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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1903)
Omaha Daily Bee K.STABUHIICD .IUXK IP, 1871. OMAHA, MONDAY MOHNIXO, SEI'TKMIIEK 28, U03. hincjli: corv Tlnu:n cknts. SUMMONS TO MILKER Depart! from Carisbid for England at Urgent Eeqneit of King Edward. WANTED TO TAKE CHAMBERLAIN'S PLACE Personally Much ' , to Entering inet at . '''L- Cab- THINKS HIS WORK IS IN ' AFRICA Redmond 8nyi That Members from .. 4 Are Indiipensibh t3 Balfour. LABOR QUESTION TO BE PUSHED AHEAD lrlr Marin Merored Land Bill Will Demand Farther C iiirMlniii for tho People of Ireland. f'op right. i:03. by Press Publishing Co.) CARLSBAD. Sept. :?.-'Nw York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Lord Mil Hit left for England today on an urgent summon from King Kdwnrd to confer with Prime Minister Ralfour regarding ac cepting the Rrltlsh secretaryship for the colonies In succession to Joseph C'him berlntn. The World correspondent ran state on tli highest authority that Lord Mllner )ia no d"slre to enter th cabinet and that be has already informed Premier Balfour that his only useful position In public life 1. In South Africa. The whole British government situation revolves around I,crd Mllner, whose al ready high position ha auddenly become one of cardinal Importance. While all ' this fume as being- thrust upon hlra he has been staying quietly at Carlibud. going through the so-called cure nd going to bed at 9 o'clock every night, lie. left Bouth Africa two months ago and came direct to Carlsbad without passing through London. He la seeking a little rest and restoration, having a bad liver after three years of war work In over throwing the Boer government. The fash ionable season had ended when Lord Mll ner arrived. Not a dozen people were staying at Koenlg' villa, the hotel where be took tip hia residence. In the most democratic, free manner he formed the acquaintance of the few belated gueats. The arrival of the king's messenger with an urgent request to enter the cabinet earned like an Interruption from the out side world. It disturbed the routine of Ills simple life among the people, who tacitly avoided reference to politics, but the messenger departed and the next day Ixrd Mllner resumed his aoclal Intercourse. He had breakfaat with a little American boy of 7, who shared with this ruler of Bouth Africa some fish he had caught the day before. Balfoar Meeds Irish. IjONDOX, Sept. IT. Addressing a demon stration at Newcastle, county Down, to day, John Redmond, the Irish leader, said I' that tho Irish land bill having been secured the next session must be devoted to the labor' question." The political situation to day was a strange one, he auld, and If Pre mier , Balfour desired to retain office the Irish party would hold the power of life find death In Its hands and would use that power without compunction to forward the Interests of the Irish cause. ROASTS THE MODERN CHURCH Uvaasjellst Asserts Preacher aad Choir Are lateaded Only for Aaiienrit, DETROIT, Sept. 27. The convention of the Disciples of the Ixsrd was opened t')day. The day waa devoted to religious exercises and the principal speaker was Kvangellat John Smith of Cleveland, who claims he Is called to preach the goapel of Christ by God Himself. He made a bitter attack on all forms of worldly amusement, which he characterised as being the works of the devil. In his opinion it Is for worldly amusement only that the majority of people attend, church. The church of today Is nothing more than a circuit of the theater, he declared, while the choirs who sing the beautiful and sacred hymns In many cases are going straight to perdition. They are paid large salaries to stand up and prosti tute the music of God. Preaching With most of the high priced ministers, lie con tinued, Is only a bsse proposition, as they are hired for the amusement they can give to their congregations. Real Christianity haa gone glimmering, he said, and the form of worship In many of the churches Is but a hollow mockery. WRECK ON SOUTHERN RAILWAY ln Men. larladlna; Trainmen and Postal Clerk Kjllrd aad SCTrral Ara Injared. CHARLOTTE. N. C, Sept. I7.-Fast mall train No. 27, on the Southern Railway jumped the track near Danville. Va., this afternoon, killing the engineer, the fire man and seven mall clerks. The bodies of nine men. Including Engi neer Brodle and Postal Clerk Thomas Itlslr, have been taken out of the wreck. The known dead are: JAMKS A. BRODIE, engineer of States Mile. N. C. J. T. BLAIR, conductor of Central, N. C. JOHN L. THOMPSON, poatal clerk of Washington. 1. C. W. N. CHAMHKRS, postal clerk of Washington, D. C. MAIL CLERK IN CHARGE, name not yet known. Among th Injured, ore Postal Clerk I W. Spies, Jr., of Washington, D. C, Clerk Hooks, of Culpepper. Vu., Clerk Dun'op of Washington. Clerk Endmyer of Washing ton, Clerk Relus of Culpvpper, V. There were eighteen passenger on the train. WORKING AGAIN ON AIRSHIP Pre. taaaleyMake Repair Bchlad Locked Dnora aad Ulladed Wla dews In Washington. WASHINGTON. Sept. 27.-Prof. Lang ley' airship scientist changed tbe scene of their endeavor today, when the entire fore of expert put In a hard day'a work la th ahops f the Smithsonian Institute In thl city. The character of th work done could not be I named, a It waa car ried on behind lacked door and barred window. Saturday afternoon the scientists brought to Washington from Wide Water an Important portion of the Manly motor nd It I supposed repair were made on It today. Attention waa also given to the propeller and It 1 believed that an ad ditional pair el th steel frame blsdrs were ma. MAKES LONG TRIP IN BALLOON Frenchman Sails from Parle to I clally of Hall, Kac laad. LONDON. Sept. 27 Count I)e Lavaulx and Count te Outremont today descended In a balloon near Hull, Yorkshire, having Journeyed from Paris In seventeen and three-quarters hours. This Is the first time a balloon has traveled from France to Eng land. Count Ie Lavaulx Is one of the best French aeronauts and he has made several very Interesting aerial voyages. In August, 19H2. lit; made the record trip for that year, having ascended from St. Cloud, near Paris, ,at:d landed at Opoes, Hesse, a distance of over 419 mller, which he covered In nineteen hours. In 19fil and again In VMH, accom panied by French war ships, be made en deavors to cross the Mediterranean from Marseilles to Algeria In a balloon to which was attached a floating apparatus intended to aid the balloonlsts In keeping their course, with a view to demonstrating the possible utility of balloons In time of war. Both of these efforts were unsuccessful, the balloons being driven back to the north coast of the Mediterranean. Last January Count De Uvmili sent a trial balloon from Gabes, In Tunis, across the desert of Sahara with a view to ascertaining the feasibility of an aerial trip across the desert. WANTS WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY Colombia Hopes to Supplant Preseat I a sat Is factory Plan with Mar coni's System. PANAMA. Sept. 27. It la announced that the cable aervice to Buena Ventura will be closed at the end of September. The In spector of telegraphs has received orders from Bogota to close the Central South American company's office in this town on the suspension of the aervice to Buena Ventura. If the government carries out Its threat the company will lose heavily. The government In the meantime la making efforts to establish the Marconi system of wireless telegraphy between Panama, Chrl- qul, Buena Ventura, Colon, Bocas del Toro and Cartagena. It is also reported thst tho West India A Panama Telegraph company will offer to construct a cable to Buena Ventura. BOGOTA. Sept. 17. The minister of stat today made public the demands of the cable company, which asks for a new con cession lasting twenty years and the privi lege of ratting the tariff. Among the reasons given for the government's refusal of the proposition is that an Italian com pan? has applied to establish a system of wireless telegraphy. CANDIDATES ARE ALL COY Those Mentioned for President and Vice President of Colobmla Will Not Serve. BOGOTA, Colombia, Sept. 27. No agree ment has been arrived at regarding the candidates for the presidency and vice presidency of the republic. The men who were spoken of aa candidates, such as Senores Veles and Gonsales and General Ospina and Fordomlno, are now nut of the running. President Marroquln and his son have declined to be nominated. The country wishes the election of men who will pursue a policy of conciliation and fraternity towards all parties. The two men who are now most In publto view are General Reyes and Scnor Rico, the actual foreign minister. They are beth active men, with moderate views which do not represent any extreme party and will be accepted, not only by the conservative party, but by the liberals also. It is believed their action would be a guarantee of Colombian peaoe and pro gress. The names of the chosen candidates will not be announced until the adjourn ment of Congress, which may occur Oc tober 20. STEEL TRUST REACHING OUT Laying? Plan to Dispose of Its 8nr pin Prodact In Estops, (Copyright. 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, Sept. New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The Daily Express of this morning (Monday) says: "The Steel trust official are launching a huge combination to rupture the British and other open market for the purpose of disposing of the trust' surplus output. A subsidiary company entitled the 'United State Steel Product Export company' has been formed for thia purpose." Troulllot Speak for Peace. PARIS, Sept. 27. The feature of the clos ing session of the International conference which has been sitting at Rouen was u speech this afternoon by M. Troulllot, minister of commerce, who declared that France was proud to be at the head of the peace movement. He expressed the hope that the time was coming when the huge sum devoted to keeping up armies would be utilised for the benefit of hu manity. Tho minister spoke again In the same strain at the banquet held this eve ning in honor of the congress. Trace on Mall Kaaabbl. LONDON. Sept. 27 The mall brought by the Cunard line steamer, Campania, which arrived at Liverpool yesterday were promptly handled. It is stated that the truce has been arranged between the post office authorities and '.he manager of the London & Northwestern railroad pending a settlement of the diopute regarding the payment of transportation. Plaa Rising; In Caatoa. SHANGHAI. Sept. 27-Vlceroy Tsen is tnirrvtntir hack to Canton from k'vinr Ml J province In reapons to an urgent tele- gram from the locul authorities to the effect that the rebels and ecret societies In Kwang Tung province are preparing rising. Plngne and Cholera Rag-In a-. TIEN T8IN. North China. Sept. J7.-Both the plague and cholera are raging at Pet Tang, a seaport fifty mile east of Tien Tsln, mhere 2.00) deaths have occurrel during the past two months. The towns of Neuher, Taku and Tien Tfln arenot jet affected. French Deri with liae lajarrd. PARIS, Sept. 27. A duel with swords lias been fought In the grounds of a country club near Blarrit between Count Arcos of Claljo and the marquis of Argudla. The latter was thrice wounded In the wrist and forearm. Chief ml P:ic BaaUhed. BERLIN. Sept. 27. According to a St. Petersburg dispatch published In the Lokal Anselger. M. SubatofT. chief of the state police, haa been banished to TambofT. he having been accuaed of fomenting street disturbs nee In Odessa and elsewhere. HAVE SHOTGUN (URANI1NE People in Webb (bunty, Ttxzi, L'nit Ee ain During Tel'ow Fever Scare. LAREDO LOOKS LIKE A DESERTED CITY 1'osr Thoaaand People Have Left aad Other Remain Because They Are Xot Permitted to Pass the Coaaty Ma. LAREDO, Tex., Sept. 27. The yellow fever seems to be on the Increase in this city despite the rigorous efforts that are being taken to stamp out the scourge. Two j ucnins aim iweive new casts were reported at the close of the day. Dr. Oulteras, In 111 house to house canvas today, saw many cases of lever, and at ihe conclusion of his day examination made the announcement that twelve of the cases were genuine yellow fever. The daughter of the Mexican boiler maker, Juan Con- tinas, who died of the fever recently, died late this afternoon and another Mexican woman also died of the disease. This city now presents a dead appearance, all those, who could get away having de parted for points north In the state of Thm and for points south. It Is estimated by the authorities that nearly 4.UO0 people have fled from here since the beginning of the yellow fever scare. The city Is now quarantined In . all direction In the state and no person can get beyond the limits of Webb county, as other Texas counties have established a shotgun quar- ntine and are turning all back who are endeavoring to get away in coaches, bug gies and carts. The quarantine applies to all persons, freight, buggage, express, mall or other matter originating in the city of Laredo or points south, the only persons having authority to leave the corporation limits being the health officers of the state of Texas and of tho United States. Tho work of placing tho olty In a thor oughly sanitary condition Is being carried on under the direct supervision of Dr. Oul teras and a corps of expert assstants. The situation In Nuevo I.aredo Is un changed, no death or new case having oc curred as far as can be learned. Dr. Mari ano Trevlno. a Mexican government yellow fever expert. Is in charge. He declares that within eight days ho will have stamped out the fever. The Mexican custom house au thorities have temporarily removed to Lam pasas, where all Incoming baggage and freight over the National railway ex amined, thus permitting trains through to Laredo without stopping at Nuevo Laredo. Condition at Monterey, Mexico. MONTEREY, Mex.. Sept. 27. -Dr. Alvln Alderman, a well known American, founder of the Christian Institute, died at hi horn near the school from what la said to be yellow fever. The authorities are taking every precaution to prevent the spread of the disease and no new cases have been reported. The school have been suspended. That the disease will spread. Is doubted by the medical men of the city, who know of the precautions Delng taken. They also say the prevailing cool weather Is not condu cive to a continuance of the diseases ' Physicians are recommending the use of mosquito bars and that the places about the city. where water stagnate be sprink led with coal oil. Tonight it Is reported, but not officially, that Monterey now haa six cases of fever. Xew Case at Tamplco. TAMPICO, Mex.. Sept. 27. Five new cas. of yellow fever have appeared here, though they are of a mild form, apparently. Houses numbering 116 were disinfected today and the authorities are uniting In their efforts to kill the plague. . Refngrer at City of Mexico. MEXICO CITY, Mex., Sept. 27. Refuges from Valles, Victoria, Santiago Linares and Tamplco, fleeing through fear of tho yellow fever, are making their appearance at Mexico City, and the capltol Is the oasis for a throng of visitors. FIREBUG ACTIVE AT OBERLIN Belief That Blase Arc Work of Crasy Man with Maala. for Starting; Fires. OBERLIN, O.. Sept. 27. The officials of thl city believe that an incendiary Is at ! work here. Four fires have been started In the downtown portion of the city within the last forty-eight hours. Because of prompt work by the fire department the losses were small. The most serious loss waa the burning of a school building early Friday with a loss of S15.000. Twenty-five extra policemen have been worn In and are petroling the down town area. A member of the fire depart ment, who was suspected of being the in cendiary, was arrested, but on examina tion proved bis innocence. The reason for his being suspected was that the firemen are paid for each run they make. State Fire Warden Hollenbeck 1 in the city In vestigating the matter. He 1 of the opin ion that the fire are the work of a de mented man with a mania for starting fl res. ARCHBISHOP KAIN RETURNS Will Leave Baltimore for St. Loal bat Will Xot Rciibi Ac tive Work. BALTIMORE, Sept. 27.-Archbishop Kaln of St. Louis, who has been a patient at St. Agnes sanitarium since May 12, Is making arrangements to return to his home. He is sutterlng from a mild form of paralysis. He was under the care of eminent ohv- j slcians in St. Louis before be came to St. Agnes, but as his condition did not Im prove he concluded that a long rest and careful treatment at the sanitarium would prove beucBclal to him. During his stay bis strength boa slightly lncieised, but, on the whole, there is no marked Im provement In hi health. He sjfTrrs but little pain, but his malady ho slightly af fected his speech. On his return to, St. Louis he wl'l not assume his duties as archbishop. The date of the archbishop's departure has not been decided upon, but it is ex pected that he will leave for St. Louis during the coming week. PREFERS LIFE IN AMERICA St. I.oals Mlaistcr Refuses offer from College la Tarkey Drslrlaa; a Teacher. ST. LOC18. Sept. 27.-Rev. Harry Blunt, pastor of Old Orchard Congregational church, haa accepted a call to Plymouth Congregational church of Indianapolis, Ind. Rev. Milton Norton, pastor of Emmanuel Congregational church of till city has de clined a call to ttach In Anatol.a college, Marsovkii. Turkty, which is under the American bourd of commissioners for for iga mbuiiona. MITCHELL MEETS ROOSEVELT Leader of Mine Workers to nine Tilth the President oa Tnesday, OYSTER EAT. Sept. '."7. President Roose velt pHsaeri the lust diy of tho summer va cation quietly at Sagamore Hill. He and Mra. Roosevelt, accompanied by two of their children, attended morning services at Christ's Episcopal church. The presi dent and Mrs. Roosevelt and their children now at home Ethel, Archie and Quentin Secretary and Mrs. Loeb and members of the executive staff will leave tomorrow morning at S o'clock for Washington, ex pecting to arrive there at 4:10 p. m. A meeting of the cabinet will be held on Tuesday at 11 o'clock, but nothing of c cial Importance Is likely . to develop at the meeting, indeed, somo members of the cabinet will not be in attendance. On Tues day afternoon tho president will hove as a guest at luncheon John Mitchell, president of the liiiled Mine. Winkers of America. Several months ao the president in vited Mr. Mitchell to take luncheon or dine with him when lie next canio to Wash ington. The mine Workers' president is in Washington now. U is announced that ar rangement for the luncheon was made prior to the latest developments In the case of W. II. Miller, the foreman book binder In the fcovernment printing office, and that no special significance Is to be attached to the fact that the presldenj and Mr. Mitchell meet t this time. It is prob able that tho Miller case, among other matters, will be dlseusued. but the meeting will not take the form of a conference on that subject. In view of the stniements recently pub lished that the priMdcnt on his return to Washington would hold a conference on the Miller case with prominent representa tives of organlxed labor It is announced that the president has no Intention of con ferring with anybody regarding that case. His position. It is pointed out, wns deilned clearly in his published letters to Secretary Cortclyou. The principle enunciated In those letters was framed In accordance with the statutes of the United States and on it the president expects to stand. If a hearing on. the merits of the Miller case Is desired by those who are endeavoring to have the man dismissed from tho govern ment service, the president may grant It precisely as he might a hearing to any other body jot citizens on a question of public intesest. but it Is not the president's purpose to enter upon a discussion of the principle already laid down. EXPLAINS UNION OBLIGATION President Lynch Say It Ha Nothing to Do with Any not I'nlon Questions. INDIANAPOLIS. Sept. 27. President Lynch of the International Typographical union in the next Issue of the organ of the union will reply to the charges that tho oath subscribed to by members of the un ion Is antagonistic and made paramount to religious obligation. It is claimed the agi tation was begun by Roman Catholic clergy, notably Bishop Scannell of Omaha, Father Ward, of Reholt Father Buert. of Marshall, Mich. President Lynch will say: j Trade iinlonn ure .X 1u,-d under tlu white light of poMIe -enervation. Thtir laws and practices, the policies and nl-n. and everything; that I'oncMrnt. them and the members are CHgerly seized and mnitc much of as itenm of news. Feature that a year ago would hate uttractei slight no tice, If noticed at all, today fui'iiUli the themes for extensive eultorii'.s of which writers evidently try to expend their bet thoughts. Ho with our oMIkhMoh. The writer subscribed to this obligation seven teen years ago. Thousands accepted it be fore that period, and thousands upon thou sands have, without hes'lallon. repented ,t during these yeirs. Now v,-e ure irifonnel that, beomisn of this obligation we are op poHed to the church and state. NotU g could bo wider of the murk nor more 01 -tant from the 1,-uth. We do maintain that w Khali be al lowed to conduct our trade union bu inoss without Influence from polilics or icligion fraternity or combination. On tho ether hand, we do not Interfere with the noli. tlcal or religious beliefs of any of our mem- ners. i hese belief are sacred to the in dividual, and he Is and alwivs has l:een at liberty, so fir as the union Is concerned u louow ma oeni in me selection of rj- nxion, pontics and iraternal organizations, or ho may abstain from imrticlnotioo in them bltugether. It is Immaterial lo the union. The union has its field, hnd It proposes to confine itself to that field. From ihe persistence with which certain newspapers t-apioni-u me surck mane on our obligation by several clergymen, the belief Is forced that these paper. wou'd not suffer great grief should the International Typo graphical union go ashore on the "fligious and political Kicks. But it Is not doubtei that the good common sense of our mem bership will keep the union In safe waters and permit the attack that has Icn na le by those who iray have been well meaning, and afterward used as a newspaper s?n na tion to die of inanition. And that I evi dently just what is happening. OBJECT TO THE MARINE BAND Fcdcratloa of Moslclan Serve Notice on Chicago Centennial Com mittee. CHICAGO, Sept. 27. Officer of the Chi cago Federation of Musicians advised the managers of the Centennial celebration to day that if the I'nlted Statea marine band Khali be allowed to take any part In this week' program not one of the many bands that have been engaged for the parado Tuesday night will participate In the pageant. The Centennial exercise today consisted of special services Sj 700 churches In the morning and a reunion In the afternoon of the six tribes of Indians, encamped in Lin coln park. A crowd variously estimated at from 100,000 to 2i0,0ii0 persons visited the encampment to witness the Indian dancs and play their native games. All Incoming trains today carried a large number of Centennial visitors from sur rounding states and tonight the downtown hotels were crowded with strangers. SEPARATION 0F TWO RACES BUhop Turner Say That I Only Eo lation of Hare Problem la America. ATLANTA. Ga.. Sept. 27ln an address before a muss meeting of nrgro-s In this city, today, Bishop Henry M. Turner, of the African Methodist Episcopal church, declared that thfl separation of the racei was the only solution of the race problem. In his remarks. Bishop Turner urged that opportunities should be afforded negroes t settle in Africa, by u. reduction of ra'ei on steamship lines, stating "this nation or Its people will have to open a highway to Africa for the discontented black man or the negro question will Minder ti ls gov ernment." Bishop Turner contended that by sep aration he did not mean that every one should go or must go, but that there should be an opportunity granted for the departure of "such black men and Women as are self-reliant and have thoso man hood aspliatioiiM that God planted lu them aud degrading law will Inteuaify." MAY TIE UP PACKING PLANTS Butchers' Unions All Orer Country Voting on tbe Proposition. MANAGERS CONCEDE THE EXTRA WAGES Demand In Retara That the Batcher Do a Greater Amoant of Work In Day F.atlre Coantry Involved. CHICAGO. Sept. 27. Every packing house plant in the I'nlted States Is threatened with k general strike of butcher and af filiated workmen throughout for the first time In history unless the oaners yield to the demands of the Amalgamated Meat Cutlers and Butcher Workmen of America. While the packers are willing to pay the wages asked, u hitch In negotiations has arisen over the demand of the packer that the butchers Increase their amount of work. Every lodge of butchers In the country ha been asked to vote on the demand of the packers and meetings will be held for the purposo throughout the country tomorrow. If the lote shall be unfavorable It Is likely that a general strike will be ordered affect ing more than uO.OH) men. The slinatlon developed today after the executive committee of the Amalgamated Cutters and Butcher workmen had con ferred Saturday with represenlatives of the packing houses on demands made by the union some weeks ago. Saturday the for mal demand for a 10 per cent Increase wa received. 1 was accompanied by th butch ers' statement that they had nhown con clusively tho national union was capable of controlling Its member and was In a po sition to assure Iho packers that there would Vie no strikes during the life of tho proposed agreement. The puckers' representatives answered that the butchers would be paid $u a duy. under certain conditions, and the settlement of the controversy depends on the reception these conditions meet at the hand of the union rank and file. After the conferences Saturday Michael Donnelly, president of imlrhers. and members of the executive committee, sent telegrams to every local lodge of butchers In the I'nlted States detailing the condi tion of affairs and ordering a vqte on the packers' demand for extra work. ay All I llarmoalons. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 27. Samuel Parks, delegate to the International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers' union from local union No. 2 of New York City, said tonight that harmony would pre vail during the remainder of the sessions of the convention, which will resume Its sessions tomorrow. The refusal of the convention to grant a charter to the new union, known as the "New York House smiths' union." which sent four delegates to this convention, Delegate Parks says, is a closed incident. These tour delegates. In h statement Issued to the convention, say: In' refusing a charter to the New York Housesmiths' union you have virtually In dorsed all that Is bud and rotten In trade unionism. By your action you have lost to your body the greatest city in the I'nlted States. At present you refuse to recognise an organization which will In tbe end be tho cnmlnant power In the iron trades In N-w York. - --,..-! . , The statement attack Samuel Park and continuing says: Keep that man In and In three months there will be nothing left of No. 2, and tho International union would be down and out as far as New York Is concerned. Now. we wili say that any organisation that relies upon lirute force to maintain Its supremacy In the end will end in dis order and disruption. Delegate Parks said tonight: I am cpioted In New York us saying thst I am going to raise all kinds of trouble upon my return there. Present conditions do not exactly call for strikes. I do not intend to call any strike among the siruc tunil Iron workers engaged on buildings !n New York, but If there is not a change S'.t the East river bridge I shall start yome liiing there in tbout. two weeks. ' President Uichd!.an said: "1 know of bo reason why there should be any further trouble In the convention. There will be no np!lt." Talk of a Split. If. E. Donnelly of Albany is to be tho Park candidate for the presidency. Thoso opposed to him esscrt that hi election will mean a reign of bosslsm by 8amuel Parks and that they will withdraw from the In ternational union if It come to that. Don nelly tonight make the positive claim that he will be elected, asserting that he ha nfty-livo vote out of 102 pledged to him. A caucus, attended by Park and hi fol lowers, is in iesaiou tonight and it Is said that a plan to expedite tho business of th convention to an early adjournment is under consldera: Ion. Parks and hi lollowers profess to believe that President Buchanan and hi support er intend to attempt the corruption of the parent organization that they may reorgan ise tho convention before a new set of officer is elected. Park want to finish the business of the convention, including the election of officers, before Buchnan can accomplish the disruption. The New York delegation decided to turn down Secretary-Treasurer Johnston for P. J. Dttlton of Chicago. Johnston is a mem ber of lxical No. 2 and a Park sup porter, and It Is believed by naming Dal ton they would capture the western vote In case of a split. The Buchanan crowd will. It In said, fight with Johnston and Dalton for secretary-treasurer. At a meeting of the committee on presi dent's address, the attitude of President Buchanan In the New York trouble wa the subject of a bitter discussion. The members of the committee were pledged to keep their decision secret. tttaad by Buchanan. Pittsburg, Cleveland, Buffalo and Wheel. Ing delegates, representing 10.000 men. de cldod at a meeting here tonight to with draw from the International association of Structural Iron and Bridge workers In the event of Samuel Parks, the New York walk ing delegate. In the annual convention be ing held here. Michael Flaherty, chairman of the Pittsburg delegation, will direct the anti-Parks fight on the floor of the con vention. The Injection of Parks and his In fluence has so shaped affairs that the New York walking delegate I an issue as di rectly opposed to the Buchanan regime and It has been decided to fight It out on that line by ugain attempting the re-election of Buchanan. At a caucus of Buchanan men tonight, It was fl gured that the president could count on forti'-three votes. Street Railway strike la Texas. WACO. Texas, Sept. 27 A strike on the local street car system went Into effect this morning and not a car wa moved today. The men demand recognition of the union and an increase of wages, both of which were refused by the management. The striker are quiet and atat that there will be no d'aorder. Unlet at 4 ripple Creek. ' CRIPPLE CREEK. t;olo.. Sept. 27 -Sun-day was unusually quiet in strike circles. Ad Interesting event was the announce- (Coutlnued oa Booond Page.) CONDITION CFJTHE WEATHER Forecast for Nrbri'ka Fair Mcmiiiv. l"x ccpt Showers In Honthwcst Portion. Warmer In Eastern Portion: Rain at Night, or 'i'resdi.y; Cooler Tucsd.iy. Temperatare nt Omaha irsterdayi llonr. lira. Hoar. le. R a. m 4i I p. m " a. m I U 2 p. m 1U T a. m It :t p. in TO Ha. in...... 4H 4 p. m Tl l a. m K.'l r. p. m TO III a. nr s. m ! II I, ii til T p. m li 41.1 H p. an M-'l H p. nt QUIET DAY AT THE MANEUVERS Soldier Listen lo Sermon nnd Rand Concert In the After- CAMP Yt d'NG. WEPT POINT. Kj.. Sept. i'T. After a day of rest nnd tidying up their camps the various detachments of regular troops will engage In the first of the maneuvers tomorrow. The work will bo maneuvers of the advance and rear guards, involving the various tactics liaml In 1'i.milMliiir ;in ntluck 1111 1m riii if un nrniv etc I Today's program called for divine ser vices this morning and band concerts dur ing the afternoon. Owing to the fact that most of the regiments here left their rhap laltis behind, several of them being 111, It was decided to have a union service at nlRht conducted by Chaplain Nave of the Third infantry. The service was well at tended. Part of the morning was devoted to policing ramp. The l ospital prepared for the use of loo patient received tho first unfortunates to day. Lieutenant Baskettc of the Third Infantry fell Into a ravine last night, breaking his wrist. Captain Morrison of the Twentieth Infantry was alo received at the hospital, suffering from an Injured foot. Captain Raspolioff, tho Russian mllltnry attache at Washington, and Lieutenant Colcnel Foster, representing Great Britain at the maneuver, arrived today. The umpires spent the day acquainting themselves with the topography of the country during a long ride. NIXON WANTS TO BE MAYOR Announce Himself as Candidate for Democratic Xomlnallon. Talking of cw York Reforms, NEW YORK. Sept. 27-Lewis Nixon to night announced that he Is a candidate for the democratic nomination for mayor. He made public a statement, in which he eaid: 1 am a candidate for the democratic nom ination for mayor of New York. This state ment is made with a full knowledge of the uncertainties of the democratic situation. I desire to make It plain that 1 am willing to stand with the democrats, however small their number, who believe the dem ocratic party of this city should lead and not follow In the march of municipal re form. Speaking of the municipal cnmpalgn, Mr. Nixon said: The battle will be won nr lost on local is sues that ure strong enough to have KHiue.1 a Arm bold on the public mind. These issues are police "blackmail'' and that nieroensry stilrlt which breed dishonesty in the mihllu service. To them charged ell the party's recent loss of liM-ai prcstlpn. The democracy has not been hen (en on these la sue by republican votes alone by any means. It has been beaten chiefly by dem ocratic votes. The democratic party of the city has all the Issues In lis favor except these two. It Is euslly within Its power to throw off their dead weight when It makes up Its mind to do no. Its r!ght (o dominancy will be restored as soon as it does. There can be no doubt of tho result of any campaign in which the party ex- 1-llcity and without equivocation commits tself to reforms for whirl) the city has four time voted In ten years. Mr. Nixon would say nothing more about his candidacy. JUDGE HERBERJ DAVIS DEAD Snecarafca to Cancer of the Throat lu M. I,ke'a Hospital In Chicago. CHICAGO. Sept. tl. (Special Tilfgram.) Judce Herbert J. Davis, formerly of Omaha, died in thl city to.lav. Jude-e Davis ha been In poor health for several year and lately nil hope of hla recovery was abandoned. Judge Davis was a member of the luw firm of Savage, Morris A Davis when ha wa appointed to the district bench by Governor Boyd in 1891. On retiring from the bench he formed a partnership with Henry Estabrook and the two practiced law In Omaha for several years, later re moving to Chicago, where the firm were attorneys for the Western Tnlon Telegraph company. Later he wa tendered a posi tion on the bench In the Philippines, but on consulting with physicians declined the appointment on the ground of poor health. He was operated on twice for cancer of the throat In Clarkson hospital In thl city, afterwards returning to his home lu Chi cago. Recently all hope of his recovery was abandoned, but as a last resort he was taken to St. Luke's hospital In Chicago, where he died. IDENTIFIED THE ASSAILANT Companion of Verdn Say Martin Wa Man Who Strnck the ' Fatal Blow. NEW TORK. Sept. :7.-.Ioseph Martin, who was arrested yesterday charged with murderously assaulting Frederick A. Ver du, on Friday night, was arraigned today before the coroner. Joseph 1 Inn-ton, who was with Verdu at the time he was at tacked, testified that Merlin was the man who struck the fatal blow. At the re quest of the police, the Inquest waa post poned until October Y2, in order that a search may be mode for those who wer with Martin a hen the assault was Com mitted. Martin was released on fc.cOO ball. Two Killed In How. BEDFORD. Ind.. Sept. 27 Charles Cain, of Oolitic. Ind., a small town near here, wa killed and Frank Dnrscy, proprietor Movements of Ocean Wise I a Sept, ST. At InlHtrahull- Paused : I jiurnitlan. from New York, for (ilargow. At The I.ixnrd Parsed : Vaadeiiand, from New York, for Antwerp. 'At Liverpool Arrived ; tVI'ic, from New York, via tueenstown : fieorglc, from New York. At Moville Arrived: Columbia, from New York, for Glasgow, and proceeded. At St. Johns. N. F. Arrived: 'nren. from Glasgow and Liverpool, for Halifax and Philadelphia. At Boulogne our M-r Bulled: Pottdsm. from Rotterdam, for New York, and puned Lizard. At douthi.mpton Sailed : Kslserln Maria Theresa, from Bremen, for New York. At rhilly-PMKard: KaUrr Wl'helni II. from New York, fur Ilvmouth. Cherbourg and Uaxubur. or a resiaurani. wa pronaniy fatally stabbed in Dorsey'a restaurant this after noon, during a fight among ntx young men ho hud drlved here from Oolitic and who. it la said, nere using proline language huh KriniR in an oojfci lona uie manner. Dorxey endeavoltd to eject ihem and was slabbed several time lo the tuick. An Dorsey fell he tired the bull.-t, striklnar Cain in the mouth and killing him Instantly. POLITICS IN PLENTY Coming SfM on of CongrcM Likely to Wit ness oire LiTelf Debates. CAMPAIGN CAPITAL TO BE MANUFACTURED Old Block of Democracy ii Eihauitfil and Must Be Kepleuitbed. POSTAL SCANDALS ARE TO BE TAKEN UP Bepublicaol Likely to Steal Their Tbunder by Starting Investigation. INDIAN LAND FRAUDS ARE TO BE AIRED "lonnea of Department In tirltlnsr . fter t rooks In This Depart ment Offers a More rrnlt fal Field. I From n Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON, Sept. ?7.-iSpeclal )-The members of congress v ho ure now In Wash ington predict that the session of th coming congress will be full of national politics. The extra session which will begin November !i will be followed without nn Ir.tcrlm by the regular session which will continue until aell into the winter. After its adjournment mill come the national con ventions and the presidential cnmpalgn. The democrats, who have not decided upon party Issues tor that campaJgn, ere ex pected to take advantage of every oppor tunity in house and senate to emphasis their position on public questions and to put the republicans on the defense in de hates. Tho rift of the discussion ammu members here Indicate that the democrats are preparing to make all the political capital possible out ot th scandals in the Postoiflee department and In the Indian Territory for use In a campaign of reform. Despite the fact that the investigation under the direction of Fourth Assistant Postmaster General Brlstow has resulted In the removal and indictment of a snore of grafters and In reform In every bureau of the Postofflce department, the democrat are demanding thst an investigation be conducted by congress and It is Velleved that one of tho first measure Introduced when congress gets down to work will be one providing for the appointment of : congressional committee to take up the irregularities in the postal service so that congress can get a special report on the alleged rrlbcry and corruption In the Post oftVe department. Although It Is generally recognised that no additional facts will be disclosed by such Inquiry, the republicans are expected to fall In with the plans of the dem.-erats and vote for an Investigation. Representative Cannon, who will be speaker of the house, haa Intimated that the majority would not place any obstacle in th way of a con gressional Investigation and It Is possible that tbe republicans may anticipate the democratic program by Introducing meas ure which will result In an investigation under republican auspice and thus deprive the democrats of an opportunity iu" gq be fore the country In the presidential cam-, palgn with the assertion that republican opposition prevented them from dlsclolng the most damaging facts In the postal Ir regularities. If this policy is. pursued the most the democrats cab hope ta get out of the agitation of tho poatal scandals In congress will be the somewhat doubtful political advantage that will result from partisan speeches containing crltlciBm- of the administration of Pref'.dent Roosevelt. Indian Field More Frnltfnl. The scandals of the Indian territory will undoubtedly prove a fruitful subject for dlecusslon. Tncre has been much unneces sary delay In get, ing the investigation lu the Indian country started, although It has been clcui.'y t:io put pose of Secretary Hitch cock r.nd President Roosevelt to begin that work as speedily as possible. The trouble seems to be with Charles J. Bonaparte , of Baltimore, whom Mr. Roosevelt selected to. conduot the Investigation. Although Mr. Bonaparte's appointment a a special cotu iiiisaloncr waa made ten days ago, It would seem that so far he has hardly completed a perusal ot the charges against the Indian officials, and that he ha made no other preparation for the work he ha agreed to undertake. There are people who say that Mr. Bonaparte Is not the right man to di rect the Inquiry, and. that Mr. Roosevelt should have selected a man more of the type of Fourth Assistant Postmaster Oen eral Brlstow, who ha demonstrated bis ability to uncover corruption In the govern-, met service. Mr. Bonaparte seem to con. aidir his duties as largely Judicial, and he at first stated that he did not illnk It would be necessary for him to go lo the Indian territory' at all. He said lie could reach a decision as to whether there was or was not. corruption In the Indian touutry by carefully going over the papers on file at the Interior department. )t did not seem to occur to hint that he was expected to obtain evidence of crime r.nd that his du ties were those of a detecllve and not thoae of a Judge. Unless Mr. Bonaparte changes his plans, ihe Investigation, instead Of being well under way by the time congress con venes, as Mr. Roosevelt Intended, It should lie. will not even have been started. There is no doubt that an effort will also I lie made by the democrats to get a congres sional Investigation in the Indian territory and the chances are that they will succeed. That the republicans expect th Indian scandals to come up In congtens Is Indicated bv the announcement a few days ago that a subcommittee of the senate committee on Indian affairs would go to the Indian terri tory about October 13 to get an Insight Into the condition there. The mission of the senate subcommittee. H I believed, I In obtain facts with which to meet the criti cisms of democrats, who will make an effort to hold the administration of Mr. Roose velt responsible for the wrongdoing of officials whom the secretary of th Interior unfortunately trusted as honest men. Treasury Officials HopeloL Officials of the treasury are hopeful that the refunding plan adopted by Secretary Shaw will cause a better feeling in bus!, hens circles generally and Inspire confidence among llnanciul interests that hard taken a gloomy view of' the future. Mr.1 Shaw, himself, it Is explained, is not apprehensive of a linancial stringency, but he thinks that by making money plentiful be ran bring about confidence lu the altuutlun. There is no d nbt that the opportunity to substitute statu or municipal bond for government bond In securing government deposits will bo generally taken advantage of. The total amount now held by na tional banks Is only SJ.dOO.OOO, and (t Is riot expected that the substitution nt state and municipal bonds to thut extent will hive any appreciable effect on the In irket price of those securities. It may not , noccssary for the banks lo appear In the matkrt as purchaser, for the reason tit they can arrange to borrow the toaia, a l i