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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1903)
The Omaha ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, TIIUUSDAY MORNING, NOVEMHEIJ 10, 1903 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. r an N CNAL TREATY L I 8ecretary Hay and Minister from Panama Attach signatures to Document COLOMBIAN OFFICERS GROW MENACING Belief Expressed ,tbat Political Condition! in Co'.omb a Are Cr.t.caL EXCITEMENT HIGH AT 6UENA VENTURA Admiral Qlasi Expected to Go There if Oond.tons Biquire. OTHER STATES ARE NOW REBELLIOUS Caara and Antloejaln Ar Said to Deck Separation from Colombia and to Ally Tftemaelvee with. Fnnnma. WASHINGTON, Nov. 18. Secretsry Hay and M. Phllllppe Hnnau-Var.lla, ths min ister from the Kepubilc of Panama, at 6:40 o'clock this evening eigr.ed the Hay-Banau-Varilla treaty providing for the construe 'tlon of the Panama canal by the United States. The ceremony occurred in Secre tary Hay's study. The Panama minister arrived at Mr. Hay's house promptly at o'clock, haling made an appointment for the conference at that hour. He was sur prised to find that the secretary had be fore him the treaty engrosaed In duplicate. The aecretary Informed M. Bunau-Variila that he was ready to sign the treaty. The minister read the document careiuily and then he and Secretary Hay attached their signatures to it. Hearty congratulations were exchanged and it was agreed that the news of the Ignlng of the treaty should be kept from public for the present. President Roosevelt waa immediately advired of the signing of the agreement and M. Bunau- Varllla sent a confidential cablegram to his government stating that the treaty had bsea signed. This evening the minister re fused to comment on the ceremony. The only official admission that can be had is that the terms of the treaty are practically settled. The treaty In Ita text cannot be made public at thla time for two reasons. First, because of the unwritten law which obliges the State department to await the .pleasure of the senate In the matter of publicity, and second, because, the presl dent has not yet determined when the con ventlon shail be submitted to the senate for ratification. . . Rnmored Terms of Treaty. His purpose is to withhold it until there la reasonable assurance that its confirma tion will not obstruct any of the leglala tlon for which' the present special session of congress has been called. But certain fact have been disclosed as to the provi sions of the treaty which make it appear that in Its general outlines the new Hay-UanaU-Varltla convention. Is patterned upon the. proposed Hay-Herran treaty, with the exception that the new convention follows not only the spirit, but the letter of the Spooner act. Thus, Ina.ead of the leas for av fixed period of the canal strip, this new treaty provide for a perpetual Uaae of the right-of-way to the United States, and in stead of a complicated piovlston for courts Of mixed composition half American and half Colombian to administer Justice over ths canal strip, the new treaty permits ths United States government to exercU the most complete Jurisdiction thereupon. The United States may fortify the line and the terminals and it may police it with troops. Then the two terminal cities of Panama and Colon pas completely under United States Jurisdiction which Incidentally in volves the establishment of a new capital of the Republlo of Panama, outside of the canal strip. The money consideration is understood to be the same, only Panama Instead of Colombia Is to receive the 810, 000,000. .The canal Is to be neutral and open to all nations on even terms. These are understood to be the terms of the new treaty, which is much simpler in form than the proposed Hay-Herran treaty and has been especially drawn to meet objection urged against the latter. It Is stated that the Panama commission which arrived here tonight has been em powered to ratify the treaty and this action may occur within the next forty-eight hours, or sooner. I i .Colombia attention Critical. It la learned here that the ' situa tion at Bogota has assumed a crit ical phase as far as relations between the United States and Colombia are concerned. Minister Beaupre on No vember 1 was pressed strongly by the Co lombia government to know whether the United States Intended to recognise the independence of Panama. It is understood the report was In such a shape as to con stitute a menace In event recognition had teen extended Mr. Beaupre was instructed by this government to again Inform the Co lombian government that such recognition had been extended to the new Republic of Ptuiama by the United States, but simply In the Interest of humanity and civilisation and in execution, of solemn treaty obliga tions binding upon the United States. He waa Instructed also to tender to the Colombian government the good offices of the United States to effect a settlement of the difficulties between Colombia and Pan ama, The Issue Is awaited with some anx iety hero. Weald Pay Colombia. Mr. Beaupre has been granted leave of absence by the Stute department and it remains for him to dutermlne when he shall avail himself or ths leave. As an earnest of the desire of the State depart ment to continue on friendly terms with the Colombian government It is pointed out tliut. without bringing direct pressure to bear, the department Is disposed to do everything lu Its power to save any equities Colombia may have iii the Isthmus. Thus it Is recognised as entirely proper that some part of the tl0.000.00u which the Uuited States government is to pay over to Panama upon the ratification of the treaty should be allotted by the govern ment of Panama to Colombia in payment of Panama's share of the Colombian na tional debt. It la understood, however, that the United States government would not offer an affront -to the Colombian dignity and honor by teudtitg directly a sum of money In the nature of a bribe as a salve for the separation of Panama, and It could not specify In lu agreement with Panama that any part of the ILO.OW.Ouo was to be diverlrd tu Colombia. new (rem lathmes. The following cablegram has been re ceived from lter Admiral Walker, dated at Colon. l:tt p. in., yesterday: MuiIk a ceremonious visit to the lunla Was cordially reietve1. A committee from the I ertnient of Carthasena arrived on the Ovtuiau iiu.ll steamer at Colun Sunday night and tried to arrau an amicable (CuaUuaed Seooad Page.) D0CT0R WINS HIS L,BEL SU,T London Phyalclun Accused of Praetle- lac Vivisection Wlthont Anaes thetics la Gliri Verdict. LONDON, Nov. 1S.-A Jury In the lord chief Justice's court today awarded Dr. Ilaylls, a professor of the Ixmdon Univer sity College hospital, I0,0(I0 damages for libel, the verdlrt running against the Hon. Stephen Coleridge, honorable secretary of the National Antl-Vlvlseetlon society and eon of the late Chief Justice Coleridge. Mr. Coleridge publicly charged the plaintiff with torturing ' a dog while carrying out vivi section experiments wtthout proper, anaes thetics. The case excited great interest. Mr. Coleridge's charges rested on ths statements of wo women students, who gave a horrible account of the labrotnry of the college and the Inhumanity of the operators, dogs howling In agony from the tortures inflicted on them while they were fully conscious. Strong evidence was sub mitted against the allegations. . ARABIANS DRIVE OFF TURKS Revolt In Yanten Proves Imrirer Affair Thai Ottoman Troops Caa Master. CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. M.-The revolt In the village of Tamen, Arabia, is extend ing southward. The Ottoman troops ad vancing on Hodalda were determinedly op posed by the revolted tribes and were forced to retreat. Another attempt to ad vance from Mokha failed, the Turkish troops being defeated. ' it Is understood hero that unless the Turkish reply to the Russian-Austrian re form scheme Is received by November t), Baron von Callce. the Austrian-Hungarian ambassador, and M. Selnovleff, the Russian ambassador, will demand an audience of the sultan with tht view of Insisting on its acceptance. The Mussulmans, in the district of Klrk- Klllieh. have burned five Bulgarian villages in revenge for an attack made by the Bui garians on the Musulman village of Kara a. WOULD KILL SWISS PRESIDENT Three Anarchists Arrested for Plot' tins; Against Swltserland's Chief Executive. ROME, Nov. 18. The Messogero today announced that three anarchists had been arrested at Milan In connection with a plot against the president of Swttxerlan., M. Deutcher. NICE, France, Nov. 18. The police here havo arrested four anarchists who are suspected of the intention of waylaying the king of Italy on his return from Eng land. PARIS, Nov. 18. A dispatch to the Pa trie from Lugano, Switzerland, announces that an anarchist has surrendered to the police there and ha confessed that he had been selected to kill the president of Switzerland, but that his courage failed him. I PREFECT OF SACRED PALACES Pop Pins Names Cardinal Merry Del Val for Important Admlnlstra- - ta -' ROME, Nov. IS. The pope today ar pointed Cardinal Merry del Val, the papal secretary of state, to be prefect of the sacred palaces, a position which under tho late Pope Led had been made distinct from' the recretaryshlp of state, and had been informally entrusted to Cardinal Mo cennl, who held It until now. It is a most Important position, making Cardinal del Val head of the administration of the Vatican and thus centering in his hands the highest powers of the papal govern ment. The pope during the day received In private audience Mgr. Esplnosa, archbishop of Buenos Ayres. SULTAN ACCEPTS THE 'REFORM Indicates Favor of , Plea of Russia and Anstrln for Macs donln. LONDON, Nov. 1. The Constantinople correspondent of the Express says the sul tan of Turkey has accepted the Auatro Russian plan; of reform In Macedonia. The news given by the correspondent is not confirmed In other quarters, but it la known that the other powers. Including Germany, have been piessng the sultan to accept the scheme. According to the Standard's Constantinople correspondent it would be a mistake to interpret any acceptance of the reform scheme as other than a aubter. fuge to escape more trouble. CHAMBERLAIN FEELS CERTAIN Declares He is Convinced He Can Get Support tor His Fiscal Policy. . LONDON, Nov. 18. Joseph Chamberlain, the former colonial secretary, held a re ception at the Colonial office today to bid farewell to the agents general of the colo nles. Lord Stratheona. the high commls sloner for Canada, was spokesman of the latter. Replying to the address of Lord Stratheona, Mr. . Chamberlain said he had now had the almoat assured conviction that he would be able to convince his fellow countrymen that it was to their advantage to adopt bis fiscal policy. Abyssinian Expedition Welcomed. JISUTAL. French Somallland, Nov. 18. The United States Abyssinian expedition, headed by Consul General Sklnuer, which reached here yesterday on ths United SUtes gunboat Mocnias, landed imme- dlately upon arrival. The party wlU leave tomorrow by rail ror aois Aoeua, tne cap- i xjr. Summer was asked' "Do you anticl Ital of Abyssinia, Th governor will give pat, ny action adverse to you being taken a dinner and reception tonight in honor of ! by the Department of Justice on account the Americans. The French authorities I of the Hastings postofflce investigation?" here cordially greeted the members of the j to which he replied: expedition. The United States flag was un- -The Department of Justice la fully ad- furled from the government house and from many buildings In the city. Caarlna Hns Knrnrhe. DARMSTADT, Nov. 18. The csarina Is suffering from Inflammation of one of her ear and Is unable to travel. Consequently she and the csar will be unable to attend the funeral of Prtncera Elisabeth at Sklernewic, Russian Poland, Monday. The autopsy on the remains of the princess showed her death was duo to typhoid fever of an exceptionally acute and rapid char acter. Not Mua nf a fire. ST. PETERSBURG,' Nov. U. It has been officially ascertained that the remittances burned on the mail car of the Bt. Petera-burg-Moacow mall train November 10 amounted only tu a few hundred roubles The Um waa at the time reported to have aeslrored valuable estimated at K,Ua,Qua W HAT SUMMERS WPr OfBoial Correspond sN .tding Easting! Pr v.rfair. OMAHA MAN . S HE STOPPf f-N :v..,,i.mhi!1 rinds Fanlt with Attorney This Proceeding, bnt Says liana's Testimony Was Based on Hearsay. WASHINGTON. Nov. Is. Correspondence that passed between United States Attorney Summers at Omaha and Attorney General Knox in June last. In the matter, of the charges against Postmaster Fisher of Hastings and United States Senator Diet rich of Nebraska, and the Investigation of the name by the grand Jury, was made public today. The letter of Mr. Summers to the attorney general is dated June 23 and Is a follows: I have the honor to transmit to you here with the testimony given before the United Ststes grand Jury nn June 8. 1903. by li poid Hahn. Mr. Hahn is a cltlxen of Hast ings, Adams county. Neb. He was called before the grand Jury at the request of members, well-defined rumors In circula tion and charges bnsed theron as to the violation of I7HI, Revised Statutes of the United State, by Jacob Fisher, who Is now postmaster In the city of Hasting. The testimony, you will see, reflects not only upon Jacob Fisher, the postmaster, but as well upon United Rtntes Senator Charles H. Dietrich of Nebraska. The grand Jurors insisted upon making a thorough and searching Investigation. This Investigation was discontinued at mv re quest because of the fact that the conduct of a United States senator was Involved In th,e question they desired to Investigate. At the same time I Mated to the grand Jury thst the Investigation will he made bv an other grand Jury, if It be disclosed subse quently that the ends of Justice demand. For the pprpose of prevailing upon the grand Jurors to discontinue the Investiga tion I stated to them I would submit the information to the Department of Jus'lce end ask for direction In the premises. With the assistance of the foreman of the grand Jury, one cf the prominent and Influential rltlr.ens of ths state. I was able to prevail upon the grand Jurors to comply with my reouest. In this connection permit me to sav there sre Appointments In this state other than the one at Hastlnrs named In the testimony submitted nerewltn. shout which the errand Jury manifested a disposition to Inquire. No witnesses were examined as to them, however, for fhe same reason riven above. I hold myself In readiness to follow any oirecuon you may give me. Hrply of Attorney General. The reply of the attorney general is dated June 26 and is as follows: I have your letter of the 23d Inst, trans mitting a copy of testimony given before tne unnea Males grand jury In Omaha, June 8. 1903. by Leopold Hahn, called be fore the grand Jury at its reauest. and on account of alleged violations of section 17M of the Revised Statutes of the united mates by Jacob Fisher, now postmaster in the -ilty of Hast ings, Neb. In your yetter you correctly state that this teetlmoney reflects not otiiy upon Jacob Fisher, the Dostmaster. hut ns well upon United State senator Charles M. Dietrton of Nebraska. You likewise in your letter state the Investigation by the grand Jury was discontinued at your request, the reason which prompted you to make such request and the means which you employed in securing that end. In reply 1 state you should not have re quested a discontinuation of the Investlga- ttrtW .1 u a I r. . f it... OmnatA dir.1. V. rause of the fact that the conduct of a United States senator was Involved In he question the grand Jury desired to investi gate. From the copy of the proceedings be fore the .grand Jury It appear that at the ume ine testimony ciosea a most extraorqt nary and incriminating story had been told by the witness Hating in which Senator i Dietrich was criminally Involved, but the facts which formed the basis of this talk were not of the witness' own knowledge. Fairness to the person thus incriminated, as well as other considerations of duty, should have caused you to refrain from Interfering with the desire of the jury to probe the matter to the bottom. I espe cially disapprove of your carrylnir your Interference with 'the proper function-, of the Jury to the extent of using your prom Ise to submit the matter to this depart ment for direction In the premises as an argument In your effort to persuade the Jury to dlscontlnuethelr investigation. Dietrich at White Honse. Senator Dietrich .'ailed at the White House today and hd a long Interview with the president concerning the action Insti tuted against him by the federal grand Jury at Omaha. He declined to discuss his Interview, but said that in a few days he would go to Nebraska formally to meet the charges brought against him. Rammers Makes Explanation. District Attorney Summer has given to a representative of the Associated Press the following explanation of hia reasons for not presenting the Hastings postofflce transaction before the last grand Jury for Investigation, referring to his letter given out by the Department of Justice and to the following letter, in reply to Attorney General Knox's communication: OMAHA. June 28, ISoS. The Attorney Gen eral, Washington, D. C. : Sir I have the honor to acknow'edge receipt of your com munication of the teih. Instant relative to the investigation before the grand Jury of the conduct of the postmaster at Hastings, Neb. It is a matter of deep regret to me that any aotion on my part should fall to meet your approval. May t ask If you will not kindly read the enclosures, requests made by me and direc tions given by you relative to the invest!- Sallon before the grand Jury of the con uct of the agent of the Omaha and Win nebago agency in Nebraska? Looking upon this case as a precedent and believing that It reflected your willies In similar cases. I felt that you would pre fer that the investigation be made under direction of the Postofflce department, the conduct of a poatmaater and the terms of a ten-year lease being subject of inquiry. This course wss not adopted by me to avoid an unpleasant undertaking, on tne contrary, it was for the purpose of being the better prepared to do my whole duty. Your obedient servent, W. S. BCMMEHS. District Attorney. Abont tho Indian Caaes. It was explained that the paragraph of thla letter referring to Indian had to do with other case. In those cases unofficial notice had com to Mr. Summers' office of certain alleged violations of the law by men who were attempting to fraudulently secure possession of Indian lands. The dis trict attorney asked for instructions and , th. Department of Justice In reply stated that the matter would be Investigated by tne Department of the Interior. vised in the matter, and I have the utmost confidence that nothing will be done that Is not absolutely Just." IOWA SECURES JOHN SEIMER Oregon Governor Honors Reejnlsltlen for Convict Wanted la Lynna fur Alleged Forgery. SALEM, Ore., Nov. 18 -On the requisition of Governor Cummins of Iowa last evening Governor Chamberlain issued a warrant for the extradition of John Slemer, wanted In Lyons, la., lo I answer to a charge or forgery. Sterner yesterday completed a two year' sentence in the Oregon penitentiary for a similar crime ana the Iowa warrant was served on him upou his release from prison. Sheriff Moran tf Clinton county started east with his yrisouer laat nIUL CLOSES SALOONS IN CHEYENNE Women Hear That Inloa I'aclfle Order Has Snch Effect 1'poa Twcnty-Flv. CINCINNATI. Nov.. 18.-Today was the clojlng day of the thirtieth national con vention of the Woman' Christian Tem perance union. At the preliminary meet ing Mrs. K. M. Adam of Kansas spoke on White Slaves." A delegate, rising to a question of privilege, read a letter from a member of congresu saying that there was but little prospect for the passage of any bill repealing the anti-canteen law.' Mrs. Lucy Thurman of Michigan, colored, made an Interesting report of the progress of the temperance work among the colored people. The executive committee reported that it had . ordered SA.OOO for an exhibit at the World's fair. This was approved bv the convention. The report of Mrs. Gray of Maryland showed substantial and encour aging results. One of the most hopeful fact is the attitude of the leading offi cials of the railroads, insisting on tem perance among employes. Twenty-five saloons in Cheyenne Were closed by reason of the order of the Union Pacific railway forbidding employes to en ter saloon. The Wabash railway officers gave orders for the discharge of. employe addicted to the use of Intoxicant on or off duty. Over 2O0.000 railroad employe are now wearing the railroad temperance but ton. Social halls intended to counteract saloon Influences have been erected In many places and are looked upon with favor by the railway manager. Mr. Mary H. Hunt of Massachusetts, of the department of sclentiflo temperance In struction, made a report of the work done by her department and made the recom mendation that the work of giving true In struction In regard to the detelerlou effects of alcohol -as a beverage be pushed with vigor. Memorial services, conducted by the president, Mrs. Stevens, were held In memory of the following, who had died during the year: Mrs. Dorothy J. Cleve land, Mrs. Alice Gordon Gullck, Mrs. Wil liam Piatt, Mrs. Lou Veesey Carter, Mrs. Belle T. Wood. Almond Dickinson, Bishop R. S. Foster, Prof. J. H. W. Stuck enberg, Mrs. Emily J. Berry, Mr. Fannie Dubolse Chase, Mrs. Minnie Underfill! Griffin. The men Included In the list are those who were closely related to members of the union. Mrs. II. J. Bailey of Maine, national mi pertntendent of the department of peace and international artltration, and Mrs. Nellie Stewart of Illinois of the department of franchises, submitted their reports. The protest against attacks upon com pulsory teaching of temperance and physr ology in the public schools was adopted nnd measures taken for a leaflet giving more fully the argument In favor. The afternoon session was devoted to re port of national organiser. WYOMING TROOPS UNDER ARMS Militia of State Called Ont to Pre serve Order Pending Execu tion of Horn. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Nov. 18. Governor Chatterton returned from Denver today on an firge,-t call fr m local officials. He went to the Jail at 8 o'clock and in the company of Sheriff Smaller and deputies made a tour of the building and then se lected place where the mllltla would be stationed tonight, tomorrow and the day after the execution. The mllltla will be under arm from tonight until after Horn Is hanged. "I am not expecting trouble," the gov. emor said, "but it Is better to be on the safe. side. It will be impossible to rescue Horn and his friends should understand that an attempt will only mean the slaugh ter of many persons." Sheriff Smaller warned the public to keep away from the vicinity of the Jail on the day of the execution. All persons who have business around the court house will be given a ribbon to wear. The color has not been given out, nor will it be until the hour of the execution, which ha been set at 11 o'clock. The town Is fast filling with strangers, every train bring ing in new arrivals. The excitement is growing every hour and Governor t "hatter ton declare peace and order will be kept at all cost. SWOLLEN FINGER THE CLUE Northvtesteraallroad Thinks It Has Identified Mnch-Wanted Robber. CHICAGO. Nov. 17. A peculiar swelling on the forefinger of hi left hand caused George Dolle to be held to the criminal Tourt today under bonds of 110.000 charged with robbery by the Chicago & North western railway. Station Agent George W. Lathrop of Claybourne Junction positively Identified the hand of George Dolle. as tho one hold Ing the revolver which shot him in the ab domen, right lung and head on the morn ing of July 4. He swore that there could be no mistake, and Dolle who waa recently arrested in St. Louis, was Immediately bound over. The shooting occurred during the robbery of the station. Dolle Is also accusal of complicity in the murder and robbery at tthe street railway bar as tu this city. TROOPS GO TOJ0LO ISLAND Reported that Soldiers of lalted States Are Engaged in Fight with Mores. MANILA. Nov. 1. An unofficial report aaya the captain of a United States army transport has landed reinforcements In Joio and that fighting commenced also as soon as the troops were landed. ( No further particulars have been received, as the cable 1 Interrupted. A cable to the Associated Press from Manila November 9 said that the Moros of Jolo had broken oat In rebellion end that Major General Wood had left for the sceno of the disturbance. On October 30 a party of Moros attacked a battery of ar tillery and firing was kept up all day. Two Americans were wounded. CHURCH IS FIFJY YEARS OLD Areablshop Ireland Delivers Address ttt geml-t'entennlal Celebra tion at Clevelnnd. CLEVELAND. O.. Nov. 18. The fiftieth anniversary of the dedication of St. Pat rick Roman Catholic church , was ob served here today In that church. The greatest Interest centered in the sermon by Archbishop Ireland of St Paul. The archbishop spoke for an hour and a half and hi remark were intended to show the tendency of moral training as a neces sary part of every Individual and neces sarily for th welfare of the state. DIETRICH STARTS SATURDAY Clearing Up Bome Routine Matters Before He Betnrni to Belraiaa. ATTORNEY SUMMERS IS TO TRY THE CASE Senator rays Ha Will Demand an Im mediate Hearing, bnt Has Kot Yet Decided Who Will Represent Him. (From a Staff Correspondent. ) WASHINGTON. Nov. 18. (Special Tele gram.) Senator Dietrich will in all proba bility leave for Nebraska Saturday. He has a number of departmental matter to look after, matter that have piled up on him during his absence In Alaska. In order to get things In shape he will have to work overtime, but he 'has determined to go to Omaha and invite trial. Ills manly and straightforward statement Issued yes terday brought him many telegrams of sympathy and congratulation today. His colleagues In the senate expressed their belief in his honesty and integrity and hoped he would be unhampered in his de sire for a speedy trial. Today Senator Dietrich had a long con ference with the president In which ex- Postmoster General Charles Emory Smith was a party. While the senator refused to state the subject of the interview It is thought that the lease of the present postofflce building at Hastings was gone over and the whole subject made clear to the president. When asked who would be retained as counsel to represent him Senator Dietrich replied that while he had thought about the matter he had reached no decision. That question would be determined when he reached Nebraska. It is said that District Attorney Sum mers had held a number of conferences over the long distance telephone with the Department of Justice since the grand Jury returned Indictment against Senator Dietrich. What these talks related to could not be ascertained, but they all seem to hinge about the procedure before a grand Jury, which 1 still in session. ' Make Scrloas Mistake. The criticism of Attorney General Knox against Summers for interfering with the Inquiry which a former grand Jury wanted to make into the allegations against Sena tor Dietrich has seemingly given Mr. Sum mer spasms of industry. The correspon dence between Mr. Summers and Attorney Oeneral Knox relative to the desire on the part of a former grand Jury to inquire into the charges made by Leopold Hahn against Senator Dietrich, In which Bummers states he requested that no action be taken by the grand Jury is looked upon here as a serious breach on the part of the present district attorney. Mr. Summer will try the case he ha succeeded In bringing against Senator Diet rich. The president believes in the senator Innocence, but there la to be no covering up of facta.- The fullest investigation is to be demanded, . but whether Senator Dietrich la acquitted or convicted MX. Sum mer has to go. Representative Burkett asked the presl today to appoint as a member xf the Of clal Board of Visitor to West point next year Jacob Dew of Tecumseh. The presi dent stated that he would consider the matter. Bill t Pension Soldiers. Representative Hlnshaw today Intro duced a bill to pension all soldier, and sailor of the civil war who served at least ninety days, at the rate of $12 per month. It also provide that widows of deceased soldiers or sailor shall be en titled to fl2 per month and minor of the came 85 per month. Representative Burke of South Dakota called at the Indian bureau today to en deavor to aecure some improvement to the Pierre, (8. DS) Indian school. The school is reported to be generally in a flourishing condition, though additional appropriations could be used to advantage. District Attorney Grlgaby ' of th Nome district of Alaska, appointed from South Dakota, ia in Washington for th pur pose of answering charges made against him. Special agents have reported that his relation with certain business Interests make it Improper for him to continue in office. While it la not known what the de cision of the attorney general will be, it Is thought Grigsby will be relieved. ' Postmasters Appointed. Postmaster appointed: Nebraska, Rock ford. Gage county, Hezron G. Day, vice M. A. Willis, resigned. Iowa, Farmers burg, Clayton county, C. F. Meier, vice J. F. Flanlgan, resigned. South Dakota, Lestervllle, Yankton county, John G. Engel, vice A. L. Davison, removed. GROWS WORSE FOR H0LBR00K Testimony In Trial of Michigan Stat Seantor More Damaging; Than Before. LANSING, Mich., Nov. 18 At today" session of the trial of former State Senator John Holbrook, on the charge of attempting to bribe a Juror in the interest of Ell R. Sutton during the tatter's trial for par tlclpatlon In the uniform fraud, the de fense put on the witness stand the Jury which acquitted Sutton of the charge on which' he later pleaded guilty, and the prosecution brought forth some sensational developments. Juror Samuel E. Clay admitted that his honest Judgment was not expressed in the Sutton verdict Clay further said that be fore any evidence In the case was given Juror Everett expressed the opinion Sutton was innocent, saying that his brother-ln law had said to him that Sutton was a nice man who would not be guilty of any crime. The brother-in-law 1 Louis Frost, a clerk In the labor bureau under Holbrook. Everett la one of the Jurors whose name Sutton wore was furnished by Holbrook after consulting with Frost Jurors CrandalU Bader and Osboro corro borated Clay' testimony. CONVICTS FORGE DRAFTS Two Inmates nf Stillwater I'enlten tlary Plead tinllty and Re. STILLWATER, Minn., Nov. 18. O. 8 Clark and William D. Ixird, Inmate of the state prison snd working in the thresher factor)', committed forgery for considerable amounts " hile in prison, and were today Indicted by the Jury. They both pleaded guilty to the charge of grand larceny In the first degree and were sentenced to two years more in the state prison, to com mence when their present term expires. Clark was charged with forging a draft lor ttro, purpoeing to do urowu on iarauee Rros. of Deer Ixidge, Mont, and Lord forged a draft for 14. These drafts were sent to friends outside and cashed. CONDITION 0FTHE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair and Warmer Thursday- Friday Fair and Warmer, with Rain or Snow. Temperatnre at Omaha Yesterday! Hear. ' Dear. Hoar, Dear. A a. m It 1 p. St aw an...... lo f. n V4 T au 'm 10 8 p. ... BO H a. n lO 4 p. n...... V 0 a. m.-..., lit B p. m SO lO au an 13 fl p. SI It a. an IK T p. an...... XR ia aa.... IS ft p. m 2 p. n S3 AT WORK ON ofHER" CASES iommera Pats In Dny Seeking Evi dence Dealea Malice in Prose, cntlon Against Dietrich. United States District Attorney Summer I looking up evidence In the Alma, Orleans, Oxford and Arapahoe postofflce cases, with which it is the effort to connect Senator Dietrich. A number of witnesses from the southwestern part of the state have been closeted on these cases. The mutter ho not yet been presented to the grand Jury. The postofflce cases, it is supposed, will be brought before the grand Jury today. No praecipe has yet been Issued In the Hasting cases and it Is not now thought that there will be. United States District Attorney W. 8. Summers last evening made this state ment regarding the Dietrich case: "This action against Mr. Dietrich is not the outgrowth of spite or political dis appointment. When the investigation be gan in May last, I did not, for an Instant, think or desire, nor did I believe that Mr. Dietrich would be Involved in It in any discreditable way. Mr. Dietrich and I are neither political friends nor enemies. It Is his political enemies who have forced this Investigation nnd not myself. The 'duty was forced upon me as a public official and 1 sincerely hoped that Mr. Dietrich would come out of it unsmlrched. I would have gladly and freely gone out to the front of this building and announced publicly that the charges against Mr. Dietrich were groundless, should tho findings of the grand jury nave warrantea it. "I have no personal dislike for Mr. Diet rich, nor the slightest feeling of resent ment. If he desired to recommend someone else for the office of United States dis trict attorney he had the perfect right to do so. I never, either directly or Indirectly, asked him for his support in securing my reappointment, nor did I ever send a friend to him soliciting his endorsement In my be' half. Nor do I know that any one ever went to him in my behalf. If anyone did, It was without my knowledge or solicita tion. I utterly and absolutely disclaim that any malice has actuated me In this matter. I deplore the status of the case as sincerely as the most ardent friend of Mr. Dietrich. I disclaim without reservation any personal interest In thla matter. The Investigation ha been carried on In compliance with the customs and Instructions of the Department of Justice and through no wish of mine, other than to perform my duty as an of' fleer of that department" A number "of witnesses from Arapahoe and Orleans are In the city to testify be fore the grand Jury. A very bitter feel ing prevails among the friends of the dls placed postmaster of Arapahoe who was a member of th Grand Army of the Re publlo and the affair will be given a thor ough ventilation if the present temper of some of the witnesses Is to be taken as a criterion. The witnesses have been' sharply admonished against trying the case in the federal court house corridor before their evidence ia given before the grand Jury. TWO MORE G0 TO PRISON Dolnn and Gnrrett of St. Lonls Are Sentenced to Five Years' Condncment. BT. LOUIS, Nov, 18. Judge Adams, In the United States district court, today sen tenced John P. Dolan, chairman of the democratic city central committee, and Po liceman Frank Garrett, convicted of par. tlclpatlng in naturalisation frauds, to five year' imprisonment In the penitentiary and each to pay a fine of (1,000. District Attorney Dyer asked that the passage of sentence on Thomas E. Barrett, former marshal of. tho St. Ixmls circuit court of appeals, convicted on the same charts, be deferred until after his trial on other indictment for similar crimes. Notice waa given of an intention to apply for a writ of error, and the court waa asked to release the defendant on bond until action could be taken un the writ Th request waa refused, and the two men were committed to the custody of the United States marshal to be confined In the Jail at the Four courts until action shall be had on the writ of error. The sentence imposed by tho court will be the maximum, and in passing it Judge Adams censures the defendants severely. MISSOURI MAN SHOOTS FATHER William O'Mearn Wonld Xot Laughed at. So He Committed I'arrlrlde. Re ST. LOUIS, Nov. 18 Aa the result of a quarrel which followed because some one laughed when Martin O'Meara ordered hla son William to go to supper, the son shot his father hist night and today the father died. The son Is under arrest. Martin O'Meara was M years old and con ducted a poolroom in West St. Louis. Be fore he died he charged hi son with the shuotliig. which was also witnessed by others. Willie m O'Meara la 25 years of age. He refuses to discuss the shooting. He has played ball for the Shreveport and Natches clulis In the Southern league. JAMES LYNCH MUST BE SHOT Companion In Murder Who Appealed to Italian Ambassador Goes Free. SALT LAKE CITY, Nov. 18-Jumes Lynch, convicted of the murdur of Colonel Godfrey Prouae, whose petition for a new trial was recently denied by the supreme court, was today resentenced to be shot on January 18, next. The rase against L. King, convicted of complicity in the same crime, and who was granted a new trial was dismissed, and King goes free. KEENES LEAVE ENGLISH TURF Connrni Earlier Report tbnt They Will Withdraw Their Racers fur n Time. NEW YORK, Nov. 18. Jamea R. Keene haa personally confirmed the Aasnclated Press dispatch from London announcing that he and his son. Foxhall, have de rided to withdraw, fur a time at least, from the English turf. TRY TO STOP STRIKE Chicago Committee of lldoTroett Submit Proposition to Director! ox Company. D ARROW PREDICTS EARLY SETTLEMENT Attorney Sajt 8tp Are Being Taken to eaoh an Agreement. COMMITTEE THREATENS GENERAL STRUC Mayor Told Trouble Mutt Be Settled U Avert Worse. WEATHER IS AGAINST DEMONSTRATIONS With High, Cold Wind Keeping; People from the Street Cam nan y Oser ate Oars on Lines Pre viously Idle. CHICAGO, Nov. 18. "The prospect for a peedy settlement of th U1k of the em ploye of the Chicago City railway ar not a hopeful aa they were yesterday." This statement was made by Mayor Car ter H. Harrison tonight after a day of con ferences between the city council peace commission, delegate of the striker' union and representative of 'the Chicago City Railway company. "Whether the difficulty wilt be Anally ad Justed by arbitration I am unable td say," continued th mayor. "Every effort pos sible wo made today to have both sides to the controversy adopt thla mean of settle ment, but without satisfactory result. The official of the company, however, have promised to send me tomorrow morning a more complete statement of their position than they were able to give tonight hut from today' development I am not so sanguine as I was yesterday that they will agree to the proposition of arbitration a submitted by the strikers" The meeting, which terminated Just be fore Mayor Harrison made his declaration regarding the dubious prospect of settling the strike, was held between the mayor. President Hamilton and Colonel E. R. Bliss, attorney for the railway company. Presi dent Mnhon of the union was also Invited, but declined to attend, saying that he had no power to settle anything atone, and there was therefore no r.eed of his attend ing the conference. The meeting lasted until 11 o'clock and the entire ground was gone over. None of the parties to th meeting would say what was done, but It Is generally understood that the company stands where It stood at the commence ment of the strike, willing to arbltrnto wages, but unwilling to arbitrate tho "closed shop," the right of th union to control t the discharge of employe or th claim of the union to the right of arranging the time and manner of "routing" ear. Larrow Is Hopeful. A proposition for a settlement of th . street car strike was made this evening by the aldermanlo committee appointed by Mayor Harrison. The offer waa the out come of a conference with representative of all the street car employe in Chicago. Colonel K. K. Bliss, general counsel of th City Railway company, immediately put the proposal before the director of th company. ' Attorney Clarenoe Darrow this evening declared that the street car strlk would be settled. On being questioned he refused to say Just whan, in hi opinion, the settle, ment would take place, but he did say that the strike would not last long and that papers bearing on the settlement were be ing prepared. Mr. Darrow was one counsel for the miners in the big anthracite coal strike tnd has been identified with the agitation here in favor of th street car strikers. While negotiations for peace between the City Railway company and its striking employes were pending in the city hall through the overtures of Mayor Harrison and the aldermanlo arbitration committee a third line of the company's strike-bound car waa put In operation ' today under polio protection. Five car on the Indiana avenue electric line were atarted under guard of patrolmen, drawn from the Want worth and Cottage Grove lines. The Indiana avenue line connects with the Wabash avenue cable line at eight eenth street and extend southward to Fifty-first street, midway between the other two main linea which have been put In operation. A greater number of train were put in commission on Cottage Grove avenue than were operated yesterday. Owing to the withdrawal at police and men to operate other lines, only flf.een cars were operated ou Wentworth avenue. Mayor Harrison and his meulatlon com mittee he.d another conference with repre sentative of the company and of th str.k ers today. Anent the possibility ot a sym pathetic strike ou other street car line in Chicago, President Mahon of the Amal gamated Association of Street Railway Employes said: "1 will not recommend a general strike, but should the proposition be put up foi the men to vote upon there is a stronf prospect that they would votu to strike This is especially true of Union Traclloj men, who feel Justifiably ludignant oval tactics tired by their company to aid the City Railway company In the present strike. Union Traction superintendents; and foremen have been on guard on llaef which intersect the City Railway linea and in three rases that I know ot bavj asked for the arrest of Union Traction nief . whom they accused ot delaying City 1UH way cars." Wires Are Tampered With. Except for a few stones on the track there was no attempt to delay the Indiani avenue tars on the way to the bushiest center from the born at Thlrty-nlntl treet Neither striker nor their symp ihtaars were present in any great number) and th street presented a'.most It usuui appearance a the Ave car sped along. Oi the return, however, considerable delay waj caused by tho "short-circuiting" of thl line. A rope had been thrown over the trot ley wire and a heavy copper wire drawl up until the two met and diverted the cur rent. A repair wagon was hurried to th rescue and the obstacle was soon removed, The Wentworth and Cottage Grove ave nue cars met with only trifling interference and carried a largely increased number oi passengers The wtathur had much to do with clear ing the streets of loiterers. A biting north west wind appeared to have affected th enthusiasm of the "sympathisers" on foot, while driver of wagons were little Inclined to Interfere. In compliance with a request of the strik ing stationary engineers formerly in the employ of the Chicago City RaCway com pany the City board of Examining En gineers stnt Inspector Delaney to the com pany's power houses to Investigate the alle gation that the ordinances were being vio lated. Delaney reported that he found a few violations, but that they were of mluor