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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1904)
TITE OMATIA DAILY REE: SUNDAY, FEUntTARY 7, 1001. 20 BOB SMITH FOR AUDITOR Start. OKatpalata for Komliallra tn Saoeeed WmIob at Lincoln. Th newest candidate for a nomination for state office at the hnnda of the repub lican party Is Robert 8mlth. He wants to be atata auditor and Is carrying on a brink preliminary campaign with that end In view. Mr. Bmlth'a friends are saying that it will be an eaiy thins to Induce the con vention to concede the. audltorshlp to Omaha. Blnce he quit the grocery business Mr. Bmlth haa been a foodstuff agent and brokr. , Hew Orleans, I.a., and Mobile, Ala. On fare plua $2 for the round trip to oth of the above places, via the Missouri J-aclflo railway. Tickets on sale from Feb ruary I to 14. For full Information address r call at Union Station or City Ticket Offloe, B. E. corner 14th and Douglas a-treeta, Omaha, Neb. Thomas F. Godfrey, Fassenger and Ticket Agent. Lllllaatla Basa&r Enlarged. Of the many Indications for a prosperous year In Omaha none stands out more prom inently than the cry of the business houses for more room. Messrs. Benson A Thome, proprietors of the Lilliputian Baaaar, have been fortunate In being able to gratify their wishes in this respect by securing the rear portion of the building now occupied by them. This doubles their floor space, enabling them to display their magnificent atock of boy', and girt', wear to better advantage. All old llnea have been Increased and new ones added, among the latter being young men's suits. This store enjoys the unique distinction of being the only one of Its kind Wjajft aChlcago. (vocation for Baatneaa. If you are seeking a location for any mer cantile business, for the practice of a pro fession or for the manufacture of any article, first communicate with the under signed, who will Inform you In regard to opportunities on the line of the Chicago Great Western Railway Co., the most pro gressive railway traversing the most fer tile section of the United States, Maps and Maple Leaflets mailed and more speclflo Information given as requested. W. J. Reed, Industrial Agent, 64 Endlcott Bldg., Bt Paul, Minn. W. W. Blabaugh. attorney at la, 604 Merchants National bank. m.00 ta New Orleans, La., and return, r $K to Mobile, Ala., and return Feb. 6th-14th. Long limits and stop-overs. AH Information at Wabash city office, 1C01 Farnam st or address Barry E. Moores. O. A. P. D "V Omaha. Neb. Notice. - Anybody holding ticket No. $70, benefit Mrs. Mills, please call at Central Labor Union. Have Root print It BARGAINS GALORE Can be found on that 2nd floor of ours. Men's panta, $1.8$. Your coat and vest may be tn good shape whUe your pants may be worn out, here Is a chance to find a pant that mlrht do. Wool ribbed underwear worth $1.00 for 45c. Strong substantial "men's suits $3.90. Bilk neckwear 15c, your ehulo Extra heavy blue Jersey shirts EOu. Heavy blue kensay overcoats $4.80. Men's blue overalls 26o a pair. Boy's caps Uo. Bilk mufflers 25c, Odds and ends In boys' clothing very cheap. Fur coats 5.$0. Imitation Ouyot suspenders 15a The genuine Ouyot suspenders 89c, and hundreds of equally good bargains. On our tnaln floor you will find on sale a line of men's mlts at $7.60 that will compare favorably with 'eults other stores ask $13.60 for. Another big offering Is our $10.00 extra fine double-breasted black Thibet suit. Next In line comes Alfred, Benjamin suits reduced to $12.60. They are the equal of any tailor's $35.00 suit. For $15.00 you can have unre stricted choice of all overcoats , formerly $20.00. $22.50 and $3.00, including the Alfred Benjamin make. In 'our basement we offer two big bargains In men's shoes. One Is a box calf ahoe at $1.50, the other calf leather lined at $1.69. , Tho Qusrsntta Clothing Co. 1519-1521 DoukUs Street. "X. Y. Z." prescriptions (T) are coming In again, especially to otir Routh Omaha store! Do you know what "X. Y. Z." prescriptions are? WE WILL. TKIi TOIT1 There are certain doctors who are BOUND AND DKTBRMJ N KD that their patients BllALL, take their prerlpUrms to certain drug store, so In order to carry on this HOLD-UP OCH EM B they go to CKRTAIN PRITOOI8T8 AND CONCOCT AN AGREliMKNT, whereby they (the doctor) can write a prescription for so many ounces of "X. T. 2." or ao many pills of "T. T. T.,' etc. ajul of course t the patient (who knows nothing about the scheme) takes the prescription. WHICH HE HAS PAID FOR, to some other drug i gist who la NOT IN ON THE DF.AJU that ' druggist can't nil that prescription don't you see the point? Now suppose your doctor gives you an "X. Y. Z." prescription, what are you rolna- to do about It? ARE YOU OoIKO TO llEIP HIM TO HELP THE DRUO- OIBT PAli TO PKIN YOIT FOR THE PERCENTAGE? We don't think so. entiAcceme cut pricb wUliHUI Ull 9 RU STOKE E. T. YATES. Prop. 16th and Chicago Bt.., Omaha. 'Phones 47 and W7. 24th and N Sis., Bouth Omaha. Phone No. 1. , 6th Ave. and Main Bt., Council Bluffs. '1'bone 333. All goods d. Uverea tn euner city aosomtsiy irc tlELIIBLE ENTISTRY FREE This offer good until 'February IS. 1K!Wt S e t of Teith, $2.00 Crawas, up from. .............. .fa.OO Ktlllaga, p free SBo Bride Wsrk, fraaa. ......... .fa.oo work guaranteod ten years. - No studenta TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN hy the ua of our patented painless methods. Work done free. Kmall charges for material. UNION DENTAL COMPANY IS22 DOUGLAS STREtT, ROOM 4 OffcN JJA1LX JLtiV flUNUAl. MONARCH COAL Lump 06.76. Nut 06.25. Rock Springs Coal Lump or Nut 07.15. The Beat Wyomlnac Coal Ever Brought to Omaha. C. B. HAVENS & CO., ZtfrMMit2' Shoe Sale. Fry Shoe Co Offer again this week a fine opportunity for rare bargains In High Grade Shoes, to close out broken lines and winter weights. Women's $3.50 patent y ti( colt bals, now i.JV Women's $2.50 and $2.75 f Qf) kid and bo calf. now.. VJ Misses' $2.50 and $2 box ( Cf) calf lace, now stuvr Men's $.00 box calf, leather lined, double soles, A f now Women's $5.00 French calf win ter street shoes, 1 Rl) now Men's $6 00 enamel bals, double soles, late style, A QQ now -wvvr Women's $6.00 patent kid. leather lined, welt soles, warm and stylish, 4.00 Broken lines of women's $5.00 patent kid, hand welt, lace and button, A QQ now ' BOc, TTWe and OBo Bargains for misses and children are great values, If you find a pair to fit. CQ 3 When in Doubt bring your prescription to Howell's. IV an olwovi rmt nn rAnr tnar1(r(n anv. Bactly as the doctor orders, WITHOUT firTDflTTTTTTTriV QT. 4111 artv m A .11 .J ..J ,J i . . U . , . .ID 111. O.. J Ull... Ml, doctor's prescriptions and fill them correctly. Anti-Grip Capsules, box .' 25o 25a Westmal's Kof Kure 15o Buttermilk Soap, box 19c Chamois Skin Soap, box 19c Pint bottle Witch Haxel 19a 60o Cudahy's Beef Extract. 3Tc $1.00 Kinney's Hair Tonic Eitc Quart bottle Ontario Port Wine... 60o X5o Hunyadl Janos, genuine 25c 60c Electrlo Bitters 40c 2-quart Hot Water Bottle 45c Combination Syringe $1.00 La Capitol Perfume, ounce 60c Howell Drug j Co., 16th and Capitol Avenue. VALEN TINES Yes. we sell Val entines all new goods and a large variety at very popular prices from lc to $2.00. See our window display. Now on sale. JOS. F. B1LZ 322 S. 16th St. Extraordinary Bargain Monday We hare taken two hundred pairs of men's shoes In the celebrated -' llanan, Clapp and Boy den makes, put them on on table and priced every pair at These are broken lots, mostly narrow widths, black Russia calf. In alsee from ( to 10. The regular prices of these shoes are 15.00, SS.U and S6.00, Come early and select your slxe and the shoe you want. Also fifty pairs patent leathers at 1.48 One hundred pairs men's heavy winter uouoie soie patent coil, f" --v all sixes and widths, our T" I I rem U p 13 Ul ahn S f V DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 farnam Street. Oaiana's UpteDatt Shoe House FRTSHOE IE 1.48 Joticc to Drug The list of Drug Price published below Is the low net ever presented In the west, WE HAVE EVERT ARTICLE WE ADVERTISE as well as 75,000 Items more (YES, BEVENTT-FIVE THOUSAND), which w cannot afford to buy newspaper space to tell you about. When you want drugs, COME TO HEADQUARTERS. MAIL OR DERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Anenta Water, small 26c Allcork's Porous Piasters, all 10c you want for $1.00 Ayer's Hair Vigor ft Baker's Barley Malt Wniakey parest and best, for (Per dozen, $S.00.) $1.00 Beef, Iron and Wine for $1.00 Rurnhnm's RarsapHrllla for , Xc Imported Bitter Water for lo 3c T5o , Wc , 15c $1.00 Botanic Blood Balm 69c (All you want at these prices.) 2."o Brandreth's Pills) for ' 19c 2. Bromo-Qulnlne for 11c fWKs Csianeil'i Syran Pepsin for.. Site 25c Carter's Little Liver Pills for 12c 25c Chamberlain s Cough Syrup for 17c $1.00 Chrystal Tonic for 9c (Help yourself at these, prlcea) 25c Genuine Castorla for 21c 25c Cutlcura Soap for . lTo 60c Cutlcura Salve for Sao CI Par Canadian Malt Whiskey . .etc (Per doxen, $7.70.) Coleman's Carbolated Ointment, for horses, cattle and other animals, for BOe 60c Cudahy's Extract of Beef for 2o 2fte Derma Roya.1 floap for 14c 1.00 Derma Royale onp for.... 64e These sure Sherman McConneM'a prlcea. fl Da Miracle Hair Remover for 6o $1.00 Duffy's Malt Whiskey for 69c l. D. D. Eczema Cure, warranted the geunlne, always $1.00 2uo Eagle Condensed Milk, can 12c ItRo Enthymol Tooth Paate, tube..l2o $1.00 Hoff Consumption Cure for..... tOc (By mail, boo.) 25c Hop Plasters 15o $1.60 Fellow's Hypophoephltes for....... 95c Goo Foley's Honey and Tax for 40c loo Gartield Tea for 6c 60c Gosaom's Kidney Cure for 40c fioo May's Hair Health, for 2te 60c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream... 29o 60c Hoarhound and Tolu Cough, Syrup for S4o 25o Hydrogen Peroxide for 20o 25e Hwlit Soap, for 14o 25c Humphrey's for 19o $1.00 Hall's Hair Renewer for 69o oc Hall's Catarrh Cure for 69o $1.00 Hortetter's Bttters for 690 $1.00 Klnney'a Hair Tonlo for 49o SI Kirk's Dandruff Care (the ten days' dandruff rare) 7fta 25c Lambert's Llsterlne for. 15c $1.00 Lambert's Llsterlne for 68o $3.50 Marvel Whirling 8 Dray Syringe for $2.15 Sherman & UcGonnoll Drug Go., PHARMACISTS AND PERFUMERS, Corner of' Sixteenth and Dodge Streets, Omaha.. DR. BRADBURY Painless Extraction Without das. Filllnrs 50c up Oold Crowns, $2.50 up Br1d Work $2.50 up Lady Attendant 1506 DENTIST. It t I dodge st. fl rnn w xodcesl will yr laraest. the city. only to Valentines Ready for mailing, handsome deslg-os, boxes, 10 to 98c Valentines Fancy, raised, embossed, designs of Cupid, Children, et0 , 5c to 25c Lace Valentines Hearts, booklets, etc., raised embossed patterns, f0P ; lc, 2c, 3c. and 5c Comics To satisfy all special Monday.... 10 for lc ' " " ' ' "" "' " r la nerer disappointing. The kind that proves unsatisfactory Is not practical. We pay apodal attention to the practical side of every piece of work done In our office, and never advlHe one of our patlenta until careful consideration la given the case. Why not obtain the best work when having your teeth at tended to? We guarantee reulta that are at all times satisfactory, and while our prices are not so cheap aa aome advertised, they are reasonsble and fair, and allow ua to use the best materials and give you the beat work. CROWNS (22k). SS.OO - SET OF TEETH $5.00 BEST SET OF TEETH -S8.00 TflFT'S DENTAL ROOMS R8 n Li. Fstahlished for aV J Expert Dentists. No Students. but Skilled Specialists Until February 25 low prices continued, by request of the large num ber we have been unable to wait upon. We have got the buslneHS snd are here to stay, nigb class work and low prices cause the people to crowd our place. . 15,000 patients In the last year and a half. , Set of Teeth, from..'... 2.85 ' f&? Gold Crowns, from 2.8 S tl Aluminum Hates, from 8.00 PTmYm i 'J, Fillings, from v 25o LJj Teeth 'Extracted ..FREE Fit Guaranteed. Work guaranteed 10 yeara. State charter. Consult the Professors FREE. We make loose teeth tight, stop bleeding of gums and heal all diseases of the mouth. Try one of our double Suction Patent Non-Irritant Plates, that are guaranteed to lit Our Gold Crowns at $3.50 can't be beat for fit and appearance. UNION DENTAL COLLEGE 1522 Douglas Street. Open Daily. 8 to 8. Buyers Tftc Moller'a Cod Liver Oil for. . . . Me Mllea Kervlne (MILE', mind yon) ft 26e Mennen's Talcum Powder for llo 1 Manyon's Paw-Paw Mc Malted Milk .., : 84c and 67c So Mistletoe Cream i 50c Neal's Dyspepsia Tablets for 40o (All you want no limit.) lOe Mexican Aside Soap, for . ... Be $1.00 Oxomulslon (all you want) 69c Nic Palmo Tablets for 4K! $1.00 Pierce's Medicines) for 64o 25c Plso's Consumption Cure for 16-J 50c Pink of Perfection for 40o tl on I'tnkham'a Vegetable Compound for 6'c lOo Physician's and Sara-eona Soap Re 25c Packer's Tar Soap, we sell 15c Pernaa for ,...Mc 1 Sqolbb'e aaraapnrllla for 71c $1.00 Bwiffa Speclflo for c $1.75 Swlffa SpeoiAc for tlM 5"C Syrup of Figs, genuine, for 32c 6ic Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 34c $1.00 Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 69c 6"c Soolete Hygienlque Boap.for 29c 25c Stitch Back Plaster for 35c $1.50 Vln Mariana for 9c These are Sherman A McC'onnell'a prices. Vlnol, gennlne always fl.OO (Purchasers of Vlnol should not accept same If the wrapper or label Is mutilated or torn.) Victor's Tonic Lotion, (beat remedy for blackheads, pimples, barber'a Itch and all akin tronblea,) per bottle oOe 60o Warner's Sodium Phosphate, effer vescent 85c fl Wine of Cardnt 4.63o All you want. ft White Ribbon Manor Care ..69c oOe White Ribbon Liquor Care . ,40c Mall orders filled at above prices; box and cartage free. SPECIAL BALE OX MME TALE'S REMEDIES. All fl.BO Preparations for. ..f 1.14 All fl Preparations for . ...S1o All IMe Preparations for ....34c All 2Bo Preparatlona for . ...14o Farnam TEL. 1756. . Fourteen Years Same Location We positively remove nerves from teeth with out the least particle of pain. Plates $2 up. Open Sundays 10 to 12. $ 13'1'a, sr' lvf'irw . nE99jCE!rF5rORE; Monday the selling be big on Valentines Make your selections ' from the most diversified stock In New and original designs be found at this store. Practical Dental Work 1517 DOUCLA8 STREET The Place lor deed Dental Work Ft i'.i Years. No Delav. V.,. J .f a f L ' er in Each Department. Sunday. 9 ta THE n n n w zm rv. ..w y COMPANY Lcadinsr Piano Dealer of the West ANOS Our sensational GREEN TRADING! STAMP mile of Pianos Is continued ono week more Ridiculously cut prices, selling- on the easiest of easy month ly payments and GREEN TRADING STAMPS to the full amount of the price of the Piano on first Installment. It will take us next to no time to convince you that there Is no sound sense In waiting longer for that Piano, which your home must Include sooner or later, and that It will pay you hugely In home satisfaction and pock et book Bavlng to act now. Here Are Some Spe cials far This Week. A nice little Ebony Upright Plnno on easy payments and GREEN TRAD ING STAMPS to the full price $56 A larger Ebony Piano your own terms ana ukjskn TRAD , 1NG STAMPS, too for $85 and New trument A nice Mahoemiv I'tirlnht Rrnnil Maw Piano medium grade Instrument your own terms and GREEN TRADING STAMPS for $138 An elegant Upright Oak Brand New Piano with pretty stool and scarf 3rand New and scarf $185 t Pianos the factory snts pretty w your own terms and GREEN TRADING STAMPS for SEVEN beautiful Walnut Pianos every one guaranteed by the factory and us superb Instruments pretty stool and scarf with every Piano j I inn it $225 your own terms and GREEN TRADING STAMPS for EIGHT beautiful Mahogany Upright Pianos gems from the best factories In America covered by our own per sonal copper-riveted guarantee fine stool and scarf with each tiy Upright st factories ur own per ir&ntee fine tth each $250 your own terms and GREEN TRADING BT AMPS for NO LESS THAN EIGHTY-FIVE PIANOS TO BELL,. EMBRACING tALL WOODS, . the latest, up-to-the-minute styles 1904 Colonials prices never before dreamed of your own terms and GREEN TRADING STAMPS for $275, $285. $290, $315 aod $385 ONE WORD MORE Clearly under stand that you get GREEN TRAD ING STAMPS TO THE FULL AMOUNT OF THE PRICE OF THE PIANO WITH THE FIRST INSTALL MENT. Suppose,' now, you bought a 1200 Piano and paid $15 to $M down and ar ranged monthly payments suitable for yourself; WE WOULD GIVE YOU TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS WORTH OP GREEN TRADING STAMPS; This would fill two GREEN TRAD ING STAMP COLLECTING BOOKS, for which you would get your choice of SCORES OF HANDSOME ARTI CLES FOR THE HOME FURNI TURE (SIX DINING ROOM CHAIRS IF WANTED), MORRIS CHAIRS, CHIFFONIERS, MUSIC CABINETS. SILVERWARE. SHOALS OF IT; CUT GLASS FANTASIES ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. ALMOST, and. COULD 'YOU get them delivered at your home just about as quick as we could get the piano delivered at your home. AN OFFER SUCH AS THIS WAS NEVER BEFORE MADE. IT'S A STUNNER! ORGANS! ORGANS! Taken In trade on our GREEN TRADING STAMP sale proposition. Our tuners and polishers made them good as new. We sell them at all kinds of prlcea, according to the style of the Organ $12, $17, $20, $22, $26, $32 to $48 Chase & Baker Piano Player The Player with the velvet touch. The most wonderful Player on the market. Easy payments. Out-of-town people should write at once to ua ull information promptly given. I6th and Harney Sts., Omaha TELEPHONE 431 is 141 FAHNAM ST. SGRANTQN HARD COAL ALL SIZES. ROCK SPRINGS COAL CANON CITYNUT COAL FOR COOK STOVES i And many other grades, from cheap est to the best. - Nebraska Fuel Co. MM Farnam St. Phone itL Piles Cured WITHOUT PAIN By W. O. auwtlL M. D. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical Col lege or Mew torn miy. S24-C Be. building, Omaha, Neb. Tel. 1424. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER The Beat Faraa Psftr, TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER I 'Writ for a taaaala Ceyy. 1 jfcr ' Pi mm Trading 111 Stamps Free TUB RKIUBLE 1TORB. Your Opportunity Now. Men's $10 Suits. and Overcoats, S5 $5 $5 MEN'S SUITS In all the latest and most popular snnues ana innrics, wen maue. Htvllxh raiments thiit will Klve the wenr- ers genuine satisfaction f? ftfl Men's tine overrents, In blue and blt.'k Kersey, well lauoreo, oressy garment, good enough for anybody, J Afl werth labour sale rrlre . WiUv Alfc-.N 8 J12.0U UVKKIUAI9 A 1 0..O. Valentines Valentines Valentines ALT, KINDS AND DESCRIPTIONS. The most gorgeous array of valentines " ever shown In the city. PRICKS 1C TO 1.W KAUI. VALENTINES AT 60C ON THE DOLLAR On account of non delivery a lot of val entines have been thrown onto the hund . of the factory. They have Instructed us i to dispose of these and we will do so at White and Colored Wash Dress Goods, Waist- ings snd Suitings, Spring Fabrics. New Stylish Novelties. VARIETY UNEQUALLED ANYWHERE, ASSORTMENT LARGER THAN ALL OTHER OMAHA WASH GOOD8 STOCKS COMBINED. SELECTIONS HERE can be made more easily and to BETTER ADVANTAGE, where such Im mense quantities are yours from which to choose. WAI8TINO SALE MONDAY White Jacquard (Imported) walstlnga the very newest styles, (some stores ask 4fo for these) 25- Monday, yard The Leading Dress Goods House of the West More dress goods than the combined stocks of all the other Omaha merchants pot together. All our early spring dress goods now In. Priestley, Lupin and every . . , . . i . 1. 1 .. -i v ........ MuMunlitil nprA repui&Die manuiaciurer in hub couuiij RIESTLEY'S BLACK GOODS LEAD PRIESTLEY'S BLACK GOODS LEAD THEM ALL. Priestley'. Yolles. 1.00 up to $3.00. Priestley's mohairs, 7fic up to $2.00. Priestley's Sicilians from $1 to M00. Priestley's silk crepes. 11.60 to 5 .00. Priestley s fancies from i&c to .uu. LUPIN'S BLACK AND COLORS. The finest products of France: Lupin's voiles from 75c to $3.00. Lupin's silk crepes, $1.00 to $3.00. Lupin's fancies from 75c to $5.00. All wool challls, 89o and 60c. EVENING SHADES AND WAISTINGS. Voiles, mohairs, Sicilians, Lansdowns, Early Showing of New Spring Silks. A comDrehenslv. collection that portrays the prevailing fashions for the com ing season. SILKS FOR SHIRT WAIST SUITS-inO styles, on sale Monday, I HE . mr. a) i ru n A I ar Rl iov, i.w nun . FOULARD SILKS best quality, in iw new colors ana aesiune Sli uii nt la fi v (- aini - FANCY WAIST SILKS in greatest v:i rletv. onenlng sale price I OC 75c, $i.00 and Is t U THE NEW LIBERTY CREPE finest made, actually worm i.w 1-00 on snie lur wwww THE NEW MOUSSELINE SILKS white. New Spring Wash Goods Rfotch uitlnn and tweerts, worth up to 25c IHC VnMtiv rui varrl I fafl Extra heavy and fine Scotch printed and corded madraaaes, worm VlkC ,.n . r. vu Mnniinv. tier vard Iaw Extra fine and heavy Imported percales. and corded ana primea mmr worth up to 19c n t(o XMnnAaV VflH . . . . . Ill Extra heavy and fine printed and corded madraases, Amosneag , eerautoi ."- Monday's Specials In tho mra .i M "".h1' v1, r.? ; v.,j All linen inngea laoie cioiub, yiam u. A S 5.U borders. 2V4 yards long and r."T.rj ;r. v, a ma t9m value for Bleached IHsh table linen, heavy quality, cheap at two, on saio i h( Monday, at, yard ',' A fiHITETH AT BOO. Ready to use bleached seamless h', slxe nxao-cneap flUC at eoc for MS Lockwood bleached seemless sheets, slxe 81x90 cheap K I.Q at 69c at M 18o PIIjTjOW CASES AT 13H. Wamsutta pillow cases IIJc ..rinWrBn UTMijM AT $1.00. amar nan KM IV nifHl'Iimi II1UB1III. Inches wide, worth 8V4o yd.. f (1 fl Monday, IS yards for ...";-",!' ONLY 13 YARDS TO A CUSTOMER. Fiannel -i white wool extra .oft flannel, regu lar 26c quality kr at. vard Unmade fancy all wool skirt 71c patterns, regular $1.50 each ........ Ml 86-inch wide cream wool flannel, with a beautiful heavy nemsiucn una uonyt.u edges, with silk embroidery, this la a very nice quality of flannel and the design Is entirely new for this season, worth 75o a yard KQ2 AOn anA V t caaea cheviot shirting, regular IQq 40-Inch wide extra heavy Shaker flannel. Slaughtering ; . . 1 1 1 fnndav morning, we will W.ChTv?.dMonu.A ?irT ThVe TstrumVnt. are" all In goV condiUon." are giaranteed just the samu iJ ?thZY?ov ? pa"d regular price fo? them. All thee Instruments will be sold on our regSlaeasy Payment plan. Remember. If you are not satisfied w th any In :.u',r, 1 rchksed from us. we refund your money and no questions asked. . a fAw of the man v baraulna larv UII'J w - - - We are going to oner: ..$228.00 ..$ ,.MW ..$140.00 ..$135.00 xsno jemcner, , fiikiiujf . ' . . , v. -n v. 1 hmmI $.f75 Franklin, slightly used x..jh Haines " , pubuv.j md. $375 Cable, slightly used $J76 Chase, ebony case S2.95 Decorated BTTTW PURPI-E BROWN AND NA TURAL-100 PIECES TO THE SET. SEMI-PORCELA4N-The best bargain ever shown In the city. Do not fall to se. these aets. i milt .aucer Cup and saucer, each Decorated porcelain English manuraciuro your cnoice aionaay Hardware, Stoves . Special Money . $i folding Ironing boards . .9.0 ...AM ..$5 49 ,...a9.! ,...29a ,...79o ,...49o willow ciomea oannci The best rotary washer A wtinn clothes rack .. Granite dish pan universal iooa cn'i' s arawer spicw rset Knives ana w," Red frame wooa saw i frame wood saw SPECIAL DEEP CUT IN HEATING ,.40 Groceries Groceries Groceries HEIJABLE CUT PRICES AND TRADfN Jl-lbs pur. cane granulated sugar for $1.00 White or yellow cornmeal. lb lo k-ih. Kanit nicked navy beana for ....19o t-lbs tapioca, sago, barley or Farina.. 19c 6-lbe good Japan rice " s-lbs breakfaat rolled oats ISc x , k.- ArA fiMJ ..... ........19C J-lb. cana wax or string beana -6c t-lb. cana Early June peas 1-lb cana aolld packed tomatoea 7'o l-lb! can fancy Alanka salmon a Quart cana 0jlden table syrup .lOo 2-lb pkg aeit rising ijnct uuur ....- 1-lb pkg best corn starch 4V Larga bottles flue tomato catsup 8Hc I pkga breakfast rolled oata lue 1 gallon cana grapes, apricots, peara. peaches, greeugiiga or ess HAYDEN-BROS. Trading rcer Men's fine all wool meltnn overcoats, In oxford gnivs and browns, medium weight, medium length, well tHorel. handsome coats, worth 112.60 C lC our sale price U' I Ask to see our line of HART. SCUAFF NKlt & MARX' hnnd-tallored clothing the best produced. We are Omaha sell ing agents. one-half thrlr real value. KKK Ol'R DOUCE STREET WINDOW. DON'T IHTY EMHROIPKRY AND LACE8 NOW. Watch our ad for great embroidery and lace sale next week.' We have the stylish little collar and cuffs to be worked with cross stitch ALL THE RAGE. ETA MINE SALE MONDAY White, black and colors of one of the choicest drews fabrics for the new season. quHlity excellent, colors reliable, up-to- date washable favorite Monday OINllHAM SALE MONDAY 19 6.0OO pieces of A. V, C. and Red Beiil lephyr ginghams 4he quality that .nil other atores ask 120 and 13o for ON sale at Haydens 1ft,, Monday, yard IU PleHse accept our Invitation to visit this department and see the wonderful crea tlons In watsUngs and suitings. uu i.ui ui, .t..... . I sublimes, basket weaves, etc c An Aiw. ?w fl oo ii n tn uaUU Priestley's cravenettes are the only gen uine cloths for rain coais, SKiria, buiis. etc we have them at $1.50, $1.:ih. KM, and up, to, yard.. 4.00 Spring tailor suitings strictly all wool Scotch mixtures strictly all wool Extra heavy walstlngs. In all wool Scotch suitings Tailor suitings n (xv l?nn. t:i.0n. $4.00 and 49c 49c 75c 5.00 For popular areas gooos. irom .ivo 10 u I a yard, see Domestlo Room. cream and colors, regular ti.tfi oualitv only 98c PONGEE SILKS finest line In western country, 50 pieces pongee, 82 incnes win-, worth $1.50 Monday Intro- QJ)(3 ductory price only w w The new white and colored HABUTA I WASH SILKS are In,- AQq handsomest ever phown, only tH" WE WANT YOUR NAME This menus out-of-town customers. A complete line of samples of the new spring silks, mailed to you free of charge. in the Great Don estie Room tinms. snrlnr colnrlnaa and dsrk, colored 86-Inch wide percales, worth up ' 7C to 15o Monday, per yard Extra heavy and fine printed dimities, seersucker ginghams, spring colorings, fancy walstlngs, and SS-tnch wide per rales, worth up to 12V4 $ Monday, per yard Shirtings and fancy dress prints, worth 6V4c Monday QJq per yard , Big Linen and Domestic Room . niTT? f A V DAMASK AT 6!c p.t ii;.; damask, aii the nt .. . ,m-" m- terns, with wide open CQC i borders at. yard borders at, yard $2.00 NAPKINS AT $1.19. AH linen bleached napkins, 4 slxe Monday, per doxen 90o SHEETS AT 89c. Utlc mllla bleached seamlene sheets, size 81x90 go at 1.49 .69c ans piLiow cases, at 15c UUca mills pillow cases, size ICr 45x36 go Monday, at..... 20 YARDS U U MUSLIN FOR $1.00. Heavy I I muHlin, Sti Inches wide, worth 6Ho yard, Monday, f fl fl M yards for IiWU Only 20 yards to a customer. 12 YARDS LONfJ CIXJTH FOR $1.00 Erglish long doth. No. 80, worth 15c a hH, Monday f fl fl 12 yards for x I'UU Only 13 yards t. a customer. Department - , regular 15o quality in at. yard m. .... in RED SPREADS . Full slxe white honeycomb bed spreid, handsome Marseilles patterns, hemmed ready for use, regular $LO0 fJQrt quality-each ......UJ1-' Full size extra heavy Marseilles patterns, with or without fringe, reg- QPr ulr $125 quality each ........ 3PP White fringed bed spreads, MarscllT patterns, heavy knotted fringe, cut cor. nera, extra large size, and no l"" value to be had, I. IK each I Piano Prices AWaa mlnvistai Br orrer pianos ai noicuinumy nw immo-. : $250 Klngbury. ebony case ....$125 00 ....$115.00 ....$105.00 95 W ysso Jimnau, eoony rum 1190 Cramer, ebony case , ll'iO Singer .75.00 $150 Smith"" Barnes : 7S.0Q Omaha'a Old Reliable Piano House. Dinner Sets, $2.95 lo Wine glasses, 8 for lo Crystal salt cellar .......... piocca wunu .10m ou and llousofurnishings, w as I... Savers for Monday tt jl i not Mr Tott'a Irons . ...S9c' ,.$1 19 ..."' .. I'''. ..13.J ...lHo ... 51"! ...;oo Wood frame wringers ..... No. ( copper bottom boiler $1.60 shoe shiner , Turkey dusters 8:t tip table spoons 60-lbs. flour cans .... 12 Oa loaded shells STOVES MUST SELL ALL SAMPLE 25o butcher knue ..ISO O STAMPS WITH EVERY PURCHASE. 1 gallon can New York apples 25o Fancy golden Santos coffee, lb llo Choic e tea alMlngs, 10 IZVjO KKESH FRUIT CARNIVAL Fancy California navel oranges, dos..l0o Choice California lemons, dozen l"o California white figs, 1-lb. pkg Ts New Jersey cranlx rrles 7V0 RELIAHLE DRIED FRUIT SALE Iirge California prunes, lb Choice Utah peaclies, lb 7Vic English cleaned currants, lb 7MiO Fancy Bartlett pears, lb Ho Vlralnla blackberries, lb 7VM New York crop Ring apples, lb hi-.o Fancy Mulr Park apricots, lb 12Vio A CRACKER SPECIAL MONDAY To evry purchaser of 6u of our fresh rookies or crackers, we will give $1.U Trading Stamps free.