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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1903)
Bee ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, MONDAY . MOltXIXG, AUGUST "24, 1903. SINGLE COPY T1IUEE CENTS. The . Omaha. Daily 7. 7 Senate and Hones Expected to Lcck Horns at Oomlnj Eesiion. CANNON SAYS UPPER HOUSE IS ARROGANT Other Member Afree with Him, but Donbt 1 Ability to Win Tight. SENATORS t MEANWHILE. SAY NOTHING Model of Old Ship Constitution Exhibited ii Pension Bureau, CORTELYOU EDITS CONSULAR REPORTS PoateflSee Department SerTra Notice President of Letter farrier He la ' Persona. Hon ' Grata. (From' a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Aur 8peelal.)-Re-publlcan representatlr' ' -ongress who have been In f ' 'v do not hesitate to say that ail ''t t be tween the houiie and the serto. xt esaion la Imminent over the t. 0 what one at the members term "ti. gant assumption of authority of the t. ate." According to this gentleman, the next speaker of (he house. Mr. Cannon, la more determined than he was at the last session to assert the dignity of what has been commonly accepted as the popular body of congress. - r It la stated that Speaker Cannon during his visit .to the east, and particularly dur ing hla vacation on Representative Sibley's yacht, took up with hla associates the rights of the house of representatives with a view of ascertaining just how far he could expect, the members to stand with i him upon the proposition of bringing back J the old-time dignity of the popular branch of government. .'.'.,' No man In congress . has ..had more p- portunlty to feel, the 'practical effect of the Vn disposition of the senate to, have ita own way than .the gentleman who retires rrom the head .of the appropriations committee of the houae to become speaker of that body. Session. after Session in the closing hours when big . supply .bills were In the balance ha has manfully .battled for the house position, . holding . up If necessary irany of the mpney kills with the hope that the senate would see Ita way clear to meet the houae conferees at least half way, but with all Mr-Cannon's strength, of purpose he has iound .himself on- many occasions yielding his well known views to the ada mantine poaitloa of the senate. The house has fumed and fretted against the practice of the senate and unimportant members have delivered themselves of great bursts of oratory against the senate's high- I handed procedure, . but- these, fulmlnatlons fell on the senate a harmless as the rain on the' Washington .' monument. It has grown to be an accepted fact that the sen ate would rib generally about as It pleased - . will- . 1 A I ., M. wnen uh supply wiim wu w wt.fu.vv - f4nila power of the innate haa grated - i harhl"? upuu'rt'STifibTi and so Irritating haa It become that -the neat speaker' of """"th wofise was compelled to get underneath the skin :ot his adversaries' 1$ hfa last speech, which, win stand as one of the boldest' protests ever in Id 'against !the power of the upper branch. 'oid-Tloiers .! Hopeful. If, as a result of the notice served upon ih inniti hr. Mr.- Cannon during the closing hours of the .Af ty-eeventh congress. a contest does come It Will be watched with great Interest by the oldtlmers In con gress who, to tell the truth, have not much faith In the prospect .of making the senate do anything It does not want to do. It 4s expected that If a contest should result - . -i. i 1,111 klVi h It will come on the financial bin wnicn tne the next session. The Issue between the senate and the houae, it is anticipated, will , be Joined On ths bill to Increase ths cur rency, and to give it an elasticity which It doea not have. . Mr.' Cannon holds to views diametrically opposed to those of Senator Aldrlch. Mr.. Cannon's difficulty will probably be In getting the house to agree upon a measure and then to stand hack ot that agreement. The fact 1 that ths republicans ot the house are badly spilt up on the financial question, while In the senate the republicans are likely to support any bill that the finance committee brings tn. especially a bill framed by such men as Senators Aldrlch, -Piatt of Connecticut, Allison and Spooner. Model of Ship Constitution. A perfect model, soma six feet In length, of the famous old United States frigate "Constitution,"' has Just been completed by O. W, Barnes, superintendent of the pen sion office, and placed on exhibition In the great hall of the Pension bureau, btelng upon a pedestal about on the spot where the bandstand is located during Inaugural balls. The model Is perfect In every detail, and being that of a style of vessel rarely ever seen, even by those who live on the seacoast, In these, modern days when all or nearly all ocean-going craft are pro pelled by steam, It Is a most Interesting exhibit aalds from .the. fact that It la a model of the. most famous .vessel, of the early days of the American navy. It at tracts the attention of hundreds of visitors daily and will very probably be loaned to tke Louisiana Purchase exposition. Its builder served many years In the American navy and It construction was a labor of love. Mr. Barnes worked on his model of Constitution at odd hours after his official duties St the department ceased each day for over a year., A card attached to the frame on which 'the model of Contltution rests gives many Interesting points reUtlve to the dimensions of the famous frigate and will doubtlesa be read with as much Interest as is dally evlncrd by visitors to the Pension bureau. The length ot Con stitution over all was 304 feet, breadth of beam, 43 feet. It was launched October XI, 1787, and tarried when put Into com mission 400. officers and men. The original cost ot the ' f rlgsts was 3ul,Tls and the total running expenses per year were tUS. 000. Constitution was designed by Joshua Humphreys of. Philadelphia aad Paul Re vere, the famed rider nf the revolution, furnished the copper used in sheeting the hull. The first flag was hoisted on Con stitution by Samuel NUftolson snd bore fifteen stripe Instead of, thirteen. The armament oflhe hlsterlo frigate waa com Yosed of thirty twenty-four-pounders and twenty-four thirty-two and twenty-eight-pounders, . ' .' Kdltlaa- Con alas Reports, Secretary George Rruoe Cortelyou of the Department Of Commerce and Labor, In ad dition to bis nwny, other duties of 'over seer, lnsiwctor. custodian, lighthouse keeper statistician, etc., ha become managing ed- (Cobtlnuod oa Seoond Page.) consecrate bishop of cebu Rev. Tkomas Hendrlrk of Rochester, If. Y., to Be Sent t the Philippines. ROME, Aug. O. The consecration of Rev. Thomas Hendrlrk of Rochester, N. T., as' bishop of Cebu, P. I., was performed this morning by Cardinal Ratolll, In the church of the Franciscan missionary nuns. The occasion acquired special Importance because one of Cardinal Satolll's assistants at the function was Archbishop Harty, the metropolitan of the Philippine islands, while contemporaneously Cardinal Satolll consecrated Mgr. Cavallart as titular bishop of Philadelphia, Asia Minor, whom the pope has appointed provlcar of Venice. Plus X still keeps for himself the patri- classes, having leared till the last that oc archate, thus avoiding a revival of the cult Influences would succeed In procuring question whether the Italian government a verdict of acquittal. The Intense lnter- has the right to choose the patriarch of I Venice, which It claimed When Sarto was I appointed to that post. , ' ' ' I The scene today was picturesque In the extreme when the red robed cardinal, sur- rounded by the "bishops and a number of nuns, clad entirely In white, proceeded to the symbolic function of consecration. The students of the American college came to I Rome from their villa at'Castel Oondolfo especially to assist at the ceremony. Card!- nal Satolll later gave a dinner In honor of I BIshoD Hendrtck. at which Archbishop Harty. Bishop Cavallart and Mgr. Kennedy Archbishop Harty has booked his passage I ia Touralne, which will leave Havre I Vw York on August 29. I (fioD Hendrtck who-has received ' - . st, Jettons regarding the Philippines rrom the secretary of state, will havo' a private audience with Plus X and will afterwards leave for Ireland, as he wishes to have Irish nun and monks sent to his diocese of Cebu for teaching purposes. He also desires that several Irish priests be sent, at least for a time. MORE ANTICLERICAL WAR French ' slon Cnblnet Officers Take Occa to Denounce Inflaenco of Religious Orders. PARIS, Aug. S3. Important speeches were I mfde yesterday by two members of the I Bible. Stveral members of the Jury who a "free-for-all- race. Among those men government. Premier Combes, speeding at have given Interviews are unanimous In tloned r- senatorial endorsement are: banquet at Nantes to celebrate the In- I augurauon oi a irarowaj. iu v.. " " of St. Porchaire, jn tne uepanraeni oi unarenie inrenuire, wnicn hb reiirencni. In the Senate, affirmed his Intention of carrying tne anu-ciencai war iu mo u.v,. ena ana aenouncea mo raiuniw """line gum oi Maaame xnerese ana ner nus- l now pretenuea 10 wave me uanucr ui uu- erty. Me spoxe or me importance oi uircu-i lng the- means oi jr.iercommunicanon aiding me spreau oi rtpuuiicu. 1 and then, discqsslng the distilling Indus- try he promised to obtain from the flnanqe minister certain fiscal concessions wnicn, wouia anora reiiei i io of the department. - The second speecn was maae Dy ai. i-ei- leun, minister or marine ai neroourg, wnere ne aiienaea. vn muuviuna I armored -rulser Jules Ferry. He declared I .v.. w. '.kuni ' itiv mint tiihmlt iu.i ( mo . - i to the republican, regime. Me did not want the naval officers to be taugm ny uorai-1 nioan priests, mm rami.nrorai wpru V'kastaaatlon. She and Eve Humbert were per- ervlce of clericalism. agalnsC the.republlo. Botn mlnuters .were, appiauuea. . ... ' m . . I ' . . WEST INDIAN . HUnHIUANt Vessels Driven to Sea Art Lost and ,, , u. . I - - Imnlicat. KINGSTON. Jamalce. Aug. , . n. A schooner v.-h:ch arrived here th,ls afernoon reports that .the Cayman Islands were. o,e- vasUted by a hurricane oh the evening 01 i,,.t ii Minv hnnae at Georaetown. a - .v.. n nmnn1 fit. '"'"V "":T J I m"" " wciD uc..,w..D.... - harbor were driven out to sea. Two not been heard of up to August 10. It Is feared that serious "loss ot life has re - suited. A famine Is Imminent. The people elpect the government of Jamaica to send supplies. Seven schooners were, wre.cked on the east side of the principal island. No news had -been received from Cayman ' Brae and Little Cayman up to the time that the schooner left, but It was thought certain that these Islands were devastated by the cyclone. The Cavman Islands, which' belong to Great Britain and are attached to Jamaica, consists of Grand Cayman. Little Cayman snd Crayman Brae. The total population of the Islands Is 4.S22. " U MM All IC WflT DACUrill'Iln the low-lvlns Quarters had their cellars ntnu iw iwi unwu. vfc. Floating Loan of Two Million Dollars aad Wants Mark front Federal f Government. HONOLULU, Aug. a. Governor Dole and other territorial officers have decided "VyTndToarth. ml Ised by the last legislature. It Is thought here that the local banks will take ths en tire Issue. An exhaustive statement has been sent to President Roosevelt In re sponse to his request for Information be-. fore approving the loan. The lnca.1 Chamber of Commerce has re quested Hawaii's representative In congress to assure harbor lmnrovementa for Hono. lulu. Hllo snd Pearl Harbor, also federal buildings In the tirrltory. They also ask him to secure the establishment and main- tenance of a lighthouse by the national rnvernment and the makina- of Honolulu a port of call for the troops enroute to and frnm tha Phillnnlne. Thev alsn alr fMt the territory be allowed to retain the cus- toms revenues. WOULD LEGALIZE STRIKES Rnasla la Throes of Internal Troahlo . Between Labor aad Capital. eT- PETERSBURG, Aug. A law Is- .Irib.. U I. - - i-. - ..v.... . " """" " Ek.terlno.lav. The roop. were summoned tion. but dUpen.ed the crowd after firing a 'eW .Uy h d railroad traffio waa stopped, the newspapers did not sppesr, snd the factories were sur rounded by troops. Thousanda of strikers gathered tn the market place snd a collision with the military occurred. Eleven strikers were killed and twelve were wounded be fore order was restored. Before evening the street cars resumed snd work was started again In some private workshops. The governor has since announced that work will be generally resumed on the railroads snd In the facteries tomorrow anaclal measure belli taken ta nit - - . tne men rrom violence on tne part of the strikers. i MADAME HUMBERT IN TEARS Woman Breaks Down' After Be!ng Eeturned to Pr.i3o. COUNSEL SAY SHE CONVICTED HERSELF Jurymen Talk Freely of Conference Between Membera of Jnry While Verdict of Guilty Was Beings Reached, PARI8, Aug. 23. The result of the Hum- bert trial has caused a general feeling of relief, many, especially among the lower est taken In the trial Is shown by the fact tnat the presses of the newspapers could n reel otl special editions fasi enough. he papers were Immediately snapped up nd none reached the outlying quarters of Paris Until quite late in the evening, when they were eagerly bought at three and four times their regular price. In aplte of her defiant attitude when re- celvlng sentence, Madame Theresa Hum- bert broke down last night on her arrival n lne concicrgene prison and had a long 'crying spell. The men of the party, though depressed, bore up better. Maltre laDorl, her counsel, visited Madame Humbert thla morning and found I ner prostrated, put Sho obstinately maintained her innocence and denounced In-ltne sentence as iniquitous. She and her v,...K.nj i.... v.. .m i . .i , court of cassation on the ground of tech- "'cal Irregularities. If successful In their appeal they will be retried. I Eralle and Romaln d'Aurlgnac .will not appeal, as owing to the time they have spent In prison awaiting trial, the period of release on a ticket of leave will arrive before a hearing could possibly take place, Counsel Disappointed. The defending counsel are greatly disap pointed at the result of the trial. Maltre Labor! refused to be Interviewed, but his colleague, Maltre Clunet expressed his opinion that but for the ill-timed an4 fu tile revelations of Madame Humbert a general acquittal would have . been pos- saying that the person who did the most u secure mo conv.cuon oi me prisoners was Madame Therese herself, because her ramoung siaiemenis lrruaiea me jurymen. The foreman of the Jury declares there was no airrerence or opinion concerning nana, put tne jury s aecision in tne case ot me two Dromers a Aungnac was me result or much discussion. Their conaera- I nation waa based solely on their complicity m me awinaiing operations in connection wUh the Rentevlagre Insurance corpora- tion. Tne aKed mother of Frederic Humbert ana wiaow of Senator. Humbert, wnose name has been attacked in connection with tn, Crawford swindle, and with whom Madame Humbert's daughter Eve and her sister. Marie d'Aurlrnac. are. staying, re- .',, n.- emn. . Mnnrtp. jh. w , . . up uraveiy ana inaigunuy aenovncea me injure of the vartiict. oecterlng that an appeBi would toe made to the oourt of m,tted to see the urtsoners this afternoon! I 1 Madame Luelehe Humbert, a sister of the I convicted woman, likewise maintains ba- lief In her Innocence, irno aaugnter or Kegnier (whom Mme, Humbert yesterday In court testified to be tne man wno leu ine ioriune ana wno iook i ."" vi u- toneiy. aa imermeaiary Dei ween tne uer- mans and Marshal Basalne in the surren; der ot Metx), wno la tne widow or an Krrg- J llsh diamond merchant named 'Phillips, i uvea at uoississe-ie-uertrana,' near MeiunK, 1 not far rrom the Chateau des k-aux Vlves; I which belonged to the Humbert . family. Uh'il.iinil ihn'niivtr hail anv ltil.ri-niin UV;hrWn,i-eV . i her father mention their names. - She England and also a half-brother, whose r whereabouts she does not know, RAIN Cll IC DA QIC CTOCCTC I I n 1 1 1 w W I IILU I V Freach Capital, Given Taste of High Water In Remarkable Degree. PARIS, Aug. 13. Torrential rains, to- tomnanled bv thunder and llehtnlna. besan I earlv this afternoon and continued with little intermission until late tonight. The streets of the citv. eaneclallv at numerous points where there are excavations for the I metropolitan ' underground railway, re- eemhled lakes. At leat a score of hon - j-" . . " nooaea. un me uai a-?j i eriuim pes k water i main burst causing a subsidence sixteen feet' . deep. The trains on the Celnture railroad were atopped, owing to the station of La ChaDelle belnr hooded. Much dam. age was done also In the northeastern suburbs. POACHINQ TO . BE' STOPPED Caaada Will, However, Avoid Can . fop Complications with United tates. OTTAWA, Aug. 2S.-The Department of Marine and Flsherlea Is determined to put n ena t0 th lHol 'Ashing In the great lnke- 11 not tnB Intention, however, to ""- even-pounaers. as numa n quarters since the Pelrl-S"ver Spray Incident occurred, 11 tne opinion ' In official circles that 1 tha desired end can be attained without "wuiif iu. im..ii measures, wnicn might tod to International complications. Some of the boats will be manned and Disced .t points In the great' lakes where poaching has been carried on on a large scale. They wirK be armed with rifles snd seven- pounders, as all the patrol boat are now equipped. Kaaaka Kills Two Wenten. HONOLULU, Aug. a. E. M. Jones shot I mnA WlllArf 1,1a A I . i . i ...j.j k u.. I ' .., ,. oiman- Iter earlv thla mnrnlnv T..iA... i.i 1 HMl aa Iha ranu t lh. .hll.. . wlf. recent, obulned . dlvorce whn. wf wa, . memb,r of a nent white lamlly. After the shooTn, Jones disappeared with threats to commit suicide. There ia talk of lynching in ths svent he Is found' s live!' Vesnvlns Again Active. NAPLES. Aug. M. Ths prediction Prof. Krull of Munich has been fulfilled. as Vesuvius last night had a fresh period Of activity. n-inea at t roeala. CENTHlf.lA 'Til 1,1. y "I u s.ih . h .-r:..' ,1-7T'"'.1 7" "" i ... -.-- uiii,.in Kuiea ner I r an iinnoia uentrai train, being I , " a crowing wtuie driving aume from a plcni hio fight warms up Democrat! nalacrnat oriel Aspirants Want Both PWre anal Meklag of platform. COLUMBUS. O., Aug. 21 Tha close con test between Mayor Tom I Johnson of Cleveland and John L. 7.1m merman of Springfield for trr 'gubernatorial nomina tion haa caused more Interest In the demo cratic state convention thla week than for many years. While both claim a ma jority of the SSfl delegates the .result de pends on the settlement of ., contests In volving 143 delegates. - These contests are expected to prevent two congressional dis trlcts at Cincinnati and at Cleveland from participating In the selection, of members of the committees so that the committee on .credentials may have only eighteen ' members voting on the first contest that Is passed on. With the custom of taking the contests up In alphabetical order, that of Cuyahoga county would come first and It would likely, be decided In favqr of Johnson so that there would be nineteen voting cn the contests) from Gallia, Hamilton and other counties. The preliminary contests extend to all parts of the organisation of the convention, Johnson says he could not make the race on a Zimmerman platform and Zlmmer man says he could, not run on a Johnson platform. ,so both gre .seeking a majority of the committee ott resolutions. Johnson candidate for. United States , sen- ator, tonight gave out the following Much pleased and n-ratlfled as I am at the mention of my name In onnectton with nomination oi senator mis ween, ami muc j pat, the honor and the compliment which my friends seek to pay me. I feel It but a matter of Justice to my 11,, V .i . t D V.. ir Buch nomination and my name will not be presented to the convention for Its con macratlcn Mayor Johnson and his manager, Charles P. Salen of Cleveland, Judge W. T. Durbln and W. F. Flnley of Kenton, Congressman H. C. Garber of Qreenvlile and others were In conference here today with Bookwalter, but the latter would not recot alder his withdrawal. Bookwalter was accompanied by Charles W. Constantlne of Springfield, and they return home tomorrow. The Johnson men say they still favor .rii .n(Wk-mnt nrt , it win he vr.i.,m. -v r-v.. -i- w n.i... Judgon Harmon of anclnnatl. John H. Ciarke and L. A. Russell of Cleveland, Allen W. Thurman, James Kllbourne and ex-Congressman Xenrs of Columbus, ex- congressman J. 'A. McMahon of Payton, ex-Congressman J. A. Norton of Tiffin, ex- Congressman A. J. 'Warner of Marietta, Hon. Charles N. Haskell of Ottawa and wit.r -RitMii nr l.i. SPRINGFIELD O J Aug. 23 At the close Ar inn in rnmh. ti between Th6maa L. llohnson and Charles solen of Cleveland. W John W. Book- waiter of this cityi the latter Issued a ,ined statement wtthdrawlng from the I rac- or endorsement for United States .... trr.-. i.n.n-r.u ... vention Wednesday ..... nr-ir-r I ' CHAFFEE READY I VJtllCnMl, Maaenvere at Fnrrlaad Do Rot Mean Canteaieraa Ar mband" ' Havji- PORTLAND, Me., Aug. ,23. -Major Gen eral Chaffee, who Is to be the commander for the army In the war maneuvers at this port this week, arrived here today.. With him were General Barry, Captain Harper ana japiain Mamuton. Major Harrison ar- rived tonight, while Colonel Llvermore and Colonel Dunwoodv. the other officers who are to be associated with General Chaffee. have been In the city Sot several days. General Chaffee said: How busy we In the army will be for the I next few day will of course depend on the P1'. The trOOD Will be Over this Vlcln- utiuur ine army or me navy is playing for victories In this game. On the contrary. s Trying to eliminate any Ideas that will h. A rr.n t I i - ... practice of material more than anything else. I will go about to various places here to- I -...ifi.. ..iT I?""LU." """H. " luii". nwiniuijr 1 w ill do thla every day, but most of the time I presume i win ne on uusKins island, my headquar ters, or on my little yacht Kanawa. which win probably get In here tonight. It Is on its ja-ay from New York. General - Chaffee stated that General W H. Stewart of Fort Hancock, N.- Y., 'will succeed' Colonel Mills as commander ot the military posts In snd about Portland, and tnat change will take place within a ""nrh,:or as soon as the New York troops nve returnea M tneir nome posts. """"" unwooay, me cmet signal cm cer haa built up a series of searchlight Kna stations. The lights are run upon a scneauie ana each one haa Its sone of ao. tlon. no two eroaslnn- In nv w.v Th.v srrangea to do run collectively ,ce'"y but unless orders are given for l"" wur" aone on lne tOM system i wo companies ot ivew Tork signal men i i..t. .ii .... 1 . " icnr cin io- uini ana were quarxerea ror the night with the- One Hundred and Seventh com. pany of coast artillery. j ROCKLAND, Me., Aug. 23,-The vessels ot Rear Admiral Barker's attacking squad ron still remain In the harbor. There are conflicting reports as to when they will leave, the i general belief being that they win not do so before Monday afternoon !thugh tJheyw my depart ltween mid INJURED NOW AT PORTLAND none of tho Twenty-Flvo Brooaht from Chehnlls Espeeted to Die. PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. 23.-Those Injured m the railroad accident near Chehalls yes ttrday were brought hers on a special ,r",n wn,cn arnvea at t a. m. A large delegation from the Portland lodge of Elks w" at 1na CevUral station with stretchers snd ambulances In which to bear the In jured to their homes or to the hosDltala. I In all about twentv-flve of thu lninr. I wera brought here, some with broken srms I nr learn other with Km r It ti, A. . dlsflsrured. All the lr,i,,ri .. .... I eaav and It ia believed nnn. win .- SUNDAY AT OYSTER BAY President Roosevelt Receives Neigh. bor Informally After Basy atarday Evening. OYSTER BAY, Aug. 21 -President Roose velt passed a quiet Sunday with his family of I at Sagamore HM. A few Intimate friends of tha family tn the neighborhood called informally. Last night the president re. I ceived a Visit from Colonel Oeorea M Dunn, chairman of the Kew Turk .,. I committee. Hla visit waa nf a nolltlcal I natiirrn it I. at I -A Thnt l. m - w . ".. . UJCtl l wa not fllau-lnaAri AaslsUnt Secretary Barnes left today for a trip to Washington on official business. iVACE WAR OS SOCIALISM) Germ to Jrieiti of Tbii Province Said to Have Agreed on Program. ARCHBISHOP FAVORS THE DEPARTURE Ho- ta In Kurour, hot Will Take It Work Actively on Hla Retarn-to the Inlted State. DUBUQUE, la.. Aug. JS.-Speclal.)-The German priests of the archdiocese of Du buque have banded together for the pur pose of waging war on social! Ism. The key note of the priests' campaign was sounded from the pulpit of St. Mary's church this morning' when Rev. Father Rohlman, as sistant pastor, urged German Catholics to bandon the teachings of socialism and do U in their power to check Its growth. Three hundred members of his congrega tion are socialists and thu Catholic author ities have become alarmed at the large number of German Catholics who have be. come affiliated with the socialist party the pasi year. It Is understood that this movement among the German priests has the support of Archbishop Keane, who, previous to his departure for Germany two months ago, urged the priests to do their utmost to check the spread of socialism among their parishioners and endeavor to reclaim Ger man Cathollra who hive accented lis teach ings. Circulars were sent to all of the Ger man priests In the archdiocese Inviting mem to come to Dubuque and attend a series of lectures on socialism, and also to discuss plans for organisation to fight It from the pulpit. One hundred and fifty nrleats from VAftnil riart nf thA nmhrtln. cese responded to the call and all pledged themselves tn rin their t,nf tn imhnM the supremacy of the church and put down socialism in their parishes. Next Sunday socialism will be condemned from the pul- pit of most of the German Cathollo churches In the archdiocese and tke cru sade win be continued with vigor until ths priests are satisfied that they have re claimed all of their parishioners who have become affiliated with - the socialist party. Archbishop Keane Is expected here from Europe m a few weeks and he will take an active part' In the crusade. v PANIC SEIZES PASSENGERS Most of Men. Ken Cool, but Few . Almost Cawae Sorlons Loss 1 of Life. INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. 23,-Amld scenes of panic. In which terror-stricken men lost their heads and sought to throw women and children overboard, the pleasure steamer Indiana went to ths bottom of the I Indianapolis Water company's canal at Falrvlew park this evening at 7 o'clock. I Ths park officials think nobody was I drowned, but J. N. Ollphant of Indianapolis I and P. E. Betta of Anderson. Ind.. who 1 wera passengers, say that they ssw a I subjects. E. C. Ryan presided In ths ab woman with a baby sink. They did not I sence' of T. J. Mahoney, president of the see them corns to the surface again and feel sur they were drowned. . I 'About fifty people were on board. when mont, . x.. gave insirucuons io me see the vessel sank,. atouttorre-qtuirtAia pfa -rotary of the league to make arrangements mile from Its starting point Iji. the canal, tor tits Emmet celebratlon'and promised he which . Is- about eight miles long And runs oul4 see some of the prominent Irlsh from Indianapolis to. Broad Ripple park. Americans In the east and Invite one or The canal )s narrow and from ten to Jlfteen ' ' them to address their fellow-coun-feet deep in the middle. It Is not yet cer- trymen on ths centennial of the martyrdom tain what sent the steamer to the bottom. Defective machinery, overloading on one side and leaks are blamed. Skiffs oa ths canal aided In the work bf rescue of falritlne- women and children, Mr. Betts, who said he saw the woman and baby drown, saved his wife as she sank the third time. 8he weighs over 800 pounds. Thirty persons were thrown Into the water when the boat sank. Severs! of the male uiuntm did hemic, work in Mil., them to shore. ..They were aided by the ship's crew.. Much additional excitement waa caused by several men on the boat who became panic stricken and tried to throw women and children Into the water. Search Is being made to see If any bodies are at the bottom of the canal. WAITERS STRIKE TODAY Union Leadera Say Mne Thousand Will Be Idle at Chicago Before Night. CHICAGO, Aug. 23. In pursuance ot the declaration made yesterday that a strike would be called In all the restaurants con trolled by the Chicago Restaurant Keepers' association and a number of. others, the strike committee of the waiters' union will at daylight tomorrow morning begin to call out the thousands of restaurant em- ployes upon whom the throngs of business men ln Chicago depend for oustensne'e. ' At least 150 restaurants In the downtown and outlying districts will be visited by the labor committees and the leaders de- clare that before night 9,000 persons will be Idle. The officials of the Restaurant Keepers' association say that the Impending strike Is a direct violation of agrements that have been signed by the association and the union, and that If the strike Is called the restaurants will be kept open for busi ness with nonunion help. SCALDED TO DEATH IN WRECK One Maa Dead aad ieveral Injured la Aceldent Near Bruit, wlclf, Mo, ST. LOUIS, Aug. 23.-A areclal to the Re public from Brunswick, Mo., says: One man was scalded to death, four others were severely burned by escaping steam and six trick ponies were killed In the wreck of a circus train here today. The englno and car containing the men and ponies were a total wreck, and the escaping steam scalded five of the men. who were asleep in bunks over the ponies. One man had his eyes burned out and Inhaled the steam, causing his death this afternoon. The others were scalded on the arms, body and legs, but will recover. MISS BRYAN IN A NEW ROLE Is to Become Member of tho Hall Honso atnsf Early In tho ' Fall. CHICAGO. Aug. 23.-Mrs. W.. J. Bryan snd daughter. Mis Rulh Brysn, left to night for their home at Lincoln, after hav ing spent several days In this city. One of the objects of the trip waa a visit to the Hull House settlement at Halstead and Polk streets, an Institution aunnnrted tiv charities for the benefit of ,h. poorer clastes snd conducted by Miss Jane Addams. the noted sociologist. It Is the Intention of Mia. Bryan to take up the settlement work, becoming a mem- ber of ths Huil House staff early In therf00 and Queenstown; la bretagne. from fn condition ofthe weather Forecast fnr Nebraska Partly Cloudy Mon. day; Probably Showers ana i.'ooier in .1 . 1 I . 1 V. . n Vamt PnP. tlon. .... Tempera! are at Omaha Testerdayi Hour. Den. Hoar. Dear. R at. m T3 1 n. m T B su aa Tl . m DO T a. m n 8 p. sa 8 a. m T4 4 p. na. 9 n. sa TT B p. m OH ll)i.n MO 6 p. aa t 11 a. n fix TP. m HA 12. aa 84 8 p. n f p. tu H FUNERAL OF S. F. BENNETT Large Nnmbrr of Friend Pay Final Trlbnte nt Home of Decenaed Pioneer. ' The last offices of respect for Samuel Frlsbee Bennett were paid by many mourn ers yesterday afternoon before his bier un der the oaks at the resilience of the late pioneer merchant, 814 South Twenty-seventh street. The services at the home, which. In accordance with the wishes of the fam ily, were pabllc (and at the cemetery pri vate) were unique as well aa solemn, sim ple and Impressive. A black canopy was spread under the shade of the trees where hundredsof friends of the late pioneer and his family avoided the heat of Indoors and paid their last tributes. Tha services, which were brief, were conducted by Rev. John Williams, rector of St. Barnabas, who read the ritual and offered prayer, making no re marks. Mr. Will Manchester sang some appropriate hymns and Dan Wheeler, with Mrs. Wheeler as piano accompanist, In the house, also sang with great feeling and emotion. . The casket was laden and surrounded w,th b""' wreaths of flowers, many ' which had come from the Ak-8ar-Ben. Woodmen and the employes at the Bennett ,ore' FIoral le"''ln were prepared l80 at tne nv- Wnere the ervtc wa Private and attended by near relatives and friends only. The pallbearers, all of whom were em ployes of the Bennett store, were: . Sam Reynolds, E. A. Weathers, George Cor nelius, G. A. Baker, M. A. Shean, George Schneider. , All were In the employ of the company during the active years of the late Mr. Bennett's life. A long line of car riages with friends followed the remains to their final resting place In Prospect Hill cemetery. OBSERVE EMMET CENTENNIAL Colonel Blako of the Irish Brigade Comes to Omaha Next Month. 4. A number of the friends of Ireland and the Irish cause met last evening at ths Paxton for the purpose of making anrange- ments to celebrate the centennial of tne martyrdom of Robert Emmet, ths passage of the Irish land bill, ths triumph of ths United 'Irish league snd other Interesting Emmet branch of the United Irish- league. Mr. Mahoney, before leaving for Larch of Emmet The' secretary, Jeremiah Howard, read a telegram from Colonel Blake of the "Irish Brigade," stating that he could not be present on September 20. but to make ar- rangements for September 27, and he would ln "maris men. ' An Mends of Ireland are requested by '"oti present tonight at 7:30 at p"ton cfe t0 nelP make arrangements r the Emmet ceieDration ana tne recep- tion of Colonel Blake. NEWSPAPER TRAIN WRECKED Jamps Track at Carve While Ron nine at High Rate of Speed. LITTLE FALLS, N. Y., Aug. 23. A spe cial train on the New York Central carry lng New xork. city newspapers was wrecked at Gulf bridge in this place today, Engineer Robert Miller and Fireman Peter Conley, both of Albany, were killed and employes of the World, Sun, Roches ter News company and American and Jour nal were severely Injured Conductor Ehrhardt and several others of the train's crew were slightly Injured "he train, which was running at tho rate 1 Of a mile a minute, was composed of an engine and three express cars. In round lng the sharp Gulf bridge curve the engine Jumped the track and landed at the foot of the embankment Into a roadway. The front car. In which were all of those In Jured, followed the engine down the slope, MAY TIE UP THE SHIPYARDS Machinists' Inlon laable to Come to Any Agreement with Employers. ' NEW YORK, Aug. 23,-At the close of a stormy session of the Central Federated onion today it was voted to stand by the Marine Machinists' union In Its demand for an Increase of wages. This was taken to mean that a sympathetic strike, tying up all the shipyards In New York snd vicinity, may be ordered thla week. The conference committee, reported that In Its efforts last Friday to come to some agreement with the employers they had made no progress; that ,h, employeri absolutely refused to con- elder the 13 per day or grant any Increase. DOES. NOT FAVOR 1.ECTURES Moderator of Presbyterian Assembly Woeld Have Sermon of Evnn. ellcal Sort. WAR8AW, Ind.,.Aug. S3.-Evsngel!stical sermons In preference to lectures on ques tions of the day were advocated for tha pulpit todsy by Rev. Robert F. Coyle, mod- erator ot the Presbyterian general assem- Diy, wno preacnea at me tJ)Die conference. He spoke of the evangellstlcal spirit which was pervading the Presbyterian and other churches all over the world. The general topic was home and foreign missions. Movements of Orcaa Vessel, Aog. Z3, At Liverpool Arrived Cedric, from AS'ew Tork, via Queenstown; Ktrurta, from w I or a, via uueenttown. At Naples Arrived ( amhroman. from I Boaton. via Asore. fnr Uenoa t frAm rd'amfor N:w-1?o'rk,,-POUd'"n: I At (Juinatnn-Ruii4 l.u.nnii. vnn. Liverpool, tor New lurk. , T.fJ '"iS"" "roro"' I . At New York ArrivedCymric, from Lir- v..i ... nuiu .uwvuuairu, villi' ( uiihi au- vu, uvwauwmuw. IpQRTE MARES AMEND Complies with All the EequiremenU Made in the Banian Note. ONLY THINKS ABOUT IT TWELVE HOURS Bnoh Haste on the Fart of Turkish Diplo mats it Unprecedented. RUSSIAN FLEET PROMPTLY WITHDRAWS Saltan and Official Take Up Disturbed Condition of Interior, snsjanasasnssn. ; EXTRAORDINARY COUNCIL OF. MINISTERS News Received at Constantinople laa dloatea a Condition of Paalo Prevail la Vicinity of Adrlnnople. ST. TETERSBURO, Aug. 2.-The Rus sian Black sea squadron, which was or dered to Turkish waters, and which ar rived at Inlada, eastern European Turkey, August 19, to support Russia's demands on the sultan growing out of the assassina tion of M. Rostkowskl, Russian consul at Monaatlr, has been recalled to Sebasto pol, the squadron's point of departure. The recall followed a notification of the porto that the sultan had ordered all ths Rus sian demands to be compiled with. The dispatch received from M. Zlno- vleff, Russian ambassador at Constantino ple, announcing that the sultan had yielded completely to Russia's demands, was as fol lows: The ports has taken the following mnas. ures to fulfill the demands of the Russian government: In addition to the condemna tion and execution of M. Rostkowskl mur derers and the punishment of their sccom- uiiue. mose omoers wno made disrespect ful allusions to M. Rostkowskl sre dis missed from tho service. Careful search Is being made for the persons who fired at the consul's carriage. All the ofTlrlals. twenty-four In number, whose names were handed to the porte as objects of un favorable comment by the Russian am bassador, are relieved of their posts and handed over to Justice. All private per sons mentioned In the same list as guilty of- various offenses will likewise be tried. Ismail Hakl Pacha, the chief of police at Palanka, In the province of Uskub, Is re stored to his post. The persons under ar rest for accusins Mussulmans of outrtm and abuse arc liberated. Hussein Halmi, Inspector general of Macedonia, is reprimanded. The chiefs of gendarmerie and police at Salonlca are repiacea. , The porte has ordered the appointment to the gendarmerlo of several foreign officers whoso names will ba announced later, and, Anally, all the military, civil and Judicial authorities have received the strictest or ders to secure order snd tranquillity. Ths news has - reached St; Petersburg from Brussels that the porte has requested Belgium to nominate four officers for tho Turkish gendarmerie. Tnrkey Acts Promptly. CONSTANT! NOPLE, Aug. 23.-Ths reply " of . the porta accepting the Russian ' de mands was delivered twelve hours after the presentation of the Russian note, a prompt itude most unusual in the history of Tur)t lah diplomacy. Tewflk Pasha, the torelsn mlnlater. aniW K,iro- pasha ' . thereupon called on M. Zlnovletr, the Russian am bassador, and requested the withdrawal of, the Russian squadron from Turkish Waters, on tha ground that its presence tended to encourage the insurrection. . ' On the receipt of a favorable' reply from. St. Petersburg, M. Zlnovleff telegraphed the Order of withdrawal to Admiral Krleger, commanding the Russian squadron at ' Inlada. A rumor has been current that the sultan appealed to the German emperor to use his good offices st St. Petersburg In favor of the recall of the Russian squadron. An extraordinary council of ministers assembled at Yildls Kiosk yesterday to consider the situation in the Interior and discuss the military measures rendered necessary by It. The sultan had on Friday sought the advice of the French ambassa dor. . i News from Adrlnnople represents tho situation in that vilayet as verging bn a panic. .The Insurgents have destroyed telegraphic communication at several point' ' between Adrlnnople and Kirkkllls, thirty five miles ta the northeast, and have burned ' and pillaged several Greek snd Mussulman villages, Including Kavakll and KlsilJI. southwest of Kirkkllls. Troops have been despatched to the environs of Adiinnopla, Two sailing vessels crowded with Mussul man refugees from villages . on the Black sea coast have arrived at Kavak; at the entrance to the Bosphorus.' At Monastlr a Mussulman called the Italian consul a "giaour." A strong feeling prevails among the Mussulmans at Salonlca and Monastlr on account of the execution of M. Rost kowskl's murders. The remains of the murdered consul were taken to Salonlca yesterday wlh great pomp on board the Russian embassy guardshlp Terets. The Turkish civil and-military authorities at tended the ceremony. The ship sailed for Odessa. . H Fighting Near Adrlauople. SOFIA, Aug. 22. From eastern Adrian. ople come reports of mors fighting which so far appears to ba resulting chiefly in favor of tho revolutionists. Many villages have been burned and their Inhabitants haye taken refuge across the Bulgarian frontier. ' After a long fight at sUolloro the In surgents defeated a detachment of Tur kish troops which lost twenty killed. and wounded. 'At Chanagasko, near Surovl voco, the Insurgents are reported to' have annihilated sn entire Turkish regiment. At Uulankxera, near Ternuco, seveniy-flve revolutionists are credited with defeating a Turkish battalion. The villages of An dermis and Enrlk, near Vasllko, have been burned to ashes. ' , The Turks have bombarded snd 'de stroyed the . monastery of Constantlne, near Loaengrade, where fifty Insurgents had fortified themselves. The villages of Uakdglk, Kanakara, fcvern, ing.i;u and Brusheva have all been burned and their Inhabitants have fled. The large village Of Urumbelekle near Losengrad, has been burned by Bashl-Basouks. The villages of Buch, with 3U0 houses, and Rakofa, 200 houses, situated tn the vilayet of Monastlr, have also been burned by Turkish troops. Two hundred women and children from these villages are now begging in .the streets of Monastlr. The Turkish government has organised a special court at Moi.aatlr to try ths Cap tured Insurgents. The tribunal Is com posed of a Turkish president, three . other Turks, two Greeks snd one Albanian. It will partake of the character of a crim inal court and not of a court martial. 'Maeedonlay gymyntklsers Meet. CHICAGO, Aug. M. Sympathisers with " Msoedonla held a meeting at 'Hull house today and framed resolutions denunciatory of the sultan's government, which they will send to President Roosevelt. - - The memorial ta the president ssks that a Bote be sent to all of the European power;, ex-.