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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3. 1904. V Ju vunau nit iiiuisuvu iiiaiiuiaA Omihi Exchinr Bnrt wits XVif fieoe.'pt tad Good Demand. MAY CO FN A FEATURE ON LOCAL BOARD islaess la Filim Brisk and Mark Trading Do at General Ad- Prices. OMAHA, Feb. 1 At the Omaha Grain exchange spectators were few today, but from fifteen to twenty five brokers wit b'jr all morning. Sixty threw cars of grain ware received during the day. Ttfk market was strong In all lines, almost everything marling in above the, closing figure for Monday. May rorn waa the moot active and large amount changed hands. The range of prints for Omaha grain for finer delivery and the cke today and Monday were aa follow: M Clued - Wheat Ofii. nih. Voir. Today Mn May 74 b , 7SVa 7SB iui; .72 73 41 S 7S ,2B 4l VA. Corn May H July 4iH Oata May ....T....H March SKVa A asked. B kid. Loeal Caeh 4r, 41S 41! 40V. 41 3 Ural a Market. There waa a strong demand for all kind of grain and the table were cleared early. The market ruled steady to atrong. Slxty three cars were received today and 1J1 Monday. WHEAT-No. 2 hard, 7rHc; No. t hard. T7'trMc: No. 4 hard. o74y""1MrC. No. t red, SM8fic; No. I red. T7fi72c; No. 1 aprlng. 71 e"e; Na t spring, 7&4.8c; No. 4 aprlng, ST'tf 73o. CORN No. 2, 40O41Vjc; No. t, 28tf38Hc; No. 4. STijTWo: No. a yellow. 39U4e; No. 4 yellow. r.rjWv-c.; No. i white, 3S(40c; No. 3 white, a4t&ic. OATB No. a, S8tFc; No. a, 37Ulc; No. 4, Sec; No. 1 white, 4041c; No. a white. TlWi S3c; . standard. 40c ttrata Market a Rlaewkere. Closing prices of grain at the markets named Monday and today wera as follows: KANSAS CITT. Monf Today. .... .... 78 is .... 45 .... 44 dy. Wheat May July Corn May .. July Wheat May Corn May .. 3-i 44 ST. LOUIS. 47i fcH July MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat May July . DULUTH. fV Wheat-May I s(uly NEW TORK. Wheat May July '.. Coin May .. 67H Chlcaro reeelved M oars of wheal, no con tract; 65J cars of corn, no contract, and IX cars of oata. of which 10 were contract. Kansas City received 2HS cars of wheat, 145 cars oi ccrn ana i cars oi oata Metes frasa Exrkaage Oflleea. The directors met at I o'clock with lecal representatives of ins railway . A genera dlaouaslmi of the rata situation followed. The carpenters began after closing hour Tuesday to place the pit. The gong which announces owning ana cloeina- of Business has been placed and new wooowork la being siamea. ,- The Inspections of . grkflt. Inf Owtska iwere forty-flve care on enr of . whea-t;-. No. . t bard wlate; trtrea raro rrn. No.- 1 j: el- low ; twenty-seven cars of No. 3, .one car of No. a wnttB and -six, cars of No. -4; four cars of oats. No. 1 white, and three ears or no. t wnita. OMAHA M HOLESALK kiRKET. Caadltlea f Trada aad Qaotatlaae aa - Itaale -and Fsaey Preac, rOUH Receipts, moUerataT fresh stock. UVE PCU'LTRT Kena IHc; aprtnf cnicMena, suta:; roosurs, accoraing to age, 4ic; turkeys. U&Uc; ducks, eUluc; sWae, IJRESSKD POULTRT Turkeys, lefjltc; ducks, jwyvllo; geeav, locT' vmcacua, nty tsUTTER Packln'g stock. n1Tl2c: choice to fancy dairy roils, LH14c; separator, 22a. FKk.oJl isH iroui. rauc: ..icatrti. bv, J-: pike. ic , perch. fcavJ; biuetien, lac; eodnah. lie; reuanapper, lie; lobsters, boiled, vvr io., sue; looetera. green, per id., lec; uuiineaoa, lie; caituh, .Lfuc; black buss, Km Ilk i I K 1 1 . 1 - r...nU. 1 '1 . - k w4m A., white basa, lie; blueilna, c; mells, 1110. OUbTEKo New York Counts, per can, 43c; per gal.. t-.OO. extra selecc per can. eac; per gal., tl.MJ. standaru, per can, 27c; jer i no. . ii RAN-Per ton. IlS.'TjaTV HAY Prices qumeu by Omaha Whole sale Ueulers' association: Choice No. 1 up land, tjy; No. 2, WW; medium, $5.50; coarse, I&.00; rye straw, IS.00. These price are fur hay c-l good color and quality. Le- mand lair and receipts light. it X E No. 2. 50c. VFnrpim.irn POTATOES Colorado, sacs -Dakota, par bo., s&c; natives. 76c. BWKlfT PUAATUES-Illlnola, per bbL. NAVT BEANS-Pee hn IS. a. CELERY (Small, per doa.,- x&uS6c: large California. v. Tio and 80c. - ONIONS Spanish, per crate, ILW; Colo rado yellow and red, per lo., iStc -CABBAOE Wlaconaln Holland, lc; new vuuuniiK USUWUJ8. 7MC TLRNlPn Canada ruUbagaa, par lb., wnue, per ou., sue. CARROTS-. Per bu., 75c PAKnNlPB Per bu., ioo. IALiJFLOW EiUjCaliornts, par orats, f Cl'CfstBFRB Per dm., tt t&m in iujiaium k.uiiorraa, per lour-naskat RA1H.SIIKS4 Pee dos aiiivnlua 1L UlTTI'CE HEAt-Prr doa. bunches, 906 vt-w, er bol, .t; ieat lettuce, par doa bunrhei 4fie. . TUR.NIPS-Southern, per Aoa, 75c. BEKTbV ttouthern per doa. 75c CARROT8-.iuthern. per doa. TSa. PAKSLET eouthero. per dus.. H. HUTS. APPLES-Callforcla iieil flowers, per box. ai.5; New Tork expoM Urea ulna a, Kuaael and Baldwlna. 13.75. GRAi k.4-i'ooy Catawbaa. 10c; Imported 4'wr K. SO.WI. CRANBEKKlEtl Jersev. nee bhl er m per boa. xlu; Wisconsin BU and Bugle. 1..40; BeU and Cherry. 4.50. TKOPli'AI. fc-HI'TTB ORANOEM-Flortda Brlgbu snd Russets, all SKesu U.25; navels, all slses. choloe. I.Jti jJ W, fancy, ail sues. 82-7. Ui-Alo.S Callfoinia fancy, t"fl to 360 se, t; emuoe, 2 mi 10 no sixes, xyao. FlOS California, per 10-lo. cartons, ISe; Imported bmyrna, -' l-crown. I Mi; a-crown. 16c: T-ciuwb. ltic BANANAS Per medium sited bunch. f.siM'iiu, J.imbo, HT&0126. Xx.'OANl"r-Psr sack. 14: per doa. ana. per IbL. la Co-lb. boxes, Sc; Orleatal stuff sd" aaiee, per ddi. iu ia, MISCELLANEOUS. , Clir:!BBE-v isctmsln twins, mil' cream. LV: W'UK-mstn Younc Americas, lid: bloek Swlsa, loc; V. Isconslu brWk. Uc; Wisconala iiniourfer, 1 3c. HON ET Nebraska, per 14 frames, 13; van nj t otoraao. per it rrmmea. xj.a. MAPI E Sl'OAlt Ohio, per lb.. 10c. CiDER-Per bbl.. J. 50: per bbl.. SS.X. , PtiPCi RN-Per lb.. JVio: shelled. kuSSo. HOHotHALiaU-Psr case ut I doa. pecked, tne. NUTS Wsmuta. No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. 15H-; hard shell, per fb., 14c; No. 2 soft shall. pr lb., 11c; No. S hard shell, per lb., , r.. . n...1la I .... Mil. ... .. aw .' ' , l 1 . . 1 1 . 1 I I., 4 I lie- slmoeda, soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb.. 11c; pecans, large, per lb., 11c: Small, per lb.. 10c: neanuts. ncr lb. o; roaster reanuta per lb.. 7a; Chill walnuts. UliUSc; Urge hickory nuts, per bu.. tl.H; shell barks, per bu.. C; black walnuta. Der bu.. 81.15. , HIDE8-N0. 1 green. c; No. irraen. le: No. 1 salted. Tc; No. S salted. 5c: Na. t veul calf. I to u Ina.. y No. 1 veal air. 13 to U lbs, V; dry salted hides. ifl?c; sheep pelts. 2975c; boiaa bides. tl.h.4fl M. KEW YOK GtvXEBAL MAflKET. taaatattaaa af Ik Day aa Varlaas t esHsaoalltlee. , NEW TORK. Feb. a-rtXJVR-Rsceli.ts, 2117 bbla.) exports, llMtl bbla: market firm, fair dmiaad: sinter patents, 45: winter straights. M2yt.0; Miqneeota ..irnu. AV4.7ui5 , winter ev:raa, VI toud 5u Vlninoin bakers'. U "a4.l; wU.ter kw inula, uWik SA. Re dour. ftrDa . fair t ) good, ttuila, cholue taay , t3.5uvX80 Butkwi-eat Hour. dull. COKNMEAL Quiet: western. Hot; city. 81 si n dried. aU4I.IW. TKlcirmer: No. z weauern. 70c. 1 trial, f. 0. I), afloai; state sad erraey, Ml lr .. t. 15 a ru. e 1 uit ntuinf, sx, iHew lors; rns'lrXAoc, Biinai.4. Mlt-iT- Kar-eiyte. tT'btl. Spot, flrss) wa. a I so. s4a SutalU, AMs. I rso. K'; (. . b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. II 1T4. f. c. b., afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba, nom inal, f o. b., afloat. Stronger whesr prices were noted tmlpy aa a result of lower con sols, more bullish cables, good western buy ing and a big decrease In world's Blocks. I. sat prices were net higher May, IJ i-IValdV. closed at !C!V; July. H7S1'7'S'"' closed at fcc; September, lStCSc. closed stsle. C'OHN-lRecelpta, M.25 bti ; exports. 96 3 b'l. Spot, strong; No. 2. 6c, elevator, and e.".H f. o b.. s'iitt; No. t yellow. Sftc; No. i white. 54V Options quiet, but firmer on local and foreign cables and the wheat ad vance, with a big advance near the close on heavy -western covering 1-aat prices were ,e net higher. May, e'Hi'ijSTHc, closed at 57o; July closed at ooc. OATS Receipts. ,13. "a") bit. Hoot, firmer: No. 2, c; stan. lard. 49c; No. f ahlte, 4bhc; No. I white. c. FEEl Ha v. (jutet; shipping. flOfiTOc; gnod to choice, hStisnc. Ri "E Steady; domestic,- fair to extra, IViiJV: J -pan, nominal. MOf'S Firm; state, commo.. to choice. 21 (iVc; l!-2. Zlfi'JTc; old. ri15c; Pacific coast, la. TSviMc- 1. nTi2Tc: olda, l'lac. HIlKt Firm: tialveston. to 25 lbs.. lc; California, il to 25 lb.. 19c; Texas dry, 2i to .Hi h.. 14". TALLOW yiilet: city, 5c; country, 5'g&Hc. LEATHER Steady: acll. 2S'a2bc. PROVISIONS Heef. steady; family. $10. t Ml ; mees. t in9.(4): beef hams, I3).5i( $.' 0: cltv extra India mesa, 115 ifi 17-00. Cut meata. Arm: nlckled bellies, $72fy&7.35: pick led ahouldera, i: pickled hams, fa.Sofiio.W. lard, firm; western atenmea. fi.,u; renneci, firm; continent, 17.75: compound, lii.SO'&B.TS. Pork, steady; famllyA fir. oiVfj 15 50; hort clear, 114 JXfiiW Tt; mess. U 4. 75515 15. HI "PTE R Firm: creamery. 154i23c; state dairy. 14'r1c. CHE6.fK Easy; state full cream, fancy. large and small colored and white, Septem ber. 12c; late made, ln'ic. KOn& Ptrong: western. 31$3. fui l,tkt Aitve. ateajy to nrm; west ern chickens, HH.c: fowls. 14V- Pressed firmly held: western chickens. ICjtfHVic; fowls. l-VtfU'-jc; turkeys, lri13c CHICAGO GBAI. AXO PROVISIOSS Featares at the Trad I a" and Clealas; Prlcea oa Hoard af Trade. CHICAGO. Feb. 2. Trading on a mam moth scale waa witnessed today In corn and oata Manipulation by prominent oper ators caused a marked advance In both cereals. May corn showed a final advance of mc. while oats were up H1jc Wheat finees were arrected largely by ttie strenfin a coarse grains. May wheat cloning Tlc hliiher. Provisions al.o were strong, the May products closing ITHc to 46c higher. A remarkably nroad market in corn de veloped, almost at the very opening. The keynote apparently via sounded nA the representative of the Interest that ! sup posed to be long on May wheitf began to ouy May corn, irre commission nouses were also liberal buyers. The advance re sulting In prleee for corn was certainly not lacking In celerity. It waa estimated that during the buying furore upward of 2. .!" vw. wi mty coru wns i i & r n uj liiv vmo house popularly credited with being the largest holders or wheat for May ueuvery Bhorts were also active on the buying side of the corn market. A new bull Incentive was found la reports from Liverpool to the effect that American corn wa arriving there In poor condition. There was also considerable complaint In the Illinois crop nui eun or sort corn. May onenea M.tCaC higher at 607 ciolo, and after selling at ti4 607sO the price steadily advanced. At 62.o mere waa consiueraoie iiqinaiiion uy tne smaller holders, but offerings were taken with avidity and little effect was made on prices. The active demand continued the entire session and the close found May l'no higher at 617a Local receipts were 653 curs, none or contract grade. A., new record mark waa scorea ror tne Mar delivery of oats, the price todas. reaching ASIIMkc. There waa enormous selling for profits by the largest holders, who took a good part of their oats' back on the breaks In prices. The market through out was excited and erratic. The fluctua tions were controlled chiefly by the dictates of the principal long and 4he market was nicniy sensitive to any- :mpetus Whicn the bull Interest saw fit to give: The opening was strong, witn May .ft'.o nicher at 44W!t4ri'-, and within the first hour the price had risen to &V6-ti-c. At this point mere wss selling ny the mg noider and a quick reaction followed, the price declin ing to 44 Vo. With a renewal of support rrum tne bulls another upward movement was commenced and the Drice was soon again selling at 45c. Trading codttnued on a large scats the enflre session. The close was strong, with May Wc h IE her at 44jH6c Local receipts were 28 cara iraaing in wheat waa moderate In vol ume. A decided strung tune was mani fested. Early fuctors In starting the sd- vanoe were strong English markets, reports of damage by unfavorable weather in the southwest and the apparent congestion In the market for coarse rralns. Mav whett opened unchanged to Sc higher at So( 9ivc Ou an active demand from shorts tne price quickly rose to Disc- The ad vancing tendency, however, was soon checked on selling by commission houses who were supposed to be acting under lo "aduaii? tions of the leading long. Vhe market gradually receded under thla selling pres sure until the end of the first hour, when .lay was again qjotea to Kl'ic Tne mar ket dragged for a time, owing to the an- i eence of many traders who had found more alluring attractions In corn and oats. A large decrease In the world's available stocks brought out sn active commission house demand later In the dav and nrlces again started upward, aided by the strength iu uiocr giauis. i-in inia spun May ad vanced -to If.'c, but realizing sales cacaed a sifytht reaction. The close was itionr. however, and near the ber ru-iiu via.. being Ttflc higher at SlVi91c. July sold between K''?r unH fill I . .t . . . v. . With a gain of huo. Clearances of hi and flour were equal to 133.6i0 bu. The world's visible supply.. according to Rrad street'a showed a decrease of J.Soo.'if bu. Primary receipts were 4.3CO bu . IW!.iAK a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts ot 332 cars, as agttlnat 215 last week and 215 a year ago. Provisions rule strong on active covering by shorts, together with heavy buying for Investment account. The opening was strong. Influenced by higher prices for hogs iie jiui twi on ine auvance in the price of coarse grains the provision list became still stronger. The selling was chiefly by local longs. May pork showed the greatest gain and closed at an aA. vance of 45c at 112.45. after ranging between and (12.50. May lard was up 2bu ul (i.fru, with libs 17Huac higher at W.75. usTimaiea receipts ror tomorrow: Wheat So cars; corn. 215 cars; oats, loo cars; hogs! 42 0x bead. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. I Open. I nigh. Low. J Oose. T"fy. Wilt- I I I May July Benl ft n 91f ft4 sa"vs-,l MS I s- i aj- cmti W7i J Coin r eo. 4SV ff-j 4P 4eV May July ,5101 LI', 4S1- 4H 4tS, 40H Oxt Feb. May July Sept 41 42 41U 41V 41 H1-S4BVloS 44", 44T4e 4H ""kl SSi S7 Pork- Mar U 15 13 50 U IS I U 48 13 00 T rn t n Lard- May July T 40 7 55 T W T .TV T ITVtf T 50 ttu I 7 57V4 Ribe .1 May July a 70 I n 1 -vu 1 n I . 82HI S2V M a cry. Na 2. Cash quotations were as folloas: FLOUR Quiet and easv: winter natmta I4.3C&4 60; straights, 4.i,i-4 2-J: spring pat ent a. 4 10J4.sO; straights. 83.oiaC4.iM; bilkers'. I2fsm. .V II EAT no. J spring. otJTjsoc: No. a 9ko: No. 3 red. losVHVc OORS-No. 3. 47c: No. 2 yellow. 4RHr OATS No. 2. 44c; No. I whltsj, 42aVc. RYE No. 2. sfc. BARLEY Good feeding. S84J3Sc: fair to choice malting, 44)67e. SEEDS No. 1 fux. tl.W: No. 1 north western. $1.17: prime timothy, 8105; clover, contract grsae, fiw. tu n w. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbL. Tit 25 C13.3?H: lard, per 100 lbs ; f7.3f!fr7 SO; short ribs sides 1 loose d'-ie. i: snort dear sl'les (boxed). V Ktil Od. Foiiowisg are trie receipts ana enipments or Dour and gram Receipts. Shipments. ... 2S.3T) H.1O0 ... 4l.0"4 14 ) ...47.5J eo Flour, bbla.. Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oata, bu ...2nltiii !.) J ou,: H ?? I b"rley: -J " ' Rye. bu. Ilex) 2i 11. Ha) Oa the Produce exchange today the but ter market was strong; creamery. lxl-TJe; dairy, 134 ..'Oe, tlggs. firmer; at mark, cases included, 2kj2oc. Cheese, ateaay, itnaivi. Kansas City Urmia anal Prevlaieas. KANSAS CITT. Feb. . WHEAT-Msy. ToMrTsV; July. T3;t'37c; cash. No. 2 hard. Tsusic: No. a. i4.'o7c: N.. 4. 7ia75e: rejected. ac; 1. 1 red. tuiaMc; no. a, ac; re ceipts, cam CORN May. 444c: July. 44ci cash. NO. I mixed, 4-"4c; No. 2 white, 43Hc; No. t, tiUavtc. OATS No. I White. 4&jeoc; No. I mixed. 2tq:sc. HAY Choice timothy. IB 5059.75 ; choice prairie. 7 XfiLM. it 1 r. .-no. a aia. BUTTER OreamMir, IMrHc: fancy dairy. 1 . KOOS Steady: Missouri and Kansas. cases returned. ?Sc; new No. 1 white wood cases Included. Itai. Recelnta 8 moments Wnest.'ba...., too 1.0 Carsk .bu.: l:4e.aj K4 ) aft,sAt ..AS) NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Fricca Lapsa Icto Still Orcatar Stagnation and Dsil nt Ara Slow, AMALGAMATED COPPER STOCK II DEMAND Iraxt aad Steel Have aa lafavorable dltloas la Far Eaat laSa eares Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 2. The stock msrfcet lapsed a further stags toward stagnation today. Except for the factious sctlvlty a few stocks the dealings were negllgable so far as they reflected sny views on condi tions of properties or profect In the busi ness, Industrial or political world. There were a few Amalgamated Coprer opening deals on the decision by the Montana su preme court, but the price of that stock only got a shade higher than the first price and then sagged heavily to 14 below last night. The action r.f the stock was attrib uted to profit-taking cn the favorable news. The rise in I'nlted States Steel preferred, cn the other hand, was called, due to the covering of speculative accounts on the short aide. Operators who followed the de cline last week were Inclined to believe that the fall had been due to the knowledge of the coming resignation of John D. Rockefeller from the board of directors. The shorts were therefore disposed to cover with the news of the resignation published. Bonv iron and steol stocks were short lived. News from trie trade Was meager, but the decline 'n ths gross earnings of the Pennsylvania lines for December was re garded as unfavorable, owing to the lnrpe share of that system In the Iron snd steel production. Pennsylvania decrease In operating expenses for the same month was regarded as a hopeful promise for con servatism for net earnings by retrench ment. Reports of curtsllment of snthrsclte pro auction were apparently Ignored, as were the optimistic expressions brcight out In the negotiations for a wage settlement Jn the bituminous field. The Russo-Japanese situation was deemed rather less hope ful for peace, and this influence was shown In a firmer tone for grain and a relapse In cotton. The effect on the securities market was largely eonflned to restriction of opera tiona. pending the reception of the Russian reply to Japan. The professional operators of a smaller class were made abundantly aware tht they had the market almost exclusively to themselves, snd as this con dition offers little opportunity for profitable trading they were very cautious In making ventures. A jump rn the price of Vnlted States Reslty preferred was entirely without ex planation In any news that became r-nown to the public. The attack on Brooklyn Transit was renewed and Metropolitan Street Railway reflected anxiety over the condition of W. C. Whitney. Amalga mated Cornier carried the whole market wlih It In the late dealings to a level below last night, and the market closed heavy and lifeless, ilonda were d.ll and heavier. Total sales, par value. I2.532.0H0. I'nlted States bonds were unchanged n call. 8ales. High. Lvw. Close. Atchison 2.2m 70 do pfd Baltimore 4 Ohio.... do pfd 4. Canadian Pacific ... t en. of N. J Chesapeake eV Ohio. Chicago t Alton do pfd Chicago Oreat West H5 84 iiii Ml4 24 84 !'14 83 10 S44 M 54 164 VI ' V3 1 9,7m) 2.400 4i ) J 2"0 l'O 1,J0 31 1. at 3fi &2H do B pfd Chicago A Northwest. Chicago T. & T do pfd C C. C. A St. L. ... its 10 100 23H 23H 2:"-a Colorado Southern ... V) do 1st pfd 3"0 do Id pfd 9"0 Delaware & Hudson. 2.2UO Iel., i.ack. ca West 1. A r: Q 200 do pfd Erie 2.HO0 do 1st pfd 4o0 do 2d pfd Great Northern pfd Hocking Valley 7(0 IS 57i; H 57H 21 10SH 13 57 f4 IK) tin 2114 . 72 27H ts tWS 47 5 do pfd sv ktMiinoia central ITlowa Central LsuO li4 J'S's 1 ZM do pfd Kansas City South.. do pfd Louis. aV Nash. Manhattan L Metropolitan St. Ry. Minn. 4k St. Louis... Missouri Pacific M.. K. 4Y T....: 19H 100 K10 4.400 100 aoi l'17'I 1U in1 1 liS-1. U'.'a L04 CO M 17H 40 tJCi'a '2rii 121 'I 1TH iis 120 17 ri 8S 119 61 n z y ti 4i 79 5iH r 47' 14'4 23 14 "fvt ?2a 83S 25T, S3 . w 90 2n'i 8S7k do pfd 400 Nat. R. R. of M. pfd New Tork Central & Norfolk sc Western.. SCO do pfd : Ontario A Western.. MO Pennsylvania 2B.0O p.. c. u. a M- u. Reading 9.400 45 44 do 1st pfd ......... do 2d pfd Rock Island Co 5,10 24'4 do pfd U0 64 St. L. A S F. 1st pfd. do 2d pfd 700 4H St. Louis S. W 100 14V, do rfd 33 Bt. Paul 9.700 144 "47H 14H 143 V. 'jo 22Vi 81 do pfd , Southern .Pacific . .. L100 Ci Southern Railway .... 2,1'rt KS do pfd 200 . ri7 Texas A Pacific 1,(X"J Sj T 8t. It. A West do pfd Union Pacific 24.000 81 H 80 do pfd Wabash dn pfd A 2,800 20H SSvs " 44 Wheeling A L. E 1T' Wisconsin Central ... S" do pfd 400 Adams Express .... American Express ,7. S. Express Wellie-Fnrao Kxnress .... 44 44 l:i2 1 AmaL Copper lOl.SOO Am. Car A Fdy 3u0 617 5H 4S4 llr 4H W1 do pid ... - ... Linseed Oil pfd 6l 10 27 Am. do Am. locomotive i.ouu ii" i9 do Pfd .... Am. Smelt. A Ref... 500 50 3 44 do Pfd ' !' 93 127 7 45 KM. Am. Sugar Refining. 4.0"0 124 Anacnn. Mln. Co 2.0 a 74 Jil 70 Brook. Rap. Trans... 2S.1 4W, coio. ruei tron.... in 22 t Volumb. A H. Coal.. Consolidated On General Electric international Paper.. do pfd International Pump.. do pfd National Biscuit...... National Lead It 400 192!4 U3 "1b 'him "8H is; 171 l-'4 MV4 J 404 59 iron . 9 217 T 75 North A -ner lean.... Paolfto :all , People's "las , Pressed Steel Car., do pfd.. ex-dlv..., Pull. PaL Csr, Republic SUel do pfd .., Rubber 43oods.... do Df J 87 87 ao; 1.200 4ll J0 400 20 SDH Tenn. Coal A Iron.... t.Onfl V. S. Leather 200 28 ,1 13H 52 lOtfc V js T". 11 tl JS 4" ft 121 51 J oh 8 do pfd l'O V. 8. Rubber do pfd 1 V. S. Steel .lod do pfd r:.o Western Urlon Northern Securities. Total sales for the day. HO. 400 sharea . Loa doa toelc Market. LONDON. Fab. 9.-Closlng: Console, aaoney BT M. Y. central tiorlolk A W ..1M .... 41 a so accoatit aa AnaronAa t4 AtchUua T do std Ootarls A W Penoarlvasla ....... ti SJ S i 41 It U OA i u 11 444, 11 4e- std t ... M Baltlniira A Ohio.... a4 Kaod ktlnas , Canadian PaclBc ...ltl Ones. A Ohio. .. ... 144 do 1st pfd. ... It I do M ptd. Cklcato Ct. W ... C . It. A at. P... ,luv, (. Bajiw . , lo do Hi .... , tlVt 8o. tHrlBe ... , 44 t'slea rmata . lf-i do pf .... , V. a Btasl... ,4 do pM .... .154-4 iWakaah DaBiwra D. A k. 0 do snt Brte do 1st pM do M sM Illinois natitral ... Loula A N.ta . tia t ae pis 4a . 1M firm, 96 l-16d per ounca at. . K. A T SILVER Par, MONEY 2S2,4 per cent; the rata ot dis count In the otxm market f"r short bills Is 9'fir:4) per cent; for three months' bills is per cent. Hew Tork Mlalaar Qsotatlsaa. NEW TORK. Feb. I The following ara ths closing qjotattons on minrng stocks: Adas Cos Sim fctraoeia u knnasSrfc Coa .. Cosucoik Tusnal toe. Cal. A Vs.. kara Silrar Iron Sllw LeadTtile ra ... Offered. I rt Little Cklat . Mtarls Ophir rVssnls Puol Baaass .. ! .. 1 .. ..its ..1st ..111 .. 8 . 11 . 11 . M . Tt . la .14 aiarra sjoraSa Small Staadara How Tork Money Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 1-MONET-On call. easy at 11 per cent; closing bid. 14k per cent: offered, at 1 per cent Tims loans silnhtly (Inner; sixty daya 1-4&4 per cent ninety days, 44 per cest; six months, 4 fa-4H per cent; prima mercantile paper,. fe-.1 Tr cent. Btf ativ.i rrru 1 vniunm sa.k actual bualucsa la baJiaeraV - talis ai VLAww 4 RW0 for demand and at t4 2WWr4 30 for slxtv-dar bllis; posted rates, HD't and 4. a 4 '4. cummrcial miJ.8-l4.SIN4.Sr. SILVER liar. SV,c; Mexican dollars. Or. LONLfl Government, steady; railroad, lrr.-ulaj The closing quotations on bonds ara as follows: V. S. ret. Is. rs.. 4.1 r ru son 4 t, res So eossoa in new la. reg... So coueta so oH 4s, rag.... coasoe Atrhisna sea. 4o... o adj. 4s Atlantic C. L. . . B. A O. 4s 11 Central of Oa is.. so 1st Inc Ckes. A Ohle 4W 1 'U a K. nt. lis .14 .112H . 11 vsnbsttan . s. kin. l enu-al 4s so 1st Ine V'lin A St. L. 4..1'I . It . yi . K A T. 4s. MTV I in It unit . R. R. ef e. 4. n ..", N. T. c. g. ! n .. 4 N i c. . to 1M .. 73V No. PirlSe 4s 1'IH . .101 do M 71 .. S. A JW. e. 4a t7i O. 8. L. 4s A Par.... S .. "y, pens. eonT. HH . .1 ! Raajlna fee. 4s Ks .. 7H,st. L I 1 M. t. ls..ll-i .. r st. L 1 r. it. 4s. hs ni. o a a. sva. 1... h. a g. C. st. S r. a 4a. 1 w St. U. 8. W. la C. A N. W. c. 7a....l2' 'Seabnar K. L. C. R. I. A P. 4a Til So. I'a-ISr 4s.. ... ... ... sv, ...111 ...liA a.. Ti is col. la a:a. Kaliwir is C.C C. A St. L. s. 4s. 7w, Tfia. P. la. rates re Tar. 7 T.. St. L. A Can. T .bares 4a... Cals. A a 4a.... l)itnlna Pacllla 4s.. It 4a rnriT 4a t'S Lv R. O 4a ... Iria prior Ilea 4s. .. rrxj r. i. ti 14 to.... T2-, .. n Walaah la 1 .. MS I ds 4d. B 04 . ,le.v,;w. a U r.. 4a .. t Iwia. Central 4a M ..10SCalo. r. A L c. la.. 734 So sea. 4s T. W. A D. C. 1. LAN. an!. 4s... Hacking VaL 4Sa. Bostea Itatk ksatitlsaK BOSTON, Feb,l Call loana SHfi per cent; time loanjT, 4Y" per cent. Official closing prices on stocks and bonds: At.-hlon 4a SH Aaalaamated .. .. ( .. HV ..VIA .. Ibi .. 44 .. J .. .. t .. t .. 1 .. 54 .. IS .. a5 .. 1-4 ..ICS .. 4 .. S'-H .. M .. .. 1H .. n .. 14 ilex. Central 4a Hmattam At.-hlsun S-,.1. A Hscla... do pfi .'. n'V i.'cntannlal boatotk A Alhanr t44 'Cwper Rajiaa . Boaton A Mains 141 Doaonloa Cual Postos Elevated N. T , N. H. A ..14 F-aiiklln . iwA I. In Rnale ... ..1J4 Mnhawk .. II lO d INimluloo .. Wehborg pfU t alon PaciSo Amer. Buaar .. . in'4 '"aaoia i pfd. ..a fParrol Aaaer T. A T Lomlnlon 1. A 9.. fienral Rlsetria. kaas. Blectrt .... ..UT .. m ..17 .. HH .. 71 .. 11 .. n .. n .. 11 .. 1H .. , Vulncy , Santa Fa Coppar... Tamarack Trinity do fo inn.a statas ttatl Victoria , Wtnona a'oieaetna Daly Waat I nlt-d Fruit V. B. Sisal do efd tV'Mfins. oommoa . Adranture ,. Ailouei Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Feb. a Rank rlearlna-s foe b. day. 8 1.306. CX. 37. an Increase of H.475.08 over the corresponding day last year. Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Jan. 2. COTTON The mar ket opened easv at it decline of 7frii raointa, on the old and an advance of lo-jipijo points on the new crop positions. The tatter were mmiencea by buying Here against sales In the English market, an operation said to be profitable owing to the premiums existing while the more active positions earns In for heavy liquidation, encouraged by dis appointing cables snd rather heavier re ceipts for the day m-connection with un favorable news from U.e far east. From W 91c March snld down to 15.!V, May- from 17.32c to 14.05c snd July from 17.42c to l.15c, a net decline of llltil.ts points on the posi tions named. The New Orleans bulls were active buyers at the decline, however, and soon the market, appearing to be sold out. was rainen. it was primed out that the census bureau report, due In a day or so, was expected to prove very bullish, and with private advices from the south Indi cating continued firmness there was a rally almost as sensational as the break, with prices In the first twenty minutes after the slump showing a recovery of from 70 to 75 points. After thlT the market took a short breathing spell, the situation grew less In tense and trading proceed! more quietiy. Part of the recovery was lost before the tiosn, but the market was fin a'lvV steady with the three active months SOfifiJ points tip from the bottom, but at a net decline of &ij?7 points on the old and of 5$"27 points on the new crop, months. Sales estimated at 3.000.ta4) bales. The early decline was helped by reports of a private settlement said to have seen made last night In which It was estimated that something like 100,000 bales were, concerned. NEW OllLEANS. Feb. 2. COTTON Ir regular; saJes, l.!) Bales; ordinary, Vie.; good ordinarv. lUS-lee; low middling, 10 9-10c; middling. 1515-16c; gtod middling, 113-lc; middling fair 1S9-1V; receipts, 9 417 bales: stork. 4oO,n3! bales. Futures. tmsettled; February, 1440c: March, 10.41c; Mav, lG.T9fcM.81o; April, 17,31c; June, 17.14017.2-; ,'nly. 17.Jfr17.4th-: August, 15.62 31S.tihV; September, lXfeWi 13.90c. ST. LCI" 1 8. Feb. 2. COTTON Market 4o loweri middling. I1,: sale, 670 bales; re ceihtst, ) bales; fchlpmenls, 7v bales; stock. ?? its hnles. t 1 f L1!, I. Wi T TT 1. '4 LciVPTOV R..A4V I r I . I . 47.1.4 " ' . A- V . . . . V. ' J . ' ' 'limited; demand: prlcea- -4 points . higher; American middling rwrr. i.ra: goon min lllne liWrt: middling. i.Sfid:-low middling, R!aT,i. waaA ordinary. 8.Wd: ordinary. 8.60d. The sa-'es of the day were 8.000 bales, of which 300 were for epecnlatlon- and export n4 incimle 1 ion American. Receipts. 1000 bales, including 4.0O American. Fu tures ooened nulet and closet easy: Amen can middling, g. . c. February, 8.61d; Feb- rnnrv ft nil March. aRld: March and April sl: Anrll and Mav. 8.4M: May and June, 71d: June snd July. 8.72d; July and Au- Sust. Brad; August ana wpifmnrr, o.a-o fientember and October. 7 sd; October and November, 7d. In the afternoon the mar ket was active, but prices declined. Feh- rusry 8.80d to 8.56il. May and J.ine from a an tn B 74,1 snrl Julv and August from icu to xird Thev rallied a little toward the close, which was easy, unchanged to 8 points higher than tne previous closing. St.. Lo'ais Grain aaa Provlsloaa- 13T LOUIS. Feb. t WHEAT Higher; No. t red, cash, elevator. 91,c; track. isP4?i 97V; No. I hard. S2(&)4c. May, 89c; July, M4 Cns'SC. CORN Higher; No. 1 cash, etc; track, 4oc; Mav 4HHc: July. 47Hc. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, Vr; track. 41c- May, iVc; No. 2 white. 42SS43C, FLOL'R Dull; red winter patents. 4.4tVfl 4.60; extra fancy and straight. 84.15SI4.40; clear 13. 4111. SKED Timothy, steady. 82 5043185. prime hrORVMAI-eteady, 82.40. - - BRAN Dull; sackeii. oust track. 85V!TSTc. HAY-Steady; timothy, f7-50t 12.50; prairie, 2!.0"4l9 50. '"' IRON" COTTON TIES-fl.05. B A OO I NO-iii i4c. Hir'P TWINE 6c.' PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, 81T77H. Lard, higher: prime atesm, $'.76; January, steady; boxed extra shorts, $7.62,); clear ribs. 17 .75: short clear. 87.87H. POL'LTRY Weak: chickens. 9c; springs, 9c; fjrkevs, 11c; ducks, lie; geewe, 6i7c. BITTTKR Higher; creamery, lS24c; dalrv. 12ftl7e. EGGS Higher. 27c, case count. receipts. rjnipmenie. Flour, bbl. .... 10,fM) l'.OilO Wheat, bu.. . f 7 ( . 76,00) ;23.iHa) :47.iiu 73,000 orn. bu.... Oats, bu.... Visible Bopply of Oral a. NEW YORK. Feb. t Special telegraphic and cable communications received by Bradstreet s show tne tonowing cnanges in v.M.hi. siii.oilea as comoared with pre vious account.: Wheat. United States and Canada, east of Rockies, decreased 1,107,000 bu. ; sfloat for ana in t-urope, arciui 1400.0HO bu.: total supply decreased 2.5t7,0O0 bu. Com, United Stat-s and Canada, east of Rockies, lnc reason i.a.uuu ou. , Philadelphia Prodaeo Market. PHILADELPHIA. ' Feb. t. EUTTFR-a Firm; extra western creamery, tc; near hv nrlntl S7e 4, 1 aM-.Vrm. IO BUI1VI I'WI (OTIVI., 23e at mark; fresh western, snc; rren southwestern. 8iyi3c; freah southern, 80J lie CHEESE Dull and lower; New Tork e.,11 r-ita choice to fancy. llfillUc: Net York full creams, tair to- goou, iuuivTa Ttalath Grain Market. DULUTH. Minn.. Feb.. 2. WHEAT 1-1-.. In store No. 1 hard. "-. ro. 1 northern 90Vc: Pio. nonnern. .lc. 10 arrive: No. 1 hard. 91Sc: No. 1 northern. 9n',c; No. t northern. STsc; alay, Sc July. 9c; September. 7SSc. OATB On traca inn 10 airift, Sv-b. Mllwaakeo Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis., Feb. 2. WHEAT Firm; No. 1 northern. t"aie; no. 1 nortn- ern. 8407"; May. siHH'- MTV Htrnntar: JNa 4- MC BARLEY Dull; No. 2, 47ic; sample, RfJ 60c CORN Firm; No. t 49543c ; May. ST'le. Mlaaeapolls Urala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. t WHEAT Close vtav aoc-. Julv. fcVc: Rcnttmber. 73c. FLOL'R First patents. HTuut-St); second nstenta 14 a.e4.T0. BRAN In bulk. 914 IttjlS-OO; shorts.814.75 6U.U0; mlddUngs, Hiou. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. Feb. t. -WHEAT Spot, nominal; futures, quiet; March, as 4d; May, oe Julv. aominsL Oi iHN pot. American mixed, naw. quiet. 4s 2ld . American mlxen, oio nrm. ts sua; futures, quivl , March, Is 4s 3d; May. 4a 2d Toledo 9ee Market. TOLEDO. O.. Feb. 1 S E ED Close Caah and February. 86.50: March, hi t April, 1 70; prima alslaa, 8av; prima timo thy. 81. Peoria Grata srarket. PBORIA, Feb. l--CRN4Ulgbac; now, Na , . ae. , asw, g4la. f, OUAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET Detraind for CornftJ 8 eera Verj Limited ' and PrioM Wat HOGS SOLO STEADY TO STRONG Receipts of Sheep aaC Lasaks Kot Heavy, bat Dean a ad Skewed Km las proveaaeat aaa Market Slow and XS Lower Than Last Week. SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 1. RecelDts were: Catt le tiogs. nneep. .... l.SJB 1..4 jv.4'4 Monuay . OihcUil Tuesuay .... l.bsj 1.41 4. ail Totat this week , , Same days last week..., Same days week before 141-17 14.SHH U Hi Mame days last rear 16.4. Ki-X'EIPIS FOR THE YEAR IO DAiC Ina loliuwina table will snow the reveiuis of cattle, hugs and sheep at Soutn Otaunm for the year to date with comparisons with last sear: lao4. llnl. Inc. lec Cattle iMf : 7 UlJ Tiogs li;,if2 2W.717 t,7 bheep li4.X4 Wi.av 4..a Average prices 4.44144 tor bogs at Soma Omaha tor lbs last several u with com parisons: DAta. iih. luva.iisaiiaoi iuiitsa.riKsi. Jan. Jan. Jan. U.. lo.. 17.. Is.. 11... :o.. ti.. 24.. J.. X.. 1 4 tm ( 41 8 224 2M 4 181 , 8 43 .( 4 '..tti 4i 4 1 t Jl 4 3 52 4 ,i 1 a 4, ia a w( 4 , 8 i 8 ti 4 8H I 6 22 t 2j 4 fci 8 61 8 61 I 4 7JS 8 39, ; I 271 4 54 3 64 1 54 1 4 wi t;i a 27 t a tvt, a fc-.i a a Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 4 7a .! 1 5s 4 loi I 25 1 1 s M 4 561 4 ill 4 Oil li 4 I 8 17 4 a, Si 6 as, M 6 14; 4 6 I H I Mi. UB II, 1 0B o a w Jan. Jan. Jan. 4 SSSi L 141 6 U 4 4k 8 4Wi i 4 Kti.t, 6 8 U4I 4 661 8 51) .3 4 !-,, 4 45 6 12 I 4 ti 8 63 I 67 17. Jan. H... Jan. ifl... 4 811m, 6 641 t 96; C 22 1 WI 4 7911 o4 98 t 2e 4 2 4 )i 6 il 4 e toi 4 64 3 70 3 62 Jan. lo... Jan. 21... a 61 t 971 I 17 4 55j I 64 6 9J1 5 l!2 4 71 8 4 I ai 8 44 Feb. 1.... Feb. .... 4 7JI 68 I 8 l&i 4 WI 2 641 1 41 'Indicates Funday. The official number of oars of Stock brought In today by ekch road was: cattle. Hugs, snesp.u r a. C. M. A St. P t 1 Wabaali 1 Missouri Pacific 3 8 2 20 7 24 12 18 L niun Pacitlo system 2i C. A N. W 6 'i "a F.. K. A I. V 27 C. St. P., Ai. A O.... 19 B. A M j. 84 C, B. A Q 4 K. C. A St. J t C, R. L A P.. east.. 5 C R. I. A P., west.. 1 Illinois Central I Chicago Ut. Western 1 10 1 2 4 Total receJDta 133 134 23 The deposition of tlis day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tn number of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 80s 1.3 42 Swift and Company 6A) 1,961 2.6v2 Cudahy Parking Co 617 2,124 Armour A Co t74 1,4 LNI Armour, from Sioux City .... 2.217. vansant A to a .... . Carey A Benton....... 80 .... Mccreary at c i ..... V. 1. Stephen. 16 ' ... Huston A Co 45 .... L. F. Hun 146 .... Wolf A Muman 40 .... .... .4. Sau Wertueimer. ........ 17 .... J. I. Root 87 .... Haggerty A Co.. ......... is .... bol Leegn... 1 .... Other buyara 941 .... Totals 8.038 9.642 6.101 CATTLE Receipts of cattle worsj 1 not large this morning at any point, but. there Was co Improvement In ins market, aa tus demaiid W4ta so restrlcteu that even . trie small offerings were eulKcient to taeut tas requirements or tne tiaue. ine maraet was rather slow ana It was lata before the bulk of .he offerings waa out sf first nan da. Receipts Included close to lorty cars af corn-fed aieers. but most of them wars lacking In quality, being only part ' fat. Packers Wflge very Indifferent and, while soma of the moro tiestrable grades may bavs sold at about sieady prices, the gen eral market was very dull, with prlcaa weak to a dime lower. Dalesmen Wars very reluctant to take oS mora and so a result the market was slow from start to finish and very unsatisfactory to ths selling Interests. The prices ruling at this irolnt. however, sre well in line ss Compared with other markets, so that the situation hare la no worse than at other points. The cow market waa a little mora actlvs thla morning and buyers acted as though they w toned a fesr lows and heifers. As compared with yesterday the market could be quoted fairly active snd steady to strong. The strength, however, was con fined very largely to ths mere desirable bunches. As supplies were not heavy, a good clearance was mad. Bulls, veal calves and Stags a'l Com manded about U'.s same -prices tlisy did yesterday. There were very few stockera and feed ers offered and ths quality of those that did arrive was not very attractive. Any. thing good might have sold about steady, but common - sinus ara aun ana weaa. U'nrmctl-un rattle of good quality occasion ally sell for feeders, but ths trouble U that the quality of the short-fed cattle at tills time Is so common in meet cases that feeders do not cars for them. Representa tive salts: XSE.S.S- BlBAlia. Ka. 1 I A. IT- Ml I 14 ail I 4A 411 1 4 4H1 IH Sat 1 M .lOMt 1 10 144 I 40 f 111 1040 I 49 , 1060 t to lot I inn t nrr l to imo l T list in inn I w let I ti mi 1 il Na. a ir. 1... 10... IS... u .. 1... a... XI... 11... 14... 11... 40... u... as... 17... it... U.. n... ' 14... MM I M ..m-1010 TTisva I'M 1144 .7...1WI 1114 1104 ll 1 14 I M 1 4 I 11 1 M I 10 1 W 4 4 4 40 4 00 1 I....- 4 I .114 4 14 11 .nm 4 ii) ,.iri 4 it 4 4 UI ,.14 .1140 11 T.eeea- I , .121 4 M .liHl 4 M 14 U in.t 1 11. nil 4 M " steers and' heifers. ....l'7 1 an is Her 4 H steers and cow a n IH rt lisni 1 a 1045 9 M f liSO 4 04 11 14..... 1 W 1 I 4. ... it ii ... M I II .... Ill I Kl ...lot 1 04 ...iih7 aa :...li4 1 ... ! ... I.t4 1 ) ...lei I 00 4...1V11 1 N ...It. I 00 ...l'.ao I M ...Hi 4 I n ...1131 I M ....1"35 1 M ...10 1 0 .... 174 1 00 1 1114 1 1WU 8 It 10 1 14 11 1 Id 134 I IS n id 1U.4 I U as t M tl I S3 JO 471 I 40 nit t w Ill I to 1 18 ' 1 a loot 1 M Ml I 44 in l to ..... 1 UW 1 tl UT ! I at hi la 114 1 a at I tl 4 14 17... I 11 -::::: i i i . i i i it i 1 1 t 4 I t 1 1 4 I 1 1 11 .... 1 4 1 1 ii. 14. 4. Hal I 40 1171 J 04 114 I 14 ri I io at 111 .........ltl i u 12 II U III 1470 I II , Ul 111 U54 I M . 14 1 1 14.'..., 1 It.'.'.'.'. 4.x:: n 1 1 14 ...... ...10M 1 71 ...sal I 11 ... I Tl ...11C0 I ...ld) Its ... 41 111 ...17 I . 4 I an 1.1 2 1 I...... ..HM I It ..Kl III .. Ml I II ..1414 I 1 1 a U I 14 J4 l! II It IU COWS AND HEIFERS. ... IK IS 11 1 M l lu4 I M I M IS..., iliSir Erla. . ... 421 I nt it ml ... M IM I in I 11 ... si I :i ll 1041 m ... 141 I 15 I I M ... 410 1 40 I m la ... IW IM 1 M III ... Ill I H I HI I 40 ... 1 I 71 I... I... 14... it... 1... 1... 11... BULLA. 1 ... 1.... 1.... !... 1.... 1.... 1.... I.... 1.... I.... 1-... 1.... 1.... 1... 1... t.... ti... I.... 1.... 1... I..., I.... Ml I . ..11T 1 t ...lP4t I 11 ...140 I M ,..UH I M ...lis I M ...iu t at ...1M M ,...iim i m ...U70 I M ...Uvt M, ...14M I aa ...174 M ...1700 40 ...luW 4 ...1410 4a ...lT-i I 10 ,...lta I 14 ....Iks I an ., 10t I MO I 44 110 I 4 lM I ai 14.0 I 44 law I si 1- J I Tl Ill I M ..1240 M 14M I M It- I 0 ..... .1440 I 4 1M I 00 1440 I 00 W 8 1 14lt I 1 1.... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 8... 1... , I... 1... 1 1... I... 1... 1... la I 1 1 CALVES. , m i w i m 4 m 14 I M t'. 13 I M Oa I 10 4 141 I M lis) I tl 1... IW I II ' "stags. 10A 1 M . 8TOCKJER3 AND rEEDFRa. 1 71 I H IU .. fc4 1 16 .. aiT I aa .. ! I 0 .. sas I os ..ii 1 l .. oil 1 i I W . til I ...! 1 la I M .. So I M .. 174 I M 11 ii:".:::. , ti, a 17 IS ,M 1 . 74 1 4 . 1,1 1 40 . r i 40 . rsj I lo . 01 I M , nl I U a til I M ..... t J I t rr I u.i Ml Sa t 4.0J6 13.r4 .iU lt.Uvo 4... 14,714 k.7iU 15.4.2 liCnis, Ronatfrl) wats SmJ sJAOut in CHial this morning' and. wM'e packers were a little slow In starting and their bidi were no more than steady, still the grnersl mar ket was a little stronger than es,erday. After the first round or so trsllng aas quite active snd a good clearance wss made by the middle ef the forenoon. The light weight sold Isrgely from 44 7" down, medium weights from $4.?o to 14 75. g-od heavy hoars from 4 75 to M.M) and p.lme heavfe from -94 i0 to 14 irw The -ns- ket remained active and strong until everyth ng waa nispoeeci or. ine t;ul!tv or tne hogs was If anything a little better than yester day and that helps out the appearance of the market on taper to Quits an extant. LRepresentstlve sales: No. Av, siu Pr. No. ttl... e... 73... M... Tl... 90... 71... 69... 43... 71... 3... 71... 4o... 1... )... 71... ... 74... ... Av. ,..- ..ZJ4 ..av ,.. ,..2i4 ..247 ..34 ..:is ..M6 ,..:-it) ..t-i ...2--S ;..:4i ,.'.2SS Sh. 4o 1J pt. 4 7?i 4 72S 4 7'." k 4 7T4j 4 7:, 4 ia 4 7i 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 75 Hi...., 7 O 7k...., M.... 64 10 47 a..... .172 .11 .175 l .11 .tl .11 .191 ... 4 46 4 66 If) 4 i 4 t 4 4 47', 4 79 4 70 4f 4 ? 4 7D 4 10 4 7 4 74j 4 7SV, 4 7:-, 4 H4j 4 76 4 15 4 71 4 7S - lflO at L'O 2 71 2i4 40 40 1U loo 13. IO. . 29.. 54.. 71.. Ul.. ... on-.. MO. . ....210 ....rt ".'.244 . . ....7,1 ....V ....Is3 ... 4 75 ... 4 75 lt 4 75 40 - 4 7. 40 4 74 4 4 7a J 4 76 00 4 75 40 4 75 , ... 4 75 . . . 4 75 lm Kl 40 IW 1-1 ... I TS lit) 4 75 lw 4 75 St) 4 75 ... 4 77-V ... 4 77, TS.... f.9.... 72.... 10.... SI.... t.... 77.... 7.... 273 37 n las 24 U tc. .245 4 74 4 75 4 75 66... 14... 13... 9... ...2i ...172 ...1 ...219 ...17i ...:n ...213 ...217 ...13 ...3 . . .2.-13 ...224 ...i-'JI ,...240 ...i.l ,...2t3 ...1 4 SO I tS'i 4 nt 4 65 4 70 4 70 4 W 4 774 40 ) $0 W 4 7 t 'a 1) 4 77W 4 77", 4 77, 4 80 4 90 4 90 4 W 4 So 4 90 4 W 17.. 40.. v.. 74.. 29.. .. 67.. ..Si 3A) 1J0 ..319 L'O M.... 44.... .'.... to.... 5S... 44) DUI ... ... 4 70 ... 4M ... 4 70 ... 4 7t 130 4 70 IK) 4 71 . 1 2iii 9ii 160 2'j :o.. 79.. 7.., 74.., ti.. 1.. 70.. U 4'7 53. ..."7 M 4M ... IW ... 4 90 10 40 4 70 4 72H 4 7'."4 4 7.x, 4 T-J'4 A 73i 8.... 4k 5.... .... 50.... t.... ll ... . .2j) 9 10 4 S 200 40 .375 ISO 4 SJVj .sis ... 4::'i .310 40 4 85 71. ...m .67 40 4 k7 SHEEP It could not no said that sheep receipts this morning wers exceservs at sny of the market points, but the da mand was very limited, snd as a result the market agcn ruled very slow with ths tendency of prices downward. As com pared with yesterday the market was wenk to a dim lower, or right sround a quarter lower than the close of last week. There was soma stock of fairly good quality, bnt still the bulk of the offerings waa only common to flr, and" that kind w'H very hard to dispose of at sny Agure. The day was well advanced before anything Ilk a clearance was made. There Is, not much to be said of the leener situation, as the demand Is very nmu-a, as wouki naturally te expected in view of the condition of the market en fat stuff. A few of the warmed up corn-feds of good quality are selling for feeders at oetter prices than the killers will give. Quotations for corn-fed stock: Choien western lambs. 36.25i85.6u; fair to good Inmo. 85.0fki.2o; good to chvrtce yearling, 84.BH4j4l.tu; fair to good yearlings.- 14 wu-4.4"; good to choice wethers. 13. 751(4.00; fair to good wethers, 8S.5Cia.7S; good to choice ewes. 83 Z-Vaa.M; fair to good ewes, St 5; choice feeder lambs. 14.r94 7S- fnlr In. smnd t-ta4:00; feeder yeaMngs. 5434.0(1; feeder weiners, u; reeqer ewes, 12 0tvti3.00; ruiia j42x.w. rc.prescBtauva ( ai Na av. 10 western cull ewes' 12 f4 western ewes ion Pr. 2 i 3 30 1 25 3.4 8 :6 t 3 4 i7 4 40 2 S 2 i5 2 ?5 8 25. J14 western ewes . 4. l'"1 273 western ewss ..... 135 45 western ewes .: v. ft 914 111 western ewea M 117 western fed lambs 61 23 western yearling wethers.... 65 western ewes 93 11 western ewes 91 2S western ewes 3 99 western ewes ... ,.. Jfi 21 . w estem ewe .,.......... -1 1 2 1 western ewes . , ' 70 . s 3- l k 15 4 00 4 r 4 60 4 50 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 68 4 65 436 western ewes Ill 149 weatern wethers . loo 19 western yearlings ,1 V western wethers 95 B7 western lambs M 67 western lambs 74 75 wewtern feeder iambs ........ 66 18 western feeder lambs t 21 western lambs ; st 179 weal ern yearlings Tt 899 western yearlings ,. 70 CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET. Cattlo Btroac, with Larg noee-lsa, Whllo Hogs Advaaee. CHICAGO, Feb. 2. CATTLE Receipts, 83.000 head: market stesdy to strong: good to prime steers. 84.7055 46; poor to medium. tt-Oisqiai: Mockers and feeders. 82.3A'r); cow. 81. 25i73.90; esnners. 81.50ti2.40; bulls. V 007x4.10; cUves. t ?rt.41). HOOS Receipts. 25,0oO head; estimated to morrow, lb 11 fti iutad' mliMt anH K,.t4,-H 84.90M.;;-good to rholre hesvy. l&r5.0M; rcugh heavy. 84 75 4 90; light, t4 .fi4.33. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts, 5.009 head; mnrket slow; good to chol.-e weth er. HOtvfittO; fair to choice mlxod. i3.7sif 4.00; western sheep, t4.00i,4.50; western Kaasas City Lira Block Market. KANSAS CITT. Feb 2. -CATTLE Re eelptn, 7.500 hesd. Including 2S0 head south erns; market steady to loc higher: export snd dresser) beef r'.eer. 6,3 hw higher st 84.45116.(4); fair to good, sfeadv. 8:1.75) 4. 40; vestein fed steers. 5e higher at 8:1. 25, 4.00; stoeker and feeders, slow. 2.itt4.ii0; Short horn steers, slow, 83.25i3.9n: southern cows, strong, 2.25flS.on: native cown. strong. 81.75 3.75; native heifers, strong to loc higher at 83 (KW4.00; - bulls, strong. t?.8&f3.59; calves. 82 - HOOS Receipts. 9.003 head; mnrket steady to tc higher; top. tl.95;. hulk of sales, tt fa ASOjpaekers, 4.70 4 90; pigs and lights, 94.50 SWEEP AND- T.AMI754 Recelnts' A nra head; market atrong; native lambs, 14 (nor t.75; western lambs, 84.7BtiS.40; fed ewes. tt.00; western . fed yearlings, . K0ta47.10; stockers and feeders. 8L754.10. St. I.oala Live Stoelc market. " "fiT. LOUIS. Feb. t. CATTLE Receipts, tOuO head. Including 8.500 head Texans; market alow and stesdy: native shipping nd export steers. 84 'ri6.0u;. dressed beef and butcher steers. 8S.754i4.7o; steers under LOW )hs.. 83 80Ij4 5u; stockera and feeders. 32 kSliS.26: cows snd heifers. Il.2a4j3.75: un. ! nera. 2.r,ft2.50; bulls. 17.7544 (aj; calves. 13 4); jexas ana indisn steers. i:.a9 4., the top for fed; cows and heifers, tiDti'J S,"". . - . . HOOS Receipts. 4.000 head: rrarliet r.rong and higher; hog and lights. i.4c9 4 65; psckers. 14. butchers snd best neaw. 4. ;3(pt tj. . SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, l.ono head: market hlfrher: native muttons t-i rr. j4 50; lauqli. 3ti.Vu5 60: culls and bucka t2.jC 3.i5; stockera, LOO. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOflBPH. Feb. CATTI.E- Recelnts .77JS hesd: market steady to llw Metier: na. lives, S3Sit;i515, cows and heifers, I1.7S4J 4.16; stoeker and feeders. ll Thgtlo. HCXIB-Recelnts. - 77.843 head. market steady to strong: light, t4.ioal 0; medium and heavy, 84 vuu6.0W- BHttl' AND LAMES Receipt. 2.7730 bead; market steady; yearlings, 7 4. si; wethers, H46; ewes, 83.70. Bloax City Live ttoek Market. SIOUX CITT la.. Feb. !. Sreelal Tele gram.) VA 11 LI. Keceipts. l.luo head, m.rk.l! hcv.. !Lt .VA1 mi' m.u bull and mixed, S22t7i1.40; Mocitars ami feeders. calves and rtarlinaa. tluS40. Iltxlo-Receipts. 8.009 head: market f&uVi uguer ai a uuia. 4-t. 0C44. ,. tteek la alight. Following are the receipts of live stock for the Hi trtnclpal western cities v-s- terdsy: . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 3.1.W 9 450 t S3 Kmi 4 10 ;.( 2,iJ0 Chicago S3 000 7.5u0 t.Ono 1.7715 l.kJO 29.000 9 Ml lkai 77.38 8.U0O Kansas City , Bt. Louis ..... St. Joseph .... Bloux. CUy ... Totals 83.435 13,798 18,713 Oils aaa Bails. NEW TORK. Fsb. 2 OILS Cottonseed. quiet; prime crude, nominal; prime crude yellow. fcVfefi. Turpentine, dull. t4gi.4',c. Petroleum, steady; refined. New Tork. lu lu: Philadelphia snd Raltlmore 805: Phlladel- unia and rtaitimor in tulk. hi 15. Koain. teady; strained, common to good, if ,a too. SAVANNAH, Feb. Z OILS Turpentine, quiet. 4!ic. ROSIN nrm: A, B. C. D, 2.80c; B, -2 86c; F. 2 e: O. 3 00c; H. 8 06c: I, 8 'nc; K, S iic; M. 85c; N, 8 7ue; W O. 3 c; W W. 4.36c. OIL CITY. Feb. L OILS Credit lal ances. tl 25: certiflcatea, no bid. Shloments. February L .la.175 bbla.; runa, January 31, t.14 bbla ; aversge. 45.412 bbls., shipments, Lima. M.517 bbla; runs., Lima. 83,743 bbla; sversg .svt oois. Bvaporatod Apples aai Dried Frails, NEW YORK, Feb. I. EVAPORATED APPLES Tbe market continues utile Common ars quoted at 445c; pnms at 5S-U EVci choice st 6Vofic. snd fancy at ktsti7c. CALIFORNIA LRIEU FRCIT8 Prunes srar. a-eaxirted . nr me 4 - maat. . Imt I vary aaa la LLa lutai iiuu'luil. QuwloUoua rtig from f1rV ' ri-r all grades. Apri cots sre In gooi demand, choice aie quoted st 9iSV. extra chol.-e at 9'jio4)C and fancy at litjlic. Pest hes sre lir-u, with choice quoted st 7v,ti ;4c, etra cltoice at 74,ot-; lancy at ISMoc. fAool Msrkel. . BOSTON. Frh t W(X1 Trading ha l-een fairly active with steady call on dealers. The prh held firm ou all goods. The situation Is regarded as being mors In the rellcrs' favor than ffr many eka. Territnry wixil have been active, with sales estimated between 4.009 few and l.ono,- m pouuils. Pulled wools ronlir.u strong snd sctlve. For foreign wool the market Is rlrm. Current quotations ars summar ised as follow": Idaho, Brie, l.".Mlc; heavy, fine.".c: fine medium. I''il.c; medium. 17'ifnc: Wyoming, fine, latjltic; I 'tvy fine. pit 14c; nne medium, ltvnl.c; mwium, is4j ibl"; l"th snd Nevada, fine, lS1He; heavy fine. Iul4c: fine medium. lji7o; meilltim. mi'Sic; Dakota, fine. ISOJldc: Una medium, lVa1oN dne medium. l!-rWc; Montana. Pe cholee. i8-tf?or: line medium, choice, ',M!w; average, 7'url!)c; staple, 14 I"c; meoium choice. 1945'c ST. tXiVIS. Feb. ! WOOL Nominal: medium grades, conihlng and clothing. 17 (He; light fln." ISfTITHc; heavy fine, V9 144c; tub waahd. 2tfjHc. Metsl Market. NEW TOR K , Feb'' I. M ET A T J-TI n ad vinced Ss ila5s Irt Tindon. with spot cloa Ing at 4E12" 17s d and futures at ATI- 4 sd. Locally tin was quiet "and s little lower with spot quoted at 8?T .!... Spot cop per advanced 6s to M 12s td knd futures is d to 74 6s In Ixmdon. In tTs New ork market copper Is quiet snd tin Ranged Lske Is qiiote.1 at 812 liti 75: el-ctrolytlc. U.JTH'TjlJ.SrH nd casting V IU ffirfio. Lend va uuchanired st 34 tseiH 59 K the local market and 11 5s In lyndon Ppelter also was unchanged at lottos locallv. but advanced d to CJl I s (VI Ir. London. Inn closed at V Id In O'ss row and st 43s THd In Mlddlesboroush. Ixvallv Iron waa nnrharged Nr 1 foun drv northern is quoted st 15 ".00: No. ! foundry northern at t14.r.'515 nfl; No 1 fnnndrv so.itbern and No. I foundry south, rw t'8'!l.7Vi4 M. . . UKAI. ESTATE TRAJISKKilS. Peeds filed for record February 8 as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Tru.'t company, bonded ahatractsr, 1614 Farnarn street, for The Bee: Mrs. W A Brown to Joseph Kleny, lot 4. block 15, Isaac A Swlden's add..tT.2t Emma A. Fuller snd husband to An drew E. Anderson, kits 1 and 2. block Betuxil Richard E. Weetgat and wife to Bertha C. Pixton,x loU 12 and 13. block L auiKiera 4i llimebaugh s 1I In Walnut 14111 1 Belea A. Macksy to Bsrtha C. Plxton, lot 14. block 1. same Amanda C.. Helm mer horn and husband to 1anlv M. C.lllaspey. Ions 1 and 2. block 18. Waterloo 150 Sheriff to Bertha R. Williamson, lot It and s4 lot 16. Rees Place... l0Pv Henry E. IUInev to John P. Flnley, lot 7, except eiO feet, block 3, Reed S tth add LS0 Annie Q. Roger and husband to Helen p. Kuhn. lot 11. block 8, Crelghton Heights Janna Jacohsen and wife to John Wlhler, lots 1 and 2, block L East Side add toot HughS. Thomas to John L. Kennsdy, lot . bloi'k 133, Florence Dexter I- Thomas and -1fe ro John L' Kennedv. lot 8. block 137. yiorenee Merchants National bank "0 John L. Kennedy, lots 4. . 7 and 8, clock 139, Florence to t SOt The Merchants National Bank of Omaha. Neb. . . 0. a. Basaaitxt ' Capital and Surplus, 600.000 PIAtl IkLWTf, rrea. Kl. t. W009. V. 9ra. . LVTSfl tAr. Cakifr.. i J;'. ' -4 FIAK T. AUMlLtB.1. Am. Casklsr. xterslw aeeauata st kanla. task ars. a tilaat, trsal sad lattlrutsai sa tav Porstra kxehanaja boocht aa4 sols. Latter at Credit issued, available la all pans st tko worts, latasast sals es Ttas CsrUaestas st Dmstt. I'nllact Ion. mat: a promptly aa4 aeeaeaaloal ly. Wa raqaai coe STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Ws hava ever ISO eiffloea. Reference: 175 Stat and Nat I Bsnsx. OCR SERTICTat IS THIS IEIT, Owl of Town Busiaeas Bol letted. Osaaha Rrsasrht ItltParaaa St. Ta4. 94x1 TIJ0S M. WADDtCK. Ccrmpoudeat S. SLEUMAN Grain, Provisions & Stocks. Room 4. N. T. Ufa Bldg. TL 830. Operates It Otlcos to This Stats. Established 157. . GEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. Grain. Provisions tV Stocks. Memo, r Omaha 'J: sin Exchange, Chicaifo Hoaxd of Trade and other exchanges. Conresparw'ents Parxlett, ' Fraaler 4b Corrlnt ton. Ill Board si Trsos Bld'g. Orsaas. - COHvll.lHKtT HOT1CK. OFFICE CONSTRCCTINO QUARTER. msster, Chryi-nnv. Wjrg., Fob. 8. 19v. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this virtue mill; i o clock, p. m.. March 8, Lh4. ' and thi n opened In the presence oi bidders, for tru) construction of about l,o0 feet of a-inch sewer. The said sewer to nn from Fort U. A- Kusset' VV yex. to and ccur.ect with the sewer system In ths city o; .Cayenne. "Wyo. Full information, b'ank ' forms. plans snd speciflca 1ms furnlaliad on application . to this office; a leu to ihe office of the chief (luartertnaater, Chicago, Denver, Omaha, snl the ortre of the Engineering News, New York City, l'nited States reserves the right to accept or. reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing bids should be endorsed "Proposal for sewer at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo" ana addressed Captain W. 8. Scott. Quar termaster, I . S. A , In charge ef construc tion, Cheyenne, Wyo. F3-4-5-0-M1-3 m FORT RILEY, Kin., feb. S, !S04.-Sealel proposals in Iriiilicata will be received here until 11 a., m. iMarch 3. 1904. fur con truction of one Guardhouse, one Rand Barracks, one Fsrrier's Shop, on Ordnance Storehouse, ons Selmmlng Pool, alterations In five artillery Stables and construction cf Lockers for Artillery Barracks. In formation furnished on application here, alrb at offices of Depot Quartermaster, Chicago, 1 I., St. Louis. Mo.. Omaha, Neh. and Lenvr. Colo. IT. J. reserves ths right to reject sny or all bids or any part Mereof. Envelopes to te idorsed: pro posals fT const ruction sr.d klterstlon of Public P.ullilngs.M snd tdditssed Captain O. O. Cress, Constructing Q jsrtermaster. F.4 4 1 4 Ml snd ?M LEGAL NOTICES. NO-nCB. Sealed bids will ie received t the offlca of ths secretary of stats up until 12 o'clock r.oon of the 11th day of February. 1904, fol one 5xs Triplex Power Force Dump, also on Pklnnrr encloaetl svlf-lubrluatlott 109- horsa-power engine, 80 pounds pressure, from 250 to 3oo revolutions per minute, for the penitentiary, said pump and engine fa bo 4nsLalli'd ready for oueratlun. GEO. W. MA Its H, Secrrtavry or Hoard. . J31dlot-m NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINQ , Notice Is hereby given that tne regajsvr snnjiai meeting of the stockholder of the South Platte land company will bs held al the office of said company In Lincoln, Ne braska, at 11 o'clock a. m. on ths td day ol March. A. D. 19o4. By order of the board of directors. C. if. MORRILL. President A. B. MINOR. Secretary. Lincoln. Neb., Jan. SO, 1901 Fldlnrm QCEA9) STEAMERS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE. stew Tsia-aoesr a la. sua Tana. 1S AT VOKs, RoTTEHL.!. VL4V buULUOHtV Sllli4( Tsaaiiar. ! 11 a a egleiavArk r.k. l( ktar4Uta Mar. I I Ud4im Pas. tl Soorais Mac M eA4,a.r '.m 44 r i suiiiara alar, a Steers gs only. Freight only. tloi.kAMV-AJ4l.klCa UN . aa tMran to.. CXN easo. 'k; -kvarry. Waeraa. 14a I Farsaja I C. ' fc4t-4A Uel Aassa AVi aV, aV Aaajatlas. VM s . . .