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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1903)
TIITC OMAITA DATLY HEEi WEDNESDAY, JTTLY S. 1003. VCW UAfU'C IVn lliri7Ircl "-r bseoms an English elaselo. 1Mb- AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA AlLiH JUVUUvJ ajU iimUUMllLJ I 'hd b by William S. Lord, Evanston. "No Hero." br R. W. Hornune-. la tb Mowbraj'i Lut Work a Bomanoe of Civil n Eton r. who ha escaped j Aitentl Valuation Bhpw. aa Iaorwue of War Time . r lnnuenc": "a M !" Millioo and a Halt an adventuress. Ths accna la laid In Bwlt- A rttA FOR PRACTICAL CHRISTIANITY f"1'"1- w,,n wh.round of piquant l uviCK HELD FOR SECOND DEGREE MURDER iwwp, ing narrauvs oeing in ini word of a friend of tha bov'a mother, who Tne AanatitM of tha Fnr Trader I haa undertaken the taak of disillusionising I Other Mea Arrested o Cn of f tha Xor thereat ta Told la At tract Ire aad Readable Stsry Published by Pataasaa. the lad Tha result la an unconventional as It la unexpected. It la published by Bcrtbners, and tha price la II . Betas; Implicated la tha Killing; of Leablals Dlsefcavtged by Follca Jsdge, The assessment and valuation of property "How Paris Amuses Itself." by F. Berk a.lK anlkM im. T3 ..I IaIIm . "The Conquering1 of Kate." pubJshed by I o,,..,.. .. ...... ... . . ,lK Doubleda-. Page & Co., la tha last wotk .,, b'y Funk A w.tna,u company The h" been turned In by Tax Commissioner of tha late J. P. Mowbray. It la a romance author s-fve. .,. th. fr..m t ih.'ntt ntxgerald. Thla year the valuation will of a passing phaaa of American Ufa. that w, vl,It tn, thMktrn ,nd C4bareta, ,ni be 117.662.186; last year It was US.081,206. n of a border section, a lustrum after tha fetea forainea. and boulevard., and rdena. Increase of fl.e71.W0. civil war, but It Is something more, dealing I and waterways, and quiet little supper I Bines tha valuation la known there Is as It does with the eternal problem of thai rooms. All tha fmiinnm iif nA amuaa. I soma disappointment as it was thought oia anqtne new forces of life. The con-I menta of Paris nana in review before us I oy many It would be at leaat iij.uv.'w. querlng of the lady, although a very charm- I until we feel almoat a nart of tha rav I The falling off In the original assessment ing love story. Is equally a victory of the enaemble which Is forever busy amusing I wa made, so Mr. FlUgerald atatea. by tha present over tha past, and the ahadows In I Itself. There are US captivating pictures I change In tha assessment of tha commis- tne picture are made by the never settled 1 by the author and by noted French artists. I on nrms at tne stock yaraa problem of the force of heredity.. It may besides many nhotograohs from life. It is Th figures aa turned In by the tax com' be questioned whether the author la quite I handsomely bound In blue cloth, with red. I mlsaloner will be used aa m basla for the true to life In depicting the scapegrace aon white and gold cover design. Tha price Is I appropriation and levy for the fiscal year of the gentleman and the coarse-natnred lending August 1. 1V04. Next in Interest comes the levy. This will 'Sinful Peck" Is a sea yarn by Morgan I be made next Monday night by tho eouncll Robertson. In tha campaign of 1RW Sinful Borne of the councllmen think that It would Peck made a "fool bet" on Bryan's election. I be best to make a 10-mlll levy, while other city officials want to keep tha levy below voyage. When the bet was lost Sinful in- 1 10 mills. A Ith a 10-mill levy tha net re vlted hla friends to New Tork to sea him I ceipts on the valuation as returned would off. and rave them a dinner party, at be S174.MS. but thla will rarely meet the which ha made them Intoxicated and got estimated In the estimates only them on board a vessel bound for Slnga- I fit. 000 has been provided for street lights. pore. They were mixed up In a mutiny Bhould this levy stand it will be necessary nd for a tlma things looked pretty aerl- to remove thirteen lights in older to pre ous, but they all escaped hanging and I vent an overlap In the fund. woman as being devoid of the superficial graces of good English and the ordinary courtesies bf life when' thrown among cul tivated people. Blood will tell In essential virtue, ' but even the villain may have I The forfeit wae to be HO.OOO or polish, especially when his father is al ways tha gentlemsn. Arid It Is the father, Judge Heckshent, who Is the most Interest ing character In the book, although the I heroine, Kate Bussey, and her sister Sylvia and Aunt Sussex are well drawn and very lifelike. The hero, John Burt, Is quite like his name, the typlcaf 'northerner, a civil engineer, of course, whose ideas are so at variance with those of the old school. There Is enough Intrigue, adventure and I tragedy to please the one wllo reads for the story, snd tho atmosphere of the book la delightfully clear and bracing, like that of "BouTgeonvllIe," the acene of . the story. The keen sense for the beauties of nature ahlch distinguished the author haa given rare grace to the descriptions. The sum mer tourist will be tempted to seek that Idyllic region for a return to nature, and It la certain he wUI not be disappointed. The council finally reached home, Cleveland, O., not I cannot levy more than 115.000 for publlo much the worse for their enforced trip. Published by Harpers, and tho price Is $1.60. Ing to be held next Monday night, Peter I'vlclt Held. After a hearing In police court lasting all day Peter Uvick waa bound over to the district court on the charge of murder In tha second degree. Judge King fixed the bond at $3,000 and this waa promptly fur nished. Along- with Uvick In the trial were Frank Gurness, Robert Oliver, Paul Wlsen- berg. Otto Schoulu and Oscar Orav. All were charged with the aame offense, that of having participated In the killing of Thomas lighting and even If this la done the city will have to take out two lights In order to prevent an overlap In the fund. As for extension of the water mains, that "Castle Omeragh." by F. Frankfort I wll be Impossible, aa the eouncll cannot Moore Is a tale of Ireland at tha time of spproprlate more than IK000 a year for Cromwell's Invasion. Tha hero Is a loyal hydrant rental. With this sum In sight son of Erin and a most cordial hater th city can barely come out even at the of Cromwell. Kathleen. a typical of the fiscal year without Installing Kathleen, la the heroine. Ireland before any more hydrants or extending the water the Invasion la set forth In all lt charm. maJna. This will be a great disappoint Then Ireland at tha time of tha Invasion. ment to cltlsens who have built homes with when Cromwell and his "devout mur- the expectation that the water mains would l.M 1 . . - - . I ht e-rfnri,w1 TKTKIIa ...V. i - ft.. wT ?. Printer.0f XX """-oia Bell maJe fle.oIate th, country. Cf course there enlarged or decreaaed It will be Imposalble. Wright, la a story having to do with the ,. . j..,,,, . . . v. t.v, under the law tn lnrr..u t.-v.. problem of practical Christianity. A printer Th, book , fu of ,nd vtni water fund over the charter allowance. wimoui worx, money or, finds him- ,r. .,, ,,,... v.. ... ... it la Hn-i th.t .. ...... self In Boyd City, a mining town. He hears r innlMnn jl - . K Tn.v , v. will be waited on hv a r,mh.r e .i. the "move on" until tn his weakness It be- publishers. . tlona this week with a view to having the cornea almost a nightmare. Finally he re-I abuortlonment of e.,. i... a members It Is prayer meeting night and -r.... mm,n'. bsm v,- a So far the committee la rmnrommitt.i' roes to church, feeling confident someone Wasson. Is a tale the title for which Is nothing positive will be Known until the wm la,e, "n ""crei " nim. The taken from tho favorite haunts of tho an- rPo "'' to the council at the meet ""' cunciuue. ana an axe gone, some dent sea captains who sit around Cap'n have actually said "Good evening" to him. Simeon's hospitable fire and spin over but more not a word. In despair he ap- yarns of life and death on the great deep, pea-o to the minister, and asks the prlvl- and of witchcraft and other strange hap lege of a word with him. That good man penlngs on shore. Mr. Wesson's stories looked at his watch and said: "If you'll of the elder generation of deep sea fish be brief." ITirk explained hla situation and ermen are told ir real dialect The book Incidentally remarked, he had had nothing la soaked with salt water and full of start to eat for hours. The minister thought It ling truth to human nature. Houghton, waa "too bad," asked him If he waa a Mifflin A Co. are the publlahers, and tha i-nnstian ana Kindly offered to go to all I price In $1.60. the trouble of leaving word with the Jan itor or tne church If he heard rr onv vm-ir I rhM ci e ...." I- k. .w. . 1CK finally gets work, thanks to an "In- of "In the Country God Forgot" The r" vykx saloon two weeks fidel printer." and becomes an hmrH .lana nt thla atnt-v ! aa. w..n I -g- Soma of tho. testimony waa aiven respected cJUren. The "Ministerial assocla- author's home. It Is a story of the present ., 'irpreier ana that waa prac- tlon ' holds a meeting that inl)it m.k. i. I dav inil ileala with mr Innnxlu. .. I amine mm given at the Inaueat. teresting reading to some persons. Tha I human nature. It contains a charming Countr Attorney English appeared for the book is an earnest plea for practical chrlo- love tale that la true to life. There are I """ Jerrnes, Henry C. Mur- tlana-. and the subject la handled without three finely contrasted women characters ,m -n1 "oover appeared for the g.oves. The Book Supply company, Chi- tho book haa a toeal coloring that cago, art the publishers. -' makes It exoapUonally tntsreatlng. . The Illustrations are by Harry E. Town send "Tho Fur Traders of tho Columbia River "a re T' protty. Uttle, Brown Co., and the Rocky Mountalna," as described I Roston, are tho publishers. by Washington Irving In his account of "Astoria"' and tha rwnrn r Tk. I Raich Henrr Barbour, author ttt Tha tures of Cantain Bonneviii. is .e .v.. I Land of Joy." lives In Cambridn. where I ws ,n- Judge King. In rummtna- m um Knickerbocker LJteratura uriu .i. i. . I ho was born, though as a newsDaner man I " a'a nax believe that there waa most attractive and readable story, describ-1 "a rancher ho haa boon In tho west a J "ufflc,nt v'dence to warrant the holding ing tne uro of the hardy and adventurous numtr yoara. -mo una or Joy" Is " mn reported to bo Implicated, traders and trappers of the northwaat Th. I largely a college story, with tho back- but h bold Uvick. At -first tha bond author says: "Two leadlne- ohiaota nf .i. I ground of university Interest, but has I WM t $6,000. but this waa nuiu. gave birth to wide and daring enterprlae P""iy w 00 wlln virrnian estate. " oy mutual agreement among the In the early history of the Americas, the n1 above all Is a fascinating story of I attorneys and with tho consent of-the precious metals of the south, and the rich TO"" lovers, uoumeday. yage Co. are I ". irciftrios VI we nonn. ina united States I 1 i Pabllo w.. joreigners were . ' 1 Althont. making combinations with and exciting an I Buero uoetor.- by William W. - " " " " ,n aal lnflnit nv. t K 4V.U I I 1. 1 I Dan. all l T la S lata fne nltli.Una ..A ior m mnunf of the Fire and Pollc irA rltory. which were disastrous to the trade rhyslcUna' families. Those who lovo to pr" m,'t1nr wa" bald. Instead tho of the United States, endeavored to coun- rd of tn " ' a young man. who Tk tnBr,1 Borgqulst o hay bam teract It For this purtnaaa agents wera I ln aplto of opposition overcomes ail obsta- . " session lasting over sent out -to estabiisn rival trading v... cles and wina his way to tho front ranks. " ""ur. ..""' nat "nspfrad was hot h.t-lh. . 1 .111 ..4. thla atni-v A .l..l ml Public at the time. Chief RHrn . What the government and Its agenta failed rra4uate "hangs out his shingle." and at lM Pc department sent In his report Tn .t erfkm ni 1st n hnsaa aa.u . . nnr irminii nrnni. i rm rvaaoniah am tiAt 1 va wvain a t-rreii iram r. . uroulnl aooul - , ..."" the rltv 1.11 ..4 fc. i.i -ft.- . ' - oy one man. and that waa John Jacob I "" n,m oocauae no nas new-rangiea laesa i - - - n Diame ror Astor. What Mr. Astor accomDliahed an Tho old "M. D." resents tho appearance of M cP on J- M. Fowler, the city Jailer. how the business developed Into one of I on whom n ,,ablo to usurp him. I jftmarwa'a imjitm, n . . . .. . i nr a. nftm-innrni iirurm ini vnnnt I . - - ....a viuevia or xajn." la I '. . . . T. . ... antortalnlaa-iv .. , I man wins out and the atorv haa a vanrl w" lmJ reportea that tha Kmrrt ia f. Putnam's Sons. New Tork and London satisfactory ending. The Grafton Proas. ? a"lri9 "avo a publlo meeting until aro the publlahers. ndpn, 1J0. h council bad decided on the levy and .v, I ' Zmoum xn" would be allowed the "Present-Day Evangelism." br 3 wiih.. "A Comedy of Conscience," by Dr. 8. 'r nr ana police services. As the Chapman. D- D.. secretary of the general Welr Mitchell, author of "Hugh Wynne, council is expected to make tho levy next assembly .committee on evangelistic work " Quake'." "tory In which MOdar night, the board will meet again . . . . . ,V ,W l" 1 . . i m w I - lOls -Jill W 1 1 TJUKakft ftA.a O W - . ... - ror ini jtjnrattrtvTria tmeAk mi nnncioai cnmraciir Tounr woman i - " nomrr uia mm an oaviii k I." "- ' " presents- " " ' ' i, V nubile or a.,......- . . non oi ine present aay evangellam which I uowmirruauKiii w cnjuna i - - ..... ... , naiea oy the Is awakening such Interest throtie-nm. v- I conscience, xnere is a most aramauo cn- -" ine conclave last night worm, it is at uie aame time a discussion I twnn muni mm acoes- Will File Protest. ;h,ch hTven ud rs a " ".",0" to" "tszzsz z;'" th; Ubnr a succe- for years. In a wor ItT. channing story. It 1. published by th. llrLT " -a w defendants. Tho base ball bat used by Uvick In tha ftgth was displayed In evidence. Uvick admitted that ne uaed the bat In cleaning out his saloon after the nght, but did not remember having struck Leablnls. It was I o'clock before all the evidence Mooting. boo on ne oaaia wmcn trie work In an Individual church, or In a community, may be success fully organised. The Baker ft Taylor Co.. New Tork. are tha publishers. "Evenings In Little Russia." Is the title of a volume of translations from the Rus sian of Gogol, by Edna Worthley Under wood and William Hamilton Cline. This translation Is the first adequate rendering Into English of some of the most beau tiful paasageo In Russlsn literature. Three charming stories and Oogol's preface with a foreword by the translators make up the v...7 I rarrf to tha an..rf..i " . I- --'" 1 ur mo nscai year. In the eatlmates the council haa .1. Megeath Stationery Co.. 1908 Famam street ,owd tn "brary $1,600. Naturally the Doara wants the limit that la. tt.000. n. nnn FPI I nWK' KRflNn P nW ir. ln olner nn- the council wanu to VW - - IVI" .TO. 1 I . .. ... 1 -- w auuui in uDrarv buiif Waahlagtoa Lodge lartteo Rrothers I ,n before It makes a levy on the tax payers ,0 support a hole In the ground. It Is true that members of tha T.lhr.-. 1 Good Tlaae. I havo atated that the hniMin. ,m . ... rum- pleted by January 1. 1904. but theae state. A circular has been Issued by Washington ments are not considered to any rreat lodge. No. 41. Independent Order of Odd tent. Some of tho councllmen favor cut- Fellows, of Arlington, Neb., to all subor- ting the library levy this year to $1,800 -l,,.- Th. .... 1 f eiiUF, v . ........., . -. , w ... .uvui- 1 - - w .. j car 10 XI AMD T t. I toTlZ ,h 1 uL;h.y.m,nf . r n' un ' .hown th.t Incident, of love and pathos, laughter and tears, and present alao aom, remarkable pictures of nature. A classic from a foreign tongue Is hsre presented In such form that mi 1 and cantons of tho state, as follows: I tho building will be completed within the Washington lodge. No. 41. InoeDendent I 01 present administration Order of Odd f'ellowe. of Arlington. Neb., I hereby extends through the underalgned I Htlaug for Haley. committee a rraternai mvitanon to an Odd ail offlrara of th. 1.- ..'....'... Fellowa, their families and friends to par- 1 . J " riciniiy tlrloate In an Odd Fellows' nionie at Ar- I bavo been notified to look out for and ar. Una-ton park. Saturday. August 1. lMt. The I rest William Haley. Haley la wanted h park Is one of the most beautiful In the Sheriff Power for havm Dr state and tho Arlington Odd Fellows will " ,V . . ... 1 committed an as- . . . . ... . . 1 . 1 . . , laault linn. .1 WT.. ..m.i. . . no tneir uimwi m aa mam gooa lime, i - " "a. ciuiwiur a,' i na para oimajrva . an wnarv a Hum i nose resiaurani on N street The launch and rowboaU are kpt and a larce . -. - - pavilion with a dancing platform. The " - -u. - year ago. Haley muaio tor oancing win ie rurrusneo oy ine I " u iuw courx ana bound ArUnrton Odd Fellows, and no chares will I over. Tha district enurt h... .v.. . vm mwft .v. - I denco and Imooaad m Una a,r aim ..a vocal I w.vv .iiu . avn fo) rn 2) lo) ATTEND OUR rn GREAT JULY SALES, PRO- Lb m D1G10US MONEY-SAVING IN ALL DEPTS ALTEBATIOOS flHD REPAIRS: The work commenced Monday morning to repair the fire dam age and make alterations necessary on account of the enormus in crease of business in our dry goods department. Our way to move stock is to sell it. , We are making prices that startle the oldest shoppers. BIG ALTERATION BARGAINS IN OUR WASH GOODS DEPARTMENT 100 pieces extra fine Irish dimities, white; WOMEN'S WASH SUITH, the perfect thing ducks with dots and figures, niouseliiie j for this hot' weather, worth double 70 O de soie, fancy tissues, imported English! the price, per suit, $1.90 and I Oil Much Show for tKs) Sun . Kootbeer Hi auia is ine ncta of the baa asaxinnle wlu ; coola. rfraha. a4 lavl.fle. A pet aac raaalioua. SoM arr "I"" y P..n iot U eta. bawafs ef lBiluakma. CHAKLIt I.HIRKS CO., M a !, . - muale. tug-of-war rontesta. base bail bamea I nos of thirty days In jail. Aa aobeal to and other amusements, strictly confined to I the supreme court was taken and hi Odd Fellows, will be srrsnged. During the I i. .... , .. " 1 y day a grand review and dress parade of 1 V supreme all cantons of the Patriarchs Militant will I court has affirmed the decision of the du re helO. The aepartment commanaer, tnct court and tha sheriff Is looklns for Colonel John W. Nichols, has Issued a ii.u- t. ... ....a i... .V.T general order to all cantons to report at , stated laat night that nn- Arllngton on that date. General M. A. rm Haley waa produced ahortly suit would Raney. commanaer-in-cMer I tne fat n-I be commenced against his bondsmen. rrni amiiiuanft a i ni 7 , mm v prvaacK aon I soarwae the gathrnng. I lattle Raagea Ftae, arch J. E 6haw." Prealnent of Rebekah H- c- Boatwlck. vice president of the Assembly Mrs. Mary Caldwell and all the I South Omaha National bank. In talking 'ZTZZV ".ttZTvl . v. .v...., I ," mort.r laat night, aald that fall to take advantage of thla opportunity h d Ju,t received a number of reports and ay end this grand reunion of Odd Fsl. from the cattle ranges tn Monana and Refreshments can be procured on the W' Ths report, show that heavy grounds, bjt those who wish are at Ub- raln" Br recently and that the art v to bring baaketa grasses aro In fins condition. Cattle ara Mil or address Iula Helm rod. til rViuth I market within the next two months In Eighteenth street, Omaha, secretary of the I prime condition. The ranges, said Mr. committee. I Boatwlck. were never In batter Mnrimrm The circular is aigneq oy a committee thsr. at the preaent time. consisting or i. I. firmer. A. w. Msrshal, O. K. IiFWla and J. C. Badger of Arlington. Louis Helmrod end John W. Nichols of Oraaha aad J. XV. Brown aad H. W. Ue Qultty sf Lincoln. ; tiled with Oliver Cwaspany. Monday night the Board of Education aa thorlsed the secretary to draw warrant ta favor of ths Oliver Typewriter sompany madras and cambrics, a great' assort ment of hot weather specialties of goods that sold as high as 75c yard, 10 V ft all go on two big tables, at IZ U 100 pieces very fine sheer white goods for waists and dresses, pretty patterns, goods worth up to 00c yard, your I Kft choice in this sale, at, yard I Jb Linen suiting and dress ginghams, a big as sortment, worth to 15c yard, 7. to close out, per yard, at (j PORCH AND HAMMOCK PILLOWS, 19c each. Another 50 dozen go on special sale Wednesday, JJarney street Bargain Circle. Kemember they are worth 35c. WHITE AND COLORED BED SPREADS, Harney street Bargain Circle slightly soil ed, will be Closed out at about half price. At the silk counter, $1 and $1.23 silks for waists and dresses, to be closed out at, yard WOMEN'S HOUSE WRAPPERS elegant lawns and percales, all light summer col ors, worth $1.48, ?1.C9, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, at BABIES' AND CHILDREN'S DAINTY DRESSES, ages 6 months to 3 years, at a quarter off the marked prices. s 25c 1.19 WOMEN'S WASH WAISTS, the manufacturer lost money on them, you Mill save it. the value is simply great k Q a $1.48, OSc, 69c and T"0U GIRLS' AND MISSES' WASH DRESSES on the big bargain circle down stairs, prices most cut in two, ages 4 OR ft m to 14 years, $1.10, S'Jr, 09c, 4Sc and . . .UU COTTON PETTICOATS a bargain sale down stairs at a great saving price. FOUR -GREAT DRIVES IN SUMMER UN DERWEAR, Boys' balbriggau shirts and drawers, was 48c. Boys' ribbed lisle shirts and drawers, was 40c. These two lots are iu sizes 24 to 34, and all are ORft on sale in dry goods department at . . . Z Jll WOMEN'S LACE. LISLE VESTS silk tape, Crochet neck and arms, now neck, f Rft no sleeve, regular 25c quality, at luu WOMEN'S UNION SUITS Swiss ribbed lisle, low neck, no sleeves,, ankle length, worth 75c, at ., OUR GIFT DRAWING FOR THE SEAL AND BEAVER COATS, will take place THURSDAY AT 5 P. M., IN OUR CLOAK ROOM. Parties interested are invited to be present. We give the editors and their cqusorts . a hearty invitation to visit Omaha's greatest store Clotheng 50c A number of suits, the last of . broken lines, formerly $8.00, $9.00 and $10, now 5.95 50 suits to clean up the bro ken lines, formerly $10.00, $12.00 and $15, now . .7.95 These are rare bargains. A special lot knee pants up to 10 years, at 1.95 10 dozen knee pants at 15c We start Thursday morn ing to clean out our straw hat stock at' these prices $2, $1.50, $1, 75c, 50c, 25c and 10c. CROCKERY SflAPS . 50c sugars and creams, at' 25c 7-piece decorated glass berry set ...... .... .2Ec Best irop stone china large size plates 4c. each, first selections. Johnson Bros. English porcelain. Bread plates, 25c values, each .......... 53 Jelly glasses, with 'tin covers, each . . 1c Haviland Hanson- chop dishes, each ....54-C namiuM L m s.a.liuiiisillijaMitmiJIMJfB for S23S. This payment will put at an snd ths dispute about the typewriters used in ths business department at ths high school. When the contract was mads with ths Oliver concern alT of the old machines wars taken by the agent for the Oliver and then cams charges of boodle and case In the courts. - Pending the hearing of the alleged boodle cases the board rented machines. These rented machines have been removed and now that the bill has been settled ths mschlnes over which there waa so much trouble will be sent back to ths schools. Bear Wants Bidders. The) Buullt Oiiiih school district is ad vertising In The Omaha Bee for bids on an lsaus of (100.000 of bonds the proceed! to be used In constructing a new high school building. Bids will bs received by the board up to I p. m. Jaly It. These bonds, If sold, will draw not mors than I per cent Interest and will run for twenty yeira. Interest payable semi-annually. All bids must be accompanied by a check for .000 and must be unconditional. The board re serves ths right to reject any or all bids. Celebrate Silver Anniversary. Tueadav afternoon and last night Mr. and Mrs. Balthas Jetter celebrated their allver anniversary at their handsome home. Thirtieth and Y streets.. The specie ua par lors were especially decorated for tho oc casion and in the evening the lawn was illuminated with doaena ot Chinese lan-terns. invitations had been sent to a large num ber of ths early settlers In Nebraska and ths gathering will be one long to be re membered. Mr. Jetter first came to Ne braska tn 1871 and haa made his residence In ths state aver since. Gueata from all over the county commenced arriving early In the afternoon and were received by Mr. and Mrs. Jetter, and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jetter. An orchestra fumiahed music our City and Perola and Colorado Springs gre to be played ever. All of ths postponed games because of tha heavy rains and floods are to be played off before the league season Is closed and the season will not bs lengthened ss at first Intended. Ths plsying oft of these games will lis with the various managers entirely. NEW FACES ON OMAHA TEAM "Duty" Miller Will Hereafter Cavort in the Outer Garden. RATCLIFFE TO REPLACE D0LAN AT SHORT Des Melnes la Also to Be Btreagtkw caed. All Players In Excess ef Thirteen on Each Teasa te Be Ileleneed. , 1 As a result of the meeting of ths West ern ltague magnates yesterday at the Pax ton hotel the Omaha'a personnel will be uuiftv viwjiim .liu ii vii. i ....... . ... . . . . . .. . A sneclat Invitation Is extended to the enea. nicaey ana uoian win oe lost vutng editors of the National Editorial uraaga ana n reiura umini win gain' association on weanesosy evening, juiy s. Rig Leaded Tse Heavily. O. E. Wilkinson of KM Davanport street Is locked up at the police station charged with malicious destruction of property. The proprietor of Betls' livery stable as serts ihat Wilkinson and three companions called at his place of business yesterday and hired a team. When they got out of sight they all got Into the buggy and also lu&ded In a krg of beef and a quantity of Ice. The weight was too much for the rig and It broke down, consequently the livery man had Wilkinson arrested. Falthfal Knights. 'Dusty" Miller from Kanaaa City. Ratcllffe from Colorado Springs and Sanders of the St. Louis Nationals. "Dusty" Miller will bs played tn tha field and Genlns wUl bs put on third, while Ratcllffe will supplant Dolan at short. Sanders Is a pUcher of no little merit and should strengthen the pitching stall materially. Dolan was paid off yesterday by Manager Rourke and Immediately started to get out of town to join the Seattle team. Rourke had a complaint filed against him, through City Prosecutor Iee, of obtaining money under false pretenses and be was arrested and afterward let out on ball. During the winter Manager Rourke' advanced him money from time to time and, according to Mr. Rourke, la 'still In debt to the local management, so when he attempted to break his contract the charges were filed against him. His drawing hla pay yester day made the stigma of the attempt to Jump his contract all ths worse. So far this year Dolan has shown da- elded Indisposition to play his place to . n mA I. tha avenlnr a ng tn. auW- "--", - - ,h. v.. at h . .b,m Ratcllffe should German quartette irom umaup. ' 7 " ,K1. . ,, several selections. The presents were displayed In ths dining room on a table specially arranged. One of the most handsome presents was a cheat of allver, a present from Mr. Jetters em Dloves A number of German societies sent compliments with offerings of cut glsss and silverware. In all about ISO guests were entertained during the afternoon and evening. In sd dltlon to thoss present, Mr. snd Mrs. Jet ter revived a number of telegrams from friends out In the state who regretted that they could not be present. The luncheon served waa provided by ons of ths best Oermsn caterers In ths city and was relished by thoss who attended the recep tion. Magte City Oeaals. Mrs. F. M. 'Winchester has gone to Boa- ton for the summer. Tha Carneaia Library board Is billed to have a meeting this afternoon. Dan Cosh has commenced grading on Q street from Twnty-thlrd to Twenty-fou th. John Hlnehey has returned from Greeley Center, where he spent a few weeks visit ing friends. Mrs J. B. Ashe writes to friends here from Salt I-ak City that she Is rapld'y Improving in health. Police Officer Frank Wilson tendered his resignation last night and it was accepted by the board without comment. Stephen ValL second vice president of the Packers' Trades council, will leave for St. Joseph and Kansas City today. Mrs. J. L. Kubat and daughter leave to day for Wihoo, where they will spend a few days with friends and relatives. The Norwegian-American Rerublloan club will meet tonight at Kranek s hall to consider some Important business mat tera. The Christian Endeavor society of the Methodist church will have chares of Mel cher's sods fountain this afternoon an1 evening. The proceeds wUl go Into Ine treasury sf tbs social. prove a much more aesiraoie man man Dolan haa proved to be. In the releaae of Hlckey, which has not been closed entirely, ths local team loses a strong player, but ons who la not popular with the fans, and It will strengthen the team tn their good will to have Genlns filling his place. The change tn the personnel of ths local team waa ons of ths most Important re sults of ths meeting of the magnate. The plan aa worked out by them Included the strenghtenlng of Des Moines, Omaha and Peoria and Hlckey goea to Des Moines, as does also Howls of Colorado Springs snd Clrich of Kanaaa City. Peoria felt that It could not better Itself materially by any possible trade or exchange and ths team will stand as It Is at present. A report has found Its way to ths local gossips of base ball that Mtdlgan haa left Des Moines. Ths first step ken by ths magnates at their meeting yeiterday was a unanimous decision to limit te number of players on each club's payroll to thirteen and this required the release of players In five ot the teams In ths league, namely. Colorado Springs, Des Moines. Kansas City, Milwau kee and Bt. Joseph. From Colorado Springs. Howie snd Ratcllffe were released, from Des Motnea Outfielder and Pitcher Smith and from Kansas City t'lrich and Huston. St. Joseph was not represented at the meeting and Hugh Duffy waa unable to decide who ths one man waa that he should let out. The rumored change of Kansas City and Milwaukee to other cities waa not even mentioned at tha meeting and Milwaukee showed that It was doing second best of all of the teams In the league, while Kansas City was breaking about sven on the finan cial proposition. Ths two protested games between Kinsas and I command all workers and members of ths Ak-8gr-Ben to be present and ex tend to our guests a "cordial welcome." Tours for Omaha, 8AM8ON. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Harry. Carton returned from tha coast Tussday morning . T. J. Pickett of Wahoo. editor sf ths Wasp. Is a guest at the Murray. G. H. Jennings of Lincoln and W. L. Brlnker of San Francisco are at the Her Grand. Colonel S. J. Alexander of Lincoln Is In the city on bualness. He Is quartered at the Iter Qrand. Mrs. W. H. Mats of Colorado Spring. Colo., Is visiting her friend, Mrs. N. E. gage, at the Millard. Vnlted States Marshal Matthews was called to Fremont Monday by the serious Illness of his eldest son. Judce Munger and Circuit Clerk Thura. mel left Monday evening for Lake Wash ington, Minn., for a few days' fishing. Mrs. Henry r. Hase ana daughters. Ma- ble and Nancy, have left Omaha for a month a visit at various places in Missouri and Kansas. H. D. Rogers. J. K. Rogers and D. R. Hopkins of Ord: R. L. O'Neal sf Kunta vllle. Ala., and Lee Arneit of Lincoln are at tho Merchants. . W. M. Erwln of Alma, O. L. Ha user of Nellgh, Mr. and Mr a. W. I. Brundigs ef Friend and Mr. aad Mrs. T. M. Johnson of Chappell. Neb., are at the Merchants. Mr. and Mrs. L. Kemptoa. Miss Belle Powers sf Lincoln, A. B. Wemston of Chi huahua, Meg.; H. M. Hopewell and Mrs. Hat tie E. Hopewell of Tekamah are at the Paxton. fete I are all you need eat for a com plete summer breakfast Be sides being nutritious they ore very Too th so mo Ash: for MalwTss rukea DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT htoo4 eool. Ic. All anisslrt. MEGEATH STAT. CO., 1308 FARNAfl STREET, Everybody is reading thla summer. Wa have everything In books, period icals and newspapers, at summer prices. SCHOOLS. LAS ELL SEUU1ARY rot Torso wombr, Ths plan of a girl's education at Lasell Seminary. Asburndale, Mass.. means not only a high Intellectual development under most favorable conditions, but Includss a unique and practical training In the appli cation ot the various brancbaa of Domestic Science. Briefly, the school aim la to cultivate the Intellect, develop a sound body and to fit the student for ths womsnly duties of life. Experiment Hall Is a building specially fitted for the prsctlce of Household Eco nomics. Here tne sasoeni. o im nui performance of household duties, exercise her theoretical knowledge gained in the class room and gleaned from the various free lectures. Adjacent Boston (10 miles distant) lends Its advantages In Muslo and Art. and Masters from Ins city, prominent In their professions, preside over thee courses. The beauty ot the suburban location, the Interest of the historic surroundings Invite many pleasurable excursions. Health con ditions sre Ideal. Gymnasium and swim ming pool with trained physical Instructors. For catalogue of full Information address C. C. BKAGDON. Principal. it pit m FOR OLD BOOXS furs rtir 1 4 books lato none?. Telepboas B IJtl ssd oar represea- tatlvs will saU. "Ye Old Book Shop," Uls FAKNAM ST. SCHOOLS, Lake Forest m lfraarlf Laaa gee Aaasae.1.) TSaraagfc luairucUaa la all hraacaaa. Siunf (ar c. I a. ar wuo.rallr. aVtily maul coaiatola. fhrascal trakai.g. auiaw star aroaaS. lliulwi kaaltklul an Sahaktrul. Ik. i.m irata ur wkltk Ik. llva Sa4 tba lag. luabir ef Maatara kuurt InSlvtil. Sat auaalloa. Ilalaaa aa aatUcaUaa. ASSraas in Ik Cunie laaaa, Uafta aUstar, IMS M. Laka tn POTTER COLLEGE XIfJklV"' PVflta (root ;i atat.i t teaeaara. boArnii.f ru aila HMliaS la 1 V.rr ealact. Erarrtking at liie kl(kaai orSar. Raroamtei44 toy LaSlag BM at U. g Sa4 tat BMUtiful calaloeu ft. t r CABKU PrasL M Vcnraorlh Military ftcademv S&wff8 f t aovernnaeteuparrialoaaaS ealaaxnt. Amy -itTioer detailed, rti.ri lut VnlvtraMes, 1 4T- National Aclenilfa f lor Lit. IW1 HIXIM aa S. Sayfty. Utkyta Sa. t