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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1904)
20 TITE OMATTA DAILY ItEtt: RFXDAY, J A NIT ATI Y 3. 1004. COLD WAVE OIITE GENERAL HELPS STATE, BUT NOT omaha WAR TO OPEN NEW YEAR. Brpi at ri of Cmi, Yrt 6fcfer id 0 b r P aoti. More MODERATION PriOMlSLD BY MONDAY telfl anil Company t'repare in TnUe A4tnnlmi nf Wealhrr unit I'til Ip l.arae tmiiuil , nf Ire. Who shall any that a . rmm Klllhn m Uia lea alilo of a thli k t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it M ami IhiIiIIiik rakn nf lf In hit 1 : fur Wiirinili m.iy not (i i "I Hi" iih u iii'i-i i' iiiiImk In itii timid nf colli trnulili'7 "The '"M whvp runn H In Willi 11 lilKli liiirniiiMiUi in ensure over the erniral vi !! el 1 1 10 Weather ilo partmntil. Thcie It I. niiy eirt nf a inl.l wava tnlliTlnr iihuiilil llml Inllnlto possi bilities nf iirllxlli' delight I" Unllealo " baromelrli' pressure. The iinmithiisliislk- IhihIiic person, linw vr, will (liuw inure llirllluiK pleasure frnm Mr. Welsh's wottl thai iiimliirntlmi shouM set ttl Mnmln. Willi n be rttln 1 1 v 1 ls InK temperature. Ilefnre Unit iim-. hm ever, tlm furiiiiee will I"' worth nil ll coeta. The tin n nry i ruwlnl ilnwii the linn Friday lilnlit Hint tileil In rinldlo ii I" Hi" sphere. 1 11 1 eniutli I'd l"" ' ""' tuha to show tho silver up to nun tleurrn below tlm cipher. Hill Unit wiih mitliliiK to what It will tin during Hi" ilmk houra noon to voina. fold la (irnrrnl. Tha cold I wavlnR pretty generally over the rentral valleys. Winnipeg ! tno I'O man. Thi government thermometer there aeililenlnlly left nut III tho rnltl Fri day night and win fouinl frown -t f day, with tha tnerrury ut 33 In-low. North Dakota la Una nml spring-like, with only 11 or 20 below, and In some plnee In South Piikota men am sweating around With tha glues at lit minus. Klglil degtvea below at North 1'liitto Friday Mghl. nnd tha southwest felt It yesterday. Snow flurries to tha east, slightly less eolit to the west, and Chicago with a wind of llfty-two rnlloa an hour. Good old Omaha, Hut there nra those even who rejoleo at thla rnld srtell. Hwlft and Company are slated, aa nre others In tin ir liualm-a. nt tha prospects of getting tip a Bond crop of lis within tha rent week or a. Hwlfta gave otit the word yitrrdiiy that If thla waathar cotitlnnad thi-y would Innd lull foroa on Oil-off liika Monday and try to All thrlr lant atora hotiaaa thrro on the laka'a alda. "Thi"" low throiiKh rntaa that hava han niioiim ail dmi't do Oinnlia any a-ood.l' anld I m iiI Kmln nmn, "hut thay do Noliraann n. lot of Bond They nra Inti ndod nf coura i B'-l II. a Brnln for the limit haul and to lo nny with what If oimihn wera a mar- I would oftin hiipprn, that the road t in t i it w llio Krnln In from the wrat would i-o It hauled to the eaat hy another roiid; ut, at the an mo time lo arcompllah thla In y luivo imt tha lalo down approximately eenla. Thla will help the Nehriiaka armer and the ainnll dinh-r, for It will mount to aorni'thltiK like fin a rnr. The lute people will Ret moat of thla. If we ant' Ki'l what we Want we can he Bind ho alula la Ijcnillud. Thla la duo to intural conalderu lion, and alao, tha auvlnii I lie farmer nnd m iln dealer mertna Juat ao much mora money to t a petit In this II y for mirihamllaa. "One prlnclpitl nhject nf tho ronds In milrdly cntlliiR tho rata la to try lo carry Nehrnaka rorn to the t'hlciiKo market. Tha iilo Im not Juat now of Brent HlKiilflVanco na ri'K'ir la whrnt, for per tin pa only tl jr cent yet remain. Moat of thla will he Id hy tha farmera-who nro irnapcroua iioumIi to do an for one reason and nn tlirr, and Ki i.lil.tlly iiIimu tied, laiK'ly l amall loin I mills. "Nehrnaka corn will not bo lo I'hlraBJ ven If the roHda made n 4-rent rut In tho hroUKh rate. It In di-miiuded south and Boos there. It Is wanted for feed In k nnd nilllliiK and InrRely for export. Nehrnskn Ml.t alao will continue to o south. Illinois and lowu grow enouKh nnta for the rhlciino market ami of hetter iiunllty, ton, than Niliriiakn, on In, ao nuts llniln a, better mar ket In tlm southern states." Start tha naw yaar with aura, aafo rrt.nta. CITY 8 AVISOS HANK, 8 K. cor. ltllh and PoiiBlna, pay 4 per cent com pound Intereat. Money deposited tha flrat tan day of tha moivth rtrawa Intereat from lha 1st. Try our hanking ly mall. Sand for circular. $1 opena an account. Start now. Douglas Print hit Co., )&0a Howard. Trl CU ELECTS OFFICERS MONDAY Omaha. Bnlldera' Kirkam llolila An atl Mella aad m ill Hear National lienor!. Tha Omaha Tlullder' rxrhanKO la to hod It annual election of ofllcera Monday. The poll will ba open from 11 o'chnk until o'clock In tha afternoon and tha votes will counted In tha evening. Nominations hava been made aa follow: lYosldeut Worm it. jiarta, vnaiics j. jonnaon; vice pMMddent. W. 1. 1 Wet ell, J. I-Yetl Hmlth; traaiurer, K. K Carter, Jainea K. Meriiam dlraotora, A. C. Hunk, J, M. low, Thoimts Kurd, Henry Ilu4iann, K. O. Hamilton C W. I'artridge, Urant Parsons. W. 11 larnah. Walter Peterson, 1. M. Potter, A. J. Vlerlliut. J. U Watt. All T the present omcera ara among thosa nominated. The meeting at whh-l tha formal report from tha Chicago na tlonal meeting will he given by President tiarts ana iy v nanea j. jonnaon, and ac tion taken ou lha aunie, la set for Jauu ary U. Ileary t oald et Flat! It. Henry V. Kleaer, better known as Heury ha sella stationery at Kli Kurnnm atnet la tha youngest business man In Omaha belnglonly U yeara of wire, A ihh! story Is told of Mm. When he entered the employ ntsnt of the late J. J. KYuehauf, about Seven yeara agu, whose successor he now la. It happened tht during the first week ha waa there a drummer entered the store and asked for the proprietor. Henry waited all around the magsitne counter Wklug for a magwalne railed "The l'ro- rleter." As he saw none by such a name ha Informed Ma palro-n that ha thought waan't In yet, but expected It next week. Henry know better now. llara Itoot print tt. Monday. January , we cmmencs our bargain counU'r sale In Uh curtatna. Com and sea the real bargains. Orchard Wllhelm Carpet coniviiy. W-K. Wetding Ktnga Kdholm, Jeweler. ASSISTANT TO DR. LORENZ Dr. Ashler Jelae Or. Rrldaea la Iell aale Orerailea at lit Me saerlal Hassttal. 1. P. A. Ashley of New York, who as aisted Iorena In svoe ef hi famou ayerattna for Cnetta dilot-atkiui. U In tha city, havtrvg iw to Mn Pr. W. Vrtxtgea of this clly In a d. :i,te osvratton f this character at the Wise Memorial BWkepJtaL The eul-Ject wa a little girl and the opera Ilea was perf.vrmevl ) reterxUy With salUfsctr) teeuit. The ri of tha child were unwilling thu ih wtter be subje-ted to any pul'Uolty. in, n. were wkrrevi rru tne cjvrjU'.vn at 1hnnak rirala nates Will I armrra, hut Hart Local Market Project. Aid WOMAN FOUND DEAD IN BED Occupant of IIoiihIss Utreet Iteaort Knila Life vrlth a Utile Chloroform. Pearl 8wnnaen, nil Inmate of the house at I '1-4 1 oii Klu a, conducted by Anna Olnas, was found dead in her room yeatcrday aft- moon. Hulcldn from lnhnllug chloroform ippeara to bo tho most plauslhlo theory of he woman's death, according to the police, who were summoned aa soon na tho dis covery nf the body was made. There also s some evidence that the woman attempted to end her life by Inhaling gas fumes, as tha gas Jet was found partly turned on. hut only a slight odor of tho deadly fumes whs detected In the room when tho door waa burnt open. At 1 o'clock Mary l.eroy, nNo an Inmate of the house, went to the door of the room nt the front of the houso occupied by Miss BwiiiiKin nnd rapped. Receiving no re sponso, ahe culled to her lo get up for din ner, iiud,' again receiving no reply, became alarmed and culled Miss Olnas to come and sea what was th mutter. The Olass oman summoned Tom ltoyle, a bartender In tho saloon below, and ho burst open the door of the room, and the body of the dead woman waa discovered lying In the bod, too race badly discolored and her arms tainted ns If she hud had convulsions. Her face was burled In a pillow- and a towel. on which there was will evidence of chloro form, covered the pillow. Miss Olass nnd Miss lroy could assign no reuson for the act committed by the (twanscn woman, other than that she had had trouble about three months ago, at which time a girl waa born and which she placed In the Child's Saving Institute. where It Is still Wing kept, and up to the present the mother provided for It- Coroner Urailey was summoned and : moved the body to the morgue. Russia and Japan on tha Verga of Destructlva Conflict of Arms, If JAPAN DECLARES WAR The naaalana Will Gleefallr Meet Them In Arms. We May llara War la America, toe. Tho beginning of 1!04 Is big with portents of war. KtiMHlii and Japan are almost ready lo engage. Trouble between these two pt.wera In the Orient may unsettle peace conditions throughout tho World. While theso nations aro watching each other with keenest appetites for blood, the Piinana episodo on this hemlnphera la (c iislonlng our own land a llttlo un easiness. We want no war with any nation and particularly with weaker American nations. It la regretablo that tho ltognta government should seem so belligerent, but The IIAMvKltS IIKJr.llYF. I.1KH Company will go on doing; buslnrss regardless of these conditions. It Is ac customed to warfare, having been the target of abuse and buslncan antagonism for the alien companies doing business In tho went during all tho years of Its earlier history. Purlng the present year, the reputable ngentn of the Allen I.lfo Companies have treated the Pnnkers Heserve Ufe Company with tolerant courtesy. A few scalawags without per sonal standing or tlnancial responsibility have continued the guerilla warfare which waa undertaken about four years ago by the ageuta of the Ufa Insurance Trust, but n. 11. ltOIH0, President. has been, able through his elm-lent field fon-o to tlrlvo these disreputables Into hiding. Meanwhllo the Hankers Keserve I.lfo Is writing a turgor business thun ever before In its history. Over WS.OoO In rinks wua written In December. The 17,- lUMOO mark, which wus tho goal for 1903, was made with a few thouaands to snare. Tho next hlghwater mark la $10,000,000 for 1904. Win n the company Is 15 years of age. It will hnve tw.000,000 In force. This In just us certain as the coming years. The tlmo for young men to tnke life In- mrance Is whilo they are young and tho company Is young. The mortality expense Is alwny lower with a young company than with an o'd one. Get particulars regurdlug the Hankers Reserve Life ooi.i) noxn poucr. ONE MORE SUIT FOR SPINNEY Aetloa Broach! by Maw Whose Wife plea and Leaves Insaranee Policy. Another suit has been filed with the clerk of the district court wherein K. C. Spin ney Is named ns the defendant. The title of the new action Is James II. Womack against the Hunkers I'nlon of the World, the Order of the iron Chain and Kilmund C. Spinney. Tho plaintiff relates that his wife, Mary It. Womack. hud a be ne lit certificate for li.tVO Issued to her by the Order of iron Chain In November, liHti. Mrs. Womack at that time was a resi dent of the state of Mississippi. The Or der of the Iron Chain was afterwards. It Is alleged, absorbed by the Hankers Union, of which K. C. Spinney Is the head. It I alleged that this absorption waa unlawful. since It Included the Illegal transfer of the assets of the Order of the lrou Chain to Hie Hankers I'nlon. U Is also alleged that since that time Spinney has wroutully acted aa supreme chancellor and that the claim which Mrs. Womack has against the Order of the Iron CI sin has not been paid. Wherefore the petitioner asks the court to name a tvceler for the Order of lh,e lr.m Chain and that Its assets and moneys be distributed under the direction of tha court. m as v ;' 1 1 11 'I'll mmm" r J" hMsssMtssi simn i a It AND WARM FEET A cold fact JUBt at present Is the -eather. Another Is that you ought to keep your feel warm In cold weather. And It s a cold fact that you ran do It with FRY SHOES The finest cold weather street shoe In the city, for women. Is our Patent Kid I-ace. with heavy welt soles and kid lined throughout; a very stylish snd verv comfortable winter shoe. For men we have the right thing for cold weather In a Chrome Calf or Patent Colt, heavy double welt sides warm, strong and stylish, at S3.50 to $5.00 cnv'noE-co 11 STARTS TRAIN TO CHICAGO Ureal Weatera Will Real Raster Service and Nearrastti Ka Hie Scheaale. The Chicago Oreat Western has made public Ita passenger schedule to govern the lunula of Its trains taking effect to- lay. The new Chit-ago trains will leave the Colon station tomorrow over the Great Western tor the ilrsi time. The time table as made public will be aa follows: No. ti St. Paul. Chicago and Minneapolis 11 a-1 led. leaves at e p. m.; No. 4. Chicago pameiigvr. leaves at 4 a. tu.; No. 104. St. Iaal and Miunpolis passenger, leaves at a. at. ; Nok J. Chicago passenger, leave at 4 iO p. iu ; No. lU St. Paul and Xllnne aiv.vli mulled, arrlxes at I. IS a. in,; No, . Chicago passenger, arrives at UVJo a. tu. No. !v . hivago pa.-iseitgcr, arrives at 4a p. m : No, 13, St. Paul and Minneapolis pas- eager, armea at A) p. m. Trains No. 1 and J. which after Sundy win te t hlcag paaaengera, one running each wy, were formerly Fort IVvl locals. They ran only as far as Fort Wge en ac cconl of the track not lmg tNuupleted through lo Chicago. About all the new equipment which was erdered by the tireat Western to ntake up the new thrcugh trains has been delivered There ar a few of the chair cars whWh are jet u ie. but enough ha-e beu re- cetvexl to n-.k uo nrt-vl trait. The not yet been evixed at the kvl crltcea of te enpany. thai the srrtvtng time of the aew tralv.s j At Chicago cannot be given. A MAN Beauty Culture r ?! I if. . V. Madame Yale TO Lei b uintSi ON Woman'sBeauty AT BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE Madams Tula, the celebrated Queen of Heauty, will lectors at Boyd's Opera House, Tuesday afternoon, January 19, 1904, st 2:30 o'clock, on the minutae subject of Woman's Heauty." This distinguished woman has held sway n all matters pertaining to Heauty for over a quarter of a century. Hor untiring efforts In behalf of women have endeared her to her sex as no other creature Is. Madame Yale has demonstrated by her own person that youth can be retained Indefl nately. The ladles of Omaha will be amazed to see the marvelous change In Madame Tale's personal appearance. At no time In this remarkable woman's his tory has she been bait so beautiful ss she now Is. FACE OF AN ANGEL. Madame Yale has the face of an angel snd a figure that simply baffles description. Physically perfect from head to feet, no one can doubt the logic of her system nor the virtue of her remedies. Madame Yale will Instruct her audience of women how to transform themselves Into the highest types of human lovllness. Complexion, hair, features, expression and form will be duly treated by this masterful authority, who defies the ravages of time to score one victory over her. TICKETS FREE. Jicsets to Madame lales lecture are absolutely free. One ticket, good for a re served seat, will be given with each pur chase of any of Madame Yale's goods bought at the PRl'Q DEPARTMENT OF THE HOSTON STORE between now and day of lecture. In order to give the purchasers a choice of the best seats. This slight restriction has been placed upon the free distribution of tickets. After Friday tho 15th. however, whatever tickets are then left over will be given away absolutely free without purchase. RELIABLE DENTISTRY FREE This offer xM until January 15th. TfBkni S e t of Teeth, $2.00 frssii, a from Kllllnss. ws Iron Brl4se Work. front.... Work guaranteed ten years. . . . 2.(M , . . . .SAe ...2.oo No students. TKKTH KXTRACTF.O WITHOl'T PAIN by the use of our patented painless methods. Work done free. Small charges for material. UNION DENTAL COMPANY, 1322 OOUCLAS STREET, ROOM 4 OPEN PAILY AND SCNPAY. SOHETHinG NEW- ANO KMTIKKl.Y OCT OF TUB ORPt hiAKY: lVl'i; may pvojie . tirod end. digieiJ with Ik grvt ,-Ui;r. which are iMtiig uj,W by;mi ef p&l oat ssedtv'U.. V do I t--ni e are t.v and w tu'.'. tui a reol snaaiv l th.m r 1 iK TIC.: I'lKIKs KUlR-'MAlK Y srti iil r. VttKlih; AKK 0v0 MtUli'l.Sfcs H'ruh time table ha 1 at, a cm a r,u n jast cvta to u frxww KK1 W, SCM IKFI K vt A'.bam, . N r a brvherct vltAKUVji 11 Sv HAB ySK. h fwawri) on esl r vt.J atvre. atd whom i kvti t ttieAr vrt as tho OKlC.lNAl. t'l f KATi PKlJ VIIST AMI lKCvl TKiST SMlShiti. TkW new roety Is caL-ed "U'll ij TKlbNlv-1 We . the t.srn-ii-i .us kf wka tt v wta.te ;-U n tnr a a ewaMuktfcja f nxxtv.tne wMch tn , ateKw. ran e-j ;1 H a vX'NPfc NSi ; Hl.OOO PCRIFIKK AMI NtLKVti Tv'NivV Jar, Sv-a-aWrr sivv u tae rn to g . tee i rase Jy t care i;np-ei- Wtk SKO-so. . 4ivf o't-fvre". ti'.-wi aa Bee trv.:-. ss I'lUj IN A t- 41 en-.tre s. trx -atiKiH, tvr H -. rMeiroKl 9 rwvti-4 e v.-Vw ANl Jll-vi. It tt;i x tU'ARANYi:;i bt i Mar l FAST asleep, but BXA' wnen anWe. Anv man or woman In this loan Is slow who doeo not see the advantage of buvmg m. Itead. Stockings. 8wel ers and Jen ells here where eerr lerer.t of gHHt taste aiut ssyie can oe rail -isrted at a moderate Cvl. We make atCA-kmg-s like mother taaed to rukv. Ciie us a trial JOS. f. BILZ 322 S. 16th St., Omaha. SEND P8 TOl'R MAIL. ORPERA. 20 Discount! KO BOARD FOR A FEW DAYS SCIlfiEFEPi'S t T. TA. ltvs. ttth asJ -;v twiu osal Ssl. Jlta aa4 S Sat, sva.a tennty Will time io ronasnluloaera tne hort T1 ate That la. Tovhaieally. Frcin January 4 to January U Pat'-as cvtriy wt'J b snluws a rVmrd cf County aniwi,Mwnv Oa January h hoard '. cantse. the chairman wt'4 be fkn and the cwoimttteoa (r the onsult year j . I be named. It n t 1 then aJLK'ura lN j.r jnj briwvea that VLm ard Jn- -rv the iw t-oard evsv enee fvr t!t f.rl tie. tvugias cwvntj wtd be wuh- c-t a beard. T county will ka Its I'kssi ot Ttaao. Co Rock IlAd systeia. Sjsday. Jaauary V, 1V. on and after watch date train leav ing Oaaatva at 1 h p. aa. dally aad arriv ing tmaha r. m. diuty wuM stake di rect onaeclkrs at Falrfeury with new nas neoger trains Noe. 3ft and 3a, running b. tweea Fatrbwry aad Netsoa; a!e train Na. i!. KvktUug Omaha I p. sa. dally, aad train No- U. amrtag Omaika 13 U anta dUy. will make cwanecuKxta at Belle vUW a ita i si t ir trataa N.a. aad to te and troaa wnsterm W sraas aad Cwosrado ON ALL SQit T w AT TraTBliOEj aV Gases lOmaha Trunk Factory I OUl Pteprkter Tf vrthMC 1054 IXi Tirum Strtct Cotumtvo dtJirKl4 th Tana tea Canal. U"nut tb ttvdt aJran I.1sts of savins titue and cost tt trnivrttion of ntervhinJise. What tli nvvity f t!i Ica aui Is to the commercial wr'.J Th Otuatia Stove Kci'ctir Worts U to jrow; Us-siix yoi caa get any burtrrJ-out fvart tiut you ned fr jur tvvr. ranse. heater or fur nace A trvn:envl,His stca-k of rc rir of all ttaaee of stovea la a srs Vept. Tti ere are wori-uen tu gttctalaQO. rvuU St- 9W Tel. lit BENNE1T MPflml Heaty L. L. Hujlin 43-4c ill THIS IIRLI AB1.I3 ITIIRG, Soft Finished ' Ml. ..L.J II... I!. 4 7-8e Grand Opening Sale Of 1904 Styles Tho new year opens with the grand est Hssortnient of high griule pianos ever cnrrlcil by nny plnno house of the first class west of Chicago. When you buy a piano at Hennett'a you hnve an absolute guarantee both from the factory and from us. This giinrnntee la not a mere protest, it is In perfect shape when shipped, but in a Kunnintee that covers the life time of tho nliino. The 1!1H styles are exceedingly pretty and most substantially built. Here Are Some We Offer This Week A pretty little upright, for A handsome mahogany utirlKht. for A magnificent oak upright, HiinR for ka-avj. A suptrb walnut upright, $147 ALL ON KA8Y PAYMENTS. We have some 30 to specially selected pianos In all woods, mnhog anv, oak and walnut. Some pretty lsK4 styles, prices running from ISA TO liUM $75 ....$128 Our Groat Annual Linen and Muslin Sale Notwithstanding the recent mlvance of raw rotton nnd manu factured cottons, having the ready cash we placed our orders early nnd nre in n position to offer nt retail Linens, Muslins, Sheeting, Casing and Kendy-to-Use Sheets and Pillow Cases at less than tho present cost of manufacture. ..71c ...71c .6ic 19c 23ic 25c ..12c .10c ye nnd 12ic .45c . 8ic 1. quality extra heavy double table linen, 72 inches wide, at tier yard I1.2S quality extra heavy full bleac linen. 6b inches wide. at per yard 6ftc quality full blenched all linen table nt hpI Tac quality silver bleached German 62 Inches wide, heavy quality guaranteed nil linen, at yard 80c eitra heavy home spun Scotch dnmHsk, per yard 40c full bleached union damask, at yard $1.25 quality a'.l Oermnn linen napkins, per 1.1 no heavy linen rl.imask napkins, 24x24 size, at dozen HV,c heavy brown crash, per yard lde fine eambrle, at yard 13Vi fine cambric, at yard dnmnsk ..98c hed Irish 75c ."45c damask, 49c 29c ,224c 89c 1.79 5c 12ic 10c 10c fine eambrle, at yard 10c fine bleached muslin, all the leading brnnds, at yard JSc s'ft finished bleached muslin, at yard Ee bleached shetlng 81 Inches wide, at yard STVc bleached sheeting, SI Inches wide, at yard. 30o bleached sheeting, tl Inches wide, at yard 15o pillow cases, at yard 15c English long cloth, at yard 40-Inch sheer ai-ron lawn, worth lc, at yard, lc nnd neady to use eli--ts at Ei'c 49c and Beady to u.e pillow cases at 12V, loo and MILL SALE Have purchased the entire stock of a large eastern mar j' - ... n ,.. .... ... 1 . 1 -, t .ti tllr... Will rtlae the nl!r at greatly reduced prices. Space forbids mention of the mar.y t'i.'-:.-ia off'rel. . A the r"d aie t "i ny but a few' are: Ladles' Ribbed Vests and Pants all sites at A big lot of children's Ribbed Hose all slses three pairs for , Ladles' Plain Ulaek Ribbed snd Hose all grades In tills lot go at per pair Ladles' All Wool Hose in black and Oxford a big snap at Ladles' Fleeced Hose In -black and Oxford go at 25c 25c Kancy I2ic 19c I2.c Men's black, tnn, slstes sr-1 firi'-y in,. Half Hose all sires at i.iv" and IU1-' Men's Merino Half Hose-sir's ?ir 4 to 114-at ltJ Men's Ribbed Undershirts while they lost at a.J Me.i's white and colored border C,, Handkerchiefs at 10c and Men's Puff and Ptrli.g Tls 26c C , and 60c values all go at I w Grand Now Year's Grocery Opening Monday YOURS ON EASY PAYMENTS. 16.00 to $25.00 down and pay ments of 15. K IT. IS, 19 and U0 per month will make any piano In the house yours. GROANS, up CQ from H0 Let's ship It now, right awsy. I BENNETT MM, i6th and Harney. Sweaters for men and boys all color com binations nnd prices. The largest line In Omaha to select from. 21 lbs. pure Cane tlranulated Sugar fnr.ll.C0 Largo sicks White or Yellow Corn meal .-. i:s 10-pound sacks pure tlmham Flour -o 10-pound sacks pure Huckwheat Flour .Vc 's gallon cans Fancy Tabl Syrup 17V illlllCO fllt-ltl l-fl m, v rt f. Best Lnondry Soap any brand you -, ...... i,n- . "i-" 2-pound package Self-Raising- Pan es KO r lour ;t- 1- pound package Imported Macaroni 4 3-pound cans solid packed Tomatoes... W. 2- pound cons Blfted Early June Peas. 7ViC 2-pound cans fancy Wsx or String Beans TV: Gvwi Japan Rice per pound. Fancy r"eari I apiica vr pwnn...... Flaite or Pearl per pound., i-nnund tackAi best I'nrn Prarch.... ' t-pound palls Pure Fr-ilt J-i!y ; Pin- Th Clover H ,r.'T-irr nr... I IJ-ge. Juicy Orar.go alt , California Firs or per tkc.... i Fresh R"asel peanuts rr meas-re 'Fancy Mixed Nuts per pour.d , TB.H A)D IOII EE. ! New Imperil T "r.!y i Sun t)ri-i Japan gool drink Hsket Flr-i Japan T' Tea new only I ImperUl Java ri:r.i Ceylon Java Blend I Old Government My: ha ar.d Java 'Good Coffee only 3V . 3,o . :'V,,! . l.Vi . . lo eX .!'-,c 1-0 ll". ...17 l.o HAVDEN BROS. a,riflrC.m'Mrp .ii ii Msjiiissaasaasaaaaaaw Prlws go down that business may fro up. They go down no that non-customers may easily step aboard the Mac Car t ta y band-wag-on" may get on the platform with Oniihi'i best dressed men may try Mao-Carthy tailoring. Tula Fall Stock Reducing Sale is making. In the regula tion MacCarthy way: f'X and $28 Suits and Overcoats for $20. $t and 7 Troiwers for $3 . ' . $30 Suits ana overcoats for $25. $S Trousers for $6. MacCarthy Tailoring company, HWM . 1 6 th 54, Next door te Wabash Ticket Office, Fheae ISO. I 1 111 H I 1 8 S3.50 H The iTwsgw PCT to think what the day between Chi ciaco toeans to ttw pie of America; - im m.nA irmnsT. wbn wraild noC do his best to siUoos. The fci-jowm needs SHrraS1 aon may non smn savin ir at m w!iim cnifo and Sun Fraa buBy, fJiiBtUnrpiHi buc it muuutt rMitn. and who is thure win ouo on boUi prupu. tui cunununt: r Cmaha. Union Pacifta la 204 miles shorter to Salt LSts Clty 27B m dee eltoner to San Francisco. 278 mile shorter to Lee Amceiee 333 mllee shorter to Portland. 12 hour quicker to Salt Lake City. 16 hour quicker to San Francisco, 16 hours quicker to Loo Aj4, 16 hours quicker to Portland Sua airf stthtr Bn. ACCOVatCDATIOM FOt AU OJUSCs Of PA33SXSE3X faQ jptrtt amii'T CBMcfuIIi ftusiobad en appUaataua to mi lakirviiUh ixs rum t t. Indian Territory and Oklahoma Lands of opportunitr newest, richest and most promising factions of the west. Our booklets, "Iinsiness Openinr and Oklahoma, tell all about this wonderful country. Pont fail to secure a copy. Homeseekers Excursion rate, January 3 and 19, one fare plus for the round trip. 1323 Farnam Street, OMAHA. - NEB. Isn't Much E For a man's shoe yet Us a tTet d-ai whn you par It for a pair taat are aorta bo pore an j tor ail ou know worth a treat deal lesav We cave put a area' deal of time sad fiivrVuf ta salectice tfcta sho a.-vj we are readr to back Iters with our fuarentee "Tour aaoaex bark tt jriMir not sausaad." Ca: ta Mooday and start tfce New Tar rht- . DREXEL SHOE CO. . 141 Fariaa Street, Oasaka's l-t-Dat Skew Heavss Whiskey and Beer Habit latBa.AkaTaTl'l t sNiataTA M ii ft orrine; PareU-iaa pre- sraak a ! 4 ike arToes STSieau crestise J I iJtV L i' .a br or eat. Ike ratTas laaealtaT No - .ut rx-V aeal is. i.itm bra.e. I'kklti -" -r w - . . . ara am b V CURE GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED. ala ..i aiaae.'-y rc mm tee enmr 1 v ' - - . wrm. r4o r a t.-S a4 -Ti' n r armAi awS lUo.. pei i jr tne aa riria ae fcita- NutiUnta trwaait wrttuir : ?' i. a, , inu e.a awaw witheat fkUv,:.T. Ut km gmm aexrelly ll "- Mr. X- T. St ma. Brl. ?. T , writes: Vmwt aa. as a wey-er araakard muni to cialKiad sad fcea.t har frosese 'OIHINC ll s weHal aad ar tae dr-sk k'-- Mra a- Wyii. !w Vara Ctiy. wtiwa: VKK1M' cared .1 aaad. wa. was a hmJt 4rsskard tu mAnl years, lie ew Sae .o 4mu " .usaULaia, ka BMlih is ea aad a. is fmiiy rwn . w.mwmm. be eaedoaly iitWmil OaltlNa- " Mrs. W. I D. Sau. Moat.. mh: I wrtuas ye. kin wasted rear vt ike eraunt cam mt ate . ,r..M as wJ nfteKim. b. taey l fatked "! we nn him OBBISa- Cm m aw f.ily n X&Mvd to kaita a aa ao d -.a k- Mr C. L. liuu Cite. Me wnm: - e ut-saed dr.afee.awea Hll uJ ise mru . iMnn -OS atS tm direct. I was a caoi draskara for t.e.iy years. t teU I aai Im ot say stein far lw. Vo. kae toaad the m cxi. tod b.eas yowl" Mr. A. fc- i, . AtUata.Oa, writes: "I was km wita a leecet aaieeey aad dr.k it to iamy-tw.are. ll Seally kronffct mm te ta. e-anr. keawlwa sad frieadea. 1 .aa eomrlMe lo mi the craTisf sad rail tuil mmS ta set fcu.ff. I'oer Waeaed -OE K1XE cared mm et all desire aa4 1 aow aaee ta ef lnwf ' Prxa U ew so a. kozes t o Ji. Mailed la yU a. aeaecd vraewr b Coeipaar. I wreri. Vt-k.eflM D C latafeak. lr t-avklet leealr.' If oa reqaeex. !i sa4 rrcoeBMfcd tj Stoa & HcCcoasIl DrugQa rrrra. eat tney sm tins vaj aa4 s4 as a e-MrX swjrtaiea.wiUtaeaay caesil Cmm ltla aavd ! ktav. O . 4. Aa g-oea siwk ai