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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1904)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUT)AT. JANUARY 3. 1904. CONDITION OFOMAHA'STSiDE KJ V3n of 2m in fir ihs Tnk m Grd u Zxpcid for tie T.aa of Tekr. CSTTQ1 GCCCS STXl ADVANGNG 1 rkaafp la Pile af Ra fetter Cti the First ( I ha Year h Tkei-e Xr Urn Sea tor Sosa Tiara 1 Caf. ssioats ar fnr small Wats and earflned. to auul-imi"r buatneax T-iena are entire y In suppiy spot orda. Jobbers hav dona LUis buiut BuaineaB caeent.y surprised w in the imcunt 01 istnesfl transacted, of ctiur there ai notairg like the rush uf the weeM before, but there wu a giod. steady demand li r ail seasonable good. n.ven the mud weather apparent. ' lid iut pr-vent peopie from buying quite freely but on the con trary seemed to tw t peneV in that it Iirt Shoppers an opportunity tti art out. Jobbers think that tbe fwil demand they biva tipmfnrn) .a itu-geiy duo to the con dltion of the market, owing to the fact that the demand bus not been large except on Burn llnea aa in a atrors tendency tow ard higher prices. Retailers seem to b wet! ihmtmI rai msrkea rwrndirltma anil are bu-rtn'a to protect themselves aaraimit higher prices and at the nn rime are iemrg aucb lines aione aa are not in a strong position. Thia la particularly noticeable In do- goode. Just before tna end of the Tear cMaiier a re busy lurnion their at con and ira nut at ail uiioui to anticipate taeir orders Thia coming w"ek. however traveling mukiiiimi will nii( more !e on the road and they are confident that they will do a good bueineata from tbe atart- Merchant aa a ruie en Joyed a ard Christmas trade and their storks of winter gruels are setting wil re dnced. an that they ought to be in a frame of mind to piece good sorting up oriera. aa well aa to buy freeiy lor their iprjif re quirement a. So far aa the market on moat llnea la con cerned tiit-re la not much to be said. Aa Blared a week agro at the end of the year there 1s not much doing tn the primary markets and aa a resiut pries changes ar few. Wltnm the next or two, how ever. It is thought mere will be a numher pf prVe fluctuations both up and down, but the majority of Lhem. it la taougiit, will be In Lb nature af advance f Tttan OMAHA W HOLE VALK afABaVKT. Caadlltswaj af Tea a aal aatatlaaa aa "taala Paaer PraJarta. Racelpts mora UbnJ. Zraab stork Sc. LITE POT-LTUT Hena. 3V; arrlr.a 'hH-aera. "a---: roi-r. a-forain to e. avi-'T: t-jrlreys. ;ir: durk. !:r; aaaae. --fejr-. L'REPSEi. M'LIHr-T .rkf-i. old tom a, imyj-: ducka. UtiUc; araaa. Wf 3T.-TTft atnek: irva"Jte: ehtdoa o laacy dairy, in tuba, AtQ'.ac, eeparator, 2c FB.E5H n.H Tr-mt lor: p1rerM. r; pike. narr.l. To: biuerlah. 15c. wnteflali. Trade In all llnea waa unumia'.ly (Ttxl !aat i : salmon. V.r; hafwa. 1-: odrtah. ITr; wee frr tiie time ot .veur isoin retime-a , renanarper. lir: lobeter. bailed, pr b . and whnieaa.era aa a rule pipwt ii:t;e I J&r: kiters. ai eii. per in.. 2"- bu.Ihend, bunnena m-twern Chr-eimaa end 'ew I He: catTlnn. lac; Wack haa. 3.-i2ar: ha. nut. Year a. and for that reae n tnfy "l very c; r-rappieai. 12c: hemna;. mc; white baaa. e: tii'ietina. 9c.. JT3TEH.-i N'r Turk munrii. per nan. Kr; per al., tT : extra ee.e-ia. per ran. Sk-: per arai.. B-7., Btandard. per can. ITc; pe- rai.. C ffi. PHAX P-r ton. ti V. HAT Prlres quoted by Omaha 'WThoIe. ale Eealera aaeoriavlon. Ch'1! re N'l. 1 up land. 17 No. 2, 17 ia- nellua. rnarwe. at. Rra straw. Kilt. T.aa pr-raa are for hay of good notor and quality, t-emand fair and recespta llchu C- P. N t r AT 9 17c HIE No. I, av. ari; 5T A HI.ES. POTATOES "oTorado. ; Dakota, per bu. . "t? uc; native. i7Tr. 8XEET P'.'TATGEJ Cllnola, par bbL. N AVT PEAN9 P-r bu.. ti3. ("ELEHT it ma,!, per do., 4?3c; larra Cajf 'riia. "-jhc ONIONS New homa fw:i. dry. per lb-, lr; Spaniah. per crate. Cjm; Colorado yaa low and r-l. l:-e. '"AEBAOE W etvwisln Holland. TT-'R NIPS Canada r-ita.oa-ma, per Ib, l"r; wr.l-e. per htt.. CARROTS! Per bu.. PaH.N1P9 Per bu.. jic. EEETS-P- bu.. ,Tir. ?AU LIELCi WEH-C ailf oml v per crata. rojf ATOEB California, per -basket crrle. TZ Tf; CrClMBEHS-P-r -Inx., S1.0B. FRUITS. APPT.E" r!fr,mla Beilflowera. ter bft. C .:: New Turk Greenlmra, Baidwtna and: otrier rsrietlea. tt 'JRAPE3 P-my "!itflwha. e; Itnptrted 11 aTi per kea:. s iia.v. i CRjlNBERRii;? Jerwy. per bM.. IT I per box. E.Sii: Wisconsin BU aad Eugla, t m- Belt and rhcr-r. (K i. WCTNCE? ''al'.f-rrua. per hex. JL3. TRL'PICAi. FUC1TS. ORANGES Flonua Bnghta and Rueeeta, all iK-a. t: naveia. a.1 siaea, Cji-JL I-Eil ON a California fancy. v to aiaea. e.W: choice. i to S70 aiaea. tt ii Fl'IftCallfornia. per Ib-ib. cartona. Kc; Imponed Smyrna, i-crown, lac. i-criwn, l(r , 7-crown. ISc. COCOAi LTS Per aack, H.U0; per doa, mc DATES Persian, per box of 3D pkjra., C: per lb., m xC-h. boxea, 6ac; Orcnui atuffed da tea. per box. CM. BANANAS Per m l um-autad bunch. C-fl IB-1, Jumbo. C .nyii. CEEE3E A'laconwtn twlna, full cream. HT"ac; Wisconsin Ioun Ameaicaa, "c; burJt Swraa. tlic.: Wiaoooaia brick, Ic; Wieconain llmbunrw, lie HONuT-Neoraaaa, per 24 frame, ta.25; Ctah and Colorado, per 14 fnunoa, B iaJL M.PL SUviAR '"hlo. per ib . luc. C1L ER Per bbi.. fS.7u: per H bbl.. IS ."5. PVP'( RJ Per lb, Pc; aOalled, :t(iSV5. H'jttaERJLDIisH Per caae of 2 duaen. packed, ffw. N"UT W'aJnuts, No. 1 sort afcell. per lb.. 15c: hard shell, per lb., lac; N. 2 aoft ahell. per lb.. 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per !b., 13c: Braxils. per ib.. He: fliberta. per !h.. lie: aimundi, soft sheil. per lb., lie; hard sheiU per lb., lie: perana. larxe. per ib., 13c; small, per ib., lor: peanuts, fy-r lb.. rir: rnated peanuts, per ib.. 7c; Chill walnuts. ISfrlSV: iarare hickory nuta. ter bu.. Fi 5: sheil barks per bu., &.: biack walnuta. per hu.. GJ: Italian chestnuta, per 'b.. lc ICI'ES No. 1 irreen. c: No. 2 rreen. 5c; No. 1 a.ted. 7c; N'. Z salted. r: No. 1 real calf. I to 12 lbs., str: No. 2 yeal ca.f. 12 to li lbx. Hc: dry sajted hides tf'2c; abeep pelta, 2mq .aa: bone hidea. fl.UQl.M. CRAO AND PRODUCE MARKET Prarrarti of 'Tar Case Slurp Airier in MAY CfTICI IS TrlRtE CEXTS H1SHLR Cara Adraaaea la Prtee nr)f Tara Casta, Wklla Oate Are aaae wkal HiaTker. aa An Ale Pravtataaa. OECAOO. Jan. 1 PeasimiBtle adrlces fr"ra European cap) lata in reaiard to Lhe pcaaibiuty of war in uia far nauM caused as aavance of Pc in May wheat. ,r-c in com and 7c in pork touaj-. hi.e aj of the advances did nut bold, cluaanc prices were near the tcp. War news waa th chief topic of con versation before the aesaion utwned and when the bed raua; for the openlna of business there waa a nub of bujnna orders tn the wheat pit. No sellers wer to oe f iund. however. Am a result showed a rxnaje of an even 2c on May. the price being; M46c. which waa an advance of -awV over Thursoay a cIobs. ahorta were active buyers aad the price rose rapidly. At f7c there waa consid erable liquidation and the price settled Pltmx Falla, 9. D....l .Mneflit O.. j iacasnnvtile. Ei i F"emont. Neb. ....... .j er-atur. Hi. , Houston Guthrie ; Charleston 2m.7? ! 17.2 if la a 11 i. T. MHh 3 . li. M , 1SH .......... Totals, r. 9 tTiSH W. Otitaide New Tnrk , SNa.Slk.7:. 7 ( 1.1 1 - -1 Montreal .. Tvnmo ... Wlnnlpeal Hmifax ... Ottawa ... Vancouver. vjuepec ............i r.aun.inn St. N. B i Victina. 3. C j ILxinuon I l.!Het Hl Atil irs 1. .? L6 "4"' l."4J LSii . ' aal, Si !..!. If.!. i.4 4 4' I 7 49 4 lt 1 2.4... 44.7 IS Totaia 4 40.WUSX; 7.0:. Balances paid In caah. Not Included In tota.a becauee cnntainina; other items than clearlnaa. Not incluaed tn tcnaa Dwa-iae ut no cumpanaun for iaat year. JEW TOICK. 9T047K.9 aD BOD. riaad. wtth Pwasikly lerlaaa Its, I oa pels Heavy Llaaldallaa. SET YORK. Jan. t Today's rlolert braaJt In prices of ;ocks waa sudden and unexpected. The grounds fur the heavy liauiuauon cr Dry Gvala Ad vaaxrlaat. The dry annda market is particular ib ta a very at mux piaHUua o.n- to t.'ia exmted onditim uf Uie cotton market and taa excepuonaly hisa pncea now ruilna;. In tact cotton la ao )un uuu a Dumuer of manufaciumrs have been put tamporai-.jy out of buainese. That, of coiusa, has the double elTucl of stiffenina; pncjes on the maaufacrured dnea and mit Ii.a Ulan scaroa. In spite uf uie ft that there hare been a number of advances in the last few weeks practically all deecr'n- tiona of ootton fonda are suil under the market Tor raw material and unieee there soma radical chaniree In the price of on in tna nttu tmrtr davs some lm- F tffwit chajires in the seillna nnce cf the tnanufuiiiriw lines will have to be mams, f fa eat a-radea of fiMir-ysrd brown -ooda are now being held by some manutavturers at I centa. while heavier grades have been advanced about H cent per yard. Bleiuh gnoda bare been marked up all iionx the Una. Wide abeetlnga are bald at an ad Tura of 111 per cent for ail deacnptiona. Prtnta and cir.irhama are hems jocned on the old baais. but radical are be lna; expected by thnae best postau. oertna to the strona; condition of tha cot ton (wdi market miutf well informed re tajiera were in the city lat w-k bujlna; stailea. whlrh la snetjilna; out of the or ! dinary fnr the last week tn the year. They ! Csrured that thfre waa no pneaibie chance of prices amine; any lower, while they might rule conaidonkUy higher after the flrat uf the year. , Omaha dry amortB Jobbers are now open- injt their sprina; lines of staples and tuey say they have the iara-net and heat asscrt enent they bare ever carried and In frt ennnot ha excelled In an v western citv. ' They are flrunna; on seliina; more aooila tnis year even than tney aid in uie spnns; of WOL. and aithouajh maay dealrable llnea of cotton roods are scare and hard to ob tain tney intnna to nave enousrn la DU u tha requiremenxa of their trade. la kakkar kM4i. the day are not clear even back to 7c The demand continued good mino,r- ' hough it Ib evluent that an acute ;i timI hni7 .75 -Si VZllZlr Hlia I PPreheniim of the aneria of the ooming outLireaa of war between r.jaui and jauau waa the Impelling cauae. The news of tha dav waa rather more bopeieaa of tha pos sibility of avoiding war. but Wall street has accepted war aa the aasured outcome of the Bttuailon fur rt me time and has viewed that outcome wita apparent equa nimity witnout seilina to discount a war scare, aa is the invariable custom of spec u.atlve marketa m the fara of a comma event. The cumulative force of the umnl selling movement today, therefore, (rave nee to lears that somethlna; was IcicWI In the Interior circles of rreat capttaiista of ultefor ctimpllcailons threatenlrjr to tn vilve other powers In the comma struxa-le. The pubilehed expreasJonB of opinion of a xenerTil involvement uttered by an Ameri can military authority and intimations an outbreak of war would involve a deli cate situation fbr aJ tbe arreiit wir p-w-era. includltia; tha Tr.ite 3iaea. wr eiBed upon to feed the prevalent a'.arm. The effect upon the market lost nothing tn force from the fact considerable specu lative cmmit-jnents have been made. In expectation of a January demand, of ee. cunt:ea wnirn may m TPiei :'i . ie course of events which la feared. Other cnr.mderatlnnB seemed to le wtioliy 'mnr"d and the hank rtatemerir offered nothma: to counteract the disposition to ret out of Btocks. The Irst of the yea- Is expected to Involve larse changes in hanking Items, hut tndav a rn.W . JM loan expansion, fol lowing that of over 132. !'. t week. Is iricarive of oter demands than vear-end intr-st pavments and causes the fear that ast arnt-r a enormous corporation oorrow- all tlinea, bowavar. aad the market rallied on a.1 Bmall receasiuna. Th faarure of trading waa a lack of affarinxa. On account of the mourning for the victims of Uie Iroquois lira the board closed an hour earner than la usual on Barurdara. Tha shortened session added to tn activity. May closed at STtc a gain of 2c over Thursday close. The July option showed good gain, and after ra-nglr.g Be tween c and "Cic, closed with a gain of 4B-! at tCaCiC Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to aaCJM bu. P-lmaxy receipt were l.'.C7..t bu., axainst 4tHi.'.w bu. a year agn- Minneapolis. Luiuia aad Chi cago reported receipt of 12 cars, axainst aU cars a year ago. The com market was influenced by the same conditions that anvamed wheat and price showed share advance. Short cov ered freeiy and ther was aim a a-ood in vestment demand, while offerings were ex tremely light. Unfavorable weather and em a.1 receipt were minor factors in help ing the advanc. May opened Sc to t.a"c higher at 46-aw to Wrc. and aner seiung up to 47c closed at 4"i347",c Lcal re ceipt were Ii4 cars, with uire of contract grade. The oat market started slow, but wu soon lr-fluenced by the strength in wheat and corn, and showed a rair advance. There wa good buvmr by some of the re cent seller and the offerings came largely from commission house After opening a shade to c higher at 3fc ta JffJSt Mav ranged between fftc and 2Sc closing at & a gain af V- Local receipt were H car. Pork ruled the pr-rrlslnn list In a sense -ttonal advance and at one time wae "7 higher for May over the low point of the day. The war scare and tiitxl aheence of deliveries on January contracts were the influences that caused the higher prices Offerings were light throughout the entire session. Buving bv snorta was x-ne cmn factor. After ranging between JlS-iTH and teat prices. They closed dull. Rusjdans wa-e weak. K.aff!ra were iewer The amount of bnl'.icn taken lnti the Ba-k of Ere Mil on baiance today wa ii k RR1.IN. Jim. i P-ii e on tbe boure Hiar wre u on the f nil in stock an the London market. Jpareee bends snd Chinese st 1 polntg but '.ater r'iver-d a ha if piint. Exchange on Loin don. m 4xrfg. for checks tnsc-iuit ra-ea nort tu.ia. 4 per cent, three monuia rk per cent. aw Tark 9sf karkft, StW Tt'PJC Jan. t-MNET On call, nominal: no ioans: time liana, steady: sixty dava aSf'H per cent, ninety days and mx muntha. aV& per cent, prima merrxniii papr SHa per ut. STEiU-iN'S EXCHANGE Steady, Wth Set lai business in bankers hilis at li.Xa'J 4 for demand and at M ir '34 KUS for s:x:y-dr bii.s posted rates. MAiyrt sl and 14 .fl4 w,. commercial btiis. 14 i'i gi4 SILVER Bar. 'c: Mexican dollar. 4Hc. E' M S 'lovertment. ateadv: stale. a v The clcstng quotaticna on bonds are as follows- IK ,!. 4 n. as .. :i i ajDbartan r. a aa...t,l'a ll-Hiex. i"eniral aa tl '- I I int. I1 :n a t u aa... rr tw-4 'M T. aa r :"- i "i 2a - jt"- t k. R. of at - aa. - :n- -N. x c a. sa ... " 111, w. i. c . i : HeH.o aa c a rr . rut OMABA LIVE STOCK MARKET Boii Beef St-sn aid Cowi Cot to Qoar r Either Taaa Tees Aa HCGS ALSO S0E HIGHER FCR THE WEEK s4nsts Iteeelwts af Skee aad La safes wltk Gaal Daaas4 Caaael attaa Crs4ae ta Advaeee fraaa a aaner ta rarty Casta. choice feeder lanha. tt hfr !: fair tn grvd f....p- iunita K.aiSfiti. f-e,ier yea-!;ngt. ! 5.jl ier weiiiera Cii. .. fe.,,-r f IE1. rf , cuit. li.i-,-l . -a. Repre;ve aea: 2 wi-m Hr'lng V 4 Western We'ilcT-B ll 4 Li weetera yearlirga 4 4 4o ouusoa - -4a Dew as. rei 4a neaiNia -. . . 4o 01a aa. fg. -la cropna 4n ta rv 4a wmtiMi Atrbiacm aen. as. auj. aa AUamic C. U aa at a. a ) as :m 4s Mas a Caattrai at Oa. is ll-a do iat lnr as iv- a ohio aH --.a4 "iirtai. a a. t a a 4- a aa . n -k - a a k p. aiiui v i4. w a. -a-.-lil a 'a a. L a P aa 4s ool. La . 1 I 4a aa " A W. a aa " i t L a a nr .. 9 !ta rwarv H W14 ; Haeolna tea. aa. 14a '. u. a L a- a. fc..u-. 1 L t I F !i a l ji u. a. w 1 ' Sielmara A- U aa. 1'4 Pacinc 4a fiaulwar ta :u4 ta a r 1 1:4 at. U. - Ta t s L 1. a "'"Bioa Panlip as. "Tiiraaa Tw. as.... S 'f a su al Se.... Ccm. T.iiavraa m i Wataua M "-la. A re aa t 4a 4en B D a. d. aa St jw ft 1 . aa Erie fmur itaa aa - , "W'a caniau as 4n senanu aa. aa- Cole. T. a L c 4a r w a n. c ia...its i Horsing VaL 4-a lta Ex-interet. ""Bid. "Cffered. ;;S n S M La ad a a ttock Ma LONTXjN. Jan. 2. Closing Cntiaela Blrmer Ings after January 1 are to be duplicated I this vear. The marKet closed active anu weak In spite of rpusmodlo raiies in spots, and losses the day range from 1 tn over 4 Points on the pr-ncipal active stacks The bond market has reflected only a llxiit !nvctment aemsnd and prices have mi -veil irr-riiarly I nited States new as registered nave declined -a, t lie a 1 and the oid 4 1 per cent on csul during the r y Central irsorfaik a W xa ' do p!4 . t:-j OTitane A W ic a Pennarlaxua t, Han a Minea . IT BaaAlcs .. . do ;jft pt4. it- 1 4u 'ia p14. an. aailwar . :y 4o via ::- a Pacflr 7: Cbiob Padke o-i u- r"i -. -.-t C. S. aieei... H -l 4o pi 4 - Wataaa y.:-' aa ota IB SILVER Ear. firm, 2M per ounce. M- 'N n.T 2tri" tier cent: the rate of 4a acnyuut anacoTda Airman 9o pt fl Bbitttnora A ci,lo. canaaian Pacific . '"liea m "bin Chicago (U Wmbi . c . a a at. r .. DBee-a .. d a a a Aa B14 Era 4o 1st pfl ao id ptfl nimoia '"fmtral Iciiia A Vanti... at.. K T SOUTH CM AH A, Jan. 1 Receipts wera: Cattie. Hog. Sheep. CmViai Monday. 2.7ia a 7 va O Clt mi Tieeoay 1 :vt 11.. J4 -i.a t. 'fii mi Wunesduy ii'.av .. fflcial Thursoajr L79K 7.M7 4.1: C'fflciai Frdat l:3 ufhuitu Saturday JSM Inc. IV 4 . . Ikl Lta south aa ' I" 4 4 tii'H 11a count in the open market for short hills la SHis'-a per cent; for threa month a" OT cent. biiis. Haw Terk Slala Ciaatatlaaa. NSTW YORK. Jan. 2. The following are the closing quotations on mining stock: v. . , .(.mi ct-rf. hicrier at 1 week -T . . ..n t. .1 itw at 1 T, - fnllnvina are the n UH ta tl On on the I Inanirh Cnn Articles.) Open. I H-gh.. Low. , Close. T-s y. In spite of tha fact that the general im- ?reaton among rubber good men ba been or soma little time that there would be an advance in rubber goods tha first of tha Tear, note took place. When there will be a chanxe no one now aeema to be prepared to say. 8uoa of the wholesalers think toat paaaiblT a cnanxe of some kind may go into effect about tha middle of the present month, while 01 here are of tha impression that present pncea will bold gond until April i. in other words. Johbu-s know practically nothing about the real aittiauon and It is dnubifui if even the manufactur ers nave decided when they aiil cnaa- their quotation In tbe meantime trade with local house na bean aa good a could reasonably be expected in view of the exceptionally fine weather. Retail era have been ant.cipating their want to some extent because of the as parted advance, and now little buaineaa ta looked for by wholesalers until colder weather set in. In tbe leather rood trade there ta noth ing particularly new to be said. Rcta-lera hav been eujoytnff a good trade and aa a result there ta a steady stream of alkinx up order coming in to local jnhbera. Pur chase are not heavy, but quite numerou Traveling salesmen expert to do a nice ad vanc business from this time on and. in fact, ar figuring oa breaking; the record they established last spring. j Mar war Afeaaat tha Saaaa. ! Th hardware situation la practically the am a It waa a week ago. Business has been rather quia, tbe same aa la renertu.y the caae at this Ban of th year, wnea merchant are buay invoicing their stocks. As a general thing stock ar light throughout th country, as rerailrr have beam inclined for euxna little time to buy In a Bmnd-to-anout h way. A eoon a the market gets a liuie more settled jobber tney Will do a bur buaineaa. aa mer- -Jjta will men begin ounn more freely and tbaar want will narf aaariiy be larger than usual A big spring trade is being anticipated tn view of the good out 00 k for aa immense amount of building throughout tha territory- tributary to this market. It la aiao thought that all kind uf surinx Koooa will etui batter than a year ati. 4 Btgaw la Saw York. tVholeaa.a grxaorra report tha sugar mar ket, locaily in practically the earn posi tion aa 11 wa a wee ago. In New Tork. buwevnr the market advanced t p.dnt on r'ma wth the market vary strong at the advanoa The demand la reported aa bainx very heavy lnr tbe time of year. The ei.rTi market nas continued it up ward iura ud an advance over the cls week- ago of S of a cent la noted. P& k a coffeehMS aao been marked up ba.f a cant Trading la very heavy at the ad aaaoe. In the Una of dried fruit and canned gTKKls there Is praencaiiy no change of Im portance to mention. The demand is some what limited aa would naturally he ex pected at this season if tha year All other staple ar a,ao m about the same piauuon they were a week agr with m, demand auite aanafactory Ji. libers are now pre paring for a big; flh trade in view of the ear approach of tne Lenten season. Frwica aael TrgeiakUa, Th demand for frultB and vegetables ha ot bean very heavy fur the iatn tew dkva. but a good 'lemand la looaed for the -tim-m Wnea. Prices have fluctoaied vry ut ti. as ill tw aeen frrm the quuuhuiu a an . ! her cuiumn. Tde eag market has eased off quite a ''t B owtt.g to the more iiberai rece!;na. The P rH "f Pouitry. however, haa held up m a-, -..n-ic. win, a Dutter na aluao Uuaily no change. Kasaaa City Grata aad Provtalama. KANSAS CTTT. Jan. . tVTrttAT Jc higher: May, TV-. J-ily, TOiyWSc; cash. N.i. 2 hard. TqTT.c; No. S. 67!7(c; No 4. !irS7c: rejected. aiH82c; No. i rod. SS4c; No. S. WifciiCc. cORNi to 2c higher: May. 41ic; July, 4V,34tiVtc: cash. No. 2 mixed. Bc; No. 2 white. aic: No. 3. ipc OAT9 No. 2 white. JuSSTc; No. 2 mixed. J5e. BL IT 1' K3 Creamery. ISQTlc; dairy, fancy. 18c. EtiiiS FresTi. 24c. Ri-ceipts- Wheat. 2SS ears. EGO13 Frm; Missouri and Kansas, cases returned. 2SVe per dox: new No. 2 wtilte trnor! caees included. 24c HAT Choice timothy. IS 0045130: choice pratr'e. IT.otaVrT.'i. RYE No. 2. 47a. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat bu. ZT2.i 17S.4 Corn, tru. . 42 4i Oata. bu, 22. J. L4l yrau Pklladelhla Pra4ara Market PHiUADEI-PKIA, Jan. 2. Bl TVER Firm at yc higher. Extra western craam erv. :u,.3.Sr: extra nearby prints. 2fL EGtiS Firm at 1c higher. Fresh narhy. 2fic at mark; freah western. 3hc. loaa off: fresh south western. Sxii'Kic. loaa off; fresii smither-i. SS"77&c loaa off. CHEESE Cnchanjred. New Turk fall creama fancy. llc; New Tork fall cream a, c rutin. iiV: New Tork full cream, fair to good. lullHc. ww Tsrk Pia4aea Market. NE7W TORK. Jan. 2. Bl T'l'EH Firm: creamery lbin SZie; state dairy, laftioc. CHEESE -iulet: state, full cream, fancy, larre and email, colored aad white. Sep tember. 12c: lata maxie. 10c EC3 "Testcm. CliiJ.'Sri. POC1.TRT Aliva and draasia quiet and unchanged. Holiday tn graia and provision marketa. llaaeaalla Wkaiat. FVaar a a at Brsa MlXNTBAPOTja. Jnn. i tVUEA T Ma y, Wv: July, tityc: aertem-er, 7c. oB trai k: No. 1 hard. hFtc; Kix I northern. SV: So. X northern. ST"c waaakr larkrt. CIXrTTvgATT. Jan. 2. -vrTTrSTCT-P4etfl-ler' flmshed good firm on bajna nf tl.27. PEORIA. Jan. 2. WHleKT 41.27 for fln labed goods. TaleXa feel Mai-Wet. TOLEDO. Jan. EET Clorer. quiet; prima caah and January, Ftbruary, tVk; MiTCh. r J2H. Certaa Market. 3T LOriH. Jan. 2. COTTOT Quiet; middling. sales, receipts, euipmenta, none; stock, ItiJi bales. reheat May Juiv Sept. C 'fn Jan. May July "T'ats Jan. May July Pork Jan. May L-'-d Jan. May Riba Jan. May ;4i-si; ! T8 1 rsi 1 4i rrtai n Hi fCkWBi eH 7B nu ,79tiaS US . May lard wa up 12c and iw at 7 l-t. while rib wre lTHc higher at sr m. The leaxllnr rururee ranked aa follows: AtLUieu ............... do pld Baltimore at uuu 00 pld.. Canadian Paxunu Central of N. i Che, x uhlo Chu-.axo at AjUjo ... do pid Chicago G. W do H pld Chicago ax N. W Chicaxo T. at T do pld C. C C at at. I- Coiurado southern.... dl) 1st pti CU JO ptd H .ldeiin. rrt, 7 CWi "TH, T Dei.. Lacx. W .... Lenver a a. m. ...... do pfd En do 1st pfd Adams Con .. Ailia Br 4Gi-P; 'tS', 4T-, 4TW 4SW 41, 47V 4ic4. 4fc- 2StaSi 56 S. lrei c; Si-Si an 3S " IS ""Hi II y j 13 "! 15 ! 12 55 j 13 97H, 13 82H: 11 Ca. U tGV Ek 1 4Th! rk! s71 IH v. v.-u 4iork eichnnee: aiaies.High.Low Cloe. C.uU Hail I. Jim 2.11 JM 'K Li 1 JvM Li'W Lw Am I77S, 7 (a. j 77Hi 75 No. t a New. Cash quotations were aa follows: FIjOCR. Market strong; winter patents. t4.o.'4.J(i: winter straight. SS.7lKoa.I0: spring patent. 4.m4.: spring straight. Si-' ITS: bakers'. Si.3iioa.3U. WHEAT No. I aprins. TStfTBc; No. 2 rt JStp'Tc. CORN No. 2. 44c: No. 2 yellow, T. OATS No. 2. 3Vc; No. 1 white. 3J6. RYE No. 2, a2Sc- BAJU-EY Good feeding. 34g37c; fair to choice malting, 43i&Tfi3c. BEET'S Flax. STV-; No. l northwestern, n.iOii. prime timothy, S2Ja: clover, contract graae. PROVlSiuNS Mess pork, per bbl., m3 61S37H- Lard, per ! Iha. l..i!o7.i. Short nb side -loose.. Ik Mii.iS.. dry salted shoulders 1 boxed 1. SS.JTVa. Fo.iowlca were toe receipts and sh,p ments of flour aad grain: Receipts, ghipmee Flour, bbls 2.7T" r..i Wheat, bu. 37 20" Corn, bu - 132.3W 25 30 Oats. bu. U. .a-h bu 4. S." Barley, bu. 2b.1K 7.iVj on the Produce exchanrs today tre but ter market wa steady, creamery. KiWlStct dairv labile. Egg, steady: at mark, cat included. Je2fcc Cheese, steady, iiittiiAxc Jd cid Great Northern. Hocking V aiiey do ptd Illinois Central . Iowa Central ... do pfd K C Southern dO pfd... 15.1k !.. M pfd tu"-i at it-.''. rJt V 7 7. 7- Hi llt'-a, 1.7 117 lw Uai ItW M J4 4 76 7i i'B ItiH liH 15 -7 27 271 licS ItM-m Ik Ik IK 7 15 15 15 - 5- 54 24 23 13 luj llt4 lb.1 au4 Jilt Si'1 M 7(i 70 aWii 2 2S li o- aT1 tri - 4r 17.t C omat ora Tunnel. .. Con. CA. a Va Hora Silver Ima Sllrar Laadvllla Caa Offered. S Uttla Cklat in "imtna .... 14 or.uir Pitienix t-a Pfiicaa i-0 Ravage ilk Rierra Nevada US Hmail Hopaa .. t ,Buuiaar t u at ! the five days of j i liMK.STft.&Kt; lncirea J" lark Weekly Baak Statesseat. NEW TORK. Jan. I. The statement of the clearing house hanks of this tirv for this weea shuw: Loan. Teeae. EHJ(i,.,iw. DeniHULa. 76.1".!M: lncreaee, K.2M:Mt. Orcu.atKin.": decrease, si'.s an. Letrul tender, rtt 41u.SM: Increase. C."it..:k'fi. Specie. 3 tai.l .u.RW: decrease. H7fi M11. Reserve. C a tf: increase, KluiUlS'ift. Resei--e required. 3J21.5a4.725. increase. tf..it5a.dbu. Surplua. 11. &4Li. decreHse. C.-LTju. Cnited States deposits. 31i, 7113. 725; dttcreaae, Klifci.725- Wek sndlng Jan. 2 12.J23 Weeg end'.tir I-ec. 2 .. " .'13 Week ending Iec ;it .. ;r. a Week enmiiir e'er. U Ht Week ending E-ec. 3 ..X..i Same weea at vear 14. ."17 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAJl TO DATS. The following t.ibie showi the receipis of -ait.e. h gs and aheep at South Oman for :he year to data and comparuauo wita 4jfi year: rtti Lii raia li... lLia Sheep a jatl Averaae ericas fnr -n Cmaha for tiie st ssvsral lajrs wita ouss e"-1 iiina. ct 1 ma. .102. . iDi-:isa iej ,im ,ir. fee. 3V f IS! I 2B! ' 4 01, I 'l I 24 L-ec 17..., 4 j,! C:ga(4i2; a lt j.-es. Ik..., 4 J-v 4 ia. 4 73 3 . 3 I-ec 1 4 . f (a. li, 4 7- 3 it:; 3 3' E'ec. i...i , ,17 mi 4 TV t St4 I 3 S3 L-ec a..., 4 S I i 4 CI 4 Ul 3 Si 3 2 L ee, X. . . . 4 . lbi 4 it 4 "2J 3 34, 3 24 tee. 2i... 4 4 jv 4 .ki 4 I 27, 3 21 lac. 14... 4 4:( as, -JU, 4 ! I I 47 3 24 Lec XI... - -l-l-l-'- L"ec ... J 4 5T If S :?t 4 4 U 3 60 i--ec 27. ..t , a4i S 3k, 4 a, 4 3 ' 3 iec. .. 4 t;'- t' 4 7 4 14 s 4i 1 r It. 2...: 4 4-- ( vii 4 1. 4 IS. 3 a S 13' IS 4 3 3 1:1 i- ec il. . . , 4 ti,, s jj, k i 4 m, lii oli CHICAGO LIVE ITM K W 4RK.KT. Llht- Meeelpt af All Itark, vrltk teaely "TeeHa. ii;:CAGO. Jan. 2 CATTLE Rece-pts. 3oa heaui. market steady; g'wt to onroa steers k. ajii "7.. poor fo milium. tr..5i4 ; at .ckera and iee.ieca 3iiifta34 ;n- cowa, I . "5n J:-. heijera. IL..a4 Th. cannt-ra. tX..4v; bu,;s 31 -t4 2t. ca.v. C. 4 75. He ttrtc'pt touav 2. head; esti mated Monday. W ." head, market cliaed st.-urk; mixeii ar.d butcr.ers. 14 ii'u4 "ft. d tn rjii'lr. heavy. M 7,n4 .4, rough heavv. 4 afe.14 "(; light. $4.A't34.7': buik uf sa,ea. i 34 ...j4 -. SHiKP AND LASTJS- Rere-pfa. LM , head, ahcrp and 'smris. stently, good to i ciiiHce wi:iera. 37, TTucr JS. fair to choice i.. 12 '. mixel. Si.'Ti75 weiiTi sheen. S3.4SH 3; 724 native annua. 4.1i'tsJ.. western lamba, t et ji-u 2S. 43 ' i t. Laala Live Btaek Market. ST LOUTS Jan. 2 CATTLE Receipt-, . yr haw. :ni ludirg f Texans: market lev ! . II. -S I . r . n. 1 w.f tir,H Hm.-e-e . i t ait9a; a'c Btockera am! !-eder. 12 25n'3 E : cowa and heifers, C.2avr4.i: i-anwa. St .attr2-S: bulla. 12 .'ea4 t: cajvea. C. .'mS.ii': Texna and In dian ateera, S2.aitg4 30; .cows and htufers, C.IM'X la Hi GS Receipts. S Kin head- ma-ket was steadv to !. piira and ughts. 3a..t4-!: packera. 34 4i' j-4.75. butchers and beat heavy J4.;.e..a SHEEP ANT LAMES None on sale. ST Ji'iFEPi?. Jsn CATTLE Receipts. U5 heid. -"arket lotfT-c lower Hi a;.- p.e-ipis a. -a head: market Sa lower: '!cfit M.sVaSI1. medium and heavv f r.Vr "Ti PHTJKP Nr LA MT Receipts TJ7 head: market firm: iambs. Sa.75; yearllnga. 15 iw. mark la Sight. FoI'cWrg; are 'he rareints of llvi at the six principal western day: ratla Late. I jm4. ,3. Jaa. uwi. wan. Jtin. 1... 4 U :S I 22. 4 at. 4 21i 2 42 -4 t a i 4 .-e. 4 3 57 I Omaha ''':icsa-o Kansas f!r; Pt. L.uie . St. Joau-rh ffioiiT City TMais Cart. .toil .. 1! -.1.291 Hosw. S .v 2J " 3 2 fit 4 S.ii'fi 42.110 sock yeeter- Sneen. Li 2f 3.17 of stock : 'indicates Sunday Indicates huudsy lhe oificiiii number of bruuaj.ii ,u Uiday by C M 4 St. P Ry!.' Mo. Paciha Ry I . P ytem C. A N. W Ry F. E. 4t M. V. R. R. C. et p . M. at O.... B. a M. Ry C, B. ae w Ry K. C. at at. J C, R. L at P.. east... C. R. L a P . west . Chitngu uu Wwtem. Total receipts The disposition of the day's receipts was ss follows, each buyer purchasing tux number of head indicated. Catue Omaha Packing Co Sw-rt and i. runt-any ill Cudahy Pai k.nx Cu 72 Armour Co.. I L5SH Armour, bioux City .. Ll-4 ether buyers 34 I CHICAGO BltwKArJLtS euch ro4.d was: i.e. iiui;. Sii p. HTaes. 1 .. i 5 i 'i i 2 4 a 4 S 1 .'. 3 " 12 87 1 Hug's. Sheep, las L'.t-o Totals 124 5.7-Si Till Bask Cleariaaa. OMAHA. Jan. 2. Bank clearings for the week, a compared with tha corresponding; week last year: TlHi Ll&k lel -a 11 urn in 1 a 1WO-4.'S 71 L3(6..71ii ' L234.ieei.;3 L S72.430 Si Huliuuy. 1.5(3.477.14 A decrease of 3SS.3(a.7S from tha corre sponding week last year. Monday ... Tuesday ... ir;i Wednesday Friday Saturday 1SS2-1. B.22H74L4S Lii.L7! 3H Li.riL7411ii LtlSO. 125. U6 Louiaville at Nash 4.!4 HirH lWa, lt- 141 in " 17 3S 1411 121 al I i l-Hal id1 si;1 4f- ai'S BEPOkfl or THK CTLKAxUJG HOCSC Traaaaattaaa af tha AaaaeUMd laaka Osriag the Paat Weak. NEW TORK. Jan. I Tha following table, compiled by Bradstreea , shows the I bank dean. una at tne principal cities tor tbe week ended December SL with the percent- of increase and decrease aa com pared with tha eorrwapoadins woe last year: CITIES. OaarinB- Inc Dea Metal Market. ST. LOni Jan. 2- METALS Lead, flrm, 14.24), bid. apeiter, firm, 14.7(1. bid. Pa art Grata Market. PEORIA, Jaa. 2. CORN Hlsrher: sew. No. 4. awe. No. 4. new. ike; No. 2. Sc Laata Crmla b4 Praalalaaa. ."T- OIS. Jan. r-WHEAT-Stronrer-f"K . T CMJ" aievanar. Ann at ite-anic tra-k. Wc: i.,, i-.- rm.. hara. Coats r .mi: ita s .-t at..r. .. V: July aw-.. ' OATS ai.t-oi Xo ? cash, irVs-Sac; May, : No. I aimt, Vir.- FULii wuiet but r.rmer wHhout a "u"ir pateniH. 44 "1114 i"7 ami siraiaat. S2 W W. ai hX Timothy, Bnrae. hi ner Ci aN 51 iAL Stead a. ex-ciear. steady at CJHaji. ar r aa ERN m-iiet. sacaed. eax irack. 7irlc nil -vulrt, Uniutill'. Bt.atu! ,.. Kat5k ' IRON XTT"'V TIES H X. E A ' tXNi J e nail-c. VtEMH TWINE it PRuVISH NSrork, quiet; Jobbing. Clsa, Lard, siatauy. prime s'ram. Sw 1 Bjran. sicatiy; tM.aed eatra mni, ST clear nu 7 m stii.ri near. 17.. rOl.LTRT-i.Liat cluiker c: t.irkea dui 'k k Ei 11 KJt- spnnxa. cratamery. dairy. bu rrz 8h:pm"t"j, Corn, bu si .sat i Jl tlarkM. NTTW TORK. Jaa. 1-DRT Ors-Th snarke Isacihuut malarial rhania and t-.a uaa auruif is aua bright. 1a City Live llaak Market. KANSAS CTTT. Jan. I CATTT-E Re ceipts JUS head, market steady: export and dremted beef steers, t4-3u04.k: fair to g -ud. 32 7i.iy4-15; western ted ateera. 0-2Mllii: stHXars and featdera. Cl5ntj4.vki: southern steers. 32 aHrH.lO: enuthrra o.wa 31-'(a. ,; nauve cuwx O .':J4 , nativa he fera. tt-Ji 6-aua: bulls, jk: calvea. 32 iajl Ba. aa. ceipt for the week. S. . head. HtaiS Receipta, head; market wis steady; top W il; buik of salea. 4 iauga. a5 ; beavv. laA'tl tt parsers 44 -au(y4 4a. piva and light. I42i4i4.5a. Receipts tor the wee. 22 ',ead- SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 25 hea.i : market steady; native lambs. 14. .liar" i4S : western lamna. IX 7mi4.1; fed ewea. 32 7.".,q 2; western fed yearlings. H-5it434 Z. stot k ers and feeders. 3I-ji'ji ai. Receipts for Lha week, a.Utsl head. kw Tsrk Ltv Hstk Msrfkak. NEW TORK. Jan. I. E ETEVE3 Receipts, ek head: staera generally raxed strunaer and Unjl5c higher bul.s and cow a aao h,her on light receipta; native ate' rs. .5 .441: buila. 34 tu. drv cows. 32 eigu 25. Iresaed beef. nrm. taa"o for native aide. Exponx "Ta beeve. 7,iat quarief of beef. CALVES fiaowipta. Ill n-ad. no trailing of mum inporancc; a few raa-a soid at jn; Indiana ciuvaa t.M : a bunch f baravaroa, C-A; city aresi ad yeaa. etgllac per ib HoGS Recaiptx. List head; market a, i ah t ' y eaaiair. aHEEP ANO LAMBS Receipts; J-2l heaati. rreep steauly. imuiiia. li'iJ5c lower. Sheep. 32 .'alia. iamb. M ifjiaa tat. on rr sa. in iiaud launua, ganeral aaaa. kHj:- par lb. M( City Lie Kark karktt. HOnC CTTT la. Jan. .Special T-le-frata i'ATTLE-ftVcetr's " head, mar ket steady; beeve. Q jMa4 eoara, eui.a and mixed. 12 iwaoC 3 at ie ft era a oil feeder. 12 ,V"i?. a: clvea and vearlin K 25c i A. H- Ga Perts. I '' hea ' market waax. Balling at MJiAiS. buik. M.3. New Tork Chicago Boston Philadelphia ... St. Louis Pittsburg San Francisco ... Baltimore ........... Cincinnati Kxnaas City Cleveland ............. Minneapolis . New Orleans Iecroit ...... Louisville ........... OMAHA Milwaukee PrividencJ Buffiio St. Paul Indianapolis Ll'B Angelas .... St- Juaepn vmver Rla-hmond Columbua ............ Seatt.e Waahmgion "Savannah Memphis A.La-ny Siit Laxa City Port .and. ore. Toledo Fun Wjrth .......... Peoria .......... Hartrord ........ Rx heater ... AL&nta ......... Dea Moines New Haven Nashville Spokane. Wash Grand Rapid Sioux City Sunnglaid. Nurfoik ... Dayton ... T a. coma ... Worcester Aumina. Ga ... Portland. Me ... Scr&nton T pea ... Svracuaa .... Evansvill Wilmir.g-on. T! Birmingham DeveTiDttrt Fa.1 fijver ... I-Ittia Rock Knox villa Macon ....... Wi.kesbarr Akron j Siwinxfleid. Ill ..! Wheeung. W. T Wichita iui.iiiu'a .......... 1 Helena I Lcx:r gtoa Chettanuaiaja Loweil New Bedford rC iHJXUiauo Fargo. N D I'anuin. O ... Ja-ksttnvt,l ' reen.-tn.rg Pa. Rie-kfitrd. El Snrllariead. O. hinttruimt Cheaaer Pa.... RiiMtcniugtun, ?7I wuiaaiy. ia... SL W. -T. n J 12S.7S4.Jili. 7 1114.3411 1 liS.JVS' I 42.!. C 7 ' Id 1 3.1 as K.722fi la,. 2t.l-I.5U4' J 22.I-5. 2U3' j. 17.4-S.4t4, LL74S.XiMi 12.WU.21 22.107 i7; 7. tkiK322' T.aia.HSl 7 5aL2K)tl Lj-ttoTBi . A74S.4I8 4. 5eTl. eii-'H ali; 4..-CH 1.23d :! 3 tins ;Vi5' 3 Her mi sua '' l.iC-(3 r4S.72. I.iW7.15 s."a.?iif 1 2.S15.91"' tw JiS' 15MS..322 . 4 2 1C.5; ....! 21 ...I 15.1 55.7" -...! 2 17 1 .. 5 8 's.i:. 11 2;. 10 ;. I . uia a 2 4iai SXI ita.rlf!i L7Ks.7T. S.E-.:sT L.1UI 55 L .:: .!d - M L.MS ;.-S' LS22,7'" LlH.4ittl I l.laa, .ta I Lfl2-4! r4t. LSS 2: .1 1 at-4 S42 1. T-li IMti' Lra.314. Lial, 3S j I.-K1.-S. I 1.113 E5' ! L-4T 3i.4 L2 ml' 3S : L-5ti Jl 15.3 Lim.iHji , n i l:4 ... . Lr.H4 TIT". r tea; a. a:. 4C.l. 7H5 -lea 2 3' 57(i ii.'tl ' 57. ai 4.7! JaiM 4-3 . 4ll IC041 H4 in v in 2T4 el- 14 41U, 7e 2i 25 31 mi i 374 zh 3kA 2" i ii"" 75" ate U a 22 ii" 47 241 7k 24H 25 31 74 S 1HH as 3ki 47H 1H If 4iS " v. 7H 4t, 20 ISO." " ii" 44, a Hi a r.7 i 76 5 21' ( 4S Li 17S 47 IF 77 24S S's i7 7KH Sa ii" US Manila ttan L. Leli laH Met. St. Ry L7o 14 Minn, at St- L. 2tw Wt Missouri Pacihc 11.3-Ht Sis M.aauun, K, a T 2"4 l7i do pfd 4tj 2 N. R. R. of Mex.. pfd. .... . .. New Turk Jentrai L!M Norfolk at We tern... M4 5k 5: do ptd Ont. at Western 3 2tm Pennsylvania 36. -5 P., C. C. a St- I A Reading 7.41 do 1st pfd. . do 2d pfd- Rock iHiaad Co S- 'S do pld.... L-aw St L. at 3. F- 1st pfd do 2d pfd St- L, Su uth western . . Ills do pfd St. Paul 14.S14 144.H 141'4 141'S do Did 4v 1.1 Southern Paiflc 24.!ttl Southern By Lli do pld 4UD Texa at Paci3c 7( Toledo. SL L, at W lit do pfd iHi Union Pacific 24.2i du pfd.. ....... ........ Hat Waoaah 1' do ptd L5U Wheeling l E W-xconain Central.... 246 do ptd Adams Express American Express.. I rated Staiux hlxp.... Weils-Fargo Exp a -nil Copper ..54-4SI Am. Car at Foun 2 do pfd am. Lmaeed Oil 10 Dfd . Am. Loeomuuva La-al do pfd ld Am. Smelt. A. Refln... L410 ao Dfd Lri Am. Sugar Refln IS ll1 Anaconda. M:n. Co 4sj 7e Brook. vn R T 2rtTT 52 Coio. Fuel at Iron a) 31 Col. A HiMiii, Coai Consolidated Gaa. L4&4 HIP a & , 1 jen 1 H.alnc - 20 k 1 Internuuonai Paper ..;..'"" I T d P'd ;!.: it International Ftimp. :::: fji io Pfd IS 1 I -4t 1 bISCUlt . 4 3' ai 1 uaa 1A' ... Nonn Ameru-xn IK 4 1 mnnti jaati T at PenDle S 'jrHU I Pr ease it steel oar a, 11 I do pfd 1 ; ruiiman rn. oar S i Republic Steel 3fX do ptd tiaai T 41 - Rubber (-rood U ta 1 dti pfd . In. 5 Tain, coai at iron . X.1--S L . s. ieatner 1 do pfd 3u L - a. K unoer do cfd C. i Steel !." 7.7 do pfd 37.- w estern 1 nion 11m 21.1 Northern aecunria Caffee Market. NEW TORK. Jan. r COFFEE Futures opened stexdy at an advance uf 5 point and ruled very active on further more or less general buying following smn.l pri mary receipts and bullish sentiment re- "- ! g-ardlng the outlieik for the coming crop. L7 117- The market closed steady at an advanc of Una: point, with aura of ss.,k v,nrs. In cluding January at lS97.(li; Feoruarv, 7. lite : March. 7.20HT Site; ApnL 7.24tc: May. 7.5ieS7.tmc: July. 7ei7.i6c: September. 7.i6i 1.116c; October. Ltc; November. i-15c CATTLE There were a few loads of cat tle on sain Hub mumir.g. but nut encug.i ) to malce a market. The auiea that were : made looked about steady with Thursday, i For the wees receipts snow an wcreajte I over last w ek amounting to about l.iHJ ; head. out. aa compared with tne aasita period a year ago. Uiere is a fa, off of aoout head. The demand from a.1 sources tuts been of quite liberal pro portlocs. and. aa a result, the tendency uf prices haa been decidedly upward. The receipts this weea have included a limited number uf coraied sieeraaad under the influenc e of a good demand the market has moved stasadliy upward and a net gain of close to a quarter is noted. A com pared with the low point two weeks ago tins is a gain of fully ii4;tc, and. in some case, the advance has been even mure than that. Short fed cattle are now sell ing largely from I4.1W to 34.25. with very common cattie from 14. n down. Fair to god grade sell from Sa.25 to 44.UU. and good .0 chuloe from 34. 'id to 15. Mi. S'lmetmng fancy would prtibauiy bring 15.25 wiuiuut any trouble. The cow market has also been on the up grade this week and is right around a quarter higher. The greatest Ira p rive men t has been on the medium ciaas of cows wnlch a omit two weeks ago were aeiling inund 32.40. These same kinds are now crowding the 33. lie mark pretty nard. Can dvards, wood & Go. Mala Ofllee Maskartaa Bids T. PiCL MIM. Xealr la Stock, Grain, Pravisisas Bought and sold for cash or earned oa reasonable margin upon which a commis sion will be charged ul an grain, 1a oa stucka and - on flax. fHaaia Vires, Writ for our market letter and print telegraph cipher mailed free. skip ycu.1 mm to us Prompt Returns. Best Facilities. Liberal Advances. Ceuai Cummiaslona. fRA.tCH OFFICES! C-.. UO-U Board of Trade Bid. Fhona 1516. SOUTH CirxAHAe-C3 and 325 Exchange Bid. 'Phone 72. COUNCIL 3LUFT3 aul end k Bap Biu. Phuns 574. LLSCOUI. DEI MOCSK9. Oil aad Baa I a. On, CTTT. P. Jan. rOTL Credit bal ances 31 : certificates, no bid: shipments, December 21. 21.334 bhls. : average, thirty one days. 74 101 bbls.: ahlpmentji. January L S4 471 bbl: runs, r-ecemtiau- and SL 217.210 hbix: sTerag-e. 7S.(ei bbix; shipment Lima. D-4"oember 31. l.s23 bbis.: average. 7i hbis.; shipments. Lima, Januarv , 77, bhis : runa, Lima. Decemtr 3d and a. 162.1170 bbix; average. 54 055 bbla. Waal Market. ST. LOUTS: Jan. WOOL Nominal: medium gmdes. combing and clothlne;. is 23c: llgiit fine. iSiJtITIxc; heavy line, 125ji4ic; rjb waphei, 2"c LONDON. Jan. t WOOL Arrivals for rhe flrst series of auction sales amount to lie, j l'K.Ml bales, including 3.siw forward 1 dl it.- SS 224 liHI ItH 2il 474 reel. SAILCRS' HOME IS NOT SO BAD Secretary Certelyaa Falls ta Ptaa aaer Graaa4 far Brttlsk Eaafeaeay'a SAX FRXTCTSCO, Jan. -Oerretxry Car- Mt 25H 42 IS ss" Tic R2t !Si .t 49 - - I 2 1J5 ! telyou of the Department of Commerce and 1 Labor has completed his tnvaxcgxtlnn into u,,i i the charge preferred by the British 124 I embassy ag-ainst tha managers of the ,s 44. 2 341 1W 171 a h4 SI 73 X 14 K2-- 31 5T.- SUP, Ml 4 avae "7 4H TT - "S TT.- a- 4- ' w Tcital saas for the day. 421 5M sharex n.r. 1 a;. ir -::zi 4CT141 a -va; . 53 44,2 . tail .75au 447.454J -4... &.4E jir 3bi sr. 41 r.i, ri 4-31 r..tai' IT. 45 JS4.14S1 4'. 1 1 34 J "ii'i 1 12 2-1 "it's IS 1 in 7 Lid us "ii'i 14 Ol I 3 3 4. 4 .. a a . "i' . M.. 1 2. U . I 1 . ! 1 1 1 11 14.4 BOSTON. Jan. Caa loans. 5i34l per cent; time loans. 5io4e per cent. Official closing prices on statk and bonds: At catena as IS AiUnua 44 Has- Casual SB- la's Am aim at ad 47' Airtiiaae 4 -1 ait-iiua ... a 4a aJ4 bxa cai. a kacia. aa Btaiaa a A.tamj kati I aotamolai U.-4 Ciqiaar aaaaa V Bualua claralad ..laS 7iui.!niua Caal . .... Ti X T . M. a. at Bt. -1B -mn;lB a e-ti-bburx pl4 lata Xurals rniiui racise Mex. Central AiDnr. Buar M pit A mar T. AT., rjanautuoa I AS. iMuaami Klacnric , kaa. Klauina oa aid rniled rraa C 4 4a r4 at a at a a aauvi as infl Iaauaitta 14 .1C4 Otaaaia . L4 lit Pi-r-ra jj lalilaer ." MS 4 ,Dta Pa ianar ... 1 .:"4 '"AiaarBca ll . 14 'Trinity ........ 4 . T- rnilad Stalaa It . as rtAH aa . i:-a vintana :v . ,iua . at ,Wajw.aa aa Aavaua Lx-dl vldand. 3 &air Wa rtauaavetal. LONTiOM, Jaa. 2. Money was easier oa the market tuoaf conaasquent on tne ra leinie xtt mucn oivtaend and coupon cask. Moat of Lha borrowings fr"m tna iiacx of England were repaid- Trading oa the at ,mx exchange ouenatd depreaaed and rer vuu un in far rajurti sitaatlon. Tha must optimistic operaura wee leas houe fui res truing tne outcoma. Tbe attendance was tnin and transactions Wfsra Burr. Cunaois were wika. in Japanese quutatinns a wioa numniai tail or iai,- per cent was amencan epaaea irre-uar bat kaieuy sami tmil . ta Sailors' homa in this city and ha pre sented a report covering seventy-two page of a senate document with closely printed matter. The British embassy charged that "there is strong reason for believing that this Institution, tinder Its present manage ment, differs but little from a crimping establishment, although It la alleged that the building Is the properry of tha United State government and leased at a low rent to the home for charitable purposes In connection with the ear of seamen." The testimony shows,"' says Secretary CorteJyou. -tliat the Sailors' horns at San Francisco Is. In the main, a well conducted sailors' boarilng bouse. The home now appears to be conducted principally as a sailors' boarding house for the profit of the traperintendeTit, with incidental philan thropy. I have deemed it best to transmit th papers directly to cong-ressi to determine whether its purpo is being fulfUiad. and. if net, what disposition shall ha mad of the properry. which Is valuable. " Aiurio. Rod Roy, S unnet. Byrne Oreron Securities. Aixka Central Ry., V V r.m.. V.'iiUv ners and cutters ar quotable from SL76 to I Palmer Mr Tunnel' 1 12.4(1. fair to good from 140 to C15. and g,ir Thing G. CL gtMtfi 10 cxiuica 1 1 -1 ill 1 ' , auu iautjr grades would not miss 34. at very far. Bulls may be quuted rtxht ejus to a quarter higher for the wex- Bologna grades sell from C-W m Cm fair to good from 32.75 to Clai. and good to tnolie K.lai to 34 m. Veal calves are m -hanged, best grades selling up to CiW. Storkers and feeders have been in very light supply ail tins wees and. as ths de mand has been fairly gvmd for the time of year, prices are fully steady, with some thing choice in the way of yearHng-s a litt.e higher. Common cattle seil from 33 ' down, tair to good from 32' to 3S. 25. and good tn choice from 32 ' to 33.75. and choice to fancy yearllnga from 32.75 to 34.. Ji. Brp- resentauvB sale- BEEF STEERS. Av. Pr. Na. Av. PT. 4 cows. 1 nr t at x. lias I t 3 14 illU I I BTTLLJL 1 R44 X 44 4 1 1-.L t 1 ... HOGS There was a moderate run of hogs i In sight this morning, but owing to un- j favorable reports from other points the market here eas4d off about a nlckeL At he atari a few loads may have ciianged hand that were not quit thst much lower, j but the general market could best ne de-ecr-Ped by calling it Tic lower than yes terdav's avetxge. Tracing was tairiy active xfier buyers and aei-ers got together, so that a good clearance waa made at a reasonably ry hour. Heavy boars sold largelv around 34 5. with prime heavies from that up to S4..7"1. Mixed hog sold -"m 14 Tat to t tt. and light weights from 14.5k down. There was net enough chanre in the market f-nm start to numb to be worthy of mention. Receipts this week have been ennslder- aMv heavier than a week axo. ti,e increaea amounting to about 14., head. As com nared with the some week a year ago. however there is a decrease of about 1 .': henii. The reeeral tendency or nrires haa been upwarl this wek. so thst even with ha decline tortav tnera is s net rain over te close of iast week amounting to about halite Represer,ttjv BUY WESTERS STOCK ON THE CHEAPEST MARKET Western stocks are my specialty. That's all I handle ta my arokeraare Dept. Ta re ceive my markeC letter reTiirly rour name should be on my "CLIENTS' MAJle. LNG LIST. ' tauotatlons on the following are conuicM la exen market report Hlhei tlons.. Olxmpic. t ernenhofr. Highland. F-ortune, Referendum. Treka Copper, North Pacini-, Crrwn tTh. ML) E. Dewey. (Th. ML) Tjrnaxain Arm. Slate Creek Mam- mouth Fiaber Maiden. Jta t JI lais s a isn 1 at Mi 4 b Elue Elrd. South Pole. New Jersey, I ewey. Silver Creek. Golconda. And all Black HTTis Strtexa. I WUl A Jao Arrang to Hav rhe laveatars Miixaxtne Sent to Tia FREE for 1 Months. It's a Western Mining Publication fttfl of Interesting new Sit right down and write to me. I'll do th rest. Highest Bank References go with first letter. I nvestment Broker, SPOKANE, WASHINGTON Bate frwas A nay Captain J. D. Laitch. Twenrv-flfth Uniiad State infantry, wa a visitor at army headquarters vejrteraay Lieutenant Colonel D H. Brash. eMef Inspector of the Department of tna Mis souri, has returned from Fart Riley. First Lieutenant W. B Cowin. Third Umted States cavalry, at Fin Aaslniboine. wa a visitor at army headquarters venter day Major General Henrv C. MerriBm. re rel. and formerly eummander of the Department of the M.seourt. whs a v. hi t or at army headquarters New Tear's day. The f, .Lowing officers now at Fort Onok. have been ordered to Join their compamea: Captain Frederick B. Shaw. Thirtieth In fantry. Fort Logan H Root. Ark.; Cxpiaia eorge H. Gnmea. Thirtieth Infantry, furt Reno. O. T. The following- general prisoners of the United State armv now at Fort Leaven wortn military prison have been arorral transferred to Fin RntinMin, Neh., To com plete their sentence John W. Danton. p-H-ter W. Taylor, is. lion G Brobet. Curl W Lurnx. Oliver Bed. V'rg-1 H Butcher, J-teepn J Gatihe and Fred B. Mornx board of officers consisting of Captain Char's L. Bent. Thiruetn infantry ; F'rst Lieutenact W.iilam E. V ,aa. anatatant sur geuo, USA., and SWund lieutenant lama HI Knrins Thirtleta Ucitad State in r ao try. la aitpointad to meet at uit Laaan it- Roto a. to examine into the qu uicatlona ef Mr. Vincent A Menuex f merty of the On Hundred and Twelfth and aMxty-ttiird Oxua Volunteer Infantry, for ap pointment as sittaariaianiient at oaaasisary. "a. AV ICT ita .fsV . n . :m . ri . . re . tat ... I ... 4 it a 44 4 ft ... 4 stH ... 4 at ... 4 ... 4 ... 4 a ... 4 a 1 as 4 ss aw 4 at IS 4 :i . . 4 at r.t aa 4 11-14 sa a 4 67 Si 4 a 4 4 4 n a aa 4 aa M4 44 4 rt ... 4 r 1 -. 4 n 4 aa a aa MT . . 4 a Si aa 4 a Z 4 a 4 aa . . 4 at ua aa a aa 1 aa 4 4 aa4 1st 4 St rj . . 4 3-1 aa 4 SHEEP-There 14 a. r . 4. M 41 M f ft -a a. FT rt 7 at : la 4 1.. i k. P trT IS 4 at a4 . 4 M 19 4 OH sat u a c. 34 in 4 e -a Jf t at 4 -t ra tia 4 H rt : 4 r i 1 ; a m tie 4 r 4 n n 1 r-a sat aa a sr-a set is 4 r" a at 44 4 as .It ... 4 44 rat ia 4 as n 4 at . t.! la 4 aa tn . . 4 aa ia 4 . rt 114 4 . rs 4 t ..ti st 4 - 4 . its ... 4 trr-a. . ass . . 4 47 .-art ; 4 ar . St. 19 4 . M IN I r . ia .4 r . IS W 4 " . UT ... 4 " ..2k ... 4 TT H. L. 34 suae. JACOB BERRY & CO. CTosolldated Exchang. IN. N. T. T. Prwduce kxchange. ( Phlladelpnia Stork Exchang. Halaallake llstia. stocks, sanaSa canoi. 44-4 BBOAOWAY, NEW JOtV Direct private wires In our branches at BOSTON HARTFORD. NEW HAVEN. BRIDGEPORT, PHILA DELPHIA. MONTREAL, QUEL EC, ALBA.M. ERooblLTN. -4 CLIMP9K AT WILL ITI EST A D ITS k lRkKTl" containing revised tluct lation tables and detur-ptlonB of activ aecuriaes, issued upon request. Tlie Merchants National Bank of Ornxirtav. rHctx k L kasaaBay CipiTil tad Surpius, SaOO.009 UkrTf . Prat. BBL L VOW. . tVss, LLTIfcl BkASl. Uaar. PkAfaS T. lAMILTaM. laaatee a, laaala af haaaa tiatu ana anas ass stanaaaJS aa ForaacB Txntiaaaa In natit aag sua. Latar at cref it iaaiia4. aasaiaeia ka ak Saraa a( taa var.d bnaaaat aea aa Tiaaa Caaatsaatas mt Daaaax, laaaw aaa4i inasuair ana aiaaainiia 1 a at . t . w . at . . IB . U practicaPv no Test made of The market tvlav aa th recetnts were consis-ned direct to local pn'-Uera. F ir tre wk the supp y has been about douti e that uf last week and about 7 -Jis) head heavier than for the same period a year ago Tn aplte of Tnat fact, however. te demand haa been In aineaa of t'la supriv anrt aa a reauit rrj1ng has ruled active with prices much hig-her. As compsred w-th a week am. rhe gen eral market on rvith fat aheen and lambs mav safely be unoted IT'-rAor higher with some sales sK"w-n ta aevmee nf aa mucti na av. On Thuradav an1 F"day the feei Irg at eitna o'HoTa waa hardiy aa good ss on WelnealiT. but still the wee a a is clos ing no in g""d shape, with the -eneral mar ke a.1 of SiS4"- hlgiier Tieee have been very few feeders en ale True week, and as a result nt-lces sit be quoted s-eadv to strop. ss the demand n if unv'timt. hea vie - than rie sucmv Mrn a ri' c.a for crre-rll stork: Chrrtea weaaern lambs f 27i 75: filr to mod lambs. 44 Wift 2S: grand to rhotc yearilnars. 4 2f t"l fair to sieet rr in. U .i4 ?, good to choice ae a, era. 4 F(tr4 f- fair ta rood we-Hera H25$-S: goad ta choir ewea. a &tt xi fair tu good swaa, and 25. coe ca3a STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PKOVISIONS ws nav rear 1st sriai akrwAoaa ut Mans aa4 Marl ri BJ tk iutkx is T-ata isrr. OVER TRAILS OF GOLD, WILUH ALLEN WHITE. assTiin aaax atask at L". 5. MLNLN'Q JOURNAL SO. ?- T jra. at. nla a UARCOIil awetavl Brtas amai la faa aaaataa. niDKElfK BAXLT ah CaX, a Wall -. Saw Yewki Ctty.