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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1903)
10 TTTTC OMATTA DAILY HEE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1903. JVJd mmwm u DELAYED SHIPMENTS FROI7I THE FASHIONABLE STOCK OFFERED FOR MONDAY Danish Cloth n n!n Dress Qoods Depart ment, at, yard 3, JSS 11c LATE ARRIVALS FROM the renowned New York Dressmaking Stock make to morrow s bargain offerings the greatest of the sale 2 0O 60c and 75c Waistings at 39c Hero are fine Fronch flannels, printed henriettas, albatrosses, silk striped walstings and plaids a whole big bargain square piled high with up-to-date dress goods at just about one-half their regu lar selling price fi rr These 60o a nd 78c LJ W walstings MoTiday j) jy special, a yard...." n The New York Dressmaking stock with its thousands of yards of new goods must go quickly, Tombrrow's bargains will be amazing TC v 75c All Wool Serge Plaids, ArniarM, Fiaanala, Suitings, etc., yard, 39 g Some of the shipments from the great New York dress-malting stock were delayed mnd havi just reached us. These ship ments hive all been unpacked and are ready for tomorrow's sale, first time tomorrow at even greater bargains thanwer. $150 and $2.50 Dress Goods at 69c Yd. Elegant silk and wool crepes, eoliennes, voiles, etamines, glorias, in all the dainty tones for street and party wear, also the more serviceable cloths for street costumes every style of up-to-date weaves. Regular $1.50 and ?2.50 goods a yard 6 Several cases of the choicest patterns will be shown for the $3.50 and $5 Dress Goods at $1 Yd. We have just added to this assortment of the highest class dress goods, many new zibelines, Scotch suitings, tailor cloths, Amazons, doeskins, beavers, in black and all colors, and the various kinds of dainty diaphanous dress goods, such as voiles, etc. Regular $3.50 and $5.00 cloths at, a yard 1 New Arrivals of In Main Dress Goods Dept. New satin Zilelines and silky Broadcloth, In all colors, including champagne shades, directly imported by us from France " ff are now selling in New York at $4.50 a yard special bargain at..... In Basement Dress Goods Dept. We have received new and exclusive Dress Patterns and lligh Art Dress Goods, which we . are showing for the first time. . English and French Velvets A snperb assortment of extreme novelties in dress and waisting velvets, new crushed vel vets for coats, full 32 inches wide black velours du nord, Tersian velvets and Roman stripe vel vets, of dots and geometrical effects, 20 new shades, in velour chiffons just received the most favored velvet fabric this season, from 69c to $5 yd. SECOND SHIPMENT OF SILKS FROM THE AUCTION STOCK OF ASHLEY-BAILEY COMPANY. NEW YORK. These are similar silks to those which created such a furore in the silk department during past week. Lot 1 at 29c a yard. 3,250 yards new fashionable silks, consisting of plain and fancy taffetas, Louisines, pretty foulards, black taffetas, black figured lining satins, Ashley-Bailey wholesale price 50 cents a yard at 29c Lot 2 at 49c yard. 3.750 yards of swell shirtwaist silks, black and color ed lining taffetas, fancy corded taffetas, crepe de chine, 27 inch rustling taffetas, and 3 tone cf- high class waistings in 2 fects, Ilk poplins, Axhley-Batl.y wholesale price, 75 cent. and 1.00. Monday, at 49c Lot 3 at 69c yard. 3,250 yards of high class silks made for this season's trade, fine seeded dress silks, 65 different shades of elegant crepe de chine, also black and' white, yard wide rustling taf fetas, very fine glace taffetas, double faced peau da sole, Ashley-Bailer wholesale price 1 0) and 1 25, Monday, a yard ... 69c SSsMfi Special Sale of Bonnet Black Silks ANOTHER GRAND BALH OF THB C. J. BONNET BLACK TAFFETA8 AND PEAU DE BOIES FROM LYONS. FRANCE. ACKNOWLEDGED THE BEST BLACK SILKS IN THB WORLD. WE ARB DIRECT AGENTS. ' J7-lnoh Black Taffeta-worth IlKV-at f Hfl yard w fl-lnch Black Taffeta worth $1.2& at a ' 7Rr yard .a 6-lneh Black Taffeta worth 11.75 at a 4 OQ yard fl-lnch Black Taffeta worth J1.00 at 69C Jl-lnch Black Peau de Sole worth $1.50 at- LOO J7-lnch Black Peau de Sole worth I1.7S at a, 4 Ofi yard i V 16-Inch Black Peau de Sole worth $2.00 at a QQ Any of the fancy weaves of Black Silks worth up to t flfl (1.5 Mamaj mtjx. yard ................................. hWU Remarkable Millinery Values $10.00 Trimmed Hats at $5.00 The season's ohoio est creations will go at great redaotiona on Monday. Brown, navy and black dress hats, turbans, toques and bonnets are In this splendid assort ment and the styles that please the most fastidious. All these hats were previously priced up to flO.OO soma of our swellest creations, Monday at....- Fine Street Hats at Bargain Prices An event of great interest will be our sale of fine street iats tomorrow. This line of one of the most complete ever ihown in Omaha, in colors and styles they leave nothing to be desired. A street hat is almost indispensable to com jr. HT fi r1ao Vi a emqpt tiff tint rf a a 1 1 riu onif TKa V II w r designed hats which have been previously selling at 6.50, will all be priced Monday at Other high grade street flats will go at fori Very Newest Ideas in Ladies' Suits & Wraps We are now receiving some ultra fashionable suih a.r.1 o'ltergarmiits from, our miiajsr w9 is in New York City-.. He hat secured full lines of some of Iht mont charming and exc'.usvt of the late fall modes, Mtny of time lines were bought so advantageously that we can mike price offerings that are truly remarkable. STUNNING FALL SUITS AT $24.50. 1.98, 98c, 49c, 25c , Climax of Ostrich Plume Bargains Here are the most remarkable ostrich values yet offered. Regular $1 Amazon plume of tho best African stock, 14 inches long, every one perfect, at, each A Hnlstidld n4trlcli nfutfia. rHanlnr to KO voln. f i Monday at A very beautiful ostrich plume -the kind 1 QQ that ordinarily sells at 4. 60, tomorrow liO j Children's Caps at Very Low Prices On Monday we announce an event almost equivalent to giv ing away ennaren caps. Thene caps are In all colors 1C and st vies and valued as high an 70c, in the basement nt . . C Special Linen Bargains 25c Quality Turkey Red Table Damask, while lln it lasts goes at, per yard 11 35c Grade Heavy Weight Scotch Cream iQn Table Damask, per yard 1VL 40c Quality Snow White Table Damask, 64 r c n inches wide, special price, per yard ,.. ,.wOU 75c Grade Fine Quality Mercerized Satin CAn 69c 85c Napkins Damask. 66 inches wide, for, per yard 1.00 quality, strictly all purlton, silver bUoh4 Ovrtaaa had full blefcohod Irish 4tln daioMk. ail t yrds wide, for, per yrd , , 1."5 quality, round thread, all llneu rmloNMHl, original allrvr bleached table damask,' no better foods fwr wear mad a, per yard Table Damask at 39c Yd Us QuaUty. full bleacb4 Irish UbU dam. ask. vsrr fcsary waiaht, ta-lnch and to Lnch IrUU rara daauik, sxtra haurr wrlsrht. and all linen ai-toch , pwra Oertnan silver b aacliwi Oatsaak, jruur ctuUw of any of . Ut . M iul fwr, imt jracd...,, 39c 900 doaa napkin In 14 duan lots. TImm ai drummer's aaraplea and mat of Uiem ara sum bat suUm), but tha citraordl aartly kw wic at wui. h will aril them Monday maa lhn a vtf liv Mrrmiua w. www will aU thvaa napaina ia two lua, par Hal Wlk.fMHMMM.M 50c-85c -swlaKSiiSSSSSasv' Elepant sample suits of ths very best matsrials anl the prettiest and most attractive styles, many of these aro odd garments and none are' ever sold as low as we have priced them for tomorrow. In new walking lengths full sllK lining, etc., worth $39, at..., tXCLUSlVD DESIGNS IN FINE SUITS IrS $49-$39-$35 14.85 The highest grade of beautiful suits and demi-oos tumos, some very elaborately designed in ths new style features and the latest color effects- priced to $83 dowi DRESS AND WALKING SUITS $14.85 Dress and walking suits In the drapjd front coat style, yo inches long with fitted back, also blouse suits in hiarh class models In men's suitings, Venetians, cheviots, etc., flared skirts, ati PRETTY TAILORED SUITS AT $9.98 A brand newjot of exceptional values In f C Venetians, cheviots and new mixtures, t UVk long coats or blouse jackets, all sizes, at eU Fine Oolf Skirt, new styles and cloths, $2 98 HIGH GRADE FALL COATS The newest ideas in fall and winter coats some in the ultra swell long styles oth ers smart box effacts at.; $49 down t We have a remarkable' handsome and complete line of furs all the most xtylinh and Jtshien Juvor d pieces, in the most altractice array. We ask you to view this notable shoicinf of furs. 9.98 SPECIAL OFFERING IN OUR LACE CURTAIN DEPARTMENT- Great Saieof Lace Curtainsand Tapestry Portieres Monday we will place on sale about 2,000 pairs of lace curtains and 550 pairs of tapestry portieres at about one-hal'f their regular price. We bought them extraordinarily cheap and to morrow will be a great lace curtain sale. We have divided the goods into three lots, as follows: All the $3.00 and $4,001 $7.50 Curtains at $3,981 $4.00 Portlers at $1.08 Monday Special Sales $1.00 and $1.50 FALL KID GLOVES at 59c P. Fresh new autumn gloves straight 4kV from the New York customs house. "Sss tzs bought through a remarkable chance oi iraae. Many 01 mem are reai kiq leather, in all , styles and all correct Tall shades, extraordinary kid glove sale a pair ... 59 35c HANDKERCHIEFS at 12ic Ladies' plain all linen, convent . hemstitched handkerchiefs. also embroidered handkerchiefs, worth up to 35c each, on bargain counter, at $1.50 FALL CORSETS at 59c Corsets' of the most renowned manufacturers, in all sizes, and well worth ? 1.50 each, we offer them Monday, special at, each 124c 59c Curtains at $1.98 1100 pairs of fine lacy Nottingham, heavy strong cable net In all the new dealg-ns, and many heavily corded Arabian cur- alns, worth up to K-00 and MOO a pair, (or Monday, a pair f. j ucu Arauua cur $1.98 900 pairs of beautiful Arabian, point de Venice, point de Calais, real Brussels and Irish point curtains. These goods are all new and a fresh Importation and we really mean that they are worth up to fi.ou a pair. They must be seen to be appreciated, and go Monaay, at a pair a mat tney are worm up $,.98 BO pairs of handsome tapestry portlers In Derby satin. Ho man tripes, and a big assortment of Oriental patterns and fancy weares. Tbey are all full width and full length, with heary fringe, and i lie cueapesi pair In the lot la worth MOO. Our price for Monday's sale a pair., (till MW V J Hinge, d 11 $1.98 JL a aasaaa Picture Bargain Monday 35s Pictures at 10c A selection of poets and musicians, cabinet 1Ap : photograph Bize, worth 35c, at. Av-JL Cupid Awake and Cupid Asleep, and other subjects to select from, : i 7 very pretty and neatly framed 1 w Cabinet Photograph Frames, Floren tine patterns, gold plated, oval y1Qr or square, regular fl value, at $3 Pictures at 69c An assorted lot of framed pictures, selected specially for tomorrow's sale, on display Or in our windowj at E! Men's Fall Hats "Brandeis Special" hats the swellest and best hats that ever sold at a medium price in all the lat est fashionable fall shapes and colors. well worth $ 3, at S6T I COrTKICHt MM Celebrated John B. Stetson hats 10 in an i lie fall style lats ti i latest s, at IG. J! OA a . a a aadsi Saieof FALL and WINTER UNDERWEAR i Winter underwear for ladies in sil ver gray, uamel's hair, Saxony wool "P.oaiZ;nt50cade9c Fine and heavy ribbed, also fleecy lined, ;c.pat-25Cai jyc Ladies' Union .Suits heavy cotton, all Zlh'trTi 39c, 69c and 98c w Children's $1 underwear, at 25c and 49c VEILINGS AND HAT DRAPES at 59c All silk chiffon veilings and hat drapes, with chenille and em broidered dots, yard and a half long, worth up to )Qc $1-2j, at Jry- Dress Trimmings at 25c Yard All the best trimmings from the dressmaking stock, including fine laces, Tereian trimmings, appliques, braids and ornaments, worth up to fl-00 a yard, at Lace Turnover Collars Lace and embroidered collar, very popular and dependabla for present wear, lr ri f-f ( 5f worth 35c, at IUW wuu Special Clothing Sale Men's Blue Serge Suits $7.45 Heavy weight Blue Serge Suits for fall and winter wear made in tho popular double and single-breasted styles all perfect fitting, well made and handaome suits bought from an eastern manu facturer at an amazing reduction wo offer 5 ou the choice of these high grade perfectly ioned su well worth $15 each at A. poya' Clothtnjr Dapartmant on Third Floor