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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1903)
v.- 4 Bee. 1 HE TTrT-!r-T-g-ft-m"''ave.' 9 EDITORIAL SHEET. PAGES 11 TO 20. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAIIA, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 23, 1903. SINGLE COrY FIVE CENTS. E KM WONDER FUL COU PON- SALE ir ill 0 ijlS Till RELIABLE ITORR, rum rbuabui itorb. Coupons with Every Purchase. The most liberal and val uable tickets ever given absolutely free with every purchase. To still further prove that these coupons arc absolutely free, note the prices quoted for the following sales. No other house cast or west can or will offer such values Cloak and Suit Department. Bargains for Monday that will coax you from your home. It, will pay you to come 500 miles to attend the great sale. Our cloak buyer has gone to New York for more new goods, and dur ing his absence we will cut and slash to make room for the goods ihat are coming. Tho Big Sato on Waists Continued Monday S3 Waists for 69c $6 VaisU f or $1.49 Ladies' Suits Another lot of new suits Just received by jpri for Monday. Womm'i new, nobby, stylish suits, very hsnrisom garments, lined with satin snd taffeta, worth $18.00 IO Efl MomlHy only ICiSU Women beautiful suits In browna, blue Snd blacks, also fancy mixtures, taffeta llncd costs will cost you else- "1 Crt where $25, Hayden's price I I'tfll Womrn't sulto, beautiful creations, made of the finest Zlbellnee, Lyman wool ' Cheviots and Irish Tweods, Customers all sav they look ' as well as suits shown elewhere for 135.00 4C Ofl our price only (9 UJ 100 new Bolts, beautiful garments. prices $35.00, 8J0.OO and.... 27.50 5.00 Women's Goats Three tablea of women's coats, nil son's sty'.es and materials, worth up to 18.90, for only Women'a ney Zlbeline couts, mado with the new tight-fitting bnck, capes over shoul ders, lined with skinner satin, puaran ted for two years' 1ft ft ft service, price .., lU'WU Women'a fine coats, made of fine Imported Klbellne and Kersey, with gorgeous trim ming;, worth $3.00, IC ftfl Monday, each IWsUJJ Beautiful sample coats at $18.00, fX.W. 130.00. $46.00 and up to....WV.t Vonen's Cravenstte Coats -The most useful wear. Special prices tor man- .00. 110.00 and Women'a regular $7.00 and $8.00 M . kin for . Women'a regular $13.00 R Cf skirts for VZ- Women'a Silk dress eklrts, reg- C IE ular $12.00 uuullty, for Us I V Extra Specials for U garments women 0 day $16.00. $10.00 and... Women's Fur Dep. Women's fur scarfs 71 Inchea long, regular $&. 50 values, tor monouy II). UU omjr i - - - Women'a scarfs,' American .fox I h fl aable dye. for.....;. , IswW Women's fur scarfs, , . flftf for only.,. .......,.' WWW One sample mink cape, 33 Inchea 1 3 30 0 Beaver coats, warranted for Cft tf two years, at each... WiJWU Women'a estrackhan coats 1 5 C 0 Wcmsn's Skirt Dept The sale on skirts last Thursday ; was omethlng wonderful.- We have ' added about 200 skirts to .the stock and will give yod-another chance Monday. -.Women's regular $3.00 ' " fltl akirta tor ..I.... WB Women'a regular $5.00 7.QH of GREAT HOf.EY-SAVI.iG SILK SALE MONDAY Your Silk Gown, Your Silk Skirt, Your Silk Waist-at Almost Half Prico in this Sale BILKS worth f0o and 7Gf, oa sale for. . . . '. . 25c SILKS worth 75c and ft, on sale for. ..... , 39c SILKS worth ?1, $l.2r, on and 41.G0, on ?ale for .Q J (J Corded wash silk, all colors, worth 50c, pilnled wash silks, worth 75o, black and white wash silk, worth $1.(0, brocaded silk serge, figured taffeta, worth t5c, plain taffeta worth 60c, plain Ilabutla silk, worth 50c; 100 pieces all white and all black figured silks, worth up to T.",c on sale for Yard wide black china silk, worth Tc; 27-!nch wide colored Habutla silk, worth 63c; all shades In satin duchesse and liberty, worth 75c and $1.00; elegant corded Jacqiiard and two tone fancy ollk. worth up to (1.00; gun metal crystal crepe, worth $1.00; 24-lnch white satin brocade, worth ll.CO all In one lot for this rale at Crepe de chine In black, white, cream and 7T colors, worth $1.25; striped and Scotch plaid, worth $1.25; Boucle and Broche novelty silk, worth $1.25; Bayadrle silk, worth $1.09; royal caHhmere silk In white and colors, worth $1; 27-Inch ' wide black taffeta, 21-Inch black pcau de sole, wortb $1.25, and 100 other Items worth from $1.00 up to $1.50 will go on sale at : 25c worth 63c; 1 Jacqiiard 39c 69c MONDAY in HAYDEITS GREAT DOMESTIC R0DL1 YARD WIDE BLACK TAFFETA Made In Bwltserland. fine nur. ufllr that will wear. The silk la $1.75 every where on sale here Monday YARD WIDE BLACK PKAU DE SOIE, Warranted td wear, all silk, both sides alike, made to retail for $2.50 we offer you 30 pieces Monday at, I. CORDUROYS In all colors. Persian velvets, plaid velvets, mefal velvets, a hundred styles In this season's choicest and newest walatlng velvets, worth 75c, $1.00 KQ and $1.23, on sale at UUV VELVET SALE-BLACK COATING VEL VET, 24-lnches wide, worth $1.50, fQ 50 riECES FINE LYONS MIRROR VEL VET, In latest colorings, worth $1.50, for 75c 200 PIECES FINE SILK VELVET, In black and all colors, a big snap, worth $1.00 and $1.25. for 59c MAIL ORDERS WILL BE FILLED IMMEDIATELY UPON RECEIPT OV SAME. 1 Pffl - LULUBY. HATS TRIMMED . FREE OF CHARGE Exhibition and Sclo of CHICAGO HORSE SHOW UODELS. 3. -.-'' skirts for. .Women's regul ' skirts for..... Monday' moirJilng we will Bell children's $6.00 coats for.. wnmen'a flannelette wrappers, . made extra good quality of QSf material, only. Ui Women's eiderdown dressing aacques, worth $2.00, for.... Women's black aateen undersklru for, cacb Woniin'i shoulder , shawls for 1.4 93c : :.79c 25c Hew Fall Hats for Lion Exlrh Specials and Boy: Everything that la new and up-to-date In fall and winter liatM for men and boys can be found here.. Extraordinary preparattona have been made by us this season to obtain absolutely the bent and latest styles that the market produces. Our continuous ef fort Is toward producing better hata for less money than anywhere else la the United plates. We have reached our aim you will agree with us. Among the latest novelties that we show are the " 'Varsity" and the Kalla," with their low crown and flaring , flan brim, also several new styles, all on sale at $3. $2.50, $2. $1.50 and. ...$1.00 Wo are sole agents for the "Imperial" $3.00 and the "Station" hats are the most perfect specimen1 (n head wear In the world. That la wji we hava always on hand a oomplele line of "John B. Stetson" hata. Glove s. in Shoes Oonday. . Men's and women's vlcl kid. In values (This lot la from the Lynn at Whitman failares.) T T ..nttln. hand turn vlcl. ALL BTKLES v. e50 Boys' and youths' satin calf, war- ranted. $1.86 and..- ..1.26 LltUe genta' $1.W aaUn calf, war- ranted Women's fine vlcl $15 -strap aandal. JLOO Women's nna vlcl $2.50 4-strap aandal. handed $2-00 60 atvlea of the intra, all leathers .$3.60 1,000 pairs of a $2-60 women'a flue vt4 kia lace, uuuan neeis, in Sola agents for the . STETSON and CKG38ETT Shoes for MEN and the ULTRA and OROVEK Bboea for WOMEN, T lha Vrwnninv Rmim. Uoys and youths' 11 bo scnooi snoes.... sm: l.n tie units' tl.uO school shoes Co Women's and men's too slipper..... o Men's aatln calf $2.00 lace shoes $1.2 25c 75o Ladles' and children's golf gloves at MH-. 39c and ldlea' silk caaalmere-Kned gloves at, ialr Ladleti Mocha allk-Hned gloves. In all colors, at $ Ladles' regular fl.OU kid (loves, with, earl clasp, la all alses amd eol fM Ladles' kid mlonm, 1st all alaM aad eolors, ait ............... .flXW Vlsii Our Old Estab lished Optical Dcpt We are Riving our cuatomera CUT PRICES KUK THE KKST GOOL'S. We make a SPECIAL FEATURE OV AC- t'l'HATK nillWI AM) UU ARANTEE i'-XPERT OPTICIAN IN C1URQE. Flannel Oepariaent. Eitra heavy t-lnch wide Outing FlanneL per yard fcc, worth 12HC. . Extra heavy wool sklriln-. pink, blue and "v- rr ,u',3 c. worm toe. V ool Etoeriiown, plain eolors, per yard. full slae fancy wool flaunal skirt pat terns. ech tc, worth $1. tatra, hear Shaker flannel, per yard. Bed Elsnkets. Full else h aud Xo, 11-4 tan and gray, extra soft cotton bed blankets, per pair heavy ih. ai v. w v a u sji. Estra Urge 1J-4 tan and gray, per pair. 11-4 gray wuul bad blankets, fancy bor der. pr pair UM. worth U4. All wool gray, white and fancy pUlds, iiome bed ci.iuforUrs, Jasl like v.J t me b, ma lr j,d iy, aUi 1C, n sa, .xb, iHUli Ladies' Underwear. Ladles' vests and pants, fine jersey ribbed. oaeca-llned. silver or ecru. Worth aa. at EXfl Ladies' Je-raey ribbed vests and pants, extra neavy neeca auwn oaca, worut sue, for JSo Ladles' fleece-lined combination suits, worth Tic, at (Oc Ladles' half wool combination suits, in white or gray, worth $1.50, at Wo adlra' s-lk and wool combination sui), hand crocheted nnlsh, worth 16 00. fvr $3.00 Ladles' wool knit aod heavy fleece-lined skirls, assorted colors, worth $1.50, (or Wo One lot of children's white and gray An- aora nooas. oq sale on mam noor. at. ai h .... i $1.00 Ladier all wool sweaters and blouse Jackets, single or aoubie-oreaatea. all colors and alses. worth $5 00. for $3X0 Misses' all woul sweaters, all sixes and colors, at $1.00 anu xi.zs Uon's $1.50 Undcmoar ' at $1.00 Men's fine wool shirts and drawers, la gray camel's hair or red, made In single or double-breasted styleall sixes. worth tl.50 per iwmtiiL at tl.fW Men s union suits, in wool, gray or oiue, at $3.00, and 2.00 Men'a heavy fleece-lined shirts and drawers, regular 50o quality, at 35a Men's $3.00 and $3.50 wool ahlru and drawers at $1.50 Mun s working gloves, eituer unea or unllned, at U U). fcuc aud 36o Men's wool sweaters, in all colore, at $1.(10, $160, $3.00 and up to $5 00 Buys, sweaters, la (art wool, at Xto Ladies' Hoso Ladles plain black seamless boas at.. 10c Ladles' plain black and gray mixed hoee, flexes lined, at l!1aO Ladies' Ane lisle tiiread hoae. In plain black and fanny cwlora, at i0 and.... Ski uaui- teivy ncece Uocd all wool boas at WV-. St- and tic I hiwrtn heavy ribbed hoee, double kuce, at 15: ajid. 0e T' t-elftrati d bnawktiit and ponv braiul ii'e ior los aiui iuk, all eiaea. n XL i i n i Having secured a number of charming Horse Show Models at a very liberal reduction price we will place tbem on sale Monday at fully 50 per cent under the fig ures asked by Chicago's leading retail establishments. These hats are simply exquisite and express the highest type of design of the master exponents cUTonHon of the millinery art $35 and $25 values, gID auU QCU $10 Black Dross Hats $4.00 ';' Fifty fascinating conceptions, portraying much of the VsmartneBS of imported models. JKach is hand made of silk velvets in tho newest shapes, richly trimmed with ostrich feathers easily priced ten dollars fl Qfl Kxlra Special Dress Goods Sale. M-ln. wide strictly All Wool Suitings, 46 In, wide strictly All Wool h"Yench Whip cords snd English Creponettes, Black and Colored, worth up to Monday All Wool French Challles. All Wool Zlbellne. Scotch Mixtures, All Wdol Voiles and French Tlalds, In col ors only, worth up to 75c, Monday Ilk Striped Inloa Challles. All Wool Tricots and French Flannels, worth up to 50c, Monday Half Wool aeen. Fancy Striped Walstlng, In evening shades only, worth up to 39c, Monday WM: 00c s. res. All In col- 30c a. lannels, 25c shades 15c Qlnf in, Fleeced Lined Flawos, Mercerised Walstlngs and ' Scotch hams, worth up to 2Do, Monday Maelkeasea Flajtaelettes. Lorlette Flannelettes and Venetian Striped Walstlngs, worth up to 19c, Monday Tleaaa Fleeced Llaed. The best 18o clou la the market. Light and Dark Colored rercalea, $6 Inchea . wide. Scotch Madrajises and Ginghams, worth up to 19c, Monday.......... French FIsisibcIb. Fleece lined Royal Piques,' Scotch and Seersucker Glnghsms and wide Percales, worth up to 12ic, ' Monday ........ I2!o 7ic PlaM yard Go 1, other stores Monday SALE OF OSTRICH PLUMES $Z00 twenty inch black Amazon plumes .....--..... 95 C $5.00 twenty;three inch black plumes 3.25 $6. 00 twenty' inch French' plumes 3.95 $8. 00 twent y four inch French plumes ........... 5 , g 5 Ilayden's Big Linon Salo Special Prices for Monday 86 Table LIB em S3 l-Jc. Table Damask, Snow . whits Union quality, Monday at, yard , Damask, 35c 22 l-2c SOe Table fLIneai 29c. Extra heavy Cream 'Table Linen, quality, Monday '. t at, yard .' 600 20c 7So Tahlo I.laem 49c, All pure Linen Silver Bleached Table Dam ask, 75a quality, Monday at, yard 40c fast 00c 1-9 Dos, Kapklas OOc. Bleached all Linen Napkins, slxe.' edges, worth $3.00 do., Monday at 6 for f 1JJB Kapklas SOe. This Is a silver bleached all linen German Napkin, else,-cannot be duplicated for tens than tl.16, Monday flClfa at. dozen OUw SOe (theetlng 23 t-'Jo Kxtra heavy bleached seamless sheeting, ' guaranteed to measure 81 Inches wide, no better goods on the market, 80c quality, Monday at, yd. 23 l-2c 100 7c lOo White Casabrio Tc. Snow white fine Cambric yard wide. quality, Monday at, yard 13 l-2e Maslia 1 34e. The finest bleached Muslin made, 86 Inches wide, soft fdr the needle, will not turn yellow with age. tto - "f M quality, Monday at, yd I U 10 A IJte tinea Toweling; o. Extra' heavy all linen unbleached 8Ho value, Monday at, yard ; Crash, 5c Children's Underwear Boys' extra heavy fleece-lined vests and drawres, r rencn neck and pearl outr tons, all slses, worth 60c, at 26c Children's vests, pants and drawers, in all alses, heavy neece lined, worth ao to 35c. at Mc, 15o and 10o Children's Jersey ribbed fleece-lined combination suits, worth Sue, at cjO Dr. Denton's knit sleeping garments for children. In ail sizes made or natural gray tine worsted covers the whole body cuffs for the hands and moccaBlns - for the feet recommended by physicians, ' worth $1.00. for only eOo Corsets American Beauty straight front Princess) hip corset, with hoee supporters in iront and on the side regular price (150, special sals price only H-00 Dr. Warner's rust proof corsets. In all the newest styles with or without boss supporters, at ll.iw and up. A Urge assortment of Kabo, W. C. C O. D.. Jusirtte and W. B. ooraeta. In all styles, at $l.uo and up. w The Nemo self-reducing corset for stout figures at r- ou The La Marguerite corsets.- in all the newest styles and fabrics, warrantea whalebone filling, prioss ranging from $2 50 to " ... ."....J $10.00 Corsets fitted from $1.60, up. . China Department. Imported ROC fir proof tea, pot, 2 and I pt. alses, beautifully duvorated, reru. larly sold at from bo to 75c, drystal Imitation cut glass globes at lOO-pleres decorated dinner sets, KngllBh seml-porcelain under glased decoration, at , . Decorated toilet sets, at v. Imported flint table tumblers, very line, i for dec. cups, dec saucers and dec dinner plates, la piecea, fur . The finest line of hand-naJntnl chlta in the west and urlcvs the lowest We carry a full line of White, Helleck ani rTencn cnuia for decorauug. discount to china pa'utera. i'lower pots for slipping plants, at 39c 13c imported ...6.93 1.49 18c 193 Frtucii fcpeoitil .... I: Csrpet Department. Grest Special Sale cn Oil Cloth and Linoleums Oood grade of oilcloth in all colors, one and one-half and two yards wide, worth 35o per yard, at f 0 square yard 19" Extra heavy grade of floor oilcloth In all widths, regular 45o quality, 9 Of at, square yard aw" Best printed linoleum made, 4 and 2-yard width to match, worth k5o per yard, I yards wide, at, rfi, square yard OH0 4 yards wide, at. It Mi square yard 04" $1.36 quality of velvet, with fills. poraer to matcn, at, per yara 0W $1.50 quality of Axmlnster carpet, with border, at, tin per yard aU 85o quality of Brussels carpet, with or without border, at, ft g per yard '. txll seamless Oriental ruga. worth at... 4 Brft quality Sxl3 body Brus sels, worth $1.60, at $xU VUton velvet rtuje, worth ii.5u, at , 8xU Pro. Brussels Rugs Cseam , less), worth $15, tor , 30 and 40-lnch BmyrnsVRugs, nn , worth $1.60. t......T7?.r!r: uyo .35.00 24.75 .21.50 .9. Curtain and Draptry Dept. Vivo special fcargajas la laee .srisis. lov MOBosvy siaol Tsvtdaji No. 1600 pairs of fine white Nottingham curtains, not a pair worth leas than $2 50 per pair, at. I ID per pair 1. 10 No. 1 350 pairs of white cream and ecru curtains, worth up to $3.35, IOC at, per pair No. 3400 pairs of curtains; this grade sells everywhere tof $176, 1 ft ft per pair, only I.lia No. 4 In this lot can be found soma of the very finest weaves, regular J $4.60 value, at. per pair .( No. -rWhlte, cream and Arabian curtains that are worth up to $4 4 C fl per pair, at 44.0 J Specials for Monday Monday we will place on sale a 11ns of tho famous photograph pillow tops In various designs and colors, worth $1 each, 2 to eaott customer, for (UU We are clearing up our stock of stamped linens, dresser scarfs, center pieces, tray cloths, pillow shams and pillow tops, and you can buy on Monday 26o pillows yfops for 10c 36c pillow tops for 16c. 60c to $1.00 tops for 25c. Grand Velllag Sale. Monday ws place on sale thousands of yards of stylish net and fancy dot veil lngs. This will be the greatest opportunity ever offered In veilings. . 25o veilings for THc 80c veilings for 10c. , 60c veilings for 15c. ' Drape Tells for hats, 25c. Ladies Hew Usckwear Monday ws place on sale four lots. '. This is the finest line of neckwearever shown In Omaha. ' FIRST LOT aus Ladles' Kerkwear fo . loe. This Is a fins lino of ladles' turn-over col lars, worth 20c on sale Monday at. each SECOND LOT 8o Ladles' Heekwear at 15o. Too must seo this line to appreciate It It la ths finest line wo have ever shown. THIRD LOT GO Ladles,' Keckwea at SOe. All colors and all styles silk and J merceiiied goods only aCwC FOURTH LOT SI. OO Ladles' Heekwear at Be. Tills is beyond doubt the most exquisite Una of tins lace neckwear ever shown for less than $2.00 on sals Monday only at Ladles Keek Raffs. Our opening sal on ladles' neck ruffs begins Monday I f s prices up from ItUU FURNITURE DEPARTMENT. A few Special Bargains in cur October Furniture Sale Buy your furnllore at Hayded Bros, and fare oac-tbird af yoar aoaey. . " 1 1 24.00 .25.00 I2.D0 . US .1.05 5.00 7.00 5. .'vJlv AT--, V.' " "' a-plecs bed room suit .Worth $35.00, for... t-pleco parlor auit, worth ' $37.00, for , $-plece parlor suit worth $26.00, for Corner chairs, worth $3.00, for Roman chairs wortji $3.60, Monday Couches worth $9.00 ( for Iron beds worth $12.(0 tor v Iron beds worth $8.00 ' for Iron Beds, worth $5.00 for,., - Dining- chairs worth $3.69 for -M. Dining chairs worth $2.00 ' for ..v.-.t. Dlnlnaj chairs worth $1.98 .. "00 Sideboards worth $24.60 ior . Extension .tables worth $15.00 , M uai 3. 2.20 .1.23 lltrdw re, Slot e end Mcusefurnlihings Den't Hilt for attld tnsp. Buy a stove now and be ready. We carry tho largest line of standard make stoves west of Chicago all warranted by the fac tory as well as by us. Ths finest snd best double heating basoburner mads in Amer ica. Come and see It nothing like it else where In Omaha. The Royal Universal have you seen It? Has no equal In Omaha Extra large lS-lnch Double Heating Base' burner, very handsome, a great heater, a regular $50 stove for Tho Prize Oak a beauty air tight, for hard or soft coal or wood; It-inch; regular $18 stove for.... A very fins air-tight Oak, . large size. regular $15 stovo for Ths Forest King, the best hot blast on the market, sectional lining, extra heavy polished steel body, a regular $18 stovo for The American Hot Blaat, a'very fine beater snd will give perfect satisfaction; a regular $14 stove; ws sell tbem Q gQ Daisy Oak, will beat any small room; a very nice atr-tlght heater Air-Tight Wood Heaters, lSMnch No. I Laundry Stoves 44.50 at'lng Base ,t heater, a 41.50 rht, for hard '4.95 re size, a 11.50 ast on the ra heavy 13.50 Pips ovens for Laundry Stoves ...:4.05 1.20 3.10 3.25 10 V w is 8.VUJ 50c in o vyrn 1 1 V 0) 0j T1UNGS THAT TOU NEED. -Inch pipe 30x30 stovo boards Firs shovels - Gal. tubs Iron handles Steel frame wringers V" .to S9o ...... Jo ....35c .60 9Re Grocery Dept. . The rrsp of IttOS of Callforala aew peaches aad all dried trait this yoar Is very flae aad cheap. DRIED FRtIT BALE. V Oao poaad of dHed fratt will go far as trrm or three-pouad raae of tho same fralt caaaed. - Fancy Mulr peaches, now 1003 crop. per lb .Wia Fancy Crawford peaches, new 1903 crop. per lb ,jju. Oolden Efgle new 1803 crop, per lb ', 100 Fancy Michigan new lftOS crop, per lb. . 80 Fancy Maryland peaches, new U03 crop. per lb ; 713 Fancy Colorado peaches, new 1903 crop. per lb .5, Choice Balway peaches, new 1903 crop, Per lb 'Bo Evaporated apricots, 1903 crop, per lb.. lOo Choice evaporated aprloots, per lb 12,o j TEA AKD COFFEE. A bargain In coffee Oolden bean coffee ... Santos coffee J "" Government stand Mocha and Java. 'Oolunn crown Mocha' aid" Java"!!""! oinr per id Formosa Oolong tea, per lb.... Imperial tea, per lb Oreen Japan tea, per lb Sun-dried Japan tea, per lb. ', English breakfast tea, tier lb, Young Hyson tea, per lb Basket-fired tea lOo 12o 13o Uo no :o lia ?r.o I'oO 150 ISO 150 EVERY ARTICLE GV'ABANTEED TO BE ABBOLITELV PI RE. ' SO lbs. grraa elated saar for.f l.OU 10 bars of best laundry soap for r&o lo 6 lbs. liand-picked navy beans for.. lo 10 54o 7Ho J'Kl 800 Fine hammerless Shotgun, double-barreled, American make $21.50 t-Inch Elbows Cc Pipe rings 60 Coal hods 16o Gal. palls e ee m sp e . 13o Kltoben meat sawa 23c 12-gaugs Loaded Shells eOo 10-gaugo Loaded Shells ...Co A good double-barrelled gun i-$3.60 Drug Department. Enptlu Uassage. List till 01 tizpiet. This is the new massage that "rolls up" and the only kind gotten up on the light principle. This week only FKEB samples. Enough for a long time sent by mall on re. celpt of 25c In stamps. THIS 18 THE LAHT WEEK FOR FREE BAMI'Lks OF SAME. Wall Paper. Never before have wo shown such bar gains as we are now showing In our wall paper department. Everything goea at oue-half its actual value, to make room for new good a Fine white blanks at, per roll, 3c. Fine white gilts at. per roll. 6c. Dark red and greeus at, per roll, tc. Only two rooms to a customer at ths above prices. Paint. Tho best grade of ready-mixed paint on the market, only, gallon, iuo. i-lucuio wall paper tleaavr. tho best on the maraet. per cn. only iiuu. VsrciUh slams, enamels and bruibts, all at greatly reduced tiilces. 6 lbs. bieakfast rolled on.ta for... 6 lbs. good Japan rice for laploca, Fearl barley, sago, hominy. viu., pvr IU Quirt cans of fancy table syrup for. Half 'gal. cans table syrup fur 1 gal. cans table syrup for run nume-maae tomatoe catsup, per bottle 7140 Elastic, Electric, Culluloid or I X L , starch, per pkg 710 1-lb. pkg. Imported macaroni Uo 1-lb. pkg. corn starch 8Va 3-lb. cans Boston baked beans 8vo 8-lb. 4 cans Golden pumpkin ita Soda, oyster, butter or milk crackers, per lb to Fore breakfast food, per pkg 7U3 Neutrita breakfast food, per pkg...:... 7Jo Vigor breakfast food, per pkg 7vS Vim breakfast food, per pkg 71 MHiia- vi ia Dreastusi rooo, per pKg..... 71,0 Kgg-O-See breakfsst food, per pkg 7U Malt. r.rM l.r-L.1. tt . ,L -, A BIG CAXDY BPECIAI- lb..,.. I10 Cream mixed candy, per Burnt neanuts. per lb t'huoolate creams, per lb. uum arops. per id Choice mixed randy, per lb. Salted peuiiuts, per lb Fa icy cream caramels, per lb.... Cream wafers, per lb Almond or maple fudge, per lb.. Tho eosablaattoa of plac la krokes, We sell Star plug tobacco (or.., Horse Shoo plug tobaooo.. ...... 15-5 ..... ll0 5o 80 1 l.o ?5o 15o tokaceo t . . rfs XbO Neckties .l&.ttiss Uen's 25c. tlecklies fcr ICe 300 dos. men's fine silk neckties. In' boas, four-in-hands and teok Uo. all colors, on sale at , : tOe All the new styles in man's $1.00 nock" wear at too Men's 600 suspenders. In all styles, ' leather and silk ends, at Z5o Moo's 25o sucks, ia black and fancy ' colors, at J(Vj Men's 660 socks, la plain and fancy. colors, at 2o Men's XOo handkerchiefs. In whits aud colored, at ida eaool Caps for Boys aad Girls. 160 dos. of boys' and children's neat assorted p caps. In patterua, worth up to luraay at.. euo, on sale eaturday at Boys' Yacht, brighluo. Oolf and Auv uoblle caps, worth up to $1.00, hstuf- -day only t.... $m Girls' Autotaublle style cape. In plain and fancy at 6(to. and ft a CiiUdieits stocking- oapa at be tin. i