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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1903)
The Omaha Sunday Bee. PAGES 1 TO 12. g PART I. 4 ESTAlSLlKIIEIi JUNK 10, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOHXINU, SnPTKMHEU 27, 1903 FOKTY PACES. sinum: copy kivk ('Unts. i CIBBOxNS 1SJX FAVOR Few Popi Mate a 8'gn.ificant Remark garding tha Amer'oan Cardinal. :ay have influence on church here Power of Eato'H aod MatinelK Likelj to Be Considerably Leisened. CHANGES BEING MADE ABOUT VATICAN Everywhere Are Eridencei of a New Regime in the Papa1 Palaoe. OLD OFFICIALS ARE BEING REPLACED Jkrtln forfUrr of state fa t rlM. nt Position, Italian Influences if Oppnird to Illm aa a Foreigner. (Copyright, ir03, by Prs Publishing Co.) ROME. Sept. Ki.-iNew York World Cable gram. Fpe-lal Telegram.) Timely with the arrival of Cardlnel Olsons In New York In the expression recently urn d by Pope Plus X regarding his conference with the American cardinal. "I have learned more," he snld. "about the church In America hy several convr.citlons with Cardinal Gibbons than I ever CM fiom oil the reports of the propa ganda." Huch sn expression from Plus X Is not without significance, and every one In Rome Is firmly convince J that, regarding the church In the United States, the new pope Is thoroughly In sympathy with the liberal views of the American cardinal and the party wiilili he represents in the Catholic i hierarchy of his country. There Is no denying that the American bishops, no matter how much united In matters of dogma, are divided -Into two (n.stlnct classes rrg.iruing cnurcn pounce. The so-called "llbersl" party, whose fore most representatives are Cardinal Olbbons "a. id Archbishop Ireland, favors a liberal policy In the conduct of church affairs In America that will be more In keeping with the surroundings and the enlightened In telligence of tho American people. , The other rrty, which was responsible for Leo XIII condemnation of so-called Americanism. Ik represented by those who wish to see Introduced In America all the customs qf the church us they obtain In J'athollc countries, notwithstanding the fact that the surroundings and the condition of I the people are totally different. Contest Oirr Archbishop. Tha silent war continually going on be tween the two parties finds a permanent Held of contention In the influence which Is brought to bear In Rome regarding the selection of candidates for promotion and appointment.- Just at present tha bone, of contention Is tha appointment of a new archbishop of Milwaukee, for which place several candidates have been named. The liberal party among the hierarchy favors the appointment of Bishop Spalding of Peoria, whoso lPwrwl views are well known all river Iho.worirrT-antr rsprrlally in Ilorae, where some of the cardinals of the propa ganda consider him In rrcnt part responsi ble for the origin of Americanism in the church. Of tho group of cardinals opposed to him, Hatolll and Martinet)!, both former apostolic delegate to the United States, are the most prominent. It Is well known In this connection that both tho former apostolic delegates are looked upon by many In Rome and in the TTnlted M'.ates as really detrimental to the best Interests of the curies In America. Under the preceding pope they held much Influence, for Io XIII when at sea re garding the solution of many of the difficul ties of the American church, relied entirely on the advice and experience of his former representatives at Washington, who were the only onea he could consult and who therefore had things their own way. Cardinal Gibbon se'aora went to Rome, and even then local Influence made his ad vice and opinion of little value In the coun cils of the Vatican. Now that Plus X has (shown a partiality for. the American car dinal's point of view, It Is freely predicted that a more libera! policy In the conduct of the ecclesiastical affairs of America will begin, and that the Influence of Batolli and Murtlnei:i will be much curtailed. Changes at tho Vatican. Gradually but surely Plus X la getting rid of the numerous employes of the Vati can who found favor under predecessor. Cardinal Rampolla has practically disap peared from Rome. It Is said, and Is at present In a monastery, recuperating from the worries undergone since the time when Leo XIII was first taken 111. Count Pecol, L the nephew of Pope Leo, haa given up his . 1 place aa commander of the Noble Guards and haa been sm-ceedV, by rrince Ros- , plgllosl. Mgr. Maraollnl, the factotum of the Vati can palace under Pope Leo, la returning to Perugia, and Mgrs. Angoll and Blslett wll! soon follow suit, as Plus X haa two brand new secretaries from Venice, one his former conclavist and the other Mgr. Pea dnl. Plo Centra, Pope Leo's faithful valet, haa also been replaced by Gornatl. the Milanese valet of Cardinal Sarto In Venice and now the secret scalco, or private head butler of the Vatican, Commendator Btor liin, baa been called upon to realgn. 11' is X was Informed that by right this place belonged to his lay maater of cere- pounced that he haa embraced the Proteet monles, named Cavaazl. who hud been with ant faith because Archbishop Walah of him for years, and therefore he appointed Dublin attended King kdwara a icvee aur lilra to the place, reducing, however, the ng the latter'" recent ,vislt to the Irish nana I salary of the butler from KpO to 130 a ! canltal. nvonth. as It Is his Intention to economise tn 'l rionartnif nts. Bv his order the mas- 1 ter cf the house Commendatore Puoclnelll, whose oitlce Is to be abolished aa unneces sary. Is turning ovrr iu ine new ciroiuvr an the silver and pantry furnishings, together J with the content oi ne ceiiar. It has Just been discovered that a large ri uraber of bottles of Bordeaux of the r Iklu. which had been atortd In a I room adjoining the Clementine hall and whose existence was well known, have dls- , appeared. Some of them, however, have bten discovered in the private cellar Jt one uf the old lay employes, who waa forced to make restitution. Pope Is Displeased. Notwithstanding pope's express wishes regarding the granting of audiences. (torts are still being made lu the Vatican y tntourage to prevent many of those seek ing admission from seeing the pope. Among t the unfortunates a few days ago was a party of Franciscan nuns, who, with their superioress general, were to sail for Tripoli to establish a new house of their order, never expecting to ret iru t Italy. They sppll.d for an audience, but wre met with a refusal, and It was onl after their departure that Plus X was informed (of the matter by the nieces of the late Cardinal parocchi, whom he haa lately be friended. The pope was much dtspleaaed at (Continued on Fifth fag-) BALL00N1STS ARE CONFIDENT Talk of Transatlantic Trip as Brio Practically Certain of Success. (Cope-right, 19B, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Sept. ar,-(New Tork World Ca blegrsm Special Telegram.) "I expect to accompany Rcchus and Capazzn In their balloon trip across the Atlantic oceiin," ftfild Haron Alphonse Berget to the World correspondent today. "The expedition will coat st least ll.noo.pon. Nothing but fui'.ure to raise thst sum of money will prevent us from essaying to carry o'jt the enterprise. ' The . baron Is the, professor on physical geography at the Sorbonne, nnd It was one of his lectures on the trsde wlnils tha' put the Idea of this transatlantic airship voyage Into the head of the eminent geographer, Ellse Rechus, who enlisted the aeronaut, Louis Capaxza and Baron Berget In the project. "I believe the trip Is perfectly feasible," the baroil went on. "The course has been determined by a careful research Into the meteorological conditions." Here Baron Berget showed the correspondents a pilot chart of the Atlantic ocean with arrows In dicating the direction of the winds In vari ous months of the year. Long arrows showed winds of steady duration, short ones showed the direction, but indicated Intermittent currents. "In this continued line of long arrows leading from the Canaries direct to the Gulf of Mexico." the baron exp'alned. "we know In advance for a certainty that winds blow constantly from the Canaries along a route exactly similar to that taken by Columbus. The trip could be made from Lisbon with three chances of success) in seven. From Madrid the chances of suc would be five in seven. From the Canaries the proportion Is twenty-eight In thirty." "But Aeronaut Fondvlelle suggests start ing from the Azores," remarked the corre spondent. " "Fondvlelle Is a fine aeronaut," replied Berget, "but hi statement shows that he never studied meteorological conditions. There Is Dractlrally no wind at the Azores, that being the point of highest atmospheric pressure, the air currents always being ir regular. Starting from the Canaries we know what to expect. And for the dura tion of the voyage, I woujd predict four days as the shortest and twelve the long est. The balloon would have a capacity of about 630,000 cubic feet, which is not ex traordinary as to dimension, for during the exposition at Paris In 1878 ascents were made with a balloon of 800,000 cubic feet, taking up more than 100 persons at a time. We shall take a skipper and two sullors to man the boat which we shall take along In case of accidents. "The observations which will be possible during the trip will be of the greatest In terest to the meteorological wor'.d, and If our theories are borne out there Is no rea son why such trips could not be made regu larly at favorable seasons of the year." TESTIMONY FAVORS LAMBTON Naval Man Ilaa Better of Squabble with General Hunter Over Artillery. (Copyright. 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) LOKDOW,' ,. 1N'"' TorkkjTovM Cablegram Special Telegram.) The who'.e weight of the testimony was against uen eral Hunter, who asserted before the war commission that the handling of the naval guns at Ladyerolth waa bad. The squabble between him and Admiral Lambton Is merely an echo of the feud that raged be tween the naval and the military men at Ladysmlth. The arrival of the naval guns on that mournful Monday, the day 6f the Nichol sons nek surrender, undoubtedly saved the town from a decisive assault. The military, however, grew Jealous of the praise showered on the . tnen -.apiam Lambton and his handy men from the cruiser Powerful and Lambton oys that as the siege proceeded the military gradu ally began to deny tnat me navai had been of any value whatever. Hunter said In his evidence before the commission that he told Lambton he would get school glrs to aim his guns better. When this evidence was read over to him Lambton said he had to deal with many nvmbskulls in Lndysmlth and Hunter was one. When the evidence was published Lambton asked and got permission from Lord Charles Beresford. his superior In command of the channel fleet, to send a communication to the press stating that he had demanded an apology from Hunter. Th1 was a breach1 of regulations, both on the part of Beresford and of Lambton, for which both were severely nauieo ovW ... coals by the admiralty, while the king himself Intervened, ordering both Lambton and Hunter to keep silence. There Is always Jealous rivalry between the army and the navy, which Is intensified by the fact that the people have a much higher opinion of the latter than of the former. AUTHOR MOORE IS PARTICULAR Abandons Cnthollo Church Beeanao Archbishop Walsh Called a King-. (Copyright. 1903. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. Sept. I6.-(New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) George Moore, the author of "Esther Waters" and other successful realistic novels, haa an- I This Inconsistent proceeding haa caused Teat amusement among Mr. aioore s whu never knew before that he - -t u i uirxi tain puetitti a vicBi ui.i an . tallU iurv. prided himself on being a CaOioUo or VBnQerbllt and Mr. ana Mr.. Qt0Tga even of any other religion Aftei an ab- .Munroe a box at th. oiympla hall sence of many year, and the aurtiorshln of Xue,llay nl(nt. Mrs. V.nd.rbtlt, look tt,. h.,v Parnell and Hla Ire and, i, ' ...' J. th . whlch some of his countrymen deem at fo rte I , ' dons Mr. Moore returned ana reaiscoverea his native country aome inreo years and developed Into an Implacable national ist for the tima. BRINGS RICH PAPA TO TIME French ChanfTear Takes hovel Method af ObtalalnsT Parental Caaseat. (Copyright. 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS. Bept JS. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) A wealihy manufacturer, arraigned in a police court on a charge or running an auiuiuouiiu illegal speed, blamed his chauffeur. said the chauffeur was a suitor for daughter's r-nd. but l.e rnfused consent. 'Mosithv, -pi. ?. t.-sew ork orld and that whl.e oat riding (be tnaut jr put j Cablegram - Sp.lil Telegram.) Tha Rus ou full speed iud threatened to wreck th ! slim government baa forbidden Count Tol automobile. kbili.g the entire party, unless lets! to say la Moscow, where he has a the father would consent. The unhappy father gave In, but not before a policeman had seen the niuulxr of the flying auto mobile and filed a complaint. CASTLE AT A BARGAIN Duke of Manchester Gets a HaKu'Scini Eitate at Practioi of Its Colt. KYLEMORE CASTLE IS A WONDERFUL PLACE Mitchell Hen it, the Ontton King, Spent Milliene to Create It. KING SAID TO HAVE HAD AN EYE ON IT Ground the Most Beautiful of Any in the Emerald IsK RARE TREES AND SHRUBS ABOUND Tenantry. Which Had Been F.vlcted, Gathered Toaether Again by the I.ate Owner of the F.stnte. (Copyrighted. 1903, by FreM Publishing Co.) DL'BLIN, Sept. K. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The duke of Manchester succeeds "The Cotton Lord of Manchester"' In the, possession of Kyle more castle: the, young nobleman who mar ried Miss Helena Zimmerman of Cincinnati, V. S. A., has bought the beautiful residence and estate which Mitchell Henry reared and created on the edge of lovely Lough Kyle more, Connemara, County Oalway. The duke Is to be congratulated on securing one of the most desirable country places in Great Britain end none the less because he paid only 1316.O0O for all that cost the for mer owner millions. , Mitchell Henry was a power In the cotton market forty years ago. He bought cotton by the crop; he had business houses In I Belfast and Manchester: he was called ' "Tho Cotton Lord of Manchester;" his In fluence reached out to New Orleans and Calcutta. Bom of an aristocratic family of the Isle of Wight, Mitchell Henry made a great fortune. To rear his castle, to create his estate, he sought the wildest section of Connemara then; the lovely seclusion of tho "Twelve Pins," or Beno. one long mountain with twelve peaks rising from it at regular Interr vals, of which the highest, Ben Baun, Is 2,400 feet above the sea level. There he bought'rO acres of hind. One purpoue was to give him a political foothold, and in consequence he became a member of Parliament and held the seat six years. But Mitchell Henry had another purpose to build a country homo, and he bullded so well that lately rumor has often pointed to romantic Kylemoro castle as a probable royal residence, for the king has no residence In Ireland and wants one. Mitchell Henry selected a site In a valley, but the valley was not wide enough. He employed an army of laborers, workmen and masons. He cut away half of Diamond mountain (so named because, tradition has It. diamonds of a peculiar lustre were found there long ago). He bought steamers which carried building materials from Galway across Galway bay. And In the verdant valley, on the edge of the lough, he reared the i caqtle. ........ ,Ve - Garden nra Wonderful. He erected fine stables and also conserva tories whose orchids and tropical plants were famous. He preserved the salmon and trout In the lake and river and there ia no better fishing In Ireland now. His shel tered gardens weye and are' wonderful, for the moist heat of the gulf stream matures the soli and the sheltered situation protects Its products. In these gardens trees flourish, shrubs and flowers of bursting vigor and splendid growth. Palms and rare ferns grow there the year round, for they need no shelter In this mild climate. The roads have double fuchsia hedges, twelve feet high, which would be worth a fortune anywhere but In Connemara. Mitchell Henry collected rare tpees and planted the mountain side with them as well as the valley around his buildings. One who drives through the finely wooded de mesne passes vast banks of rhododendrons and hydrangeas in bloom. The castle Is fit to be. tenanted tomorrow; the place Is Ideal. Many of the peasantry had been evicted from tho neighborhood, but Mitchell Henry gathered a tenantry and the duke of Man Chester will find a village ready made at his hand. Mrs. Henry waa a good, charitable re Ugioua woman, the daughter of George Vaughn, Esq., of Qullly House, County De von. At ner request ner nusoana bunt a chapel near the castle. To this delightful spot Mitchell Henry repaired for not more than two or three months In the year, Sometimes he did not visit Castle Kyle more In three or four years. He died a few years ago and the estate haa been in the market since then. Here the young duke can orrer a more princely hospitality than at his ancestral castle, Fanderagee, County Armagh. Lucky tha guest. American or English, whom the duke Invites to Castle Kylemore. Not the least of his diversions will be In testing the famous echo. For to one who sUnte on the edge of the lake and cries out comes back an echo from the moun tains, multiple, reverberating that dins his ears. VANDERBILTS ARE IN PARIS ily Ona Act In Theater Able Attract Bride's Attention from Husband. (Copyright. 13, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS. Sept. 2. (New, Tork World Ca- , blegram Special Telegram.) Mr. and Mrs. Ing very young and stylish. de voted more attention to her hus band thau to the stage, except when Mile. Dutrleu, known as "Tlie Woman Arrow." swept at lightning speed down an inclined plunk on a bicycle; then, dart ing Into the air, made a leap of eighteen yurds. landing on a mattress on the stage. This act Mrs. Vanderbllt watched breath lessly, giving a little gasp at the crltlcul moment. Mr. Vanderbllt la looking better and younger than be haa looked In years. PLACE A BAN UPON TOLSTOI Great Russian Author Will Allowed to Stay tn Kot Be ii i Do' , hli j (Copyright. 13, by Press Publishing Co ) house In which he usually lives for u. few weeks every year. He spends the greater part of the time on hla property. Tasnaja poljaha. in BcrcJiteagsdan, WASHWOMAN N0T A DRUDGE Those of Parle Are Guest of the Gay ' and In a Class All by TfcrH??,1'e. (Cop right, 19, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS. Sept. MHScw York World Cablegram Special Teh gram.) Among tho working classes of Pans there Is no m re coquettish member than the Jaunty little washerwoman, the "Rlanchlsseua Parlsi enne." She carries her basket on her arm or her bundles swung over her shoulder In the airiist way as she trips along, and to see her one would never y 'late her with suap and suds. She Is f . bareheaded, but with her hair dop- tind befrlzzleU in the most bewltcr" ijPniMlest fashion, and nearly always ecars a "smart," cheap little cost K A good taste and very becoming, x, ribbon or a bit of tullo stuck so re as a finishing at traction. . She may ut or burn one's clothes In a trice , she is the airiest, most obliging lu person In -her talk imagi nable. She knows how to explain away all missing articles or to account In the most plausible, polite fashion to ono not having received clothes on the day asked for. In the ironing room sho looks as fresh as a rose. She bends over the Ironing board with a little song on her Hps, and kneps half an eye on the -street door for a pass ing flirtation. In tho window there Is always a bouquet of flowers and frequently a sleek tat curled up. On the wall hangs some gay little Illustrated calendar. Some times a plaster of a Punchinello sits upon tho shelf. Very often a canary hangs in the front shop window and chirps while tho little washerwoman sings to a brisk movA ment of her iron. " It Is eusy enough to associate the Pari shin washerwoman with a romance. There is no hint of soapy, red elbows about her, The washing all appears to be done sub rosa and she looks as If she wera always on dress parade. In fact, there la no end of small Tarla r.mourets In which the wash erwoman plays one of the principal parts. In the Latin quarter It frequently happens that a passerby In the street sees student of the Sorbonne flirting over his linen with the washer of It In the little laundries that abound in the quarter. Aa j a rule the blanchlsseus doe not envy the sewing girl her lot. Sho Is much more carefree, sings more and has a greuter number of opportunities to trot the street, basket on arm, flinging bright, malicious glances or bon mots at her male acquaint ances as she trips along In her hlgh-heelod shoe. The Parisian washerwoman Is one of the distinctive types of the city, under standing perfectly what It is to be "chic" and gay on a few sous. JEALOUS OF THE AMERICANS Paris Papers Object to tho Kew World's Invasion of Ahyaslnla. (Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Sept. tt-(New Tork World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) The French newspapers are much annoyed because United States Consul Skinner., who Is sta tioned at Marseilles, Is going to Abyssinia's capital to confer with Ncgis (inporor) Menelek about vsslb - . yocsslo-ns ti American gnu' Vat in opening 'up .he coun try. The papers point out that William H. Ellis, with enormous capital behind him. left lost, week for Abyssinia, taking many presents for Menelek, and with the avowed Intention of entering Into business relations with him and securing the right to open a big bank, furnishing Menelek with money at low rates and on easy terms. Mr. E.'lls claimed no official connection, but the papers, taking Mr. Skinner's trip In con junction with Mr. Ellis' move, regard the Incident as of Internationa) Importance. They angrily ask why these Americans should mix up with things so far from home, and note that Menelek, having hesi tated over distributing favors to France or England, probably will now take an other course and cast his lot with the Americans. SAINT TAKEN T0A NEW ABODE Csar and Csarlna Take Part la Cere mony In Honor of Saint Seraphim. (Copyright, 1903. by PreHS Publishing Co.) BT. PETERSBURG, Sept. 18 (New Tork World Cablegram Special Telegram.) In the province of Nltni Noxfyorod, in Russia, In the Tartar city of Sarov, the remain of a most popular aalnt called Seraphim have reposed In a glass sarcophagus for seventy years. It was recently decided to transport them to a mountain hermitage and henceforth the Russians will make pilgrimages to this lofty height to bs cured of tneir aliments, Just the the French go to Lourdes. The cxar, the czarina and their children aided In the impressive ceremonies of the transportation of St. Seraphim to his new abode. The peasants believe St. Seraphim pre served the czar from the attack of the fanatical Japanese whoi tried to kill him years ago. The peasants bathe themselves In the river where St- Seraphim used to I bathe, in order to be cured of all sort of maladies. NAPOLEONIC FAMILIES MOURN Two Deaths Among; Those Who Rose to Greatness I'nder F.niprror. (Copyright. 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Sept. aa. (New York World Ca- blegram-Special Telegram.) Great families of Nasoleonlo creation have been plunged into mourning by the death of the princess of Easllng, following closely upon that of the prlncens of Wagram. Tho prtneesa of Essllng died at Bellaglo, Lake Como, of congestion of the lungs. She was the adopted daughter of Charles Heines. The Prlnceas Wagram, who was Bertha Rothschild, was buried today. The found ers of both families took part) In the mem orable battle of Wagram. FAVOR THE OLD COSTUME Celtic Congress In Tendency don Brlitaay Deplores to Abaa. II. (Copyright, 1B, by Press Publishing Co.) BREST. Fiance, Bept. SC. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) At the Celtic congress latxly held In Lesneven, Brittany, one of the subjects talked of was the Breton costume. Some years ago the Breton peasan's brgn to abandon their pic turesque costume, much to the disappoint ment of American tourists, for instauce. The congress voted in favor of keeping up the costume. An abbe who spoke said tha sisters of the Cat hollo schools always snoouraged their scholars to wear their costumes. CRISIS IS PECULIAR Unmual Tim a Required in Filling Three Plaoei in the Cabinet, KING INSISTS UPON SOUND TIMBER Flan Wai to Patch Up the Ministry with Several Weaklings. SUGGESTS A MAN FOR THE WAR OFFICE Alro Desires that Lord Milner Tae the Oolonial Becretaryihip. BALFOUR TO POSTPONE DISSOLUTION Edward Boys Oot the Brown Family In Order to Get Them Off the Royal Estate at ' Balmoral. (Copyright, 19.3, by Tress Publishing Co.) LONDON. Sept. 26. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Tho British cabinet crisis has been a most mysterious affair. Never before haa It taken so long to fill three places In any cabinet. The de lay Is accounted for solely by King Edward refusing to accept offhand, and, as a matter of course. Prime Minister Balfour's recon struction scheme, which was prearranged with Mr. Chamberlain. The. war commission report made a pro. found impression on the king, who shares the public d.strust of the present ministry, and he Insisted on an attempt to introduce new blood Instead of tho mere dummy Dlacemen Mr. Bulfour proposed. If there were a strong united liberal opposition un der an undisputed leader, the king would have gone to the extreme length of revis ing the long disused constitutional pre rogative of dismissing the ministry alto gether. But, there being no alternative, he Is trying to make the belt of a bad bus! ness. The irony of the situation Is that when Lord Salisbury resigned aa a protest against the king's Interference In minis terlal affairs Mr. Balfour refused to sup port his uncle. The kings principal adviser Is Lord Esher, formerly Bailol Brett, M. P., the Jn of the late master of the rolls, and at one time private secretary to the duke of Devonshire. He has attained within the last few years extraordinary Influence Over the king, chiefly by reason, It Is said, of his taste for court ceremonial and page antry, and his stage management of the coronation. But he la also a man of talent. Kaher aa In willing Victim. Unable to repay him adequately for his services, the king got Blr Ernest Cassel to take him into his financial firm. In spired largely by Cassel, Esher drew up a memorandum In his capacity of a member of the war commission, suggesting a re organization of the War office on a busi ness basts. This attracted considerable attention aa the only practical outcome of that Inquiry and when Mr. Balfour proposed tha . a modiarre . party".".; back. Arnold Forster, the present financial secretary to the admiralty, be promoted to be war secretary, the king suggested Esher aa an alternative. Mr. Bulfour kicked against this proposal all this week, while Efcher himself did not Xeel inclined to give up his lucrative position In Cassel's firm to Join a moribund administration and face the all but impossible task of reforming the War office. The king sent for Cassel to go to Balmoral and got him to promise that Esher's position should be kept open. Esher then heslta'1 to face the ordeal of being forced' on the cabinet. , The king also Insisted that Mr. Balfour should press Lord Milner, to take the colo nial secretaryship, instead of the deadhead, Lord Selborne, who never would have been trusted with any post but for being Lord Salisbury's son-in-law. Lord Milner de clined positively on the ground that he de sired to return to South Africa to finish his wdrk there. The salient feature of the crls.s has been the leading part the king is playing and his tnson will march to Sidney, Neb., and adoption almost of the autocratic attitude thence to Fort Riley by rail. The troops of his nephew. Kaiser Wilhelm. from Fort Reno will proceed by rail to "There has been a collusive divorce be- Wichita. Kas., and murch thence to Fort tween Balfour and Chamberlain, and Bal- Riley. The troops from Fort Bill will pro four has, got the custody of the child," Is j ceed by rail all the way to Fort Riley. In veteran publicist Frederick Greenwood's addlton to the troops named here, which eplgramatlc summing up of the ministerial situation and Austen Chamberlain's reten tion in the cabinet. Postpones Dissolution. Mr. Balfour does not Intend to dissolve for another year unless soma unexpected development arises. "It will take me twelve months to work up the constituencies and government, and twelve mouths to live down the War commission report,'' is the summing up of the prospect attributed to Mr. Chamberlain. Tho only doubtful element in Parliament Is the action of the free trade unionists. Mr. Balfour intends to secure himself against their possible de fection by introducing a couple of Irish re forms, which the Irish party cannot afford to refuse and will support the government In all emergencies to secure. Besides. If the Irish party assisted the liberals to force a dissolution In the present state of pqhlle feeling, the latter might get a majority so large as to render them independent of the Irish party In the next Parliament. Alarming rumors concerning the king were flying about Thursday night, based upon the departure of Sir Frederick Treves for Balmoral. But the' famous surgeon's presence was subsequently explained by the statement that the king desired to consult him respecting some suggested re- f orn s In the army medical department. The king la in excellent health, but great trouble Is experienced in preventing him from eating too much. He has been especially warned against the flavored deli cacies his particular friend, the marquis of Soveral, has a talent for preparing. The king comes of a family of heavy eat ers. Queen Victoria had an astounding appetite. When sho fancied a dish she would have two or three helpings, without Interfering with the execution she did on the remainder of the repast. One of the first things the king did on his first visit to Balmoral after his acces sion was to have the marble statue of John Brown, erected by Queen Victoria, carted away to tho pretty cottage pre sented by the queen to her favorite serv ant's family. The king has now gone a stop further by buying out the Brown family, and getting them off the royal estate 'altogether. John- Brown and hli kin are Intensely disliked by all the royal family, who re sented the Influence the unlettered old boor exercised over Queen Victoria. Because the queen backed him up In his insulting pretensions the late Empress Frederick never visited her mother for thirty years, while the late duk of Edinburgh never went to Balmoral for eighteen years be fore his death. THE BEE BULLETIN. Forecast for Nebraska Fair nnd Wanner Sunday; Monday I ar. rage. 1 Glhlmna ia In 1'ainr at Home. Manchester t.cts Haraaln In ( nstle. Cabinet t'rUls a Prcallnr One. Warships to .stay at Ueyroot. 8 Tronble Anions Iron Workers. Malthrwsnn Units Indian ff Ice. Woman Shot by Prrslstent Staltor. S ews from !ebranka Towns. Methodlat Conference nt 4 Inspector Tells of larhrn real. earorn DIwim Hare Problem, ft Ilnaelan Itsncal In Tlaht Place. Mnrderers 1 sr UnHmt(e. Poller Innlilr to olvr Myster. a Past Week In Omaha Sortety. T Affairs at nth Omaha. Woman In t lull and Charity. 8 t'onnrll Bin A a nnd town Mews. O t'onntry lab Pin era Vlrtorn. Attack St. I.onls llrldae t omlilno. firent Keeoi'd of t nrrlesnes. 11 Result of the Base Ball tiamen. trettfhton Wins Foot Ball (.sine. 14 Amusements nnd Manic. 15 Weekly Review of Spurts. Moalc In the Krgnlnr Army. ltt Speeches at the Harmony Mfftlns. 18 I'.dllnrlal. lO What the Wife Adda to life. I.adroae t hnsian" In l.nson. 22 Slickest of All the Slrnths. Sign I'osts of Unman Character. S3 Commercial nnd Financial. 84 Tnkes Uas Roale to F.teralty. FOOT BALI. ItF.SILTS. Nebraska M, lirand Island . CrelKhton IK, Oinnha High School O. Harlan II. H. IS, Council Bluff l. Dodare I.. G.'s 11, Omnhn Com. Col. O. Wrhsirr City . F.agie tJrnve O. I Diversity of lown H, Cornell It. llonne StH. Crete Hlah School . Harvard IT, Williams O. I'ardoe 3St, Enalewood O. Wubasu ft, Indiana Inlveralty O. Url'snw Alumni ft, 'tarslty . Pennsylvania kit, Dickinson O. Minnesota fnrleton O. Illinois 4, Lombard O. Colnmhla lO, Wrslryan O. Vale aft. Trinity O. Cornell 12, llobart O. Kietrr 1, Tufts O. West Point , Colgate O. Chlcnajo I Diversity 'lit, Lawrence O. Northwestern kit, .Vapervllle . Temperature nt Omnha Yesterday! Hour. Ilea. Hoar. - Ilea. ft a. m (IT 1 p. m ft'-i 6 a. m...... RO 3 p. ni...... ft:i T a. m ftl U p. m...... oft 8 a. in IMI 4 p. m fts Urn. m RA Bp. m BH 111 t, m ft-t p. m ftT 11 a. m ft-t T p. an ftft ia m 6ft REGIMENTS FOR MANEUVERS Troops that Go to Fort Riley Detailed In tieaeral Orders (Jnst 4 Issned. , t i General orders No. 39 have Just been Issued from Headquarters Departments of the Missouri relative to tho army maneuv era, to be held at Fort Riley, Kas., October 16 to 27, Inclusive. Tho .order states that the following regular army organizations will be usserabled in cauip at Fort Riley, Kas., on the dates hereinafter specified: From Fort Leavenworth: First bat tallon of engineers. Second squadron, Fourth cavalry. Twenty-eighth battery, field artillery, headquarters band and eleven companies Sixth Infantry. ' From . ort Niobrara, Neb.: Headquarters band, First and Third battalions Twenty fifth Infantry. Fort Reno, O. T. : Battalion commander. staff and three companies Twenty-fifth in Xantry. Fort Robinson, Neb.: Headquarters band, First and Third squadron. Tenth cavalry. Fort Sill, O. T.: Lieutenant colonel, squad ron, staff and First squadron. Eighth cav airy ana Twenty-ninth battery field ar tillery. All troops will be provided with uniforms to represent the Brown and Blue forces. The troops from Fort Niobrara will march to Norfolk, Neb., and make the balance of the Journey by rail. Those from Fort Rob- i comprise the regular forces In tho Depart ment of the Missouri, that will participate In the maneuvers, regular troop als will be sent by rail from Forts Loghn, Colo., D. A. Russell, Wyo., SncIIIng, Minn.. Lin coln, N. D., Keogh, Mont.. Douglae. Utah, and Myer, Va.' These troops all will pro ceed by rail. The mllltlii organizations participating In the maneuvers will be one regiment of Infantry from Arkansas, two of Infantry and two batteries of artillery from Kansas, one regiment of Infantr" each from Missouri, Iowa and Texas, one from Nebraska, and ona company of the slgnel corps, and one battalion of infantry from Oklahoma. The militia organizations will be guided by the name restrictions that govern the regular army, and will be under the com mand of the regulal officers during the en tire maneuvers. Amateur Detective Is Killed. LOUISVILLE. Sept M.-Charles Mar shall of Regu, Ind., died today from the eriei'ts of Injuries sustained In an assault alleged to have been committed by H. C. Hlte, who, according to Marshall's story, was a counterfeiter. Marshall claimed to be an amateur detective and was attempt ing to arrest Hlte. Bnovemeats of Ocean Yesels pt. ail. At New York Arrived: St. Louis., from Southampton: Arabic, from Liverpool and Quernstuwii. Kalltd: 1'mbrla, for I.iver- fiool; Minneapolis, for London: Kroon and, for Antwerp; Lahn, for Cienoa'and Naples; Bremen, for Bremen; Astoria, for Glasgow. At Delnwsre Bresk water Passed: Fries land, from Liverpool. At Philadelphia Sailed: Noordland, for Liverpool. At Plymouth Arrived: Grosser Kur fuist, from New York.. 'At Liverpool Sailed: Etrurla. for New York. At Queenstown Sailed: Cedrlc, for New York. At Southampton Sailed: New York, for New York, viu Cheitmiirg. At Glasgow Arrived: Sllierlan. from Philadelphia, via St. Johns, .'. Sicilian, from Montreal. At Loudon Sailed: Masabia, for New York. At Cherbourg Slled : New York, for New York. Arrived: Blueclmr, from New York, via Plymouih, fur Hamburg, and proceeded. At Antwerp Sailed: Finland, for New York. At Rotterdam Sailed: Potsdam, for New York. At Havre Sailed: I-a Touralne, for New York. At Hong Kong Arrived. previously: America jlaru, from San Fram isco. via Honolulu; fcrnprfu nf China, from Van couver via Yokohama. At Yokohama Arrived, previously: In diHvelll. from Portland, tire,, for Hong Kong; Korea, from Kan Francisco, vlo Honolulu, for Hour Kong; Rio Marti, from Seattle for Hong Kong. At Hlilmonsekl Arrived- Irydene, from Port Gamble, via Shanghai. COTTON'S SHU'S STAY American Will Kot Es,moT f qugdron from Turkish Wt in tt Present. ITS PRESENCE INSURES TRANQUILLITY Believed to Bs Betpousibls for Peace Prerailinj at BerToot. t LEISHMAN FEARS TO LET VESSELS GO Intimates that tha Rio'.i Mi?ht Bo Besumed in Their Abiecoe. BULGARIAN ARMY IS VERY ACTIVE Strona Force Held In Reserve ta Pro tect Pass Which Tarkey Threat ens to Sine In Case Hos tilities Begin. WASHINGTON. Sept. 2.-Wlthdrawl of the American warships from , Beyroot seems unlikely for the present. In view of a cablegram received at the State depart-' ment today from Minister Irishman, st Constantinople, stating that, although his, advices frorr Beyroot Indicate that the sit uation la quiet Just now, nothing like per manent order bus been established. Mr. Lelshman says that the state of af-, fairs there may yet be regarded as uncer-' tain. H Is Indicated In Mr. Irishman's cable, gram that the departure of tho wsrshlpn might be the occasion for a renewnl of the riots. This conllrms the opinion held here by state department officials that the tnilet at Beyroot Is due directly to the presence of American warships oft that port. Minister Lelshmiin adds that the new governor of Beyroot Is actively Inaugurat ing reforms there, but that it Is not yet' certain ho will be able to handle the sit uation. Rear Admiral Cotton, commanding the European squadron, cables the Nay de partment, under date of Beyroot. Septem ber 26, that Beyroot is. quiet and that the case of tho American vlco consul Is still pending. Bnlaarlan Army Active. PHILIPPOPOLIS, Bulgaria. Sept. 26. The rumors current yesterday that Bul garia would send an ultimatum to Turkey setting forth that unless satisfactory as surances were received that the Ottoman troups would be withdrawn immediately from tho Bulgurlan frontier. Bulgaria would forthwith mobilize her whole army, were caused by the mobilization of a regi ment of engineers. The divisional head quarters here are Inclined to regard the situation as being more serious and prepa rations aro iK'Ing made for a mobile force to take tho field. Tbtre is little excitement, though tho streets present an animated spectacle cs the reservists march off to Join their regiments. The mobilisation can be completed In six days. The Bulgarian war office has received Information In the evont of hostilities the Turks will make a dagj and endeavor, lo seize the Shlpka pati R, gainst which con tingency strong: BuIgSAVth forces are now ' held In reserve, - Amnesty Granted on Surrender. I'SKUB, Macedonia. Friday. Sept. 26.-U Is reported that s. proclamation is to be issued announcing the granting of amnesty to surrendering Bulgarians and the adop tion of more stringent measures as to rc crnlsants. The Greek village of Manastlr have been forbidden to receive In future Bul garian women and children refugees unless thry are accompanied by their men folk bringing rifles. Snow In Mountain Ranees. MONABTIR. Macedonia. Bept. 2S.-(V1 Solla. Bulgaria, Sept. 3(5.) Snow haa fallm on the higher mountain ranges and the refugees mUBt either leave their hiding places or suffer the greatest hardships. Tho Turkish troops continue to slaughter refugees who return to their former homes at the Invitation of the government, which promises them protection. Near the village bf Zlntan, in the neighborhood of Resna, troops found fifteen returned refugees working in a field. They bound their hands, drove them Into a ditch and massa cred fourteen of the peasants. One of them survived his wounds. Tho refugee women subsequently dis covered the bodies and carried tha sur vivor before the lieutenant governor of Resna, who refused to hear their story. Ono hundred and twenty Bulgarians, in cluding four priests, who had been exiled by' the Turkish authorities, left Monartlr yesterday. Sees Kvldeuce of Duplicity. SOFIA, Bulgaria, Sept, 20. Tho. personnel 0f the sultan new Macedonian commls- slon Is alleged here to be an indication of the insincerity of the porte's Intention. The Bulgarian representative, Nicol Reboff, a mcmlter of the court of Justice at Monas tlr, la HO years old, and haa been for many years an official of the Turkish govern ment With the exception of Hllml Pasha, the inspector general, who Is president of the commlssslon, none of the others haa any prominence or influence. The fact that the Bulgarian population of Maoedonla Is given only one representative is held hero to show that the porte has not accepted the demands made by the Sofia govern ment. Negotiations between the porte and SoP.u are reported to bo still proceeding, but the situation appears to remain unchanged. In view of tho fact that the powers de cided to answer the Bulgarian note. It is doubtful if next week's meeting between the cxar and Emperor Francis Joseph will cause any material change of policy. The report that Captain Tchernoppeff, the captor of Miss Ellen M. Stone, the American missionary, had been killed 1 untrue. The Macedonian committees have planned an Imposing demonstration for tomorrow. There will be a requiem mass at tho ca thredral, followed by a procession through the streets, carrying black banners and portraits of the Macedonian leaders who have been killed during the Insurrection. LEAVES PRIZES FOR HEROES Legacy to. Provide Medals Brave Man of Lor ralaa. for tha (Copyright. 1903. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS. Sept. hi. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Albert Leysx has Just died, leaving IC.ouo to the French academies for the benefit of the heroes of Lorraine. He called that region the cradle of his family, and regarded It as one of the most beautiful and patriot I o provinces of France. The money. In tho form of prizes, will be awarded to men and women of Lorraine who perform sets of heroism. The prises will bear the name of the donor.