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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1904)
TITE OMAHA DAILY BEEi TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1904. TARES PLACE OF CHEYNEY f'stffcisay " ' snk f ' 'rnl a!Wi I1 H lk Bilks worth up to 11.00 Tuesday- ;U 25c Urns Bilks worth up to 11.00 Tuesday n V Li. fa'. aT avaj sw X 1 T aaBaa A; f 1 Shoe Sale , Shoes E 0, Oriffpn of Illinois Becomes Borthwest cro'i General L;cal Frei ghl Agent. Starts at 98c J! : 25c I -LcTON LVf C Wednesday Wednesday p1 fx THE) RKI.IABL.IB STORE). 10 nn ft at, i v i r i i till III 1111 ill II I All a P. WEST GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT J. A. Kaka la Glvea Enlarged Tmne- !, flavin fieneral apervUlon Orrr Both Freight and Fas. . seaarer Departments. E. C. Grlffln of Batavla, 111., ha been appointed by the Northwestern to succeed M. C. Cheyney, who left Omaha Sunday to become the Northwestern' general agent at Milwaukee, Mr. Griffin cornea In the ca pacity of General local freight agent. In addition to the appointment of Mr. Griffin the appointment Is announced of George F. Went, who Is known to nearly everybody In thla neck of the woods who ridea on trains a the Northweatern's Omaha paseenger and ticket agent, to the position of local general passengor agent. This Is In the form of a promotion for Mr. Went, which all who know him will agree Is deserved. Also J. A. Kuhn, assistant general freight gent of the Nbraeka and Wyoming division of the Northwestern here, la given larger duties, Mr. Weat and Mr. Griffin reporting to him. Instead of to th Chicago office, aa did Mr. West and Mr. Cheyney heretofore. . Mr. Griffin formerly traveled for the North wee tern through Illinois and part of Michigan, being once located at Houghton, In the extreme northern portion of that state. Ha cornea with high laurels to his credit. . ' Barltajrtoa Meet nates. Announcement Is made by the Burlington that the new grain rates put in effect by the Northwestern Saturday will be met. Tha new Burlington tariff quoting through rates from Nebraska points to the Missis sippi river and Chicago will be out within a few days. The rates go Into effect two day earlier than those of the Northwest ern, or February J. The tariff wlll not contain a milling and cleaning In transit provision like that of the Northwestern, but It Is believed this clause will be in corporated later. Some new Instructions regarding grain ratea have been received from the general freight, agent of the Rock Island, but owing to the numerous instructions received re garding ratea during the last few days the officials of that line are at sea as to just where they stand in the rate matter. The new tariff on the Rock Island will be out within the next day or two, and when it is received it will be definitely known Just what rates will be In effect. The last message received appears to provide for I the same rates through from Nebraska points aa are In effect by the Northwest ern, with a milling in transit and cleaning I in transit privilege. ox his uns. Policy Written for Charles Keteher of Chlcaa-o by the Mataal Life. A policy for JG00.00O the largest policy held by any one company on the life of a Chlcagoan has Just beea Issued to Charles Netcher by the Mutual Life Insurance company of thla city. Netcher was born tn Buffalo in 1852. When he wan 14 years old he went to Chicago to earn his living. He got the Job of bundle boy in a retail store. Now he la the pro prletor of one of the biggest department I stores In Chicago and the owner of a large I amount of real estate; There was keen competition among the Insurance companies , of the country to write this large policy. Prom The Sun New York, Jan. 17. . Aaaoaaeeinents of the Theaters, Thla afternoon any seat In tha Boyd theater may be secured for 25 cents, the attraction being the Ines Forma n com pany, with John Dillon in the cast, present ing "East Lynne." The same piece will bo given this evening also. ' On Thursday Blanche Walsh returns to tho Boyd to present for three performances I her greatest play, "Resurrection," based on Tolstoi's powerful novel of the same name. Ih the character of Katusha Maslova Miss Walsh has reached the acme of realism, and by her strong personality and art forces home some truths in a way never before attained. At no time has there been a 'stronger scene on the stage than the prison scene In "Resurrection." It la sublimated realism, and is not to be for- gotten by anyone who has ever seen it. Tho engagement includes a special matinee on Friday, To Yoaaaratowa and New Castle With. oat Ckols Cars. Drawing-room sleeping car leaving Chi cago T:30 p. m. daily runs through Youngs town to New Castle, Pa., over Pennsyl vania Short Lines. Evening lunch may bo enjoyed on train immediately after starting. Youngetown and New Castle reached 'next morning for breakfast. Address C. L. KJMBALL, A. O. P.'Agt., No. I Sherman street, Chicago, for reservations. ' Bain'l Burns' annual Feb. reduction ante is now going on; 10 per cent off everything. A Most EaJoyablo Trip to tho East is experienced by passengers on tha Man hattan Limited, leaving Chicago dally at 1 o'clock p. m. over Pennsylvania Short Lines for New Tork. The menu of the dining car Is faultless; the library smoking car Is a I cushioned retreat, with clubroom comforts; sleeping cars with private compartments; observation car for viewing scenery. Fur ther information given by C. L. KIMBALL, A. Q. P. Agt.,,Xo. 2 Sherman street, Chi cago, upon application. GREAT SILK Q A h All the Silks from a Silk Shirt Waist Factory of New York Some of Them Became Slightly Wet from Bursting of a Water Pipe in the Factory This stock consists of the finest Silks, in light and dark col orings, fancy waisling silks, silks for shirt waists, pretty foulards, plain dyed pongees, black and colored taffetas m M -a Saa aWaWSSfc. M ana rancy coraea siiks, oniy a , ivY part of the stock is the ) yxJf least damaged all go at a yaru 4. LiclitcnsteirTs Pattern Hats at $5.00 Some of the Newest and Best Models from tho Great Fifth Avenue N. Y., Designer. The Lichtenstcin models are the most artistic millinery creations to be found and are the work of the greatest designer in the Country. Every hat is a perfect exponent of the most exclusive winter styles. Every creation without a duplicate. Chiffon hats, velvet hats, fur hats, etc., for every occasion demanding smart dress. These models made to sell at ?35 and $25, your choice tomorrow at. SPECIAL SPRING DISPLAY Model Suits and Skirts for Spring, 1904 Measurements Taken for Special Orders. Tou are Invited to attend this Initial showing of model garments this week. We would he pleased to take your measure for a new spring suit or skirt, which will be fashioned by the greatest New Tork tailors. Goods may be chosen from hundreds of new samples. The models are from a re nowned Mew York tailoring company. Cooking by Electricity Demonstration Given Dally on Our Main Floor Mrs. M. Abby will give-free demonstration tomorrow, showing specially a sweet process of bread making without fermentation of yeast. No flame, no odor, but little heat and cooks like lightning. Shoes at 98c J Wednesday FOiiniMr&FicL Shoe Sale Wednesday Rock Springs Coal $7.15 Per Ton. Central Coal and Coke Co. Homeseekers cad Coloalsts. On the first and third Tuesdays of each month the Missouri Pacific Railway will sell both one-way and round-trip tickets at very low rates to certain points in Kanaaa, Arkanaas, southwest Missouri, Oklahoma. Texas, etc. On the round trips stopovers will be aMowed on the going Journey, with final limit of XI days to make tha trip. For pamphlets, time tables, rates, etc., write or call on any agent of the company or Thoa, F. Godfrey, Pasa Ticket Agent, B. E. corner 14th and Douglas Sta., Omaha, Neb. ESTATE OF LATE JUDGE 0GDEN A a grant Pratt, Fataer-la-Law ml Da. eased. Is Appointed aa tha Administrator. Application was made yesterday for the probation of the will of the late Judge Charles Ogden and for the appointment of I a special administrator. August Pratt, who Is Mra Ogden'a father, was named aa special administrator. The hearing on tha probation of the will is set for Feb ruary X. The will of Judge Ogden shows a real estate valuation of 120,000 and IS.OuO personal property. Card af Thaake. We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to Magnolia camp No. 1833, M. W. A., Druid H1U school, the officers and employes af tha Alfred Bloom Co. and to our friends and neighbors for the liberal expressions) of love and attention bestowed upon ua la our sad bereavement, tha loss of our beloved and brava boy, Howard. u C. P. AMBROSE AND. FAMILY. Cara af Thaake. We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to neighbors and friends, also to Ladles of HollUter hlvs No. 11. for their kind assist ance in our sad bereavement of death of wife and alster. GEORGE HENKEU MRS. JAMES IJDDBLI. . , MRS. J. E. SHAFFER. . ' J. C. DOUBLE. Patal Explosion la ladla LAHORE, Punjab. British India, Feb. t- Forty persons were killed today by an ex plosion of ten tons of gun powder at Fort lihatlnda, in the Punjab. Or. Lyon' PERFECT ooSliPovtlor AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY TTeed br neonla of refinement Car over a Quarter of a century FRIFAKCO BY S31.00 ta New Orleans, La., and return, taots to Mobile, Ala., and return Feb. th-14th. Long limits and stop-overs. All information at Wabash city office. 1601 Farnam St., or address Harry E. Moores, O. A. P. P., Omaha. Neb. Watches and diamonds. Your credit la good. A. Manaeiherg. jeweler. 1&3 Farnam. Marrtaar Licenses. The following marriage licenses were granted in the last twenty-four hours ending at nonn February 1; Name and Keaidonce. Age. W. C. Peaat'l. Oabreth. la SJ Mary L. JJuvereaua. Altfona, Ia J Alexander M. Kernan. South Ornuha 40 duals at. nugnee, auuin Omaha j U-K. .Wedding Riots fcdholw. Jeweler. r Z5he Best of Everything The Only Double Track Railway, to Chicago The Omaha Chicago Train Par Excellence 1$ No. e a solid train mass up in OmaAs daily ON TIME at 6:60 p. m., arrio ing CAieajs 7:30 next morn. ing. Library, Buffet Car, Harbr, nets fitandsrd Slttp tr$, VhuirCar$r-verything. m -City OfflCeg -a' 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA TEL. 24-061 VE GIVE-TRADING STAMPS WITH ALL CASH PUnnTASKB AT Ot'n RTO PTORR ANT WHERE AT ANT TIME TO ANTHODT WHO WISHES TO SECHRE ONE OR MORE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND VALUABLE FKKMIU MS EVER OFFERED WITH TRAD1NU ST A M 18 DO NOT FAIL TO BEE THESE PREM IUM3. Nov; Is Your Opportunity, Cloaks and Suits. AT S6 PER CENT DT8COUNT from regular retail prices. . This Is the opportunity of the year, for at no other time can you secure these high class, well made, dressy garments at such sacrifice prices. We bought these goods- from the manufacturers at a bargain and are gMng you the benefit. Women's cnats that regulflrly sold at (16.00 and $20.00 A Oil and that price go now at Manufacturers' stock of women a coats, In three quarters and long f flO regular $25.00 and $30.00 valueso at Manufacturers' stock of women's suits regular $30.00 and $22.60 Q Qf values go at ... .. w A larrs line of women's waists. In velvets, veil tings, flannels and many other mate rials, regular $5.00 quality f tf your choice for vvf Manufacturers' stock of women's skirts, all colors and fabrics 1 Qf worth $8 and $10 go at . . T.Av HAVE YOU BEEN OUR SWELL, NEW VOILB SKIRTS The new spring 1904 styles are now here surpassingly beautiful In style and excel lent quality and workmanship possessing that distinctive dressy appearance that voile alone produces. They are priced at $25.00, 1f ff $15.00, $12.50 and lJ.VJJ DO NOT FAIL TO SEE THIS LINE. THE NEW SPRING SUITS Beauties? Well, I should say they were, 1904 has surpassed all other years In beau tiful creations for spring wear. We have Just received 6O0 women's new spring suits by express the nobby short eton f fTecte the very thing for spring wear They are priced at $35 O KH $25.00, $15.00 and ,'ov' Bee this line and buy your spring suit now. Instead of waiting till the height of the scBjion fully 20 per cent can be saved bv making your purchnees now. BEE OUR 16TII STREET WINDOW. filonoy Saving Chances. Grand Sale of Ladies' Neckwear Ladles' ties, stocks and scarfs, worth 25o to $1.00 your choice H Tuesday at 10c and 8Go cord shopping bags np each .'. .19c 25o and EOo ladies' pocketboo Its-each $3 and $3 ladles neck ruffs at ... 119 Ladles pure linen handkerchiefs 5c . ..15c 3c at 20o all silk ribbons at, yard , lOo and 20c pearl buttons at, per doxen Pianos and Organs Sold on Easy Payments. We believe that comparison will show that this department carries the most com plete line of strictly high grade Instruments, and at prices below any competition. Our pianos and organs are made by the oldest, largest and most reputable makers In this country concerns whose reputation for the manufacture of only high grade Instruments Is a guarantee of quality. There is perhaps no other article of mer chandise In which poor quality can be so easily dUguised as In putting together pi anos and organs. For thla reason. In buying these goods it is essential to have the guarantee of a reliable house back of them. WE ARB OFFERING NEW UPRIOHT PIANOS, IN ANT WOOD DESIRED, AT $123.00, $127.50, $132.50. $147.00. $157.00 and $163.00. Ana up to the famous Checkering, Flatter, Estey wegman. Pries & Teepls, Decker. Haines, Franklin, Jacob Doll, Holisrt, M. Cable, Brewster, Kohler and Campbell, and twenty other makes to select from. A oomnlete line of Eatnv and Burdnll ors-ana in stock. Another; Snap and S2 Worth Trading Stamps Free. -Oranges Oranges Oranges We have Just recelyed from th southern a.'uornia at rstiv urowers Association, one carload of J large, fancy, sweet, navel oranges. This fs the finest fruit that grows. We will place them on sals Oer Tuesday at, per dozen aaCW Checkmated at. Every Gams! That's what we have done to tha Omaha drug trust. We are not bragging about this, but slnply demonstrating to them as well as everyone else, that we are run ning OUK BUSINESS our way! They the local druggists, had us shut off. That flliln t keep ua train getting goods so they hired flNKERTON DETECTIVES and they got gay and we had 'em run Int NOW WE ARE READT FOR THE NEXT MOVE, and In tha meantime are aelllrig $1.00 Peruna for 49o $1.00 Bromo Seltser for 630 $1.00 Vinol fur &ia $1.00 Orrine for 87o $1.00 N EH VAN TABLETS for 7o $3.50 "Marvel Bpray" Syringes for $2.23 Zoo Lxative uroino yuinme' 7o Kememoer "uur word is good ' ana we it. l run tee to sell everything we handle. AT LEAST 2C LOWER THAN any price quoteo uy any aruggixt in umana,. Boutn Omaha or Council Bluffs, in any dally paper or tnese cities. I2.O0 Chester's Genuine Pennyroyal nils Ji w Articles marxea only one to a customer. CUT PR1CB DRUO STORB E. T. TATE8, Prop. ICth and Chicago Sts.. Omaha. 'Phones T47 snd 7t7. 241 h and N Sts.. South Omaha 'Phone No. 1. 6th Ave. and Main St., Council bluffs. 'fhone 333. All goods de livered in either city absolutely Ire. SCHAEFER'S EXTRACTING TEETH by our method, with pure vital Ised air. Is painless, harmless and can be taken by both young and old. Extract I a . 86a Vitalised Air BOa y Teeta Cleaae ..... TSa TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS 1517 Douglas Street. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Write faa m Saatsle Ceay. And will give every purchaser $2.00 worth of trading stamps free. We do not limit them, Oet all you want. HAVDEW BROS. -.4M.'lv. 7c . ,"IJ r lit WE ARE SELLING MEN'S PANTS Worth ip to $3.75 for $2. ; This is an exceptional sale of pants. Tho prices aver age fully one-third less than regular. We bought several lines from leading manufacturers, whom wo found willing to close out their surplus lots at a sacrifice. To theso we've added several lots from our own regular pants stock mak ing this a sale of great magnitude. These pants are mado of high grade worsteds, cassimeres and cheviots, and ou positive guarantee as to fabric and fit, and cut, goes with every pair. Any man, be ho extra tall or extra short, can be fitted for $2.00. How to set from 1 to 3 books filled with Green Trading Stampsfilled books, mind you! Oet In on our Great Green Tradlnjr Stamp Piano Sale. See Sunday Bee and World -Herald m& Mail Orders Solicited.... Ws particularly wish the orders of our out-of-town friends In tha transmlaslsslp pl states, and are only stating the faots when wa say that no other drug hoiue. EITHER WHOLESALE or RETAIL Is so well equipped to handle drug orders of any else or description. Our wholeaals department and laboratory occupies 170 lineal leet In tha new Wlndsor-PIunkett block at 1514 Dodge. Three-quarters are filled with all of the numberless Items that comprise a modern drug stock, and are connects! with our retail store by private Una telephone. This Is WHY ws are always "THERE WITH THE GOODS." "When you want Drugs COILB to HEADQUARTERS." Apenta Water, small lOo c Alicock s forous riasters, au you want. for.... 10o $1.00 Ayefa Hair Vigor CSkj f 1AM Baker's Barley Malt Whiskey, parest aaa beet, tor. ........... Toe (Par Dos. $8.00.) $1.00 Beef, Iron and Wine, for ..EOo $1.00 Burnham'S barsaparllla. for Wo tuts Imported Bitter Water, for lie $1.00 Botanlo Blood Balm ....G0o (All you want at tneaa prices.) 25o Brandreth's Pills, for lite Itoo Bromo-QulnlDe, for Ho 60o Cramer's Kidney Cure B4o $1.00 Cramer's Kidney Cure Ma tho Carter's Little Liver Pills, for 12o Bo C'hamberlln's Coueti ttyrup lor no $1.00 Chrystal Tonic for 69o (iieip yourseir at mese pnoea.j Via Genuine Custorla for tic 260 Cutioura Soap tor Vo 6uo Cutioura Salve for 89c fl.OO Para Caaadlaa Malt Whis key " fPer Dos. I7.W.) BOe Colgate's Pansy Blossom Perfume, ounce k These are ghermaa at MeCoaaell'a Drue Prices. Corner 16th acd Dodge streets. Coleman's -Cartolated Ointment, for horaea. rattle and other animals lor. .00 Wc Cudahv's Extract Beef for 29c l.OO Da Mlraela Hair Heaaaver far.6e tic Derma Koyale Soap itc 11.00 Derma Koyale Soap 6tc 11.00 uuny Malt WhlsKey lor two r. n. r. rvimn Cure, warranted the genuine, always ii.ui $1.50 Fellow's Syrup Sue iu uaraeia 'lea 75c Hall's Catarrh, Cure - K9o $1.00 Hall's Hair Keuewer c ItSa HarSaa fiaaa Ia BOa Hay's Hair Health... ZOe tl.Oft Hostettpr's Bitters 190 Horllck-a Malted Mllk...M Hcmic-W IO tuo Humphrey's 77 Konden tjatarrabal Jeuy ic Listeiine Uc-teo Theea are Sherssaa MeCaaaeU's arleea. lOo Mexican Amole Soap for Bo 2Gc Mennen'a Talcum Powder, wa seU..llo Miles' Xerviae (MILES', mlad you) 91.00 $3.E0 Marvel Whirl lna Borar Syringe. 1 or iz.iD fl.OO Manyoa's Paw-Paw BOa $1.00 Malted Milk 67c KBo Mistletoe Creaaa, wa sell lOo iOo Neal's Dyspepala Tablets for.. 40o ((All you want no limit.) fl.OO Osomalsloa (all yoa vant)..60o 60c Palmo Tablets for 40o $1.00 Pierce's Medicines for 84o Zoo Plso's Consumption Cure for 16o 60c Pink of Perfection for 40o $1.00 Plnkham's Vegetable Compound for.frto too Packer'a Tar Soap, we self..., loo IOo Physicians', Burgeons' Soap So 91.00 gqatbb's aarsaparllla fov....TBe Peruna, of course 680 $1.00 Swift's Speclno for 6o $1.76 Swift's Specltla for $1.09 600 Syrup of Figs, genuine, for .....82a Mto Btuurt's Dyspepsia Tablet , 34c 11.00 Ktuarts UysiMjiwia Tablets 60c Society Hyglenlque Soap for 2c Si&o Stitch Back Plaster Soap for lac Vlaol, areaalae, always. ...... .91.00 (Purchasers of Vlnol should not accept same If the wrapper or label In mutilated or torn.) Victor's Toala Iottom (best r.neif for blackheads, pimples, barbers' Itch aad all skla troubles), aer bottle BOe 60c Wanier'a Sodium PhoeDhats Ef- fervement S5o tl.00 Wine of Cardul (all you want) for 63o 91.00 'White Rlbboa Lliiior Cara..OOe 6O0 M'hlte Rlbboa Lloaor Care. . . .40e Mall orders filled at above prices; box and cartage free. SPECIAL Sal.K ON MME. YALE'S REMEDIES. All 9t.RO Prrfsratioai for.. 91.14 All 91.00 Preparatloas for.,..BOo All Boa Praaaratleaa (or 84a All KM Preparatlaas far.,...14o Sherman & IMonnell Drug Go. Corner 16th and Dodge Streets, OMAHA, NED. No Wonder the Possessor of a good watch or clock is careful Into whose hands he leaves it for repairs when It falls to do Its work prop erly. Many a good watch is left in bad hands and la spoiled by incompetent or careless repairing. Dues your ath or clock uwJ repairingT Don't ruu the rlxk ol saving your timepiece rulued. Bring it to ua Look io. b pama S. V. LINDSAY. The Jeweler. Ills Dosglat sifMl. Ontths. B" vl JV Masasasaaswgga" (Wrwasna Bja. ;ni tm joaa Keep your on the little Greeiv Trading Stamps It moans money In your pocket, interest on the money you spend and a peerless premium to charm your home costs you nothing! Our bargain prices on up-to-date merchandise of quality are Just the same to collectors and non-collectors of Stamps. Mightn't you be collecting and so have a premium assured that will cost nothing only the filling of your book? Once you are fairly started there's a positive fascination In getting the little green stickers together. No ma'am, there ain't any premium Setting: plan or any stock of pre miums in town or out of town, half so good. GROCERY! GROCERY!! In the lead, selling the purest and most wholesome Groceries at the lowest prices of any around. FULL, WEIGHTS, HONK8T MEASURES KVEltr THINO AS REPRESENTED OR MONET BACK. A Corn fleal Special for Tuesday A CAR JUST IN New Cora Meal yellow or white 8-lb sack for 12c 10-lb sack for 15c. Tomatoes, S-lb. can , , o Navy Beans, per pound to Peas, 2-lb. can 7o I Cleaned Currants, per pound So Baked Beans, 8-lb. can IOo j Breakfast Cocoa, H-lo. can 13c Imported Sardines, can IOo I Bennett's Capitol Pepper, Vlb. can.l2o BENNETTS EffASTASTCOrm m m a The Leading Coffee House In the 5tate. Bennett's 1 Breakfast Coffee 2 lb 48c! Bennett's! Capitol Coffee y pi 28c Santos, for mild rofreshlni drink, Ua, 15c BUTTER! BUTTER!! feat I ItuiOBltmrnm WUKAXta. Direct from the farms and dairies. Bennett's Capitol Creamsry, pound, 2tc. Fresh Country Butter, pound ISo. Your need attention eyes PcrTTct TIttiner. money savinsiy aonc. f A PRICE 1 For 9 (JO For i Bi,lenLaUUMenB -AT- T. B. ilOHRIS' Broken line sale of C EO, U00, $S.0O and.$6.U0 SHOES Saturday's trade kept us busy but wa have your else In some of these NEW BTYLE LASTS In Box Calf, Double Soles Patent Colt, Double Soles Y Id Kid, Lined, Double Soles AU to close out now at "Two ninety-Eight" T. B. NORRIS, Wlei- 1517 DOUGLAS cieei nam sumps. II a We're Going to Clean 'Em Up and to do It offer some more shoe bar. gains for this week that are interesting. 1.50 98c 1 mam PANTS, $3.50 SUITS, SI7.50 No More No La All WeoV-Tallor Made. mmm Women's Bhoea, turns or watts, rerular U and IB values, for Women's one-etrap slippers for house wear, regular tl.BO and tl.CO value, for,...1 Misses' Shoes (broken slaes) ssy m regular fl.M to C00 f values, for Till MM Women's Shoos, spring; had rerular tZ.0t and tS-60 values, for.mMw..Jn Its pairs men's f-K doo. bis sola patent calf cut to 1.50 2.50 us DREXEL SHOE 00., 1419 raraam Street. Omaha's Uta-Dt Sbos Hoiist. SSSS&SBSaHfSBEBSaCBEESBB y,V . sj MENINDWDMEAT. T .f I Blf tores sslaraj laltotUnNI SlKftritM.iBfllBMtlusa tanawTU rrltiloM or alMUkiM