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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1903)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 100.1. GIANTS FAIL IN TWELFTH Tra er Lifu Bvl for Ilomf Bun and 0ms Pbilliei Victory. OPPOSING PITCHER i RAKE HARD FIGHT fcaeli SeotM nine If In Fifth and. The Falla Do More Till Phenom enal Drive- Finishes ftanae. PHILADELPHIA, June 14. Frur home run hit to the left Held gallery In the twelfth gave the home team victory over New York today. It wag a pitchers' battle from start to finish. Fraser's lilt lias only once been equalled here, when Delehanty, three years ago, made a similar drive. The local man agement has signed Pitchers Williams of Chicago and Washburn of this city. At tendance, 1,519. Score: PHILADELPHIA. K.R OA I Thnfnaa, cf. woiv'rn, lb , Mailman. Jb K.latar, rf.. Inns, If.... Barrr. lb HulawlU, aa. 0 Gleaaon. 2b. flirmtr, e... 0 Hi'K. a t Fraaer. a.... i tlLHMlflas, . 0 0 0 S 1 1 I It ! ! 0 t 1 1 t 0 Brown,, rf.. IVdH'l, cf.. iBnMa, lb 1 Martea. If.. Babb. at 0 l.aurier, th. o.oiltwrt, b. 1. warnar. NEW YORK. it h o A a i a t OjMcOinnltr, ,0 d Totals .. 1 iftatt ( 0 ToUla ... It IT None Out when winning run scored. xxBatted for Zlmtncr In eleventh Inning. Phlladelohla 0 0001090000 1-2 New York 0 0001000000 01 Home run: Fraser. Sacrifice hits: McOm tilty, Wolvertom Stolen baaea: Lauder, Warner. Double play: McUlnnity to Gil bert to Bowerman. Left on bases: New York, in; Philadelphia. 10. First base on ball: Off Mr-Olnnlty. S; off Fraser, L Hit by pitched bull: Gleason, Warner. Struck out: Hy McUlnnlty, a; by Fraser. 6. Time: Mo. Umpire: Johnstone. Makes It Klereu Straight, PITTSBURG, June IS. The Plttaburgs to day won their eleventh victory in succes sion, the best record lit that respect ever made hy a Pittsburg team. They beat Chi cago by timely batting and taking advant age of mlHplays by the visitors. Attend ance, 7,100, Score: PITTBBl'RO. I CHICAGO. R.H.O. A E.I Beaum'nt. ct 0 0 t 0 CtSlagl, If... "larka. If..., 11 1 c)r. lb... Sebrtna;, rf,. 0 a t erhanoa, lb.. Wagner, aa.. i 1 1 OJunea. cf.... Rranrf'ld, lb 0 0 13 0 J Tinder, H... Learn, lb... I tit 0 Bvra. lb... Hitcbtr. lb, t lit ,ILriay, rf.. Phalpa, v...l'l 1 OKIIng. c Pbtlltp&t, p. 1 0 I ti Tar lor. Totals .."i mill' totala ..1 IHU t Pittsburg ... ..0 1 C 0 Jl OS M Chicago ..' ... 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 Two-base hits: Wagner, Ritchey, Jones, Kvers. Three-Iae hits: Leach, King. Sac rifice hit: Harley. Stolen bases: Wagner (Jl. Double 1lay: Leach to Bransfield. First baso on balls: Off Philllppl. 1; off Tavlor, S. Struck outr By Philllppl. by Taylor, 3. l'ussed ball: Kllng. Time: 1:46. I'mplre: Morsn. Poatponrd Games. At Boston BoKton-Rrooklyn game, on ao couht of wet grounds. standing of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost S..H O.A.a. state i o New York Pittsburg , C'hleagn ... Brooklyn . Cincinnati HoMon ...49 ...,W . . . .M ...47 ...47 ... 47 Phllartelphla 47 HI Irfuis .. 63 34 3ti :u 24 21 19 15 16 15 17 19 23 : 2ti 82 37 PC. ,79 .M2 .311 .447 .44 .819 .302 base hit: Crahlll. Three-bsse hit: Oleason. Time: 1.15. Umpire: Mullana, eeoad Derides It All. . IOL'18VILLK, Ky.. June 18 St. Pair! won from 1-outsvlll, In the second Inning on three bases on balls, an error and six singles. Attendance, Score: ST. PAl U I LoriSVILLR.! . R.H.O AS Oaler, If 1 Phaanon. rf. . 1 S-baefar, a. 1 Huiglna. tb. I Kall.jr, lb... I Whaalar. lb., t I- Sulllvaa, 1 Cherb. p I i t I 11 I 1 Kenrln. rf... OHart, lb I Hraahaar. ib. 1 Odwrll, rf Bohaiinaa. a Total, ...11 u)f it 8 McCord. .. OS Slll'T'S, tb 1 acirm.r. if... , a-hnTr, .. 1 Orhllda, aa.... 4 t I 1 PC. .est Ml .633 .478 .474 .447 .419 .3C2 Kansas City at Columbus, 44 SO 14 47 18 45 .24 21 4 22 24 ,. 3)1 . . 18 a 47 21 M 40 18 24 47 17 80 Total ... I a M 14 I ft- Paul 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 X 12 Louisville 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 04 . Two-base hit: Bohannon. Three-base hits: Hart. Kerwin. Stolen bases: 8. Sul livan. Schriever. Sacrifice hits; Shannon. J. Sullivan. Double play: Childa to Breehear to Hart. First base on balls: Off McCYird, 4; off Bohannon, 1: oft Chech, 2. Struck out: By Bohannon, 8; by Chech, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Bohannon. 1. Wild pitch; Bohannon: Balk: Bohannon. First base on errors: Louisville. 2; St. Paul. 2. Left on bases: Louisville, 4; St. Paul, . Time: 2.00. Umpire: Cunningham. Standing of the Teams. Played. Won.- Lost. jnnwauKee . St Paul .. Indianapolis Minneapolis Kansas City Louisville .. Columbus .. Toledo .. .. Games today Milwaukee at Toledo, St, Paul at Louls- vuie, Minneapolis at Indianapolis. GAMES IN AMERICAN LEAGUE Charaaloas Take Lead by Beating II. Loots While Cleveland Bests Bostea. PHILADELPHIA. June 1.-Tha cham pions took first placa In the American blague race today by defeating Bt Louis. The home team hit the ball hard. Faat, brilliant work characterised the fielding of both teams. Attendance, ,768. Score: PHILADELPHIA. r ST. tOUIS. M.H.O.A.B. fc.H.O.A.E. 111 tiMempQiii, rf. 1 lit 0lHl4rlck. cf. S 0adraan, lb. 0 A'Rurbatt, If... 0 OiKaboa, , 1 OiWallaao, aa.. UPaddan, tb... 0 1 MoCor'k, tb.. 0 VSudhofT, p... B..I. 0 Harttel, If... 1 Pickering, cf. t Dana, lb ( L. Orsaa, Ib. Raybnld, rf.. 1 Murphy, tb.. 1 M. rroaa, aa. 0 Phrark, e Waddall, a... I I 1 I a a 0-3 ' (lames today: Brooklyn at Boston, New York at Philadelphia. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION GAMES Mllwaskre Piles tp Thirteen Baas t ' and Pots Toledo to TOLEDO.' O.. June lfi. A terrific batting mele on the part of Milwaukee put Toledo to the had today in a slow and uninterest ing game. Attendance, 500. Score: . MILWAt'KKK. I TOLEDO. R.H.O. A.K.I R.H.O.A.g. H'haflair.- M. . t t t 4 !RlaMnx. If.. I 1 I I I 1 a niiilank'a'p, lb I 1 10 ( It 1 0 llrnard. cf . 1 1 1 1 0 4 t HKIournoy. If. t t I 0 t t 0 o s.haiib. Ib... a 1 a 0 0 111 C'Klalnow. e... 0 1 I I 1 110 0 iOwana. tb.... a 1 1 4 1 a 1 0 l'Marran, aa... Q t t 4 4 tat OiAllamang, p. 1 1 1 I 4 nnahua, lb.. S Wood, Phyla, aa. Punlaavy, t'nalaub, tb. 0 Hemphill, rf. 1 rtunaan, rf .. t Kllloll. p.... 0 1 11 Total, ... t II 17 It 1 ' r,-.i , . , I Totala ... 7 14 17 PhUadelphla 0 3 0 1 I I 0 V. 01. Lout 0 6 0 110 1 ThiAa.htt kit. v ... 1 . swkUiH. t .V "e'oricg, Home run: Seybold: Left on bases: St. Iouls 8: Philadelphia, 8. Double plays: Hemphill r?rnh'Vto . Mccormick, Murphy 7 M ro"8 t 1avl". Hartsel to Bliroek, Davie hnfJ1-.0!- PTst. b on "alls: Off Sud iJ?Xlck iit: By Waddell. 4. Tlme: 1.25. Umpires: Hassett and Carruthers. Mlsplays Aid Chicane's fmUm NEW YORrC. June lt-Mlsplay aided the ?te.r New Y,ort" n winning from Chi cago today. It was an even tare! t? eer GrlTh White, each man pltchl LnBTKSn0i K&m'- A rain and a fumble by Isbell gave the locals thel" only Un The game was marked by brilliant field: Ing. Attendance, 2,130. Score: " nela .NEW YORK. 1 CatrAnr, VEJ , R H.O.A B. m u nnimaa. IF. . ft 1 a a w "vuiiri, TT.... ilrwn. rf 0 '('allah.n. tb. f'taball, lb..... Malr. tb 0 0ITann,hlll, aa. a 0 MrTarland, , a 0 White, d a Total. .1 6 17 15 t1 Total, ... al M it 1 New York 0 0 0 0 1 0 A A ai Chf-go 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ftlg First base on errors: New York rht cago. 2. Left on bases: New York Chicago 8 Sacrifice hits: Fulta Stolen baaes: Fult. Conrov. Oreen n - T?i"l?." play: White to McFarland to Isbell First base on balls: Off Griffith. 2: off White a 8truck out: By Oriflith 1 t." !'. Umpire: O lughlhv ' Tlme: 1:6- Bosloa Goes Down. BOSTON. Jane .1ft n.i.ka . Boston today. Dornaw'.nltr-H. . '..."i1 game and waa brilliantly supported In sntta anctU'or. &h Attend- CLEVELAND. R.H.O.A.K nar. -t j 1 0 ol Bradley, b.. ,00 Lajnla. tb... 0 11 Hickman, lb 0 10 Mofarthr. Hill Telegram.) Malvern was shut out here todnv In a well plsed game. Klgra' pitching wss the feature. Score: Hender ton. I; Malvern. 0. Hits. Henderson. 2; Malvern, I. Errors: Henderson. 8; Mal vern. 5. Batteries: Henderson. Klger and Coppork: Malvern, Wolfe and Mulholland. Clarlada Takes Two. CLARINDA, la.. June 1R (Specisl Tele gram.) Clarlnda won both games from Creston by better playing, yesterday's ?Htne by a score of 1 to 1; today's game to 8. Batteries In today s game: Cla rlnda, MeKemson and McMlllen: Creston, Ward. Ambrose and Steams. Hits: Cla rlnda, ; Creston. 7. Struck Out: Ward Ambrose, i; Mekemaon, 2. Attendance, loo. ntaadards pefeat Joplters. The Standards defeated the Juplters yes terday afternoon on the High school grounds by the score of 7 to 2. The bat teries were: Standards. Welrlck and Pierce; Juplters, Burkhardt and Conklin. The features of the game were the pitching of Welrlck and the batting of MoCague. I mplre Not Satisfactory. WEBSTER CITY, la.. June 16. (Special Telegram.) Webster City lost to Oelweln this afternoon by a score of I to t In a one sided game of ball. Much objection waa made to the umpiring of the Oelwsln man ager. Batteries: Denser find Wharton, Gregory and White. Games la Three-1 Leagae. At Bloomlngton Bloomlngton, S; Spring field. 2. ... At Decatur Decatur, t; Rock Island. S. At Davenport Davenport, 6; Cedar Rapids, 1. At Rockford Rockford. I: Dubuque, t Havi-Llssak Illyrla Time: R.H.O A uavia. 11 Oil Kaelar, rf... 1 1 1 Poltn. rf 0 10 Rlbarfald. aa. 0 0 1 Wllllama. tb. t 1 Conro)-. tb... 0 11 Oantal. lb... 0 0 It O'Connor, c. 0 0 t Griffith, p.... 0 0 0 a 10 Tetala ...It tl2t 10 I1 Totala ...110 87 17 8 x fctflnow out, hit by batted ball. Milwaukee 0 0 1 1 2 S 0 2 4-13 T ledo 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0-6 Two-base hits: Klournoy (2), Allemang, Kiciiiow, Phyle (2). Dunleavy, Dungan, Hemphill, Wood. Home run; Phyle. Bao rillce lilt: Doniiliue. Stolen bases: Blenk enship, Hemphill, Schafley. Hit by pitched bull. Schafley CI), Dunleavy. Struck out: By Elliott, 8; by Allemang, . First baae on bulls: Off Elliott, 2. Left on bases: Toledo. 6; Milwaukee, 10. Double play: Kleiuow to BUnkenxhlp. Passed ball: Klelnow.. Time: 2:U). Umpire: Mullane. Minneapolis Out la Cold. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. June l.-MePart-lln allowed only one hit today and only one Minneapolis man succeeded In reaching second buse. Attendance, 1,810. Score: INDIANAPOLIS. I MINNEAPOLIS. R.H.O. A.B.I R.H.O.A.E. Ho,rievar, til I I OlMcfrarrr, ct. 0 a I 0 a 1 o apoonar. id., o 9 111 1 , t 0 Laiiy. if a a t a a ,;bniHh. rf.... 0 a I 1 a I 1 Yaasar. .... a 0 t 1 a 0 OMclntyr. n. I II I I 0 0 Mania, lb... S 1 S I a 0 1 t 1 ' llOylar. aa ... a 4 8 a a a 1 atimmai, p.. a a a a a ToUla ...1 4 t7 7 ? Totala ...a 114 11 a Indianapolis 00400000 x- Minneapolis 00000000 0-0 Three-base hit: Coulter. Double play: titimmei to oyier to tipooner. Btrucg nut By McPartlln, 8; by Stlmmell, 1. First base on balls- Off Stlmmell, 2. Hit by pitcher; By McPartlln. 1; by Stlmmell, L Time; l ib. umpire: tiasueu. Rata Makes It Evea. COLUMBUS, O., June It. Rain stopped the Columbus-Kansas City game at the end of the seventh inning today, with the score a tie. Attendance, score: KANSAS CITT. R.H.O A B Foi. lb.. Heydnn, c... Coultar. cf. .. O' Brian, aa., Jmiaa. If Klhm, lb.... Tamaatt, tb.. MrFartlln, p. a a 1 0 4 1 1 1 14 1 0 0 4 0. 1 COLUMBUS n.n. u.a-e, eiaaaoa. aa.. lilt BaiiDoa. cf... a 0 8 0 Aradt, rt..., a a 1 a Turner, a a 8 1 Manor.. lb ... a a 8 I Thonny. If... a a t 0 Rayaiao,' tb. 1 4 8 I Pox. a......! 0 I 1 CrabllL Rothfuaa, aa Maloaay, a. KNanca. lb. p..v.a .ta a t ti a r 1 Orady, lb.... 0 a knoll, II a i irtiar, rt 1 i dan lay. of... 1 , MrAnd'va. a a a 1 a t 0 Ulbaon. p.... a a a 8 a a 1 a a a a a a t a 1 it a 1 a 1 a a a a 1 0 Totals ... a a tt a a' toui, ... a a ti 10 Columbus 1 0 0 0 1 0 0-8 Kansas City 1 0 1 0 0 0 1-3 Stolen bases: Ravmer. Maloney. Sacri fice hits: Thotiey, Nance. First base on balls: Oft Crablll. 1; aft Gibson, 8. Two- Flick, rf. Oorhn'ar, Bamia. 0.. Dornar, . p Totala 0 aa. 1 1 8 1 1 8 8 4 1 a a BOSTON. R.H.O.A.E. 1'ouah'tr. ' If. n n tHcniuna, th.. 0 1 cw Brian, rf.. a a dPraaman. rf. 1 oiparant, aa. .. a 8 OiLat'h'nce. lb a A rwrnn, jo, Ifrlsar, ,.. uineen, p. tj. SUhl.. 0 0 a a a a 7 n u T 10 17 11 Totala xBatted for Dlneen In ninth Claveland 0 0 0 1 8 0 0 at v 0 a 0 0 A n y j wo-oase mis: xaioie. Pdiuni -n, base hit: Crlger. Stolen base: Parent Double plays: Dineen to Crlger to La Chanco; Parent to Ferris to LaChance Base on balls: Off Dlneen. 8; ofT Donner ' Hit by pitched ball: By Dlneen, . pVisied ball: Crlger. Wild pitch: Dlneen. Time 1:50. Umpire: Connolly. me- Wasbiagtoa's Pitching Wins. WASHINGTON. Juno l.-.Tnwn..-j.. pitching was too much for Detroit and vvasnington long todays game easily Donovan did well until the eighth when the locals bunched their hits. Attendance EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS Took Takes Harlesa Mile, hot Oalr Jost Beats Oatsldee ky Heck. CHICAGO, June 1& Toah won the mile handicap at Harlem today by a neck. The winner was heavily played and went to ths post at 8 to 6, but had to be whipped in the last fifty yard to beat Bragg, a H)-to-l shot. Results: First race, six and one-half furlongs: Charlie Thompson won. Ragtag second, Avoid third. Time: 1.21. . , Second race, six furlongs: Alan-A-Pale won, Peter J second. Beau Ormonde third. Time: 1:13. Third race, one mile: Toah won, Bragg second. Llnquist third. Time: 1:40H- Fourth race, one mile: Jack Ratlin won, Sam Fullen second, Lucien Appleby third. Time: 1:40H- . Fifth race, five furlongs: Proceeds won, Kngllsh Lad second, Paris third. Time: Sixth race, mile and one-eighth: land won, Loone second, Bonnie third. Time: 1:64H NEW YORK, June 18. Results: First race, about six furlongs: won, Dean Swift second, Allan third. 1:13. Second race, mile and one-sixteenth: Irish Jewel won, Orloff second, Star and Garter third. Time: 1:B1H. Third race, five furlonga: Montana King won, Casclne second. Steelmaker third. Time: 1:03. Fourth race, the Brookdaie nanaicap, mile and a furlong: Hunter Ralne won, Herbert second, Bon Mot third. Time; :os. Fifth race, mile and seventy yards: Ink won, Dsrk Planet second. Spring Silk third. Time: 1:4R. Sixth race, five and one-half furiengs: Montreson won, Moharib second, Procession third. Time 1:0S- DKTROIT, June 10. Results: First race, four and one-half furlongs: Miss Flelschman won, Krtcula second, Globe third. Time: 1:00. Second race, one mile: Branch won, Lou Rey second, Honolulu third. Time: 1:50. Third race, six furlongs. Hotel stakes. 8I.0110 added: Silk Cord won, Balm of Gllead second, Mrs. Frank Foster third. Time: 1:19V,. Fourt race, five furlongs, bests, purse: Kddie 'i won, Maru second, Hallucination third. Time: First heat, l:08V4l second heat, 1:07. Fifth race, six furlongs: Shrine won. first Chord second, Sir Gallant third. Time: 1:19. Blxtn race, mile and seventy yards: Sarah Black won, Jlngler second, Locust Blossom third. Time: l:MVi. ST. LOUIS, June 16. Results: First race, mile and twenty yards, sell ing: Pamptflna won,. Lasso ' Second, Va qnlta third. Time: 1:46. rsecona race, rour aim one-natr furlongs, purse: Hugh McGowart won, Mengls sec ond, Instrument third. Time: 0:67. Third race, five and one-half furlongs, purse: Miss crawrora won, Kilo second, Walnut Hill third. Time: 1:09. Fourth race, seven furlongs. seMlng: Jake Weber won. Aules second, Bengal third. Time: 1:29. Fifth race, six furlongs selling: Ladns won. Dr. Clark second, Mrs. Wlggs third. Time: 1:16. Sixth race, mile and twenty yards, sell ing: Leonid won. The Messenger second, Chandoo third. Time: 1:44V.. Score : WABHlNOTOlt. , R.H.O.A.E I Moran. aa ... 1 Frlhach, If... 1 Kyaa. cf I IHtlahanty, rf 0 Couahlln. lb. 1 Clarka, lb.... 1 Roblnaon, tb. 0 Drill, a a Townaaod, p. a IBarratt. cf.., tLtlah. lb frCrawford. If. ('arr, lb 0aalor, rf. ., 0 Smith, tb..., 0 Cpurtney. aa, OMrOulra. ... ODonoraa, p. , DETROIT. R.H.O.A.E 0 0 10 0 i ! ToUla ... 8 t 17 11 Washington Detroit Two-base hits Threerbase hit: Lush. " . loiai, ... 1 4 11 11 a ....1 00000000-1 aiytjn, yejenanty, Clarke. 1 nwDaaa nu: Liusn. Home run- Ryan Stolen base: Lush. Sacrifice hit: Smith ou- u.u v,mj . mvi.iira xwuuiaon to Clark. Flrat base on balls: Oft Townaend, 2; off Dorm van . Hit by pitched ball': Br?ett Gassier. Struck out: By Townsend. Jiby Donovan. 4. Left on bases: Washington : Detroit. 8. Time: 1:60. Umpire: She?: luaui. Philadelphia . Boston Cleveland .. . St. Louis .... Chicago rsew xorg, ... Detroit Washington Games today taadlnsx of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. .48 ... ...44 ...41 ...42 ...43 ...4 ...40 30 28 24 21 21 20. 20 14 18 18 1 20 23 26 32 PC. .625 .609 Kb .612 .4K8 .466 .436 804 Sesmir Tlsst Tilla. The Road to Hearth. Hires Rootbeor Is "Just the . ilaket" la kaes too solos durl as hot weather, lteools the blood, quenebaeth, thin,' I ad hssi yoa wsu ana aouve. Hires Itootbcer shoold be on iTirr table during summer tiiiia. hW.IJ evarrvhare. or b mail rf ieaola. fait ag, mat as tra galiuus. hewara of Imliaurai, Caarkkt (. Rlret Co., Mahera. fa. Chlcaao at Maw v..t c. Louis at Philadelphia. Detroit at Waah'lna ton. Cleveland at Boston. . vrasmng. Atlaatle Wlas llaads Dootm ATL.AN1 ic. la.. June IS. (Special Tele gram.) Atiantio redeemed Itself in the game with the Shenandoah team here today, winning by a score of 13 to 2. ' Jar rott for Atlantic pitched a shut-out game and but for an Inexcusable error by Albert aon on flrat base, muffing a tossed ball from ths pitcher and letting a man to flrat wh.n two were out, the visitors would not have scored. Hunter, the next man to bat, drove a long hit to leftfleld for a home run and Shenandoah's only two scores were then made. Atlantic outplayed the visitors In every stage of the game, though at hat they showed their skill the strongest.. The oniy unpleasant reature or trie game was the fining of Pitcher Miller, who got 87 hung up again at him for cursing the umpire over a oerimon on uaus. Batteries: 4t lan tic. Jarrott and Boals; Shenandoah, Miller and Townsend. Hits: Atlantic, 14 Shenandoah. 8. Struck out: By Jarrott, 12 by Miller, 7. errors: Atlantic. 6; Shenan doah. (. Time: 1:36. Umpire: Ixw. At tendance, 8M. Crack Mhots at Dearer. DENVER. Juna 18. The Grand Western Handicap tournament at targets was opened tnis morning at tne Denver trap clubs grounds. The officers In charge of the tournament are Fred C. Whitney of Des Moines and f rank B. CunniiiKham of St. Joseph, Mo. Most of the crack shots of the west are nere, among tnem being H. G, Hirschy, the winner of the Great American Handicap at Kanaas city last year. Two full sets of expert traps will be used. Tha Grand Western Handicap, the main event of the tournament, began this mornlna-. and it probably will require three days In which to complete mis event, 'i ne urand Western is lor )iki biros. 110 entrance fee and with 3100 added. The winner will also receive a cnampionanip tropny in tne nature of a all ver loving uun valued at 3260. This cup will not become the permanent property of the winner, but will remain in the name of the Denver Trap club and will be subject to competition at all times. The program In run ror tne tournament contains tweniv. five eventa of twenty birds each in addition to tne urana western. Pikers Win Acala. The'Hyte Pikers defeated tha Woodmen of the World In a match game of tenpins on inn cnirriii alley last nignt, taking iwu viii 01 uiira amiira. ocore; HYTE'S PIKERS. 1st. 2d. 3d T'l Barrett 163 156 110 418 Hyte 169 1; 136 4;t7 Crowe 109 118 121 345 Krugman imi its 143 4l Banks 160 182 170 618 Totals 767 766 (79 2,202 WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. 1st. 2d. 3d. T'ls r-oiey 110 4S 125 SK0 Smyths 168 136 ITS 474 ratea 1.1 jn.' 1H 621 Utiles 174 136 1 10 430 McKelvey 131 144 179 464 VISITS HISTORIC COLLEGE President is a Onest tt tha University of Virginia. DELIVERS AN ADDRESS TO STUDENTS After l.aarheoa Goes to Moatleello aad with Members of His Party Rides Throagh the Fa moos Kstate. CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va., June 16.-The University of Virginia today entertained tha president of the United States, and light royally tha students of this historical seat of learning performed their duties as hosts. The occasion of the president's visit was to attend the seventy-ninth commencement of tha university, which occurs today. Mr. Roosevelt la tha third president to visit tha university, of which Thomas Jefferson, whose remains lie quite close to the college he loved, was the founder. President Hayes snd President Cleveland ave enjoyed the hospitality of this truly southern Institution, and the warm wel comes they received were duplicated in the greeting extended to President Roosevelt today. The president's specisl arrived here from Washington at 11:80 this morning. Tha Monticello guards were on duty at the depot and kept back the crowd that had asstm bled to see the distinguished guest. Visi tors have been pouring Into the city since yesterday, and hotel rooms and teams were at a premium this morning. The president was cheered aa he stepped from his car. He was met by Dr. Paul Barrlnger, chairman of today's exercises. and a committee of alumni. The party was driven direct to the university, where the exercises were held in the public hall. Hera tha students welcomed the president. Program at the lalveralty. The address before the Alumni associa tion, which wss first on the program, had been prepared by Judge W. Gordon Robert, son of Roanoke and was to have been delivered by him. He, however, was de tained at home by Illness and his addtesi was read by R. Walton Moore of Fairfax, member of the board of visitors of the university. Judge Morris then In .a short speech of welcome Introduced the president. After tho applause had subsided the president delivered his address. 1 , At the conclusion of the president's ad dress the various medals were delivered I and then luncheon was served In the gym nasium. Judge R. T. W. Duke of Char lottesville presided aa toastmaster and In troduced the president, who responded to the toast, "The United States." After luncheon the party visited Monti- cello, the home of Jefferson, where they were entertained by Jefferson M. Levy of New York, who now owns the place. Tha president and Mrs. Roosevelt rode through on horseback and other members of the party went In carriages. The president left here at 7 o'clock this evening for Washington. Totals 749 723 787 2,260 Red dead Kaay for Holdrege. HO I. DR EOF.. Neb.. June 16. (Sneclal Telegram.) The Holdrege ball team won an easv victory from riea cioua today. Moth Anderson and Short for tha visitors ware C-l.-j .1 a r Holdrege 0 I0T0401 Red Cloud 1 01080006-2 Batteries: Holdrege, Teal and Burman; Red Cloud, Anderson. Short and Rhea. Struck out: By Teal. 6: by Anderson, 3; by' Short. 8.. Bases on balls: -Off Teal, t; off Anderson, 6; off Short, 1. Three-base hits: fckhaub (!) Two-base hits: Srhaub. Klta mlller. First- base hits: Holdrege, 13: Red Cloud. 4. terrors: Holdrege. 6; Red Cloud, (. Time: 140. Umpire;, Pendergraft. la tha Westers Leagae. Games today: Omaha at 8t. Joseph, 'Den ver at Milwaukee. Colorado Sprlnga at r" aorta, Des Moines at Kansas City. at al vera Is thai Oat. BXNDZR30N, lav, June altfcls4 Formidable Derby Candidate. CHICAGO. June 16. The nosltlva an nouncament that Irish Lad will not run In tne American ueruy nas left tjavahle top-heavy favorite for the racs on Satur day. The price is 2 to 1. The race Is still an open proposition. A new contender loomed no today In Tne ricket. In a rrUl at the Harlem track this morning hs went tne run uerny atxiance. one mile and half, with about 110 pounds up, In 2:83. The time Is faster than has ever been made in the Derby. Robert Waddell, the winner In lirnl, holda the Derby record of 2:83. He win nave to carry us pounds In the Derby Claude, the triple Derby winner, arrived tonight from St. Louis and his coming was a signal ror a runner reduction In his odds Ills price was cut to 8 to 1 and Bernay's was reduced to the same. The two are now equal second cnoires. 1 ne prospects are that about twelve horses will go to the post. Races at Beatrice. BEATRICE, Neb., June 16.-(8perlal.)- Ttie Beatrice Driving aasociation met Isat night and arranged purses ror the race meeting to be held here July 4 among the local norsemen as touows: rree-for-all tint, tloo; roadsters, lion: runnera. 860 year-old class, for members of the Driving association only 8100. It Is the Intention to have a balloon ascension on that day case an aeronaut can be secured. Paya T,loo for Colt. NEW YORK, June kl -The sale of th Rancho del Paso yearlings was rontlnued today at Sheermhead Bay. A brown or oiai'K con by imp. watercress-lnnulsitlv 11 was the star of the sale. A. L. Aste pay ing li.iuv ror mm. For Sate Due bill on one of the best New York City hotela at a good discount. Ad dress E 4, care Omaha Bee. TOO I. ATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTED, governess, on ranch, for tw hoys: to teach German snd music. Call at faxton hotel between 4 and 10 a clock vte.iiiea.iay ana ihursday arierneons. O ORECAST OF THE WEATHER ' Two Generally Fair nays Promised Middle West, with Warmer Tendency, WASHINGTON. June l.-Foreeast: For Nebraska and ilnwa Fair Wednes day and warmer In -north portion; Thurs day, fair. ' " ; ; ; For Illinois Fair Wednesday; Thursday, fair and warmer In north and central por tions; light to fresh north to east winds. For Montana Showers in west, fair In east portion Wednesday, and probably Thursday; cooler Wednesday in north, cen tral and west portions. For Bouth Dakota ralr nnd warmer Wednesday; Thursday, fair. For Mlssouri-fienerally fair Wednesday and Thursday. For Kansas Fair Wednesday and warmer In west portion ;. Thursday, fair. For Colorado and Wyoming Fair, cooler in west, showers In east portion Wednes day; Thursday, fair and warmer In east portion. Local Record. officb of the weather bureau. OMAHA, June 16. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding any or ins last thrsa years: 1908. 1902. 1901. 1900. .. 76 Tt 74 74 , 60 63 69 65 .65 62 66 70 , .00 .11 .00 2.22 Maximum temperatur, Minimum temperature. Mean temperature '. Precipitation Record of temperature and nreelmtatlon at omana ror tnia aay.ana since March 1 1903; Normal temperature 72 Deficiency for the day,. 4 Total excess since March 1 107 Normal precipitation 20 Inch Deficiency for the cay 20 Inch Precipitation since oiarrn 1 11. tt inches Deficiency since March 1 47 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1902.... 4.37 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, liKil.... 8.87 Inches Reports from tttalloaa at T P. M CONDITION OF THE WEATHER. -4 ft 4 35 r : c : s eg f : 3; '. 3 : S : -1 Omaha, partly cloudy 73 76 .00 Valentine, clear 7oi 72i .00 North Platte, clear 74! 7 .00 Cheyenne, cloudy 2 64 T Salt Lake, clear 841 86 . 00 Rapid City, clear 72 72 .00 Huron, clear 721 74 .00 Wllliaton, clear 76' H .00 Chicago, clear 521 70 .20 St. Ixiuls, partly cloudy 7R: 86 .00 St. Paul, clear SHI 70 .00 Davenport, clear 72' 76 .00 Kansas City, partly cloudy 78 M' T Havre, clear 861 8s' .00 Helena, partly cloudy 801 Ml .01 Bismarck, clear 76' 78 .W Galveston, clear 80. s0' .00 T Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecast Official. i Vp,.,,u,aw,,i,l,,i,, 1,11 ipaniiyi 1 1 isa 11 11 111 11 manual 1I1 ' ; m in " Th Best Ever And Ever th Best, A CIGAR not ashamed of its identity it besxrs ix btxnd with its nixmOa ' 1 JM . ' The Largest Selling Brand of Cigars in the World Tfttt Bmnd fa fh Sinokmr'm fVofec frost DO BAER ACCEPTS MINERS' MEN District Presidents Named for Conciliations Board Allowed to Sit. MITCHELL SEVERELY SCORES ENGINEERS Condemns Practice Some Are Making of Working; Seven Daya a Week aa If Nn Concession Had Been Given. 8CRANTON. Pa., June 16.-There will be no strike In the anthracite region as the result of the operators' refusal to recog nise the credentials of District Presidents Nichols, Fahey and Pettrey as the miners representatives on the board of concilia tion. The convention of the United Mine Work ers today elected the three presidents by districts as their representatives, and the operators, through George F. Baer of the Reading enmpnny, announced that this ac tion was'sutlsfactory. - - - During last night and early this morning Mr. Cnnnell, representing the operators the conciliation board, and President Mitchell were in communication through CharlesP. Nell, who was sent here as a pence envoy by members of the strike com mission, and the result was a tentative agreement that If the miners of the three district conventions elected representatives, those representatives would not be objected to by the operators. This proposition was submitted to the convention today and lit tle time wns wasted In accepting It. Same Three F.leetrd. The delegates from each of the three dis tricts voted separately and each of the three district prefldnnts was In turn form ally elected to represent the miners of their district on the conciliation board. There was a burst of loud and long ap plause when Mr. Mitchell announced that the operators, through Mr. Baer, had auth orised the statement that this action was satisfactory. Mr. Mitchell, during the noon recess, had communicated Indirectly with President Baer, through Mr. Connell and Mr. Neil. The miners elected Mr. Mitchell as their legal representatives before the concilia tion board. Mr. Connell said tonight the operators would urge an Immediate session of the conciliation board that the existing dis putes may be settled. .During the convention certain grievances were presented by some of the engineers. Replying to their statement, Mr. Mitchell said: As far as I can learn some of the engi neers ought not to get anything at ail. They were granted a Sumluy holiday by the commission, yet tney worn tne seven days ss formerly, so aa to get an extra day's pay. One of the strongest cases we had before the commission was that of the engineers working seven days a week the year round, and a twenty-four-hour shift everv two weeks. They are doing you and themselves a wrong by not taking advant age of the day off. nn 5)fp n? Y0UNGJE MEN who are Just realising the responsibilities of manhood and who. find emseives nanoicappeo in lire s name oy reason or the errors snd slnatlon rf early youth, unfitting then' for the station In Ufa that Is the goal of every able-bodied man. should not hesitate a day, but call or write for the advice of our physicians. WE UNDKRSTANl) TOUR AFFl.'wTION and can restore you to strength and vigor. MIDDLE AGED MEN who And themselves growing old before their time, who find ths fire of youth burning low, the sches and pains of the aged slowlv creeping upon th.Mii with that pain across the small or the back that grows worse instead 01 better; that IRR1TA HLIC, NERVOUS, D&SI'ONDENT FBKLING that WILL NOT be thaknn off. It meana you need our treatment. Consult our physicians, avail your self of our FREE CONSULTATION and rid yourself of your ail ments before it is too late. who realise that they are not as strong as they used to be and those who ore suffering from Kidney snd Bladder Troubles, Rheumatism, Lumbago. IntDltred D'areutlvn OrsMiia. f nnstitiatlim p-aultv i f a-M! isa tla-asa llPlfend the Kindred Diseases THAT COME WITH VKAR8. can obtain re IVl C tl J,"f uuickly and nirely by consulting us. Remember there Is no charge lor consultation either at our office or by mall. OLD r WE ALSO CURE HOME Lost Vigor, Shrunken Organs, Premature Decay. Unnatural Losses, Wasting Drains, Nervous Debility, Stricture, Rupture Tumors, Varlcoce a. Special Dlsaaars, Kciemi. Sleeplessness, Rheuinathm. Neu aigla. Kidney Diseases. Bladdsr DlstaeS, Spine Dlaea.-es. Heart Diseases, Blood Diseases (Syphilis), Skin Diseases, Stomach Diseases, Rectal Diseases. W have perfected a system of home treatment whereby the TRUTHFUL ANSWERING OF THE QUESTIONS OF OUR DIAG.Mi HIS Hllfch'T anil unli.. n. ulUDi vna TDC1TMCMT ZUK UK1N FOR ANALYSIS, we can cure you at home. I nCA I lYlLlI I Twenty vest a" experience ..aa made our physicians ex a a )rrt, ,n(j our ,uc.ce. In curing diseases hy Home Treat ment has never been equaled. It Is successful and strictly private. , . .,' State Electro-Medical Institute. Longest Established. Thoroughly Reliable. Authorised by tha Laws of the State 1308 Farnam St. Bet. 13th and 14th Sts, Omaha, Net). HYMENEAL. Clark-Montr. BEATRICE. Neb., June 18. (Special.) Mr. Guy Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Clark of the Beatrice hotel, and Miss Lora Mong of Wllber were united In marriage at the bride's home In that city at 6 o'clock last evening, Rev. E. H. Wilson officiating. The young couple arrived In the city last night, where they will reside. In Bottled Beer The BEER of Good Cheer. You may well envy your neighbor the pleasure derived from this perfect brew, hut . it is part of wisdom to provide plenty for your own pleasure. - Bead for ft Souvenir Booklet. JOHN CUND BREWING CO.. La Crosse, Wis. Omaha Branch, to? . Uth St.. Telephones VM and A!?i5 it W r a Jf ..... r-Hv "I. ..." Tent City, Cirontd Btmch, OUiflfmi: ' VV1-''' ' ' ' ' ' ' i -. " ; ..'is :r.. V; -'' - - ' : -r----r. -Mir-..r- - ZZf'.t- 'Yavs? -eaaTl Go West to the Ocean California'! summer climate it finest in the world. Cool Trip on 1ht Santa Fa. Surf-bathing ocean breezes snow-capped Sierras. You can buy combination round-trio ticket to San Diejo this tummer includ ing railroad and Pullman (are, me, It en route, one day at Grand Canyon, and two weeks' bosrd and lodging at Coronado Tent City at a very low price. Tcol City ia a popular Southern California summer aeaaide resort. Writt far ull frtieulmri aeeat that ithfkti Ma-oiea trip. AtcbUesu Tsaska t T XT E. I . PALMER Ssata ft lj. Paaa. Art. 400 Rqultabfa Rldg., UU3 ntMNUS. iX Whu is it so popular?- For throe reasong: It ia ABSOLUTE FUItE, WELL AGED and contains strenKthenlnji qualities. These three properties constitute a QOOD beer, aud for that reason Blue Ribbon Heer ia no ppopular. If you do not already keep it In your bouae give it a trial you will be well pleased. Bold in caaea of 2 dozen bottles, quarts or pints brewery's own bottling. Storz Brewing Co.. PHONE 126. Council Bluff Office) 932 We) art Broadway. W, A. WELLS, Aft-wnt. i at. ataavaue.