Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1903)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY TlEEi TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, -1003. SALARY CLAIMS ARE HELD UP .PuUio Wcrki Employe' Eucl(ftt for April and Utj Ecj'ed by Counoil. ZIMMAN CASTS THE DECIDING VOTE Anticipating Scheme ol Joha T. Cab rs ta Enjola Pirmfit Cooacll tnrm Dispose of MtttH Without Aid. With Attorney John T. Cathers In the Dear middlo distance, his pockets bulging with petition for a teniDorary injunction, the council yesterday morning, by a vote of to 4, rejected Uie April and May salary claims for public works employes, amount ing In all noarly to tU.OOO. This action made the fresco work on tho petitions re semble the beauty of a warped shingle root nd caused one gentleman, said to kold about IS.f'OO worth of the assigned claims, to fall to admire the beauty of the fresh, cool morning. The meeting was a special one' nel pass the July salary appropriation ordi nance, Jnto it had been placed, by orders of the council, the claims of the public rorka department employes for April and May, which have been disputed because It Is claimed they were not legally at work tinder the charter amendments made by the late legislature. The finance commit tee, Huntington, Nicholson and O'Brien, had reported against allowing the claims, but a councllmanlo majority, consisting of President Zlmman, Bchroodor, Hoye, Back and Evans, had Insisted upon recommitting tho report Yesterday morning that docu ment oame back from the finance commit tee unchanged. V.lniman Hetties It. President Zlmman had heard of the In junction proceedings which Attorney Cath ers threatened to begin If the claims were allowed and which would restrain the comp troller from signing the warrants. He con sidered a few mlnutos and cast his vote, the deciding one, with the minority. Council man Hoye attempted to have the claims allowed despite the report, but Zlmman's voto blocked the way. 80 the salaries were Stricken out and the ordinance passed with out them. President Zlmman explained the situation like this: "If the claims should be allowed and a restraining crder Issued It Is more than likely that the city council would be compelled, permanently, to pay the money. This would tie the hands of the city gov ernment so that It could not remunerate persons for actual labor performed. The only way out of the difficulty that I can see Is for suit to be brought against the city and the council and other city officers mandamuscd to issue warrants In settle ment This view is concurred In by Coun cllmen O'Brien, ITuntlngton, Nicholson and Dyball. It was declared yesterday that heavy Interests were behind Cathers In his pro posed move to stop the payment of the sal arles. He himself declared that the money never should be paid, but refused to give the names of his clients. He scoffed at the Idea that a successful suit could be brought against the city to force the liqui dation of the debts, but did not enter Into the detail of explanation. . - No Time to Fool Away. Coughs, colds and lung troubles demand prompt treatment with Dr. King's New Discovery. No cure, no pay. 60c, $1.00. For ale by Kuhn A Co. Osoaha's Greatest Annnal Event Ana-oat 6, The Omaha and South Omaha Grocers ' and Butchers' picnic, at Valley Park. la.. I via the Northwestern Lin. , The public cordially Invited. ALL stores will be CLOSED. . Games, Races, Amusements. Spend a day under the trees. Take the folks. Tickets, $1.00; Children. 60c. The Grand Pacific at Nebraska City has changed ownership. George C. Giles Is running It now, formerly of Denver, You can buy fresh eggs for too a dosen at Walnut Hill Poultry farm, 4738 Hamilton st FLORENCE COMPANY MUST ACT Compelled fey Day's Dectslom to Bring; Ejectment Salt In Breedon Flack Case. Judge Day yesterday afternoon decided the application for preliminary Injunction brought by Annie E. Breeder, against John T. Flack and the Florence company In favor of the plaintiff and Issued a temporary Injunction restraining the defendants from entering upon the land of the plaintiff or from removing fences and arrowing crops from her land. The case Is an Interesting one from the fact that It Is the first attempt of the Florence company and Its president, Mr. Flack, to get possession of property which they secured by tax foreclosure a number vi jmri asu nu 10 develop the land for the purpose, ultimately, of placing It on the market. The plaintiff In the action claimed to hold not only the four blocks covered by the injunction, but certain additional land, which upon the showing She was compelled to relinquish. She claims title to a part of the land through a deed from the original purchaser from the old Florence Land and Lot company which laid out the village fifty years ago' and pert of the land she claims through adverse possession for the statutory term of years. The judge held that she was entitled to the possession of that land which was under fence, but that the defendant Was possessed Of the land not fenced. This action will compel the Florence com pany to bring action In ejectment which will decide the title to the land. ztcA$wi jj f f five years lime v , MUblUiied lis fame thanvar civilised man VMrnboM. Cn beldentlu- sd la all shoes by this label 1 I 14aalI-fcraikhTTtocoft, J 1 lifclilalruui., , cult, i row hi. Wntaror luo "How to bur lUm." f I Wall C recess V w WillseslBhia. MIS as Special Picture Bargains Tuesday Today a Big Summer Special Ladies' Belt Pins s Buckles The regular fifty-cent kind at ten cents Large bargain square displaying tlic most stunning summer styles in ladies' belt' buckles, belt pins and the long back Blides so fashionable. We bought a manufacturer's entire surplus stock and secured the lot at much less than half value. They are made in oxydized and Dutch silver finish band decorated waist pins on porcelain, f These stylish pins and buckles are worth 25c, I J 50c and up to 75c your choice today, at Five Great Wash Goods Specials To clos e out some wash goods we will offer today the moat extraordinary bargain that have ever been seen in Omaha, Wash Goods in Mill LengthsOne table of mill lengths of 15c and 25c wash goods we will sell today at, yard Drapery Swiss One table drapery swiea in white and colors, 40c kind goes, at, yard - White Pique All the balance of our entire stock oq hand of white pique, the 40c kind a a goes toaay, at, yara Violet A Lawn One table mill lengths Vio- i let A Lawn we have sold all season at 7 ic, mBnCj they are mostly in black and white, go at. . Ingrain Carpet Samples One table of - If yd long ingrain carpet samples, regular I price 25c, to close out this lot 0vahc,ue.!be.y.1ri.... A TUESDAY SALE OF LACES The pretty wash laces so much in demand Just now. Valenciennes, torchons and point d'esprit Insertlngs and saloons. These laces are jf-? worth up to 25c a yard special for today, at OC Ok mG Handsome Embroideries 15c-10c-74c-5c Remarkably fine array of sample strips of embroideries In Suisse," nainsook and cambric. In this lot are embroideries, Insertlngs, galloons and headings In the smaller dainty patterns as well as the wide embroideries for corset covers, worth up to 35c, at 15c, 10c, 7y2c and 5c 25c Hosiery Misses' and children's fine hosiery In regular 25c quality, at, a pair All Over Lace Hosiery at 15c Pair Ladles' all over lace hosiery, a splendid lisle thread, at, a pair . , ,.- WW . VM 'I RAILROADS HURT BY RAINS Northwestern, Illinois Central and Milwau kee Eeport Washouts, NO MORTALITIES ARE HEARD OF FROM ANY Roads Address Themselves at Once to Task of Repairing; Damages and Clearing; Their ! Tracks. As a result of the rains of Sunday night trafflo from Omaha to the east and the north over the Chicago & Northwestern, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and the Illinois Central was Interrupted Monday morntng. The Milwaukee and Northwestern were more seriously Inconvenienced and had not been oble to get their Chicago trains In or out of Omaha at S o'clock Monday after noon. The Milwaukee train la expected In over the Illinois Central at S:30, while the Northwestern is expected to arrive be tween 4 and t o'clock. The different trains to the east and west over both the Milwau kee and Northwestern have been consoli dated and aro being run as single trains. The Illinois Central reestablished Its Chicago-Omaha service In a very short rime. The rains not only washed out the tracks but tore down the wires, so that It is diffi cult to secure accurate information, but It Is certain that the Northwestern had a serious washout between Loveland and Missouri Valley at Honey Creek. Whllo the local offices have no official Information It Is understood that train No. 172. the fast freight from the east on tho Northwest ern, ran into the washout at Honey Creek early Monday morning and was badly piled. No lives were lost. There was also a washout at Logan, la., f on the North western, Sunday evening, but this has been repaired. The Northwestern has or dered all trains back to Denlson. from where they will be brought In over tho old line through Mondaroln. Serlons Accident at Manilla. The Milwaukee had a very serious wash out at Manilla, la., and had not finished re pairing It by 3 o'clock Monday afternoon. All of their east and west trains are to be run over the Illinois Central tracks until the repairs are completed. The Illinois Central washout was at Woodbine and was lepalred by o'clock Monday morning. To the west of Omaha none of the roads was troubled with washouts, although there was a little soft track on several of the branches In the low lying valleys. Service to Sioux City on the Northwest ern was resumed at noon on Monday after having held all of the outgoing trains at Council Bluffs since 4 o'clock In the morn ing. Works Wonders for Women. Electric Eltters Invigorate the female system and cures nervousness, headache, backache and constipation or no nay. 60c. For sale by Kuhn & Co. Rates from Army Headquarters Tv ..... .. I'.ii.J Pi.. . , . . Moore spent Sunday at his home In Tal- m V r I AH V nf U hfifn PP fnr tnm mrtntu . - V. (minted Second Lieutenant Wesley K Hamilton, Artillery corps. noputy l nltetl Btates .Marshal James Walling has returned from Lincoln, about recovered from his ten days' Illness. Leave of abaenre tor one month and ten days, to take effect AuicuMt 16. hm h..n granted First Lieutenant Elijah li. Men-d-M)hll. jr.. Artillery corps. Th. InflV. r. K. ... . . . . C. Muhlenberg, I . 8 A., chief paymaster jjepsrimeni or the Missouri, from July 1 hus been extended one mouth. f.M.VjriChak.r,e" - Sarr. Twenty-fifth In fan try. In charge cf the Infantry rltle mm petition at Fort I-esvenworth, will leave for that pot Tuesday evening. IJCreiary, V,f war has daclded that the orneers and i,, . . serving in encampments, are entitled to rfy " "mcera and enlisted men of .tr... f'V rray- '! that they are also jn t II I awl I II Ira . ... .. .. lexpenses, traoiuyurtaiiou and subsistence vt 5c 5c 5c at 6c Pair. tan and fancy colors, 6c variety of patterns, all 15c 'MS .1 . . Jf 'IIP I iAl.JM.IJLl.BMH KKUHBBEBaBISnMBBBUMM THE INDIAN g BEADS THE FAD OF THE DAY We. carry the largest line of u colors In BEADS of any house. H Bend us your mall orders of any S color possible; we can fill your B wants. Looms to weave bead B work, pattern books, needles, g everything pertaining to the M BEAD work. Also the largest H and. most complete yarn depart- ment In the west. We WHOLE- SALE OR RETAIL and can fill B your wants for any, quantity. S I Jos. F. Bilz 3 M s 822 So. 16th St OMAHA, NEBRASKA. tiaBZBBBEBBEBflBBBSBBEBBBXBEB rifle teams sent by the National Guard of the various states and territories to com pete in the contests at Sea Girt, N. J., and elsewhere, may be paid by the states from which 1 they are sent from money allotcd to them under the militia law. Deputy United States Marshal H. A. Human and United States i Circuit Court Ck'rk Thiimmel returney yesterday morning from a fishing trip of several days at Lost Lake, Wis. Lieutenant Colonel Daniel H. Brush, Twenty-fifth Infantry, and Inspector gen eral of the' Department of the Missouri, has returned from a two weeks' visit at St. Louis and other eastern points. Cuptuln Joseph T. Dlckman, Eighth cav alry, has been ordered to repair to Wash ington nnd report in person to Major General Samuel M. B. Young, U. S. A., for duty with the provisional general staff. Major J. J. Pershing, IT. 8. A., arrived at Sun Francisco July 30. He will leave that city today for Lincoln nnd Chioago. coming via Denver. The exact date of his arrival in Omulm has not yet been ascer tained. First Lieutenants Douglas McCaskey, John J. lionlfuce, Ben H. Dorcy, Fourth cavalry; First Lieutenants Lawrence S. Cainon, Hugh Klrkman, Second Lieutenant Thomas H. Cunningham, Eighth cavalry; First Lluutenunts James Huston, Ferdi nand W. Fonda. Second Lieutenant Marr O'Connor, Tenth cavalry; First Lieutenant Clmrli-s M. Gordon, Jr., Second Lieutenants Klrwln 1 . Hmitn, Henry G. Stahl, Sixth In fantry; First Lieutenants H. A. Wieven. stein, Alexander J. Maenati, Stanley II. roru, i weniy-nrin luiantry, anil First Lieutenants Ralph B. Parrot t, Raymond Sluldon and George 8. Slmonds. Twentv- second Infantry, are detuiled to enter the class of 1 he General Service and Staff col lege at Fort Leavenworth, September 1. Deputy 1 nlted States Marshal James Allan, is back from the Winnelmgo reser vation, where he lias been rounding up a number of bootleggers guilty of selling and furnishing ltuuor to the Indians. The In. diaiis are flu nil of money, having recently rereiveu ineir anniiinea iron) me sales or lands, ami bootleggers are taking advan taifo of the opportunity In prying the In- diuiis loose from their cash 111 the sale of liquor. Among thone arrested and bound over to the November term of court, by Commissioner Sloan at Pender, were Henry Harden. Han i"arer, r.uaie Mine and Jo seph Drum The three latter gave bond for iheir appearHiu-e oeiore i onimiMKioner Sloan on August IS, when the question of binding them over to Uie United States district court, with Harden, will be de termined. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Health: Births George Chrlstensen, 6345 North Fifty-sixth, girl; John Thomsen. 2'i34 Lake, boy; James Raymond. 'M like, girl; John (inrdener, '171-1 Juckhou, hoy; Arthur H. M-rm-tn. '-'"I! lrcas, boy; Samuel Prummy, 4'o6 Harney, girl; Rartle J. Sorness, iiill North Twenty-ltflh. boy. DvHths Louie Barman. 1835 North Twenty-fourth. S7; Carl Asmus. St. Jo .n.a.'i. Iioxultal. 64: Mrs. Nellie Webb. "L:ri-14 Seward, fis; Infant Markman. iai Lake. 1 month; Rose Ella Dailey, Vol North Twenty-fifth ' Clan Gordon picnic, Krug park. Saturday, Aug- Tickets, 10c Get them In advance. lill yivIS Ht.MAIU.U I I UH H. 60-riinuto Sales where Goods Are Almost Given Away. Tuesday from 9 to 10 a. m. We will sell VAc, 10c, 12Hc, 15c, and 25o WASH GOODS AT Jc. We will sell for one hour, 10 yards only to a customer Scotch hairline madrasei, French corded bntlxte, Irish and Scotch dimities, Swiss organdies, lace striped or gandles, pluln colored rhntnbray ginghams and remnants of all the oolored wnsh goods In the Pomestlo room Q ONE JIOUK ONLY AT YARD JG From 10 to 11 a. lit. M0 doien Indies' cornet covers nml drawers, Ince and embroidery trimmed, Worth up to ll.W-FOK ONE 1IOUH ONLY From 2 WR HAVE ON BALE IN OI'H MAIN WASH OOOD9 DEFATITMENT 2.000 yds. of silk and silk and linen printed novrltlfs, that sold for Ma to 6"o a yard in. all good styles during the ONE HOUR THE TRICE WILL BE IUW From 3:30 to 4:30 p. in. 2To WHITR WASH GOODS. Sc Wo will sell for one hour 40-lnch wide white India linen, white Irish batiste, Swiss organdies, dotted Swisses and white mercerised walst Ings, not "a ysr-1 worth less than 2.ic Qin rXJR ONE HOUR ONLY, AT, YARD IUC Hosiery and Underwear from Penney Stock BOO dosen ladles' hose, In black snd fancy colors. Including all the samples from the Fenney Hosiery Co., worth up I fin to Wo on sale Tuesday at IUC Ladles' lisle thread hose. In plain black, fancy black luce and. fancy colored ho-c. worm rrom 3oo to 75c, at 15c Ladles' fancy black lace nnd embroidered hose, worth from 75c to $1.00, 25C Children's plain black and fancy lace hose, r!!1..3: 10c Ladles' sleeveless gauze vests, worth 15c. at 5c Ladles' gauze vests, with silk tape In neck and armhole, worth III. 5c. at IUC Ladles' fine lisle thread vests, with fancy yoke, including tho Korso, with Cf deep yoke, worth 60c. at I3C Ladles' line lisle thrend vests and prints, lace trimmed; also ladles' lisle QF thread union suits, worth ?5c, at LUC All the ladles' handkerchiefs from the Penney hosiery stock, worth 50c, 25o nnd Ijc, at l!c, luo and .1 5c Ladles' fine cnmbrlo gowns, low neck and short sleeves, also high neck and long sleeve styles, lace nnd embroidery Afl, trimmed, $1.50. quality, .at, JOG fin Si A Notice of Bankrtipt Sale, The Shoes replevined from Hie Boston Bankrupt Whole' sale Shoe Souse of Lamken & Foster are . Now on Sale at JLBrandeis & Sons, Boston Store, Omaha Men' 8 $5, $6, $7 Shoes on sale at. ...... .2.50 Men's $i. $8. 50 and $3 Shoes at 1.98 - " Men8 $&50 Shoes on sale at. . . r. ....... . 1.59 Mi, All well-known Standard Makes. , You are cordially invited to open a bank ac count with us. We open accounts for a dollar or more, And pay 4 per cent interest, compounded every three months. Deposits received by mail. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, Checks On all Banks Cashed. , BANKERS. The Bennett Company. Everybody's Grocery BEST GOODS, LOWF.8T TRICES. QUICK FST SKRVICE. EVERYTHING GUAR ANTEED. CORN STARCH, Special 9m a 1-lb. package for WW PRESERVED BLACKBERRIES C. a 1-lb. can for W SPAGHETTI. SPECIAL f p, . a 1-lb. package for W SALMON-SALMON ( a 1-lb. can for IWW POTTED MEATS any kind r 1,4-lb. can for WW MATCHES good wood snd a sure JJr iitrht l.ouo In box at WW lleht- TABLE SYRUP rare value can . GELATINE 10c 10c 13c package tor . ROASTED COFFEE SPECIAL-IQg per pound 1WW UA KING SODA Bennett's .. .4c !0c :::.5c 10c 10c ,10c 7c 22c 18c 10c 15c BAKED BEANS in Sauce- g-lD. can ' RlCE-ood value FRENCH MUST A RD glass with spoon ' FRUIT BUTTERS Jar- In glass jar .... WORCESTER SAUCE- per bottle PEPPER SAUCE per bottle GEDNEY"S 30c BOTTLE PICKLES fur GEDNEY S 25o BOTTLE irir k'9 for , BRICK CHEESE special per puuii' TEA BJFTINGS per pouna FREE ICE COl.D BUTTERMILK, DEPARTMENT. IN BLTTER Threask o Atlantic 1'lty la 21 Hours ad W Mlaates. Effective August 1, Atlantic City jiassen gers on the Seaahore Limited leaving Chi cago Union atatioa dully via P. nil. ylvanla lines at half-past ten o'clock in tha morn lng reach their destination at 10'V) a. m. (Chicago time) next day, going ihuugh In twenty-four hours and twen'y minutes. No transfer. Merely step from one train to snothet at Gsrmantown June don, Phil adelphia. Address li. R. Deriug. No. 2 Sherman street, Chicago, for further particular, Bo Suroand Attend Our Famous 25c to 3 p. m. Ladles' full French corset covers, trimmed with hemstitching and lace, at S.4JW Ladles' flno cambric gowns ' at Ladles' all-over embroidery somely trimmed corset covers, at 49c and hsnd- 50c Ladles' straight front corset, with Princess hip and supporters, 49 C Batiste girdles, sizes 18 to 23, at 25: Tho New Princess hip corset, with front and side hose supporters, gQ A large line of Kabo, G. D. W.' C. C. and Thompson glove fitting corsets, in all the newest styles, at up from .1.00 Wen's 25c Half Hose at 10c All the men's half hose that would hnve sold up to 25c, from the Penney stock, on sale at IUC All the men's half hose, from the Penney stock, that sold up to 35c, (lift on sale at lUW All the fine' lisle half hose, from the Penney stock, that sold up to $1.00, 9C on sale at faWW InM.til III. ESCAPE THE HEAT by a trip through the Switzerland of America on th line of th Canadian Pacific Ry. So-Pclftc loelt.) A Route ef Mljfhty Mountains Wonderful Cascade Immense Glacier Appallinjr Canons unequalled In any country In the world. The only DU8TLE83 ROUTE) and coolest, trip on the continent. Round trip ticket will be sold to Vancouver.'B. C., Victoria. B. O.. Seattle. Wash., Tacoma. Wash., Portland, Ore. - $45.00 Of.lAHA (Cr'tMillsf Ratca Pcsa Oihtr Ninlt) from August 1st to 14th, good to return until Odtober 15th. 1901 Stopovers will be grant- ad afAall points. Th Great Glacier of th Selkirk Lakes in the Clouds Yoho Valley Banff and many other places of Interest axe situ ated on this line. fat descriptive illustrated lltaratur and Information writ, A. C. SHAW, Oca, Agsst Passeager Dept. CniCAQO. Our Services Are Free We examine your furnace, stesm or hot water system and see that everything la In readiness for fall use. If repairs are needed, we have everything In stock. Alo hot water attachments and furnace pipe covering. OflAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS UuT Douglas St. TcL 960. Deputy BUt TSUrlruUlA. Food Inspector, R.L.RHUCCIOTTI, D. V. S. ! CITT VETICRIWARIAJI. J Office and Infirmary, XUX and Maso Bta. A GENUINE Clearing; Sale Is going on itt every dopurtmctit in our store. It's u bright, active Bale of new, useful goods p,oods exactly' suit ctl to the next , hlx or ei;lit weeks. It's not a "slaughter" isale! It's uut'the greatest sale that ever happened! It's not a hurrah effort full of excitement! It is simply a good, clean, honest effort to sell the balance of sum mer goods we own, by gently, yet surely, lowering the price here and there where good common sense demands that it be lowered. AVe're not overloaded with bummer goods. Most of these goods we offer in this genuine-clearing f-ale are re cent purchases. Home of our Layers are now in eastern markets working iike busy .,bers, others will leave in a few days. They're buying, and have been for veeks, the goods you want, and of course at re markably low prices. This genuine clear ing sale, clears up the atmosphere nnd. makes it easy for us to "sail"' into, the au- t tumn business in a few weeks in the finest ' . possible fighting trim. B9B9BSBl-BISHflB9QBBflBE9IHBE99B. A TWO-KARAT DIAMOND Is worth $250. How much more valuable Is a good tooth that serves you three times a ua m injuring juiii ruuaiB, uuBiucs ornamenting your inoutnT BAILEY, The Dentist, Lad) Attendant. Telephone 1085. 3rd Floor Paxton Block. You can hear the corn grow All over Nebraska these days And you can hear a great deal about I ..... 1 I . ...... Ann'. I some Kinas 01 . snoeu uui j hear of a tan shoe . sale like Drexel has on now. Misses' and children's and women s tans not all sizes or widths in every style, but every size and stylo In the lot so that we can nt anyone.. Misses' and children's, at 50c and 73c. that were as high as B.0O. Women's oxfords, 60c, 75o and fl.00, were as high as 13.60. Good styles, but not the latest. DREXEL SHOE CO., Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe House 1419 Farnam Street. Hot Springs and the Black Hills Hot Springs, the delightful summer resort and natural sanitarium of the West, is easily reached by th 3 complete train service of the Chicago Sc. North-Western Ry. Special low rates in effect from Omaha and all points west, daily during the summer season, fast daily trains with through service of Pullman sleeping cars from Mis souri Valley and free reclining chair cars from Omaha. Leave Omaha daily at 3.00 p. m.. reach ing Hot Springs the next morning. Summer tourist rules are rlo In effect daily tia the Cbirao & North Western Railway to the numnicr rctorrn of Iowa, Minnesota nd Northern WUconam. Send for Illustrated booklets snd mips, with detailed inlormaiion rrKardtni: routes, rates and ached u Irs. which will be promptly o.aiid upon spplicatiou lo H. C CHEYNET, General A(en( M01-M03 Karnam St. Omaha Perfield's Cut Prlc Piano Co. Be Bdy., Room 7. Telephone 701 War, tsry dark Ludwlg tvchllur. X0LLAR 231 BB Ml 1 11 Ja) . 4 n n'S FAVORITE HIVE YOU 'iRIED IT? If so, did It lo as wo claimed? If not, diil you g t your cash buck? 11' NOT, WHY NuT? What lire we talking about now? Why Sl ltlO KKATH FOH Af,I.. UI'ODUM! The one wliii'li iloca the iiusincss or nioney tuck. Kellvered uny iiluoe in the city at 'lino ll, flv be; quart, !jc; (can itra H-gallon, iXicj tlK'se tirlces: 1 Jilnt, luc; w th long hioui. m- xi Kulion. Can free) lKi.N'T UU UOT11BUKD BY BUGS-KILL KM. 11. i Orrlne not 11.00 hut S0e l.0 U. S. Tit:ieco Cure guaranteed.... 6oc Jnc Paruranii'h o Ztr. porter's' Antlwcplle Healing OH J0c 'li.-, rl"u' Flesh FimiiI 4tr Vie iX'un'H nils not lr. but 3".)o fl.dO I'eruiin Omana a lowest price .... bTq, II.'iO l'lerce's Medicines , vi Ocnuitie Chrster's J'cnnyroysl Pills. tl 0i 8KNH F8 A LIST Ol' YOl'It DHI'O WANTS fur best prices and save money, If out of town. OPEN ALL NIQHT. SGIIAEFER'S CUT PRICE -DRUQ 5T0RB Tvr 'rhonea 74T TOT, 10IU aa Cblesgo g treats, Oasafca. MEHC1IANTS MATI01AL &ANK . OF OMAHA.- ft: iV JT (W f-tm UlA Ami I faM atiaul tmwnm tmmi iiaajsa l'TBU ejTATflS DBHOHITOHY. rtaak a, n ill.l. H a Was. iw fSSial IISr IWH rutuf 0 t T tta!tnn mm .,..1