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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1903)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY HER: TUESDAY, JULY 31. 1003. 8 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL All ProduoU Bala Wek and OIom Down on Board of Trade, WEATHER REPORTS CHIEF BEAR FACTOR Provisions After Early rromlse Are laflnenced by Grains and Join la General Toboggan Slid to Lower Levels. CHICAGO, July 20. Weakness ruled In nil tho pits today, prices showing further losses. Wheat closed with September down 1c, corn VV: lower, oats 111 V oil ana pro visions st a loss of from 7Vf 1 Hc ' Free offerings, with lack of support, was responsible forthe weakness In wheat, and iihraivh htivlnv orders rnme In from Hi. 1-ouls and temporarily checked the declining imHinrv. inn much Ion ir wheat came out at io'hc is M In London and was easier here. losing at $o.k;V. Iron closed at 34d in Glasgow and Ml In Mlddleshorougn. lo cally Iron was unchanged. Mo. 1 lounory out hern snd ro. 1 foundry soutnern sols OMAHA HHOLKIALD MARKET. Coadltlon f Trade and notations Staple aad Fancy Prod ace. EGOS Fresh Stock, loss oft, 13c. and prices continued to drop. He mt.( r.rxfnaA with B InnS of V.tfi1! to 1Hc and sold up early to 7'Ac under the heavy liquidation later. In which pit traJers and comnilslon houses Joined, Influenced by good weather and crop reports, receded to 7rSc. where It closed with a loss of lc. There was some bull news from the north west, but the scarcity of buying orders ren dered It of no effect. I-ocal bulls had wheat for sale and helped the decline. Primary recelpta were 644.H00 bushels, against 1,403, 2u0 a year ago. Clearances of wheat and r .r mml to 27.700 bushels. Minne apolis and Duluth report receipts of 223 cars, which with local receipts of 8 cars, 44 of contract grade, made a total for the three polnta of 306 cars, against 271 last week and .'A vur Aff0- The weather and Improved crop reports were the ruling factors In the corn market and brought out some Influential selling early, and the market never recovered, Thra wan a fair demand at the opening lif eline, which In September amounted to Wt c to W"'- at 49(r4!Vc. Local bulls offered little support snd trade In the aggregate wbs small. September closed with a loss of V"c at 47c, after ranging between 4Sc and 49c. Local recelpta were 196 cara, with 16 of contract grade. L Oats followed other grains. The good grade of oats coming In was an additional wuimnim factor. There were but few buy ing orders and some short selling, resulting in a loss in oepiemwr ui lynv. v. a sitl.. with a rnniiA for the day be tween 31Mi31'c and 324c. Local receipts were 177 rars. Borne scattered buying early In provisions gave promise of a better market, but sup port was lurking and the grain markets ln n,,.,wi uii Hiihi Remember Dork closed 7(il0c lower at 114.30, lard was down 12V4C . i . . ,. if. . to in at 2..VZ. Wlin nna on iwi; i .".w. Estimated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat, 135 cars; corn, 875 cars; oats, 400 cars; hogs 18,000 head. The adlng futures ranged as follows; Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Bat Wheat TJuly IJuly tSept. .Sept Corn July Sept. Dec. vjats July Sept. Dec. May Bept. Lenl July 8ept Oct. Bibs July Bept. Oct. I 75 7 76 T574 75. 75 75V4 76V. 75i 76 76Vt 75', 75 76 76'fl' 76 75 75 16 4SV4 4 48 484 4SVJT49H 4!VFf4! 49 48 4N4!ti txm , 87V. 87 SB 87 87 torq 8231r0 8182(f33 334K 83 32 32 33 35j'36 35 84 34r0 14 10 14 15 it 40 14 45 14 23 14 30 14 40 7 75 7 87 8 02 8 07 7 90 7 92 8 06 7 75 7 80 7 2 7 62 7 76 8 85" 8 87 8 35 8 87 8 50 8 50 8 60 8 87 8 40 8 50 8 10 8 10 8 00 8 02 8 07 No. 3. tOld. New. I'nth miAtntlAnn were follOWS! Tfij-iiTn A hoot unchanared and steady winter patents, $3.75a3.90; straights, $3.4049 8.70: spring patents, 84.OOtgH.40; straights, $3.60(03 90; bakers', $2.603.50. WHBAT-No. 2 red, 7&"Sc. ' COHN-No. 2, 49c; No. 2 yellow, 49c OATS No. 8 white, 34'&,36o. uvif Wo e 4tf to rCfmM.G. warlky Good feeding. 42o; fair to choice malting, 47Oc. iiKi.m Nn 1 flux. 91c: No. 1 northwest rn. 95c. Timothy, prime, 83.45. Clover, Mnlrafl trrade. 112. IKVa 12.50. PROVISIONS 1'orn, mess, per ooi, i.iu T14.15. lJtrd, per 100 lrm., fi:, onort Dry salted Short clear ribs, sides (loose), 88.a.H. shoulders Ihojtedl. .r.iivju.n's. Tho following wero the receipts and ship- menu of Hour and grain Saturday Receipts. Shipments .... 16.236 1S.R73 79.&90 18.321 ....277.700 206.!i22 ....846.550 244.506 .... 4.760 .... 20.9OO 1,200 nn the Produce exchange today the but ter market was easier; creameries, 17M:fJi l"Ac: dairies. 160180. Cheese, atrong. Vir0 loc. Ettg. unchanged at mark, cases In eluded, 12Wifl4c Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu... Corn, bu.... Oats, bu Rye. bu Barley, bu. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, July 20 COFFEE Spot Rln. milet: No. 7 Invoice. 5 8-lRc: mild, quiet, Futures opened dull at unchanged prices to a decline of 6 points following large rnrelnts and lower cables from Hamburg, Trading was very quiet, however, and the clone was quiet net unchanged to 6 points lower. Balee were only 4,6oO bags, Includ ing August at 8.65c and December at 4.2oc. quiet; choice are quoted at 7t'!?lc and lancy at 12o Peaches also are quiet; choice are held at 7&7c; fancy, 8t10c L1VK l'OULTKI-Hens. 9c; spring chickens, per lb., 16c; roosters, accord ing to ge. 4'(t5c; turkeys, W'alSc; ducKS, wm : , gee,.', bQ ic. , HUTTKH-Packlng stock. 12Q13c; chelce dairy, in tubs, )4h)ikj; separator, isoc. r itKSlI FISH Fresh caugnt iroui, pickerel, 8c; pike, c; perch, Sc; buffalo. ri., uiiiciiMn, lie; wniiensu, v: , - . laddock. 10c: codfish. 12c; redsnapper. 10c; lobsters, boileil. per ll., 2oc; lobsters, green. per lb., 23c; bullheads, 11c; catrtsh, 14c; biacK bass, 20c; halibut, loc; crapple, lie; herring, 6c; perch. 6c; white bass, loc; bluefins, 8c. BKAN-Per ton. 815. HA V Prl.-en nnoted bv Omaha Wholesale Dealera' association: Choice No. 1 upland. ift hit: Nn. '1 t nmilllim 17 50: COSrSB. 87. Kye straw. 17. These prices are lor nay 01 good color and quality. Lemand fair and eceipts light. yjtjiiN 4oC. OATS 3Nc. ltlK No. 2, 45c. VF.QETABLE8. NEW POTATOKS Southern, per bu., 70 &80c. fjK RSLEY Per doi. hunches, 30O. CUiJUMBERS Hume arown. per dot., 40 l4oc. ii KAN 3 Home grown, wax, per market basket, 26c; string, per market basket, 25c. rkZAA Home grown, per market basket, 36c. CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per Cos., 60c. CABBAGE New California, per lb.. 1 fclc. UttlSliN CORN Per do., &4SC. TOiMAlOKd Texas, per 4-baaket crate, Dfrx5c. KHUBAKB-fer lb., 10. NAVV BKANS Per bu., $2.00. CKLKRi Michigan, per doa., 26c. ONIONS New California dry. per lb.. 2c; Texas, per lb., 2c. FRUITS. BLACK RASPBERRIES Home grown, per 24-qt. rase, l.iby2J0. PLUMS-tturoanits. ia; Bontons, per box, fJLiu; P. L)., per box, $1.26; Uoose, per ii-Hl. bur, $1.50. I'll L ifc,n-Tragedy, per Ijox. PKACHES-Calltornla. Hales' Early, per box, $i; St. John's Early freestone and early Craw fords, $l.l&nl.2&. LXKKAMH-m is-qi. case, OOOSEbEHRlES Per l-qt. case, $2. PklARS California. BarUett'a, per box, $2.6"iy2.76. CAN iKJLUUi , Texas stanaaru, per crate, $2.60; per crate, $1.76. Afi'LLS-NeW HtOCK, VfM IOC. WATERMELONS Texus, 2&i30o each. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 75c; Turkish, per 18-lb. box, 18c. ORANGES Mediterranean, all sues, h.zj; St. Mickes or paper rind, all sizes, $3.60 4 ml' Vn leiielaa. LEMONa Call lorn la rancy. auu 10 ww slses, $j.7o.O0; 240 to 270 sizes, $4.503.00. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR-Ohlo, per lb.. 10c. POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled, 4c. HIDES No. 1 green. c; No. 2 green, 5c; No. 1 salted, ic; No. 2 salted, t,c: Nn. 1 veal calf. B to li ids.. BVkc: ino. i veai calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6c; dry sailed hides, fcflj Ijc; sheep pelts, 26ui6c; horse tildes, 2.60. t ., NUTS Walnuts, ISO. 1 son sneu, per id., 17c: hard she 11. uer lb.. 14c; NO. I son sneii ier lb.. 13c; no. i nara sneu, per iu., i-u, xruTiia m.r lb.. l"c: Hiberts. ier lb.. 12c: almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per ib., 12c; small, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per dos., wc; chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted pt-unuts, per lb., ic; bluca walnuts, per bu., $7; hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60. St. Loots Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS, July 20. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red. cash, elevator, 76c; track, 784p i9c; July, 76Vic; September, 'ibfc'7tic; De cember, 77c; No. 2 hard, 7172c. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 46c: track, 48i'a4hc; July, 46c; September, 47o; De cember. 4&c. ' OATS Lower; No. 2 casn. 84c; tracK, sivi 636c; September, 31c; December, S2c; No. H white, 40c. RYE Steady at 50c. FLOUR Quiet; red winter patents, $3.90 64.05; extra fancy and straight, $3.60? .Sf; clear, 3.20g; , SEED Timothy, steady. i.o. CORN MEAL Steady, $2.80. BRAN Dull and lower; sacked, east track, 71c3c. - HAV-Strong; timothy, $7.0015.00 prairie, $6.00&ll.l0. IRON COTTON TIES $1.08. BAGGING 5(&c. HEMP TWINE 6c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, standard mess, $14.70. Lard, lower at $7.20. Bacon, steady; boxea extra shorts, $9.60; clear ribs, $9.62; short clears, $9.97. METALS Leu U, llrm at $4.12 bid. Spel ter, firm nt $5.50. POULTRY Quiet; chickens, 9c; springs, 18c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 9c; geese, 3(&4c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, lo4j21c; dairy. 1Mi17c. EGGS Steady at 13c, loss off. Recelnts. BhlDments. Flour, bbls 6,000 10,0U0 Wheat, bu 211.000 149,000 Corn, bu 178,0110 62.000 Oats, bu.'. 86,000 38,000 SKW YORK, STOCKS AND BOSDS. Llqnldatlon Again Manifest, Pressure Centering on Individual "eearltles. NEW YORK, July 20 Liquidation was still manifest In today's stock market. The actual selling pressure was congested In in dividual stocks. The volume of activity wra not general and the drooping tendency of the market seemed to be largely In sym prthy with the weakness shown by special st'M-ks. Professional bear tactics played a pnrt In the day's declines, as was shown by the rallies. But the demand nn this ac count sermed to be soon satisfied and there was no disposition to pursue the buying on any advance. The nlKh grade railroad stocks were less conspicuous in the weak ness and showed some early positive resist ance to depression. But the weakness be came general before the'dny ended. Hlgh prlced, Inactive stocks continued to suffer severely from the execution of very light selling orders, as for some time past. Dela ware. Lackawanna A Western broke to Sh to a single transaction and Immediately rallied several points, but sold as low as 21(5 later. The old Chicago, Rock Island & Pa cific stock sold at 147. compared with the preceding sale last January at 200. Various securities embraced In the widely ramified Rock Island system were under severe pressure, including Rock Island common, which sold at new low record at 25. Sugges tions of a nrolect for a new divisional ar rangement of the system, involving a heavy Issue of refunding bonds, were published during the day. it was believed also that tho holdings of Rock Island, which were acquired as a result of the absorption of the St. ixiuis & Ban f rancisco, were aisioogea and forced upon the market by the attacK of tho bears. Another center of disturb ance waa Amalgamated Copper, which dropped to 44, a new low record. The sell ing of thla stock was unexplained by any new developments, but Its weakness aroused misgivings among shareholders as to the af faire of the corporation ana inaucea aaui- tional selling. Colorado Fuels fall to 60 was accompanied by rumors of the neces slty of new Issues to take care of loans which have been made. United States Bteel sold at 25. and its weakness was a factor In the general depression of sentiment. Sugar's break to a low record for the year was also not without Influence on sentiment. The market had a falrlv eood rally on the hour. but lost nearly all of it again before the closing, which was weak. Money was slightly easier, if anything, and the market for sterling exchange hardened apparently In response. Operators In stocks feel little hep of any demand for securities, while Hctlve competition for funds In the money market goes on amongst railroad corpora tions and wealthy Individuals. The weekly statistics of railroad traffic show rather a notable decline In the grain movement, but general merchandise continues to move In large bulk and railroad officials profess nn expectation of an unprecendented traffic this fall. There were some points of resistance In the bond market, but other points showed weakness. Total sales, par value. $1,617,000. I'nited States bonds were unchanged on last call. Following are the quotations on the New York Stock exenange: ... St. Paul pM. ... 17' 8o. r.cinc todnv opened Irrentlur and undecided, ex cept hi the case of Spanish securities, which rose on tne return of Henor v uiaverne io the cabinet st Madrid. Storks were heavy, Rio Tlntos lost 6 points. The prlvste rste of discount was 2 l.'l-li per cent. Three per cent rentes, 97f 37c for the account: BERLIN. July 20. Prices on the bourse today were firmer. The weakness of New York's Saturday quotations had iio effect xcept In Canadian Paclllc, which was 1 point lower. Industrial securities were higher. Exchange on London. 20in 3Xtitg for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, 3 per cent; three months' bills. 3 per cent. Atchl.on do pfd B.I. Ohio do pfd Canadian Pactflo .., Cenlral of N. J.... Ch.a. A Ohio Ihlcato He Alios.. do pfd Chicago A O. W... do 1st pfd Chtcaco At N. W.. Chicago Ter. A Tr. do ptd C. C. C. A St. L. . Colorado So do lit pfd do Id pfd Del. A Hudaon Del. L. Sc W Iwnv.r & R. O.... do pfd Erl do lrt pfd do Id pfd Oreat Nor. pf d . . . Hocking Valler . do pfd Illinois Central . Iowa Central .... do pfd K. C. Southern.. do pfd U A N Manhattan L Met. St. B) Minn. A St. h Mo. PaelAo M., K. A T do pfd Nat. R. R. of M.i. do pfd N. T. Central Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W.. PennsylTanla . P.. C. C. A St, Readlns do lot pfd do M pfd Rock Inland Co.. do pfd St. L. A s. r.... io 1st pfd do td pfd St. L. 8. W do pfd , St. Paul z Offered. . 1V. .121 Vi .1611 . U . 241, . 1S" 83S,! .1(4 . 121, . 2il ... 744 ... 141 ... 62 ... 22 ...1 ...237 ... 24 H ... 71 ... IU ... 5 ... &L ...170 ... 76 ... U .. .1281 ... 21 ... 17 ... 21 80. Hallway do pld Texaa A H.clflo . loledo, Bt. u. A do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling A L. E.. Wis. Central do pfd Adam. Ex , Am.rii'an Ex United Slate. Ex.., Well.-F.rgo Ex... Amal. Copper Amer. Car A F..., do pfd Amer. Lin. Oil.... oo pfd , Amer. Locomotlr. do pfd American 8. A R. do pfd Amer. 8ugar Ref.. Anac. Mining Co.. Brooklyn K. T Colo. Fuel A Iron.. Columbu. A H. C ...172 .... 4a- ... 21-H fcS ... 26 1, W. 21 ... ii . 4Cons. Us.. . .10Ti)en. Electrlo .... .131,Inter. Paper .117 do pfd , 77 Inter. Pump 7 xdo pfd UK National Biscuit , 40 National Lead ... , 17'No. American ... IsstlPartflc Mall ...11 People'. O.s .... ...82 iPresaed S. Car... ... do pfd ... K Pullm.n P Car.. ...120 Republic Bteel ., .9 l no pia. 4R! 1 I ts to 0 49S . 14 . S3 .140 Rubber Good. . do pfd Tenn. Co.1 A li U. S. Leather . do pfd U. 8. Rubber . do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Western Union 'i . Ho . 21 . 3H . la . 17 . 81 .221 .171 .KM) .116 . 44 . 14 . t6 . 10 . 32 . 11 . 16 . 42 . 1 .111 . 81 . 4 . to 16 U ..184 ..113 .. 13 .. 67 .. 17 .. 76 .. 37 ,.. 16 .. Zl .. 13 .. 411 ... 84 ,..101 ... 12 ... 70 ,.. 20 ... 74 ... 46 ... 8 ... 8 ...121 ... 47 ... 25 ...7. ... 83 London Stock. Market. LONDON, July 20. Closing quotations Conaol. for money... 92 Km York Central. . 12, Norro: A western . 4 do pfd . 44 Ontirlo A Western . 11 Pennsylvania . 16 ,125 V, . th IS .14 . 20 . 21 . 12 . 3m . s . fc". .114 .1111 20' 1 do account.. Anaconda Atchlunn do pfd Tlaltlmora A Ohio.. 'anadl.n Pacific... A Ohio. hlc.go a. W '.. M. A St. P.... HeBeer. Denrer A R. O do pfd Erie do lit pfd do 2d Dfd Illlnol. Centr.1 Louisville A Nub. Missouri, K. AT.. Rsnd Mine. Re.dlng do 1st pfd do d pfd Southern Railway.. do ptd Southern riclflc... Union Pacific tn fd United States Steel. do pfd Wabash 13 do Pfd 40 121 i. 2 2;i"4 42 10 ts 41 11 22 47', 7 l 17 71S BAR SILVER Firm at 25d per ounce. MONEY 1(02 per cent. The rate ot dis count In the open market for short bills Is 2i&2 per cent and for three months' bills Is 2&-16'a2 per cent. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS. July 20. COTTON Steady; sales, 6H) hales; ordinary, 911-16c; good ordinary, 11c; low middling, llc; middling. 1234c; good middling. 12'4c; mid dling fair, 13 15-IHe, nominal. Receipts, 2;2 bales; stock, 63.166 bales. Futures, steady; July, 12.90c, hid; August, 12.78c. bid; Sep tember. 10.4.Wil0.4fic; Oc tober. 9.454T9.4RC: No vember, 9.3!h.41c; December, 9.379.38c; January, 937fi9.3Nc. NEW YORK, July 20 COTTON-Opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of i points, following lower . n,ngiisn choi-s than expected. The market soon rallied, however, under light hull support, snd thereafter, while verv quiet, ruled moder ately steady. The oniy feature in the mar ket was the action of July, which was bid up from 12.20c to 12.45c, only four sales oe Ing made on the way up. August sold as high as 12.10c, but eased off slightly toward the finish, closing nt 1Z(C. 1 ne naiance m. the list showed little movement and at the end of the sescion was within 1 to 6 points of the best for the session. The market was nnnlly quiet and steady, net 1 point lower to 20 points higher, July showing the most gain. The early selling was encour aged by the favorable weather. ST. LOC IS. Julv 20. COTTON Nominal: middling. 12c, Sales, 56 bales; receipts 37 Vnloa. shipments 57 hnles! stock. 8.025 bnleg. LIVERPOOU July 20. COTTON Spot, moderate business done; prices unchanged; American middling, 6.40d. The sales of the day were 6,000 bales, of which 1,000 were for speculation and export, and Included 6,800 American. Receipts, 4.000 bales, no Ameri can. Futures opened quiet and closed nsy: American middling, g. o. c. July. 6.13d; Julv and August, 6.12d; August and Sep tember, 6.0d; September and October, 6.69 5 60d; October and November, 6.25d; No vember and December. 6.1fOT5.17d; December and January. 6.irn5.12d; January and Feb ruarv 6.10d; February and March, 6.09d, r.a Anril fiO.9ffi5.09d. The Cotton exchange will bo closed August 1 and 3. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, July 20 WOOL Firm; me dium grades, clothing and comoing. inw 2''c- light tine, iwiisc; neavy nuc, tub washed, 20Q2?c. .r NEW YORK., JUiy l.-uuu-rniii. LONDON, July 20. WOOL Offerings i a t the auction sales today numoer iiu.xw bales, chiefly crosshreds. The demand con tinued good. A gooa Mum. iy i fine was taken bv American buyers. Sev eral lots of merinos were withdrawn, as hi.t. were lAd below sellers' views. Scoureds were in good request. Following are sales In detail: New South Wales, hales, scoured, llnta is vvi.i, B' OMAHA LIVE STOCli MARKE1 Beef Steers Slow, but About Steady, Cows Stead to Lower, HOGS SOLD IN LAST WEEK'S NOTCHES Heavy Ran ol Sheep and While Good Handy Weights Were Not Mech Lower, Others Were Slow aad Ten to Twenty Cents Lower, SOUTH OMAHA. July 20. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 2.3-tj 6,c8 11.125 Same day last week 3.777 7,564 8.o5 Same week before 3.M3 2.841 l.K4 Same three weeks ago... 8.SW7 7.357 8,710 Same four weeks ago.... 2.Si5 7,010 6,447 Bame day last year 2,292 6,413 1S6 Average price paid for bogs at South Omaha for the last several days with comparisons: Date. 1903. 1902.1901.1900.11o99. 1189841897. July July July July July Julv July 7.. July 8.. July 9.. July 10, July July July July July July July July ... 11... 12... 13... 14... 15..'. 10... I 11. 19. 20. 6 t 60 8 66 a 4t, 6 39 6 44 5 82 6 3 '6 2S 6 16 j 6 1G 6 Kl 6 6 22, 6 22' 7 64 t 89 I t 73 7 bl M 4 t:.i 7 62 ( 74 6 01 t 7S .. 7 64 B 73 5 08 3 78 S 79 ( 16 8 83 7 76 i U 8 81 7 82 S 82 3 80 7 80 6 83 6 13 7 83 6 86 8 13 3 90 7 7'Ji 6 92 6 04 3 96 7 77 6 95 6 o: 4 04 6 95 6 13 4 09 7 72 6 08 4 05 7 76 5 77 3 99 7 72 6 64 B 02 7 72! 6 65 4 94 4 01 7 73 5 58 4 87 4 16i 7 66 5 62 4 99 j 4 2Sj 5 69 4 98 4 191 8 611 8 1 3 61 3 18 3 21 .. 3 66 " 3 66 3 28 8 76 3 28 3 81 3 32 3 78 3 35 8 4 3 70 3 73 3 18 3 82 3 14 3 77 3 1) 3 77 3 17 3 82 3 20 1 2 25 3 82 3 c9 3 32 3 86 3 36 Indicates Sunday. Holiday. The official number ot cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. p.n scs. C. M. & St. P. Ry. Missouri Pacific Ry Union Pacific system.... 4 C. Ai N. W. Hy 2 F., E. & M. V. R. R 46 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry... 3 11. & M. Ry 30 C, it. & Q. Ry 6 K. C. & St. J 1 C, R. 1. & P. Ry., east.. 2 Illinois Central 2 the 1.0)0 22 1 10 4 23 7 9 6 6 87 13 11 13 6 20 08 236 Hogs. Sheep. 1,0X6 .... 1,193 630 1,740 746 4S0 989 Is Id' Queensland, 900 bales, scoured, lld; greasy? 310,1. , Victoria !.. bale-. scoured, unniism, f - --"Mx .ustralla, nJ oaies. greasy, . of Good Hope and Natal. 1.400 bales scoureu, lsld; greasy, 6'fi8d. Oil and Roaln. OIL CITY. July 2X-OIL Credit balances, $1.63: certificates, no pia. onipnicui., 392 bbls.; average. 77,744 bbls.; runs, 140,9o4 hhls. : average, io.o.o- uui. "'?"'.. Lima, 117,041 nnis.; nvrrago, ., runs. Lima, 112,452 bls.; . average, 1.1.1b 66,293 SAVANNAH, July 20-OIIj-Turp; pntine, firm 48V4I&48M.C. Rosin, firm; A. B, C, Jl.Ofi, F II lv F Ji 70; O, 1.80; H. $2.30; I. $2.75; K P N. $300 W. V. $3 25; W. W.. $3.45. NEW steady, steady. YORK. July 20. OIL cottonseed, Turpentine. . firm. Petroleum, Rosin, steady. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET.. Quotations oa Various of, the Day Commodities. NEW YORK, July 20. FLOUR Receipts, 30,263 bbls.; exports, 8.680 bbls.; market weak antl somewhat lower; winter patents, S3.Ssxu4.aO; winter straights,; Min nesota patents, 84.40ta4.65; winter extras, $2.9uu3.2o; Minnesota bakers, t3.M'; winter low grades, $2.7041 3.00. Rye flour quiet; fair to good, $3.tAtu3.3j; cnolce to lancy. $J.40ij3.60. CORN MEAL Easy; yellow western, $1.11; city. $1.10; kiln dried, 3 2infiJ.25. RYE Easy ; No. 2 western, 48c, f. o. b., afloat; state, 6M'f8c. c. 1. f.. New York. MAULEY Dull; feeding, 62c, c- 1. f., New York; malting, 61t67c, c. 1. f., New York. WHEAT Receipts. 121,026 bu.; exports, 65,933 bu.; sales. !t.252,Ouo bu.; futures, spot easy: No. 2 red. 81c elevator; No. 2 red. 82c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Dulyth, 91c, f. O. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, 91c, f. o. J., afloat. Options sustained a severe break today aa a result of liqui dation Impelled by favorable domestic crop conditions, easier cablea, liberal Russian shipments and deliveries on July contracts. The close was weak at '(2c net decline. July. 0b!2c, closed 80c; December, fcrVtrSl 3-16c, closed 80c. CORN Receipts, 65,oO bu. ; exports, 127, 718 bu. ; spot easy; No. 2, 66c elevator, and 66o f. o. b.. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 56 e; No. 1 white. 66H.C. Options declined readily with wheat as the flue weather and lower t'nblea n eo u rased bear pressure all day closing weak at 4e net decline. July (losed 66c; September. 65iiu56c, closed Btc; pecember. 64 lFi-lfVOttnc, closed 6oc. OATS Reoeipts, 152.$i bu.; spot easy; No. 1. 40 Wc: standard white, 41c; No. 3, 4oc: No. 8. 42c; No. 3 white, 4lc; track white western. 40ti47c; track white 'State 4ai47c Options dull and easier. KUKD Easy. HRAN Lower: spring. 317.onff17 50; mid dling, $I9CU20.50; winter, $18.0u20.00; city. ai7.76ftfl.0O. H AY Dull: shipping, 8085c; good to Choice. $1.1043116. HOPS iuiet; state, common to choice. 1H cron. 161172c: 1901 crop. 13rl6c: olds. UltJo. Pacific roast, 1903 crop, 16U21c; 1901 crop. lS'Olse; olds, mic. HIDES Steady ; Oalveston. 20 to 2B lbs.. IHc; California. U to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas dry, 24 to SO lbs.. lc. t.WATHER Steady : acid. 23B'25c. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, i'tU luc: Japan, nominal. PROVISIONS Heef, easy; family, $10.01 ft io 60; meia, $8.00414.60; beer hajns, $2U &.x 1U00; packet. $9.00a9.60; city extra Indl.i mess, l5.0ifl 100. Cut meats, firm; pickled bellies. $.2fxi 11.00; pickled shoulders, $7.tMq 7 60; pickled name, irti, easy western steamed. $8.10; July closed at $8.10 nminl' refined, easy; continent, t-vlt) South America, $8.76: compound. r.50iij7.7a. Pork, sasyj family. $17 feXii'lK.00; ahort clear, 8l OOul l7.75; mens. $16.KK(I H.W. TALLOW steady ; city, 4cj country, IWtMVc. MUTTER Receipts, M08 pkgs.; steady state dairy. He 30c; creamery. l4j1!tio. EOGS Receipts, II.60J pkgs.; steady western seconds 10 exiraa, iuisvc. POULTRY Alive, stronger; western suring chickens. 19c; fowls. 14c; turkey. 11a Dressed, firm; western broilers. tOc fnwla 15o: turkeys. 130 15c. METALS Tin advanced 1 10s in th London market, spot closing there at -l24t and futures at 121&s. Locally tin was firm and higher, cloning at 827.4oi27.t0. Cupper declined 2s sd In Iindun to 56 1ua for soot, wlill. futures were unchanged at 66 las. Locally copper was quiet. Iake and electrolytic are quoted at $ltS,j 1162 and casting at $i$.12lJ 25. Lead v was unchanged la IxndoB at . 11 7s 4.1 and ' la New Turk at K. Bieltr declined Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, July 20. WHEAT Sep tember, 654i8c; December, 674t6ic; cash. No. 2 hard, 69c; No. 3, 8c; No. 4. 63 67c; rejected, outiiolc; No. i red, 718f2c; No. 3, 69fg"0c. CORN September, H(SWmc; December, 44U(U44c; cash. No. 3 mixed, 48c; NO. 3 white, 60c; No. 3, 4c. OATS no. i wnue, iwc; rto. s mueu, 35c. RYE NO. X, ttZC. HAY Choice timothy, 813: choice prairie. 111.004.(11.60. M . Lull ER creamery, levwiisttc; aajry, fancy, 16c. EGGS Fresh, lzc. Iteceipis. Bmpmems. Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oats, bu 223.209 57,600 13,000 40.800 6.400 6,000 Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK. July 20. The statement of the visible supply of grain afloat and In store, as compiled by the New York pro duce exchange, Is as follows: WHEAT I3.06i.ouo; decrease, i.ztt.wu bushels. CORN 7. 619,000; increase, pusneis. OATS 4,491,000 bushels; Increase, 41,000 bushels. RYE 116,000 bushels; increase, J,uuu pusn eis. . DARLEY 10,000; decrease, 66.000 busneis. Minneapolis Wheat, Flonr and Dran. MINNEAPOLIS. July 20. WHEAT Cash, 83c; July. 82c: Bcptember, 74c; on track. No. 1 hard. 84c: No. 1 north ern. 82i.c; No. 2 northern, 8oc; No. 3 northern, WtSOc. r i,ih n r iiii imirins 111 wwu, 1. w. v., Minneapolis. $4.65ii'4.65: second patents, $4.10 Ii4.60; first clears, $3.60ij3.b0; second clears, $3'o3.50. BRAN in bum, i2.2sx8'iz.oo. New York Money Market NEW YORK, July 20. MONEY On call steady: lowest. 2 per cent; highest. 3 per cent; ruling rate. 2 per cent; last loan, 2 per cent; closing, 22 per cent; time money, steady; sixty days, 4 per cent; ninety days, 6 per cent; six months, 5VqO per cent; prime mercantile paper, otg per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firmer, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.8650 .8656 for demand, and at x4.842tHa'4.8425 for sixty-day bills; posted rates, $4.86(4.87; commercial bills. $4.84. SILVER Mar, bbc; Mexican dollars, . . . . . HONDa uovemment, ateaay: rauroaa. Irregular The closing quotations on oonas are as follows ...104H L. A N. unl. 4..... ...104 Mex. Central 4..., ...10,l do 1. lnc , ...108',,i Minn. A BU L. 4a. ...134 M., K. A T. 4..... ...lJfc, do 2. ...Ill I.N. V. C. gen. I.. ...Ill IxN. J. C. sen. b. 12. ...101V!No. P.clflo 4. KXIH ...lto 1 do is 71 ... M"N. & W. con. 4. k ... 17 Headlnf gen. 4. 14 luu si. l,. et 1. M. e. M ill W II 74 7 M 112 114 74 gngar and Molaasea, Mii-.w. ORLEANS. July 20.-8TjqAR- Tt.,Tl r. uottio 2!tfr3 7-16c: centrifugal. 83c; centrifugal whites, 4c; yellows, T.ViasKsZ!(-)nen kettle, nominal. .13 26c; centrifugal. 618c; syrup, nominal. IS ,'i?;,w vnnii- .Tulv 20. SUGAR Raw llrm; fair Venning. a'3-16c; centHfugal 96 loai a il-16c: molasses sugar, 2 lo-lbc; re- llned. Arm. MOLASSES Firm. Stock In Sight. Following were the recelpta of live stock at the six principal western cities yester day: Total receipts 102 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber ot head Indicated: Cattle. Omaha Packing Co 224 Swift and Company 646 Armour & Co 476 Cudahy Packing Co 638 Armour & Co., Sioux City 19 Huston & Co Hamilton L. F. Husx Other buyers 236 .... ' 493 Totals 2,332 B.753 1,603 CATTLE There was a moderate run of cattle here this morning, but buyers did not take hoid wlin any great amount ot lite and the market could be quoted clow and steady to a little lower. Owing to. the light re ceipts the bulk of the caule was disposed of in fairly good season. Salesmen Btarleu out this morning with the Idea of getting more money for their beef steers than they did last Friday. Buy ers, on the other hand, thought that prices Here were hlgti enougn, as compared with other points, and as a result they were not willing to pay over steady prices and In fact were Inclined to bid lower. Some of the best hanuywelght cattle sold early at prices that looked fully steady, but the general market could best be described by calling It slow and barely steady, borne of the kinds that did not suit buyers had to seil a little lower. The cow market was also slow. A larger proportion of the receipts than usual con- sied of cow stun tnis morning and tnat fact gave buyers a better opportunity to pounu the market. The good to choice grades In most cases commanded right around steady prices with the close of last ween, dui wnen 11 came to tne commoner Kinds, such as canners and cutters, the market waa slow and a good many sales were fully a dime lower. Salesmen were not prepared to sell out tor less money, and as a result trading waa slow trom start to nnisn. - , . Bulls were not very active, but sold In bout the same notches they did last week. cai caives also held steady at tne decline. There Is nothing new to report regarding the atocker and feeder situation. Receipts were very llgnt, and so also waa the de mand, so prices showed very -little change. Desirable grades, though, sold fully steady, witn otnera siow. Representative sales: Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. July 20. WHEAT Spot, dull; No. 2 red western, winter, 6s2d; No, 1 northern, spring, 6s 6d; No. 1 California, 6s 6d. Futures, quiet; July, tsod; Sep tember. 68 2a: uecemoer. u .",0. CORN-rSpot, American mixed, quiet st 4s 4d. Futures, steady; July, nominal; September, is a. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. July 20. BUTTER steady: fair demand. Extra western cream' ery. 21c; do. nearby prints, 23c. EUU& f irmer, good demand: rresn near by. 18c, loss off; do western, 172il8c: do southwestern, lt'y!7c; do southern. 16'tf loc. Mllwankee Grain Mnrket. MILWAUKEE. July 20 WHEAT Closed lower; No. 1 northern, 88c: No, 2 northern. owhmc; September, new, T&ic. RY E lwer: No. 1 northern. B1662C. H A RLE Y Dull; No. 2. 66660c; sample, 44((I2C. CORN September, tSTfcC. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Julv 20.-CORN Lower; No. 48c; No. 4. 47c OATS-Weak; No. 3 white, 83c: No. 40. c. WHISKY-On the basis of $1.30 for fin ished goods. Dalnth Grnla Market. DULUTH, July 20. WH EAT To arrive, juiy. m-c; riepiember, Tto. OATS 34 H 36c. Toledo TOLEDO. July October, $6.47. Seed Market. 30. BED Clover, dull Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlta. NEW YORK. July 3A EVAPORATED APPLES I'nchanged, with Hills demand In spots and futures; common are quoted at 4tit.V; prime, 6fcc; choice, itjc rancy, ,n , e. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Spot proiire are firmly he'd under a fair Jobbing opiuir.u; quotations raiiae from to to 10 for ail grades. Apricots are steady but 71 211 ra mi 7f & , g. ref. ta, rei do coupon ..... do la. ref do coupon .... do sew 4., rt do coupon .... do old 4.. ref. do coupon .... to h, r do coupon .... AtrhlMin fen. 4a do adj. 4. rui A Ohio 4s.. do 1. i. t s. r. 4... do conv. 4. 1"" 1st. L. 8. W. 1..... C.n.da 80. 2. 106 do 1. Central of Oa. 6. 103 8. A. A A. P. 4... do 1. tne in, no. r.nnc 4. 01e.. Ohio 4. ... 102 ISo. K.llw.y S. ,t hlrafro at a. niiirui r.rinc 1.. C, B. A Q. n. 4..... M T . bt. L. A W. 4. xC, M A St P I 4... 10 I'nlon P.clllc 4..... C. A N. W. e. 7..... ISO do conv. 4. C . ft. I. A P. 4.. ...100 1.. xCCC A St L f . 4.. l'hlr.(0 Ter. 4..... Colorado So. 4..... Denver A R. O. 4. Erie prior lien 4a M Wla. Central 4a 17 do aenerai bz inoarco a bfl F. W. A I). C. 1 l' Colo. r. A I. c. la. 82 Hocklns Val. 4a....lU4 x Offered. .100 , 17 do n , 711 do deb. II... , 17 Wew Hhor. 44 7 Wheeling A L. ,.100 .. :l4 .114 ..: .. S3 ..107 B. 4l XI Boston Stock Qaotntlona. BOSTON, July 20. Call loans, 3tg4 per rent; time loans, 4(oa per cent. Official closing prices on stocks and bonds: Atchison 4. Uei. Central 4a.... Atfblaon do pfd , Boston ac Albany., Boston A M. Boston Eleratad . N. V.. N. HAH Flti'hbur. pfd Vulon Pacific Me.. Central American Sugar... do pld American T. A T... Dominion I. A S... Oen. Eleotrle Mart. Electric do Ptd foiled Krult II. B. Steel xdo ptd Wvtln.h. Common Adventure X ux-diviaena. Allou.s .'. 71 Am,lm.ted .. 8.14 bingh.m .... .. 17 cluml A Hecla 41b ..245 .('etiteunlal if, ..1.7 It opper Kanae ... ..Ill Dominion Coal .. ,.1M Franklin ..131 llile Koyal. .. 7f Moh.wk .. 1H old Dominion ... ..113 Oeieola ..118 farrot ..130 Uulncy .. 14 Santa P. Copper. ..143 T.m.rack .. li Trlmoumaln .. HI Trinity .,101l'nlted SUtet .... 25t't.h .. 74 Winona IS Wolverine 44 44 23 4 H 7 T 14 71 41 11 17 1 1 4 1.4, IS "4 42 ts Vn'k Ml.l.r ttnotstlana. VKW YORK. July 20 The following ar. the quotations un 111. ntw xoi g Clock ex change: Adam. Cob Alice Braec Brunswick ton Comstock Tunnel.. Horn Silver xlron Bllvw , ldvlll. Con...... Utile Chief X Ex-dlvldend. xxOntarlo Ophlr K isPhoonlx Potoal S.V.C Slerr. N.v.da f.m.11 ftnnea .. ..lot I xx Offered. . 1 . l. . 11 . u . 1 .100 .10 ...MM ....140 .... I .... 20 .... 11 .... u .... U ....Ml Foreign Financial. LONDON. July 20 Money was In good supply and good demand In the market today. Discounts were in tne expec tatlon of easier money. Trading on the Stock exchange was weak snd apathetic, the decision In Americans affecting ail the denartments. Consols were a shade lower. chiefly from lack of business. Home rails were weak, Americans opened nal in sym patrvy with New lurk. Local operators held aloof. Atrnison. 1 opens t Banta Fe and Southern Pacific were the weakest Grand Trunk was easier. Chinese and Japanese securities Improved on the better iwiliiieal outlook. The amount of bullion taken Into the Hank of England on balance today was fot.Oui. The sum of 20,uOO was withdrawn for shipment to Java. PARld, Jul 3o. Trading; on the bourse Cattle. .... 2.326 ....23.OU0 .... 4.120 .... 6,000 .... 2.729 .... 600 Hogs. Sheep, 6,828 11,120 35.000 3.800 6.000 4,627 1.500 30,000 8.500 2.000 10 .67,775 66,655 46,635 Omaha Chicago Kansas city St. Louis , St. Josepn , Sioux City To'alB Dry Goods Market. xtttw YORK. Julv 20. DRY GOODS Show little evidence of activity The pros nect of increased business In the near fu-r.T- 1. nntildered bright, but st present buyers are proceeding with the utmost cau tlon. Ilank Clearings. onfAHA. Julv 20 Bank clearings for to day were $l.34x.-.f.2v; in'r sponoing uay . SETTLES POINT OF ETIQUETTE . . .1 nvba P.HSI.OB wvaiswn va wuua-1 Propriety Brought I'P In Conrt. v .Tndee Berka settled a point of etiquette In police court yesterday morning by ruling hat n stranger In the city on becoming ac- nnalnted with the wife of anotner man naa .v.. ri.,k tn walk down rwuim once with her without being liable to the as saults of her hUBband and a friend. This 11. .1 Svnrlence was the hand that rate ji. . a Toiins. who brought In a load uroiL ' of cattle from Gillette. Ia. After transact i. his business at the yards ne met Mrs Mri GUI. Farnam street looked good I nromtrade, but It wa'n't .. franl. Cllll hn nn this inorousiiiaic . band of the woman, chancea 10 ne. ne had a companion with him and the two oroceeded to chaailse the Btockman. The latter defended himself in hearty fashion and when the officers arrived he had so far conquered that he was reaay ior tne crown of oak leaves. The victor and the vanquished and the woman were taken to the police station. Yesterday morning uiii wan fined $20 and costs, Tullas discharged and Mrs. Gill's case continued. MANEUVERS AT FORT RILEY General Bates Recommends that Gov ernors Designate Mllltla Regl ments to Participate. The secretary of war hag approved the preliminary arrangements for tne army maneuvers, to Include the mllltla of the several Btatee. at Fort Riley. Kan.. In Oc tober. For these maneuver Major General Bates, commanding the Departments of the Missouri and the Lakes, recommends that the governors of Kansas, Nebraska, Mis sourl. Iowa and Arkansas be requested to designate one regiment of Infantry from each of the respective states to participate and that each ot these regiments be or agnlxed with Jthe enlisted strength of the regular army regiments of Infantry, namely 816 men. The mllltla la to be brigaded with the regulars, putting It under command of a regular army brigadier general. General Bates also recommends that the contingent of regular troops at Fort Riley be larger than at the maneuvers last year by at least three rsglmenta. He. 1.... I ... 24.... 14 1.... 20.... 41.... 11.... 11.... 34.... 17..'.. 42. 16... 40... At. ..imo ..100 ..1075 ..1246 ..1010 ..1031 .. ft3 1141 146 V.2i 1246 11H6 ..u:4 1 Pr. I 5 1 0 4 26 4 26 4 36 4 16 4 40 4 60 4 60 4 (tt 4 (5 4 45 4 46 4 70 No. 10 11 10 101 CO 10 40 11 (.4 41 il 67 CO At. , not 1141 1114 1366 13.13 , 1318 , 12b , 1601 , 1134 , 1275 1411 , 1320 , 1117 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 27 67 i 1 If, II 7 11 471 1 16 14 140C 17 131 4 46 COWH. 1 110 1 6 It M0 1 124 00 11 V00 1 too 1 00 11 Ill 1 643 I 00 14 :16 1 125 1 00 10 144 I too 1 10 1 10S6 1 10O0 I 26 14 130 1 f.6 I 16 1 780 1 160 I 26 1 ICO 1 10110 1 26 17 U 10 152 1 26 1 1430 1 174 1 60 1 1010 2 116 i 60 4 10T,1 11 Ill 1 (0 14 .'...1064 1 130 I 60 4 MS 1 1110 I 60 I 05 1 790 I 60 1 13O0 t !M 50 11 1016 C WO I CO t 1236 1 140 1 65 1 1240 1 111 I 46 4 70 1 110 1 C5 1 1136 21 lt I 76 1 1000 1 I 76 17 105! 4 41 1 75 15 , C l'H'8 1 75 1 1200 1 1000 2 76 1 1320 t 1M I 10 1 uio 15 131 I 10 C 101 1 110 I 10 4 liny 1 100 I 15 f io, 17 65 1 15 Pr. 4 76 4 76 4 76 4 10 4 10 4 M 4 16 4 16 4 16 4 M 4 10 4 6 4 M 4 a 4 71 t 5 1 H I 00 1 00 I 00 I 10 1 10 to I 20 I 10 I 26 It 1 26 1 16 1 40 I 44 I 46 1 64 1 60 I 60 I 60 I 60 1 10. 1 CO I C6 1 M 1 15 I 76 1 10 4 00 4 00 ' I.... I.... 1.... 14.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1... 1.... 1..., 1..., 1.... 1.... 1... I..., I... COWS AND HEIFERS, , ftul 1 15 HEIFERS. 410 1 60 1 HO 4X0 t 65 1 0 , 43C t C6 t 130 ,610 I 70 4 70J DULLS, t 71 I 46 1 45 4 00 1040 I CO 1... 1140 I 46 1... 1110 I 70 1... mo 1 10 1... 1120 I 10 1 1430 1 Kl 1 30 t 16 1 130 1 IS CALVES. 10 I 60 1 170 4 25 1 114 4 60 4 STOCK. UALVKS. J 1 4M 45 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS, 611 2 46 1 .20 1 S 666 t 45 STAGS. 640 I 71 STOCK ERS AND FEEDERS. ...1640 ...1560 ...1600 ...1100 ... 140 ...1210 110 120 110 1 N I 00 1 26 15 I 60 I it I 16 4 60 I 00 I 00 4K4 410 70 . 407 . 143 1 70 1 76 I 15 1 40 I cr. 11. 1. 6.. 4. I. NEBRASKA. 3 bulls... 1 cow.... 21 cows. .. 1 feeder. 3 calves. 4 cows... 4 cows... 1 cow.... 1 cow... ..1456 $2 60 ,.1260 3 00 9)0 620 170 , 850 , 820 730 830 3 05 3 60 4 60 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 1 bull.... 1 feeder. 1 calf.... 1 calf.... 3 cows... I cows.,. 1 cow.... 1 cow.... 1 cow . 441 TO . 611 I 76 lit 1 75 . U1 I 71 . no I to .1300 $3 00 MO 26 . 30 . 100 . 890 . 860 . 960 .12iXl .l'50 3 60 4 60 3 00 3 00 $ 00 3 00 3 00 15he Commercial Transmission of Marconigrams Is being rapidly dcvclopt?l, and plans already perfected comprehend the establishment of wire less stations on the Atlantic coast, in Cuba, Porto Iiieo, Alaska and at various strategic points on the Oreat Lakes. The recent sale of part of its treasury stock has provided addi tional working capital to a suinieent extent to to develop the Dividend-Earning Capacity of the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America The vast possibilities presented for the opera tion of wireless telegraphy in the field occupied by the American Company, should destine its stock to be one of the GREATEST DIVIDEND PRODUCING Sources in this country. The present' oppor tunity is the only one offered the public to share In the development of the Company. "or full particulars address, MUNROE 6c MONROE, Broad Exchange Hldg-.. IN. Y. Congress St.. Building-, Boston. Gaff Building. Chicago. Canada Life Hldg-.. Montreal. Or Greetishields & Everest; Local Representatives, Council Bluffs, Iowa. 60.... 11.... C3.... 12.... 21.... 63.... 74.... tS.... 6S. C3.... 64.... 51.... C5.... 67.... 41.... 44.... 44. ...tit ...2fi4 ...264 ...211 ...234 ...235 ...210 ...216 ...241 ...241 ...21 ...24C ...237 ...271 ...1ft ...309 ...237 120 to 40 0 140 10 140 40 140 120 40 40 10 200 400 I to t to 6 22H t t? I 22 L, 6 22 t 22', 6 221, I 22 6 22 6 22 t 22 6 22 6 22 5 22 t 22 i 22 71... 76... 67... It... 46... 30... 76... 70... tl... 42... 66... 47... 42... 76... 12... 14... 11... ...25i ...230 ...246 ...231 ...224 ...261 ...110 ...241 ...231 ...261 ...244 ...2f4 ...244 ...13D ...161 ...lit ...216 I U i 26 I 25 I 15 6 26 I 26 6 25 I 26 1 26 I 25 6 26 6 26 6 16 6 27 t 20 t 10 6 30 SHEEP There was a heavy run of west ern grass sheep here this morning, and as other points also had lioeral supplies with prices lower the tendency of the market was downward here also, liome of the best grades of lightweight sheep and year lings sold early at prices that were not much if any lower, but aside from those the general market waa dull and lu2oc lower than last week. One trouble was that a large proportion of the offerings was most too fat to make good feeders and Btill not fat enough for good killers. They were Just between the two grades and nobody seemed to be anxious to buy them. It was that class that suffered the greatest decline. Some Wyoming yearlings sold for $3.60, Wyoming wethers brought $3.30, Wyoming ewes and wethers mixed $3.16 and Wyoming ewes sold from 33.00 to $3.10. mere were a number or feeder buyers on hand, but they were all looking for a bet ter grade of stock than was offered. Good stuff could safely be quoted fully steady, out neavy pcuea wemers ana poor graua stuff of All descriptions was slow And weak. Quotations for rrase stock: flood to choice lambs, $5.505.76; fair to good lambs, $5.ooB.&o; good to choice yearlings, $3.75101 4.00; fair to good yearUngs, $3.603.75; good to choice wethers, $3.603.76; fair to good wethers, 33.000 3.50; good to choice ewes, $2.75433.60; fair to good ewes, $2.60(3.75; feeder lambs, $3.50(54.00; feeder yearlings, $3.0u-u3.50; feeder wethers, $2.7&S3.26; feeder ewes. $1.60(S2.60. 107 Idaho ewes 105 G74 Wyoming ewes and wethers. 101 head; sheep lfte higher at $2.76(34.35; tops, $4.60; lambs, $6.26(7.00. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH. Ju!y 20. CATTLE Rv celpts, 2,129 head; market steady to 10c lower; cows and heifers, $1.751.50; stock ers and feeders, $2,756-4.00. 1IOQS Receipts. 4,627 head; market steady to 6c lower; lights, $5.37Mi35.&5; me dium and heavy. $5.17H&5.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 10 head; ratlve lambs, $6; yearlings, $4.25; wethers, $4; ewes, $3.66. 241 Wyominir yearlings 6d idano wetners 849 Idaho wethers 1 cull 24 cull ewes 62 cull western ewes 11 Idaho ewea 39 Wyoming ewes 179 Wyoming ewes z Wyoming yearlings 73 Wyoming yearllnss 120 Wyoming wethers 4J3 Idaho yearlings i Idaho yearlings 44 Idaho wethers and ewes 606 Idaho wethers snd yearlings. v inano cull lamns 10 Idaho cull lambs 74 Idaho lambs 47 Idaho lambs 3 Idaho lamba 80 108 99 80 96 91 104 98 98 ISO 81 80 76 70 76 73 60 63 62 64 63 $3 00 3 10 3 16 8 40 1 75 1 75 1 75 2 60 1 60 2 60 3 60 3 60 8 60 8 60 8 60 3 60 8 60 4 00 4 00 6 00 b 00 i 26 Sioux City Lire Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. July 20. 'Special Te e gram.) CATTLE Receipts, VC; market steady; beeves, $4.00fr 1.90; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.504.60; stockers and feeders, $2.75 fgi 80; calves and yearlings, $2.503.76. HOGS Receipts, 1.500; market steady; Saturday's close, $5.106.20; bulk, $6.15. ' HuaS There was quite a liberal run of hogs In sight this morning for a Monday, but still salesmen all thought the jnarket ought to be a little higher. They started out holding their droves at stronger prices. but buyers wore incuneu 10 Dear tne mar ket. As a result trading was slow and the bulk of the hogs finally sold at Just about i.iilv urlccs. The heavyweights sold largely around $5. mixed went at $5.2214 i5.25 and the light loads sold from $5.25 to $5 30. ins iti.i ciiu ui iiitj inaraei in par ticular was slow, and If anything-the feel. Ing was weaker. Some heavy hogs on the close had to sell down to $5.15. Representa tive rales No. to.. 41.. 41.. Hi... 46 .. 61... 43.. M . 48.. 61.. !.. 66.. 40.. 44.. 46.. 60. . U.. A. 1.0 Iu7 ml 4 140 in X4 Ill 141 Hi 11 1.1 Ml . 214 no 171 Sh. Pr. No. At. as. Pr. U ill 70 244 40 4 22 ... 4 16 44 141 ... I 21 ... 4 It M 116 10 4 22 ... I It 44 2.4 40 4 22 tu t 10 CO 164 240 4 21 SO I M 64 214 K0 I 13 ... 1 10 62 241 ... lit ... i 10 67 Ml 100 I II 110 I 10 CO 1M liio i 21 M I 10 Ct 131 120 I It ICS I 10 IT 141 IN 4 21 ... 6 10 4 M4 40 4 23 1C0 4 to Tl Ill 40 1 16 110 t 10 74 144 120 I M IS 64 4 W 11 ... t W CI 1st M 4 14 44 It 11 M ... IB CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle, Hoars and Lambs Are Higher, While Sheep Drop. CHICAGO, July 20. CATTLE Receipts, 23.000, Including 400 Texans. Strong to 10c ' higher. Good to prime steers, $5.2085.16: poor to medium. $4.2&ff6.16; stockers and feeders, $2.60(4.60; cows, $160fi.60; heifers, $i. 25fl6.00; canners $1.60fta90; bulls, $?.& 4.35; calves, $3.00y6.00; Texas fed steers, $3.60 j3.66. HOGARecelpts today, 84,000; estimated tomorrow. 20.000; left over, 3.000. Active, strong: mixed and butchers, $5.30f(5.76; good to choice heavy, $6.60'ut).70; through- heavy, $6.2Mi6.&6; light, $5.40iI5.77V; bulk of sales, $6.46'05.&5. SHEEP Receipts, 30,000; 10 to 26o lower. Lambs strong; good to choice wethers, n 60 41 4.00; fair to choice mixed. $3.00ft3.60; west ern sheep and yearlings, $3.z6fr4.00; native lambs, $4.00(4.40; western lambs, $6.&ttf6.00. Kuiaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, July 20. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4.120 natives, 2.300 Texans, 700 native calves, 600 Texas calves; corn-fed cattlo active to 10c higher; quarantine strong, stockers and feeders higher, cows and heifers 10c higher, calves strong; choice ex port and dressed beef steers, $4.6(Ki5.; fair to good, $4.104.60; stockers and feed ers, $3.65('d4.25; western-fed steers, $3.019 4.90; Texan and Indian steers, 12.7txii4.4ii; Texas cows, sz.itxriii.oi: native cows, ii.aour 4 00; native heifers, $2.O0rfi4.3O; canners, $1.00 I&2.25- liUl'B. $2.NKa3.75; calves. $2.00ar6.00. nut io neceipts, j.wsj neua; market openea steadv. closed weak; top, $6.46; bulk of Bules,'$6.32Vfi6.35; heavy, $5.30a5.87H; mixed packers, fci.ziwan.iiti; ngnt, o.:iv,uo.4&; vork.-rs. $5.3fir.45; pigs. $5. 35(55. 46. Btic.E.r' A l it jjAnitio neceipis. a.oiiu head; market steady; lambs, 10c higher; native lambs. $3.2O(ii6.00: western lambs. $3.0oC(t4.75; fed ewes. $3.ltT.4.86; Texae clipped yearlings, u.zoftro.uu; lexas cuppea sneep, $3.01x34.90; stockers and feeders, $2.903.86. St. Loals Live Stork Market. BT LOITIS. July 20. CATTLE Receipts. S.OoO head. Including 4.000 Texans; market active and strong; native shipping and cx nort steers. $4 . . 25 ; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.tt4i-5.00; steers under lM lbs., $3.75u4-5; stockers and feeders. $2.5utf 4 00: cows and heifers. $2. 2604.60; canners $2 00412 50; bulls. $2.50ii3.60; calves, 13 v(t 6.00; Texas snd Indlur steers, $2.35iil.&o cows and heifers, 2.3fV(I3.20. HtXIS Receipts. 6.000 head: market ac tive and 10c hluher: pigs and lights, $5. Cos 5.85; packers, $5.a0tj.8O; butchers, $5. 360 S.67t4. BlIEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, t.000 head; market steady; native muttons. $1.40 i4 .00: lambs. M.Ouvio.Tft: cull and bucks. $2.2oH.2&; stockers, $2.0063.00; Texans, $3.60 tjl.40. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, July 20. CATTLE Besves, receipts. $.328 head: market active; steers 16c blather: cows. 81.75&4.00. Cables firm steers. WWnlZc per lb., dressed weight: sheep. 10iir12c, dres'ed weight; refriger ator be-f. 9W!5 pr 10. CALVES Receipts. 3.166; veals 60r4)l 00 hiicher at $4 5i7.2&; buttermilks. $2 26 u 3 00, HOGS Receipts, 83hta head; steady and Arm; heavy and medium state hogs. in: lisiit state nogs sno pigs, an. ..wis 40. ' BHEbP AJiD LA-MBS-Receipts, U.764 GOSSIP OF COMMISSION ROW California Flams, Pears, Aprleots aad Peaches Are Giving- Beaaty Show. Certalntly there Is a beauty show on tha market. It Is the Callfornlans. Voluptuous black plums, symmetrical early pears, blushing apricots and sweet peaches, all In the height of admirable perfection, and . only wanting the late freestone peaches to be all that Is possible. A few of the early frees have been in during a few days off and on, but in a day or two the regular shipments will begin. The pears are wear ing a neat green uniform without gaudy trimmings, but are nevertheless being car ried off by friends at $2.75. The plums are still at $1.36. The always-to-be-had orange Is rather overlooked these days In the clamor for the more Irresponsible fruits, but certain people who value Its steady worth are taking it at prices ranging from $3.26 to $4. A little reception had been prepared for some Texas cantaloupes raised from Rocky- -ford seed which were to arrive yesterdny. morning, but the poor melons were In such a maudlin state that none were sold. They had been too long on the stopover graft, but others are expected Tuesday and will sell at $2 or $2.25. Currants and gooseber ries have been with us some days, small parties coming here from Chicago and Colo rado with the Idea of opening headquarters here. The local crops will mostly come In next year, having been caught out In the cold and froien this time. Too few' of either have reached the market to far and the currants are selling at $2 and the goose-' berries at $2 per sixteen quarts. This is blackberry week. The sleek Nu bians will overflow the market during the week like the Kaw did In Kawtown and the busy housewife will now do $14 worth of work for a dosen Jsrs of berries. Two dol lars is about the figure now. The berries from ether states have done nothing this year to raise them in the esteem of buyers. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DEEDS filed for record yesterday, ns furn- inea ny tne Midland Uuarsntee and Trust company, bonded abstracterse, 1614 Far nam street; Deeds. Amy Almlra Fouta and husband to John Fouts, south 26 feet lot 1, block L C. E. Jdayne's add. to A Val ley 1 1 ?ii0 John Fouts and wife to Peter D. Fouts. same 1 ftirt George 8. Phillips and wife to Eph- nam Tallman. eH of nw 11-16-10, except one acre In aw enrnr 6. 776 Mary J. C. Ryan and husband to i nomas c Allen, lot 15, block 8, Lo gan Place ton Sheriff to Annie B. Homer et al.. lot 7 and part of lot 8. block U(t r v B7S0 Charles H. Luce to Llllle M. Town- send, lot 9. block 16. IVnlnl PirV T', James J. Wear and wife to Phllln Curran. lot 6. block S. f' llur 1 WO Minnie A. Williams and huxband to John Herman, lot 10, block 1, Omaha View add 1 5ci Andrew O. Wilson snd wife to Charles J. Carlson, widower, undivided Of nV. lot 1. block 6. Central Park . 1 James Wilson and wife to same, same 1 Louisa Cowles lo Anna U Btralt, 114 acres In 17-16-13 800 Richard Edwards and wife to Frank H. Harrison, lot 8, block I, Walnut Hill 1.160 Anna L. Strait and husband to I,oulaa Cowles, nV4 lot 12, block t. Horbacli'a 2d add X.ono Albert E. Lewis. Jr., and wife, et al.. to Christ R. Chrlstenarn, e?l 33 100 acres of ne4 of nwVi of 6-16-13 1,11 James H. Donnelly and wife to Wil liam 11. Rollins, trustee, lots 18 snd 19. block 2, Wise 4V Parmaleea add . 1 William H. Rollins, trustee, .snd wlfs to John Edward Jurgnnsen. same C25 J. W. Hopkins and wife to C. Rhvmer Carson, lot L. block 109, Dundee Place 1 . PRIVATE WIRES QEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. 224 Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha 'Phones luu and 1017. Members all prin cipal exchangee. Write itr our dalljr mtf het tetter.