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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1903)
I The Omaha Sunday Bee. PAGES 1 TO 10. KSTAHLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAIIA, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23, 1903 THIRTY-SIX PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. y vr .j l4 i.00 up ' KIND TO BIRTHPLACE! . v Andraw Carnegie's lfanificenc Surprises Feopls of Dnnfermline. GIVES MILLIONS TO NATIVE TOWN j lfodert Herat Where. He Wai Born Still Standi on Hoodie Street HISTORIC MEMORIES ALL ABOUT PLACE t tn i , - , . , . . I Many of Scotland's Kings Inhabitsd Castle H Eaa Given to the PnbMo. KING ROBERT, THE BRUCE, ONE OF THEM Hear It Is the Castle a Loch Lfrea, la Which Mary Qifti at Scats, Was Imprisoned for a Time. fCnnyrleht. bv Press Publishing Co.) EDINBURGH. Scotland. Aui. B.-(New York World Cablegram-Special Telegram.) Dunfermline did well for Itself when it gave birth to Andrew Carneela. I The little comer, one-story cottage on Moodle street, where the Iron millloaalre was born, la still aa It was sixty years ag- a substantial, atono-bullt. weaver'a cottaxe. the like of which are found avervwhnre in the county (or kingdom) of Fife for years seem to make little Impression on the gray walls and dull-colored roof slatas. A but i.i.k. ,w-.i .k. I accommodatlona, and more often than not the but holds the family and the ben con tains a lodger. Mr. Carmtjle has been prodigal with his blrthtnwn 4ir. rather rltv for Dunfermline has an abbey and was a kings residence, so It Is called a city. He has given a free library, a magnificent bath, a splendidly equipped technical Institute, fountains and ' handstands, stained windows for the abbey 'ha an d other endowments too numerous to entloii But his latest benefaction has surprised even the long-headed Fifera, and It takes a good deal to upset a Flfer. Plttencrleft park and glen and house and gardens, with II.5O0.O00 In 5 per cent steel bonds to keep It up. For a small city of 2.1.000 Inhabitants. many of them lassies In the mills, the gift seems overwhelming. It Is not as 1t Dun fermline were a Glasgow, with hundreds of thousands living In crowded tenements In squalid streceJW Dunfermline; thirty miles north of Edln- " -i burgh. Isan Ideal weaving town, set arald a f mi.,t..- -iv k.. th. . i... - . i. . i.i.. I views of landscape and mountain scenery. The countesT friends say she i Is no poU.l He has. too. that broad estuary., the Firth clan, but a uovout. true Christian woman. 17.. . wl . p.n that' she carried to Germany, where Bun- .v. a the earl of Rosebery s estate, onward to Cramond and Lelth. From many parU of Dunfermline may be seen huge spans of the T-orth brld: th. bridae In th. im I -ear 014 Taw.. v' ' To the eaat ward nf .tna old town U a paclous public park and tha old palaoe ruina, government property ana iree o ail. l A short walk takes tne young dunrerm- jrne Isd to Rosyton, on the Forth shore. where the sreat new naval sutlon Is to ! law. And to ths north he has I.och Leven, with ' Ixvh Leven castle, where Queen Mar was Imprisoned. Plttencrleft glen Is certainly very close at Tiand. Dunfermline Is singular In thst re spect. One step and you pass from a busy street of a weaving town lnt- a romantic 51. k a ,K. ce"lu" """Y , r the town borders this glen. Here la the I vt.i.i ,in k.v . ,. year 1050 A. D.. when the Scottish klna. Malcolm, lived and died In h'a stronahold. There are the ruins of Dunf srmllne pal ace. They stand grim and shattered and old. high up above the little tower burn, or stream, which divided the town from Plt tencrelff glen and estate. Many kings and ( queens of Scotland were born and spent much of their lifetime In this palace and k.l. I II. I ,. -rMt t ..Ooe nui i " 7" ; . J" t,;w u' k"'Z. away. King Kooert. tne wruce, Ncotiancva greatest warrior king, who defeated the English at Bannockbum, sleeps at Ditti- fermllne. . A charming estate is that of Plttenerleff Mr. Carnegls paid tSX00 for it end gets poeaeaalon In November the Martinmas term, as they call tt In Scotland. In 17(3 It changed hands for only (,). There was nn railway then. Plttenerleff house Is old. It was bollt In We. In 17 tt was enlarged with stones taaen irora tne neignDuriug paince. i onujr jstxns. Ueaiat uia tiaase. A quaint looking, tall. orow-.teprd. tlUUBV , I B, WI.U UI.U MilWl WIH dOWS and not a single sheet of large plate glass la any of them. There Is an abund ance Of old trees and skrubs and under growth. A great sweep of park and field Ilea before the house, a placid landscape. Sheltered by high atone' walls Is the large garden. It faces the south sjvl verythtng that can grow In Scotland grows there flowers In profusion. After a three-quarter tnlle walk along the drive, sheltered by large trees, one reaches the main ledge gate, with a comfortable lodgekeepers oot- tage Mr.- Carnegie wants the trustees to whom he hands over the (state and the 1?, 500,000 to strike out something new, to use money "in attempts to bring Into the monotonous Uvea of tha toiling masses of Dunfermline snore of sweetness and light." Their stewardship will be watched with attention. Needless to add. the weavers are highly delighted and Mr. Carnrsij will tet a great reception when he next visits ths city. They will stop weaving table Ucen and damasks that day Dunfermline is re - nowned for table linens and will erect arches snd make speeches. LONDON FULL OF AMERICANS Jaet Birds ef Pasaaae, However, Ea- reate Heate er ta the taatlaeat. (Copyright. 1914. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. Aug. EL (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram. V-Amerlcans are In London in vast numbers Just now, but they are only blrda of passage, " re turning from the continent to sail for home. t has been one of the best seasons for Americans the English hotels havs ever known. Scotland also waa largely favored by them. It Is a subject of comment that Americana do not patronlae Ireland aa tnui h aa they do Scotland, although under - present conditions the hotels ars as good snd aa cheap aa the Scottish hotels. The i:nglish can be found at all the chief Irish, x tourist resorts. The fashionable American colony have all f.ltt4 ta Scotland or ta the continents RETURNS H0?WITH T1TLE Ceaatese Tea Wildfnw (all for Sew York, Which She Left la ISM. (Copyright. IP'S, by Press Publishing Co.) HAMBfRO. Aug. B. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The Count ess von Waldtrsep Is on the ocean, bound for her old home In New York Cltjr. She ailed from here on Thursday on the steamship Moltke alone, her distinguished husband finding himself too busy to grat ify a H1ra h- hmm hiriahd fnr Tears tO visit the country of his wife's birth. Countess von Waldersee la far past mld- uie uie, oui is sun a Druimni . i... vait, at court, in times past aha was credited with mora Influence at the German corrt than any other American woman exercised In any court In Europe Ths countess was Miss Esther Le, daughter of David B. Lee. a pioneer whole. sale grocer on South street. New York, She csms of an old Connecticut family of farmers and land owners. When her father died her mother took her and her I sisters to Parts. There Esther was edu cated. In 1S57 she married Prince Frederick von Schleswlg - Holstein. with whose daughters she was on terms of warmest intimacy, She was very young then, while the Qer- man prlnca was an old man, ana u was gossip that sho had boldly scnemea to get the noblemen for a husband. By a regu- lar marriage with the American gin tne prlnco would be compelled to renounce hla titles, so he proposed a morganatic alliance. Tills was refused by Miss Lee. wnereupun th.) prince guvs up hla titles and mads her his bride. Hlx months later the prince died of apopiexy, leaving me giri who ti nm cum '"lit nrtnoeea. wno neiu uii honorary title of Prtncess da Noer (the t'tle of Pnnce d Noer having been con f erred upon htr husband by the emperor at Welsbaden In 1858), met Count Airred von Waldersee, a brilliant young officer oa the emperor's staff, wnom sne m.nw iww years laier. The countess became a oonnoem 01 w e,rreror and was said to nave causea nm- marck s oertnrow She was ambitious as well as brilliant and wished that her husband should succeed ths "Iron chan cellor." During the closing years 01 Bis marck's tenure of office she was identified with vrv liiuvement that seemed to weaken his hold on Imperial favor. Dr Stoeker, the f.imous court chaplain, whom Bismarck dlsm'ssed, was her coadjutor and adviser. Her salon, one oi me iew notable salons Germany ever possessed, was a hotbed of anti-Bismarck Intrigue, It la asserted. Count von Wulderseo waa raised to prac tical oommand of the army In lt'Z and In 1PJ0 was appointed to the command of the . - . . . . ... it,. allied forces in tnina, Immortal Von Moltke as field marshal, a nositlon he now. holds. dav la a day of pleasure, her family New England Ideas of the-day. and has exer ted influence to modify what U knowa u continental & "nda Bh been a strong advocate of moderUon In drioklna. The marrUge t!l,hNWtr,v?n!t fo-Lra the count waa one of the striking foreign 4Ulancea that proved bappy. the count d counUM having aver been devoted to other COuntess has not been in this coun- ' n her molntr took her If " ANOTHER AMERICAN PEERESS New York Waaaaa Likely loss to lata Title by la. aerltaaee. Cesai (Copyright. 190J. by Prew Publishing Co.) v-"pyr'8 , . LONDON. Aug. Jl-New York World Cablegram-Special Telegram -U seems "eiy mai a new name soon to . the list of American peeresses In England. Lord Leigh is a very old man and has been 111 for some time. Ills son and heir, Dudley Leigh, married Frances Helens Forbes, daughter of N. M. Beckwlth of New York. She was a beauty when last there was a court In Paris, but . i 1. . V. u n A nnar with her Wr brown hair, clear complexion and charming, gentle manner. She and her husband ars seldom seen apart and she has most beautiful Jewels, most of which a.-e his gifts. Lord Abliurer. although not an American, Is the son of an American and very much In that set. He Is entertaining large parties at his castle In the north of Scot land, many of hla guests. Including Lady Oeerhurat. being Americans. The first . n.n.mhAr h- i. exoecUnc Lord I n(J Tdy Newborou,h, who are at their houa jn Wales, and Baron and Baroness i ta.-, mans' some others. fU AURrlRLAIN CUTS PROGRAM Pellet He Will AttessBtvt Allay i Hla Raeleal Staae Has Ceased. Alara I (C. right. Iftt. by Press Publishing Co.) I . LONDON, Aug. Jl. New York World cablegram Special Telegram.) Colonial Secretary Chamberlain Is entertaining Mrs. Endlcott. his wife's mother, at his place near Birmingham. where he Is I busily preparing for his autumn protee- I tlon campaign. I His abandoning of the admitted basis on I which his new scheme was founded, the I taxation of the people's food, has greatly I weakened hla position. It Is believed that I he Intends to attempt to allay ths alarm I produced throughout the country by whit I tllng away the propositions considerably. I There will be a special meeting of the I cabinet the first week In September, twe I months before the usual time, to consider 1 the position. It Is generaly thought that the free trade members, under the duke of Devonshire, ill then rei-lsn. Prima Minister Balfour's present Inten tlon Is to reconstruct the ministry and meet Parliament next February with new fiscal program, on which Parliament rill dissolve. ROLLS BARREL ON A WAGER I Oeraaaa Tesapts Keelklller After the Maaaer ef tha Eleetlaa Eataaslast. (Copyrighted. 1Mb, by Press Publishing Co.) BA8LE, Swltaerland. Aug. 3.-New York World cablegram Special Telegram.) A German la rolling a barrel of wine through Swltaerland on a wager. He bet that ha I could roll It from hia town. Wald-Klrch-Kn Uriagaw. to Rome. The barrel contains six I ty gallons of wins. Tha Journey ss mapped lout will take him through Zale, Mustor, Luoarne. Altorf, St Qolhard Pass. Lugano, I Corao and MUan. He haa already beea oa I the road Ave days. CONDEMNS HUMBERTS Jury Finds Famous 8afe Fraud Prisoners Guilty in Paris. CRAWFORD IS RE-NAMED AS REGNIER Madame Deolirei Famona Doable-Dealer in German War Mislead Her. PLEA FAILS TO INFLUENCE THE COURT Husband and Wife 8entenoed to Five Tears' Solitary Confinement. TWO BROTHERS ALSO SENT TO Eaalle Mast Serve Twa Years la ' ass Romala Three, Iceot. , ta Decision, at the J edge. (Copyright, 1903. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS. Aug. 21-New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Mme. Hum bert cloned the sensational safe fraud trials today with her promised explanation which, however, did not Influence the Jury suf ficiently to save her from conviction and a five-year sentence. After all the arguments were in the Judge gave the Jury 260 questions to answer, and after consideration a verdict of guilty was returned against all the prisoners. The court sentenced Mme. Humbert and her husband each to five years' Imprison ment and to 100 francs fine. Emlle d'Aurignsc wss sentenced to two years' Im prisonment and Romain d'Auiignac to three years' imprisonment. Mme. and M. Humbert will undergo soli tary confinement during their term of Im prisonment. Says Regaler Was Crawford. In the course of her speech in court today Mme. Theresa Hum bert announced that the real name of Craw ford was Regnler, who was the Intermedi ary between Prince Bismarck and Marshal Basalne at the time of the surrender, after the Franco-Prussian war. The expectation that today would bring the conclusion of the Humbert trial re newed the intense public interest In the case. The court room was again crowch-d. Among the throng were a number of Ameri can lawyers and tourists, who secured fa vored places through the efforts of the United States embassy. The prisoners maintained the same out ward aspect of calm. Mme. Humbert walked in haughtily and surveyed the crowd with scornful air. Dr. Floquet, who examined the prisoner before she came into court, found her to be In good health and showing no signs of a nervous breakdown under the strains of the culmination of the trial. Hints at Mystertoas Letters. Advocate Hesse addressed the court at length in the defense of Rornalne Daurlg nac. pointing out . his brotherly devotion throughout the trials to his slater, Mme. Humbert. Counsel severetTrltlOTSTJTSe declaration of M. Pateootre, the former French am bassador at Madrid, that he did not know Mme. Humbert and invited the Jury to re quest ths presiding judge to give them cer tain private letters, in one of which M. Hesse -asserted that Patenotre thanked Mme. Humbert for adornments which she had sent him tor hla saloon. , Makes a Revelatloa. Then Mme. Humbert began formally: Gentlemen of the Jury: When I wanted the addresa of Mr. Crawford, he answered: "You cannot know me. I am not called Crawford. I am not known by that name." "Then, .what name?" He replied: "My fortune was made dur ing the war of 1870, by reinvestment of rentes, whlcn were men very low, ana s large quantity was bought here." Mme. Humbert paused again, length ily, and then continued: His name Is Rernler, the Intermediary between Marshal Basalne and the Ger mans. . I had already transacted business with one Regnler, who appeared to me to be a mysterious personage, and he said to Die: He carerui, mucin me, not 10 con ruse me with the notorious Regnler." That Is how l suddenly learned craw- fnrii'a name. I never told my husband. I swear on my daughter's head. This is the first time be hears tns name. Madame Humbert continued making a rambling. Indefinite statement, criticising M. Valle, the minister of Justice, la con nection with the Cuttausla. asserting ber truthfulness and declaring that when ac quitted her creditors would be able to find her. She would do her duty, she said, and If any one offered her money she would show him the door. She concluded: I have full, complete confidence and I will await my fate. A movement among the spectators fol lowed the statement, which caused a gen eral feeling of disappointment, owing to the inconclusive nature of Mme. Hum- Bert's declarations. Malt re Labor!, addressing the Jury, ssld Now you have the secret of Mme. Hum bert. She has told you the same that ahs haa me. Maltre Laborl said ha had been unable to learn what eventually became of Reg nler. After being condemned to death by court-martial ' Regnler dlsappeased. Tha minister of war ahould be able to furnish Information aa to what became of him. Counsel concluded with an eloquent plea to the Jury not to condemn the prisoners which aroused loud applause. The presi dent of the court then declared the argu ments closed and read the 160 questions submitted to the Jury. Outside the court room the public every where awaited the verdict and discussed, the prospects. The Jury retired at 1:30 p. m. and the prisoners withdrew. M. Humbert and Emlle Daurignao looked greatly depressed, while Mme. Humbert and Romain Dauiig nac maintained their defiant attitude. Regnler Presalaeat Flee re. Mme. Humbert's mention, of Regnier In troduced an entirely unexpected name, one which had been almost entirely forgotten, although It waa that of a notorious figure In the latter days of the Franco-Prussian war. The Liberte printed this sketch of the man: Regnler was first heard of in connection with the revolution of VMA. in which he played a double part .In September. 1S.0, the Empress Eugenie, then at Hastings, England, entrusted hint with a mission to Prince Blmrck. Regnier later went to Mela, Introduced himself to Marshal Ba suine and toid him tbe war should have ended after the battle of Hedan and that his army, which was useless at Metz, ought til maintain rider in the interior. Buxalne thereupon at cepted the Idea of treating with the German. Regnier's object waa simply to Induce Bauine to capitulate and It Is well known that Basaine acquiesced to the capitulation without raiolng any tiltficuUiee. The sur render of Mats followed. Rognler's com plicity was proved in 1S74. when, during (Continued oa Fifth Page.) NEW CULT STARTS IN BERLIN Call Theasaelvee "Satare Men" and Live la tha Meet Primitive Maaaer. (Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co. BERLIN, Aug. 22.-New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) A new philosophy of life is being preached In Germany. Its apostle is Gustav Nagel and he and his disciples call themselves "Na ture Men." Nreel was only discovered a short time sgf "-; In a suburb of Berlin In a mud h- r rough garden. His only clothing f $ . .oiii cloth. Exposure to the air and ad tanned his body a deep brown 7 j was arrested when found and pun . .ed by several days confinement, but the w Is powerless to deal with him and he ,et up as a prophet. He has now returned to his native town of Arendsee, where he has built a house In the woods and surrounded it with a fence. He has attracted a woman whom he Is to marry soon, a woman of consider able gifts aa a speaker, Metu Konhauser. Nag;el and Konhauser plant flowers and till the soil. They live exclusively on the fruits of the wood and what they raise in their garden. In the vicinity several other "nature men" are at work making huts for themselves, and In a short time a colony of fifty of these people la ex pected in Arendsee alone. Nagel and Konhauser are actively cor responding with disciples In other parts of the country with regard to establishing colonies. All wear a semi-Adamite costume. Meta Konhauser and two other "nature women" wear a single short tunic They decline to have their hair cut. OBJECTS TO DRINKING SONGS Prosalaeat Ciersaaa Reformer la Op pesea te Them as Clorlfylaa; Intemperance. (Copyright, 1803, by Press Publishing Co.) BERLIN, Aug. 22-(New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Otto von Lelxner, one of the foremost social reform ers of Germany, has issued an Impassioned appeal which he entitles "The Muse as the Handmaid of Alcohol," against the habit of poetic glorification of habitual drinking, He says: "It Is terrible that the most eminent poets of Germany should debase their muse to the service of people who are committing either slow or rapid suicide by their drink ing customs. Drinking songs, with their imagination, their public house wit, their easy rhymes, are made peculiarly attractive for young people and these songs are set to music by the best composers. These songs glorify Intemperance, moderate drink ing Is ridiculed and total abstinence held up to scorn. These songs ars sung by school boys over their first glass of beer and Incite thera to further potations. When these boys arrive at the universities their ambition is to become topers. These songs, to which no sufficient attention has yet been directed, have contributed as much aa anything else to vitiate and destroy the youth of the country, to raise a false stand ard of honor, and are accountable for much In the national behavior which brings upon Germans the contempt anqV- cidioato of foreigners." Dr. von Lelxner proposes to form an antl- drinktng song league. WEDDING CAUSES COMMENT French Cabinet Minister Takes His Weddlna; Trip la .Naval Vessel. ' I (Copyright, 1908, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Aug. S (New Tork World Cable gramSpecial Telegram.) The fact that there waa rellgloua ceremony at the mar riage of Camilla Pelletan, the French mln later of marine. Is commented upon. The civil ceremony was at the Malrle of the First Arrondlssement, Premier Combes be ing the minister's first witness. The newspapers commont adversely on the fact that Minister Pelletan is going; to take his honeymoon trip on a government cruiser, under the pretense that he wishes to Inspect It. An opposition paper suggests that it would be the best thing for France if the minister took a submarine boat, as It would have to go down and might never come up. Pelletan is SS years old and the bride is S3. The bride's father, a sheriff, served papers on M. Pelletan, when the latter was in financial difficulties. They became friends and later the sheriff asked the minister to use his Influence to have the daughter transferred from her position as teacher la a government school In the country to a Paris school. M. Pelletan acquiesced snd the first thing the new Paris teacher did waa to give M. Pelletan lessons in love. PARISIANS , BADLY SCARED Aeeldeat C eases Immense Decrease la Receipts of I'mdrra-Toaad Read. (Copyright, 190S, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS. Aug. a (New York World Cable gramSpecial Telegram.) The scare caused by the underground railway horror la be coming ridiculous in some respects. Ths company's receipts are said to have fallen oft SS.0M) a day and the people who venture to take its trains are extremely nervous. A man caused a panic on a train yester day by knocking' ashes and sparks from hi cigar as the train entered a station. passenger stepping on and lighting a match is enough now to cause nervous prostration to a train load. At tbe Champs Elysses station something waa wrong with a motor and when the train hands called "all out" something very like a panic occurred. It is estimated that the changes required because of the accident will cost millions. NOTHING FOR BEAUTY ALONE French Critic of America Think Even Beaaty Mast Be Practical ta Find a Place. (Copyright, 1901. by Press Publishing Co.) PARI Aug. a.-(New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Jules Huret, continuing his articles to the Figaro on his imDreeaiona of the United States, writes that he has studied ths ornamentation of American cities and finds tt rare to see any thing built in America for beauty's ssks alone, nearly everything having its utilitar ian side. There is one thing, however, the aquarium in New York, which, he says, has no end except Its beauty. He found It very Interesting and very extraordinary He marvels at the apartment houses, the slate, their height and their modern appli ancea, French architecture, he remarks, Is not altogether pushed to the wall In America, In spit of the rivalry of Ameri can architects, and it does credit by It good taste ta the French nation. SALISBURY IS DEAD British Statesman, Fonr Tiroes Premier, Succumbs to Bright's Disease. ND COMES ALMOST IMPERCEPTIBLE amilj Snrronnds Bedside as Af ed Marquis Breathes His Last IVES LONG LIFE IN FIERCE LIGHT Tonth Passed in the Obscurity and Virtual PoTertj of Younger Son. BROTHER'S DEATH CHANGES HIS FUTURE Haagthty Aristocrat Hates America While Seeking; Political Honor at Home with Wife's Assistance. LONDON. Aug.r.-Lord Salisbury dl?4 peacefully at 9:46 tonight. For forty-eight I hours the end was seen to be inevitable. the great frame of England's ex-premlcr being sustained only by the constant, use f oxygen, but even this failed In its ef fect as the evening advanced. Soon after the shadows had crept up from the valley nd enshrouded the dull red walls of Hat field House, the distinguished statesman. making the last effort of his life, turned slightly toward his favorite daughter, Ijidy Gwendoline Cecil, who was kneeling besida him, and then quietly breathed his last. Lord Edward Cecil had been warned arly this afternoon by telegraph that the end was near. All the other members of hla lordship's family had gathered at the bedside. Dr. Douglas Powell, who had attended Lord Salisbury, was notified by telegraph this morning that It was useless for him to come, and he was therefore absent at the end. Villagers Receive Xewe. The village of Hatfield, which still re- tains many features of the feudal period, waa filled with anxious residents awaiting the news of his lordship's demise. The great Hatfield House, hidden behind Its screen of pine trees, was lighted at every window and gave no sign of the approach ing fatality. Groups of watchers clustered under the Elliabethah arches of the lodge gates, anxiously questioning each latest passer from Hatfield House. Finally the news came when a hatless ervant dashed down the graveled roadway. saying as he passed: "He has gone." And then disappeared In the church. Soon after the bell from the tower above tolled slowly and the villagers at the street corners un covered In acknowledgment of the passing of the neighbor and friend. Viscount C ran borne, who now assumes the title of Marquis of Salisbury, immedi ately notified King Edward and Queen Alexandra, the prince and princess of Wales and others, including Lord Edward Cecil, the soldier son. of Lord Ballabury, who is now in Egypt, and who was the only child of the marquis absent from the deathbed. Boon messages of condolence began coming in and the little telegraph office at Hatfield was swamped with un precedented business. The death of Lord Salisbury occurred on the fiftieth anniversary of his entry Into public life as member of the House of Commons for Stafford. The elevation of Lord Salisbury Cran borne to the House of Lords creates a va cancy in the Commons for the Chester district and Vlll probably entail the selec tion of a new under secretary for foreign t flairs. The ex-premier, though he had retired rom political life, was an Important fea ture in many wuys. He was a warden of the Cinque ports, high steward of West minster and chancellor of Oxford unlver sity. His death places an order of Knlget of the Garter at the disposal of King Edward. Sketch of Career. Robert Arthur Talbot Cecil, marquis of Salisbury, was born at Hatfield. .the family manor, February 10, 1130. His early educa tion was had at Eton end finished at Ox ford, where he became a fellow of All Soultr college. In 1SS1 tha future marquis married a Miss Anderson, daughter of a barrister, who rose to be a Judge. The connection was most unwelcome to tha noble family into which she entered, for a barrister in England belongs to the middle class, and for years the future premier waa under tha ban of his father. His al lowance was unbefitting his birth, though the BaUshury fortune la enormous, and as children came the impecunious pair were obliged to eke out a support by writing for the magazines and newspapers, a means at that time not regarded as dignified for aristocrats. They lived and dressed very plainly, and when they had a holiday trav eled second or third class with their chll dren, like tbe great mass from whom they could hardly be distinguished. But they both had brains and a determi nation which enabled them to bear up under 111 fortune not deservad. Meanwhile Lord Robert was elected to Parliament, for the son of a marquis, even though in dis favor with bis father, can generally be pushed in England; but his temper was not good and bis manner not popular. Ha made no great mark except as a rugged, cantankerous young man, possessed of some ability, but soured by circumstances. Death Comee as Godsend. In :S6&, as ha was rising to make a speech in the House of Commons, he was suddenly summoned to the door and informed that his elder brother had Just died. This event made Mm Viscount Cranborne and heir to the title and, estates of the marquis of Salisbury. His own fata and that of his family were changed In an instant. From obscurity and poverty they stepped into ease and Importance, while high fortune and positive grandeur stood waiting for them in tbe immediate future. The old Lord Salisbury was soon reconciled to his new heir, and three years afterward hs died, leaving the literary hack and once dis inherited son owner of one of England's greatest houses and bearer of one of her greatest names. As soon as he became Lord Cranborne the young politician was recognised by the tory leaders, and In Use was invited to enter Lord Derby's cabinet. In a year, however, Disraeli, who was in reality ths leading spirit In that cabinet, introduced a measure for extended suffrage, which consistent torles refused to support. Among the recusants waa Lord Cranborne, who, with two of his allies, left the cabinet rather than consent to ths democratic in novation. The rupture was personal ss well as political, and Iord Cranborne did not speak to his former chief for years. About this time Lord Salisbury's step mother remarried. She had been fur twenty (Continued en Second Page.) THE BEE BULLETIN. Forecast for Nebraska Locsl Thunder Showers and Cwler Sunday: Monday Fair and Warmer In West Tortlon. Page. 1 4 arnrsle Kind in Ills Birthplace. Hanaherta Are All Knnd Onllty. I.erd nllhury Is Head. 'Reliance W Ins la First Yacht Rare. 3 Bookbinders File Miller Charges. 5 F.vents at the State Capital. . f onnty ( oai rntlnsi In Sehreska. Doctor Held for tJIrls harder. 4 live Stock at the t. I.onls Fair. Omaha Must l ie Local Capital. 4 hi 1I Labor In Mines Prohibited. B Xew Colonel nf the Twenty-Second. Affairs at Sooth Omaha. Women Assaulted by Maasalmea. 6 Past Week la Omnha Society. Market llon.e Malls Slow. T Democrats Pick Their Delegates. Pepallsta Are la No Harry. H Council malts and Iowa News. 9 Results of the Ball Games. General Sporting Stsi, 10) End of the. Tennis Tonraey. Africander Makes Record Time. 11 Women llae Dlveraeat Ideas. Sister ef Mercy F.lopee. Grocers Favor Matnal Insurance. 12 Amusements and Music. 13 Sportlnar Review of the Week. 14 Editorial. IS When Cheyenne Turns Loose. I niresalone of the Vit Pope. 1M t'apld Mixed lv In Many Pranks. Ill I omnierc lat and Financial. Temperature at Omaha Yeaterdayi Hour. Dea. Hoar. Dec. K a. m J a. m. . . . , T a. nt 8 a. m 8 a. m. . . . , tt ilH ! T2 TH Ml H2 H3 1 P. it p. S p. 4 p. B p. P. T p. Mil Hit 8 8 81 HM 8T , , t . i . . 10 a. m 11 a. m . . . . , ia m ELKS' SPECIALJS WRECKED Two Persons Killed ana Thirty In jured by Spreadlag; Oregon Ralls. PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. 12. A special ex cursion on the Northern Pacific, enroute to the Elks' clambake at Olympla, was wrecked about 11 this morning between Chehalis and Centralis. The and five of the seven passenger coaches went Into the ditch. The two remaining coaches left the track, but did not turn over. Two were killed and thirty injured. Special relief trains have been dispatched from all points. The train left here at this morning and all the coaches were crowded. The wreck occurred en a grade and Is said to have been caused by spreading rails. The first two coaches were badly shattered. The dead : CHARLES SILAS of Portland. UNIDENTIFIED TRAMP. The injured: Engineer WlUlara Green, back and, bead hurt. Fireman George Doskey, seriously hurt internally. o. w. feraue. tins ana snouiaer oroxen, Walter Edmunds, head bruised. 'Guv Cartler. leer broken and head bruised, O. Winfleld, ribs broken and hurt Intel- nally. Charles Frank, badly cut about head and hurt internally. . .... -r - - - ... Oua Kratie. bruised. Miss Cornelius, bruised and shoulder broken. George K. Btodrett, ' leg broken and bruised about head. Will Harris, badly bruised. Mrs. C. B. Brown, broken arm. H. B. Stout, head hurt. Charles Freeman, seriously hurt. Qulmby, leg broken and bruised. John Caswell, badly Injured. Charles Herr, head hurt. John Ruddy, head and face hurt. Dr. Doloefleld. ailghtlv hurt. Charles Oberg. slightly hurt. Ed Sterling, back hurt. John Kohn, slightly hurt. Charles Hart, cut about head. A. D. McDonald, slltthtly hurt. E. Vlrslms, head hurt. - SIX FIREMEN ARE BURIED Pallia; Wall Entombs Mea Flghtlac Flames la St. Loals Hay Store. ST. LOriS, Aug. 2S. Six firemen were burled under a falling wall during a fire that destroyed the big store of the Luethr mann Hay and Grain company In North St. Louts this afternoon. All were rescued, but two suffered severe Injuries. Injured : Richard O'Neil. burned. Herman McBrlde, burned Joeepb O'Harra. x David Obelmser. Dan Reardon. Michael Hanlon. CARTER IS AT OYSTER BAY s Former Senator from Montana Calls to Talk 0er Appointments for the State. OYSTER BAY. L. I.. Aug. a. Former Senator Thomas H. Carter of Montana was the only formal caller on President Roosevelt today at Sagamore H11L He came to discuss with the president appointments In his state In which he Is Interested, snd also some details concern ing the Louisiana Purchase exposition, of which he la one of the national commis sioners. He was a guest of the president at luncheon. TRAIN WRECK MAIMS THREE Knickerbocker Special Collides with Freight with Berloas Results. PANA. III., Aug. 22. The westbound Knickerbocker special train on the Cleve land, Cincinnati, Chicago A St. Louis to day ran at high speed Into the rrar end of a freight train, partly demolishing the pas senger locomotive and several freight cars. Emma Harris of St. Louis suffered se vere cuts about the head; Engineer J. E. Reynolds of Mattoon sustained a dislocated shoulder and Cook Alberns of Bellefon talne, O , was painfully burned. Movements of Ocean Vessels Augr. S3. At New York Arrived : New York, from Southampton; August V ictoria, from Ham burg; I'mbria. from Liverpool. Sailed: Mln netonka. for London; Columbia, for Glas- row: Vsderland. for Antwerp; Campania, or Liverpool; Pennsylvania, for Hamburg, vln Plvmouth and Cherbourg. At Bremen Sailed: Barbarosse, tor New York. At Queenstown Arrived' Etrurla. from New York; Cedrtc. from New York. i At Hong lOing Arrived, previously: City of Pekin. from San Francisco, via Honolulu, Yokohama, etc. At Yokohama Arrived, previously: Indra Ssmha. from Portland lor Hong Kong; Nippon Verl. from H-n Frt,nfl o, via Hon olulu, for Hong Kong. At Antwerp-Sailed: Zealand, fur New York. i At 6-lilv Passed: Grosser Kurfurst. from New York for Plymouth, Cherbourg and Bremen. At Southampton Sailed: Philadelphia, for New York, via Cherloui g. At Havre Sailed: lt Lorraine, for New Tork. RELIANCE IS WINNER American Yacht laiily Distances Sir Thomas Lipton's Onp Hunter. SHAMROCK OVER EIGHT MINUTES BEHIND Pint Race Seems to firmly Establish the Defender's Superiority. BRITISHER IS TO BE REMEASURED manama Anchor ana Chain Missing tt Official Test to Be Ke placed. STIFF BREEZE BOWLS BOATS ALONG Ideal Weather Marka Second Attempt lo Open Series for Rlae Ribbon af Seaa am Aaalversary af First Wla. NEW YORK. Aug. U.-Iu a cplemLd twelve to fifteen -knot breese, over a wind ward and leeward course of thirty miles. Reliance today beat Shamrock HI by eight minutes thirty-six seconds actual time, or seven minutes thirty-nine seconds after de ducting the one minute fifty-seven second sy time allowance which the defender con ceded to Sir Thomas Lipton's third chal lenger on account of Reliance's sail area as at present measured. It waa a royal water fight for the ancient trophy, which carries with it the yachting supremacy of the world. By a strange co incidence, the first victory In the cup series of 1903 occurred on the fifty-second anni versary of the day on which America won Its famous victory round the Isle of Wight, Reliance beat the British boat three min utes twenty-four seconds in the thresh to windward, and five minutes thirty-six sec. onds in the run down the wind. First Race Conclusive. The nautical sharps, who hsd already made up their minds on Thursday that Re liance could take the measure of the chal lenger in any kind of weather, regard to day's test as conclusive, although they hardly anticipated so overwhelming a vic tory. The race even dampened the ardor of Sir Thomas, who Insisted, after Thurs day's fluke, that his yacht was greater than ever. Still like a true sportsman, he does not acknowledge defeat and hopes for better luck next time. The single criticism his friends make of today's race is that tha only shift of thb wind which occurred waa to the advantage of the defending yacht. Aa thla shift oc curred On the windward beat, even grant ing that It accounted for Reliance's lend at the turn, the time the defender gained on. the home run was more than ample to give It the race. It must be conceded, how ever, that Shamrock showed Itself a won derful boat In beating to windward, per haps the best craft in thla respect ever sent across the western ocesn on a cup hunting expedition. For twelve miles the great single stlcke.s raced like a team of horses and during that portion of the duel the patriots made no attempt to conceal '.heir pervousnees.'- ' "The racing 'conditions Wday were ideal! A thin hate hung over the Jersey chore obstructing the view, but out on the course the sea was flooded with sunshine from a vault of feckless blue. A long ' ocean swell heaved up from the south and a twelve-knot breese, fresh and strengthen ing, blew out of the southwest, throwing up fleeting whitecaps on tha suarklln.; ocean. The picture was superb. The size of the enormous excursion fleet and the number of slghtreers aboard. In the es timation cf those who have witnessed many contests, made a record for an In ternational cup race. Mark Carried Oat to lea. As the direction of the wind would have carried a windward course from Sandy Hook lightship Into the Jersey shore, the committee was obliged to set the mark seven miles further out This delayed the) ' start about forty-five minutes and pre vented the usual massing of the exour. slon fleet in the form of a great marine amphitheatre behind the starting line. In stead, kept back by the revenue cutters, they formed a column of hulls and stacks extending three miles toward the Jersey shore, the yachts around the line com pleting the shape of a fishhook. The course, southwest, carried directly Into the eye of the wind, to a point off Anbury Park. The honors of the start, as on Thursdsy, were tsken by the American skipper. Cap tain Wrings timed his approach to the Hue badly and in an effort to keep oft until the gun boomed almost lost his bowsprit as he luffed up to cross. Barr, as usual, went over in the windward berth, four seconds behind his rival. Both were close hauled on the starboard tack. It was a magnificent sight as they plunged seaward. The first few minutes were watched with intense interest. Both were foptlng fast. They showed yards of their underbodles and shipped a good deal of spray and some solid water forward. But after fifteen minutes their positions had not varied per ceptibly and there was alarm among the experts. Those who had expected to see Peltance walk away from Its adversary as a result of last Thursday's showing were disappointed. Bhamrock hung on and in tack after tack seemed to be holding Its own. For thirteen miles challenger and chal lenged fought out ths magnificent duel, sailing between two lanes of excursion boats as free from interference as If they had been in the middle of the Atlantic. AH the time tha wind waa freshening and the , white caps were topping the waves. Wind Shifts with Hellaace Ahead. The critical point in the race came at 12:40. a little less than two hours after the start. The mark was less than two miles away and the relative positions of the boats were about tha same. Both were on the starboard tack. Reliance ahead, but to leeward. Suddenly the wind dropped arid hauled a trifle to the west. The shift enabled the yachts to head up for tha mark with Reliance In the lead by about 200 yards. This waa the only thing which marred an otherwise truly sailed race. But from that time on Reliance steadily In creased Its lead In windward work until it was three-quarters of a mils ahead. As it rounded the outer mark, the whistles, sirens, bands and the voices of the un numbered thousands on the excursion fleet swelled into a vast chorus. Turning for horns, lis spinnaker boom, poised along the mast like a lance ia rest, fell to port and the big sail burst oit Ilka a cloud, while at the same moment lis enormous balloon Jib topsail bellied out forward. The smart work was cheered by the crowds, but a moment afterwards there was a cry of dismay when the guy that held the spinnaker parted. The enormous sail soared aloft and tumbled over the Jib top sails stay, collapsing like aa empty meal sack. But the spar was