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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1903)
It THE OMAHA DAILY DKIJ: FKIDAY, OCTOBER ' 23, 1903. SSPECIAL NOTICES rOR REIT-HOCSES. ron SALBt-RKAL ESTATE. TOR SAI.K REAL K STATU. NEW S-room tn xlern house, lmnwllita possession given J. N. Marsh, phone '.'ltl 4P Board of Trsde D143 BEE WANT ADS PAY BEST BECAUSE THEY REACH TWICE AS MANY READERS. BARGAIN BULLETIN f J) will fee take til 11 m. far tk vealag edit lew til So an. ! nuralii aa aaa'ar . tea, 1 l-2e a war Srst linrimi, la ward thereafter. atla takes far leaa tkaa Xfte tar tke Ural lwt tlea. Tkeae aavertlaeaaaata saaat ka mm eeaeer allvely. Aavertlaers, fcr reaaatla a bereg ekeek, eaa kave awera ad reseeg ta a -eabered letter la rr af Tka Be. A a aw era aa adareeaea will ka delivered aa pvaaaatattoa a( tka keek ealr. WASTED-MALE HELP. Educate for Business, Boyles College new york life ul.uq. business, shorthand, typewrit 1nu. english. Day and night, students admitted at any time Apply far Catalogue. . B-901 GOOD messengers wanted; first-class pay. A. D. T. Co., iU 8. lln. B So WANTED, nrat-claaa wood turner at once. Good Wages. Lincoln Bash, loor A MCg. Co., Lincoln, Neb. B J- WANTED, (or U. a. army, able-bodied, un. mauled men, between aura of 21 mid So, cltlsene of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can apeak, read ajid write English. Fur Information apply to recruiting olticer, tilth and Lodge ta., Oman, and Beau-ice, Neb. B-M154 WANTEDTwo agents at once; good sal ary; city work. O. F. Adanis Co., I6t9 Howard aX. B M9u WANTED, a newspaper or magazine so licitor to work the city on a new prop osition. Call at circulation Dent. Omaha Bee. . B M4u2 WANTED, men to learn barber trade. Top "ages paia graduates. Toole and tlona given, -Few weeks completes.- bpe rlal arrangements for d'sisnt sppilcaiiiS. Call or write, Moler College, 130i Douglas street. . , B-MKL1 WANTED, men tailors on ladle' gar- menu. O. X. Bcoiield Cloak and Bull t o. B M112 23 WANTED, steamfltters for high pressure w,rk. . Matern Mfg. CO., 18th and Qratlot ma., DU .aOUIS, AlO. o MAM 1X WANTED, first-class glaxlers; can rive ateady employment and Rood pay to right nvihl. A.,.l..Aa a i2T T . . u .1111 ?! u vi, uca mi. a. I. . , , ; WANTED An experienced porter; one who can furnish references. People's mote. 16th and Farnam. BM12S 23 PERMANENT Partition to ladies or gentle. men in good towns for special work; also manarer for branch office, Omaha, wanted immediately; exceptional oppor tunity; properties or- business - handled everywhere quickly. Southern Guaranty investment company, Bioux city, la. ; : B MLS 26k Wanted-Ab errand boy. Pie's Store, 2d floor. Apply to Peo- O -1,1 4X GOOD plaee for shoo shitting stand; rent only c per day. Inoulre at office of agent of United Rtates National Bank, building, . room 23. Charlies E. Williamson ' ' 1 1 DUIM-t TOUNO MAN BRIGHT-Over U to pre pare ror uov t 1'osmon. Good salary. Permanent. Gradual Promotion. Box 570, ceaar naptas, la. u miso nz?x YOUNG men and rifle everywhere, copy lettera home evenings; 11 0 week; send ad- areanea envelope tor particulars. Ameri can Mfg. - CO., 706 Kioollet, Minneapolis, Minn. i ' B M157 SUX PAINTER, to paint a 10-room house. Have some houses and lots I want to sell; bar gains and monthly payments; will let painting; help pay (J to I rooms). Address at onre, T Bee. B Ml tit 23 WASTED-SALESMEN. CAN STTRNIBH permanent emnlormteht to . educated. Chrlsttan man aa aalesm-tn. Ad- oreea T g, Bee MISS WANTED rEM ALB HELP. ' 100 Qtrls. Call Canadian office, 1Mb. Dodge ;.:.(. . . c got WANTED, flrst-claas ladlsa' Morris, 1408 rarnam. tailor. Mas c am W AnlTFIl aHrl f.-kOT a m,m, I k. . . la family. Mrs. SiineraU T,t N. 2sth ava. . Ki mil WANTED Indies to learn hair dreanlnr manleutlng or facial treatment; practical courae by free clinic that a.ivea years: rail or write. Moler College, 1302 DoulaTs du, vmimu. , ' MVS 23x WANTED, a good plain cook. Mrs. E. A Cudahv, S7th and Dewey Ave. ' C M907 22,. WANTED Qirl for geaeral housework at 110 S. 82d St. C (We X2x . GIRL for general hcUEework; B35 I'ark ave C Mi08 30x WANTED, experience.!, Jacket and skirt hand. O. K. Scofield Cloak and Suit Co C M 113 23 wain i .v, an experienced stenoaraDher. Addxeas B to. Bee. . C 120 t2x VANTED, girl second cook, for vegetable n'y. In hotel, pavld City Neb ; gTvod tm.oo. rwrniand board. Address Ho ai' David City. Neb. C-M136 S3 W A NT ED An Al lady solicitor; sal ary to right party: no commission. Ad dress T , Bee office. C 13 WANTED Millinery trimmers. Apply at once to E. 8. Newman, mauager millinery department. Haydev Bros. C MK.8 23 TOUNQ girl to assist at general house work. Inquire 127 8. 2Stn at. C M1M 2i HELP WANTED. WANTED, a good newspaper aollcltor to work R. F. O, on new proposition: good v-aii ai au reari St., council PlurTs. MSiO FOR RENTUOlkEl. 1 U O qo ;, Meters Co.. Bee Bldg. i-j HOUSES, tnsnraaoe. - Riagwalt, Barker Blk. HOI fF5? ln u Parts of the city. The IIUUSL o. F. l5avis C.. M Bee Bld. I eoa TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage uuicv uutts aruaw, or a eta. lajv-eua. ' Ul FOR RENT, ten-room house, modern, and barn, ln Weal Farnam district. Wiu. K. rotter, nee, no. ?.i urowo Blk. v D-M24 FOR RENT, t-room bouse, 2!x4 Wool worth Ave., - per montn; puaeesaioa given Oc tober 17. Apply to Mel Lhl, care Daily lvwa villus. a AUPV1 V. PAYNE-BOSTWICK A CO., cnoice houses. , eul-ul New York Life BUlg. 'Phone l"iij. ' D-4 WE MOVE planoa. Maggard Van ft Stor age Co., Tel. US. Cnice. 1713 Webater at. l-07 MODERN 7rroora houae, near park. IV a. Kin. . uJt KLEGANT a-room hnuee: i provrments.. 410 N. 23d St. 11 modern lm D-Mlu 2.x SEVERAL good houses.. 110 to 118. Chrl u-ytr, -id ana cumiug. s'hone Z04. D MHO ., Jim BAi.b Hix-room cottage; nrst cla.s shape: Una nelghborhtxnl; elegant lot. Jix ; iuu wno large natural forest ehade trees I block from car ln.e at-37 8. .lib ti home of owner, who Is leavlne citv. In quire at te Harbach Block. D ill x ' CHEAPER than rent 330 eaah and $19 , per month: tin for ralaltig chickens: 5 roora houae and barn, bnlv 3l5u: lease of ground only $1 per month; imiriedlai , poaaeaaion . Will relit if n Bold at $7 50 v l-r nioniit Chas. E Wllllaiuaon Co.. I Jtr S. National Lank bulldiiiK. ,r B) - - i .. D-rMia 3 MODERN nine-rik-a. ''IVH repair. . 1 Ir" ' Ps- near 2Mh and 'harii! aeua kovajiioer i. l ima -K. WHlUniiHia Jo., ruuui 44 L. 8. National hank kiug. DMia m FOR RKH1-HH.liHKD ROOMI, O. M. K haula trunk. Telephone CI- DEWEY European Dotal, 13th and Fsrnam. E-l6 ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th Chicago u ei SOI'TH ALCOVE room and smslW room; modem. E. Harney. E M96 Z4 VERY rtesiratile front room, all modern. suitable for one or two gentlemen. Apply 1113 8. 2Mh St. E 997 22 WARM. ftirnlKhed room for two,- with r wltnuut boaru; modern; 'phone 2232 Far pa m. . E M132 26 x NICELY furnished rooms. 1908 Capitol Ave. to Mm NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Steam Laundry, 17W Leavenworth, 'friona A-17KJ. E-U AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th ft oy PLEASANT south front room with private family, for rne or two gentlemen. Ad dress 8 St. Bee. . E-M 741 NICELY furnlfhel room In private family; house new and modern. 25i Jones t. K MHO LARGE, LIGHT, AIRY ROOMS. $12.5o and up per month. 75c and up a Any. . AT THE DELLONE, 14th at. and Capitol ave. Steam hnated; electric lighted: private and general oaths; ail conveniences; nrst clasj service. , .... . Eat where you please. ROOM AT THE DELLONE. E MM Nov30x COMMODIOUS, modern, unfurnished room, also (urnlr.hed room; private family; rei erences. fi?7 Park sve. E M FURNISHED AOOVa ASD BOARD. FRONT room vlth aicove; hot water beat. 212 8. 26th St. DESIRABLE ROOMS at The Farnam, 19 h i nd Farnam a La. M 4 BOARD and room for two gentlemen or man ana wue. nice neignijornooa; rea sonable. Inquire 17 8. ,8th St. ' F 14ft 23 FOR Ri;r L.NFIRNISHKD ROOMS. TWO or three beautiful modern rooms. newly d.-cured; verv lleht housekecDlna. fur parties vlthout children; board n ue- sireo. ItJa n. i,tn. u m sia FLH.MHUE PAGkLlXQ. Plersoa aa Lundberg, 1U 8. IT lb. Tel. L-Ii& ti sli lUK Ittkltl tluatit AAD Ul FiCa.9. ton REN T Uuiiaintf auiiabls for wools aale purposea at Kio Barnaul, i:xKi, lour aioiiea auu aiaa-ciaas cnuwuiwl uauteuiuui, eievatui, dm uuigiar pruul vault, of hue couutvr ana H&tutes. for price oui particuiais inquire c C Ho ea water, sec- letaiy ma iiiw bunuing Co., looiu iuu, lies buiiuing. A-, FOR RENT The -building. -formerly occu pl;d by Ihe Bee it ie f arnam au T It hs I lour aioriea uud a Ouwiuuil which was tornieriy ' nsea Dy 'l ire Bee pieSe romu. lnia Willi lie rented vtrv ruaaouaolv. .if Interested apply at ouica ol C. C. Hose watai, Mcreutry. room iuu etas uuiiaiiig. 1 Hal 1-STORY and basement, 22x100; 1006 Farnam at, inquire 41 t lrsl. joai 1 Bank Bidg. . . ..... 1-Mlui FURNISHED private office with use of reception room, telephone and steno- . grapher, jl Ware Blo?k. I-aUb FOR RENT, three upper atorles In four story building at it Farnam St.; two . atorles if preterred. Address C. C. Rose water, bee y.. Room, luu,.Bee tldg. ' - I M98e DESK SPACE., telephone, and. Janitor ser vice; heat, light tree; In Unned States . National Dana blag. Call at offloe, of agent of bulialrtg, room a. Chas. - E Williamson Co.. u I Ml(i7 3 AGEKTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every couuty te solicit subscriptions to THE . TWENTIETH CEN'i'Utv ARM EH. bteauy employment wnh assured goou In come. Agenua In the country wltn horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily m to aluu per month. Ad Oieaa Ceuiury Farmer bouultors bureau. Uee buuuing, Omaha. J 414 WANTED TO REST, YOU NO man of good character wants room .and board ln private family ln desirable location. Address a so, Bee. H. Has ax WANTED TO BIY. WANTED To buy real estate; I want for Investment good rental property; modern cottages ln good location; submit bnly the beet; prices l,uuo to 2,tmu. Address St once, T Bee. N M1M 23 FOH SALIC FIRNITtRK. FULL line of hard coal stoves now on aale. Chicago . urnuure Co., 110 ioag St.. FOR SALE, jML. standing desk. Jul Brown Block ... . U na4i FOR SALE Very fine mahogany parlor suite, silk upholstering, oak sideboard, oil puliuingH, rugs, curtains, brass bed, mir ror chiitonier; must be sold by Sunday night. 138 North 28th Ave. O 142 24x rOK SALE HORSES, WAUONS, ETC. MONROE sella pleasure vehicles at U N. la Lb at. tr m HARRY FROST'S Carrisge and Wagon tout as Is un corner ol latn ana Leavcu woiln. ' P J FOR SALE Two-sea t, sxtenslon top car riage. In good condition; ruober tires. Vliiion Rogers A Huns Co., liin and tar Dam sis. P M47I ELEGANT . Rockaway for aale at great bargain. Address 8 47, Bee. P M9i 24 FOR SALE Full leather top, rubber-tired buggy, almost new, at hail cost price. In quire at Coliseum. P MLS 26 x 3-OH fe Aa.U -MakCavLLAN EG L M. TELEPiiONal Pul.ES; long fir timber; Ci.icfc.aa Xcncr. ouk pjing. Jl LMiglaa. W sS iXJH SALE, secondhand - locomobile, ia flrst-ciaaj shape, al one-half price. Call or auuiaa. laai Farnam bvu y -si IRON A wire fences, tree guards, trellises. YVeaUrn Aactw. sance Co., &e N. 8u . " r a CATALOGUE cut drug price free. Slier anan A McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. INDIAN goods and rellca. Ill Farnam -4U FOR BALE Several scholarships In a n rat class standard achool In Ooulia, cum pi is lna- comuleta couiao In buln.-as. .h.,rl hand and typewnilrig. , Inquire at He eoica. sui NEW and Idhand typewriters. Ill rarnam. FOR SALE COM business. Capital required. J u. nee. W J 1DUAND safe cheap. Derlgbt. LU Farnam Q ua FOR BALK A number one roll top quar tered oaa una, who cnaira to match; also ruga and maps. Oloeet for selling, leaving buaiueaa. Room aU, N. Y. L bldg. W B4 3Mi STOCK of new Columbia records and machines at a sacrltlce. Addreas 8 44, u aa. Aims n SEVERAL denial choirs. ISIS T)our's st' Q lus 22 FOR SALE. Standard typewriter. 507 N Y. Ufa bldg. Q-M133 Us. FOR SALE, an up-to-date pwatornc outfit an for a town pf-l,li tq 1.5"K). Jrhe .til n I la A.hmy.ii h n .1 1 'hrf . U kAtfAU - s Cd 11 loek-b-ixas and drawers. It la of f Oie Leal gra of the Yale and Town . manaiacuie, ana Is roro plate la every lixrik-uljr In ua bit four years AJ- oreaa B . ttea W M13S 3 FOR HALE MISCELLAtKOrB. Second-Hand Sewing Machines We have the following second-hand box-top machines that have been tnorougniy over hauled and are ln condition to do good work, at the following prices, and com plete with attachments: White t 4 W Household 08 Household : 11 W Blnger (M Singer ,..'10.00 Singer 12.00 New Home .-....,....'. 9 00 Standard ' (dressmaker; good - aa new) 10 00 Wilcox Glbls good as new.. 25.00 8lnger (tailoring; In good condi tion) 10.00 Standard (tailoring: almost new) 16.00 DROP-HEAD MACHINES That have been slightly used, but are In pertect condition. The latest imng ine dlfTe-rent factories produce, from 317.50 to no These are exceptional hHrealns. We rent machines for Ac per week, and sen ana repair parts oi any macnine manufactured. t ' , Nebraska Cycle Co. Comer Htb and Harney ...... 'Phone 16f3 334 Broadway, Council BlufTs. .'Phone B-018 612 N. 24th St., South Omaha. ...'Phone 4: W M149 to AUCTION sale of bakery and confect;onery nxtures, tools, horse and wagons; Mon day, October its, 10 a. m. and 4 p. m.; at ZitUS Leavenworth St. Q M152 2Bx FOR SALE Cheap, square Chlckering piano; first class every way. BIS S. 2 th street Q M127 2,"x CLAIRVOYANTS. GYLMER, palmist.' 715 N. 23d; 'phone B 8 M708 U4S. MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN of clairvoyaut-i; every thing told, past, present and future. Sat Isfsctlon or no pay. H07 N. 181 h. B SJO ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths. Ill N. 15. 2d floor, r. 1 1 PPI wga.L- XTf- i aiiwi chum. PEKaOVAL. PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Lr. and Mrs. uerisco, tiaia California st Terms reasonable. U-38 PRIVATE hospital during conlinemeot: babies adopted. Mr a Uardels, 2234 LaKe Tel. Red-lSSi. U MS VIA VI" way to health; tVi Bee building, Omaha. U'14t PRIVATE home during confinement; The. Uood. - Samaritan babies adopted.' Sanitarium. 728.1st Ave., Council Muffs, la. U- l PRIVATE hospital before and during con- nnemetii: o-at medical cars snu -nursing. Mrs. L. Fisher, IMJl Vinton. Tel. ItV . - WE RENT sewing machines at-.7u-per week, 2 per mvnth; we repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured; recond-hand machines from $1 to 310. Neb.. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney. U-37 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases no irregularities oi women rrom any cause; experienced and reliable. Mi . Dodge St., Arlington block. Omaha. -. . -t . II-93S BOSTON Umbrella Mfg.. 806 S. 16. Tel. 107. Umbrellaa, parasols re-covered, repaired or made. U 41 32 TUNING, piano or orgm repairing. Per- ueia nano Co., i uee uiog. cj e.a ns; MXGNET PILE KILLER. . At flrtfggista $X" , . IT--CURES. Ht'GH -Come home at .once; . mamma Is sick. U M1i 2Jx HON BY TO LOAN AEAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans ahd warrants. W. Farnam Smith at Co U2Q Farnam St. W 42 PRI v ATE money. Sherwood, 337 N. Y. Life. ... W mi WANTED, real tstaU loans and warrant. R C. Peters A Co.. Bea Bldg. W-MS FIVE PER CENT loan. . Farnam. Garvin Bros., 1604 W-S4S . PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1520 Douglas. , . ... , W 947 4 TO t P. C. money. Be mis, Pax ton block. W 948 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas. First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1643. - W-94I I AM specially anxious to get a $2 000 mort- Iage for a customer. F. D. Wead, ir,24 ouglaa st W M123 24 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. NOT IN THE TRUST. Money Any Amount. Loaned to salaried employes holding per manent positions oi their FLA IN NOTE, without MORTGAGE, ENDORSER or SE CURITY of any kind, without EM FLOY. -Kli'S knnwledaa. We also loan money on Furniture, Pianos, etc.. without removal of goods. Tou nave use of both money and goods. It Costs You Nothing To call and be convinced that our rates are tha chrauest in omana. We want your business and believe an In vestigation or our niemocn win gei. ii even if at present you sre dealing else where. KIND, COURTEOUS TREAT MENT to all. Our offices are the best equipped to handle your business with privacy of any ln the city. Come in and see us, whether you borrow or not. Reliable Credit Co., Rooms 307-308 Psxton Blk. Rooms S07-3O3. EASY ,0 PAY Peat explain our methods. Wi loau ua fi.ruituiS. n.anos. warehouse race ip ta, elo.. Or If you Lavs a permansat position we can make you a aaitni aiuAn without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service Is ouick and couudenlial Nand we always try to pises. All that w ajk L that you give us a sail before you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. lis Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. t&i. . . . ilSUlaulished lfc.). 3u 8. lkili Su MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, SALARIES. ETC. -Low ratea and easy term. , Business Conttdential. Try us If you want to save money. rnuciiA c utui i c-.. 33 Pax ton Block. lain and Farnam Bta. x-ew LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, taain steia, boarding houses,' etc., without se curity; eaaieat terms; 49 offices in prin cipal clUas, Tolman. 640 Board of Trad Bldg. X-tfcJ MONEY loaned on plain not to salaried people; business conndenl:ai; lowest rate. 614 Fallon blocs. lb J. A. Hut ton Cu. X-464 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew. iry, horses, cows etc. C. F. Reed. 319 B. 13. CHATTEL, salsry snd Jewelry loans Foley Loan Co., rt a, aiaraer Mioca. X-2J3 Bl'SlNESS CUABCKa. FOR SALE Cigar atore and pool room; guvd location; a snap. Addresa T 1, Bee. i . MnCi tx -I- $,eu -SHARES of gilt-edge mining stock for sale; great bargain; auusl svll. Aitdrvas 8 4L Cai Be. I'llMliM BISINF.SS CHASCKS. businesschanoesIhouses-for sale THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY 311-314-315 Brown Block. 'Phone A-S3J7. Bulletin of Business Chances and Investments Best saloon in Kouih Omaha for 31,400 Ah Omaha for 31,400; re- celpta 40 per day. Jewelry and optical business In N. E. Ne braska town, only one there; option! wo. k runs about 3150 per month; repair work 3a0 (o 375; Invoice about II. OW. Grocery and confectionery on IRth St.; rent, fl-'fiO; Using rooms ln rear; Invoice about 3W0. . . Two best bsrber shops In Council Bluffs, $',00 and Grocery In Fremont, Neb. at Invoice, about : 13.200 large business. , ' ' ' - Hardware store In city of SO.OOO; will sell tReen 34 oOO and teottO teen 31.000 and 3&.0W. , Bakery and confectionery on lth St., close In; business from i0 to 340 per day; all take about 1600. Owner wishes to go Into i. t . Restaurant on N. Kith St., $225 rent; will clear 35 per day. very loa Bakery In town near Omaha for 1400; small hotel ln connection. Grocery and hardware store; will spII all or any pnrt; in fine location and doing . very large business. This must be sold at once and will make good price. Farnam St. clgsr store; beet In city that can be purchased right;, receipts from $.10 to 335 per day; low rent; price, about 32,500. Cigar and news store for 3250. Good. $273 for confectionery and employment of fice; will clear over 3100 per month. Photo gallery in good Iowa county seat; only one within 20 miles; price, $750. One of the best restaurants ln Omaha for $800; feeding about 400 per day. We have a number of desirable rooming houses and flats on our llst-Lall prices. Bee) us. . Restaurant In Humboldt. Neb.: fine fix tures; complete In very wayj price, $. IF YOIT HAVE A Bl'SINFSS OR REAL ESTATE TO SELL. WHY NOT LIST IT WITH US. OUR SERVICES ARE WORTH ALL WE ASK. THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO. Y-M146 23 WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange ny property or business quick, see J. ii. Johnson. Mi N Y. Life. Y-sJS FOR 8ALE, three elevators on B. & M., ln best grain growing section of Nebraska. Address 8 69. Bee, Y-M672 23x FOR SALE, an old established liquor busi ness (barrel house); good trade, old Iocs ...t4n Owner baa iSthur Interests. Address P 28. Bea. ' , . Y-MS21 U FOR SALE Blacksmith shop; first class location; up-to-date set of tools; for par ticulars write to Mogenson & Seymour, Fullerton, Neb.- . Y-M126 28x ALUMINUM The metal of the future; a new process for Its prod notion discovered by which the company .now forming will control the markets of the world; we are offering a small allotment of stock at public subscription; send for prospectus and particulars; the opportunity 6f a life time. I. Mayer & Son. 437 Mermod-Jac-card bldg., St. Louis. l(o. Y-M759 23x . FOR SALE or LEASE, ' good newspaper and job printing business .Jn good town of 70 population; eaajLr terms . to the of ' right man. Address T 4. car a Bee. - Y MINI vrv U1 FOR 8ALE. good grocerf 'slid botcher's fix. tures. Including ice box. Inqutrs 2763 Far- . . .. .. -v acT nam. T FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Tukey & Son HOMES 2541 Chicago St.. 10 rooms, barn, etc., 36,508. 2ii61 N. 19th. 9 rooms, modern,-$3,175. 2H16 Seward. 7 rooms, $1,500. 4206 Grant, 6 rooms, $1,300.. LOTS Sfith and lafayette ve., $560. 25lh and Grand ave., 3225. 27th and Capitol ave., fine lot, want offer. 25th and Chicago, $1,050. 43d and Charles; want offer. . Business Property 16th and Leavenworth, $125 per foot. . ACRES West of Fort Omaha, $150. ' 46th and Martha. $200. ' . A. P. TUKEY, 444-440 BOARD OF TRADE ' BUILDING. , RE Ml 48 23 10 ACRES IN BENSON With fruit orchard of 100 bearing trees. price. $1,600.. Can be had on terms. Bee us at once on this. BENSON A- CARMICHAEL. 642 Puxton Block. RE--M146 23 A BARGAIN New 7-room house In Benson. Is lighted by electricity. New and clean. One block from car. - 100 feet of ground, price, $l.eo0. The house alone is worth what Is asked for entire property. . 8ee us at once, as tills Is a :ra) bargain. BENSON Y CARMICHAEL. 64i Psxton' Block. RE-M144 23 Williamson Co., ' RE 9a TIMBER! TIMBER! THE beat investment. Large or small tracts Reference lurmanea. nru your wants B1MONB A REASON ER, Ashland. Or atik an y n i a FOR BALE Or rent, on 40th St., bet Dodg and Davenport sts., 6-room new house, strictly modern. See owner, Mr. Boren son, 3206 Lincoln blvd. RB-M941 34x For Sale COTTAGE rooms: fins place; city water and barn; high and sighuy and good neighborhood; lot neatly sodded; cries, $1.23o for few dsys; a nobby home. V. D, Wead. iXA Douglas St. RE M134 2 ALL about North Dakota and wnere to buy niMjd lands cheap; descriptive folder and t -Bant free; rail i hi reprewenlatlves wanted, hitney A W heelock, IS Broad way. Fargo. N. D. RE 81 FOR SALE R'TRADH FOR SMALLER PROPERTY S-rooia modern bouse aad epiendid barn; lot i2aloa. Apply owner. m n. aiu su tu I72 hit FOR I ALE REAL ESTATE. GEORGE & CO. 16ol FARNAM' ST. 500 for No. 10 Park avenue, -room house. In first class condition. Just palmed two coats, new plumbing, lot Tixl40 ft., having 75 leet east frontage on I'ark avenue and 6 feet frontage west on flh street, Maphiilt peved street, permanent sidewalks; Im provements alone cost river 3SX): house now vacant and Immediate possession can be Riven. ' . ' $5,000 dence locatloi strlctlv model I or xno. hu n. nm sireei, o poslts Brownell hall, one of the most desirable resl- rianoa Ifvallnnl In tha ol f V New R-rnom. 'strictly modern house, hot water heat, gas ;nd eijclrlt? lignt. launnry vegetsD e ce lar. fement walks. Iron fence, a most attractive home. A (fC ror n,W jrom, ,UB kh condition, lot 66xifi5 feet, near car line. qt now ;.rom hou,e on J) A ) 0 f!!"' XSn N.ich.?',a V.Vi' , ? . . J m'r" ""p f"r",,"' " front, asphalt paved street, on car line. a line location. cottage, well built odern except furnace. has barn, fine shade, full lot, one block from car line. $r r" for 7-room cottage, two ' (l)ft blocks west of High school. " modern except furnace, as phalt paved street. fr r f for No. 1111 N. 18th street J J if) room cottage, modern ex ii. , - w cept furnacei jn good con dition. $2,100 for No. 2504 St. Mary's ave nue, R-room cottage, in good renair. modern except fur nace and bath, on paved street. In 'fine location. $1,750 $1,750 condition, on for N-. 1812 Lake St., 5-rottm cottage, with city water and sewer, lot 62 x 72 feet. for No. 314 N. 25th St., 4 room cottage, with city water, sewer, in flrst-class condition, on car line. $1,6J0 'i; No. 2450 Indiana avenue. room co tt aire, with cltv Water, eewnr And hath, nn paved street, near car line. naved street, $1,600 for No. KH) S. 24th St., 8 room cottage, city water. In ennri condition. near Leavenworth street. . $1,500 for No. 27(11 Capitol avenue, 8-roora house, with city water and sewer, in e-ood repair, lot 50x135 feet $1,250 for No. 1S41 N. 18th stret. K roora cottage, city water and slwpr. In cood Condi tion, good location, lot 33x140 feet. RE M147 25 N. R Dodge & Co. 1614 FARNAM Step Into our street floor office an J see our Hat of bargains-In home propf rtv : and building lots. We also have several good Investment properties that w' can recommend. $1,750.00 Very attractive six-room cottage with 50 feet east front on 19th street, south of tha Boulevard. $1,500.00 Two frame houses, new roofs, - newly painted and repaired. One three rooms, one seven rooms, 50 feet front on 20lh near Boulevard. We have five cottages near 20th snd Vin ton streets, handy to South Omaha work. Some are described below. $2,600.00 Eight rooms., all modern, on west Farnam street, near 44th atreet. . .- i $1,500.00 . . - " Ten acres on west Hamilton street, south of Benson. Lies well and Is a good bar gain. ...... . $2,700.00 Six-room house, east front, on 27th atreet, near Leavenworth, very attractive horn. ' $3,200.00 New six-room house, all modern, best kind of plumbing and furnace, within walking distance. $2,500.00 A neat five-room cottage, excellent plumb ing, large lot with stone retaining wall ln front and along side; 62 feet front, within walking distance. , $1,500.00 Beven-room cottage, city neighborhood, on 35th Cuming. water, avenue. good near $1,100 Seven-room story and one-half house, good . lot, sightly location, recently and thor oughly repaired, painted and papered, in Walnut Hill. ' $1,200 . Four-room cottage, very neat, south front ii oewai u aireei, neT- min. This Is splendid little home for th money. $U50' Four-room cottage, new roof, new found tlon, city water, 50 feet front. South ii in, near oancrort, . " $1,300 Good six-room house and barn, nearly an acre of ground, splendid place for chicken larm, on use street, near lveavenwurth $2,500, .. Gignt-room nouse on cnanes street, near Vth. Sixty feet front, house recently painted, new roof, well built, newly pa- pereu auu paiuieu. N. P. DODGE & CO, 1614 Farnam. Tel. 829 RE Mitt $3 ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLOCK. Eight-room modern brick residence, West Farnam district, owner's price $4,000; must be sold quick; make offer. RE-rlK- C. R. Glover. Phone M. a-room nouse, i acre ground, barn, new lawn, shade and' fruit trees, southwest part of city: nice location: r.rloa ii tkdi bmi N. 42d St., 7-room house; lust tha tning ii you want outside property; price, 81.3uo; school house on same block. 3343 Larimore ave., S-rooni, bath, no water connections, fruit and ornamental trees, lot 100x150, fenced, nice lawn, 2 blocks car line; price, ii.buu. 160-acr farm, worth $20 per acre, to ex chance for good Omaha residence. I acres northwest part of city $150 per acre. 1.280 acres hay and farm land, Elkhorn valley, au.uuu. C. R. GIX1VER. 'Phone 133, First Floor N. Y. Life RB Mltl 23 DON'T COME WEST. SEND ONE DOLr LA K, rJSTOri-lCE OR EXPRESS OR- LEH, and ask anything you want to know about t olorado, V yoming. Utah Idaho, Montana. Washington, -Oregon. r-llf..rnld MAvafo 1 ONE DOLLAR MAY HAVE HUNDRED?, WE CAN GIVE YOU RELIA Hl.EUCJl : WE ARE AT THE CENJl hiW ; PuIaUf THE INTER-MOUNTAIN BUREAU Ok' -IN a ORMAilON, Box X. B iC Lake City, Koxiri MODERN TWELVE-ROOM HOfPE, HOT WATER HEAT. ELECTRIC LIGHT. BARN. 1321 SOUTH 29TH STREET. 1514,000 lOPxlfS BEAUTIFUL DOUBLE CORNER. DESIRABLE Rl'ILDINO 8ITF. S. E. COR. 818T AND CASS SfS.. $),0)0 60x182 LARGE. MODERN. DETACHED HOUSE. SOUTH FRONT LOT. BARN. 2572 HARNEY STREET. $5,000 .1 , lonxiw i LAROn MODERN HOUPE; RARN. ' LAWN. SHADE TREKS, ETC., 1313 PARK AVE., ' ?7,000 66x132 VACANT BUSINESS I.OT NEXT DOOR NORTH U. P. R IIEADQt'ARTCRS. tTH STREET, BET. DOUGLAS AND FARNAM. 16,000 Howard Kennedy & Son, 209 First Natio BUY OMAHA REAL ESTATE While it is Cheap. IMPROVED PROPERTY. $6,500 Block of dwellings on paved street, close ln; rents for $:8. $4,500 lo-r. modern house and barn, east front, corner, on paved streets, one block from Hansrom park: rents for $4S0. $3.5tX 3 stores and 3 cottages, 13th and William; rents for $516. $3.10, New 6-r. modern house, corner, on paved streets, within easy walking dis tanoe. A GEM. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS. $1,500 60x155. 38th ave., near the Joslyn mansion; street paved and sewer, water and caa connection all mnde to lot line. $1,600 18x136, fronting upon new boulevard and Curtis Turner park. $1,060 87Vfcxl40, east front on 29th street, south of Farnam. S!MV!MX1&0, Webster and 38th streets. 15(10 Wxl40. double frontage on 20th street boulevard, near Manderson street. $.Kjo 62x132. east front, corner, south Of Hanecom park. I have, other bargains ln every part of the city; houses from $1,000 to $25,000 and lots wt tlOO and unw.trd. DON'T BUY UNTIL YOIT SEE MY LJ8T. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH ME FC"R QUICK SALES. JOHN W. ROBB1NS 1802 Farnam St. RE-M15S 23 A PRETTY . Improved place m acres fBenson) only two blocks from car with nice 6-room house and other buildings. . . Net ' and nice, J.nd cheap at price, . ' . 2,700..- Call at office for photograph and ilst of bearing trees, etc.. etc CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. . . Sole Agents. U, 8. NATIONAL BANK BLDG "W hav others and all M" RANCH and farm eanas for sale by th In ion f acme nauroav touiihj. x. a. McAliester. land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE sol HOUSES and !ots In sll psrts of city; also CDCK lW " " - . i acre property ana iarm lanoa. ine v,. r. ne w. f RE 960 uais CO., rtoom bus, on uiu. FOR SALE, modern house of 7 rooms. In- qulr SIS B. lstrti net w ACCORDION rLEATIiMG. GOLDMAN, 300 Douglas block. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best, Quickest. Mrs. A. i; nara, inn aim uuui. S M71S ATTORNEY 8. J. M. MACFARLAND, C N. T. L. BMg. 23 BALK TIES. OMAHA Hay Bala Tl Co.. all North 16th. CHIROPODISTS. DR. ROY, room 2 3. 1606 Farnam St. 1W CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended: to. a. I. ucnutree, Soth and Lake Sts. '370 DANC1SO ACADEMIC MORAND'8, lith and Harney; classes now forming for children; Wed... 4:15 p. m.; Sat., 10 a. m and 3 p. m. Adults, Tues. and FrI., 3 p m. Assemblies Wed., 3 p. m. . Classes always, open to beginners. Private lessons dally. For terms and particulars call or Tel. 1041. 410 N6 DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. CORMACK, 617 Karbach block. Tel. A2S32. -956 BEBOUT Deteottve agency. 708 N. Y. Life. Tel. 3540. 9X Nil n i i . ' 1 ' DRESSMAKING. KEISTER'B Ladle' Tailoring College. 1706 Cuming SL Write tor booklet 66 , IN FAMILIES. Mis Sturdy, 624 N. 20th. M449 NHX DRESS CUTTING SCHOOL. STANDARD GARMENT CUTTING COL LEGE moved from raxion ma. to Farnam St to.' better accommodations. Extra class taught from 7 to p. m. M 25 1 1 1 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. O. R. RATH BUN, room 16. Cora l Nat l Bank, privet lessons ta bookkeeping eta. ul FOR RENT FARMS. A LARGE and well Improved farm In Stanton county tot rent; 640 sere witu $10,uuO- worth of Improvements. R C. PETEKS A CO., Ground Floor Be Building. - -M707 FOLND. MONEY vVrlt ma ;i particular. T 3, Bee. Fisund M137 n FUR DRESSING. J. E. WALLACE, Taxidermist, B. 13th. ' -701 FLORISTS. HESi A BWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. L. HENDERSON, florist, 1519 Farnam St UARBAOK. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, remove garbage ud dead animals at reduced pricaa. 621 .' N. 16th Tal 1779. S ' SAltY-OHIP.M. - ...a? - f JLd- Cy All A Florence' HinltoiAum. 'Phone Bad 2-4: 1 kik. w. of lax Hue. City -ptiorie. ll! M-4U9 M rxi THREB-9TORY AND BASEMENT RRtCIf BU8INEP8 BLOCK. AI L RKNTEO, 109 8. 14TH STREET, 18,000 lixl?5 FINE "EVEN-ROOM HOUSE. ELECTRIC LIGHT. BARN, FRUIT AND SHADE TRUES. SOUTH FRONT, S30 FRANKLIN STREET. Shooo 50 DETACHF.D FRAME HOUSE WITHIN WALKING D'STANCE. 245 HARNEY STREET, ' J 5,000 LARGE MODERN HOUSE. EAST fRONT. PAVED PTRKF.T. 216 NORTH 2iD STREET. $7,000 P?x3TW VACANT TRACKAGE PROrFRTT, 10TH AND CLARK STREETS, A SNAP AT $l,Soo . nk Bldg. RE 8w4 U UOLD AND SILVER PLATING." OMAHA PLATING CO., Be B dg. Tel. 1515. -9.1 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8T1LLMAN A PRICE. 410 1st Nat. Bk. bidg. 8. i NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life bldg., attorneys and .ollcctors every where. , i 9i4 J. M. MACFARLAND. 319 N. Y. L. Bldg. 56! Oct LOC4JtMITU. C. R. HEFL1N. 3o9 N. 16th 8U Tel. 3974 M 1S LAWN MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr. 13th A Howard, i LOST. STRAYED One sorrel mare, 1 while feet, wnlte face, weight 1,000 lbs.; 1 Shetland pony, white leet. t13 8. 14th St. Tel. 1301. Lost-116 log LOST, abstract, lot 14. . block U3, South Omaha. Return to F. J. Persons, Glas gow blk,. So, Omaha. Lost M134 i MEDICAL. LIQUOR HABIT cured In three day. Pay wuen cured- No hypodermics. Writ (or . Circulars. Gaviln inslilute,. 220 fat, 14th. . MticAL.:::- THOS. J. KELLY, vole. Davldg Block. , r-309 D. KECK. Vole Teacher, Davldg bldg. lbs Novlx LETOVBKY'S ORCHESTRA. TeX L-2CS4, 602 ZERKOWSKY. vloUn. R. 10. Wlthnell blk. M 401 N6 OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute. 616 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. T. l'4 : -' - The Hunt Infirmary. McCagu Bldg. T. 3353. til Atsea rarwell. Pax ton Blk., 904-7. T. 136. 979 DR. GRACE DEEGAN. 333 N. T. Ufa. TeL . 3086. 860 t DRS. LAIRD A LAIRD, 203 Karbach blk. - M 107 N20z PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fe unless successful. 313 8. 15th St., Omaha. TeL 1796. 961 PATENTS Sues A Co., Omaha. Neb. I1-, lustrated patent book free. TeL 1623. ' M-670 N15x PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all business oonndenuaL 1301 Douglas. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANT 8 school. 717 N. Y. Life. NEB. Business A Shorthand College. Boyd' Theater. SHS STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia, Vaughn, iSu.Ramg Bldg. BTOHAGE. OM. Van 8tor. Co.. 1511V, Earn. Tela. lfi&9-6ti -aa TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everybody. P. H. Phllbln, 1505 Faa-nanv 'Phoh. 7.--t. - -. MV . LfHOLSTKHIDrU. GATE CITY, 1705 8t Mary s ave. TL B2073. m LEGAL NOTICE. NOT1CB TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids or proposals will be received at the office of Superintendent William K. Fowler, secretary of the Board of Educa--tlon of the State Normal school, capllol building, Lincoln, Neb., until 9 o'clock a. m., Saturday. November 7. 1-jua. for toa arac- tlon and construction of a chapel building' . on the grounds of the Stat Normal acbool ac leru. isemulia county, Nebraska. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check on a Nebraska bank In the sum of five hundred t$f.ooi dollars for purpose men tioned ln the specification. Bids for heat ing and plumbing, accompanied by a aback of fl hundred i$jdoi dollars, wlil be con sidered separately at the atnv time aied place, and must not be included ln the bid for the building. Plans and specification are on rile In the offices of Superintendent William K. Fowler, aecretary. rapitol build ing, Lincoln; Mr. Cenigu Rogers. resident, of the board 1506 t'iriiam atreet, Omaha) Principal W A. Clurk, Stale Normal school, Peru, and Mr. George, A. Berling hof, architect, Beatrice. The board reserve the right to reject any and all bids and to waive all defects ln the same. ' By order of the Board of Education of th State Normal school. WILLIAM K. FOWLlCr;, Secretary. - Lincoln. Neb., Oct. 19, lStd. O 204 11C . NtmCE TO BIDDERS. Sealed bids will ta received at the office of secretary of state up until 12 o'clock noon . of Monday, November 2nd, lHi'3, for th erection of a kitchen and Ice house at the Institute for Feeble Minded Youth at Beatrice, also a commiFsarry building and one dynamo for 8. and 8. Home at Grand Island, Nebraska, aa per plans and speci fication on hie In the office of secretary . of state. The board reserve the right 1 reject any and ail bin. GEORGE W. MARSH. Secretary of Board. OBd. lotm. . -r GOVEHNMEKT NOTICES. - CFF1CE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER.-' Omaha, Neb., Beptember 26. 19ua. baa lad proposals, ln triplicate, subject to the usual ' conditions, will be received her and by the Quartermaster, Kurt 8IJ1, O. T., until 12 noon, central standard time,' October 26, for remodeling three bath house and three water closets for troop use at 1 Fort 8111, O. T. Full Information .fur-, nlatted on application to thla uttce, -'Mt , plan and specihcatlons may be rn, or to th. Quarter aster.. Fort .8111, tXT Peo-a posals Ui, be market- .':i'viHjal uf tie nuxleliiig Lath llou is." ,as.-aUilrerd .to WILLIAM E. HORTON. AcUug Chief Quartermaster. Oct. Mli-J H