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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1903)
TICK OMATTA DAILY DEE: MONDAY. PEPTEMTinn 2. 1MI3. SPECIAL NOTICES laterxleesneata far thee rclinai l be taken Ml 11 m. lor the teniae 1ltlea nnttl K iW a. M. V wnBlair aad Snndar edition. Ilafaa, I l-2c a word drat Insertion, word thereafter. Nothing- like "far less thai lCo lor Ike Aral loser tlaa. These adTertieeraent saaat .be til eonaecntlvely. Advertisers, by retaestlas; a ) stored rktak, aaa have anawera al dreesed ta a aembered letter It; tara t Tka tlaa. Answer ao addressed will Tee delivered aa nresentatlen f the a 'i . eaiy. SITUATIONS WASTED. TED By vounr man of good address and eirltnrp, position - aa bookkeeper; bank preferred; good reference. Address L 59, Bee. A M333 0x TOUNG lady, graduate of (rood business college, mania position aa bookkeeper. Address P in, Rue. A lx WANTED By an able-bodied and energotlc old aoldler (gets no pension), permanent employment as watchman or other re sponsible position not involving; extreme manual labor; can show honorable record thirty-five years In Nebraska; I ue neither strong ilrlnk, strong language or tobacco; reference for convenience to Payne, Bostwlck A Co., flfd N. Y. Ijlfe. or address O. E. Stearns, 1119 8. lft rr St., Omaha. A M782 tf WANTED Moving In families. Address F 17. Bee. A M 871 2K.-C WASTED MALE II ELI. FALL TERM NOW OPEN. ' . DAY AND N1UIIT. TTUDENTS ADMITTED AT ANY TIME. Boyles College . NE.M iOBK 1.1 fc'K Pi. ...J. BUSINESS, BHOKl'HAM), TYPEWRIT- 1KU, ENULleSH. Apply for Catalogue. B 222 .WANTED, tor t'nlted Rtstes army, able' bodied, unmarried men, between ages of SX ana 36, altUeris of United mates, of good chatacter ind temperate habits, who can apeak, lead and wrlta Engllsn. For In formation app.y to recruiting officer, ltith ana uoage bis., umana, ana L,incoin, ntu, B-M475 WANTED, a man to work from our wagon. . . Auama or. Co., lull) Howard. Lt M4D1 GOOD messengers wanted; first-class pay, A. D. T. Co., 213 S. 13th. B-139 WANTED Boy to distribute circular Apply to W.- Mandelberg, aecond floor J Peop rie a store B 2o 1 WANTED First diss wood turner at on Xtiood wages. Lincoln Bash, Door & Mfg. Co., Lincoln, Neb. B-32S WANTED, six tinners, experienced on fur race worn. Milton nosers eons co 14th and Farnam St. B M57J YOUNQ MAN wants a place to work for noara wiuie going to school. Boyles t oi vge, xei. ins. a mssu . x WANTED Traveling men to carry a line or tweed pants and skeleton rults In Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas terrliory. Address, .stating age, experience giving references, salary expected, etc., f 14, uee. B 614 3 TGQY salesman wanted: c' salary and steady Job for flrst-cinss experienced man. tl. m. Fredrickson, 1602 Capitni ave, u 639 z.x WANTED. & hustler: one who has had ex perlence In selling goods either at reta! or wholesale. We can show you a prop osltlon where you can make more money nan is ever paid in the above lines. Ad areas r w. Bee omce, umana. reo. . B M&9 28 WANTED, fifty chicken plckerr at once: 10 nnura worK per oay; experienced picKers here averaging from $15.00 to 120.00 per week. Clarlnda Poultry, Butter and Epg vo., tannaa, la. a anuo) m WANTED Good, strong boy 18 or 19 years , old for steady work. Apply J. L, Bran dels A Sons. B 661 28 TWO first-class salesmen with experience. Apply to The Smith Premier Typewriter Co. B-MS26 29 . WANTED Men to learn barber trade; the only way to save yeara of apprentlceHhlp la by our method of free practice and condensed Instructions; we guarantee jo altlona, grant diplomas and pay Saturday wages. Call of write Moler Barber Col lege. 1303 Douglas at. B-M712 Oct2x SALESMEN WANTED. EXPERIENCED book salesmen of ability. A proposition of exceptional merit. Teirl tory Is being rapidly assigned. F. D. Mayer, Hroadway and Locust Sts., St. Louis, Mo. . M734 2jx WANTED FEMALE HELP. 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 15th A Dodge. C-223 WANTED Girl for general housework, 1050 Georgia Ave. C 208 I- WANTED, girl for general housework; l small family, zxm lajon. c mo.7 VANTED, Immediately, 50 aewlng machine operator a In Horse Blanket department or ttemis umana uag ,o. uaiuza WANTED Cook and aecond girl; third bouse soutn or country ctuo. c 632 WANTED At once, good girl at 113 B. tola at; good wagea. C M6ti z WANTED Competent girl for general housowork, I in family; good wages. 549 Bo. Jlith ava. C 663 28 manicuring or facial massage; our method la free clinic, expert Instructions: years saved; aome wages. Call or write Moler collage, 1303 Dougiae at. c Mttiocux WANTED. exDerlenced work ladies in al taration department. Apply Cloak Iept. J. L. Brandels A Sons. C-M856 30 roa RENT HOlgES. nUUOC.3 c. Peters A Co.. Bee Bldg. . i-;x4 PAYNE-BOSTWICK A CO., choice houses 01-601 Mew York ute Bldg. Phone mis. L WE MOVE Dlanoa. Maacard Van A Slop age Co., Tel. 14K6. Oirlce. ITU Webster St. . . . u Uni 1CCC In all parte of the city. The t W W U W U. J4, Davis Co., fro Bee Bldg. HOUSES, Insurance. Ring wall. Barker Blk. TO MOVB right get Omaha Van Storage CO., omce iuft arnaiu, or Tela. Iji-mj. 1 ijrj FOR RENT, a neat l-room house, all mnd rn except furnace, tla, C. M. Bachmann, -l faxton oioca. u Ml COMPLETE 10-room modern nouse and barn. 527 Park ave. F. D. Wead 1.6 Douk'laa St. D JJ2-S FOR RENT Modern l-room furnished house, ltA Spencer St.; phone 1541. ' . D-Mi6 2x FOR RENT, ten-room house; modern, an born. In West Farnam district. Win. K Potter, Rec., No. 3u3 lirowu lilk. D-M524 FOR RENT. 835.00; l-room modern bouse, No. 533 Park ave. W.. H. Tliotnas. 1 irst Nat l Hank Bldg. D MU61 2x FOR RENT Two l-room modera houses In Kounlae Plaae, 15 ech. room house, lis California St.. til. 6-rvim house, So) N. 1Mb, at, JiO. THOMAS HhE.N.NAW, . U. 13th st D M64S I 107 8. ttth St., rooms, 18; 2703 Davenpirt st, rooms, email Darn u; Hi 4 is. tatn St., I rooms, 115. Others. Rlngwait faro.. Barker block. D M647 -ROOM modern house, 2716 Chicago st. In quire ta N. 87th at. D-M670 29X NEW a-room house, all modem, ready Octo ber L Inquire at the bouse, 1'2 N. 33d st. D M600 'x FOR RENT Fl'HNISUKD ROOMS. AETNA HOUSE, Kuropeeu, DtU A oir. E-2X FOR RET-K( RMKHF.Il ROOM". NICELY ftiTirhert room. Inquire Ornab. (team laundry, 1750 Leavenworth. 'Phone -km e-ji O. M. E hauls trunk. Telephone (11. E 237 DEWET European hotel, 13th and Farnnrn B-aii ROYAL, HOTEL., European, 16th A Chssago. NICELY furnished room a, 1909 Capitol Ave. !,AR"t' !,niT. AIHY I'OOMS. $12.81 and up per month. Tor nrd up s. dsy. AT THE DELLONE, Mth St. nnd Capitol Ave. Steam heated elf-trio righted private and general baths all conveniences l.rst-ciasa kervlte. " Fat whore you pleas'. ROOM AT THE DELONE. E 2'.3 30x Nice rooms, day, week or mo. I"i5 Howard. J-i MUD UCU8X FRONT ROOM, modern. 24iR Dodge St. K MOri 30x NICE, modern, newly furnished, well heated. TJil Leavenworth. Ji M'iJS FRONT ROOM, first fl ior, and othar de- slrablo furnished, steam heitert rooms. 1215 Farnam at. K Mfi'-l I8x F1RN18HED room, 29 N. 2ith st.: hot K M6I3 lx wair iioai NICELY furnished modern room; neai cars; private family, 'nu Jackson. E MX37 2-x HH5IS1IEU noUMS A.D BOAIIU. THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; rooms and board, alio meal tit nets. v Ma t6 HHMTlKE PACKING. PFTERSON A LUNDBERG, 115 8. 17ih. H :3S Tel. L-3o8, FOU RENT STORES AXU OFFICES. FOR RENT, building suitable lor whole sale pui poses at ia t at nam, i-ixy,), lour stories and llrst-class cemented basement, eievator, lire and burglar pi oof vault, of fice counter and llxtures. For price and particulars inquire C. C. Rosewaier, sec retary the Leu liullding Co., room lot), Bee building. I MM FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by ihe Heo at vlti t ariium St. It nas four stories and a basement, which was formerly used as Tiro Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at omce of C C. Hone water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1 Ml THE spacious store room on Farnam street in tnt iic-o buiiuihg, lorraeriy occupied Dy MacCnrthy Tailoring Co.. to lease on rea sonable terms. Rent Includes Janitor serv ice, electric light and heut. Inquire R. C. Peters A Co., ground floor Bee building. 1-Mi34 DESK room. 414 Bee building. I-M151 THE t-STORY AND BRICK BASEMENT PRICK BUILDING, NO. 1315 HOWARD ST. W. H. THOMAS. First Natl Bank Bldg. I-M831 29x AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents in the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily $00 to 3100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. J 213 WANTED TO RENT. PARLOR floor or nix or aeven-room house, modern except furnace. Address O 42, Bee K-M 300 WANTED To rent, 12-room modern bouse, west part city. Address P 13, Bee. K-6'H OR 4 unfurnished rooms, with heat, on or near Farnam street Address, p 27, Bee. K-M818 28x WANTED To rent,, a modern, furnished nouse, cioae in, lor i auuita. Address Al 58, Bee. K MS39 ix WANTED TO BUY. DON'T give your furniture and carpets away. J. ievine pays the Highest casn price. 3t)6 North loth st. N M281 OclS WANT gentle pony from October to May; will buy or take care or mm; state age, height and terms. Address O 68. Bee. N Mi 2ix FOR SALE FLHNITLRE. FULL line of bard coal stoves now on sale. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge St. 0-243 FOR SALE. Furniture, consisting of parlor, dining, bedroom; leather library furniture, leather couch, easy chairs, mahogany and rook wood library and parlor tables, odd chairs, rockers, davenport, mahogany bookcase, writing desk, mantle mirrors, clocks, pictures. Imported brlc-a-brac, oil paintings, rugs, lace curtains, brass beds, oak and mahogany dressers, chiffoniers: also fine uprlKht piano. Those goods mimt oe seen io oe appreciated, ben sep' arately; call at 138 N. Xith avenue. O M759 03x FOR SALE Cheap, fine oak bedroom suit chlfionler, bookcase, chairs, Brussells ru?, etc. The Barnard, flat 5, cor. Park and Leavenworth. O M8S2 30 FOB SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. TIRES set while you wait: first-class re- pair work. 11. Frost, i4tn and Leaven- worm. P 243 MONROE sells pleasure vehicles at 811 N. letn ot. p 5i GOOD MILK WAGON, coal wagon and buKSJf at a big bargain. A. W. Johnson, with jonn Deere I'low to. p JSI3 O-x FOR SALE, finest team of Shetland ponies in the city, wim elegant two-seated trap, harness, etc. 2215 Farnam st. P-M620 x MY ROCKAWAY for sale cheap- can be seen at coiuns siaoie. Aaareus r Dee. P M779 Oct3x FOR SALE MISCELLAXEOIS. FOR BALE, Southwick hay press and power, cheap. A. H. Read, Council Bluffs, 1. W M 816 FOR SALE, secondhand locomobile. In first-class sharie at one-half pile. Call or address, 16J1 Farnam St. Q 216 IRON and wire fences, tree guards, trellises. western Alienor rence o., tfJb N. 17lh Hi. CATAIXJOUE cut drug prices free. Sher man A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. W-249 FOR RENT 2564 Harney at., desirable modern house of I rooms In first-class re pair, 135. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam at. D Mils NEW and 2dhand typewriters. Ills farnam. U-2u3 SECONDHAND billiard and pool tables: bllllutd tables repaired; a large stock of cheap bar ti tures. cigar counters, etc. The Brunswick-Balke Coilender Co., 47-1 S. 10th St Q M225 14 FOR 8ALE Several scholarships In a flrst claaa standard school In Otiiaoa, compris ing complete course In business, niioru hand and typewriting. Inquire at Ree office. Q aj8 TELEPHONIC POLES: long fir timber; chicken Unco; oak piling. t)l DouU. Q ;47 FOR SALE Empty Ink Barrels Apply Wm. Neckel, press rooui. Live office. ICE for aale in carloid bt. Lincoln Ice Co., Lincoln, Neb. INDIAN goodi and relics. Vdi Vl-Ji) tDHAND safe cheap. Deright, 1118 Fhrnnm. U-3.1 FOR SALE A iihw MiO-ampere. dut.le-pol switch; n r btn usd. Aj.;,lv to or address "Superintendent Bee V:' Idi ig, umana. vj Jrtiki FOR SALE Crane hydraulic elevator; caa be used "luier pasenger or freight: com plete. Iron yuldo o t. case and wire n Uwsuie. J. L. li nudum A botu. i-M WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE THE MONEY THAN SOME OF YOUR UNUSED HOUSEHOLD GOODS. A WANT AD IN THE BEE WILL SELL ANY OLD THING. FOR rSALE-MISCiai AEOH, GENTLEMAN Interfsted In education will furnlfh five worthy young people with scholarships In a leading business college in Omaha, with payment of small amount down, balance when position Is secured; references required. Address P 81. care Bee. Q MS4 i5x FOR RALE Coal buHness. Capital requ'red, t2.0utr.00. J a. Bee., Ktai - :S MISCELLAKUIS. WANTED The agency of old line fire In surance company. (Jrassmeycr A 8mith, Real Estate Brokers, Kearney, Nebraska. R 637 1 CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. LUCRETIA, medium. 17 Califor nia 3 -M 880 Uhx MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY yL'EEN of clairvoyants; every thing told. past, presint and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. M7 N. 18th. S 2j4 GYLMER, rALMIST -Removed to 715 N. Sliil. Taki No. 16. h St. car. get off at &ld and Cuming, walk lVs blocks aouth. 8 M2t,l ELECTRICAL THE ATM EXT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2a floor, r. 1 1 1 07 l'EKSO.X AL. VIAVI a wholesome nerve and tissue food and home treatment for Ulsordvrs ot women. Free bookieu Viavl Co., 34S Ben Blug. MAGNETIC PILE K1LLE11. At druggists, l. IT CURES. U 2i6 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. Tnu tiood SumurLun Sanitarium. 728 1ft Ave., Council Rlufts, U li6 SURG EON -CHIROPODIST, 513 Bee Bld g. I U 14j7 DU. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. K. 1 and lGuo Fat nam SU PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; best medical care and nursing. Mrs. U Flcher. 1601 Vinton. Uel. ".. WE RENT sewing machines at 7io per week, 2 per month; we repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured; Secondhand machines. $5 to $10; second hand machines from U to $10. Neb. t ycia Co., 15lh and Harney. i U Mlb- PRIVATE Sanitarium for Indies before and during confinement. Lr. and Mrs. Gerlacn. 3026 California st. reasonable. L 4u DR. PRIES treats successfully all dlseasea and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. lull Dodge St., Arlington block, Omaha B. SHONFELD. the antiquarian (etdah llehea 1878). removed to S22 N. . Life bldg. U Mola Ol PRIVATE hospital during ,con,!ln.omt.: babies adopted. Mrs. Gardels, 2231 Lake. TeL Red-lWS4. U 258 BOSTON Umbrella Mfg.. 60S B. 16. Tel. 1617. Umbrellas Parasols re-covereu. .'-i'7"i-or made. U M863 ANT disease cured by medicine bought of me. Prof, jonnson, xovn $2 TUNING, piano or organ repairing. Per- field Piano co.. i oo mm. UK5 K6x MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED City loana and warrants. W. Farnam tsmnn at -., "w2 it-arm and city loans; low rates.' W. H. FTbVmas?FI?stfNat'l Bank Bldg. .. TO-Jg PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 637 N. Y. Life, j WANTED Real estate loans and warrants. R. C. Petera at jo.. "' " FIVE PERCENT loan. Garvin Bros.. 1604 Farnam. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas, W 266 4 TO 5 P. C. money. Bemia, Paxton blocka MONET to loan for building purposes. W, H. Thomas. First Natl Ban. t iiiVR ri.noo I want to loan: Interest pay able every three months; the security must be the nest. Aaaress r m. p, VV MX. 'It AX HONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONJ1Y LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business Confidential. Try us If you want to save money, PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 633 Paxton Block. lot ii ana t irnam mi X 271 MONEY To salaried employes and wage earners. Get our syulem of loans that gets you out of debt. Any lady or gentleman, ma chinist, engineer, etc., having reliable employment can get- Just on his note; Half Monthly. Monthly. Weekly. 1100 Return to us... 16.66 or 113.33 or 16.63 160 Return to us... 13.33 or 665 pr i.ii I 25 Return to us... 6 bJ or 8.33 or 1.66 1 15 Return to ui ... 4.00 or t.uO or 1.00 Easiest terms, lowest rates, confidential. No Inquiries. Quick service. Courteous Treatment. ' THE STAR LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTON BLK. axV"""' NOT IN THE TRUST. Money--Any Amount Loaned to salaried employes holding per manent, position 011 uidii nuio, without MOKTUAUE. ENDORSER or SE CURITY of any kind, without EMPLOY ER'S knowledge. V. also loan money on Furniture, Pianos. etc., without removal or goous. iou nave use of both money and goods. It Costs You Nothing To call and be convinced that our rates are the cheapest In umana. v want your business and believe an In vestlgation ot our methods win get it- even if at piesent you are aeaimg else where. KIND. COURTEOUS) TREAT MENT to all. Our olilcea are the best equipped to handle your business with privacy of any In the city. Come In and see us, whether you borrow or not. Reliable Credit Co. Rooms 3ui-3utr Paxton Blk. Rooms 30r-308. X 2m LARGE8T BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team- stais, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 utllco in prin cipal cities. T01114411. 440 Board of Trade bldg. . X 273 MONEY loaned on plain note to aalaried people; business comiueuiiui; lowest rates. iliueuil Tl.o J 614 Paxton bloc. A. Hutton Co. X-274 EASY I8?ay Pet exjUii. our methods. We toau un .urniture, pianos, warehouse reoe-vu. eui or 11 ou iiave a pcroiuuuut uo:uuii e ctn make you a salary. Loan without ecuru, except your own agree ir.eal to repay. Our aervice is u.uick and c jinuit ntini at'd we always try 10 please. All that we ask Is that you gie ua a uali bewre you borrow elsewhere. iM AHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO, , j;9 Board cf Trade Bldg.- Tel. 22fe. tttlabl.blied lsS-. '8j( S. li.lh ot. X-270 CHATTEL, saiary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., sac to D. Ci'ceu, R. 8, Barker hk. I MONEY lnnned on plann. f '.irnltnre. Jew elry, horses, cows, elc. C. F. Reed, 319 8. 13. X-"74 Ill SINLSS t I1AKCICS. FOR SALE, good grocery and butcher's f tures, Including Ice box. Inquire 27tU Far na m. V M FOR SALE, furniture and four to year lease, Ho. el Charters. Alliance, Neb. The Charters is a forty HO) room brick hotel, citv water and electric lights, la In jobd repair and wM! lurnislreo. Owners want to get out of the hoiel business. For fur ther Information addrcsa Hotel Charters, Alliance. Neb. Y 79 FOR SALE An old established liquor busi ness (barrel house); good trade, old loca tion. Owner has olher Interests. Address P 28, Bee. Y-M8.1 OM FOR SALE-RIncksmlth shop, 5 miles west of 4Sth st., on Dodge sL road. Apply J. A. McArdle, lieu mailing room. Y MS19 LDx FOR SALE Merchants Hotel at Fnirbury, Neb. One of the best pa lng hotels In the state. Address, P 21, Bee. Y-M770-29X WHEN you want to buy. soli or exchange nnv property or business quick, see J. H. .lohnson. P13 N Y. Life. Y 27i FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $2.70. 6-ROOM MODKHN COTTAGE, COR NtK LOT, 70x112, 3715 LbAVLN WOHTH. INQUlKh ON PKEMIbbS. RE MMS9 RANCH and farmn iands for sala by tba Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. JlcAliester, li;nii coinnii-'su ner, Union Paclric lleadquurtcrs, Oniiha, Neb. RE 2S0 HOt'SES nnd lots In all parts of city; also acre property and farm binds. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 6Ci, Bee bldg. RE 278 SIX-ROOM modern cottage, corner lot 70x112, 3715 Leavenworth St, Inquire ut premises. RE M.-&9 WII I IAMSON CHARLES E., U. S. VVILLlrtlilOUH National Bank Bldg. RE 279 ELEGANT home and farm of 23 acres Joining Rennet, Neb. Address Rox 13", Bennet, Neb. RE MSJ6 On FOR SALE, several nice forms cheap. Will iraoo pari tor general .nerchandise or hardware. Write owner. G. A. Ostlind, Astoria, 8. D. RE 610 28x FOR SALE 240-acre farm In Greeley Co., gooa improvements, wm.W per acre. Call or write to B. N., box 35, Bravton. Neb. RE-633 2SX BARGAIN IN RESIDENT!? 1.0TS In Manioom P. nee, at the S. W. corner of is.n and pacino sts., three east front lots, asphalt paved street, stone fide walk, beautiful row of maple trees in front: good modern homes all around. If sold before Uctober 1 we can ofTer the two !n Fide lots. ZiixllS ft., at 8SM each; corner lot, 4GXU3 it., lw. Paving taxes paid to date. If you want a bargain in choice location see these at once. HARRISON & MORTON, 912-13 N. Y. Life. Tel. 314. RE-641 FOR BALE 6-room cottage, full lot, barn, 2616 Corby, $1,200 LtfO cash, balance monthly jrayments; other good invest ments. W. N. Nason, 446 Bee building. RE M 703 ATTORNEYS. J. M. MACFARLAND, N. Y. L. Bldg. rs Oct.22 ACCORDION PLEATING. .... ... - GOLDMAN. 200 Douglas block.' 282 BICYCLES. BARGAINS In bicycles; second-hand wheels 13 and up; see Fleacher, 1622 Capi tol ave, M28 OS HALS TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie CoM 811 North 1th. 283 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, Suth e, 170 ana uut streets. CHEMISTRY. AN evening course In general and qualita tive chemistry will be given, beginning October 12.. inquire room 12, Arlington block. . M 768 03x DANCING ACADEMY. CHAMBERS' adult beginners now forming Tuesdays ana uaturuays, a p. in., com mencing October 22. Private lessons any time. 17th and Douglas. Office 'phone, 1871. Residence, A1745. ' ' After October 15, 2424 Farnam st. Chambers' -children's classes Wednesdays, 4 p. m., Saturdays, I p. in., commencing October 3. 640 MR. AsND MRS. MO RAND' 8 dancing and physical culture, 15th and Harney, re opens for children Saturday, October 3; beginners. 10 a. m.: advance. 3 p. m. Terms reasonable; a liberal reduction to former patrons and to families who send more than one pupil at the same time, private classes organised; private lessons any time. Lessons for adults now Tues day and Friday, 8 p. m. ; assemblies every Wednesduv. School teachers' tickets at half regular rates. For further particu lars write or telephone 1041. MS70 Oct4 DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR. Fair will be held with Ak-Sar-Ben carnival, Oct. 1 to 10. Exhibits in live stock, poul- ; try farm produce, green fruit, preserved fruits textiles, ceramics, fine arts, me chanical art, etc., are solicited. Call at Secretary's office, and Howard streets and get entry blanks, premium lists and such mrormation as aesirca. v. w, Hervey, Secreutry. M C29 28 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. O. R. RATHBUN, room 15, Com"! Nat Bank Private lessona In bookkeeping, etc. 752 FLORISTS. HESS A SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. 2S6 D." HENDERSON, florist. 1419 Farnam St 287 GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO.. Bee bldg. Tel. 2535. 76ii taARUAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaultb, removes garbage and dead uuimnls at reduced prices. 6-1 N. 16lh. Tel. 177X 289 HAT RENOVATING. OLD hats made new. Ramser A Kerr, practical hatters, J)i N. 17th St. MS 14 Ol LAWN MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Mcltliolr. 13th A Howard. DETECTIVES. CAPT. T CORMACK, 617 Karbacb block. Tel. A-2CS. - 2M DRESSMAKING. KE1STER'8 Ladles' Tailoring College. 17'Jo Cuming St. Write for booklet. 241 LADIES' learn to rut your own garments by taking a course at Standard Garment Culling College, Hil Paxloa block, Omsha. ei Ot 10KV TO I.OASt HATTE1,. DHKSS C lTTUtt CIIOOLS. THE Dress Cutting Co!lga Is to young ladies what the business college is to young men. GJ7 Paxton Blk., Omaha. MSS2 OS LOST. LOST, pearl sunburst, with diamond cen ter. Liberal reward If returned to S.0 Farnam. Loat 607 28 LOST Ladles" gold watch marked with monogram M. R. M. on one side aitd 1SW on other side; blacK guarn wiui goia nenl attached, monoaram on monogram on seal M. It. M. l'lense return to mayor's office city hall, and receive $100 reward. Lost M 799 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILLMAN A PRICE, 410 1st Nat Bk.bldg 290 NEW SNOW CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. Y. Lire Bldg., attorneys ana coueotors every where. 231 J. M. MACFARLAND. 819 N. Y. L. Bldg. MEDICAL. LIQUOR HABIT cured In three days. Pay when cured. o nypoaermics. write ior circulars. Gatlln Institute, 2-2 8. 14th. -2St MISICAL. TII03. J. KELLY, voice. Davldge Block. 3' E. D. KECK, voice culture and the art ol singing. Studio, 1803 Farnam St. . -M516 Ol LETOVSKY S ORCHESTRA. OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute, 615 N. Y. Life Bldg. T. 1664 wo The Hunt Infirmary, McCague Bldg. T. 2832. 25 Atsen A Farwell. Paxton Blk., 604-7. T. 1? -5. 296 DRS. FINCH A MILLER, 124 8. JSth St 297 DR. GRACE DEEGAN, 832 N. T. Life. Tel. 2680. 2SS PATENTS. H. 3. COWQILL No fee unless successful. 318 S. lDth St.. Omaha, Tel. 1798. -800 PATENTS Sues A Co., Omaha, Neb. It lustrated patent book free. Tel. 1628. M570 N15x PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office. Reliable, accommodat ing; ail busineaa confidential, uui Uougias. 768 SANITORIIM. OMAHA Florence Sanitorlum. 'Phone Red 2824; 1 blk. w. of car line. City 'phone, 1191 M 820 026 STORAGE. OM. Van Stor Co., 1S11V4 Farn. Tela. 1559-862. 5W SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANTS school. T17 N. T. Life. 302 NEB. Business A Shorthand College. Boyd's j neater. 303 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING, CURED, Julia Vaughn, 430 Rumge Bldg, TICKET BROKERS, 1 CUT RATE railroad tickets evervhodv c. ti. rniioin, iMt f arnam. .-'none 784. ... - 804 TINNERS. Q. E. KOCH, 4lh and Maple. Tel. L-1949. U-43 U8 UPHOLSTERING. GATE CITY Upholstering Co., woven wire springs tigntenea. 'lei. a-an. St Mary s Ave. 301 GOVERNMENT NOTICES. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER MASTER, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, August 31, 1903. Sealed proposals, In tripli cate, will be received here until 11 a. in., central time, September 29, 19o3, end then opened, for constructing the following building!. Including plumbing, heating, electric, wiring, and for metal lockers and traveling ladders for quartermasters' store house: One bachelor officers' mess building, one quartermasters' clothing storehouse, one subsistence storehouse, two double sets captains' quarters, five double sets lieuten ants' quarters, five stable guard and shop buildings, and remodeling one arrack building at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Full information and blank forms of pro posal furnished on application here. United States reserves the right to accept or reject sny or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes should be endorsed "Proposals for Public Buildings," and addressed to Major D. E. McCarthy, Quartermaster. 81-2-3-4-56.2H tAILWAY TIME CARD, UNION STATION 10TII AND MARC V, Chicago A Northwestern. "The Northwestern Line." ' Leave. Arrive. Fast Chicago Mail Local Sioux City Daylight St. Paul.., Daylight Chicago..., Local Cedar Ruplds. Limited Chicago ...a 1:40 am a 7:00 am ...a 6:00 pm a 8:30 am ...a 6:10 am a 8:3u pm ...a 7:50 am a 9:55 pm ...a 8:00 am ail:lo pm ... 6:1' Dm ,.a 1.15 pm a 9:15 em ,.a 4:uo pm a t.w am Local Can oil... Fast Chicago a 6:50 um a !:4S nm nasi bu raui .... s.iu pm a :ia am Fast Mail a 8:40 pm Local Sioux City b 4:00 cm b 9:50 am f Norfolk A Bonesteel...a 7:2-5 am alO:35 am lancoin or i-Aing ii.c....v i.-a am uiv.aa am Chicago, Hock maaa a. fnclnc. EAST. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Daylight L't'd.a 3:55 am a 3:50 am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:io am a 9:35 pm Chicuyo Expr -as bll:15 um a 6:3.5 pm Dea Moines Express a 4:30 prn till:0O um Chicago Fust fcxprem..a 5:3i pm a 1U6 vra WEST. Rocky Mountain L't'u..a 7:30 am a 7:25 am Lincoln, Colo, rsprings. Donver. Pueblo anu West a 1:30 pm a 6:00 pm Colo., Texas, -ai. anu Oklahoma Flyer a 6:40 pm al2:40 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:35 am a 5.10 pm Chicago. Minneanolis A St. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm a 1:06 am Minneapolis & St Paul Express b 7:35 am bl0:3C pm Chicago I-ocal 10:35 am Chicago Express , a!0:35 am Chicago Great Western Hy. Co. 104 Ft. Dodge Express.. .b 1:20 am 102 Ft. Dodge Express. ..a 2:46 pm T Ft. Dode Kxp-ens... all :25 am 103 Ft. Dodge Express... b 9. 10 pm Union PaclBe. Overland Limited... 'i lia Fast Mail California Express.. Pacific Express Eastern Express ,.a 9:40 am a 9:50 pm a 4 . pm ..a pm ..uU:3u pm a 6:30 pm 1 he Atlantic Express. !.) am The Colorado Special.. ..a 7:10 am a :i.4u am Chicago Special a 1.40 am Lincoln. Beatrice and Stroiusburg Expresa...b 4 00 pm bl2:'0 pm North Platte Ical a 8 Cm am a 6:15 pm Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm b 9:35 am thleago, Mlltvaakee 4i St. raui. Chicago Daylight a 7:45 am ull:15 pm Chicago r ust i-.xpiess. .a o:v pm 1 i t) pm Chlcatro Uirrlted a 8:05 pm a 7:50 um Dea Moines Express a 7:45 am a I.4J pm Wabash. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 1:65 pm a 1:30 am St. Louis Local, Coun cil Bluffs a 9:15 am alO 30 pm AII.MOAD TIME CARD. Missouri Tactile. Rt. Louis Express slO OO nm a 1:25 pm K. C. & St. L. Ex a!0... pm a 1:15 am ninLixuTox sttion-ioth a mason Darltngion Mlasonrl River. . Leave. Arrive. Wmore. Beatrice and Lincoln a 5: CO am M2:0.i pm Nebraska Express a 8.W am a 7:4" pm Denver Limited a 4:10 pm a 6:4j nm Black Hills and Puget sound Express aii:io pm a S:10 pm o I o r a d o Vestlbtiled Flyer ' a t:l pm Inooln Fast Mail b 2:12 nm a 1:08 am Fort ( rooK end I'latts- motith n S is nm bin 35 nm Pellevuo A Pnelrlc .Ict..t 7:TiO nm n 8:27 am Bellevue 4lr I'nclfic Jet. .a 3:50 am ( hlraan, Iturllnaton A Qnlnrr. Chicago Special a 7 00 am a l:SS pm rhlcago Vestllmled ex.. a 4t'0 pm a 7: am Chicago l ocal a 91S nm all:on pm Chicago Limited. ....... .a 8:06 pm a 7:45 am Fast Mall a 2:40 pm Kansae City, St. Joseph A Conacll Blnffa. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 9:11 am a StO.", pm St. Louis Flyer a 6:2." pm all:05 am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:45 pin a 1:05 pm a Tlnflv h rnllv evcent Runitav A Fin II v except Saturday, e Daily except Monday. WEBSTER DEPOT 1BTII A WEBSTER Chicago, St. Paal, Mlnneapolla A Omaha. Twin City Passenger.., .a 6:30 am a 1:10 pm Sioux City Passenger. .a 2:00 pm all: 20 am Oakland Local b 6:46 pm b 8:4i em Chicago A Northwestern, Nebraska nil Wyoming Division. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Dead wood. Iad, Hot Springs. ...a 1:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and uougias a i:w pm :oo pro. Hastings, York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and leeward. ...b 1:00 pro b 5:00 pm Missouri Pacific. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm a!0:3S am SUPREME COURT SYLLABI The following opinions will be officially reported: 9994. Ulrlch against McConauuhey. Error from Hamilton. Former judgment vacated; judgment of the district court affirmed. Klikpalrick, C. Division No. 1. 1. where one partner of a firm conveys or assigns partnership property, and such assignment is concurred 111 by the other member of tl.o firm, the asslgnao will have a right to the property ussigued superior to one whose claim is based upon a sub sequent asuiKiiincnt from one member of the partnership. 2. Instructions examined, and held not erroneously given. 3. Former onlnlon. Ulrlch 6 trains t Me- Conaughey, 88 N. W., Rep., 150, Neb., modl- neo. 12269. Taylor against Weckerly. Error from DoiiKlaa. AfUrmetL Albert C Di vision No. 8. 1. While section 33, chapter 8, Compiled Statutes, provides for the delivery of the assets 01 an insolvent bang to the Officers, stockholders or owners furnishing such bond, a delivery thereof to one of several parties entitled thereto by virtue of the statute, does not relieve the sureties on such bond from liability thereon, where. by her acta they assent to such delivery and ratify It 2. The Question of a defect of oartlea. and, of the legal capacity of the plaintiff to maintain an action, cannot bo success fully urged for the first time in this court. i. Evidence examined and held sufficient to sustain the finding of the trial court. 12464. Crancer A Curtice Company against McKinlery Music Company. Error from Lancaster, Affirmed. Sedgwick, J. 1. Upon petition in error to this court, the proceedings of the district court can be shown only by a transcript of the records or that court duly car tinea. Ainctavlts cannot be used to supply omissions In suon transcript. 12604. Mitchell against Clay County. Er ror frosn Clay. Reversed. Pound, C, Di vision No. 2. L Prior decisions as to the powers of county commissioners in passing upon claims against the county and in making settlements with county officers examined and discussed. ., 2. When the law commits to any officer the duty of looking into facts :nd acting upon them, not in a way which lt speclllo ally directs, but after a discretion In Its nature judicial, the function is quasi-judicial. 8. County commissioners act quasl-iudlcl- ally in passing upon claims against the county whenever their action is not merely a formal prerequisite to the Issuance of a warrant, ,but involves the determination of questions of fact, upon evidence or the ex ercise of discretion in ascertaining or fixing the amount to be allowed. . 4. But they have no Judicial power or dis cretion aa to InterDretatlon of the law. Whenever the course to be pursued or the amount to be allowed Is fixed by law. they must follow the law, and their acta in so doing or endeavoring so to do are minister lal only. 5. The action of county commissioners adHistlng the accounts of county officers under sections 43 and 44, article 1, chapter 18. Compiled Statutes, is ministerial only, 6. A- settlement with a county officer, which in substance, is an adjustment of his accounts does not become auasl-Judlclal, so as not to he reviewable otherwise than n: RDDeal. merely because the claims were file. for sums claimed to be due sucn omr-e.r and allowed for the purpose of enabling war rants to be drawn therefor. 7. If, In such case, the compensation to be allowed the omcer is nxea Dy law me ai lowsnce of the claim is formal only. 8. On tho other hand. If the amount to be allowed Is In the discretion of the commis sioners, or If. In fixing such amount, th law requires them to decide questions of fact, their action ' quasi-juoiciat 12927. Hyatt against Anderson. Error, Holt. Affirmed. Ames C. Division No. 1. 1. It is not conduct contrary to publl policy or fraudulent for a guardian, before applying for a license to sell real estate be longing to his ward, to procure the obliga tion of an intending purchaser to bid an adequate price at the aale or, after the con- nrmation, to aavance anu account, tor me amount of the bid, at the Instance and on the behalf of the purchaser. 13089. Boggs against McEwen. Appeal from Dixon county. Reversed Inst Ames, C. Division No. 1. 1. One acting In good faith and without neailgence and for a valuable consideration may safely deal with an apparently and actually unencumbered title, trie subject ol which la not in adverse possession. 13091. Kreader against Fremont. Error from Dodge county. Affirmed. Glanvllle. C, Division No. 2. 1. Fees of officers ana witnesses for serv ices rendered in a prosecution for the vio lation of un ordinance of a city, either In police court or In district court upon ap peal, can not oe collected rrom sucn city unless their payment by tne city is required by statute, or by ordinance authorized by statute. 13080. Green : against Doerwald. Appeal from Douglas county. Affirmed by liol- coinD. 1. An appraisement of real estate for the purposes of Judicial sale can not be suc cessfully assailed on the ground that the appraisers were misiaaen in their valua tion of the property. Nelson against Ai ling. ts reD.. wi. z. vv hereon an appeal rrom an order or confirmation of aale of real estate made In pursuance to a decree in foreclosure pro ceedings, certain sectiona of the Code of Civil Procedure providing for the appraisal of real property sold under judicial pro ceedings are challenged as unconstitutional and It appears that the determination of the Question ran avail the appellants noth ing, (he validity or the sections thus chal lenged will neither be investigated iior de termined. 13117. O'Brien agnlnst State. Error from Sarpy county. Affirmed. Sullivan. C. J 1. A conspiracy, like any olher fact which Is the subject of Judicial Investigation, may be proved Inferentlully, or by circumstantial evidence. v '1-r.A antm anrl rlacla ra T lona r.r m spirntor, during the pendency of the con- splracy, and In furtherance or the common purpoae, are admissible in evidence against his associates. 3. A conspiracy to ateal and sell hogs for the benefit of all engaged In the Illegal en terprise Is pending until the sale has been made and J"oceeds divided. 4. Before the nets and declarations of a conspirator are entitled to be considered ns evidence against his associates the conspir acy Itself rryist be established, but the order of proof is a matter within the dis cretion of the trial court. 5. The word "evidence" In its technical meaning and common acceptation Includes uli the means by which any fuct In dis pute at a, Judicial trial is established or disproved. 6. When the trial court gives an accurate, pertinent and Intelligible Instruction cov ering a particular point It Is not bound, at counsel s request, to give another instruc tion expressing the same idea in more per sptcuous phrase. 7. Evidence examined and found sufficient to S'istali tho verdict. 13)5M. Tlernan uu-alnst Miller A Leith. Appeal from Box Butte. Affirmed. Dufiiei f 1 'i vision ro. i. 1. The courts of this stale hay no luru) diction to try and determine the vu'idity of Homestead entries duly allowed by the officers of the land department of the gen eral government. , 2. A party entering public lands as a homestead Is entitled to the possession thereof and cannot be enjoined from ex ercising his right of possession by one who without right held a prior possession. A leare of the land by the homesteader gives tin lessee a like rieht pf j-ossrsslon. 1.1137. Wanecek nValnst Kratkv. Error from Douglas. Affirmed. Duffle, C. li vlsion No. $. 1. When upon an agreement of marrlsgs the parties expressly ngrse that the cere mony shall be celebrated In accordance with the rules nnd customs of a par.lculnr religion and church, such rubs and cus toms become a part of the contract and blmll'ig upon the p.trtles. 2. Where one of the parties to a mar riage contract falls to perform his ssroe metit nt the time fixed for the ceremony, no reasonable excuse existing for such allure, the other party may rescind the contract and maintain an action for dam- ;. l.TXiH. State ex rel Alnsworth Precinct. Brown county, against Weston. Original writ denied. Sullivan. C J. 1. Section 14, chapter Ixv, Compiled Stat utes, authorizes nnv precinct, township. city of the second class or village "to Issue bonds in aid of works of internal improve ment. Improving streets In cities of the second class and vil!ii!i". highways, etc." Held, that the phrase bcttlnnlng with the word Improving is 11 llinltntlon of the pre ceding language, nnd I' fills the authority to issue bonds to sucn ns are isstiea in aa of the works specifically enumerated ..In such phrase. 1S4. Newbro against Undeland. Appeal from Douglas. Affirmed. Pound, C. Dlvl- ion No. X. . . 1. If the manufacturer of a compound or preparation according to a secret for mula Is himself guilty of false or mislead ing representations In any material respect. In connection therewith, or If his trade mark, label or advertisements contain dis tinct false assertions wMch operate to ne- ceive the public as to Its nature, composi tion or origin, he has no standing in a court of equity, and a suit to enjoin mis use of his trade-mar, traue name or rnwr la not maintainable. ... I" 2. But mere statements or opinion as to Its curative properties or as th the cause of a disease concerning which there ta conflict of expert opinion, are not false , representations within the meaning of the rule, even though somewhat sweeping or evtn extravagant v - There was also men a oissenung nijmiHi, hv Holeomb. J., In Sporer against MoDer mott. No. 12203. w The loiiowing opiniovs win o flclally reported: . 12107. Hlliers against leiser. Apponi, Webster. Former Judgment vuesten. Judgment of tho district court -reverse!. Oldham, O. Division No. 1. . ; 1. Evidence examined ana neia lnsni flciont to sustain the Judgment of the dis trict court ' . ; ' 12958. Merrill against Van Camp. Ap peal from Douglas county. Affirmed. Ames C. Division No. L . .... . 1. This case having been neciaen uron fnrm,r anneal 1MMH1 substantially tV.S same record as that now before us, the former derision Is adhered to. 12983. Bankers Building ana ixsn Associa tion agnlnst Williams. Consolidated wltri Bradford-Kinsler taimner company against Page. Appeal from Douglas county, .ai- . firmed. Barnes, C. Division No. 2. 1. AVhether a claim, on which a me chanic's lien was based, was sold to an other by the contractor prior to his rer ,aMin lien: and whether the last work on the building was done for the sols purpose of extending tne time ior unng a lien, or was performed in good fiiith under the agreement for the erection -of the atructuro and to complete the con-i tract according to lia . terms, . are purely questions of fact .'...;..'..' 2, Evidence examined and held, that it la amply aufflclent to auataln the finding and decree of the trial court on these qn;nin re estate of Bennett, deceased against Taylor. Error from Douglas county. Judgment utimn, c division ixo. . 1. The admission In evidence of a book showing an account between a decedent and one who has filed a claim against his estate. Is not prejudicial error where- all the Items which the court allowed the Jury to consider are charges made hy the decedent agnlnst the claimant, even though the foundation for the admission of such book as a book or account nas not. weou properly laid. , , . . 2. Declarations In his own favor made by a decedent In his will are not Admls-V slble in favor of his estate agalnat a party filing a claim against tha estate. , . 8. A due Pill Draws irueresi 11 um inn vmj of Its date In the absence of some pro vision therein to the contrary. 4 Pleadings in the oounty and tustrlot courts examined and held not to present different issues. " 6 One who claims to be surprised by the allegations made in an amended pleading can not base error o the order allowing -the amendment in the absence of a show ing that he applied for and was denied A continuance of the case, and tlm to meet any new matter presented by uoamend- m6RnThe Judgment of ti district -fourt,' en tered on an appeal taken from thef country court in the matter of a. claim filed against, the estate of a decedent, should not award the Issuance of an execution to satisfy the Judgment. ' ' ' " 12064. Counsman vs. Modern Woodmea ef America. Error from Douglas. .Reversed. Hastings. C Division No. 1. 1 A change of beneficiaries made by a member of a mutual benefit Insurance as sociation, which does not reach the head office until after the death of the member and then is refused because not In accord ance with the by-laws aa to a part of the fund, has no effect ss to the part of the fund in reference to which it is In proper form, the association having a by-law which declares the old certificate to be In effect until the new one is dellvored. The Peril rt Oar Time Is lung disease. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds cures lung trouble or no pay. 60o, N. .00. Vox sale by Kuhn A Co. , TABLE SALE Orchard A Wllhelm Car pet Co. ' 4832 ieaucy Blouse, 32 to 40 bust, Woman's Fancy Blouse 4632 Fancy blouses retain all their favor and will be much worn during the coming season. This one Includes the new cape effect, with the fashionable shallow yoke and princess clos ing, and Is suited both to the odd waist and the gown. The original Is made of mauve crepe de chine, trimmed with ecru lace and bands of velvet in a darker shade, but all the thinner material of the season are appropriate. The waist is made with a fitted lining i which close at the center front, on this lining are arranged the yoke, which close at the left shoulder seam, and the portion of the waist proper. The back Is plain, drawn down In gathers at the waist line, but the fronts are laid In box plait at their edge and both they and the sleeve are tucked at their upper portions, the tuck providing fullness below. The little caps, or bertha, is circular and falls over th arms-eye seams so giving '-he broad effect of fashion. Th quantity of material required for the medium size is i yards 21 Inches wide, 4' yard 27 Inches wide or 2' yards 44 Inch wide, with yard of lace for yoke. The pattern 4532 Is cut In sizes for a 32, 21, 90. 38 and 40-inch bust measure. I-or the accommodation of The Bee readers these pattern, which usually retail at from 25 to 60 cent, will be furnished at a nominal price, 10 cents, which cover all expense. In order to get a pattern enclose 10 cents, give number and nam of pattern. tEASGiUBLE FASK101S ,