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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23. 1903. qiAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Tier ia Frc Bellin? In DecembrSbet at Lowtr Price DECEMBER CORN PRICE IS HIGHER Cain, lafloeaeet y Cora Market, Reaehea Hlhrr Price, While Pro dare Market la Firmer on Advanee la Hogi, CHICAGO, Oct. 22,-The lowering of cash premiums In all markets and anticipation of Increased country acceptances in the northwest were Influences thai caused free selling of December wheat tmlay and weak li)a waa manlrexted In that delivery, the clone being H4ic lower. December corn clofK-d "c higher, oata were also op '4r, while January provisions were fcpm 2Wit loo higher. Oeneral selting- of December wheat waa tha chief feature of trading In that pit and lower prices were recorded. Opening prices were barely steady on favorab e weuthtr for the movement and on easier cables, De cember being Vkc lower to Vc higher at "c. The heavy selling; of yesterday whs also a bear factor early In the clay, aa was the easier tone In all oumide markets. Elevator Interests and longs sold freely the first hour, and with scarcely any demand December slumped off to I9ic. A report fsom Minneapolis to the effect that thera was little demand there for the cash article from millers was a factor In depressing prices. The market was quiet and steady tha latter part of the session and December closed at WtTWfcc, a Ions of fiiic. Tha May delivery was comparatively firm throughout tha entire day on a good com mission house demand. Clearances of wheat and flour were aaual to 4310 bu. Primary receipts were 904, WO bu., agalDSt 1,2,KJ0 bu. a year ago. Minneapolis and Duluth reported receipts of 615 cars, which, with local receipts of 61 cars none of con tract grade made total receipts f"r the three polnta of M8 cars, against "62 cars last week and 1,084 cars a year ago. s A better demand for corn existed than for ome time and the market ruled firm, jooal traders were generally bullish, In fluenced by the good cash demand and by tha continued receipt of reports from nearly all sections of the corn be'.t showing poor results from husking. Commission houses bought freely of both December and May, and there was some selling of May by pro lalon Interests but dealings on the whole were light. Closing ' prices were firmer. With December at 444o. after selling be tween 43'4,c and 44'4iC. Local receipts, 287 cars, with 15 of contract grade. Flrmnesa characterised the trading In oats, due largely to the better tone in corn. There was considerable covering by local shorts an(l the selling was scattered, but mostly by longs -with profits. After rang ing between 3Sc and 36G36o December closed at 35c. Local receipts were 192 cars. Provisions were extremely quiet, but a trifle firmer feeling prevailed. Influenced by an advance of lrtc In the price of hogs. The onlv feature was a fair demand for lnrd bv brokers. January pork closed Be higher at 811.80, January lard was up 2e at 88.66, while ribs were 10c higher at 86.22V4. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 0 cars; corn, 425 cars; oats, 215 cars; hogs, 13,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close.j Yes'y. Wheat Deo. May Corn Oct. Deo. May Oats Dec. May Pork Oct. Jan. May Lard Oct. Dec. Jan. May Ribs Oct. Jan. May 43 43'4 4W4 43 4IF4j 44W4, 44H 4.T, 4- 43 4Z&1. 43 , 42 3.T 3S K4wnr1v h a&s 86) ii 86 86 8614 1.. 1 1 11 11 1 11 10 11 85 11 R74 11 RS 11 87V4 11 824 11 I 11 97H 11 87 U 97 11 90 47'l 47 45 45 1 8 45 4ft 8 47H 45, 6 47 47 52 57 8 52 8 55 8 52 80 J 85 880 866 8 62 8501150 835 8251850 6 20 8 22 8 20 6 22 6 20 8 12 8 82 8 82 8 82 8 32 No. 1 tNew. ' rh auotatlons were as follows: FLOUR Steady: winter patents, 84.00 A ttA. -iHlvkla M 7lV?.U 1ft. BRlHll0 MUnta 84 1(4.60; straights, $3.703.9d; bakers, 8280 WHEAT No, 8, 77C4o; No. 2 red, 80K(9 B3C. CORN No. 2. 44c: No. 2 yellow. 454JifiHc, OATS-No. 8, 85Ho; No. 8 white, 3&H Wo. .RYFV-No. 1. B4a -. . BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 47iR54c, SEEDS No. 1 flax. 92c: No. 1 northwest ern, Wc. Prime timothy, 2.72. Clover, contract grade, 810.75. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 811.10 Yll.mA. Lard. Der 1U0 lbs.. M 47V.ifi4S.5n. Short ribs sides (loose, I7.2fi7.75. Short clear sides (boxed). 87.127.25. Tha following were the receipts and ship mcnts of nour ana grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl 3,300 17,700 Wheat, bu 118.800 84.700 Corn, bu Zfil.700 449.800 OaU. bu...., 273,!0 169.100 Rye, bu 7,0 2,i0 Barley, bu 115,400 60.400 On the Produce exchange today tha but- -ter market was steady; creameries, 15 Ho: dalries.14(iJl8c. Kegs, steady; at mark. rasea Included, 1819c. Chese, easier, 10 tillo. . - HEW YORK GKHERAL MARKET. Qaotatloas of tha Day Varloas Commodities. NEW YORK. Oct. 22. FLOUR Receipts, 17,631 bbls. ; exports, 8,293 bbls. ; market steady, but with trade checked .by tha wheat decline; winter patents, 34.00iff4.35; winter straights, I3.9W4.10; Minnesota pat' ents. 4-5H : winter extras, I2 90&325 Minnesota bakers. I3.50ift4.10: winter low grades. 12.703.05. Rya flour, firm: fair to good, 3.fcij3.40; choice to tancy, W.twu 3. BO. t),in)ra,iB.t Arm f 1 PA fur r. a m rr tn BUCKWHKAT' Quiet. Ho o. L t: New Tork. CORNMEAL Quiet ; yellow western, 81.09: city. i.07: kiln tinea, ja.i'vm.zs. RYE Dull; No. t western, 62c. nominal. f. o. b., afloat ; stats and Jersey, ooyiooVtC. BARLEY Steady ; feeding. 46c, c. 1. f Wutt bio, malting, c. 1. I., uunaio. WHEAT Receipts, 37.535 bu.; spot, easy; X.' i , pm4 ai.v. tn, ftiw. aUirotni1 ,t .1 fiW,, t o, b. afloat; No. l'nurthern Duluth, 81t,o f, o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Options had an Irregular opening witn uecemuer easy ana May nrm, as a result of unloading "spreads" and heavy selling by Bt. Louis at Chicago and by the northweat here partly on talk of In creasing spring ' wheat receipts and ex porter's reduced bids, curtailing business. and tha close was unsettled at Hiitl'' net decline. May, K3 ll-tiyuw -c, closed, '4c July closed. 79'-,C December, tTs&JtOsc rlosed. 8tk CORN Receipts, 210.750 bu.; exports, 123, 000 bu. ; spot, steady; No. 2, 61n elevstor and bio f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 yellow. 54 Vac No. 3 wlaXe, 52c. Options Arm this morning on cables, fair clearances, complaints of Voor husking returns and covering. While It finally eased on a little with wheat, the close waa still above last night May, 4ioH8 11-lfic, closed, 4Sc; December, sr"e. closed, wiic. OAT8 Receipts. 28.800 bu.: spot, aulet No. 3, 42c; standard white, 43c; No. I white, 43c: No. 3 white. 4ic: track white. 41ti45c. HAY Firm; shipping, tlTtx.-; guod to choice. &M19UC. HOI'S Uulet: state common to choice, 190 crop, 26(i32c: 1902. 21'3J5r; Paclllu coast. 19uJ crop. ZSdi-.'Wi-: 2126Vjc. HIDES Steady; Galveston :o to 15 pounds, lHc; California 21 to 2a pounds, LEATHER Steady; acid. t325c; wool, firm: domestic fleece. 1Mi33c. PROVISION Hwf. euy; family, $10Oiyf.i 1 50: mess. lM.(.it W; beef ham. t-'l 23 00; parket. I? iMu 1S.O0; city, extra India mu. 314 oi 16.O0. C ut meats, lrregu ar Pickled bellies. t9.5Tlrtll.O0; pickled shoulders 15 7,S'!iS UO; pickled hams, ll.5oi 12 o0. Ijird steaiy; western steamed, 87; refined steady; continent, 37.40; South America, 8S compound, 37.127.37. Pork, easy; fani llv, 119, short clear, lit 016.00; mess, 11 tl 13.50. RICE Steady: domestic, fair to extra 4jic; Japan, nominal. TALLOW Steady ; city, 4c; country, 4 0HL. C BUTTER Receipts, 64.000 pks. : firm ,m,rv lnilW: state d:,iry. 15u20c. CH'EKSE Receipts, 8.4ol pkM.; quiet state full cream fancy small, colored an white. 1114c. KousnKocelpt. I.MO pkgs.; firm; want POl'LTRT Alive, steady: spring rhlck . i,w.. fowls. 11c: turkeys. Jic; ores dull and Irregular; western broilers, Italic fuwis. 13c; turkeys. 13tfl7c. Paorla Grata Market. PEOPIA. Oct. 2i-CORN-No. 3, 43c OATSSsdyi No. I white, a?36c;W gi. UskT4jrstes4 PrsyUloa. BT. LOt'l Oat- - M. WHEAT Lower Ku. t i, ttvator. soo; track. v. Wc; December, S6c; May, 82c; No. 8 hard. w7i'4c. t ' 'KN Higher; No. I cash, 4:c; traca, 4.V(i4:l'; I nrpmbfr, 39"c; May, 40c. OA'18 Higher; No. 2 casri, ac; traca, Zi 3ic; May. : No. 2 white, 39)40c Kf iower at mc KIAJUR Dull; red winter patents. 83 90 4.10; extra fancy and straight, 83.6043296; car. I3.;I'i340. SEED Timothy, steady, I2.50fl3.00. CUKNMEAL Steady; 12 . HRAN Quiet; sackrd east, track, T3'rr,fic. HAY Dull: timothy. fl.lin iv.w; prairie, $6.0"jl0.fl0. IRd.N COTTON TIES ll.Ua. B A 1 1 1 NO f t 6c. HEMP TWIN & be. rKoVISIONS Fork, unchanged; jonuing, pndard mess. 311. M). Lard, unchanged at 10 35. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, .75; elf -ir ribs, 39.12; short clear, 9.'. I'Ot'Il'KV-Easv; chickens, Sc; springs, ; turkeys, 11c; ducks. 9(il0c; geese. ic. BUTTER Fnir demand; creamery, Kg 22c; dairy, 144il8c. EUUS f irm at zic, loss on. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 8.000") Wheat, bu ta.noo 240,000 Corn, bu io.ww ti.vw Oats, bu 63,0Jt M.uw OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condltloa of Trad aaa Haotatloaa oa taple and Faary Prod ace. EOO-Fresh stock, loss off, 19o. LIVE POULTRIf Hens. TVtc: spring hickens, TWoSc: roosters, according to age. be; turkeys, 1213c; old ducks, 7c; young ucks, KH(Ic; geese, 7c. BUTTE t Packing stock. 13e: choice to fancy dairy, In tubs, 164jT8c; separator, 21o. FRESH FISH-Fresh caught trout, lie: pickerel, 8c; pike, 10c; perch, 6c; buffalo, ic; hlueflsh, 15c; whlteflsh, loc: salmon, lie; haddock, 10c; codllsh, 12c; redsnapper, 11c; lobsters boiled, per lb., 70c; lobsters, green, per lb.. .r- bullheads. 11c: catfish. 14c; black baea, 2l'42Sc; halibut, to: crap pics, 12c; herring, 6c: while bass, loc; bluenns, 8a uiaiUKS-Mew xora counts, per can, c, per gnl $2.00; extra selects, per can, c. ter eal.. 31.75: standard, per can. Sue. per gal.. (1 3b. JJKAN Per ton, 314.50. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers association: Choice No. 1 up land, W.bO; No 2. 38.00; medium, I7.M; coarse, ii.OO. Rya straw, 37.00. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair and receipts light. , lunn inc. OATS 38o. RYE No. i. 60c. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado. ;580e: Dakota. per bu., 70&75c; native, 70c. ' SWEET POTATOES Home grown, per basket, 75c; Virginias, per 3-bu. bbl., 33.00. Ill' . V- n T I' ' , . 0.aio nura, grown, wax, per maraei basket. 4Vir60c: stiina. per market basket. 4fc 5oc. TOMATOES Homa grown, per basket, 50c. NAVY BEANS Per bu., 82.65. CELERY Mi.-hliran. ner ilm. lOTKtfin: large western, 46c. onions New home grown, dry, per lb., lc; Spanish, per crate, 81.50. CABHAOE Missouri Holland. IMo. TURNIPS Canada Rutabagas, per lb., lo. FRUITS. PRUNES-Italian, per box, H.W. PEACHES Utah freestones. 80c: Colo rado Albertas, 31.00. r&Aus Colorado ana Utah" Kelfers, 82.00; winter Nellls, 32.50. APPLKH .lonathans and flrlmes flnMen. 33.7iii4.00; Michigan stock, 33.25fc3.50; Call- luiiuit iviinowera, per dox, i.o; ntw iorx stock, 33.253.50; Oregon stock in bushel boxts, 31.1661.25. tiRAPEK California ToUavsl 11.86: New York, per 8-lb. basket, 30c. CRANBERRIES Per bbl., 38.50; per box., CALIFORNIA QUINCES-Per bog. 31.65. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Mexican, all sixes, $4.00. . LEMON H Caiilornla tunc v. lull to MO Ues. 14.50; choice 240 to 270 sixes, 34.0Oiif4.2S. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartona, die; mporiea nmyraa, -crown, i; a-crown, 17c: 7-crown. 19a. DATES-Persian, per box of 30 packages, 32.00; per lb., lit 60-lb. boxes. 6c BANANAS Per medium alxed bunch, 32.00 MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. 12c: Wisconsin Young Americas, 13c; uioca owiss, .wc; wisconalu Drica, lVo; Wisconsin limber ger, 12c. HONEY Nebraska. Der 24 frames. 13.60: Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames, 33.50. uiut-u-rer DDI., &.7b; per -bbl., 63.26. POPCORN-Per lb., 2c; shelled, 8&3c. HORSE RADISH Per caaa of 1 dox. pacaeo, sue. in u is wainuts, no, l sort-shell, per lb., 15c: hard-shell. Der lb.. 14c: No. 3 soft-ahelL per lb, 13c; No. 2 hard-shell, per lb., 12c; Brazils, per lb., Ui&nc: filberts, per lb., ji'ouftc; almonds, soft shell, per lb., loc; hard-shell, per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per lb., 10yUc; small, per lb., &10o; peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; Chile walnuts, 12rl3c: large hickory nuts, per bu., 11.26; shell-barks, per bu., $1.75 2.00; black walnuts, per bu., $1.26; eastern cheatnuts, per lb., 12&14C. HIDES No. 1 areen. 6Uc: No. 1 srreen. 5c; No. 1 salted, 7c: No. 2 salted, 6c: No. 1 vsar calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 3 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6c; dry salted hides, 8' 12c; sheep pelts, 2&tu6c; horse hides. Swt 2.60. Kansas City Grata a4 ProTlsloas. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 22.-WHEAT-D cember, ti(tt64c ; May, 68fit!8vc; cash, No. 2 hard. 73fai73o: No. 8. 7ixU72c: Nn 4 63!7c; rejected, 62jj63c; No. red, 82c; CORN December. 36c: May. 36tc: rash. No. 2 mixed. 38i&39c; No. 2 white, 89c; No. 3, 3t(3Sc. oats no. 2 white, 333-37c; no. I mixed, 35c. , RYE NO. !, 60W52C. HAY Choice timothy. 39.60(810.00: choice prairie, $8.00. BUTTER-Creamery, 18lc; dairy, fancy, 17c. EGGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, cases returned, 18c; new No. 2, white wood cases Included:, 19c. Receipts, onipmens. Wheat, bu.. .106,400 167,200 corn, du... 14. 16.000 11,200 16,000 utus, DU... Metal Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 22. METALS Snot n advanced 15a In London, closing at 116 15s, while futures were unchanged at 117 7s 6d. Tha New York tin market was steady with spot, closing at $25.&Kjj 26.12. Copper advanced 2s 6d In London, spot closing at 54 17s 6d and futures at 54 13a 9U. Ixx-ally copper continues quiet. Lake Is quoted at $13.0O13.5O; electrolytic at $13.00, and casting at $12.62. Lead ad vanced Is 2d to 11 2s M In London, but was unchanged here, 34.50. Spelter closed k.M ym fed in London, was 2s id higher. Locally the market remained firm, at Jo.lu1. iron closed at 49s Id In Olasgow, ana at 42s 9d In Mlddleaborough. Locally some grades were lowered at slightly to correspond wjth the declines reported yes terday. No. 1 foundry northern at 316.00 U 15.60; No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 lounnry southern sort at vi4.7btyia.25. T. 1.U11S. uct. zz.-M(:iAi,-Leia dull at $4.26. Spelter quiet at $5.46. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 22. COTTON The market opened easy at unchanged prices to a decline ot 5 points. There waa heavv buying on the advance that was accredited to leading wan street snorts, and tins bull leaders supported the market until October reached 9 87c; December. 9.94c: Jan uary, .;.; Marcn, s.vsc; May, ui.uic; the latter price being the highest so far for the season. Total sales, estimated, 700 bales. Philadelphia Prodaee Market. PHII.ADELPHIA. Oct. 22. BUTTER Steady; fair demand; extra western cream ery, zi 'c: nearDy prints, zzc. EGGS Firm; good demand: fresh nearby, 25o at mark; western, 24itic loss off; southwestern, 23u23c; southern, 21tj'22c. I'HfciKsr; yuiet, nut steady; iw York full creams fancy, 12c; choice, llc; fair to good, ll(ul2c. Hlaaeapolls Wheal, Fleer aael Braa. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct 22,-WHEAT De cember, 7'.o; May, 7Sc. On track: No. 1 hard, 84V'; No. 1 northern, KJc; No. 1 northern, 7KiS0c. FLOUR First patents, $4 566165: second patents, J4 4-i-l Do; first clears,; second clears, $.7iU2.86 f. o. b. In wood In Minne.'ipiilia. BHAN-ln bulk. $1175. Dry (iouda Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 22.-DRY GOODS The maiket ia nut declining any In strength, but there I a slight liioilnatloa to an In crease of conservatism caused principally by the financial situation. There Is mora or less buying Wing done for spring and sellers are becurlng their prices. Mil waa bee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE, Wis.. Oct. 22 WH EAT Weak; No. 1 northern, 8oV.8c; No. 3 norlt.ern. M'Kh-; uecenitwr. 6,,fi8Xc n A RLE Y steady; No. 2, 65c; sample, fctVJc. CORN-December. 434c Dalalk (irala Market. DULUTH. Oct. 12. WHEAT CToee: On truck, no. 1 northern, i2c; December, 77c. OATS-34i;. TOLEDO. Oct. I?. SEEDS Clover, OrXy. btir, $u.t; December. t L4: Jkuaary. M el; bruary. $6 67: Mirult. 0. i'rta Uui i.ay. $1.37.- Pruue HeAe. M.4A NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Botter reelinj on 'Changs in Ep to of Somo Bid Nowa. BUYERS WORE PLAINLY IN EVIDENCE Attempt to Aeenmalate Rtorka Is Made Appareat by Parrhasers at Low Flgares oa Bad Reports. NE.W YORK. Oct. 22. -The movement of prices of stocks tmlay was again Incon clusive, the' net change being for the most part trivial. Ixssea predominated at the end of tha day, but the market hnd-ulte generally advanced In face of the early unfavorable developments. The suspension of an Allegheny bank growing out of the failure yesterday of the Federal National bank of Pittsburg caused scarcely a rlp- fle In the market, although reports showed he continued necessity of precautionary measures at Pittsburg, such as refraining from trading In bank stocks and the pro vision af . a $2,000,000 safety fund among the banks. Ixndon also effected this mar ket unfavorably owing to a fresh out break of fears of war between Russia and Japan. The labor disputes on the Manhattan and the Pennslyvanla railroad systems were under , discussion In Wall street, but did not Seem to be much- re garded In the trading. Dissatisfaction was expressed with the condition In coal trading, growing out of a large accumulation of steam sizes of anthracite and the active competition thereby produced with the large produc tion of bituminous coal for shipment to the seaboard. The latter traffic Is reported to be In a eeml-demorallxed condition, and at the same time the assertion gained cur rency that the attorney general of Virginia contemplated a proceeding to contest the control of the Pennslyvanla and the Bal timore Ohio, Norfolk & Western and Chesapeake & Ohio. The effect of these demands was not more than nominal and did not prevent an advance, which Included representative stocks In most of the prom inent groups, the coalers not excepted. The character of the market seemed to have changed so far that Instead of sell ing stocks on every piece of good news, as has been the case recently, there was a disposition to buy stocks on unfavor able public announcements, thus arguing the tendency to accumulate stocks. The very broad and active bond market which has showed progressive Increase for sev eral days past afforded an example of the same tendency. With funds accumu lating In reserves and a growing ease In the money market there Is no lontter tiny expectation that high Interest ratei will be permanent and on this assumption high grade bonds are attractive at the present level of prices. Special demands on local money supplies by reason of troubles at Baltimore and Pittsburg have not affected the ease of the local money market. One reason for the prevailing ease seems to be that the heavy railroad borrowings ex- fiected to develop this fall come into ev dence. Corroborative of the reports of curtailment In betterment work by the railroads and Is capable of an unfavorable Interpretation. But it has served to ease the pressure on the money market. Sub treasury transfers to New Orleans were $350,000, following the deposit yesterday for a similar purpose of $325,000. This Is con vincing evidence of a much freer move ment of cotton crop, which the larger port receipts today also testify to. The movement of funds to the west Is still small, although New York exchange at Chicago fell to 15 cents discount today, compared with the recently prevailing pre mium. The principal factor of the late re action of the market was the drop of nearly two points In Amalgamated copper, wtilch absorbed practically all of the at tention In tha market, after the announce ment of the decisions against It In the Montana- litigation. Tha market closed steady. The bond market was broad and strong. Total sales, bonds, par value, were $2,. 632.000. United States Ss and the new 4s advanced and the 2s and old 4s per cent on the last call. Following Is the number of shares of stock sold, range of prices and closing bids on tha Now York Stock exchange: Sales. High. Low. Close. Atchison 33,770 m ( 66 66 OO pld OU Mhk "9 Baltimore dt Ohio.... 11,395 75 74 i do pfa 87 Canadian Pacific .... Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio.. 6,325 119 119 , 800 169 158 600 30 29 1,000 28 26 500 ' 64 "64 400 15 14 400 2CT4 26 H 29 U n tea go a Alton do pfd Chicago Ot. Western. do B pfd..... Chicago St N. W Chicago Ter. de Tran. 64 14 26 1.370 161 160 161 do pfd 100 18 18 18 71 C, c:, C. St. L.... Colo. Southern 450 100 . 100 13 62 21 12 b2 12 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd 21 155 230 19 Del. 4c Hudson 200 155U 155 Del., Lack. & West.. Denver & R. O 200 232 2J2 do pfd 17 27 66 4X Erie .. 16.240 .. 2.060 .. 400 27 6K 49 27 66 48 do pfd do 2d pfd Ot. Northern pfd.... Hocking Valley ..... ISO 69 78 1,120 131 130 130 19 do pfd Illinois Central .... Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louisville & Nash.. Manhattan L Met. St. Ry Minn, dc St. Louis. Mo. Pacific M.. K. & T 34 300 18 18 17 31 6,100 102 3.700 134 2,000 107 100 100 133 133 106 10i 44 90 16 13 39 ll,8fi3 81 lfi 15 90 1 16 100 213 do pfd Nat. of Mexico, pfd.. N. Y. Central Norfolk & West do pfd Ontario' & Western.. Pennsylvania 3,400 118 117 117 700 67 56 67 87 . . . 20 24,300 119 118 1)8 Pitts., u. J. ac Bt. u Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island do pfd St. L. dc San Fran... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd 8. L. Southwestern. do pfd St. Paul v do pfd Southern Pacific ... Southern Railway .. do pfd Texas & Pacific Toledo. St. L. A W. do pfd Union Paclflo tsti 24,450 46 45 45 75 61 25 69 53 60 46 13 30.960 2,810 26 61 . t 45 24 59 100 45 SI 42,300 139 138 W 111 16.900 . 4,000 1.400 1,800 "ioo 33,200 2,io6 42 18 74 23 2S" '41 18 74 22 41 18 74V 16 25 ;i is 80 K 16 lffi"' V 30 21 66 25 71 84 18 31 15 16 220 185 100 200 3fi 21 6 76 13 74 do prd Wabash do pfd Wheeling ft Lake E. Wisconsin Central ... Adams Express American Express... 1T. S. Express 19 .11 15 16 8,600 v 100 420 200 185 Wells-Fargo Ex.... Amal.- Copper .... Amur. Car ft F... ... 87.6O0 ... 1.000 38 21 98, do pfd Amer. Unseed Oil... do pfd Amer. Locomotive.. do pfd Amer. Smelt, ft R... 850 1.050 6,5.10 1.700 14 76 43 13 74 42 do pfd Amer. Sugar Refln'g. 4,320 116 Kb 114 114 .... 62 33 81 81 29 .... 10 Anaconda Mining .. Rrooklvn R. T 7,0 300 Colo. Fuel ft Iron.... Col. ft Hock. Coal... ronsolldatd Oas .... General Electric .... International Paper.. 31 1.000 175 178 174 850 149 14"! 147 100 11 11 11 106 61 61 1 30 70 300 34 34 34 13 73 ftlfl ?1 2i ?i 8.740 96 93 9:1 4S0 31 31 31 150 73 72 71 215 500 8 7 7 8.6R1 53 6? 6J 300 14 14 14 69 3.100 SO 28 28 1,410 7 7 7 800 76 76 7 34 10,400 14 13 13 2H3 69 58 59 100 81 81 82 do Did International Pump do pfd National Rlscult .... National Led North American .... Paclflo Mail People's Gas Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Pal. Car.... Republic Steel do pfd nubber Goods .... do DM Tenn. Coal & Iron... V. 8. Leather do pfd U. S. Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Western t'nlon Total sales for tha flay, 4TB.500 shares. Forelga Klaaaelal. LONDON. Oct. ZZ Mtl.NKY There WI a pronounced demand for money In the market today and the auonlles were 1 sened. Discounts were fairly steady. Busl. ness on the Btock exchsnwe was aulet and irr-wilr. the leis s'lsfsctorv far eastern outlook, the uncertainty regarding the labor atiesiton In South Af"l nd the financial situation In the ITnifed States helnw Am. prewlng Influence". Consols were fairly stes.dv. Home rells were wesV owing to poor traffic returns snd the Indifferent gen eral uut'nok Americans opened dull and fluctuated trllw on Wthr side of narlty reatPas a clears nee of the situation In Aitrtira. TTsey h"'dened In the last hour eia4 -l4d rw. The weekly w4atnt of ts n ef t'nglanil sliwa the ton ': "rota! reserve increased 6,j.0O0. clrrulntinn ri,wi-a,t r fiFJt 000. bullion In creased 2T.12, other securities decreased A14H.KI0. other deposits decreased .(.u". puhllo deposits Increased 741,000. notes re serve Increased 664.000 and government securitioa in,.rii ? non The proportion pf the Bank of England's reserve to liability this wek la 44.9n per cent. ubi wee u was 44.02 per cent. SfW York Money Market. NEW YORK. Oct 22. MONEY On call: Steady; lowest 1 per cent; highest, 2 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; last loan, 2 per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent: offered, 2 per cent. Time, easy: sixty days, 4 per cent; ninety days, 4'o4 per cent; six months, 4HH per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 6frec: sterling exchange, firm, with actual business In banker's bills st $I.H575tfi 4.8x0 for demand and at f4.s235fj4.S240 for sixty days; posted rales, $4.83 and $4.86; commercial bills. $4.82. , SI LVER Bar, 61c; Mexican dollar, BuNDS Government, strong; railroad, strong. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: I'. 8. ret. is, ieg.,..10TVi'P. W. ft n. C. H....104H do coupon 101W Horklnt Vsl. 4m. ...1 do Si ri l.) ;l, A N. unl. 4 do coupon HV)t,M,,ican tn. 4s 71 do nrw 4a, rrg 1.114 tn lrt Ine 1H Ar. rntinnn 1M14. Ulna A St. t. 4fl... H4 do old 4a, r Ill V, K. ft T. la do coupon ...111 do a ...IOIU'n. R. R. of M. c. 4a. 74 do 6n, reg do coupon , Atrhlnon gn. 4a. ...102 N Y. C. g. la 97. N. J. C. g. Ba 1W la 10? do adj. 4a. 1 No. Pacific Atlantle C. L. 4a.... oi do 3a ?, Baltlmors A O. 4.in4 N. A W. c. 4 5 do a B. L,. 4a flr par.... " Ontral of Oa. la ins ,pnn. con. l"ja do lat Ino m Reading gen. 4a M fl ea, ft Ohio 4Ha. ...10114 ut. u A I. M. c. 6a.. Ill Chlrgo & A. IWa... 7JSft. L A 8. F. fg. 4a. 82 C. B. A Q. n. 4a... M",at. L. 8. W la S C M. A 8. P. f. 4..109V,!spbord A. U 4a... M C. A N. W. c. 7a....lJlHlSo Pacific 4a 7 c, r. 1. r. ;a i.lo. Railway 611 1114 do cot. 6a rrc. A St. L. g. 4a.. Chicago Ter. 4a ton. Tobacco 4a t'olo. A 80. 4a nrnrer A R. O. 4a.. Erin prior Hen 4a.... do gen. 4a..'. Offered. 1.lTeias A Pacific la...ll M IT., 8t. L. A W. 7J Union Pacific 4a.. f,.".V, do con. 4a 5H Wabaah la W.I do deb. B 57 H W. A L. K. 4a...' 4'iWla- Central 4a.. ...inj ... s ...lit ... M14 ... M ... 8 London Stock Ctaotatloas. LONDON, Oct. 22. Closing quotations: Conaola for money.. S 1-14 New York Central. ..111 do account 88 7-14 Norfolk A weatern... mt .. H do pf.l R Anaconda, Atrhiaon do pfd Baltimore ft Ohio. Canadian Pactnc... Cheaarrake A Ohio 68 '4 Ontario ft Weatern... tl . VIS PennnyWanla . 77'. Rand Mlnea.. H4 . . S3 41 at :t 7T 43 74V4 87 14H m lVj US An Heeding . :t04 do lat pfd t hlcago a. W. issv do pra. C, M. ft St. P 14.V4 Southern Hall war.. Pi Herri do pfd. IXnvcr A R. 0 do pfd Erie do 1st pfd..., do 2d pfd.... Illinois Central ...201 Southern Pacific .. 70 Union Paclflo .. 2H do pfd .. United States Steel. .. to do pfd ..1344 Waba.atr' LrfMilavllle A Naah.. .10414 Mlasourl, K. A T... 174 du pro BAR SILVER Steady at 28d per ounce. MONEY 1H3 per cent. The rate of dis count in the open market for short bills Is 3 6-10&3 per cent and for three-months' bills is 3 9-163 per cent. Boston Stock Quotations. BOSTON, Oct. 22 Call loans, 8fT4 per cent; time loans,, 56 per cent. Official closing prices on stocks and Donas: Atrhiaon 4a HVi Allouel , Mexican Cen. 4a t8 iAmalgamated .... . 4 . . 384 . 20Vt .460 . 18 . 43 . 70 . 7 . Atrhiaon 614 Baltic do pfd at Boaton ft Albany.. ..248 Boaton A Maine IKS Boaton Eleraled 13 N Y.. N. H. ft H...1M Pltchburg pfd 134 Ulugham Cat. A Hecla.. Centennial Copper Hinge , Pomlnlon Coal Pranklln Isle Royals .... Pnlon Paclfle 71 Mexican Central Amer. Sugar ... ... 14 Mohawk ...Hit. Old Dominion 84 do pfd Amer. T. ft T.... Dom. I. A 8 Oereral Electrte . Maaa. Electrlo ... do pfd fnlted Prolt U. 8. Steel 'do pfd Weetlng. common. Adventure 11714iOacenla MM U3 Parrot 17 84 Qulncy , .144 . 18 . 77 V, . 86 . 13 . 88"l4 . 86 Rants Fs Copper. Tamarack Trinity Cntted States ..... t'Uh Victoria , 1 Id , 17 18 . 2IMt , 84 Winona Wolverine New York Mining Quotations. NEW YORK, Oct. 22. The following are the quotations on mining stocks: Adams Coo i (Utile Chief . Alice 14 'Ontario Breece 10 jophlr Brunawlck Con i "Phoenix Coraatock Tunnel Potoel Con. Cl. ft Vs.. ...115 Savage ,. Horn Silver V1M sierra Nevada Iron Sliver 141 Small Hopes Leadvtlle Con , I standard Offered. 4 T 450 140 T tl ' 23 46 14 300 Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Oct. 23 Bank clearings for to day are 31.287,267.28, on Increase over the corresponding date of Jaat year of $175,722.96. "' 1 " Wool Market. BOSTON, Oct. 22.-TWOOL The follow ing are the quotations for leading de scriptions: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above, S4((j35c; X, 8031c; No. 1, 3233c; No. 2, 314i:i2c: fine un wanned. 24(ii25c: half- blood unwauhed, 2lb'26c; three-eighths-blood unwashed, 254f2c; quarter-blood un washed, 2f.fvJJ5V4ci ; fine washed delaine, 86c; Michigan X and above, 27&28c; No. 1. 24 30c; No. 2, 28&29c; fine unwashed, 2122c; quarter-blood unwashed. 24(U25c; three-eighths-blood unwashed, 24ffj25c; half-blood unwasnea, zvaioc: tine washed delaine. 83 fi'33c; Kentucky, Indian, etc., three-elghths- niooa, 24(ri2oc; quarter-blood, wrjzoc; braid, 22rU23c; Territory and Idaho fine, 144rl5c; flue medium. 16fffl7c; medium, 18al9c; Wyoming fine, 1415c; fine medium, 16el7c; medium, 18'i),9c; Utah and Nevada fine, 15frjl6c; fine medium, 1717c; medium, 19W 20c; Dakota fine, .Vil6e; fine medium, 16(fjl 17c; medium, lWiiuc; Montana fine choice, 194120c; fine medium choice. 19(&20c; staple, 2oi21c; medium choice, 2oii21c. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 22. WOOL Quiet; me dlum grades, combing and clothing, Vd 31 c; light fine. 15iil7c; heavy fine, 12H 14c; tub-washed, 2O4j30c. LONDON, Oct. 22. A sale of sheepskins was held In Mincing Lane today. The of ferings numbered 4,180 bales. Coarse cross breds were in animated demand at un changed prices to an advance of 6 per cent. Better conditioned merinos and cross-breds sold at unchanged rates. Following are the sales of and prices obtained for clothing and combing! New South Wales, 144 bales at 6a7d; Victoria, 664 bales at 48d; South Australia, 495 bales at 6hSd; West Australia, 534 bales at 48d; Tastnanla, 543 bales at E'nW; New Zealand, 864 bales at 4(h7d; Punta Arenas, 884 bales at 8j 9d: Falkland inlands, 87 bales at 46d; Canada, 38 bales at 7d; Buenos Ayrea, 28 bales at 4'uHd. St. Leuls Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 22. CATTLE Receipta, 4,500 head. Including 2,000 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, 31.5iKit5.40; dressed beef and butchea steers, 84-25(U5.25; steers under 1,0"0 lbs., 33.50435.00: stockers and feeders, 33.004j3.60; cows and helfera, $2. 26(f) 3. 85; canne-rs, $1.752.10; bulls, 32.353.00; calves, I3.0iu6.75; Texas and In dian steers, f3.20f 3.60; cows and heifers, 82.002.70. HOGS-Reoelpts, 6,000 head: market 59 10c higher; pigs and lights, 35. 205. 55; pack ers, $5.1o&5.45: butchers and best heavy, 35.30f!5. 75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,300 head; market steady; native muttons, 88.00 4)3.50; lambs, $3.75tf5.2j; culls and bucks, t2.25&3.60; utcckera, I2.2wij2.76. New York J Ive Stoek Market. NEW YOP.K. Oct. 22. BEEVES Re ceipts, 153 head, mainly consigned. No sales reported. The market for dressed lieef was steady; city dressed native sides, tvi9c per pound. Calves, receipts, 297 head. The market was dull and weak. Veals sold at 35.0114(5.50 per 1(1) pounds; grfcBsers at 32 2r(i2.5o; city dressed veals, general sales, btilic per pound. HOGS Receipts, 4,134 head. The market was firm; state hogs sold at 36.0oiiiti.2u per hundred Dounds. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,971 head. The market for sheep was dull, for frood grades steady; for others weak; for ambs, steady and more active. Bheep sold at tl.Wn 3.65 per 100 pounds: lambs at 85 00 t5.b6; dressed mutton, 5o7c per pound; dressed lambs, general sales, 710c. Sloax City Live Stoek Market. SIOUX CITY, Ia.. Oct. 22. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 6u0 head. Market steady; beeves. 34.OO4l6.30; cows, bulls and mixed, 32.204i3.4G; stockers and feeders. 32.5ou3.60; calves and yearlings, 32.254i 3. 40. HOGS Receipts. 1,300 head. Market lflc higher, selling at 35.05.30; bulk, S5.104i6.15. Stoek la Sigrht. Following are the receipts of live stock at the six principal western cities yester day: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha 4.8iO t.uui 7.20 Chicago IO.O11O 13.UU0 25.00 Kansas City 11.5".J 3.0i)0 7.100 Bt. Louis 4,6oO 5,i0 , M St. Josrpa 2.178 3.04 Blouxv City UN) 1.200 ToUls ..34.196 26.378 42.465 Whisky Market. PEORIA. Oct. 32 WH18KY-Bteady on banW of tlrilnhed good. 3 25. H i'. LOUIS, Oct. 22. WHISKY Steady at 3131. CINCINNATI. Oct. IZ WHISK Y Steady at tl 26 on basis of ftninhed gola Chicago, oct r2.-wHifiK.I-0n eaais of lata winoe steady at 8L28 OMAUA LIVE STOCH MARKET 0ttlo Receipts afore Koaertte and Ttlv Held roll 8teady. HOGS GENERALLY TEN CENTS HIGHER Best Grades ef Fat Sheen aa Lambs ae Well aa at Feeders Bold Readily at Steady Prices, bat All Others Were Doll and Weak. 1 SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 32. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Bl.cep. Official Monday H.91I 2.446 18.8J1 Official Tuesday 8.088 3.810 25.204 Official Wednesday 8.617 4.039 18,176 Official Thursday 4,800 3,000 7.2O0 Four days this week.. 32.316 Fume days last week. .. .24,543 Same week before 28,603 Same three weeks ago.. 2. 848 Same four weeks ago...29.4XJ Same days last year.... 32,577 RECEIPTS t'UR THE HEAR TO DATE. Hie lollowiiig table shows the receipt of came, hogs and sueop at South Oinana for the year to date and compaxlaons with last 1903. 1902. Cattle 864,46 770,544 Hogs l,83ti,797 1,818,403 Sheep 1,309,200 1.266.941 AVeTtla Drlce nam t.r Tiiiua at Inc. 83.801 12.394 102, 29 sou in Omaha tor Ue last aeveral cays with cent parisons: Data 1903. 1303.1801.1900.1898.1898.I187. Oct. 1... oct. a... Oct. ... Oct. 4... Oct. 8... Oct. 6... Oct, 7... Oct, ... Oct. 8... Oct. 10... Oct. 11... Oct. 13... Oct 18... Oct. 14... Oct. 16... Oct. 16... Oct. 17... I t t2 V 14) 1 6 61! 7 M) 75 5 13 6 bo, t 1 8 w 8 li 8 6i 6 l 6 Ul 6 1U I U 6 49 I 6 S3 6 06 6 13 k 02; 14 4 92 6 li, 4 90, 6 201 4 9o 4 831 28 I 6 18 4 82 6 22 4 721 I 4 39 4 4 3. 4 U) 4 4 4 35 4 33 4 Sl 4 231 4 20 4 3t 8 71 I 8. I 8 79 . 66 8 M 3 73 3 64 3 71 3 s3i 3 64 3 68 8 64 8 59 8 53 II U S64 3 671 3 69 1 5t 3 56 8 68 8 66 8 W I 54 3 691 3 61 j 3 69 3 70 3 671 3 81 3 73 8 60 8 71 3 64 3 65 8 62 3 66 3 53 1 . . I 6 6uj . 6 M. 1 7 42 JJ 8 19 1 7 391 7 i 7 041 B30 6 87 7 0 4U; t 49 6 7 uoi 6 91 4 20 22l 7 lb 7 021 6 29 4 64 4 62 4 611 4 161 Oct. 18... I 97 4 10 let. 5 11 16 23 4 lb 4 61 4 13 Oct. 20... 6 03 6 02 t 07 6 821 4 681 I 4 621 Oct. 21... Oct. 22... 6 26 6 03 1 6 16v 6 70 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H see. C. M. ft St. P. Ry... 4 Union Pacific system. 16 C. ft N. W. Ry 2 F., E. ft M. V. R R.. 28 C, St. P., M. & O.... 4 B. & M. Ry 115 C, B. ft Q, Ry C, R. 1. ft P., east... 3 Illinois Central Great Western 1 9 1 17 2 82 Total receipt! 173 37 The disposition of the day's receipts was aa follows, each buyer purchasing tne num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co.. 416 Swift and Company 1,227 Cudahy Packing Co 1,248 . 498 1,914 622 1,440 583 677 294 Armour & So 907 Armour, from Sioux City. 92 Vansant ft Co 129 Carey & Benton 276 Lobman & Co loti McCreary ft Clark 68 Hill ft Huntslnger 50 Lewis ft Underwood....!.. 30 Huston ft Co 26 Livingstone ft StuUler 67 H. F. Hamilton 189 L. F. Husx , 126 Wolf ft Murnam 829 Hobblck ft B 42 Sam Werthelmer 341 Mike Heerartv 79 Other buyers 1.224 10.710 Totals 7.031 1.997 14,641 t? ATT 1.12 There wasa falriv liberal run of cattle here today for a Thursday, but the demand was In good shape and the market held up in very satisfactory manner. Trad ing was quite brisk, so that the bulk ot the offerings was disposed of In good sea son. . There Tas a very few corn fed steers on sale today and anything at all desirable sold readily at good Bteady prices, as compared with yesterday, buyers all seemed to want a few and as a result they were disposed of at an early hour. Common stuff, of course, was- more or less neglected the same as usual. The demand for cows was active this morning and as the supply was not large the market Improved a little. There was, however, more or less unevenness to the trade, so that sales were made that ranged all the way from steady to a dime higher, or In other words, packers put back about alt they took on yesterday. 11 was an ac tive market all around and all the early nr. rivals were dlsDnsed of In good season. Bulls, veal calves and stags sold at fully ateadv prices, compared witn yesieraay The stocker and feeder market did not show much change so far as prices are con cerned. The trade from the country was quite satisfactory yesterday, close to a hun dred cars being shipped out That of course made speculators a little more anxious for supplies today man mey were venieraay, qiiH the wood stuff If anything sold stronger. Common stuff, though, showed no improve ment There were only a few western grass beef steers on sale ana as a result tney sold without much trouble at good steady prices. as compared with yesterday. Range cows were steady to a dime higher, and Blockers and feeders were in good demand at steady to strong prices. Representative sales; BEEF STEERS. He. A. Pr. No. A. Ft. I (18 4 36 44 1148 I 11 to 138 4 84 18 1076 6 It 1 1226 I 06 t0..v 1410 I It STEERS AND HEIFERS. tt sot 4 70 COWS. n l !" 23 steers.. 4 cows... 5 cows... 5 heifers. 20 feeders 935 , 900 , 68 8 30 4 COWS... 1030 2 45 2 66 1 90 3 00 3 15 2 50 2 45 2 60 2 16 2 15 2 50 2 35 2 7 2 00 3 45 1 90 8 40 3 00 2 15. 3 80 8 10 8 25 8 35 3 00 2 25 2 75 .3 steers.. 1 heifer.. 1 calf.... 770 600 840 436 960 23 feeders.. lo) 8 cows 1003 23 feeders.. 784 1 bull 1370 5 feeders.. 972 9 feeders.. 888 K heifers... 67 2 helfere... 860 13 feeders A feeders. 8 cows... 620 G40 t cows.. 1 cow... 21 cows.. 1 bull... 1 steer.. 1002 . 890 843 911 ..1100 ,.J0o0 W CWWi, ... X COW. .....1080 WYOMINO. 8 25 1 steer.. 8 40 Alexander Wyo, 3 95 1 cows..-. 3 95 3 cows.. 3 55 1 steer.. Dougherty Neb. 2 40 1 steer.. 8 steers.. 4 steers.. 8 cows... 13 cows... 12 steers.. 1 cow 9 steers.. 12 feeders, 1 feeder.. ..1090 ..1130 E. ..1033 ..1030 ..1200 A. ,.12H0 .. 823 W. .. 949 . 850 C. 1180 140 .1020 . 9'13 .1200 2 96 2 86 8 55 t. 880 I 25 3 25 S. Wilson-Neb. 3 46 1 feeder... 770 3 00 E. Wllsey Neb. 8 00 19 feeders. .1167 too feeders.. 1046 I 10 I 40 235 H. Cuslck Neb. 1 cow .1220 2 00 16 feeders. 931 W. S. Bwan Neb. .1023 3 70 1 cow.... J. F. Strong Neb. 21 cows.... .1010 14 feeders. 998 8 86 J. C. Reagan Wyo. 752 2 00 14 cows... 7 cows.... 6 feeders. 6 heifers.. 9 feeders. 878 530 210 3 75 2 00 3 26 840 fxi 506 C. 3 75 1 heifer.. 3 2t 3 calves. 8 15 Westing-Neb. 3 76 84 feeders.. 1003 3 46 21 feeders.. 977 2 feeders. 1 feeder.. . 940 .1000 J. 3 45 8 45 275 2 76 2 65 2 65 2 00 2 b6 I 46 C. Berry Neb. feeders.. 882 31 feeders.. 910 3 45 3 45 2 feeders.. 883 3 feeders.. 910 14 cows 987 44 cows 1043 3 65 2 65 2 00 2 66 4 cows. ..1017 V cows.. 1 cow... 1 steer.. 1 feeder, .. 962 ..1010 ,.. 840 ..1150 1 cow..., 1 heifer. 9.'0 870 1 feeder... 10UO 3 45 J, O. Brown Neb. 3 00 6 feeders lfeeder.. 3 feeders, 10 feeders, 1 cow.... .1000 i, . 880 . 903 . 860 788 2 75 Bowden Neb. 3 00 3 feeders.. 4075 3 25 6 feeders.. 600 3 OS 3 76 2 06 2 05 I cows 9Ti P. J, Stuergon Neb. 13 cows... 8 feeders, 1 bull .1008 2 60 1 cow 1100 2 60 .11H4 8 00 .1370 2 10 17 feeders.. 840 7 feeders.. fM 23 feeders.. 932 4 27 3 3 3 30 2 W 2 40 1 80 2 00 t 26 2 feeders. 9u0 3 2, 720 3 50 753 3 30 2 feeders. 11 cows..., 1 heifer.. 1 cow 5 steers.. 9 cows..., 1 feeder.. 8 cows lukO Z. T. Davison Neb. . 890 .1060 .4 .11') 3 90 12 cows 9?8 1 90 3 0 8 55 3 cows Wib 1 bull 1430 15 feeders.. 910 90 3 90 Sidney Walten Neb. feeders. .1124 3 25 It feeders.. 1154 H. M. ftrdle Neb. 1 36 2 00 2 40 2 40 1 bull 870 2 40 1 heifer. 1 heifer.... 5- 1 50, 10 cows.., 1 cow 9.-0 2 10 10 cows.., 1 steers.... 844 8 10 J. Bowden Neb. 18 cows 1063 3 46 B. Boyer Neb. 2 steers.. ..1020 2 00 1 cow... 11 steers.. ..Llol 2 40 10 cows.. .. 680 ..1046 .. 9u3 ,.1100 2 80 280 8 80 IZ ..lua P. J. Sturgoo Neb. 1 steer.. ... 970 3 0 1 steer... 1 tlaaf 70 I to 88 steers.. ,.lim 8 steers.. ..Uv7 3 to 1 tr...iw W. ealrtV-Nshk 11,793 69.400 12.694 &2.197 15,011 87.2h3 17,433 71,600 13.136 bo.7i7 15.S67 68,253 174 180 108 feeders. 970 3 40 Lake. Tomb ft Co. fl. 61 COWS 885 3 46 . 15 cows... . 811 .1115 1 M 3 90 lirant Bros. 8. D. I steers.. ..1?5 4 15 6 cows... 7 cows 840 2 00 W. F. James S. D. 3 teers....l14 3 SS 17 cows... 1 bull 130 3 00 940 2 36 w. 8. Bertune 8. D. 3 feeders, 1 feeder., 1 steer.... 8 cows... 1 cow 7 cows... 4 cows... . 966 3 40 .1120 8 40 . :o 2 90 ,.1022 3 40 M. J. . 910 2 15 ,. 9"!7 2 60 .. 980 2 16 1 feeder .1270 ,1000 , IKS . 850 . ro , 990 3 40 2 n 3 10 2 00 2 60 2 60 1 steer.... 7 feeders. 4 cows.... Scott-Neb. 2 rows..., 1 cow O. E. Wlltsey Neb. ,.1010 2 65 3 cows... Dunn ft Son Neb. IO00 I GO 1 cow ,. 906 2 75 2 cows... Smith ft Nlsson Neb. 22 oows... cows. ... .1070 210 .lono ,. 625 ,. 900 70 . 9"l .1000 .. 950 2 60 2 00 1 2 85 3 00 2 40 2 40 2 oows... 1 flow 2 cows... 8 cows... 1 calf...., 1 cow 11 leeders . 940 00 1 cow. .1040 .1046 . 120 2 00 2 65 5 00 2 85 2 30 2 cows... 1 feeder. 1 cow..., 2 cows.. -Neb. 1 cow..., 1 calf.... 1 steer... 1 cow..., 1 calf.... . 910 . 953 D. Kelly 8 cows 1003 2 70 , ..1000 .. 3 ?0 .. 960 .. 950 .. 2 20 ..1410 ! 15 8 76 2 75 2 70 2 00 2 00 2 56 3 25 2 75 2 65 1 75 1 heifer.... 5W 1 50 1 85 1 85 2 35 13 cows 919 1 cow rWI 2 heifers... 541 1 heifer.... 650 J. 1 COW 8Kfl 2 cows 935 I calf 120 3 cows 956 1 caw 8o 1 bull 1120 2 25 1 bull. R. Taylor Neb. 2 55 cows.. 995 2 10 6 00 1 75 1 75 8 feeders.. 1OH0 1 feeder. .10?) . 320 . 910 1 calf.... 1 cow.... 1 76 Rid Manning Neb. 24 cows 1034 2 05 2 cows... K.-Wyo. 1 cow 1 cow 20 steers.. 6 steers.. 33 feeders. .1030 2 35 Walters I feeders.. 1174 3 20 . 790 . 960 .1117 . 8'. ,1045 1 75 2 15 2 85 2 60 8 20. 1 cow 1100 3 steers.. .l 175 1 steer 1050 1 steer 1040 2 16 2 85 2 25 1 86 2 75 8 feeders. .1106 D. Clark Wyo. 10 steers.. ..lira 4 10 1 bull 1140 6 cows 1067 2 76 4 cows 1006 W. L. Clay-Wyo. 23 feeders.. 1080 4 10 23 cows 1038 4 bulls 1842 2 15 1 calf 120 O. W. Snow Wyo. 1 85 2 IS 3 05 4 00 2 25 3 75 2 70 2 76 2 75 2 00 8 16 1 60 24 cows 1051 2 76 1 cow 1020 20 cows. ..101(8 2 75 49 steers.. ..1134 R. H. Henke Wyo. .. 910 3 35 15 feeders.. 10H3 ..1008 2 40 6' cows 1010 1 steer. 7 cows. Charles Hlllyer Wyo. 1 bull 1130 2 00 1 feeder... 1020 8 cows 1008 2 25 8 heifers... 676 6 feeders.. 928 8 25 1 steer 1070 1 calf 190 3 75 1 cow 820 S. Pasbel Wyo. 19 feeders.. 628 8 60 3 feeders., 680 3 00 4 feeders.. 875 3 10 H. M. Geary Wyo. 8 feeders.. 994 8 15 ' 1 cow... 910 326 2 25 2 66 12 cows 1015 2 66 8 cows. J. Hovoska Wyo. 24 feeders.. 988 8 50 1 feeder. ..1180 I 00 2 feeders.. 1055 3 00 Miles ft French Neh. 94 feeders.. 976 8 15 91 feeders.. 963 t IS J. S. Snethen Neb. 135 feeders. 1016 3 15 15 feeders.. 1015 2 60 L. McManlgal Neb. 19 feeders.. 1040 3 10 F. L. Putney-Neb. 64 feeders.. 809 3 05 47 feeders.. 664 3 80 Julian Liver Neb. 84 cows 911 2 50 0 steers.. ..1010 2 85 2 cows 1050 2 65 J. Wllklnson-Neb. 8 cows 1022 2 3 18 cows. 820 1 90 2 calves... 205 4 25 Miller ft Son Neb. 1 feeder 24 cows.. 1 bull.... 10 feeders 1 calf 2 calves.. steer... 1 bull 6 feeders .1250 2 30 ... 70 ... 943 ...1167 8 00 2 60 2 SO 3 50 1 75 2 CO . 721 . 280 . 146 . 710 .1310 . 88 8 50 2 60 4 bulls 4 75 8 feeders., 7(J 2 00 2 heifers... 615 2 00 5 cows 1310 3 50 Thles Bros Neb. 2 feeders.. 640 3 25 25 cows 1106 t 70 . O W. Haven-Wyo. 40. cows 1068 2 70 C. F. Blunk Colo 18 feeders., iil 3 80 1 feeder... 420 8 00 4 heifers... 612 2 25 1 heifer.... 380 2 5ft 9 heifers... 328 2 50 9 heifers... S?S 2 50 2 heifers... 300 2 00 83 feeders.. 770 3 40 HOOS There was another very light sup ply of hogs here this morning, and as packers have been running rather short this week they had to have a few '.his morning and salesmen held for an ad vance of about a dime. The bulk' of the hogs sold at right around a dime higher than yesterday, although trndlng was slow. Heavy hogs sold largely from 36.10 to 35.15, medium weights went from 35.16 to 35.20, and lights from 35.20 to 35.27. There waa no particular feature to the trade except that packers hated to pay the prices and fought every cent of the advance. The close, lis usual, was a little weak. Repre sentative sales: No. At. Sh. Ft. rta. at. an. At. T !2l Sot ! 2W 2ft 108 t4 877 IM IN 234 247 24 Pr. t IS 6 18 6 18 4 16 I 17V4, I 17 I it) I 24 4 28 6 to I ts t 28 I 28 8 27 120 110 120 I 14 6 10 5 10 I 10 v K K ... 36... K... M... ,.2 ..814 ..811 68.. 4?.. .m ,.780 44 i 12 ft 18 tt... ::o.. K... ... 41... ... f4.., 70... 48... 84 lit 84 6 18 160 t 16 140 S 16 80 15 40 6 18 120 6 16 180 6 It 67 t l. 11. .tit ..881 ..t8 ..tit ..2fi too 84.... M 64.... B0... .t:o .174 5 15 8 16 18. 40 SHEEP There was not an excessive sms. ply of sheep here this morning and good stuff sold In Just about yesterday's notches. The market, however, has eased off a little, as compared with a week ago, owing to the sharp decline at Chicago and other points. The better grades have been so scarce hers, however, that they are very little lower, while the commoner grades are 104115c lower. The changes from day to day have been very slight, so thst, ss a rule, good stuff has been quoted steady, with others dull and weak, and that quotation would de scribe today's market ss closely as any. Good feeders also held about steady to dav, with others -dull and, the same as with killers, the best grades are not a great deal lower for the week, while the general run of feeders are 10415c lower and common stuff, such nn light lambs and old thin ewes, are 254)500 lower than ten days ago. Quotations for rrnss stock: Choice west ern lambs, 84.754J5.00; fair to good lam bit. 84.504.76; choice yearllnars. 83.flOtfr3.85: fair to good vearllnas. 33.404i3.6O: choice weth ers. 83.S54f3.60: fair to aood wethers. 83.1541 3 35; choice ewes, tt.85tf3.10; fair to eoni, ewea, I2.504J2.80; choice feeder Ismrs. 84.104) 4.50: fair to good feeder lambs, 335O4W.O0; feeder vearllngs, 33.S54J3.60; feeder wethers, 33.004j3.25; feeder ewes. 31.6ftjJ2.60. Repre sentative sales: To follow Sheen Market 180 Wyoming cull feeder lambs. 1OP0 Wyoming feeder ewes 139 Wyoming ewes....: , 621 Wyoming feeder lambs 21 TTtah ewes 18 Wyoming ewes , 234 South Dakota feeder year lings 541 Idaho feeder yearlings 46 Utah wethers 28 . 85 88 30 118 96 1 50 2 88 2 60 2 AO 80 3 10 S3 X 45 ,92 2 64 104 3 50 88 60 247 I'tah yearlings 4'8 South Dakota feeder wethers 107 8 50 2 TTtah cull teener lamtia w s 75 219 Wyoming feeder lambs 62 4 10 301 Utah feeder lambs 05 4 7K 2068 Utah feeder lambs 65 4 28 8 Wyoming ewes 70 2 J5 83 South Dakota feeder lambs.. 46 2 76 81 South Dakota feeder lambs.. 46 2 75 104 Wyoming feeder lambs 67 t 85 114 Wvomlng ewes 104 2 90 244 Wyoming feeder yearlings.. 63 9 no 35 Wyoming ewes 94 8 26 384 South Dakota feeder wethers 107 8 SO 64 South Dakota yearlings 99 2 30 611 Wyoming yearlings 89 3 Rft 5!r) Wyoming wethers . 106 8 6! 19 South Dakota feeder lamns.. wi 727 South Dakota feeder lambs., M 4 00 236 South Dakota feeder Iambs.. 66 4 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Market Hlgker Hogs Higher Sheey Lower. CHICAGO. Oct. 22. CATTLE Receipts, 10,000 head. Including 600 head of Texans and 200 head of westerns. The market was steady to 10c higher; good to prime sters, 35.3o4ji6.90; poor to medium. 33 50ti5 0O; stockers and feeders. 32.264j4.10; cows. 11.36 4.25; heifers. 82.Ou4i4.85; canners. 81.8543.60: bulls. 32 00414 35: calves. S2.0O4j7O0; Texas fed steers, 82. 75 3 50; western steers. 33 00 HOGS Receipts. 13 000 head; estimated tomorrow, 12.000 head. Prices higher; mixed and butchers. 85.4646 ". good to choice heavy, 5 4.Vfi50; rough heavy. 84 9Vn6 35; light. 3S.25'a5.80; bulk of "gHEKPAND LAMBS Receipts, 26.000 hesd. The market was stead v to 10c lower: good to choice wethers. 83.0O4M.00; fslr to "holes mixed. f2.00O3.00: western sheep. f2 25414.00; native lambs, 83.254j5.60; western lambs, fS.754j5.0O Kaasas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 22. CATTLE -Receipts. 8.700 bead of netives: 1,300 hesd of Texans: calves. 1.400 head of natives; 100 head of Texans. The market for beef steers was active to steady; for graaeers. firm; for quarantine, strong; for native and weatern cows, steady to higher; for Union Sfosk Yards Slcsk (cows 870 2 00 16 cows... W. S. Bovnton Neh. stockers. strong: for bulls, steady. Choice export snd drcss'd beef steers, f 4 Sof; 5.3 : fair to good. f4 ai(4.5ti; stockers and lecrt- re I'lriibt! western tftl steers ti.la4f 4.15 : Texns and Indian stems, 31 S.3 4"; Texas rows, 32 iV(i2.3o. native cows, 4n; native heifers, fl.4o4i4.00; canners, fl.wu2.4o; bulls. 32 20413.1a!; calves, f2.iKu 00. HOGS- Receipts, 8.0H) head. The market was 1tWil5c higher. Tor . $5 40; bulk of sales. S6.1bj5.3ii; heay, 85. lift 5 17: mixed pack ers, 15 1, -,4: 5 40; light, f5.3l4f5.40; yorkers, 35 354(5 40; pigs, 35.2.'ifB 40 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 7.001 heeil. The market was steed? to lower; native lambs, f3.25fo5.30; western lambs, 2.!ii;S 10; fed ewes. f 2.3041 3-75; Texas clipped vearllngs, 32.50474.00; Texas clipped sheep, f2.4o4j3.,5; stockers and feeders, f2.OOHi3.50. St. Joseph Mr Stack Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo, Oct. a-0!ATT!.E Receipts, 2.R!6 head. The market was r.teady to 10c lower; natives, f4.omia.4o; cows and heifers, fl.X4j4.60; stockers and feedors. f2.50(i4.15. IHHIS Receipts. 2,1711 head. Prices were 104il5c higher; light, fo.25'85.35; medium and heavv, 85.0045 35. SHEEP AND LAM B8 Receipts, 1055 head; iambs, ffi.60. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DEEDS filed for record yesterday, as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bondod abstracter, 1611 Farnam street; John W. Walker to Winifred A. Wal ker (wife). n lot 9. Elisabeth Place. f 600 William K. Potter, as receiver, to Ed win Thorp, as executor, lots 1 and 2, block 17, Kountsn Place addition.. 60O John Power, sheriff, to same; same,. .decree William K. Potter as receiver, to Douglas Merrltt, lots 8 and 9, Sel den's sub. block 19, West Omaha.... 1 Sheriff to same; same L50U Same to Leland University, w40 feet el3u feet lots 11 and 13, block 7, Han scom Place 3,000 Same to same, s23 feet lot 16 and n30 feet lot 15, block 8, Kountie s 4th addition 1,300 William K. Potter, as receiver, to William M. Hastings, wll feet lots 11 and 12 and e29 feet lots 18 and 14, block 7, Hanscom Place, and s lot 2, Terrace addition 133 Sheriff to same, s lot 2, Terrace ad dition 2,331 William K. Potter, as receiver, to W. Edwin Thorp, as executor, w40 feet el70 feet lots 11 and 12,. block 7. Han scom Place and lot 6, block 10, Mc cormick's addition 133 Sheriff to W. Edwin Thorp, executor, lot 6, block 10, McCormlck's addition 2,000 Omaha National bank to William K. Potter, aa receiver, wl feet lots 11 and 12 and e2U feet lots 13 and 14, block 7, Hanscom Place 1 Sheriff to William M. Hastings, same. 2,700 Same to W. Edwin Thorp, wlO feet el'O feet lots 11 and 12, block 7, Han scom Place 3,000 Newell Burton and wife to Jcfsephlne P. Brlsbln, lot 1. block 81, Florence.. 101 Charles S. Huntington et ul., execu tors, to John B. Brlsbln, lot 2, block 73. Florence 82 iBarah V. Palm and husband to Sarah K. Bishop. e45 feet lot 8. block 9, K. V. Smith's addition 1,350 David L. Shanahan and wife to Cath- erlne T. Shanahan, n30 feet s0 feet wl24 feet lot 1, block 4, S. E. Rogers' addition 1,800 Andrew J. Hanscom to Henry J. Hughes, middle lot 1. block 119. (."ity 13,500 Abby F. Bradford to Sablna Ofmsby, lot 6, block 6, Grammercy Park ad dition 72$ Mary Wilbur et nl. to Henry N. Wless, lot 6, block 65, South Omaha.. HO. City Savings bank to William C. Wel gel, lot 3, 20th and Ames ave. sub. tax lot 18. sea. 3-15-13 2,160 David Rlttenhouse to W. W. Mcll vane, lota 1 and 2, block 2, Hanscom 4 Place 2,200 Emanuel Ferg and wife to Hulda C. Bllxt. sll3 feet lot 1, block 9, Reed's ltit addition 4,850 Maria Anderson and husband to Clem mie D. Smith, lot 11, block 10, Plain view addition 1.935 Charles Bllxt and wife, to Emanuel Berg, n33 feet lot 6, block 3, Perkins' sub. of lot 6, Capitol addition 1.3'tO Same to same, alio feet of same 1,7iM ChreBten Hansen and wife to Byron R. Hastings, lot 108 Glses' addition. 2,500 Hugo R. Helntse and wife to George E. Helntse, undivided Interest lot 13, block 8, Kounlze & Ruth's addi tion 1 Emma P. Helntse and husband to same, undivided interest In aame. 1 Charles E. Helntse and wife to same, undivided Interest in same 1 Caleb J. Camp and wife to Interstate Investment Trustee, limited, n w lot 10, block 7, same 850 Samuel Mancuso and wife to same, lot 19, block 8, same 4,100 Richard Edwards and wife to Frank A. Harrison, lot 8, block 1, Walnut Hill addition 2,150 Joseph Upah and wife to Fannl Markytan, lot 6, block 10, 1st addi tlon to South Omaha 403 Til ANY OF OUR ISO FFICES RKET PRICES ON MA BO ATSOT We have the largest private wire system ts America, snd will give you the latest telegraph prlues at Chicago, Minneapolis and Duluth. Orders tor future delivery sxecsrted st the market) prompt service given. Commlaalonai Wheat, l-loc per bu; on oats and corn, I -So per bu. totnatlssloa oa stocks, 1-4 per cant. tj f T f TG YOUH WHEAT AND " w OTHER C1KAINS. w. We guarantee highest cash prloes and prompt returna, paying drafts la advance upon con signments. Commissions, o per bushel. No Interest Charged for Carrying Long Stock. 47jrTz commission ca IL Jm CAR fiURPLUS 300.000 GKAIN STOCKS 4TBNE&AL OPPICESf NBW YORK UHB BUM.. MINNEAPOLIS. R0BT. VANCE, Correspondent. 1018 Faraan St., Omaha. Tel. S4UT. CHICAGO. OMAHA. MINNEAPOLIS Edivards, t7ood Room A rUnhattan Bids;., ST. PAUL, MINN. Dealers In : Grain, Provisions, Stocks Bought and sold for cash or oa reaaooabl, margins. Members laspnrtaat Exchasgti, Prl. at a Wires. Write for our dally market letter and pri vate telegraph cipher mailed free. Ship Your Grain to Us. Bes( Facilities. Liberal Advances. . Prompt Returns. 1O0 Be Bide Fhoas 8018 Oasaha, Nebraska. Dalatfc. s Winnipeg. WEARE GRAM CO. 210.118 af Traaa, OMAHA, NEB. O. W. Bwera, Mauiaaer. Tel. 1R14J, (A Go 7e Gffsr 50 or Any Part Him STOCK YARDS STOCK T YliMd m Investor Ovor O Per Cent. 195 f-cai thrci, UtttkeH C. .r. iifi ti