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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1903)
10 TITE OMATTA DAILY BEE: RTTXPAY. XOVEMI.EH 22. 1003. OMAHA WINS FIERCE CAME Oommtrcitl College Eleven Defeats Dunlap in Boiiteroni Ocptest VISITORS DISSATISFIED WITH FESULT Jtnrnber of Roasjh-and-Tnmhles Occur Darin Game and th Affair Eiili br Score of Usteen to Xothlna;. CS2 S3 The foot boll team representing thr Omaha Commercial college defeated eleven turdy youths from the town of Dunlap. Iowa, yesterdsy afternoon by a score of 16 to 0. Both teams were on the heavyweight order and during the first half neither Ida could cross Us opponent's goal .line. In the second half the Omaha players got Into . the" gamn with both feet and made a. touchdown at the end of fifteen minutes. This put new energy Into them and after that It was simply a case of walk-away, as the Omaha linesmen and the back field Jltcrally ploughed through the Dunlap eleven for continued galns.v They played with such vim and snap that the visitors were unable to stop them and when it was all over the locals had sixteen big chalk marks to their credit. Enthusiasm and "rooting" were among the features of the afternoon. These things, Mingled with the embryo fights which broke ut Intermittently during the game, caused the spectators plenty of amusement. In no game witnessed In Omaha this sea ion hae there been suehevidenees of un . fairness and brutality as was seen yester day. -In this respect the locals claimed the visitors constantly assumed the initiative and the visitors claimed the same things of tre Omaha, players. On a number of occa sions, slugging' was indulged In, and the 'talk was frequently heard on the side line that "after the game I'll settle that ac count with him." Game Has Merit. Aside from this disagreeable feature, the game waa one of merit. The teams ap peared to be about evenly (hatched in all respects, although. the claim was made that the visitors were not In such good physical condition as the Omaha team. The back Held of the Omaha eleven was especially trong and after the first touchdown was made they could not be stopped In their lunges at the line. From beginning to the end the game was an exhibition of straight foot ball. The few end runs, which wera attempted resulted disastrously and after time they were discarded altogether and the line plays and smashes were resorted .' to. At the beginning of the game Dunl'ip iron the toss, and chose the north goal. Enbody kicked off to Daup, who made no return. After the ball had been carried . by line smashes to the center of the field. Dunlap held for downs, and by straight foot ball took the pigskin to Omaha's ten yard line, where It was lost. Then, afler Dunlap had been penalixed five yards for offside play, Mustatn punted fifteen yards, to Enbody, who came back five yards. Dunlap then ' succeeded In carrying the ball to Omaha's "fifteen-yard line, where' Enbody tried for a kick from placement. The kick waa blocked, and Bchnaser ft 11 upon It. Daup on the next play made a. run of twenty-five yards, the longest of the aftor . noon. A queer thing then happened. Mus tain punted, but the ball was blocked and fell Into hla arms. Dunlap then got the ball and was steadily pushing It toward" the opponents', goal when time was called. The first half ended with the ball in the axant wtr mi the field, and with that portion of the game decidedly In favor of ' the visitors, aa the ball had been lit Pun- '. lap's territory but once during the'half, 1 and the visitors had twice taken the ball : to within striking distance of the opposing goal line. First of second Half. At the beginning of the second half Omaha had the north goal, and MuBtnln kicked oft to Moorehead, who returned five yatdu. After Dunlap had proven its In ability to gain, Omaha got the ball on a punt of thirty-five yards by Enbody. Daup then got In a run of twenty yards, which placed the ball on JDunlap's twenty-five-yard line. By" consistent line work on the part of Its back field Omaha, then placed the ball gradually nearer the op posing goal line, and when It had been taken to a point but one foot removed from a touchdown, . Mustaln was acnt through the line and over for the first touchdown, from which Daup made an un successful attempt at goal. After this, the first touchdown, the Omaha team took ton ft new lease of life, and it seemed as if nothing could stop them, and in the re- ' training eight mlnutea two more touch downs were made. Both of these were executed, by Gregory, who was called into action repeatedly during the last few moments of play. The second touchdown . was made at the north goal line, and Mus taln made the goal kick the only one that waa made ou. of the three chances which presented themselves to the local eleven ' during the day. The third and last touchdown waa made I at the eouth goal. On the attempt at goal j Mustaln failed. The angle was a hard one, but at that the ball did not miss the up. j rights by a great margin. Aa a result of ; the game the Dunlap players are dlssatia j fled, and have asked for a return game. The two teama lined up aa follows: . pt'NLAP. I OMAHA. I Hall -I. L. SIR ft Jnhnaon fc.'Dooald U T.1R. T Thoinaa Kjran U (1 H O Dick. fiRfiirr ; hir i. c hiii i ktonahaa R. O.jl, O Smith Flahar R. T.IU. T Oalantjrna fcrowa R. R. I L. Scbnass ' Hoo4. caputs q Bill 11 Plas Graaaf L. H. B. j ft. H. B Daup. captaiD HoorahaaS, I ' Eraadorf R H Bit, H. B Mills Knbodv f. B.F. H Muatam ' Dunlsp substitutes: Brown. Roush, Bow man. Omaha Commercial substitutes: Fin ley anl r-vana. tieieree: Tukey. t'tnpir?: Moorehead. Linesmen: Moore and Welch. Timekeepers: Bulrd and-Musler. Time of halves: 30 and 36 mlnutea. Touchdown: ' Mustaln. Gregory (2). Goal from touch. own: Mustaln. ATLANTIC TEAM NOT SATISFIED Maaasrer Waats Auotuer f'haaoe at the Dualaa Foot Hnll Brlaade. In the following letter the manager of t,he Atlantic, la., foot ball team ro-npUlna Of unfair treatment from the Dunlap. Ia., team, with whom a gme was played s-rme lime sgo which resulted In a victory for Dunlap. It was alleged by the Atlantic management and team that during that gam the Dunlap team did nit piny squarelv and that the spectators wi re even vonw than inn Dunlip team. Afterward, according to the story told by the Atlantic mngeuienr. the Atlantic hoys were pro mised a return game yesterday, but the Dunlap team InMead of making good tt promise schedu'ed and plnverl a game with Framed Pictures endless va rieties, up from A THANKSGIVING SPECIAL-DINING ROOM PICTURES ' QQC up from uw Art! Art!! Art!!! Art!!!! Christmas will be here before you measure the time. Picture framing should be in hand NOW. We do the work artistically fc cheaply i and give you choice of Eg Over One Thousand Patterns Pretty gold leaf frames, OS - up from iaatiCJ 15c lo) L OUR SPECIAL THANKSGIVING SALES ARE WOW ON rn JV. Thanksgiving Snaps ptie Stat Fanc-y paper napkins, in white or fancy sign border Thanksgiving special, per doiJ 25 extra heavj 3 ANTICIPATING THANKSGIVING WE EAKNESTLY REQUEST OUK AH MY OF PATKONS TO PLACE THEIR THANKSGIVING ORDERS WITH US FOR WAGON DELIVERY OR SHIPMENT AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE MO MENT. LET US HAVE YOUR ORDERS. EITHER IN PERSON, ltY MESSENGER, II Y MAIL OR P.Y PHONE AT ONCE; SO SAVE YOURSELF WORRY AND MISGIVINGS AND ABUNDANTLY ASSIST US TO GIVE YOUR ORDERS THAT ATTENTION WHICH WE STRENUOUSLY ENDEAVOR TO GIVE. OUR STAFF OF SALESPEOPLE, ASSISTANTS, MESSENGERS AND DRIVERS WILL RE GREATLY INCREASED FROM TOMORROW MORNING, JUST TO SECURE AN ALL AROUND SATISFACTION FOR YOURSELF AND US. EVER V ITEM ADVERTISED CAS BE ORDERED BY MAII, IP TO WEDNESDAY, lOlOO A. M. Kms5RS&saaR 1 II ArNKslj. V1ING BARGAINS In Our Ladies' Suit Department Second Floor Monday we will place ou special sale 25 ladies' Suits, made with the new long jacket effect, long capes on the shoul ders, prettily stitched and trimmed, colors, blacks, blues, browns and greens; jacket is lined with a heavy satin a regular $16.50 suit for Monday 90 A Great Coat Special A genuine Mountanac cloth coat in black, one of the newest and finest cloths worn this season, prettily strapped and stitched, with fancy buttons, military collar this is a good $13.75 coat --special for Monday Q at Ladies' Eiderdown Bath Robes A very good quality Eider down Bath Robes, full length, tight back, loose front, with fancy cord belt, in gray,S)ltie and pink, " O f) E2. worth $4.50-l-M6nday's special-sale .'. -J-W- RainyDay Skirts in the new. novelty cloths and plain blue and black all wool cheviots, with strapped seams and pleats, worth ftS.SO--special sale C C onlv ' J Grocery Prepare, for your Thankfglvlng. Good things that don't call fur high prices. Our goods ars new, varieties are large and prices the lowest. Pet Cream, can reft AVI V hit;! mil i .1 na i v-3i : v wfI.J Sr Kil 2 Grocery FREE GREEN TRADING STAMrS. FREE POSTAL CARDS. TELEPHONE 137. A heavy Moire Underskirt, with a 13-inch ruffle, finely made, . a regular $2.00 skirt special sale . 1 O only ,........ .7. . .. Children's Department Children's Outing Dresses, made of a good, heavy cubing, - with fancy ruffles and yokes finished with finishing braid, ages 2 to 5 years, regular 65c dresses special Qgn only . . ; .r. . : . . . . ......... Out i A fine assortment of pretty Tarn O'Shanters fn JVsw I all colors only Boys' and girls' Stocking Caps all colors zlOr only each J One case fancy Neck and Belt Ribbons, in the new styles and two-tone effects, "all silk,' in white and all colors, worth up to 30c yard Monday we put them 1 Cr on sale yard IOC One big table fine Pin Cushion Forms, muslin covered, in all sizes, in oblong and squares prices r each from 28c down to. . . OC Sporting Goods , SOME SPECIALS -FOR NOVEMBER 22-Short Cartridges, 15c each, two for ' 25 c Siugltj barrel Shot Guns 4.98 Double Punching Bag 98c 10 Per cent discount till November 80th on all Gymnasium Goods HOUSE FURNISHINGS Wringer Wash Stand 3.98 Folding Ironing Board 78c 2-Blnde Slaw Cutter 18c 6-Iiook Hat Rack 9c In Basement. 3c Plum Puddlfg, JQC ..8ic 9c ... 9c ...10c .12o 13c ... 9o ... 5C .12b ..10c 7c .....8c ...15c 10c . 10c 10c . 8c .. 10c ....5c 40c Mlnremeat, package Olives, bottle Pickles, assorted, bottle Pi noake Flour, Mb. pkg 3,ickwheat Flour, 2- lb. pkg I-.reakfast Cocoa, can ? Preserves, assorted, jar Maplo Cream, cake Maple Sugar, per lb Flench Mustard, i;Iuhs r.nd spoon.... Tomatoes, 3- lb, can 1UC Pumpkin, 2-lb. can IUC torn, fj 2-lb. can IOC Worcester Sauce, Dottle Chilo Sauce, bottle Imported Salmon, can , Chun Chowder, 1-lb. can Peaches, evaporated per lp Prunes. California, per lo...f I'eas. 2-lb. can.... Succotash. 2-!b. can.... Asparagus, 1-lb. can.... Maple Syrup, pure, quart 1-ac rKR PKO. IKRKDA BISCVIT. rilace .n ,8.aIe 2-m Packages of these fresh made L'nceda Blcuits, ni per package OjC Three packages - for HJC Our Huttrra Are Kerelved "UnW'r from the Ilest Dairies. Country Uutter, pure, r per lb -IOC isennetls Capitol Creamery, the finest produced, per lb Pickles in Bulk. Medium sour, quart Chow Chow, pint Onions. pint Small eour, dozen tiery lored de- n, DC Baronial cream or 10c grade envelopes, in white, regulari Thankpgivirg special, for 5c Fancy lace ehelf paper 10 yards in packajge, regular 10c quality ing special, package 5c Parlor Furniture Under R fhankpgiv- 26c ..10c ..10c 10c 8c 12ic 10c Salmon, 1-lb. can. Home made Mincemeat, per lb , Sold In butter dcnartihent. Hradguarlfra for Teas, Coffees and Spires. B. F. Japan, Oolong, Gunpowder, rtOi Kng'lsh Breakfast, per lb... OOC Imperial Japan, Iier lb aSOC Tea Siftings. 1C1 per lb IOC t offees Fresh Roasted. Santos Coffee, good value, per lb Bennett's Capitol Coffee, best ever, per lb Full line of Pure Spices. 12c 28c CANDY. . A large stock of the most delicious Can dies for your Thanksgiving entertainment at lowest prices. Finest Cream Caramels, rtn, per lb tJUC Fulry Pillows, per lb i Snowflake Fudge, 1 ler lb...- Chocolate Creams, . Ol f per lb -UC Butter Cups, assorted, r per lb...:... 00 Kock Candy, assorted, to rer lb OC Cl.ocolate Cream, package Ice Cream Drops, package Mint Wafers. package Iat3 Assorted Nuts, per package aju . Chocolate Chips, ( . iter nackane I"L Angel Food Taffy, assorted New Dates. tfn per lb...s Wt New California Figs, i package New imported Figs, tfic per lb lc,t' 18c ..25c 5c 10c 15c 10c 20o 12b 50c .28c TASTE SPECIAL OFFEH. D. J. O'Brien's famous and world re nowned superior chocolate cream. MOSTE CHRISTO. Ona;)ound box , llalf-2ound dox SAMPLES HANDED OUT TO FREE. THIS PRICE WILL, CONTINUE MON DAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. CIGARS. El Merito mn twelve for OUC Bachelor 10c cigar In sis g and quality now DC Fllty . O OS. for a-.aiO Helen Gould-Club House eliape q each, for OC California Chewing Tobacco 4n par pound ... ..O'iC Corn Cake Smoking Tobacco, OS 1 lb. for aSOL 26o Briar Pipes, C ach IOC 20c Tobacco Pouches, each 9 10c Thanksgiving Cutlery Clean Cut Bargains These are elegant sets, especially the third one. The price is a thunderbolt to exclusive cutlery stores they can't account for thU COLOSSAL VALUE. Its a special for your Thanksgiving. 3-piece Carving Set 75c 3-piece Stag Handle Carving Set 1.2E 3-piece Stag Handle Carving Set 1.4a The Paxton double Hoasting Pan, a 13-inch roasting pun, for : .48C A 15-inch Koasting Pan for. 55c A 16-inch Koasting Pan for -63c The Paxton is a standard. You have it for Thanksgiving and you'll be proud of it. Special sale of three and five-piece Parlor S designs, frames are mahogany finished and the as fine as clever hands can make it. Three-Piece Suites Reduced from sixteen dollars damask cov ering. Reduced from twenty-five dollars verona covering. Reduced froin twenty-eight dollars damask covering. ' Reduced from thirty-three dollars damask uits, all new kipholstering iced IJeduced from thirty-six dollara French tapestry. Reduced from forty dollars verona . cover ing. Five Piece Suites IJeduced from twenty-five dollars tapestry covering. IJeduced from twenty-eight dollars tapes try covering. Reduced from fifty-five dollars Damask covering. n- Ueduced from covering. sixty-five dollars verona Three Interesting Rug Values 12.50 19.00 22.00 5.00 9.00 33.00 18.00 21.00 7.00 5.00 $18 Brussels Rug 9x12 feet floral or medallion effectcleaslng color combinations reduced to 7. $22.50 Roxbury Brussels Rug xl2 feet patterns suitable for b room, inning room or living rooms all color combinations red) $30 six-frame Body Brussels xU feet beautiful color effects- newest, aesigns reuucea 10 Bale of GENUINE CORK LINOLEUM At per squar) yard d uced 14.00 18.50 24.50 39c Dollars for Quarters A Great Thanksg Sale pf Fine, China Porcelain Dinner HAVILAND & CO. 8 beautiful pink and gold decorations on standard shape loO pieces value $iu.0u for t , HAVILAND & CO.'8 WO-plece set nice spray of blue forget-me-nots and coin gold tracing usual value forty-live dol larsThanksgiving sale HAVILAND tt CO.'S 100-plece beautiful decorations In pink and Dresden roses a forty dollar valuator WE CUT THE PRICES IN TWO -a clean Austrian and Theo. Havtland Fin China Bets. cut, too on Decorl ving 1 and ware! 35.00 29.75 28.50 PORCELAIN SETS We will irlve yoa (oar times Tal money, we nave tne soodi you want. Tne prices are you'd wllllasly pay. Sale rontlnnea till ThankaKlTlng Wall Paper FOR TIIK WEEK, a Hue of TITTS BUUU srKCIAUS. lu hand printed uppllnue relief (lesiKHS, nmue to retail at S2, at, ier roll.... OOC Fine English and French Tapes tries, at. per roll Good Gilts, up from Good White Blanks, up from ltoom Mouldings, Card and Piute Kails, etc. 35c 6c 3c Turkeys ORDER IN ADVANCE, OUR SUPPLIES WILL BE GIGANTIC. BUT EARLY OR DERING WILL ENSURE CHOICE SE LECTIONS. WE WILL HAVE TONS OF TURKEYS, THOUSANDS OF GEESE AND DUCKS, TONS ON TONS OF CHICKENS AND MILLIONS OF OYSTER8. All will go at lowest prices pnwlble. Fruits for Thanksgiving In fruit department you'll 11ml a full line of good things for the Thanksgiving dinner. Prices lowest in town. Nuts good mixed, pound :. Apples N. Y. Baldwins. Greenings, Russets, per Ubl Cranberries per quart , . 12c .3.40 9c Fancy Malaga Grapes, Cr per pound 15c 23c Jersey Sweet Potatoes, in per pound w Cauliflower, ofln 4 E n per head. sSUC-lOC per pound Figs Smyrna, Imported, per pound Ora nges Floiidas, dozen STOP! Save Moiiey ted . Royal for roar less thss I I One of the mostl successful eyeslrht specialists in Omaha is with us. ' Complete equip ment and dark room. Come and Save Your Aloney least another trial at a team ' that did ' hi' r.l-v hunts foot ball in tne ,me previous contest. At this ' team was good compared with the spectators. As this Is oui- only defeat this season we d ready to play off this questionable rontet t anil will piay on i Thankfglvtng at either Omaha or Council ft uits tor 60 and 40 per cent or wtanfrtak. 1 u. null, ai l urn to this ws H.I. II ..' the Umaha Commercinl eleven tiu manugement feels that It has lust cun l v'ew of these rmpl'catl'ns the Atlsn- for coirtilalnt smt In the following letter srrees to mhI Uu with The Bee aa a for feit or guarantee toward a post-season gurnet "A Tl-aH NTIC la.. Nov. To the Editor of Th Hot: On Octler 29 the Maroons of this city went to Dunlap and plxyed a aame which resulted In a victory for the home team by a score of 10 to t. A return gsnre was agree 'I U"on, but rh a letter rrvied from the Dunlav manager h stated that his team was dverat to cimlns to Atlantic, but would play at Counc'l Bluf on sny dnte. wh'ch was a frank adint"ton that ( gave us an unfair (lei I. Our manMr imnted'ste'y accented thla ar rnrenictit and nnrT'e! Ntrvember 20 or 21 as the date, til roe then we have not even rcortved aa answer to our eommunlcatlon, we take ttua means trying to col at tnd ready to post 1 aa m yor.r t .urns thai will Insure i-ur apMesrance on the dnte Hgre.d upon. Ho-lri JU will And srace for this fn Eundav s edition and thanking you In mlvance for your trouble, J L,g to v:.'ow Acting Minager." EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS Outsiders Were In ETldeaeo at a nlaas. Orthodox Wlsslac onaolatloa Stakes. WASHINGTON. Nov. a. Outsiders were In evidence el Bennlngs today, finish. ng first In rive of the sis events. The Grand Consolation Stakes was won handily by M 11. Hayman's Orthodox. Results: First race. 3-year-olds and up. seven fur longs; Taxman won. The Major second, ptttacus third. Time: 1:30. Second race, six furlongs: Clear the Arena won. Fort Hunter second, Sourier thlid. Time: 1:15.. Third race. Chevy Chase steeplechase. S-year-olds and up, about two and one-ha If miles: Imperlxliat won. Minlltan second. K B. Sack third. Time: i.'M. Fourth race. Grsnd Consolation. I-vear-n'ds. seven furlongs: Orthodox won, Roliln Hood second. Reliance .third. Time: Fifth race, maiden t-year-olds and up, one mile: Norhury won. Sliver Foam sec ond. King B. third. Time: 14V Sixth race handicap. S years and up. one mile and tnree-iuit.,nths: Circus won. Sheriff Bell second. Highlander third. Time: It CINCITI. Nov. Results: First six furluugs; Misa Aubrey won. Hllee second, Dynasty third. Time: 1:184. Becond race, live and one-natr tunongs: Benirlcent won. Kern second, Ben Adkiiis third. Time: 1:13. Third race, one mile: Frank Mc won, Kiwasa second. Sailor's Dream third. Time: 1:47. Fourth race, seven furlongs', Avnndale handicap: Commodore won. Father Tallent second, Ralnland ' third. Time: 1:33. Fifth race, one mile and one-sixteenth, handicap: Fonsoluca won. Ocean lream second, Jack Ratlin third. Time: 1 :53. Sixth race, seven and one-half furlongs: Fair Ijidy Anna won. Christina A. second, Br hoove third. Time: 1:40. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. a.Results: First race, seven furlongs: Greenock won. Billy Moore second, Redwald third. Time: l:3u4. Second race, six furlongs, purse: Bear catcher won, Sol Smith second, Don Domo third. Time: 1:17. Third race, seven furlongs: Sugden won. Galanthua second. Bard Burns third. Time: l:lt4. Fourth race, one mile and one-sixteenth, handtcao: Braarg won. Eonlo second. Ho ratios third. Time: 1:61 Fifth race, six furlongs: Msrtinmaa won, I ord Melbourne second, Captivate third. Time: 1:1GV Hixth race, one mile: IJJderot won, Mir acle II. second. Dodie o. third. Time: l:4tS. Cochran, 13. 227; Bowman. 214; Jones, 201, 221; Greenleaf, 212; Zimmerman, 2.15. 212, 24V. an, 2uu: liiichrist, ni, nu, x fotter, Mi. flxj; L.. J. 8chneldrr, 201, 211. :u0; F. W. Schnei der, 211; Lehmann, 246; Smead. 202. 202; Clay, a; Banks. 241. 2u6; Zarp. il; Davis, 221, 211; t arter, ul; Chandler. 213, 2z2; Bengele, t-A Marks. ?4rt. 202, 230; Finlev. 21; Clai kMon, 2U2, Oh: Bruuke. iti. 227; Griffiths. 212. 233; Fors cutt. ilO; Welty, 246; Friedhof, 21tf; Hartsch, 211, 224; Ahmanson, 22ti; Heyholda. 2uu: Shel don, 2u3. 21"; Kmery, 214, 206, 214; Marble, 222. 203, 202, 211 WITH THE UUWLER9. On Clark's alleys last evening the Dunlap bowling team was rather snowed under by a picked team from the Omaha league. The Dunlap boys were unable to play some of their best men on account of Injuries received lu the foot bull game, and the substitutes were handicapped by a lack of bowling shoes. Mr. 11. Dinger Reed rolled his customary fcuu series. Mat of Monthly Prises. For the monthly prizes at Clark's alleys Mrs. J. A. Johnson hna a score of 217 at tenpins, onlv 4 ahort of the city record for women. J. H. Hodges' 1 is still hlsh for the men. For the weekly tirlxee C. J. Francisco hta 264 st tenpins. ChTles French 24 at ninepins C. H. Mullln 103 at seven-tip and M. R. Huntington the largest number of ftn) games. High scores fix the week: Mrs. J Aj Johnson. 217: Huntington. SSI. rni, 2"t. fr. 513, ffc. fni. 2i3: Fritmher. nt; Kncell. Joo. 215. y: Norton. 212 211 2S4. 214. 34. J:-; H. iHneer Reed. ?4. 214. 227. 232: A. C. Heed 235: Horwl.h. ?: Sherwnorl, TIT. JtO. hd. i13; Francisco an. 264 212: Christie. !, $(. ti'l 2i't 235: Den man 2VJ. 04, o, 21, 211. its) Weber. JH6. 210; Wlaman. 214 2t:".; Uuntef, 213. Zli: Hodges. M, lii. 2U, ii.3. Ul; Omaha. Reed , Potter Huntington Burtsch .... Kmery Totals .... Dunlap. Reedy 8. Thomas . F. Balrd ... B. Thomas . C. Baird ... Totals .... 1 . 1! . 2i4 . lr7 1M , ia , VIS 1 123 . 112 116 . 163 1m 2 12 160 17 162 162 2 161 1 14 137 142 2J0 S Totals. 4 r.15 213 6 Hi4 6 13S 167 4X2 a score of 23 to 11. Hard foot hnll was plaved from the start and the first half ended with a tied score, 6 to 6. In the second half Washington did better head work, with telling effect on Cincinnati. Finally Washington made three touchdowns and won. Cincinnati scored a goal from placement in this half. Billiard 1 ournament. Local wlelders of the cue are looking for ward to a billiard tournament this winter. The tournament will be held In one of the down town pool rooms. It will Ire a handicap tffalr and the players will be placed in different classes, according to the known form of their play. REAL EsTATU TRANSFERS. Dexls filed for record yesterday as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust Company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street: ,13 . oa 577 1 Sheriff i 1 lot 4, to Kiultable Trust Company, block 6, sub. of John 1. Red- 17 266 I Totals 12 HO 133 ia 688 411 3. Hi 365 4. M bu'J 2069 CbssIbk streets Wis. The Cuming Street Juniors defeated the Twenty-ninth Street Juniors yesterday In a hotly contested game of " foot ball by a score of 10 lo i. The game was called at Thirtieth and California streets and the touchdowns were made by Robert Smiley and Joe Devereese. Wasalragtea I Diversity ST. I.OCI8. Nov. 21. Wsshlngton univer sity today defeated Cincinnati university by lot block 3, Isaac & .16.000 1.S3S 3.6U8 Icks Same to same, Selden's add. Same to same, w'.j lot 3, block City; lot . block 11. Reed s 1st arid Same to same. h36 ft. e lot 2D. Red'. icks 2d add 1.1J8 Frank Gray and wife to Minnie O. Mick, lot 7. block 127. South Omaha.. 100 Jeter H. Crinkling to llufch McCaffrey, lots 17, 24. 26 and 32. Mayfleld 2.D00 Chirir-a O. Harrison, et al.. Trustee, to George L.. Devlne. lot 3, Starr's tub.; lots 21 and 22, block II, Hanscotn Place 2,600 T. Edgar White, et al., to Edgar H. Scott, eH of sw4 of swVa. sec. 33- 16-13 2.000 Metropolitan Ioan 4c Trust Company to John J. I.arklu, lot 19, block 4. Mellas' 1st add 200 George W. Duanc and wife to David G. Alsop. lot 3. block li. City.... 8,0ul Henry C. Flower and wife to Aununta j. Siini'lail. lot 40 and SV 01 lot il. A. Kounise'g add. V" 2.260 ARRESTS Al GRAND RAPIDS Seventeen Former City Offio'a'i Held for Accept'tig Bribei. RESULT OF THE SALS8URY CONFESSION Prosecutor New lias Inch Complete laformatloa that lie Feels Secure ia Striking at High Places. GRAND RAPIDS. Mich., Nov. 2l.-War-rants were Issued today for seventeen for mer city officials, charging them with ac cepting a bribe In connLc.lon with the fa mous Garman-Cameron rcheme for supply ing the city with water from Ike Michi gan. All of the warrants are the result of the confession made by former City Attorney Lant K. SuUbury on his return last week from serving a two years' term In the De troit house of detention fjr breaking fed eral banking laws In connection with the tchtnie. While In prluon Salsbury's con viction on a bribery charge In the stale courts In connection with the. same matter whs affirmed by the supreme court and with the prospect of being returned to prison. Salsbury went to the prosecutor's office and mads a lengthy confession, which resulted In today's Issuance of warrants. Following are those Indicted: Former Mayor George R. Perry, State Senator David Burns, former members of the Board of Public Works, and dcruivu. 1. .. lu tempt was made to ; through: James McC( Jacob Ellen. Churlas Kinney, John T. Doi Abraham Ghysels, Ryt lei Losler, John John Mulr and Adrlai i:stent of Sup he following ex-al- ffiCv when ilia I - ut the water deal I. Peter Depagur, Johnson, Malachl ovan, Jacob Moi, it Stonehouse, Dan- khlln, :iark Plocum, br, river. Ksed Graft. The amounts the resjiondents are charged III. huving received ft nd range from S2O0 1 Iievelatlons of the 1 Ire of the warrants si council was controller to put through the s J four:een votej, which era La and republican) charged with having each. Muyor Perry's In the warrant, was U Is charged recelvf Senator Burns Is allefed to have receive 1 t3i4 for his support. It has developed that resslun made last wtJ plete as the prosecutl Prosecutor Ward Wei uion the leverage offer statement and secure Salsbury waa summon! for a conference. Th cutor says, was a start garded as complete out of the Ulegfd o 13.333. lormng In the serv- jw that the common during the attempt Ut scheme v lth lhi included both demo- The a'dermen are received $3 0 to C0 share. It la charged 333 and Corey BUsell ng 1600. while State Salsbury's flrt con k was not so com. ion had hoped for. t to wark at once Yi by the Incomplete auaitionai evidence. ed again last nlaht retu'.t, the prose- ement which la re- W llltaaua Vara GENEVA, Neb., Nov Williams has sold the been running since ti Philippines and will nr lies Ueaeva. 21. (Special.) FrrV. restaurant he has v . 1 return from the 'V to Minneapolis. af