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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1903)
10 TITE OMAHA DAILY THZV,: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2. 190.?. sib: Boys' Clothing Sale Third floor JFo) O 5ale of Fine Pictures Third floor 39c DIG EVENTS FOR BARGAIN FRIDAY DISS GOODS REillMS $1.50 DRESS GOODS AT 39c Strictly all wool one and one-half yards wide plsld and striped cloths. Cheviots and Hergee. suitable for Indies' and children's petticoats, rainy-day km nuaJIHr actually worth one dollar and a half a yard on ante . Skirt lengths, waist lengths and many dreaa lengths f of new novelties. In mixed goods, plain gopda. co- ff verla, oheviots, zlbellnes and broadcloths, on front 3 -nf bargain square at yard Remnants of French Series, in black and colors, all wool Henriettas and Cashmeree, French and English mixtures In Chevl- g A f nts. yard and a half wide Halny-Day skirtings J& f1 M f1 bargain aquara at -yard -I S VfllTMftQ A new lot of waiatinpaln French Flannels, Albatrosses, IIMIJIIiiUJ Polk- Dot oaahmeres and OHn ifln many Imported waist cloths, on saloon bargain jV7CBT'Vy C square at yard SSs VELVETEEN &T 13c YfeRD navys, reds and other color, on bargain square at, yard, Saturday SILK VELVET REHfiAflTS TheM re la bUck- rendi' PlBk8' sClld lit. i. 58 R 11 1 J bluM and ftU holors 0f th, rainbow, quality guaranteed to be $1.00 and 11.28 a yard go 'Iff- Iff A . PT . according to length of remnant for an entire z3C"l3ClllCajC place ....... -ew CHESS COOPS S&F'PLE LEHQTHS S'U th. toma hoiinn, lengths of "i ynrtl. H, 4 and B pieces to mntub. s f enough for Indies' walsta plnln, checks and plaids for en- a JeC tire piece , Another lot of Vel- " f veteecs In black, I VJ Fine Silk Remnants at 20c a Yard 59c r 39c An tns accumulations from our Immense sales In Bilk PeparU ment. Including China Sllka, Drapery Sllka, Fancy Taffeta and Shirt Waist Sllka, go in Bilk Department at a yard : Lining Satins ot Gvc a Yard Those are all one yard wide and extra heavy quality In Mack, browns, tans and white In all lengths at yard n... r Remnants of Sample Pieces of Laces, all -kinds, plain and fancy, worth up to 3So a yard, at 6c and lOo yard. Fine Persian Dress Trimmings, worth as high as 11.00 a yard, at ,39c, 49c, c Extraordinary Bargains in the Basement 15c 40-Inch Unons, In mill remnants, yard. .... 12ic SHkoUnea, in mill rem- EZ naota, yard Ow 10c Outing Flannel, in mill remnants, yard 12c Fleece Back Wrapper Flannel, yard 19c Cretonne, or wall cloth, Jlp yard..., 68c Mercerized Waistlnga CT in mill remnants, yard..SOw 6ic 5c 5c 15c Novelty Crepe Waist lag, yard...... 10c 19c Imitation French Flan- -f v nela, in mill remnants, yd.. lUw 12 l2c Cottonadea yard 7c Comfort Calico, In mill remnants, yard . 124c and 15c Shaker and Canton Flannels, ail grades, E? yard.; uW Odds and Ends of Lace Cur tains, worth 75c , ..5c 3ic 5c Remnants of all kinds of Table Damask, in lengths from 1 1-2 to 8 1-2 yards, at less than half their regular price. Remnants of Toweling, from 5 to 10 yards, all grades and kinds, at err much less than their regular price. . Pttnhti & pott If. fC. Ptnnbtim & ?0tt RISKED TO BE HANGED SOON ff. JT. tl9 Confaascs KllUns ( Woman a4 Reqeat Exeeatloa ri i Wlthoat Delay. Closely following tha finding of J. J. Reed teaponalbla for tha death of Cora Crlawell came tha arraignment of Reed In police tourt. when ha was bound over to the Idlatrirt without bail. Reed pleaded with the county attorney to have him tried as aoon as poaalble and to hang him It ha wanted to. 3t Is alleged by the friends of the murdered woman that Reed la trying the Insanity (lodge. Reed pleaded guilty aa charged. A. B. Hubermann, only direct diamond Importer in tha west. Cor. 13th & Douglas. Chleasr Great Western Railway. Short line to Mlndan, Harlan, Manning, Carroll and Fort Dodge. Two tralna aacb way. Leave Omaha at (:30 a. m. and 2:43 p. m. Leave Council Bluffs at :4S a. m. utd 1:10 p. m. For Wi formation apply to Oeo. F. Thomas, Gon'l Agt., room IIS, Omaha National Bank building, Omaha, eb., and M Pearl St., Council Bluffs, la. Slztai "Ward Hepabllean C!l. There will be a meetlhg of the Elxth TWard Republican club Friday evening at IJnwood hall. Twenty-fourth and Burdetta streets. A full attendanoe la desired, aa the question of changing the meeting night and tiall wllf be discussed. Coma and partici pate. - N. C. rRATT. rrealdent. H. C. WALK UP, Secretary. . .Commencing October S freight houses of fJl lines In the city of Omaha will close at t Jp. m. Baturdaya, ' Batldleaa for Resist eriae;. City Clerk El bourn will start out Thura ' aj to rent anventy-alx habiteble buildings t the atUBiial resiatration of all voters on ictober lb, Zi and 31. An employe from the wDnly clerk's otHce will go along and en I .avor to aeotire the aurae plafrs for the nral election, Novemtwr I. The rental ur reslatratlon places will be 13 a day, the ame aa In fortnor jvara. It usually re-,ir-a , week or more to arrange the for .alltiea, i Serat-Aatbreelte JToel. .No smoke, ho rllnkertng on grates, is par ticularly well adapted to this climate. Dur- I eg mild weather, when very little Are is equired, by closing all drafta Bonanza will tnaka a. alow, smoldering fire, thus keeping She house st a uniform temperature, while Pennsylvania antltraclte will die out en tirely. Price, 18.00 per ton. CENTRAL, COAX. AND COKE CO.. I eOB a ISth et. Phones 1221 and WHS. ., -UJ Aaaaceaaats mt the Theaters. only three more performances of "Ben Hur will be given at the Boyd, this even ing, tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow evening. This great spectacle has been o rawing great crowds to the theater all week, and la pronounced the moat magnifi cent acenlo production ever shown. It Is presented in Omaha with the same scenlo equipment and mechanical appliances and accessories that made It the wonder of New York and gave It Its great London iriumpn. A few good seats may yet be ob lainea at tne box office. On Sunday Richard Carle short engagement In his latest and moat successful of musical comedies, "The Ten derfoot." During Its long run In Chicago last summer this Dlav mam nrnnnin ,k. best of Mr. Carle's work, and It has been nmcn praisea wherever shown since Its present tour, began some weeks ago. The engagement la for but three performances, beginning with a matinee on Sunday. Kaasaa City, Miaaoarl, and Retara. Account of the fall feetlvitles at Kansas City the Missouri Pacific railway will sell round trip tickets at one fare from October 4th to 10th Inclusive. Limited to October lh. For further Information call or ad dress Union Station or City Ticket Offlcee, 8. E. Cor. 14th and Douglas streets. Thoa! F . Godfrey, passenger and ticket agent. . Hubermann, Jeweler; all goods guaranteed. Horse covers made to fit your horse Omaha Tent and Awning Co.. 11th and Harney streets AGENTS WANTED We want an agent in every town in Iowa and Nebraska to solicit for cleaning and dyeing for both ladies and men. Ours and laundry agen cies work well together. Write us for terms and prices. THE PANTORIUtt 407 Be 15th St OMAHA. Tel. 0e PerfielcTs Cut Price Piano Co. Be Bldg., Room 7. Telephone 701. Weker. Stery ACIark. Ludwlg Scalier. ! t - t t i e c if , i i. MRS. J. BENSON New Kid Gloves . For fall, a beautiful Hue of Mocha Gloves. Price, f 1. 00 and $1.50. Bilk liued, $1.50 and 2.00. ' Ptrriiis' Dressed Kid Gloves iu all tbe new nhades $1.00, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00; Undressed, in black or colors, $1.50 and $2.00. NEW FALL WAISTS In mobairs, etamines, etc. - . Persian and other new trimralnjis. Our Art Netnllework Dept. is full of new novelties. i Schiuollcr & Mueller 1313 Farnam St. The Leading- Piano llous 7 4 f I r hi A Golden Chanco for plaao nayera this week. Without sjaestlon the rloslaa oat sale of the I.ange A Mlaton stork presents . the most eorprlslng barsralne the dlfferenee between a, lealtlmate baraala and the tml. tatlon is aa wide aa the differ, face between vlee and vlrtne. Be anre to take a look at then. Kvery lnetrantent is more than deserving; the appelatlom. A Gcnuino Barpin A few of the low prleed onea selected nt random. There are hnndreds more. In this lot yon are almost nra to and Jnst tbe one yon wantt niibrrt Hnllet St Davis :' Pease fillbert BT Knabe V Hale W Blaslns A Bona lOO atelnway !! Arlon ... 124 (nickering J Krbe "a Mathaahek 17 Stelnway A Sons, Steger, Enir. son. Vow, Hardman, A. B. Chaee, Bterk, Mason A Hamlin, Krell, Schaaf, Gramer, Erbe, Heneel. Crown and newly m scoro of others to select from. ' EASIEST KIND OF PAYMENTS, .an a. b a i (iNCOBPOBATtD) MANUFACTURe-WHOLESALt-RETAIt F v. ts O S lata rnn" TCtcPHONC teas factory:. OMAHA LINCOLN, NEB 130 HTM ST. TIU TSS CO. BLUFFS, IA got BROADWAY i tcu ess Not at the End of the month, but in the be ginning, is the best time to lay aside a portion of your income. We open accounts for one dollar or more and pay four per cent interest. J. L. Br andeis & Sons, . BANKERS. MA i i) i3 UsiSMaS 'FRIDAY SHE.- IS UAUT DAY IH THH RELItDLE STORE. Omaha's Greatest Domestic (Icom Wim THIS CAREFULLY then compare the prices with what vou pay elsewhere then If you NEED THK M6NKY THADB WITH IS-AS WE HTAKTKU THK CUT KIUE DKUCJ BU8I NESS IN OMAHA. 31.00 Peruna, anuine only 6?c S6c Cantorla Fletcher"s Genuine) 24c 11.00 Pierce a Prescription 6c 11.00 Pierce's Medical Discovery 68c Allcock a Porous Plasters Vic 1.00 Palne'a Celery Compound 7i $1.00 Warner a Safe Pure 79c WW Doan a Kidney Pills KSo 60c Cuticura Salve 39c IF" THESE PRICKS ARE NOT THK IJOWEST l.N THIS CITI, H K WON T EX PKCT YOUR TRADE. Sf.c Plerce'a Pills i 19c 3oo Burkharta Vegetable Compound l!c 11.00 Orrine , hoc SPECIAL PRICES TO DRUGGISTS ON' e Iaxative Bromo Quinine 15c Vxtc CJulnaceiol. guuranteeii cold cure.,..2uc 25c Carter's Little Liver Pills 15c 12.00 Cheater'a Genuine Pennyroyal Pills $1.00 i.uu iirs .nan wi!Ky :....Mo $1,110 I'l HK CANADIAN MALT WHIS KEY 75c LOWNEX'B CANDIES. OPEN ALWAYS. SCIlflEFcfl'S CUT PRICE DRUQ STORE E. T. TATE8. Proprietor. Two rkenea.747 and TtT. ISth and C'htcae Sireeta, Omaha. ROYAL DOULTOII CUKIA Of the Celebrated . English Manufac ture. Our own importation. Turkey sets.. Roast sets, game aeta,-flsh seta, plattera and twelve plates. $10.00 to $30 00; salad bowl and 12 platea, IT.So; pitchers. $2.60 to $7 60. You should see these goods to appre ciate them. - MAYVHINNEY & RYAN CO., JcwcUri sod Art Stiiianert. Fifteenth and Doujrla St. Writs for our catalogue. THE MARK OP QUALITY. In order to pet rid of the enormous ju past we"k, we will be compelled to make t fast. We mill alao place on sale several f) that will make anyone buy. even If they A HERE ARE A FEW ITEMS AS POIN i , !Sc FLANNELETTE REMNANTS, 10c. 1.0io remnant of yard wirle flannelette, extra fine and heavv, medium and dark colors, In lengtha from S to 10 yards, worth 25c Ifle Friday IU 12V FXjANNET.ETTB REMNANTS, 7'c 1,5"0 yarda of remnants of flannelettes, dark nlald rlrex clnirlinina liirht and d irk colored percales, and sephyra Tirt worth lc Friday I u lOn REMNANTS OF PERCALE. 6c. 2,600 yards remnants of percale, yard wide. remnants ot extra heavv otanneictte. Scotch plaid and aeersucker ginghams. wort hmoc Frldav , J9c 8COTCH OINGIIAMS for 8Sc MERCERIZED WAISTINGS for 5c 19c 19c antlty of remnants accumulated for the hese rldlculotis prices to get rid or them ne lines of new all a'mda just In, at prices Id not want the goods. TERS: !5o FLEECE LINED P1CQCES for 19c Lauretta, the new fleece lined fabric for wrappers and klmonaa for 19e Herman and French flan . nelettes, for 15c the beat American percalea and flannelettes, for 12Hc Royal plcquea and flan nelette, for REMNANTS OF WOOL DRESS GOODS- $1.60, $1.00 and 75c DRESS UUUDH at zac. Long lena-ths and short lengtha of all wool dre.s goods, from ZV4 to Tyards In piece. In evening shades, wool walstlngs. dots. stripes goods that sold from T5o to $1.60 , per yard all will go In this 91r sale at, yard fcaP I5c :brlc I2ic 10c Tie 5c a li syililS nartmpnt in (lmaha puiimuiii III WIIIUIIU THK ItKLIAlll.K STORE. More goods, more particulars. Every lady happy, everybody pleased and ouf cloak department thronged with customers. The enormous lot of suits. Jackets and furs nearly all of them samples which our buyer purchased while In New York, are now' being sold at one-rtnlf their regular price. The sale beats anything ever known. A few of them on sale Friday morning: Barpnln No. 1 "! women's tailor-made suit, made to sell for $12 C f f at only, each wiJw Bargain No. 2100 manufacturer's samples, made by Meyers .& Sack's to sell for $12.60 These coma In browns, castors, grays and blues, the long, graceful conts. satin lined O ftft Friday, only Qi3U Bargain No. 3 A lot of suits, made by Goldstein & Kerner to eell for $25.00 each There are all sample suits, no two alike, which we will sell IM flC Friday at I4iJ9 Bargain No. i 150 suits made by the well known firm of Wheeler, Cox & Co., manu facturers of ladles' fine suits These were made to sell Ht $'2o to $45 all sam ples, no two alike Friday's I ft ftfl anln price $29.90 and l9iIU WRAPPERS AT HALF THE PRICE OF THE MATERIAL We bought the entire surplus stock and samples of Henry Sacks & Co. , Women's flannelette wrappers, fleece lined, and well made a wonderful . bargain on sale from 8 to 10 a. m. 4n. only, at W Women's wrappers made of Sea Island percales and extra heavy flannelette with ruffle over shoulders and 15 Inch flounce made to sell for $1.45 fjlr each-Friday only 5JQ WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S COATS Our leader and the leader of the western country is our $10.00 coat. As early aa laet April we began making preparations for these. They are the best $10.00 coats In America. They are here now and will be on sale Friday for the lf ffi first time only llliUU Just received by express a lot of silk coats 27 inches long, with cape over anotiiaers. Friday, . . , . . K VI OUR BARGAIN SQUARE IN OUR ' CLOAK DEPARTMENT Odds and ends of ' every description of skirts and dress skirts, and children coats These are small lota which our buyer purchased In New York for one third their regular price This Is the first time we have attempted anything of thi kind, and we want you to eee them whether you buy or not Garments worth up to $3.00 your cnoice JJhC Friday, only only.. The Big Silk Dcpt Offers Special At- r-x: L r-I?-: J.. iraciions wr rnuuy. 60 plecea fancy allk,, In stripes and bro cades, worth up to Sc for 8Bc, 100 pieces fancy alnt silks, including finest new fall styles" 69c. Black tatTeta, extrar heavy, full 27 Inches wide, worth $1.25 for 76c. tt. a m.ici- pr.tiT nE SOIE pure allk. on rpecll sale at $1.!o. 20 st vies new BIACK DRESS SILKS silks that are worth f 1.50-for 9Sc. NOVELTY VELVETS for waists. 69c Gun metal velvets on sale at 69c. 25 pieces corduroy. 27 Inches wide,' 75c OPTICAL DEPARTMENT DO NOT FAIL TO VISIT OUR OPTI CAL DEPARTMENT, AS WB HAVE SOME SPECIAL BAEGAINS TO OFFER DURINO AK-SAR-BEN. EYES TESTED FREE BY EXPERIENCED OPTICIAN. L)LlO El YOUR DENTAL "WORK FREE Our success Is due to the high grade Work done by tha professors of this college. No students. Teeth Extracted Wlthont Pain by Oar Xw Patent Method. N TIL OCTOBER lat, FILL. BET OF TEETH, Sa.fcS. We save broken down teeth. We restore discolored teeth. We perform all branches of dentistry. buarameed j Save Your Teeth. Ssv-e your money. We save aching teeth. We save ulcerated teeth. We save old' roots. We can save H per ' cent of teeth others extract. 10 Years, In order to give sll a chance to consult the professors, we will continue to do work FREE, SMALL CHARGES FOR MATERIAL, Call early and avoid the rush Be aure you are In the right pluce. We do as we advertise. We have stood the test. Nearly 10,000 patienta In last 19 months. We beat the Jealous, idle, sorehead dentlsta and dental aec'a. Complete victory for the Union. Teeth Extracted FREE Aluminum Plates (rout S.Ot Fillings from ilAo Gold Crowns from ng.BIl Bet of Teeth, pair.,... BXOO Silver Plum Crowns Bl.R UINON DENTAL COLLEGE Wt'ist 152a DOUG Li. Open Dnlly till 8. Sundays, O to 4. ?' ' OUR WILBWfIT Saddles and JFino Harness LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY f Hohos, Fnnoy UorsG y Goods, Suit Cases and. Valises jtjjtjt' v AT A REDUCTION Alfred Cornish, Tel, 2314. 1210 Farnam Street REPAIRS la stock for all makes of Furnace, Steam and Hot Water Heaters, STOVE AND RANGE REPA8RS Water Fronts OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS fly $3.00 Cabinets are Unsurpassed. Tel 960. 1207 Douglas St For Meoitrual Sj??re;sio.i il7u rr-.,;i pen -tan-got U boi : I kolH. i Bold la Oraaka tr Shrma McCesiwil lru( Ce. Hn tat Siu. 1 to uyyliM Procla- hown mntinn S : Let In be known Whereas, on the night of Oct 8th la the night set apart by his Royal High ness, King Ak-Sar-Ben XI. for a grand ball, it behooves every lady at tending to be bedecked in beautiful gems from our magnificent stock and let ua say to you we are now allowing tha most complete stock of Diamond lUng. Brooches and Pen dants ever shown in the, only city ruled by a king In these United States. BROWN & BORSHEIM, 222 South ltth Street. ( Vt !i v,i r Prices on en's Are about the same everywhere qualities are different and ,you are aequaintetl with this 'store . well enough. to know. that the name wouldn't co Into a hat that wasn't thoroughly worthy of its price and more, too it has got to be a better hat at its price, than the same money will pay for anywhere else. Men like our hats we know they do because, with a ma jority of our customers, it's a case of "off agin, on agin, Finegan" they come in for another "Nebraska Ppe cial' at f 1.50, or our popular "5th Ave" shape at $2.00, ' or f2.50, as the case may be, in the new fall blocks, and leave a last year's style behind; often with regret, because it still looks so well. SHOWING ALL CORRECT BLOCKS IN SOFT II ATS AND DERBYS $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00. '. n r) mtM iitf I Want to Earn Interest the Money You Spend? Green Trading Stamps with all purchases is the only known method. See the Premiums are handsome and charming. Your choice when your book they Is full. 0 0) mm Lbuy 1 1 You' I Find T at Bennett 1 1 Her Loss Many a woman with real possibilities of "Stylo'' sacrifices those possibilities on the altar of a bargain counter when she buys cheap shoes. A For just a few cents more she might have had the kStyle ot a Dorothy Dodd" shoe. But to save these few cents she. pinches her feet, crowds-them, risks corns, endures discomfort, and. loses the whole element of style at a most Important j point in her costume. Sincerely yours, Dorothy Dodd. o OXFORDS, 12.50 BOOTS, $3.00 SPECIALS, 50c More Fast color eyelets do not wear brassy. Kit eJ See Our Superb Ak-Sar-Ben Windows The Money Saving Gro' eery Dept. of the City The best goods at lowest prices. , Stamps with every purchase Glas mug Mustard, regular lOo size for Pkg. 7o ..ISc .. 7c .. 8c ..10o .2V.0 ..13o Baking Powder, can... Pepper Sauce, bottle Assorted Pickles, bottle .... Wheat Breakfast Food, 2-lb. Castile Soap, cake Rreakfast Cocoa. U-lb. can.. Catsup, bottle Soups, assorted, t cans 2io Corn Starch, 1-lb. pkg 50 Plum Pudding. 1-lb. can lc Olives, tottle 80 Macaroni. 1-lb. pkg 100 Star Lye, can Sales everyday. Green Trading . Postal cards free. Tel. 137. Assorted Preserves, Jar e Uelatlne, pkg 10" Salmon, 1-lb. can ,.,..10o Klce, per lb 6 BEST TEAS AXD COFFEES' LOWEST PRICES. Imperial Japan Tea, per lb 3to Tea BlftlngH, pr lb ,...15o Kreah Roasted Santos Coffee, lb,...12o Bennett's Capitol Coffee, per lb 20 liEAIMil 4HTEHM POH BITTER Heeclved Dlreet Dally. Fresh Country Butter, per lb lc Bennett's Gapitol Creamery, lb. ..,..25c Kaufman's Superb Orchestra 2:JO to 5 o'clock SPECIAL. PROGRAM EVERY DAY Wa can tell more abaut Diamonds good, bad, and Indifferent than roost anyone. OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, but ESPECIALLY i can teil you about tb good ones, tbe best ones, for that matter. Can show ! them to you, too also sell them to you If you give us the chance, and com ' pete with anybody. ALBERT EDHOLM, Jowolor. 107 NORTH SIXTEENTH ST.' HAVE YOUR CHOICE. We handle a complete assortment of first class sewing machines such as NEW HOMK WHITE, STANDARD. DOMESTIC. llol'SKHOLD and others. The moat par tli ulur customer can easily be suited, aa wo have tlu lati at impiovvd and up-to-cate gooda. , . P. E. FL0DMAN & CO., - 1514 Capilol km Tel. 1574 4 T