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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MAY 31, 1903. 17 FOR ftALR HKAl, F.STATC. D. V. SHOLES TELEPHONE 49, N. IMPROVED. I 4fA Four rooma. 7"x122 feet, east front, on JSih between Hoyd and flprsgue. I 70042(14 N. 37th. 7F,u; Feet three rooma, two harna, norm and phaeton, spring wagon, 2l thoroughbred Plymouth Koek rhlckma. and garden, with leaae on 2't acres. frO 4 rooms, 3-04 Parker, lot 50x131, corner. M 327 Hlnndo, 6 rooma, lot 60x130, high and sightly. W.OOO 1715 N. stun, S rooma. food repair. 69 feet front. NO ma Castellsr, rooma, lot 60x12. fin trees. ILS00-2n.3 Omnt. large 2-story, I rooms. lot toxia. $2.000-37ft N. lath. !arg rooma, sewer, water, bath, electric lights, large lot, fine repair. SNAP. t2.Soo-aF.29 Reward. 7 rooma. sewer, water. M. lot ixl27. 12.250 ,m 8. aist, h rooma, modern except furnace, lot 34x139. 13,000 19 ij 8. 27th. 7 rooma, modern except furnace, 5(1x127. CHOK'E. B,noo-v,42 8. 27th, 60x150, 1 rooms, modern. fine trees. $3,0001335 Georgia ave., 8 rooms, all mod- rn, tine repair. CHOICE. 64,2001503 Oeorgla ave., I rooms, all mod ern, fin corner lot, 60x100 feet, beau tiful location. Want to sell quick. Heaeonable offer considered. 13,600 A rooms, well btillt house, all modem, close to Uh and Farnam, a splendid bargain. $3,004lU4 Chicago (Dundee), large 8-room brick, KKIxl24. BARGAIN. Tne John Francis place on 37th south of Leavenworth, large grounds, tine - room house, with barn, two bath PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 408, near Dorcaa on 17th; 6-room house, city water and aewer. Price $. $01, on 27th, near Shirley St., (.-room house, lot ,6x110, nice shnde trees; $l,4on, easy terms. 2X18 and 2km Grant St., full lot, rent for 114 per month. Price 81.4UO. 151 at JSli) Decatur St., 7-room house, mod ern except furnace, lot box 1 40. nice shade trees, south front. Price tl.bui, easy terms. 6436 In Clifton Hill, one block from Benson car line; 6-room house, modern except furnace, large lot. several shade trees, $1,060, easy terms. 1486 on Jackson, nmr the new boulevard; 7-room house, all modern and nlcelv ar ranged, with cellar under the entire house, $2,300. 1734 on Bristol St., near 2Sth; 7-room, 1-story house, modern except furnace, J2,Gi0. $419 In Kountxe place, a tine home, k large rooma. gas, city water, sewer, wired for electric lights, good furnace, $3,500. If you want to buy In that direction you surely want to aee tbla place. $396 on 2fith. north of bt. Mary's ave , a well built 7-room house, full lot on paved street, which owner la anxious to sell. $3,600. ifii on 8. 12th St., near Dorcas. 2 new mod ern 6-room houses. $5,000. It will pay you to Investigate this property if you re looking for something nice In the south part of town. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main floor New York Life building. Tel. 1781. RE 803-31 NORTHERN ARKANSAS BARGAINS FOR QUICK BALE. 4,000 acres with lots of buildings, railroad witch on land, rich level land, will grow anything, every acre can be plowed, no tone, gravel or sand, enough cordwood to pay for the land; no overflow. Only $3.(0 an acre. Investigate this. t,4o0 acres choice level land, best soli, ad joining depot; 176 acres crops, rents $3.50 ere; fairly well improved; only $8 acre. MANY OTHER RARE BARGAINS. Come with me to Arkansas. June 2d or 16th. Robert Mather, Immigration Agent, Bt. L., I. M. A 8. Ry., Cedar Rapids. Ia. SPECIAL BARGAIN: 400-cre improved farm, good soil, level, near station, in 8. Central III., at $18 acre. Look thla up. R. Mather. Cedar Rapid. Ia. RE 797 81 WE OFFER best bargain In Nebraska 1,120 acres, fine Improvements, 800 acres' No. 1 hay land, balance pasture and farm land. Call for particulars. Homeseekers Association, first floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 814 31 LOTS FOR THE PEOPLE on new motor lines; $90 upward, only $i down and only 85- per month. Save up some money by buying lot and starting a little home f your own. Bern le, Paxton block. RE 808 81 Extraordinary Bargains 60x150 CORNER LOT. ROOM HOUSE. 1501 SO. 29TH STREET, $4,2oo 60x132 EAST FRONT. 13 ROOM HOUSE. 218 NORTH 22ND STREET, $7 ,000 80x112 SOUTH FRONT, THREE HOUSES. 3022-24-26 'CALIFORNIA ST., $12 ,000 Wxl33 TRACKAGE PROPERTY, 8RD AND NICHOLAS STS.. $2,ooo 60x150 SOUTH FRONT ON TEMPLETON STREET. $2S Howard Kennedy & Son, First National Do YOU Want A Good Home, At Right Price, On Reasonable Terms, In a Good Location, If So, See Us. Kennard & Lower, 3CW-10 Brown Blk. RE-763 31 BEST Irrigated lands In Colorado, on rail road, perpetua! wnter rights, part alfalfa, good Improvements, price lowest in the market. Ilomeaeekers Association, first floor. N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 817 $1 SMALL ACRE TRACTS. nir city, for gaiden. fruit, poultry, etc. Be-is. Pax ton block. KE-807 $1 W. H GATES. 817 N. Y. Life. 'Phone 1294. WO -rooni cottage, not far out. KV T rooms, full lot. near 30th ft Miami. $- r7 -rooms and barn. N. W. Cor. 30th and Lake. y, too A complete borne, most new. lot virlj, wslking distance. e?uxl40, eorner, lays high. Bemls Park. "wnir says seil for $W. $imo 4- com cottage, nice. 2S30 Grant. RE-M79I 31 C-ROOM. ALL MODERN. room house, with furnace. porcelain bath, gss, sewerage, oak finish down stairs, full ssst front lot on boulevard; n special taxes; owner compelled to make change and offers the property for quick sals at $2,600; most complete small home on our list; act quickly if In terested. HARRISON ft MORTON. U N. T. Life. Tel. 8U -HOME- 1-et us build you houee and save p'nt rent. Homesrekere amuw"""'' '""i N. Y. Life Bldg. -ROOM HOUSE, strictly modern; sl'O (table, near Hanscom ptr'i. A barjain, $j,3u0. Beniia, Psxton XtU. K-4X U FOR gALE REAL ESTATE, COMPANY. Y. LIFE BLDG, room, strictly modern. excellent re pair. Propositions wanted. Price reasonable. (00 U7xu feet. 44th and Dewey, the best bargsln In West Farnam district. Will furnish part money to bulln. JoO 30xt) feet, on Pierce between 2Bth and 77th. south front, with fewer, water ami itaa. BIO BARGAIN. Or will build to guit. VACANT I 450 $0x140, rter Maflderson, facing Boule vard and 19th St.. double front. I 250 Choice lot, ioxliS feet, south front on Castellar, one block west of Georgia ave., $60 cosh, balance time. I 175 75xliO feet, near Kavan and Arthur sts., llss line, $75 cash, balance monthly. Onlv three blocks from end of 13th at. car line. $ 250 N. W. corner ild and Miami, Mxl? $.V) down, balance time. $ (0076x132 feet, enat front, on 24th near ftnrague. All specials paid. $1,275 Sxl24 feet, on i!4th near Manderson, permanent walk and specials paid. INVESTMENT Four g-room pressed brick houses, renting for $1,440 per year, less than one-half mile from postoftlco. well built, good repair. Price. $11, 400. TH18 13 A HAKOAIN. WE HAVE HOfSF.S AND LOTS ANT) VACANT LOTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. IF NOTHING IN TH18 LIST THAT STRIKES YOU, ASK FOR COMPLETE LIST. RE 301 31 $12 TO CANADA and Return If you buy from us, on Excursions leaving June 2 and June 16 at 8:10 p. m. If you go now you will not regret it. Land is still cheap. $6 to 512 an acre for fine level prairie land, deep black soil. nomestenrts ail i taken and most of them lm- proved. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 510 N. Y. LIFE. RE-774-SI FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming. 50c to $2 per acre for ranches. $ J to $12 for good farm lands. One-tenth cash. Write for particulars to B. A. McALLASTER, Land'Comissioner.Union Pacific R. R. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAUester, land commissioner. Union Pa clflo Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-I72 WII I AM SDN CHARLES E., 1203 'Farnam street. RE W0 10-ROOM modern house, 11 blocks from postofflce. for sale cheap. 106 N. 16th. Benewa A Co. RE 173 FOR SALE OR TRADE Make offer on I room house and full lot at 4510 Seward t. Address Owner, 2304 N. 21st st. RE 6 Jlx 8-ROOM HOUSE, gas. city water, bath. $1,800; $300 down, balance In monthly pay ments same as rent. Bemls, Paxton blk. RE 808 31 60 -10xlJ2 SOUTH FRONT. $ ROOM HOUSE 2640 HARNEY STREET. $4,2oo K0xl50 LARGE HOUSE. GOOD BARN. 1313 SO. 29TH AVENUE, $7 ,000 67Hx320 THREE STORES. SIX FLATS. FOUR COTTAGES AND BARN, $12 ,000 92x338 TRACKAGE PROPERTY, 10TH AND CLARK STREETS. $1, 00 EA8T FRONT. NEAR CAR BARN. 25TH AND TAYLOR STREETS. $5oo Bank Building. $400 FOR AN IDEAL HOUSE In Hanscom Park District T rooms, modern, east front, oak finish gas electric light, stone walk, asphalt pave ment. owner leaving city and must sell quick. Easy terms. HENRY F. DAI LEY. Phone F-S248. 601 p Balding. ItE 740-31 51,600 CO EACH for two nice -room modern cottDg-s. renting for $15.00 per month eich. Ce mented cellars, shade and nice lawn. Lots $5 feet front. THE BYRON REED CO.. 212 South Fourteenth Etreet. KE-7 $-31 A TRIED AND PROVEN GREAT MONET-MA KIND ENTERPRISE. For thirty t-ars C. E. Rand has promptly fulfilled all contracts to his co-opsralors and Investors. The C. E. Rtind Company, co-operative owners of race horses and general turf enterprises, receive lnvest-j.-r.ts of twenty dollnrs and upward, for which they have never paid less than $ per cent per week on every dollar in vested Dividends are remitted to all In vestors on Wednesday of esch meek. All Investments subject to withdrawal, with Interest to date, upon demand. Those having little idle money would do well to become thoroughly acquainted with all details of the business. Financial snd professional referertes covering a period Of thirty years. Wrt'c for particulars. THE C E. RAND COMPANY, 33 BROADWAY. NEW YORK CITY. RE-723 Six I GET CA3H QUICK fcr your real estate or business. If ynj wish m rl, Mnd description and price. Book! fr-e No rommif lion.- Kmersoa DePuy, Specialist, Pea Molues, la. RE-N&vi June EVERY MAN IN OMAHA SHOULD OWN A HOME. BY WATCHING THE REAL ESTATE ADS. YOU CAN FIND ONE AT A BARGAIN. FOR HALF RF1AL ESTATE. Are You Looking for a Good Investment, Either in a Good Farm or Excellent Farm Loans? If you sre interested In fsrmlng. grating or ranch land, and do not see In this list Just what you want, write tia for our price list and description of farms and rar.cnea. We ask that you Investigate this list carefully; It contains some of our choicest bsrgalna Railroad fare refunded to purchasers. 3203 10 acres In Case county, 2 miles south of Plattemouth : room hous, barn with basement, corn crib, brick cave, hog house, chicken house; all fenced anil cross fenced; 800 fruit trees, 1 acre raspberries, 1 acre grapea, t acres pasture, bal ance cultivated. Price. $2.S.V. $0793211 acrs In Merrick county; 1-story 5-rnnm house, good barn, sheds and other nuthulldlnrs: all fenced with three wires and cedar Dostst () acres under cultiva tion; 10 acres in fine alfalfa, all splendid alfalfa land; land level. Price, $26 per acre. 3197 H) acres In Oreeley county; one of the most highly Improved farms In the county; the very best qualify of soli, unexcelled In the production of grain and fruit, l'ifl acres under cultivation, nil balance fenced Into two pastures, with wind mill In each; a splendid house, fine barn, milk house, chicken honses, grana ries, cribs and sheds of all kinds; 4 modern pig breeding houses, all strictly first clsss. The present owner has become Independent from the production of this farm, and nas retired and now wishes to sell. A most extraordinary bargain. Price, $26 per acre. $301177 acres In Ilsrian county; 140 acres In best alfalfn; this fsrm is Immediately sdjolnlng Republican City, and is fitted In tvery way for a feeding station; fine 10-room nouse. elevated tank for watering, ynrd hydrants In nil feeding yards, cribs to hold SO.nwO bu corn snd lumber to build ns much more; barn, sheds and all convenience. Modern In every particular. You ought to seo it. Price, $9,100. Worth $12,000. 3i20 320 seres in Pawson county; 1W ncros In fine state of cultivation; all best of alfalfa land; house, stable, windmill and tank, sheds, etc. This Is practically the last of the $) alfalfa land, and will soon be worth $35. The land Is now worth more money than we are asking for It. Price, $f.l- 3022 li;o acres in Lincoln county; all finent quality of land; V acres now in alfalfa, balance ready to put In next spring; good house; this Is a complete hog farm. Very crenp at the price. Price, $f.ii. glgg ixn acres deeded Innd and lense on 80 acres In Banner county. A most excellent location for cattle, abundant range In every direction; good house, barn, wells with stono reservoirs for holding water, corrals, several sections fenced. Price only $2.:on. It is Impossible to get an accurate Idea of these lands without Inspection. We cor dally invite you to call on us. or drop us card naklng for desired Information. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, OMAHA, MAIN FLOOR, N1SV YORK LIFE BUILDING. "THE ALFALFA LAND MEN" SPECIAL OFFER. Ban Francisco biug. lot, ciiepuitepek st. can., unt., Pie. iu., oo a. aim iinpu. ; good t'itik'8. ; adapted to irult una Col., pueuio, biag. lot in Jjesiseiiier. Fla., Duval Co., 160 a.; impis. and stock; 14j a. timoer; ml. to it. K. Idaho, Idaho co., 173 a. and Impts. ihictifo, ous. una tlut li.dg., Blue Island ave.; brick nnh white some iront; i stories; twelve 4 and 6-r. flats. 111., bHline co., tO a. and impis; 70 a. cult.; l veins of coal. . Ind.; ivenuai.vnle, modern 12 r. Res. and lot, E. Mitchell St.; shade and fruit. Ia., Page co., M0 a. and lmpts.; llu a. till able; well watered; 4 a. orchard. Kan., Reno co., 1SJ a. and impts. Kan., Pottawatomie co., to a. and lmpts. Md., near Annapolis, 200-a. farm; 12-r. house, co'onial style; new barn, etc. Mich., Ogiinaw co.. W a. and lmpts. Mich., Mliiord, house and 13 lots. Mich., Wayne co., wu a. and impts.; 70 cult.; well watered; 3 ml. to R. R. Minn., liennepln co., 30 a. land. Minn., Polk co., 4'jo a. Red Klver Valley land, all tlllab'e; fine grain land. Mo., Hamilton, suburbun property, 20 a. and lmpts.; orchard; 15 a. blue grass. Mo., St. Louis, modern 9 r. brick Res. and lot, Cabanne ave.; In excel'.ent repair. N. H., Sullivan to., Sii a. and lmpts. N. J.. Burlington co.. good ilairv tarm of 80 a. 1 peach and apple orchard. N. Y., Ikui" ilui nuliB. ,lu Jet., KeS., 16 N. Y.. Monroe co., 48 a. and Impts. N. Y., Broome co., 112 a. and Impts. N. Y., Columbia co., 2S4 a. farm; highly cult.; 16 r. house, barn, etc. Ohio, Homes co., 119 a. and Impts.; 4 a. orchard; 19 . timber: 2 ml. to R. R. Pa., Harmony, store, dwel. and lot, nearly new; fine location for gen'l store. P., Donora, 3 good b:dg. lots. Pa., near Mt. Cnlon, lou a. and lmpts. 8. D., Campbell co., 180 a. land. Tenn., Summertown, bldg, plot, 377x404. Tex., Harris co.. 200 .. i Umber. Utah, Box Elder co., 167 a. and impts.; all cult.; in Bear River Valley. Vt., Chittenden co., 185 a., Impts., stock and tools; sugar orchard, l.ouo trees. Wyo., Big Horn co., 1.280 a. graxlng and grain land, on Big Horn river. Pat. on Imp d hanger for awnings and sim ilar devices; cheaply manuf'd; ready sale; $5,000. Complete machine nd repair shops and res., Tuscola, III.; centrally located. . Meat market bus. and machinery, Indiana polis. Ind.; $1,100: stock at Inventory. Complete flour mill. Genoa, N. Y., $3,500. Meat market. Castile, N. Y.. $1,000. Corn and saw mill, S a. land. 2 houses and lets; Van Cleve. Mo., $2,000. Furnished hotel. G'.asgow, Mo., 4-story brick bldg.; 75 rooms, modern, $16,000. Fine hotel and lot, Wheaton, 111.; 20 rms; all modern convs; excellent location, $10, 500. W. M. OSTRANDER. N. A. Bldg., Phila. RE-Sl-31x FORCED TO SELL We will consider low offers and make easy terms on the following properties. Make your selection quick: 2214 N. 21st. 6-room houe $ 551.01 f34 Francis, 4 rooms, full lot 600.00 $23 Pierce, 4-room house 800.00 $014 Miami, 7 rooms, full lot 8&I.0O 1813 Ohio, neat cottage, 6 rooms 1.200 .00 $855 Franklin, 6-room cottage, city water, cistern, barn, lawn, shade, full lot, 11, -w. Make an offer. 1010 N. 24th. rooms, shade, paving tax all paid, in walking distance, for $1..0. M16 N. 19th St.. 8 rooms, modern except fur nace, lot 52x80 ft., price $1,700; part cash, balance terms. Make an offer. NEW mod. cottage, 7-r., N. 24th St.. $2,700. Choice mod. oottage. W. Farnam, $3,400. GARVIN BROS. Cora l Nat. Bank Bldg., 1604 Farnam St. HE 793 31 SIX-ROOM, ALL MODERN. Six-room houses, with furnace, porcelain bath, nas. sewerage, oak finish down stairs, full east front lot on Boulevard; no special taxes; owner compelled to make change and offers the property for quick ale at $2,500; most complete small home on our list; act quickly if interested. HARRISON MORTON, 912-18 N. Y. Life. Tel. 314. RE-M2S3 HOUSES and lot In ) par's of city; also acre property and furm lanas. 'Hie o. F. L)vim Co , Room 6ot i,oe Kii 174 KAltMS FOU SALE. SARPY COUNTY FARM FOR SALE. $li,,vu for '-JU acres aoout u mill's souin of Papill'in, anout ifio acres under culU val.on. La. mice pasture und i.u lunU; lair Improvements; rent lor Vjj3 goes to purchaser 44.iw cash, S.ixw long time at $ per cent. OEOHUE A CO., 1601 Farnam St., Omaha, or 417 N. 35th ct.. South Omaha. -MiiO 31 FUR RBNT HOI SES. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage t.0., oilice lu.tft -rriuili, ui '!,. i . . . , . 1 r r r .n .,11 njrlM tt tl, r.l,u 1. D llu FOR HLNT, 9-room house, all modern ex cept furnace. ,04 N- iwui St., t-u.uu. c. a. tiachraan. J6-3i Paxton at.. D 3 FOR RENT, near illga school. " was capliol Avu.. lv-room modern, $tu. Tel. i7i. U, It lU'tiUiOii, .j dpi. 01 .ve. D-tti HOUSES $5 upward. Bemls, paxton Blk. D-lib CENTRAL, modern. 6-rnom flat, 2i0 N. lid 6ireet. 1 Uj. iTni iF?l"JuJ"rt' of the c"y ThTa (1UU3W F. Davis Co., bus Uee Bldg. D 115 HOUSES. Insurance. Ring-wait. Barker Blk. D 14) PAYNE-BOSTWICK A CO -CholcThoTise. b01-4.i New York Life Bidg. phono lulu. l-it WE MOVE plsnos. Maggard Van A Btor age Co. Tel. 149b. Ottice. 1713 Webster bt. D Mlii FOR RENT, eight room detached house and barn: larsa lawn nnd strictly modern. Apply :iMi Dodg- St Can be seen today. D lui ONE of thoee fine, all modern. 7-roora brick bouses. 3th snd Isard kUs., 120 00. O B. Turk lag tou, i Bee. C M224 'urt HA1.E REL ESTATE. RE-S12-31 for nn.T iiovsEs. FOR RENT Large modern residence, No. lw tieorgla ave.; newly painted mid pa pered; all In good repair; 0u feet east front lot and plenty of snade. John W. Kobuli.s, lt02 Farnam St. U-M275 1 FOUR- room fiat, Leavenworth and Park avenue. E. T. Johnson. V M520-31x FOR RENT, 8-room house. Farnam St.; modern except furnace, in complete repair, newly papered and painted throughout, inquire at U)7 N. Y. Lite bldg. D 164 FOR RENT, modern dwelling apartment, and a suite of two nice office rooms, both In the Davldge building, opposite city hall. JOHN W. ROBB1N3, FARNAM ST. -37 2 6-ROOM cottage, 2012 South d St.. newlv palr.trd, rent $5 Walter Lireen. 39 Bouth 13Lh St. D-615 J2 DESIRABLE large 6-room house, all mod ern, $20. 833 3. 21st. D M5."j FOR RENT, $35 a month. 7-room com pletely modern house, nickel plated open plumbing, house newly painted, papered and varnished throughout; good base ment with slate laundry tubs. Beautiful location; 1035 South 3oth ave.. near two Hunscom park car lines. The Byron Red Co.. 212 S. 14th St. D 293x EIGHT-ROOM cottage, 711 So. 19th sT D-M770 6-ROOM cottage. 2507 Franklin. D M568 Six FOR RENT 5-room cottage, 23d and Ames, city water Inside, $13.00. Kennsrd & Lower, 809-10 Brown block. D 764 31 FOR RENT, 2 and 3-room flats, 708 So. 16th St. N. P. Dodge A Co., 1614 Farnam St. D M759 2 FOUR 6-room flats. 1107 N. 10th St. T. H. FELL. Mer. Nat. Bank Bldg. D 768 31 X 1342 SO. 27. 9-R., porcelain bath, closet, wash bowl, Inrge cellar, fine furnace, house newlv pnlnted and papered. See PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., 601-3 N. Y. L. D 566 31 GOOD HOUSE8 FOR RENT" 2S10 Poppleton, 8 r., mod., furnished... $35. 00 2M6 St. Mary's Ave., 9 r., mod 30.00 1337 Park Ave., 6 r. flats, bath 15.00 912 S. ?Sth Ave., 8-r., city water 18.00 2110 S. 84th, 9 r city water 18.00 188 Corby, r., city water 13.00 3014 Ames Ave.. 6 r., city water 10.00 .M53 N. 17th. 4 rooms 8.U0 2U7 Cumin. 8 rooms and sio-e 16.50 GARVIN BROS. Com'I Nat. Bank Bldg., 1604 Farnam St. D-7D4 31 FR PENT H'anscom Park r)lstHct-$?7.60. Eight-room house, modern, 1 iundry, large yard, permanent welk. pived etreef. Kennard & Tower. 309-10 Brown B'.cck. D 772 n EIOHT-room modern bouse, 2S't nv and Ftrmm. Call 2621 Todge D M8 7 lx FOR RENT, ?S60 Sihler t.. 5-room cot tage, well, bnrn. lawn, $13. 38"" N. ICth St., 6-room cottage, well, etc, ns. 15S Sherman ave., good 6-room flat, bith, cloet, etc . $18. 28"3 Dewey ave., good 3-room modern flit, $10. I9fS Dewey ave., "legint 9-rojm practically modern home. J3 net. Payne Investment Co., Main flor, N. Y. Life Bldg. D-S04 31 FCp RENT. cotMge of five rwti". clothes closet, butlery, bath room. 2'Xi: Ci"fornla st. D S31 31 x 6-ROOM modrrn house, f irnlsbed. for the summer: Are lawn. 2757 Wcbter St.; 'phone I. 2CW. D 821 81 I!tSlE9S CI.IACE.. THE ABBOTT COWAN CO. Phone A-S337. 312-S14-i5 Brown Bloc'i. To i hysicUi.s: Jl.UM will buy a specialty business established lu years; cleared $3,5u0 last year. Owner sells atcoui.l fail ing eyesight. Electric lltht plant and flouring mill in fvebruskn county seat. This is a fine investment; 13.o for both; lime on part if desired. We have one of the best livery businesses in Omaha for sale. Will clear $o,uou per month. 41-room hotel In one of the best towns in Nebraska. Furniture and lease can 04 sncured tor very nine money, only first clars hotel In town. Business good; best reasons for selling. $iio will buy one of the best located saloons In South Omalin. Investigate this. Jewelry business In Nebraska county seit town; invoice with fixtures shout $1,000. Reduction lor cash, owner must leave recount of he.ilih. 27-roont hotel, furniture nnd $ lots, $3,500. Good location. $400 buys one-half interest in small busi nesspurchaser to travel. $n50 buys one-half Interest in small mfjr. business Safe- Investment and splendij prosiiects. $3.f f0 00 for thoroughly equipped brick vsrd ner Omaha. Product very fine; highest prices. Tlnne, if rtralred. nt 6 per cent. To Creamery M?n: 3 croi-neries In Iowa, with klmmlng ftatlons tributary to each. All equipped with latest machinery and running full eapcltv. Owner must have cash at once and will make price low. Our list Is Inrge snd Includes nearly every Ire. ell tries. IF YOT' HAVE ANVTITINO TO PELT. OR TFMritf o MATTER WHAT IT IS WHERE LOT-T ED OR WHAT IT IS WOFTH. LIST WITH US FOR QUICK SALE. THE ABBOTT COWAN CO. Y-7t $1 WHEN you want to buy, set; or exchange any property or business quick, see J. H. Johnson. $16 N Y Life Y-163 MINING In Wyoming For reliable Infor mation regarding mines and other Indus trls uddrese F. A. Carpenter. 2i4 3r4 street. Laramie. Wyo. Y 71i-Jel.' FOR 8ALE Sma'l dairy and milk ro-ne; three lots, goud bouse, barn, chicken house, sheds, nine cows, etc . $2.7 . How ard Kennedy Bon.. 2uf First Ntilonal Bank bid. Y-7i2-31 IltflMCSS CHAMKS. FOR SALE, a good furniture, hardware and undertaKliig business, store building ana rt-snieii.e mso. Auuiess i.ux 1S. Ply mouth, ieb, Y Ml! FINE office business, only $300. Investigate. Address E 4ti, Uee. Y Mid! FRUIT, confectionary and stationery store, with soda fountnln, lor sale in live gold mining town of MHXi population; chars $u per month. Will sell at invoice about K.); must have all cash. C. W. Barker, Lead, 8. D. Y SS M31x FOR 8ALE. b!g blacksmith shop, stin k snd tools; or will sell mock and tools and rent shop: big town snd country; fine trade; no opposition; reason for selling, eyes fulled; will pay to investigate. M. C. French, Bridgeport, Neb. Y M5U J2x IF YOU have $300 to $3,0"0 to Invest In very profitable business, money secured by real estate. Address F 2, Bee. Y 756 31x FOR SALE Drug store. Invoice $1,200.00, In Grant, Neb ; good cash trade of 111.00 daily. Address Box 42, Ogallala. Neb. Y-752 31 I WANT to Invest $:,coo to $1P,0uO In stock of large concern, l to take a position at living salary; must be in Omaha. Ad dress F 4. Bee. T 7H7 31 PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RETURN ED. Send model or sketch for FREE opinion as to patentability. Send tor il lustrated GI'IDE BOOK and list of In ventions wanted, finest publications Issued for free distribution. Contain valuable information regarding patents, trade marks and copyrights; how to obtain and sell them; 100 mechanical movements, etc. Patents secured by us advertised free In thn PATENT RECORD. SAMPLE COPIES FREE. Address. EVANS. WILKINS A CO. Registered Attorneys, u2 F St., Washing ton. D. C. Y WHOLESALE and retail Itquor store, es tablished in 1877, In central Nebraska, will Invoice stock, doing a good business Owner wishes to retire. A splendid op portunity. Wm. Madgett, Real Estate, Hastings, Neb. Y FOR SALE Clenn stock of groceries, tiueenswnre and men's furnishing In a llvo Nebraska town; nice business; rea son for selling poor health. Address D 22. Bee ofllce. Y 100 IjOTS FREE 8end stamp for deed 25x 100 feet. Suburb N. Y. Title guaranteed. 20lh Century Realty Co., 6 Wall St., N. Y T SEND for handsome booklet showing how vou can make $1,000 on every $100 you In vest. No gambling on stocks or specula tion, but a straightforward business proposition in one of the most profitable industries In the world. Continental Sugar Refining Co., St. Louis, Mo. Y BUY JULY WHEAT AND CORN "NOW." $100 Invested In grain or storks by our "Modern Method Plan" should result In large profits within 30 days. Write for particulars and send for our free booklet. "Modern Methods for Safe Investments." Flower & Co., Bankers nnd Brokers. Traders' Bldg., opp. Board of Trade. Chi cago. Y 781 31 X U. 8. STEEL. If you are Interested in the stock market don't fall to get a copy of our special letter on U. 8. Steel and the Tractions, mailed free. Also our dally market fore cast. E. B. Jenkins & Co., Inc.; capital, $100,000, bankers and brokers, 344 4th Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Y-746 Six 11m wtt.t. farm f2. BOO comlnsr week. "The Old Reliable's" phenomenally successful turf operations, conceded the largest, con tinues; straightforward Investment meth ods indorsed by thousands; extraordinary lacllltles for procuring truBtwormy in formation, affording customers opportuni ties to win fortunes: Investments abso lutely safe; handle money yourself; three horse dally wire $10 weekly; play Infor mation anywhere. Booklet free. Pruden tial Bureau, Asessors Bldg., Lnicsgo. Y 716 31 X nnvirsxMENT nosltlons: more than 13,000 appointments last year: chances better for HMo; latCBl UOOH. Willi lull yti ului.i m and 10 week's course In all deportments, 50c. Inland Exchange Co., Toneka, Kan. Y 718 81x $20.00 EARNS $1,100.00 IN ONE MONTH. at This represents nvera months, in inree was earned on a straightforward, pioposltlon coming vlth $100,000 capital; ences. Write for Crescent Co., Dept. Chicago. weeks recently i,4o $20 Investment. A honorable business from u corporation national bank refer particulsrs. Star A X. 226-228 LaSnlle St., Y-704 31 x A LIB'E Income Is every man's duty to ob tain. I have a first-class 8 per cent divi dend paying security. F. J. Revlllo. 11 Uroidway, New York. Y-M.46 lx "THIS BEATS NEW JERSEY" Charters procured under South Dakota Iiws for a few dollars. Write for corporation laws, blanks, bvlaws and forms to Phlllo Law rence, late assistant secretary of state, Huron. Beadle county, South Dnkot. T '.91 Six WHEAT CORNERED BY ARMOUR. THE WORLD'S GREAT FST MANIPULATOR. OUR SPECIAL WHEAT LETTER GIVES INSIDE FACTS AND 13 A FORECAST OF ALL IMPORTANT MOVES IN WlltAT. MAILED FREE. F. J. HOG AN & CO. (Boarl and Exchange Me-nl ers). Hanking an1 Commercial References, Commercs Bldg., Chlcagi. 111. Y-m-3lx LEADING Advertising Aaencv will give Its services free in the promotion of letltl mate enterprises. Send for full Informa tion today. Snyder, .!ohnon A Himlman, 1816 Tribune Bide.. Chicago. Y 6M-8U TO BUY equltv in 2,000 acres of western land. Give full pnrtlculars. Mut be a bargain. Address Box 22i, Omaha. Y 12 Jlx TO CAPITALISTS or emigrants Full of rtclnl information in illustrated pamphlet In English, German or Itnllnn on mining, rubber agriculture snd Industrial oppor tunities in Peru, will be sent free on ap plication to Peruvian minister, Washing ton. D.C. Y-819-81X BUY STOCK NOW in this company at 60c per satire, par value II: fully paid and non-assessable ; guaranteed 12 per cent on investment. Halesmen wanted. The Amcr tcsn Mercantile Supplv Co., 927 William son Rullding. Cleveland. O. Y 796 Six SEND p"lnl for circul-ir of my "Parley Plan" of speculation: sr-nslhle and profit able; an opportunity to make large profits wltli small risk; clients verify my state ments: references given; Investigate snd sttlsfy yourself. H. Bradford Clarke. Jr., 61 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Y 765 Six FOR PALE. 10-ronm first class boarding and rooming hoime full of the best paying bosrdlnc people in Omaha; a rare oppor tunity to get a money-making business. Addresa F 9. Bee. Y-M8J4 2x FOU EXCHANGE. LFMON GROVE '.i acres. Sin Diego, Ctl. Will exchange fo Nebrs'k' fir or prv ductlve cltv proper:'. W. N. Nason. 446 Bee building. Omaha. Neb. 2, C7i JU SECOND HAND EDISON RECORDS In good condition, exchanged at such low figure you can afford a new set. Bend address to F 7. Dee office, and will call with records at your home. Z 811 1 Ml SIC. OMAHA COLLEGE OF MUSIC, 218 Ramgo blk ; L.mmtr term. Apply F. H. Wright, L. L. C. M . Director. -MM7 J29 MISS ELEANOR HARDY Voice and Piano Studio 319 RAMGE BLOCK. Special Terms to Summer Students 1-J30 PROPERTIES HASAUEn. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Manage Estates and Other Properties, Act as RECEIVER, EXECUTOR, GUARDIAN AND TRUSTEE for CORPORATIONS, FIRMS, INDIVIDUALS. and fiscal agents of CORPORATIONS. 1320 Farnam .St. Tel. 1064. OSTEOPATHY. GTD. E. &. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 515, New York Life Bldfi. Tel. KW4. 199 The Hunt Infirmary. McCague Bldg. Tel. 235 it AT.EN FARWFT.L Infirmary. Paxton block. flf4-7 Tel nT. M890 PATENTS. H. J- CO WO ILL No fee unless successful. 318 8. loth St.. Omaha. Tel. 179S. 201 PATENTS-Sues A Co.. Omaha. Neb. Il lustrated patent book free. Tel 1.'3. MMM Jlv?x PR1STI.MG, BRIEFS, ETC. WATERS Printing Co. Linotype composi tion. Tel. 2190. 203 CALL up Gardner Printing Co.. Tel. AST6', for all kinds of Job printing. 517 8 13th st. Mi4X JJ HI (J MAMl FACTIRIKG. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1521 Leaven. Tel. 2068. -20 SEEDS AND POILTRY SI PPLIES. ULLERT A CO., 1611 Howard St, Tel. 3327. MiORTHAMD AND TVPK WRITING. MOSHER 8.H.. Touch T.W., Bus. Branches, Teleg. Cat. free. Oni. Com. Col., 17 A Doug. SOS A. C. VAN BANT S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 2u9 NICn. Business A Ehorthand College, Boyd s Theater. 210 STAMMERING AND STl TTERINO. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 4 Ramge Bldg. -211 STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511 H Farn. Tels, 1559-S62. -212 EXPRESSMAN'S Del. Co. Tela 1195-1145. 213 STOVE REPAIRS. STOVES stored nnd gasoline stoves cleaned. Omaha Stove Repair Works. Tel. 960. -M214 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Pbllbin. 1500 Farnam. 'Phone 7S4 -215 TORNADO INSURANCE. PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY BY Tornado Insurance BEE HOWARD KENNEDY & SON, Agts $09 FIRST NAT. BANK BLDG. M485 Jl TRANCE MEDIUM. BEND 25c and stamp, with date of birth, and get trance reading of your punt, pres ent and future. 1 tell full names, dates, full nirne of future husband or wife, with age and date of marriage; give advice on love, business, marriage, speculation, di vorce, changes, etc., and tell whether the one you love is true or false; guarantee satisfaction. Address Mme. Ie Vere, Lock Box 915, Kansas City, Mo. 756 Six TKL.MvS AMI DACUAGE. THE DEPOT on time L. M. E. Tel. 780. -218 UPHOLSTERING. PETERSON A Lundberg. 115 8. 17th. Tel. L-2358. 20 GATE CITY Upholstering Co., woven wire sorlngs tightened. Tel. B-2075. 1705 St. Mary s ave. Mlt EW BOOKS AT HALF PRICE. We have come Into possession of quito a number of new boons whikiti we will dis pose of tt HALF i ilBLlfHEK'S PRICE. VV e have only one cup ot each, so first I order is mo oiiij one mat can De nueu. , Thexe books are not secondhand or even shelf worn. Thi-y are new nnd dliecl from the publishers. XS'utcli for further lists In succeeding laaues oi The Bee: Regular Our Pnou. Prioj. 1 One's Womankind, a novel, by Louise Zangwill 11.50 $ .60 t The Thousand j.ugeioas und Othei, uy Mrs. Ai trod Seugwl-.K 1.50 .6) 3 A Maker of ihe New or lei. U by Vvm. Elliott Lit-: m. i 1.60 .60 4 Captaiu t'lU. u riooii oi Poems, by E. A. Roumi-on.. 1.01 ,50 6 Tlie i'oiay ui inu neii'iruk Hudson, a tale of '4, by F. M tiavllle 1.00 .4) 7 The Adventures of M. u. Haricot, by J. 8. Clouston.. 1.60 .6j BOD Knight s Lircai y t. amp lug out, by C. C. bniltu.... 1.20 .40 10 Roger VVolcott. by v illi:im Lawrence 1.26 .4) lSThe liing of Unadlllu, by Hov.aru R. Grois 50 .2) 14 The American Jewish Year Book, by Cyrm Adler 1.26 ,40 15 The uoeps in Deliverance, by r rroerlck von Eejen. .. 1.5 .40 17 Tne Vale oi CeJars and Other Talej, by Grace Aguilar 2.00 l.t 19 Tne un aciioolhouso and Other Poems, by T. S. Denl ion to .15 20 The Jeweled Tomb and Other fetor es, by il.e er- ner coiup.iiiy to .11 21 Ik; on 1 toe Requiems and Oiher Verses, by L. A. Robertson 75 . 22 A bunco or Hope Yarns, by a. H. King 1.25 .40 24 The t. onjue.-t of Koino, by Matilda herao 1.60 .50 25 Letters or ..n American Countess to Her hrlend, by tne Countess Herself... 1.00 .4 S4 Insurance and Crime, by A. C. t a.npbt ll 2.00 !. 27 The Pleisurei of the Tab a. by G. H. e-llwaiiger 2.00 1.00 2S fnree Yeura on ins Block ade, oy I. E. Vail 1.2i .40 29 The Man in the Street, Stories from the New lork Timea 1.60 6) 81 The Book of Wedding, ov Mrs. Burton King-la:il.... 1 6'j .7j 32 Poems, by Aiary vlc tt .4 33 The (Jojpel ol Judas iscartot, b A. u. Baldwin 1.50 .50 35 Guided and Guarded, by Joseph 3. Maione 1.25 .4) 36 Life, and How to Live It, b A R. Aldrich l.OO .35 38 Jackanapes, by J. II. Ewlus .50 .20 i The Hermitage and the Handom Verses, by Day ton Ervln 35 ,)S 40 Why 1 Became of Baptist, by Rev. M C. Peters 75 .25 41 Chrlbt'a Message to the Churches, by Rev. W. M. Campbell 1.00 .40 42 Management World bys- tcmi of Railway, by Majo. Pangbourne 1.00 .40 44 The Air Voyage, by Wil liam E. Ingemoll US .15 46 Night-bide of Nature of Ghosts and Giiost Beers, by Catherine Crowe 1.60 .76 48 Our Common Christianity, by A. P. Stanley Si .16 EW BOOKS AT II Xl.F PRICK. 4 Grammar School Alprbra, by E. E White 7$ . $o Mones, a Dream, by Charles Hovev Brown 75 .10 o$ What Think Ye of Christ. by J. L Eldrldge 1.00 .40 54 In the Gtc of Israel, by Herman Bernstein 1 50 .M 61 The Kthlca of Judilrm. by M Iiiru. Vol. II l.OO .40 HV-Mentnl Arithmetic, by I. C. McNeill I CO .40 67 Chloulta nn Ai-ierlcrtn novel, hv Merrill Tlleton. I SO .M RSThe American Jewl'h Year Bock, bv t---rr. Adlcr 1 $$ .40 69- HlKh School A I, -.e bra. by M. A. Hallev 100 .40 60 The I'nncers. by Edith M. . Thomas 75 .30 61 The Mvsterv of RiMm by Rev. John' 8 Atell l. .80 62 Ware Poems, bv H. P. Mc- Donell 7S JJ 63 Progression to Immortality .60 .20 64 Hls Storv, Their Tetters, a prologue bv F. 1). It 100 .35 8-Neither Bond Nor Free, by t L. Prvor 1!5 . 67 Luck O'lJtssenilsle. by the Earl of lildeelelRh 1 70 The Great Procession, ami Other Verses For and About Children, by liar. rlett P. Fnifford K .10 71-Flrst Principles of Nursing. hv Anne R. Manning 1 00 .85 7;How to Teach Rending and Composition, bv .1. J. Boms. 75 .30 73 The Structure of the Kngllsh Sentence, by Lillian G. Klmbnll 1 00 .40 74The Talk of the Town, by F.llsa A. Bengousrh 1 2s .80 75 Garden of Lies, n Romance, bv Justus M. Fermon 1.20 40 77 Uncle Charley, by .cphlne Humphrey 1-3 ;s The Orentcr Love, by A. 8. Crapsey . 1-60 -50 7VbHt Are We Here For. by F Dnndns Todd 1 00 . SO Modern Mission Century, by A. T. Plerson l.SO -50 82 English Lyrics, of n Finnish Hum. bv 11. M. Donner BO .15 83 The Unsiwiikablo Scot, by T. W. II Cronlnnd 150 .50 84gongs of the Slonx snd other Poems, by Will Chamber- lain 1-M 85 The (jueon of Quelpnrto. by A. H. Htillert 2.60 .60 80Tbe llorr Doctor, by Itobort MncDonnld 50 .20 89 Hnrry Trncy, by W. N. Cr- ter 100 .60 90 Knnsns Zephyrs, by Ed Blair 75 .30 91 A I-av Thesis ' on Bible Wines, bv E. R Emerson.. .60 .20 93 Liquid Front tl" Sun's R.iys, bv Sue Oreenlcnf 1.R0 .60 94The Ln't Wedding Ring, by Rev. C Cortlnivl Meyers. .. 1.00 .40 95 Seeds of April's Sowing, by Adnh L. Sutton 76 .40 96 Tne Creed of the Prcsbvterl- ans. hv Rev. E W. Smith. 1.00 .40 P9 Our Lllerarv Delup, by F. W. Halsey 125 .60 ion Indiistrinl Conciliation 1.25 .40 101 Infant Solvation, by M. J. Flrov 160 .60 102 Wr snd Warship, by Henry Bellows 1.60 .40 103 Poems Verses, by E. S. Martin 125 .40 101 The Egyptian Ring, by Nel lie T. Sawyer 60 .20 10t5 The Negro, by Rev.- J. J. Pipkin 2.00 .75 1C7 How to Treat the Trust and How to Win In 1!04. by John Haggerty 75 .28 Call and see them. We also rsrry nil the leading dallies of the United States and the most complete line of popular mairaslnes in tne city. Mclaughlin co.. 10' North Sixteenth Street. Opposite Postofflce. R tll.WAV TIME CARD. UNION" STATION 10TII AND M ARC Y. Union Pacific. Leave, .a 9:40 am Arrive, a 7:50 pm a 3:26 pm a 6:30 pm a 7:o0 am a 3:40 am a 3.40 am bl2:50 pm a 6:15 pm b 9:36 am Overland Limited The Fast Mall California Express.... Pacltio Express Eastern Express The Atlantic Express. The Colorado Special. a 4:20 pm ,.all:30 pm .a 7:10 um cnicago especial Lincoln. Beatrice and Stromsburg Express. .b 4:00 pm North Platte laical a 8:01 am Grand Island Local b 5:30 pm Wnbasn. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 6:65 pro a 8:20 am St. Louis Local, Coun cil Bluffs a 9:15 am al0:30 pm Chlravo, Milwaukee A St. Paul.' Chicago Daylight a 7:46 am all:15 pm Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:45 pm a 3:40 pm Chicago Limited a 8:05 pm a 7:50 am Lies Moines Kxpress. .. .a 7 :4a am a i:i pm CklA.irn. Itm.lf lilind Jt Pailflfl. EAST. ,incoin. cui', niiiing' Denver, Pueblo und west a i:au pm a b:w pin Colo., Texas, Cul. and Oklahoma Flyer a 5:10 pm al2:40 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:33 am a 6:10 pm Chlca30, Minneapolis & 8t. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm a 8:05 am Minneapolis & bt. Paul Express b 7:?5 am bl0;33 pm Chicago Local 10:35 am Chicago Expre.48 al0:S3 am Chicago A Northwestern. "The Northwestern Line." Fast Chicago u 3:40 am a 7:00 am Mail a fc:0i pm a 8 3) am Local 8loux City a 6:1 ) am a 3:8 pm Daylight Ht. Paul a i :35 am alu:2 pm Daylight Chicago a S:0l am all lJ pm Local Chicago all::0Mm a o 10 pin Local Cedar Kunlil 5:10 Dm Limited Chicago a l;lj m n Mi m Local Carroll a 4;O0 p n a 9:50 am Fast ChlcHgo a 5:a0 pin a 3:4j pm Fast Ht. Paul a 6.10 pm a 8:1a am Fast Mall a 2:40 pm Local Sioux City b 4:0) pm b U:.0 am Norfolk A Bonesteel. . .a 7 .15 i.m alO:36 am Lincoln & Long Pine...b 7:15 am bl i:36 am Missouri Ptirlllc. St. Louis Express al0:0) nm a 6:26 pm A. i,. ac ok. La. muk txiu.oj uiii u o.ii) atu WEBSTER DEPOT-l.TTII A WEBSTER. Chicago A N'ort hivestern, Nebraska and Wyoming; Division. I .ah c . A rrl va Black Hills, Dendwood, Lead, Hot Springs. . . .a 8:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming Casper nnd jjougiits a t.w pm o:w pm HaFtli.KS. York, David ny, superior, lieneva. Exeter and tie ward ... t 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm ( lili'sao, ht. Pnul, .Minneapolis A h I. n Twin city Pnskengcr...a B:3ri nm a 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger. .ii 2:"0 pin sll:20am Oakland Local b a:4o pm b 8:46 a-n Missouri Purine. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:2o am a wuiiy. u I'auy t'sufju Dunuajr. u imtiy except Saturday, e Daliy exepl Monday. Bl RLlNtiTON ST I I ION KITH & MASOU liicaao, Burlington A 0.ulnry. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Bperlil a 7:i am a 3:56 pm VHlll.nlit :i 4-IMI t in n 7 i.i am Chicago Local a !:IX um all:"' p n i.iiicaK'1 j.imiiu o.uj n i -s , um Fast Mall a 2:40 pm Iiorllnictnn A Missouri Itiver. Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:50 am bl2:0C pn Nebraska Express a t il um a 7:45 pm Denver Limited a 4:10 pin a 6:45 am jrtlack Ilitls and Puget Hound Express all:l') pm a 3:10 pm Colorado Vestibuled Flyer a 3:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:52 pm a 9:08 am Fort Crook and l'latts- mouth b 3:20 pm bl0:3S am Bel evue & rut Itlc Jet.. a 7:M pm a :27 am Bcllevue A Pacific Jct. u 3 b" am Kansas U4, St. Joseph A Council Bluffs. rV..n. " I Tkn.r I.' s. ft . 1 T . l.Af 8t. I.ouIh Flyr ...a 5;') pm ull 'Mfcin Kansas City Nitsht Kx .aO:30 iin it 6 IS am AKC110K LINK V. I. JAIl riTKAUAHlA-t KBW YORiC LONlH.SIiCKRY AND GLASGOW, MCW YORK, OIURALTAR AND KAPLKS. feu parlor Accommodation. EicclUnt Cuisine, Tb looifort of futisri larcluiJy I onitlrd or triuucd Tf Tukrts iMurd U-twivn Nw Yorit mi ftcOit-k, CllglLAll, ll l4J u4 ill pi itlClpAl coutuivuui points At ftttractlv rAU. fcid (or Uook ol Tours. for Urkt or fural InrortuatiuA mpply im uy local e nt of lh Anctor Liu or ta