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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1903)
0 TTTE OMAHA DAILY REE: SUNPAT, HAY ,11, 1003. SOCIETY GREETS THE BRIDE Jane Weddingj Occasion Huoh Gaiety Among Omaha Gmart Tolki AFFAIRS IN HER HONOh UNUSUALLY BRIGHT Umldrnm Who Will Sooa Become Wivee Are Omenta of Honor at Htnr Fsnetlona Dorlna; the Week. How it Happened. It n her first propoaal. and Bo euddenly It came. The girl wii really lluatered o bhe didn't know her name. And, he did not five her time Her acaUered thoughts to thread. She did the very best she could, And too hla name Instead. Town Topics, The June bride waa the very conspicuous center of laat weeka gaiety and, by the way, the week waa one of the brightest of the whole year. Not that the affaire were of unusual importance in slxe or character, but they were aU unusually smart and. be ing eompllmentarles to those girls who are specially Interesting Just now, each host sa seemed to vie with the other to make bar affair more attractive. And this week the June bride will again hold the envied place of prominence. In fact ahe promlaea to hold It for several weeks to come, for there are weddings and weddings and wed dings ahead. This week the marriage of Miss Ellen Mc8hane and Mr. Will Burns, which will occur on Wednesday evening at the home Of Mrs. E. C. McShane and will be fol lowed by a large reception, will be the feature, and some of the smartest of the Other affairs planned will be In compliment to the prospective bride. On Monday Miss Orcutt will give a lunch eon at the Country club for Miss McShane; Mrs. Charlea Johannea and her guest, Mrs. Kimball, will be at home informally In the afternoon; Miss Daisy Rogers will give a bowling party at the Field club In compli ment to Miss Edith Snell, whose marriage occurs June 17; Miss Karr will give a box party at Boyd's in the evening; the wed ding of Miss DeLong and Mr. Charles Powell at Knox Presbyterian church. On Tuesday Mrs. Arthur Oulou and some of the other women golfers will entertain at the Country club for Miss McShane; the Euchre club meets with Mrs. Ward Burgess; the wedding of Miss Edwards and Mr. Smith. On Wednesday the Burna-McShane wed ding and reception; Miss Fannie Cole gives a kenslngton afternoon for two of the pros pective brides, Miss Herberta Jaynes and Miss Gertrude Macomber; the Karr-Oleson wedding. On Thursday the debutantes will give their postponed luncheon, and after that all manner of affairs are liable to be given for tha hostess who gives her prospective guests more than a few days' warning now-a-days Is exceptional the formal in vitation seems quite out of season, in fact. . Of course there is always the Country club and the Field club, but the weather has been rather a detriment to their popular ity of late and society seems to prefer the home affairs. The marriage of Miss Grace Pauline Long, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. DeWItt Long, will be solemnised on Wednesday evening at Knox Presbyterian church. Mr.-and. Mrs. H.-S. Jaynes have issued Invitations for the wedding of their daugh ter, Miss Herberta Jaynes, and Mr. Wil liam Brace Fonda, which Is to be sol emnised at 8 o'clock on Wednesday even ing June 10, at the Church of the Good Shepherd. ' -The wedding of Miss Ines Lucrecla Ed' wards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ed wards, and - Mr. Frank Blair Smith, will occur on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwards at 3S63 Farnam street. The marriage of Miss Mabel Karr, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Myron D. Karr, and Mr. Julian H. Oleson, . will occur on Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Karr, 2318 North Twenty-second treet. , Mr. and Mra. C. J. Canan have Issued in vitations for the wedding of their niece, Adda Blanche Csnan, to Wilbur Francis Innea. . The wedding will take place Wednesday evening, June 10, at their res idence. Miss Jeanle Canan, cousin of the bride,' will be maid of honor, and Albert Innea, brother of the groom, will be best man. The engagement has been announced of Miss Blossom Rothschild of Pittsburg, Pa., formerly of Omaha, and Mr. Walter Zugh amlth of Pittsburg. The marriage of Colonel J. H. Pratt and Mrs. Julia Montgomery has been announced to occur in June. Mr. D. 8. Barrlnger announces the mar riage of his daughter. Miss Zella Barrlnger, and Mr. Alfred Bowie of Kansas City, formerly of Omaha, which was solemnized at high noon on Friday in Topeka, Kan., in the chapel of Bethany college. Bishop Mlllspaugh officiating. Miss Barrlnger was formerly a popular student at Bethany college and waa the gueat of Miss Mills . paugh at the time of her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Bowie will reside in Kansas City. Mra. J. F. Mawhtnney waa hoatess of a second large affair on Saturday afternoon, kenalngton. at which about thirty guesla were present. Spring flowers and greens made the rooms very attractive and a guessing contest contributed to the amuse ment of the afternoon. Mrs. Mawhlnney was assisted by Mrs G. W. Wiekersham. Mrs. Frank Bllsh and Mrs. Flack. The other women present were: Mmes. J. M. Akin, A. W. Bowman, Aiken, A. G. Charl ton, SwarUlunder, Balrd. Paul Patton, Ryan, Westerfield. Hume, McCulloch, Mer rlam, Magaret. Updike, Hippie. Hoyt, Wil son, C. C. Balden. Eckerman. D. B. Brown, Shiftier. J. U Md'ugue. Robert Dempster, John King. Flnley, Hicks. Hardman, John Dempster, J. M. Ross, John Davis.. Byers. Cameron, D. C. Dodds. George Wallace, Medler, J. H. 1'ntton. Delmore Cheney, Hamllrg. Whltaker. Fredericks. Wester ned. Edward Johnson,' Best, W. G. Cre. Thomas McCague. Wolf. Aull. Misses Al len. Powell. Ryan. I'pdike, Wilson. Adams nd Whlttalier. Miss Pu'ullne Sehenck "entertained in formally on Tuesday afternoon of this week for MIhs Lulu Edwards, whose mar riage to Mr. Frank Walrsmlth occurs June 2. Miss Edwards was the recipient Of a unique "Picture Shower." The after noon was pasxed most delightfully at cards and games. Miss Bes.slo Field win ning the prize for the best acrostic, the in terwoven name of the prospective bride. Miss Corlnne 1'aulson won second prise As a farewell to Mrs. Guy Howard, who left for the east on Frlduy, Mrs. William Mason Wright gave a small tea on Wednesday afternoon. In hone of MNs Kuechle of St. Joseph Mrs. Georg Prltehett entertained at lunoheon, followed by euchre, on Friday afternoon. The following Were her guest,: Mrs. Charlea Martin, Mrs. Frank Martin Mrs Edgar Scott, Mrs. Ward Burges., Mra. Herbert Wheeler, Mrs. Van Nesa. Mrs. E. M. Morxinan. Jr.. Mra. Charle. Kounlse. Mra. Luther Kounize. Mra. Kr-,1 Nash, Mrs. ArU.ur C. Smith, Mra. Joaeph Barker, sirs. Fred Ruailu, Mis., Kilpatrlck, alias Alloa alocUtaae, Mma Allan, Mias He Cllrtock. Mix Wakefield. Mis Susan Hoi- drepe, Miss Cady. Miss Tek, Miss Yates, Miss Kuerhle,' Miss Mae Hamilton. Mrs. Henry Duve entertained Informally on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. A. Driffkorn enterttined at lunch eon on Wednesday, the guests of honor being Mrs. J. O. Redman of Snlt Lake City and Mrs. Price of Portland. Ore. The table was prettily trimmed with roses, car nations and ferns. The guests present were: Dr. and Mrs. Hostetter, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Shaffer, Mmes. N. E. Carter, R. B. Carter, Corey, Vaow, Kellogg, James Dtddell, Messrs. A. O. Muller, J. Howard, Charles Driffkorn, Wel lington Hostetter, Misses Irene Ltddell, Grace Shaffer, Helen Shaffer, Anna Relmer, Ruth Redman, Florence Price, Margaret Hostetter and Anna Driffkorn. Mmes. Barker, Joseph Barker. Klrken dall, George Squires, George Barker and Frank Martin were guests of Mrs. Cud.ihy at a luncheon on Thursday, of which Mrs. Charles Martin was guest of honor. Yellow-shaded randies trimmed the table. In honor of Miss McShane Miss Cotton end Mr. Bon Cotton gave a supper on Fri day evening for Mr. Will Burns and Miss McShane, the other guests present being: Misses Brady, Rogers, Mary Lee McShane, Messrs. Haskell, Lee McShane, Fred Nash and Louis Nash. Mrs. John J. Monell is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greene. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mcintosh expect to leave Omaha on June 19 for New York, where they will make their future home. Miss Baker, who is the guest of Mrs C. E. Yost, will leave this week for Boston, to sail later for Europe. Mrs. August Mothe-Borglum has been called to New York by the Illness of her sister and will remain there until June, when Mr. Borglum will Join her and to gether they will sail for Pails. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Meikle expect to go to Canada the latter part of June to visit before sailing for Europe In July. Miss Margaret Wood expects to spend a month In Ithaca, N. Y., after the close of her school. Mr. Edward Dickinson and Mrs. Lyman are now In New York, from where they will sail for Europe. Mrs. Dickinson did not accompany them and will spend the summer In Omaha. Mrs. Walter B. Wilklns and Miss Darlene Buckingham returned Thursday last from a week's visit in Denver. Mrs. Frank D. Field and baby are ex pected soon to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Field. Miss Harriet Mothe-Borglum has returned from Stanford university. Announcement has been received of the safe arrival of Mr. H. H. Qulnland at Ham burg, Germany. Miss Ethel Wilklns arrived home Thurs day morning from a delightful visit of three months in Denver and Colorado Springs. Mr. Lewis Reed of Chicago is spending Sunday in Omaha and Mrs. Reed will re turn with him, expecUng to spend the sum mer at Lake Forest. , Miss. Karr will give a box party st Boyd's on Monday evening. Mr. John Schenk and daughter, Mrs. A. L. Kinsler. have gone to Europe to spend the summer. Miss Orcutt will leave this week for New York, to attend the graduating exercises of Sacred Heart convent, Kenwood, Miss Jane Orcutt being a member of the class. Mrs. Magee of Chicago spent a part of tha week the guest of her father,' Colonel Pratt. Mrs. O. T. Eastman of Evanston, HI., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burns. Judge Crounse and the Misses Crounse sailed for Europe on last Saturday. Miss Louise Parmalee Is to entertain the members of the graduating class of the high school at a lawn fete. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Pearce have taken the house at 916 North ForUeth street. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kimball nnri of Salt Lake City are auesta of Mr. r- tt- Johannes of 621 Forty-first street and will be at home Informally on Monday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Josrnh F. Mnrnhv h.. turned from their wedding tour. Mr. and Mrs. C. Brandels hiv. ntnn, from Chicago. Miss Helen Brandels has return., fmv. the east. Invitations are out for tha Miss Nettle Lancaster to Clyde Leslie True, June 10. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lancaster, 240 Cass street. OMAHA HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Eleven seniors were made week when the English department of the University of Nebraska pronounced the oratlonB belonging to Byron Eaton, Sid ney Singer. AuiruBt Swensnn nw h, ,,.,.. land, Madallne Hillls, Josle Frazee, Erla Coral. Alice W right, Ellen True, Claire Mc- utuiiuii. uiiu jessie vvaugn victorious. But ta uyicntQ mumcm uaa no yet arrived In two weeks another rnnimt am k. i.i j between these eleven. A number of judges will listen to their delivery and decide 1.IUU1 uui oi mes eleven snail be de livered on graduation dav. The mmmo,.,. at the university pronounced the papers ex cellent and it is rumored about the High school that one oration received 100 per cent, the highest ever received by any student contesting for commencement. But " i-juii nu oeen given from the office. In deciding for delivery all will on Thursday afternoon. M 2s ih. r mosthetiian Debating society held It annual election of officers. As moat of the uujs who nnu omcea oerore election were seniors and would leave the arhnni in T,,n, the society will already be organized when school opens In September under this plan of electing officers before the close of the Bcnooi jtir. aion or me societies reor ganize ai ine opening or tne vear. Th suit of election was: President. Rnr wn llams; vice president. Richard Hunter; sec retary, Lyman Uryson; treasurer, Joseph PweiiAon; sergeajit-at-arms, Richard Pat- in 3UII. The final number of the Illah Hrhnni T. later waa Issued last week. Heretofore it has been customary to issue the commence ment number as part of the year's sub scription, but it will be extra this year. It will contain the orations to be delivered on graduation day. a general summary of the year's' work, a clxstilned list of all High school students and a message from Mr. W aterhouse. Miss Valentine entertained the P. O. S. girls and a number of senior bovs Friday evening. 'The time was delightfully spent in games, after which refreshments were served. The drawing classes of the High school will give a program Monday afternoon, June 1. A large part of the entertainment will bo taken up by living pictures, which promise to be very beautiful. A picture will llien be presented to the High school by the drawing department. The Cadet Officers' chib will give a musi cal next Friday afternoon. The proceeda will g. towards the encampment fund. The gymnasium students took their final examination lost week. The. regular class work has now closed and the physical exams will be taken next week. Mr. V. P. Chlodo left last night for Eu rope, where he goes to buy a new supply of goods and secure the latest Ideas re garding ladles' tailoring. He wishes to state that in his absence the business will be continued the same, etng equipped with an expert cutter and very beat workmen. AIho that there will be reduced pricea on all suits and skirts made up during the summer, especially sklrta. Father Btrltch'a Lertare. "Dante as s World Poet" will be 'the theme of Rev. M. D. Strltch, 8. J., at Cretghton university hall. Monday evening. Admission will be by Invitation, atrictly. Tne Woman's club and the teachers of Omaha have been Invited to attend aa so cieties. The lucture Is given as a tribute to the patroneaaea of the Oratorical ao clety of the university, who have recently given subatantial tokena of Intereat in the uiganlzatlon. The lecture has been deliv ered at a. number of towns In Nebraska and is said to be of exceptional merit. STILL THE SAME HUMPHREY Old Warrier Has Aged Little, Though Considerably Bronzed. REMINISCENCES OF LONG CAREER Jfevr t)nar1ermaetrr general Who A- nmes Ilia Duties at Washington Tomorrow Has Seen Morn For eign and Frontier Service. (From s Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, May 80.-(SpecIal Tele gram.) General Charles F. Humphrey, the new quartermaster general of the army, appeared among his old-time associates of the army and newspaper corps of Wash ington today ready to assume his duties on Monday under general orders. General Humphrey Is hardly a day older, so far as looks go, than when he served as acting quartermaster In the old Department ot the Platte. He Is considerably bronzed, for he has seen much service In the Orient, but he Is still the same Humphrey to the boys he knew at Wounded Knee and dur ing the Sioux campaign. He la still the same Humphrey who built Crawford and Crook, and his meeting along the row today was reminiscent of the days when he went out to the front to take charge of supplies In Cuba, Chins and the Philip pines. General Humphrey enlisted st Buffalo during the outbreak of the civil war and served throughout that conflict with dis tinction. At the reorganization of the army in 1866 he was appointed second lieu tenant of tha Fifth artillery, and for more than a quarter of a century has been an officer of the regular army. General Humphrey saw plenty of service on the frontier and since his elevation to the staff as quartermaster general In 1S79 he has been regarded as one of the most efficient officers of that service. He was chief quar termaster in Cuba during the Spanish American war and upon his own request was assigned to China at the outbreak ot the. Boxer trouble. Since the American troops were withdrawn from China he has been stationed In the Philippines until now, when he comes to Washington to oc cupy the highest position In the quarter master's department In the army. No officer in the military establishment of the United States has seen so much foreign service as Charles F. .Humphrey,. His pro motion Is due entirely to his record. Mrs. D. 8. Guild, Miss Lillian Shryock and Miss Minna White of Omaha are in Washington, guests of Mrs. Paul Hein rlch. Mrs. Guild Is en route to West Point to be present at the graduation exercises at that farrous military college, her son, George Rendel Guild of Nebraska, being among the cadets who will be graduated this year. Dr. and Mrs. Andrewa of Frontier county, Nebraska, are In Washington, guests ot the doctor's brother, W. E. Andrewa, aud itor for the Treasury department. NOMINATIONS FOR JUDGES Judicial Committee Will Meet Next Saturday to Call the Con vention. The Judiciary committee of the republican party for the counties of Douglas, Sarpy, Washington and Burt has been called to meet In Omaha, Saturday. June 6, for the purpose of fixing the time and place for holding the Judicial convention and for the purpose of deciding upon the representation from each county and such other business as may be brought before It. The commit tee will meet at the office of H. H. Baldrlge, chairman, at 2 o'clock. OMAHA SUBURBS. Florence. Mrs. Wiley King went to Tekamah Satur day morning to visit friends and relatives. Scot Leach and sister. Hazel, went to Tekamah Wednesday to visit their bister, Mrs. Frank Taylor, for a few days, L. N. Warller, at Glenwood, la., for the past two months, spent Sunday at home with his family, returning to Glenwood Monday. Miss Yates, one of the teachers tecently elected to teach In the Florence public schools the coming year, was the guest of Miss Kolleher Thursday. Mrs. V. R. Wall and daughter Ruth and her sister, Miss Edna Price, returned Tues day from a three weeks' visit with friends in Lincoln and jonnson county. The street car company out one car on Its line between Twenty-fourth street and Ames-avenue last Saturday moinln. mak ing a trip every thirty .nlnutes. Sunday two cars had to be used to carry the people to r iorence. The excessive rains the past week have delayed farmers to a great extent. A good many have not got their corn planted, and those that have are afraid It will have to be planted again, as the ground Is so wet and cold mat it win rot in the around. Miss Irene Cowan and Miss Hither Fat terson. who have been teaching at the Ponca school the past term, left for their homes at mu, iseD., Saturday m iming. Miss Lulu Morris, who has been tench lng school at Falrvlew, in the Loneruen diatrlct. visited with Miss Jos.uih'nj Kelle her this week. She has secured a school In Omaha and will teach there the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. J. Weber, Jr., entertained a party of young folks at their home Wednes day evening. The house was decorated with cut flowers, while the votumla was swung with hammocks and Japanese lan terns. Progressive high five was the fea ture of the evening, nine games belna- played. Miss Bondessen winning the woman's royal and Paul Haskell the man s prize. Kerreahments were served bv the hostess. The guest list Included Misses Signa, Lillian and Helen Bondessen, Helen Kcynoins, ray Hmitn, Amelia Kosacker, jennie nempie, iertruae ana Hauie weber Mrs. Victors. Messrs. Rosacker. Haskell Armstrong, Walker, Johnson, Evans, Bond essen, rlecKmyer and Harold Reynolds. Ilrnson. Miss I. Johnson has been spending the past week in Omaha visiting at the home or ner nster, Mrs. Tray nor. Mrs. I. E. Fredrick return ;d home last Thursday afternoon after a two months' visit with relatives and friends lit Denver and other western points. The regular business and social meeting of the Epworth league, to have been held at the home of Miss Morgan last Monday evening, was postponed on account of the rain. Mrs. Ernest Emerson, who has been In the Pre.sbyteria hospital at Omaha for about three wveks, returned home last Wednesday and la recovering from the ef fects of the operation. In observance of Memorial day the chll dren of the public schools of this place gathered at the town hall last Friday after noon at 2:30 and listened to an address by John J. Willis of Omaha. After tha address patriotic songs were sung and tha children dismissed or tne day. Services will be held at the Methodist Eplsi'ojial church today at 11 s. m. and 8 ft. m.; rjpwortn-league at 7 p. m.; Junior eague at 3 p. m. Hev. Mr. Crews, rjaator. The motors were run to Benson on the ten-minute service plan last Saturday for the first time this season on account of the opening or nrug para. The wedding of Miss Maude E. Zwelful and Dean V. Smock took place last Wednesday evening at the home of the nriae s nioiner, Mrs. b. .weirul. A num ber of riends ami relatives were present Among the guests were members of tht Institute, for the Deaf at Omaha, of which the bride Is a graduate. Mr. and Mrs Pmock will be at home with Mrs. Zwelfui a tier June io. Bellevne Is Outclassed. YANKTON, S. D.. May 30. -(Special Tele. gram.) Yankton college baae ball team beat Bellevue aollege thla afternoon by score of 13 to t. Bellevue was outclassed from the start snd piled up errors faater than Yankton did acorea. The other game played by the aame teams thla season re sult ad to T In favor of Yauklun ta th Uklrteeata Inning. WOMAN IN CLUB AND CHARITY The recently Issued order of Secretary Shaw to Commissioner William Williams of the port of New York to discontinue the service of women as Inspectors of Im migration has called forth s protest from women all over the country, and now the demand is beginning to come that an offi cial report of these discharged women In spectors be published. These demands sra based upon the "evident Injustice of such discrimination and the equally evident necessity of women in this very service, where they have been ao bitterly opposed." Commissioner Williams has been st all times moat bitterly opposed to women In spectors snd st s meeting called In their Interest a short time ago, at which some of the representative women of New York were present, he announced that all the protection needed by girls coming to this country could be rendered by men; that It was not the work of the government to look after young women arriving here without friends, and that he should con tinue to advise tha president to remove the women inspectors. On the other hand, these objectionable Inspectors are all women of more than the average educa tion and ability, and the reports they have made to varloua Interested organizations Indicate that the real reason for their being so objectionable Is that they aee and learn too much. It la asserted that Com missioner Williams has met . the reports of these inspectors with Just that objec tion. Repeatedly the women have reported rescuing young girls, many of them un able to speak a word of English, from men who had arranged to take them to places In the city, the man in one case lelng the ship doctor and in others the ship stewards. It is the announcement of these facts by various organizations that have Investigated that has called forth the storm of protest from the organized women of the land. While it has been voted by the various organizations supporting the classes at Tenth Street mission to close the classes for the summer, the work refuses to be closed and Miss Magee finds her time al most as much occupied as during the win ter, with the additional duty of finding support for the work. The schedule or me winter hn heen abandoned, the nignt meetings closed entirely, and the big room converted Into a reading room for the summer. A big table haa been supplied with hnnks unit maeaslnea that are very attractive to the older children and grown people. The little people are not ao easily Hinnosert of. but have Insisted upon coming about the building until Miss Magee, with the assistance of some of the women wno have helped her during the winter, has been compelled to devise some plan for taking care of them. The girls have been divided into tens, M-s. Charles Wllllama tnkinir one class in instrumental music; Mrs. Alquest has a class in quilt making; another class of children under S years Mls Maepfl haa in charge: Mrs. MacMur- phy conducts a class in cooking, and there aro still two classes In sewing and music without teachers. In the meantime the hnvs have been busy making garden at one end of the yard, which haa been in closed with a high fence and still affords amnio room for playground. Miss Magea la now trying to get a awing and a sand- pile to complete It. At Wednesday afternoon's meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance union It waa decided to allow SI a week for the aupport of out-of-door temperance claases among the children of the varloua parts of the city. Miss Magee has gathered up the children ,on the river bottoms. In two groups, north and south, another among the Italians on South Nineteenth street, and another out on West Ames avenue, and will endeavor during the summer to interest them in class work with the hope of organizing them this fall. , An invitation has been extended to the members of the household economics de partment of the Woman's club by Mrs Mary Moody Pugh to hold their annual picnic at her home at Bellevue on Thurs day, June 4. The party will leave the Burlington station at 9:10 a. m. and return at 3:46 p. m. The members of the Ideal club of Council Bluffs met at the home of Mrs Thomas Metcalf, sr., on Tuesday afternoon and held their annual election of officers The club Is among the oldest In Council Bluffs and Mrs. Metcalf has served It as president for the last seven years. She was re elected on Tuesday, as were all of the former officers, with one exception. The executive board now consists of: Mrs. Metcalf, president; Mra. Coleman DeVol, vice president; Mrs. Thomas Cavin, second vice president; Mrs. Nathan C. Phillips, secretary; Mrs. John C. Organ, correspond ing secretary; Mra. William Bouthard, treasurer; Mrs. May Banford, critic; Mra. P. J. Montgomery, aecretary of the pro gram committee, snd Mra. Louis Cutler and Mra. Arthur Stevens, the other mem bers. The club haa adjourned to meet In the fall. There will be a meeting of the Women'a Christian association at 10 o'clock on Tuea day morning In the parlor of the Young Men s Christian association. 0. K. Scofield Gloak For Monday, Special Sale on Ebonoid Hand mirrors with sterling mountings, 2.00 mirrors for $1.00. $1.25 mirrors for 62c. 50c mirrors for 25c. All French plate glass. SEASONABLE FASHIONS if' 4390 Tricked Blosse, 92 to 40 bast 2S0 Tacked Plaited Skirt, 22 to 30 waist. A Smart Shirt Waist Suit. Tucked Blouse or Shirt Waist 4390. Tucked Plaited Skirt 4260. Shirt waist suits appear to grow In favor week by week and month by month. This very stylish one Includes one of the latest waists and the always becoming skirt, that is tucked from the hip yoke at the sides and back and Includes a full length front gore. The original Is made of dark blue linen canvas, but all the season's simpler suitings are appropriate. The waist Is laid In wide tucks that meet those of the sleeves and give the desired broad effect, and in narrower ones that extend from one shoulder to yoke depth and provide becoming fullness over the bust. The quantity of material required for the medium size Is, for waist B'i yards 21, 5 yards 27, 4H yards 32 or 2 yards 44 Inches wide; for skirt 8 yards 27, 6 yards 44, or 4 yards 62 Inches wide, when material has figure or nap, 7 yards 27, k yards 44, or 4 yards 62 Inches wide when material has neither figure nor nap. The waist pattern 4390 Is cut in sizes for a 12, 34, 38, 38 and 40-lnch bust measure. The skirt pattern 4260 is cut in sizes for a 22, 24, 26, 28 and 30-lnch waist measure. For the accommodation of The Be readers these patterns, which usually retail at from 26 to 60 cents, will be furnished at nominal price, 10 cents, which covers all expense. In order to get a pattern enclose 10 cents, give number and name of pattern wanted and bust measure. Commencement Lasts m Week. YANKTON, 8. D., May 80. (Bpeclal.)- Commencement a"t the Springfield Normal began last night and will continue for nearly a week. A class of six will be graduated. . NO WOMAN IS BEAUTIFUL on whose faoe. neck or arms there are dis figuring blotches of - Superfluous Hair There ia only one method ' of removing unnecessary hair that is indorsed by phy sicians, surgeons, dermatologists and medi cal Journals, and that Is 'DE MIRACLE" a wonderful liquid preparation, which In stantly removes the hair by dissolving it, retarding and destroying its growth, with out the slightest injury to the skin or com plexion. It ia aure, safe, quick, patnress and Inexpensive. Money refunded if it falls to do all that is claimed for it. Sealed book let, with Indorsements of the largest drug gists and some of the most prominent phy sicians in the land, mailed free. Corre spondence atrictly confidential. "De Mira cle" mailed In plain, sealed wrapper on re ceipt of tl by De Miracle Chemical Ce., Park avs. and 130th st, New York, or Bold by SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE, loth and Chicago 8ta., Omaha. SEE US THIS WEEK Late Styles AT Low Prices IS SUITS, SKIRTS, WRAPS, WAISTS. Suitable for right now and through the summer. We can please you. The wlae ones buy Moth-Proof B igs ic each and aave their clothing. Moths are getting busy now. & Suit Co. I5IO Douglas St. COPLEY wtS JEWELg S He Sella Watches, vl kj mgtr Trunk, 60 pieces CL 3125.00 x MRS. J. BENSON. Just In. new styles in Dress and Walking Skirts. Walking Skirts, Ricillian and Mohair, neatly trimmed prices fo.50 up. Train and demi-train Skirts, voiles and eta, mines prices f 10.50 up. 4 $IO.OO TO $75 Or $5 Down and We want a dealer In every town. We sell COLUMBIA, RAMBLER, RELIANCE Or a chesp wheel for $20.00 Second-hand Wheels from i to )10. TYPEWRITERS NEBRASKA GEO. E. 'Phone 1H63. 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs. 'Phone B-818. .''-?''w-'Ag'''rA. Spring Weddings j We suggest the early placing of orders for Wedding Invita- J tions, Announcements, At Home Cards, etc., In order that ample time may be allowed In which to complete the work In the best X possible manner. Samples nnd estimates furnished upon re- J quest Prices reasonable and consistent with skillful nnd lntolli- gent workmanship. Special estimates submitted to clubs, libra- J rles, colleges, etc. Correct forms. Correspondence invited. Ar- ' tistlc workmanship. The Moyer Stationery Co., I 220-222 South 16th St. Of mind and body is revealed by a clear complexion. No one charm possesses stronger power of attrac tion. Intelligent care can make the skin exquisite beyond comparison. Woodbury's Fadal Soap the only soap made especially for the face is a valuable tonic. It purifies the skin, frees the pores from dirt, decayed tissues and other impurities, and leaves the skin glowing with health smooth, firm, white. Your dealer haa It as cents a cake. nerixl nftVr Our booklet, trial slxe package of Soap opctiai una and Facl(J Cntm for 6 c to p, pottage, or for 10 cts. the same and samples oi Wood bury s Facial powder and Dental Auurcu irepi. THE ANDREW JERGENS at Ask any avsMW who t tk$ If you buy a "cheap" hat- Von never not once ;at any pleasure out of It you're "boiling mad" every time you put it ou you are embarrassed and at cross purposes with the world lu general. Low priced nob ''cheap" hats at s Davies 1511 Douglas St Tour bat la winsome affair no matter bow small the price every desire aod you racret to lay It aside. I Vy3C3 ZJ AAM ST. v Can You Guess? AJIY are moat Wedding Announcements and Invitation nude on our stationery? Because it is by far the latent and daintiest. Here's WHY do the tasty folk looking for the beat In vojrue oome to steel die embossed mooograma aod addressea? JJVEUYTHING ia books and periodicals at little cost. nia)ia)n W'cslern Headquarters for EDISON PHONOGRAPHS andVictor Talking Machines And rhonogrnph Records. Why not buy whore you can have the largest selection. I'O.OOO Records to select from. .OO FOR CASH $1.50 Per Week. Trade the old aewlns; machine off and set your wife one of our celebrated Wheeler & Wilson CALL-BEARING MACHINES We aell for Cash or on easy pny menta. Second-hand 8rnlng Marhlnea from SI to SIO. Free Hawing School Every Thursday, We rent machines of any make for 7Bo per week or t'l per month. We sell pans for and repair all machines man ufactured. 100 Second-hand Typewriters on hand. All flakes Low Prices. CYCLE CO., MICHEL, Mgr. Cor. 15th and Harney Sis. 612 N. 24th Sfreet, South Omaha. 'Phone 4366. 4s4 Trade mark fare on every package cream. 17 CO.. Sole Agents. Cincinnati. O. btsl millaur - '-'viAy, Droit i.' fsJjA StjilLih-haii maJe tef'nniing Becoming hats made stylish -fills your Another us for 5fl . &Qee