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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1904)
12 TI1E OMATTA DAILY HER: TntTRSDAY, FERRTTAHY 11, 190. AGAINST PARCELS POST BILL Vational Secretary Carey of Hardware Dealer Denouioei Tail Mail Seme. URGES TRADE TO FIGHT BILL IN CONCUSS DrflirM Its ramace Will Aid Krre Raral Delivery to Indermlae Baslaess of I be Hetall Hardware Men. "A very derided rrntlment ngfllnst the parcels post bills, frre rural delivery and the Ilka cropped nut yesterday at tlio annual convention of the Nebraska Ketail Hardware asaociatlnn, which adjourned a two-day session yesterday evening. Just before adjournment these officers IWwe elected: I'realdent, J. C. Cornell. Ord; first vice preMdent, Fred D. Kees, Beatrlcv; eocond vice provident. Max I'hllg, Hold reiro; third vice president, Al Degner, Nor folk; secretary-treanurer, II. J. Hall, Lin coin. Kxtcutive committee: Nathan Rob erta. Omaha; 11. llenke, Jr., Grand Island; Jred Haecker, Friend. National Secretary M. I Corey of Argus, Ind., delivered an address on the parcels post bill, which he churacterlied as Inimical to the Interests of the hardware dealer, and declared it Is Incumbent on every re tall hardware dealer to labor for the defeat of this measure now pending before con Cress. "Its passage means," he said, "that your customers will thereby be brought to the very doors of the great catalogue houses of Chicago and your business will be prac tically ruined. Every retail hardware dealer In Nfbranka should petition his member of congress to vote against the passage of the bill." Cater to the Farmer. Mr. Corey urged the dealers to cultivate the friendliest relations with the farmer. "The Interests of the farmer and mer chant are Identical." he said. "The farmer Bhould be shown the Iniquity of the parcels posts bill as a business menace to his com munity. He should further be shown that the catalogue house business also Is a dis astrous thing to the merchant to whom he expects to sell his produce." "The parcels post bill will Blip through congress In spite of ua unless we are con stantly on the alert. The free rural de livery bill was passed through congress be fore we knew anything about it. The gov ernment now suffers a loss of $35 on every rural carrier, hence what would be the losrt on the parcels post. First-class mall mat ter, such aa letters and postal cards, con stitutes but 14 per cent of the amount of matter carried by the Postofflce depart ment, but it yields the government a rev enue of 68 per cent. Second-class matter, uch as newspapers, constitute nearly 65 per cent of the matter carried, but yields a revenue of scarcely more than 5 per cent of revenue. This Is merely an Indication of what will come by the passage of the parcels post bill." Secretary's Anneal Report. The first order of business waa the reading of the annual report of Secretary Hall. The report stated that the Increase In membership during the year had been very satisfactory, although It should have been larger. There had been numerous adjustment of differences between members of the association and jobbers. However, the members of the association had not taken advantage of the oportunltles offered by the association In the adjustmept of these differences. It waa recommended that the system of organisation through out the state should be more thorough. He advocated the doctrine of reciprocity and home patronage, and, thereby the building up of his home community. He aaid further: The financial affairs of the association were found to be In good shape. However, It waa thought the membership fee should pa raised from 13, as that sum waa not Sufficient to enable the state aysoclation to prosecute the work necessary for the suc cess of all interested. He advocated that In view of the close margin of profits now existing In the hardware business that the matter of credits should be revised. In fact there waa much for the association to do In the Interests of the dealer and con sumer and the association Idea should not be permitted to languish. The afternoon seeslon was devoted to the consideration of reports, with short ad dresses f.y C. H. Rudge of Lincoln, J. C. Cornell of Ord. M. A. Harglerode of Hol tcln and others on general topjes and waa an executive session. NO NEBRASKA COMPANIES HIT Hesse Iaaaraaee Klrma Escape Injury at Baltimore, Which la Severe Stroke to Othera. So far as can be ascertained by a canvass of the Insurance offices of Omaha no Ne braska companies are Interested In the great lira at Baltimore. There Is, how . ever, a lurge number of companies which do an Insurance business In Omaha that un doubtedly will be heavy losers. The Insurance year book for 1902 ahowa . that during the year there was $206,603,173 Insurance In force In the state of Mary land. Mr. Martin of Martin Bros., local Insurance men, estimated that probably one-half of this amount waa in force in Baltimore. It la his opinion that the amount of Insurance In force la greater now than the 1902 resort shows tk. amount given la divided between ninety- live companies. During the year 1902 Dremluma lected to the amount of 12.252.579 In the tate of Mary land. Only about 1 per cent Of the loss entailed by the BaJtimora flr The total premiums collected during the nve years from 1RS7 to 1902. inclusive, amounted to only S9.9tn.6ia In the rt. l The ratio of losses to premiums In Balti more during 1902 was 67.1 per cent. The loses in Baltimore during the year 1903 were heavier than during any year of the five preceding. The ratio of losses as compared with premiums collected ran aa low as lit in 199. It is said to be Im probable that all the premiums collected lor nre insurance In the United States dur i lng the last year will! equal the loss causec - by the Baltimore fire. As yet no notice has been received from any of the companies dolrg business In Maryland to the effect that then will to suspend, although it Is thought to be too arly for any of them to determine Just ASTHMA Medical authorities now concede that onder tha mm-u ji treatment Introduced by Itt. rraok Woetsel ol Chicago, ASTHMA CAN BC CURED. Dr. L. D. Knott, Lebanon, Kjr.jDr. P. X. Brass. Prltngbar. Iowa; Dr. J. C. t'urrjer, st faul. Mum.: Or. M. L. Crmfey, Bt. Louis, Mo.: Dr. O. W. Beard. So. Krauiluchain, It sat.. twar wiUhm to tbsaftuauy ol bis imainMiit tnii the iwrmanpucT of the cure la tneir own casaa Dr. WbeUel's now method Is a rmdte&l druvuue trout the oM faabloned woks powders, qnn, etc, walca reUera bat ao not cure. FREE-TEST TREATMENT prepared fur any one giving a abort oescrlp t l,ui f i h. n it intiuff names ol two other aMbmatlo auttOTera. As tut booklet ul experiences ol tnooe rurco. FRANK WHETZEL. M. D.. l Beat aaterteaa darts tie. Cfctosea. f"1 .IfFTl Iffi AN fiWf! Our Cooking Demon stratlons SPECIAL FOR iviss Uoll Hundreds of unique anJ ornamental r tit I iJLMff Importer at an extraordinary bargain, incse natu some little clocks are made of finely carved wood, with ornamental brass weights, bone and Ivory dials, brass works, every one a pretty decoration for any room as well as a good timekeeper, on sale Thursday, ct long as they last, at, each SPECIAL BASEMENT BARGAINS COMFORTERS We will place on sale our entire stock of Ado French sateen Comforts and Imported Chlnts Comforts we sold 4 E" these all season as high as $3.60 each to close them out .laijl. quickly tomorrow they will go at each Our entire stock of Comforters that sold up to two dollars and a f 3 half each fine sllkollne filled with fine white cotton go at UQlJ each Special Bargain for Tomorrow One big- table of floe Wilton Fringed Carpet Samples, These are worth up to $2 60 per yard and the most beautiful carpet patterns -4) rv ever shown. We will sell them as long as they last I I 1 at 11.50 each. They must be seen to be appreciated X.KjJ each Laces at lc, 21c and 5c Yard A splendid assortment of Ijvcrs and Insert Ings. Vals, Torchons and Cluny Hands, all widths, In white, cream and ecru, at, per yard .1 Pillow Top Handkerchiefs, in In- I dlan heads and other fancy 81 -C I AV I designs, make handsome pillows, at, each Specials in Ladies Ladies' Winter Coats at $2.98 Stylish and nonsi. ble iuter coats, made ia tbe new military effects, , fa V lonjr and short styles, etc., a great variety, worth up S 5 to 8.60, at . Ladles' fins winter g AA cloaks at ,OiUU Ladles' Oolf Skirts, made of stylish materials and worth up to $2, in basement al Ladles' Walking Skirts, in all the latest new ideas, worth up to $6, at Spring Suits New and pretty ideas ln spring sunts lor 6.98 1904 at Armour's Extract of Beat Demonstration Main Aisle Near Balcony Stairs. Chnflna; Dish Cookery. Creamed Oysters tomorrow, spoon free to ladles. Measuring 3. 3ft. pnnbtlm tt Ptt DR. BRADBURY 1506 Painless Extraction Without Gas. DENTIST. Fillings 50c up Qold Crowns, $2.50 up Bridge Work $2.50 up Lady Attendant how they will be situated. The heaviest i ........ n an aaset basis are said to be those companies with home offices In the stricken city. ; Several companies have already notified their local agents that they are not Interested. In the Are and conse quently have sustained no loss. OFFERS PLEA OF INSANITY James J. Reed, All-aea siayrr Glenaa Hynea, Starte Oat with Hla Defense. After a tedious day of challenging and examining twelve men have finally been se lected who shall determine the guilt or in nocence of Jamea J. Reed, accused or the murder of Glcnna Hynea on the evening of September 26 laat. Twenty-eight talismen were submitted to tha test of a close and careful questioning before the requisite number was found. The names of the Jurors are: William Boese. J. F. Wilson, Kay young, 8. Collier W. E., Mills, W. H. Lambert, Alonso Derby, William Cook. Fred Koch, H. Blake, C. It. Mack and Frederick Baker. When his own counsel outlined the de fence, which la to be on the ground of in sanity, and spoke with tenderness and feel ing of his cltenfa dead wife Reed burst Into tears and bowing his head upon tha table in front of him wept contlnuousry throughout his counsel's further statement. ' Judge Bcott, Reed's attorney, stated that previous to the tragedy of last Septem ber Reed was struck across the head In one of the strike disorders existing at that time In Omaha, and he promised to prove to the Jury that thla rendered him Insane. At the conclusion of Judge Scott's state ment Police Sergeant Ron f row was called as the first witness for th. state. A dia gram of the house at 1403 Webster street, where th. crime was committed, waa put In evidence, and with the aid of this the witness told of th. shooting and tbe arrest of Reed. The next witness called was Pearl Alcorn, an inmate of the Webster street house at th. time of tha shooting. Under th. county attorney's questioning th. witness corroborated the previous evidence as to the accuracy of the map submitted and then told the story of th. crime as she had seen It. She said: "On the afternoon of Septem ber 26 Reed cam. to th. house and drank beer with me and Glenna Hynea. There were several people In the room and sev eral bottles of beer were drank. William Peterson wac there. During the beer drink ing I was called to saloon next door and waa there probably ten or fifteen minutes. I left Peterson and Reed with the Hyn woman. I ' cannot awear Reed waa with the Hynes woman while I was gone." During th. witness' recital of th. de tail of what she knew of the shooting Reed watched her Intensely, shifting nervously In his chair and muttering "liar" under his breath. Rab Year Poor, Tired, Arala Feet with Omega OH. Trial bottle, 10c Marriage Ueeases. I'p to noon. February 19, the following cnuiie naa Deen licensed to wen: Name. Age Oeorae W. Harris, Red Oak. Ia 35 Mabel I. Kttckley. Red Oak. Ia 21 Augustus K. Detweller, Omaha 4 Leila M. Baker. Omaha 24 Jamea A. OranVer. Bantee. Neb 40 Nor Tarnall. WL'hiia. Kan M 0car W. Gustafson. Omaha.:.... 'J beltua A. Ruurigren, Omaha 2: Frank D. Rolllna, Omaha 2 tUia Bales. Omaha 1 JtK. Wedding Rings fidboua, j.wUr. ST rtodern H Cooking H flethodg II Shown H EM THURSDAY OlocEis 40c Swiss Wall Clocks, bout; tit of an '49c I lc-2V2c-5c $1.00 Wrappers at 39c Fancy percale ana outing nan- g nel Wrappers, in all elVIC el tub n Till rnlur,. Rt. Cloaks. Skirts Ladles' splendid winter QQ cloaks at iVtVO 69c 1.98 Spring Suits Some of the sraart- est and boat idcus of 9.98 the season at. Cooking by Electricity Main Floor, Near Basement Stair- . way. Johnny Cake and Currant Bread tomorrow. Prni ft Pons Farnam Fourteen Years Same Location TEL. 1756. .w remove oerves from teeth with out tbe least particle o g pain. Plates $2 up. Open Sundays 1 0 to 1 2 CHANCES ON UNION PACIFIC Flan to Eedistriot System and Bearranga ,' Superintendents on Foot SUTHERLAND MAY COME TO NEBRASKA Reported Graber 'Will Appoint Him Instead of Deael, Who May Go IMgher Ferris May Be Cbanajed. Although no official announcement has as yet been made, it Is generally understood among railroad men connected with the Rock Island and Union Pacific that R. R. Sutherland, superintendent of . the Rock Island at Topeka, has resigned his posi tion with that company and will In a short time assume the duties of superintendent of tha Nebraska division of the Union Pacific. Mr. Sutherland was formerly assistant superintendent of the Nebraska division of the Union Pacific Ha was appointed to the position which he has recently held with the Rock Island by J. M. Gruber, who Is now general superintendent of the Union Pacific, and It la said to be through the influence of Mr. Gruber that be is coming here. W. A. Deuel Is at present superintendent of the Nebraska division of the Union Pa cific and Just what provision will be made for him under the new arrangement Is not at present known. It Is believed, however, that a general readjustment of the super intendence of the lines of the system Is to be made and he Is to receive a promotion. The fl.-st change In the general plans has Just been announced. According to the an nouncement, which will be effective Feb ruary 10, the office of assistant superin tendent at Green River, Wyo., has been abolished and the Jurisdiction of W. A. Whitney, assistant superintendent at Chey enne, has been extended -over th. middle district. H. V. Hilllker has been appointed assistant superintendent of the western dlstriot and Park City branch, viee C. M. Ward, resigned. The next change which probably will be made will be a redlstiictlng of the Ne braska, Wyoming, Kansas and Colorado divisions, which will result In the discon tinuance of the Colorado division, over which Superintendent H. C. Ferris ' has control. The line Included in the Colo rado division will be divided among the Kansas, Nebraska and Wyoming divisions. This plan was considered, and It waa prac tically decided to put It Into execution aome time ago, but the merchants and shippers of Colorado objected ao strenuously to th. removal of th. division headquarters from Denver that It was finally abandoned, but th. news comes from Denver now that the change has become necessary to reduce ex penses and It will be no longer delayed. Let the Rates Aloae. It la understood that for th. present at least tho Northwestern has concluded to forego Its decision to take 2 cents more off the through grain rates from Nebraska ter ritory to the Mississippi river and Chicago. For the present the rates will be allowed to stand as they are, namely, 6 cents on wheat and 4 cents on corn to the river. It Is said this decision was reached by the Northwestern after It was ascertained that the Missouri Paclflo had concluded to with- Stomach Distress Stopped In one day sad cured to stay cured wilhUraka's Puliuetla Wine. Ant reader of tou paper will reoeive a trial bottle Ire. by aendiua letter or poatai otvd te Drake IW outia Unuvnjr. laduaga 3 Is uJ u Thursday Will Be Warmer The mercury will have more ging-erln It and you will feel Inclined to com. out of doors; come down town and Indulge In the pleasure of shopping. Ben nett's is the one store In town that alms earnestly to make shopping a pleasure. Every section of our vast building Is roomy and airy. Every convenience FREE to customers and visitors; check room, loot and found office, free telephones, ladles' resting rooms, etc. There's a glad hand ex tended 'out to you from every corner of this "biggest of big stores;" from every corner of It. Bargains at every glance & Green Trading Stamps with all purchases In all departments all the time. Thursday B&rgaJiYs a. . -k m Granite Irorv Ware It's our heavy purchases in this line that enables us to make these prices. These are fine goods, are first-class and warranted to please, 1- quart Coffee Pot, nn. each ZUC lH-quart Coffee Pot, A each 4S4C 2- quart Coffee Pot, 27c 3- quart Coffee Pot, ' t each OUC fro.uart Dish Pan, each OUC 10-quart Dish Pan. ng. each OOC ";achr!..r.lf.l!.l:a.n.-. 40C 4- quart Preserving Kettle, 20c 6-quart Pisservlng'kettle, 23C ft-quart Preserving .Kettle, 28c No. 8 Tea Kettle, ' eon each DOC Green Trading Stamps Every Time. r 1 Another Big Embroidery Sale All Day T 1 w We will telve double , 1 alUrSliay Trading- Stamps with this sale 1.000 pieces new embroideries In Swiss, Nainsook, Cambric and Hamburg, narrow, wld and medium widths, insertions and headings In this big lot. Values 16c to 50c Divided In three big lots. Lot Qpe for, per yard 8c Lot Two for, per yard 15c Lot. Three for, per yard. 20c . Another Big Stamp Snap In Ladles' Hosiery. 100 dosan extra fine all wool black cashmere hose, light weight, SV4 to 10, IB. worth BOc per pair. Special for Thursday only, per pair OOC , TWO DOLLARS WORTH OK STAMPS WITH EACH PAIR. New Qlnghams, New Percales, New Red Cross Ginghams. Over 1,000 styles go on special sale Thursday. Ginghams and Percales for everyone per yard, Xl'faa and : ...,"C Ladles' Coats and Jackets. Never have coata been as near given away as they will Thursday on the second floor. We have about 35 coata, odda and ends of our mammoth coat stock In loose and tight backs, short and 3i-lnch lengths, with and witheut col!an, worth to Ha. Thursday morning will be put on sale Q 95 ' 'AND TEN r6LjU.''S WORTH OP STAMPS WITH EACH COAT. Fur Coats. We have a few fur coats left that we are anxious to sell and will make great reductions to close them out. A Few Samples. Electric Seal Coat, size 34, sold at $35, irk en Thursday M IV.OU Near Seal, Mink trimmed, size 36 and 38, worth Q gQ Southern Beaver, size 36, sold at &, in ECO Thursday ?. OV.OU Near Soal and Beaver, 36, 38 and 40, sold at I62.H), (37.50 Near Seal and Persian' Larui,' 84 an'd'63,' sold at'67 W. '" 43.50 BENNETT'S CAFE WHRN POWN TOWN and want a NICE WARM LUNCHEON SERVED APPETIZING In Ideal surroundings, and with everything FRESH, 8WKET AND CT.EAN pretty dlnnerware exclunlve silverware fiexhly laundered linen attentive, experienced waitresses delirious hot coffee with whipped cream and special dishes; reasonable prices, BENNETT'S CAFE, THIRD FL.OOR IS draw Its last notice of a reduction In the rates to St. Louis, which it did yesterday. According to the last announced cut of vthe Missouri Pactfto' the rates were to have been 5 cents on wheat and 4 cents on corn from the Missouri river to St Louis. These rates would have been effective Thursday, but notice was sent out from the St. Louis headquarters of the company Tuesday to the effect that It had been decided to leave the present rates of 7 cents on wheat and ( cents on corn In effect. This according to the North western places the through southern and eastern rates on a parity, and that Is said to be all that Is desired by the North western so that no cut under the present conditions becomes necessary. This explanation of the position taken by the Northwestern la not at all satisfactory to freight men generally, who Insist on believing that that line has had enough of the grain rate war and Is getting ready to negotiate terms of peace. WARRIOR COMES OFF FREE Fort Crook soldier Who Drops Moaey to Wo ma a Released aad Latter Flaed. The troubles of Jennie Mitchell of Capitol avenue and C. H. Dixon of the Thirtieth Infantry, Fort Crook, were heard In police court. According to the warrior's state ment he was of! his guard and allowed tthe woman to get 7 of his money, but he man aged to secure a rebate of most of It, so j he had no particular grievance. j Miss Mitchell stated that the $7 In dispute j rightfully belonged to her, part being given by the soldier and the rest she had bor rowed from a companion. She also said Dixon had pulled her hair, held her by the throat and threw a pitcher of Ice water over ber, suggesting certain primitive meth ods of punlihmont obtaining in tbe Philip pine Inlands. Dixon was discharged and ths woman fined (5 and coata New Care for Weak Laags. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tlou cures all coughs, colds, grip and lung troubles or no pay. 60c, (1.00. for sale by KuUs A Ca, iirfi Grocery If you want the best, freshest and most appetizing groceries In the city BENNETT'S IS THE FLACE. BENNETTS FOR GROCERIES. Thursday Bargains. Navy Beans, hand picked, 4 per pound 4C Corn Mnal, 10-pouml package .,, Jam, aworted, large Jar Salmon, 1-pound can Macaroni, 1-pound package Cherries, 3-ppund can : Strawberries, 2-pound can Shrimps, can ,, 15c 10c 10c 10c 1 15c He 15c Gelatine, package , 1UC i-ye, per can , Laundry Soap, 4c 8 bars SDC Butter Received Daily from the Beat Dairies. Fresh Country Butte, j s per pound IOC Bennett's Capitol Creamery, per pound Wisconsin' Cream Cheese, 26c .12ic per pound Coffees Roasted Daily, Best Values Offered. 0 BENNETTS iAffASTcnrrn Bennettt's Breakfast Coffee, I lb. can... 48c Extras In Drug Section and Green Trading- Stamps Every Time STENOGRAPHERS SLEEVE PRO TECTORS pebble board, neat ojp fine goods a pair Aawyt STENOGRAPHERS RUBBER SLEEVES will quickly pay OAn for themselves a pair dmi JAPANESE IRONING WAX a real benefit In ironing, o each V JAPANESE GOLD PAINT Or complete ready for use, bottle.. ..-" JAPANESE TOOTH PICKS, Ar per box Genuine Orange Toothpicks, rm Bpanlsh 1C Qrease Paints anl Theatrical Supplies, The very best on the market; endorsed by professional and amateurs alike. Fresh, new, clean goods; everything you could wish: Theatrical Cold Cream, used ffr by leading professionals, lb...."J' Perfume section, Drug Dept. When you've tried aN D) the rest, then try E the very best Quaker Maid Rye ears Highest tirade of Whiskey Perfection of are. Rarity of flavor, are winning qualities A kin cf beauty it a Joy forwr. D X.T. FELIX COL'RAL'D'S ORIENTAL Cat AM, OS MA0ICAL BEAUTlFlEs (ami Taa, PlswUa rnatlM alula raWltv. hub aas ana uxm- aaa every biMsUa oa has sums la WM afty-au rn. U sarilim UaU It u b a is sraswir cumiertaa at aUai Ui um, Dr. U A. kin sua U a wo U susU: M W will um Uua, I usual QOLHACD'S mgAM' a Um Uaat imfui of all tb iia prV4rmt:ocia. tur k!i tr 1 atas- an (aacs suuaa Sim la las lliillri MM KOi 5wJ!5rI,,' tasewMte I? in 11 li At all .MOID bars. B HIBSOH GO. 4 vj aafea, drug iturM kamcas city, ho. W sfTa si:ftf TJ-' ta ft 1 all S-staO. T. BOPKII1, rvey'B. JI JpsA 1mm Mm. M, JL. Trading Stamps Free 111 TIIR IIKMAHLG STUHK. v.n-vir2T''l OF TMV TRICES Afl THE Vl-yJ, lhTM,: 7lK '"- DEPARTMENTS ARK MAKING Uo7.Dnow MAKE ROOM FOR NEW SPRING TRADING STAMPS FREE WITH ALL'cASH PURCHASES. Furniture Specials. mm f'i rrr- -'- i i i COTTCII SO inches wide, 6-ft. long perfection spring upholstered In beet Q ff grade velours, any color, worth 114.85 a SOLID OAK ROCKER-wood or cobbler seat worth 13.50 sale prioe LARGE OAK ROCKER quarter sawed Oak nicely polished worth 14.50 sale price Hardware, Stoves, 2c See What Gee Whiz mouse trap Large grater Wire toasters 2 boxes stove polish .. 2 pieces Ironing wax . Tin pudding pan Coat hangers Asbestos matts Candle sticks .2,c .2"so .Lsc Special Gut Price on Heating Stoves; Shirt Waist Suiting Sale at Hayden's Thursday. Don't miss It. ABSOLUTELY NEW STYLE SUITINGS GOOD WASHABLE FAB-' RICS (worth 25c a yard 6,000 yards or 125 bolts In all), go on sale illp Vf Thursday morning at svV J V4 SALE IN MAIN WASH GOODS DEPARTMENT. WHITE WAISTINGS SALE THURSDAY. FANCY MERCERIZED SATIN STRIPED POPLIN perfect goods QC vr4 (100 bolts In all worth 35c a yurd Thursday's sule price J VARIETY, IMMENSE ASSORTMENT In this department la a suggestion of value, to all prospective wash goods PURCHASERS. Groceries Groceries Trading Stamps and Beautiful Pres ents Free. TO EVERY PtTRCHARER OF 8-LBS. OP OUR HIGHEST GRADE MOCHA AND JAVA COFFEE FOR 11.00-WE WI LL GIVE A BEAUTIFUL, GENUINE JAPANESE NAG I EGG SHELL TEA CU P AND SAUCER FREE. A FEW OTHER SPECIALS 21-lbs pure cane granulated sugar for Large sack cornmeal , lOu 6-lbs. navy beans, rice, tapioca, barley, sago or farina for lAo 1-lb. pkg. corn starch for 4o 1- lb. pkg. Imported macaroni lOo 8-1 b. cans solid packed tomatoes TVjO 2- lb. cans wax or string beans 5c HAYDEW BROS. Our Vacaoit List There are ouly six rooms vacant In the entire building, but It happens that among them are some of the most desirable. If you see what you want, call right awfiy or It may bo Bulta 600 : 20x2A r!ht In front of the el valor on the uixih flour; uividd into waiting room ami prival oOlce; fHCfa n-.atU. Pru-a $tu. Sulia 3o6: This la a corn.r offlta on tha third flHr. It consUta of a watting room, two pri vata offlcea. a lavatory or cat room, and alo ha- a large, fire proof vault: facea aouth, la finished In hard wood and has an entrance from the broad corridor around Lae court. Price Iwi.W. Suite 122: Thla la also on tha third floor and ennmiti of a large waiting room and a large private office. If rieilrrd. It can be divided Into two private ofDtva Instead of one. It has the north Hunt ao much desired by pbyalclana and architect. Thla la the only auite of the kind vacant. Price $40 00 TifF fipp R. C. FETERS A CO., Rental New Orleans TsUsw $31.50 VfSSk Tickets on sale February tn to 14th Long Limits and Stopovers. Leave Omaha (Union Station). 6:30 p. m. Leare Council Bluffs (Transfer Station) ..6:45 p. m. Arrive St. Louia (Union Station) 723 a. m. Reduced rates every day to all winter resorts. The Only Lino With Station at Main Entrance to World's Fair Grounds, giving full view of buildings and grounds from car win dows. For rates, descriptive matter and all information, call at Wabash Corner, 1601 Farnam St, or address HARRY E. MOORES, Gen'l Agt. Paaa. Dept. OMAHA. Iradlng I Stamps l, Irce-j EliJs Iron Bed Like cut ia whitt, blue or green enamel, brass rod on head and foot, regular tG. 25 value sale price i 5b or $4.85 le pnee w 1.95 2.95 Housefurnishings. It Will Buy 2c Vegetable bruah IrfirKn box tooth picks. U-lti' h pie tin N. ID and 20 D nails Box wnx tapers Sink brush Fire shovels Machine oil cans Can openers ..2-,o .'.",r. ..:-.o 2-lb. pkg. self-rising pancake flour. ...7Ho 1-lh. cans fancy Alaska nalraon 5o FRESH FRUIT-FRESH FRUIT Fancy navel oranges, dozen , Wo Large Juicy lemons, drtzen 10c 1-lb. pkg. California white figs 7'o New Jersey cranberries 7Ho New Hallowe'en dates, per pound 5a. rented before you get around. Room 352: Thla offlce la 14x30 and la located almost In front f the elevator, on the third floor. IV a la one of the f-w smaller o (floes facing the south. It Is finish d lit bard wood, luclutllng the floor. Price fjn.oo Koora 4L'i: Thla offloe Is 13x18 and la very convenient to the elevator, Its entrauce (feinf almost opposite to the elevator door. It fact-a the south and la a very comfortable office both In summer and winter. 1'rue in) Room 40A: Thla office ta 13il8. It la the nly office In the building vat-ant facing ths court. The room will be newly decorate; naa running water. Any one UeHrttijr. an offloe at saud rale rent with all the advantage of being In the liest ofiVe building lit Omaha. ahouM call at ouca. Price $:i niiii nirvr. Agent. Gruund Floor, Beo Building. tae WlMm.t Mobile, Ala.. and return $30.35