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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1903)
TITE OMAHA DAILY REE: FMDAY, OCTOBER 2. 1003. SPECIAL H0T1GES Aavrtleeeate tmm taee rlni will bw Itkfi aatll 13 as. r the !( sAttlea mm mmtH fwe Mara lay ead eitla. (Ita, l l-2 ward flrat leaertiea. It wr Ikfrnfttf. SatblaaT takes fa laaa Iku S3 for Ik arst Iwf IU. TbrM adTrttaeaata amsat raw eewseewtlvely. Advertiser, hy raaaaatlaa; aaaa SereA tkMk, rmm have aaawara ad dreeeed tm a awaafcered lattar 1ft rmrm t Taa Fir. Aaawara a addressed will B delivers a ftutaudaa af taa air. 8ITTATIOSS WASTED. YOUNG man wants a hoard while coins to If, Tel. 14. pi see to work for school. Boyles Coi A-M5i TOUNO lady, graduate of good business college, wanta position as bookWper. Address P 14. Be. A-635 lx WANTED By an able-bodied and energetic eld soldier (gets no pension), permanent employment aa watchman or other re sponsible poaUlon rot Involving extreme manual labor; can ahow honorable record thirty-five yeara In Nebrseka; I uee neither .strong drink, strong language or tobacco; reference for convenience to Payn. Boetwlck A Co. rn N. Y. Life, or address O. E. Btearna, Ilia B. lMh st.. Omaha. A-M7S2 tf WANTED Toon lady stenographer and bookkeeper desires poaitlon; Al referencea. Address P 43. Be. A MLS 7x WASTED MALE HELP. FALL TERM NOW OPEN DAT AND NIGHT. STUDENTS ADMITTED AT ANT TIME. Boyles College VEW VORK LIFH BUSINESS. CHUHiHAMi. AiPiiWRiT 1NG. LVilLliA Apply for Catalogue. B 901 WANTED, a man to work from our wagon. C r. Adams ac Co.. Itu9 Howard. tt-M302 GOOD mess tigers wanted; A- D. T. Co., 211 8. lain. rlrst-clasa pay. b s"3 WANTED, first-clasa wood turner at once. Good wf. Lincoki Sash, Door a: Mis'. Co., Lincoln, Neb. B WANTED, six tinners, experienced on lur nece work. Mnton Rogers Sous Co., i4tn and riniam sts. WANTED, traveling men to carry a Una A tweed pants anu skeleton suns in Iowa. Nebraska and Kansas territory, Adareaa, stating age. experience, giving reference. aatary expecteu, etc.. f i. ie. B-6H I WANTED, men to learn barber trade; 'be ortxj way to aave yeara o( apprenueesnio ' U by our method of free practice and condensed Instruction; we guarantee po sitions, grant diplomas and pay KaturtlAy wagea. can or write Moier arrer oi lege. IXC Louglas st. U'iU ix DELIVERY boys wanted, feraadeis A Bonj. Apply J. U B SW 1 WANTED, two carpenters. 2ic an hour. Address Jos. ghlesiger, contractor, Yutan, ea. . B w; WANTED, son cutters and granite cut tera, Society wagea govern. Abercrombta utone Co.. bl joaepn. uo. tj yt l EXPERIENCED salesman for men fur nishing goods. Call Albert Cahn. US Bo. 14th . st. B lis 1 WANTED Good bookkeeper for dining car and hotel accounts; aiao etenographer must leave city. Address P 40. Bee. B-ia jx "A STENOGRAPHER, young man 19 to IX must be honest, energetic and willing to tart low; good opportunity; write, giving reference and salary expected. Address P 4A Bee. B HUl ix EXPERIENCED boy te cut stock, check binding ana psdding. . Douglas Printing Co., lous How Aid su B Mli i WANTED, an ambitious young rrnn of good address to represent us on the road. Call before k.3u a. rn , George L. Snuroan A Co.. ail Psxton blk. B M1.4 1 WANTED A first elaea barber; steady job. Address A. E. Roach, York. Neb. B M134 2. SPLENDID opportunity for ambitious young msn to travel; US per week, straight salary; expenses advanced; s-nsil cssh security required. Address Columbia Publishing House, Minneapolis. B AIlJo i WANTED, a good man to handle Immigra tion department in real estate office; must be a good salesman; In answering give full aame and address. R. C. Peters A Co. B M14S 2 WANTED, good, bright, strong boy. Ap ply millinery department, llayden Bros., at once. B Ml 50 a WANTED, first-class pork cellar man: one thoroughly conversant with the curing and handling of sweet pickle, dry salt and export meat; stats salary expected. Address P 4. Bee. B M'.&o 4 WANTED, lor V. 8. army, able-bodied, un-n-arried men. between ages of 21 and 35. ' citisens of Cnlted Slates, of good charac ter and temperate habits, wr.o can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to recruiting officer. 16th and Dodge sts., Otnaba, and Beatrice, Neb. B-M154 WANTED. 20 bricklayers; wages 5"e fr hour. Apply Wkkliam Broa.. Coum 11 Bluffa. B Mia i S WAITED FEMALE HELP. VM Girls. Call Can ad taa offloa, lSth A Dodge. C H WANTED Immediately, W sewing mat hlna ' operators In horse blanket department of Bemla Omaha Bag Co. C-Mi2l WANTED Cook and arcond girl; third house south of Country club. C sal WANTED Ladies to learn hatrdresslng, manicuring or facial massage; our method la free dime, expert lnslructioi.s; eir saved; some wagea. Call or write Moler College, 11 Douglaa 8u C M711 2x TOUNO girl to assist In houework; no washing, two in family. 17 Bristol St. . . C-Miul EXPERIENCED buttonhole makers. Tit 8. 14th Bt. C 117-1 WANTED, aood gtrl for general housework only two in family; six bloa ka from P. O ; ftrst-ciasa wages, permanent place to re liable glrL Address f . ttee. l ill fix WANTED Aa xperlenced Dodga. . girl at 2207 C-11J-I WANTED Olrl for general housework small family : wages M per week ; none but competent help need apply. Howard C lis 1 WANTED, first-class ladies' tailor. Max Morna. 1A Farnam. C Mm WANTED, girl, general housework, small family; no aaaning. ala N. atn. C MISS lx WANTED, experienced girl for general housework, email lamny; good wages, rat erence required. Cu2 Douglaa St. C M12T S WANTED, good girl for housework at oi.oa. 1U7 B. ail at. C M12S 4 WANTED Competent girl for general nouscwork. I in lamny. gooa wages paid. SW B.bUl ATI. C 144 4 WANTED Girl for general housework good wages paid, if, 8. th Ave C-141 ix . FOR REST HOI SEA, llVJUOCa c. Peters A Co.. Be Bldg D a FOR RENT, double modern house In Kountae Place: au liable for two, families. Iju aa. Thomas Brrnnaa. AS 8. Uih st. UMua 7 f" PATNE-BO8TWICK A CO. chol.a houses vl-4tJ New York Life Bldg. Phone Vli. WE MOVE piano. Miggard Va A Bter- Ce., Ti Iwe, Otnue, 17 J Wetir at. ron REST MOt SES. HOUSES, lnturance. Ring-wait. Barker Blk. L I llnilCCC In all parts of the city. The Ida. I sra TO MOVE r'ght get Omaha Van Storage Co., office 15.J1 timin, or Tels. IV.9-V1J. D 9i 9-ROOM linuw In fine condition. Hinsrom t-rk Ulstr:t. modern except furnace; rent -i. cheapest place In city for the money; Call qui k. J. C. rlden, 4"7 8 Kth St. D M2 i COMPLETE 10-room modem house and barn. &H Park Ave. F. D. Weed. 15-4 Douglas at. IV-11 FOR RENT, ten-room house, modern, and barn. In Went Farnam district Win. K. Potter. Rec. No. 303 Brown Blk. D Mi24 FOR RENT, two g-room modern houses In Kountae Place. IU eacn. l-ranm house, li"" California St.. $13. S-room house. JOi N. lth st.. 110. THOMAS BRENNAN. S. ln . I M'MS I ELEGANT -room house; all modern lm- provemenu. 410 North i3d Bt. D MI'S 4x FOR RENT. 6-room house. IFwJ Woolworth Ave t.1 per monta; poeseasion given kjt toher 17 Apply to M?l L hi, care Daily News office. D-M3S7 tf FOR RET-Ft'RISHED ROOMS. AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th Drog. r. si NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Steam Laandrv, 175D Leavenwortn. roor.e A-17S3. ti-eu O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone HI. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnsm. ROYAL. HOTEL European. lth ft Chicago t sii NICELY furnished rooms. 1903 Cspltol Are. E UkI Nice rooms, day. week or mo. 1S3 Howard. E MJ-8 lax NICE, modern, newly furnished, well heated. iZil Leavenworth. 3ntx FRONT PARIXlR furnished room, with or without board, steam neat. -:ia r arnam gt, E MluS 2x VFiTI.T furnished cottage. Apply Mrs Johnson. th and ooid sts., two cwm souti: of Hanscom park. fc mij TO RENT-Tiro nice rooms, close to good boarding place. 1414 N. 23d. tso. omana E 140 2l Fl'RSISHED ROOMS AXD BOARD. THE ROSE, ir 20 Harney; rooms and hoard. also meal iicaeu. r jsi-e FIRST-CLASS room and board. M week. 27d" Farnam. 'Phone F-S241. F 11 6x FtRMTIRE PACKING. Pterson Lundberg. 11S 8. 17th. Tel. L-I358. i FOR REX T STORES ASD OFFICES. mn BrT-Ruildlnr suitable for whole sale purposes at 1 Farnam. 22x!. four stories ana nrse-ciasa ctratnira iwwrncuv. ivniAr flr and huralar oroof vault, of fice ccunter and tixtuiea. For price fnd nartlculars inoulie C. C. Rosewater. aec- retary the Bee Building Co.. room 10". Uee building, vnu RFTThn hnildlne? formerly occu m.l l.v The Bee at SIS Farnam St. It has four stories and a basement, which was formerlv used ry in ttee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at office of C. C. Rose- water, secretary, room ii oee Dunning. I 3ul THE spacloua atore room on Farnam street in the Bee. building, formerly occupied by Mact arthv Tailoring Co.. to lease on rev unnhk i.rmn Rent Includes lanltor serv loe olectric llaht and heat. Inquire R. C. Peters A Co., ground floor. Bee building. 1 SUUJkM S-STORT snd basement, 12x100; 1X Farnam st. Inquire 114 t irst. Nat i an uior. I M162 AGE1TH WASTED. w t -TF.n - ranvtisinr aaenta In ever county to policit subwriptiona to THiS TWENTIETH CENTl'KI FARMER fiteadv emDlovment with assured good In come. Agents in the country with, horss and buggy especially deaired. Canvassers make easily ' to 11 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitora' Bureau, Bee building. On-.aha. iUA WASTED TO REST. PARLOR floor or six or seven-room house modern except rurnace. Address. j i Bee. K-M300 42, TO g rooms, modern, bath and furnace, raved street; only man and wife. 'Phone 17 W. R 146 WANTED Board and two rooma for fam lly of three, all adults, must be close in Address P 44. Bee omce. WASTED TO BIT. DON'T give your furniture and carpets away. J. Levlne pave me nignest casn price. A North ISth St- N M2S1 1 SMALL house, in good condition, and lot; near car line preterrea; must oe cneap, state sixe of house, price and location. Address P 41. Bee. N M129 4 FOR SALE Fl ASITl RE. FULL line of herd coal stoves bow on sale. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge et. 0-242 FOR SALE. Furniture, consisting of parlor, dining. bedroom, leather library rumiture, learner couch, easy chairs, mahogany and rook wood library and parlor tablea. odd chairs, rockers, davenport, mahogany bookcase, writing deak. mantle mirrors, clocks, pictures, Imported bric-a-brac, oil paintings, rugs, lace curtains, brass beds, oak and mahogany dressers, chiffoniers; also fine upngnt piano. These goods must be seen to be appreciated. Sell sep arately; call at LS N. isth avenue. O M7S9 03t rOR SALE HORSES, WAGOSS, ETC. MONROE sells pleasure vehicles at 811 N 16th tt. P 919 GOOD MILK WAGON, coal wagon and buggy al a big bargain. A. W. Johnson, wuu John Deere Plow Co. P 4s U2x MY ROCK A WAY for sale cheap; can be seen at eoiuas stable. Address p E. Bee. P-M779 Oct. lx HARRY FROSTS Carriage and Wagon Worka la on corner of ltih and Leaven- wor' h P .1 FOR SALE MISCELLASEOIS. FOR BALE. Bouthwlrk hay press and rower, cheap, A. 11. Read, Council Bluffa, a. Q-M&li FOR SALE, aecondhsnd locomobile. In ftrst-claaa shape, at one-half prtce. Call or address. loU farnam bt. IRON A wire fences, tree guards, trellises. Western Anchor Fence Co., 2u& N. 17tn St. CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man A McConnell Lrug Co.. Omaha. w ta NEW and Idhand typewriters. 1119 Farnam. W xjs BECONDHAND billiard and cool tables: billiard tabies retired: a large sock of cheap bar nxtures. ciirar counters, etc. The Brunswick -fcalke Collender Co , 4n7-9 8. lih til. W Mi3 14 FOR SALE -Several scholarship la a first' cluas standard school in Omaha, compris ing complete course tn business, b"rl hand and type writing. Inquire at Bee office, Q-A4 AT BARKER HOTEL OMAHA: Ps-eens-r elevator. lV-in. duors and windows, ra diaturs. plumbing, marble Ule. lath. 2x4 a ftargaina. y M (K fx INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam FOR BALE Coal buaiceas. Catital required. 4 i-i. Be. THE BEST BARGAINS IN THE PAPER ARE ON THE WANT AD PAGE IOH IAL MISC ELLASEOIS. TELEPHONE POLES: long fir timber; chicken fence; oak piling. 1 Douglas FOR BALE Empty Ink barrel. Apply v m. Neckei, preae room, Bee office. ICE for sale In carload lota. Address. Q-MS27 Lincoln lea Co., Lincoln. Neb. JDHAND safa cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnsm Q DZi FOR SALE A new ano-ampere. dtuble-pola rwncn; reer rxen ueej. App' to or addrees "Superintendent Bee Building. Omaha." Q FOR BALE Crane hydraulic elevator; can be need either passenger or freight; com plete; Iron guide pt. cage and wire en. closure. J. L. Brandeis A Son. J 6M FOR BALE Ret messages and papers of me. presidents; half morocco; terms easy. 23i St. Mary's avenue. Q 1 x . CLAIR VOTASTS. MME. LCCRETIA. medium. 1709 Csl'fotnla MRS CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN of clairvoyants; every thing told, past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. &07 N. 18th, BiW GYLMFR. PALMIST - Removed to 713 N. 23d. Th No. Kth St., car. get off at Bd and Cuming, walk 14 blocks south. 8-K31 ELECTRICAL TREATMEST. MME. SMITH, baths. 11 N. 15, 2d flor. r 2 T t,rt PERSOSAL. MAGNETIC PILE KILLER. IT CURES. U-&33 At druggists. II. PRIVATE home during confinement: babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 7-8 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. U-134 BURGEON-CHIROPODIST. 612 Bee Bldg. U-DS4 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement: nest meoical care ana nursing. Mrs. L. Fisher. 1501 Vinton. Tel. 1KS9. U-9S5 WE RENT sewing machines at 7&C per week. 12 per month: we repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured; a-condhand machines. IS to IK; second hand machines from 11 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co.. 15th and Harney. U 937 PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladies before and during confinement. Lr. and Mrs. tieriscn, y,J California st. Terms reasonable. U-Stt DR. PRIES treats successfully all disesses and irregularities of women from sny cause; experienced and reliable. 1513 Dodge St., Arlington block. Omaha. U-939 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies sdnpted. Mrs. Gardels. 2234 Lake. TeL Red-ISM. U M0 BOSTON Umbrella Mfg.. V 8. 1. Tel. 1517. l mbre.laa. parasols re-covered, repaired or made. L Ml ANT disease cured by medicine bought of me. pror. jonnson. lutn ana jones. U-sS Hi 12 TUNING, piano or organ repairing. Per- neid nar.o to., i uee uiog. c s, x A1AT way to health; 244 Eee building, Omaha. U 145 MOSET TO LO AS REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & to, uju f arnam bt. W 542 . FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas. First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1-aa. W-94J PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. T. Life. W M4 WANTED, real estate loans and warrant a R..C. Peters A Co.. Bee Bldg. W 45 FIVE PER CENT loans. Farnam. Garvin Bm.. liA4 W !H PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1520 Douglas. 4 TO t P. C. money, Bemla, Paxton block. W &4 MONEY to loan for building purposes. W, H. Thomas, f irst isat 1 nan niag. W 292 018 I HAVE $1,000 I want to loan; Interest pay able everv three months; the security must be the best. Address P 12. Bee office. W M82 2x MOSEY TO LO AS CHATTELS. NOT IN THE TRUST. MONEY ANY AMOUNT Loaned to salaried employes holding per- msnent positions on tnetr rui. .-nui&, without MORTGAGE, ENDORSER or SE CURITY of any kind, without EMPLOY- rRS knnvliulffe. Ws also loan money on Furniture, Pianos, etc.. without removal ot 1000s. iou nvs use of both money and goods. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING To call and be convinced that our rates ar the cheapest in umana. We want your business and believe an In vestigation or our metnoas win get 11 even If at present you are dealing else where KIND. COURTEOUS TREAT MENT to all. Our offices are the best equipped to handle your baslnes with privacy of any tn the city. Come In and see us, whether you borrow or not. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Rooma 307-30$ Paxton Blk. Rooms 30?-. -v Stl MONEY To salaried employes and wags earners. Get our system or loans mat gets you oui of debt. Any lady or gentleman, ma chinist, engineer, etc., having reliable employment can get. just on his note: Half Monthly. Monthly. Weekly 11(10 Return to us...$J6.6 or $1135 or tti 65 $ Su Return to us... 12 31 or 6 66 or 15 ia Return to us... tni or 111 cr 1 I 15 Return to us... .uw or i i or i.mi FLasint terms, lowest rates, connasntia No inquirtea. Quick service. Courteous treatment. THIS bfAR LOAN CO.. (24 PAXTON BLK. EASY TO GET TO TAY Rest exDlains our method. We loan on ft nature, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc Or if you have a permanent position we can make you a DAUAHI UUAil without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service is quick ana confidential and we always try to please. All that we sag la mat you give us a can before you borrow eUewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. M. I Established Vsi. Aai S. 16th bt. X-$J MOS'EY loaned on plain note to salaried people: business confidential: lowest rate. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Mutton Co. X SM MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. LIVE STOCK. SALARIES, ETC. Lew rates and easy terms. Business Confidential. Try us If you want to save money. PHOLNIX CREDIT CO.. tO Faxlon block. lain and Farnam Bts. X.-94 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team si era. boardUig houses, etc . without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices la prin cipal cities. Tolman. 44U Board of Trad Bldg. X-1U MONEY loaned ea pianos, furniture. Jew- wiry, horses, cows etc. C. F. Reed, Ills U, CHATTEL salary and Jewelry lotos Foley Loa Co, fa 4, Barker blue. JL-i.i BlUtE'S tHASCE. FOR BALE, good grocery snd butcher's fix tures. Including ice box. Inquire 273 Far nam. Y to! WANTED, the agency of old line fire In surance company. Urassmeyer A 8mlth. Real Estate brokers. Kearney, Nbrka. Y-637 1 FOR BALE, furniture and four 4 year lease. Hotel Charters. Alliance, Neb. The Cl.artera Is a forty (4ni room brick hotel, tlty water and electric lights, la In good repair and well furnished. Owners wsnt to get out of the hntl business. For fur ther Informstlon addresa Hotel Charters, Alliance. Neb. Y S73 FOR BALE, an old estcbllshed liquor busi ness (barrel house i; good trade, old locs- . tlon. Owner has other interests. Address P J. Bee. - Y-MsH 2S WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchsrge any property or business quick, see J H. Johnson, M3 N. T. Life. Y-7 FOR BALE, good ml!llnerr business In good town In Neb. Address P T, Bee M104 4x FOR BALE, fifty shares of a 115. OftO Ns tlonsl bank In Central Nehraska town Stock pays 4 per cent serm-annuallv and Is a safe conservative Investment Ad dress P . Bee. I-MW READ THIS If rou have or to Invest. Invest It in "Cereal M'ttuals," Where It will earn frOm S to 1 eer cent per month. V it will be handled by mn of ex- perlence and Where It ran be withdrawn through snv hank In the I". S. Write for "Cereal Mu tual'" booklet, explaining our method of oneratlns- In the Grain Markets: it costs you r.othlrg and tnav be the tn'ani of making you a fortune. Adre-s Isbell A Co., No. 4 Sherman St., Chicago Y Vivi it FOR SALE RE L ESTATE. Tukey & Son. A REDUCTION AND A RAISE. We have reduced the price on the 7-room house at 8S37 Decatur street to $1,060; house Is newly painted, has full lot, on grade, and must be sold. We have raised the prlfe $50 per lot on all lots, offered for sale by us. on 26th and Grand Ave. " A. P. TUKEY & SON. 444-44 BOARD OF TRADE, RE 115 I RANCH and farmn lands for sale by the Lnion Pacific Railroad comsanv. B. A, McAllester, land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters. Omaha. Neb. RE 280 HOUSES and loU In all parte of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. L a vis Co.. Room oh. Bee bldg. RE 371 WILLIAMSON charles e.. v. a. VYILLIrt.llJUn NaUonal Bank B'.dg. P.E-1.9 ELEGANT home and farm of 3 acreg joining Bennet, Neb. Address Box Bonnet, Neb. RE MOt Os FOR 6 ALE 5-room cottage, full lot. barn, Jl Corby, $1.203 2no rash. balance monthly payments: other good Invest ments. W. N. Naeon.446 Eee building. . - RE M791 MUST BE SOLD. . DON'T PAY RENT. CHEAP HT.ME8. 2n Woolworth Ave., modern lt.40H 317 B. Kth EC. 7 rooms, modern.... S3. Son Ml 8 2Sth St.. 7 rooms.' modern t2.t 2904 Decatur. rooms..!...; ll.O) 224 A 2210 N. 27th Ave.;' double house. .$1,700 15 Ohio. rooms IU) K19 Locust, 7 rooms, water, gas. etc.. 11. ISO If. Military Ave., rooms $1,1 2475 8. ISth, small cottage t 95" 4 8. lth, small cottage I 0 2123 Iocust, 7 rooms, modern, corner. .12.100 W. T. GRAHAM. 4 Bee Bldg. re an I SEVERAL BIG BARGAINS IN RANCHES. 250 acres Platte tralley. Lincoln Co., only $9000. 144o acres Lincoln Co.: table ranch. Only 12 50 per acre. $732 acres Platte valley, on U. P. Ry. Only ilS.tiuO. 960 acres Platte ralley, on U. P. Ry. Only $10. (mo. SEND FOR FULL PARTICULARS. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Main Floor New York Life Bldg RE M122 7 8PLENDID Platte Valley auger-beet and alfalfa farm of ISO acre at $31.00 per acre, $3,200, to trade for house snd lot In Omaha. See us quick. Payne Investment company. Main fl. N. Y. Life Bldg. KK M13S 7. Cheap Lots. Party lesvirtg city offers three fine lots In West Farnam district, close to motor line, for $LM). Tbey are cheap at $2.SuO. TeL 1169. v HICKS REAL ESTATE CO.. 439 Board of Trade Building. RE 147 lx -$3,500- We have Just liated a brand new six-room house within walking on Burt street: nouM just nnlshed and Is most complete In every detail ; hard wood fin ish, furnace, gas. porcelain bath, sta tionary wssh stand, plenty of closets, pantry, etc., cement waika. We have ex clusive agency and will all thla week. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1614 Farnam St t RE 141 t DESIRABLE HOUSES FOR BALE $5,UUO.OO. New l-roora modern houae. fronting Brownell Hall, one of the most attractive reaidence locations In city. House Is mod ern in every respect, best of construction hot wster heat, electric light, fine yard. cement walks. Properly cost over $6,tKiO.t0 lea than two years ago. 14.WU.'). Near High School, s-room modern house, corner lot. place Is in first-class condition. GEORGE A CO.. ltiul Farnam at. RE MIM $ ATTORSEVS. J. M. MACFARLAND. 513 N. T L. Bldg. 69 Oct a ACCORDIOS PLEATISG. QQT DM4N y Douglas block -SI BICYCLES. BARGAINS la bicycle; second-hand w heel $1 and up; ae Fleachsr. 122 Capl tol eve Ms OI BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., HI North Kth. au CABFCXTERS ASD JOISERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly atteojad to. J. T. Ochiltree, ana and I.aWe stree's 1 CHEMISTRY. AN evening (worst In general and qualita tive cheinietry will be given, beginning October 13 .Inquire room 12. Arlington block M-7S Oix CHIROPODISTS. DR. ROT, rooms $-$. IMS Farnam st 141 tf DETECTIVES. CAPT. T lei. A-3! CORJAACK. U7 Karbach block. -&4 DRES9MAKISC4. KEISTER S Ladles' Tailoring College. IT'S Cuming St. Writs for booklet. 241 WANTED Sealng in P 17. Bee. fammea. Address - lx M DASCISQ ACADEMf. CHAMBERS' sdult beginrters now forming Tueedaye and Saturuaya. S V- rn., com mencing October Z2. l-rivale lessons any time. 17th and Douglas. Utiles phone, 1."1. Residence, A174j. After October 13, 2424 Farnam st. Chambers' chiluren s classes Wednesdays, 4 p. m.. Saturduya. 1 p. m., commencing October 3. M MR. AND MRS. MORAND'S dancing and physical culture, ifth and Harney, re cpena for children Saturday, October I; beginn'era, 10 a. m : advance, 1 p. m. Terms reasonable; a liberal reduction to former natrons and to families who send more than one pupil at the aame time. Private classes organized; private lessons any time Lessons for sdul's now Tues day and Friday, 8 p. m ; assemblies every Wednesdav. School teachers' tickets at half regular rates For further particu lars write or telephone vxi. M .u oct4 DRESS CITTISQ SCHOOL. WHILE In the city PON't FORGET to VISIT the Standard Garment putting College. 7 Paxton Plk. 2 O EXPERT ACCOISTAST. G. R. RATH BUN. room 15, Com! Nat Bank Private lessons In bookkeeping, etc. FLORISTS. HESS A SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. 2M L. HENDERSON, florist, 1519 Farnam St. 257 COLD ASD SILVER PLAT1SG. OMAHA PLATING CO. Bee bldg. Tel. 253S. ,! GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage I and dead animals at reduced prices. I N. 16th. Tel. 1779. 739 HAT RESOVATISG. OLD bats made new. Ramser A Kerr. practical hatters, 207 N. 17th St. MS44 OS LOCKSMITH. C. R. HEFLIN. 309 N. 16th St. Tel. 3S74. M 13. LOST. LOST I-adles' eold watch marked with monogram M. R. M. on, one side snd 1k- on other side: black guard with gold al attached, monogram on aeal M. K. M. Pleaae return to mayor's ofilce city hail. and receive 1100 reward. loat at 7t LOST Evening of Sept. , on corner 12th and Harney, a pair or goia-nmmea spec tacles. In leather caae. Return to 511 So. 11th st. snd receive reward. Lost Mlo LAW ASD COLLECTIOSS. 6TILLMAN A PRICF 410 1st Nat. Bk.bldg an NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg.. attorneys and collectors every where. -i J. M. MACF AF LAND. $19 N. T. L Bldg. w Oct. a LAWS MOWERS. 8HARPENED. P. Mccolr. 13th & Howard. rsi MEDICAL. LICUOR HABIT cured in thre daya. Pay when cured. No nypocertnica. write lor circulars, uamn institute, ii a. ittn. 291 MISICAL. THOS. i. KELLY, vole. Davldgs Block. LETOVSKT'8 ORCHESTRA. TeL L-MU. u2 OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute, Hi N. Y. Llfs Bide. T. 16S4 SOS Th Hunt Infirmary, McCagne Bldg- T. 2351, aa Atsen A FarwelL Paxton Blk., 604-7. T. 2SJ DRS. FINCH A MILLER, 124 8. Sth St. JW1 PR GRACE DEEGAN. $32 N. Y. X0S8. Life. Tel. 29$ PATESTS. H. J. COWGILL N fee unless sueceasfuL 313 B. ISth EL. Omaha. TeL 198. $09 PATENTS Sues A Co.. Omaha. Neb. Il lustrated patent book free. Tel. 1&3. M5"0 N1S PAWSBROKERS. EAGLE Lean Offlce. Reliable, accommodat- lng; all buaineas confldectuU. 13ul Douglaa 7&S SASITORIIM. OMAHA Florence Banltorlum. 'Phone Red 2624; 1 blk. w. of car line. City 'phone. 1:92. M test (TH STORAGE. OM. Van 8 tor Co.. 1S11H Farn. Tela 1&59-K1 i5 HORTHASD ASD TYFEWR1TISO. A. C. VAN BANTS schooL 717 N. T. Ufa. NEB. Business A Shorthand College. Boyd'g i neater Ha STAMMER ISO ASD STITTEB1SG. CURED. Julia Vauahn. A3u Ramae Rld. TICKET BROKERS. CLT RATE railroad tickets everybody. P. H. Pliilbin. la Farnam. Phone 74. -AH TISSKBS. E. KOCH. th and Maple. Tel L-1S49. M-a os POSTOFF11E hOTICE. thhould be read DAILY by ail Uiterestad. as ctanges may occur at any time t Foreign mails fir the wee a enuing Sep tember 46. laua. will close tPKOMPlLY la all caaeaj at the General Poatomi.e aa fol lows: PARCELS-PosT MAILS cloae vna hour earlier man closing time snown be low. Parcels-Post Maaa for Germany close at s p. m- Wednesday. Regular and Supplementary malls close at Foreign Stauon half hour later than closing time snown below lexcept that Sup plementary Mails fcr Europe and Central Amerua. via Colon, cloae one hour later at Foreign 6tation). Traaaallaatle Mai la. SATURDAY At i a. m. tor BELGIUM di rect, per a. a. Zee land (mail must fc ai rted "per s a Zetland i. at 9 1- a. m. for FCOTLAND direct, per a s. Ethiopia i mail mui be directed "per a. a. K'aio t'la 'i; at 10 30 a. m. (supplementary u ra ) for EUROPE, per A A Luuania. vU Queeuaiown. PRINTED MATTER. ETC -This steam er takes Printed Commercial pe.pers. snd bam Lies for Germany only. The same claaa of mall mailer for other pans of POTOFFICE SOT71E. Europe will not be sent by this ship un less s-peciaily dim ted by her After the closing of tne Supplementary Transatlantic Mslls named sncve. sddl tlonal Supplementsry Mil's sre opened on the plrrs of the Ameiican. English, French snd tlcrman siosmers. snd remain open until within Ten Mlnutea of the hour of sailing of steamer. Malls for ata aaa Ceatral America, West ladles. Ete. SATURDAY At s 90 . m (supplementary 9 30 a m t fr PORTO RICO. CURACAO end VENEZUELA, per a. s. Philadelphia (mail for SavanlHs end Cartaaena must be directed "per s s rhlladelrhla"; at 30 a. m. f"r ARGENTINE. IRUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per a. s. Cervantes; at 9 i a m (supplementary in a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. 6A- VANILLA and CARTAGENA, per s. s. Alene (mall for COSTA RICA must be dl-re.-ted "per s. s. ,lene"i. st 10 .to a m. (S'trplemertarv 11 51 a m for INAGUA. HAITI and SANTA MART A. per s. s, Adirondack: at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s a t ro (.astie. via Havana, at 10 a. m. tor PETTT GO WE. per B. s. Prir.s Willem I. (mail for other parts of Haiti. Curasao. Vensuela, Trinidad. British and Dutch Ouitna must be directed ' per s. s. Trins willem I. "i; at 12 SO p. m. for Cuba, per A s. Curltyba. via Havana, Malls Forwarded Oierlaad. Etc.. Ex cept Traaspaelflc. CUBA Via Florida, cioeea at this office dsily, except Thursday, at d .90 a. m (tie connecting mans cioj here on vteanes !.4s ana Saturdays via Tampa, and on Miidivs via Mi.imii. MtXlCO CITY Overland. unlss specially sddrssed for despatch by steamer, closes at this office daily, except Sunday, at l. p. m. and 11 :;J p. in. Sundays at 1 p in. and 11 30 rt. m. NEWFOUNDLAND BT rail to North Syd ney, and thence by steamer, cioees -at this office daily at 6.30 p. m. (connect ing malis close here every Monday, Wed nsrlHV and KAtut-riAV. JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this omce at s.i p. tn. every Tuesday and Thursday. Iliorrinx-Bv rail to Boston, and thence hv steamer, closes at mis omce riilv at t 1(1 n m rki 17 pri:nvn crinTFj; snd GUATE MALA By rail to New tirieans. ana thence by steamer, closes at this omce dally, except Sunday, at 4,1:3" P anrl til .ti r. m . Mundavs Bt il P. and 11.:J v. m. (connecting mall closes ir.- Vnnriut'. at 111 3,1 n ml rfiSTi mriRv rail to New Orleans, snd thence by steamer, closes St tnis owe dallv, except Surdav, at 1.30 p. m. and 111::") p. m., Sundays st 1 p. m. snd U:A) p. m. (connecting mail closes here ru.a,ia,' st ml .lit n ml IRglstered mail closes at p. rrt. prevKtus day. TraaspaelBe Malta. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close here daily at 6:i p. m. up to ocpienioer i.m, , i,r, nr n.r.,irn nr a S. Aki MarU CHINA and JACa.V. via Vancouver and Victoria H f h,rt dally at .) I. m. un to Sentember I.Wh. Inclusive, for desDatch Der s. s. Empress of India tMerchanaise for U. S. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded ia Can ada.) HAW AIT JAPAN CHINA and PHILIP' PINE ISLANDS, rla San Francisco. Close here dally at 6.9) p. m. up to Octooer i-a Inclusive, for desnatch rer s. s. Doric. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA texcept Westt. NEW CALELHJN1A. 1J1. BAM OA and HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here daily at 130 p. m. up to Octo- cr lncius ve. nir urii)n ii ' v. Ventura ilf the Cunard steamer Carry lng the British mall for New Zealand dos not srrlve in time to connect wun mis despatch, extra malls closing at i.Jo a. m, 9.30 a. m. and 6:jn p. m.; Sundays st 4:30 A m., 9 a. m. and :9D p. m will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer.) HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco. Close here dally at 6.30 p. m. up to October tl'nh. Inclusive, for despatch per s. a. Nippon Maru. AUSTRALIA (except WesO. FIJI ISL ANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria. L. C. close here dally at $ 30 p. m. up to October 10, the In clusive, for dlsDatch ner a. s. Miowera. CHINA and Japan, via Tacoma. close here dally at 6:90 p. m. tip to uctorjer utn. in clusive, for despatch per s. s. Olympia. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here dally at :30 p. -m. up to October irtn. Inclusive, for despatch per s. a. Ala meda. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, rla San Francisco, close here aany at p. an. up to October J21. Inclusive, for dis patch per s. Mariposa. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Ban Fran- Cisco, close here dally at s ail p. m. up to October 127. Inclusive, for despatch per T ft tntnanort. NOTE Unless otherwise sd dressed. West Australia IS forwarded via turope; ana New Zealand and Philippines via San Francisco the quickest routes. Philip pines specially addressed 'via Csnada" or 'via Europe" must be fully prepaid at the foreign rates. Hawaii la forms ed via Ban FranclLco exclusively. Trsnspaclfic malls are forwarded n port of sailing aany ana me scneouie oi nosing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Regis tered mall closes at n. m. prevloiia day. Postofflce, New York, N. Y., September 2. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Poatmaster, AILBOAD TIME CARD. LKIOS STATIOS lOTH ASD MARCV. Chicago A Serthwestera. "Th Northwestern Line." Leave. Arriv. Fast Chicago a I 4o am a 7:00 am Mall a S:i pm a $ 90 am Local Sioux City a 9:10 am a 1:30 pm Daylight bu Paul -a T :a0 am a 9:oa pm DayUaht Chicago. .a 1:00 am all .10 pot Local Cedar Kaplds.. Limned Chicago..... Local Carroll Fast Chicago Fast Bt. Paul Fast Mail Local Sioux City . . pro ..a.15pra a 9 U am ..a 4 w) pm a 9 mi am ..a $:M pm a 1:46 pm ..a 1.10 pm' a 1 l am a 1:40 pm ..b 4:00 pm b 9.60 am ..a 7:za am alo i& am ..b J Jt am bbM mm Norfolk A Bonesteel. Lincoln A Lone Pine., Chicago, Reck Islaad A Paclac. EAST. Leave. Arriv. Chicago Daylight L't'd.a 1m am a I 50 am I Chicago Daylight Local-a 7 :ou am a 9.a& pro Chicago Exprs am a 6.ii pm Dea Molnea (.iprwf.,.,1 t:ju m bll:a0am CLiOkto Fast Lxpresa..a iOi pm a l.Ai pm WEST. Rocky Mountain L't .. V JO am A 7S am Lincoln. Colo. 6pringi- Denver, Pueblo mud West a 1:30 pm A 1:00 pm Colo.. Texas. Cal. and Oklahoma Flyer a 6:40 pm al2:40 pm llllaala CeatraL Chicago Expreas a 745 am a I J9 pm Chicago, alinneapolla A St. Paul Limited a 1 to pm a $:0t am Minneapolis A Bt. Paul Express b 7.35 am Chicago Local 10 35 am Chicago Expreas bl0.34 pm alO tt am Chtcaga Great Westara Ry, Co. lot Ft. Dodge Express. ..b 6:30 sm 101 Ft. Lodge Exprei .a l.ti pm 1 IL lodrie ttp-eas., ICS Ft. Dodge Exptess.. Isles Paclac. all 3 am b 9 Id pm Overland limited .a 9:40 am a 9 50 pm The Fast Mail . - I'M h I California Expreas Pacific Lxpreaa. .all -at) pm a 1 'u in a l oo sm Eastern Express 1 he Atlantic Express.... The Colorado fecial a 7:10 am Chicago Special Lincoln, Beatrice ard Suromaburg Ex press... b 4 on pra North Platte Local a S ' am a .t am a $.40 am bl! -0 nm a 6:16 pm Grand Island Local b $.30 pm b 9:3i am Chleaaa. Mllwawkee A St. Pawl. Chicago Daylight a 7:46 am all lS pm Chicago Fast Express.. a 6 45 pm a 3 ) piq Chicago Limited a 9 (6 pm a 7 So am Des Molaes Express a 7 i am a 1 4u pm Wabash. 8t Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a t 5o pm a 1 30 am St. Louis Local, Coun cil Bluffs alii am alO 30 pm Mlasoarl PaelSc. St. Louui Express a lft 00 am a 6 35 pm K. C. A St. L. Ex pm a 6 .13 am WEBSTEB DEPOT ISTH WEBSTER Chleaaw, St. PasL Mlaaeagtalla A Omaha. Twin City Passenger... a 6 0 am a 9:10 pm Sluux City Passenger.. a l te pm all am Oakland Local b 1.45 pm b 1.46 am Cbleac A Serthwestera, Searaska aad Wyeaatag Dlvialaa. LasvA ArtivA Black Hi Us. Dead wood. Lead, Hot Springs a $.0 pm a t:09 pm Wyoming, Caaper and Douglas d $:00 pm $.00 pm HKStir.tts, York, David tity, fcupertor. Geneva, Exster and baward....b $-00 pm k :9t pm Mlaaaarl PselSr. Nerraaka IcaL Via Weeping Water b 4:19 pm a 19 .33 am TO SUPPLY CALL FOR FICTION Hsw 6rstm, Cillel Dap icatP-Co'Wc- tioo, Introduced at Library. ISS T08ITT THINKS IT WILL BE POPULAR f ottaa Da ad. Librarian at Sewark, Will Staa la Omaha aa his Relara fresa Fre aseat. An innovation that bids fslr to becom popular among patrona of the public l:brarj has been Instituted by the librarian. Miss Tobitt. with the beginning ot October. It Is Intended to supply the demand for popular fiction which the library has been unahle to satisfy under psst arrangements. The regular supply of popular books Is to be augmented by ss many others as neces sary, to be paid for by assessments of 5 cents per week upon the readers. The system Is called the duplicate pay-collection and has been used with-success In othwr ' cities. It will not Interfere with the estab lished registration system for the regular number of volumes purchased by the library and will have no application to this method whatever. After the reg-ular number of books has proved Inadequate additional copies will be purchased at the discretion of the librarian and may be obtained by paying the fee la advance, the books to be noted on the library esrds In the regular way and fines exacted for holding them more than seven , days. Only Pnpalar Seeks. Books botieht for psy collection Issusnc win be those apparently assured cf great popularity for two or more year. In other words, those books that seem to have secured a firm hold ' on the reading public. At the start but two novls sre so listed, "Lady Rose's Daugh ter" an "The Mettle of the Pasture." From six to fifteen extra volumes of each will be procured, as tTie dmsnd requires "No decrease whatever In free copies will be made." said Miss Tobitt. "The addi tional books may be looked upon aa aux iliaries to the regular supply. The fact that It will require thirty weeks' use to pay for most of the additional books means that only those of what may be termed permanent popularity will be u?ed in this way." The "open shelvei" at the library will be Increased In utility this month by placing thereon a list of the "l(v best novels," aa prepared by lists submitted to the New York World. J. Cotton Dana, librarian at Newark, N. J., who Is on the program of tha Ka braska Library association at Freraoat next week, will visit Omaha on his reform. SIAS03AELE FASStCS 4M7 Mls-e' Bhlrred Double ghtjt, 12 to IS yeara, Misses' Shirred Doubl Bklrt, with Thr Piece Foundation 4D37 Double skirts are much WAm hv VOiinv mrirm a n rt . - a rr..fnl and attractive. Thla pretty one la made of piatache green veiling trimmed with an tique, but the design Is autted to all ma terials that, are sufficiently soft and pliable to allow of shirring. The yoke effect la peculiarly desirable, inasmuch it con fine the fullness over the hips. The skirt Is made with a three-plec foundation and th two portion of the skirt proper. The foundation Is carefully shaped and fit smoothly over th hips, while It flares about tha feet. The under portion of the skirt, or flounce. Is simply gathered at it upper edge and arranged over thla lining. but the upper portion Is shirred to form a yoke. The closing Is mad Invisibly at tha , center back. The quantity of material required for th medium site 1 Si yards tX Inches wid. I yard 17 inches wid or $14 yard At inchna wide, with 1 yards a Inches wid or X . yard 36 inches wide for foundation. Tha pattern 4537 is cut tn sixes for mlawe of IX, 14 and 1$ year of age. For th accommodation at Th Be -reader tnea patterns, which usually retail at from 3 to 60 cents, will be furnished al a nominal price. 10 cents, which covers all expense. In order to get a pattern enclo 10 cents, give number and nam of pattern. IAILWAY TIME CARD. BCRLISGTOS STATIOS lOTH tt MASOS Chicago, Barllasrtoa A 4)alaey. . Leave. Arrrvw. Chicago Special .....a 7:oo am a 1:54 pm Chicago Vesubuled ex..a 4:"0 pm a 7:43 am Chicago Local a 111 am all .00 pnt Chicago limited a 1:0$ pm a 7:46 am Faat Mall a 1.40 pm Kaaaa City, St. Jeseph Cwwaeil Blaffs. Kanaaa City Day Ex. ..a 9 15 am a 6 OS pm bt. Louis Flyer a 1:25 pm all am Kansas City Night Ex. .al0:5 pm a $ pm Berllagtea A Mlasoarl Blver. Wymore. Beatrice and Uncoln a S 60 am blJ ( pm Nebraaka Expreaa a $ 60 am a 7:45 pm Denver Limited a 1.10 pm a 4.45 ass Black Hills snd Puei Sound Expreas.. .... . all 10 pm a 1 10 pm Colorado VeaUtmleu . I - . .. " 3 r ytm Lincoln Fast Mail b I U per. a :uS am Fort ( roo" sna Platts- n.outh b I 15 pm blO 35 am Heiievue A racinc jet . a 7 vi pm a S 37 am Beilevue A Pacific Jet.. a 1 50 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, s Daily except Monday. GO VERS BE ST SOTItES. CHIEF QT ARTERMASTER 8 OFFICE. Cmaha, Neb.. reptemter ji. Ifji. . Sealed prop'ieala. In triplicate, sutject to the usual conditions, will te received here until 10 a. m , central atsndard time, October 2S, lfcj, for extendir.g water and sewer system at Fort Robinson. Neb. Full infurmatloa fur nished un application to this office, where plan and spexifiations may be seen, or to live Quartermaster. Fort Robinson. Neb. Propoaals to bo marked "Proposals for Ls-tendina- Water Hystem." and addreased to WILLIAM r.. HoRToN, t hief Quarter master. Sepu -4o-Oct- l-l-Jt-XJ OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER Omaha. Neb., beptember Z6. !rj. Sealed propoeala. in triplicate, sab.iect- to the usual conditions, will e received here and by th Quartermaster. Fort 6.11, O. T-. until 12 noon, central standard time. . October A, U'3. for remodeui.g three beth houaes and three water elets for tr-jop use at Fort Sill. O. T. FlII Information fur pished cn application to this office, where plan arid specifics lions mav he en, or la the Quartermaaler. Fort Hill, O.T Pro poaals to be marked "Propxeals fr Re modeling Bath Houses " and addreaaed to WILLIAM E. liOKTON. Acilug Chief Quartermaster. Oct. 1 2 1 -a :A