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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1903)
TirR OMAHA DAIIjY JVnE: TUESDAY, AUGUST 4. 1003. n 1 1 ) i l I SPECIAL NOTICES Awvertlsem-aa far these roltM will ! tares watll IS m. far tbe evealna; edltloa aad antll " SO n. as. for nonliK aa lltf edltlea. , 1 l-2o a mil flrat laaertlea, la war thereafter. Nethlasr fake-a fer less thaa tfta for the first laaer tloa. Tti advertlaraaeate aaaat ba raa eoaseentlvely. Adwrtler, ay' reejaaettan; aim br4 ekrek, t have aaawara ad Baeeeed to a aembered letter Ic rare at The Rr. Aaawara a addresaaal will ba delivered aaaaaatatlaa mt ta beak air. WANTED-.giTrAT.ONS. COMPETENT, young lady stenographer wants position In aoutheastern Nehraska. Addresa, Stenographer, E. th St., Topeka, Kn.' . . . A S7.i4x WAITED MALE HELP. FALL TERM. - Open September 1. Bend fur catalogue "t orce. New classes In all druartments. Why not attend a few months and Becufe a good position?. It la ready for you. Omaha Commercial ; College, 17th and Douglas 8 Is B-MS83 6 I WANTED For United State army, abie- bodied. unmarried men, between agea ot 21 and 3o, citizens of United States, of good character ami temperate habits, who can apeak, read and-write English. Kor t w. n. .. Il... 11 , !- Mnrilllllilf ftfflflAr 16th and Dodge Bt., Omaha, and Hastings, . Neb. .-. j-n.o ylVLt give a worthy young man or woman a paWi-up scholarship In Omaha's leading business college, to ba paid for whan course la finished and position recured. Address, & 23, Bee. B 810 WANTEIvmall Job of cellar cementing done. Apply at 607 N. Y. Life Bldg. DRUG clerk,, with 1 or I years' experience, willing to Work. Addreaa, R. F. Hrown, Bloux Falls, 8. D B-Ml t TWO men- tor- handling lumber, two men for factory work. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha.' B-670-6 WANTED, ! -boy who has completed his schooling, or a lady, for general ollice work and bookkeeping. Aadresa K 6, Bee ofllce. .. B 800 3x WANTED Men to learn barber trade; our diplomas' evwlst to top wages; our method aavea years: all expenaea can nearly be earned before completing; our catalogue tells how, mailed free. Write Moler Bar ber College, l3Ui Douglas at. B Msul 7x BUNDLE wrapper c wanted A good bright i boy about 17 years old, to wrap m bunwies. . Appiy J. i uranaeis & Hons. S . B M924 5 WANTED A single man. to drive and work aoout earn ana nouae; fuwi wages. Ap ply at ofHeeof Ietnard Everett, IN Pearl street, uouncu 'Dtuni, -.- a oiaj ix WANTED'-A first-class meat and pastry cook at the Lewis restaurant, Sturgls, 8. D.'l wagea J6V a month for a good, sober man. ... . .... ... BM960 6 CAPABLE fthd experienced man for art depu of big store; must have referencee: atata age and salary wanted. Addrees K 16, Bee. ti Hal i WANTED, "two aoUcltora for Council BlufTa; $3 tq t5 per day: money every day. Stlgle man. i3 and 4o B. Main St., Council Bluffs, i lows.. I WANTED A weigh man for coal yard: should have some experience In handling coal. Adores f. D. box lab. Lincoln, ISeb- . j B MD74 4 WANTED rVHALB HELP. 100 Qlrls. Call Canadian pfllce. Uth. & Dodge. .WANTED, girl for light housework ; family o( k.o, . Aiareas , uu, aee . 'jmum WANTED, girl for general housework; family of .three. .Mrs. SlmeraLaTS North 2Sth Ave; ' ' r C-7l ' .WANTED, glr . 1911 Chicago.'' tor general, housework. r : C 800 1 .WANTED, ladles to learn halrdreaaing, manicuring or facial maasage; few weeks completes; our diplomas aaaiat to top wagea; our free catalogue explain how. Moler College, 13u3 Douglaa 1st. ' ' .C M812 7x TOUNO girl to assist at general house work. Inquire 127 8. 26th bU C M887 4 '.WANTEDpMiddle aged woman to cook for family of four; no 'washing: wages 4 a week. Address K 11. Bee. C 5d925 6 WANTED Girl for offlce work; bring recommendations. 812 McCague Bldg. C MDJU 4x WANTED Girl for ' office work; must be cood penman. Addreaa K 13, Bee. , - . ... .. C M933 4 GOOD girl wanted at the Creche, 19th and Harney. - , . C 8 Ex WANTED--Experlenced art people; muat give referencea to ensure attention; atate age and salary expected. Address K 15, Bee, .. ,- .. C 96i I PREPARERS, and . makers for millinery dept. at once.' Apdly Mlas Gerock. second floor, Bennett's. C 867 3 WAh(t ED, two solicitors for Council Bluffs; $3 to $5 iter day; money every day. Stlgls man. 43 and 46 8. Main St., Council Bluffs, Iowa. ,,....' WANTED A chambermaid at once. 812 Douglas St, Call afternoons. - . C M978 4x FOR RENT HOI 8ES. HfilKF in n PrU ' 'the city. R. nUUOEO . ct Peters A Co.. Bee Bldg - . . D &u FOR RENT, T-reom house; all modern ex. cept furnace, 704 Pf. SOth St.,- $3). ' c. M Bachan, 430-37 Paxton Blk. D 3W ' HOtlSFS 1"1IPr the city. The nVJUJW O. F. Davla Co.. 6u8 Bee Bid D 6W PAYNE-BOUT WICK ft CO., choice houses 601-603 New York Ufe Bldg. 'Phone 1018 "' " . D-6K5 WE MOE'planoa Maggard Van A Stor age Co. Tel, 14M. Ottjce, 1718 Webster St. ; ' D-CW CENTRAL, 1 at -class 7-roorn house.' 220 N. 23. D M477 HOUSK3. jnaiwanee, Rlngwalt, Batker Blk '- ' ' D-M7 ' TWO-, svroont 'houses, all modem, 11800 C. M. "Bachwiann, 4J4-IT Paxton block. 1 -... . D U7t TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storaan Co., office lbll4 Farnam, or Tela. lfuM i ' - : .' ' .D-taj 131 s Douglas St., 11 rooms, Apply 6(9 N Y Life. D-3 '. run keint. a cottage, not Marty St.; V per month. Wa, K Potter, receiver, u3 nin uiuc. U837 S-ROOM houae. modern Improvements, mj apiwi ftTt i - - t MG64 BX J-ROOU house, .modern-improvements, mj y"v a . . j r w u-hm tx siiiiaiinw nouae, u room, modern.- la flrat-claaa condition. lSll Howard 8t de airabla location; Ii6.u0. pr will rant S4 room. tllO.uO per month. George A Co 1601 Farnam fit. DAliH 7 " MODERN 8-room oottaga( tJ&.MVA Sher- man Ave. -Q. E. , Turklngton, 806 Hew. ' -t D 7T8 MODERN Vroo in .bouse, 30. 642 s th at D-MWT.8; Vv HOUSE to rent." VAX i, XSh at.; T ooms, li;.00 per' raonfh. . , D fc6 ax FOR REXT-FCRXlsHEJi ROOMS, DEWEY Cusopeaa)-hotel, fit -and rTtniri: - ' .. E ROYAL HOThiL, Ewruoean, 16h at -hlrsgo 4 E Juu II 00 to U .06 per week, 422 .So. IKth St., one block south, of court house. - E 7ul KIC'E cool roum. modern, very raaaouabie; gsaUsnieu irrfariad, 1426 N. 17th. .f (X M. E. Laula trucks. . Ttlatihana p I ., .. - f 70S FOR REST-FIRJI9HF.D KOOKH. FRONT and other desirable rooma, bath. cool and central, for gentleman. Iil7 Case St. . E-M07 4 AETNA IIOU8E, European, 13th lo.1re. HOTEL HUBBEL, 13 ft Howard. Phone I!W 218 N. 17TH, cool front rooms for two E M444 13 NIPBLT furnished rooma. In'inlre Omaha stem laundry, 1750 Leavenwortn. riwn A-1782. .... . E-705 RfWjMS. r .-t no per week; board. 3.00. i nursion noiei, join ana jacnwiii . E M617 24 ONE or two furnished rrmma for rent; fine location, lawn and shade, gentlemen pre ferred 2213 Farnam St. E "78 6x TWO pleajsnt moms, private, car line, walking distance. Address iv n. nee oinrc. ' E M9S2 6x . WFLt, furnished room In private fnmllv, for single gentleman only, us a i'"n si. FtllMSIlED KOOM9 AKD HOARD. DFHlRABLE rooms, tne Farnam, 19th and Farnam. F 7u6 609 8. 25TH AVE. ; private family. F-707 AVELL ventilated modern rooms; flrst- clasa board. Telephone, an Douglas at. . F-M731 THE. best furnished rooms with board by the day or week; home cooking. 218-220 N. Mth st. F-M728 ROOAIS Modern, T0 Harney St. F 964 8x KUIINITIRE PACKING. PETERSON & LUNDBERO, 116 So. 17th. Tel. L-23o8. H 70a FOR REXT STORES AND OFFICES.' FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied by The Bee at 818 k arnam St. It has lour stories and a basement which was formerly used aa The Bee presa room. Thla Will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at office of C. C. Rose- water, secretary, room 1UU, DM building. 1 Ml FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at 910 Farnam, 22x90, four sloriea ana nrst-ciass cementea oaaement, elevator, firs and burglar proof vault. oRtce counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary the Bee Building Co., room luu, Bee building. . i Mtnii DESK room for rent 834 Paxton. block. ' ; 1-MW0 STOREROOM, lb15 Howard at., with light basement, unloading piauorm in tno rear, auu.uv. ueorge at wo., ioui x arnam at. ' 1 M48 A 'AGENTS WASTED. WANTED Canvasaing agents in every county to solicit subscriptions to THli TWENTIETH CENTUKV FARMER. Steady employment with aesured good In come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers .make easily xtw to iw per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, lies ouuuing, umang, j zw AGENTS wanted to sell the "Life of Pope Leo XIII," written with the encourage ment, approbation and bleaalng of His Holiness, the Pope, by Monsignor Ber nard O'Reilly. 831 Paxton Bldg. , J M384 WE have all six of the different Pope Leo ;aui looks; oeei. terms; ireignt paid; ouini iree. lui or write w . a. nixen baugh & Co., 600 Ware blk., Omaha. , J M862 AGENTS WANTED-475.00 weekly easily made selling our Double- Indemnity comoinauon neaitn ana accident policies. Liberal commission; strong company; KnerinrA linneceaaarv. Writa for turmm National' Health 'and .'Accident Assocja- .iion, wn urocaer ciug, iea Moines, la. J HUB A3B", F1)R best book, best, terms on life of Pope Leo XIII Call or tddresa D. B. Zimmer, djj xx. i. i.iie mux., um&iu. t WAHTKft-TO RBJITv WT'TT;t5'" k' 'fnunr'min ni1 nnj nuicr, iuvui hhu uukiu in private iamny, ' "where he can enlov the comforts nf modern home; will pay well for the de- airea accommoaations. Addreaa Jv, u, oe viuo. a MW9 4I WANTED Board and room with private iamuy, dv young man; state price. Ad dress K 17, Bee Offlce. K M977 5x WANTED TO BUY. WANTED to buy, some good dental cnairs. union uentai College. N M674 GOOD work horse, for cash; state lowest price and wnere can be seen. Addreaa rt. 18, Hee. N MS)71 6x FOR SALE KIR.NITIRE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel oiju. new aaa secona-nana bought, sold exchanged. O 709 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC, FOR SALE, one large Ist-passenger -closed ...; -.... nv vt,w iamuy carriage, one large platform-spring spider uimoiuii, on imuw -u,, iwu uuuoie sets bt harness, one silver mounted, and one Single sei oi Harness, cau frank E Morses, City Hall. . P M51U FOR SALE One second-hand 19X0 model tjias nuntiiuui, .in sooa cnnajtion, X4i0 One second-hand 1901 model Olds Rumhni'it used very little, new tires, good running One shop worn Spauldlng, 437J, One new Milwaukee ateam wagon, run firobably 60 miles, built to order with all mprovementa, $300. ' One second-hand Milwaukee steam .wagon. built to order, with all Improve used three months only and an excellent Steamer. J2S0. The largest line nf new automobiles In the entire western country, i JONAS AUTOMOBILE CO., Milwaukee,- Wis. P M7SS 7x HAVE your rubber "tlrea aet while you wait. xl. r rosi, jtin ana j-avenwortn. - . P-710 MONROE sells pleasure vehicles at 811 N, 16th st. . P 711 TOP BUGGY at half price, also nearly new, $i wagon gear, cheap. See A. W. John son, with John peers Plow Co. ' ' ' P-M700 A26 FOR SALE Half Interest in trotting bred mare; man iniunig uicu aiaiuon lur anio. Adnmi f in, nrr- rm j FOR SALE MISCELLAKEOIS.' FOR SALE l.SoO feet of seconhand S wire rope. In good condition. Apply to or ad- areas aupennienaeni oi xee rJumiinx, Omaha." - 4 MiO NEW and tdhand typawrlters., Ul Farnam, W 712 FOR SALE Secondhand locomobile, In first-class shape, at one-half price. Cull or addreaa, 1(21 h arnam BL Q 713 FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. 25- cents each; large, well made barrela; mkks Miat-claaa garbage receptacles. Fred Younga, foreman. Bee press room, rear entrance nee umg. j M43I INDIAN gooda . and relics. - lilt Famaat. ui FOR SALE A new 801 ampere double pole awucn; never onen uea. Apply to or ad dreaa "Bupenntenaoni ttee Mulliiing, Omaha." Q-M7H, TFI.F.PHONE POLES: Ion n llmhm . chicken fence; oak piling. V4 Duxlas. ... . g 715 FOR SALE Crane hydraulic elevator; ean ba uaed either paaenger or freight: oom clete. Iron guide poets, cage and .wire en- i r l . i .. , a. a Liuiuirs, 4. tiianuria m Dull. Q-g IRON and wire feuc.a. Iree guards - tre.lisea. Western Anchor Fence Co., tS N. 17th St. Q 116 XDHAND aafe cheap. Derlght, lilt Farnam. W 719 WAKE.11ULSK acaiea vheap. - Bam I Kurna. . . W-M44 11 tl.OUO BRICK for aale. W. Farnam Smith aV Co., ISM Farnam St. Qti For' SAlJH Coal business. Capital Jeaulred, t2.0uu.00. 1 U, Bee. IF YOUR NAME IS IN THE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY YO.U CAN TELEPHONE IN YOUR WANT AD FOR ANYTHING YOU WANT AND WE'LL CHARGE IT TO YOU. OUR TELEPHONE NUMBER IS 2)0. FUR 8 4 LIC MISCKLLAKKOl II. CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Ci 718 FOR SALE Great Dane pup. R- Frlksen, xsewman urove, eb. mi it FOR SALE A few 6 to l-hore power boiler and engines, of both horlxontttl and vertlrul types; bIho two Lambert gasoline engines, 4 to 8-home power; all In perfect running order. W. A. Carpenter. York, Neb. . J 6,63 x FOR SALE CHEAP One secondhand steam heater that heats school house witn ftvo rooms; In fair condition; the reason for selling. We are going to build lurner. In quire or write, Z. t Llnvillo, Secretary of School Board, Carson, la. Q M8i7 FOR SALE, cheap, carriage team; color, black; age, f and 7 years old. Vt . J. Bur gess, Royd'a Theater. CLAIRVOYANTS. UMK. LL'CRETIA, medium, 170 California. S bu A4 . MRS. CARRIE, SMITH,. SOVEREIGN LADY QUEKN of clairvoi'ante; every thing told; past, present and future. Cat laraction r no pay. 1W7 N. 18th. 8 720 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, r.2 GRACE O'BRYAN, Baths. 720 S. 13th. T M636 MRS. DAVIS, 1C21 Howard St., front rooms, tub batn; tirst-ciass attendant. T M411 AS PERSONAL. VIAVI, a wholesale nerve and tissue food and home treatment ror aisoraers or women. Free booklet. Viavl Co, itia Bee Bldg. U 722 DR. ROY, chiropodist', corns and superflu ous hair removed oy electricity, n, 2 and 3, 1606 Farnam St. U 724 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. U-724 At druggists, 81. PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted, ine uooa rlatnarilun Sanitarium, 728 1st ave., Council Bluffs, la. U-196 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; Dames Doaraea ana aaopted. Mrs. Uardels, 2234 Lake. Tel. Red -14. : U 7i6 PRIVATE hospital before and during con- Mrs. L. Flher, 1501 Vinton. Tel. 189. U-728 PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladle before and during confinement, ur. ana airs, tierisoh, 3626 California St. Terms reasonable: - ' U-602 28 SURGEON-CHIROPODIST, 612 Bee bldg. u 1 TO OMAHA PEOPLE Those wanting room and onara at uite iskodoji appiy to Dea Moines Beach Clubhouse; best accommodations given. V 794 6x FOR shattered nerves, sleeplessness and exhaustion, use t,xnausiion tjure. rsoia only by the Family Supply Co., Boston, Mass. It reconstructs tha nervous sys tem and builds up. the stomach. 35 cents. - . -. . j- U M922 9x . .MOKBT 0 LOAlif HEAL, ESTATli 1 , WANTED, city . loans and .warrants. W. Farnam smltp t-ov, sum mfown street. ; ' - - t ..V 72H FARM and city loans:,.l6w, rates, W.. oil.. M,ei uutii, nMr Toj I.Um. .xnomaa, x . .... -- PRIVATE money. . Sherwood, 937, N. Y. Life, a TO fi P. C. money. Bemla, Parttan block: Y 7 . -,-.. ,W-i733..' FIVE PER CENT loans. (Garvin Bros.; 1804 Farnam. PRIVATE money. JVD. Wead, 1620 Douglas: WANTED Real estate loans and war rants, n. t-;.. x-eaera v-u., MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. C A CV TO GET C Ao l TO PAY Brit explalrva our methods. We 10en UU lUlllllUIC, a.m.iva., " i6. ax to rir if von hflv a tjerm&tnent poaltronw. iVAN without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service is quick and confidential and we always try to please. All that we ask la that you give ua a call l.ofore vou borrow elsewhere. UHAnA jnoniuAur, iisv,.., v , 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established 1S92.) 306 S. 10th St. . .. . X 737 MONEY To salaried employes and wage earners: Get our system of loans that gets you oat of dtbt. Any lady or gentleman, machinist, engineer, etc., having reliable employment can get. Just on his note: Monthly. Weekly. ! 100 Return to us.. .826 00 or 18.35 or 16 65 60-Return to us... 13 33 or 6.65 or 3.35 25-Return to us... 6.6 or 8 33 or l.W 16-Return to us... 4.00 or 2.00 or 1.00 Easiest terms, lowest rates, confidential. No Inquiries. Quick service. Courteous THE BTAR LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTQN BLK. X 187 CASH IN ANY AMOUNT-810 to 1500 loaned on furniture, pianos, etc., "and to people holding a steady position, without secur ity or publicity, at tha very loweat rates; payrmnta-can be made to suit your con venience; strictly confidential. a , . . . . . I I I . I 1 1 1 1 " T 1 I T " ' Rooms 307-3U6 Paxton Block. X738 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business Confidential. Try lis tf you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., . C3S Paxton Block. 10th and Farnam St". X 739 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOAKB TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc.. without se curity; easiest tertni. 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X-S40 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried reople; business confidential ; lowest rates. 14 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X 741 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., sue. to D. Green, R. 8, Barker bk. X-742 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13. X-74S BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR BALE, by administrator, good clean atock of general merchandise In good brick building In good location, ready to begin business at any time; Invoice about Iti.uuo; muat be sold soon. Call on or ad dress S. W. Chambers, administrator, Blair. Nab. . Y-M971 FOR SALE, ckan, new stock of general merchandise and building; Invoice about t',u"0; well established trade; good Com munity. Address J 84. Bee. Y M6u6 6 A GOOD buslne chance for roan with email capital; pay a JJW per month clear; neat town in uiaca num. Aogress j a. lire ornce. Y-M0G6 11 FOR SALE, real estate, rental and Inaur rano' bualneaa In beat county In Ne braska; a snap fur a man with a little money and some push. Established ten years. Address Lock Box 14a, Wlnside, Neb, . . Y Mooo NEWSPAPER for sale. Good, paying re publican weekly: county seat;, occupies special field. Address J 86, Bee. Y-M690 IX WHEN you want to .buy, aell or exchange any property or bualneaa quick, see J. H. Jea&son. Ml N. T. Life. . Y-744 DIS1NKSS CIIANCF.S. FOR SALE, at a bargain, bakery and con fectionery; good location; elegant soda fountain, fixtures and furniture nearly new; will sell on one year's time, with approved security. Address Mrs. F.- E. Baker, West Point. Neb. Y Mt7 7 A GOOD paying 18-room hotel for sale In Wood River, Neb., at a bargain; owner lives In Chicago ia the object In Belling. Mitchell & Faught, Wood Klver, Nib. Y M&U FOR SALE REAL KAT ATE. DESIRABLE HOUiSiS WEST PART CITY. ll.n (or 134 N. 3th Ave., east front lot 8"xli feet, known as J. 11. Mcintosh place; 11 rooms, atrlctly modern through out, combination furnace and hot water heat, oak finish and hard wood floors on first floor. Also good barn. Possession can ue given any time. GEORGE A COMPANY, 1801 Farnam St. KE-MS04 8 EASTERN party anxious to close out his real estate 'deals in Oniallu will sell mod ern house on raved street one block from car jlne; hot water hnatlnij; good barn; for 83.600: house cost "5,'i to build. Thomas Brennao, 309 So. 13th St. RE M786 6 RANCH and" Tarm lands .for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad .company, B. A. McAUestcr, land commissioner,- Union . Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 748 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city: also . acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room DC. Bee Bldg. RE-746 SALINE COUNTY farms are the beet. I have some bargains. Write for particu lars at once. F. O. Johnson, Dorchester, Neb. RE-M692 Si W. C. CHISSELL. 833 N.'T. Life Bldg. i RE M3i 7 10-ROOM modern house, 11 blocks from postofnee. for sale cheap. 108 N 15th. Sienewa & Co, R&-.17 WILLIAMSON' " RE-745 40 ACRES. Improved; Sarpy Co. Lock box 101, Papilllon. Neb. RE M793 A31 Tukev & Son FINE. HOME l-room modern hoiise, except furnace, with large barn and 78x133 feet of ground, at 2154 So. 84th St., n. w, or. 34th and Mar ' tha; paved street and permanent side walk; house In first-class condition and now vacant. Price, 83,5u); email cash pay ment down. Must be. sold at once. A. P..TUKEY & SON, .444 and 445. Board of Trade Bldg. : ' .-' . ..... vv.- - - RE 964 S FINE reataurant building, five rooms, 'partly furnished, at 8750; easy time; only building of kind In town; -a snap. A. T. Geyer, Brady Island, Neb. RE M778 4x For a safe ' and profitable Investment - Omaha real estate and Nebraska farm lands are now gilt edge. Note the following ILit of, bargains: IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. 6-room house on 24th, notth of Spaulding, lot 60x124, 12,200. 8-reom house, lot 40x11?, 'roell and cistern water, on 29th, hear Farnam street, 81,650. 5-room house, barn, well And cistern water, lot 40x127, on, Bfistpl $t.i .81,600. ' 4-roonj house,, barn, well water, lot,75xlI4, on 32d, near Cass SL, 1900. New 8-room modern house on Spauldlng, near 24th St.. lot 46x90.' 83.500. New -t-roon modera spouse, lot 37i4xl, ,-. "fn'uTJana .ve.;;t-500.. -. . -0-roora , lkonset , city ' water.. Jot; ,23V4xl27, on Charles, peA. 33d .fcH- 875)fc vt : . 4-room house, well water, lot 80x127, on .- Charles St., H block. Joov car line, 060. ' ' - VACANTLOTS. - Vacant lot, .60x1407 V"TTE,llal' neaft" St. ptrmaent,'Walk.L,J750. Lot on Hamilton Bt-itac ,S3d. -t0. . 2 lota On 27th and Sar,aAoga,Sts., 8450. .. ' STORE. BUILOlNGSr Store building-on 24U ud Spauldlng, lot 46x76. 82.600. i ' ' ' " Brick atore building, lot '20x132, on Cuming St.. near 22d, 82,600. UNIMPROVED LANDS. 480 4n Perkins Ce., Neb.; $5 per acre. 1,280 In Custer' Co.', Neb., from 86 to 89 per acre; 320 acres of this tract.dan be traded for Omaha property. . ... 160 In Lincoln Co., Neb., part under culti vation, 88 per acre; will trade for Omaha 40Paeresin Dawson, Neb., under cultivation and Irrigation, 860 per acre. Improved Acres Near Omaha. t acres on 30th St., near Forest Lawn. 83,600. 10 acres northwest of Omaha, mostly In fruit, has Bmall house, price $2,200; will trade for Omaha property. The above la only a partial lhrU of the bargains we have to offer, both In un- ?roved and unimproved city property and arm lands. Investigate. CHRIS BOYER, - Tel.' 2049. 22d and Cuming Sts. --TO BUILDERS AND INVESTORS There haa not been such aq opportunity for years to make money by building moderate-priced cottagea for rent or to sell- as at the present time. Every Indi cation points to an unusual demand for cottage homes this fall, and cottages built In desirable residence locations will be eagerly sought for. WE OFFER THIS WEEK SIX LOTS NEAR FARNAM- and 42D STREET. Those lots are close to the Farnam car line and right adjoining the flneat resi dence portion of Omaha. They are cheap at ' $700 to $10 each, but- the owner ia obliged to make a quick sale, and we can offer All SIX LOTS FOR $2,750. If cottages costing $1,500 are put on these lots we will guarantee to rent them for at least $25.00 per month. The West Farnam district la the coming realdence part ef Omaha. Lat year over $:&a,co0 worth of buildings were put up in this distrlQt. We will be glad to have you investigate this bargain. HICKS, 489 Board ot Trade Bldg. Telephone '11. ' RE M97S 4x ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN. 200 Douglas block. -741 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North 16th. -so CARPENTERS AKD JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. 1. Ochiltree, wth and ljRke afreets. S70 DANCNIG ACADEMY. MORAND'S. Crelghton hall; prjvste leaanns uaiiy; waits anu two-step, to. xei. 8M Ail DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK, 617 Karbach block. Tel. A-2S32. 751 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. O. R. RATHBUN. room 16, Com'l Nat Bank 752 FLORISTS. HESS Ac SW'OBODA. 1415 Farnam. 761 L. HENDERSON, florist, 1518 Farnam ft. 7l FIRNITIRE PACKED. GATE CITY Upholstering Co.. woven wire springs tlghluned. Tel. B-2076. 1706 St. M s ry A ve, 755 LAW ASH COLLECTIONS. BTILLMAN II PRICE. 23 U. 8. Nat, Bk. bid. NEW SNOW-CHURCH COL. 1st floor N. Y Life Bldg., attorney and collectors every- wnere. iu UOLD AM) MLYER 1'I.ATINfi. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2M6. 7M GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY OARPAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage find dead nnlmnla at reduced price. (1 N. lOih. Tel. 1779. 757 INVESTMENTS. TOUR MINING stock may be valuable. We furnish reliable reports on stocks and mines. Mining Information Bureau, 1621 IHth St.. Denver, Colo. M 6S7 Sx LAWN MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melchoir, 13lh A Howard 758 LAWNMOWER3 sharpened, saws filed, umbrellas repaired, keys, etc. toll N. lKth. Tel. 2974. 759 LOST. LOST Fox Terrier pup 8 montha old; white wkh black face and black nound spot on back. Return to 3tM8 California and ke.t reward. Loflt 96 4 ' LOST, gold buckle from . watch fob. also money order payable to Poatmaster, Omaha, Neb. Reward for return to Bee Ofllce. Loat 970 5x LOST Between loth and 24th on Spencer, a gold chain. Return to 415 city hall. . Lost M973 6X LOST Pocketbook, on Ith St. line be tween Dodge- and Ames Ave., containing a sum of money. Return to Trultt's res taurant, 17th and N, and receive reward. lxmt M972 4a MEDICAL. LADTES1 Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best. 8afe, rel able. Take no other Send 4c.. stamps, fo' particulars, "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mall. Ask your druggUt Chichester Chemteal Co. Philadelphia. Pa. JHl'SirAL. TH03. J. KELLT, voice. Davldge Block. Sit OSTEOPATHY. QID. E. & ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 616, New York Life Bldg. Tel. 1664. . . 763 The Hunt Infirmary, McCague Bldg. T. 2352. 764 I Atzen Farwell, Paxton Blk., 604-7. T. 1365. 765 DRS, FINCH & MILLER, 124 8. 2oth"8t .-. . . -"66 Dr. Grace Deegan, 609 McCague. Tel. 2352. .- 767 PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fee unless sucoessful. 218 8. 15th St., Omaha. Tel. 179. . . 762 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 13ul Douglaa. 768 t J , 1 , ' . '. RIG MANUFACTURING. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1521 Leaven. Tel. 206S. 7fc8 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. ' A. C. VAN BANT S school. 717 N. Y. Life. ... ' C-X7o NEB. Busihess Shorthand Colleger Boyd's Theater..- -'" 771 STAMMERING AND STtTTERtNO, CURED. Julia Vaughn, 420 Ram go Bids. in STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1611H Farn. Tels. 1559-8,a. 778 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln, 1605 Farnam. 'Phone 7S4. 774 WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED, a loan of $7,500 on a partly de- . veloped mining property In Colorado, for the purchase of maohinery and further development. The property la worth at least 875.OU0. Will pay 6 per cent Int., and give an interest In an adjoining prop- ; erty of great prospective value. Full in formation given showing this to be a strictly legitimate proposition. Addreaa L W. Tulleys, Council Bluffs, Ia. i M 669 6 rOSTOFFICB NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign mails for the week ending August 8, 19U3, will close (promptly In all cases) at the General Post Ofllce aa follows: Par-cela-Post Mails will close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany close at 6 p. m. Monday. ' Regular and supplementary malls close at Foreign Station half hour later than closing time shown below (except that Sup plementary Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station;. Transatlantic Malls. TUESDAY At 8:30 a. .m. for Europe, per s. s. Kaiser Wllhelm der Grosse. via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Bremen; at 8:3o a. m. for Italy direct, per a. a. Uni ons pan must oe directed "per s. a ' Umbria"). WEDNESDAY At 6:S0 a. m. for Enron. per a. a. New York, via Southampton (mall for Ireland must be directed "per s. a New York"); at 7:30 a. m. for Nether lands direct, per a. a. Potsdam imaii moat be directed "per s. a. Potsdam"); at 8:S0 . in. .aupiueiieniary ju a. m.) lor Europe, per a. a. Teutonic, via Queenstown; at 11 a., m. for Denmark direct, nop United States (mall must be directed "per s. s. United States"). THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for France. Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Tur key, Egypt, Greece. British India nnd Lorenso Marques, per s. s. La Touraine, via Havre (mall for oihor parts of Europe must be directed "per a. a. La Touralne' ). i a t i p. m. ror Azores islands per s. s. Cambroman, from Boston. SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for Belirlum di. rect, per a a. Zeeland fmall must be dl reeled "per a a. Zeeland"); at 9:30 a. m. for Scotland direct, per s. a. Furnessia imau must oe atrectea per s. s. Furnes sia"); at 11:30 a. ra. (supplementary 1 v- in. mr uuiuini, per a. s. Lucania, x Queenstown. PRINTED MATTER, ETC.-Thls steamer takes Printed Matter. Commercial p. pers, and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europo will not be sent by this ship ...... .... i j uiicicu u y iier. i After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named atu.vo ad ditional Supplementary Mulls are opened in ins iera oi me American, Engllah French and Oerman steamers and eI main open until within Ten Minutes of ine uuur ui sailing oi steamer. Mails for Soath and Central America, west ladles, Etc. TUESDAY At 9 80 a. m. (supplementary 10:3U a. m ) for CENTRAL AMER1JA (.. cent Coata Rica) and SOUTH PACIFIC nmn. per a. a. Aliianca, via Colon (mall for Guatemala muat be directed -per a. a. Aiuanc . WEDNESDA Y At 8 80 a. m. for NEW' rULNULAM), per a. s. Rosalind; at '7 a. ra. for HAITI, per a. a. Oranje Nas sau (mail for Cape Haiti. Port de Palx, St. Marc and Curacao, Venesuela, Tr.n ldad, British and Dutch Guiana muat be directed "per a. a. Oranje Nassau"); at t a. m. for BRAZIL, per a. a. Tennyson, via Pernambuco. Bahia. Rio Janeiro and Bantoa (mail for Northern Brasil, Ar gentine Republic, Uruguay and Paraguay must oe nirectea par a. a. Tennyson ) TtlLKWII-AI I a. ni. for i l HA rra A City of Washington (mall for Mexico, roSTOrFKR KOTIIK. via Progrcao, Cum pec he and Vent t'rut must be directed "per a. a. City of Wash ington j. 1 FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per a. Santiago, via Tampicu tmail must be I directed "per a. a Kuutlngo"); at 1 p. m. for PORTO PI.ATA. per a. a. Foxhall, from Boston fmall for other parts of the Dominican Republic must te directed "Ier s. a. Koxh;tll"): at 6:3 p. in. for BERMUDA, per steamer from Halifax. BATURDAY-At S:3 a. m. for AKUKN T1NM RKJ-UBLIC, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. a. Canning; at M fsupplementary t.30 a. in.) for PoHYO RU'O. CURACAO and VKNKZl'KLA, per a. s. Mnrat-Htl tmall for Kavi'.nllla and Cartagena, must be directed "por a. . Mamciiilxi") : at J: s. m. (supplementary lo:; a. m ) for F)RTUNK IM.AND. JA MAICA. 8AVAMLLA and CARTAGENA, per a. a. Alene (mall for Costa Rica must lie directed "per s. a. Alene ); ut n. m. (supplementary 10:So a. m ) for 1NA UUA, HAITI and SANTA MART A. per a. a. Adirondack; nt P::W n. m. (supple mentary 10:30 a. m.) for ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX. LEEWARD nml WIND WARD ISLANDS, and BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. a. Psrlma (mAii ror urenuoa iinn i rmnian must re directed "per a. s. Parima "); at lo a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 12:) p. m. for CUBA, per a. a. Curltyba, via Havana. Malta Foryrnrded Overland, Etc Ei cent Transpacific. CUBA By rail to Port Tampa, Fla., and thence by steamer, closes at this office . dnlly, except Thursdays, at 5,r:30 a. m. (the connecting mails close here on Mon days. Wednesdays nnd Saturdays). MEXICO CITY overland, unless specially addrewaiHl for despatch by steamer, closes at thia otnee oaiiy, except minasy, at 1:30 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11 :0 P. m. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, closes nt this office dnlly at 6:30 p. m. (connecting mails close here every Monday, Wednes dnv and ftnturdavt. JANLAICA By rail to Boston, nnd thonre by atenmer. closes at this omoe at 6:30 n. m. everv Tuesday and Thnradav. MlQUEIXIN By mil' to Boston, and thence. by steamer, closes at tnis omce auuy at 30 p. ra. BELIZE. PUERTO CORTRZ AND Gt'ATE- MAI,A-By rail to New Orleans, nnd thence by atenmer. closes nt this office 1allv, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. m. and 1 11:80 p. m. Sundays at 1 p. m. nnd 111:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here Mon finvs at 111 :S0 p. tn. COSTA RTCA By rail to New Orleans, and thence pv steamer, closes nt tnis omce rii.ilv. nrint Sunday, af 11:30 D. in. and J11:S0 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and 511:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here Tues dfiva at 1 1 : :0 n. ml JREblSTKRKD MAIL closes at S p. m. previous aay. Transpacific Malls. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close here dally ot 6:30 p. m. up to August i.nn. mciu- n, l..Dnl. rrf m Toll AfllTU. HAWAIL CHINA. JAPAN and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San t'ranclsco, cioae here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to August 13rd, Inclusive, for despatch per a. e. Si beria. CHINA, and , JAPAN, via Tacoma, close here daily at. 6:30 p. m. up o wugum J7th, Inclualve, for despatch per 8. s. Ta coma TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via Ban Tanctsco. close here aany ai i. m. up to August 10th Inclusive, for des- natcli nnr' ' Mnrtnhsn. HAWAIIi ' Via San. JTrancisco, close here oaiiy at o:st) p. m. up to August iiuin, m- nlnslvA fnr nMrtoteh np a a Alameda. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close tiere anuy ai o:ou S. m.. up to August filth, inclusive, for espatch per a. s. Empress of Japan. (Merchandise for U. S. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can aria i . HAWAII. JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP- P1NIS ISLANDS,. Via Ban tTanciaco, nmo here dally at 6:80 p. m. up to August 1131 h, inclusive, for despatch per s. a. AUSTRALIA (except West), FIJI ISL ANDS and NEW LAlitUUIVlA, via Van couver and Victoria. B. C, xylose here dally at 6:80 p. m. up to August loth. In clusive, for despatch per s. s. Aorangl. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except West). -NEW CALEDONIA. r lJl, BAiau and HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here dnlly at :80 P- rn. up to August ,16th. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Sierra. (If the Cunard steamer carrying tirOiah mail for New Zealand does jiot arrive In time to connect with this Jeshatch, extra, malls closing at 6:30 a. m.;,"9:30 a'.-m.-iand 6:30 p. m.; Sundays at 4;8fl -"a. ni.; a m. and. 6:30 p. m. will be made up and forwarded until the ar- tJimI .nf. tha- PMnni-d ateamer.) PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran iclsco; .clos here oally at-6:30 p. m. tip to P. .VCk - i1...l.,n rf Haanatrh nar U. 'fiT Transport ' T. NOTE-rUnless otherwise addressed. West Australia Is forwarded via Europe and New Zealand and Phllippinea via Ban Fran claco the quickest routea. Phllippinea specially addressed "Via tanaua or vn Europe" must be fully prepaid at the for eign rates. Hawaii la forwarded via Ban Francisco exclusively. ... Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing dally and the achedule of clos ing Is arranged en the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. JRegiB tered mall closea at 6:00 p. m. previoua day. CORNELIUS TAN Uni, losimaaiei. Postofflce, New York. N. Y., July 31, 1903. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. flTOrE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. Omaha, Neb.. July 27, 1903,-Sealed pro posals, In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this ofllce until 12, noon, central sianaaru unn, au gust 26, 1903, for Installing a steam heating in nffimri'. nuiripri at Fort Robln- aon, Nebraska, Full Information furnished On application to Una Ollice, ui m mo Quartermaster, Fort Robinson, Nebraska, where plans and specifications may be seen. Proposals to be marked "Proposals for 8team Heating Plant," and addressed tO P. W. DAVlBUrt, Acting Jniei vuarici- master. - A3-d4t&24-25 PROPOSALS FOR HEATING AND power plant. Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, Waahington, D. C, August 1, 1903. Sealed proposals endorsed. "froposai xor neai .m -u unuva, un " and addressed to the Commis sioner of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C., will be received at the Indian office until 2 o'clock p. m. of Thursday, September S, 1903. for furnishing the necessary materials and labor roquirea to consiruci uu vum plete a heating and power plant at the Genoa school, Nebraska, In strict accord ance with plan, specifications and instruc tions to bidders, which may be examined at this office, the offices of the "Improve ment Bulletin," Minneapolis, Minn.: the "Nebraska State Journal," Lincoln, Neb.; "The BeV' Omaha, Neb.; the Northwestern Manufactnrers' association, St. Paul, Minn.; the "Butldera'..and Traders Exchanges' at -n.t,a vl, Milwaukee. Wis., and St. Paul. Minn.-, the V. S. Indian Warehouses at No. 206 oah Canal St.. Chicago, III.. No. 815 Howard St., Omaha, Neb., and Nos. 119-121 Wooster St., New York City, and at the school. For further Information apply to- W. H. winslow, oupi., uenoa, nouimm, W A JONES. Commissioner. A4-6-8-11-13-15-18-20-22. ' nccicm CONSTRUCTING QUARTER. master, Sheridan. Wyo., Aug. 4, i19o3. Sealed proposals in irnmcaiu ui oo jc celved here until 10 a. m.. Sent. 2. 1903, for construction of a 12-bed brick hospital at Fort Mackenzie, Wyo. Plana, specifications, i ntiln. tr hldilers. oroDoaal blanks nnd othet Information may be obtained at offices of depot quarienoMBieia , """, Paul. Denver and Chicago and at this office. U 8 reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof Envelopes containing proimsals should be endorsee. rrw"'" n.nai, u dressed Capt. Thos. Swobe, Q. M. FORT MEADE, B. D., JULY 22. 1D03 Sealed proposals In triplicate will be le celved until 2 p. m., August 10, 1SSJ3. for constructing addition to hospital here. In formation furnished upon application. IT. S reserves right to accept or reject any or ail proposals or any part thereof. En velopea containing propoaala to be marked "Proposals for Hospital Addition," ad dressed C. B. Vodges, Captain. Jy23 d4t A4-6M OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. Omaha, Neb,. July 27. lo3. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will lie received at this office until 12. noon, central standard time. Au gust 36, ltf. for the construction of an ad dition to hospital at Fort Robinson, Ne braska. Full Information furnished on ap plication to this office, or to the Quarter master, Fort Roblnaon, Neb., where plana and apeclflcattone may he Been. Prnposuis to be marked. "Proposals for Addition to Hospital." and addreaaed to P. W. DAVI SON. Acting Chief Quartermaster. A3-d4tI4-25 RAILWAY TIME CARD. VSION STATION lOTH AKD Mats' Y. lalon PaelSc. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited.... ,.. ; am a 7:60 pm The Faat Mall..... a 3.26 ps California Express a 4:20 pm Paclfle Express ... aXl.30 pm Eastern Exprea a 6 JO pm PILWAY TINE t'R. Tk. , ,1. l. . . a.aa - i,u nuniiu.; r. ,.1?.. . ai I -w ana Tha Colorado Special... T:10 am a 40 ana v. nicngo rpeciai , a a.f aa Lireoin, teatrlce ana Stromsbnrg Expreas. b 4 00 am Ml M pm a. v. m.A i ,jm . . i, , m uiiiiii, . . m e " p 'i, m v m pm Grand Island Local t tM Dm b 8:86 am Chleaao. Mllnsakt at St. raal. Chicago layllght a 7 45 am all :11pm Chicago Fast Express.. a 8:46 pm a I 40 pm Chicago Limited a 8:06 pm a 7 80 sm Des Moines Express..,. a 7 :4i am a $:4 pm Caleago A Nartayreatera. "The Northwestern Line. Fnet Chicago a 8.40 am Mall .a 8:00 pm Local Sioux City a 6:10 am Daylight St. Paul a 7::S am Daylight Chicago a 00 am Local Chlcagc all 3 am Local Cedar Itaplds 8:10 pra Limited Chicogo a 8:16 pm Local Carroll a 4:00 pm Fast Chicago a 6:66 put Fast St. Paul a i $m Faat Mall Local Sioux City b 4: pn Norfolk at Boneateel....a 7: am Lincoln ti Long l'lne....b 7:26 am a T:0C am a 8 0 am a 3:M pm al0:2t pm all: 10 pm a 1.10 pm a $18 am W am a 8 48 pm a 8.16 am a 8:44 pm b 8:60 am alo si am bl0:36 km Caicaao, Rock 1 si a ad 4 EAST. Chicago Daylight L fd-.a 65 am Chicago Daylight Local.a 7:u0 am Chicago Express bll:16ara Des Moines Kxpress a 4:30 pm Chicago Faat Av4tprvaa..a i:a pm WEST. Rocky Mountain L'fd..a 7:30 am Lincoln. Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo and. . West a 1 JO pra Colo.. Texaav Cal. ao Oklahoma Flyer : pm Wabaab. , - aclSe. a $ W am a f M pm a t m pm bU 60 am alJBpm a 7t2a am 8:09 am all . 40 pm . a 8 S am .' el0 80pm a 6:26 pm a 6:1 am a 8:10 pm a I.-0S aa blQ:3t pm b10;M am Bt Louis "Cannon Ball' 1Tn a a 1:66 pm Bt. Louis Local. Coun cU Bluff a 8:16 am Mlasoarl Paclfl. Bt Louis Express alO OO am K. C 4fe BL L. Ea....,..al0:60 pra Illlaola CentraL Chicago Express a 7:38 am Chicago, Minnenpolla at BU Paul Limited a 7:60 pm Minneapolis 4k SU Paul Express ..b 7:36 am Chicago Local 10:86 am Chicago Express ........ WEBSTF.n DEPOT 1BTH ft WEBSTBR. Chicago, Oiuaba. St, Panl, Mlaaeapolla Leave. " Arrive. Twin City Paaaenger..., 6:80 am a 8:10 pra Bloux City XManser.... 2:00 pm alj: anS Oakland Local ,0 8.45 pm b 1:46 am Mlaannrl I'SCiflC Nebraak Local Via Weeping Water. b 4:10 pra alO :26 am Cklcago A Northwaatera, Sabraaka and Wyoming Dlvlalon. Black IIIlls. Deadwood. ' Lead. Hot Spring a 1:00 pm 8:00 pm Wyoming. Oaaper and Douglas 4 l:.00 pm 1:08 pm Baatiiiga. York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward.. ..b 3:u0 pm b 6:00 pm BURLINGTON STATIOaj $OTU MASON Barllngton at iliaaourl River. Lava. Arrlra Wymore. Beatrlc '..-. t M. Lincoln 160 am MJ.1B pm NebraaLa Express.. .....a 8:60 am a 7 46 pm Denver Urnttet... a 4.10 pm a :46 am Black Htlle and P"ge Sound Express......... nll:W pm a 1:10 pm Colorado VeaUbulea Flyet a 8:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mall. b 1:651 pm a 6:08 am Fort Crook and , mouth . ..j.. ............ b : pm bl0: am Bellevue & Pacific Jet.. a 7:M pm a 8:27 am Bellevu k Paclflo Jot.. a 8:60 am Kaaaaa City, St. JoaepU Jk Caanull Blalfa, Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 8:1$ am a 6 pm St. Louts Flyer a aim pm all6sm Kansas City Night Kxval0:30 pm a. 6:1a am Cblcaao, Borllngton Jt Uaiacy. Chicago Special.. ...-r : sm a 8:68 pm Chicago VeetlDuled EX-a 4:00 pro a 7:45 am Chicago Looai.... ...... :18 am all.-OO pm Chicago Limited ,,..o, $,0fc pni. a,7 6m Fast Mali.... ...;. .;,: j,. .a 2:40 pm a Dally. Daily except Sunday. 4 Dally escspt Saturday, Dally except Monday. ST E AM S H 1 f 1 HOLLAND-AUERICA LINE ' New Twin-Bens' Btramtrt ef 11. Kw Toss 'fc'EW YORK HUTTklRDAM, via MOULUUNAV I 1 ealllac Wdtaaadar at M A. at Btatendim '.ut. Ill Hotlrd.m Sapt.' 1 Krnd.ra Aug. . Pptadam Sept. Neordam Aus. 2f jSUiandam Bapt. If HOLLAND-AMERICA LI Nat, 60 Dearborn St Chloaaja, 111. Karrr ataaraa. lwl raniaai at. O. Mataarfera. Uxt Farnan at. j. B. flaruelaa, U08 raroaai st CITY PRINTING STILL IN AIR Municipal Advertising; Await Far. ther Settleaoant of Rival Claim ot Paper. . The rival claim of The Bee and the World-Herald a to. the circulation of tha latter occupied the time, at a short session of the councllmen in committee meeting yesterday. Some oonf.icllng point aa to the showings mad were discussed nnd It wa decided to adjourn to $ o'clock; Wednes day morning, when the attorney will argue . ' the case. It is anticipated that the council will arrive at a decision soon thereafter as to whether or not the municipal advertising for the ensuing year will be granted to The Be or to the World-Herald. i SEASONABLE FASHIONS 4448 aflaee' Seven Ooreti Tuua4 BkUrU 1 II to II fr. Misses' Seven Gored Tucked Skirt 44S6. . Skirts that fit snugly ebout the hips, while they provide rippling flare at the feet not alone retain their vogue for young- girls, but appear to gain additional favor month 1 by month. This one 1 adapted to a wide range of materials, but a shown Is mad of wool crepe de chine, in. the pretty shade of green known a apple, stitched with silk. Wide tuck about the edge give firmness ' and body to the skirt at the same time that they are ornamental, while the perpendicu lar tuck provide the long line that are always becoming. . . The skirt la cut In seven gore with group of tuck so arranged that they , conceal all seams. The fulness at the back Is laid In Inverted plait and at ths lower edge are three wider tuck tltched on ' Indicated lines. The quantity of materia! required for the medium else Is 7 yrd 2T Inches wide, S yurda 32 Inches wide, or 3Vi yard 14.Jnchea wide. The akirt pattern 446 la cut In alxe for ' girls of 12, 14, and 16 year of age. For the accommodation of The pee reader these patterns, which usually retail st from 25 to 60 cents, will be furnished at a nominal price. 19 cent, which covers all expense. In order fo get a pattern enclose 10 cent, give number end nam of Batlarn. y r