK, and have also let contracts for several wells. We offer a little block of stock for fur ther development, at the low price of 10o per share. Send In your order with cheek or draft for what stock you can pay for., Address all orders to , Riddle McCHiiock .4 " Fiscal AKent 25, 818 Wall St., Kansa City, Mo. , Prospectuses and maps mailed otv application. The. jyierchapts National ISmik of Omaha, Neb. U, i. Mpsaltiry , . . , Capital and Surplus, JWO.000 . rtAW MUlrBT, Prat. U t. W00A, V. rrs. LUTnfl UKC. CsaWtf. rtAW T, lAMHToft, AmL CatkbJr. XsealTS eooeuau st Wnka. baokiira. stluus, grms est ls4lrUiula ea tsnrskle tariu. furalsa Biehanga tMUiht ao4 aol4. Latum el Cr1lt Uaua4. arallaala la all Sana ot tiia world, latoeaat pa 1 4 ea Tins CortlBcatas of Dopoatt. Collaottolia Skaita prumptly sa4 ooOUOIuIlsII, Wo reqeost oorroaKMioosos. for the six principal western cities yester day: Cattle. Hogs. 8heep South Omaha O.&nO lvJ 11,0 0 Chicago 4,Oj0 i.oi 15.()J Kansas City l$.t 11, loo 6,w Bt. Louis 6.0K) 8,0)4) Sou 8t. Joseph 1,119 8.131 1,0 Sioux City oo 3.14J .... Totals 31.619 70,4 S6,9'i) ItnOtt-i-Reeelnts of hoss were liberal this morning and the market opened with lack ers offering ujily about steady prices. Not mu"h business was transacted on that baalai thouirh. and nackers had to rsi their bids. After the first round the mar l. .., wtta Mtmntf in Re htiher and It Went set ting better until It wss fully a nlck-1 straight, $4 86; clear. $o.8j(H 00 higher, with trading active at the ad- I fFhTJ Tlmjhy. nominal $i 2.80. . tv,. hi, ik . b rieeent weia-htl CORNMEAL Steady. $2.60. Ihbgs sold from $5.00 to $5.06. with light stuff I BKAN-Easy; cked, cut trwk. 7a0c. 8t. l.oals Urala and Provisions. Ki). red, cash, elevator, tl.oS; track, $1.03 it I a,; May, Wc, July, hi '-; No. 2 harJ, CORK Lower: No. ! cash. 44Hc; track, 4.r,ivii4c: May. 4e: July. toc. OATH Lower; No. 2 cash. 42V; tra k, 43 B44c: May. 4ic: ro. z wuita, awe FLOL'K Fairly active and steady; red winter patents. $4 96r5.00; ejitra fancy and ifOE? COMMISSION STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS We have ever uo affieaa. Raferenoeat lit State and Nat'l Banks, Ol'B gKnVICBl II THE BEIT, Out of Tewm Bualnesg BQllclted. OatahaBraaclii UUParraoi St, TaL144t7 TH0S. At WADDICK. Corretpontknt CEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. Grain, Provisions & Stocks. Members Omaha Oriiln . Exchange, Chicago Hoard of Trado and other exchanges. Corrtapondents bartlett. Frailer 4k Carrlrgton. 2lf board el Trade Bld'f, Oanaha. S. SLEUMAN Grain, Provisions & Stocks. Room i, N. T. Ufa Bldg. Tel WO. Operates U Oaicts la Thla Stt4 tstftUlshed WL .