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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1903)
TITE OMATIA DAIIY IlEEt SENT) AT, JUET 19. 1D03'. 20 IiAJISKH THA! RVKft BKKORB. h Rlagllaa- Bros. Ctreos Bald to Ha the Largest la America. Thursday. July 23, Is Ringing Bros, circus day. Eighty cart used to carry the Im mense aggregation will draw In here early Thursday morning, and ft needs no fA'nm to foretell the crowds that will greet the splendid caravans. Thl year the Ringing Bros, great ahows are almost twfbe as big n ever before, and that fact makes comparison with any other shew Impossible, and Indicates tremendous else. The great tetit will seat comfortably 18.000 people, an the menngrle canvas Is ths largest ever made, furnlchlng commodious room for the arranging of MS cages, lairs, dens and tanks. There are 6TiO horses with the huge shows, more than 200 of which re bred In the purple and highly educated The soological collection Is Incomparably the rarest In existence, It exhibits two giraffes, ths last of their tribe; the only rhinoceros In captivity; a genuine baby elephant, baby Boa, born January 8, 190S, and only SO Inches high, unweaned and as playful aa a kitten; and the greatest herd of elephants In the world, forty In number, Two groups of acting seals are another xluslvs feature. They are shown on separate stages and acting In unison at the direction of their owner and trainer, CP' tain Webb. This In the most Instructive exhibition of animal training ever accom pllshed. The pick and flownr of the circus profession In Europe and America appears In the extraordinary ring program. Many of the acrobats, gymnssts, equestrians. riders, equilibrists, Jugglers, athletes, contortionists, dancers, flre artists and many other feature performers ars In troduced by the Ringing Ifros., In ths coun try for the first time. The progressive potlcy of this famous amusement firm. Is Illustrated this year In the production of a massively ornate and magnificently cob turned spectacle of Jerusalem and ths Crusades. One thousand two hundred characters, more than twice the number ever used tn a spectacle before, are In the cast, and the ballets of 300 ben titles, singing chorus of 100, add to the delightful charm of the enchanted sceneries. More than SP0 daintily fashioned and classically correct costume are worn In the very thrilling action, and the stage Is larger than the combined stage room of 100 theater. A huge grand pipe organ, the only portable one every made, accompanied by a selected band of fifty soloists render the specially composed music. This production Is beyond comparison the most colossal, artistically pictured hi costume and scenlo display. Instructed and xhlllrntlngly pleasing, ever presenting to the American public. Show day will begin wfth the grand free street parade. It Is twloa larger than the procession of any other show, and every man, woman and child with the Immense organisations take some part. Two performances will be given hire Thursday, July 23, 1903 in the after noon at 1 o'clock and at night at 8 o'clock. Okaataataa LaJte, If. Y., and Re. tarn, gl-tOO, .From Chicago via Erie Railroad. July 14th, Return limit thirty days. Trains leave Chicago 10:30 a. m., S:1S p. m. and 10:00 p. m.. for Akron, Toungstown, Chau tauqua Lake, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Al bany, Boston and Nsw Tork. Write H. Ik Furdy, Traveling Passenger Agent, Chicago, m., or D. M. Bowman, General Western Passenger Agent, Erie Railroad, Chicago, for Information and , Illustrated Chautauqua Folders. EPWORTH AND ENDEAVOR Tbe Qreat Christian Endeavor Con ventlon at Denver Suggests a Merger With the METHODIST YOUNG PEOPLE. Organised aa the Kpworth League aad the Baptist Yennjr Peoples Society. To the average business man the waste of energy and money Incident to sectarian Protestantism Is by far the most discour aging feature of that system of evangelis ing the world. Five or six churches where one Is sufficient and fio churches where half a dosen are needed ahows an absolute Indifference to ordinary business economy. The ordinary layman cannot understand why This baptists and methodists should Insist upon denominational aggran disement, or why the Presbyterians and Episcopalians should refuse to affiliate and co-operate In the great work of converting sinners. It Is therefore Inexplicable to many good men why Father Endeavor Clark should feel called upon to urge a union of the kindred societies, the Christ ian Endeavor, the Baptist Young People's Union and the Epworth League. f "Tim WOULD FOR CHRIST" Is engraved on all their banners. The Bible is their common text book. The salvation of souls Is their mutual Inspiration. Fight ing under the same flag and attacking a common enemy It would seem that they ought to be able to unite their forces In one camp and move forward aa divisions of the same army under orders from the common commander-in-chief. A life Insur ance company, like THE BANKERS RESERVE LIFE la always interested In these great moral and . religious questions. Morality and re ligion tend to restrict excesses and prolong life. A life Insurance company la benefited by all things tending to good health, regu lar habits, serene contentment and pro longed life. The Bankers Reserve Life, therefore, haa ideas upon this proposal for merging the young people's societies, for It la the young people who will take Its policies of life Insurance. B. II. ROBISON, PRESIDENT of this aggressive young company Invites all young persons, whether Christian En deavorers, Epworth Leaguers, or Baptists, whether wedded to the lnter-denomlna- tlenal Idea or bent upon strictly sectarian lines, to Investigate the Bankers Reserve Life. The young man buys a gold bond or 30-payment life policy for much less than his father can obtain the same contract The young people should not fail to secure the protection this form of safe Investment provides. Writs . him at horns office. Omaha, Neb. . For Sale Due bill on one of the best New Tork City hotels at a good discount Ad dress E M, cars Omaha Bee. Inlet Banrmer Resorts Along; tbo Lake Shore Michigan Soathera Ry, Is ths title of a pamphlet that may aid you In deciding the Derrlexlns AuMtinn r "where to go" for your vacation. Copy may do naa Dy addressing m. b. Giles, T. P. A., Chicago, or C. F. Daly, chief A. a. T. A.. Chicago. Special Low Raio Cttaatamqoa Bxear. stoa Jaly 94, Via Lake shore Michigan Southern rail way; 114.00 for the round trip from Chicago. Return limit 30 days. A handsome Chautau qua book, with any Information desired, may be had by addressing M. 8. Gil, t. F. A., Chicago, or C. F. Paly, chief A. O. P. A-, Chicago. , Bt. Loula and return via The Wabash Railroad. Bold July 18, 19 and 20. Wabash city offlos, UQ1 Fa mam St St. Iotita M tVetara 9I8.BO. Missouri Paclflc R. R, On sals July is, II, SO. City offices 8. E. Cor. 14th and uougiaa. Rock Island Changes ths Time. Ths Rocky Mountain Limited Isavsa Omaha at I'M a. m. for Colorado, Instead or s:eu a. m. Ana sasioouna at 3:66 a. m. to stead of 1:00 a. tn., commencing July Ith. Have Root print It a 18. SO UL Louis and return via Ths Wabash Railroad. Bold July 18, IS and 30. Wabash city office, 1601 Farnam St "Strongeat In the World." the ltmiit.Kt. Life Assurance society. It, policies are miuiiiy. eoe 11. D. Neoly. 6hrNb" -ana mag Hamoeeekers Kacarslen Both ens way and round trip tickets will be sold by ths Missouri Pacific railroad at very low rates to certain points In Kansas, southwest MlsssurL Oklahoma. T.... Arkansas, eta, on Tuesday, July 31 8sopl overs allowed oa going journey. For further Information address or call on any agent or Thos. F. Godfrey, passenger anl ucaei agent, soutneaat corner Fourteenth . ana usugias scrsets, Omaha, Neb. Oorerisi Yates la New York. NKW YORK, July 13. Governor Richard Yates was a passenger on the steamer t,ampagrua, wnicn arrived today from Llv eryooi. Csmo Honiay. If you have not been around yet to look ver the Lsvlrs stock, which Is now on sals sn our second floor, you had better make t your business to come Monday and Stave a look. Unbleached muslin drawers so. Suits of clothes that Levirs sold aa high as 39.00, your choice 33 Si. Leather belts So. Men's strong working pants sSo. ' Suspenders that Levlre sold for 36c, your choice 13c. Straw hats 10c Boys shirts 19o Odd colored collars lc odd colored cuffs So a pair. Choice of Levlre finest suits, which sold ss high as 313.00. your cholos $188. Men's all wool outing pants 31.33. Men's fancy half hose, which Levlre sold as high as 36c, your choice lOo. Man's sweaters, different shades to Choose from, 36a. too under wesr 26c. Reg Illation H.00 Union suit, sale price 6c There might be Just exactly what you want and need real bad amongst this Stock. If this should be the case you can Mre eonaldsrabls money on ths purchase srtee. as wo sell these goods far below the asslnsl eost Of production. ins uutr r - i OatUff Co &3-JLX3 Douglas street. FjasasahntsTJa of all -She Sn Omaha is OAAHAS FAU0RITE -a. . beer Anoihertestof rncrii 1 yCOLLAR Boilaeis StimuUtsrs BEI3 WANT ADS r?'l0ifliole String" of fine carriages sold this last week to customers in i i town and out of town. Eon i Imm guying We're "QUITTING BUSINESS" and selling out at big reduction. HARNESS as well. I8TI! AND I1AFJIZY STS. ; Smoke Omaha's Finest m . s j So 4 Ml "avorlta Iff-slxii H i S ' W U0r " S. Rodrtrues Charle I' ,' J 1 VW, the Great 12 slsa i v J I J Enuello Lopes Lord Temple 10 sire" 1 Tel. 1BOO for a boa. We dellrer Y-S'J F Stoecker Cigar Company') The Dennett Company The Lcadlnf Piano Mouse of tbe West. fli i BOTTL& DEER. I f pv P ' CJosts no more than others finest richest ffji purest healthful soothing restful deli- Vg& cious appetizing carefully brewed from rtfjft pure spring water" for family use. Dellyered to any part of Omaha, Council Bluffs or South Omaha. Order a cs from the JETTER BREWING CO. or LEE MICHELL. Wholesale Dealer, Council Bluffs. Tel. 80, or Huso F. BILZ, IJ24 Douglas Strict Telepione 1542. 1W we: YORK DENTAL CO. Opposite Hayden's and Boston Store 1 IS 5. 16ta St UNTIL flRTHER NOTICE J3UZX tve sDeclal cat prices. Den t delay, I r jreu aujr se to Gold 0) Set of tf0 FiIUnfnCC BrtdgeOn CrownsO Teeth OZ up . Z J Work, OZ Work guaranteed IS years. Mvinent rl uarters. EHTAjrfLISiLED NEARLY TMN TEARS. Remember our eaey aeyraent quarters. JSHTAj MANAQEMENT. Ora duate dentists with years ef experlsnos. dan may Interest you. Why net oorae to head- nuw unui.n nan NEW YORK DENTISTS, 115 So. 16th St. Open every day sm Be Upto-Date In order to be up-to-date you have TO KEEP MOVINO. Therefore the ONIMOD Shoes serve two purposes ONA.MAN who Is up-to-date. STYLE AND COMFORT ALWAYS S3 50 and 02,50 Regent Shoe Go. 205 So. 15th St. ! GOODS DELIVERED FREE A-1C- Prescriptions called tor Hvered. $1.00 Peruna I'.Oi' Plrrre's Remedies l.u Plnkham's Compound fl.OO Wine Cardul i. 1 W B. B. 8 T5e Mellen's Food 7ac Kfkay's Food Caeiorla Rrhllia Malt Extract two for. LATISROP'SS? Cor. Hth and Hamilton. Phone A-Hl Call up and d- SSo 6!M 76o 7uo 76 0 c teo 25o fee FRZE SAMPLE 0Z6MULSI0S Call at our store for free sample bottle Osomulslon, also for lowest DRUO PRICES WHITE FOR CATALOGUE). SOo Perfeeto Tahletc for.. . . ...44o (MM Palaao Tablets lor, Oo ft De Miracle Hair Remover ....SOo Uia Mouaaa's Tatooat Powder (or.. lis ft Baker's flarley Malt Whisker vest aad best, we sell T9e fl SleElree's Wlae Cord a I tor . ...Te Boo Kllaier's Swamp-Root (or.... 80s r.Oe Leas; Greea Violet Water (or..2Se ft Listerias (Unltert't) (or . ...T4e f l Kilmer's Swamp-Root (or TBo OOe Neal's Dyspepsia Tablets (or..Oe lOe Kin Fly Killer (wlre (or.... fie a Sheets Sticky Fly Paper (or Ho 1 Strait's Dyaitoptla Tablets (or..TDe St Kewbro's Hsrplrlde (or TOo 5e Syrap of Flare, ceaalae (or. . . ,80e wmall Garaeld Tea (or lOo 1 Hostetter'e Bitters, wo sell....TOe Small Syrap Pepsla lOe :.Ro Braadreth's Pills (or ltte KOo Aatl-Germ Dlslatoetaat (or.. Oe SOo William's Plait Pills (or .... 80s 2Se Orsacetae, wo sell... lo a oakes Witch Hasel Soap dull) 60 ft Uoaoaoaa (or KOo OOe Llqaoaoao (or Oe Blar bottle Wltcb Basel (or 18s fl Peroaa (or 88e 81 thickest ere Pills T4s Vtaol, ths arroat roooastrwetlTO (or f 1 f3.SO Marvel Whirl! a Spray Syrlaae (or Sh3rman& McGonnslI Drug Go Wholesale aad Retail Dras;lsts. CoraerNoth aad Dodae Sts Omaha. Oppoetts (South of Postofflcs. Warehouse 1511 Dodsro. Perfield's Cut Price Piano Co. Be Bids'., Room 7. Telephone 701. Weber. Dtsry A Clark Loswbj Schiller. iPEiuminmii pill Xk V i f M rIMM. 1 ... .. m Tn V Lj Ssmm l.bliillMi a4 lalui I QT Umm Sm W im finJiiN Mi 4. w I rfT "r" TrUmimrm, 1mhIiS y Imm hU. 1 u T-hbmim Mil sT m mm OUn JULY SALES have surpassed our expecta tions and wholly out-distanced every Omaha record. Buy a Piano NOW on your own terms Easy Payments Your absolute choice of th ree carloads of brand new Pianos, every one guaranteed In and out and through all, to be the product of honest workman' ship In Solidity of Construction! In Artistic Appearance and Finish!! In Volume and Purity of Tone!!! WE YIELD TO NO ONE Some Phenomenal July Bargains ONE HIGH GRADE ' C7n MAHOGANY PIANO 00 ONE) HIOH GRADE) CfiO WALNUT PIANO qJVJOVJ Clothing Sale nn Jll 0 r n n THE RELIABLE! STORR, ONB HIOH GRADE CflTE OAK PIANO ONE) HIGH ORDB EBONY PIANO-. ONE HIGH OHADH TUIJP WOOD PIANO. ....$300 ....275 SOME USED PIANOS. Good as new, all thoroughly cleaned and polished and tuned. At less thanhalf their value. $138 $168 .....$162 A $250 Mahogany Piano for A 1360 Oak Piano for A 1325 Mahog-any Piano for A One Thousand Dollar Stelnway for I $75 ALL SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS A bargain cale of orsana, $32.00, (24.00, (22.00, (18.00, (12.00 and . $10 n. ... . i.i ..l. vlua ever offered. Prices have been marked down one-third to one-half rather than carry over any of this seaaon'a suits. A Ug chinos for you. Come snd see ths garments. Over 375 Suits to Be Closed Out at $5.00 These suits come In caaslmerea, cheviots and fancy worsteds. In plaids, stripes, fine checks and plain -colors, all lined With a good quality of Farmer's satin and well made throughout. We have over 25 dif ferent pattern to select from. One of the blKsest baraalna ever offered In men s suits, worth up to (10.00 our clearing rain price only S5.00 Ve Have Over 500 Suits toBs Closed Out for $1-50 Ws have over 40 different patterns to choose from, In all the latest styles and colors, In fancy cheviots, worsteds, sergee, fancy worsteds and unfinished worsteds, tn Scotch plaids, brown mixtures, plain colors and stripes, all lined with the finest of serge linings, good sleeve lining and well tailored throughout. None of these suits worth lees than (12.60 to (16.00-ln ths great sals only S7.50 MEN'S SUITS In all wool black unfln lnhed worsteds, blue serges, Scotch chev iots and fancy casslmeres, made with hand padded shoulders, hair cloth fronts and tailored equal to any (1A.00 to (30.00 garment our closing out sale price only MEN'S SERGE out In this sale at 13.60, (2.50, (2.25 and COATS To be closed SI0.00 be closed 51.50 tD PANT $3.95 lsisV4Bsa1MWNIvV MEN'S OUTINO COAT AND SUITS None worth less than (6.50 to (12.50-at (7.50, (5.00 and . Everybody knows about Hart, Schoffner ft Marx clothing nothing we could say would add to their merits in any particu lar they are simply beyond comparison. At our prices they cost you no more than ordinary clothing then why not have the beetT WE ARE SOLE SELLING AGENTS IN OMAHA. v- ( rUrtSchxfTncr fir Marx Hand Tailored ViA. I . - jk -m mm mmm SOtaBMll if ill llil. Selliofi the Most Clothing in Omaha, IW1 I ' THE BEST DENTISTRY Is what ws give our patients. 20 years successful experience enables us to do ' , this. Take no chances on your teeth. i BAILEY, The Dentist, Lady Attendant. Telephone 1085. 3rd Floor Paiton BloaK. v Pianos shipped anywhere on approval. Sheet music and amall goods t5 t cut prices. RELIABLE No Delay Estalished for Years DENTISTRY Call and see us whether yo u buy or not Write us today. Out-of-town Utters truthfully and carefully answered. A WORD TO THB WOnBN Do not let your feet worry you, but get a pair of Orover's soft sols shoes for tender feet. ' Wo ars ths G rover .agents and have a complete Una of these Ideal warm weather shoes. No hot. soro or swollen foot la O rover shoo. Hand turned soles law 'sr high out lacs or slastlo sides and low, flat heel and broad, common sense last. Absoluts comfort for (1.16, (3. OS aad tuo. DREXEL SHOE GO., Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe House 1419 Farnam Street. mm By Old, Reliable, Accurate. Painless, Expert DentistaNo Siudenta Skllled Specialists In Each Department. Until AUffUSt 15tll oThePla7e wmbVw. have beea ..! to wait won. Betraro of J.-Ioas, old sorehead, a.o- tUVLV.t?: lu? dentist. -.4 -o-tal seo'r aao'trloa " bloff o-t! b-t their workl-e, blowlo. lm- ean-t stop tbo people from crowd lag our place. WE HAVE GOT THE BUSINESS AND HERE TO STAY. High elass work at low prices censes people to come. Wo hanra stooi "th. tort. rooord f. aeUaowled.ed to ho the ' .- greatest la tbo west. Klbt tbonsaaa patloats In onr Ust T ana a half. Wo pleased nearly all and BEAT THE SOREHEAD DENTISTS AND SECS OF DENTAL BOARD- IT'S A COMPLETE VICTORY FOR THE UNION Set of Teeth from $2.85 'ZXU . am. es7vassnKa Cold Crowns from $2.80 r J VifVXS Aluminum Plates from S9.O0 Filings from 25c Teeth Extracted FREE Work guaranteed 10 roars. Incorporated nndar stats law. COJf SXJI.T THTB rrwmSSOW.8 FREE. W mnko loose taeth tight, stop hea-rr plates, or jl4es that doa't t, scat oao ot onr non-bsoakablo, bleodlasT sTOSS asU beal aU diseases ot tbo month. If yon haTo doable nation, psvtontod, noa- Irritant pbUoa. Tbonsnnds of testl. monfnls of palnlosa dantlstrr. UNION DENTAL COLLEGE 1522 DOUGLAS. , OPEN DAILY TILL 8. SUNDAYS. 9 TO 4. It's Easy This bug proposition! Many housewlres say "OH. WHAT WILL, I DO WITH THEM? K1L.L 'EM AND CHASE 'EM that's easy It you have SCHAEfrlvK'S SURE DEATlI In the house every bug It touches dies, croaks, sod will never bother anybody any more-ana 'he POWDER WHICH ld LEFT When the llqulii evaporates chaars the bal ance away they CAN'T AND WON'T stay where It Is! Four sixes pints, ISo; quarts, 2f.c; half gallons. 60c; gallons. 0o. A pint oilcan (long spout) free with half gallon sr so extra wun pinis or tjo &o (So 400 lo gallon, slses or 11.00 Parisian Hair Tonlo guarantsod 11.00 Peruna 11.00 Pierce's Remedies 6oa Doan's Kidney Pills 60o Cramer's Kidney Cure warranted iha HIRE'S ROOT BEER EXTRACX, v.n .anulna Casterta 12 Chester's genuine Pennroyal Pills 12 La Bon Ami Capsules (French) OPEN ALL NIGHT. CUT PRICB DRUO STORE Two 'Pboaes 74T nad 7T. lta aad Cblcaa-u Stresta. Oasis. ....h.oo 00 SCIIAEFEtt'S Dopnty State Tstsrlnarlaa. Food Inspeotor. Il.L.RiUiCCIOni, O.V. Ss CITY VET ERIN AJUAJf. Off S and IcQrmaxy, ISUi snd Mason ata After haying tried all Imaginable remedies and stimulants io". o( sSATm.r, could glv. back hi. lost health, h. st last has fsond what will not sJsno restore his nner Slalth, but will alsn hl now vigor, such ss hs never felt be- for STORZ BLUB RIBBON BEER, i. . .. , t-,..w. "Whv haven't known ton? Xe bleed qualities of Btor. Blu. nrbbon. Idbfisl have saved myself all thess long sul- lerlngs." n i A H . snrnyrrni n. L,ff, - i . . . . 'Dhnna 1 TNI - ' ' -7T II II RottlAd AC ID urajwo jr vu. l t? Ylusf li" im - 1 1 l il STORZ BREWING CO., VrH , ' III M ALL MV V 1 a sr si a m-AM as a a w ar sm i We Clean China Silk. . sail f Mull, organdls and alpaca oresses make tbem looa ju makes no dlflerencs hew much la and other trimmings sre on them, W will not Injure them la any way. All work guaranteed In every respect. Goods called (or and delivered. Ask for a price list. THE PAUTOMUM. 407 So OMAHA. 15th Bt TeL 863 l IUfS(U. CATALOGUE Ws. ta i V S i i it