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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1903)
TITE OMATIA" DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 1. 1003. tOJIO S.2T 1 Oil 3 a Winter Gloak - rv n r?r-an Check on All Banks Cached Fur Bargains A Handsome $12.50 Long Coat Today $8.98 A splendid ' heavy kersey oowt with the -new lwv-tiinr flat ellnr single and double capee. etc. These rmla are lined throughout Hnd are priced everywhere else Ht l2.fin special Wednesday at ' 8.98 AN ELEGANT LONG COAT AT $12.50 Extrm heavy ultra itjft tonjjr coats, in all the Utest smart idea,- in .loom and tight-nutng backs, new cape, Jtat. collars, satin linings, eta , a regular 20 value, neanestay at . . . , n . loose nu 12.50 ... A SMART BOX COAT AT 55.98 ' A good kersey box coat Jauntily fanning. able with two ripple rapes new Iwvm. and collariu niade 'Of good kersey I0.0 coat at . . 6.98 SOME VERY SPECIAL OFFERS IN FURS. Large cluster fur scarfs with fl.lir Klo- full tallu .1 Long double hair scarfs' eight telle Single and. double oppoaum, ClfM brook mink and fox scarf JaS.VCx Fine scarfs, big assortment, Ott ppoctal values, nt .fi VCJ 98c $1.50 Fine Astrakhan cape or c J o s Jacket.. 914.0D $24.50 $39 $45 Near seal' jacket) HI Splendid Krlmmer Jacket at Near seal jacket, beaver' reveres hnd collar, at.., SPECIAL BASEA1ENT , BARGAIN TODAY iuw piece 01 drapery ticking la floral and Oriental deslgns-V regularly sell at 23c a yard, at 10c a yard. V 10c IHe bar?.'l,n ,n class cotton drapery fabric" ever offered In Uie west. To give evervbodv a. hnV ih.rfi'vi: in tMa harB,n- - "oemo"" kILi14'" to ""Sf customer. These goods are a bargain at 25c. and at lOo a yard It is one of the cheapest things we have ever offered. . Blanket Specials for Today a Pair 250 pair of regular $10 strictly all wool whit, gray and tan blanket with broche borders. Thin i a little lot that we hough : extraordinarily cheap-would be sold In many atorS a. a bargain at 17.60. and really worth 10-all abso- ,n anJ"E?" . lutely eound and perfect and we offer them today I Iff I while this little lot lasts-at-per pair ,.!7... J . W W At $3.50 a Pair We will also place on sale today yrhoiiGXCia"Zn . pah- of these l .T,fTri?!itol.?n,T Rb?ut one-hall their reai ' " wirt W...! y Very heavy a" woo Very -perir" ffer tomorro cellent value. In coton blankets at ; a pair of these la 3.50 BBSBSajy WANTS ALL J(NIGHTS THERE Treasarer Pea fold Sada4)t Realader f Akr-BB Klvht fvlth Texai iteee at Aoyd's. . ' It deception that. Boyd's theater will ooie Joy and glad noise through every chink during- the apeclal performance of "A Tesaa Steer" this evening. Ak-Kar-Ben's army of able archalcs Is reported to be marching from every one of the nine Yards In the greatest of the citlea of Qui vera, and the royal heralds proclaim that the entire royal bunch of 1.D54 will be rounded up for the annual meeUng. And they are all yearlings, in eplrlt at least, If not in years. i Treasurer Penfold is solicitous that none of the herd fail to hear his compatriot from Texae and, although he thinks that Very man liaa received his ticket by mee enger, he want any who have not to ap ply to him Immediately. , ' The treasury report promise to be a vol uminous document, for bills are still com 'ing In like a first week' at a. special session. Beven and a half Is the hour for the busi ness meeting and 1:30 o'clock for the performance. Atteatloa, Kaglea. At regular meeting Thursday evening November 19, a full attendance is desired, a" business of the utmost Importance, will be considered. By order of the worthy president and trustees. C. E. ALLEN, Worthy Secretary. Taeeday, November Tweaty-Foarth. Frisco System has arranged with con necting lines throughout Iowa and Ne braska to sell round trip tickets to many points In. Oklahoma, Indian Territory and , - .uuii ume at a mucn lower Trate than the regular homeseekers' rate. iicnets good Tor twenty-one days, with liberal stopover privileges. Ji A A roan no a j senger agent, 206 South Mth street, Omaha, tor iU'i paruculars. Horse covers made to nt your horse. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., 11th and Harney streets. ' - Aaaaaaur meats of the Theaters. Miss Remington of the team of Hlnes Remington, who are at the Orpheum this week, is one of the moat decided "hits" of any of the women fun makers who have ' appeared here. At each performance the audience hue been much enthused by her. he and be partner present a cross-fire of laugh-prevoklng talk. Her grotesque inake-up emphasises her ambition. A muu Jpee will be given on Thursday. ; This afternoon Hoyt's "A Texas Steer" will be presented at a bargain matinee at the Boyd, S 'cents for any seat In the house. The evening performance Is under the control of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, that organlcatlon having bought the house for the evening. On Thursday evening "The Bonnie Brier Bush," a comedy built by Ian MacLaren around the srtory ef Flora' Campbell, will begin Its engagement of three nights and a matinee. John A. Stoddart. the eminent actor, will preoent the role of Lachlan Campbell, and Kuebea Fax will assume the character of foaty. ' The company Is the same that supported llr. Stoddart last ason, when . he made such a success on Jtis tour.A matinee' will be; given on Sat urday, "k ,' , " . . A. B. Hubermann, oldeet and absolutely reliable Jeweler In Omaha. Goods marked In plain figures and' lowest prices guaran teed. 8. W, earner Thirteenth and Douglas. 8. R. Patten, dentist. McCague building. Overcoats. Our overcoat sale is proving a great suc cessno store in Omaha ever offered over coats at such treasonable prices and right how when you want . them. Our entire second floor , is filled with overcoat bar gains. For $3.98 we offer heavy light col ored overcoats that look worth U0.00. For 15.00 we sell you a heavy black or gray fancy overcoat. Our 17.60 and 110.00 coats defy .all competition. We carry one of the largest stocks of gloves In the. city. Can vas gloves, 6c. Jersey gloves, fleece lined with Astrakhan backs, 26c. Indian tan buck lined. 60c. Ateo heavy lined kid gloves, 60c. . Wool aocka. 10c, 15c and 20o. Men's caps ' In - endless varieties at 25c. 45c and 60c, Full line of duck coats and ulsters with c-r without sheep lining In our basement. Here we also carry a full line of robbers and overshoes at very moder ate prices. ' THE GUARANTEE CLOTHJN3 CO.. lfil-1521 Douglas Street. 7 a sT ft. -f DIAMONDS " Are our hobiy Let ia show them to you. Prices and quality guaranteed. '4 r MRS. J. BENSON. H Children's Coats We've jjot a very iopular line of children's 'coat h, from 1 year up to 10. . Colored coats from 1 yeur up. Among the most popular U a coat of nice quality, all wool hacking, lined and interlined pretty raj, collar and Bishop sleeve, price for 2, 3 and i Tears. $2.87. Hjime.Rtrlp nt iui.,t trimmed with velvet, $3.23. . ' One of our best et lliug touts i made of Jlilton cloth, jester stole cajH', Hatin biu.linj;, eolorx, brown, cantor, cardinal, 4 and Oyear. t.25 8 and 10 years, 1.73. llaudsume coats of kersev and other pruMy cloths 'ut : higher prices. ' ' - SCIIf.lOLLEd & MUELLER 1313 Ffirnan Street, Omaha. a. . awl- Jm'. Hi is ysstaaa A Furore in the Piano Market Clearing out of 100 new and slightly used Grand Square and Uprlfrhts at prices that mean a substantial saving to the shrewdest buyer. It's the piano opportunity of a lifetime; cost and profits are not consid ered. We need the room for holiday stock and to move about WO pianos quickly we offer the following unprecedented bargains: S Squares, odd styles $15, $20. $25 Emerson Square, worth double the money $13 Voee Square, round corners $15 Knabe Sqimre, fine condition $5 Stelnway Square, good as new t-5 Khony Upright, fully repaired $0 Mahogany I.'prlght, almost new. ...$105 Oak L'prlght, returned from rental .'..$126 Walnut Upright, used only at 3 concerts $136 STORY & CLARK. TAKEN IN KXCHANGK FOR ONB OK OUR HAND - MADE MUELLER PIANOS $147 Hallet & Davis, largest sixe $15 Xranlch A Rach, parlor grand $275 Kimball Baby Grand, golden oak case $326 . Knahe Concert Grand, excellent ' 'i condition $425- The above bargains will be sold on terms $i0 CASH AND $5 PER MONTH. Credit freelV Riven to ell and a rhtl.1 can buy from us as cheaply as on adult. The Greatest Bargain Piano Givers in tne world. TcVMUELLE (tNCORPORATtO) MANUFACTURE-WHOLESALE-RETAIL PIANOS MAIN HOUte AND OFFICII 1913 FARNAM FACTORY: 131 FARNAM TtLiF-MONi teas OMAHA LINCOLN, NEB I CO. BLUFFS, IA . 11TH T. . I BO aROADWAY 'TIl-.TeS.. j I , TW. HI THIS HELIlltB Coupon Sale Coupons with every purchase. The most liberal and valua ble tickets ever given absolutely free with every purchase. To still further prove that these oupons are absolutely free, bote the' prices quoted for the following sales. No other houM east or west can or will offer Buch values. Hardware, Stoves and llousefurnishings WINTER. 1H HERE. IT IS UP TO TOU tn R1TV A WTO V IT it mn n - hau. Ihawr, nenrly ONE HUNDRED UIITerent kinds and" sir,. a THE FINEST AND PEST double heating niirnpr mane in rnis country. THE REGAL UNIVERSAL, i siove THE UNIVERSAL OAK. the HKnt stove made, a r e ge'l them for 18-Inch Air Tight uaK 14-lnch Air Tight Oak 12-Inch Air Tight 10-Inch Air Tight ' '.' Oak ...i 44.50 best mIp regular txt Btuv .. 16.50 .8.95 7.95 595 . ...4.95 Wood Air Tight Nickel foot rail .3.50 .195 .1.29 .10-95 21-Inch Wood Air Tight 15- lnch Wood Air Tight 16- Inch Atlas Hot lilast lS-lnch Forest King Hot Blast, the best hot blast stove on the ll ft f" market, worth regular $20 lrJ3 THE STANDARD JUNIOR STEEL RANGE the best made. Asbestos lined throughout, very heavy and extra large, a regular !!7 range with warming closet nnd very large oven J gQ llaydeiTs Pure Food Department Headquarters For Thanksgiving Delicacies X3he Bost of Everything The Only Double TracK Railway .to Chicago i Chicago arm w sw mm m m eaar flETURN KOV. 28-29-30 20 lbs. fine granulated sugar for Large sacks white or yellow corn meal for Large sacks graham flour ior Fancy Lima beans, per id Large bottles pure tomato catsup ..... Worcestershire sauce, per bottle , I lb. pkg. Imported . Maccaroni - Funcy Alaska Salmon,,, per can , Oil or Mustard Sardines, per can Neutrlta, Vigor, Vim, Force, Malta Kgg-O-See, etc., wr Dka- Fancy crisp Oyster, Butter or MllK crackers ner ll Sngo, Barley, Hominy, Farina, or 0 3 Tapioca, per Ih Qi Choice cleaned Currants, per lb , 100 124c 25c 5c ...7o ..tic ..7ic 9c .44c Vita, 74c 5c Fancy cleaned Grecian Currants, per lb ..N Extra, cleaned Vostlzia Currants, , per lb 77.,; Seeded raisins, P'T pkg California large Muscatel raisins, per lb , Choice Utah Peaches, .per lb 2 lb. pkg. Self rising pancake flour , ... Fancy California Figs, per pkg '....' riiddlne, Kroiuangclon, or Jcllycon, Tin per pkg a' Good drink Pantos Coffee, lfl per lb IUC ii. f. japan, ungnsn Breakfast, . nc. Oolong, etc.. per lb . 3v Choice tea siftiiiRS, iOLn per lb It'1' HKE OUR FULL LINK OF SPICES. EX TRACTS, PEEL,. DRIED AND FRESH FRUITS FOR THANKSGIVING. :10c 124c ..10c 124c 5c ...74c 5c nn r n rv r- nn n r-. - " 0 ' 8 S W MM W M Iwa1 M W U W IKS. WE RENT, SELL OR REPAIR SEWING MACHINES on very reasonable terms and guarantee satisfaction. Only experienced men ate- employed. Have been In the sewing machine business for over twenty years in this city. When In need of anything in this line give us a trial. We know that you will come again. P. E. FL0DMAN & CO., Jewelers, ,5,4TCclp,.574fve-' Our Stock of Rings Is very complete. Diamonds from Ho up. Opals from $3 up. Garnets from $25 up. Turquoise from $2 up. Pignet ruiHs irom up. rv euuing rings, en weignts and prices. Our store Is full of Christmas suggestions. Spend a few minutes. Look for the name. 5. W." LINDSAY. Jeweler and Optician. i 1116 DeuKlas Street. g( GOLD CROWNS FROM $3.00 Ws Work guaranteed. Special prices continued until November t. are tiers to stay, consult the processors free. Fittings, from J5o Bet of Teeth for $2.00 Teeth Extracted ; KREE UNION DENTAL COMPANY 522 Douglas St., Room 4. Open Till 8pm AT EDHOLM'S "Cut glass always pleases." Our new line of out glass wll make -'Easy Picking" for wedding or Christmas presents OPPOSITE THE POSr-OFFICE. ALBERT EDHOLM, Jowclcr. , 107 NORTH 8IXTEENTH STREET. Certainly a Winner Clty OffiCe 1401-1403, FARNAM ST. OMAHA TEL. 624-661 sa aw a o si UNION PACIFIC 8HQJUEST LINE FASTEST TIME TO t Oregon AND Washington Daylight Ride of 200 Mile along the beautiful Columbia River. Two Through Trains Dally Accommodation for all Classes ol Passenger. ' Steam Heat Platsch Light. TOURIST SLEENNR CARS A SPECIALTY. gall Information eh I fuSy City Ticket OMIra l.tX4 KAHJIAM rr. T bone OA is r.ur South Omaha store. We are havlna It cleaned, painted and papered from cell ing to , cellar end restocking ibe entire store. . ( - South Omaha people 'have already sub- tantlally. shown their appreciation of the fact' that it is no longer neorssary to go t Omaha to buy drug store things. Every article sold in either ttore will be delivered any place in either city, free of charge. Remember Saturday, November 21st, we vill sell all day long, the 10c size Egyp tian lxtus Cream for 5o per bottle. $1.00 Coke's Dandruff Cure 80c 32-oa. BOTTLE KIRK'S DANDRUFF CI' RE 75c This is the kind some people are trying to sell on a guarantee, BUT they only auk 7kj for 6 ounces. 2fc Carter's Little Liver Pills 15c 2c Laxative bromo Quinine 16c $1.00 Peruna all you want' fro Why Is it that so many Omaha drug aistu are now cutting '.he price on patent medicines? - BEE 1R SWELL LINE OF CHRIST MAS GIFTS CUT PRICE DRUQ STOKB E. T. TATES, Prop. lth and Chicago St.. Omaha. 'Phones T47 and 797. 24th and N 8U... South Omiha. 'Phone No. 1. All good delivered any place In either city. SCHAEFER'S PS Snirta. Repeat Jack Frost t Will bite your toes unlets you fight him with a pair of ONIMOD shoes. They are: Suited to the season. . Suited to your taste In style. Suited to the demands of wear. The Shoe For Cdtlre Satisfaction. 5j Always $3.5b$2.50 Regent Shoe Go. 205 So. 15th St. Feed laapseter. H. L.n&UACCiOTTI. D. Y.S CTXT TICTBTRIKAALUL Dsaoe ad Iaaimary, OSLfe a ad Maaea 6ts For Winter Wear S3.50 We are prepared to fit our customers .with a $3.60 winter shoo that we believe Is about the best value In $3 50 shoes taut has ever been offered to Cmaha men. These shoes are made up In plump vlct kid, box calf, velour calf, and the new black Rus sia calf; with 'heavy duck or leather lining, heavy double so'es, and on the newest winter lasts. They tit and .wear. They're stylish and comfortable; and they're worth $3.W. mi 11 0 .0 Oi9 "'lti mi mi s New Shipment of Men's High Grade OVERCOAT at $15.00. New ewaKRor fnsliion In various fashionable niodrls made of all the new fnur.v Sooti-h rhovlot and homespunn, the oxford gray chev iots and blnek velonr cheviot. They are princely ' jrarnicnt s'upcrlily tailored with pwlal shape reta inlng vitals, and elegantly trlimneti. The ahaplnut of the shoulders the setting of the collar the sweep of the Rklrt the general appearance and the character of these overcoats tre precisely what best dresser are Becking. $15.00 is Our Price, Tailors Would Charge You $35.03. Boys Suits and Overcoats BOYS' SUITS. 11.85-WORTII 2.50-Made of pure all wool cheviot and casRlmere, In the nowest colorinKs, Norfolk style, sices 4 to 12 year, double breasted style, size 8 to 15 years, these en Btiit are great bargains You must see them 1 A S $2.50 value on Bale leUU BOYS' SUITS WOKTU $1.00 for $2.85-Made of very fine and s lect cheviot and casslmcres, also blue Washington Mill cheviots, iniulo and trimmed beautifully and the fit Is perfect tm Norfolk, 4 to 12. double breasted, 8 to 15 7 worth $4.00 iVsOu BOYS' REEFERS Made of blue chinchilla e to 8 years special I I 111 during this sale levfvf BOYS' REEFERS Made of blue chinchilla, storm ' collar, casslmere lining, sizes 8 to 15 years 1 K 1 speciaf during this sttle ". IllV BOYS' LONG OVERCOATS Made plain with belt, plain gray, black and fancy cheviot and Irish frieze cloth, fine farmer i satin lining, hand-padded shoulder and felled A 111 collar sizes 8 to 15 years special i...'.""' BOYS' LOXO COATK Made of plain gray and fancy cheviot. p;td ded shoulders, and felled collnr ' i n fit perfectly, size 8 to 15 year 11(1 BDecial tlurinir this sale JVFv S3 o)lc,klkj i - - il GREEN TRADING STAMPS The great buying public want them, and they have to have them. Keep at it. Why not make a special effort to that premium on which your heart before Thanksgiving? A few extra dimes spent for those extra bargains will do the business. 130 people have already gotten the prem iums they started out to get. , GET IN! secure is set Gaudy Special Suited peanuts, per lb..., 10c Several hundred pound placed en sale at this special price. Grocery! Grocery!! The leading grocery no wonder our trade grows Best goods, largest varieties, promptest service and lowest prices. FREE GREEN TRADING STAMPS. FREE POSTAL CARDS. TEL. 137. WEDNESDAY SPECIALS. 20 lbs granulated sugar $1.00 Parlor matches, 600 In box 4o Castile soap, cake...;... ,...2Ho Mincemeat, package $Ho Catsup, bot'.le So Pepper Sauce, bottle 7o Full , weight milk can 10c Grape Wu is, package t...10o Rice, gcori, per pound So 1-ancako Flour, 2-11) package lOo I!'j?kwheat, 2-lb. package 12Ho Preserves, assorted, .lar to Ilaklng Soda, package -ia Corn Starch. 1-lb. package to Laundry Soap, , best, I bar 20a Coffee Roasted jnil. Santo Coffee, good, lb ;.l?o Golden Rio, delicious, lb .2ij Bennett's Capitol Ctiffee, best, lb ino Best Valaes la Teas. Tea Slftlngs, lb B. F. Japan, Oolong, lb-,, .8c Batter Heealvesl Everr Day. 4 Country Butter, - lb 18o ...0l. nrs. lb i. imperial japan, 10 jUennett's Capitol Creajnery, lb. ,!o email eour ncaies, ooien .... Stoves and Thermometer 1 DON'T WAIT LONGER FOR YOUR STOVE. THE WEATIIER WILL GET COLDER, AND THE PRICES MAY GET IIIGIIER. ' . nERE ARE SOME REAL BARGAINS FOR MID' WEEK BUYERS. Fourteen-lnch Belle Oak. heating stove, ha shaking and dumping gratef nickel foot rails and ring, heavy steel body, C Ciii Urge ash pan V.VO No. 150 Hard coal base burner, heavy nickeled, duplex grate with shaking ring, kite shaped flues, large jq gQ Oil Heater 4.68 THERMOMETER SALE Sells wverywhere for 18a for 8c ffA If yaar faraae saaa tells yoa he mast ta ala.ka, Maa. raarla or Palagoala fair a reput or crate for oar faraae a ad keeps yoa waillag for aavcral weeks, laaallas; deadly gas frasa a aefectlva faraae. It may a aeeeasary for yoa im do this, kit wa hav oar doaats about It. Way aot satisfy yoar. self by a.klag as aboat It. It dcligbts as to aaswer astloas aad It may b to aar mataal ad. vaatag. Uavlleat a arts for tTa, aad Faraae mt every klad. OMAH1 TOVK REPIIR WORKS, Teleykoa tXK). lor Uoaglaa l. ' P. S. Our tUL'klBM torn tfMl - -' bM bunura ! lii.m a Suuh on jour I Um. (a uMti.i. .a Jo.xuiaiioa I 1U. f The Bee Building: is the standard of office excellence 'in Omaha. If you t office thee your address is as good a recommendation as ' the character of the people with whom you go. ROOM I9 Pleasant room with good light and was recently decorated. This room Is a very pleasant ofttco both winter and summer. The rent Includes light. heat, water and Janitor service. Ken la) pric per month IT.OO Hi'OH aKl This Is the only large room In the building vacant, it faces Karnam street and is as handsome a room as there is in the building. The suite consLt of a waiting room and two private oRlces. so that It would l admirably suited for two men. It has a large burglar-proof vault anl Is a most, denlrable autre of offices In every respect. Kental prtuo per month. aoo.Oo ROOM gl This room ia located on the second Boor. It luce, the ' brued corridor off of the court. It Is the only medium sixed room In the building vacant and Is a Very pleasant, desirable cmc. ltenta! ; ' pri. per month BljS.Ot'; R, C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents. Ground Floor, ' The Be Building 9 mm t