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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1903)
9 THE OMAIIA DAILY HfcE: MONDAY. OCTOBER 2V 1W. I V f I SPECIAL NOTICES ' ' ll?rtlMBli fer relate rill fee tas-ra til IB an. fer lbs events edltlea and til Ml . na. fee iKralaa Sander !. Iiin, t ward Bret InarMlne. li(mt(tkrMlltr. Berth-Is; takra for Iraa tbaa Bite tar th aral lr. II aa. TttM advsrtlsesseats aaaat be rnn eonaecatlvely. Advertisers, by rM( terra cheek, raa have answer ! Br eased ta a Hakrrfl letter la ears af Taa Ha. sawe-re aa addreeead will aa delivered aa prt"Un af the heeh esly. W ATEn-MTJ ATIONN. WANTEDPoFKlon as credit man ami Bianaat-r; flie. eaxs New York prt pnef. J.-.Yen Oateubraag. 4a W. kl at., K. T. C. A-M312 26x WASTED Mil. E HELP. Educate for Business, Boyles. College new vOttK laf u ''blamj. BUBINLt&, SHORTHAND, 11 It WRIT ING. ENULiSH. DA V AisU rilviHT. STUDENTS ADM1T1EU AT ANT TIME Apply tar catalogue. B Ml GOOD messengers wanted; first-class pay A. D. T. Co., aV Uin. t-ii WANTEPV flrt"-claas wood turner it once. uood nn, Lincoln bush. Door at Aug Cs., Laaculn. Nati. 11 au WANTED, tor U. b. ertny, abls-boula. an "kiwi mm, ueivmi -ages ui huu -a. clliaens of United Slates, of good cuufac tc and teniuciais aaolw. uu rau spesk read and wriie EncilHh. For inlui.nai.iuii ;4j 4.0 itcriaating ollioar, loth and Uaatt Hk umiui, tuu tteauioe, jeu. WANTED Two unu at onoc: ood sal ary ; city work. CP Adam to.. I6t Howard at. B M9ul , WANItD, a newspaper or magaxin so llcltnr to work the-ciir on a new prop osltioa. Call at Circulation Dept. Omaha tier. ... . tt-na WANTED, first-class glaziers; can give steady employment ana good jmy to ri&-hi people. Auuruaa a i. siee. a jbuii i PERMANENT position to ladles or gentle men In good towns for special work; also manager for branch oitlce, Omana, wanted Immediately; exceptional oppor r tunlty; properties or business handled everywhere quickly. Southern Guaranty Investment company, Sioux City. la. U ML 26i TOUNO men snd gins everywhere, copy . killer home sninseivtl-w-eek; send ad dressed envelope for partlculais. Ameri can Mfg. Co., 70 Nicollet, Minneupolia, Minn. Hiti avx WANTED Men ta seam barber trade. Ou fall ofter Includes many advantages. u course consists of steady practice by free shavins and hair cutt n. Careful Instrur tlona and deraonatrationa elven. Few weeks completes. CU or write.' Holer Barber College, VtOi iJauflas si. B Mm 30x WANTED, to know If ou will distribute overusing matter' . reitaoie epeciauy company; IIS weekly and expenses. 1 n umph CQm Pallaa, Tex. tt Mi Six TOI'NO MAN wanUd n- ofRoe of manu facturlns comDanv. Must be aulck a figures and good ifnTnan. High school graduate preferred. Address T t. Bee. , ' ; ... n too Ti WANTED 8AI.KSMES. IRAVKUNO SALESMANf for Illinois, cen tral and southern lows and eastern N- brarka. thoroughly -ported In stationery and fancy goods line, inn esiannned trade. Address X Jfc. Bee. m U WANTED FEMALE HELH i i - 100 airla. Call Canadian offloa, iSth k Dodg. C-SJ4 WANTED, flrst-rlsa la dies' tailor. Mas Morris, ltut Famam. C MHsS WANTED, girl for general house work, - I in family. Mrs, Simaral. V7'N. 2810 eve. C M414 GIRL for general botuworfc; Paik ava. . L jx WANTED An Al lady solicitor; good eat ery to rtght party: no commission. Ad dress T s. Bee otTle. C la WANTED, a girl for general housework. Apply UO B. lid 8L. Omaha, Neb. C JOS 2Cx GIRL for general housework. -Mr. Lt R. Ltghton. lo4 Callfurnla Bt. C 2X1 H HOLER COLLEGE. 1.103 Douglas St., wants ladles to leam hairdrrsslng. manlcurlnK or facial massage. Latest methods, care ful lnstructlnna free ellnTc. Four weeks complete. Graduates placed In best es tablishment everywhere. Ton wages paid, vau or wnta. c yzvo mix WANTED A JWd ctlt "knd general house work girl, at . KO-st. . c lilis a WANTED, good rirl.Xor general house- wora. isis ao. am l Ma zi rOR RENT UOCfta.S. UAI 1CCC la all part of the city. R, nUUOCO c. Peters, Co, Bas Bldg. HOUSES, insuraooa. Boacwait. barker Bik, Hni lF J"" o the eMy. Tha w - j. . t-avia ta., su iita Ailua. D KOi. IO MOVE light get Omaha Van Storage Co uoica Abufe laata, or leia. iiws-w. U slu FOR RENT, ten-room house, modern, and barn. In Wast Faruasi district. Wm. K potter, Rac, No. SuJ Brown Bik. D M6J4 FpR RENT, S-raon bouse, ttft. Woolworth Ave., 4.0 par month, poasesaioa given Oe tubor 17. Apply to Mel till, caie Daily Kswa wfltoe, - D-Mjs7 w PAYNE-BOSTWICK A -CO., enoio houses. tul-Md New Turk Life Bldg. 'Phone Ml. D su WE MOVE planoa Maggard Van A Stor age Co.. TeL liifti. OCice. 1711 Webster st. D Ss)7 MODERN l-room liou. btAr park. ri & totn. D T SEVERAL good house. flO to $1S. Chris Biyer. id and Cuming.. 'Phons jjjj NEW s-roorn modern house. Immedlste pnssssalon given. J. f Jiaran. pnoi 5lKl. u Board of Trade. D 141 (KKiD l-non modern houae for rent, fur nished. tA per aavnth. HARRISON A MORTON, 11-11 N. Y. Life. Tel. 114. D-lu7 M GOOD, warm lx-room cottage ?-5i N. SUh. Rent. Hi ... . D-fcS SEVEN-ROOM modern boose, n- ar b xh schooL T. U. Kinney, care M K BmiJt A Co. 1-M141 Ut FOR RENT, a-room cotUga 1814 N rth at. l 234 CENTRAL, eieain, modern 4-room flat, tX N. lid. D M 4 4 FOR RENT, nine-room bouw, all accom modations; suod repatTv 16 So. th st. Can luuk itiroush at any ti-ne 11 t W hltner Tel l.i. I M374 "7 FOR RENT FT BN I SHED ROOMS. O. M E, haul trunks. Tihoa CI DEWEY European aotel, Utb and Farnua. a KOIAL HOTEL. Europe. Utb A Chlcage 7S1CELT ftarnlahed rooasa.. 1HU6 Cauiuoi Are NICELY tarnished reeaaaa- inquire Omaha Strum LauDifrv. Lvenisoi in. 'Phone Jk.-l.cA K U AETNA UOLSEt Europcaa. Uift I'k- PLEASANT south front room with private iHmily for rna or two gentlemen. o drxan 8 K, Bee. E M 741 NICELY fumlh1 room In private family; house new and modern. Zulu jones si E Mll UBHE. LIGHT. AIRT ROOMS. I12.M nd up per month. Tic and ifp a day. AT THE DELLOISE, 14th at. and Canltol sve. Bteam heated; elertrlc lignted; private and general baths; all conveniences, nrsi t iass trvc'e. where you piesse KCKjM AT THE LELIXNE 1- ML Nor30x NICELY furnished rooms: everything rew rid modern; gentlemen preferred 11 Webster St. E MKT TWO good warm rooms; modern. 2.VW Harney. E M343 21 X riRXIKHED HOOll AND BOARD. DESIRABLE ROOMS at The Farnam, 1Mb and Farnam sis. " rMti LARGE, finely furnished front room, with good board; steam heat. ziit ramam at. TWO rooms. with, alcove, on 21! South first and second floor. F-MiUO FOR REKT-t NFl RN1SIIED ROOMS. TWO or three beautiful modern rooms. newly papered; very light housekeeping. fur parties wunout children; poara u de sired. 142a N. 17th. ti M US SINGLE ROOMS In the Wlthnell Build ing, liith end Herney ...15 00 710 South 1 1 th sve...... CM) N. P. DODGE A CO., 1U4 Farnam street. O MITI n FIRNITIHB PACK.NNG. Peterson A Lundberg. Ill 8. 17th. Tel. L-KIMl. H 17 FOH RLN1 &TOMES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at ;& raruam, law, iour storles and tire-clasa cemented basement, cievatur. lire r nd burffiar oroof vauiL of fice couoter and fUluies. For price vud particulars inquire C. C. Rosewaier, aeo retary the Bee Building: Co room Iik). Bee ouiiaiug. i-suw FfiR RENT The hutldli formerly occu pied by The liee at 1 t arsam su At nas fuur sione and a busemeut, which was formerly used by The Bee press roam. Tnis will be rented very reasonably. It Interested apply at office of C C. Rose- water, Secretary, room 100 Bee building. 1 41 l-STORT and basement, 22x100; 1006 Farnam st. Inquire 214 First. Nat l AianU Bittg. I-Miii reception room. tiepnona ana in- i grapher. il Ware Block. I-Ma FOR' RENT, three upper stories in four story building at H16 Farnam st ; two stories If preferred. Address C. C. Rose- mlrr. Kn.'v.. Room llKl. Bee bids. I VfRIG AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agenU In very couutv to solicit subscriptions to THB TUFCT1KTH CF.NTL'HY FARMEJa. Steady employment with assured good in- I come. Ageuts in tne country wuii nurse i and buggy especially desired. Canvasser make eiially Mu to S1U0 par month. Ad dress Century Farmer Soliultur' Bureaa, Ue building, umana. ais WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, to rent or purchase. ! or 4-room cottage; genteel location. Add reus T 15. Bee. . K. 116 36 x , WANTED, t furnished rooms and board; 1 bed rooms and a sitting room; for 4 adults; best of references. Address T 2L Bee. K MtflS X7x WANTED TO Bit. FL'RNITrRE 7-room house for eale; Oret- claaa and cheap. ,11 B. Lin St. o Man: xx FOR SALE riRKITlRE. FULL line of bard coal stove sow on sal. Chicago Furniture Co., itio warn? Bt. O 242 FOR BALE, S-ft, standing desk. block FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC MONROE cell pleasure vehicle It ill K Asia t- i HARRY FROST'S Carriage and Wag-oa Woika.U. un corner ui ltth and Leavrn- wurin. . P-K4 FOR BALE Two-aeat, extension (op oar- rlaae. in good oonaiuon; ruouer urea Mil ion Roger A stona Co 14 L and Far nam StS. - Mf( rOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. TELEPHONE POLES; lung Br timber; cUiukan lent; oaa piun. sua auuaiaa. t Jt FOR BALE, secondhand t ooosnb4l, ia n-st-clasj shspe. at one-hail price. Call or addraaa. laa Farnam BU (4 SA INDIAN roods and re ilea 1118 Famai NSW and Sdhand typawrttcr. UU Farnam. W SBS IRON A- wire fenona; tree guards, trelUaea, Waatarn Aitcbo. Fence Co.. Jus ti. Ua St. . . , q sa CATALOGUE cut drug price free. Boar- rail A Mclonneii urug 00.. Omaha. Q 68 FOR BALE Several scholarships ta a first- clan standard aciiool in Omaha, cunsprl in coruulele course In bu Inss. .h rt- - hand said typewriting, lnqalr at Be onioe. 4 oa FOR SALE Ce-J buaine SouD.uu. J U, Bee. Capital required, tDHAND safa cheap. Darlght. Ill Furnas i-tus FOR SALE, an up-to-date postofBce outfit. surtsble for a town r l.ouu to l.soa. The 1 outfit la A-snaped and has ioD call boxes and DC lock boxes and drawer. It la of) the beat grade of the Tale and Toane manufacture, and la complete In every particular, in use but four years Ad dress B s. nee. Q MIX a run bale or iraae ior a good mo'or cycle, one x-hors- powesr gao ine engine. 1. r. siant, rwrnont, neo. 4 Mn.ntix CLAIRVOYANTS. GYLMB. . palmist. - 711 N. 23d; -M7ul MRS CARKiE SMITH. SOVEREIGN LADY 'UlltN of cla.rvOaiiU; ry tiling told, past, present and fulare. Mat- Ul-i Uoo or no pay. su. -N. uia. ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. BM1T11, batna. Us N. 16. ad floor, r. I T Ms Nix PERSONAL. PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladle before aad auiaiiB i:oaiia.cuiai. La. im1 atra. oenaaua, Lm, aiuwaaua a L Teriu leaaoiiab. C-S3S CKIV'ATE hospital during ooiihi-eaieatl babies adopted. Mr. Oa.aala, it a-aaa. tea. stsA-AW. "VIAV1" way t baaltb; S44 Bs bulldms, OmaLa. L' 46 PRIVATE noma durlug aounnneanent; babiaa adoptru. Toe Oood Satnaitiaa : Sauiiariuin. 7A 1st Ave, Council Blud, la. L PRIVATE hospital before and dui-isa tineuieiiL. Mrs. L. Fiabar, laul luurn 'lei. laak. U 4U WE RENT a wing machines at 7W per ek. 2 per Biuuib; w repear and ail . pax La for every nuacniue niauufaclureu , ror.u-liaud xnaciiiiics irura 61 lu 6-U- Nea Cycia Cuw. asiA aaid Irjaravy. . II 4J7 DR. PRIES treats successfully all Gi aaid trrculantMia of ' wofiuea from cause; uperxneod attd rlMbe ay lvtie AiUMtt-t-a IpMifc. Pan na Why Walk All A WANT AD I fkltUIAL. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BOSTON Umbrella Mfg.. It. Tel. 107. KAN'CH and farm tanils for sale by the Cmbreilaa, parasols re-covered, repaired lnlon Pacific Railroad eompany. B. A. r made. U tt McAles;er. land rummiMiotirf, Vnioa , - 1-acific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. K Tl'NINO. piano or orrtn repairing Per- RE Ms) Held l lano Co.. 7 Bee faldg. L 7 2bS HOl'BEB and lots In all rsrts of city; also MAGNET FILE KILLER, IT CCREB. acre property and farm lands. The O F. At druggists SL W BW Davis Co.. Room frJg. Baa blug. Rk-W WANTED, farmer without children, cloea 1 FOR BALE, modern housa of 7 rooms. In to town, to board boy of ; not over 12 per quire Sl 8. lMh. RE M866 week. Address 1760 8. th. U .x c WANTED, a reflned, elderly widow to CHIROPODISTS. adopt fc-lrl cf 12. Address T 17, Bee. - ' T' 2ii8 x DR. ROT, rooms Farnam MONK Y TO LOAN SklAL ESTATE: - . . . EXPERT ACCOIKTA1T. WANTED, city loans and wsrrsnts. W. - itrnto Smith 4k Co., 1UB Farnam Bt Q R. RATHBUN, room U. Coral Nst'l W Bank. Private leasooa la book-keep. ng eta. FRIv ATE money.- Sherwood, S37 N. T. Life. . GOLD AXD SILVER P LATINO. WANTED, real estate loans and warrant. . R C. Peters Co.. Bee Bldg. ' W-ie OMAHA PLATLNU CO., Bee B Og. TeL B& ' -i.l FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros.. lot zz Farnam. W St ' " CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. I TO i P. C. money. Be mis, Paxton block. . - W MH xist, kinds c carpenter work and repalilnt FARM snd city loans, low rate. W. H, Vjffl J" ' ilinT Thomaa. First Nat 1 Bank Bldg. Tel. IMS. 2ul a1 W-4 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. IxM Douglaa. PAKCIHQ ACADEMY. MORAND'B. 16th and Harney; classes now TO LOAN. IVKi at 7 per cent on pood real estste security. Address F Z. Bee. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONET LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. BALAK1ES. S.1U. ' Low rates and easy term. Business Confidential. Try us If you want to aave money. PHOISNLX CREDIT CO.. BS Paxton Block. latu and Farnam St. ja. LARGEST BtTBINE9S IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, mcrcnania. team sters, boarding houses, etc. without se- r.urlty; easiest terms; i orocea in prin cipal cities. Tolraan. 440 Board of Trade MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried CMple; business confidential; lowest raiea Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. A. e MONEY loaned on pianos, furnltura, lew- airy, horses, cows etc. C r. need, us o u. in - '.-" L JW,--. V Zr-i J-oan Co R a. Barker Block. . , X-til EASY Fiest exnlfiins our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc Or if you have a permanent position we ran make you a SALARY LOAN withnut aectirltv. excent vour own aaree ment to repsy. Our 'service is quick and connaentlal ana we always try to piease. Ail that we ask is that you give us a call oexore you wirrow pibt urrr OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 11 Board of Trade Bldg . Tel. (Established VSti). IM B. 16th St X-M1S2 EASY MONET ON FURNITfRE OR BALTRT. LOW EST RATES. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PRIVATE OFFICES. RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY, . SW7-HMS PAXTON BLOCK. X M1S7 BUSINESS CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy. Bell or exchang :nv crooerty er auiiiw.uiuu, . . Johnson, aa N Y. Life. - FOR BALE, an aid established liquor busi ness (barrel nouaei; goou iraue. mu i tlon. Owner has other Interests. Addreai P J. Be. Y-Mafi M FOR SALE Blacksmith shop; first clas location; up-to-date sat oi toois; io- par ticulars write to Mogenaon A Seymour, Fullerton, Neb. T MU6 2hx SOX Browa 1 FOR BALE, good grocory and butcher's flx tures. Including k boxs ioquir 27a iFar. - FOR SALE, bakery and restaurant doing a wholesale ana retail oaaery oumn In one of the best towns in southern Iowa; population 5.000; good reason for selling For particular address .Lock Box HI. Charlton, la. Y MISS z FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ENGLISH & CC, ' PAXTON BLOCK. ' i . . . Eight-room modern brick residence, West Farnam district, owner's price $4,000; must be' sold quick; make offer. REV-114 for south front lot on Burt atreet. ner treisnuMi voiirae. GLORGE a- COMPANY, li)l Farnam Street. Ka7M332 U NEW five-room hoube, on car line; see owner. 404 N. T. Life. lax - chas. Williamson Co., Ln8k RE tail TIMBER! TIMBER! THE tracts besi investment. Large or Referent furtuabed. Writ ill aur wanta SIMONS REASON ER, Ashland.' Ora RE Ml N7S TOR BALE OR TRADE FOR SMALLER yHOrHnTl -4-rotim moaern iiuum kub splendid barn; lot 42xlu. Apply owner, 214 N. atb St. . RE-M N14 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. (8 feet, lsth, near Ceoter. trackige..! 600 n.if it near 20th and A sts.. 8. O lb 6V ft. east front, south of Case bu 64 ft., near Soth and Ames ave 2"0 Good lot In Central Park 1 441 acres nesr 1 apitui. cneyeuue . a.uu Four lots in Wakeley add I' Corner on car line in Baker Place 1M Good eouth front lot In Baker Place.... 1W1 60 ft, on aouievara. i o. 01 aaauvrauu Good luts in Mystic Park loo Good quarter-section. Keith county.:.. Sno 40 acres tisar Astoria, Oregon -4"u 64 ft. on X'th, near A-nea. 4u0 Commission 10 "" BAMCEL 8 CI RT1S. Receiver. ;uJk Harney atreet. RE M3S2 M $450 BUYS FINE BEM1S PARK LOT Thirty-ixtr and Hawthorn v.: pavd l fill J ,lltK A ftiieT that r. R) t rt-4? ; (rVaVl JV. svum eawae w CHEAP BUILDING LOTS Twenty-fifth and Grand ave. B easy terms Fross tXU lo So each. - , R. a LANDbKVOU, 442 BOARD OF TRADE. TEL. 2111. RE-MSA 27 EXCHANGE. Will trade aoud large But Dear I7th and Karnanu sts.. together with tu.Ouu or M.uOO la uash tor a cbuioe xs.uue to ie.uu real , Seme In Wsat t aroaia diatrtct, Bemia, I raauo bluca. sUb Man tt a ALL about North Dakots and wner to buy i good lanls ci.-p, oatKcnpuvs i.iasr sua li4 spt fire. reuuOla rpreeuttive wauled M'luiuey -V 4ioi a. 14 Hrt-sd-way. rio. . IX Over Town to Find a Position? WILL TELL YOU WHERE TO GO. I forming foi children; Wtd,, 4.1a p. m,; Sat., in a. m and 1 p. m. Adults. Tue. and Fri., p. m. Assemblies Wed., I p. m. Classes alwxya open to beginners. Private lessons daily. For term and particulars call oi Tel. 104L 410 Ns ' DRESSMAKING. KEISTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College. 170 Cuming Bt. w nte lor oooaieu IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. S24 N. 20th. M44a IN FAMILIES. Mis Sturdy, S N. 23d. M44 Nlsx DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. CORMACK. S17 Karbach Mock. TeL. A2S3Z. , HM BEBOUT Detective agency, 70S N. Y. Life. Tel. 8&40. St, is 1 ' LOCHLSMITH. C. R. HEFL1N, SUS N.,. 16th St. TeL SS74, sa lja. LAWN MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Malcholr. Utb A Howard SJ V UPHOLSTERING. GATE CITY. 1706 St Mary ava TeL B207a aw FOR RENT FARMS. A LARGE and ' well ' Improved farm in Stanton oounty for rent; 64V acre with liU.OoS worth of improvement. R C. PETERS A CO., . Ground Flour Be Building. -M707 FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR YEL LOW PINE in the Soft Yellow Pine BdlL 'This timber compares favorably in quality with the White .Pine of Wis consin and Michlgvn. Can all be logged with big wheels. No fire risk. Compiet and reliable information. Perfect title. LANDS WE CONTROL AND CAN DE LIVER 26.O0Q ACRES, leverage 2,000 to Lb quirier section, priua S7.M) par A, 10, m ACRES, avers ge.'iTiW to the qukrtar section, rrice KM par A. S,i0 ACRES, average iooo to the quarter section, price W00 per A.' 8,000 ACRES, average ZfiuO to th quarter section. Drice 19 00 tier A.'. 14,0u0 ACRES, Spruce and Hemlock, average l.wo to tii quarter eeciiuu. price aukiw TtT A. CERTIFIED FOREST RESERVE BCRIP in large and small amounts at tne maraei price Referenoes furnished, Corret-pond-. enoe solicited. Address. AMERICAN TIMBER CO.. E. M. Runyan, Mgr., Marquam bldg., Port land, Ore. Msus novsx FIR DRESSING. J. K. WALLACE, Taxidermist, tot B. 13th. 1UI FLORISTS. BESS A SWOBODA, 1416 FafnAsa. L, HENDERSON, florist,. lll Farnam St GARBAGE. ANTI -MONOPOLY GARBAGE) CO... dean oesfpoul anu vauiia, removes garuags and dead animals at reduced price, fca M. lath, TeL li;s. a LAW AND COLLECTIONS. fiTILLMAN A PRICE. 4U 1st Nat. Bk. bldg. . s.a 4- NEW SNOW-CHURCH- CO., lt floor N. Y. Lif bldg.. attorneys and nollsctor every where. LOST.' LOST on the atreet of Omaha or on South Omaha alieet car, a roll of letters snd other papera. belonging to Oman Cooperage Co. and M. U. Welch. F inuor pieaae pnona or call al office of Omana Cooperaa-e Co., wn aixi aa, puuui vmibub. and raciv auiaauie aww.i MtSlCAL. 1HOB. i. KELLY, voloa. Davidg Block. US) E. D. KLECK. Voic Ttscbcr, Ziavldae bldg. LETOVSKT'B ORCHESTRA, TeL L-2oS4 tERKOV. Sli Y, violin. R. UL WUbnell bik. MEDICAL. LIQUOR HABIT eured ia three dsya Pay wnea cured. No b pwOeruucs. Writ Lit tjcuiaia GaUitt loauiuie, ZJt B. 14 ih. "B OSTEOPATHY. Johnson InsUtat. si It. T. Life Bids. T. 1SI The Uunt infirmary, Mi.-Cru Bids. T. K&L A: sea A Faiwell. Paxtoa Bik, Sbt-t. T. UtA . -1B LK GRACE CEEOAN. KS N. T. Life TeL laaa DRS. LAIRD A LAIRD, tut Karbach bik. M-1U3 Mot PATENI'B. H. J. COW GILL No (a unless uooeafuL til B. li'-h L.. Onualua. Tea, ITS. PATENTS Sues A Co., Omaha. Neb. 11- luaireiaMl pausut book ires. lea. aa. M-e.y Nils PAWN BROKERS. Iaole LoaaOfflc. RsUabl. acoommortat tug ; all bwsinras eoniidsuiiaL Lail DousUa SASITOR11M. OMAHA FToretio Bunltoiium. 'Phone Red Na-4; 1 bik. w. of car llu. City 'phens. V.L , ' M-U It . . WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED Tn borrow; p to SI Sts) at 7 per rent os good haiuih (unatia rental prop--m La : sntuaity ample Aerta T . 1 M SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANTS school. 717 N. T. Ufa NFB Pualnaaa A Shorthand College. Bovd TheMer TICKET BROKERS. CVT RATE railroad tickets everybody. P. H. Philbln. UUs Farnam. 'Phone 74 STORAGE. OM. Van Btor. Co.. lSm Farn. Tela. 1ST.S-WI STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CL'RED. Julia Vaughn, 43d Ramga Bldg. 4 ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN. 800 Douglas block. ACCORDION, pleotlng. cheapest. heat. quickest. Mr. A, C Mark. 17lh and Doug MiW BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bala Tie Co.. til North ltth. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all intereeted. as ciiauaes may occur at any uiue.i Fnr.i,ti miift for the weea enuinc Oclo ber 17, lima, will ciose tPKOMPl'Li In all cases j at the General Postottice aa folloms: PAkcELS-POSI MAILS ciose one hour earlier man closln Ume shown below Parcels-Post Mails for Germany close at p, tu. Mui'day. Regular and supplementary malls close at Foreign Station half hour later than cloning tune shown below (except that Sup uieiiieniai v Mails for Eurooe and Cerftra. America, via Colon, close oue hour later at Foreign station.) Transatlantic MaU TUESDAY At :30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. a. Kaiser W l helm oer Grse, via i'ly- I CHIEF QI'ARTERMASTER'8 OFFICE. I scornfully, "Is like the moon, ever changinA moutn, cheibouig and Bremen; at s:J . Omaha. Neb.. September 2k. 191)3. Sealed his face" anything that astonished him.. m. lor 11AL1 uirecl. per s. s. (mali must be directed "per a s. Li-I . vtirln"! WEDNESDAY-At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per a s. New York, via Southampton (mail for Ireland must bo directed per . a. New York"); at 7:) a- m for NETH ERLANDS uirect, per a. a. Kyndam (mail must be directed - per a. s. njiia-ni ; , fc-4n m i.nnn,im.ritirv 10 a, m. I for I uitu,.uc- L n,,.n-. via ii.,ni. I town: at 11 a. m. for MAKlv uirevt. per s. a United Slates (mall must be di rected "per s. s. United Siates"). THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALY, (SPAIN, POR Tl'OAl.. Tl'RKEY. EGYPT. GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR- gi'EZ, per s. a. La Lorraine, via Havre per a a Lucania, via wueenstown; at Li .30 p. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Asioria (mall must be directed "per a . Astoria"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamer takea Printed Matter, Commercial Paper and SamDies for Germany only, ine same ciass of mail matter for ether parts of Europe will not be aent by this snip unless sDeclallv directed by her. After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Mails named above, addi tional Supplementary Mails ar opened on the piers in. an American, t-nguso. French and German steamer and remain open unui wunin aen sainuies 01 me bout . Malls for Soath and Central Asserlea, Weat ladles. Etc. . TT'PSniV 3a a m ImmUmMltarf i(i:an m Tor i knthal amlkica i..r..l tnmta Rim i and flDITTH PA-I C1F1C PORT8. per a . City of Wash-1 (mail lor otner parts oi jvurope mui w i Kowler. secretary ot tne uuaro oi uut. irjini iu uraw tne otner day In both directed "per a. a. L-a. axrraine j. tlon of the Stale .Mirmai scnooi, capiioi aen(Pa cf the word and In both sense ha SATURDAY At t a. in. for BELGIUM dl- building. Urcln, Neb., until v o'clock a. m , " " . " ' na ene" , rect, per s. a Zeeland (mail must be di- Saturday, November 7. 18, for the eree- lallea. Joseph would not be drawn. Ha. rected "per s. s. Zetland' ;; al :30 a. m. uon and construction of a chapel tuldlng stalked restlessly around;' he finally even lngton, via Colon (mall tor Giuttemalalof secretary of state up until 12 o clock noon k ri,rcid "r.r . a. citv or i. nit.1 u.nrf.. November 2nd. - 1S0I. for tha lnxton") ,, WEDNESDAY At 10 a. m. for GRENApA. TRINIDAD and C1UDAD BOL1VAK, per a. a. Maraval; at L!:3o p. m. far MAJflTl-lone NIUUE. BARBADOS, TRINIDAD, C1U- VALI DVL4An AUU 'U 1V.U UV,.Ai.A, mentary 1:S0 p. m ) for ST. THOMA8, ST. . . . . ....... . . . ........... . ,. CKOIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS, BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per a. s. Parlma. THURSDAY At I a. m. for CUBA, per s. a. Havana (man ior Mexico, via rro ereso. Cam pec he and era Crus must Be directed "per s. s. Havana"); at it m. for MEXICO, per a. s. Jsson. via Tam- pico (mail must p aireciea . per Jason"i. FRIDAY At :S0 a m. for NEWFOUND LAND, per s. a. Rosalind; at 12 m. for BARBADOS and NORTHERN BRAZIL. per a. a. Sobralense, v. a Para, Maranham and Ceara; at 12 tn. for YUCATAN, per s. a TJomo (mail must be directed "per s. s. ijomo 1; at m. tsuppieroentary n. m.) ior Bahamas, per a is. Santiago (mall for Goantanamo and San tlago must be directed "per s. s. San tiago"); at 6:80 p. ni. for BERMUDA, per steamer from Halifax. SATURDAY At :3t a. m. (eupnlementarv :S0 a. m.) for PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per a. a Fh.laueiptila mall for Savanllla and Cartagena must b directed "per a. a. Philadelphia"); at :30 a. m. (supplementary lu:ai a. m.) for FORTUNE IkLAMI. JAMAICA. SAVA' iNlllA ana v-jan j auck a, per s. s. A 1.1c (mail for Cosia Rica must be direr.! "ler a s. Alene"); at 16 a, m. for CUBA, per s. s. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 10:30 a. m. (supplementary 11 .SU a. m.) for INAGUA, HAITI and SANTA MART A, per a. . Adirondack; at U.A) u. m. for CUBA, per . a. Curityba, via aiavs na. Malta Forwarded Overlaad, Ete, Es- CUBA Via Florida, close at tin office dally, except Thursday, at i:3u a. m. (the connecting malls close here on Wednesdays and Saturdays via Tampa, and on Mondays via Mlamn. MEXICO CITi Overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, at l:M p' m;.and U:3u ? m' Sundays at 1 p. m. and 31 .Si n. m. NE W'FOL'N DLAND By rail to North Sid- RV firtfl r sart rak nw aamas n a a, , oltice daily at 6:m. m. (conuectuig mail KlurJ.XVVery M"no'. Wedneauay ani saturaay.i JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, cloi-es st this office at 6.20 p. m. every Tuesdsy M1QUELON By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this office dally at 6 30 p. m BELIZE, PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA By rail to New Orieana and thence by steamer, closes st this oflloe daily, except Sunday, at 11:60 p. m. uuu I p. m ; (Sundays at II p. m. and 11.60 p. m. (connecting mail closes her Inndays at 111:30 n. in 1 COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, snd thence by steamer, closes at this omc dally, except 6unda. at II 60 p. m and 111.30 p. m; Sundays at ' 11 m and Vil.JO p w. tconnecting mall closes hers uesda vs at fll:S0 I., m i "M" CKLclSTERED MAIL closes at p. m. TraaapaelSe Malls. It a nr a rt T . ti , . . . , ... . a, x, Aa-A.-, v ni. ana Seeially addressed mail for the PhtlLI,IPpIE ISLANDS, v.a San Frasa-lsco, else hVre daily at : p. m. up tu October IA in- un,, , i icui 1 ' a, via Ba n claco, clufee here dany at 6:au n. to October J7, Inclusive, for despatch China' and japan, Via ..1 vi,trt h f- i.-. trm ..ii- . m. up to Octoiier ' - .av n. depatch per s e"b inclusive, fur mpreas of Japan (Merchandise for U. B. postal asencv at Siianghal caruint be forwarded via Caii- da I CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close her OKiiy ai ou i up in urtorwr In- cluMv. f eTStch per a. Toaa Man, CHINA and JAPAN, via Taroma, ciose - "TT9 . " . m VP tct..oer i . corn. HAW ii. via nan rranciaro. clone here ociiy ai a up m nuvcmaiT fz. itl elusive, for despatch per a. s Aiame-ti, HAWAII JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLAND., via Han Francisco, clon. nere aauy at w p. m. up to Nuttmiicr j. Im luaive. for despstob per a s. ) Fiver a 11 pin America Maru. 1 1 Jtoln Fast Mail b ill pas ttisan Al'fciTRALlA- except- Weti FIJI I8L-I Port 4 rook aaul J'laUS- - AM'S and NEW CALLfKJN'lA. via Van. I nuath b I 16 bat bi K ana eouver and Vactoria. H ('.. cluae here o..iiv at m p. sa. up is nuvemuer 7. In r'uaivr for d-tiatch -r s a Aaaranal. SKW "ZEALAND. AUSlTTi ALIA ira.rpl YeU). xt-v t-Jai-t-uu-Mja, riji. ba rosTorncE notice. MOA and HAIWA1I. via San Franciwo. cloe here dally at S J" p m. up to No vember f 14. Inclusive, for tleiiatch per a. r. Sonoma. Of the Cunard steamer car rying the British mall lor New Z.ealmi does not arrive In time to connect wl h this despatch, extra moils rlornw at a.sti a. m.. 30 a. m. and CNu p. rn.; Sundays at 4 30 a. m , a a. m. and 6;S p. m will he marie up and forwarded until the ar rivsl of the Cunsrd stenmer). TAHITI sod MARylLSAS ISLANDS via San Francisco, rinse here dally at SO p. m. up lo November J8, Inclusive, for aesnatch ner a. s. Marin, sa. NOTE 1 niess niherwise soarewed. West Australia Is forwarded via Luroae: and New Zealasd and Philippine Island v1 Ran Francisco the nulrkest routes. Phil ippines specially addressed "via Canada" cr "vln Europe ' must be fully prepaid at the foreiarn rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via Run FVanciwca elff JuslvelV. Transpacific malls are forwarded lo jort or Sailing dally and tne rcneauie i'i rloslrg is srrstiaed er, the presumptlor, of their uninterrupted overland trnn1t. IReglstered mail closes t p. m. pre v'ons dy. COP.NELTUS VAN COTT. rostmter Postofflce. New Vnrk N T. Oct. r. ''"' GOVERNMENT NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR BEEF AND MUTTON. Office of Chief Comml.ary. Omana. Neb., October M, 1903 Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here until 11 o clock a. m , central standard time. No vember 24. 1C. and then publicly opened for furnishing 0ch freeh bfcf and niut.on as may be required by the Subxlsieiu'e de partment. L. 8. A., at Omaha, Neb., Fort Crook, Neb., Fort Des Moines, la., Jeffer son Btu-racks' Mo.. Forts Leavenworth, Kan., Logan H. Roots. Ark., Niobrara. Neb., Reno, O. T Riley. Kan., KoMnann. Neb., and Sill, O. T., dunns six mun.hs commencing January L 1IM. Proposal will also be rere4ved until 31' o'clock a. m. mountain stand id time, at Fort Robinson, and until 11 o clock a. m.. ceiitial standard time, at Forts Crook and L'e Moines, Jefferson Rarrscks, Forts Leavenworth Logan H. Roots. Niobrara. Reno. Riley and Sill and oiwned at posts by respective com missaries, each leceivins propus-ils for hin own post nnlv. Proposuls will alo lie te relved ststitig- price at which bidder will deliver fre!-h bel or mutton of tempera ture not trreater than ao deRTees Fahren heit. Information furnished on application here or to commissary st post authorised to nmn nroDosals. V. B. reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or any part I IXZZL.Z'SL -Sa M.Von. and addressed to undersigned or commis- I that that is not hi sole claim t wisdom. ssry st rost authorized to recelvo propos- I He has een much since be cam east that Sis. W. H. Bean. Major. Commissary, ... .. ,,.,., 0 IK. ... Chief Commissary. 034-Z6-l!i-a-Z I proposals, in triplicate. mj-i w conditions, will be received here until M m., contral stanasro time, itaoner iwn. i for extendinr water "and sewer system Bt Fort Robinson. Neb. Full Information fur- nished on Bppllcntlon to this office, where plan and specifications may be seen, or to ine yummiiiann, . r.u J "' V?lV? S"ld"' ZWTXXL S-LiEf rendtnar Water Svstem.' u ii i.liu k HdHTiiV chlef Ouarter master. j LEGAL NOTICE. WOTTrW TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed lilds or proposals will be received at the office of ruprlntendent William K. it. Peru-' Nemaha -county.. Nebraska. All bids must be acoompaniea vy vci vn.w 1 check on a Nebraska bank in ne sum ui Ov. hundred 1$) doUars for purpose men- tloned in the specifications, bios ior i.eai- 1 lng and plumbing, accompanied by a check 01 nve nunareo unai, .- tJ?LJlfM3 for the building. Plane and specifications are on file in the offices of Superintendent William K. Fowler, secretary, capltol build- lng Lincoln; Mr. George Rogers, president or tne ooara. aoc ri "ui " . , Principal W A. Clark. State rsormai II. n.,in- The board reserves i th, right to reject any ana an oias ana 10 waive an ueicvia "-; , Rv order of the Board of Education 01 me I Btat ""V.rnwi tb c.r 1 - ,i ji, n-L i. lima. 1 , 11 V-w. .., - ' . a . a I . 1' UHHUlia VoTlfE TO BIDDERS ' Sealed bids will be received at th offle I.areotiosi of a klteliesi and tt?e doubb ac xum tntluJU . for Feebl Minded ' toutb at 1 Beatrlo alao a wmmissarry ounains. ana dyrismo for S, and iS. Home at Grand I Island, Nebraska, as per Plana ana ikhi- llUUII. WU ..- ' ' . " " ' reject any and all bids I . . I f . T . I . V. . I . B , J Secretary of Board. OBd. lOtm. AILROAD TIME CARD. CNION STATION IOTH AND MARCY. IlllB! CtrL Leave Aniv. .a.7:3a am a H0 pm ChicRsro Fx Dress Chicago, Minneapolis Bt. Psuf Limited a 70 pm a 1:06 am Paul i. Minneapolis 4fc Bt, Paul ..b 7:86 am b!0:S6 pm 1 .t:"". Chicago Ixk-sI .....10.35 am Chicago Express Chicago Great Western Ry. 104 Ft. Dodge Express..b 6:20 am 102 Ft. Dodge Express.. 1:46 pm 7 Ft. podge Express., 103 Ft. Dodge Express.. Cklraao A Northwesters. al0:S5 am Co. all:25 am b 1U pm "The Northwestern Line" Fast Chicago a 1:40 am a 7:00 am Mail ...a 6:uw pro a fc.80 am Local Sioux City a 6:1U am a I . pm Daylight St. Paul a 7:W am a 1:66 pm Daylight Chicago... Limited Chicago.... Local Carrcll .. fc:u0 am all 10 pm ..a 6.16 pra a 16 am .a 4:00 pm a s-mi am .a 6:60 pm a 1:46 pra Fast Chicago.. Fsst St. Paul. B-..t XI oil a . pm Local Sioux City b 4:00 pm b bo am Norfolk A Bonesteel..a7 Sam 10: em Lincoln A Long line... .b 7:6 am bin. to m W abash. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 6 5C pm a 6:20 am St. Louis Local, coun cil Bluffs l:u am aiu:3U pm Cbieage, Heck Island A Paelste. - EAST. Leave Arrive I Chicago Daylight L't'd.a S. am a 1.60 a Chicago Daylight Local.a 7:00 am a p m pra I Chicago Express bil ls am a 6JIj pin I , m , l.-. . a nm i.n hn.m i hlcaxo Fast Expree!!a !t pm a l:i pm I " . . . ,.rn Rocky Mountain L t d. .a' 7:J0 am a 7:16 am Lincoln. Colo. Springs. t,..VM, tuAi,ia i,iid Pueblo West . ....iiwpn a :w pm and Texas. California Oklahoma riyer tslss I'aa-ISr. ....a 6:15 pm al 2:40 pin I Overland Limited The Fast Mall California Express.... ..a 1.40 am ..a 4:20 pm ..all:M) pm a 6:5v pm a put Pacific Expieas Eastern Lauretta I pm alinii anl The Atlantic Express.,. Tbs Colorado Simuial...! Chics go Special 7:10 am a 1:40 ain a 1:40 am Lincoln. Beatrice ac Slromsburg Express.. b 4 40 pm bl2 60 pm North Platte Local a 6 .00 am a 6.16 pm Grand island Local :9U ptn o 1:36 am a least e. Mllsaaake A St. Paal. Chicago Daylight 7 46 ara all 16 pre Chicago l-sst ixprnaa. .a a si piu a i:u pm Chicago Limited ...a pra a 7:60 ana Des Moines bxpreas a i: am a i:tu pin MUsearl PnclSe. St, I.atils Express 10 ( m a 6:26 pro E C a IK i. t-xpresa siv as pta a .i am BURLINGTON STATION lot A A MASON Cklraae. Barllaslas A 4lnr. ChlrSVo Special a 7:00 am a t:&5 am I r.i. V . 1 1 , , i ', a i.l r,rn a 1 AL . : r -, rtiii-aiia uau a 1:14 am all :w pra a 6:u pm a 7 46 pm (tiicago Limited East MSM .... x as pra Joseph A Ceaacll Kansas City. St. BlnsTa. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a S16 am a 6:0S pm hi Louis Flyer s 11 pm all uj am Kansas City Night Ex .alOC pm a i lk) am 1 Bnrllavatea A Mlaeearl River. Wywiore, Heatnce and Lincoln . a 1:60 am bll.OS pm Beatrice Nebraska Express a 6 is) am a 7:45 pm liecver umiieo as avpm a : am Hlot'k Hlns and t uget Sound Expri all :10 pm a 1:10 pm ralarala Vestibuied I Haiiev ue A Pacine Jet. .a 7 6S pra a 127 aua - I Leuevue A PacUic Jet. .a l.iai am I I a failv. b Dally except Sunday, d Daily - I except Saturaay. vui ektepi MKaoajr I4ILWAY TIME CARD. WEBSTER DEPOT I SI H St W EBTKR ( klraaa, St. PaaL Mlaaranolis Oaaaha. Leave. Arrive. Twin Cltv Passenger... a .w am a 10 pra Ploux City Passenger.. s pm all Si m O.iklsnd Local b :4S pm b I 46 am ( hleaaa A Karlbwraiers, Rrkrsalta and M'taslai DlvUloa. Black Hills, leadwood. - Lead. Hot Sprit, gs a 1:00 pm a IrOTVptn IVumilni. Casper and Douglas d 1:00 pm I If) pm. Hastings. York. lavld City, Superior. Geneva, Exeter and Seward. ..D 1:00 pm b 1:00 pm Mlaaoarl PartSe. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Wster , .b 4:10 pm eM:SS am CHIEF JOSEPH TALKS WISE. Aed Warrior af Ike Nes Perre Tribe Dispenses Philosophy aa the Kaatera Reservation, Keen of mind and sharp of tongue Chief Just'ph, the venerable Nts Perce who won f:ime as a nurrior s qusrter of a century axo and w ho has recently been taking part in an entertainment at Madison Square Uurden. lias proved iiimelf the shrewdest observer and the most interesting chararter Hint has visited New Yolk In many a day. Old Indians In novels lire sometime wis and eloquent, but no jibvellal rvvr painted) a seer half so wise as Joseph, Joseph I a true philisopher and a deep student ot human nature. ' Despite their awkward, English, some of Joseph's epigram ar gems that will compare favorably with th, sayings of w lae metv of any age. inierviewine; Joseph Is by no means A cinch; he Is not exactly communicative; In fact, he Is about ks garrulous aa a sphinx.' He perhaps realises that silence la golden, and can buy a man reputation aa a seer.. He himself says: "Even a fool's mouth may look wise when it Is shut.' 'n hta. only often enough to prov. " -- ;- ' 7 . iue can juoae inn pajemce too, ne says, His comments linve alwava been shrewd, fl" . , "i "5 .. ' ,au mn mni nur in an auiuiuuiiuo, and. irm the -bnl nr.r.t hnru n. h' u,,,.,, hl , , "" his auto to wstch the elevated train go round a curve and scked, In vivid panto.. I oume, ii iney evei ten orr. un being a-, Uured that they did not, be has grunted hi satiaiactlon. "High up; good thing: no kill horse."' which, to the Indian, Is more Important than "no kill man." For the New York skyscraper he ha na use. Living in layer doe not appeal to hlra. A famous New York cartoonist wsa . "1?T. - - ui. iwiwiubi iudi vut, t and then escorted him around to other - r.v nixr, I l" - ' --- -' pitable, so long a the rapid pencil stroke were not trying to transfer his feature ta Once he book ,h, pa 1 . ute. to how the aort of house he' liked to v ,h rt h aM . ,Jk Cruae,, mi.,.i,.fc, ... 1 vruaeIF but unmistakably he drew an Jndiiui tepe .jKi.r, ana, inaicauii tna entranc. t6 one. aald! "0 In door, rlrht off at home." and t 1 otner, "uo In here, then must take cars ta 1 aret noma Here - InA raii. - , . 1 - . - near ana roof. Then again: "In hero: thl. k . -all; but her, ten. twenf. .bund peoples uve not rune, not yours, not Hay one.- Not like It," , .- Joseph doe r.ot pitemd to speak Eng. 1 Iish; be Bpsaks throush an inn.rtir.1.. . I ln,v r ' .V. ,7 L' , I certainly either (We eld chief a t wis man or hi Interpreter 1st .,;If tain J man owe Ms nlrrama ta la t. ' 1 lntmrnr.f, ,. " . . " j wnrtr Is voluntarily airing- bp a iuuiuun ior wit and Wisdom that any I IUKU lUIKIIl D DrOUd Oi After hi recent jeoenjon bv th th Waldorf. Joseph sav role to many printed observations conoeming what be aw and heard. Naturally tha women roused more interest than th men. HI Too much Jewelry, too :ittl clothe," criticism terse and complete thit will not soon be forgotten. And evidently he Agree with the president' race cuicid " theories, for be aaid: W hit squaw ne want much pappooae And again, he aoted tha fact that -haaa ugly aquw wear Bttl blanket and much beads; have many brave.- and that "Squaw Ilk blanket heap tight belt." And that "some time fine squaw have Kale bird-hearted brave." And, ajraln. th.t 'Sjuaw much like warrior m. ... . ., 1 Warrior palm face before tartlng.- Thl .-whit, sguawr' n particular. Of iaua In general he says: "Small mother have brone-ht ti. tj chief." m "No squaw caa keep a secret, and most men loae their." . "A squaw can tell where to find an she ha except her husband " 1 w " "u. a squaw." v Th old man ha a dellrhtfulv ,.r,M Way of aaraonlfvl. ?.V. .,7, rap"0 way of personifying qualities. He say for Instance: "I-Told-Tog-Bo la prophet In every tribe " "Big Nam often stands on small leg Take-Wht-H.-Can-Gt seldom get, "XJttl CauUoa sets big death trap," "Bad Deed lose much sleep." . "Stingy Man trie to warm himself with III UK. C. "Ride-Too-Fast soon tires hi horse" "Weak Argument ha "Too-Proud-To-Stoop m never . much" m never liick ip I Ha ha lived long and realise that "Tlr. water la f uU of fool flghU." and again that "fir water courag end In tremblln fear." Alao h has seen bad ..JT vail, and out of a bitter experience ha exclaims: ' " J"" l" f fool, wise word ar aoukht as a -sink.. I aeeks a hawk." - ii. hs. . ' .... . . -, ", m inai, oiTier past, to "hold fast to the good end af s bad bar gain and to "fear tb clumsy klndn which will step on my feet." And he know that what you learn from an enemy la worth remembering." and that "there' heap of do In a yellow-Jacket tail." A few day alnce, seeing a drankra man asleep on a curb, he said scornfully: "Look- st him; doe any animal envy a human beast?" In the year when he wa a great war lord he wa learning that "you can't teli a gun by Ita kirk" and th supreme wisdom of understanding that rlfl bus a small I MAulh V., it . i. ii . . m . nn V .. . . V. .. . . m ". Now, old. Put cy no means stricken in years, hs is going bravely forward, for ha " says lilmeelf : "II who think only ef th past,' rides ' with his face to th horse' talt" Chief Joseph Is far too wise a man to do that. -Brooklyn Eagl. , ) HoDtraerkeri' EarariUaa. ' f On Tueadais, November S and IT, the Missouri Paclfio railway will aell both one war snd round trip tlcketa at very low J rates to eertaln points Jn Arkansas. Kan sas. Oklahoma. South west Mmeourt. Tex, etc. Stopover altowsd on tha guing Jour ney, Limit of ticket 1 twenty-one days For further Uiforaiatlo call oa any agent of the company or Tbos. F. Oodfrey, Paas. aad Ticket Aaelit. B. E. Cera Douglas Slrseis, Oniatia, Nisb,