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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1904)
10 Tim OMAITA DAILY HEEi , WEDNESDAY, FEPTlUATlY X 1004. jc m ill?: i inaa a.1, j.:ria,uu: Shoe Sale Today Special Sale Women's Shoes Shoe Sale Today $2 and $1.50 Women's SKocs 98c 1 jv. 4 In Basement on bargain square. l.SOO pairs, 16 styles all sizes ladles' viol Kid lace shoes all new and up- to-date styles made by Steph en Putney Shoe Co. -jV 10 0011 ,or v $2 go at 98c A Great Embroidery Offer Embroideries and Flouncing 29c Yd We bought an immense lot of embroid eries and embroidery flounclngs from an importer at a great sacrifice. The price we paid was so. low that we can sell them tomorrow at less than cost to import. This is an un usually fine lot. They come In widths up to 27 Ins. and are new, crisp and fresh. The extra wide embroideries are suitable for corset covers, babies dresses, etc They are worth 78o a yard on bargain square at, a yard Biggest Overcoat Bargain ever offered $12 Ulsters and ' CC Overcoats at vpJ Today We gather to gether hundreds of the very swell est $10 and $12 overcoats and ulsters and offer them at an astonishing cut In prica. All good warm and stylish coats that you would pay a t least double for a few weeks earlier In the sea son your free choice at..... Man's Winter Pants at $2.50 Your choice of all our men's winter' - t a . mm -m. T 3 panva mai nava oeen pneeu up to $6. BO a pair today at Watch J Our ? windows L 29e ,..l,,.ll1 ,.1,1,1, . ..Ml M,,,.. 1 L J J Watch dCria windows PIONEER OF COUNTY DEAD met ' Haaer, for Forty Tears a. Resident f Elkhorn, Pause 1 Away. County Commissioner Peter Hofeldt re porta the death of Bamuel Haney, on. of the oldest' settlers of Douglas county Honey died 'Monday afternoon. Ha settled In the vicinity of Elkhorn forty year ago, and at the time of hi death was a well-to-do stock raiser. He had been sick for two weeks. He leave a wife. The funeral services will be held from the residence Wednesday afternoon at 8 o'clock, following which the Interment will be made In the Brltton cemetery.' - Aiairiili of (he Theaters. , The bill on at the Orpheum this week is proving magnetic In drawing a series of big houses. In acrobatics It Is difficult to find anything ,new, but the four Nlghtons are doing an act different from the many that have been here. The next matinee will be given Thursday. On tomorrow evening Blanche Walsh re turns to Omaha with her great play, 'Reurrectlon., based on the Tolstoi novel Of the same name. Omaha people who aaw this piece during the earlier part of the season, - when Miss Walsh first of fered It here, still recall with great vivid ness the Impressive situations and power ful acting of this great woman, who gives , vitality to one of the strongest sermons ever preached front the stage. One club woman remarked after seeing the piece, "I would not have missed it for anything; It has done me a world of good, for It has opened my eyes to things I didn't understand." The engagement is for two , rights and a matinee on Friday afternoon. Qalelc Hon frosa C ktraga by the Pitts s berg Special Leaves Chicago every evening at half past T o'clock over- Pennsylvania Short XJnes; arrives Flttsburg T:4E a. m. Pull man drawing room sleeping cars and buffet serving luncheon and breakfast. Inquire of ' C. I Kimball, A. O. P. Agt, No. I Sher man street, Chicago, about this favorite train for ClUcago-ilttsburg travel. Marriage (.Iceeara. t'p to noon Tuesday the county Judge had Issued licenses to wed to the following Couples' Name and Residence. Agn. Owen Keefe, Hralnard fi Annie liegarty, Oniaha 22 Veorge I'rsedowakl, Omaha 87 lotorla Zdsinrskl, Omaha to George Went. Beatrice.. Adelaide liaison, Omaha.... JOrnrst L. Miller, Omaha Kaliiryn V. Doyle, Omaha.. .. 17 .. 18 .. a) , U-K. Wedding Rings. Edholm. jeweler, Hofeldt l All NlaW. ' Ths fiftieth birthday of George Helni smann. one of the old settlers of Elkhnrn. was celebrated Monday night. The affair was attended by a large company of llelna mann'atfrlends and relatives, one of whom TELEPHONE 431 4M inmost 11 FAItNAM ST. SCRANTON HARD COAL , All SIZES. ROCK SPRINGS COAL CANON CITY NUT COAL FOR C00( STOVES ... 1 And many other grades, from cheap est to the best ; . Nebraska FusI Co. 1114 Farnam St. I Phone 431. 8K Gold Crowns Oold Killings.,., Silver Fillings .. Full Set Teeth $5.00 - Best Set $7.50 ........ .88 an. 11.60 up. sue up. BAILEY, THE DENTIST. (Established 18X8.) rd FLOOR, FAX.TON BLOCK. Green Trading Stamps Every Time to). L5)' i Keep yoyr'C on the little Greerv Sticker. The numlxr of sntlBflod premium owners la well up Into the thon-ands. Between 8,000 and O.OiiO books were produced on RED LETTEIl GREEN TRADING STAMP DAY, lart Wednesday. Wo want you to bo an en thusiast In the collectinR of GREEN TRADING STAMPS. GREEN TRADING STAMP PREMIUM VALUES are easily 60 per cent better than those offered through any other system, original or lmltatory. The slimmest purse should find outlet at Bennett's, becausaabsolute re liability and fair dealing are a certainty, and GREEN TRADING STAMPS on the very face of your trading COST TOU NOTHING. Tuesday in Dry Goods BLANKETS BOO pairs of heavy cotton flenre Blankets to be sold to make room fitr new goods. We offer them for Wednesday for less than eastern ooet. , Big 11-4 heavy fledped cotton Blankets gray, tan and fancy actual 11.25 QSn values for this sale only per pair Extra heavy twilled fleeced in gray, tans actual values $1.60, for 1 f C per pair Very large and heavy Blankets in grays and tans worth 13 pair f OQ for this sale only per pair WASH GOODS Big bargains In fine White Goods and new Cotton Suitings at our Wash Goods Department. Extra fine whlt India Llnons worth 12Ho at per yard I Extra fine white India Unon worth 15c at per yard 1 , waa Te(e TfafMt .... i , who says he had such a Jolly good time i.t. uw mm up ui in H l I. C31.AO . te , , New Orleans, La., and return, 130. to Mobile, Ala., and return Feb. th-14th. Long limits and stop-overs. All information at Wabash city office. lUJl Farnam St. or address Harry E. Moo res, O. A. P. D, Omaha, Neb. Wltrhu wA 1 . a- v . I " ; : L "iiiuuu. iour creau is I ood' A. Mandelberg, Jeweler, 152J Farnam. MRS. vj. BENS FECIALS. ON Chatelaine Baga, 25c and 50c. Bags that sold for f 1.75 and up to $3.50-i-at just half former price. White Linen Collars, 4-ply, Btand up, 25c doren, an eize. Collar Foundations for 5c that sold for 15c. naridsome. Rcrap Baskets one-third off regular price. Drape Veils, all silk chiffon, one and one-half yards long, old from 5Sc to f 1.50 all at just half price. :. sjc 10c 26 pleoes new Russian Gattetas 28 I jr-hes wide In a pretty lot of dark f En colorings only pr yard , aOW SECOND FLOOR BARGAINS COATS AT LESS THAN THE COST OP THE LININO-Three-quarter lengths full lined Norfolka, Blouses loose backs, tight backs and half-tit- A ns ting all styles coats that sold ss high as fc2.50 choice Wednesday... EIDERDOWN SACQUES All wool Eiderdown Sacques that sold for $1.25 to $1.75 one big table iDDn full only each . VOw VERY SPECIAL We are now showing all the very latest creations In New Spring Suits. Every express adds new styles to this beautiful showing. Art! Art! ArtI A Marvelous Snap ItiFine Art. S2 worth of Green Trading Stamps with a f if teencent Picture . . . . - See window On Harney street containing display of Matted Pictures, A i-l and very choice assortment The pictures average 16x30, perfeotly ml i fitted In clean-cut mats 82x27 go on sale In Art Department . irt' Wednesday morning at the astounding price of Aww TWO DOLLARS WORTH OF ORE EN TRADING STAMPS WITH EACH PURCHASE. Not more than two pictures to a customer. As our supply Is somewhat limited limited In view of the extraordinary Inducement we advise an early call. . - GROCERY! GROCERY!! The best values for your money in Grooerlea. Our sales are so large that WrrE'vLV PRcffi' bTnnT FORCER'0 8TAMPS WEDNESDAY SPECIALS . ,Corn Meal, new, 8-pound sack..,.12Ho Full Weight Milk, can lOo Table Salt, sack o Neutrtta Breakfast Food, pkg 5c Parlor Matches, 500 In box,... 4a Catsup, bottle 8a Navy Beans, per pound.; So Cocoanut, (aokage 6c Wisconsin Cream Cheese, pound. 12Ho Celery Salt, bottle -. lOo Lemon Extract, bottle So Salmon, one-pound can. lOo frit Uuftt'swiaBil WMMAJMJa. tonee Boasted Dally. - r Maracalbo Coffee, per pound ISO T Bennett's Capitol Coffee, per pound.... 2i Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, 3-pound can 480 ' ' Best Valaes la Teas. B. F. Japan, Oolong, Gunpowder and English Breakfast, pes pound 88 i Tea Sittings, per pound.7 16o Pare Spices. Bennett's Capitol Black Pepper, im pound can 12o Batter from the Best Dairies Every ' -Day. Fresh Country Butter, per pound lBo BENNETTS CAPITOL CREAMERY, per pound tfio BENNETTS TA5TC0ffP sure fttKST" CANDYI CANDYI Chocolate Cream special offer a large quantity of fresh made and de licious vanilla flavored Chocolate Creams per pound 12c Green Trading Stamps Every Time Deposits.... Made this week draw Interest for the en tire month. We open accounts for one dollar to three thousand dollars and pay 4 per cent Interest, compounded every three nionths. - Checks on all banks cashed. ' J. L. BRANDEIS . SONS, BANKERS. 3L No Wonder the Possessor of a good watch or clock Is careful Into whose hands hs leaves it for repairs when It falls to do Its work prop- 1 Un.. A ,.. V. Im I., I A V. 1 . i oily. jnniif m sw wwrn.M - hm nantii ana is spoiled by incompetent or careless repairing. Does your watch or clock need repairing? Don't run the risk 01 laving your timepiece ruined. Bring It to us. Look foi he name. S. V. LINDSAY. The Jeweler. Ill Douglas Street. Omaha. ii Crane's Elegant Stationery AT REDUCED PRICES, To start February we have filled our north window wlui a lot of Crane's flnest correspondence stationery at 1 and Ko per quire with eave lopes to match. Regulur price oo and tiuc. A COMPLETE STOCK Of nrst class sewing machines always In stock sold on small monthly payments or with liberal discount for cash. Oet t he best It payu In needlee, oil and sup piles we handle the best that can be had. Repairing promptly done and guaranteed. P. E. FLODMAN & CO , Jewelers, 15,4 fffl ve- 9 isisss ss s - -1- -r!nrirt siiirgsiggaiisjaf Q The Stratton BANKRUPT PiAE30 iALE . 4 -A rr-i- n 4 -a ' 1 PIANO PRICES CO DOWN It's only temporary though for bankrupt stocks are not to be had every day this "Btratton" deal was extremely fortunate for us and xvc give you the opportunity to share this, good fortune with ua. We are sendinR out BARGAINS THAT SATISFY. Ah T.iHt as our teams can take them the "big piano house" was never so busy in midwinter but we'll take care of you If you call, and you will be surprised to find how easy It Is to make a selection here. . A fEW Of THE BEST: fGOO Stcinway & Sons. $325 $500 Steger & Sons... $292 $400 Emerson... ....$265 $350- Gramer $248 Chickering $166 llallet & Davis ..$152 Schubert $138 Other uprights at $118, $94, $8fi, $75, $52, $48. On payments of $5 to $10 Cash and $4 to $5 a month. CH nolle m SI m m m wm (iNCORPORATtO) MANUFACTURE-WHOLE SALE -RETAIL F I ANO S MAIN HOUSf ANO OPTICK: 131 fARNAM FACTORY! 1t rABNAsl TKLCPHONC 1SSS OMAHA LINCOLN, NEB 1g . 11TH ST. TEL. TSS CO. BLUFFS, IJ got BSjOAOWA" TtU SSS YUCATAN III GUM III WEDNESDAY 2 Packages for 6 CENTS. 11 You Want MAIN FLOOR. . mma. The cucumber Is of trop ical origin. I'erhups that explains why It hits one In the re gion of the equator. But It doesn't explain why ready-made trousers fail to fit well in the equa torial region. That they're made for a dummy, not a man, explains that How foolish the ready mado wearer Is, when this Fall 5tck Reducing aJo Is making to-your-measure $(!.0( and $7.00 Trousers for $5. $8.00 Trousers for $6. $9.00 Trousers for $7. $10!00 Trousers for $8. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, 04-JOs 5. I6tb St . Nsit door ts Wsbash Ticket Olflos. rbsssisoa. After Yoi Havo hod your littl lauh over those i .... . i .inn rnme to HUWEIX'U the REAL. MECCA of all careful druu buyers, anU savs money on all purchases. 1 Fanner's liluod and IJver Rem edy and Nerve Tonic H Hie Fields' Worm Powders lno II Coke's Dandruff Cure fo II Klnnsy's Hlr Tonic ok tioo Walnulta Hair Bialn 2ic Kl Ho Ma lnk Tablets 15o Xnc Arthurs' Laxative TableU 16o II KdaetteH ' loo W entrant's Kof Kure lo 5oc Uebl Process Peef Et.- He i Beef, Iron and Vine M)c Ifut Chocolate llenler. Howell Drug Co., 1 16 ih and Capitol Arenue. Trading Stamps Free mix III THE HF.I.UBLH STOHK. DO YOU KNOW Trading Stnntp!"' free TR ATMNO PTAMP8 AXXT. GIVEN FRKE VITII EVEtlY CASH rt'RCH AS1' r'.YKHY TIME TO EVERYHOlY KVKRYWH KRK IN Ol'Tl STORE? WEI. I,, THKY ARE, AND EACH STAMP REPRESENTS 1'AHT PAYMENT tN ONE OK MORE OF THE MOST HEAI'TlFIU. IS1;1MI. ANO VAI.l'ARI.E PR EM 11 "M H. E V E It OFFERED FREE WITH TRADING STAMPS. PEE FOR YOl'RHKI.F. THAT IS TUB WAY TO BECOME CONVINCED OF THE TRUTH OF THIS STATEMENT In Our High Grade Dress Goods Dept. WE HAVE A3 T BI At,. AROCT A OA NOW ON DISPLAY. ALL THE NEW F OENU1NE CRAVENETTES, ETC. COM 13 Strictly nil wool voiles at, yard Prlestlry's high Rradn black goods, at ?to yard to Priestley's silk warp mohairs Ko at Reed's crlebrated Lansdown IOC at, yard liCu POPULAR PRICED WOOIj DRESS O IN DOMESTIC ROOM 49 5.00 .198 3.00 RI.OAD OF NKVV SPKINO DRESS OOOD3 ANCY MOHAIRS. VEII.JNtiS, VOILES, IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. Lupin's voiles from li t) it )ard to Pi-tout iry's cravenrttod mo- q nf hiilrM, at 7oci a vard to OlUU Prlestloy's rrtvenetted Scotch mixtures- M Indies wide, for rain coata I CA and suits at, yard I'uU French sublime Importod Lans- QQa down At, yard 5JO OODS FROM 10c A YARD TO 190 A YARD 30,000 Stylos to Select From. Wool Dress Goods in the Groat Do mestic Room. All wool challies, all wool French flannels, all wool slbellnes, Scotch mixtures and French and German plaJds, worth up to 85c nn Wednesday, per yard w3c All wool tricots, fancy wool walsungn, extra henvy wool skirtings, 32 nnd as Inches wide, all dark colors, wool plaids, black and colored honrlettos, and short lengths In all wool dicsa goods, worth ui to 49c ( Wednesday, per yard Ctf" 32-Inch wide Scotch sephyr and mercerlied Hiiisoajun, i-uiuLeu ueece uneu piiues. llKht and dark colored percales, Scotch printed and corded madras and oxford walstings, worth up to lJo Wednesday, per yard IU1"' Imported niadrasses, light colors, dark colored percales, Amuskeng seersucker Ginghams, black satoens and S3 and 36 !nch wide flanne'ettes, worth up T Ln !o l".o Wednesday, yard I fft S6 Inch percaliss, medium colors, silver gray Scotch nlald and llcht colored seersu ker ginghams, pique w'alstlng, JT-lnrh wlds French flannelettes and remnants of wash roveltles, worth up to lIH-o Wednesday, at, yard 5 Wednesday's Specials in the Big Linen and Domestic Room YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS Til Ready to use seamless bleached sheets 81x90 size, worth 60c 111. Wednesday I C Extra heavy unbleached seamless sheeting 2 yards wide, worth 23c Wednesday IO-' Heavy unbleached pillow casing, 45 Inches wide, worth 14c f Wednesday, at, yard IU-' Hemstitched all linen damask lunch cloths size S6xa, worth 11.26 lr Wednesday, at 13 ESH CHANCES. Heady to use blenched pillow cases, irom amsutta cotton, sue 4ixat), worth 18o Wednesday Bolton cambric, 86 Inches wide, for undergarments, worth 18o Wednesday, at, yard Blotched and unbleached, foubla Turkish towels, up to 40 Inches cheap at 12Vfco Wednesday Mercerised tablo damask, 73 Jiohes pretty patterns, worth 11.00 yard, Wednesday, at .. mada !3io Indies' warp long v ids, 69 Flannel Department Specials. How Do These Prices Suit You? 41c 1 case extra heavy Shaker flannel-r-per yard Our entire line of 40c all wool elder- X- down, to close out yard 9" Extra heavy fancy stripe Feather Ticking, worth 18c, yard I 9 1 rase cheviot shirting, I ft' worth 15o atl yard IU" 1 case full slxe pink and blue fringed ixd spreads, regular 11.26 quality go at Extra heavy outing flannel, a reg ular snap at, yard ..... 93 31 The Reliable Grocery Department. Trading Stamps With Every Purchase 21-lbs. purs cane granulated sugar for 11.00 Large sacks pure buckwheat flour 30c Large sacks white or yellow cornmeal.U'tc 5-lba. hand picked navy beans l!k 5- 1 bs. -Wisconsin Lima beans for lite 6- lbs. good Japan rice for IDC 5- lbs. fancy, pearl or flake hominy for.. 19c 6- 1 bs. pearl tapioca, sago, barley or Farina for Ific 8-lb. cans Oolden Egg, Greengage or Dawson plums for !0c S-lb. cans solid packed tomatoes 74o S-lb. cans hominy 7HO t-lb. cans Boston baked beans 7c 1-lb. pkg Imported macaroni 1)3 Oil or mustard sardines, can 4o S pkgs. breakfast rolled oats for 100 1-lb. cans assorted soups, 1 can makes enough for six people '..6o RELIABLE DRIED FRUIT SALE Large California prunes, lb . M.,..3'4o Choice Utah peaches, lb .ji'Vio English cleaned currants, lb , .lo Fancy Bartlett pears, lb Uo Virginia blackberries, lb 7Ua New York crop Ring apples, lb 840 Fancy Moor Park apricots, lb Vi'mQ FRESH FRUIT SALE Larue fancy bananss, dosen 12tyu Fancy navel oranges, dosen Ut California Juicy lemons, dosen 10a l-lli. California white figs, pkg 7V(o SPECIAL, BPECIAL, SPECIAL To every purchaser of 1-pound can of our high grade baking powder at 25c, W will give 82.00 WORTH OF TRADING STAMPS FREE. HAYDENBROS. A Vacant Room Eats Up Money Every day you lose the price of a day's rent- a loss that 2s never made up. It's particularly foolish when a Want Ad In the Beev will rent your room. Ten words three times will cost you 30 cents. Tel. 238. Bee Want Ad Dept. Cfieckmaisd at Every Game! That's what wa have dona to the Omaha drug trust. We are not bragging about this, but simply demonstrating to them as well as everyone else, that we are run ning OUR BUSINESS our way! They the local druggists, had us shut off. That didn't keep us from getting goods so tliey hired P1NKERTON DETECTIVES arid they got gay and we had 'em run In! NOW WE ARE READY FOR THE NEXT MOVE, and In th. meantime are selling II.UO I'eruna for 48o 11.00 Bromo Seltser for Mo 11.00 Vlnol for 83o 11.00 Orrlne for 7o 11.00 NER VAN TABLETS for 7o 13.60 "Marvel flpray" Hyrlnges for ta &c Lautive liromo Quinine 7o Remember-"Our word is good" and w. guarantee to sell everything we handle, AT LEAST 2C LOWER THAN any price rjuoted by any druggUl In Omaha, South Omaha or Council Bluffs, In any daily paper of these cities. ; 00 Chester's Genuine Pennyroyal Pills 81.00 Articles marked only one to a customer. CUT PRICE RUa STOKE JC. T. YATE8, Prop. 16th and Chicago 8t., Omaha. 'Phone. 747 and 7W. 24th and N 8ts., South Omaha. 'Phwne No. 1. ith Ave. and Main bt.. Council Bluffs. 'Phone 333. All goods de livered lu either city absolutely frse. SGIIAEFER'S RELIABLE DENTISTRY FREE This offer good until February 15. fftmSet of Teeth , $2.00 Cronus, uy Iruia ....3.00 Killlsss. ap frvsa 25e Brlds; Wsrk, mp (rem..... Work guaranteod ten years. No students. ' TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN by the use of our patented painless methods. Work done free. Bmall charges for material UNION DENTAL COMPANY IS22 DOUGLAS STREET, ROOM 4 OPJuN DAILY AND SUNDAY. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER 4s DiUw Great Shoe Bargains Genuine bargains In tleh grada up-to-date shoes tnls week at this store. Heavy ut In prices of stylish shoes be cause of broken line, and win ter weights. Johnston Murphy's and Boy den's enamij calf and box calf, duuble sole, winter weight, late, style 16 shoe, you can A t( g, t this wtk for only... A lot of men's 83.60 shoes. In patent colt, heavy soles, Potay atid London lasts, 2 SO Women's 85 French calf shoes, made, by I-aJrd, Hcliober & Co., wtlh Winter weight f Rf. soles, now u,uu Wright & Peters' women's 8 Ideal lutteut kid, welt soles arid kid lined, a splendid winter shoe, stylish and cor- A Oft rect. now . Women's kid and bo caif 82 60 and flti welt I.QO shoes now a- Misses' 82 and 82.60 box calf lnce and button f RQ shoes now mw Child's 8160 and 82 button and lace, narrow widths, ft()c go for...., ouw (111 iSD0KlAOi 11