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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1903)
The Omaha 1 Sunday ' Bee. EDITORIAL SHEET, g PAGES 13 TO 24. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMKElt 22, 1903. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. IF 111 ranni 2 M ' tut. llhl.lAUl.K kiUuU, CLOAK DEPARTMENT Wonderful success something new everv ilav. Annthpr 1f of those new nobby suits and coats Lave arrived for Monday's soiling. iot aione tiie new nobby things, but also several small lots or manufacturers' samples of cloaks, suits and skirts that our New York resident buyer secured at one-half price. Most extraordinary bargains for the shoppers Monday watch the daily papers, and keep your eye on this department, and you will save money. JJp 1111 5110 SUIT SALE 263 womdn'i suits, manufacturers' samples . and odd suits I hoy are lined with Glver naud Bro.' taffeta and Skinner's satfn they are made of Lyman's wool cheviot and fancy mixtures beautiful Ions coats, ioth straight and bloun effects made to sell at 116 TA flA.uO and $22.60, f. fl 'our price for Monday only, each Women' suits. In fine stbellne, chevlols and broadcloths In brown, blue and black slaws 32 to 4 a new lot of stylish gar ments made for the eastern f trade to sell at $27.60, our price.. Women's suite line samples. Including nearly all of our beautiful sample suits made to retail at $40.00, $55.00 nd $75.00, your choice for OO.VJV .WOMEN'S COATS All the very latest ttght-fltting and loose back coats at H price. Women's sibollne and kersey coats the new style collar less garments, tlght-llttlng back and new sleeve sllk-llned trimmed with stitched bands and you can't beat It fi Ef anywhere, each only 4 UiJJ $10.00 COATS We pride ourselves on sell ing you the best coat for $10.00 to be bad In America, for the money. All made of Washington mill kereys and extra heavy rlnellne lined with Skinner's satin, and trljnmed with plated or gun metal bullet bentons military effect try everywhere and vou can't equal It 4I nn Hayden Bros.' price :. IV.VIVf Women's ccats those beautiful military coats, rich and stylish In appearance worth your while to see them whether yon buy or not 0( 11) Monday, each only w. VII Women's beautiful hitch-class coats, only one of a kind, each only $76, III) I4 i n.l w v w w A new lot ef cravenetta coats, . worth l5i)'vforJjeach ' .9.90! WOMEN'S SKIRTS Women's rainy-day skirts, 25 different styles, worth up to $10.00. Our A QU price for Monday only, each CHILDREN'S COATS A new lot of children's coats In red, blue, brown, green and castor, in zibellne and kersey worth up to $7.60 O Qti Monday's price only U "u Children's coata, all colors, made to sell at $8.93 and $10.00, one A DM day only at t.VO EXTRAI EXTRA! EXTRA! FROM 8 TO JOi30 A. M. Infants' eiderdown coats In red, blue and pink e. few of them left ft Or your choice only Women's flannelette wrappers, all colors, nicely made regular $1.25 rSQr quality, for VlW Women's flannelette and percale wrappers, worth $3.00, Monday a- m., (kUn each only VOW Women's eiderdown dressing sacquea with applique collars, all colors, ft)r each , UVV. Odd lot of women's waists, made of vest ing, flannel and satin, all sixes and colors, Monday from 8 to 10:80, Clip ; only - .... OVW Women's shoulder shawls f Of! ' only, each... j. Women's undersHlrts, made of mercerised . aatteen, wlch three rutfles-i QUn regular tt.00 quality, far VOW LADIES' UNDERWEAR Ladles' outing flannel gowns In all colors, made with tucked yokes worth K(Y Too, Monday only UU ' ladles' extra heavy outing flannel gowns, double yokes, extra wide fancy Ofl Mrnf.K tl Ul Unfl.V SlflU Ladies' fine fancy outing flannel gowns In the newest designs worth $3.00 I Cft to tl.W, for nnlj( I 3tf Ladle fancy outing flannel and K V knit skirts worth $1.U0 at IJ Ladlex' wool knit skirts and flat fleece lined, assorted colors, worth IIUo $1 60 at 5J31' Indies' cotton union suits In all sues, jersey ribbed, fleece lined, worth Indies' half wool 'combination suits, line ,ltiish, worth ftf$fi $160 at Mc ladles' fine Merino combination suits, per fect rutins;,, hand finish, worth i tfl $2.00 at I 9 J Ladles' silk and wool combination suits. In white and colors. Sterling O C make, worth la. CO ct V 9 . Ladles' Jersey ribbed, fleece lined 9? vests and pants, worth 60c at JV Ladles' extra heavy fleece lined vests and punts In out sixes for large GE ladles, worth Uo at w3 dies' half wool Jersey ribbed vests and pants, silk finish, worth . Efli 76c at 0UL Children's camel hair vests, pants and d aw em, no n is to 84, worth ironi "J t, 36c to 7bu. On sa'e S iturday at L 3 Boys' extra heavy fleece lined vesta nr. and drawers, worth 60o at Ou Ladles' all wool black tights, fine I nil Jersey ribbed, worth $J.00 at I WW Ladies' KUGfoie) Inellths Hsw Shades ct Sl.00 Ladies' guaranteed kid gloves In all I Pfl the new shades at I OVi Toadies' black caxsimere gloves with hUrk . or colored silk lining . 50 Ladles' double silk gloves QQ ladles' golf gloves, both plain ' Pn . and fancy colors at ,' OU" Ladle' silk lined golf i Eft. gloves at 0UC ladles' gulf gloves, plain and An fumy colors at 26c and uJu Children's golf gloves In all the . QC fancy colors at 26o and 03 Misses double wool mittens it loc and Misses kid mittens '- Ladles' kid mittens fcji-. 7(o mid : 25c Zi'oo Corsels. Ccrsets! La Marguerlta style N for tall, full figures style C for medium or slight figures style B, for shun, stout figures made of the finest materials. In plain and fancy colors, beautifully trimmed with lace and ribbon, filled with genuine whale bone. 1'rlces ranging from O Cft $i0.u0 down to L WW A large 'assortment ot domestlo corsets Kalw, W. O. C, Q D., Justrite, V. H. Krect form and tr. Warner's Kust l'roof In all the moat approved styles, I An at up from J Bpeclul bargains In corsets and in, girdles at - a.g0 Corsets fitted at I Cft up from QU EIsso J-adiea' heavy fleece lined hose to all black and white feet at. 25c Ladles' wool hose in plain black 9Rf , and oxford gray at gWu One lot of ladles' plain and fancy colored , lisle hone, 60 cent quality 25 f.Altaa' flMM llnl tins In T.Iain black and oxford gray at. Ladles' plain black tose, full ilc seamless foot at - I Children's Kose Clilldren's heavy fleece lined hoae, French foot and double knee, regular 2uo ICi quality at 19 Children's ribbed hose In medium ttr and heavy weight at 12o and IUU Children's all wool hose at 2&o, S6o Cft,. and 0U Infants' fine casslmere hose qp In all colors at : CSC Boys' and misses' shaw knit and BP. foney brand hose at 3 Ladles' and children's knit leggings In black and while, all slsea, OCi 6uo quality at C Men's SI.25 Underwear 75c. 600 dozen men's all wool and fleece lined shirts und drawers in natural gray and and camels hair and pink, ribbed; also lambs' wool, fleece lined In mottled col ors, all slsea. rearular r quality for f Lien's 75c Underwear 45c 10 cases of men's fleece lined and woo! shirts and drawers, in all sixes JtCn regular 76c values, at Men's union suits at $1.60, 4 Cfl $i00 and i QU Men's $2.00 all wool shirts and drawers, In blue, pink and natural colors I Ap on special sale Monday at L W You lot a Goiipon lifii Every Purchase The most liberal and vnlu.ihli tirl-nta rver . . ...... r - - "vu. vy sv.W TV I'lUVlHinti To still further prove that these coupons are absolutely free, note the prices quoted for the mtvt i-l Xn nel.ei l . A A Ml w l a following sales Xo other house east or west can or will offer such values. Men's Gloves Men's kid gloves, lined or unllned. In all colors at $1.00 and Men's kid mittens, lamb wool lined at Men's work gloves, lined or un lined, at 2Sc, 89c and Men's work mittens with heavy wool lining at liSc 50c and Men's canvas gloves or mittens at , Men's $1.00 mufflers In all the . newest colors and styles at....... All the new things In men's 60c neckties ut Hoys' mumerti In blue, pink and .. black, regular tVc quality at Men's 60c suspenders, sll kinds In silk or leather ends at Men's sweaters In plain and fancy $1.60 and colors at $1.00, Boys' sweaters In fancy colors at $1.J6, $1.00 and Ladies' fancy all wool blouse In all sisea and colors $3.00. $3.60 and A bargain in ladies' all wool vests, worth $2.60 at .150 .100 ...50c ...75c ... 5o ...45c ...25c 25c ..25c .2 00 ...50c Sweaters .2 50 ...49c OMAHA'S LEADING SILK DEPARTMENT t The greatest and most attractive values that we have offered this season. By far the larij rariety of desi fable silks and the prices are so low that when you see the N silks you will lly believe it to be true. est va hardly ONE OREAT LOT containing 200 pieces fine silk, in nil colors and black, both In small neat figures and plain, all the deli cate evening shades and also medium and darker colors. Vou will be fortunnte to get to this sale; starts sharp Oi at 8 o'clock. Price onlv dSiJW HANDSOME NOVELTY SILKS for waist. sntin gown, trimming or lining. Small checks, plaids, polka dot, hair strlne, ratchet silk, elaborate scroll and brocade satin, elcgnnt white silks, suiting- silks In pretty designs, Mack, white and 10! col ors In fine all-silk crepe de chine. Many silks In this lot worth double the 0,-, sale crice. For this dnv nnlv UVL RICH FANCY 8II.KS Reduced OG from 11. 3R. 11.50 and 1.7R MnnHuir VOV IARD WIDE CREAM PEAU DE CHA- muis pure SI1K, worth $2.00, 1 25 WE ARE OMAHA AGENTS FOR AN IHKHRA, the new lining silk. Cu 19 In. wide ,u(3fc WE KNOW THAT NOWHERE ELSE CAN SUCH VALVES IN BLACK SII.KS HE HAD. BLACK TAFFETA. nice quality, gncd, strong silk, 27 in. wide, oa on sale OVW BLACK TAFFETA, rustling finish, extra heavy, 27 in., worth $1.25, only tlVC BLACK TAFFETA, oil boiled purest silk, 27 In., worth $1.35. svt- ' only M DC BLACK TEAU DE SOIE pure silk, ey- 27 In., worth $1.25, only .,iOC 40-IN. WIDE BLACK CREPE DE CHINE a quality that retails regularly 1 en for $2 26, on sale I.CU H-TN. WIDE BLACK TAFFETA. Widest silk made, on sale 1 a 4 Monday I.04 METALLIC Gun metal and me- Rfif Inngo velvets uvt Persian paon velvets, all silk, Rfl 'only l.iJw CHIFFON VELOCR, the new vei-" 4 7E vet, all shades 1,1 0 Black silk velvet, worth $1.00. 50C 24-in. black cloaking velvet, TStt worth $1.50, only Ow 27-ln. black cloaking velvet, 4 fkrt worth $2.00, only ..,,I.UU OUR PERFECT MAIL ORDER SYSTEM makes it possible for you to receive your order by return mail. Haydcn's Thanksgiving Linen Sale. fa table: cloth. ijtn. All linen hemstitched German pat- 4 OS tern ciotn, -4 sue, n value, at ... - 2.IVO PATTERS CLOTH, fl.49 AH linen bleached pattern, cloth border n arouna,, value 4Q fl.RO TABLE) CLOTH, 87 l-2 All linen fringed tablecloth, whit center, wun coiorea ooraer, t.tH value Cisyi-, 8-4 size, at OtC f 1.BO SAPKI, 8c Full bleached all linen napkins, slzenQ- 18x18, the $1.60 quality, at doz VOC 3 NAPKINS, 1.40. Extra heavy bleached all linen napkins. 20x20 size, $2.00 value at 4- dos I"4 f2.tlO NAPKINS, fl.rll Extra fine satin damask napkins, 4 Tfi 3-4 size, $2.60 value at, doz t,Af TSo TABLE! LINEN, 4e. Silver black German damnsk, guaranteed all linen and heavy weight, 76o ACir quality, at yd tVW TABLE L1NEV TAe Irish table linen, full bleached satin rTSr finish, 72 In. wide, at yd W t.Brt TABLES LINEN, Rc Extra fine double damask table linen, wide open borders, $1.60 quality, "2 In. ntto wide, at yd VOW Special Sales in Our Big Huslin and Sheeting Dept l-2e MI SLIN, 4 R-4r . Extra full LL. muslin, yard wide, A9n oo value, ai ya Se SHEETS. 47 l-2a Linen finished bleached sheets, 81 ATiri 90 size. 65o value, at v 18a PILLOW SUPS, 13 l-2o Fin - bleached pillowslips, made from Wamsutta cotton, 42x3 size, I'llr nothing better made, worth 18c at. v?JW We will place on sale Monday morning two rases of the finest bleached muslin made, soft flnlBh cotton, yard wide, will not turn ye'low with ape, Ka value, Monday 13 yds for .1.00 Swell Nats for Hen and Ooys ml .1.00 The grandest variety of men and bov'a fall and winter hats ever shown, in all the colors and Btyllsh productions, from the leadlns mantrfacturera "of the country. Hayen Broe. are better equipped to supply your wants man any otaer store in the west. Mere you are not confined to any on make or style,, but have the best the world produces to choose from, any style, at $2.60, $2.00, $1.60 and Sole aaents for the Imnerlnl 3 AO tints We are headqunrters for the world-renowned John B. Stetson hats. firasl Sftla nlKiam' Mr1 Raw Winter Cass Boy's winter caps. In golf. Brighton and yacni styles, in neat, assorted patterns. worth up to 60c, on sale Monday 25C Boy's fine all wool caps, in all the new myien, wun extra wiae puuaown nanus, worth up to $1.00 on sale Monday )Qg 60 doz. men's fine plush and cloth c.ips, regular 60c quality, on sale Monday Om at, only SOW Finer grades at $1.60, $1.25, $1,00. 76c, Sfln 60o and Out 76 dos. men's and boy's sample caps, worth up to your cnolce or the llic entire lot Monday only llW Children's stocking caps on sale at 'I (In 76c. 6c, 6oc, 86c, i5o and 1VW 26 doz. children's Tarn o' Bhanter cups, worth up to 60c, on sale Monday OCn for only sSOW A Few Specials for Monday In Furniluro We are showing 50 different styles in Morris Chairs, with leather, corduroy and velour cushions vanginj; in price from $3.00 to $35.00. 7 NfpM' fezf-e f iCot 'J TTX s-?i law" ' , "-33'jl $66 Turkish rockers,-In best grade ff of leather, only '"u $56 Turkish rockers, fifi leather, only OO. UW $46 Turkish rockers, tfi In leather, only M OA. CM I $35 Turkish rockers, OA tn ipatAf. only Ai. vf tf Misses' Sweaters All colors and sisea at $1.76 and Misses' blouse Jackets, a una line at Umbrellas In fancy colors and pvarl bandies at fio.eo down to., Children's umbrellas at $1.W and , .150 2 00 .150 ...50c Extra Special Shoo Sale Mouday Is ALWAYS Bargain Day here. Thousands of pairs of high grade shoes on ale at LESS than the coat to make. These hoes and slippers are thrown on tables In our two big shoe departments. Shoes and slippers for men, women and children. $00 pairs women's tjOo felt slippers 3Qg 39c J-jrwirs children's 75c fur-llued tff slippers for Brooks Bros. $5.00 patent calf lace O flQ aliurs for .VCJ Women's vlct kid, lace, $2 60 shoe tur .1.59 Masses' fine dongola $1.M lac shoes QQg Boy'a and youth's dongola $1.60 calf QQr lac shoes for -OW Womens flannel-lined shoes, worth j QQ Men's lint $4 00 vici kid and corona O flQ cult Uc fur S.V3 Women's fine $3 00 vlci kid, lace, 4 Ctt turn or welt, for I.VU Meti s fine $3 00 vlci kid, lace, all 4 ffi welts, for I.VO Bole agents for the BTKTSON and CR08 8KTT shoes lor MKN and the LLTRA and UHgVtH shoe lor WOWtS. Ilardware. Stoves and ISouscfurnishings. Do You Heed a Stove? Ye Have 'Em. We have the greatest variety of stoves west of Chicago, over T5 kinds and sizes to select from, all standard makes, war ranted from factory, as well as ourselves, to be satisfactory or money refunded. Note goods and prices. WE WILL BAViJ YOU AT LEAST 26 PER CENT. THE KEQAL UNIVERSAL If you need a first-class, double-heating base burner and want the best and handsomest one In Omaha call and see the He gal A A Cfi a regular JiO.OO stove, for zV.Ov THE UNIVERSAL OAK-'Way ahead of any other In beauty and durability, the greatest floor heater made, sells tfi Clk elsewhere for $J0.00. our price .. ivI.OU THE PARAGON HOT BLABT beat them all for keeping Are with the cheapest kind, of coal; con sell you a big O (): 16-ln. stove for i'u THE ATLAS HOT BLABT, a nice 18-ln. heater, will give perfect heater ti fts worth $16.00, for IU.VO 1-1N. BEKLE OAK A great big airtight htater, will heat a hall, regular ei)S $JO.0O stove for lO.VCJ lA-INCH AIRTIGHT OAK-A very nice heater, will heat 2 or 8 good sized rooms, a regular f 15.00 stove, we sell ne thorn tor I I.VO U-INCH AIRTIGHT OAK-A very nice heater, good size, a regular $10.00 t Cft atove, we soil them for U.OVi 18-ln. airtight wood heater, -c for I.aSlI 21-ln. airtight wood heater, m.e for I. Oil S6-in. airtight wood heater, O IS y for IO ' si a a BBa s a see vnat &c Will Cuy. t-in. elbows Uood rolling pin t boxes wax tapers Six papers tacks Nicktsl lid lifter 12-ln. basting spoon Tack puller Hardwood towl roller .., Lover egg beater Two asbestos matts Two boxea toothpicks f-ln. dampers 1 wo tin cups for Meat fork , Foot scrapers Two boxes stove polish .. Boap shakers Potts' Iron handles Louble chopping knives . Wire photo holders so bo 6c 6c 6o 6c 6c 6c 6c 6c 6o 6c be bo bo 6c 6o 6c bo ViUaMnOlMtltll IWtMtWtSiwV $09.50 leather couches, oniy $66 leather couches, only $16 leather couches. onlv . $25 couches, upholstered In verona().5Q $22couch, upholstered In verona, g QQ W7.S5couch, upholstered In velour, g gQ $16 couch, upholstered In velour, only $18.60 3-plece parlor suites. oniy $17.60 3-plece parlor suites, only $36.60 6-piece parlor suites, Of Kfi .50.00 .44.00 .35.00 .11.50 12.50 10.50 $31.76 6-plece parlor suites, only $36.60 bedroom suites. In oak $27 bedroom suites, in oak $24 bedroom suites. fn oak $18.50 bedroom suites. In oak $7.60 oak chiffoniers, at $9 oak chiffoniers, at Iron beds, all colors and sty from $36 down to $7 sanitary couches, at les. 22.50 .25.75 . 18-50 .16.85 .12.50 .4.95 6.50 ... 1.75 .4.95 High Gratia Dress U Goods Department. Il.c Hu.LIAl.iIS tiukia i!S We want your KAK not for $5.00, but for a few moments, and we will be able to save you more than that amount, if you are in want of n swell, new dress for street, home or reception wear. Our dress goods are well known to embrace all the best and latest styles, from the leading mills of the world. EXTHA SPECIALS FOR MONDAY. BLACK GOODS 45-ln. Priestley's lute string. regular J'.Hs ntinlltv. reduced to... 45-ln. Lupin's vollts, J1.9S quality, reduced to 45-ln. Lupin's voiles, $ quality. retiuceu to , Otir line of French and Ens-Han cloth Is the most cnmnlete In the cl lju-ln. mirror nnlshen cloth, $: oiirtlltv. reduced to 56-1 ii. mirror finished cloth. 4 aunlitv. rcducd to 64-ln. Paon r.lbellne, $5 quullty. reduced to CO-ln. close cut zlbe'.lne, $3.60 quality rouucea to 1.79 1.39 89c broad- 3.25 2 75 3.25 2.75 50-ln. extra high finish zibeltna, Jl .W quality, reduced to 98c COLORED GOODS 5C-ln. boucle and fancy plaid etbelln at verv lute fall style, was bought to sell for'12. ill put a limited quantity 4 OK on sale Monday nt r .c 4S-1n. stiltlnss. In French hug cloth, timid. Bannoikhurn and two toned rope sutt Iiirs. This line of goods Is considered th swell thlna- and will not spot muss or show the dirt-regular $1.98 goods, j 23 42-ln. rrenm brllllantlne, extra finish ...B0o En the Groat Domestic Room. $1.25 all wool l.idles' suitings, BO Inch wide. French whipcords and all wool novelettes, worth up to $1.25, Monday, EkQi per vara 99G $1.11 all wool French challles. all wool side lines, silk and wool walstlngs, French plaids and other novelties In dress goods, worth up to $1.00, Monday, QOf per vmd 49c all wool tricots, plaids and fancy w.kI walstlng-, worth 49c, Monday, VHl ner vard twv 89c fancy wool walptliifrs, Jacard and fancy striped suitings, worth up to l fit Xtr. Mondav. tier vard liill $1.60 short lenKths in fine all wool dross EoodD, novelties, worm up ion.rin $1.50. Mondav. per yard WtfW 9Sc astrakhan cloaklntrs. all wool zlbellnes, all wool violet and fancy Oouman plains, worth up to S8c, Monday, QQf per yard U3U 19o Io!rciia, Mullhausen and Flocome su perllne and extra heavy flannellettes, 3 In. widn French percales, Scotch zephyr and Madras RlnRhnms. Venetian striped walst and mercerized foulard walstlng, worth up to 19c, Monday, IDr per yard I WW 15C KOT-IPSK AND OENORB 7ic FL.ANNEL.KTTKS 12Hc Scotch plaid seersucker and apron check ginghams, black and white and blue and white flgures, fancy walstings, vard wide llpht and dark colored per cales, sliver gray zephyr ginghams and heavy French flannelettes, worth up t 12Vc, Monday, Ca per yard Wis 6c shirting prints and standard dress prints, light and dark colors, worth a 6c, Monday, per yard ..WW Hat3 Trimmed Free of Charge. HIGH LU3EBV AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES Smart Dress Toques 5 One hundred and fifty natty smart medium eue Dress Toques now so much ia vogue. Some of velvet and others cf velvet sndchenllecombinations, in black, brown C ffl and navy have been priced up to $9.00 Monday Weill! $15.00 BLACK OSTRICH HATS 08.50 Fifty beautiful large and medium Marquis and Gains borough black, fine quality, Silk Velvet Hats, trimmed with two long, handsome, noddinp; French ostrich O Cfl plumes, guaranteed, value $15 Monday ......OiwU SALE OF OSTRICH PLUMES 21-inch black Amazon Cape of Good Hope prime stock Or! Ostrich Plumes regular $3.00 goods W 26-inch French curl glossy black Ostrich Plumes, f Q f with wide, hard flues regular $10.00 goods WiUU $3.00 large black Velvet Ilats with chiffon O Cfl facings fciwu Curtains Curtains FIVE SPECIAL. HARGA'.NS IN FINE I.ACE CURTAINS FOR MONDAV AND TUESDAY: No. 1600 pairs of fine white domestic cur- tains, not a pair worth less than ;... per pair; Monday, only, lift per puir- f No. 2350 pairs of white cream and ecrue .net curtains; worth up to U.iu. I qe at, per pair 1.0 0 No. 8 400 pairs of curtilns, Including some very ntie came and Madras 4 no weaves; worth 3.", at, pair.' I. -JO No. 4 In this lot we will show some of the Kinnueni uuiiiiin ijaig.iius ever (.novn; every pair worth up to $4.50, y A u at, puir .a No. 6 White, cream and Arabian Ctf curtains; worth up to IS.50. at - - China Dept. Pianos! Pianos! Pianos! We guarantee to give Piano buyers the greatest values ever seen or heard of, in fact, such instruments cannot be duplicated elsewhere at anything like the prices we are asking for them. At such extremely low prices that we are making on high-grade Pianos one cannot afford to place their order elsewhere and pay so much more money without first seeing one of our Pianoa. If it does not prove to be satisfactory we will refund the entire pur chase price. 'New upright Pianos at $193, $115, $123, $132, $147, $155, $105, $172, $183, $19.8. We are offering at greatly reduced prices for the next few days a number of Chickering, Fischer, Decker, Wegman, Franklin, Price & Temple, Ktoddard, Warner, Jacob, Brewster, Kohles & Campbell new Pianos. Pianos for X"ent. Pianos tuned, moved and repaired. Telephone 1C83. Special drive for Thanksgiving dinner table. Imported decorated turkey set, extra large pattern, and 12 large plates; sold generally at flS.OO per set. Tor our special drive the price is $4.6t. Ha an decorated, steppled gold, semi-porcelain, large salad und suuie bowls, bread, chop and cake trays, large platters, lem onade pitcher and puJdlng dishes there la not a piece in the whole lot that Is not cold flora 8&o to $1.60 each. For our special drive your choice at 2.1c. Fine white French china cups and cauceis for decorating. These are not SECONDS and thrown-outs, but strictly first goods, and you are not limited to one cup or saucer, but get all you want of them at our special drive at !Vic a pair. Wine glasses and crystal French saucers at 2c each. Decorated soup and oyster bowls Im ported Holland ware for our special drive 3 cents. Great Rug Salo Monday We have Just received 200 bales of fine, Smyrna, Ax nlnater, Saxony and Brussels Rugs, which will be placed on sale Mon day at about one-half their actual value. 9x12 extra grade of all wool Smyrna ruir in all colors; worth $36. Of Rfi Monday, ohly AaS.OvF 9x12 one-piece Saxony nigs In exact copies of fine Khiva's, Bukhara's and ennVs, titn.; worth $65. . 1 Eft Monday, at JO.OW 9x12 Smith & Stanford Axmlnster rugs In Oriental or floral designs; OA IL worth $27.50. For sSl.fO 9x12 body Brussels rugs In line Persian and Turkish erTecis, nuke the iMst service able nigs that you can buy. (5 fc-lze S'xlO, ft aSas.O Bi,fr .9!.12..n.: 25.00 9x12 woven Brussels rugs, all 40 OS colors; worth $17.60, at .. 36x72 Axmlnster rugs; worth $.1.50, at 27x6.1 Axmlnster rugs; worm, at.... 81x60 Smyrna rugs; wortli $2. ut .3.85 1.98 98c Optical Dept. No charge for flttlnir. Satisfaction guaranteed. Gold filled frames, warranted (or 10 years usual price $3.60 our price $1-69. Complete Spectacles or Bye Olassea, fine white metal frames with crystal lenjea. kind. Uhc. Bed Blankets Cold can't get within thla good bedding. Nights are cold enough now tUat you should add one of these $2.60 home-mads romforters. at $1.H9. to each of your beds. These comforters are i feet wide and 7 foet long. $l.u0 10-4 gray and tan. extra ht?y, long nup bed blankets, pair 65c. $2.U0 10-4 gray wool bed blankets, pair $160. M.2S 11-4 tan and gray wool bed blankets, pair $3.Kj. .,. ll-4 all-wool, red and gray blankets, pair U m. $L7 U-4 tan and gray, extra heavy cotton bed blanket, puir $1 23. $1 76 full size, fringed bed spreads, each $1 26. $1.00 hemmed, full site bed spreads. Mar- I Sellles pattern, each 6&H:. i Flannel Dept. Cashmere twill, plain colors, baby flannel, worth 15c per yard, yard, 9c. . white wool flannel, worth 30c per yard, 20c. All-wool blue and red flannel, per yard, 25c. Extra heavy shaker flannel, per yard, 4Jc. 86-Inch wide, best grade outing flannel, per yard Tlfcc, Extra heavy Canton flannel, per yard tc. JV. "t HM"Jw jltHk, ""aW IUll!!JSn REAiD THIS! On account of the Cuban reciprocity sugar is getting cheaper. The trust cunnot hold it up. 1.00 . .. 25c 21 lbs. of sugar cane sugar for 10 bars best laundry soap for 10-lb. sack pure graham flour . for 25c L-arge sacks white or yellow corr')i meal fur S-lb. can solid packed tomatoes 2-lb. can fancy wax or string beans 2-lb. can sifted early June peas S-lb. can fancy table syrup S-lb. can fancy table syrup 10-lb. can fancy table syrup l ib. pkg. Imported maccaronl , Oil or mustard sardines, per can 1-lb. can fancy Alaska np salmon Celluloid, Elastic, I X I, or Electrlo starch, per pkg Force. Neutrlta, Vigor. Vim Malta '7lc, Ceres, lc, per pkg Oyster, soda, butter or milk crack era, per lb LrKe bottles pure tomato MUU( 10c ....8ic 8c ...10c ..171c ...35c .71c ..4ic 7ic . 5c 71c 71c 2-lb. pkg. eelf-rislng pancake flour b ins g.Ha japan nee, sago, tapioca 4f or barley, tor IVC Fresh Fruit Specials Fancy hallowe'en dates, per lb Fancy 'California white figs, per pkg Large Brazil cocoanuts, each Fancy fresh roasted peanuts, per measure lrge, Juicy lemons, each Fancy sweet Florida russet oranges, per dos ...5c ... 5c ...,5c ...3c lc 20c Tea and Coffee 25c 221c New season Japan tea, only ,, Fancy Imperial tea, only , Peyton, uunpowaer or Toung Hyson, S per lb uuC Tea sittings, per lb IUC Java blend coffee. s per lb IOC Fancy Old Government, Java Mocna, per to Oood Drink coffee, Jycr lb 25c ,10c