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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1903)
T1TE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JULY 10, 1003. 10 CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Volume of Eminew for Lait Week Eetrier Than Usual in July. SUGAR ADVANCED TWENTY CENTS Jobber All Itoy rrrparlagr to rill Their Advance Order (or Fall Goad and a few Early Daren Already oa tbe Market. Midsummer trad m Omaha and aur- rounding territory la reported as being very ea.Untaci.ory In practically all lines. The seasonable weather of tne laat few week haa greatly Improved tne outlook lor good crops and aa a result business In all Tinea ha picked up wonderfully of lata, Hetallera out through the country are cleaning uy their ilwki of Rummer good and placing liberal order for more. Those who refused to purchase fall goods a snort time ago owing to tne aomewhat1 unfavorable crop prospects are now the moat liberal buyer. Kveryone, In fact, la confident that the late aummer and tall buslnesa will be brisk and even better than during the corresponding period of laat year. Wholesaler are atlll very busy receiving their fall good a and getting them In shape for making shipments and also for ex hibiting them to the buyers, who are al ready beginning to arrive. A good many shipment of fall goods have been made, especially to th far west, and during the next several week the process of filling advance orders will occupy the attention of Jobber In nearly all lines. They all re port the heaviest line of fall order on their book that they have ever had, and a there have been practically no cancella tion, the volume of business this fail will undob'itodly break all previous records. A an Indication of the Improved condi tion of trade generally wholesalers call at tention to the fact that their collections have been much better since the Fourth than they were pravlous to that time. As long as th retailer enjoy a good trade wholesalers and manufacturer have no cause for worry. There have been about as many market fluctuations during the week under review a usual, but the same as has been the case for some time past, the majority of them seem to be advance. In other words, price are good and Arm all along the line, with no prospect of any change In th general situation for some time to come. Snarp Advance la Price of Itgsr. Th augar market moved steadily upward all laat week, the net gain la rellned grades amounting to 20 cents per luO pounds, 'l hat la the moet radical advance that haa gone Into effect In some time past. Haw have also been going up at a rapid rat and the general opinion la that U11 higher price will pravall in the near future. Refined grades are now about H cent higher than tney were a year ago at thia time, but raws are also higher. Reflnem report the demand for sugar as being unusually heavy and are only ac cepting order subject to delay In shipment. . A continued heavy demand Is looked lor durln the next ulxtv davs at least. The cheese market la also higher than It waa a week ago, the advance amounting to H3 cent per pound. Although all factories have been running to their full est capacity, the demand lias been suin clent to make all offerings move freely and no accumulation of stock has oc curred since the opening of the season. The demand for canned gooda still con tinue very brisk for almost the entire Una. Canned corn la moving very freely at the high prlcea ruling and thla haa been rather a surprise to many In the trade, 1 It now looks as though Jobbera will be en V tlrely cleaned up on that line before they Aan aecure further auppllea. Tomatoes, sea. and California goods are also very BODUlar at thla time; In the future market for canned goods prices have been well sustained on pea at th recent advance, with no prospect of a reaction. Future eorn 1 out of the market, except at price which look prohibitive at thla time. The dried fruit market I active and un charged except apricot, which are quoted Ve hlerher. Th market on oatmeal la a little easier than It waa a week ago. Bulk good In barrel are off 20c ana there ha been a cor responding decline on five-pound boxes and also on the smaller package. These re duction hsve been made, It la said, by th manufacturer for the purpose of stimulat ing trad ana are not in line wun tn raw material. Byrup are quoted the same as they were m wee IRQ, miuukii in lainvi ia 111 M strong position, with th demand heavy. The tea market still continue verr atronc. with th prospect favors bis for higher price in the future. A shipment of 1,600 naif-cheat was received by an Omaha job ber laat week and the quality of th tea is reported far above the average. It Is claimed that the crop a a whole In Japan thla year I much better than usual. This ktpment came about a month earlier than usual owtna to the fact that local stocka were getting very low. That la the caae all over the country, however, and In fact those best posted say that stork In thla country from the Importer to th retailer were never ahorter than, at the preeent time. That 1a one reason why the trade la looklnar for slither orlcea In the future. There la atlll an active demand for family whlteflsh and th market la being well mantalned. Ther have been several ad vances In th price of mackerel during th last two or thro week owing to tne small amount being taken by fishermen. The bulk of th fish that are being caught ar larg In size, running about 140 to the bar rel. Vary few of the amaller sixes ar being landed and future prospect ar not considered encouraging. Thar have also been several advance Sin woodenwara during th last ten day and alt, outlook I favorable for still higher rice on a number of llnea. Jobbera are Jdvlslng their customers to watch their Stocks ciossiy ana carry unerai supplies, as no lower nrlcea are antlclDated. There haa been considerable Improvement In th movement of fancy line ucn a im nnrted sardines, olive oil. olives and that class of goods. Th resson given I th hot weather and accompanying picnic par ties. Shipping; Fall Stoeke. Omaha dry good Jobber ar Terr buy filing sdvance order. Their torehoue ar filled to overflowing with goods al ready sold and they say It will be a great relief to all departments if they csn relieve the congestion before the house trade for fall goods commence. A few early buyer of fall good have already arrived and a rapid Increase In th number I looked for from this time on. Traveling men report that even last spring's record will be broken before the fall season Is at an end, for many buyera who have never been to the Omaha market before hrve expressed their Intentions of making It a visit Mer. ?hants sre all looking forward to a brisk all buslneso and as a reault wholesaler expect them to arrive early and place lib ral order. The upward tendency of th cotton good market will also undoubtedly have a tendency tn stimulate early buying. Th cotton good market for all lines till retains Its strength, and aa haa been previously mentioned, the problem la not so much one of price aa of delivery of the goods. Many of the southern and eastern mills have been compelled to close down owing to th difficulty to secure good quail tins of ootton. Th result 1 a great ahort ag In popular brands. Ther have been no quotable chances during th week under review, but higher price ar looked for In the near future on Well known brand of staple prints, and large operators have been protecting them selves by liberal purchases. Iron Market Hot so Flrsa. While there ha been no quotable change tn the Iron market, atlll It la very evident that price ar not aa firm aa they have been for aome time past. Ixjcal Jobber, however, do not anticipate any Important change, and aay that a little softer feel Ins; In the market la nothing unusual at this time of th year. Other llnea of hard war are In Just about th same position they were a week sgo, and the general market 1 satd to be tn a very healthy poeltlon. This I not a very lively time with local iobber of hardware, but tll they report ualneaa very satisfactory. Their sale r running considerably ahead of last year .and th prospect fur future buslnesc ar also considered encouraging. Manufactur ers of sore Unes of goods ar apparently eatchlns un with their ordors to aome ex tent, but atlll others are fully six months behind, so that not much relief from the scarcity of goods Is looked for in th near ruture. Better Din a ad fop Leather Goods. i Ther has been a marked Improvement flihln the laat week or two In the demand Vor leather gooda Traveling men have Poen eerdlpg In a d many order for lmmediit shipment and have also landed a largs number of llbe-nl orders for full shtnrrent. Merchants who have been nom In off ar now buying freely, so that Jotv bene are confident that they will do a big business. Hetallera stock or summer a Hjlm. which moved so slowly early In the sesson. hsve been selling st a rapid rays thia month, wtl.h accounts for the lwlrovement In th slsing up order. Ther -Jp new no fear of retailer oarrylug ovr a ufr supply than usual. ' Liverpool Oral a Market. I-TfTGRPOOL. Juiy 18. WHEAT ftoot Ju. t red. v-attara. winter, quiet, I SHd; No. 1 northern, print, dull, la Id; No. 1 California,, dull, to t-4i; futures, quirt; July, 6a d, September, la 8Sd, Decem ber, a SW'l. COh,N-it, American mixed, easy, 4a 6d; futures, dull; July, 4a 6d. OMAHA WHOLESALES MARKET. Condition of Trad ! Qootatton Staple ana Faaoy Prslsee. EOG8 Fresh stock, loss off. 12HO. LIVE fOCLTliX Hens, Hluc; Prlng chickens, per lb., lGtildc; rooster, accord ing to age, 4'u't;; turkeys, liJ3c; ducks, b'tt 7c, geese, &y,c. BLT i fcJK Packing stock, lie: choio dairy. In tub, ltuloc; sepaiator, 20c. FHE8H FiSH-rresh caught trout. 9Ho; pickerel, 8c; pike, Vc, perch, c: buffalo, VVc; bluefish, lie; whlteflsh, 8c; salmon, ltc; haddock, 10c; codfish, Uc; reusnapper, loc; lobsters, boiled, per lb., aoc; lobsters, green, per lb., 23c: bullheads, Uc; cat lis h, 14c; black bass, ac; haiibut, luc; crapple, lie; herring, IX.', perch, tic; white bass, luc; biuellns, 8c UK AN Per ton, $15. HA V Prlcea quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, XUi; No. I, Is; medium, 87.60; coarse, 17. Kye straw, 17. These prices ore for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts ugnu . CORN 4bc i OA1H-3SC.- UKK No. 2, 45c. VEGETABLES. NEW POTATO. S Southern, per bu., 0c. PARSLhii Per dot. bunches, IWo. CtCUMBEUS-lloma aruwn. per do.. 40 tlfC. UM.ANS Horn grown, wax, per market basket, 26c; string, per market basket, axi. Ph. A3 Home iiunn. ter market basket. SUj. , CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per do., 60c. CABBAGE New California, per lb., l TOMATOES Texas, per 4-baskat crate, 76a RHUBARB Pr lb., lc NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.C0. CELERY Michigan, per do., 25c. ONIONS Nw California dry. per lb.. So: Texas, per lb., Sc. K HUM a. BLACK RASPBERRIES Pr X4-Q.L case. 88. RED RASPBERRIES Per 24-plnt case, Bl.Ua. BERRIES Per 16-qt. cass, IX. PLUMS Bur bunks. tl.lfe: Bonloiia, per box, l.a; P. D., per box, 81.26; Ooose, per it4-qt. box, 11.60. CHE KKin.ti California, wh'tt and black, pir lu-lb. box, 12. pkue Tragedy, per lox, i.3a. PEACHES Canlornla. Hales' Early, per box, 1; St. John a Early freestone, 11.35. CUKKAN iH Per lb-ql. case, z. GOOSEBERRIES Per l-qt. cae, $2. PEAKS California. Bartlett'a. per box. $2.76. CANTALOUPE California, per crate, 16; Texas, per crate, 13. Arriibs inbw block, -du., ibc. WATERMELONS Texas, each. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton. 75c; Turklsli. nor Ul-lb. box. Uc. ORAM Oil. 14 Mediterranean, sll size. $3.00 U3.u; J an a, Vi.ittmt-oUi lancy dioou, per y box. 32; bt. Mickes. or paper rlne, ail silos. U.utXu4.00: Valentlas. 4.vuiu4.26. L-r,M.via uauiornia iancy, w to mi sixes, lb.itxUti.U0, M0 to 270 siees, ti.WQ6.H; Mesainaa, tu.004t6.o. M1UCELLANEOUS. MAPLE 8UUAR Ohio, per lb.. 10c POPCORN Per lb., 3c; shelled, 4c. HILKS No. 1 green. 6Sc: No. 3 green. thic, No. 1 salted, lc; No. 2 salted, 6c: No. 1 veal calf, I to U lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., bc; dry sailed hides, h-tf 12c; sheep pelts, Uiuitic; horse hides, ll.60i 2.W. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. 17c; hard shell, per lb., ltc; No. 2 soft sheil, er lb., 13c; No. 3 hard neu, per ii., lzc; iiazils, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft aheil, per lb., 16c; hard shell, nsr lb., lac: becuna. larae. per ib.. Uc: small. Der lb.. 11c: cocoanuts. per do., bio: chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., fVic; roasted peanuts, per iu., ic; uiaca we.muia. per bu., nicaory nuts, per ou., j.pu. St. Loala Grain and Provisions. BT. LOUIS. July 18. WHEAT Lower; No. 1 red. cash, elevator. 7674c: track. 7;81o: July, 7u7c: September, 77Vc; De cember, VlHii8Hc; No. 2 hard, 734jji3tto. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 47V4c; track, 48a4c: Julv. 47Ua: Sen tern ber. 484k&48VkO. OATS Lower: No. 2 cash, 35c; track, 85o; September, SlK&aiTso; December, 32c; no, t white, 40c FLOUR Quiet; red winter patent. $3.90 lz4.uu: extra fancy ana straignu ta.iota 8.85: clear, xzuio3.S). BiH.Da iimotny, nominal. rnHNMKAl-Hteadv. 12.80. KHAN-Dull: sacked east track. 737So. HAY Dull: timothy. I7.0016.00; prairie, XB.UU(U.U0. IKON COT i ON 11. S1.UO. BAGGING 54Hc. HEMP T WINK 6a. PROVI8ION6 Pork, higher: Jobbing, unrlirH mess. 814.80. Lard, lower at 87.3U. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $9.60; clear ribs. 19.62H: short clear. 19.87H- METALS Lead, firm at HU- Spelter. firm at $5.50. poultry Steady: chickens. Hie: springs 13a; turkeys, 13c for old; ducks, 9c; geese, Sc. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 1621c; dairy, 144i ISo. EGGS Eaay, 13c, loss off. Receipt. Bninments. Flour, bbls... Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oat, bu -.JrS 4'S .108.000 S7.00U J V v 78.00J (1,000 Kansas City Grata ana Provtsloas. KANSAS CITY, July 18-WHEAT-Sep-tember, 66o; December. 67S'68o; cash. No. 1 hard, 67i9c; No. 4, 667c; rejected, (1(3 3o; No. 2 red, 7373c; No. a, 71tf71o. CORN September, 46il46c; December, 434)48o; cash. No. 2 mixed, 484j4c; No. 3 white. 60c; No. 3, 49&50c. OATS No. 2 mixod, 3o36c. RYE No. 2. (2c. HAY Choice timothy, $13.00; cholc prai rie, $U.0O11.5O. BUTTER Cramery. 18818o; dairy, fancy, lbc s-.rtoa Weak: Missouri ana Kansas. case returned, 12c; new No. 2 whit wood case Included, Uc. Iteceipta. onrpmems. Wheat .90.400 .16,200 a noii Corn 81.2u0 OaU 6.000 2,000 Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, July 18. BUTTER Firm, good demand: extra western cream ery, he; extra nearby prints, 28o. liXU firm, good demand; iresn nearby, 18c, loss off; fresh western, 17c, loss off; fresh southwestern, lbU16c, loss off; fresh southern, 16S16o, losa off. CllEliSE tjulet. but steady: New York full creams, cholc new, (10o; fair, to good, &10c Minneapolis Wheat, Floar and Draa, MINNEAPOLIS. Julv 18. WHEAT Cash. 84c; July. 84c; September, 75c; December, 73W73c; on track, No. 1 hard. 86c; No. northern, stc; ino. x nortnern. uc. F 1X1 C R First patent $4 6634.65; second patents, 14 4' $4 50; first clears, 13.&otf 3 60; second cleara. $34063.60. BRAN In bulk, 312.uwux2.bO. Mllwaakoo Orala Market. MILWAUKEE, July 18.-WHEAT-Wak. Close: No. 1 northern. 8ciMVc: No. I northern, 6487c; im?w "eptember, 76c HlF weak: no. I. bswnc. BARLEY Wak; No. (seGOc: sample, 4862c. . Feerla Blarket. PEORIA. July 18. CORN-Qulet: No. 8. 9c. UATbv uuu no. wiuta, W44c: no. 4 white, 310. Dalath Grala Market. DULUTH, July 18. WHEAT No. 1 northern, 85c; No. a northern, Mc; July, (uc; Septemlver, 76o. . OATbV-4C. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. Julv U.-8EED-Clover, dull. Arm; October, $6.(0. Wool Market. NEW YORK, July 11 WOOL Firm; do meatlo fleece, -toJ2c. BT. LOUIS, July 18 -WOOL Firm with movsment good; medium grades, combing ana cunning. i4j!.c: ngni nne. 16'tflsc; itfavy nne, il'U'loci tuo wssnea, XtXUT'VC. IJV1XNV Julv 11 WCU1I 'fk. T.IT t the auction sales todav amnunta.1 tn iu.411 Dales, cnieny medium a no" lew quail, tie. Competition wa keen lid Arm snd In several cases slight advances were noted. Several parcels of crosKbreds were taken by American buyer at hisher rates. Next week 34,130 bale will be offsrad. Following are the sales In detail: New South Wales. 2.8UO bales; scoured, fd&la fed; greasy, eSdt la 3d. Queensland, 3 a) bales; scoured, td' Is 7d; greaay, 70'10d. Victoria, l.OuO bales; scoured, aVljfla 9d: greasy, td31a 2d South Aualralla, 1 KW bales; acoured, J,:J la 7d; greasy. 4fjlld. New Zealand, 4.400 balei; scoured, alld; greasy, Hols Id. Cape of Ouod Hope and Natal. eJ balea; scoured. Vdls td; greasy, A.OVl. Fslk- l-na isianaa, Dales: greaay, I yd. The arrival for th next series nf auction sales nimber 6 C74 bales. Including 80,6U0 fnr- warded direct to spinner. Vh Import during th week were: New South Wales, 1.740 bales: Victoria, 1.01 ; South Australia, Sat: New Zeevlsnd, (.884. Caj of QuimI Hop 111 tauu, ,eua. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Weakness on Board of Trade in Both Gra m and ProTiiioni. PRICES ABOUT A HALF CENT LOWER Trading la 4a let, Tkoagk with Borno Incllnatloa to . Sell Provisions Start Oat Strong:, bat Weakoa oa Fro OaTerlaga. LniLAiHt. ju v li.WMknMi wee th i teature, Doin In grains and In hog products, I toaay. Wheat snowed a Insa for aeniemher it tlia dlnH of iu i'm d.n ,. . n.i I 7V7J17C. The'. tan Tn whea wa. iady as . . ii j i . i a. n niliail UC.1IIJ UU W I VI lU CI BIIU I mill ouenngs. Trade wa very quiet and r..i,ii... ,1,1. i..i..., . .1.. ..i)i Tt,... . . I B - " " " "'""" ' J I B r't 1.1 nn fnlm 1 ..... I n .1 - . C. . I Louis, which carried September up to 7Ic but it did not hold. The close was weak st 78&4o a inaa nf Uc wimirv rceitfi for today were 41 1 800 bu and for the week awl ooo aealnst i6s wo ast w?Ik Vlnr. Jno of Vhelt and flour wr. equal to points of 222 cars. against 2t last week and 467 a year ago. There was fair support In corn early by 1 J UJ I local traders, who bought at a small de- cllne. but the onerlngs were about equal 10 in uemana. ana some oi u e m mlssioa houses executed selling orders Later support became lacking, and with ire liquidation on layoranie crop news th market turned weak una ciosea wun oepiemoer snowing n iui ui -7v, Vfr-ryw, Blioi ikuhhii uc, ni nil .uc 60c. Local receipt were 260 so oi contract graae, Oats rule commission - - . . i ruled lower w th free selling by laalon house. Mieat Influenced th e, although th entlment was bear- i crop conditions. Trade was of small decline, lsh on proportions, with the leadl bentember closed with a lot S3c. the bottom brice. and ranging up to sliuissu)uv Ixval receiDts were iiO cars. Provisions were strong eariy on un situation and ihowfd a small advance, uui offerings became free and the loss was v with Reniemher nork down 16ill7c. at $14.37'14.40; lard 10c lower, at $8.06, and rib 1. enlMJn I UI III 1 T,in.Dtd recelnta for Monday: Wheat a" ix 1! un: hoars. 5V WB, Will, - W ' ' I Th jeadlng lutures rangea as wiwwi, ArUcle. Open. Hlgh.l Low. Closo.l Yes'y. Wheat tJuly Jjuly fSept. I Sept. Corn July Sept Deo. Oats July Sept Deo. pork July Sept. Ird July Sept Oct. Ribs July Sept Oct a total lor ine inree umnn ui lca chib. I 7S 75 75 76 7&i 75 77H 76"A 76 77i9 76Vi K 49 Ti 4H BON 4H 4Vs$i'H 49& 48 49 88 87V4 Vm 8S 32ftfli3 31fi33 83 3SH 83Vi 14 15 14 60 14 37 It t0 7 97 7 87 7 87 8 20 8 05 8 05 7 82 7 75 7 76 8 50 8 67 8 45 8 50 8 10 05 I 07 7GH 76 I 7ti 7 49 50"n ,4941 49 87il 38 33(if 33 14 30 14 66 14 60 7 97H 797 8 18 7 80 S lb 7 77 8 67 8 67 8 12 ""B2W B 10 No. t tOld. New. fah nuntatlona were a follow: .T -T-T l", , I a nrt4 .tunitv' winter nftt- enta, aS&p.); atralghts, $3.40'13.70; spring patents, I4.00'ff4.40; airaignta,, hakera. 82 tCrf.lSO. WHEA T No. 2 red, 75f76o. cnRN-No. f. 49e: No. I yellow, 60c. niTa. Mn t No. 1 white. 41c: No. I White, 83HI&38C. RIB-NO. I. smnoac. ... L . B A R LE Y Good feeding. 40o; fair to cholc mamnr, , BRR-.fiaNo. 1 flai. 93e: No. 1 northwesta ern. 97c: Drlme timothy, $3.46; clover, con- tract grade. $11. 2tri 12.26. ... PROVISIONS Mess pork, per ddi., in.uxy 14.20. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $7.877.95. Short riV.a sides (loose). $8.30S60. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $7.751.87. Short clear sides tboxed). $8.608.62. The following were the receipt, and hlp- menu of flour and ! Flour, bbls.... Wheat, bu.... Corn, bu Oats, bu Rve. bu nV. oo -rue ao oaa jf.ri ion U,(Jv tu.t, iojy 869.350 267,670 4.760 28 600 740 Bailey, bu auey. ou.. .................. un me proouce exenange iouy in. uui. T&<i&7t$S2Z markfeald,! " NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Qaotatlons of the Day oa Vartow Commodities. i lex-w tapit TnU in ttt j-ttt Ttecainta ! 21,800 bbls.; exports, 14,414 bbls.; market ,.t,J. -i.i,, nil,nli t.t BWii4 SO- winter i stra ants. xx.ou3.8t Minnesota patents. 84.404i4.70: winter extras. $2.90418.20; Mlnne- sota bakers. 83 50(33.76: winter low grides, SJ. IUV.W. nyi Hour, aieau i aivso, aw uu.a. , lair to goou, sa-uviao.oo; cnoiue iu iancy, $3.4003.60. CORNMBAL Steady: yellow western. xl. 12: cltv. 81.10: kiln dried. H.9tW.2o. RYB Dull; No. 8 western, 64c, f. o. b., afloat; state, 68r9c, c. I. f., New York. New York; malting, 617c, c I. f., New Tprk- . . WH BAT Receipt. du. opot, aun: No. 2 red. 84c, elevator, ana 4c, i. o. b.. afloat: No. 1 northern. Duluth. 92c. f. o. D., BllUHi; liu, I liaiu, mmuiuun, v. vai ' o. b., afloat. Th market wa very dull and n tne what Irreeular. with the Keneral tone steady, on light onerlngs, stability oi eorn and rains in tne narvesi aistnci. ;?e the close prices gave way suddenly 1 with western market ana len ore wea at Tc nst decline. Sales Included N red July, at 83rH313-16c, closed at 83c; September 81 ll-16K2e, closed at 81c; jjecemoer. aiiiic, ciuntau . omu. CORN Receipta, 66,700 bu.; exports, 20,251 bu Spot, quiet; No. 2. 67c, elevator, and 57c, f. O D., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 67c; No. S white, (7c. Options held ateady on raporta of cool weather weat, steady cables and covering by room shorts. Prices yielded Ann v tn m nron in wneai ana ciosea o . . - a . I -I net lower. juiy, no il, crincuiui at ftev.c ana neceniurr bi ootc. OATARecelnts. 48.500 bU. : exports. 18.180 bu. Spot, quiet; No. 2. 41c: standard white, 4?W42iAe: iso. 3. no. z wnne, atwuoi;, v i white. 41Uhl2c: track white western. 4249ct track white state. 42&19c. Op tions wero slow and barely steady under commission house selling. ' BRAN Dull: spring. $17.5fwff17.75: mid dling. $19.0Otia0.6O; winter, $18.O0ig30.00; city, ei a HAY Quiet; shlppla. 80S5c; ood to choice 81.1001.16. HOPS Dun: state, common to cnoi, A .nradt - . 4 AA4 18MTI afM I nl A Am Zlc CT.-4c.t. l crTp. iW&ic-. lU crop. 13ifl6c; Olds. e8e. Hinra Ktaadv: uaiveston. to a ids., I8c; California. to lbs., I9c; Texas dry, WP?,.140:. , USA I nuiv-eiMoy i ao, woMnr- .,,1 RlC'li firm; aomestlO, lair au aaiia, l)iJ (He; .Isnsn. nnmlnal. PROV1BIUWB tseer waaa; remuj, ii.., (MOW; mess, 0?i 80: beef hams, $20.5(V() 22 00; packet. $9.0Mi9.60; city extra India mess, $15 001016 00. Cut meals, firm; pickled bellies, $St.6tKa)10.0; pickled shouiaer. gMO r m - a . . t . j i M l SVLAsYlt iaA T sit A Hull ' l.ou; picaieu nania, .. ..ii' western sieamea. s.ioi uijr cm. .i ; nominal; renned, aun; coniineni. a". CLr,,,th America. 19: compound. 17 .BWlVi. 10. P,.rlc mv: f.mllv. 117 fyvfnli'.OO: Short Clear, $16 0017 75; mes. $18. 60t3 17.00. .... Ml Tl rJK otesov: eaira croarncrj, in-fiy. extra isciory, ij"ri.-. ' . v' v tO Choice, UWDIUC; nrauumi ri ltc: stste dairy. 1420c; renovated Crll51B-Bteaay ; state. iuu ironi, ., amnll colored. 10c: large colored. 10c; . ii ,hit larae white. 10o. BCKjb Irregular; site ana r-ennsyivsnia, first to extras, ingusc; wesiorn extras, l!WilSc: western seconus to iinn, TA . liw-uuii: Clijf, a-rai. tuuuu j, itw aa; POL bi n X Alive anu uicwowu, Huimitouj uhchanged nchanged. . . . . . . uimiJi vm iron, auiei ana nnminn; northern. $17 0019 6'; aouthern, $18 flO" M. Lesd Copper, qu et. lis tuv i "J1. i"", 1 84 60. Tin. stesdy, stralgni. v'.wf.'(.i; plat, ateady. Spelter, quiet; domestic, . See- Va le "lilag 4ejotaleas. NEW TORK, July 18 The following ar th quotation on th New York Stock ex change: Adams Cos Alloe Bieeoe sBi-unewtck Cos.. Comitock Tunnel. Con. Cat. a Va... Horn Bl'r xalros Bllaer .... LMdel'le Cos .. I .. .. II .. I .. 1 ..its . .1(14 t.Ktle Chief ... iitarto , Onhlr , a Phoenix Potoal 0a tare sierra Nevada .. I ..ISO ..110 .. I .. N .. II .. Is .. n ..a 1"0 Israeli Nopoa .. I 'Btansar ...I.. K Offered. XX Ex-dlvldend. Weekly Baals Stateaaeai. NEW TORK. July IS Th atatement of verajjN) of tha clearing: aoua Bwi,ka ot this city for th week shows: Loan. 8si7.01S,6uO; decrease, l2.MJ.buu; deposits, .2i8.1iiu; Increase, 13.tM.lkJ0; circulation, ft.S3,li.IM; decrease, ll.J'U, legs tenners, I 6.217.1UU; Increase, tl.Mo,u0; specie, IW.- .'"ewK t3d.uU6: Increase. ;b6.2r: surnlut. 1,3.- 2.S.475; Increase, a.27o,uou, ex-U. S. deposits, l,ttb.tit; increase, eJ.w.o.a. new york stocks and BoivDs. I Trading; DaU and Professional, with General Tone of Hesitancy. NEW YORK. July 18 -Tradlng on today' Stock market waa dull and professional. Th ton of the narrow apecuiation showed sen timent doubtful and hesitating. Stocka were sold early In th day on the assump tion that veslerday's upward movement naa aiscounka a iivurauiB Dana siate- rami, so mat no miiner rise couia oe ti pected after Its publication. There was i momentary rally when the statement an prfeV ,r.ced.j" to" "a -..ve7 .ub-stan.lan? hp nw lnt ti itM rlnnlnir Hull and hravv. - - - - - ' ' without any rally. The gain In cash w.i almost twice as much ns antlclDated. but I the small loan contraction was a dlsan-1 I . . ..I ... u V. . 1 1 ...,. - I I II II II I . IT M I. in virti 1 1 1 1. 1 1 I rav. 1 1 VJ 1 1 1 VI - I ;'on the ,tock was hoped that e are Portion of the weeks corpora- tion loans wnicn were aoroaa ana tne tact that the Pennsylvania company has begun tn repayment of Ita alx months nolea V'-r!!,KU.,.L,.7 Kl".al.KC..nSfftJ." scale to private Individual with the pro ceeds of the week's liquidation. Pressure . , . . J , . 1 J"",',-V .7. ".v.. - ' f" s . Paul and a 3- olnt S In Conaolldated Gaa eaused a bad Impression u ientlmen Rocki,nnd Was sgaln d d , veslerday's low level. New k central was s.irborted and recovered a i-polnt decline. The Toledo, Bt. Louis Western tock made sharp rallies from tlve stocks which had not yet'been traded ti v c rvt no w nit u uui iiul jet wrru tintiru ,n ,jurmg the iate perlod of reaction. The encouraged views of the business situation exprMBed by the weekly commercial re- views and the large percentnge of Increase eports nlng ar York lange: .. ti BU Paul pi.. .. do. I'aciao .... .. Hallway .. I do ptd Atchison ..171 dn Bfd. .. 4 Bal. a Ohio, do Did Canadian Paoiflo ....... w, ... . . Chea a Ohio . U lo pfd Chloaio Alton. . Union Paclna 1i dO Did. . tet ae pia Chicago a O. W.. . ns wiuin tiu do lat ptd . do pld It inicago a N. w M4 niiii a at.... it Chicago Tar. A Tr... UUiwa. Central II do Did .Mi oo pid s . TVAdaoia Ex UI , u Amarlcan Ex lu . ti lUnlttid Suiea Ex.... lot . 1JW Walla-Fargo Ex too c. c. c. a st. l.. Colorado Bo do lat ptd ao aa pia Del. A tiudeon .IflH lAmal. Copper . 47 Dal. L. A W IV lAmer. Car T U 17 10 tl Danvar a R. Q 26141 do pld do Pld.. V8Sa Aniar. Lin. Oil Erie IQ do pid. do 1st pfd ... 6V A mer. Locomottre. 1 ao za pia ... U ...170 ... 11 ... U do pfd 7 Great Nor. pfd... Amarlcan 8. A R.. Hocking Vsllsy do pfd 1V do pfd Amer. Bugar Ret.,.. 1154 Illlnola Central Iowa Central , ...DO Anac. Mining Co. ... 21 I Brooklyn H. T.... H"4 do pfd i ... liVa'Colo. Fuel a Iron 63 K. C. Southern.... . .. 11 IColumbua a U. C. ...40 Cona. Uaa do pfd 1S6 L. A N Uinh.ll.ii f. 10Gen. Electric 1SV4 .131 Inter. Paper .lKVfe do pfd . T7 xlnter. Pump .... . It do pld . t0 National Blaovlt . . 42 National Lead ... . 184 No. Amerlcen .... Met. 81. Rr Minn. A Bt. U.... Mo. Pacific M.. K. a T 40 11 I do pfd iku Nat. ft. R. of Max MA I do pfd .. II Paeine Mall ..117K People'a Oaa .. dVFreased B. Car... .. I4 do pfd ... im'Pullman P. Car.. ..Ulillepubllc Steal .. . . t do pfd .. Soli Rubber Gooda .. N. T. Central Norfolk A W . 41 So pfd Ontario A W.. . 4 .101 rennerirania . P . C. C. A gt. . 7H I lat pfd ioh tiu 81, 8 te w do nfd. . ? p. Tenn. Coal a Iron. V. 8. Leather do pfd V. 8. Rubber do pld V. 8. Steal 47 Rock Ialant Co... I do ptd tivt It L a I r lit pfd.. 70 ,"J p,i. .....;:: L 48 1644 xaa 14 do pfd . . . m gt Paul 141K Weatern Union .' llVi I x Offered. Hew York Money Market. NEW YORK. July 18-MONEY-On call, nominal; time money, firm; sixty day. 4 66 per cent; ninety day., 6 per cent; six months 6 per cent; prime mercantile paper. 1 . u KAif.e.i kiii. i r4-ta a o.-nc m --t .a i aAz. A Di'ie i CKKJa iur uriiiniiu biiu tn, 4-i.tri'u .rr-iaj i ui aixty-day bills; posted rate. $4.844.86 and $4.87(ff4.87; commercial bills, $4.83 4.84 ?',.-,,, kji. hii p. . . ONDS-ovemment .teady; railroad. posing auotatlon, on bond, aia a. follows: U. g. rsf. ta. ref... lH Hocking Val. 4Ms... lwa do OOUPOn imwu m n. uni. ee... do la, re. .10,tkMex. Central 4a.... do coupon logs do la Ino do new 4a, rag U Minn, a Bt. L. 4s., do coupon la&Viikt., K. A T. 4a..... 71 enix save KUt. 7 do old 4a. res Ill do la.. do coupon J11. '!J' 7- J?- . Ha.- Ms ...1014, N. t. C. sen. ta 177 do 4a. rag. do coupon ...103 No. Pacific 4a 100 tl 'n a w 'ooW 11$ MWHosfiekgw 4a a ;8t. Lai. M. c. ta.lioj I . " " o.i nsi a... i 0 gg do BOOT. 4s iw st. Las P. 4a. Sfg Canada Bo. ta Central of Oa. ta. 101 Bt. U . la.. I 1 lot do la TlWl8. A. a A. P. 4s. da is Ino. aAW Chaa. A Obis 4 He... 102 80. Pacific 4a rhlcaao a A. ISa... 14 Bo. Rallwar 6a ... JJJ C, B. a Q. a. 4a I0H Texaa a Pad Bo la xC, M a St P .. 4a.. lot C. a N. W. c. 7a....H0, C, R. I. P- a.... 100 r r r. A st L, s. 4a.. M it at 1 a w Am ia . 4S.. 74 union Paaiao te 100 do conv. 4a S4 Wabaah u".........ll4t. nilouii Ter. 4a 7 do 2a :ot r.inr.rin so. aa aia do deb. B atu Denrar a K. u. 4a.. em w snore aa 107 Erie prior lien 4a M iwhnel. a L. gj. 4s.. M ao general aa ezaine. tvnini aa 71 r. w. a x). c is.. .io 1 x Offered. Bostoa Stock Qaotatlons. BOSTON, July 18. Call loans, $4 per cent; time loan, 66 per cent. Official closing prices un stock and bond: "uij'ii Atcklao 4a Mea. Central te... Atchlaon do Pi-- ;;"-" Bostoa ' f"1" ti.v.t.d" ,. S4;Amalg.mated .. 7JV. Bingham .. 44 j Calumet A Hoe la.. . . (fto Centennial ,.I4T 'Copper Range ..lit j Dominion Coal .... .,140 iKranklln ,.1M ;lals Royal ..1st 'ktuhawk ., 7 10 Id Dominion .... .. UMOiceola 41 14 u. 4l ti 'J .V. u . u a. u i yitrhburg pld.., ae i inlon racina Mem. Central ao II 7 I Amarlcan Bugar ..117 iParrot u i" ..lit ... tl ..lea .. 14 .. U ..10J Uulncr Flomlnion 1. 4a B. Oen. Electric ... iTamarack ..... ITrlinountals .. 84 alaas. Klectrlo ... Trinity 4 do pfd i I'nlted Statea Utah Victoria . lt4 United Prult V. 8. Steel .. 14 r a HVa do pfd .. 17 Winona Wolverine Adventuro I AUouea .. 414 Losdos Stocat market I LONDON, July 18.-Clo.lng quoUtlon.: Consols for miner... 824, New York Central. ..ill i o . al Norfolk a Weatars A"c.m4 . 4i do pld . 4? Ontario a Weat ern. . 11 Va PennerlTanta . 44e Hand Mines .IMS Reading d. pFd tr 14 Baltimore a Ohio Canadian Pacific.. CheaaswUa a Oklo It hi do lat pld do Id pfd Southern Railway.. do pfd Southern Pacific.... Union Pacific do pfd 41 It Chicago o. w. c. M a St. r DeBeora Dssvsr .. O .147 . to . 17 . H4a . . 4 aa 4H N14 I Erlt . . . . aa do lat pfd.. CnlUd Btate Steel.. t7U i io ti dm..' do pfd 1Ve I Illlnola Central U5 waoaan xi do pfd 41 1 A w-.l, lliu vilaaourl. K. a T tlV BAR SILVER Strong at tfid Der ounce. . i aiu.N KM 13 per cent. The rate of dls- count in tne open mansi tor snort dius is , .1 r t I " i umaha, jujy is. can a cieanng ror th weea wer: 1908. 20 .... 87 l,3,!t2 47 .... 1.2M.622 62 .... 1.298,y21 t3 .... l.Ciifll.i.13 78 190S. nvnuai $1,093,366 74 I luesuav 1,016.113 73 1.137,0(i4 10 1.071.732 78 . n euureuejr i nureuay i Kriaav . aH,8ti3 I Saturday l,ub,2u8 A Ota I ..4. ..$7,970,811 68 ..$1,602,537 63 $6,868,274 Increase Segar aaa Molaaac. NEW TORK, July is Bl'UAR Raw firm; fair refining, a 3-16c; centrifugal, teat, 8 ll-lAe. Molasses sugar, 3 15-16c; re - fined Arm; No. 8. 4.6uc; No. 7. 4 56c: No. 8, 4 5uc: No. I. 4.45c: No. 10. 4 40c: No. 11. 4.86c: INo. 1J. 4 c; No. II. 4.2XX-: io. 14. 4.30c; con IuiHi,..,.1 A 4 AAA. ww.iil.4 A K Kj . .. I w; crushed, ( ouc: powdered. 6.16c; granu fl'fe m-ad-e tV.UTt8' oeVwed'loa: o'n a latea, nc; cunea. o ac. i MOLASSES-Firm; New Orleans, open! kettle. btoj1 to chnlce, Sliiituc. I N'KW OPLEANd. July 18 Sl'OAR Uull, open kettle. ZNO l-lec; open kettle centrifugal. HWIv; cenirirugal white. 4 6 16c; yellosa, 3c: seconds, 8$3o. IsOLASsLS Odb kotli. tMilSt:; avruo. iDominaL OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Eteld7 for tbe Week. HOGS MUCH LOWER THAN A WEEK AGO Better Grade of Sheep and Lambs Have Held Abont Steady All Week, bnt Common Kind Are Slow Salo aad a Little Lower. SOUTH OMAHA, July 18. Recelnta were: Cnttle. IToss. Hlieen Official Monday S.777 7..n4 .M Ofnclal Tuesday - 1.277 13.004 891 OfflcW Wedn-d , OfTtciai 1 hursday 10, li .2! 9.769 7,9 t.99 3.9J1 rirflnlnl p-lJaw t a. CfflcW dBy.. 1.31 Olnclal Saturday M . 1. 1 , " . i AUU&l I 1 1 in w et- H ....... J1. I n 67,560 &3.016 26,2fi6 Week ending July 11 16.754 VVeek ending July 4 lti.731 14.0111 10,218 13.2X8 ts.ic-a 61. Wi veeK ending June Week ending June 20.... 2S.f2 70,573 6.4H4 Bame week laat year....U,2u0 8,714 23,6i4 RECEIPTS FOR THE KAR TO OA1L. The following la hie shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date and comparisons with last year: jul 1W3. Inc. Dec. Cattle IU0 iun 35)3 779 146.469 Hogs 1.407.717 23,006 Bheep 6W.6j5 4U,4ot 132.351 Averaaa mice nald for lions at South Omaha for the last aevcral days with com parisons: Data. 1908. l902.lS01.190Q.li9. 11898. 11897, July 1. I 1 781 I 61 3 61 a 18 3 18 I 78 o a 78 a 2i J,uly - - T u y ! J.ul,y "u y !"!' ! $ 66 3 txt a 7i 3 83 8 81 a a 28 $8 3 9o 3 81 8 78 a a 32 a 35 3 ii i 18 a 14 8 6 4 04 4 09 3 70 3 73 8 82 4 On, 3 77 8 1.) ( 991 3 77 a n 8 3) I 3 82: 4 011 8 35 4 16 3 82 e Indicates Sunday. - Holiday. Th official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road waa Cattle. Hoes. Horses. C, M. Bt, P 28 Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific 1 .. Union Pacific system 16 1 c. Ac N. vv F., m a M. V 34 I C, St P.. M. & O B. & M 23 C. B. & Q T K. C. & St. J 13 1 C, R. L A P., east Illinois Central 1 Total receipt 13 120 4 The disposition ot the day's receipts wa a follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: i cattle. Hogs. Omaha Packing Co 1.3.S0 Swift and Company 1,654 2,0'.i3 2,036 Armour dt Co ir-nHuhv Virb ni Co Omaha packing Co from St J. 64 Armour, from Sioux City 1,584 Other buyer 3 Total on s.'ou CATTLB-Ai 1 generally the case on a Saturday, ther were not enough cattle here today to make a market For the week there haa been a decrease tn receipts nf about S 0(0 head as comoared with last week and of about LOOO head aa compared with tha same week of last year. Beef steers have fluctuated back and I forth to some extent from day to day uur I ns. tha week, hut at the close of the week I there is very uuie cnange as cuinpurea with the price in (ore a week ago. mere i i i " i . , .. ,i , v, a nu urau K KUUU KUUVB UCIIIKIIU Ull lil uo. . of packer and each day' offerings have Ity of th cattle coming forward, taking V. a k 1 ... a ma whrilu u mil heen AS .ood thl. wee)k . uual'and that fact has d the market on paper look lower than ,w0"ldv,"rLn Jm 14 M to 14 SO fa'r t ood iteer. sell I from $4.50 to $4.80. ffVSlo'S1 oT-IricU'fanc? 1 Tha row markfit haft also shown Tory Ut I ti AhunaTA from thft) close OX last weeK. I - . . a ntn were aome wee. a aay- strwjig u7. uui a v "TT I good aa those In force a week ago. The bulk of the cow coming forward are grass- KrM ,nrt few from tha western ranaes are iYiln from BktoW wfth S5feSSK . -- l 1 . 1 .. f m tO 7K n tl wUh mnmm I ihln. rv nhnlna a little ahnve that- "v; ?.:r ."S'-m i..7i. w.T.r v. i r eeaer anu uuoo hto uo.i. i rot her stow sale tnis wee ana prices u anything are a little lower. Good fat bulls. though, have held about steady. Veal I calve have been alow and weak, owing to quite Hboral receipta. Good calvea ar m, Inrirelv around 14 60 to 85.00. A re now " " -,, - -fnck.rai and feeders haa been very light and ao also ha the demand. The better grade aell largely from $3.60 to $3.76., with something choice a little above I tnaL ini coinmuim awiiiun ami uuiu mi.vw I down, 'i n maraei anouiu oa quuieu siuw I and weak. . . . HOOS There waa a good upply of hogs I An Kami thla mnrnlna for the last dav of I the week, but th market opened fully 1 steavay wun fMwuK mviiiute . t I , - KOI .(rone-or nn Ilia "; wi." . 7 .L r V" I lignweianis. v nw vnnj aa want at $5.20 and $5.22. with the lighter loads selling at 86 26 and Sb.-'.Vi. with a top I at $6.80. Trading was quite active at those price, but oeiore salesmen couia uispnsa nf oil that thev had on hand th market weakened and the laat end wa very low. The bulk of the late sale went at n.aj, with anma of the llahtwelght at $5.22a. The heavy packers, though, sold from $5.i6 tn as so Althouerh the close was slow and weak, practically everytning waa aisposea of tn good aeason. The average of all the galea today la a hade higher than th bvimm vesterdav. I For the week receipta snow an increase I nf ihoul 4.600 head over last week and of I about 17.8u0 head over the corresponding week of last year. Tne mantel naa Deen 1 e,,tnotino- hack and forth autte raDldlv this week and the average for the week reached the lowest point of the year. The in .lava of the week were Tuesday and I ...... n, V, n lha mvmtmmm evae. Anmrn VI cullcauaj, " ''.' ... - - " r, to $5.16. The week closed about 15'o-0c lower than the close of laat week. Repre sentative saaes: Ns. II At. Ss. Pt. til ... I il .lit 1M I II no UI) I 17 Wa II.., II.. II.. Tl.., 66.. 71.., 1... 0.. 44.. ao.. 10.. 10.. Tl.. 6.. II.. Tl.. 44.. 44.. II.. 64.. Av. . Ft. ..IU 4 I 12 ..144 40 I II ..140 ... Ill ..IT.5 IN I 11 ..HI ... Itl . .IM 140 I 11 ..Ml IM I 11 ..177 140 I 12 ..114 10 I I! ..IU ... Ill ..161 NO I 12 ..141 N I 14 ..111 40 I H . .140 40 I II ..114 10 I M ..141 IN I II ..Ml ... I M ..Ml H IK ...144 10 I M ,..144 WIN ...t:l 40 I 16 II II II II.. II. .... 161 ... I is 111 ... I 10 ..MO 40 I 10 ... iio . ia4 1M I ao ..111 44 I 10 . .114 100 I to ..124 1M I M .lit ... IN ..11 110 I 10 It Tl II 14.... r.... it.... 41.... H... 114 Nil 301 ... IK 1M IN ID HI ... I K 174 ... I N t4 ... I N Ikl ... I N 141 ... 6K 17 1 IN Ill IN I 10 Mi ... 110 It N I N ,,,,.MT IN IN tl) lK 171 ... I N lal M I N NO 1M IN 141 44 I N Ml ... IN HI M I N IF.T ... IN UI IN I US 141 140 I 1. 146 40 I II i 121 10 I II 1E.I 1M I II til 10 I II 114 40 I II t4 XOO 11 141 ... I II !.... II ti II.. .. It.. W 14. ....... si ao 6 26 II 141 too I II 41.. 14. . Ik. .mi IM i n ' .111 10 I M .121 120 I N .241 N IK 2T7 40 I 15 .IM II IK .?! IK) 26 .137 10 I II .111 40 I II .161 40 I N .HI IH IN .141 IN I N .III ... I n .111 ... I M .111 ... Ill .141 IM IN 11... 44.,., 40... 41.... 44.... 7..., 44... It... T4... 14... II... ... Tl... ... II.. II.. 41.. I 7S. I tl i h I IT ft.... I 44 41.. 44.. Tl.. TO. . Tl.. 1.. 10. . ISO ... IN 121 IN IN Ill 44 I 17 i4 ... i r J....M1, ... I 17 144 10 I 11 I ... 8 17 114 40 I 17 141 10 I 17 141 120 I 17 110 N I 17 140 ... I 17 HI ... I 17 I IT N I II ....147 40 I 12 I4t 4 I II IU ... I It 171 ... lit tbt 10 I 11 171 N I 11 in n I n IM ... I H 131 M I 12 T4.. 41.. Tl., II., Tl. M. 87 '0 K0 V 02 JJ. auj ... ao SHEEP There were no sheep on sal to day, so a test of the market has not been made since Thursday. The supply for the 1 week, tnougn, naa been liberal, aa mere i 96 1 an Increase over laat week amounting to 1 about 11, ou) bead, and as compared wltl I the corresponding week of lsst year th In I ereaa amount to about 8.000 head. - I itegaraing ine market mere is little to be I ,.i.,irt.,1 In ..lllli.n I what a,.. , i V. 1 1 1. . - I yesterday. Th better grade of both aheep ana tamo are snout ateany lor ine ween, while the rimmonor klnda have been more or leas neatiected and are 104115c lower In I the majority of cases, with some aalea of I very undesirable kinds even worse. Th I general market, however, on all aood stul I haa been very aa tie factory and oo moat I dava trading- waa active J ,TU bettor rrade of feeder bar met I. ... ( 60 7 64 t 89 I 8.... a 56 7 64 6 M IRi 6 60 1 82 ( 74 6 01 4.,,. (-... 7 64 6 73 ( 08 6.... 6 65 6 79 6 16 7.... 6 48 7 76 6 11 8.... ( 39 7 82 ( 82 9.... 6 44 7 80 6 83 6 13 10... 6 82 7 83 ( 85 6 13 II. .. (38 7 79 6 U2 6 04 12... 7 77 5 6 6 02 13... 6 28 6 Si ( 13 14... 6 16 7 72 6 08 15... 6 16 T 7 6 77 16... 5 3J 7 72 6 64 6 02 17... I 6 19;i 7 72i ( 65 4 94 18... 6 22, 7 73 6 58 4 87 with ready sale all the week at steady to strong price, but the same s was the case with fat stuff, th common kinds were slow and lower. Quotations lor grse stock! flood to choice lsmbs. $5.(OiiV76; fair to good Ismb. $5 0t06 50; good to choice yearlings, IS.7VJ 4.U0: fair to ooi yesrlinara. gooo ; to choice wethers, $3 .603.76; fslr to gnod wethers, 33 KuJ.; gooil to choice M, $2.75'u3.50; fair to good ewes, $3.503.75! feeder lambs, $3..ri0ift ti; feed-r yearlings, $3 0siS 50: feeder wethers, $2.75itf8.25; feeder ewes, $1.60h2.50. CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET. Price About Steady, with Vsaal Sat- srilay Receipts. CHICAGO, Julv 18 -CATTLK-Recetpts 1,800 head. Including 6no Texns; steady and nominal; good to prime steers. J5.l0iS.6l; poor to medium, $4.t WofO; sto kers an! i'.:ZZr-, 1 1 7ViS:"h;i,i.. " t: k ' feeders, ri-.vt so; cows. i.u 4 .ao; ne-ier. 4 3i; cnlves, $3.0Ua.00; Texn fed steer, j 83.2nti4.7S. HOGS Receipts rVdsv, 7,0f0 hend: esti mated Monday, 38.000 head; left over, 7 000 hend; good medium and heavy, 10c higher; mixed nnd butchers. $.".2"iUVi5; good to choice heavy. $' 56tiS.75; rough heivy. $5 S ttf.40; light, $5.3ju.70; bulk of sales, $.4tf 6.8T.. SHEEP AND LAM US-Receipts. 4 .000 head; steady; good to choice wethers. $1.7i tM 10; fair to choice mixed. $3 0"rt3.75; west ern sheep and yearlings, $; native lambs, $3.006.00. Kansas City Live Stork Mnrket. KANSAS CITY, July 18 CATTLE Re ceipts, 100 natives: market iinehiinged; choice export and dresed beef steers. $4.6 4(0.15; fair to good, $4.0ty4.e5: stockers end feeders, $3.754.0O; western fed steers. ?3.0) f4 8f; Texss nnd Indian steers. $2.4tWT4.'iO; Texns cows, $2.1(Kg2.i; native cows. $l."- 4 00; native heifers. $2 2o"if4.50; canners. 31.00 4T2.40; bulls, $2 00(33 75: cnlvet, $2 254.6 1; receipts for week, cattle, 31,60) head; calvr. 6,9(10 head. HOGS Receipts, 4,000 head: market strong; top, $.Vo6; bulk of sales, $6.S7'6.5i; heavy, $fi.25(!(fv37; mixed pickers, $5.oVrrf 8.46; light, $5.6OJf.S0; yorkers, 5.4si6.nfi; pigs, $5.15tS6.60; receipts tor week, 4 1, 70 J heid. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 600 hend; market firm; nrttlve lambs. $3. WgH 01 ; west ern lsmbs. $3.0Of6.70: fed ewes. $3 0 (frl.S6; Texns clipped yearlings, $3.2i4f3.00; Txas clipped sheep, $3.0i'14 90; stockers and feel ers, $2. 90ii3. si; receipts for week, 7,100 head. St. Louis Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS, July 18 CATTLE Receipts, 850 hesd, including 250 Tgxans; market steady to strong; native shipping and ex port steers, $4.50fi&.50; dressed beef nnd butcher steers, $4 A &Xi.2T; steers under 1,0 0 lbs., $3.70 00; stockers and feeders, $2.75'i 4 26; cows and heifers. $2.34. 6V; canners, $2.oOT150; bulls, $2.504i4.5o; calves, 3.otKj) 6.75; Texas and Indian steers, $2.801471. 25; I cows snd heifers, S2.254Jfl.16. HOG8 Receipts. 3,600 head; market fairly active and steady to strong: pigs nnd lights, $5.O0BS.8O; packers. $.V3..".70; butch er snd best heivy, $S yg. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 400 head; market dull but steady; native muttons, $3.2o'(j3 90; lambs, $4..(0: cull and bucks. $2.uOU4.00; Blocker, $2.00.40; Texans, 2.j0 (6'J.bO. How York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, July 18.-BEEVES-Re-celpts, none; no sales reported; dressed eteadv; city dressed natives sides. 6',o8e per pound. Cable quoted American steer at 114il2c per pound, dressed weight; re frigerator beef at 9ii9o. Kxport today. 1,816 beeves, 339 ouartera or beer. CALVES Receipts 142 head; almost nom inal; a few West Virginia calves sold at .50: city dressed veals, 7ic. HOGS Receipts, 2,743 head; none on sale alive. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts. 1,9X7 head; good sheep very firm; other grades ulet, steady; sales or ismns averagea llphtlv lower; reported sales of sheep wre t t3.ObfiA.50 per 100 lbs.; of lambs at 86.00 15: closing Drlces for prime lambs, about $7.00; dressed mutton 6tr9a per lb.; dressed lamb, 9iQ12c. Export, ltu neaa sneep. Slonx City Live Stock Mnrket. SIOUX CITY. Ia July 18. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 800; steady; beeves, $4.0ot&0.00; cows, bulls and mixed. $2.5wt'4.&0: stockers and feeder, $2.7633.80; calves and yearling. $2.6' 3.75. ItOU.s iteceipts, s.uuv; , strong at loauv 25; bulk, $5,1546.20. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, July 18. CATTLE Re ceipts, 12 head; nomlnnl. HOGS Receipts. 8.046 head; market I'9 60 higher: lights, $0.45jj5.&6; medium and heavy, SHlliP ueceipis, w neaa; marnai steady. Stock la Slant. Following were the receipt of llv atock t the alx principal western cities yester day; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha 438 7,829 rhlcaa-o 1.&U0 ' 7.UO0 4,l"W Kansas City 100 4,000 600 St. Louis 850 8.500 400 St. Joseph 13 8.046 86 Sioux City 800 8.000 Total 2.698 31.876 4,893 Cotton Market. NEW TORK. July 16. COTTON Th market opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance or 6 point vnoer came cel lar than exDected and moderate covering hv room shorta The market was generally considered favorable, however, and ther waa a lack of bull support, so that alter an Interval of steadiness, during which options were sold Up to a level of 3&6 point higher, tne mamer ciosea sugniiy easier, prices going back to idoui lasi mgni s evel. There was little feature to tha early trading and operation seemed to be more of an evening-up character than to repre sent fresh venture on eiuier siae oi ta account. NEW ORLEANS, July vs. wrwri-iru-ure quiet and steady; July, 13c bid; Au gust, 12.75c; September, 10.4710. 48c; Octo Kar KKiri4 5c! November. O.SKVrrt.tOc: De cember, 9.879.3Sc; January. 9.304f9 37c. Spot, quiet; sales, ouv oaies; orainary, nii-ioc; f;ood ordinary, 11c; low middling, 11 6-16c: ow middling. llc; middling, 12Ho; good middling, 13c; middling fair, 1316-160, nominal; receipts, lis paie; sioca, os,v bale. ST. LOUIS, July is. cotton oieaay: middling, 12c; sales, 7 bales; receipts, 31k) bale; shipments, 27S bale; stock, 1,026 bale. . LIVERPOOL, July 18. COTTON 8not, In limited demand, price 4 point lower; American middling fair, l.80d; good mid dling, 6.61d; middling, 6.40d; low middling, 614il; good ordinary, 6.84d; ordinary, 6.64d. Salea for tne day were n.uuu oaiea, ot wnion 600 were for speculation ana export ana nc'.uded 4.800 American: receipt. 1.000 bales, no American. Futures opened quiet and steady ana ciosea quiet; American middling, g. o. c, July, .13d; July and Au gust. 6.17d; August and September, 8.14d; Bentember and October. 6.63d: October and Novemher. 6.28d: November and December. 6.19d; December and January. 6.14d; Janu-; ary and February, ixj.uh; ireoruary ana March. 6.116.12d; March and April, (.1!J 612d. Export aad Import at Kevr York. NEW YORK. July 18. Total Import of merchandise and dry good at the port of New -York for th week ar valued at $13. 592.145. Total import or specie at. mi port or New York for this week were $11,087 sil ver snd $17,634 go'd. Total exports of pe els frnm the Dort of New York for thl week were $476,646 silver and $331,23$ gold. Foreign Financial. LONDON. July 18. Rate for money and discounts wer easier In th market today. On the Stock exchange the attendance wa 1 itht and there waa llttl disposition to deal, but th tona wa generally good. Mark T. Leonard 6t Company 622-IS9 La Sail St.. CHICAGO. ILL. We offer you th following stock at th xceptlonally cheap price quoted tor Immediate acceptance. As all atock hav had a decline ana to average up and be In position to take Ask us fur quotations it costs you notning. In remitting stale It you dealr to hav stock transferred. Highest bank refer ences furnished. Alamo 24 American Quid Mining Co. (N. M-) 87 American Lumber Co. (N. M.) Battle Creek (Doan Rambler) 21 Ben Harrison 40 Bismark Nugget Gulch. 80 Black Diamond Copper.. $.88 BrHgansa. (Arlsona) 97 C.llfnrnU Ulntf I 1. . 1 .4 fift Co.. (N. El Capltaa (Douglas Lacey) Ethel Concolldated Mines Ex press (Douglas La cey) Feather River Federal Mines Fortune Minn, and Smelt (Wash.) Giant Oil rki.. a. i.ji.n. Cril 17 'if. (Kild Pan Climax (Alisons) 48 Oreat Western (Hender- Columbus Consolidated..' 69 son) Con. Alpine (Colo.). Copete Mining Copper Cliff Cracker Oregon Dabney ft I Idteood Standard it Hancock ..140 Paid) 23 mourn f I HI lak " 27 Holdredgs ". an (Colo.) liecatur Copiwr . Deforest Wireless Tle- Worseaho graph Co 8.26 luternaUtni Th Cabezos Con 40 tiolti . . ttagio Mining A Imp. Consols were quietly firm. Americans wero firm, the outlook twlng regarded with more confidence, but they were Inactive and closed stesdy. Grand Trunk hardened. P.KRLIN, Juiy Is. Business on the bonree tooay wss stsgnsnt Canadian Paclllc was point higher. Coal and Iron aharsa were w unucaia. Oil aad Reals Market. OIL CITT. July 18-OILf4-Credlt bal ances, 81 53; certificate, no bid; shipments, 108.W7 bbls.; average. 7?,S4 bbls. ; runs, 9.', (W3 bbla; average, 76.217 bbls : shipments. Lima, bbls.; aversge, 6.275 bb'.s. ; ruhs, Lima. 86,776 bbls.; average, 66.6ri9 bbls. SAVANNAH, Julv 18.-01 L8-Turpcn-tlne. Arm, 47c. R-isIn, steady; A, B, C, $1 56; E, $1 .; K. $1.85; O, SI To; H, $2; M, 12.80; N, $2 90; V, O. $3.05; WW, $3.30. NEW YtiRK. July 18 411 LS Cottonseed, quiet; prime crude, nomlnnl; prime yellow, 42c. Petroleum, steady; rellned New York. fx.ut); Philadelphia and Hammore, .t ti; in bulk, $.6i. ltiisin, oulct: strained, common to good. $2.(kyO2.02. Turpentine, steady. 1ff 01 c Evaporated Apple aad Dried Frail. NEW YORK. Julv 18 E VAPOR AT KD Al'PLES Unchanged: demand Is moderate, but recent sdvam-e Is firmly maintained. Common are qtioted nt 4m5H; prime at 64ic; choice at 64i6c, and fancy at 6c. CALIFORNIA PRIICII FRUITS-Spot prunes are attracting fair attention and rule llrmer st from 8c to 7c for all grades. Ap ricots are generally stendy; choice are quoted st 7fi8c. and fancy at loaf1Jr. Peaches are stendy with choice at 7Q7o and fancy at 6&10o. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, July R-rCOFFEE Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoice S 8-16c; mlltl, quiet; Cordova, 7lloi Futures opened dull at unchanged prices. Trading was very quiet, but a slightly easier tone wa developed toward ' the close under In creased offerings by Importers and the lower Europeun cables. The closo wa steady, net unchanged to 5 points lower. Salea were reported of 7.000 bags, including September at 3.c; November, 4.ic; De cember, 4.26c; January, 4.30c, and June, 4.60c. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. July 18.-DRY GOODS Have been characterised b;.- end-of-the-week dullness, hut this hns no effect on prices. Buyers are here In f.-lr number, but their operations are still conservative. The posslbllties of the turtntlment move ment are awaited with general Interest by buyer and sillers alike. SHABBY TREATMENT OF HERO Statoe of Commodore Perry Placed la Discreditable Positions la Cleveland. Th Plain Dealer remind Cleveland ot thn shabby way In which the honorable memory of Oliver Haxnrd Perry, the heroic commander, haa been dealt with, and aaka for something better. Forty-three year ag th people of that city, remembering what the victory of Lake Erie did for the Infant city and for the lake region whos commerce has made Cleveland prosperous, et a statue of Perry In the public square and Inaugurated It with elaborate cere monies. There Perry, facing the west, "and pointing across his marb'.e boom to Lake Erie, the seen of his never-to-be-forgotten victory," was forever to remain. ' But h did not: "Only a few years passed before the commodore wa quietly but firmly ordered to move to one aide and not block th road across th square. He wa given position In the southeast quarter of th square, where he faced toward th lak and pointed across his cheat to a small fish market. After occupying on or th other part of tha public square for about a third of a century, th ground was taken from under him by a special act of tha legislature, and after Irnomlnlously hiding for a whils In a dilapidated shed, the hu miliated Perry wa carried out to Wad park, where he waa given an exceptionally disadvantageous position, and for th last ten year th hero of the battle of Lake Erie he dlsguhtedly pointed th way to the monkey house." Ther 1 mighty llttl of fin publlo spirit In thla, and the Plain Dealer doe well to try and ham Cleveland Into doing; batter. Another Sweeping; Injunction. BELOIT. Wl., July lS.ljTudg B. F. Dunwlddle of th circuit court of thl county today grnted a restraining Injunc tion agalnat picketing at the Berlin Ma chine work. The injunction I very sweep. Ing In It nature. The machinist hav been on Btrik for nln week. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record yesterday a fur nished by the Midland Ouarantee and Trust company, bonded abstractor. 1614 F amain Street: ' Deeds. Charles E. Sheldon, et at, trusts, to The Aultman and Miller Buck eye company, part lot 4, 23-16-13, City of Omaha, and land In other tate $696,000 Sheriff to Anne W. Nevlns and Marl L. Nevlns, lot 20, block 4, Port land Place addition 800 Total $596,900 17. Farnam Smith & Go. STOCKS, DONDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE. We buy and sell Union Stock Yards Stock, Stuff, Omaha. OM COMMISSION. . 1320 Farnan St. Tel. 1084 Wheat and Corn Are good purchase. Have you followed our advices T Stocks Are getting ready for an advance. Remem ber us. BOYD A MERRILL, Tel. 1039. Room 4, N. Y. Lit Bads. PRIVATE WIRES GEO. A. ADAMS CRAIN CO. GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. 824 Board of Trad Bldg., Omaha 'Phons 1008 and 1017. Main bars all prln alpal exchange. Writ for our dally mar ket Utter. look to c on in upturn, It I an opportunity ad vantage, of th rise In Ut market. M.) 29 Laborer's Co-operative.. $3 Lake Superior and Pitts burg 29.50 IJttle Mattle (Colo.).... i Malta Vita Pur Food Company $2 Ma pis Leaf 07 Mascotte (Colo) $6 McKlnley Mining (with out transfer) 1.10 Morchants Mining (Aria) 65 Mineral Creek M. A 14 Model Oold (Arlxons). ... 6 16 86 (6 Production.... Mount Shasta . 03 . 20 . 40 . 14 06V, National Graphite .... Arizona (Full new cti (ctjio.) 13 00 N. Y. Urass valley.... 40 Hlgsin Development.. 10.00 Nogales Copper ...4.76 ... So ... i ...Os'i ...LSI ortune (lilacs. Oregon Kecuritle 29 Pluma (Black Hills).. Kan IauJh Mining ..... 09 Bt. Joe Boain Placer . M M. (Black Hills). Z8 Copper and ee.... St TurnagaJn Arm , Verde Grand (St. Louis) ........