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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1903)
10 Tnn OMAHA DAILY HEE: SUNDAY. OfTOHER 4. 100.T HIS I r V)" . '1 VISITORS To Ak - Sar - Ben Carnival We invite you to make the Boston Store your headquarters while you are in Omaha. You wilt find tha t you can buy here to great advantage during our fall opening sale. More than a Million Dollars' Worth of Fresh, New, Fall Merchandise at Bargain Prices. We ask you to va!l yourselves of the privileges of our store. FREE WAITINO ROOMS-FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE B AGO AQE AND PARCELS CHECKED FREE-FREE BANKING ACCOHnODATIONS FREE SOUVENIRS. A WEEK OF WONDERFUL BARGAIN OFFERS AT THE GREATEST STORE IN THE WEST. II I K ;J.fT'Yi&? , LSI a Mi LM rai JO I Am ! At I TJl! ,IU "Vii I I'M 1 JEM, Ul i I T. '1 II iter v W sZ' 7tOi 'I ills i j, ; .u'lr 'J ''fT-( K H 7 WW I 1 ' If 1 Mi TAKE ADVATAGE OF THE HALF-FARE RATES ON ALL RAILROADS INTO OMAHA. The Boston Store Is the shopping; center of Oiwsha. It hs greater departments and a greater stock than any similar house In tlie west. You can hve a wider variety to choose from than you can possibly 1frd in say other store In thfs state, and you ctn save from ore third to one half on every purchase. Just fancy five huge floors crowded with splendid goods from a million dollar fall stock and you will get an Idea of our great store during carnival week. " Jlli A A WW Mr W MM mmm 111 II 17 u u 1 y T 1 y F 1L L& Ul r 1 A Brilliatif display and Sale of High Class Merchandise for the Next Six Days. E waut everybody to see the Bostop Store iu gala attire. After months of careful planning for this event we announce for carnival week a genuine congress of styles at the greatest store in the west. Omaha has never beheld such a display of ultra fashionable apparel.' Each department reveals its quota of the freshest novelties in the world's fashion markets. The prices during this week's opening sale will be fully as attractive as the matchless goods that are shown. Dozens of bargains that will save you money in every department. Don't fail to come and see this grand display.' '. i . ". . I I" ! .- , Very Special Opening Bargains Large Lace Collars The stylish uow effects in largo lace collars, large stole collars and long tabs, highly fashionable for all occasions, worth 3 -b a f ". and $4 each, at &9LLJ New Fall Kid Uloves In all the late autumn colorings, mnm including the evening tthadut, many real kid leather Cfl ( worth up to 1 nd 1.60 at, a pair S W Turn Over Lace and E.nbroldcre J Collars very M -flF pretty ideas, some of the new fruit ertocti f I worth up to 50c-ut Uw"lUv Handkerchiefs -Lice and embroi- mvt j- dered and all linen handkerchiefs O fip fl worth up to 35c, at.. W"" V - JL W1 Ladies', Misses' and Children's Underwear MeJiura und heary weight umiern-uar, very fine quulitv, remarkable bargain! at 19c, 23c, 2Vc, 49c and 75:. ' If I M ; . H 'b Men's Fall Clothing $.50 Men's Suits and Overcoats at $7.50 Ao ex celled suit or overcoat tar butiae.i or emi- dres wejir all wool, new atyle and colors, pood value at 112.50 and $15, opening ' price 10 flea's Su'ts and Overcoats at 110 Perfectly la.shloueJ jjariaenu, in vplendid , assortment, equal to $16.60 and v 18 parmcnt. openiu iice .The Brandels Special Hand Made Suits and Overcoata every swell 44. 50 C1C itjle and mixture our ' N n . gi eat siecial offer at.... V QPU The Roters Pcct A Co. finest ready-to-wear suits and orerooaU in America at . .. $17.50 to $35 We lo how a plndtd rry of boy'. and. Children's clothing -pcUl dept., 3rd floor. Artistic Brandeis Millinery Extra Specials for Carnival A trimmed hat special for carnival w$ek, large silk velvet and chenille hats with velvet foliage and ribbon trimmed, copy from the best models and bearing all' the artistic effects so O50 well known to Urandeis millinery at Gainsborough Street Hat Large mohair (Sainsborough, high crown, velvet bands with buckle trimming, three quill across front, very attractive and highly AQ iasmonaoie street nai, special at Silk Beaver Flats These are the genuine French felt beaver flats that are extremely modish in this country '1 ftQ hub scusou. i m'y aru worm o.ou, special for this week at A Special Selling- of Natural 1'igeons and Blackbirds, handsome for trimming, a remarkable CQp valuo for SPECIAL IN THE BASEMENT Ladies' Draped Hats, a late and fashionable fad, neat and tasty and worth $3.00, J 49 mm?. i t?ft?'.S SONS Special Linen Bargains A well known rMropPiui exporter sold his entire tstwk if mt(r aiiniiiles, coiiHlstlnK of danmMk rantrlns In length from lVa to Vj j-iirls. every iiuulity nnil k 1 ml. We bought t about half pri-e. Ou one bargain square Monday. Now on display in front show window. 60-Inch very heavy half bleached- Sccx-th cream damaak, and 84-lnrh now white, soft tlnlsheil table damask. 50e values, 2Qc per yard w f-lnch pur white. griiM.s hlenched, heavy lrlwh damaHk, 72-lnch nil :ineii heavy lris! cream, worth 65c. for. per ilOc yard . w ",w 70- luch row white, meicerlicd table damaak, extra heavy W-liich Uermnn blenched 1amak with Bpoke atltched border, K()p all 75o valuta, per yard -vv 71- Inch heavy welaht German Kilver bleached, pure ilnen damaHk. and full bleached all linen satin damask, 11.00 values, tc 85c Full bleiched ft nnlshed double nalin damaxk, 2 yalUa f wide, worth $173 per yard, for, -er yard ! AJ NAPKIN HAH JAIN dosen drummer's samt'lcs at less than half vaiue. In a lota, al, per dozen. 1.!S. II. i., X0 and ults in lata cloths Well made golf skirts, new features at. Ladies' Suits, Coats and Skirts A ipltndid rhowing of the tweUest lailor imtle $uits, coats and ikirtt at the lowest print nir quoted for tuch fashionable uear. The swell new walking mj CZ( O OS 1 O CJl suits, all pretty styles, at X .Oli VsVO li5OU Hand tailored walking suits, finest A QC op HCS cloths at lfl..OO to rpOO The swell new dress suit 5, 0 SZf f A A OC the now materials at 0OLI liOU lfl.OO Highest yrade dress j GZf OO CJ f od n7CS ativr xj j uwtopjf. j 1:98 2.98 3,98 Higher grade golf skirts, handsomely A (to up E trimmodat .VO to 4lO "rT,.'k.w,:.1.t'0....2.98 4.98 6.90 Very swell costume skirts, g 98 $49 Neat kersey box coats, at 3.98, 4.98 6 98 Very stylish coats, fall weight, at 9.98 up (XL A fl 9.98 $85 4.98 $49 $39 to 5tunnlng new long coats, at 7.50, 8.98 and V Highest grade dress coats, at 12.50 up to Fur cluster scarfs, the newest ecaifs at 1.50, 4 flQ 2.98 and... '. " Very fine scarfs, the most popular furs, 6.98 up to Cravenette rain coats, pretty styles at 9.98, A A 1250 and l.OCJ H'ghest grade scarfs, at $19, up to per yard 72-Inch very f ne full bleached satin damask, always sella at $1.25, for. per yard 75c -JOS AND sti m n r-.t u v Lll&J TON gfmMC- 2.98 Carpet and Rug Department Social SweU Sale "Vjrt. ' 3 rl TV Sho Fine jf-V kWwi 'or Shoes VX Women W.bsm'1 M Sh lor f J 15 new fall styles drs and street shoes nisd. by Armatrong of Kocheater. t reUll at 15.00. in patent. ft fift eiiamela and i kldaktna. o at J,KJJ Wvoica'i J 10 Drcu ButtM hhet, SJ.SO 200 pairs of the new fall iiyl. tamous H ao ' uorcaa ' tiultoa kid choe genuln. welt O Kf) I ole go on sale at u Wmhd'i I j Dras SfcoM tar 1 1 .S- Mora ihao 1,000 pairs 11 dlffersut stylra kiuskiu, box calf and patent colt lioe made to retail QU at tiliw. S at W.m's SI.e Sbes ler f I. 89 la the basement w. offer 00 pslrs wo men kid kIkk--, al Doc end l.suu pair kid, bos calf and QftrM KO patent leather, at ,oi These were made to sell fur up to 42 50 a pair. We Htv tio.v located in new quarters on the third floor, in shape to iaj.v every ;hinflr that is new, desirable and up-to-date. Our line of room sue rugs is especially strong in Ingrain. Brussells, A r minster, Velvets and Royal Wilton, Thousands to select from we know we can suit you. Fine Smyrna Rugs, size 0x12, in all the rorsiau and a no Oriental colors, would be cheap at tl7.50, I ' ' opeulnj; price Elegant Smith and Hartford Axminster Rugs, size Cfi txl2, never quoted less than 2'.o0and 430.00, ZZ opening prce im tm Beautiful Wilton Velvet Carpets, in all the new de- x q iMjins, with or without border, worth ti. 50 a fflC yai'd. opening price, per yard S J All Wool Ingrain Carpets, that are being sold all over rf town at 7oc a yard, opening price, H per yard ' 40 Rolls of the Heaviest Half Wool Pilled Union p Ingrain Carpet, big selection of pattern j, worth Z0C 40o a yard, opening price, per yard EIS- ". sj ' m mm . k9lK.cONd Men's Fall Hats, Shirts, Etc. "Brandeis Special" hats in the newest stiff and soft shapes, new English Jr browns, lans, blucks, etc, well Jma& worth 13, at.., Swell fall style hats, at The renowned John B. Stetson hat, latest ldeaa, O A f special U.4V New and handsome fall neckwear. oew and exclualve ideas, very swell, at Fall shirts fancy Btifl bosom ebirts, special 98c, 1.50 and $2 Tbe highest grade medium weight fall underwear for men and boys at 35c, 43c, 69c and $1.23 J&nAND ri VI H U JLM. Km vsj p 1 UrlHf Fine Dress Goods and Silks We offer for Carnival week extra specials in Dress Patterns in every style, color and weave, all wool goods. Dress Pattern at $1.98 7-yard patterns of the best all wool dtess - f goods, in black and colors, generally sold I at J3.50 to $4.73 per pattern special Dress Pattern .at $2.98 Full dress patterns, Panama and kersey cloth, zlbeline, cheviot, eta mines, etc., all wool goods, worth 95 to 96.50 a pattern, t High tirade Walstlngs Albatrosses, etc. worth 60c, too and 75o rt yard at .O J w Fancy mohairs, granites, Panamas, etamines, biaok fCr und colors, worth $l.2, "at vJ $1.25 finest French black voiles, 7tr a yard JL O W 50-Inch French Zlbellnes, elegant eiliy cloth, 4 f f a yard l.UU $1.25 Black Sicilian, inobalr, 64iucho4, u yard iuu EXTKA SPECIALS IN SILKS fletalllc Velvet Patterns 1.500 elegant patterns lu cii ts, sp rolls, extracted colors, also Persian velvet waistings rw ) )n patterns worth $4 maiu aisle x I VJ per pattern 100 Pieces Silk Velvets, new shades and black, worth 0- tl and 91.25 a yard, at, a yard OVC 91 yard wide black taffota, good quality, a yard 69c 1.50 yiiril witlo Idiirk pouu-le-ttoft 08c 91.3'J yard s iilt? Phtwnlx mllla tnnvtu . 93C $2 ynrd wide very line Mack peau-Uo-isole 1.30 l.'Jj quality Itounet taffeta 27 In. vi(lt a yard 75c Silks on Bargain Square All the now fall AQr C0 (.(In silks, taffetas, lxiuisnes, foulards, etc 'OC'VyC PEJi- cons : Basement Specials. Yard wide indigo blue calico. Ol n the 10c kind, for yard 2 2w One table of outingflannel, shaker flannel and Canton flannel of various E"C kinds and grades, at yard xD Extra good quality of comfort O V rn calico, yard. W 2v One Table of cott,onade ' remnants, suitable fur skirts, boys' pants, etc worth 121 c, a yard One big table of all the new mercerized waist ings. worth up to ooo yard, these are in long mill remnants, ga at One table of all wool dress good3 remnants, of all description, both long and short- remnants, most of them Huflicient for a dress pattern, worth up to K'ic a yard, go at...., . Lux? 2c 25c 1 description, 25c .$3dr 98c 45c "sSL COertBOHT a. sont Specials in the Jewelry Dep't Automobile bags the smart red and blue automobile bags, fitted card C5r' cases etc.. bi value at - -Ov Waist sets Dutch silver waist sets 3 pins and belt pin, worth $1.00, 39C Two Picture Dep't Specials Gold plated Florentine pattern cabinet photo frames made with easel Qp stand, worth $1.00, at TTV Carbon photos Cupid Awake, Cupid Asleep, and 20 other subjects, fitted in veneer CQp frames, very fine, $ 1.25 value, at.... VJ' -Vv