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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1903)
EBVTe-Xi TORI BMTSO" The Omaha Sunday Bee. 6 EDITORIAL SHEET. PAGES II TO 20. ESTAMJBIIED JUNE .19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY 'MORNING, OCTOISEK 4, 1903. singu: cow rivK cunts. Xs!XWEfcV3MI!sjaV3!aJ DfflTD ni ALL M-M rn I1S i!S AK-MII-nKl H.UK. AR.HH-Hi; 4I.KV Tremendous spot cash purchases of our entire stock from the best manufacturers in the country are now on sale. Such marvelous bargain giving was never known before. 9 iuen Euery Advantage of TIigsq irand Solos. rators HMiiir'rfiYffn You are welcome here. Check your packages free here. Consider this as your store. Let us know anything we can do to accommodate you. Li"i Lm $LZ3 "Hi m Will U lis M women1 suits made with capo over shoulder, the long graceful style, trimmed with satin bunds-sold even' where for H150-Monday only 7 Qfl each I tJJU Another lot which cannot be matched in the country. These come In black. blues, ray and fancy mixtures, all made In tha nawMt styles and trimmed with GOATS. GOATS. GOATS. Loose coats, half tight fitting coats, long ooats and medium length coats, short coats and all styles of coats, for about one-half their value. Women's box coats trimmed with velvet and satin lined, for C flfl only -OiVU Women's kersey and slbellne coats, lined with heavy taffeta and satin, regular o1n4.y3..r.v.u?r:.,?.r. 10.00 .Women's ooats and capes. In long and medium length and Louis XIV style. Oarmsnts that command the price of fc.-0.00 anywhere Monday g QQ M sample coats, beautiful creations, no two alike, for 7(1 (in Mcb. T1 O Mlni iiiuiiuay 19 IIIUIIIUI Day in Our Gloak Department. ' Big manufacturer's stock of children's ooats In sixes from t to 14 years,' all col ors, divided Into four lots: LOT No. 1 Children's coats, well and well lined, only made 95c IX)T No. J Children's coats In red, blues and dork greens, lined throughout and rap over shou'.der. trimmed In braid and every thread wool, for I IE only It 9 Extra Specials for From 8 to 10 am Only Women's silk waists In blues, pinks, greens and black-45.00 quality, 2 95 From 9 to 12 am Women's peau de sole dress skirts, made with four rows of ruffles, U quality for 6.50 flats Trimmed Free of Charge Ilandsomo Stool Hat Ornaments Free Orchestra Concert Every Day This Week Powerful Low Price Attractions In Your npecial attention is directed to 'our Millinery Depart ment, which has recently been remodeled in the most modern de sign and is without doubt the most complete and handsomest in the country west of Missouri river. This department carries the largest and most comprehensive assortment of general Millinery Merchandise in Omaha, bought only from the largest manufactur ers and importers at positively the very lowest prices at which re liable goods can be handled, thus enabling us to offer you the choice of the world's fashion centers at prices which we guarantee to be so low as to say to you that we UNDERSELL EVEIiY HODY. 2.50 Large Ostrich Pompons 135 75c Ltre Click Ereasts 25c 150 Clack Ostrich Plunus 75c 3 00 Colored Ostrich Plumes 1 95 Five Thousand Street Hats ' Embracing every hat of any prominence that is manu factured in the United States 75c 98c 1.39 1.69 1.98 2.49 2.98 CiO AS PABTBEBT - -J More parti cl nix; inoic goods-; the pub lic interested and our cloak department crowded. , Monday will be the big dav of the great manufacturer's sale of women's suits, coats, furs, skirts, waists and children's motifs at lower prices than ever known in the history of Omaha. Our buyer se cured these great bargains in New York nt a low price and our customers get the benefit. mtln b.mfls. Those were made to sell for $18.6'V-MO'nday - 290 The next lot Is composed of milt of 20 dif ferent stylea. made "f Irish liml K;gllsh tweeds, Panne and Lyman's wool chevl-ots-sults that are well worth OO ftfi tjfl.00 for only tMiW! Other beautiful Bulls In 25 0Q-35.G0 abundance at fnr4 nhilrlran'Q UIIU UIIMUIWll w ? LOT TCn. ft Children's coats in reds, blues castor and green, trimmed with satin and hruld, ' two capes over shoulders, new back and sleeves, our regular $5.00 value Monday for O AC only C'93 LOT No. 4 Children's and misses' coats. The grandest and greatest variety you ever hkw, In kerseys, broadcloths and glbelines. Made in all the newest styles, a great many of them silk and satin lin ed, and would be cheap at C nfl $8.00 Monday-each OiUU Monday Horning From 8 to II Women's black mercerized only 20 dozen, SI. 60 quality for underskirts, 75c EXTRA SPECIAL im children's coats purchased by our buyer on his reoent trip to New York, worth up to Si.00 Monday 59 Iff THE GREATEST SILK BARGAINS OF THE YEAR IN (MYDEN'S BIG SILK DEPARTMENT We will demonstrate the power of spot cash and the buying of immense quantities. Large purchases of recent date enable us to offer the greatest silk values ever known or heard of. This sale will be a boon to all of our trade, as well as the thousands of visitors who will crowd our city during Ak-Sar-Iien week, for you cau buy fine, high grade, reliable Black and Colored iSilks at one-half and one-third price. Promptly at 8 o'clock Monday morning these bargains will be in readiness. Klritant Fancy Silks. For waist or dress In a great showing of designs nnd colors; beautiful heavy silks that retail at $1.00, lna 5125 nnd $1 W. for r9w Don't Be Backward Hrocade Lining ftntlna. Ilandsom floral design, all the new nnd h-autlful colorings, satin 24-ln. OQl during this sale for CsG niantr Rllrnp Taffeta. Extra heavy and very durable 27-ln. wide. i 1 1 ' i uniDi bivi to nuuiu von 3 m J l.A', in this groat sale. a w w Black Peau de Sole for Coats, Wraps, Skirts and Dresses is Now Pre-eminent We warrant eery yard we sell a a absolutely trustworthy In every pn aslbie way. BLACK PEAU DE SOIE 20-ln. wide, pure silk; here as well as everywhere, retails for $1.U0. We offer you wide; during this aale U3w EXTRA SPECIAL for those who wish the Hhodzlmes' Black Peau De Sole made of ore alike on both sides and are the most 14.00 yard; we offer to you at only SILK VELVETS 100 colors black on sale In Bilk Dept Ct 1 03CI MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. Omaha's Greatest Domestic Room This Is the sale that you have been stuff that Is used In this great AK-8AR-BEN HUKit tu myukx io lOe, 13 J -2c and 15e Goads at Be. 36-lnch Percales, worth 12V4c; 15c flannel ettes, J2-lnch linen batiste, 12Hc; royal Failles, loo Scotch ginghams and other goods worth up to 15c a yard, CA all will go at W 13 1-Sc, IBe mm JHc Goods at T l-5e l 33-lnch French percales, fine styles for waist, shlrta and dress, regular price 16c; 13o extra weight fine flannelettes, all dark colors; 16o fine black sateen Henrietta finished; 19c Imported shirting madras, 33 and 38 Inches wide, and a great many other goods worth up to 19o "fit per yard, all go at 16 Dig Linen and Domestic Dept We positively guarantee our prices on ltnens and domestics to be lower than you are paying elsewhere. We mean Just what wa Bay. Buying from first hands and ease lots we are In position to save you 25 per cent on every dollar's worth of merchandise bought In these departments. 40e Table Llaea, 2So. Snow white union table linen, 64 Inches wide, worth 60c, 9K at, yard fcO BOe Table Linen, S3 12c Extra heavy, cream homespun damask, 60c value, at Q9Ac per yard Vm 75c Table Linen, BOe. Extra heavy silver bleached German dam uk, Ti inches wide, guaranteed all pure ilnen, 15o value, at C n per yard 9 Ju OOe Table Linen, 4le. Full bleached Irish lisle linen, 10 patterns to select from, 69c value, jn. at, yard 4l0 UOe Table Linen, e. 72-inch full bleached, all Unen table dam ask, pretty patterns. 0c ISft value, at per yard I ft Table Linen. TBe. Extra heavy Scotch damask, 72 Inches wide, all linen, all the new patterns, with wide open borders, $1 values, TC at, per yard f Qc 1.25 Table Llaea, Hc. Extra heavy full bleached double satin damask. 73 Inches wide, 25 patterns to select from $125 quality, at, nn. per yard 30 3 Kapklna, 1.0(4 Will place on sals Monday morning 100 GREAT AK-SAR-DEN CARPET SALE. Beginning Monday our carpet depart ment will be thrown Into one great bar gain room. Do not think of buying floor coverings or. curtains without, looking through our storks. Bargain No. 1 JO patterns of fine Ax mlimur caroets in all the newest colors and designs, regular price $1.40 per yard siM-clai Male price, $1.19. ftargain ru. z so patterns or the best velvet cariH-t. all colors. 11. ai value. In this sale only $1.13 per yard. bargain no. 8 2.uou yards or mill lengths In velvet and Brussels carpet lengths, run irom iv to a vara, worth up to per yurd Monday, only Jstc. RUGS! RUGS! RUGS! 9-13 Smith Axmlnster rugs worth $-'7. 60, Mondav, only $21.76. 9-12 Brussels rugs worth $17.50, Monday at $12 48. 1-13 body Brussels worth $2.60, at $34 60. CURTAINS! CURTAINS! Wo have Just received ten cuaes of fine lace curtains. This lot Is- all matched pairs, only one and two pairs of a pattern, soma tew pairs slightly damaged. Every pair will be sold at l-aa than one-fourth their actual value $1.98, $1.60 and 9bc. i 28a FREE. A 2So hat ornament will be presented to every lady vial Ling our millinery depart ment during Ak-Sar-Ben. Orchestral music In millinery depart meut every day during Ak-Sar-Ben. ir A Ml J Great I.loe of Plain Silks. I'lnln Taffeta In nil dollcfite evening shades, ns well as your choice of our en tire stork of plain J.-ip in 1(0 QQ. colors, worth up to 75c, for www - It's a Pleasure t) Show You French Plaids. Finest French heavy satin, barred, all silk plains, some yard wide, and worth up to -'.U, In this sale 98c Black Silk Bargains Such as Occur but Once OPPORTIXITY CAME OCR WAY. AXU SOW TOP REAP Clack Yard Wide Taffeta. In oil boiled flnlxh, as line silk ns snyone could wish for, worth I Afl 11.75. during this rale I UU BLACK FK A tl DE SOIE-r7-ln. wide, fin est silk, alike on both sides; some would ask you SI. 75, some S2.00, and that would be fair, but we offer In I AC this sale for - J best the market affords. We place on sale Mondav 10 pieces of finest Imported finest Italian silk, and for beauty cannot be equaled by any other silk. These Fllks perfect silks In the world, are full 24-lnchwide and are worth 1 TC I f 3 Buy Your Velvets and Save Fully Fifty Por METALIC VELVET-25 de- ' rfl signs, all colors, at 0JC waiting for. We had sent 22 buyers to the SALE. Over 1,000 different kinds of good aeaiers or peaaiers eoiu to in this room. lSe, lOo and 2Se Goods at lOc. 19c, ?8-lneh Imitation French flannel, very line finish, perfectly fast colors; 15o Scotch plaids, perfect Imitation of tha $1 wool goods; 39c silk striped ginghams, 16c and Xuc mercerized linings, both black and colors, extra heavy flannelette wrap per cloth, fine cashmere designs an1 a great many other goods; no If) room to mention, per yard IUB 10c, 2Be, 80c Goods at 13 l-3o Yard. 35c Muhause Imported flannelettes, with all the designs of the French flannel, as thick as a board; 25o French ginghams; 25c Imported madras percales; 3,c and 39c ' silk striped walstings, and 1,000 different kinds of gooes worth up to l9Af 3bc a yard, go at I Is Cozen napkins, fast edges, else 24x24, 1.93 179 worth , at, per dozen $2.60 bleached damask napkins, per dozen $2 bleached damask napkins, at per dozen $1.50 bleached damask napkins, at ner dozen 149 10'J lg sale on towels an me wmk ai u.-, 10c, 12Vc, 15c, jc and 25c, worth double. 1.0U0 remnants of table linen from lhi to $H yard lengths at half regular prices. OOe Sheets, 4T l-2e Full bleached seamless sheets, 24 yards wide, 24 yards long, Alii worth fioc, at t)l9 lOo pillow cases, 12&c pliiow cases, jjjg 15o pillow cass, 2 itSc Sheeting, 19c. Pleached seamless sheeting, SI Inches wide, 25c value, tQn at, yard IBe Plllovr Casing, 13c Bleached pillow casings, !9 15o value, at. yard Is 15 yards musllu (bleached), worth S'o a yard, Monday, 15 yards QO 13 yards bleached muslin, worth 10c a yard, Monday 13 yards 00 Flannel Dept. Extra heavy Shaker flannel, per yard, 4'4c. Best grade 36-lnch wlds outing flannel, worth 16o per yard, 7Hc. Fine aU wool skirt patterns, 40xSO, each 89c 30-Inch wide extra heavy Canton flannel, worth 8jc per yard, 4c. $1.60 You should add one of these $2.50 home-made bed comforters at $1.50 to each of your beds. These comfurtlers are feet wide and 7 feet long. They will cover the bed and lap over. $4 00 10x 4 ail wool grey blanket, pair. $2 98. $5 0011x4 grey wool blankets, pulr, $3 98. $69 11x4 all wool white, grey and funcy plaids blankets, pair, $5.60. $1.36 Fringed bedspreads, Monday, each, 98c. $1 CO hemmed bedspread, Monday, each, $1.16. $4.00 genuine Marseilles fringed bedspread, Monday, each, t-.W. Special for Monday. GRAND LACE SALE. We are clearing up a Una of wash laces, Torchon and Veuise braids, at pfr yard 6c. This means lacea worin lrtc, lie and 25c per yard are all to be sold st 6c per yard. BOe HOSIS SIPFOHTEHS 25c. This Is the Foster supporter, which Is al ways sold at 60c. Special price Monday, 25c. NEW DKESg TRIMMIMUS. ' This line is now complete and Monday ws will have a special counter of all kinds of novelties In dress trimmings, worth $1.60 to $3u per yard, at a special price of 98c These come lu all colors and are strictly new goods. ' 0) 3 JV 10O Colors In Crepe de Chine. Finest crepe In America, 1'4-ln. wide, nil silk; sells from 11.00 to 11.25; we will sell at 69c These Bargains For Monday Only. Take your choice of any white or colored fancy silk in entire Ktock, marked to sell for $1.23 and $1.60. for I 0 J in a Lifetime THE BENEFIT, Onr Famous Blaek Swiss. Taffeta 41-ln wide, never known to break or cut; Si. 25 Is a fair price for this ex (euent silk, on sale now for 115 BLACK PEAU DE SOTE 38-ln. wide; a rare opportunity to buy a swell piece of silk at a low price, I J O worth S2.50, for I'40 Cent in Cost GUN METAL and PERSIAN PEON Velvet, on sale nt BLACK COAT VEL,VET-24-ln. wide, worth J1.25, for 69c 75c eastern manufacturers to pick up the Is will be on sale In this room alone. BIJ EXTRA SPECIALS J2-lnch German calico, 7c. Full standard prints, ac. 36- nch halt wool dress goods, black and colors, 9c a yard. 39c silk, wool and cotton walstings, 16c 75c all wool challys, 89c. $1 and 75c wool walstings, S9c. 750 xeballnes, all wool, 83c. $1.26 all wool whip cord, 69c. 64-inch all wool sack ings, 69c. Hardware, Stoves and House Furnishings . V,'" ''T-xn','. r-5LL9 ON QVXUT SPECIAL STOVE SALE FOR CARNI VAL WEEK-SEE THE HANDSOMEST BABE BL'HNEK and RANGE IN AMER ICA. IN OUR DISPLAY OS THE MID WAY WE HAVE OVER 1(10 DIFFERENT KINDS AND STYLES OK HEATING STOVES, KTEEL RANGES,, STEEL COOK 8, CAST RANGES AN t COOK. IN STOCK WE CARRY the LARGEST line and GREATEST VARIETY of STOVES WEST OF CHICAGO, all of standard make. THE FACTORIES, as well as OUR SELVES, stand back if them, WARRANT ING them all to be PERFECT. THE REGAL UNIVERSAL, the most beautiful double healing base burner made. Come and see. You will say the same thing. Nothing like ft in Omaha. Can sell you a good, large size for $44.60. THE SPLENDID LN1VERSAL. the next handsomest made, a firm-clans base bur ner, none betttr, for $36 60. THE UNIVERSAL OAK. the BEST OAK STOVE MADE, very handsome and heavy, perfectly airtight, the greatest floor heat ers on the market, $16 60. THE STAR OAK. a great big handsome 17-in. oak. perfectly airtight, keeps Are like a base burner, worth $18.50, our price, $14.60. THE BOIZE OAK. one of the HAND SOMEST OAK HEATERS MADE, medium sue. large enough for any room, $12.96. THE FLEMISH OAK. very nice, honest oak heater, go sise, large enough for any room, for $10.50. Sapon Oak, luige lfi-ln. flrepot, airtight oaii, $9.50. A very nice oak heater for bedrooms, $4 K5. THE STANDARD JUNIOR RANGE, one of the very bext in Omaha. Come and see it. Sells anywhere else for $77.00, our price this we-k. $.11.50. THE KING RANGE, flrst-class, a regu lar $.J5.M, we sell them for $'-7.6o. A good, honest No. H ronk for $8 95. ' IN BASEMENT. 35c Fancy Ribbons I2ic On sale Monday morning. 600 pieces of fancy silk n o-ma, worth Hie, for Ul,c. Id) Jl i i J, t..- - So The Leading Dress Goods llouso in the West. Over Jn.coo styles to elct from more than the combined stocks of all tha other Omaha hmiNi-fl put together. Here Is the place to select s dress pattern when you have a riMK from nio to $10 per yard. Kveryth Iiir Hint is made by every leading mill In the. new and the old wot 1.1 -all combined In one gigantic stock. We defv anv fither ' In the went to come within Horn j per cent to N) par cent of the following prices; ZIBIXINEE- Ave the fiishlonablo world's most 'nmous dress gooil at present. Pompstio zlb- rlinf.. In 150 now vhades, at $1.50, I ?5, II. of), 75o, 69c, 89c 25 124 now Khadrs VOIT.KS 31 qualities. Voiles nre sllll !n the lead for all recep tion, evenlna and fancy dresses. We have thoni tu nil kinds London cord, Lute twine, enotlnn string, soft nnlnlied, IiiiIsIi.mI. el at S4.75. tl.ltS. 11.50. wire $1 25. $l., ;5c, and 50c NOVELTIES, SUITINGS Us! Hi-re Is where we have the great advantage t the small store. Because In the small store the collection Is so umall that If many people should he there they would be all drenxed alike. Not so here. FURNISHING GOODS AND CORSETS. Miss Darnell of New York will be with us only one more day. lo not miss the opportunity to have her tit you perfectly fji a Lti Marguerite corset. Call at once. It Is on unusual opportunity and all women should take advantage of it . She will surely please you In ease, comfort and grace. La Marguerite, Style C 1 Price, $2 50. La Marguerite, Style C 2 Price, $3.75 These are especially adapted to slender figures. Style K 2 rrlce, $4.50. Stylo K 1 Price, $6.ft0. For medium or stout figures. Style N 4 Price, $10.00. For tall, well developed figures. Models to fit any figures at $2.50 to $10.00. Complete line of domestic corsets from $1.00 up. It costs you nothing to look. Do not fall to stop at our corset department. Children's line Jersey ribbed, fleece lined vests and pRnts, well made and In all sires from 16 to U, worth 25o to S9c, at 16c and 10c. llaydons' Great Sale Men's $3.50 and $4.00 Patent Colt, new styles, $2.98 and $2.48. The Cro'ssett Shoe for Men, 20 styles, all leather. $3.50. The Stetson Shoe for Men, 26 rtyles, all leathor $s.oo. The Ultra Shoe for Women, 26 styles, all leather. $3.50. These three shoes have no superiors and are equaled by few. Men's and women's flue streot and dress shoes, worth up to $3,50, at $1.5. , GRAND CARNIVAL WE CARRY THE LARGEST Fl'RlUT TJRE STOCK lit THE WEST. ' Our fall and winter stock of furniture, selected from the best furniture manu facturers in the United States, Is new on our floors. Our prices are based on the actual factory cost you pay no middle man's protlta we deliver from factory to con sumer. YOU can depend upon the reliability of every article, for we guarantee every article we sell. Our parlor goods Include a beautiful array of two, three and five-piece suits lit quartered oak and solid, mahogany, ranging In prioe from $10.60 for a live-piece oak suit to $150 for a ttve-plcce solid mahogany suit. In our parlor and sitting room chairs, fancy corner and Roman' chairs, rockers, divans and davenports, there Is a wide range from the severe to the most ornate pieces. In our tables, center, parlor, library and extension, we are very strong. Our $3o extension table cannot be duplicated for twice that price elsewhere, and our $4.3) center table is a gem. in Iron beds, folding beds, bedroom suits, couches and all miscellaneous furni ture, from parlor to kitchen, we are able to offer our customers an opportunity to se lect from the very Best goods made at prices fully one-third lees than they will le obliged to pay elsewhere. The Reliable Grocery Department Always In the lead. Prices the lowest. Quart cans table syrup Worcestershire sauce, per bottle Pure tomato catsup, bottle 2- lb. package self-rising pancake flour. Large sacks white or yellow cornmeal. 1-lb. pkg. Imported maccaroni 3- lb. cans Boston baked beans Fancy iearl tapioca, lb Goud rice, H) Oil or mustard sardines, can , Elastic, electric, celluloid or I. X. L. starch, packago Force breakfast food, ikg Malta Vita breakfast food, pkg , Vlg'ir breakfast food, pkg Vim breakfast food, pkg Ncutrlta breakfast food, pkg Malta Cerek breakfaxt food, pkg ..... Quail Oats breakfuKt food, pkg Freeh, crisp soda, oyster, butter or milk crackers, lb Fresh crisp ginger snaps, lb 10 Lars laundry soap for Fancy Alasku salinon. can . oc ."Vic .Vic .70 .P,4c .7'io ...4c 7V4c .7Vo .7ic .7V..O .7'i,c ...Be ...5c ..25c ...Do HATS AND GAPS. Ws desire to call your attention to a new make of soft and stiff hate called "The Imperial." made expressly for and controlled by Hayden Lroa. These are un questionably the beat hats ever offered at a populxr price and onr written guarantee go -a with every nurchasu. Any style you may desire at $3.00. In other exclusive lines we show all the fashionable shues. Ttese huts are the acme of fall style and you cannot help but see the eUfcance of this fashion of headgear. Any style of stiff or soft hats at $1.00, $l lxi, il'.iiO and $J 50. We aie Omaha s headquarters for the celebrated John IS. Stetbuu hats. School Czps for Boys & Girls All wool i-ajis for school wear. In nest axMirttd patterns, worth 6uc, sale price only to'-. Yarht. Golf and automobile style cups, especlsllv adapted (or s liool wear, wuith uu to $1.00, on kale Monday at 60c We have lO.onn dlfforent patterns of novel-, ties nnd sulttng-s. We can suit every purse, rich or poor. Novelllrs and suiting. 36c, 890, fcOo, 75c. t.0o. $1.25, $1.60, $1.1. If) fti up to, yard IUUW EXTRA BPr:CIAII FOR WBEK 75c French silk striped plaids 30o 69c all wool suitings, 69o all wool slb elines ttc $1.00 all wool C4-lnch suitings B9o $1.26 all wool whipcord RPo $1.W black crcpeonettes Half wool dress goods, frc, UHc, 16c, 19c, and 25c a yard. All wool dress goods, ISc and up. Every day during Carnival Week we will put four lines of wool dress goods at greatly reduced prices for that day only. Children's cnmbinii :ou suits, Jersey rib bed, in all sizes, worm XV, at 26o. Children's part wntil, black, combination suit. In all sis, worth $1.60, at 08c. Hoys' extra heavy vests and drawers, with heavy fleece lining, worth 4Bo, at oc. Ladles' Jersey ribbed, fleece lined com bination suits, Stratford make, worth 76c. at 60c. Ladies Jersey ribbed half wool combina tion suits, In white or gray, worth $1.10, ut 98c. Ladles' heavy wool mixed combination suits, in white and gray, worth $2.00, at $1.60. Ladies' silk and wool combination suits Harvard mills make worth $4 60, at $ii.0fv. Infant's white vests, full fsj-1 loned, made of fine worsted and cotton, worth S9c. at 10c. ' Ladles' fleece lined Tests and pants, Jersey ribbed, white and gray, worth 39o, at 25c. Ladles' Jersey ribbed cotton vests and pnnts, extra; heavy, down fleece backs, worth 60c, at 39c. of Fine Shoes Monday. Girl's school shoes, $1.98, $1.48 and P8c. ' Hoys' and youth's school shoes, $1.26 and 98c. ' Child rchool snoes, $1.00 and 69c. Men's snd women's house slippers, the $1.00 kind, 4Sc. Child's $1.00 turned sole s oes, (Sc. Also a Big Bankrupt Cale of boys', youth's and little gents' snoes at 40 cents on the dollar. A grand shoe opportunity for Ak-Sar-Ben visitors. FURNITURE SALE. nniED FRl'IT SPECIALS. Iirge Italian prunes, lb I'holee Utah peaches, lb Fancy Moor Park apricots, lb .... Fancy Virginia blucklierrlea, lb .. KnplUh cleaned currants, lb ..lie ..100 VliKlnla red raspberries, lb liio FRESH 1 Rl'IT SPECIALS. Fancy Washington plums, basket 76c- Fancy Tokay grapes, basket 40c Panry California peaches, doien . ...12Wo Large juicy lemons, each lc TEA AND COFFEE SPECIALS. Good Santos coffee, lb lOo Fancy Golden Santos coffee, lb Choice H. F. Japan tea. lb 2Ho Tea sifting", lb 12Vo HAYDEN'S Is the only place In Omaha that make pure sugar candy fresh every half hour. We sell a box of delicious , cuuily for Ztc, 30c, loo and 10c. Crockery, China an. Glassware Dept. Just received two carloads of crook 167.6,0 pieces of crockery, over $u0,000. .U coinee direct from the potteries. u Cups and saucers, lc each, i Plates. 3-. So and 4o each. ID t usDldor. Bu. Decorated cups, saucers and 0 each. 112-plece decorated dinner sets. Decorated toilet sets. SI. 49. luO-plece decorated French chins,, Bo Pit, guiu umeu, urauuiui mnnyn i nete sets eeii ajrwuri trvin set. 6-plece crystal cream sets, lie. 600 decorated eggshell Japanee saucers, 12UC. Gas mantles. So. OPTICAL DE' IT WILL PAY YOU to 1 tabliKlied optical departir anv trouble with your ea Expert optician in GLAbriK.a at LOWEST 25 c Ladies' flsn. A big line of fancy a and lace trimmed 1JC Ck.-, on sale baturda ..95c