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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1904)
TFII OMAHA DAILY BEE: TFEPPAT. FEnnTARY 2. 1W4. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET fcecretiieu1 VoTid'i iTible fujpj tl Vbeat E'jenf.kct Prio,t, PtDUCtD SUFPLY W.S0 IMPROVES KAElCET ay Cwra mm Oats Berth Higker, st rrevlsteae Irt I arhtaaH la Trl Lines Lecsrer for the Day. CHICOO, Feb 1 A decrease In tn wvrld a avavtiable stock Indian strength to a heat price today, prosuect of a re ductum In primary receipt aim' contrib uted to the better lone The May opium rinsed h a gmn if -c. May nrn we tip -V. while May t were lic higher. Prpt islon were unchanged to 6c lower. itelore the opening hoar for improve ment In wheat value were fmliroe-sed by a qeluge of new of Itearlrh character. Foreign grain marked cri lower, world a shipments lor the week extremelv 1 i t era, and tiie quantity afloat for turiH arid Great Britain heavily Increased. In addition thwr h the report from Mtr I.eapoil xhst flour mill there were all rlofed in account of over-abundance of u TP lira. Wlit au'ih iiearteh Information otwnltia peine here wre lower, May Ite Ing off $iSe M BMIitrWic. Commission houses and ptt trader were lilmral sel l and with llttie support the price de clined atni further. When May hud reached BVt'wr.. lite niHrket became steadier on a fnlr demand which was supposed tn be from the lending long Prloes showed Home advancement aa a result if thi buying. Kay rallying to the opening figure A 4Vnided change in sentiment occurred to ward the noon bntir. Buying orflera p peared to pome from all quarters. The market responded to the lie proved de mand and within a abort time May wna aniline at 1wC or a gain of 14e from th l"W point The mood wna helped hy the vlalble auppi Jiarurea. whU-h ahcwed a cntiaidr-ratile decreaae. Iwporta from Katiana ate ted 1ht there waa little wheat left in the farmcm' handa In that atate. Vi eaknea m Vail atreet,- thoucht poeai- I'ly tu reflect freeh war newa. waa t factor In wren rT hen In n the attuatlon. Both Mny and July wheat came out freely on Ihe tmlew. la the 4ecltne remiltint the nearby e-uffered mom and aold off to nS4roc. The mark-t waa firm the lnet half hour, hut ahowed no tendenrr to advance Way Tinned He rlrber at After rantrlnf Iwtweetl RIV:"7. Ju'T cloaed at 8?4'-'o, a -rain of 'iac. Plearancea of wheat and flour were errual to M H( hnhel. Thtma ry receipta were TO4.S09 buahela. aatnet 7(K).ni buahela a year ar" The amount on paaaaire Increnaed l.B."0 buah ela. while the vlall.le atipply d-creaeed K2i.non buahela Mtnneapnlta, IHiUith and C'hlearo reported rnoetnta of S3 rcru. arainat R1 rare laat week and &0 cars a near earn A atrmtf feeltnit pervaled tha onrti pit, mare from m lack of efferlnita than from any prominent burin-. The market waa little eaaler earlier in eympntny witn t and on lower calt lea Reports from the pouticry. however, continued to ahow a irood fedmf demand and ahort ahowed aome alarm orer the amallneea of receinta. With the nffvHnee In a-heat prtcea the com market Iwimr decidedly atron. There wa aome resllarna: on the upturn, but rn offerlnca were readily abaorbed. The cloae waa atronr and near the top Way opened uneheeaed ta Ur lower at SclMiiiVar, declined to e. rall.iinr later to fcriec. The cloae waa at Sno. Iocal recclpta were ST cara, ( of contract frrade. There waa a larre trade- In onta and prloea Were on a hi Cher lewel Contm le al on houaea end ahorta m-ere active buyer throurhotit the day. bttt oferlnita were altoretber too email for the demand. There waa a aliitht decline early in aym wl'h other eralna. bwt the fltp waa ehort-llved. Buylna of Mary onta by the lonr Intereata precipitated a a-eneral rtiah by ahorta to cover and rendered The mar ket rerr atronir The cloae wa near the ton. Wiv ojiened "Vie lower at Cac. and after ae'Tma- at 4Vc. advanced to 4Se. clotnng at . Local receipt were JM cara I 'loulda.tloTi br ootmnlaalon nsuaea and aetlln bv nackera caused weeVrneea In trm-lleme early 1n the da v. The lower Trlcee at the yarla were a factor In brine inw out fbe aellln ordera There waa a fair demand for lard end rlbe later and in eonaequenre part of the early lna waa rernlned The cloae wa etaady. with Muf pork ?V.c lower at flS Jr lerfl waa un rhnrd at fi.IO, with rltie -down fcc. at Brtlmate4 ree-tpt for tomorrow: "Wheat. W cara; corn. !T6 cat; onta, I1C car; hot. SK ne bead The tendlna- futurea ranged as followa: Arwnle t Open H'rh.l Low. I Claae.l YTr. tr-h't War: ny Hep. rn- Feb. Mar July ar- rv-b. Mav u1y Sep. p v Mar i I MO,V?i ?Tt,l I . I w' i 41 -I l'83"a'Fi"is' ' rv 78 I 7Tfc I 1 t 4--l 4i jav.1 sm. 47T,! WV ' ' ' ! sm.- 4ti mm ' sm.1 i i n R5 ' n no 1 is cvt i ! I I 4fl 4-.4u.rV tru. JKV,,A.I i I L o- 4 I 4 I rlnr uly 7 TTj' 7 W 1 7 SO I T an' 7 rsi 7 n 7 e 7 w 7 tu naj, ulf I May July I ra ( t 7 n ( OS R i 67H! 70 ! Kn. 1 . fri oiiotlona were a fo'lews: nH'R Market eney; winter patents. 4 W- "trlirbts. 4.flii'4.?f- em-Ins; at enta. y"iM: fttralrbU, K SlIt'; baker', Wi -I WHEAT Na. J 4or1nr UTVtc- No. L 7Ww.e: !o. 2 red. 3tWVc. - CORN Na 1 : Na. 1 yellow. 4sc. OATS No. I, 4ifiA!'c; No. 1 white. Ctf r - F o. BSC. RARLET-Oood fxefllnc. WSSc: fair te rbni'-e mnltln:. Miitr. EEP-Nb. 1 nix. at m; wa. i norrnwast- em. $1.1; prime tmothv. $3.v, clover, coo tract rrade. tl0.7Br4OT1.9e. I'OVISIONS alee nork. Ter bbl.. fl IMS 0. Lard, per loo 11s. IT.Ot.lO. Short ribs, sides fhstael af. 5vrf to. Short 4MRt ides lmxedl, f."7Vb". Follswtnc re the reaeijrt and shipment of flour and rraln: Jleoetrrt. Bhlpmenta Ttiur, bbls...A ..4 11.1 Wbat. bu re-n he)..- t. ' Ji4( Data, bu.... 14f son ; 107.MI Rye. bu . 1 4 S' Barley, be 42.KK1 1S.H ihe Iroduce eacliana today the but ter market was frra; creameries, lirH'Sc; oajriea, liirtuc. E:r easy, at mark, cases Included. 30 c Chease, steady, liifeUHsa )EW TKK GE1EI1L M11KET. Qat4tM af ts Bar Varlm teaiMe41tlea. New TORK, FVb 1-FLm-R Receipts. 1 JM tibia: ahtpmente. l.Mu bins; tnarant tiUH4 but uiKhaneed; winter paten'a. 4; wl titer Ttratirtita. M.Jfi'41'4 Minnesota twtepis. HI'KHu.w.. liner extras. 4i. 3 ;.&., Mitiiieseta tinker-, a.ib4 ; winter li-w srraaaa, ,..wiiS tu. Rye finur. flrm: fnlr to aooa. Siuii4ui tbuiue Isury. Vuok wheat flour dull. lthNMtLr-Stea.iv: western, KM, eity, Jl"f kiln dried CUwii'S Ou. fcyE Finn; N- X weataro, aoc nom inal., afloat. ata.Hr and Jurse. at Aim. bAKLET Liull: feeding. c. New Tork; tnattiiif:. fcuvc. Ruffalo. H EAT Receipt. 7.6oO bu. Spot, firm; Na. t red. fck:. elevator. o. i reo, Me. f. o b.. afloat: No 1 northern Imluth. al.. f o. b. afloat. No. bard Manltoita. nominal, f a. b afloat. Option Inst cnnaideiahle rroimd this morninf under the aeifht of liaruk stattstice. eace news and easier oatiiMs. Recovenus at neoa on UlMn-a4 Ae ceeaea ua the -lsuile and liberal bull sup port tike market closed firm at Vc net sd xatiee Mav. BUVaf: li-lac. cluaed at a?1,!'; July. Ht'-Vol''c. cltwed at STVi fiepieniber. ai'"v,,"'-.c. cluaed at sor. IVtatN Receipt. 530 bu ; market Btescy: No I yellow, iac No. Z while. fcc Opttuns weakened ai first with -wheat, but eventually rallied on coverltir and active ftucacn htitl suj'port. cloeitia firm at Vc; Ma. wuaad at tmw.-, July 40) at ic OA '18 Receipt. 7m.u bu : raarket for emit struiic: Nu. . 4M-; aiannard whius iH,r: Na. i. 4bc4 Kit- X white, 4ec; Nu. I ue. tbr RICE Steady; domestic, fair to ertrt, SVi.'1---: Jepuu. aiumtual iHEKFE-tii: tate full crvam. faiM-v laic and small ciuted and wtuta, txt'letnlwr. 1-c. lale auada. lec. tiul'r Firm ; slate, loinn ou lu choice Sk fiT.c; it. tiV c, oM liniiia-, Paeitic coast. 14 -iic. laa.. ZZcS.r; oiaa, lnyiac Hll-tJ P"irm l S lua.. litt. Oauluruia. Q la A iua Iic, Teas rv. U e Ilia., )4c. 1 AI.Iji w Iull; city, ac, muiu, i4(Vc 1 A 1 KCH tribady ; aeuf. i.w-. e; ntesa. tfc si -ft k at : aan-f ham, tv m mi Zv. run extra luoia meaa, m owrTT bv ( ul nieata ttrm; pickaaa Hel'ie. IT.if;;Sf: i-t-d alMuiritra. (a; fMckled hm. t.aui 1 aa l.ard. a)ull: ewieTi MKtmtvd. Urn. rrhueU uii. smiimwii. f'M, vunoMMiUd. ei. lu-Ii Fr-k firm; family. 1S OftTUlP; short clear. IIS Tin. ",f, nin. C4 BiKbli i. HI 'i "3 IH firm; crmmrrf, lBSc; state dairt. ip Fl.EO Hay. quiet; shipping. sTi7Dc; r"d to duties, KWVic F.' Gtt Lower and Irregular,; western. Pol'LTRT Altve. firmer; weanem cMr"s ene UV. fowl. ttr; turkey. )r; oreMl firm: wn!crn chtcfcena. Urtfy'1l fowls, JJTvbtfVxc; turkey. lTVdl- OMAHA l HULCfALE MARKET. taple ' ai raey rralaje. E'JCSS lleceipia, moderate; fresti rtock., UV rOTLTr.T-Hena. er; aprinf cli-kenn, ,'; rooatt r. ecnoruinc to ea. uac ; turkey a. i.'.tiijc. ducka. Win . e. I'KEBFEP ItTTXTKT-Turteyf.. JMp;-; durAR. iullc; f eeae. 10c; chickena, 1L."TTER racking stock. 111lUc; choice tu fauiy (tutry ruila. lie,, Zc FKicH i-'iaH J rout. kjiHK-; pi -heri. StK ; piae, lr; perch, hrtitt-; bioefiph, lfcc, Whitehall, tHiHi ; HKimon. lie: iixddock. luc; cxxiliah, I2i ; re janai pcr, jic; lohatera. bulled, er Hi., aw; iooaiera, f-rtn. per lb., IHc; uilheada. tic; catflah. I'p14r, biark baaa, ; ha limit, lie; crepples, 12c; herrlns, 4c; white twne, lite , hluettna, fcc; smelts, lllo. OY FTE.RS New Vork counts. er can, i( ; rer pal.. Cm; estra select, jier can, Sik-; er al., Si.feu; siauuard, per oao, tic; per s-al., 1.0. RKA I-er ton. 114. 00. HAT rrlcea quoted by Omaha Whole sale Iiehlers association : Choice No. 1 up land, t: Ko. 1, M,.ii: medium, K.&; cosrae., ST. M; rye straw. K.Mi. Theae )-ice are for hay of rood color and Quality. miuid fan and receipts lteut. CORN Kc (i.ATWiC. Kli-Nu. 1. Me VKGETABLEB. rC'TA TOES Colorado, soc; Dakota, bu., 5c, natives. 7hc. tWjan 1-UiAluEB-IlUnola, par bL, fe.oll. NAVT RE AN" -rer bu CI CKU:RX small, per do., 2&&3uc; larre CalifonilR. ',c. Tnc and c. OXIOJSP Bpaniah. per crate, b.I; Colo rado yellow and red. per lb., rc. CAUBAUE Wisconsin Haluuid. i'mc: new Cahfomla cabbage. yc TI'KMf'K-Canada rutabafas, per lb llac. a hue. tier bu. a- CAR ROTE Rer bu.. Toe rARBXIJ'S-fer i,u., sue. fcEEi'eRer bu., ic. 12 Ti LiJir'W .kft California, per crista, ftililiSHEfewP'"f lot bunches, Soc. LETTICE HEAI ler doa. bunches, BOc en ; per bbl., -.; leaf lettuce, per doa. buncheM, rc. REFTS-Southern, per floi.. 75c CAHROTB Bouthern. per doa.. We. FARfiLJEy fclouthem per doa., fL ' FRVITB. -A.Pf LER California Bel mowers, per box. Tork export Qreenlns. Russets and Baldwins, K.Ti. G-RAFEB-Pony Cstawbaa. 20c; Imported Jdaiaffis. per keg, K.Ou. CRAKHFRRltS-Jersev, .per bbl., r TO; per bo t od: Wlaconaln Bell and Bur', ri.60; Bell snd Cherry, W.Ba TRCiPICAL FEHTB. ORANGES Florids BriphU and Ruasets, J'X'- navels, all Sises, choice. t-.rvv2.Ki; fancj', all aisea. r LEMONS C'sliiomta fancy. JWi to K0 sls-e, U; choice, 24b to I7H sises. K.BO. K1GP California, per 10-lb. cartons. Be; Imported Smyrna, k-crown, l4c; 6-crown, iSc; "-crown. lBt. BANANAS I'er medium slsed bunch, C f"'i.:.0: J umbo. t2.7iWu3.2a. COCOA NUTS Per sack. X; per dm., ne. 1 1 A TF5R PfWuisn Yiar v V . per 1,, lu -ll. bcaea, Sije; Oriental stuped du.tes, jkt Ikx. : 40. MISCELIANEOrS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 12c; W iscoiiain Youii Amenens, IHc; block Swiss, lfccr Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wisconsin lliaburrer. 12e. HONEY Nebraaka, per 14 frames. (3; Ttah and Colorsdo, per 24 frames. C25. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lh 10c. CIDER per bbl., tiiO; ar bbl., M X. POPCtiUN-Per lb., ric; shelled, WSVe. HORSERADISH Per case of ! ji, packed. HOe. NITS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. ir.V: hard shell, per lh.. 14c; No. S soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. S hard shell, yr lb, lie; Brasils. per lb., 31c; filberts, per lh., 11c: almonds, soft shell, per In., lur; hard shell, per lb.. lc; peoans. larew, per lh.. i.c; uroau, per in., utc: peanuta. per lb.. Sc: roaster teanuts. ier lb.. 7c; Chili walnirta. llrffljnsc: larare hickory nuts, per bu., H.SO; shell barka, per lai., f; black WBlmua. per bu.. 1.2D. HIOES-No. 1 s-reen, 6c; Ko. ! erreen. : No. 1 snlted.Tc; No. J wnltefl, e-, No. 1 ve:U calf. to 12 llis., lyt- No I veal clf. IT to 15 lb.. 8j.c: dry salted bides, Sufic: sheep pelt. 2Tr75r; horas hide. SC Ioals Craia l Prwi lakoaa. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 1 WHEAT Hifher-, JCa. t red 4ash. elevator, die; track, hoVS F-e; May, CuHttr; July. Tlec; No. t hard, CORN Hia-her; No. I cash. 4V: track. tVo-ir-Wc: May, 4T?Tt(Sc; Julv, iTac. OATS His: her; No. 'J cash. 40c; track. S'4)c: May. 43c; No. t hite, 4T. FLol'R lnll; red winter patents. U sVJf .i; extra fHncy and stralsjhu H.bVa-t.4i, clear. S3 4"fr3.ti&. SEEO-Timothy, ateadv, t?.u;.i5. CORN'M EAL Steady. 2.4li. BRAN Hieady; sacked, enat track. IBVplOc HAY Timothy, lower. 7iiirU.l; prairie. Arm. l.0iKii.B. IRON COTTON TTES-C.06. B A OG IN O 1Pc HCMP TWINE " PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged: 'JobblnK, tlJ.Jj. Lard, unchanged ; prime steam. W !L I.acon. steady; kMixed extra ehorts, tTK.'1); ckr rilw tT.Tfi; short clear. 17. K7. POTLTRT Quiet: chickens. Ihe: aprfnea, Kir: turkey a, 1-4i:"ic; ducks, lie; sose, i7c Bl'TTER Tlnn; creamery, 1G4Zlc; dairy, I217e. EGGS-Hifher t KKfJIfAsc. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl IJ.OiiO Mm Wheat, bu .- 1S1.W k at Corn, bu jrT.tmt ( H Csts, bu K a.wc K Cltr Grata Fra lalaaa. KANSAS CTTT. Th 1 WHEAT May. 7BV(7 7('-S.c: Julv. ?Z'a TSc ; cash. No X haid. 7wtfMln-: No t. 74i77c: Jo. 4. aW7Sr; rejeoted ftifulfct:; No. 2 red. the; No. t, jauMc Rei-etpta, ill car CORN May. 43M?eVr: July. 4Sntftjc: cash Na. t mixed. 4ic; No. X si bite, Ac; No. . 43r. OATb-No. I white. SAc; No. I mixed. See. HAY Choice timothy, tb.uio.iiu; choice prutrle, r.Jutfi7.Vl. RYE No. 1 Slgac UtTTtrt Creamery. l&'21c: flatnr. fKnc-r. lfcf EOGS liPwer: Miaaotrrl and Kansas stock, oa.-s returned. EHyc; new No. I wtlt wood CMi Included. He. Recetiits. Bhtpments. Wheat. bB- eai M 1IC.MII Com, bu E2.h S7. Oats, bu T t.Mu Uverftsl Grala Market. LTTERPOOL, Feb 1 PROVISIONS The foliowirur are the stock of breadstuff and provision rn Liverpool : Flour, B mo sacks; wheat. L341 e centals; corn. 44.n centals; baeoa. U.i boxes; hams. .410 boxes; shoulders. 1 SUA boxes; Il.eMHI cwu. : cheese. IH.Ouu boxes. Ttie followinr are the stoeka of wlieat and corn In store and on nuays, 1 railway and canal dett not included 1, wheat, 1,S16,wai cental; corn, tK.auw oentala. rhUaveVrlnsita Prwd ac Marked. PHILADELPHIA, reto. 1 PrTTER ririu. sr Higher; extra western cream ery. ?4e; neariy print. I7r.. IXXlS c lower: fresh nearby. Jc at mark ; fresh western. Be; freaa south western. SlinSle: fresh southern. Inc. CHEESE ritaady, fhtr demand; New Tors full creams, cholo to fancy, Li -It J 1'; fair to food. Inc.. Mlast-aalts Grata Market MINNEAPOLIS. Feb 1 WHEAT Cloae, May. K:-SvtrKH.-; July, sHSiWdc: Septenilier, 77ic: on trak. Ko. 1 hard. JTwe; No. 1 northern. ; Ko. S northern, 87c; No. t northern. Me. FLol'R FMrst patent. S4 ftVa.TP: secmid patents. U .&sp4 first clears. SZ 4VuM. Sfcoiid clears tt af-n: w BRAN la bulk, 14 ail.80. lUauliN Crala Market MILWAUKEE. Feb 1 WHKAT-Mr-c big her. No. 1 northern. suaik'c; Na. 2 noriuern. !, sv: May bid. RYS-Sieatv; No. 1. tbc RAKLEY-cbeady; Na t, Oc; Bam pie. lrlc KiRJC-Ftrm. No. I 241c; May. 6Vc bid. Italatk CrtUa Harkal. PCLITH. Feb 1 - WH EAT-Close. In store. No 1 hard. 0ae; N. 1 northern kvSic. No 1 aor-.haro, at7c; to arrive. No. 1 l.ard. arac: Kg I nori l-t-rn 8c; No. 2 northern. Ve; May. aV; July. ifVc beliternl. 77c OATS-sa track kad ta arrive, 4Bc TaArAa ftre-A Market. TVlLEIs i. Feb. V SEFTI Clover. H.aMd. caau. etTi. February, H7; March. i. fcaA. April, wan Priiua alaiaa. eVJO. Piuas luu-iUs)'. -J.a 3.EW TORE STOCKS AXD EOSDS E ab did cf PpsokJtki lltorbed late; est and Cluuifs krt Iicperofptibls. tUxn FLECKS IKLfiT AND LANGUID rtaaaclal Sltastlaa Has lailmldatlas Esleet s-ralatlve rxiwt 4 BarraiwlBata Respaaslble fer Fassled CaaJerttsr. NEW YORK. Feb. 1 All the Interest in tiHiay stock centered In a lmndiul ot se clalties which tiHd no bearing on financial or business conditions. The body of the market was inert and lisUees. Chance were almost lmjerceptlbie The primary cause of the sla4tiiation ass unduubieUly the realisation aiarieiied by last week's view of the reneral niarset that the Jan uary boom had proved abortive and specu lative interest had balked at the leader ship to attract It to the purchase of stocks. '1 he condition of banning accounts and tne expectation of a check to the accumula tion 'f reserves In New York is accepted as a warning that the period fur attroulat Ing activity by speculative operation lias about passed The portentous lurures reached by the loan account of the batiks is in itself calculated to exercise an in timidating rflect un speculative operators in stocks. The source of all thi borrow ing continues tu cause puxaled conjecture 1 ne traiirier of loans trom trust compa nies tu banks, liorrcwing on sterling sui laterai which should be an incident of placing loans In Europe and the holding of bond issues s waiting a market are ail offered a part explanation, but ail together eera lnsuHicient te appease the sense of doubt csused by the figures. It Is suggested that there must be a large floating indebtedness carried by railroad and other corporations, which is waiting a favorable opportunity in thai securities market. The continued wllunes of cotton eiieculstion Is a touch of realism, and the higher cotton goes the more appre hension la felt that there might lie some Sort of collapse that would effect collateral outside of that market. Conditions were favorable to higher price today and Lon don bought early. 7'he selling of I'nlted State Steel pre ferred weakened the market. This mock came to a pause after the announcement that John L. Rockefeller had resigned from the directorate. The sjieculators in the stock have much of a theory that a control of the corporation has passed to the Rockefeller interest during Its troubled ricistiltudes and were left in a stale of confusion by this development. The break in Brooklyn Transit was helped by rumor of a bond issue and other local tractions were effected by the Illness of William C. Whitney. The strong advance in Amalga mated Cupper of 21a was due to reports of a judicial decision un Montana wulch would permit the company to collect dividends from its subsidiary company, the Boston. ano Montana, a men nave ueen uea up oy Injunction ever since the company was ac quired. The closing was lifeless by steady. Bonds were dull and steady. Total sales, par value. $4.3'Ju,Uiiu. United Slate a coupon declined V pet cent so call. The following are the quotation on the New Tore Block exchange: ba.ieaHigh.lxiw. Close. Atchison 4U.4UU "OS W 7(, do pta l.Roti vis VI 1 Baltimore 4t Ohio 11.7UV KHt sK bX do pfd Canadian Pacific i.Smi 11S 117 lis Central of N. J )'' 1. ! lnft luK C. a- 0 2.7(10 M Chicago & Alton lim 3fiV W do pfd 2U0 W sua B4 Chicago Great West, l.lim Ifc-fc K- lt-i do pfd 41 ' 2 C. N. W KM! Chicago T. ft T tv - do pid &10 zn n C. C. C. Bt L. 77 Colorado Southern .. m IS 10 17 do 1st pfd 1U 67 7 oiek do 2d J'fd Del. l Hudson - LV0 ln 1S6 160 U., L. ft V? z:t D. ft R. ti m 21, 21 rm do pfd 4"0 Ti 71 7Js Erie 6.SW 27-i Z7 27ia do 1st pfd .. 2.1Ki C6 ftti do 2d ifd fciiO 47 47i 471e Great Northern pfd.. 17d Hocking Valley - Tfi do I'ld Illinois Central ljuu 130 129j 12ei Iowa Central ..... - 2'. do pfd. m K.. C. Butheni I0 WV, H t do pfd K Hv" K6 " 1M L. ft N s-iO M7 IsnT. Manhattan L. I.iw 14:iH Ml'i 14S Met. U. Ry LSW 121H 1 J2iw Minn, ft St. L. 4 Missouri Pacific . .... 6.5HO W M., K. ft T V 37 17i 17 do pfd 7i 3H SH14 Nat. R. of Mex. ufd. lu H Norfolk ft West. .... l.iMO H U gii do iifd .. N T. Central ........ 4on uov, 11m, m tmtorio ft West S.Mi 23'w 2 Pennsylvania 3U.400 121 1J I'lua.. C. C. ft Bt- L. Reading 12.100 4 4f do 1st pfd 7 do id pfd o Rock Island Co. .... 6,W 2-4 2-T do pfd Usv . t4 - . 4Vi St. L. ft fi F. 1st pfd. - 65 do Jd pfd. ..... 47 St. L. S W 100 14 14 141, do Iifd. fit' IKt K Zt St Paul .14..&U0 14V 14V 144 "do pfd 1' Southern Pacific 17.0110 6 4HV aOU BouUiern Railway .... 1.0"0 21:H 21T 2: do pfd " K.'ia Kf'h Texas ft Pacific .... I,w(l 2G 2o4k lb T.. l L. ft W do pfd 87 fnion Pacific 0,t9 814 8" Ho, do pfd W Wabash 2w H, do pid i,no m m w W. ft L. E bio 17t, 171, 17 Wis. Central 20 JO 1M, in, do pfd 600 4tt 4S 4!, Adams Express Kti American Express 1h2 V. S. Express - 1' Wells-Fargo Ex I' Amal. Copper B7. , 47 n, Amer Car ft F Wl W im do pfd W 4HSt aa Amer. Linseed Oil .. 10 do pfd J7 Amer Locomotive .... 4.000 21 2'KS 21 do pfd fn 7, 7 7 Amer. S. ft R 1.7 4" 6A do pfd b kt, r.'s Amer Sugar Ref I.n 13 H 1T7 Anaconda Mining Co. ! 7! 72 74 Brooklyn Rapid T...i4ti0 47 4S 46 Col ft Hocking Coel 14, 14 14 Colo. F. ft. I W SI Con. Gaa 4."0 If. 1"4 1 General Electrtc. Tim 170 li lw liiternattonal Paper., h 13 12 lf do pfd ..... ..... sK Internet. Pump - 33, do pfd. National Rlactitt 4 National Lead V 1S4 lU IP, North American .... 1"0 eK WCT I'aclfte Mall J W T People'eaae 2.!I0 13U 100 101 pressed Bteel Car " do pfd n' 71 71 71 Pullman Palace Car 21E Republic Steel 7 7 7 tin pfd Is 4 44 rt Rubber aoods 1J0 J Jii do pfd 75 Tenn. Coal ft Iron .. .!" W ffli r S. leather f 7 - 7 do pfd " 7K 7 TV r S Rubber M0 13 11 Vt pfd r S Steel ll.v it im ioa. An pfd 74.SW V M M Weetern T'nlon II 88 N"bern Securttlee W Ex-Interest. ffferd. Total sale for tla day. 4S.410 snare. Irs l ark MlaiaAt wseUtint, NEW TORK. Feb 1 The following are the closing quotations on mining stock: Adaaai Caa alio. xl be X4 anmawtc Caa t r-onalee Tanaal .... ra. Cat A Vs..... -11 Mora Blrvar .........1st Iroa tllw -IS Uaaevllk Caa - t Offered. II. mat chaat Oatarts tmi IVtu 4- ehoonta n stitMS .. ......... n ta isuteta Qiaaada Il'oatll aM .. in rawelAT) rtaaBaartaO. LONTiON. Feb. 1 Money wa abundant In the market today and rates were easy, sales of IKi . in dividend Interest pay ment having Iwfii disbursed. I'lscount were atesdy. BuHiness un the Stork ex change wa Inanimate In the ahaetice of fiwiaiv far eaatern new The protracted delav In Ruasia reply a a a hindrance to biiHineea and amidst the prevailing staATt.a tioti nervousinaie wa evident. Conaol were rather firmer at first, but dimmed easier. Home rstls aere lifeless American opened dull. Improved align! iy. Iiecaine Inactive and irregular wl'h a tairly good undertone hardened at the the last hour and cMaaed steady and lielow the la-at ououuaiii tf the ov. Japajieae and Ruastaa avcurities were trracuUtr Rullioa ta the amount of A 47 was taken tuts the Rank of Eng land today end Aluu.uav aa a linora wa lur sniitnent te Fvpl- Rk.Kl.lN. fefa. 1 Prices on the bourse were o-pi'aasi f. owing ts the luiranalnt; of the Knasa Japanese altoauua- Hirkuiei aa AjMiamiiw aun waig. uiauouut Short bill. 2 per cent; three months" Mils )l per cent. PARIS. Feb 1 Price on the bourse today were etrnnger. owing to strong sd-vb-es ii to the Ruseo-.lap news situation Russian Imperial 4a closed at wM At the close stocks were firm Rlr Ttntoa gained 12f. The private rate pf diacount waf f l-l er cent. Tli-ee per cent rente. IT lyc for the account Exchange on London. 'Jiit Kc for the aocoutit sew' lark Maaey Market. NEW TOR K. Feb 1 MONEY On call, easy at 1ji2: closing bid and offered. 2, time loans, firm; sixty day and ninety uaya. Ho4 per cert; six months 4f4 PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 4'ut. Sterling exchange, weak, with actual busi ness in hsnker hills at et.KUp.sTttu lor de mand and M M"7M?4.K.'t for sixtv-dHy bills, ported rates k4.Kt and 4.bVy4 com mercial blils 4.kx SILVER Bar, BCc; Mexican dollars. a"c. x4v.NIB Government, heavy; railroad, heavy. The closing quotation on bond are aa follow: f. mf . rBc....1 Wnnhanar t 4a...ltwi4 aoupnr Ji .Un (entral 4a.... (k. e 11 I ai, isl lur It 00 rnurxm ji Caiinn m St. L a... ST e se w. ra IB at . K T. 4a r o roneoa iaij So K T .. nld a. r llt-'K R. R. of at t. 4. 7. act rausoe 107 ta f I C t w eicnisnn svu. a r j r la 11 Hi .. sjiKo. Parllli 4a ln?v . .14, i 4n Sp 7r .. H W. 0 4a 9T . . jot. o I L 4 par.. l:- .. 7t fVnn uihtt fa pf ..unit Kaaaint ear 4a f .. Its "t L A 1. It c a... 115 .. , m lab r. t. 4a. utt i.tM m. l. t w i, tc iSeaana'4 A. L. 4a...a .. 714 Bo. R0ar l ll .. ! Sn klllrir M .1 .. 11). 4a ,1a A t 1 111114, .. TH T.. M L 1 W. S.. Tl B O 4 o IS Cantaal af us, ox. fle lat Inc rhea a Ohio 4W Chii-ani, A A J', ( .. li Q n. 4 C. M a e p. ( 4 C. A K W. c. 7a. C, E I A F. a. 40 ODl. OB... C.t C A Bt. 1.. g. Chioago Tot. 4a...., Cnn. Tobacco 4a... Colo. A Be. 4a ... I A K G. 4 ... Brio prior Han 4. e ea 4a T a A b C. lo. Roellln Val. 4a L. A K. sal. 4a... Ex-interest. K't.lnlnr Pacini 4a Inn do ronr 4 ara. . M . . m .if .PC . w r Steal M is.... 7H Wakaah 1 llf. e nfc. B n W L K. 4a 1"H Wj Conu-al 4a oV Colo. F. A 1. a ta.. TV Oftered. Baataa Strk 4latatta. BOFTON. Tib. 1 CaU loans, 244 ier cent; time loans, -4ijp. per cnt. Official cloning prloea on stock and bonds: AtuatanK 4a fV.Allouet .. 4, .. te .. r ..4Ml .. 14 .. u .. 5044 .. I" .. t) .. rvi .. in .. St. .. s .. .. I ..J01 .. t .. .. .. t .. .. 71 .. M, Mex. Ontral 4o , 4 lAmalsaniatai . . . Atriilsoa 7i 1 Hiartiam do pfd Knoicm A Allainr Oai. A Haola M7 (lontenaixl Copper Kanae Iinmmlon t.ual .... rranklln lnio Rnrala Bnmm A Maine.. ..lot Bom on Elevated 14fi K T.. K. H A-H...1SV r urnnu-x pid lJW i niim eofinc .... Mbx Omtrsl .... Amer. Sugar .... do ptd Amar T A T . .. Iiomlnlon I. A k OoMral Elentnc . klaat. Elortric do pTd t'nlted rruti , V. B Stsol flo pfd tteattna ooronoa Advantunt Bid. .. wViMniwk ... .. Ilia 'Old lioniaioa . .1! tlloreeta ..llK learrnt , ..127 Ivulncr .. f ibanta F Copper.., . .1711 Tamaractt .. ITa, 'Trti.lty .. 7 fulled Stataa .. w tita . . ll4 Virtoria , .. 64 Winona .. tl "Wolverine .......... .. 1 Ibalr West lfta trk Market LONDON. Feb. 1 Closinr: tvnaoai. Dinner ru ar v MS 4T i K e: Sa 41 II tt! at 51 rn, 11 a do account ... gi'it Siorlolh A W. .... JS l Oa -pfd .... 7? lOntarlo A W.. IK jPauunrtvanta . .... M jKand kllua .. 12! H Kt-adln ... it do art pfd.. ... 17(, do ad pfd.. . ..14S1, Bo Rallwar .. ... l do pfd ... 3SBo SafHh .... .... 14 II iirSu PaeiAe . Anaconda . Atrhiane dr. pfd Baltlmnr A 0... Canadian Parlftc Cbm. A Ohio.... Chloaxo Ot W... c . m. a at. r.. lieheera ., U A V Q do jiffl nrto o it r4- ...-! e. .. ta;;;i."i eT omi pre F'n V I no put ........ Illlnola Central yM Wabaah Loan A Kaah lid I dD pfd .. a. a t . naii . .1Li"f5it-Br Per ounce. . , , 1 win, tup rate OT dis count In the open market for short bill 1 per cent; lor three months' bill Is 1 per cent. 04ttaa Market. NEW YORK. Feh 1 ffiTTnv . -v.. market ojiened steady at an advance of Ma Xo points on further bull suptKirt and cov ering Induced by higher cablea than ex 'lva '"d H"ht esUniate Ir the day's receipts- The advatice carried prices into new grounds, aith July eelUng through the 17c mark and attracted heavy profit-taking so that at first there svn cumuderabie irregu larity. New Orlean rlvwwl .particular firmness, however, and.-rhe - souttiern bull leaders, in connectien wsrli a" spot bouse havlniT New Enrlaiul qoriAcctKins abaorbed all cnerlngs, nd soon tb; market had ad vanced until Majrch waa selling at 16 hoc May at 17.20o and July at 17 Joe. a net gain on these positions of 4647 points. Then the llpht estimate for tomorrow's receipt at Houston and rumors that the local bull leader wa selling large amount through brokers caused a setback to within a lew point of the opening hrurea. The esti mates for tomorrow's receipts at Galvestcn and New Orleans were also heavy on the average, but In the face at this the market stsrted once more to advance. The tnt pricvM were reached in the lste trading March 17.44c. May !74e and Ju!v at lT.ii.c. a gain for those month of T4i7li point for the dHy and of wbout lc a pound since th close of the market on last Friday. July In New Orleans sold n to the lkc mark. The market here closed firm at practically the best, with all months np to and in cluding September net 7ifrlS2 points higher Octotier was unchanged and tieoember only 10 points higher. Sales were estimated at 1.2oo.ii"o hales. LIVERPOOL, Feb. 1 COTTON Spot In limited demand, price tb point higher; American middling fatr. S.ISc; good mid dling, 02c; middling. S.S2c; low middling, a Wk-; good ordinary. g.7hc; ordinary, fc.faic. The sales of the day were 4.SU0 bales, of ahlch 400 were for speculation and export and Included !.2H Amsrlran. Receipt. 1C HMti bales, including laJMi American. Fu tures opened quiet and closed Irregular, and unsettled. American middling, g. c. c. February. .61c; Februpry and March, t Oc; March and April. AMir: April and May. liCKr; May and June. KOc: June and July. ntVc; July and Aurust. 1st; August and September, fc.kic: September and October, 74ic: October and November. a.fStc. NEW ORLEANS, Feb L COTTON Fu tures, stead v; Februarr. 17 lfte asked; March. 17.XfcaTC7.14c ; April. 77.Suei7.E2c; Mav. 37.Kt43'17.f4c: Ju; July, IS 07$ IK lie; August. 17.1jn7.c: September. 14 ic. ST. LOt'lS. Feb. lr COTTON-Firm ; Ac higher: middling;. r: sale. 727 bales; re ceints. Hi bales; shipments, 0 bales; stock, 2 44 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 1 COTTON Firm; aalea. .8a0 bales; ordinary. 14c; good ordtnarv. If 7-1 act low middling. 14 1-lBc; middling. l7-lfic: roo middling, l11-liic: middling fair, 17 1-ltic; receipta 6.Z1I bales; stock. 147 .MS bales. Waal Market. WKIiOX, Jeti 1-trOOL The first series of the l.Mi4 wwl eti'tion sale closed today, 'ihe sttentlance wax not a large t usual. The offering" tiuinbered 6.K7 bmles, chlofly scoureds and fim and medium greasy merinos. Prloes 'ere flrta. Australian sooureA merinos. dwr-RMt trie series, ruled very firm and ad vaunt d t per cent; greasies were unchanged. 1- and heavy Australians were some Cpt easier. On the other hand grind V.rht deacrtrttton ruled In sobers' favor Vine CTOsslireds ba'vly maintained tiie Iieoember level. Medium erosabredn opened W' per cent and crossbreda JO per cent "higher They declined psrtltlly dnrlng the irid half of tlie series and closed wi 1, jr.erttum a -per cent higher and coarse 7'(, 1 per sent up. Cape of Onnd Hope at.-l Nftlfcl long greasy was uttohsnfred. F'oa. sb'et wa dearer and scoureda sliowefi a gain of a hulf pe Fololwtng ure to 6a) s sales: New South "Walea. 4.1' .alea scou:-eri aV6f7d: greeny. tVd. Onmr.sland. 1.5h bile scoured. 1 Jdoj is lOSid; greasy. 7tlWa Vlrtorta. 1.1" baiea; Mroured. Is 4Mitr-l M: i'-'ea'tv, WiJUW, W est Australia. 174. bsles; greasy, iifei SHd. New Tea land l.tmo islet: scoured. M'la 4d: greasv jfl W1 Cape of G""' Moo, and Natal l.J-si bitls-, at'ivurtttl. dt?l ad; a-reeav. T'ud. s;T ' Lft"lB Feh 1 WOOL ttleaflv metVum rrna. ci-mblnAT clothing. 17 4V71C-. Ilrht floe. l-MH'li'W: heavy flue, VlQ 14e; tub washed. 2'nSC- , Oils aai Maala. SAT ANN AH Feh. 1 OTLS Turpentine dull. Sic. Rosin, frm: A B C. P, It 7f; K. F rati; C. ;: H PT: I :i .Jo- K. wisf,-. V tSJE; M. N. 7fJ; WG, S.; WW 4 9Fi NFW YORK. Feb. 1 OTLS Crattonitesd. steady; plme cetide. nrrnilnal- ttrtme rnile veliow 37r Turpentine, dull WVvtM.c PfoletiTn terry: reSned, New York tH 10; philadelohia ant RaJtlmore lnK: ph'lart.l f.hia end Raltlmore In bulk, wi In poatn ateadv; strained, common to good, 2 SaVd 10 -TL CTTT. Feb 1 OU, O-eAMt balsnees tl an; certiftcaieas tin bbl' ahlpmettts. WS 41 bbls : average. 72 W bbla : runs 1ST, SM bbl : average fii.4l bbl Shinoiem. Lima. IS stC tibta : verage. T.2i bbl ; runs, Tim V..P4 bbl.; verae. 4k.lk2 Ml V. " : - wTitoly MiHtrt..' ." . - 1 CHI OA Ot Fa 5 -WHlEKY Siaawly, on basis of bi-h white, tl 27 PEORIA Feb 1. WVH lPTTT StteadF. K IT. ST. LOl'lS. Feb 1 WUlSill On basis Of fmletted goods tl 11. CINMlMkATL Feb. 1 HIBKY I ha ill -Vwa . Bnisha awo. steady on Lstaua nf OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oattl Eaoeipti Lie-t an 3 Itiom Eeld HOGS SDID LITTLE LOWtn Heary Iteeripta at Vherp aa4 Lat sab t AU Pwlata u with a Uaaltew Deasaaal Market W a Slaw ! Tea ta Fifteen Ceat Lower. SOUTH OMAHA. Teh. 1. Recelpi were: Cattle. Bog Eh-p C'fflcial Mondsy l.Wa". a.n. lu os One s-eek ago 1 .3 4,!.' k i6 Two s eek ago 1 t7 IS Three weeR sgo C.K7J 4.2J1 ls.Wf Four week ago t 4WI 4.fc.'1 11-in Same day last year Aon t.iaa SATURDAT'S SHIPMENTS. The following show the number of car of feeder ehipned to the country Skturdsy and Uieir oeaunation : CATTLE. Car. Q. E. Rredenberg. Ctilon. Neb. F. E.... 1 F. Renard. Washington. Neb. F. L... . 1 T. B C. A Bona Kmgaicy, la N. W .... S A. I'eterson. L'urant. la. R. I A. F. w uotlard. Anderson, la. i . 1 J. HuWt, Fontanene, 1m U 2 R. 1 McCahon. Cwlon. Ill W I N. Purinton. Peoria, 111 W J J. Kupp, Indianapolis, lrid J RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO tATE. The following table will show the rece pis of cattle, hoga and Btieep t South Omaha for the year tu dale with comparison with lust yeaur; ism l&. Inc. I-c. t attle 77.1W7 7.i7 "iBO Hog in. 612 4.rai .... Sheep lDfc.ia ,M1 O.oAO .... Average price iaid lor hog at Soulk Omaha lur the aat aevarai bay with com parlanuai Data I IK. lA4a.il0.ilata.ilJS.:iXw ill . Jan. .an. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. i'U. Jan. Jau. J aa. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. jan. Jan. Jau. Jau. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. 1.... 2. ...I 4 a 4) tm 127 M t U 4b, 4U; t 4Ui u 47 1 6 6 til li 4; I 6 58 C oH, '"I C 72i C 66 M M 6 To b C7, f tt; , V t , Wi lk. 14, IM! I ' 14, 2, 4 16 111 c a, " C 02, ( US, , C 14, i Ho t St; fc Ob t n, 4 Ul 4 U 4 Ma. 4 -a 4 t:, 4 46 1 I 4 Mi 4 Wli 4 lo, 4 41, 4 4 4 Ul a 1 4 H 14. I 87, t 67, 2 41 I 41' I 44 I 471 I W t 4ki i a 42 I 44 J 4 ka 4 -, i OJ Wk I 4 77,1. i 4 Wia. 4 e 4 4 , ft. IN i )4, 2t: till t lbl t 2ti 211. b i 2H, -rt t K, i U, 14, i 21 t h ih I E 22 i ; i i. I 17: 22 46, Ml I 43 I 43 t 47 I 4 I 4S AA.. . 12.. U. 14. 1. lb. 17. 18. 3. 20. 21. 22.. U. 24. 25. 2li. 27. 2k. 2. In. U. 1.. 4 34vi 4 BJ 4 7ei 4 7?i , 4 7 I es! 4 7:', 4 bH, 4 7K( 4 K"). .r. t a t w t aU i I l I 12. t 4H; I ft I 61, I CI IH1M Ihilk I " 4 a-l 4 4o 4 U. 4 4. .M! 4 ai 4 i. 4 bo; 4 4t, 4 fc, 4, Ml 4 to 5r,, 4 C7; I K, I tu t 60 I B1 ( 62 ( tit, f 4 R8V t oC li? 5 Hi 4 b 4 SI". 4 Kl( l 4 hit 4 72.! 7(1 I 64 I tl I M, I M Indicate Sunday. The official nunfber of car of gtuck brought in today by each road was: Cattie Hupa.teli p.H'se. C, M. ft St. P. Rr 1 Missouri I'acltic Ry 2 I nlon Pacific system.... 16 C 14 ., C. A N. W. Ry. 4 1 2 F.. E. M. V. R. R 24 11 ' T . C. St. P.. M. at O. Ry.. o I 2 . A- M. Ry 22 li " ) C, R. A- w Ry t C, K I. 4t P. Ry.. E... 1 .... -HUnuiS Central .. .2 Total receipt 81 aii ( The disiHMiuon of the day's receipts wa as folluwe, each buyer purchasing the number of bead indicated: Cattle. Hog it. Sheep. 183 7H2 tt4 2X1 7K6 IM Wi 2.141 Omuha Packing Co 210 Swift and Company H4H L'adahy Packing 4jo 2HU Armour 4k Co (41 Armour A Co.. Sioux Cltr 24 Carey A iieuion if v . i. Stephen 41 .... Huston A Co .... as Hamilton A Rothschild... W .... Wolf A Murnaa 82 .... Sol liege n la' .... M. Hagerty A Co U .... Other puyer 2uk " r. . ' : , tTotal 2.13 2,912 7 r.si4 CATTLE There wa a small supply of cattle In th yards this morning. Airouabiy i.wlng largely jm Luc tlunip iu. value iarl week. Packer took hold a little butler than they did last week, bul ao far as the prloes paid were concerned there Was little cbanete. Trading was fairry active, so that a stood clearance wa made at A reasonably early hour. There ware about twenty-five cars of cot filed steers on sale, but the quality was rather inferior. Packera, though, bad to have some treah cattle, and as a result they paid generally steady price a com pared with the close ni last week. Some of the inferior grades were neglected and hard to sell at steady prices, but anything decent changed hand without much troubl The cow market wa If anything a lit tle more active than the trade on aleer. Some of the desirable grades sold a littls Ft ron per, but it Is not safs to tiuote tits t-uneral murket any more than steady, l ommon kinds certainly were not better thaa last week. There was not an exces sive numlter on sale, so that all the early arrivals were soon dieiHiseu of. Bulls, veal calves and stags all sold In lust about the ame notches they did on Friday of lt week There were not very many on aale. so that although the demand was not heavy a good clearance wa made. Not many Blocker and feeder arrived and m il ti a fairly good demand the market could be quoted generally steady. The savme as usual, the commoner grades were slow, while the good heavy cattle changed hand Quite freely. Representative sales: Ha .., 1.. 11.. 14 4.. It.. At Pt. PM0 I n 1144 tt M t 41 I4 I 44 1!7 I 44 .. 467 4 a a St. l.. t B 4 1UX I 44 4 KM, t to 1 .....144 I N i 4t 11 4 44 ... 1HH 4 I lb .l4l 40 J7 1JT7 4 40 Jl ..1 17... liH 4 40 i 1444 I 4T1 1 lr 4 an ti" ' I 4o 14.... 1107 4 4 l' 10B0 144 IM 4 4C it' 1045 l(. gl...'VT 4 10 a," IH I 1344 4 14 K I 70 tl 4 14 11M I 4 lxt 4 At ; na k t iiv 4 m g' 1M4 0TEERS AND HEIFERS, a Hi 111 M 7 44 M. b4 tmt. u ta 1 4 IM 1 K tan 1 an at. 1 :ti I an Tin 4 tl t 44 tu in H I 4.. IBM T MO tit I 74 1 114 f Tt 1144 I 74 1 M Itl 47 laul I 7 X. Ill t Tt 13...... lui 1 40 t I4 t 4 7 ...11M I lo 4 t 1 KM. 14 404 I 14 11 .ii I w i mo t an 11 lOTt 1 (0 I Ill an tl lout t 4 1 urn I s t .. 1... I... J... I .. 1... 14... 10... r.... i... 10... I... 1... 4... 4... I... I ... I... 1... ...440 IE I ...110 IM 4 14 I .. .11 t 21 4 171 fc ... I 4 list t 4b ... T7 IK 14 M K ... 11 1,114 J (J 4 I a. .in I t ...i"4 t tn . i mo t sn ... M IM V lit i ... t n 4 i4 i a t 7 1?4 l ot ...1100 t K - 14 nasi I 44 ... M I 40 1. lla ...low I 4t II Mia la I 4t 1. .......... .1270 I 14 ... 4.1 45 tZ liirr 10 I an IT ill I u ...lmol I u 4.. aa . lit 1... un 1 14 I II I 1 ...ISA I 44 4... J as M IS 1 tat 1 1014 I 44 14 I at 4 4 4 I at 4. n t 4 n urn st 11 at I t t. 144 I K, . t .. kit I s 1174 I 4 t 114 I 40 1 UM I 4a 1 la I 44 I tntt. 3 74 COWS AND HETTERS 1 44 I It .icm 1 4 .. 144 t V HETTtM. a I It i....:. IM II aav t a n JTt 1 a a 10.. I., ii.. .-. 1-. l It . 446 Tt Bl in 714 I M tot I 1 ....ln t 12l I 0 n: l to tr. i l tf 1 I Tt liJ. I 71 it I n 1140 I 10 me t 44 141 I 40 MS' I an its. t m i4 i a IV I Bt lit 4 i4 I ( lla I 40 t 141 M 1 140 t 1 4 ll4l I u 1 let.. it 1 1X74 i m 1 140 I B 1 174 I 1 I7M( 1 17i I tt, 1 l4i I at t lane t tt t. ii: I at - 1 14 'a aii 1.... Ia44 I 40 1 l t 4 I , HM4 I 4 t 14 I 40 1 lla ta 4 khi I ta t K4 St ... (St 4t 1-. -lua 4 04 ti ! ill t I ......... Set I a I. ie t 1 w la 1 t oa t.-...irt t 1 1 -to 1 J CALVES Chioaro rssh prices: Wheat No J red. 1 . 1. 1. .. ti I n 114 IS 111 4 r: l t.- 1 t It 4 .... U 4 Bt STA&S. i l I tr i .. . .-. 1 I ... .. I"' I 40 TLM.IU.yig AM? rEEOEKI I 41 t I at t I af " I I en t w I S" I m I Ml I ta I rs I K t r t f. t 4t fit . no -.i 74ti TJl ! XTI- 4 . 1 . i I . it... it . in . to . a 7 1 I. . 11 . . ft . Cl . 7r . . M Aim . .i . 44t . t . :r . law . Tan ,. TTtl ,.1(MI . . ys I 40 44 I at f tn I M I f tn : I r I So i n I n t 41. Sie II 1 I 4r BJ7 ' HOG There was a moderate rim of luir here this mnrninji but reports from oMier points wvre v-r ufifseorahle to the si lling inteeesta Chlcagf being nuoted mostly Mic lower The market here waa In shout the same yosVtlrin thongh few sales were made -srly that perns p acre not over fcaPw lower The -situation kept geulng worse-at the dsv advanced and the close ws very slow and ful'y Hie lower. B lea Then Old not like the Inc of taking off that much, so that at poor, there were still a good many hegs unsold snd rmrkam were apparently rather Indifferent a 10 whether they got the hoar or but Lightweights sold largely from 14 7( flo-n. m'xed bog from M .0 to H 7B good heavv from M7t In 4 an and as high aa 44 ft was paid. Representative sales: Ne st. sh. rr. Ha. . fr 47...J7 ... 4 44 . 7t . . 4 TT. 4 l'.J ... 4 4 Ak4 44 4 Tl r. .im ... r -it 2,i . . 4 ... TO . ' 4 7" 4K 4n 4 7 r JIM fi 4 Tt. TS .Un 4 T 43 SSI 1SU 4 TO K. fa 110 4 74 71 IM 40 4 TO 71... M4 ... 4 7 4 If 4l 4 Tn M 44W TO. ...... ,r7 40 4 70 4 4(i ... Ill 47 t . . 4 TO K I'T . . 4 74 ti in an 4 tn m n tan 4 Tt Jt IS 10 4 TO 4 JM 1!0 4 71 r. 4 4 7t TJ....... .J.11 ... 4 T 40 if 40 4 T! hi n 4 Ti. 7 0 4 7?, 1 K: 0 4 T7j 44- fnl 40 4 7t CI fM . . 4 77fc 47 . . n 21 4 74 t 12I 4 SHEEP There wa a liberal run of sheep at all point thi morning and a a result the tenftercy of price continued downwerd. Local jiauker wens very tiidlflerent buyer and trading wa very glow, mlth the le rlln amounting to lntiLc. lamlw gufiered even more than heep and some of th commoner grides were quoted a much as 1Mjic lower. Anything at all flelru.ble. though, either in rbeep or lumli uid pot sei: much over lnGiar lower. Owing to th lllieral recall. ts snd the limited demand there were still a g-oou many bunches In first hand at the time of going te press. Trader were generallv expecting light re ceipts today In view of the break In prices lust week, so That the heevj run tmlay weakened the market more than it other wise would. Only a few feeders arrived nnd most of those had been fed to some extent. The choice grade were not much different, but comtnoB kind were undoubtedly lower Quotations for corn-fed eiock: Choice western lamb. n.2ffiti..ti: fair to good lamb, a7t.ni4fre.2si good to choice t-enrllngs. m.lVafTA To : fair to good yearling. M.50; good tn fiholr wethers. A4.0n4M.2Tt: fair to good wether. Ki.u"v-IH'; good to choice ewes. S3.t"04.M); fair to good ewe. 1.1 JnflM S: choice feeder lambs. t4.noiJi4 TT.: fair to good. M.aW4.m; feeder -eegrllnga. R.RiUbt W; fefler wethers. tS.Wiffrs.7f.: feeder ewea, t20otit0v; cutis. tl.7If (Xi. Representative False : No Av. Pr 2fil western-fed lambs ts 34ft IWi l 73 n J i if. I 1 129 111 110 110 114 ftfl r. sr. 2 Ro t tn t im JC :e t (Ml 2 an t fif ft Tift t 7B 4 on 4 l 4 00 4 00 4 DO 4 4 1 4 Kn 4 an t f. 2K R to I an 5 tr. t R t IKI B Wi 4 10 4 4 is 4 IS 4 Tm 4 s r. , 4 nn 4 sn. 4 m t Ml 4 BO t 10 I western buck 1 wester buck 2 western bunk Tn western -lamb 1nicks.. 229. weawprn 'nu 11 western ewe .......... BE a-estwrn' awe . ...T.. SK western ewes inR west era ejtei-.i; 11 western .ewe ...:. a 85n western wethers nf western wethers ............. i! -estern ewes 72 western lamb buck.. I7r west em wethers Ifi2 western yearling wethers ... 41 western lamb PI western yearling wether 275 western yearling wether.. An western lambs 4K1 Mexican lambs MP Mexican lam It 2W western lamb 4 western ewes 14 western ewes 174 Mexican ewes 1 western wethers Ji western wetbwrs J4 western we' hers 1K4 T . 47, ira . . ti . 14 . s .. lw . 1W . 12S ,. 7)41 10 ... lf western W"t ers - weattern yeg-f Itlgs 1W western yearling 7f-s Mexican ewes nnd yearlings. in? Mexican Brllng- leTTvtevleatt tarlir, 78 am . Ti .. 7 ,. M . 1 . 1"! .. 74 727 Mexican yearling rawest era yearling . 2 we 1 era ewee 10 western veorllng M4 western, lamb .... CHICAGO LITE STOCK M ARJCET. Geed Reeieiirta Pau-tly Itespeaalble for assr fiatttle Market. CHICAGO, Feb. 1 -CATTLE Receipts. K.OiiO head: market lofrlftc loa-er; good to prime steers. t4.AU4ft.S0; poor to medium. HWKBiSO: stocker snd feeders 12.564.00; cows n.2u7!.llfi; heifers chnner. B.svtfrj.sti: bulls. ti.7Wi4.iiO: calves. tsoiff7 0o. HOOB Receipt. 4S.00D heed: 4stlmted to morrow. 26.0H0 bead: mixed and butolier. F47tVfH.PT.: good to choice heavy t4.titir..nn; rough heavv U 7r,if4,rf0; light, t4.v&4 70; bulk of BBle H.BIVM 86 SHEEP ANO LAMBS Receipts, OHO head; market lOfffl&r b.wer; good to eholce aether, no quotation: fair to choice mixed, no etiolation: western sheep. t4 "tf 4 fid: native lambs, fS.7tV(r4.U; w set ern lamb. K10li..tO. , Kew Vork Mr Steest Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 1 BEEVES Receipts, t.4Tt4 head: msCket for steer alow to 10c Ica-er; bulls snd thin row, steady; me dium end good cowsr 10nSc off. steef. tSTMfS.U: t)Ulla. ta 0H434.4U; oos-a. tl.tcfiS 50. Cables steady. Bhlpment estimated fur tomorrow. 0 bead cattle, 1,750 Sheep and 4,0. ouarter of beef. CALVES Receipt. 1.4nt bead: trad fatr. but price lrtc lower on veals: barnvard elve 50r off. Veala. 7M BOCe.aO; few cbrrlna, t 7k; bkrnyard calvea. tS KOTjra.BO; rlty dressed veals Urwer t tQlic per lb count rv dressed, at 7Mt'e. HOGS Receipts. 11.22 head: market lower; "state end Pennsylvania hoga, tt.l bf : few choice, SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipt. 10177 bead; market for sheep, steady: Inmlts slow, but unchanged Sheep, tJ.io4l4.0t., rulla, IS ; lambs. tb.Wff6 . avaaaas Cltr Llva stark Mar.. KANSAS CTTT. Feh. 1, CATTLE Re ceipt, k.niai bead. Including 1 WO head aouth em: market steady to slow; export and dressed baef steer. 44 e'4fc 10; fair to rood. 7! nn4 40; western fed steers steady. tri-WKo 40; stnc.kers and feeder tSOmfttlO; south ern steers, slow. tS.BoSflO: southern cow. K ooJ 74: n n ttve cowa, t2 tTMj.: native hellers. K.6nuli: bull, steady, KttKuiK,; calves strong tZ.&'iif. &. HOOS Receipt. 7 MM0 bead: market IMf 10c lower:- ton 44 1?: bulk .of aaie. 44 tv'-a 4 K5: heavv. U JiS4 2 : packarA 4 70ii4 X; plea and lights. 44 5"64 7f) r ri 1' a li iA.iiff4 aiecterarB, a.wa' bead: market steady: native lamba. tt.iOitT f.7f: wowiern lamba. t4.a6t tt: fed ewea. t3.BOft4.lli; western fed yearling, M.BOtia.10; stoutara arid tsedera, l; 7534.00, St. leasts I Ave tMMaalf. Market. ST. LOril Teh 1 CATTI.E Reeetpta. 44i heed rnrludrng t.4 bead Texan: tnatrket dull and elnw: natrv ehipplng and export vteera. 44 JbnS jr.. Tb top ot.talrialiie for strtcrlv fancy: dressed beef snd butcher steers. tX 7I.tit ti; steers under 1 Oiai Ins., ti. Ml fetal'; snickers snd feeder. t2.14i2 7o: row and heifer 2.a.4 0i; cennera. 12 2T2.5n: bull. t2 4M&4 Sit; calves MAwrT oV: Texa and Indian steers, ti -4i4 10 fed up to 14.41; cow and heifer. lli4rrlATi. HOGS Receipt tJni bead: market lower; pig and Jigbta. t4 4io4sn: -packer H anff 4 0: tititcher and bast beew. 44 Tiwfft 8a SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 2 iOf beed: msrket steartv: native muttons. tS sti 4)4 Tf : lamha. t4.fc4T, Th: rulis and bucks, tt ftt.ft; Blocker. t2.itr27fc. St. Jsaegfe Mv atoMtk Market. ST. JOSEPH. Feb. 1 CATTLIC Reoelpta. 24. heed: market steady to lla- lower; na tives. t3.ttVgts.0fi: rows and heifers, fl Toft 4 IN: stockers and feeders, t: .siaJit sA. HOGS-Raoeipta t Mb bead.: xuarkst etflOe loser: llrht. t440i.u. medium and heavy, t4 7?w&4K.. SHEEP ANT) LA M PB Recel pi . 1 1MB bead; market lower, lamb. tiTL, yearling, tt., ewea. C to. Stark ta Slarkl. Following are tha nmaliita af Rve stock fur !, six xtrinclDal wtsatrn cities vnt- tartlay: Carrie. Hog. Sheen Sooth Omaha ijk I :-4 id ft. Chu-age .,....X"i 4a wa. 2L mhm i.-.. .... - tt. .. v St 1,ruis "M.. "n"'' ' -f lae I Shu St -Jtav-t.h -...f.e.....;irr'.-air1'' -I H( tuoux city .......It...... iami l.aar - Totals ...... 7V2 AL.444 Bteas Cltg lAvs aeat. Matrket. BIOUX CTTT, la.. Feb 1. Srteetal Tele gram. CATl"Llt RectlAU, Lauv, market generally loser; nor-kc-, jfr bitber; hoevea. 21 fi4 a;, row. hi.:i" and nt.xed. C 4Hiia.e: sineker atxl feert..r. 12 ); calve and yearling, t.norriii nti. Hi 3P ftereipta. , majket JSC loaet. At M.SvfjVkv. hulk, f 4.4HXU-4 7i. Metal Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 1 -VETALS-Tlr, fl rllned 12 fcci to A 12 II for spot and A1S4 "a -i for future In the ltnrtnr cis-ket at.fl declined shout te puim here, with spot rl'wihg t .tSu'iy 'X Spot copttei wa uti-chang-d In London, 1 A.'tf 7 art, with fu ture 2 ti lower, si ASf sd. Localb cop per wa quiet lke la nuoted at l',2 an-of V Tii; electrolytic at l.l.STu u. il". nd csst itig At t '.2.2t'i U. t F.xpfit tn .I ropjter for the month of January ere reported s 24 Sse ton. agHlnsi in 47. ton the ame month laat year. Lend declined Aa sd. to 11 6 In liondon and wa unchanred locally, at M 4.V0 4 M). Spe!ir waa alao unchnnged here. at t4.wm;b.nti. snd lower Pv 2 Hd In lsmdoti. a here n rloaeu nt A21 lt Inm closed at 4! M In Gli.egow. and st 42s kd In M10 dleehoro. luM-ally Iron wa nominally un chnnged. No 1 Soundly, northern, I uncled at tin l"3is 00; No. 2 foundry, north, ern. at 1.4 Oofi li. No. 1 foundry, south ern, and No. 1 foundry, southern soft, at li:i TMult.S. ST. LOTIS. Feh. 1 MET Al.S-Itad, )o-er, at U o, spelter, quiet, at $4 C7 CasTee Market. NE" TT TORK. Peh. 1. COFFEE Th market for future opened firm at an ad vance of (wfflO tolnt on continued support from cotton rxchsngea and Wall street Interests tn spite of rather full rates and indifferent foreign market. There er heavy selling by longa and Importing wa very heavy and active. Vttt there was some demsnfi, lielieved to be lor th ae ttount ttf the hull leader In New Or leans cotton market and price ruled gen erally firm A little after mlddxy they sajtsed off about t points from the bast, but rallied again ami the market waa finally etunfly at a net advance of HWKi rmltit. Snlea were reported of 4W.niin iriga Including Febmsrv at .ec: Vsrrh. . WiV2ic: Mav. l-tji4,.alr; July, HSfciriAkOr; September. (. futfjf hk-; Oototter orwj; Uw; November. )nc; Itecemlier toTB 4c.. 8pot Rio firm; No. 7 Invoice. 7Wo. Graaaraloi Applea aal Dried Fralte. NEtT TORK. Feb. 1 ETA PORATEn APPLES The market I without material change reninrid continue Tight, but fruit I not pressed for sale nd price mnae quenfiy rule steady. Common are quoted st 4iiftc: prime 1 fj1'tc; choice at fKio. and funrv ft BV-1T7C CALIFARXIA PRIEP FRnTS Prime sboa rsther nn easy undertona. with quo tation ranging from Su.W-c according tn the rrrt Apricots are In good demsnd for jobbing lots: choice are quoted st V ruu.e; extra choice at PW10c: fsncy at IPfnitc. Peaches are tn good demand and firm: chol"- are held at 7VV7c; extra choice at 7frHi,c: fancy at KTlOc. Trr CHtafli Market. NETT TORK. Feb 1-TRT OOOPS The excitement in the market continues with ihe upward eourae of the raw mn teeial mrket. Rualneaa could be materi ally enlarced were dealer willing tn mnk price. Manv good line were wlthfl'-swn snd others helfl st values so that buyers receive little satisfaction in their In quiries. Curtailment Is being more gen erallv reroiriiised a noenlty and ad ditional mill are starting up on short time. Saarar aad Malaese. NEW TORK. Feb 1 -SI-G A R Raw. steadv; fair refining. 21t-lltc: centrtfugal. PC test. it-Pic: molasses sugHr. 2K-ltic; refitted, quiet; crushed, 6.1tc; powdered, 4.&W; gran tilatfd, 4 4Hc. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 1. FT'O AR Mr het quiet; open kettle 2V0Se-c; open kettle.- enntrifugai, MjPVc: eenrrlfugnl e. bites. 4c; j elWwa, lHlMSr: second, 21'ri:t1i(C Molessea... pomlnBt-; -ntieji kettle. 2"'-flic; centrifugal, Jingliic. SjTup. dull. 22 t2iic. Visible Sapply f rla. NEW TORK. Feh. 1 The visible supply of grain January to. aa compiled by the produce exchange. Is: WHEAT .nsu.W bu.; decrease. tT.S . b4i. CORN 7.1n." bu.; llcreaae. 72.liibu. OATS .44C.uiKi bu.; decrease. l"t.i bu. RYE l.lto.ouo bu ; decrease, llli.ouo bu. BARLET 4.BW1.0U0 bu. ; decrease, 124. bu. Klarta Batter Market. ELOIN. Feb. 1 BUTTER Ruled firm oa the Board of Trade today at kc per lb., an ttvance of le from laat week's quotations. Several lots were offered at 2fc and not sold. Sale In the district for the week were iZu.vvv lb. T4orta Grala fcsrket. PEORIA. Tub. 1. CORN Steady; new Ko. 1, aoVngStc; new No. 4. I7c; old Ko. a, 4:;c ULAL ESTATE TTI.AA SFEat A. Deeds Hied for record Febryary 1 as fur . tilabed by tb Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded Abstracters, 1IU4 Faruam street, for The Bee: Geo. A. Morton and wife to Bertha C. Best, part block t. MaryvUle t CJC Jchn H. Krall and wrls to John I'avlaa, lot 10, block S. 1st add to South Omaha too South Omaha Loan AV Building asso ciation to Ada Ad. Conaway, iot i. block 147. South Omaha 1,000 Quy C. Barton and wife to J. L. Bran dels A Sons, lot 2. block 117. nity.. BLOOD Tukt-y Land company to Robert A. MrEachroti. lot fc. block li, Isabel add..... J00 sua y at uuur tt jaiuia vianuisr, pan. iot . block 12. city IJOO Mary M. Beck to Henry A. Beck, part lot 2. block 2, Isaac A Selden'a Jld. J Jduggie C. Real lo C ti. CArdel. part 2, tlock 12, Improvement associa tion add (00 Sheriff to Nile R. Folaon et al., sublot 14 of lot I, Capitol add 1X31 Anna Kruse and husband to Storm Brewing company, lut a, block St. Florence 1JO0 George . Turklngton, C. C. Shlmer i nd J. B. Grlffrtti. referees, to Henry Miller, lot t. block li, Clifton Hill, and other land 1U0 Portsmouth Saving hank to A. J. Wearln. lot 25. block 6. ffrchard Hill 750 A. J. Weartn and wife to Sarah Dowd, lot & block A. Orchard Hill MB James A. Huckey to Ellen O Conor, lot 12, block 11, South Omaha 1JB0 1 Bobert'W. Iund and wife tn Albert Rachuke, lot 21. Hickory Plaoa 1.H0 National Life .Insurance company ta May Geulllne. part lot H, block A Campbell a add 2S E . .Ji... .. J tTOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Wa fcavs evar 1st ttTia: Bafatamns: 17 tats and Nat l TUnas, tat AaTatTICaTJ IB TMB MBgT. Oart Twwa iistiB Heltons. Q4S4i araattii lAllS ssi t. Tat.a4aT TC0S. M. WADDICL CmttpmAatL S. SLEUMAN Grain, Prcrlti:;t & StteVt. Roma A K. T. Ufa Bid. ti. tm Operates tt Ofhoea in Tliis Stala Established UR. OCEil STKAMERa. EIDLUrtD-glirERICI LIaE. at liAs la Y 0ta--KurTtKL.a. vat UdIUjuHM. aaiiuig laoauajr. at a a av Blaur4rk Pas at aatursaaj star. I SlalelinaOB X4 ttaoroaai ......... .liar. At jlis!ertiaoi tlar 1 'Blatatioaat ata. tt BleeraA-e only. 'Freight ottly. BOlAAKI-aJilhlCa LIKE. t boarasvB St., CJ. eao. Ill ; Harry Wieutaa 14U1 ranaaai St J C. tualar4. 1U4 laraasi B-J i. AV Ii ayasisa. aVaJ taaaaai at. LEGAL IHTHEI. NOTICE Saaled bids will be reonlved at the office of the aworetary of slate up until 12 o ciooX noon, of the lith day of Frbruaiy, liaai, for one iXB Triplex pwer Fori pump, alao on Skinner enclosed salf-lubrloatlrni bxV borae-IKtwer eltglne, Bw pouuti jil I ssiira. from luo to tuu revolutions per minute, lor tne anttentiary said pump and citgina to be installed ready lur iteration. GEO. W. MARSH, been tary of Board. J3 dlk 4SB NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notitte ts hereby given that the regular anbua.1 nweuui of Ut stotAnnloara of the rtuirtri Platu? Ls nd eooipairy wfll kta held at the ofhoe of Bald onattauiy ta Lincoln. Ne l.raeku, at 11 o'clock a. at. on tka Ad day if March A. L Im A By order of tne board of director C. 11. "..nti.i president. A. B MINOR. tMoretary. Lincoln, Nab, Javb. ts, ItOt rirJltrxM