Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1903, PART I, Page 2, Image 2

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To him nef.hla la noa
llil who la nlrvaye
drftmliR of
the past pos
If you are looking for the gifts that are useful and practical, you will find them here. This
list sugpsts only n few from the many we have. Beginning Friday, Dec. 18th, our store will bo
open evenings until Christmas. '
Christmas furs
Russian Bear Boas, very Ions and extra
cholra, at 128.00, 30.00 and 138.00 each.
Russian Fox Scarf, very flneat quality In
the new flat effect, $.16.00, $40.00 and $45.00
Siberian Fox Bcsrfs, single large skins, at
$16.00. $18.00 and $26.00.
Mink Scarfs, Marten Scarfa, Squirrel
Flcarfs, Beaver Scarfa and Otter Scarfa at
low prices for fine furs.
Indies' Silk Petticoat In the very latent
and newest atyles, In black and colors, at
$6.00, $6.60, $7.60, $9.00 and $10.00 each.
Just One-Half Price
Here la a bargain In pretty striped Wool
D re its Oooda, In a line of handsome1 colors,
never sold for lens than $1.60 per yard,
Monday, as long as they last, T6o per yard.
Colored Zibrlines Reduced
. We don't know any stuff of this sort, of
the weight, quality and beautiful silk lus
ter, that has ever sold for less than $2.00.
A most satisfactory Christmas present;
good line of color. Special price, $1.60 per
. Fancy Combs anl Hairpins
r Make most desirable Christmas presents.
, Fancy Rod Pins, In white, amber and
. shell, studded with rhlnestones, at $1.60,
$2.00 and $2.60 each.
! , Back Combs, In white, amber and shell,
tudded, from $1.00 to $3.60 each.
. Back Combs. In shell, with narrow gold
band, at $1.60 each. -,
. Side Combs, In white, shell and umber.
studded, from $1.26 to $3.00 per pair.
Just received, a new lot of Chiffon Collar
Forni. In all slses, at 10c each.
"Gifts for Men-
f x You should not overlook our Men's Fur
, nlihlng Department when selecting a gift.
h kind that are useful are sure to be
appreciated. This list may holp you:
Y. M. G. A. Building, Corner Sixteenth
' his personal guarantee for $100,000 In cash
" to secure the convention for Pittsburg.
Chicago Is Selected.
f A secret vote was then taken, each mem
ber writing his choice on a slip of paper.
The result was-. Chicago, 43 votes; Pitts
burg, 7; St. Louis, 1. It was requested
that the Chicago offer be presented in writ
' Ing. June 21 was choven as the date for
' Holding the convention.
Chairman Hanna designated as a com
mittee to prescribe the manner of electing
delegates to the convention from the' Dis
trict of Columbia, Senator McComaa of
' ...... - ; .... j
" Representative, Brownlow of Tennessee. A
committee to make arrangements for hold-
."lng the 'convention was named, consisting
of Senator Scott, chairman; Senator M. A.
Hanna, Postmaster General Payne, H. 8.
New of Indiana and R. B. Schneider of
A resolution was adopted prescribing that
the convention should be called in the exact
language of the. call of , 1000, giving the
states four delegates at large and two dele
gates for each congressional district aid
' to the terrltocles six delegates each. Dele-
' gates must be delected prior to May 21.
At 1:40 o'clock Chairman Hanna an
nounced the adjournment of the committee
' to meet In Chicago at the call of the chair-
Porto Rico to Bend Delegates.
. The subcommittee of the republican na
tional committee, appointed to consider the
,; question of representation in the national
convention from Porto Rico, held a aes
ston this afternoon and Instructed the rep-
ruuntAHvMi fpnm 13. ,tn Dlirt In tha mntttfP
'of holding a convention In that island to
the purpose of seloctlng delegates to the
tuitions! convention. The Porto Rlcans
were Informed that the national committee
has no Jurisdiction of members of the na
tlonal Convention. They were Instructed to
send two delegates and two alternates to
the convention. The question of represent
atives from the Philippines was not cott-1
-eldj-red, .... . ; . .
" Effect of Date oat Coigrtii,
v The -decision of the national committee
aTa Br UtSM
Xt Xrr,m.wlSK' ltJ?''2S't Bill 1'UvT-T
To think of just
Fran St.
Pious 124
Shirts. Underwear, Hoalery. Umbrellas,
Night Shirts, Pajamas, Bath Robes, Neck
wear, Suspenders, Collara and Cuffs,
Holiday Umbrellas
Tou make no mistake when buying an
Umbrella of us. The handles are prettier
than aver, made up In silver and pearl,
Ivory and pearl, solid silver and the new
gun metals. Prices, from $1.00 to $16.00
Pretty Colored Umbrellas at $1.10, $4.00
and $6.00 each.
Kid Gloves
Tou oouldn't select anything more ap
propriate for a gift than a pair of these
Valuer's Kid Oloves, made from choice
skim. In brown, beaver, gray, black and
white, $1.60 per pair.
Trefousse Kid Oloves, In all shades, at
$1.60 and $2.00 per pair.
Foster Kid Oloves, in beautiful shades,
$1.60 and $2.00 per pair.
P. and L. Kid Oloves, in brown, beaver,
black and white, a special good value at
$1.00 per pair.
Buy one of our Olove Certificates and
mall to the one Intended. Can be made
out for any number of pairs.
Linen Hankerchlefs
A seemingly endless variety Is here for
your .holiday selection.
Women's Initial l.lnen Handkerchiefs, put
up six In a box, special price $1.00 per box.
Women's all linen Embroidered Handker
chiefs, put up with six assorted patterns
in a box, $1.60 per box.
Men's Initial Linen Handkerchiefs, So
each or $1.40 for box of six.
Men's all linen Initial Handkerchiefs, ex
tra fine quality, $2.00 per box of t. ,
Men's all linen plain Hematitched Hand
kerchiefs at 10c, 16c, 20c, 26c, 86c, COo and
76c each.
Lfcura AGt
to have the republican convention to meet
June 21 created considerable talk about
the capltol as to the probable date of the
adjournment of congress, and the fact de
veloped that there has a'.ready been more
or less exchange of views among leaders
of the senate and the house on the ques
tion. The opinion is quite general among
.them that It will be possible to conclude
the work of the session by June 21.
Republican 'senators are trying to secure
an Agreement with the house to adjourn
for Christmas on next Friday. The treaties
will then be taken up after the holiday
I recess.
i iiinntniiT 1irlT
I) I 111 ) A L I) 1 1 N j M l
i'l UU IV ' XlllllwlVl VillV "illljll
(Continued from First Fags.) . -
American men. And It isn't likely that
English women will acquire the habit of
running over to the other side. We don't
blame American girls for coming to Europe
for husband."
St. Petersburg; Journal lees Salient
'.Point in President Boose-'
velt's Message.
ST. PETERSBURG. Dec. It. Th com
ment her thus far on President Roosevelt's
message to congress has been confined to
the semi-official St. Petersburg Journal.
The ton 1 friendly. The paper note par
tlcularly that the president's commendation
of the principle of arbitration goes hand In
hand with his recommendation for an In
crease In the strength of the navy, and de
ducts from the message that the United
States hereafter will play a larger part la
the world's affairs.
Kaiser Reaeks Berlin.
BERLIN, Dec. 13. Emperor William and
th empress arrived here today from Pots
dam, ' They were warmly cheered by th
crowds in the street.
CO NOT WAIT until tho last minute. Step In
to Copley's NOW and Copley will do tho rest.
Select and Pay Later.
Know It's Har
the thing to give for Christmas.
Imported German Stein a decanter filled with good Wine and six glasses
to match or some assorted French Cordials or a bottle of one of Ililler's
. famou,s brands of Whiskies? ' Our lines of them are wonderfully complete,
and it certainly is to your advantage to buy from a house that makes a
specialty of such things, because our opportunity for buying at the right
prices are far superior to any place in Omaha. We can save you money
and give you the best quality of goods to be had. We have a great many
other things besides those mentioned that would make nice Christmas gifts.
Come and let us show them to you.
Out of town customers can get lots of ideas from our catalogue.
free. Send for it. No charge for boxing or packing.
Free Christmas Souvenirs With Every Purchase.
Hitter Liquor Co.
Open Evenings Till Xmaj OMAHA, NEB.
BEE. DEC. 13, Wi.
Christmas Hints
Silk Shawls, In white and black, from
$1.26 to $6.00 each.
Real Point and Duchesse Lace Collars,
from $10.60 to $60.00 each.
; French Flannel Petticoats, silk embroid
ered. In white, pink and blue, at $3.00 and
$3.26 each.
Infants' Cashmere and Flannel Sacquea
at 76c, $1.16. $1.26, $160, $1.76, $2.00 and $2.60
Infants' Crochet Sacques at 60c, 76o, $1.00,
$1.60 and $2.60 each.
Infants' Crochet Bootee at 15c, tOc, 26c,
30a, 36c, 40o and 60c each.
Infants' Kid Bootees at 26c, 36c, 600 and
76o each. v v
Infants' Bonnets, Veils, Bibs, Embroid
ered Shawls and other novelties. '
Christmas Linens
There Is nothing more acceptable than
Fancy Linens for Christmas gifts, such as
the White Chinese Grass Linen, embroid
ered all over in rose, cherries and carna
tloA designs. .
Real Cluny Lace Pieces, real Irish Em
broidered Centers, real Teneriffe Centers,
Hand Embroidered Pillow Cases.
Embroidered Sheets and Pillow Cases,
boxed, one Embroidered Sheet and one
pair Pillow Cases to match, nothing more
suitable for a Christmas gift; prices, $6.00,
$6.00, $6.26 and $7.00 per set.
Imported Bath Robe Blankets
It la conceded that a Bath Robe Is a
nice holiday gift for lady or gentleman.
Now, the best, as well as the cheapest,
way to get a rob is to buy the blanket
and have It made up. Tou can thua get
Just the color you want, have It mad and
trimmed just as you want It. Don't fail
to see our line of Robe Blankets at these
prices: $1.76. $2.00. $2.60. $2.76, $3.00. $3.26,
$4.00, $5.00. $6.00 each. Sise of blanket la
6 feet wide and 7H feet long. One blanket
makes a robe for lady or gentleman.
and Douglas Sts.-
(Continued from First Page.)
which he 1 gradually but surely ellmlnat
Ing. .
Th withdrawal1 6f the "non-expedlt" of
Pius IX, which would allow the Catholics
cf Italy to tak part In political election,
will be the second and final act of real
isation of that spirit of conciliation which
animate the new pope
The recent recognition of the labor of
th congress of Bologna, which swept aside
the obstructionist party of the Italian
church, 1 a aure sign of what may be ex
pected In th near future. ' ' ' ' .''
Surprised at German Influence.
The pope has Just given proof of his love
for hi native country when, on receiving
th commission charged with the restora
tion pt the abbey of Mint Casslno, he re
marked that the famous monastery might
well ha in nmnv tn italv becauae
he had observed that th abbey and nearly
all the monks were Germans: that In faot
all the member of the commission were
of the same nationality, and that th re-
pair so far Initiated were done by Ger
man artists.
He was not surprised, he said, at th In
terest taken In th ancient abbey by Em
peror William, who recently paid a visit
to It, but he thought Italian art ought to
have om share tn th restoration of this
last refuge of western monastlcism. Plus
X waa rather surprised at this Increase of
German members In the great religious
order, but It waa explained to hint that
th primacy of the order waa given by Leo
XIII to the German Benedictine who ar
th special proteges of Emperor William.
Boso Here. Flihtrwomu, Save Crew
of Wrecked .Vessel by
(Copyright. J903. by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS. Dec. 12. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Rose Here, a
Breton flsherwoman, 44 year old, per
formed a deed of heroism a few days ago
which saved many Uvea with a simple cour
age that paused for no question, but faced
I death unflinchingly. A vessel from Mar
seilles waa wrecked off the island of Onea
sant, on th Breton coast and th crew
was forced lo tak to th boat.
Rose Here, who waa gathering shellfish
on th shore, heard th men' cries aa they
were about to be dashed to pieces amid
dangeroua reefs, because they were Ignorant
of the locality and unable to guide them
selves. The flsherwoman Immediately threw
herself into the sea and swam to the rescue.
Sh piloted them from the dangerous reefs
and brought them safe Into the quiet llttl
bay of Pen-Ar-Roch.
But . why not give
N. 16th St
Pboni 17 84
j m
d 1
an I
Gonml BU Oallsd to Washington to Ad
Tits oa Isthmian Situation.
President Give Special Coaainlsslosi
to William I. Bachaaa-a of New
York to Represent tailed
LEAVENWORTH. Kan., Deo. 12.-Oen-eral
J. Franklin Bell, commander at Fort
Leavenworth, has received a message call
ing him to Washington. He started east
today. Bom of the local officers profess
to believe that General Belt Is to be called
into conference over isthmus of Panama
, WASHINGTON, Deo. 11 The coming of
General Bell td Washington, while It ha
more or less to do with matters connected
with the general staff college, la admitted
tonight by officers of the general staff to be
for the purpose of consulting with the
officials regarding a probable campaign
against Colombia should that country con
tinue the movement of troop toward the
It was Intimated that matters had
reached the point where troops might be
moved at any time, which would seem to
Indicate the department la In possession! of
Information the 'tenor of which Justifies
actual preparations for the movement of
United States troop toward Panama. Al
though the fact would not be disclosed,
the presumption Is that In the event of
troops being sent, General Bell will be put
In command. '
Hames Panama, Delegate.
The president today sent to the senate
the nomination at William I. Buchanan of
New York to b envoy extraordinary and
minister plenipotentiary to Panama. Mr.
Buchanan' selection was brought about by
a desire on the part of the president to
secure temporarily, at leaat, and during
the crystallzatlon of the relations between
the United States and Panama, the services
of a trained and experienced diplomatic
representative, having special reference to
his knowledge of the Latin-American
By reason of long service as United
State minister ta the Argentine republic,
Mr. Buchanan fills that description In the
estimation of the State department. It la
understood that hi assumption of duties
is not to be permanent, for he sacrificed
large business Interests to undertake the
wbrk. Mr. Buchanan was director-general
of the Pan-American exposition at Buf
Regarding It. a very desirable that' th
new minister shall be at his post at an
early moment,, the State department ha
adopted tho unusual course of making
out for him a special commission. This
commission designate Mr. Buchanan as
envoy extraordinary on a special mission.
UnJer Its powers he will be able to 'per
form all the duties of a regular minister
and more If need be. He will hold this
commission until such time a the United
States senate shall hay confirmed, his
nomination a minister plenipotentiary and
enyoy extraordinary to Panama.
Thus armed, Mr. Buchanan will Uk the
first steamer from New York for Panama.
sailing next Tuesday..; ,H went to Buffalo
last evcnjng to close up some private busl-
Addltloaul Bata Ar Sent
The torpedo boat Perry and Paul Jones
hav been orddfeed to proceed from the
Mar lalanrt .- T .
w '
ment Admiral Glass' fleet Th Paul Jones
will be placed In commission. at ohc.'
Heyes Carrie Colombia.
Th Colombian legation tonight received
a cablegram from (General D Castro, com-
majiueiin-cniei or the Colombian army.
dated Port Limon. Coat Rica, today, con
veying the Information that the result of
tn election for president held throue-hoiit
I Colombia on December 8, how a xmplete
iriumpn lor Ueneral Reyes.' -When seen to
n'sht General Reyes 'would make ao state-
yuna saying mat ne expected to
remain in tba United flute tot a fort
night longer. ,
(From a Staff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON. Dec 12. (Special Tele
gram.) The announcement of the appoint
ment of W. I. Buchanan, formerly of Iowa.
a United State minister to Panama comes
In th nature of an addition to a series of
surprise which have been connected with
the birth of the new republlo during the
last nve weeks. The law does not au
thorise the appointment of a minister to th
republic, because there was no such repub
llo when the last consular and diplomatic
bill Was enacted.' Mr. Buchanan will, how
ever, become minister defato as soon
hi nomination la confirmed, and he will
tak chance of an appropriation to pay
hi salary. He will start at one for th
Isthmus. ' . J
He goes to hi post better qualified to
handle difficult problems which will arts
because of his Intimate knowledge of South
American affairs and of' Ms friendly rela
tions with the Colombian government than
muBi men, ji is reporcea( mat ne will te
directed to proceed to Bogota as soon as
his credentials are accepted In Panama.
and that he will at one enter Into nego
tiation In conjunction with Mr. Beaupre,
tn American minister te Hogota. with a
lew to bringing about a peaceful solution
of the Colombia-Panama problem thrdugh
the medium of a heavy payment by th
Vnlted States to Colombia.
Order Constitutional Convention.
PANAMA, Dec. IS. Considering th Re
public of Panama-to be In complet peace
th Junta tomorrow will publish a decree
convoking a national convention for Jan
uary 15, 1904. Thl convention will formu
late a constitution and law for the gov
ernment of the republic. It will be com
posed of thirty-two representatives, four
each from th province of Boca Del Torb.
Colon. Coeele, Verega. Les Santo and
Chlrlqul. and eight for Panama. All male
born within th boundaries of the row re
publlo who have reached the age of fl year
and resided on the Isthmus and all Colom
Mini h 1ia nrn allaa4an tn
republic., shall hav the right to vote until
they hav been deprived of their right of
oltlsenshlp. Member of th Junta, min
ister, magistrate, th director of to-
graph and all public official having au
thority throughout th republic are de
barred from election to th convention. In
th capital of each province there will be
organised an electoral committee of five
member - who shall b appointed by th
Junta. Th voting wfll be direct and se
cret and th elections will tak plac D
camber 2S.
Said to Have DoHded to Retnrn
to Old Mexlao Wlthont
ABILKNB. Kan.. Dee. II A telegram
front Fosioria. O.. say that Grant C.
Gillette, th ex-Kansa cattle king, who
aa negotiating with hla southwestern
creditor preparatory to returning to thl
part of th oonntry, ha decided Inateed
to go to New Tork, whence a will return
to Mextoo. OlUetto baa. It I mid, given
un hi plan to return to Kanna until
Transportation Pnellltle Blocked ky
Snow and lee, Brouaat with
th Storm.
CHICAOOT Deo. . Today for th first
time this winter transportation facilities
on th railroads entering Chicago and on
the street car system her were more or
less crippled by a heavy fall of snow.
Patron of th electric surfaoe car were
th worat sufferers, It being found almost
Impossible to make' headway, owing to the
slippery condition of the rail. Teaming
was also greatly Impeded.
A sever cold wave Is advancing In the
rear of the storm and has already over
spread the entire northwest, th tempera
ture being aa low as to degrees below tero
In North Dakota. - -
ST. PAUL, Dee. 12. A cold wav reached
here from the northwest about noon. At 2
p. m. the mercury went to 2 degreea below,
th record for the season, with a promise
from the weather observer . of possible
12 degree' drop below aero. The cold
weather 1 general in the northwest. At
Bismarck. N. D., the temperature Is IS
below tero. This weather. It Is predicted,
will continue several day.
KANSAS CITY, Dec. ll-The first genu
Ine bllssard of the aeaaon prevail In por
tion of northern, central nd western
Kansas tonight, haying raged for the past
twelve hours. Since midnight last night
the thermometer at some points dropped
40 degrees, and tonight stand low a
10 above cero. A high north wind I blow
ing, and unprotected stock In western Kan
sas will suffer. A snow ar.d wind storm
of milder proportions prevails In western
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 13. Late this afternoon
billiard weather swept over St. Louis, and
tonight a heavy wind caused the moderate
fall of snow 'to become almost blinding.
The temperature dropped from 49 degree
at 1 o'clock today to 19 degree at night
fall, and the government bureau predict
aero weather by daylight
KEOKUK, la., Dec. 12. The heavy snow
storm here today compelled the suspension
of street railway traffic and Interrupted
telegraph and telephone communication.
BLOOMINQTON, 111., Dec. 12.-The worst
bllssard In many years Is In progress
throughout central Illinois tonight and
transportation lines are badly hampered.
The Chicago tt Alton Issued order tonight
to limit the stock and perishable freight to
be hauled and then on light trains.
Snow plows were put Into service tonight
on that road for'the first time In ten years
and It Is expected to keep trains moving
through th night Aln passenger trains
ar badly delayed tonight and are being
Operated with double-header..
Th Illinois Central la also preparing for
the blockade and is only moving trains with
great difficulty.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Dec. 12.-A drop of 40
degree In temperature In twenty hour to
day, following a heavy snow and sleet
storm, . caused much suffering lp this lo
cality tonight. The street railway com
pany was seriously handicapped for a part
of the day and telephone and telegraph
companies had considerable wire trouble.
Railroad train were almost Invariably be
hind time. )
LINCOLN, Dec. 12. Zero weather or even
colder la In store for southeastern Ne
braska before tomorrow morning. At
o'clock tonight the temperature was 2 be
low and steadily falling, a drop In twenty
f6ur' hours of 85 degrees. A strong wind
front the northwest Intensified the ' cold.
West and north It is much colder, the rang
country has experienced the lowest Decem
ber weather for years.' Snow 'has fallen
In that section, but shelter for stock,' with
few -exceptions, ha been provided.'-'
meATFiiii f-ww-nn m -r n m-r I
WCd I tttN MM I I tttd A I lAM I ML
Mumber of Rural Carrier Named for
; , Route tat Nebraska) and
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Dec. ll-(Speclal
gram.) Rural carrier appointed: Ne
I braska Dorchester, Allen y. Loutenhiser,
Agnes i-ynn, sudsuiuis. owa neiievue,
Loui W. Webber, regular; Christ Webbef,
substitute; Harber, William Gilbert reg
ular; Harry Clarahan, substitute. Persia,
Frank Wear, regular; Charles Weat, sub
stitute. Rock ford. William M. Marchant
regular; Arlo J. Marchant, substitute. Fair
fax, Joseph Holets, regular; John Holets,
,two rural free delivery routes will be
established January 16 at Ionia, Chickasaw
coun'y, la.; route embrace an area, ot nrty
quare mile, containing a population of
Relca T. Rhys has been appointed post
master at Diamond, Appanoose county, la.
vice William Baker, resigned.
Fred Hurd and wife of Lincoln are visit
ing the family of David Harry of the De
partment of Justice.
Representative Burkett today - secured
rurat free delivery rout out' of Dunbar,
Otoe county, with on carrier, to begin
January 1.
falaburr May Eteapc Preaecatlon for
Alleged Offense) Committed
nt Chicago.
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Dec. 11. When
th examination of former Alderman Ellen,
on the charge of Accepting a bribe from
former City Attorney SalHbury to support
th Lak Michigan water deal, wa resumed
today the reading of Salsbury's testimony
at the, former se anion of th examination
wa Immediately begun. Salrburywa pre
ent In an Interview today Salisbury said
that h would not go to Chicago again to
answer to the charge .of swindling th
Barton fit Omaha until th close of the
local water case. - ,
The case In th Chicago court 1 still
pending, although Sahibury ha appeared
In court twice and th Barton hav not ap
peared against him.- After a third appear
ance without accuser th case will be out
lawed. Salsbury Is under ball to the CM
cago court. .
fireman Kill Vnglncrr Injarow
In AeeWent In Mlssonrl Daring
( ' Snowstorm.
MOBERLT. Mo., Dec. 11 Wabash, pas
sengor train No. II ran Into Wabash freight
train No., 91 today near Brunswick, Mo., a
th resuh of which George Evsn. th
passenge fireman, was killed and Nick
Matthlaa( th passenger engineer, was seo
ously Inlured. Several paaaenger wer
lightly hurt, among them W. W. Green
land and Guy Packard of Moborly.
Th accident was raused by a nowstorm
that obscured the freight train, which had
broken down
Tate SJw Snort Line of the Wttfi
Grant Western Railway
Offers tw finely equipped train dally
from Omaha and Council Bluff to St. Paul
and If lnnaoll. To flyr running every
night to th Twin Cities I unexcelled for
peed and comfort. ' Th Pay Express I
th best train for Fort Podge. Hsoa city
and Austin. For further Information apply
Oenaral Agent, IMS Farnam at-, Omaha,
Carving Ssh
Guaranteed steel, with genuine
tag bandies; bird sets, breakfast
carvers, steak I f f
knives, 112.60 I.IJIJ
down to.
m m mm m
Pocket Knlm
Celebrated 1XL Henckla and
Ilojrer makes. Bright newrood
in sll sizes and OCa
tvle. 15.00 -nf-
down to
Sclssor and Shear Kevrr Sise.
v Razors
The very highest ffrde and ab
solutely warranted. Beautiful
SETS In ease. Bafety Razors.
Strops, brushes and I f
muM.- Raaofs LUIJ
up from :...."ww
Tripple silver plated Knives,
rorks ana spoons. 'ieta sets-
(74 so r
6 knives and
C fork,
up from
14th and Farnam Sts.
Something Special for Monday.
A heavy plush Robe, dark
geeen .face, black back. This
robe is double thickness and is
an extremely well made warm
robe. Size 48x60.
This robe Is a bargain at thai price. We hav bargains in Horse
Blankets and Lap Robes and the largest a took in Omaha to seleot from.
Andersen -
t 1516-18 Capitol Ave.
JtrrrrtjC&rxA- irtiC
7 if)
0? tfWZ-7t
1. s
0 zJL
Who can talk straight business to farmer;,
feeders and merchants and get results. A.
reliable man with snap can find a steady
job with a reputable established business.
Apply to F. E. Sanborn, 1509 Howard
Street, - ; . V
Chafing DI$M
Special sale ot finest Un t these
uoe'ul article. Exquisite design
with latest Improved f ftf
lamp. 118.00 U.ZD
down to
The "Ktipper Klufi" Is ths vsry
bset hardened aoa tempered
laminated steel fur flr"
boys and girls. fJnR
4.60 down to
Coaster and bobs with steel run
neJs, durable and strong. Marked
down to special prloes. Strong
wagon with run in
..?..... 49c
Fire Place Fixtures
Andirons, Fenders and Fire sets
in brass and wrought iron.
rwiillard Co-
latea . . ... ...