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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1904)
Tnn OMAHA DAILY T.KE: TnrRPPAT. rEimrARY 11. lWf. If GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET iarp.te 5:rcr,i Fret', Tra.i;7g 11 Qoit ud to 1. it COF.N THE OPTION HCH D3IS EIST laraet tepencd try Aroif Vadshy latrrm, t kick kt MIDI Rsakels Llsatsated 4 rrruxi Break, OMAHA. Feb. Hi. 104 Notwithstanding the strong market. Carnal. a trar,Kciion m grain for future etliery re email, littie Interest Jrnm the ere 6 on th fl-e.T. My corn .v an a uruHl the ipil'n Licti looked heal 10 the (mjtl.i market. Th Chicago market opened tp strong it 5o. Sir at'ce the chasing -figure lor luedy. tut lmT conned lei bL'Sc at stioul white t.gur with constant change of an eighth r eighth spin up and clc.Ti It remained i.eari) a.i morning. The market was sup ported hv the Armour and Codahy liifnwn w tiif h absorbed the nearly l.ti ! bushels liquidated and kept 'he market from l.reakitig tomana ope tied a lntie fkT, Advanced to 4Sc Itil 10 44c and recovered lu 1 i.e ha if War n, k'pl lb wrest market Siror g Uverpool a S- higher and other rou 1 mental mar kit shoved the Mmf atrength May beat openeu in timtlm at '., S'' up Irom the closing hgure. t decline?, tur ner, one pc.:i,:. Chicago early in the 4a reached HTci. IS" above the ojeriT.g. It lBter broke Sc Whnf mbi broke ic on th day In this future. Chl'-agn rn""1 5c to the good. June wheat did not lTt terset Oman p"culatcir. Th active Or.i ihtri 01 mai ket found no response hre. Tb rang of iTke ot Omaha grain tor future de.vtry and the close today and Tuesday a a follows; -Cloe-3 Open. Hirh. Low. T .v. Taj-. -w neat-Ma j- ... H" No July 7 76 Corn-May 4!" 44 Juiy 4 44 Cjmb May 4"S 4" Manh B 2S-. 7k r rr-s s t.ih, 4S, 47S 4?. 4 4HH i, 4i 4f Leal (iik brail Market.' Buaineaa wa artle. ut receipt liflit- A lack if carr'at aUppit.- ih acnnethirif to do wlih thi. J'ric-ea were pncA, what helna from 1 to i. vezi.r nji, corn about Sjt and data from xc lu in adiaTKe.. Bfcine if hea.t In car lota tor aarople on tra' k Cmi: HKrd M iit-at No. t, 1 car, 7hc, S cara 77c, S cara 70t RH.iea o: 'ora In car lota by aamfiie n trark. C'maha: Mied Corn No. t. 1 ca,r. 40c, 13 pa.r 4 ear 31k . So. A, I cur, the, 4 (aja 27c, 1 car rTc eiatoa if oata In car lota y aaunple on irbc a. umint: VMte K.t Nv 4. II car. vc, 1 car 1 r. WHEAT No. I haJl 7hSrK;c ; No. k titrd S'iiTkc; N. 4 hard. C!f'u7(K . No. I anrlnar. 7 6iM-. No. t tnruK. 7tomc: No. 4 mrlna ti p-rure ihe rra'ket torned r'.-"r.t arain ju'T an-ar.oed vntu It had rcrl NKr Mar er-i to f'r a nw ..ri tr.iirk !I he nrone c ah mtuatl'm in the tiorihwert an irrpo'.ar.l la ter In fr"l prii-ea tipwa-ti n-j at k!ir.ri apflip ere r''ri!cl rhl 'y of reused i.t'0 re f-ipt there tere emaU. An Irrf cvrd n p'rt d-rr.ati'1 wa aieo a hu!! fhr-"T lale in te dfc?. There literal prcf.t takh. the 11.H liotir atid the mi.rket mat much t1 )'e F'nmh. aitiiovith cioefr.a pnief ehrwed r'n. kiay t--:T,f ie hicher at ta-VcJ-V , and Ju.y W at (,'ieara n-ee (! ''-kt apci were rquhl to 17. Hi"' t'U. iTimirv re-.jtp e-e hu.. com pared wlrt r.r!-.(f hu. a j ear ari. M:nne at"'li. 1'uIuUj and nt.lri.n repctrted re reipta cf 14' err arl:it Ztt car lat l and 4 7 cara a year 1 po l-jlqu(datlon of Mav and ruyi'if of July Vy a prominent oj-erator wa the principal f-atur in trafl.t.p in tNe oorn P' The ma-ket v. a enr.:me'T er-ratlr and fluctti i. licma wtre rapid and we run wldr ratife Th market aa lnfufnoed 10 a trrat e tert ly the action tf theJ' S t'ull trade"-, who aold ori eerr advance and toi':tit hack on the decline. ne eakneea In oat had a depr-.mT !n"uenee on rom price. After ojiet lna: Si-Vc .ower to a hBd tilfher at M-a'oMV May aflaricec to in'-v, t ut aiMd eff ia'er on reneral profit takjna 10 f?c The oloee wa S" icwer at iT"-.c. Julv raiir-d tetween RlVc and !,(, doping c hwer at i"c. Ijocal receipt were 37 car, none of contract r-acie. TtK re wa a larre rolume of trade In oat, w'th heavy aelllnf of May uj'poed 1 lie for the acecmnt of the lararet holder the main feature The market received rod auppoTt at time, hut the oat con tinued to come out and the huylnf wa not euTicler.t 10 cause a rally. Ebon were the heet hue on the de-ilne. Mar wa unrhhT-.tred to -,c lewer at the openina; at ",fS'fTf The pric- ateadlly declined un til it had reached 43 S. There wa a mod erate recovery, hut the rloe wn weak and lie" lower at 4:'-.r. JuIt wa relatively j f.rmtr. clj--iTif with only lo at awc- L.o'-a' r-o ;tt were 4r rara Tradlna' In provlion wat tiruaually ar t've The feature wa the tranaacikm in May fork That p-oduct opened tf higgler ai -. r'lTt ny people wno na rt' yeelerdnv e.auned a aetlmrk to Ti4 E There wa a a-ood invetmTt demond. hew- ever, and oroe recovery we made, the ci'we t.c:rir ho rucher at r7Ti. May lard oioefi ,-coi"e irwr t 17 7f. t'tit rit were VP rvhc at I7 1n'n7!7-1! K'tlmaied receipt mr vomor-ow: m neat, in car: com. car- oat car: hop 4 v head Tlie hoarfl will he closed Friday, Lincoln a tun hdsy. The ieedlript future ranged a follow: a-tiMc ?IRV-Kli. L 4jfi42-c: No 1 liffl-inc: Kn r7teHkV" No. 2 jehow. 41-y&41'Vr; No I Jellow, 4i'o4)c; No. 2 white. 4j-(04.Tc; No. a hue. "o4ii--c. OATP-Nn. . fcvWWS-c : No . Jt7trTTc: No 4. S'ifolti-c; No I white. CVr'---.o; jo. S white. Ht"vbt'; No. 4 white, SNfc?; tand-aj-d. 4Hi4ic. Kta frwaa tkc Eirkaaia OBrea. N. B. Cpdik returned frcrn Chlnago thii nwrtiiiif and apjxared on the floor at U clock with a bunch of eastern con fidence. At the meeting nf the fllrector Tueaday A. B. Jaqulth of the arrain committee wu ulhortafd to aecure an aaniruitit lnatector of praln. a it ta acid Inapectnr Urjl haa luo mucn :rain tu handle aiune. Cmauha injertJon of arrain were: 'Wheat I cam, arraded. No i ha-rd. winter. Corn It car graded No. 1, U cara No. 4, I car no a-raa. J car No. I jellow. Oat 1 car No. 4 white. 1 car No. 4. Hyr4 cars graded .... Oralai Marketa Elaenkrre, Cloln price of train at the market named Tueaday and today were at fol low. KANSAS ClTT VTieaf Mr . July Com May July "Wheat May July Com May .. July ....... Wneai May July ...... Wheat May July Wheat May July ST. LOV1&. Today. .. 7C"., .. 7S .. 45B .. 4i .. K .. Ki te - at MINNEAFOL-1S. DUX.UTH. KEW TURK. US Tu di.y. . 7ea, (tu--, w ' KS H-'VB EW YURR STOCKS AND BONDS riftmrt hi Qirtrtrr tf Ojeratloni TtTTti Back titits Thrfa. RLSSIMI LCSSES DEPF.ESS VMKtl CBaeatlat Toae Belta fram arrr. tary't Aaaeaaeeaaeat That Ike raaiiaa laa Will t Dia. lark I laamrea. Tar.k of JTrr'nfS on ha'RP'-e today atFi 1:2 ( f'AFJK. Feb. IP TTico on the hoirree today were ateHdier KuFaiari ot--n-d loe'r and then improved 1-ai-T they fell ha-k. f)'lt. on the aem l-v 1 veeter div (.it her lf.ernati -na i wTe Kusia imperihl t-lo--J at !.( lndu trii.l -acre and heavy The pri vate rale of ciac nunt a I H- pT cent. Three P-r cet t ret lcs. ! f f ir the a-c!.unt. on Ixn6on. If 1" -c- I or (heck 1 l.Kl-jN. Toll 1" TT-'- on the Kuir today we-e r-ronrer. Kxchaiife on lon don. iim f.;-r!f for 'hecaa NEW TCT.K, Teh. Id -The ererkfe level of iiricea in the runs loa-rket ai i ha. a to iikui n Jiere it -- Monday n--..t ina-i to nay. trie reoo.ery 01 eei iuy a 1 oat. Tuere were in ix-w de el lu account lor tne reac-ion, lui ne.e Ji n-roe recurrent loice Vo me cotibiuei atioua 1 t.K'h weakent-d the ruaifcet on kioiiuay. 1 a ne lac lit Ui t nee k.t.e lut - vance aae it-e uisirutt le,t aa to the (ha. acier 01 the op ration a hie h ca-rrn d jiru ue upwara jeelvraay. i h a I t the v paient prant takin m Li.itei Mate F;oel prvtened on uie pajl 01 a i.roniinent traoer and tne vr obvioue mati;iiula.tjve uu-tlc hj huu it eouctit tu of!et thia ly hiouu.s up m-ecaitie here and mere. There wa a upclu leeiing that th nutlkir. up of price had been more or It axiifccia.1 ana oenifrtied to aflord a ham for tnif ot the atiiiing. hich, it 1 believed, will te neceeBary 10 cover loe in IiaJumore. although it i pom-ltile trial it may te deferred rbe acuon of yei-r-dav a market cuie nee to a furrnlw annnpt the apet-uiative netntrtit that tne 1 r ew lark Mtr Market. NTW T'-r.K. Feh. Jfl WC'N'ET Cr ra.Tl. earv 1bS per o r.i cloaitig btd oTTrrd at l j-er cf-rt Time I an rteadv . E cay and ninetv dVF. 4 pcT cet.t . n month. (' 4 -r c-Tit ITinie mercantile J" per, 4 '-." PT C4-ht FTEF;1JN'3 EXCHANGE WeaJt. wfh eruiaJ t'j:ne in la-r ker hi"! at MS;.:'a 4 Krii fcr rt-mand and at 4 sl'ir-(& ' -7" tor it'--dhy l.i He : pcamed ri". K'txQ4.' and 4 M'f . r'ommerciaJ t-i'i. 4T". flLVEK-fcar, &;-V . M Xic-sn d 4r-r?. H NPP CJovernment, a:ciu ; r&ili oad. w-, k. The clo!r.f quotarton on bond are a View: Wn a IrW Article Cpen. , H.arh.; low. 1 Cloae.; Te'y. Wheat Mar Julv Sept. Corn Feh. Ma v July MA, ift-sr. ' I MNKt'-SfiH' li.4,Co-i, 40 Hf-iffVa ('7, Kl 1 BOH f7 tS'CI'H Feh Mir July Pept Fork Mav July l-ra May Juiy Ri he Mar July '4JVBH ! 1 tm 14 Kb 1 7. I !7 l 7 ir. I 7 IT-, 4S.' 14 PH 34 & 1 TUB j 7t 7 rs 7 ' 1 41-H J4 TF 14 7i. 7 70 10 ' 2(i 4:'V I 14 7 14 NO 77t 1 7 NO I i 7 ITS' 7 W I 41 4KS 8iS 14 TO no ITS ' ITS 1 rs No. 2. Ca.h ouotatlon were a follow: Fl.iT"R C'uiet hut firm; winter patent. t4 1.Vb4.a-; -minleT atrairht. 8Ki.'&4 10: aprlng patent. H.1'M h; eiirn.g straight, tl, 7ls 4 !: haker. $11 4i WHEAT No. . ftifMc; No. 2 red, !ie IHV- CORN Xa. I. 4V: No. r yellow. 4!So OATS-No. i, 2iS'ti40ic; No. i white, "0 44" RTE No. i file. BARLEY Oood feeding. r'tlSr; fair to choice malting. 41fi;tbc. PEEIi No. 1 flax. C.ll: No 1 norlhwem ern. si. ITS: prime timothy. clover, contract gTBcle. f ) Til I'F;OVlSlCN9 Me pork, per YiW.. niTTS (il4.Mi. Lrd. per H 11.. 7.Wl Pbort rih aide Ooi.e. 7Mjf7.Hu. Short clntr side (holed). JT.lTS'& Foflowiiig are th receipt and rhJrmenti cf flour una grain r.i.ajn-ial rrra-kete might t eMet-a tj miathire with Jaiane ajoee in tne c-ourae tf the waj. but odk ma-k-t laoled to tiea.r out that yurmtee. a ptic recced on the tuidiiionaj new of Kuian low. The precnce in the ci:y of the retary of the treaaury to di:-ua the method of eflectir.g trie 1'a.najn cj.r.m pay ment directed fc.neiit.ion ajiea to that nib-.W-t. although the aecretary cp nion wa- "tiuoted that the ojeratlon could be con cluded without dieiurUanoe to the rnci market, mid even with the aetim.1 addition to reHourc- of uch portion of the canal Payment a i withdrawn directly irorn the eubtreaurj . It U exected that the ohl:gatioiu of for eign lneuram-e companle on acwurit of tne Baltimore fire jwa mby fad.ita-te th completion of I'anama jiayraent .thoul diKturbing the eti change maJket. 'iheie only em to be fear of evceeaive r.:Tp ration iHirrowliig and extra requlre.mei t lnvtiived In the Baltimore -fire hHe the coneeguent ne-iiiary exienon of cred.ta 1 and the Fanama canal payment. Rumor I of a aaie of New York tentrai note to 1 meet rmprovemnt payment illutrted in I that tc k the eriBiUvene? (if the ma.rket , to the borrowing s. A rumor of a comma : iavue of St. Faul 'tock, which wa ofTi- ciaily diaciaimed. wae a lactoT In the weaknea of that aiork The offeririg of I'ennevlvar.ia on the Flight early advance i created a bad tmpreBion- The aharp riae in Brooklyn Tranalt and AmaitamaieJ Copper vied in aeakneos of United Siaie Stee) for a tlm. but the weaJtuea gaanea on the whole market. An important banking fallu- in Bremen wa a continuing factor to the wcaknes and rumor were circulated several ;lx.e during the day of the d"ath of Pe'aio The ftatemtnt of export of do mestic product for January fell o lar hcrt of the recent level of increBee in p-e-viou year a 10 ca.ue aome dieapp.Mnt ment. Borxl were -ay: total rl. par valu, fl 7(K. hi ViilU'd State bond were un changed on call. The following were the closing quotation on the New York Stock exchange: Salt High. Liow Close. ..-l.4i bS .. taj JIK" l" R r"f St, An rnur-im . Oct la. re fip cnuiKin C r new 4a. Bit rcuiton cn nid 4a. reg... tin coupoti Al' tnanii tn. 4f. . dt- adj. 4a AtiiTltH' c V 4 ill'. It imne i J a dp Ontral ot &a. E lm inr Cpm a (Una 4V.r Chlnagp A A t- b U n. 4a r T"t 1M Vatiha-taa r 4 .10rv .114V mm i fir. ,.t(i I do in inr ..)! kl'.llti i L . .'.tV M . K a T. 4 . . . Hi t I a St . ,li7 ' V R. ft. ol at t. 1 ..JOT N T (.. S.. . . W V C f lu. . . .. " Sn f'ecitlt 4a . . 1 dc to . 10: IK W. r. . . . KtV. Hi. b I. 4. nar fenn rnT" . t:f(iiiiv sen 4a . Fl . L i 1 H cha Ft l a f CM C a K C . K 1 dp pel 4 r c p-. l . CMnaSP Tar, 4 . . ("ftn TulaifiTp 4f . . C bin a f-n. 4 . . . 1' K C. 4.. . E-i pnnr liaa 4f dr pen 4n F w II. C la Rp-kiii Val 4a L 4c N tini. 41. . offered. .tm.-n . 71 1"?4 7Tl PI ( 4a. 1 r 7F i r. 0 St 1. F tt". 14 !iilirr: (La P.O. 4a ftt Sn. Kklivaj ta.M. 1 ITa a P 1 ... P 'T . St. L. 4 7 ,1'lilpti TartBr 4a... 5.' w I ftp cor 44 r f, !(ieei ze tie Whr it ftp deb. B W i L t 4a ... ..) !Wir rtitral 4a .. ..Mit-v, "'.oio F. 4 1 c. I T 74 T" It . .13.1a iiw . 71 . r . -s t-1 at c ta lir R is 4a. a ai'S . . ci . a . . 1 IS ..111. . . .Vf .. .. 7: v . .iii.i .. I S .. an .. m" .. 71 ladoai -trk Market. OSAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Eatbef Eltw U wi-.l Trim tul; X) ft r.n Lcret HOGS GEURftLtY A DltfE H'GHtK Re-retrta f kee aaal 1 aa a Moderate tveaaaaal Vrias Ooa-tV, tke Maurket Ralrl Active rteaay Iealrakle treira. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 10. Caltie Hor Sheep C'tSciaJ Monday 6.71. i.m- (.'fTiciai Tuesday i (4b k 4i u Crbcial eanewday k :. . heave hoga frw tj1 Te t with rTlme heavie from 11. nf. tc T. lter in the mormrg the market Yec-am tn"-e ifivf, lih prvoe strorre"- seat- rarilng fu'.'y lie to a shl'.ltng 1 igh-r A h-gh a t. it Wa paid for a load tc isai pound C'ti the extretne close. How ever, the feelitg -ai not . gmxj i. re port from Chir-arn were le lavo-htie a"d the lt amva. were i" sale u a l!ttle weaker ttian the early market F p- reseruitive saie , 14. IS rj.i'! . 7. 7.4 4 IS 'IW .u.: rii r:. .11.3HK . v It. t .i.i: ia 7: n.r.s .u.sit i:x i:.7 Three day this week Same day Ian week . Stiroe day week belore Hante three weeks ago Same four week age. Same day last yea.r... lhe tohciWing tai'lr Mica the reef ip ot cattie. tioca and aheu at South i'm-ti lor the ;ear lu aaie. wilu comuarla. n a in lt year: iiaav. ua. inc. lec .Kite K7,i12 iinia'l .. . . a. Hog 2.-4. U Zi.W l.lad ttiwp XM.-m lJHi.HU 6". lis Averac pnmt ijd tor hocra ai Soutk Umaha lor Lh iasi erai aaa itb ooin- ariHcua. Data. lux. iun.;it.;iui.;iM.iiai iiiji 1jONION. Feb. Id Cloning: rrniaela mnney ana .; y t eptal 1? dp ai-rnunt a . Ndrtit, e W f Ana.-mida ?S da rlf " At 1I1 mop r... opii-ip W r dp pTd ? iPeTinrvivaTiia dF Kaltlmnre Ohlp... r Rai.rl Viiibb 4k C anadian Pantlc ll!' il.padm . rie. a rihip nr- it pr rinpaap Ot. W If Op i rid W C. M Pt. t 14TS Ha Ra'lwar fS Ia-Iler lFi I dp fit H' D R G "4 0 raiitlr 4 dp pfd Tu, 'talon Pacific Wa, En rs r r'o at' 00 tt r'ci nV s B"i i'1 do lid ptd 4i dp n;d aaa, Illlnnla Cpnt- iriv, 'aliaati tc Upuih Naah H' dp pti E7fe Flour, hhl Wheat, bu Corn, bu (iai. bu Rye. bu Barley, ha. . Receipt. Shipment. EW VOtK taClklLRAL, MAKK.ET. 4aa4lBia Varieas CBBB4lltle. NEW YORK. Feb. 10 F1XUR Reoelpta, 7HH bt'la. ; exixirta, i 471 bhia ; market tirro and held higher on choice grade. Winter jiatHUt. t4ai4.K; winter atraignta, H 4ua 4 ai. Minneaota patenta. M h.ifc.ui.. Mm Imaota bakera, tiKiti4.1ie; winuu extraa. t.l t.ifli : winter low trade. t3 4niuS fHi. ita flour, tirm; fair ta good, tH.taKu i. '.i. : ijiulca to fancy, tt. Tai-t.flu. Buckaiaaal Dour, 4UI41, XtK(IXA. tXiRNMlkAi Steady; yejlow western, S3 ua: city. H.Cfc. kiln dried. fc.lMictci.aXi. - RTE Firm: Nu. JI eeiern. '.ac t. a. ti. afloat: stale and Jersey. Cci4ac. RARlK Y Irregular , feeumg, Elc e 1 t. New York; mailing. 4fr.ic t. 1. f. Stuffalo. WHEAT Keoelpia, l.Kav hu. Spot market flram-r; No. I red, f'o is elevator and v.Sc I. a. ti. aHoat. No. 1 hard, Manitoba.. XM'mlnaJ Z. o. h. aAoat. (.nition ooeued etroiiger and continued advancing until the an uour, wnen au street ax 1 ting ot May n gieral reaiuung tv room trauera caused a attac.k. The early u in urn waa n turner .haa, war new, foreign buying ana general vl: altia demand. l.Kt rtoe i t-lec. doaed at tiWc: July. Hltiar 45ioamd ai. lCc, BcntemUj, MiatiaSc, cluaed au ear. tXKN Receipt, n.JTI b ; cxporta, I,81 npoi Biaraet steacy; mo. I. aeSc la levator ana 4wc X. u. ti. aooat; No. 1 eel )ow. fcac; No. 1 white, MSe.- in-uon market waa iaa acuvt ana, wmie nigner at time ehowed a general tendency to ease tiff ttiruugn tmu err on te unload holdings. The t-ioee S)'Sr net ioatir:' May !" aywnac. auoeea i orwc; uiy ciiai August. 70V, )c, fcrj.umher OATB Receipt. hu. ; exhort. 3(a) u. el market steady; No. z, Kc; siaud- am wmie, awc; io. I w 1.11a, uc: No. white, fctut. IS feiaafly: No. I western. TiSc, nomi nal, 1 n. 11 . anuai, state ana Jersey, (kebe ruvtb eieaa ooroesuc, lair la extra. V m . wat-su. opniuiai. max vuaat; anippiug, u4i70r; food to choice, ati'w.. H'-'ra rira ; common ta chnloe. Halt. ti4aci lslE. ?41i2-: old. llXslic, FVcuhc tast. 11". x tpxac; Wtt. HVM HlI'ES Firm; GaJiwtua, Jt to S lh lkc, California. 3 Iai lt lc; Texas aiy 14 to tu It . liw.. LEATHER Steady at S'SISc TaLLoW Quiet . city tic ua J kga ). tc ooTitrv inackage frsel. frvaSc- lhi lYlPlONta Beef firm, family, rlti.te U 1, mesa, t kir: taeer liama, tl b, S' any extra fnea, fJ Oocy 17 (Ki. Cut .eata. eteaa; pirkn-o neiiiea. aTwiftja (a Y"r;kid ahouider, tt Ta-pt .at'; uck'ed hama. i-wnjiuiw Lard, eary: western steamed I. . rer.nefl eary: continent. South jt maricnn, fit eoaniHiund id : Sli f7 clear. 1.4 ki :h If - family, ill 11 i. I'ork, am: Tr.,-e I sawj is.a. BlTTLH-l-irtTi : creamery. licJrSc aLa(v n,u, Hlfltnt. CHElt-i Suajy, l(Si3T5r- BXVS Higher; wewteia first. 33&Zic r. 1-TKY Allva, firm; wiern thicken. HSc: fiwla. 14Sc. turkty. lie: dressed rem; weetera chic-kni!. li-fll4SCi fwi. i-Wui4C', uirxrya. i (u-c tin the Produce exchange toaay toe nut ter market was firm; rreamenea. iipic. fllrie, isv&:kp. Egg, tnn; at mark, case Included, StElSc Cheese, steady. HSItf loSc Kaa Cly CJrsi mm rrarUlsaa. KANSAS CTTT. Feb. 1(!.-WHEAT-Mny. 7Sc; July. "f.itr,fc.. Cash, No. r liara. ta(nMc: ivo. a, .we'ttc; io. rm, sow."., J"- 14CC? U- (XiKN-Mbv. 4r-Sc: July, 4T.Sc. Cash, No. mixed. 3T,4ic; So. 1 while. 44So; No. 4Uc fiATS No. I white, 424TSc; No. I mixed. &4le. . . v , HAY noice vimotny, aumiy-ti .iu; cnuioe jjrairie, t. all ti 1 fj .mi. i. wr- Bl'TTER Creajnery, ic: dairy, fancy ISc EGGS nrm: Missouri ana jsansas fiocx. case returnea. i'TC, new, .-vu. i wnite- wood cms included, 2c. iteceipis Wheat, hu 12" Corn, bu HCIMO C'kts, hu . fc. (HID r-d at 8"Sc closed at l'i .. 7H.Ii(i . .D K1 ..oj4.Ni ai .. 14. 1W ..1M.WI0 l iflKl 4C liav.uiiii ITi.min 7.ii(i !Ui taxi H"4i ' Jii-i ftiM Jot) 31m HU t.Hi k'li Si Hi Shipment. i.r..ito 1V1.2111 lKtt.Ki t. Lala GrsJa ITs vialswa. CT tXtflS. Feh If WHEAT Higher: track, tl insfel May. MSim : Jul. tSc; No. i hard, MXixe'rC trar wtri.!, Jiay, 4VS; July, No. X cash, 4iSc (.A i B ijoa er; io l vanii, ui-, ini-fc, t'ti'Sc: May. 41Se: No. X wtnie. 4P44',c. t yijL'.t iUli. out Iirm; itu tinier pel- ent. t4t4 7t.; extra Taney ano sirauji.xa. K KJ.CT4 (t ; clear. 13 tta at). SEEI Timotny. sieaay bt .i"hb-bu. tiKN MEAL Steady; U 40. BRAN Strong; Bin ked east track, IBS' c . iAY Pteany ; timotny. sanw; pra irie. I (Kaii1 Mi frr Nu. 1 IRON COTTON 1 J . aiuii. F A OO 1 N i"- Sc HEMP TWINE ne FROVISIONS Fork, hfgher; 4ohblng, tlalfi; lard lower: prime steam. 17 .n; 1- con higtier; ooxea. extra smns, ..p.-, clear rtl. K."o: short clear. fc.l?S. PtiT'ETRT-Higher: chickens. V: sprier, inr; tnrkeva, 17V: ducka. USc; geese. 7'7c. BlTTrR ftes-dy; creamery, 18ffS⪼ jHn- lbfilftr- EGGS HisTber at c. ease count. Recelpta. Shlproents Flour, hW Id Wheat, hu 4hii" 7"w Corn, hu 7a .' Oata. hu . araur mm4 Msh "KW TORK. Feh 1(1 SI'CJ A R Raw. Ursa; fal reftntng. I T-Ca?: centrifugal, K tet. 11- c-; moiiiSHe sue-sr, t lt-lliie: re fined, steady: cru"ed, fclic; powdered. 4W.'-- rranulatefl. 4 4iic. NEW ORLEANS Feh. 1-TG1R-Qulet; open keitl. 'JKti 1-lRc: open kettle, centrifugal. BSit Il-lfcc; centrifugal white, ac' yellow. t-(o't ls-lftc; seoonda. ITSf 8Se. MOlASSES Niwriiuai; oxien kettle, Suftiic; eeiTrifuaal lSlfc. TRVr'-S.,4i5&c. 100 m 2.1IKI jiai ai l'laVi ii JO.liW ?mi 8H.1 t.Vi )(W ,110 MtBiess4its Crais Market MINNEAPOLIS Feb. 10 WHEAT Close: May, KSSc; uly. :i4;r:e; September. KSSc, on track. No. 1 hard. kaSc; No. 1 northern. ki- ; No. t north ern. J'iSc: No. I northern. h;.&c. FLf rR Hirlier: first patenta. t4 84K.; eeiH.t.d iiatenui. t4 7iX)4 K ; hrst clears, tS U 41; i ; second c lears t! k'lu. fc. t KAN In I'Uik. tii WKy ii Zu. Chicago ckais ao raoviciost. Fes t area sf Ike Teas Iks iMlsg Frtee sasaura t Tralf. CH1CAOO. Feb. Id. Aa Increased foreign eemaiid incident ts war reptit-ta. com tuned with Uie tMigeetea local anuanuu oaueed aa erratic aJheat maravtt toaav. At one stage in the trading May wheat showed a gaia of ISc fruao 114 low of tne day, and. although the gain waa nut main talnea. the uoee waa firm and lr higher than aeourroaa a 4 luaiiig figure ( .a rae grain re weak on keav licuidaUoa. May porn ciuaiing Sc )orr. and iata dowa 1-r rrovisK-u sere tc higher to Jur loser. Higher prat la all tomain graia market. Sue ts actual war. cauevd a trui uei u.g tn th aliMl RiaraH here. May a WSr to Slc ktgb-r at ST-SiaKw.. slile Jul) So loser 10 Ve higt at ,ie-7c Ur Quantities were fur sale ai the advene-. Wosewr and the market un kly ii.i its riy atn-trtli Before t lie end of tl fir.i hour Mar had declined te k4Vr nd ju.y tu BpV Much of this selliiM au to have Ii4ii for the .y.uin of 1 1 Titw :;! ,uii cM-raior. As urgent demand (ar Juiy deeehied frB rxKhauiaios housea and aliorta ssre tir l.m .ra , J ih vj . . u4 Jauj). lm Ua tUakciu (at axy st-oi.f j arhed iwd4 flssa City aJ4 tsek Market. FlOt'X CITT. Feb. 10 CSiecial Tel rrtm 1 CATTLE Receipt. &) head; mar ket weaA: etexker steady: tieeve. t?5"n ia: cow hulls and mined, t-("Kii-5.': etocaers and feedera, C 7tl Tc, calve ai d mj- 11 n. t; H' GS Re-eipia. 4 fif liead: market 10 seiuiig at t4..mi4 IX ; bulk. t.a(it.i4 Dalstk (.rata Market. til'LlTH. Feb. 10 WHEAT Close: In store. No. 1 hard. We; So. 1 n on hem. sSSc: Nu I northern, tl'ae: 10 srrne. No. 1 kard. acr: No. 1 northern. Wc; No. I Jnortnem. Xlc; Ma). sUSc; Jul), sSc St 1 tew tier fc?Se, OAIa (. track tnd te arriva. 1i7c Atchison oo jrel erred Biuumure at 4'tuci do iireim-rea ... Cana4aia.n pacific 1,1 4' (.turai of N. J i"-1 (. ties. A Ohio IM I. nicaTci A- Alton KiD do jirelerred MM Chicago ti. W lau L'hiciago A N. W jiw t'hicae'u. M. ak St. B..3:i.' do jiref er red iiHi Chicago T. 7' do preferred C, C. C. A St. L Colorado bouihern ... do 1st prelerred .... do Ud prelerred tie.laware A Hudson.. tela., Uci. A W .... Lent er A K. G do preferred Erie do 1st prferred .... do 2d prelerred Hocking Yallt-)' ....... do preferred Illinois Central Iowa Central do preferred K. C. Southern do preferred Louisville A Nkfih.... M&r.hattan L Metrojiolltan Secur... Met. St. R Minn A St. L M . St. r. A S. 6. M. . do preferred Missouri Pacific M.. K. A T " do preferred N. R. R. of M., pfd.. N. T. Central I Norfolk A Western .. do preferred . ntario A Mestern, ... ! Pennsylvania 11' P.. C C. A St. L. Reading do 1st pref erred do lid preferred P.ocr. Island Co.. do jwel erred St. L. A S F.. id pfd St. L. Southwestern., do preferred Southern Pacific Southern Railway ... do nref erred Texas A Pacifle- T.. St L A West-.. do preferred Vnion Pacific do preferred Wabash do preferred Wheeling A L. E Wisconsin Central ... do tireterred Adams Express American Express .. Fnlted State Exp... Wells-Fargo Exp.... AmaU. Copper Am. Car A Foun.... do preferred Am Cotton Oil do preferred American 3oe ........ do nri. fiTTed ....... Am. Linseed Oil do pref erred Am. Locomotive do preferred Am. Smelt. A Refill. do tireferred Am. Sugar Refin... Anaconda Mln. Ce... Prooklvn Rapid T... Colo. Fuel A Iron... Consolidated Gaa ... Corn Pr-xlucts do preferred Tistillrr' Securltie. General Flectrte ... International Pa4r.. do prelerrxo Intematu"al Pump.. 00 prelerred National Lead North America .... Pac-lfc Mail People's Ga :. Pressed Steel Car do pref Ted Pullman Pslsee Car. ReTiUhliP Steel do pref 'red Rubber Goorts do p-efen-ed "fere.. Coal A Iron .. r S Leather do p-ef erred T S. R1'T do p-efrred r B Rjbber do pef e-red r B St-el do Ttrefel eed . "'"ewinrh',is Elec. We4rem V-lnn Nor-hem Securities t.s- 41 litS la.-S i i.i' ltw-n 17a w tu LiS iaa il" 2a M ibW ltv1 i:-S at . K T 17 SILVER Bar. dull. rdSfl Ier ounce. MONKT S'u-S T'!" cent; the rale cf dis count in the o;ien market for short bill it JoroTS p-r onnt; for three months hill. SS 4'1 IT cetit- Aew York Mining Qootatlon. NEW YORK. Feb. Ill The follos-lr.g the rioting quotation on minrng stock: flam. Con II 'Ltula Tlilel T Ali"e If 'Cirtario 4i'U Brwsr a to cii-tiir Sol1 Brumnrica Con i .TMinenti C'onmlp-a Tumipl .... 7 pntpat 17 Cnn. Cal. A Va 14 savage .. W Horn Silfer 81'( fiterra Nevada W' lmn Silver IK. 'Small hpa !n Leaclvilla Coa Z iStandarc! 1'4I' KM IMS &S p at 2.S Ini Sli ,S if" 44- 16 hit MS lnet 7i 2d r.7S 2i' M 4SS 1.31MJ nrs MS 104 14i:s HT-S lie 11H H'S 16 S7 UTS uS ris airs :-4S 14lS W-S 117 MS L0 V l(i- at;s r4s 67-k 11S h0 CS iS Mil w sake Crais Market. MILWAT'K EE Feb. Id WHEAT Mar ke 1c- higher; No. 1 northern. Sitisac; No. J ronhern. fct;lLx ; May. -.ilc. BY K Market ic higtr. No 1. teStxTc BARLLV Stead) ; Nu. I. :iuGlc; aauip.a SS4J-W Ot. KN-Ma'-ket Sc hlglier; No. I, 4404ic; May. acSaiu. c bid. t.l ersssl 4. rata Market. LIVERPOOL. Feb Is WHEAT Spot nomluai. future, duli; March, as v; May 4 W t'RS-8iiit. AjnericsB mixed, new. quiet. 4s Ud: American mixed, (-id hrm. a a 1 luturea. c-iel, March. 4 JSd . May. 3vl Peirta 4rsaw Krarrt. PFXiRlA 111, Feb X- CORN Firm; new Ne I xr'iMlr; new A a. 4, a-c WHISKY -oa ihm baai U lux tn- .ll.KIKI i.Ollil 1.6IHI 40 I'M I.Srtfi rtaHi f.'if I 4110 lllO 10(1 4S.IHW l'.2(i 6.2 p'W . 'I0 JtKl .'( . 803 100 1 40(1 , .S' . IWi . . M0 . 7 rt . 7'tn .S4.i0 . t.ti'"' . 21 ! 'kiO . 700 7(tfi 41m , 4.' . w-. . 100 atfi - ?' . 7(10 '. J 7I . 1" lfi . (! ) at . am t 46S 14 24 47 'S ns t?S x 7SS iS W If. It 4IS 2ns I to rs TVS 4'S w 12T-S M 4S HI'S 1S lit :rs f.;s 44 its 211 4Z 2S S KS 2. 171, 76S ics sr-S is iss 42S 3 4r-S If- t 17, 7m, 4 s 12( s4 4- rs ss 167 at W 1W Mi 70 4 IKS rv sr. 4"V lei M JV--4 m 1 70 'TV It SPS ? ha ai X1S lull W Mi luS 1. 1' 7ii 16 U -s liiH 117 ii jW a- S M 4.1 72 kT-s 17, Ik Da Is'S HIS 141S ws LOS HO hl-W 11 hH 16 XtS : 114 lit i, kK 20 lii-S i' 7H F7 S 44S 14 us' 4r-s n 2-S 24 21 KfS IKS srs is la'S 47S !(l lto Id. KT 4r.s it T SS 10 ?. 7aS TS JS l:7 f4 41 S S s lw-S ss in s lit T3S - S4 "s ouv; ia no - 44 ia 7 S Boates Flack (isolation. BOSTON. Feh. 10 Call loan. 4i4S per cent: time loans. 4S'&"7-S Ir cent, tifticia.! closing prioe on stocks and bonus: f4 Allnuer 41, af Aninlcamated 4T hiiilltam ii '('a. A Her la 441. Mi. lOmemnal 11.1, ....ii4 ' ii'nr naTifr 41' . ...1R7 Iiemlnlnn Coal bhs, H..1P1 tftmnaiiti a IXt '"Isle Royal 7V . . . . 77 Mntiav-fc r..- nw did LiomuiKMi fo 1EO, ('aweala il. .'..12 Parrol 3 Uutni-y Mi a, Hama Fa CnpIT tfi Tama-ai-k 3IH. Y TrinttT 4S. ac t inted Buitaa 2m, .... 31 Vtah Si . ... K-i i iranria I 14'iisina F.! A 1141-eriae 7fe Jan. a an. iu. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jaot. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan Jan. Jan. Jan Jan. jati. Jan. Feh. Feb. Feb. Feh. Feh. jTeb. t eh. Feh. i eh. Feb. It... ; la...! ...! la... 1 l...i 2k... 1 SL:: mi. . . I 14..., Ja . . . , I:::, P I'.'.'.'.', t.:::l 7.... I B....I K....I 10..., t fas, 41i t !; a IS, 4 ta, 4 "..'1 4 a M 4 aj, 1 t 4s, t.17 a 4 4a 4 aS I -Ji, i 4 as. 4 '.-S i ', , 7) 4 4, 4 aw a 4; f 27, i 4 a, 4 7aiki las t la, I ' , 4 bV I al, t K, m. I a. 4 k 1 U 14, 4 a i 4 I, t u a 4 a.. 4 beS I 14, a 4 4i 4 la.- 6 72, 1 a Ik 4 iu 4 av. a as t Li, I 4 s, 4 ki, 6 m a vu i ffi: . 4 7kw. ; i sti, a it, t tt, I a- t ... b wi a e... 4 a I a 67; a 7 i 17. 4 &, 7:'S. 1 i U, i S, ti, 4 7 (SB, 1 a tu 4 a: 4 M 7u, it:, I 4 12. 4 ki I h i H, 1 !', 4 7eV il 4 Hi a a 7i: 6 10 I 21 . 4 7o , a 74, t. m I i, 4 ue. ti k, 1 b ua i 2.", 4 '.1. 4 Mi 1 a Tli I i ii, 4 k4, i UJS 7D t Mi, 4 Ru, i t C it;, I 4, I 47 111 lal I a I S4 t , I U im, i M I 67 t : k aa 4 '.i t t7 ii U 1 I M t 7i. I M , I I 4, I U4 a a4 w io A. Fh. r Vn t h rv -I 7 .. 4 aa 4: r I ik r 71 4 sr 43 .... r aa 1 . K trf .. 4 ac . . . m 1)' I ar t in .. 4 m x r-j .. 1 1. 1 l IM .. 4 4? a r 'l .. I ?s r IM .. 4 7t B4 J-l .. I 0-.- ia .. 4 I" at NT . I srs 41 .1" . . 4 ti. " r.l I I". 1 -7 im . . 4 ac -4 r . I a-.ia tf 11 4 n Fit Ml 1(. I dl'n 7f i7 a 4 ac rrr t era, 14 tt 4 aa a rt t er . T im 4 4 : af m a " r ir: .. ! ... ;i' t m im 4 ai aa firs ta f c 4 at. 7a rP l a: 11" . . 4 w tt. tat. 40 f ot H . . . t"i . 4 at t m t: tu hp 4 "i4 4 r- re -: rtl at. t: n 41 in R r;i 4 - i Jar c I ar Kt )t - rs si t si ta .. 1 so m ti 1 fl. ! I . . t "1 Sl I B5- 4 t i .. t te r- iji 1. tft- ft . . ar 4 . .. . rsi UK m II . t ra. !i ;:t IB TH J-.if 4 t t ... . s: laT t 11.' f, rs an I aa .... sat I ar M m . i bp a tal ac t si lt t:it 134 t Mi tat - t 1- r-i . . k as f ?"l it l tst a. r- m; its t nt tt r" . . I bp a : . . t sr aa to I ne t . stt. t if 7 i u 1 aa h ts f 1 71 SMI 4C t ftti M 771 t I 1" a 4f .. Iff tt ttt t 11. T ... . 25 .. I (a ti- ST7 l 7a t t a tf n tc- r 's '.... r lea f bp r. .... tea .. t 1 TP 4K f Bn K tW .. t 12S t? to I w r.n . ic t it-. tt . . 2J t BS : . .. 3" lid t tr aa aa . . t bb ja anj . . t it "4 S4 . . I BP i' ft .- t K 7- jr.j an f nr 41 w . . t 47. :! ac t on I aV t tu, I IB' t bi, I all i ok I V w. t vu I 71, t TI 71 1 71 i 7k 'Inuiote Sunday. The official number if car cf Clock Lrought m uua) by each road wa: Road. Cattie. hogs. Bn p. H'eel. C , M. A St- P. Rj . ... 1 t vati-n i I Mo. Pacific Ry, 2 1 t Mod l ac. ej aiem.. iai 24 t t C. A N. W. Ry t I i'., E. A M . H R.. 2H 1 4 I C, M. P., M. A O.... 2H iH i K A M. Ry 31 2S S C. it. A W- R)' ....... . II K. c. a m J I 1 C, rw. I. A P., east.. 2 6 1.. C, R. 1 A P.. SCSI.. Hit.. l.iinoi Central 1 4 (.'hictgo ti.W b Total receipt 1C 142 15 The diniosiUon of tli day' receipt wa a loiluai, each bu)et purchaaiiif tli number of head indicated: liuyer. tattle. Hogs. Sheep. Atrhlaon 4 Mr Central 4 Ati-htann bp pffl Bnatrn 41 Alnanr.. Hninnn A Maine... ttiiaton Kieiac . . . T . N. H. riti-ripiiTt rta t'ninn l-ai-lttc atna. CenLraJ Amer. Suar 00 pffl : Amur T. A T. . . . .. tinmltilnn 1. a 8. . . Oeneral riertrlc ... Maaa. Eleirtrlc t nit ad Fruit t" R. Btael.. op pffl Westing, eomraeu . Aflventure Afcked. Bld. Cimaiia Packiiig Co Sam and company.... I cuuaty pat Rii.d (. o Armour A Lu Armour a (. o., b. I... ansa nl A to A to 1 suet reary A C arey XV. 1. ciejihen Han. 1. ton A Roltutier .. L. F. hum v oil A M urnan Sol lH-pau J. B. xvoot A Co M. Hagerty A Co ether buyer not. Mi. 44 il I 6J i "i 16 2k iai Ills l.aia i-.iHt) li.l i.:. 7i. l.iki bm 4'tlsa Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 10. COTTON Market ojiened eaay at a decline if Hilife'lli points on the old and of icfiE. po.r.ts on the new crop months, prices worked quite steadily up ward until, shortly tifter midday. March was selling at 13 liic. May at 111 4uc and July at I2.a4c, a net advanoe ef H.V(i-il point, and closing Kteady at a net advance of Hxjjfio points. Sules ef-trmated at bcHi.iam haies; ex jiort sere light. LlVERPts.lL. Feb. lliCiiTTON Mrer ate business done; price M- tioinis lower; American middlli.g fair, 72(id; good middling-, 7.(a)fl; middling. I Mi; low middling, f nod, gcKid ordinary, 6.7ad: ordlnu-y, 6.&d. The shies of the day were 7.0 ai haleR, of which Mi were for aiiec ulatiroi and export and lnc'srled 6.4(H hale American. Re ceipt. i:;.ti bales. Including 10 6110 Ameri can. Future opened easy 1 nd closed quiet hu steady. American middling, g. o. c, February. Std, Februarx and March, nrt; March and April, STTid; Aj.rH and May, 6 7iid; May and June. 6"4d- June and Julv. 74d: July and August, tTifl, August and Scpiemtier. t.asd; Septemtier and October, Clldd; Octotier and Novemlier. fi ad. ST. LoVlS. Feh 111. COTTON Market nominay; no quotations: sales, none: re ceipt. 7(4i bales; ahlpmenta, 250 baler; stock. lt.ln bale. NETW ORLEANS, Feb. 10. COTTON Fu tures steady; Februarv 12 7V: March. II M flU afir: April. lS irjcci :l (4c: Mbt. lS.aicj'12 4ik-; une. IS 4c bid; July, in.7Koli.8lic; August IS im&lI.Joc; Seiemtier. 12.16c bid; October. 11 4c hid Sjiot cotton buyers and seller apart, nothing doing. Receliita, t.h. bait: stock, ii&.VJi bale. SHEEP Supplies were not rxcessire here 1hi and, t the demand wa In lairly good shape, the market ruled finite active on th better gradea, with nui'i generally Heady. The part fat klnus or the big. heavy aethers or yearling were neglecied lo some xttt. but still 111 most cases they commanded about aa good prices a the same kind did yesterday. Some Mexican yearlings sold for 14. Kt and ti Ti. and acme western wether bruuglit t4 t.u. Ewe sold up to S.". Ht, and some heavy native lambs, weighir.g 116 pound, sold for ti rs. The leeder ituatlon if unchar.gcfl. re ceipt, end also demand, being limited, with price generally steadv. (Wuotatlcni for corn-fed stock: Goo3 to aer-tcm lambs. r..R ifca TT.; fal- ts good larnt. tn 27.(51. M': gciod to choice year lings. t C"..!'; fair 10 poc )4 fc4.iai: rood 10 ctioice sethi-rf. t4 i'(m&4 2' : fair to g'od wethers, lS7ntS4 0(; pool to 1 choice ewes, Ki .Vaph 7;-; lair 10 g .d f'l. 1 IS S.Vfl'S .Hi; choice feeder lamb. 14 114 75 ; fair to good tr, !Jifi4 (a.; leed'-r ;er!,rp. t:;.iio4 ("'; feedr wethera, til.wvIT:.; i-ve ewes. ti.006-S mi; cu'.la, U 77.l.iiC. Repre sentative rale. No.. 1 native cull lamb.. 6 native cull lambs 10 native cee 7 nhtive lambs 70 native lambs 18 western rull es 6 western cull ewe t wet -rt. t western S wester") 1S2 western S4 western ese 2i western ewe llf wenern liai western 7a estem 1 western ir.7 western 1.2 western wethers Jll i"' 4! s estern wetners 142 weFtcm lamb 6 wetern "(. western 2i(o western 2;'; Mexican Si S west ern IS western 1(4'. western 77 western 12 western TT! western 25 western IM; western 124 western .;R western CELERY-J-mall. her .. X.r.r: 1st Oi .ii i i-ia, .r. . 7. an Kk .'N K'N S rpai.ish, pe r crs-.e. fi TT.; Colo rado it-ini a.:ij T-ef. fsc CA htiAul.- A ,ac iis.u lio. .aiiu. JS"i new Ca if or ma. 1- TI KM 1 "S-t ariafla rt ubiga, l-er lb, 1C. " I 'If' 1"" I'll lidC v AKRo'i 1 ( r bu . 7c, I Al.SNiPS- rr I ..... sue. h LEJ'f-l'i 1-u, 1AL LiriA.' Llk California. )r cratA ti7b tiTVMl'I RS-Ter flex . 11 S.fl'l i. Tl'MATt LS v. a.:tri.ia 4-basket crates t:: R.I1 ;.w)i!7S-)r fic bunches. Iic. LLTlltE HLAl-l'i t Ool bum pes. ' t!i m . per bt 1 .. ti. leaf lettuce, er duft biinc he 4it Ti K.N IPS- -Sou! hem. tier dor. Tic. 1 t ' I "1 S- S 'mln rn. t-r ccia.. .lc C A ;);c TS-801. ; hern, jni'r o , 7"c. 1 AKSLEV S.n tt.ern. i-r o.n. , 1. 1 riL'ila AI I LE5 Cal l. .rt i lieilfl wers. j-er h-'X. (.a, .New oik xi-urt Kuaset anci l.i, ic ltis. ti 7j (.IKAl LS imported Malaga., per keg, X, ((' CKAN FERRIES Jrrsev. pr hhl , 17 it ; per b. x. fc in . V iM-oiu::; T il n.i liugle. t. W: I.-11 t.nd Cherrv tf he. STRAWFEKRlES-r'l oida. per d- "d. Thol'K'AL 1 KL'lTle CiRAN.iLS Finriua Lngh; a nd Ruanta. 11 s:r.e. tl.Si-, vai. aU s:i.t, (imic. g. lT.(u v . luncy. a.ii sires, t- 71, Ll.MuNS i nlii iinua ;;' lo SM, (7 ft . ( Imio". 14" to 27i' sir. -a. Y Si. 1"H5S t'a uf oi iiia. per le-lh. car'.ona. Rc; Imported Smj-rna, i-crcwu, 14t, b-crewn. 1(. . 7 -ere n. Inc. RANANAS Per tiiiJ:i:"i srred hunch, (1 c V l"' : J umbos. 11 7.".(n i. i tXiOiOAN L'TS-l'tr sack, 4 00; per dog, gin-.. I'ATES Persian, j-er lmn t f .10 j kg . 12 pr lh., in f-lS boxes, be. Oriental Huffed clate box. f. 4'' AI i SCELLAN CHrtiSE-VX isci'iiNlu tlu. fuli cream. 12- . V. i:-i.i;.;.; 1 oat ; Arro nc-ii 1 : block fi. 16c-. X ' iscotiFin bric k. Hit ; Wltconain litrburger. lie, H'.fNET-Nebmfka. per 2 fntne. t" 0 Vti-1 and i" il"r:.flo. p r 24 friimc. ti 2i. MAPLE SI GAR ii'io. per !!.. loc t'11'fc.R-P.r bbi.. . per S ! . CS. J'' 1V"KN-I'i' !b . 2 Sc . sht-iie.i. .VSSc H' 'Kf 1 HAl'iSH-I't r case vl I oox., purkevi. siic HUES No 1 r'en. fcr: No J rreen. I.r; No. 1 sf.lte.1. 7-. No. 2 salted . . No. 1 veal calf. u 1- 1!" . pS"; No 2 veal eajf. 12 10 lb 111... V;.r: d"-y salted lode-- M!..'C; shei-t- twits 5i-o7.V. borne lai.le. tl.572 Nl'TS WalMits. No. 1 net-shell, iwi lh , ir-Sf . ii-r II... He: N '. 2 soft Hell pr -li . is.-; No 2 lmefl-hell. per '7., 12c: I'.-nrii II- lie: fi!!.ert pet lh . Ur: Almond, n M-sh'-Ii. jr II... l.V ; hard shell. JH-r Hi. 13c: pecan, large. pr lb., L'c: smitll. p-" H' l''c-. p-a"tita. P"r lh . ac; rossted pefit;t per It... 7S: Chili wal nuts, 12i:r. large hickorv nut, per ha.. tl.R0; shell h: ?k. I r bu.. 12. 0t; biack wal nuts. er bu.. ti.K cuil ewes cull e es ' ese ewe ewe es-es yearling wether .. wet hers . . lambs yearling .. lambs yearling . es es ea es ewes.. ewes and t wethers. .. wet hers . . yearling, yea rlincs. yearling.. lambs AT P ... 50 4 01' ... ' 4 00 ... 12 4 Of. ... f-7 4 7i. ... nr. i & ... HU 2 2i ...s : -r. ... (to 1 i'. ... w. I uv ... m He ... 1 Oil J 10 ... 108 2 Ha .... UK' t W' ...110 t f.O ... l'K S HI. ... 102 J 67. ... l:lli Si Ki. ... & f Kc- ... 101 t M0 ,.. 111! t H .... 4(i 4 01' .... 130 4 10 .... 102 4 6a .... 4 Ki. 77 4 HO .... HS t 75 .-. . t7 t 7i .... KI lE .. 122 r w 120 4 (' .... Hat 4 on .... a7 4 bo .... 83 4 "0 HO 4 IKI .... 71 100 Total B.2a6 b.072 6.M6 CATTLE Receipt tif cattle were quite heavy today at tiie principal market jaunts and a the demand wa still llmiteu. the tendency of jiru-e aa Downward. Chicag wa quoted tlcw and generally a dime lower, nd that of course had a bearish eflect upon the trade at thi iKilnt. Trains sere very slow in arriving and a a result buyers did not start out until rather tal and the day was well advanced before a clearance wa mude. The market on corn fed steer could lie quoted ail the way from steady to a dim loser, with trading rather slew. Theie were at least two loads of cattle on the merkei: they were so much better thHn anything that ha arrived here in a long time that no comparison can be made. They, however, sold at very satisfactory prices aa comtiared with the way the gen eral run of cattle are selling. The short fed and common kinds were generally a dime lower, with the fair to good weak to a dime lower. The cow market wa rather uneven and salesmen were quoting the market all the way from steady to Iik- lower. The kind that sold steady, however, were scarce, being confined largely to the good ts choioe kma The general run could safely lie quoted s eak to a dime lower, with trading I and alow from start to finish. fair Bull were rtther alow sale, hut not sn much different from yesterday. Veal calve held steady. There were only few trtooltrr and fetd ers on sale and the demand wa not a brisk a it might have lieen. The market could probably best be described by calling It slow, witn good kinas snout etiaay. ,ut CHICAGO LIVE tTOCK MARKET. ItallsaT Prices tor Cattle 1ft 2U Teats Lewrr-Hagi 1ft teal Higher. CHICAGO. Feb. 30 CATTLE Receipts. o wio head: mark' I'-JOc lower; goofl tn prime steers 14 .7ir7i.': poor to medium. IsSK&tSo: stocker srid feeders. 2.ibH4 30; enw heifer tl M0W4 30; canners. $i.tVi(ci' bull. tl.77.'(j4 (; calves. t:i(i7 2n. HOGS Receipt. 4a (am hed; estlmaied tomfirnrw. ta.laiO head; market 11k- higher; mixed and butc he-s. t4.Hi.Ti 2TS: good to choice heav-r. t5 2fJ a 4Ti ; rough heavy, tf. mifp 1 2f.; light, t4.2fi(gii.ii'; hulk of salt. ti.i'4i l.Z. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpt. Si.tkiO head; market for sheep, steady to strong; lamba. strong to 10c higher; good lo choice wethers t4 (KI&4 h"; fair to choic e mixed, ts 7;.tJi4. 00: western rbeep. $S OOffM &0; native lumti. UZblgh.lh: sestern lamb. 4.S04i6.10. Erasaralrt tatsilea aaa Hrled Frslt. N'FW YORK. Feh 10 EVAPORATED A 1'1'LKS Market cub-'., but steaci.x . com mon. 4ii.-" t.rime, tsv'Sc; choice. fstic; func-r. fu.fi7c-. CAL1 Kt.KNl A rRnm FRI'ITS Apricot re firm on a mtKierat- demand In the ab sence of Irfipc-tstit offering Choice are qu'.te.l t HV""''. extra r holes t l'a'ilO"c end fr.ncy at 12'tlbc. peaches lw ruled general'v firm. Ch'iine are held at 7ift .r. fxtrs choice at 74(i7''r- and faticy at ("pHic Prunes ere qtilet. with price ranping from tSt'l'-Sc for all grades. Philadelphia ProCare Market. I'HILAPELTHl A. Feh. 10 PTTTJ"R Flnn snd 1c higher: extra creamery , Eilrihc; ertra nearby prim 2"c. EGGS Tirm and Sr higher: f-" h nearby arid fresh western. H4'- m fr.H'k: f-esh ri-mth-eMern. 2Scn.'i4c at mark; lresh southern, Slihl'.i" at mark. CHEESE- Steady : Ni- Yo'lt fu'l rrfiam, 001 to fancy. lOlT"-; New York full cresniF. lair to good, lifcilic. Itaak Clearlsas. OMAHA. Feb. 0 -Bank clennngs foe today. $1 .IM ali.lifi. and Inwai.- of f iiis.tCH 71 iv-r the oon-e.p ndirig 6u Ir.Ft year REAL EAT TH TRtFER, Iieetls filed for record Wedri'-sday, Felirn sry 10. 1004. as furnished by the Midland Guarantee arid Trust company, bonded abstracter, lf.34 Ftrtiam street, for The Bee: Marc C. Perkins and wife to Edgar Howard, lot 1, Lafayette Place K..0V0 Le-is S. Reed, trustee, to Mile R. Folsom. el si. kit 30. Godirey addi tion t Anton Pulte and ife 10 Henry K. H uliermanti. part tax lot I. sec. 16-16-lt .000 Lfwi B. Red. trusu-e, to Miles. R. Kolaom. lots t and 4, block 1. Mayne Place J Frank Mrrtln and wife to Jenne Kraus. lot S. block 40, Albright choice- 1. dilition .- S.02I George p. Ktrrls and wi'e to 3. F. I'oTv. lot S block 220. city 7.0(10 Frank Murpliy to J. F. I'nty. lot 4 blook 22fi. eitv .Bn0 Kaaaat City Live Mack Market. KANSAS CITT. Feh. 10 CATTLE-Re ceipt. . head. Including oo head south- ns; Metal NEW TORK. Feh vaneed be in London. al24 7 6d and futures Market, 10 METALS Tin ad- wit h spot closing at at 126. Ltwally tin UV 'IS - ICS Total sales for the day. tXtii shires. 7S e--S in sV rs sas ouiet. put a littie higher, closing at t27.Hfa2i. 2.. Copper declined be In London to t-oi. 12a ud for spot and ai 7 ad for fu tures. Locally coiiper was unchanged. Lake IB quoted at tl! 3i(bl2.b0. 4-lectroh-tic at fl2.12S'ai12.r7S and casting at lll.(5n: 217. 3-ad s aa steady and unchanged at t4 4i'ci 4 3(. in the ical market, but Geclined laid to 11 ISs M In London Spelter was stead v here at t4.1auf 0 in Ne York, but like lead wa lexer in London, declining 2 fcd to 13 lbs. Iron closed ae to id In Glasgow and 42 TSd In Middieshorough. Locally Iron wa unchanged: No. 1 foundry north ern is quoted at lb Catrj in,.-; Kc. 1 foundry northern, ti4 (aiiwiL.oii: No. 1 foundry south ern and No. 1 foundry southern soft 112 71 M4 2&. ST. Wins Feh. 1" METALS Lead, higher, t4.Ju. Spelter, firmer, H.C7S- 4 Kasla. Oils KEW TORK, Feb. 10 OILS-Cot tonseed. steady; prime crude, nominal: prime crude yellow. Si-Sc. Turpentine, steady. 6"irt"7Sc. Petroleum, steady; refined. New York, fa 10; Phiiade.phia and Baltimore. Phila delphia and Baltimore in hulk, tt lb Rosin, steady, lii.cytit.c, strained, common to good, 12 iri.ccit an. OIL CITT. Feb 10 OILS Credit bal ar.o' fl Kb: certificates no bid: shipment bo 727 bhr ; average To ai bin ; run. bbla ; aerage. tik 42 bbi Stipmer.ta. Lima. ai,.7:i bt.ia . average. 5K.7iif. bb! ; run. Llrr.a 44 4'- hlii average. 44 U bbi SAVANNAH. Feh. lu OILS Turnentine. 64c. Roam, firm: A. B. C. D. tlta.; F. t2T.: G. 2I:.; H. t: IK.: 1. tilt'. K; M. fc.kv, N. ti Si; WG. HC WW. tS Tu. Fsrrlgs FlaaarlaL L("iNTfN, Fh. 10 Money was lee plen tiful In the market today and the den ar.d wa some hat Increased I'lanouma were firm. Business on the Slock exchange waa more cheerful, the sales iressur harlna relaxed though the markets were still sensitive The conflagration at Baltimore aocourted for some t.f lhe declines amor.g tirat-ciaas securroe cen ain British insur ance comiianiee shares being heavily af fected jTioe p the Slock exc hange wee aaao Ir. ruer-e fcy ft.e failure of Stetarien U-tirmara A Scan cf Bremen Consols wee easy, which a aa partlv attributed to In-si-ance comjiames selling to meet thetr Baltimore halmitiea Si.ka closed abov the lowest nucrtations of the day. For eigner niostlv had a better tone, espe cii:v Japanese. hlle Kusaiana a-ere 1W IK.lnt loser American opened firm, hut the movement ere Irregular The paritv advise in Mt ras a a not maintained Thev ral!ar4 later and closed firm Orcnj Trunk weakened oe the unxter-t4d trafhe CwaTre Market. NEW YORK, Feb 10 COFFEE-Market for future ojiened steadv at n advance of luH puinta. and ruled sitae y on scattered buying a a reeu-t of steady Euroian market smaller Brazilian receipt and un favorable report from the Braxilian crop Tnere wa sum further liquidation and at time inmorter apjieared to tie aelllng. hut the market in the late trading ruled prac tically rm and more active under an in creased oemand from trade imina and buying orders from Wail street The close was f.m at a net advance of kK&lfc i.oirta, with aajes of ll7.(i bar lnelud.r.g: March lk; April. 6c. May. fkna, 9ic. July. 6 tliK-: Septemtier. itajiw; -tcber, Iiecemlier. 6 star: January . 77 lir. Rio. nominal; No. 7 invoice. 7Sc. teady. C Njc P-.Klt Mild. Drv Cm4i Market. NEW TORK. Feh. 10 LRT GOODS No general weakness is (.trfat rval le in th mar ket and yet where stock guoa are en hand 1 bey can he (Mained at a.igt.t conoenalona Manufacturers, however. ill unduubted'y us every effort to prevemt lir rMsaion JE price and wi.l be aided la thia by in fact that no slock of moment ar In first hands Baltimore buyers have taken a turn tier of good lot c f good today Twkrd TOLEIiO. Feb. and 1 ut.ruarv . K ,ie prims See Market. iefEEriS Clover, cash Wbs.: March. Aon.. taio.', jirun luiuu.7, other little lower. Kenreaentative sale FEEF STEERS, ta A r. aa A . Pr. 4 art I 10 it in I aa t tuna I la 7 HC4 I sn t n4 t 4i V lis 1 a t Jw I af 40 lir. t an 1 Ml IM t 14 4 W Hi Bat t tt 21 iiZI 4 M- 1 nns t to a ioi 4 aa I iiti I Tt Hi 1071 4 bo 4 BTt t ar. t tn4 4 to 11 HIM t n 1 1KT4 4 w. tt 11 l ti. t 144 4 It. lies I It .iuht 1 aa I T4 I IP STEERS AND COWB, 44 en aa )( 11M 4 1 K, '. line t an 1 liml 4 It it li! at It 12at 4 K 1 1144 t Tf STEERS AND STAGS. ....UC1 I Tt COWS t IBM t aa 4i t ta 1 pw t la I I aa T M Hi t io A it U m t ta t line 10 I... t.t 1 tt It iiiaf I in I IBM t tf l(rfi I It SB" t 4 11 I U T 71 t 4 2 bail I It t bp I 40 t i:7t t it I ltM t t lilt I It 1 1444 t tt 11 1117 I Id 1 lid t IC 4 IBM I it tal 1 at I .ua I rr- li ;.! t ft 1 ir o t at 4 HI I Tt 1 ISM' I It I laH t To 4 12S I It 6 ..- IfM 1 71 I BUS I K 1 )iiBf t TE If 1W7 I II 14 7 t Tt t into I tf 1 lt't t bp 11 11a 4 t llitl l 0 )l t t 40 II 141 t BO I IIBI I 40 1. mo 1 oc f. im ti l nat I BO I HI0 I It 4 iml I aa 37 Ii7t t at a I'M 1 so COWS ANT HtmP.l 14 aaa I ao 1 lard 1 It l"4f I H tl Ml I at U C I HEIFERS. 4 44 I It. t SI I 4 Mt i Ti 1 a 1 IK. t It 4 BM K 1 t t 1 illf. I M t T. t U 4' 7S4 I M t l X td 47 144 t 10 I tat I W T tin I Tt I Ti t 7i. 14 Ii4j t n BULLS. 1. Tte t ta 1 ? I o 1 Hi t 4i 1 iiaa t ao 1 lam I 4 I ttat aa 5 Hip t aa 1 Mai I a , 1 'Tu t BO 1 47B I E t JBBl! I M 1 14W I 1 TiJl J at 1 1M0 t 4t 1 imp I 45 1 la I aa 1 tHf t Bl-LLS AND STAGS t law I n t list I at t 141t t If CALVES 1 JBB t tO I 14B I at . 1 4H0 I tO I Sf 1 t tt BTOCKERfl AND rEECERS. I IM lit I Batik t Tin t at. t Hi I M 1 null laa 4 Bat lao 1 en 1 bo 11 est 1 M ts 'T I li- T Al t SB I a I 40 11 441 I 71 4 Te 41, 14 B-l I Tt 1 CI t a t: T41 in 1 m rn 1 rt market steady to lf- lower: export dressed beef steers.- stency. t4Kpn2i.; to good. 1(K- lew-er. K:.!i(Hb4.B(i; wtern fed steers, llic lower, tii 60'ci4 no. stocker ana feedera. steadv. t!7Sti4(i: southern sieers. luc lower tH 4nffit Ho; southern cows, steady' to liar lower, ti . 2 Sf. : native cow, steady to Kc lower. tl.7p4.W); native heifers, steadv, t4 ( 00; bu'la. steady, 2.6iKy i.fio; calve, steady. t2.7!iSi2 6U HOGS Recelpta t.uuu head: market 109 lbc higher; top. tr..2I.; bulk of sales t4 Hfa UTS heavv. tblbfibS: iiataers, tn.00frb.20; pig and light. 4.Ki4i4.Wri SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipt. 4.000 head: market eteady; native lan.ha. 4 .WaS E76. western lamb UsanbCS: fed ewes. t2f.'S4i, western fed yearling, MaOib.OO; etocker and leedora. 12 7f64.(j. tt. Lwais IJve M4vrk Market. FT LOnS. Feh. 30 CATTLE Receipt. t(at) head. Including boo head Texan; mar ket dull, slew and lower; native shipping nd export steera. t4.2bvb.3F.; dressed beef and butcher' steera. H (Aneii. 2b; steer under lit It. t3S0tibW'; stocker and feeoera ti.if,i7f - eoaa and heifers. C2.SKei4.10; can- tier 17b4r2i(i; bulla, li (KKji S.bu; calves, ti 00 t,..u Texas and Indian steera. t2.7b!a!4.20; fjoti r.d heifer. i.OivS10. HOUS rieoeipta. a iaai neau . uin'T-i strorji na mgneT-. pig ana unu., n.T, 4 Ki, packers, t4.Mil.2li, bulcner ana oeei Bhttr Aim UAl.c ui-.' 'I'."- -..-v head, market easy and lower; haute nu tons ak.7b4; laml. MOicit. cull and buck. Wibd4.M; Ptockera. t! amJfS 00; Tex ana B own ao. t. Jesesh Ltxe etwew Market. FT. JOSEPH. Feb. 10 CATTLE P. e- ceJpts, 2.M4U nettci . maraei miiwii 1 .m. lower; native, ti. K4ii '; cow and heitera, tibo4i; st ackers and f-eeoer. ti.aocfi 4 uti. 1 . . - ...... market riJJ& ec4npte, ':. . "ITXr'r .T L mciatiy Itiuluc higner: ngni. it.a.v, '"r dium and beaw. i waff. 2i, SHEh-P Ai' iAKior.-'.'-'-. head, market loc lower; jeariings, to. HCGS Tb eonti'Ju reee:pt cf hog at the d-ifferer.t market iiulnt were quite lib eral Ua morning, hut the tendency tf pru-e was upward. Frevltoon er higher and ail tna packer seemed lo want some frees supplies Tin market at tin point opened a dim higher PacAera, though, sere a trifle alow tu bid the full advance so that trading wa not a active a it otherwise sou. a nave been, a men er ail boidit fur th full atrei.g k of the market. Trail. were aiso aio la arriving nir-h haipvd to deiay tr-e n market The light sli.1T sold largely trun H at cloaa tuediaiia .aahut tiitu. M at W ti au, u4d Fonowir.g for tb e:s terda) : South Omaha Chicago Kansas City . Pt- Loui .... St. Jos-ph ... Sioux City ... Total .... OMAHA tlek I eight. ar the reeeirt c nrtncipai western Cattle. t.Xl W laK- .... (! .... I (SN. i Ma .... SW l:v stoc k clue )es- Hoga. Sheep k "mi 4MI4I ("Ki t isau 7 r2 4.UXJ0 4 2T,.(iO 4 IKKi 4 IHMi 2.4tle JEL CQL.PiKY STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS W ha vs svar 150 tufnc. IUfrnc: ITS Stats and Nat 1 Baaka, Ol R tlttVlCK IS THE BEsT. Out ef Teau Bustteas Solid tA. Oaaak Barsackl tell Par M. Tel. ' TII0S. M, WADDICK. C mipmAtA S. SLEUMAN Grain, Proritioni t Sttctt. Room 4. N. T. Lit Eld. Tel. Silo. Operate II Ofuoe in This 61AM. ETctahliahtid 1K7. GEO. K. ADAMS GRAIN CO. Grain, Provisions it Stocks. MemlK.r t'maha Grain Exchange. Chicago Board cf Traa and other tie hangt. Correspondent Eartlett, Fiaxler A Carrlt'gton. 21 1 Heard si Trsat Mfg. Oaaaka. bOl L.KXItET JOTItE, CHIEF QUARTERMASTER S 4. FF1CE Oniaha. Xeii., February i. Vn Sealed giroiKiaaia. In triplicate, sulject to the usual conditioiia, will be received iiere and by tb quartermaster, Foil Niobrara, Neh., until 10 a. m., central standard lima, March 7. luiH. for prcvialiig nine additions to pro sent trooji water closets, tor bathing 'ur pcaue, and for installing tubs, showers, etc., I tit rein at Fort Niobrara i ul) Information fumir.hed on api.lication tu this offioe. where plana and spectieatlona may be seen, or to tli quarterm an er. Fort Niobrara. Prupcisaia tu be marked "prc-poaala for Shower Baths,' and addressed to J. E. SAWYER, Chief quartermaster. r-s. i. ill. U Mi, KM LtOlL AOllt L. VUOUIlhK 4a. St 17.622 W MAKKET. gtaaile Fswey Prwd aca. jrjGS Receiput. xnoderate; tresh stock. alVH POt'LTBT Hen. fS6c: sprtng cfJcAeu. tScBW-: roosters, accorumg 10 -, 4'fbc; ture)a. lsffiiuc; aucaa s4ii"n. IR.ES6ED POrLTRT-Turkey. 16(5tc; ducka, lifiiic; gees. 10c; chlckena, kSa B L Ti lirl Parking stoca. uc; i'um' fancy dairy roila. iWfltv; separator 22c. TRESH FISH-Trout Ka.'; pickerel. S : like, se: perch V-c: bluefiah. Iik; vhltenah. sifcs'S' aa imcin lie: liaadoc k 11k; codhsh. 12c, redan pper. Tie; lobetera boiied. per lb.. Sue; lobstera. green, per lb.. 2sc; hullhsada. 11c; catf.ah lAu.4c: black haaa. k-: halibut. 14c; craipaea. 12c; herring, sr; white tiass lie. biuer.i.a. ac: sme.ta lupllc. OYSTERS New York Counta er can. ate: per gal.. 12: extra select, l-er caa. nix-: per gal tl-at. standard, per can. 27c; per gal . Si Q. I Ka N Per ton. tif. bQ HA I price Quoted l y Omaha Wholesale Iealer asaociauun: 4. hole r-o 1 upiki.a t. in-. No. 2 tt . Riedium. tt.Mii oui'M. I.-; ry straw, tb Tt.ea price ar far t.ay cf good color and quality. aenuuic ra.r ana re ceipt light. VEGETABLES. POTATOES (..oioredo, ti. Dakota, per hu . a : tiauvac .c. IWi.LT POTATOES Illinois, per LU, Hi . NAVY ECAJa Ptw tut, tita. NOTICE. The Rotrd of public ianda and Building cf the slate of Nehraaaa sill receive pro posal at the office of secretary of stats until 12 o'clock noon, of the twentieth day of February. 11 it. for the recti on and com pletion of an administration building and tnree cottage to 1 elected at, Nebraaka. and a hospital but'Citg to t en-c-tea ai tiie coiuiera ana ria.or 11 cms at Muford. Nebiaaaa; also a (Lid atoraga i,i,!lrtiri for the eebie Minded institute at lieanrioe, according tu the plans and speci fications i ' i on Lie in tne iana commis sioner s office Prejioaala !'! 1 rece ived In v hole for erection of bubdn g and Inc luding heating, plumbing and wiring or separate on heat ing, plumbing and siring propcjaaia must con ply with reiuiremrnt cf s;iticKtioiu tegaidir.g tiemhed check. Certified check to be mad pa) able tu the stale of Nebraska a guarantee of good f ai h on the part of the bidder ta enter 1 the contract - Tne Board ?f Public Land and Buliidngs ha the right tc reject anj- and all pro posal if tn their Judfccmem in do so O W. MARSH Secretary of Board Public Land arid Building H-dlltil Nr'TJCE OF STOCK HOLTEK.S MEETINO Notice la hereby given that the regular annual meeting ij tha stCK Ahc.l6er of th South Piat'e Land corr.pany will 1 tabid at the c.ff.ce of said company in Lincoln, Ne braska, at 11 o c-1-.kA A in. oa th 2d city of M.rtA. A I. Ill fcy order ofjthe hoard ef directors 0 H MOP.P.ILL. PreaideT.t. A B MINOR, .ac re'ar Lincoln. Neh. Jan. i. 1A FldluiBS NOTICE 1 hereby f-i"en tliat 1 will not lie re;iot.ible for li good hereafter sold to or debt Incurred by ir. jr wife. Vetur Furgian se lies let ire bed and taaardL LEW1TT fcrRGLAXD. Omaha, Nth l obruary lu, lit.