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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1903)
TITn OMATTA DAILY T5EK: TTJEPDAV, .TTTY 21. 1H03. f e SPECIAL NOTICES will W uka eatil IS a, fer tbe eAltlea aed eatlt . o . a. vela Bad Bandar edltlew. ; Hain i-e a war im ibsvvviwb, far less thaa SlWe fer tii rt laser lea. IkMt odvetties'Bt Blast be raa rBseeatlvly. Ktrrtltrri, by reeeestlaa- a fcered rtrrk, eaa k miffri ImiM ta itBkrrM letter la rtrt a( Ta Br. iuntri illrtwri will delivered am preeeBtatlea ef taa beek eel v. SITIATTONS WARTED. ENERGETIC end capbl man desire per manent position; ace 26, coll-ge gradu ate; has esi-enenre and sbility aa a salesmen; milling to start low if impor tunity la given to advance; highest ref erence! given. Addreaa H 68, Bee. A M47R. AN KDITATED and reliable man of ST. d- sires a position: prefer oat of town bank j nr wr.r 'ieric4 worn. Auurrsn no "i-, Ca-rnll. 1.. A-MM Tlx WAKED-MALE BELT. THE SUMMER TERM BOYLES COLLEGE la now open, yet It U not toe Lute to enter. Every any ta enrollment day. Business, abortiuuia. typewriting. Eng- liah.1 Oet a catalogue. iL 11. DufLES, rrasldent. TeL USA. N. V. Life Bid-. On.aha. B 158 WANTED, for Unlied States armjr. able boolid. unma rrlrU men. petaeen ages of il ana ie; cmona of I't.iied States, ol good cliaractar and teaip-rie bab.ta, who can alt,' read and write Engiiati. For information apply to rc-cruitiLC of ficer, lMh and Dole ets., un.HhM. and tirand Island. Keb. B M4o. V"ANTE1 Four railroad machiiiifta Ad drean William Smith, tuperlnt-iiaent Mo tive Power and Cara, D. M. at N. Ry. Cvj., l'roctorknutt, Minn. B M4. II. I100-ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS-lU0 REWARD. One hundred dollars reward will be paid for infnfmBiinn ImiIitk lo the arrest of George Trexler. who atootided, with his wile, rrom vea t-oini, .ru., oakuiua. i..t .,iih mill bav livery team and new buaa-y tieloiiciiaf to Addreaa Earl Keppert, Wmi A-oint, Neb. B wavtfii. a carwnler: rteady work. Ad dreas Joseph Shleaiger, contractor, Tutan, Keb. r aiau WANTED Cabinet makers; steady work, u F.hriiih.A Bona1 factory. St. Josepn. Mo. MX- lis WANTED Man to run atlcker of moulding machine. H. Ehrllch at Sons' factory. Ft. . JoaeDh. Mo. BMill ZSx w A TED fixnerleficed teacher for short hand and typewriting. Addrena The Smith-Premier Typewriter Company, cor. 17ta and Farnam sis., umana, ieo. B MJ 30 WANTED Toung man IS or 20 as shipping clerk. Address 6. Aiea omce. B 534 x WANTED, aaleamm In shoe department; must have find experience. Apply J. A. Brand els Bona. B MMS 21 WANTED, men to learn barber trade. We ruarante oomtlons ana give an ouim or toola. Our diplomas aasist graduates to top wagea. iood aeaaon to oejtin. tail or write Molar Barber College. Ioug- laa bt. . j ja.uj BOOKKEEPER wanted, competent young man to keep city ledger, jausi m iwu penmaB. have in-ScUcal experience and coma well recommended. Call at office of J. t Brandeis & Sons, 16ih and Doug Us St. ' B 640 26 FIRST-CLARS. -u aro""4 saleemsn for general store; must be good stock keeper, good habits and speak German. Write full nartlcM ,n flrat lettr- Address J gl. cars of Bee. B 641 S3 LABORlJRS'wanfed, foot oi Jackson st. ; 2c an hour. B MSS2 Sli WAJTTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, t ones, girl for genar I house work; wages b to a tor competent croi tit South (St- ave. v. fl .Hi 10 Gtrla. Call Canadian of c. 15th A Dodge WANTED, a child's nurse. Mr. A. I Reed. M bo M sou I of Country erub. WANTED fieoond girt. Albert Cahn. 2228 Farna - O WANTED Girl In small family; good wages. Miss RobL R. Boyd. 4 Grant st C M3U24X WANTED, ladles to learn ha irdreaslng, manicuring or facial ma sage; our diplo mas asatst to top wages; hundreds of graduate to reoomuend our system. Epeciai Induoaments to distant applicants. Catalogue mailed free. Molar College, UW Doug S St. C-M707 24 YOUNO girl to assist t general housework. 127 Bout an sun. v. ju . unvTEa salssladi as In shoe department; must hsv expel -lenoe. Apply J. L. Bran deis Bone jm.vki WANTED, a grood girt: US month with room, boftrd and washing. The Creche, ltn ana rney. WANT I V A rood girl; must be a good cook; apply t Jackson. C Mao 3 21 RANTED Experienced ladv bookkeeper; permanent position for right party. Lln lnger A Metcalf Co., th and Pacific sis. C-M5:l 2! FOR BEST HOLIES. UAIICCQ In all part of ths city. R. lilJU OtO C Peters A Co., Bee Bldg. Dlui FOR RENT, 7 -room bouse, all modern ex cept furnace, M N. Xfth su.tAi.CM. burkniti Paxton blk. D 3U Ufll1CPi in all part of the city. The O. Iiuu juj r. Uavia to., sua Be Bldg. L lui PATNE-B08TW1CK CO. Choice bouse, ul-eul New York Life Bldg. phons 1".. D m WK MOVE planoa Maggard Van A Btor ag Co, .Tel. JM. OOioc. 1713 Webster St. D tail FOR RENT, ten-room modern bouse near High Kb on I. No. 411 North 221 street- ln auire iitil door or at 41 N. Y. Life build ing. DSA CENTRAL lat-claas 7 -room bo n. a M477 HOU8 i. Insurance. Ring wait. Barker blk. L 17 TWO t-rooni hansea, all modem, tit UO. CX M- Backoiann. 4J6-37 Paxton block. D M74J TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Stoiags Co, otno A arnam. vr Tela. Ja1' ki D Ik FOR RENT, seven-room bouse near In ; new plumbing; proorlain bstb tub; rent low. inquire at w. i. ui km d Mao a 6 -ROOM cottage. Z Frank Un St. D-I9 FOR RENT. 7-roora bouse, all modern. S'l PoppletiTti Ave. D M7tJ!Vx POM RKT Ft RISHKD ROOMS. DEWEY Europe botel. 13lb and Farnam. HO YAL HOTEL, lropeen, 16th Chicaga ' . . 1,1 II U0 ta U W per week. 43 & Utb 8t. on block soelh vf court bouse. L 1.3 NICE ceo! room saodern. very reasoaable; r.nllmil ucfarral. 14 N. 17ta- E-7 CENTER botel. European plan; south cool .ouma, f to U per wA t S I 'h L T4. B 47. . E 732 2 NICE cool reoms, 11 So. SOta. t:p. L 834 tt ( O. M- E. haul trunks. Telephone til E MS) FRONT eitd ether desirable rooms, bsth. cool ar.A cantraL twr aenUemai. 1417 Caa at. - - k MJ7 4 FOR REST Ft RSI HED ROOMS. AiTNA liuLEE, European, Utt T-odg. E 170 Hotel Habbel. 13th Howard: 'phone 25. E M414 AJ 1 NICE ROOMS, light bouekee;rng 1112 B 11th. EMUi NICELY furnished room. Inqulr Omaha if;im laundry, ITS) Leave n unh. phone A17M. E Z37 213 N. 17TH Cool front rooms f'T two. E-M444 A1J NICE room; modern. 25s0 HarnfT. FIRMIHED ROOMS AM) BOARD. DESIRABLE rooms, the Farnam, lfth and amani. , F 174 H9 8. 25TH AVE.; private family. F-17S THE KENWOOD i,J6 Farnam Street. Phone St DESIRABLE room at tbe Pratt. 212 S. 2ith Ave. F Mite 27 THE ROFE. tiX Harney, nice cool rooma. Rood board; ratc-a reasonable; fclo meai ticket. F MKS-A1 ROCiM and board, rmall cottage, gord home for lady. UM per week. 6A N. iMth at. F M 60 FIRSITIRE PACK1SO. PETER.SON & LUNDBERG. 10 Eo. 17th. 1i. L-a.. HCti FOU Rt-ST STORES AID OFFICES. FOR RENT, the building tormerly occu pied by 7 be Bee at kik t arnam tL it nas four stories and a basement which was formerly ued as The Bee pieas room. Ihls will be rented very reasonaoiy. " at omce or c c. n water, secnuuy room luo. Bee building 1 JU FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, building suitable for wbole- aaia purposes at k.o r arnam, tiiM, lour atuiles and nrst-ciass cemeniea oasemeni. 1 nrst-ciass cemeniea oasemeni. tire and burglar proof vaui iter and nxiurns. For pries and elevator, ',Rir cxiun particulars lnauire C. C. Rosewater. sec retary tbe Cee Building Co., room 1(0. Bee building. I MaC7 ACESTS WANTED. . I - . T7 T . T. t In ' . r v county to aoiicit subscriptions to THK TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In- .,rr, Airnti in the country aim horaa nd buKpy especially desired. Canvassers I mke easily lW to j per month. Ad- dreas Century Farmer Solicltora' Bureau, Bee building, umsna. j ; AGENTS wanted to sell the "Life of Pops Leo Xlll," written with the encourage- I ment, approbation and Messing of His J nard O Reiliy. a raxton iag. J M364 A MILLION copies will be sold. You can sell hundreds if you act now, today. The Life and Life Work of Pope Leo XIII now ready; endorsed by the entire o.thr.lic hierarchy og America; Illus trated with elegant colored plates; best terms to arentT; credit given. Outfit free upon receipt of 20 centa to pay postage. Address American Publishing company, Omaha. Neb. J M747 Z MEN and women sell ''Official Life of Pops I Leo Xlll;" only hlogrsphy by Catholic publishers: Indorsed by clergy; send 2io, n .iliiig cost, for prospectus and bjx . por trait of Pope Leo. Hyland Sc Co., 3 T . V PKUa.n J UK1A 9T v...v-. 1 WE have all of the different Pope Leo nwi wnui. ''"' .. I outfit free. Call or write w.A. 'xen- baugh Co.. 600 Ware blk, Om.? I J MSS2 WANTED A gents for the authorised. 'Xlf ana iie nuia xl '"' r i Father Jamea J. McGvern. D. D.. ap- proved by and issued under the official I a&nction or Areni'ipnup nft j ' go. Cardinal Oibbons aiso endorses Fattier MfOmvrn wot. -. only ait of i his holiness Illustrated with over 100 mag- -iAr -t rnlnrrd and heuT-tone picturea Cver 600 large quarto page. Price, only v mi Poaitlvelv newest, largest and low est priced life of Leo published. First rmt sold 1 books in two hours. Best trm commission or sslary; 110.00 to 125 00 per . day profit. Order free outfit auick today. Official Catholic Publishing House, SS5 Wabash ave., -J't"MBj L POPE LEO XIII memorial picture now FOR SALE FCRN IT I RE- CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1419 Dodge. TeL 2n20. New and second-hand bought, sold, exchanged. O-1B0 FOR BALE, one large six-passenger closed - family carriage, one Urge open family carriage, one large platform-spring spider phaeton; all rubber-tired; two double sets of harness, one silver mounted, snd one lngie set of harneaa. Call Frank E. Moore. City Hull O ME16 FOR HALE HORSES, WAIiOIS, ETC. HAVE your rubber Ores set while you wait. H. Frost. 14th and Leavenworth. P Ul MONROE sells pleasur vehicle at Fll N. 16th St. 1 MT'l FOR SALE MISCELLANEOIS. FOR SALE 1.600 feet ol second-hand wire rope, in gooa conaiuun. Apply to -or addreaa "buperintenaent ol Alee Build ing. Omaha," w Al.ak NEW and 2d-band typewriter. 1UI Farnam. ZDHAND safe cheap. Derlght. HIS Farnam. FOR SALE Second-hand Locomobile, la first-ciaaa snape, ai vow -oaii pnc. cnu or address ii r amam si. w wj FOR SALE Empty ink barrels, 26 cents each, large, wen maae Darreis, max nrst class garbage receptacles. Fred Younxa foreman Bee press room, rear entrance Bee Bldg. W-M4Z1 INDIAN goods and relic. lllS Farnam. FOR SALE A new too ampere eoubl pole ! ; never oeen usea. , jippiy o or ad dress "Superintendent Bee Building, Omaha." 0-M767 PHOTOGRAPH CAR for Apply Q 1 Rues s Art store. FOR SALE Crane hydraulic elevator; caa b usea eitner passenger or rreivnt: ooin- plete. Iron guld posts, cags snd wire en- closures. J. L. Brandeis A Son. Q-6M IRON and wire fences, tree guards, trel lises. Western Anchor Fence Co.. 3u6 N. I. lb st. V4 1M TELEPHONE, poles, long fir nmbers; chicken lence; oak piling. SOI Douguia. CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man A Mu-Conuell Drug Co., Omaha. W U WAREHOUSE scales cheap. Ram i B irns. 1 y MU4 All CLAIR VOVNTS. MME. LUC RET IA, medium. 17U Callforrua. A4 MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN ol clairvoyants; every thing told; past, present and future. kit lafaction or no pay. (ki7 N. Ink. B lis) ELECTRICAL TR ATM EAT. , GRACE OIK.'AN, Bath. 720 a Uth. T-MdM MME. SMITH, betbs. Ul N. U. 3d Soor. r. I EMOL1NE SHEPARD. por baths; asaista-ut. N 14ui sl .x'Xid floor, o4 1-kSu AS MISS HOWAKL. elegant maaaage and vapor batna; alcohol rubUax. i-TH N. lain, tat E. T MJiS al MK9, DAVIS. Id Howsrd 6t., front reoess; tub bath; first-class attendant. T M411 AS EMELINE SHEPHERD, tut N Uth. 3d I fioor, XTBlabed reeoA . J Mia agenii mTtoK a day -.every- Catholic f W-B rn ul ua or ' Z T wuints one; sample postpaid. 25c; for -5!5S u." l" or U or tS ll: K for ,19.60. J. Lee, Omaha bldg.. -.T Z Si." im or IS or LOO hu i.i niw i Timninr iikii 11: f YOU CAN TALK TO OVER 30,000 READERS WITH A LITTLE WANT-AD. DR. ROT. chiropodist; corns and superflu oua hair removed by electricity. K. I uj a. 164 Farnam si U li VIAVL a wholesome nervs and tissue food and home treatment for disorders of women. Free booklet, Vlavl Co.. MS He Blag. L 1M MAGNET FILE KILLER. IT CURES vm At druggists, (1. I PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted, i ne G1 Samaritan aniunjm, 1A 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. U 14 CH1ROPODT, manicuring, acalp, facial. hvgiene ana speotai massage taugnt and practiced. A. Mayer. a2 Bee Blag, too. aultauon free. Lu Re-No-May Fowder. U 19S WE RENT sewing machines, 76c per week; we repair and sell parts for all makes of tnaclunea. Nebraska Cycle Co., ctr. liLh and Harney sis. 'Phone 1-6S v Mao Jyi PRIVATE bopltal before and during con finement; babien Doaraea ana aoopiex Mrs. Gardels, 34 Lake. Tel. Red-IKM V MM TELEPHONE 780 for O. M. E. messenger. t ECZEMA 8 tLVE that cured W. J B j gcanneii, agent, b'Ji Ware A. r-axton. b orlc. IT M3C7 $30-WE CURE RCFTURK XK JU-.J detention :rom Dusium, ". "'- pauenu; send for booklet, eta Empire Viuntiira Co.. New tori i-ue d o bat.. Omaha. Neb. PBIV1Tr BanUtsrium for ladles before Oerisch. 3(iS CaUfortua St. Term reon- abla. " PRIVATE horpltal before and during con finement: reet meaioni '"'"' Mra L. Flsber. 1W1 Vinton, lei. iknt BALE 10 h-sd freoh milk cows and TnB., E Purdv. 2413 Cnm'.v .street, S. , n5i- r qwmj js Tel. r."5 MONEY TO LOAK REAL. ESTATE. WANTED, oitr loans tva Farnam Bmnn at xv'AA WANTED, city and fann loans; also bonds and warrants R C. Peters & Co .. Lai Farnam St., Bee Bldg. wat - FARM snd city loans; lo w-," Thomas, First Nat 1 Bank Bldg. Tel. IMS. private money. Sberwood. 937 N. T. Life. 4 TO 6 P. C. money, nemis. r-axiouiut FIVE PER CENT loans. Garrtn Bros 1604 W 106 Farnam. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1520 nJ"- I HAVE private money on hand to loan, ll D. Hcrimes, 7 N. X. L. Bl ,f MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS. 1 ' A O - I I f Y I v fx k. J 1 TO GET TO PAY ' Fst explains our metl loda. " v . w loan on i unii hup. iu iw, . racwinta etc Or it you nava a pel o v position w. roui ,.v.,. -,-!. v .irriit vour own eares- , Vr,v Our servioe Is auick and fltiand wealwTy. t to plet All that we ask is that you give us a call J??, vTrtcaGE LOAK CO.. 119 Board or iTtae niag. lei. a. . r-.,Kiiv,d 1M1) 106 So. 16th St. , . vn.TT loaned on tvlam note to salaried -rrc,nie: business confluent J; lowest rates, 1 t;. yi-ton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-JU MONEY To salaried employe and wage earner: . Gt oar system of loan that get you ' out of debt. Any lady or gentleman, machinist, engineer, etc, having reliable employment can get. Just on his nots: Monthly. Monthly. Weekly. Easiest terms, lowsst rates, connaenuai. No inquiries. Quick servlo. Court eou THTeTAR LOAN CO. 644 PAXTON BLK. MONEY LOANED ON FCNTTURE. PIANOS, LIVE BTOCE. SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and easy term. Business Confidential. Trr ns If you wsnt to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. CO Paxton Block. lath and Farnam St. X 211 MONEY TO LOAN on furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc. st very lowest nu. juj i"'" , 7 to suit your convenience without publicity or removal of property. me AI.SO LOAN MONET To people working on a salary, holding a s ejLG y ponuon iuj , ivu. , , ...v . No mortgage or endorser required; no in- aulrics maae or your intnu wi cujiiiuw. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Poonu K7-3ut Paxton Block. X Ms4f LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc.. without ee ..iriiv nulMt tcrmk 40 offices in prin cipal citkA Tolman. 440 Board of Trad Bldg. A. ill CHATTEU salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. sue. to u. ureen. a a, earaer oa. A. ilk vnvrt loaned on olanos. furniture, lew. elry, horses, cows, etc- C F. Reed, tie IS. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR B I , by administrator, good clean slock of general merchandise in good brick building in good location, ready to beain bvuuue&a at any lime; Invoice about MOOCi; inuat be sold soon. Call on or address B w. ciuuubers, aamirustrator, Biair, nen. x to. m FOR SALE or trade, laundry plant and business. Address ri 60. Bee. 1 MM n WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or Dusineas qiucx, see j. ri. jonnson. u i. i. ie. . i-bj I FOR 6ALE House and furniture; only S3 ar house in town f L2li; boat location In nortneast iseorasKS. for ruriner pr ticulare, write lo ll 6s. Omaha, Neb. Y M I 23. FOR SALE, at a bargain, bakery snd con-ft-cttonery; good loration; elegant soda fountain, fixtures and furniture nearly new; will sell on one year's time, with approved security. Address Mrs. F. E. I.tker Weet I'o'r t. Neti Y MSM 'S FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HOUSES snd lots in sll parts of city; also acre properly and farm landa. Th O. F. Uavla CO., Atoom sua. a maf. Kt, l 33.600 WILL BUT aa elegant modern house and lull lot on Binoejr ou, in ountae Place; south front; street paved; special taxes paid. 7 nomas rsreunan, h ijuj BL RJi-M40 . LO Y'OL want to trads your dty property for land? n jili iQvesunent t o., Near York Life Bldg. RfcJ-M 4 24x DO YOU WANT IH acres dear Ruser s Park for 1400 T This uaea to b worm mm an acre, utmr going to Canada and mut aaiL Just me piece for fruit aid chUkena, and work in town. Hastings A Hey den. iiu N. Y. Life Lidg. Rii-r MAO. WILLIAMSON CHARLES E.. Uul axnam street. RE-CI RANCH and farm lands for sale tbe t nloo Pacine Railroad company. H. A McAiiester. land cmuDimotir. I nloa Pa cino Ilea a quart era. omasa. Neb. RE ns W. C CH laLU a N. Y. Uf Bldg. AT FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FINE RANCH, be-rgaln: 2 M acres. 227 cattle. 1J horses, froed improvements and machinery; lu miiea feticng. large lake; !.: tend hay; price, 6T1.50J. Box fcur well. Neb. RE MisI 25x. 10-ROOM modern house. 11 b.ock from posteffice for sale cheap. 108 N. lith. Benrwa or Co. RE 20 ACCORDION rLEATKG. GOLDMAN. J00 Douglas block. M 771 BABBITT METAL FR1CTIONLEBS. worth 5c; closing It out at 18c U. 8. Mann. R 17. Com. Nat l Rank. -73i a BALK TIES. OMAHA Hay Bals Tie Co-. SU North Kth. ;a R. RUMPEL, BON, only tie faetorr In the state. Try us. 14tb and Nicholas. TeL FS3D9. M-7CS a CARPET CLEAMXG. A. K. JETT calls for carpets. TeL A-OOL m Ai CARPENTERS AXD JOINERS. j ALL. kinds of carpenter work and repairing proropuy attanaea to. . x. ucauiree, Pin and Lake streets. J70 DETECTIVES. CAPT. COR LACK, 617 I X bach block. Tel. A-2S3 . 22 EXPERT ACCOISTANT. G. R. Rathbun. room la, Cora l Nat Bank. r; FLORISTS, HESS 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam. 3 I HENDERSON, florist, 14U Farnam St. M FrRNITTRE PACKING. GATE CITT Upholstering Co., woven wire springs tightened. iti. -w,a. ito st. Mary's Ave. 263 FOUND. FOUND Bhirt waist set. Address J 18, Bes. r ounu Jn.M El GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE OO. cleaju cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and ded animals at reduced prices. & r. jun. Tel. J,.. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO.. Bee Bldg. TeL Z-t. J1 AWNMOWKRS. SHARPENED. P. Melcbolr. 13-t at Howard - 2 LAWKMOWERS shairened. saws filed, umbrellas reaa ired, keys, etc., & N. lth. Ta. ant. 2S3 LACNDRT. OMAHA Steam Laundry and City Towel Supply. 1760 Leaven worth. TeL A-178X. ' -237 UW AXD COLLECTIONS. STH.I.MAN A PRICE. U. 8. N't B't bid. 3 NEW SNOW-CHURCH ,CO.. 1st floor N. Y. Lire Bldg.. attorney ana couciors every where. SS MACFARLAND MAT. New York Life Bloc ; room rnons LOST- LOST, on Dodge treet road, Sunday fore noon, a black sacs, ooau iwwura m re turn to 407 Brown block. Lost 543 21 LOST On road between Prospect Hill cemetery and nouievara to r wrenoe, nrk.!i,ank containing SAO. Finder Please return to room 23, Douglas block; re ward. LiOSl M44 icx MEDICAL. LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best, tare, reiiaoie. laae do other. Send 4c., stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladies,'' in letter by return malL Ask yosr druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa nn VEIRERGER'S SKIN LOTION cures Prickly Heat, Barbers lien, t-niggera, Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, L leers. Pimples, Scrofula Sores and all 6kin Eruptions. lrir. XI. Ou rr bottle. J. C. Northcraft, Prop, and Distr Orpheura Pharmacy, SOI W. Ninth Bu. Kansas City. Mo. M4S0 Si MrSICAU THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldg Block. j OMAHA COLLEGE OP MUSIC, 316 Ramge Blk.; summer term. Apply r . ti nrigiit. L. 1 C M.. Director, rnone iiut. 617 80 OSTEOPATHY. GID. E- A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopstha Suits Q6. New I or a UK Bidg. Tel. lbo. 233 Th Hunt Infirmary. MoCagu Bldg. T. CtA . 240 Alien A Farwell. Paxton Blk, 404-7. T 1SS6. M.24A DR3. FINCH MILLER, 124 S. 2Mb St a Dr. Grace Deegan, S03 McCague, TeL 23S1 PATENTS. H. J. COWOILL No fe unless success fuL Tit 8 15th St.. Omaha Tel. l"s 1'4 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan OfTlce. reliable, accommodat ing, all business confidential, llul Douglaa 641 RIG MANVFACTVB INC. OMAHA Rug Factory. Ii21 Leaven. TeL tOOL 743 STAMMERING AMD STCTTERINC. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 4S0 Kamgs Bldg SHORTHAKD AND TYPEWRITING. A C. VAN SANTS schooL 717 N. Y. Life 13 NFB Business A Shorthand College. Boyd's Theater. : STORAGE. OM Van Stor. Co., 1611 Farn. Tela !- TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H, PiiUbln. i rinam. 'Pnone 7fc4. U TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. THE DEPOT on time O. M. E. TeL 7M. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as chances may occur st any time). Fomgn mans fur the w -a ending July S. UsO. win eloee i rKOMrT LI In ail caa at tbe acaerai postoflice as follows: Par- ocia-Bol riail cous Ob) Lur earner thaa POSTOFFICE UT11K. closing time shown below. Parcels-post mails for Germany close ai 6 p. m Monday. Regular and supplementary mnlls close st Foreign Station bait an nour later than closing time shown beiow (except that sup- piomeniary tnaJis lor A.urope ana .eiarai A'nenca, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). Traaaetlaatle Mel la. TUESDAY At I SO a. m. (sup;iementry 11 a. m ) for LL RuPl. per . s. KaisT Wilhelm 11.', via Plymouth, Cherbjurg and Ilremen. WEDNLiiDAY At :S0 A m. for EUROTE, per s. s. St. Paul, via Southampton vmail for Ireland must be directed per s. s. St. rul"K at ;;30 a. m. for NE1H- ERLA.NL direct, per s. s. Amsterdam troail must be directed "per s. s. Amsier Oim"); st 3 30 a. m. (supplementary 19 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Majestic, vis yueenstuwn; at 11 a. m. for DEN MARK direct, per s. a Oscar 11. tmall must be directed "per a. s. Oscar ll.". THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN. POR TUGAL, TURKET. EGYPT, GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR WUEZ.. per a. a. 1a Gascogne, via Havre (mail for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s. La Gascogne"). SATURDAY At 7:30 a, m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. a Columbia (mail must be directed "per a. a Columbia' ); at a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per a. a. Vaderland (mall must ! directed "per a. a. Vader land "); at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary I p. m l for EUROPE, per a. a Campania, via yueeunown. f PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer tikes Printed Matter, Commercial Pa pers, and Samples for Germany only. The same cla.s of mail matter tor other part cf Europe win not be sent fy tnis ship unless specially directed by her. After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Halls nnmed above addi tional Supplementary Malls are opened on the piers of the American. English, French and German steamers, snd remain open until within Ten Minutes of tbe hour of sailing of steamer. Malls for toatb Bad Central America, W est Indies, Etc TUESDAY -At :30 a. m. (supplementary 10 .80 a. m.) fur CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa F.ict) and SOUTH PA CIFIC PORTS, per s. s. Santiago, via Colon (mail fur Guatemala l be di rected "per a a. Santiago"); at 10 a. m. for HAITI, per s. s. prins Wlllem IV. (mail for Cape Haiti. Port de Paix. Cu racao, Venezuela, Trinidad, British and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per a. s. Prins Wlllem IV."). WEDNESDAY At 12 m. for BRAZIL, pes s. a. Grecian Prince, via Maceio and Rio Janeiro (mail fur Isorthern Braxil. Ar gentine, Uruguay and Paraguay must be airectea "per s. a. Grecian r"rlnc ). THURSDAY At S A m. for CUBA, per s. s. Monterey (mall for Mexico, via Pro greso, Campeche and Vera Crux must be directed "per a a Monterey ): at 10 a. m. for GRENADA, TRINIDAD and C1U- UAD B(JUAK, per s. s. Maracaa. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per a. a Niagara, via Tampico (mail must be directed "per . a Niagara ); at 1 p. tu tor PORTO PLATA, per s. s. Foxhall. from Boston tmall for other i arts of the Dominican Republic must be directed "per s. s. Foxhall"): at 4:30 p. m. for BERMUDA, lr steamer from Halifax. SATURDAY At 3.30 a. m. for BRAZIL, per a. s. Syracusa, Via Pemambuco and Santos (mall for Northern Brazil mutt be directed "per s. s. Syracuse"); st 6:30 a. m. for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Cftsllda; at V;30 a. m. for mc FOUNDLAND. per Silvia; at fc:3u a. m. (supplementary ;) a. m.) ror nmro mcu. clracao and VENEZL'ELA, per s. s. Caracas (mall for Pa vanilla and Carthagena must be oirectea Ter s. s. Caracas ); at :ao a. m TUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, BA VANILLA and CARTAGENA. er a s. Altai tmall for Costa Rica must be directed "Mr s. a. Altai"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. . Morro Castle, via Havana; at 11 30 a. m. (supplementary 12:i p. m.) for INAGUA. HAITI and SANTA MARTA, Kr s. a Athos (mail for Savanllla roust directed "per s, s,. Athos"); at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Olinda, via UEI ! II Mails Forwarded OverlaatC. Ete Ei. rept TriDiparllr, CUBA By rail tt Port Tam,.a. Fla., and tnence oy steamer, closes st this office daily, except Thursday, at L.;30 a. rn.Jj.hs connecting mails close here on Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturdavs). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially uurrCTi lur a'vpaicn or steamer. Closes1 St this office dail;, . except Sunuay, at 1J6 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11 SO p. m, NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Syd ney, and thence by steamer, closes at this office daily at 4:30 p. m. (connecting mails close here every Monday, Wednesday and Saturdai. JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thenc oy Bictamer, ciuk ai mis omce at 4'M p. m. every Tuesday and Thursday. M1QUELON By rail to Boston, and thenc by steamer, closes at this office daily at 4 SO p. ra. BELIZE. PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA By rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes at this office daily, except Sunday, at ilizi) n m . a 111:30 p. m., Sundays st 1 p. m. snd III p. m. (connecting mail closes hers Mon days ii ii ,au p. in. COSTA RICA By rail to New Orteane thence by steamer, closes at this office daily, except Sunday, at 11:30 r m . .... 111:30 p. m., Sundays st fl s. . snd h. iii. K viujw invi mioses cere Tues days at ll:0 p. m.) Registered mail doses at 4 p. m. pre- VWa UB Traaapaelde Mall. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattl. close here daily at 6.30 p. m. up to July lliin, inclusive, for despatch per a a. Shlnane Maru. HAWAII, via San Francisco, clos her cany at :ou p. m. up to July juih, in clusive, for despatch per a A ' wia CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close here daily at 6:M p. in. up to rimy t-usi, inclusive, for des- patcn per a. a. press oi Andia. (Mer cnanuise lur I. a. Postal Agency at nriariKnai canxivi oe lorwaruea via Can ada.) HA WAIL JAPAN, CHINA and esneciallv euurera i niui iui ue ruiLlrrl.NK ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close hers daily at 6:30 p. m. un to July t.-nh in. elusive, for despatch per a , s. Nippon Maru. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, vis San Fran- ciacu, ciose neit uaiij si . p. m. un ta uii i-iiii. iiicjusoc, iki uraMii S TVftnsrinrt CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoras, close llWi uxi si. w.ov if. ill. up lo July laiUl. Inclusive, for depaii-n per a. a tilx-miT NEW ZEALAND. AL'STP.AXIA (excent West). NEW CALEDONIA, FLU SA MOA snd HAWAII, via ban Pranriu. close hers daily at 6:3o p. m. up to Au gust list. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Ventura. (If ths Cunard steamer carr rytng the British mail tor New Zealand does not arrive In time to connect with this despatch extra, malls closing at 6 u a. m. i.Ju a. m. and t:30 p ra. ; Sundays at 4.30 a. m., 6 a. m. and 6:3u p. m. aill be made up snd foraarded until in ar- nvii ui tiie c uiiAru i-amer. I HAWAII. CHINA. JAPAN and PHILIP. t'l t- imi.m'3. via Ean rranvisi-o. ci nere aany ii s ou p. m. up 10 August lid inclutive. for despatch per s a rtii TAtllll anu aAiiLOM iSl-ANDS, vn n rranciaco, close nere dally at 6 0 p. m. up to August lioth, lncluive. for despatch per a. s. Maripuaa. AUSTRALIA (except Wesitl. FIJI ISLANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, via M 11 luu ri ,nu .louim. It C UJSa tier cai.y ii y. m. up iu August .5lh, in Ciuaive, lor ueapaitu per a. s. AorangL NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia is forwarded via Europe, and New Zealand ana Philippines vis Kan Fran- cine the quickest routes. Philippines rcialiv addressed " via Canada or - via turop niu. i um iuuy ii-iim ai in ior- eign rates. Hawaii Is lorwarded via Fmni iaco exclusively. Transpaclhc mails ar forwarded to nort of sailing daily snd th schedule of closing is arranged on tne presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. ReglsttSed mail closes at p m previous nay. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postoffice. New Tork. N. Y., July Ik. liwl. I AIL WAY 1 1MB CAR. CkAeaa,, Back Islaasl A PaetAe, EAST. Chicago DayLjfht L t d.. a 3 55 am a I 6u am Chicago P-ayi-chl Local a 7:s) am a 35 pa Chicago Express til li am a 6.35 pm Ia Mjtnee Express. ...a 4 -a I pm bU-aO Chicago Fast x-xpress. Ha pm a 1-A pot WEST. Rocky Mountain L t d. A 7 JO am a am Lincoln. Colo. Bprtnge, T-envar. Pueblo a&A West a I JO pa a M pm Colo . fnu ii anc Oklahonia Fler.. .... .4t pa ail. 4 IILWAT Tt WT5 CARD. INIO TATION IOTII AND MARll Talea Paelge. Or -land Limited.. Th Fast Mall CsUtfor nla Express Psclfl Fxprees...., F.sstern Exxirees .. Leave Arrive ..a S:o era a 70 p?n .. 1-26 ps . a 4 pm ..all 30 pm a I r a T era ..a 7.10 era a I f sra a t o am Th Atlantic Ftp' The Colorado Special t nloaro "peessl ... Llr coin. Beatrice snd Stromsbura' Express, b 1-W pro M? H pm Norti P'stte Lorsl s I -fn in a 6 15 pm Grand Island Local b 110 cm bit in rhlragn. Mllwaake A St. Past. Chicago Dnrhghr 7:46 am all :H pm Chicago Fast Express.. 6 4 pm s 3 40 pm t hlcfro Umlted a'U6pra a 7 M am Dee Moines Express. .a 7:4t am a 1:40 pm Ckicae A Kertbvreetera. "Tbe Northwestern Line" Fast Chicago a I 40 am a T P0 am Mail a i.oo pm a 30 am Local Sioux City,.. a 6 10 am a 3.30 pm Daylight St. Paul.., a 7:16 am al0.26 pro Daybgbt Chicago A a -i0 m all:10 pm Local Chlcagt, aU:3v am a 6.10 pm Local Cedar li-apias :iv pm Limited Chicago a 6.16 pm a 16 am 1 C a rrni 1 ..a 4:w pm v. v w am f.hW::::: Fast Mall . " P Local Sioux city o -w p-w r Norfolk A Bonesteel....a 7: am alO.35 am Lincoln A Long Plne..-.b 7:26 am bl0 6 am Wsbaab. a v I W. tl" ' Dl. AW U 1 , uuwu - , Express -" P Bt-l?uls Local. Coua- , CU BlurXa... ..... a v. is an skw. Mlssearl PeclS. St. Louis Express slO 00 am a 4:36 pm A.C A M. 1. ax .axu .on pm a s.i io lUlaels Central. Chicago Express a 7:SS am a :w pa Chicago, aunneapoiia m St. Paul Limited a 7-60 pra a 3:05 am MinneapoU. A St. Paul , Express . ' ... - rrucaso Local 106 am Chicago Exprae ....... aio;s am WEBSTER DEPOT 1BTH A WEBSTER. Chleage, lb PaaA, Mtaaeapolls A Omaka. Leave. Arrive. i ni' TBaanr...a 6 JO am a 1:10 pm Sioux City Passenger... a a.uw p Oakland Local b 6:46 pm o . am Mlsseari paciae. v-w. I,- Tnal Via Weening water n .v. - Chleage A TAorta cetera. Nebraska aad WyBSBlBC Dlvlalea. ci..w un rMMdvood Lead. Hot bpnngs a e:isi p " Wyoming. Casper 4M Doualaa 4 P- 8:00 P basting. Tork. David Exeter and Seward... b S:uO pm b 6:00 pm BCRLINGTOTI STATIOK-10TH A MASO.1 w..... riiT. at. Jesepb A Ceaacll a . Kansas Olty Day Ex.. .a am a 1 pm PL Louis Flyer. ...... ...a . u; pm all sj am anss Cliy J4g r, ! - - Barllagtea A Mlsseari River. AeaVA Arrtv. Wnnore, Beatrlo aad Lincoln a 1:50 am bl2:06 pm a 6:60 am a 7 AS pm 1 Denver Limitec a 4:1S pm a 6.46 am I Black Hllle ana -gi ... e.mi rMi all:10 pm a 3.10 pm Coloradw Vestibule. Lincoln Fast Mat! b 2 EI pra a :u am orx inws -- v.a.iit I moutn v via iiv. I p.ivu, a Pacific Jet.. a 7:60 torn a 3:27 am 1 1-BeUevus A Pacifto Jet. .a 10 am I "cTTJT.i .a 7:06 am a I Z m. I rhiiM. Veetlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am I Chicago -Local ...a J:li am all:00 pm FalS.lm!!v.::::::al '6pm :;. ' a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, d patty except Saturday, e Dally except Monday. STEAMSHIPS. ANCHOR 1J.VB C. B. STKAMSBira KEW - TOBK, LONDOKDIXRT AXD OLABOOW. KIW yoxg, OlBaAUAA AKS XAPLEB. simiH MyimiMditlau. Exeeltsat Cvhrtae. ' Ts 1 Cemfort U Pensri Carefully CeasMe 1. Sla(ls I st R d4 Trip TiPkeU issal betw a km Tsrk anA 1 Sootre. "Ennsk Insa as all principal eautlsratal rBiM at atuacti ntca. Sena tar nwk ol Test. For tickets or ssnsrwi iDTormaiioa a ir mm any lam I u,m nf tk Aarser a e ( UENbEKSOK BBUS-, w l asaara, Wfo, Ul- KCLLARD-AUERICA LIME New Twla-scnw suamers at 11 We Taas b'BW TORK KOTTiHCAM. vis BOUUXaSig, ' SaillBg Wsoaasaar at IS A SL Kcttsreaai 3alr Ml RyaAua M Jkag. 1 I retMaai -Au. I Naoraaia -Aa. M laisassis aa. uiaoiLaraaja ..cpvawoar i HOLLAND-AMERICA LIAS, e Dear bora tt Cklra, I1L RsirV Sfm 1SDI rtnaat at,. C Statsei USA Paimmm av. i. A ayiaa, IM ruua LEGAL. XOVICxC. PROPOSALS FOR SITE AND DONA TIONS FOR A NEW STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. In accordance with House Roll No. L a bill for an act to locate and establish on (1) additional state normal school, and to provide for the erection of buildings, pay ment. maintenance and receiving donations for the same, ths Board of Education of the state normal school hereby solicit pro posals for conations to ths stats oi a suit able site for an additional state normal school, but said proposed ait must Includs a suitable tract of land not less than twenty (Hi) seres in extent, said land to be worth at least seventy-tlvs (f,b Collars per acre, and said location of sit for said school must be west of a point not ex ceedlng five miles east of the ninety-eighth meridian. Said donations or proposed do nations for a sit may Include a building or buildings, and such proposal may also include donations of money or dulv regis tered municipal bonds to the state for ths use and benefit of such normal achooL All such proposals shall b in writing and racsmitted to tne secretarr or saia ooara in sealed envelopes, which shall be opened In the presence of sold board on Tuesday, July SS. 1M3, st 2 o'clock p. m., In th office of ths superintendent or public In struct! on In the capltol buildlnr at Lincoln. Nebraska, "and the properties mentioned In sstd proposals snail be examined and Invest trated bv said board and the ad vantages and disadvantages of said pro posed sits shsll be considered, snd said board In accepting or rejecting any pro cess! shall taks into consideration the lo cation of aucb proposed site, ths character ana value or ire asm, me cnaracrer and value of tba building or bulldinrs thereon. if sny. whether such buildings thereon are nroDosed ta be donated or sold to the state fr to be partly donated snd partly sold. the amount of snoney. If any. proposed to be donated 01 -ue value or any bonds ac- compaoylng such proposal, and may accept UCh proposed donation and lOCSt such normal school upon such sit which. la th Judgment of uch bosrd under all ths facts and circumstances, may appear to be for th best Interests of the state in the premises." Br order of the hoard cf Directors of ths state normal school WILLIAM K. FOWLER. S f nr of Fflncitlon Bnn 4. tendent of Public Instruction GEORGE ROGERS, President Board of Education. Lincoln. Neb-. July 10. 13U3 Js lid Htm NOTICE FOR BTPH FOR STATE PRINTING. Bids will be received by the SUta Print ing Board st tt fflc of th secretary of Slate at LincollV N'ebrai-ka. on or lefore 2 .30 o'clock p. m., July 27, la. for printing l.&"0 copies state geological report, part volume 2; fr' copies 11th annual report. oeparimeni 01 onus nig . ,si c-opies con solidation of school districts;" 7ou copies sur'reme court elen1ar, September term; I.114 copies stst banking law; LOuO copies senate We No. ; l,5Xi copies compilation of Insurance law; also Mack books, print ing and atationery supplies for ths follow ing named state Institutions and depart ments: Supreme court. Game snd Fish commission, Milford Soldiers' snd Sailors' Home. Beatrice Feeble Minded Institute. Lincoln insane Tiospital, Hastings Inhane hospital. Grand Island Soldiers' and EaJlors' Home. Stat Historical society, state archi tect, labor bureau, banking department. Irrigation department. Insurance depart ment, slate treasurer, auditor cf public acoounts, adjutant general, secretary cf state and governor. Specifications for earn ran be found on file in Oi office of the secretary of state. AH bids must be aecnmpanied by a bond equal in amount to tbe probable cost of th work bai upon. The boaid reserves th rixnl to reject any ana sn oiav STATE PRINTING BOARD By LOU W. FRAZIL. R, feecrexary 10 lb Board. Liaooln. Nebraska, J y 14, l. . .. ..i JWy 17dM I FOAL OTIf l. Sealed rl.l will be receive! st of fice of secretary i f stats tip un'ri II o'er, k noon cf Ju.y ;T. 1 G. tor lumlxr fur use at f A B, home fit Gran.J lslsn ! as ) r arcbltert a esilmate n fn In the office of secretary of sttte. Tbe board resTvc ths right U reject any and all Mis. GLOR'iE W. MARSH. Secretary of Board. Jit d to tm COt ERNMEXT XOTICE. TKOPOS-ALS FOR FRESH VF.tJETA ble office Purchasing Comralssarv, IT. S. Army. Army Building. Omaha. Neb.. July i, 11 SeeJeJ propoasls. In duplicate, will l reoeied untie lu o clock a, m July 30, lA. st which tun and place they will be publicly ojned for furmahlng and delivering such quantltlea of fresh pota toes, onions, cabbage and beets as may be required by the Subsistence department st Omaha, Neb., during the month of August, lSd Information furnished on application Envelope containing proioal should sst endorsed. "Prvposa.s for fresh vegetables, to be opened July 30, ljoi," snd sddress4 to the unders'gned. W. H Bean. Major, Commissary, Purckaalng Commlssarv. Jyia'EMm case up aga,n After Overrating ObJeetleBs t Jarl. Ceatlaaes Hearlag. The matter cf the habaes corpus prxed- ings for the possession of Mabel Feperholm was continued before Judge Vlnsonhalef this morning until next Monday, after ths Judge had overruled the objections of C. R. Scott to the Jurisdiction of the court. Last week when the case was called for trial Mr. Scott denied the Jurisdiction of the court for two principal reason, the first being that the child being sbsent from tbe court room the Judge could not pass upon the application, ss the desire cf th ehlld should have weight In forming the opinion of th court. The recond reason we that the court having secured Jurisdiction over the child, by .he appointment of s guardian, it did riot have the power to waive that Jurisdiction by rlaclng the child In th custody of a person not within th Jurisdiction of the court. The case will now be heard upon Its merits. No trace of Potts, who disappeared lth the child after the commencement of the present suit, has been discovered, but It is the belief of many that he la not far from the city end will produce the child when he believes he will "have no trouble for his present contempt of court. FIFTEEN HUNDRED. KNIGHTS Mark Set by Secretary of flaatllasj Committee for Ak.4ar.Bes Membership. "We want every one of the 71 members we now have to consider himself a com mittee to get one new member," said Seo- retary H. F. Ro hereon of ths -Ak-Rar-Ben hustling committee, which met yesterday at the Commercial club. "If every member would try his best to bring In Just one other person, see where we would be. We are try ing to reach 1,500 members this year, and If we reach that number we Intend to tak .11 h nnviU. nirintisrnalls mil wl.V. . ' train of Pullmans and a diner nut In tan day throughout th tate and Dosetblv "aMern Iowa In advertising the Ak -Bar-Ben carnival aad through that th city of Omaha. W will have parades ta all th -a .ifor mm at place where we spend the nights. If we l rMU:h th L60S mark w wfll tax ma th knights who wish to tak the trip, and It will not cost them a cent.. W bad LOM member last year; and If every maa who ha entered tils year will make a good ef fort to bring out on other aaaa e will easily reach th high mark we have at, : rSEFCL DISCOVERIES Are Hot Always) Steurtltma;, Mtktr De . They Create tke Meet Talk. It Is not always th greatest, most start. ling discoveries of sdenos that are most useful to th human race. Comparatively few people were directly Interested In Herachel' finding of th new planet Uranus, bat many thousands have been benefited by Prof- Unna's experi ments, which proved beyond a Qruesticn that dandruff and baldness are 1 the results of the Inroad of a perasitlo germ which Invade th root of tbe hair. Th discovery of th trne caese of bald ness) mad Newbro's Herptod pnsMTtil. Herpiold effectually kfu this germ. De stroy tba cabs you pernor th effect. Bold by leading drug gists. Send boo la stamp for sample to Th Herptclde Co.. Detroit. Mich. Sherman A McConr.eH Drug Co., arcli agent. SEASOIABLE FASEIGXS 4471 Brrsd Waist, t2 te 41 bxVi . Woman's Shirred Wslsr 4473 To be mad I with high or square neck, long or elbow I Cl,trr(rn af alt anrts are aataAla I , . . . . . . ,,., I "e I models. This smart waist show tham wed 1 . (, alns-ularlr wall I - , . , ' , . I adapted 10 ens son anu puauis iriais in I 0 . Tn. original I mad of white silk I .. . ' ,. 1. , I mUU tnmmeu sua crvsm laifus os anu 1 charming, but th many thin wools and silks ar equally suitable a well as th fine linen and cotton fabric. Tbe waist la made over a smoothly fitted lining that close at th center front. Th fronts and tbe back ar shirred at th shoulders to glv a yok effect aad ar again gathered at th waist kne. The fold at the back give a tapering effect t th flgur while the front blouses lightly over th belt At th center front 1 a shirred vssUik portion that can be mad high and finished with th collar, or cut off at th shirring to form a square neck. The long sleeves are soft and full and ar shirred to St the arm clo:y above the elbow, but form puff st tbe wrists. When elbow length Is desired they caa be cut off ar.d gathered In to bands. The quantity of material required for the medium sixe la i yards a Inches wide. 4' yard 27 inches wide, 4H yards 32 Inches wld or r yards 44 Inch wide, with t yards of sppllqu to trim a Illustrated. Tbe pattern 4471 la cut In sixe for a tZ. 34. M, M and 40-lnch bust measure. For ths accommodation of Th Be reader these patterns, which usually retail at from 26 to 64 cents, will be furnished at a nominal price. 10 rents, which covers all expense. In order to get a patter enclose 10 otnts. give number and nam of peto