Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 14, Image 14

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Tim Omaha Sunday Ber
Dullv Bee (without Sunday). On Ycar..$l.)
L'aliy x( and Sunday, one Vur J '
Illustrated Urr, One Year J w
bunrtTy Dee, (jne Year ''
Katuruaj' lire, One Your
Twentieth Century Farmer. On Year.. l.M)
Latly Bee ( Sjnday). per copy.. Je
Bunt-ay ne, per o.wy ,- M
.. l; 1..
re ilnrUdlng tiunuiyi, per
Evening Bee (without Kundnyi. per weea w
fcvening Bee (Including bunuay). Vr
week '. 10c
Complaint of Irregiilarltle-s In de Ivery
should t,e addressed U cay Circulation i-s-tartmtnt.
OmahaThe Bee Building. .
South Cmsha-Oty liail tfulldlng, Twtn-ty-fltth
and M Strtets.
Council Blnfta 19 Pearl Street.
Chlcuao 1 L'nlrr BulUltna-.
New Vork-lXI 1 ark How bjildlng.
Washington 1 Fourteinth Strtet.
Communication relatln to new and edi
torial matter should ! addressed: Omaha
Bee. Editorial Department.
Remit by draft. express or postal order,
payab:e to The Bee 1'ubllshlng Company.
Only 2-oent stamps accepted In payment or
mall accounts, personal checks, ixccpt on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
State of Nebraska. Douglas County, ee.:
(Jeorso B. Tischurk secretary of f h Bee
Publishing Company being duly sworn,
aaya tnal tho actual number of run una
complete copies of The Dally Morning.
Evening unrt Hunday Bee printed during the
month of July, was ivuu.
17 30,ano
jg ao.nso
is a:,aoo
jo :u,mo
, .JiO.UOO
. .:so,u4o
,.! SU.D7U
15 i;o,u;it
l U,MM
Leas unsol 1 ana returned copies..
Net total sales ta,iT
Net average sales iiU,u
liHJKGK B. TZactitcn.,
Subscribed In my pmseiice unit sworn to
beiore me this iUsi uaf ot JUiy, A. L. mi.
X. ki. iiiNuAi&
(Seal) Notary fuuilc.
PAUTIUs 1. 1C A VI. o ruH St MM Eli,
rarllas leaving! the cltr for
th summer may kav The Dee
seut to them resnlarly hjr
tiotlfylna: The Dee IJaslnrs
fBcc, In person or by mU. '
The Address will he olianged
s often desired.
In the meanwhile King Corn Is stick
ing steadily to business.
The Hungiirlun Diet does not nppenr
to agree with the imperial Austrian
Cuban insurgents are insurglnit
against each other, Just as might have
been expected.
General Miles Is determined to show
that ho enn be on active army officer
up to the very moment that he goes-on
the retired list ' , .. . , : . . . .
Tom Johnson cnlls Marc Hanna ' a
phrase maker. If he iai't careful he
will shortly be dodjrlng a shower of
phrases pointed at his circus tent.
While watching the bottom fall out
of the stock market, people who In
vested In good Nebraska und Iown land
have causeNo congratulate themselves
Having decided that the republicans
and the democrats are both equally bad,
the reorganized populists, to be conels
tent, will have to keep company only
with themselves.
Sixty-two cardlnnla are now serving
time in their cells, but that does not
necessarily imply that they are com
pelled to subsist on prison diet and do
hurd labor . for the state.
According to an eminent medical
authority, no one can tell Just what ef
fect the recent cool weather will have
on the public health until the second
edition of the hot season sets in.
King Edward la hating ouch a good
tiro in Ireland that he promises to go
back in the sweet bye and bye and have
aoiue more. Irish stew and kissing the
blarney stone appear to agree with
Edward VII.
Chicago outomoblllsts have failed to
persuade the court 1 that the rerinlre
ment of a conspicuously displayed nuui-
uer lor identification is excessive
cruelty or barbarous punishment. The
only thing left for them is to get the
constitution amended and the Declare
tloa of Independence revised.
With the same pay and transportation
while participating in the army ma
neuvers as tho officers and men of the
regular troops, the National Guard
should feel more like real soldiers than
when serving at the nominal pay
formerly given thein by the different
tates for encampment service.
Judge rarker gays he would prefer
the work on the bench of the New York
supreme court to the duties devolving
on the occupant of the executive man
sion. Judge TarUer has never been
president of the United States. How
can he know which position be would
reully prefer until he tries both of
Talk about modern Napoleons of
finance! None of them are in it with
the get-rlch-qulrk man who has JT3.000
In assets with which to offset liabilities
aggregating 3.12aTT0. If this wlxnrd
of the race track bad only started In
early enough he might have beat out
Andrew Carnegie, John D. Ilockefeller
and J. Plerpont Morgan without wluk-
lng a lash. It was I. T. Itanium who
was credited with the saying that the
people want to be Bambugged.
TrrArirr cjrfir xiHACLta.
The application of scientific discovery
during the hint quarter of the nineteenth
century hut wrought a stupendous In
liiHtrinl revolution. Within lens thnn n
quarter of century electric light baa
Supplanted gas nnd kerosene, the tele
phone liii s supplemented and In ninny
ruses supplanted the telegraph aud the
electric trolley lina displaced the home
nnd the mule na ft public carrier on
ufhnn. nml auburban highway. The
close of the nineteenth century wit
ncsscd the harnessing of waterfulls for
the transmission of energy generated by
natural forces to distant industrial
confers as .n motor power in mills and
factories and for the propulsion of tram
way and rollway trains. Almost on the
heel of these wonderful inventions came
the horseless carriage that has within
lens than ten years been perfected Into
a machine that copes Jn speed over com
mon public roads with the locomotive
travelling over the most perfectly bal
lasted railway.
But the world Is destined to witness
still more marvelous and seemingly mi
raculous Inventions and discoveries In
the twentieth century. To first of these
Is wireless telegraphy. The achieve
ments of Marconi in transmitting signals
and messages flcroes the Atlantic have
blnxed the way for new discoveries in
aerial transmission that to the receptive
mind appear to border on the miracu
lous. During the past week a new
system of wireless telegraphy has been
successfully tested on Lake Michigan
between Chicago and Milwaukee that
promises to eclipse Marconi's invention.
Signals ind messages were transmitted
from the private residence of the In
ventor ot Chicago to the deck of the
whalcback atoamshlp Christopher Co
lumbus, plying on Lake Michigan. This
system it is clulmed can be operated
without masts or poles, nnd its signals
cannot b$ Intercepted or Interrupted by
other wireless dispatches transmitted
across or parallel to its path.
Auother most startling electrical in
vention has been successfully applied on
a new electric railway in Bohemia
whereby a trolley train in motion was
kept in wireless telephonic communlca.
tlon with other trolley trains moving
on the same tracks at long distances.
A still more marvelous discovery that
baffles the scientific world Is the preci
ous substance, denominated radium,
which continuously diffuses heat and
light rays of astonishing penetrating
power. We are told on unquestioned
authority that when King Edward and
Queen Alexandra visited the London
hospital recently a pile of six English
pennies was placed on top of a minute
piece of radium and tho light was visible
through the coins. According to tho
calculation of eminent scientists, if the
one-mllllonth part of the sun's volunio
Is made up of radium it would be-sufficient
to account for till the light and
heat which the sun radiates into space.
If this view is correct there is a resfr
volr,. of energy In the eleuients that
nake up universal matterwhlch has
never been suspected and which is capa
ble of exerting most tremendous power.
A writer in .Nature calculates that
one grain of radium gives off sufficient
energy during its life to raise 500 tons
a mile high. The effects of radium ap
plied in the treatment of human bodies
cannot be regarded as supernatural, but
they certainly defy explanation with
our present knowledge. The rays from
radium pass easily through the flesh and
develop a phosphorescent light by strlk
Ing so many substances. It Is claimed
by scientific Journals that it has been
found possible to produce the seusatlon
of light even in the blind and a cose is
reported from London of a boy blind
from his first year who has been taught
to read by letters illuminated in this
What further undreamed discoveries
the world will witness before A. D. 2000
is beyond human ken. We have not
yet passed the first half of the first de
cade of the twentieth century.
The action of President Roosevelt In
regard to the issue raised in the gov
orryiieut printing office, with which the
reading public Is presumed to be fa
mlllur, hue met with general approval.
It established the fact, as to which thero
should never have been any doubt or
question, that a law of congress must
bo respected even though It be In eon
f.lct with a rule of a labor union and
tuni tne government can brook no
divided authority and no divided alle
giance on the part of its employes. No
one who considers the matter impar
tially and without prejudice can arrive
at uny other conclusion than that the
president acted as his duty required.
If there are any who doubt the friendly
attitude of Mr. Iloosevelt toward or
ganized labor a reference to his public
utterances should convince them that
thoro Is no reason for such doubt. In
his address last year before the Brother
hood of Locomotive Engineers he said
he believed emphatically in organised
labor, in his last annual message the
preside referred In the most friendly
spirit to organized labor and his interest
In It was notably manifested In connec
tion with the anthracite ceal strike, the
appointment of commission to arbi
trate that difficulty being a distinct
recognition of organised labor. In re
gard to the trouble at Washington
President lloosevelt, In his lettrr to
Secretary Cortelyou, said: "There Is no
objection to the employes of the govern
ment printing office constituting them
selves into a body If they so desire, but
uo rules or resolutions of that union
can be permitted to override the laws
of the United Statee. which it Is my
worn duty to enforce." No Wiw-respect-lng
citizen will object to this.
Among our public men organized labor
has never, had a better friend than
ineodore uooseveit and irom no one
has it ever received wiser counsel. He
would have it pursue a policy that would
give it greater strength and a better
claim to r-ublle confidence. He has said:
"Organised capital and organised labor
alike should remember that In the long
run the Interest of each must be brought
Into harmony with the Interest of the
general public, and the conduct of each
must conform to the fundamental rules
of obedience to the law of individual
freedom and of Justice and fair dealing
toward all. Each should remember that
In addition to power It must strive after
tho realization of healthy, lofty and
generous Ideals."- Such advice denotes
a lieitrty sympathy with labor and on
earnest desire for Its elevation.
The first plank of the reorganized
populist porty declares in favor of a
money, whether stamped on gold, silver
or paper, to be coined and Issued ex
clusively by the government and made
n full legal tender, for art debts, both
public and private. If money is a
purely arbitrary standard of value and
medium of exchange created by the
stamp of the government, the stamping,
or rather the coinage, ot gold or Oliver
money Is n stupid waste of substance
and energy.
If stamped paper will perform all the
functions pt money why coin silver
dimes, quarters, and dollars and gold
eagles, and double eagles, when it Is
Just SB easy to stamp hundred dollar
bills, thousand dollar bills and ten thou
sand, or hundred thousand notes? Why
waste labor in mining and coining the
precious metals when the- government
printing machine can be set in motion
and stamp millions, billions and tril
lions at the nominal outlay of muscle,
ink and paper?
If the flat of the government rreates
value, why can't the government make
us all rich and put on end to the ever
lasting Jangle and turmoil between
Mbor ana capuaiY wny cam every
mart, woman and child be made ft
bloated capitalist by the stamp, of the
government, and why should not be
government provide every cltlsen with
all the luxuries that can bo Iwught with
money? What Is the use of saving it
and earning bread by the sweat of one's
brow when the stamp of the govern
ment can transmute n piece of blank
paper at its pleasure Into a legal tender
that will exchange in the markets of
the world for all the products of tho
farm and factory and all the commodi
ties accumulated by ages of toll?
If Uncle Sam can really buy us all n
form and transform at will the cottage
of the mechanic Into a palace, is it not
really criminal for hlra to keep so many
of his nieces and nephews, cousins and
nunts, striving with might and mnln
for paltry day wages? Why not nsher
the millennium in at ouce instead of
keeping millions of people watting nnd
praying for the time when the plow
shares shall be changed Into pruning
hooks, lambs will sleep with Hons and
humanity will be able to gratify every
wish? ''
The report from Paris regarding the
new French tariff on American meats,
which will have the effect of greatly
reducing our meat exports to that
country, will undoubtedly revive inter
est in the question of reciprocity with
France, for which a treaty was nego
tiated several years ago. We are now
doing a business with that country In
salted meats which, while not very
large, is worth preserving and It seems
that this can only be done by making
some concessions on French goods. Ac
cording to the advices, which are unoffi
cial, though probably inspired from offi
cial circles, any reduction in the new
tariff rates will depend upon conces
sions t6 French goods, under the reci
procity provisions' of the Dlngley tariff.
A reciprocity treaty with France was
negotiated under the McKlnley admin
titration and sent to the senate, where
it shored the fate of the other like
ogreementg in being Ignored. President
McKlnley was earnestly in favor of the
ratification of the French treaty, but
his Influence in that behalf was without
avail, although it was shown that the
concessions obtained from France were
decidedly favoruble to the United
States. Mr. Kasson, commissioner for
the negotiation of reciprocity treaties,
stated that France agreed to give the
rUnlted States reductions In dutlea aver
aging from 20 to 49 per cent on all the
possible exports of this country now
dutiable, ssve nineteen in number, only
a few of these being of Importance to
the United States. We gave her In re
turn reduction averaging only 6.8 per
cent and applicable to about one-fourth
of the articles In our tariff list, reserv
lng without any concession upon them
all other articles, including many
manufactures and woolen goods of
every kind. Mr. Kasson pointed out
that the probable effect of this treaty
would be a gain In our annual exports
to Franco of from $20,000,000 to $30.
000,000. tn spite of a strong opposition
to the treaty in France it was accepted
by the French government, which un
doubtedly wae very greatly disap
pointed at the fftllure of the American
aenate to ratify it.
The action ot the French government
In raising the tariff rates on our meats
may be Intended tc force a favorable
consideration of the reciprocity agree
ment negotiated and which the senate
can yet rotlfy if disposed to do so, but
whatever the motive of that country
the matter should be considered by us
from a purely practical standpoint It
is" manifestly desirable to retain what
trade we now have with France and to
Increase it If possible. In the Judg
ment of Mr. Kasson, whose opinion In
such a motter is wot .V of great con
slderatlon. reciprocity aa embodied In
the treaty negotiated would enable, us
to very largely Increase our business
with France. It ia quite possible that
a few Interests here would not be
helped by such a treaty, but It Is neces
sary to have regard for the general
welfare. The urgent demand is for
aa extension of our foreign markets.
We want a greater Htlet for our sur
plus products. .It la admitted on all
hands that to obtain this concessions
must be made. France wants reciproc
ity. She has shown her Willingness to
concede more to us than we are dis
posed to give to her. Can we wisely
decline such an opportunity for Improv
ing our trade relatione with Uiat country?
DlMCtieslon of the prevalence of mob
violence continues unabated, showing a
degree of public Interest In the matter
from which It Is reasonably to be hoped
practical results will come. It is an
nounced that a conference to consider
this very Important subject will soon be
held at Chautauqua, In regard to which
the Now York Evening Tost observes
that there should be no mincing of
words, "no description of the evils re
sulting from lynch law which does not
go to the root of the matter, or portray
the national character of this disgrace
to our civilization. Sympathy for the
victims of horrid crimes Is well euough
In Its place, but not In a discussion of
those dangerous men who add murder
to a previous Infamy. The law draws
no line between those who lynch In hot
bloo.d and those who conspire at leisure
to take a prisoner from Jail." This, it
is pot to be doubted, reflects the very
general sentiment of the American peo
ple, though unfortunately there are not
ft few apologists for lynching, some of
them persons who profess to be law
respecting. The growth of mob law calls for tho
most earnest attention and discussion.
As Governor Durbln of Indiana says:
"Let the American people take to heart
the Issues involved in an appeal to mob
law and the mob spirit will instantly
disappear as a national phenomenon.
We need only a national awakening to
what this issue implies. We need ft
strengthening of tho arm of authority,
widening and deepening respect for the
law by Its enforcement without fear or
favor." It would seem that tho needed
national awakening must come from a
continuance of the discussion now wide
The latest new departure in Insurance
Is the American Mothers' Birth Insur
ance compuny of Boston, Incorporated
on the mutual plan for the benefit of
members, who may receive by monthly
payments graduated cash benefits ran
ging from 100 to f 500 on the birth of o
llvjng child, depending upon the form
of membership of the beneficiary and
the number of payments made before
the time of the child's blrtb. The policies
Issued by the American- birth , Insur
ance company evidently have two ob
jects In view: First, the protection of
married women against dependents and,
second, the stimulotion of the birth
rate. Unlike the standard life insur
ance companies, which depend on mor
tality tables as a guide for their
premiums, the birth insurance com
panies are walking In th.e dark, having
no available table of probabilities as a
lamp . to guide their footsteps. The ex
periment, will, however, be wotcbed
with Interest by fathers as well as by
mothers. '
The, next chance for arbitration to
score a distinct triumph Is in the dispute
waging between the Journeymen Bar
bers' union and the National Under
takers association as to which shall
have the. exclusive claim to the per
quisite of shaving the corpse. This
privilege would perhaps not be so
sought after were it not for the fact
that the barbers have fixed n fee of $.1
In their scale of prices, applying to the
practice of the tonsorial art, against
which the undertakers are not only
protesting as excessive, but also offer
ing to do a better Job for a smaller
compensation. This grave controversy
Is eliciting cutting remarks on both
sides of the dead line, but baa not yet
reached the hair-splitting stage. It is
to be hoped the warring hosts will soon
get together and bury the hatchet
It is proposed to rearrange the
grounds surrounding the state bouse at
Lincoln In accordance with a carefully
prepared landscape plan, the chief fea
ture of which will be th,e removal of
the crooked paths that lead to the en
trance doors. For some reason or other,
many of our lawmakers and other state
officers In the past seem to have pre
ferred to travel the crooked paths, even
where straight roads were accessible.
If taking the kinks out of the tortuous
walks on the state house grounds would
Insure the people ot Nebraska agnlnst
crooked work Inside the building, the
requisition for money to pay the bill
would be cheerfully honored without
too great scrutiny of the amount.
t-i . -i.LL.ji-,. .. a
Douglas county taxpayers are to be
compelled to Contribute $153,558 toward
defraying the expenses of state govern
ment during the coming year and 1133.
S58 toward the construction of roads
and bridges. We can very readily fig
ure out bow and where the contribution
of Douglas county to the state treasury
will be expended, but we cannot for the
life of us figure where and how tho
$153,558 levied for roads aud bridges
will be legitimately disbursed.
The renomlnatlon of Mayor Low to
succeed himself as (chlef executive of
New York City is conceded, though the
Identity of the Tammany candidate haa
not yet been disclosed. The more the
substantial citizenship of the metropolis
realize what Mayor Low's administra
tion has accomplished, the more ap
prehensively do they Contemplate the
possibility of a return of Tammany
"It la a dangerous thing to possess
free Institutions without knowing the
cost at which they have been attained,
or realizing that eternal vigilance Is the
price of their maintenance, aaya Gov
ernor Durbln of Indiana in an article
contributed te a current magazine. In
this declaration Governor Durbln only
repeats what has been frequently said
by The Bee.
Two thousand two hundred and nine
more Chinamen have landed on Ameri
can soil within the past year, making
an Increase of 6t0 over the preceding
year. Inasmuch as Chinese Immigration
is presumed to be barred the question
Is, How do these Chinamen manage to
break through?
And now we are to have another dis
cussion in the popocratic organ as to
what constitutes a dollar. The Impres
sion among American people has been
for eome year past that a coin con
vertible Into 100 cents, twenty nickels,
or ten dimes, constitutes a dollar.
Hot DUappeietl.
St. Louis Olibe-Democrat.
At the end of sixteen months' hard work
In the courts, with many convictions, not a
boodler la yet In the renltentlarjr.
All ky Himself.
Cincinnati Commercial Trlhuns.
The two wings of the pops having; de
cided to flock In unison hereafter, it Is
Mr. Bryan alone who la compelled to take
to the middle, of the road.
So Different These Days.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Times have changed. The country used
to become hysterical when Wall street felt
panicky. Now the country waits until It
hears from the oereal belt before it has a
Forecaster with Foresight.
Chicago News.
Although the weather department Is pro
tected by the civil service laws, the mana
gers were wise enough not have a rain
storm on the night when the president
camped, out
Alone and Lonely.
New York World.
The man on the unpeopled height still
appears on occasions. Just new he Is the
Indiana veteran who declines a pension
on the ground that he doesn't need It and
that his services were not worth It.
Effect ot St. l.ouls Suirmer.
St. Louis Republic.
Thoughts are the guests of him only who
can entertain them, and It Isn't everybody
who Is hospitably minded Just at this sea
son: consequently there are numerous old
whiskered abstractions wandering about In
a state of vagrancy for want of shelter.
Two Classes of Agitators.
Buffalo Express.
The American people have very little use
for the labor agitator who carries his
fanaticism to the point of enunciating the
doctrines of anarchy. Mr. Parry an0 his
friends should realize that they will have
as little use for the capitalist agitator who
goes to the opposite extreme.
Steady Job for Inrle Jim.
Buffalo Express.
Plans are being made for another con
ference between the farmers of Washing
ton and James J. Hill and other railroad
officials for a discussion of freight rates.
Pld not Mr. Hill sufficiently Impress the
farmers at the last meeting with the lota
which his railroads havs for them?
I'. S. A. and Wall Street.
Boston Tranecrlpt.
Instead of. becoming panicky when Wall
street is hard hit, the country at large
takes the losses of the speculators with
equanimity. All the country cries for now-a-daye
Is more men nnd more freight cars,
gnd Is more deeply moved by unmoved
crops thon by the loss of Mr. keene's
Good Even far Presidents.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
Those old-fa shinned people who think
that the president ot the United Statos
should tie himself to a desk and be work
frig out problems In statesmanship ali the
time are wrong. The president needs bodily
exercise and mentnl recreation as much as
any other person. Then, the thorough oc
cupation of a president In harmless pur
suits frequently keeps hlra out of aerlous
Drawback to Race Riots.
Indianapolis Journal.
Since the race trouble at Evansvllle
passing steamers find great difficulty In
getting roustabouts to handle cargoes. Of
course, if the steamers cannot find labor It
will not be worth while for them to stop at
the town. There are Innumerable unex
oected ways and often undetected ways
In which a city suffers from an outbreak of
lawlessness. Merely as a do)lrs-and-cent
proposition It pays a community to see
that the law Is enforced,
Points that Mnst Da Considered In
Its Answer.
New York World.
Shall we send him to colleger is a question
now receiving Its annual aiscussion in nun
dreds ef homes whers the parental desire to
Ive the boy a good atart cannot be Indulged
nlthOut rererenee vi u.,
we afford UT
From the ma-is of Information Just now
circulating on the subject we gather that
the yearly cost of a college education ranges
all the way from the fS.euo which one Tale
senior Is aald to hav-Spent this year, to
the from oo to $400 which college authori
ties generally agree Is about as little as a
young man can comfortably manage to pay
his way with and not be all the time
"pinching and scrimping."
But the poor boy who has no one to pro
vide htm with even $300 year for college
expenses Is still numerously tn evidence In
the graduating lists. Nineteen of Yale's
class of 190 earned all tbelr expenses. Other
leading colleges furnlsn similar testimony to
the fact that even for the poorest boy If he
has the right stuff In nim-liberi education
till haa an "open door." Rut that la an all-
Imnortant "If " Not every boy simply be
cause he Is poor haa the combination ef
physical and Intellectual strength needed
to "work his passage" through a college.
taming by arduous extra work thf money
wherewith to pay his fees and board bills
A young man should be quite sure of him
self before he attempts it. Ana tne senoiar
ship and other helps to such boys may well
be multiplied. i
Social adanosphere bome-Uke and happy,
Oenaral and sollege preparatory course
Exceptional advantages In music, art and
literary Interpretation. Prepare for any
college open te women. Vaasar, Wellealey,
lit Holvoke. Western Reserve University.
University of Nebraska and University ef
Chicago, admit pupils without examination
en the eertlftoates of the principal and
faculty. Thoroughness Insisted upon a es
sential te character building. Physical
training under a professional director
Wftll MulDDed svmnanlum. ample provi
sion for ot door sports, including srrvate
akatlna- rrounde. Send for Illustrated eata
iogue. Mian Macrae, Principal
Detroit Free Pre: A Methodist minis
ter In New York aaya, "Men of the stamp
of Matt Quay, Tweed and lesser ward poli
ticians." could learn political lessons to
their advantage from the Vatican. It Is
generally understood, too. that a Methodist
conference Is no place for an amateur.
Philadelphia Record: Clergymen who
who think It la a right and righteous thing
to Invite the mob to reviae the declslone
of the courts and to execute persons whom
the Courts have acquitted, or whom the
courts Will not hold special sessions to try,
ought to be somewhat Impressed by the re
port from Savannah that the negro who
was shot to pieces by a mob In Dodge
county never saw the woman whom he wae
charged with assaulting. In fact, the mob
thought It had a negro of another name.
A mob which has started out on a lyn. hlug
bee Is not going to waste much time on
trivial matters of Identity, and It Is en
tirely without moans of trying a man.
Chicago Chronicle: Bishop Talbott of the
Episcopal church has & ready wit. While
la Wyoming not long ago a cowboy who
was slightly Intoxicated rode up and axld:
"Hullo! I'm glad to see you. Where In
did I see you before?-' The bishop
quietly answered: ' "I am not aure. my
friend. From what part of hades do
you come?" The bishop called recently
on Archdeacon RAdcIlffs of 8troudsburg.
Pa., and said: "Are you well, nrchdeacon?"
Dr. Radcllffe said he never felt better. "I
am glad to hear yon say so," aald the
bishop, "for I want you to work like the
derll." The arehdeacon looked shocked,
but Bishop Tnlbott added: "You know the
devil Is always working."
Chicago Post: The Methodists of Ork
Park, the aecond of Chicago's goodly sub
urbs, have taken a very rational view of
the Incident which Involved Rev. John Hall
and John Far son's automobile. It has been
demonstrated that Dr. Hall used the auto
mobile for purely godly purposes, and with
nothing more than a desire fo reach the
camp meeting grounds on time last Sunday
afternoon. W have It on the very high
est authority that It Is Inwful to do good
on the Sabbath day, and If Mr. Farson used
tils machine simply In order to convey a
reverend gentleman to the place of prayer
he Is to be commended, not reproved. It Is
possible that the Oak Park authorities May
urge that riding slteen miles In fourteen
minutes is rather dlssy work for the pub
lic highway, but above all petty consider
ations of a worldly nature is the spiritual
thought that a minister of the gospel was
In a hurry to reach n soul-saving station,
therefore the temporal lews are not to lie
nonsldered. We may consider the Incident
Representative Cannon Is now In position
to sympathise with Representative Crum-
packer's views on the race question.
Jacob Kurts, a student and teacher in
York, pa., haa inaugurated a series of
evangelistic meetings that are held on
William H. Seymour of Brockport. Conn.,
celebrated his 101st birthday by entering a
croquet tournament and making one of
the best scores.
Brigadier General Qreely, chief nlgnal
officer, sailed from New York on Saturday
to attend the International-Tireless tele
graph conferrnce at Berlin. .
XIrs."Ogden Coclet of New York Is en
gaged In a crusade against the prsctloe
of docking horiee' talis. She considers it
cruel, barbarous end disfiguring.
Mrs. Jama Q. Ulalne, it is reported, left
an estate valued at M),000. most of which
Will b Inherited by Mrs. Walter Damrosch,
Mrs. Harriet Blaine Beats and Jtmes Q.
Blaine. ,
A Chicago man who was in London at
the same time aa the French president
and had a cloaa view of M. Loubut, gives
this brief verbal portrait of the distin
guished visitor to the British capital! "He
Is an abrupt looking man somehow, with a
fact of leather and eyes of steel'
An Elixir
may some day be discovered which
will prolong your life indefinitely,
Until that time arrives, however, you
will need the protection of LIFE
ASSURANCE, as you must die
some time and may die at any time.
Don't make the mistake of put
ting the matter off until you can carry
a large amount; take out a policy for
all you can afford now, and increase
this sum later if posible. Get pro
tection and get it IMMEDIATE
LY. It may be a case of NOW
"Strongest tn
Mrs. Stubh-t-ook In the second pew,
John. Who In the world Is that old gentle
mnn with nuoh a glum expression?
Mr. Ptubb Oh. thst s the one ' t?ronf A
put down aa a "cheerful giver.' -Chicago .
bally News.
JteOeraldlne! I don't know how te Jell
you. Here It Is a week Imm our weuuuia
: dny, and I've lost every cent,
i flhr oh. so unfortunate! Put tan t It bet
I tr that It should happen now, before It s
too Into? Brooklyn Lire.
Mrs. Tootles T told you. In so many
words, thst I would not rt up with your
coming home In this disgraceful oontlltlon.
Mr. Tootlrs Thssh er troubl. tn' tr.
Yoti 1 i.l.t tne in ahn msnlsh words SSt I
(hlc) couldn't remember 'em. Kansas City
Belle-Manied next week? Why, you tola (
us you were hooded for a personally con
ducted tour with a smsll. select party.
Marlon Yes. dear. But George IS the
personHl conductor, and I'm the small, se
lect party Chicago Journal,
Jaroh and Rachel were having their first
"Do you think, madam," roerel Ja-h "I
would have served vour rid nther fourteen
years for you if I had known what a temper
you ve a-oir
"Po vou think, sir." mapped Rachel,
"thst If I hd known whit a narrow,
lesions, fnult-flndtns: man you are I wnul-1
nave walled nil those vi-rs fv vou, when
I could have had my hick of all the young
men In the township?
Mr. Hnuskeep CJee whits! There's no
salt In these vra-efhles. '
Mrs. Haukeep '8h! The cook will
you. , .
Mr. Hnuskeep I don't care. 8he'll hive,
to he told about it. anyway,
Mrs. HniiPkeen Nonsense! If she's told
nhout It "he'll put too much In hereafter.
Philadelphia Press.
Willie rioerum Pa. what's the difference
between news end Rosslpt
Mr. Roerum Well, mv sou. whne'er
your mother tells nnythlnc trr any one it's
news, hut when anv one tells her anything
It's gossip. New York Times.
"Charley, dear." said young Mrs. Torkln,
"do you remomher telling me you wouM
Klve me half of what you won tho next
time you bet on the rsoesT"
"Yes. hut you see"
"I know. I merely wanted to ask If It
wouldn't be s better Idea for you to reduce
each bet by Vt per rent nnd pay me In ad
vance half of whst you are going to lose?''
Washington Star.
Paul Lawrence Dunbar.
A song for the unsung heroes who rose In
the country's neea.
When the life ot the land was threatened
by ihe slHver's cruel greed.
For the men who came from the cornfield.
who came from the plow and the flail.
Who rallied round when they heard the
sound of the mighty man of the rail.
They laid them down In the valleys, the: 1
iHld them down In the wood,
And the world looked on at the work they
did and whispered, "H Is good."
They fouxht their way on the hillside, they
, fought their way In the glen,
And God looked down en their sinews brown
and said, "1 have made them men."
They laid them down where the rivers the
grtenlng valiays f:em,
And the song of the thund'rous cannon waa
their sole rtqutcm.
And the great smoke wreath that mingled
Its hue with the dusky cloud
Was the tlaa that furled o'er a Saddened
world and the sheet thbt made theirs
O mighty Qnd nf the battles who held them
In Thy hand. '
Who gave them strength through the whole
dny'S length to light for their native
They are lying dead on the hillridos, thty
are lying dead on the plain.
And we have not fire to smite the lyre and
sing thero cne brief strain.
Olve Thou rcme seer the pawer to sing
them In their might.
The men who feared the inatter'a whip, but
did not fear the light,
That he may tell of their virtues t.s mln-
r.trels did of old.
Till the pride of face and the hate of race
. . i.tows obsolete and cold.
A sens for the unsung heroes who stood the
awful test. ...
When the humblest host that the land could
boast went forth to meet the best;
A song for the unsung heroes who fell on
the bloody sod, . . .
Who fought their way from night to day
and struggled up to Qod.
the World"
of Life