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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1903)
TTTE OMAHA DAILY BKE: Til TTftSDAY, AriUT, 9. 1003. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MIOR MKSTIOX. Psvl sells drugs. Stockert aetla carpe's. Expert watch repairing. Leffert. 40 B'y. Celebrated Meta brer on tap. Neuraayer. TOR rent Modern house. 719 Blxth T. Cabinet photos. 2oc per doien. 90S B'way. Twelve-piece chamber net, $2.78. A. B. Howe, S10 Uroadway. Mm W. 8. Rlgdon la visiting relative! anri friends In Gretna, Neb. Eastef. card and pictures. C. E. Alex ander & Co., 333 Broadway. Mrs. E. B. Edgrrton of South Sixth street la home from a visit to Chicago. Real estate In nil parts of the city tnf sale. Thomas E. Catady. 23n Pearl street. nr. C Engel. diseases of women and children,' 54 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. A. E. Klnknld postmaster of Walnut, la., Was In the city yesterday calling on friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Hesse have gone to Prescott, Arls., on a combined business and pleasure trip. Excelsior Masonic lodge will hold a spe cial meeting this evening for work In the econd degree. George W. I.lpe Is home from a trip to Arkansas, where he went to look after his mining Interests. W. C. Chcyne. record clerk of the district court. Is confined to his homo on Madison avenue by sickness. Another half-price sale 'on short lengths of picture frame mouldings. C E. Alex ander i Co.. :i Kroeaway, -h-rT...prertSfLJ!l,1tri;S,,!!!"t H P.lnlU.Gta.7ncom9p.nSe,1n'- I The Retail Grocers' association will hold Its regular meeting this evening In the hall over the Nationnl bank. Tho member ."of the Woman's Relief! corps will be entertained Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mary tteassore, M Broadway. Mr. and Mm.: E. E. Hart went to Chicago Tuesday night. Mrs. Hart will remain In Chicago while Mr. Hart visits eastern points. ' t For Sale Cheap Property at No. Ill North 8th st.; also property at N. n.. corner Fifth avenue and Thirteenth street. C. W. Qould, World-Hersild office. A case of smallpox In the Bailey family, 2615 Avenue C. was reported to the Board of Health yesterday and the premises were promptly quarantined. The woman's auxiliary of Grace Episcopal church will hold Its regular meeting this i afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Forrest Smith, 740 Madison avenue. The Board of Park Commissioners haa de cided that -all laborers employed by the board this summer shall be paid weekly Instead of monthly as haa been the custom heretofore. The funeral of Mrs. Carrie Ma..n was held yesterday afternoon from the family residence, 22 Benton street, and burial was In Walnut Hill cemetery. Rev. James 81ms conducted the services. Mrs. IJne Wlskoskl died yesterday morn ing at her home In Lewis township, aged I 67 years. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 1 o clock and burial will be In the township cemetery. John Zahner of Rockford township, can didate for the republican nomination for member of the Board of County Super visors, was In the city yesterday In the Internets of his candidacy. City Marshal .Tibblta la preparing to serve notice on all property owners and occu- pants of premises to clean ur their back i premises and alleys. A health officer will be added to the city marshal's force In about ten days and persons not complying with the notices will be arrested. The receipts in the general fund of the Christian Home last week were 1440.32, being $240.33 above the nerda of the week, the balance being placed to the credit of tha contingent and Improvement fund. In the manager's tund the receipts were IS0.K5, being IM6.55 above the needs of the week and decreasing the deficiency In this fund to date to $1 1.15. Lawrence Glenn, the Infant eon of Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence' Overmler, died yester day morning at 08 South Thirteenth street, Omaha. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from 748 Washington avenue and burial will be In Kalrvlew cemetery. Rev. O. E. Walk of St. Paul's Episcopal church will conduct the services. Mr. and Mrs. Overmler recently moved from Council Bluffs to Omaha. Plumbing and heating. Blxby & Son. Hasea Heads for . t'adetslilp. Roy Hazen, son of former Sheriff John T. Hazen, of Avoca, wa3 the ranking can didate at the examination held Tuesday In Red Oak for the appointment of a cadet to the naval academy at Annapolis from the Ninth congressional district. The three alternates are Shirley, Allen ot Atlantic, Benjamin Barnes of Tabor and Robert A. Dunn of VUUsca.' Others who took the examination, were George S. Johnson of Atlantic, Charloa O. Scott of Council Bluffs, L. Matt Rlppjy of Audubon, Thad W. Ray of Red Oak, in field Mayne of Council Bluff', Laurenae A. 'Williams of Council Lluffs and Elmer I1ew qulst of Stanton. The examining board was composed of Dr. L. A. Thomas of Red Oak, Prof. W. M. Moore of Glen wood and Prof. O. J. Mc Mbdub of Council Bluffs, r i-:; Mr. Hazen will be required to appear for physical examination either at Des Moines or Omaha on April II. -. Tha three alter nates will also be required to appear at the same ttme. If they desire to retain their chances In the event of the principal fall ing to pass. National Roofing Co., 126 Main Street. Heal Estate Transfers. These transfers- were filed yesterday In the abstract, title and loan ofllce ot J. W. Squire, ltd Pearl street!" William Kubs and wife et al to Maria and Claus Peterson,- ne' block 63, Allen at Cook's add., Avoca q. c. d..$ 1 Fred Hon and wltu to Churiee T. Car ter, iota 17 una i. block 1, Trtynor, w. d Same to C F. Bhreve, lots 4, 6. 6. 7, ti, 38 and 39. block 1, Treynor, w. d. Bame to Thomas Flood, lots 25 to 29 and 1, except east 6 feet block 1, Trey nor, w. u Bame to Thomas Flood and brother, lot 14, block 1, Trey nor, w. d Bame to Anna Orme. lots S and 40, block 1; lot B. block 2. Treynor, w. d. Same to Lilly M. Duck, lot 1, block 2. Treynor, w. d inert ft to Oeorge H. Wright, lots 7 and I, block 10, bayllaa' '1st add., a. d 800 400 600 3"0 164 6GJ 18,420 Eight tarnnfers. total $21,171 N. Y. Plumbing Co.. Tel. 2J0. Night, F667. Not : ejjge, -' tut": tbe nest ladies' garmeut. Ourt latest method of French Dry Clean ing is superior to any other. Never heard of it, eh? Well, well, bring your wearing ap parel to us and we will show you the finest and most artis tic work turned out in tha city. Ogden Steam Dye Works C.RT:U t tlOK, rilOPa., 301 Broadway, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Work called for and delivered. "Phone 7ol. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN, a Pearl Council bluffs. 'Pboae 17. Easter Dyeing BLUFFS. ACCEPTS THE SHUGART SITE Library Board Authariwi Iu Puroba't for the New Pablio Library. VOTE ON PROPOSITION SIX TO THREE Aetna! Set Cost of the Property- to the Board to Be s)10,900 Indrr the Amrsdfd Proposition of Sir. Shagart. . Unless the unforseen happens the Carne gie library building will be erected on the northwest corner of First avenue and Sixth street, the board of trustees of the free public library having- by a vote of 6 to 3 decided laat night to close the deal with E. L. Bhugart for his property. The site selected by the trustees has a frontage on First avenue ,of 100 feet and on Sixth street of 192 feet. It lies Immediately south of the postofflce building. Tha price to be paid for the property Is 111,000. to which must be added $1,084 special Improvement. assessment, which the board assumes. In " event of the trustees being -nable to dispose of the buildings on the property at. a figure sufficient to reduce the actual coat of the site to $10,900, Mr. Shugrat will either pay a sufficient sum for the. build ings to enable it 'to do so or else make a corresponding reduction In the price. The motion to authorize the president and secretary to close the deal with Mr. Shugart was made by Trustee Bender and seconded by Trustee Balrd. President Rohrer and Trustees Tyler and Burke voted iriilnit It while TViisteea Bender. Bnlrd. Stewart. Cleaver. Mrs. Everest and Father,'"1 almo" 88 uaeniy ne ap- Smyth voted In favor of It. I pf,a,ed and notnlnK further had been heard This action ot the board was anticipated, ! 'rom nlm unt" nl blu tor 40 49 was nlp as It was well known that six of the trus- ! b,efore tnf countJr board' H1" c,alm ln te. h decided before th me.tin. to i eludes railroad fare to and from Sioux City bring the matter to a close In favor of the ; ghuaart site I At the opening of the , meeting Secre tary Stewart read a communication from Mrs. Sarah E. Pusey, In which she offered, In response to an Inquiry to reduce the 1 , . , . , . i pi ice vu iicr piuci 17 bi nuiuw ktcuuq nuu Pearl street from 110,500 to $9,000... The reading of this communication developed an Interesting fact in connection with the selection of the site by the board at Its former session. Judge McOee, who was acting for Mrs. Pusey In the matter, was called to St T.,i. ,.(... ,-.,-, i Louis and before leaving spoke with Secretary Stewart, President Rohrer, Trustees Balrd and Bender and asked to have the meeting postponed until rpldrv Ntewart. Kresioent his return. He left for St. Louts under tne impression mat mis woum oe aone Dut aurng hi, absence the session was held " .. . , , . and the expression of preference made for the Shugart site. this meeting the offer of Mrs. Pusey to reduce her price. from $10,500 to $9,000 was not submitted, owing to the absence of Judge McOee and It carae before the board for tha first time ,last night. The board, however, declined to consider It. Trustee Tyler, In declaring his Intention to vote against tha Shugart site, .declared he was .now In favor of the Pusey corner. Trustee Burke urged that the board give, the matter further consideration. ' , . There '.was . a large number . of .citizens present and they were given an opportu- nity to address the board. Attorney John M. Galvln made an eloquent plea for the j Pusey site, speaking as a citizen and tax payer and not as the attorney of any per son or body of persons. Dr. Macrae, Park Commissioner Graham and others also ad dressed the board In opposition ,to- tne Shugart site and urging the selection of any of the other altea offered. CONCLUDE FORNEY INQUEST 1 Jury Recommends That Suspect Rogers Be Held for Farther Investigation. The coroner's Inquest over Albert H. Forney, who waa shot and killed in his salcon on West Broadway Friday night, was completed yesterday morning and the Jury brought In a verdict to the. effect that Forney came to his death from gunshot wounds Inflicted by a person or persons unknown to the Jury. To the verdict was attached a rider recommending that W. C. Rogers, alias Frank Parsons, the suspect under arrest, be held for further investl- J gatlon In connection with the crime. Two new witnesses were Introduced at the inquest yesterday by the' authorities for the purpose of further establishing Rogers' alleged connection with the shooting of Forney. Mrs. Addle Powers, living at 1003 Brcadwav, testified that she went to the saloon at about 10:30 the night of the mur- , der and noticed two msn peering nio inn front window. Che particularly Identified j Rogers as one of the men and said that as she was about to enter the door of the salcon, the man who resembled Rogers stepped back, thus enabling her to secure . a good look at him. Richard Organ, son . of Attorney J. P. Organ, testified that on last Friday after- noon as he and a companion were passing 1 the Northwestern depot on Broadway, he noticed three men sitting on the chsln fence lust east of the depot platform. He I was positive that Rogers was one ot tho j three men. Organ's testimony was In con traventlon of Rogers' assertion that he did I not arrive in Council Bluffs until Satur day morning, the morning following the murder of Forne;-. The third and last witness yesterday was Will Chownlng, a cook employed In the restaurant a few doors east or Forney a saloon. He said that he beard tbe three shots and ran to the rear door ot tha res taurant and looked out Into the alleyway but did not see any one run from the saloon. He ran down the alley to the sa loon and looked In threugh the rear 'Win dow, but could not sea any one ' in the plare. . It had been expected that Rogers would have been arraigned yesterday afternoon following tha Inquest, but Assistant County Attorney Hess, who baa tbe case In charge, stated that he did not expect to arraign him before Friday. PROTEST FROM CLERK REED Asks Board to Rescind Reaolatloa, bat the Sapervlsprs Decline. Freeman Reed, clerk of the district court, filed with the Board ot County Supervisors yesterday a protest against the resolution adopted by it Tuesday relative to tbe print. Ing of tbe bar dockets, coupled with the re ouest that the resolution be rescinded. The beard declined, however, to take It back. The protest was as follows: I wish to protest against the feoljtlon adontt-d by yojr honorable body,1 on April 7. 1C"3. concerning the printing uf the bur docket, for the Avoca court, and this fur the following reasons: 1. The attorney general of Iowa haa given an opinion that It Is the duty of the clvrk to furnish the bar docket In the ful'swtng lansuaaa; "The clerk la directed to Iixr- nlsh printed calendar.". Vnless some statute direct." how these calendars are to be pro cured b the clerk. cr who in to print the BHine, he h'l an Hhf .i.ute illfcrellnn In the matter which cannot I p controlled by any one. I tlnl nothing In the statute which authorizes the board ol supervisors by any resiiliitlun, or by any vote, or In any man ner whatsoever, to Interfere with the ex ercise of this undoubted discretion given to the clerk. It Is true the lto.ird ot Super visor must order the payment for them, and It has the right to Insist that the cost of the printing stall be reasonable, but In my Judgment, has no power given It by law to Interfere with the discretion of the clerk In having sjch calendars printed, where, when, and by whom, his good Judg ment may dictate." II. The county attorney who Is my legal adviser as well as yours, had advised me and you. that this la mv duty and not yours. III. The district court has twice held In this judicial district that the printing and distribution of bar dockets Is within the control of the clerk. IV. The supreme courts of Wisconsin and New York, under statutes like ours, have held the sntue. V. You admit In your resolution that It Is my official duty to control the printing of ine oar uocaei. VI. This contract was let bv me to the Avoca Trlbjne. at a saving to the county of more than 20 per cent, for a calendar superior to any heretofore obtained for the Avoca court. VII. Your resolution Is wholly beyond the cope of your offlcl.-l duty. VIII. The statement contained In your rerolutlon that the supervisors h.ive exer cised this authority for the last twenty years : erroneous. Fnr f,ie Nainni T Biihvnt. .lint ia(ii resolution does me a greut injustice and , scouin De rescinded. Yesterday's session of the board was de- vo,ed 10 examining and allowing the usual are grist of claim, against the county. One claim which caused considerable amusement and was rejected was that of E. H. Maguire of Marengo, la., for his alleged services and expenses In causing the ar rest of several men for seining In Lake Manawa last December. Mbgulre, who ap peared In Council Bluffs claiming to be deputized by the state fish and game warden. Induced former Justice Bryant to Issue warrants for five men alleged to have been seining In Lake Manawa. Magulre and nawa and one ltem ls fr "looking round Onawa" for which he charges 3 cents. J .-- . . . , PORTLAND COMPANY ANSWERS ! . - - .. , Denies the Rlitht of Pottawattamie County to Assess Ita Cap ital Stock. The Portland Gold Mining company of . CnlnrAdn filed veaterdnv In the rllatHM enurf I ' . . . . its answed to the suit brot-ght by County Treasurer Arnd to comnet the romn-nv , ... j . . i - .. . produce Its books and accounts so that J " a '"- "r . u' 7"'. " the holders of stock might be assessed for i taklnK the ' ' -b layers at taxation of their holdings or stock. their face he was properly convicted. The The anawer denies generally the right of j appeal was dlsml,1 the authorities of Pottawattamie county to' In-the Burna trom O Brlen county, tax the company, as it waa incorporated ! th rellanc8 n the-taet of a mistake In under the laws of Iowa solely for the pur- I lh name of th Prosecuting witness was nose of tran.nftinc- hinp nd wmin. ' declared to be worthless., It was also com- an effective Industrial corporation entirely and exclusively within the limits of the state of 'Colorado. Further that It was never organized for the purpose of holding property or doing business or carrying on any transaction whatever within the state of Iowa, and that it has always been assessed for taxation add paid taxes In the state of Colorado. "In answer to the demand that it be re. quired to produce Its books and accounts, the company sets up the contention that to ' Ag a w nil M n.ii.n v n I n a a ... I nn n. " " I 'l";u"":u"'u,;'' " ',0,ck ,a ,l8,ted on tne lnln8 "change i w vviuiauv DuiiuKB auu is cuusianiiv changing hands by sale and purchase, mak ing It necessary that the stock books re main In Colorado Springs at all times, ow ing to these constant transfers of stock. Regarding the stockholders the answer sets forth that there arc 1B0 approximately. In number and they are scattered through out a majority of the otates of the Unlou. that some are citizens of and residents of Great Britain and the Dominion of Canada, that only about 30,800 shares of the issue of $3,000,000 are held in Iowa and none by residents of Pottawattamie county. It calls attention to the fact that nu merous other foreign corporations ,are In corporated under the laws in Pottawatta mie county, but no attempt has been mads to tax them and that the Portland com pany la entitled to equal Immunity In this respect with the other foreign companies and that it should not be made the sub ject of undue and unlawful discrimination by this proceeding. The answer shows that the Portland Gold j Mining company was Incorporated in this C0Unty February B, 1894, the Incorporators oeing r. c. Condon and W. F. Crosby of New York and Joel T. Valie, H. K. Dever eux and W. S. Stratton of Colorado. Also that during 1894 and 1895 the company ex changed Its entire Issue of capital stock. piacea at 3,000.000 divided Into 300.000 shares for the mining property and that It na pai,i more tnan $4 000,000 In dividends The answer Is signed by James F. Burns president of the company. jn the district court this afternoon Judge wheeler expects to take up the case of George g. Wright and George H. Mayne against the City of Council Bluffs. This Is the salt in which Wrlzht and MavnA lay claim to a certain portion of Bl lWe parfc, xnls morntig Judge Wheeler will hear the application of the Omaha Bridge & Terminal Railway company for an injunc tion restraining the Maaoa City & Fort Dodge Railroad company from crossing Its tracks at Fourteenth street and Ninth ave nue. . Argumenta In the suit of the Avoca Journal-Herald against tbe Avoca Tribune were concluded before Judge Wheeler yes- . terday and the court took the case under advisement. E. E. Sluss of Cedar Rapids, Ia., attorney for and partner of V. M. Cunningham, the tax ferret, ls In tbe city for the purpose ot bringing ault against Pottawaktamte county for the amount due under tbe con tract held by Cunningham. The contract provided that Cunningham was to receive 60 per cent of all moneys recovered Into tbe county treasurer through his efforts in unearthing property which bad been con cealed or withheld from assessment. There Is due Cunningham under the contract close upon $20,000, but payment had been refused by the Board of Supervisors pending the litigation instituted to declare the con tract null and void. Bowline at Elks' Clnb. Team No. J, captained by Dr. Deetken, defeated team No. 6, captstned by C. Hater, in tbe bowling tournament at tbe Elks' club last night. The acore follows: TEAM NO. I. 1st. id. Id. Total. ueetaen IK? lil 165 6 '3 Arnett IV) ltM ii7 4"3 Bereahelm 1J6 J:6 144 . ,i Haselton lf7 13 1?7 v Mill W 13ti 13" 3t7 Totals Ta 761 (65 ' 2,149 TEAM NO. 5. lat. id. S1 Tots Hafer 134 151 li3 4' Wallace 143 In 1 Z Medlar lul hi 173 475 Gardner K''J 115 Y:l 3S Van Da Vere US li i3 443 Totals tea KS ttt 1,041 MANY CASES ARE REVERSED 1 Su remi Court at Adjomntd Seaiion Hand Down Many Opinions. CHANCE FOR TWO CONVICTED OF MURDER Prosecntlon of Prof. Pike Likely to Be Dropped. Provided He Will Not Start Dsmsge ' Salts. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. April 8 (Special.) The Iowa supreme court held a session today, adjourned from January, and delivered number of opinions In appealed case. Among them were a number ,of criminal cases and the proportion of cases reversed I wai unusaally largo. In the case of the State against Jack Phillips, from Wapello tounty, the court was compelled to .pass on an unusual question, - Phillips was town marshal at Eldon and made an arrest of Clarence Debard, who was drunk. Debard would not travel easily and the officer struck him with his club and repeatedly struck him over the head. Debard's skull was "Belted and he died and Ph ilips was indicted for murder lit the .first degree and convlctod of mansulaughter. On appeal the case was affirmed, but on rehearing a new question was raised anil It waa shown that at the poet mortem examination ,of Debard It was shawn that ' his skull waa abnormally thin. It was therefore con tended that It was, the thinness of his skull and 'not the severity with which he was struck that- caused "his death, and the court goes' to tar as . to at least admit that this question should have been turned ovpr to the Jury. The case Is reversed on he ground that this defense was proper and was not properly lven to the jar?. In the 'case of .the Slate against W. W. Ames, who was convicted at Dubuque of embezzlement, there waa reversal because the indictment was brought under one sec tion of the statute and by the Instructions of (he court the conviction was made under an entirely different section But tho evidenco In the case Is also reviewed and It Is pointed out that there wa no embez- zlement In fact. Ames was engaged In 1 winding up the affairs of a building and ; loan company and had trouble with a cer tificate holder, who brought suit. Did IV ot Perfect Appeal. The case of M. O. Clemona of. Union, who was Indicted for murder in the first de gree and convicted of manslaughter, was eaullv ritannaoH nt The court found that J "' - th"e Proper appeal, no Indictment, , Palld "e court waa absent during a, part of the trial dictating Instructions, but the .appellate court decide that this was hardly true, as the Judge stood In the doorway and dictated . his, Instruct 16ns to a 'reporter In the next rootn. , The' cose was affirmed. Insanity Cas 'front VMllsca. ' i I L. i -i .In the Thlele- tiaatU from Montgomery county, 'there wSa' errr'ln the instructions of the Judge as lQvkaily. which was tbe defense, and- on this the traversal was made. Thlele had been separated from hla wife and as she passed his 'house In Villisea he rushed out Into then street aad atabbed her three times wHh? a knife, from , which she died In a? few minutes. It was shown he had talked a great deal about his right to kill his wife and-there was certainly support of his Insanity plea. Edward Dennis,, who was indicted wlth Wesley Irwin and Eupene Mason far killing Oscar Miller; a tramp., at Shenandoah, does not get a new trlcl. '.The three men put up a Job to -kill the tramp and Irwin and Dennis were copvleted,,and given long terms. In the case against UMark Vance, who was convicted of a most repulsive crime, er rors were found. In the matter of admissions j by tbe lawyers and In Instructions regard ing the statements of tbe case aa made by both sides. ' ' . One civil case decided ,1s ot more than ordinary Interest. It is that ot tbe Na-' ttonal State hank' against the city of Bur lington Involving the question of deduct ing value of government bonds from, the as sets of a bank In determining the value of its stock. Tbe court holds that no such deduction Is possible. The case does not Involve assessment of government bonds. Death of Veteran Minister. Rev. E. B. Vail, for more than forty years prominent In the Methodist ministry In Iowa, died at the Methodist hospital in this city this morning. He was nearly 80 .years old and for many years was pastor ot the Orace Methodist Episcopal church in this city, but was also on the circuit tor a long time. Some years ago he gave (10,000 to the MethtAllat hospital and as he left quite an estate it Is believed that in his will be left other charitable bequests. Insurance Case Decided. An Important question in Insurance mat ters was disposed of In the district court In the case of Jennie Tuttle against the Iowa Traveling Men's asioclatlon. Tuttle lived in Kansas City and was Insured for $5,000. He committed suicide In Kansas. mmm to Hie lesenn (If Lawsoa Btreet. Bt. Paul, Minn., Nov. T, IMI. I tntojtA the hrt of health until aboet two years ao, when I hd a attack of tyrhntd ' I had quit rcovtrd I was out on a cold night, slipped oa the lc and badly strained myaelf. I paid little attention to It ui, til in a fw werka, I noticed my back brgan to ache frequently. I felt aore and lame and headarhe added to my mlaery. I alao found that my general health waa falllnc. 1 waa Irresular at my nienetrual perloda, and tha now waa very scasty aud extremely painful, with a heavy -ruab of blood to tha head and eahauatlva palna through my entire Dudy.. . t . Having uttia lanu in aociora ana naving Wlr.e of Cardul eo highly pralaed by my frl 1 decided to take a fours 't treatment thin a week 1. waa relleveo. tne grew im and leaa. the palna disappeared, ni ap petite returned and 1 enjoyed good aleep. At tn next menstrual period the now wee natural am patnlees and haa continued eeem like a sw wolnan and so ever I gladly Indora your Uble curs for sick medicine as the uas lofal woiueo. ThouMTida of women hate learned to fear the comingr of tho menstrual period and dread Ita Dosalble 4meluenoeB. We waut to tell every suffering, afflicted wouiau of to-day that she can have relief. Wine of Cardul will cure her aa It haa cured 1.500.000 Buffering women of every kind of trouble. Testimonials received eren report tbe removal of Bo,-called incurable tumors. Wine of Cardul regulates the menstrual flow, stops flooding, cures bearing-down palnB, re lieveB the Inflammation of leucorrhen, preventg mlacarrlage and robs child-bearing of its pain and dft UEvr Ev'ery drugglst sells Wine of Cardul. and you can go and get a $1.00 bottle to-day and take it with perfect assurance that you will receive benefit from Its use. Don't you think Wine of Cardul ti worth your attention after It haa done so much for Mrs. St. John? .t If yon think yon need adTlce. address, giving symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medl- Rhe sought to recover on the policy on the ground that the contract was In fact made In Missouri erd that the clause of the Iowa statutes forbidding recovery on a policy In case of sulrid- would not there fore apply. The court held that the Iowa law would prevail even though the con tract was made In Missouri and the sulc clde occurred outside of this state, and found for the defendant company. The case will be appealed as one Involving an Im portant question. Jir Iowa Corporations. The Iowa Securities company of Sioux City has been Incorporated with $100000 capital by George E. Scott and others. The Messenger Printing company of Fort Dodge has been incorporated with $30,000 capital by George K. and Clarence Roberts. The Smith-Talbot Manufacturing company, has been incorporated at Cedar Rapids with $50,000 capital. The Cedar Rapids Water company has Increased Its capital stock to $675,000. The Board of Trustees of the State col lege adjourned Its meeting until May 6, when bids will be, received on the revised plans for the new central college build ings. Pike Prosecution May Re Dropped. Efforts were being made today for a compromise of the cases Involving Prof. Pike and Miss Minnie Siegel, prominent musicians of the city. Miss Sclgel has In dicated 1 a desire to have the prosecution dropped and to permit Prof. Pike to go his way provided he will not commence coun ter suits against the Selgels on account of his arrest. Prof. Pike was forced to re main In Jail over night and Is deeply hu miliated over his plight and still insists ( that he will marry Miss seigei, tnougn she does not Indicate that this will be the outcome. " SIOUX CITY FUGITIVE HELD FleelnsT Man Charged wli. jeale- ment Is Arrested at West Baden. SIOUX CITY. Ia., April 8. W. H. .Hop kins, representative of Edwards, Wood & Co., a grain commission firm In Sioux City, who disappeared a few weeks ago and Is said to have left a large shortage, has been located at West Baden, Ind. He says he will go to Minneapolis, the headquarters of the firm, and try to effect a settlement. Partisanship la Dropped. CRESTON. Ia., April 8. (Special.) There was no friction In the organization of the new city council or In the election of the officers, although the democrats have con trol of the council and there is a repub lican mayor, the democratic members vot ing for all the appointees of the mayor and the republicans voting for the democrat caucus nominees' for the city officers. Af ter J. C. Sulllvsn was sworn in as mayor and the newly elected aldermen had taken their oath of office the following officers were elected: Clerk, W. H. Robb; street commissioner, Joe Sayler; scavengcT, Oliver Jones; official paper, The Morning Ameri can; chief of fire department, Robert Bis sett Jr.; health office.-. J. V. Reynolds. The mayor trade but one change In the police force, Will McKee belrg substituted for John Longshore as night police. Ulnar the Cnrfew Bell. CRESTON, Ia March 8. (Special.) The practice of ringing the cerfew bell at 9 o'clock to warn the young people under It years of age to be home and off the streets that was so popular all over the country last year, was used by the officers of Creston and proved very beneficial, and served its purpose well, but during ' the winter months the practice was discon tinued. The city council have again ordered its execution and the bell was rung for the first time again last night. Officials say that they are going to see that it is obeyed and if a youngster is caught out after the appointed hour he will be arrested. The flr3t trial proved entirely satisfactory and the warning was heeded by most of the young people. Celebrate Golden Weddlns;. CRESTON, Ia., April 8. (Special.) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home on North Birch street yesterday. They have been residents of Union county for the past thirteen years and are quite well known. There was only a few of their friends present at the anniversary and for the enjoyment of them the old people sub mitted to a mock marrlago In imitation of the more important event half a century ago. There has been three children born to them, all of whom are living and two of whom were present. The guests remained with the old people all day and refresh ments were served. Want to Drain Mud Lake. JEWELL, Ia., April 8. (Special.) Hun dreds of acres of rich land may be re deemed the coming summer If plans go right as started by Prof. D. A. Kent. He haa drafted a petition for the draining ot Mud Lake. One hundred names will be secured. The plan ls to have the county do the work and tax the cost to abutting property owners, wtio would be the chief gainers by the accumulation of lands. Poisoned by I se of Milk. MUSCATINE, Ia., April 8. (Special.) Tho family of Engineer William Mobley waa poisoned by drinking milk supposed to have contained formaldehyde. Prompt medical aid saved their lives. Tbe milk was purchased of a milkman who had evi dently used the formaldehyde aa a pre servative. heard f rienda. of thir neaaacn and etace. I President Woman's Protectory. , ;'t - , -.W x J AJLTL STRAIGXITf ro THE 11 v.;. -i&TOsgsa J SSBSBBBBSSBKISABBsnBBBSBBBBBBaBSBBBBBBSBBSBBSBBS FAIR HEARING IS RESUMED Witness Tells Why He Had l ittle to Say When Questioned by Detective. NEW YORK. April 8 The hearing on the will of the late Charles L. Fair, who was killed in an automobile accident In France laat August, was resumed today. Mrs. Hannah "H. Nelson of Newmarket, N. J., mother of Mrs. Fair, seeks to show that Mr. Fair died before his wife. Lucian Mob, the Frenchman, who testi fied yesterday that when he reached tbe scene of the accident he found Mr. Fair dead and Mrs. Fair breathing, waa again on the stand. Mas was questioned about an interview he had had with M. Plcard, a French se cret agent, regarding the agent. Mas said he had refused to tell Plcard .who waa with him and where he had been when he witnessed the accident, because Mas and his friend Moranne had been to Deauvllle with women and did not want their wtvea to know about It. Mas said he had not described the ao cldent to M. Plcard differently than bla description at this hearing. Counsel for Mra. Nelson objected to cross-examination as to what time they boarded a train after witnessing the ac cident. Opposing counsel said it was moat important, as It "shows Mas was not at the place at all." OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Marketing of Hoars Continues Light Even as Compared with Pre tons Week. CINCINNATI. O., April 8. (Special Tele gram.) Price Current aaya: The market ing of bogs contlnuea moderate. Total western packing was 330,000, compared with 350,000 the preceding week and 356,000 last year. Since March 1 the total Is 1,760,000, against 2,055,000 a year ago. Prominent piacea compare aa follows: 1908. 1902. Chicago 540,000 705,000 SOUTH OMAHA 21X1,000 240,000 Kanxas City . 170,000 " 200.000 Bt. Louis 145,000 108.000 St. Joseph 151.000 ' 166,000 Indianapolis 64. 000 83,000 Milwaukee 34,000 46.000 Cincinnati 40.000 41,000 Ottumwa 31,000 42,000 Cedar Rapids '25.000 32,000 Bloux City 36,000 86,000 St. Paul 72.000 to.000 ADLAI STEVENSON LOSES HAIR Former Vice President Badly Burned While Trying to Extln-' BTolah Fire. BLOOMINGTON, III., April 8. Adlal Stevenson formerly vice president of the United States, ,l0bt his hair and moustache and received painful burns on the face, bead and hands today while trying to ex tinguish a fire. The fire started in a bedroom and Mr. Stevenson was attracted by tho smoke com ing through a transom. When he reached the room Mr Htevenson found the curtains ablaze. Without calling for aid, he rushed In to tear them down and in an Instant the hair was singed from his head, his moustache burned, off and hla face blis tered. Mr. Stevenson retreated before his clothes caught fire. The property loss does not exceed 81,000. DAY & HESS, Council Bluffs Money to loan on Real Estate; lowest rates; funds on band. Mortgage Investments for sale. Call on or write uc if you have money to Invest, either in mart gages, bonds or real estate. Real property cared for. ' Small farm near city at a bargain. DAY & HESS, Council Bluffs House and lot in Council Bluffs cheap. I MRS. GEORGE ST. JOHN, President Woman's Proclory. f " A LA V "My'" U ALA SPIRITS CdDEQET S WOMAN The Maximum U reachsd In tha production ot Hunter Baltimore Rye The perfect typo of tho purest whiskey. Its tasto la a treat. First Called and First Recalled KEEP YOUR HAIR. COKE DANDRUFF CURE and Hair Tonic Makes the Hair Grow, Keeps the Scalp Healthy. So!4 Everywhere la $1.00 and SO Cent Bottles. A. R. Bremer Co., Chicago. Farm of 22S acrea, 6 miles S. E. of city at great bargain for 10 days. The Ora Clark farm. Kino boase, all bot tomland, not subject to overflow, near station, acbool, etc. There la $10 per acre profit In thla. Tbe finest farm la tbe country at 105 per acre. - 5 1 1 . , 1