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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY llEEs SUNDAY, FEilUlTAltV 1, 11103. a DIES AS RESULT OF A FALL Frank Maxwell Jump from Mcfia Sireai Car and Ee- tm Fa'at I ju.iei GOVERNOR KLPS DEDICATE CHJRCH . I I on a wsrrsnt" swcirn out by Miss Lulu Mc- t'onnell. a feeble minded girl, rhnrrliia I him with sssault. was clven his prelim inary bearing In Judge Walker's rourt to 'lay. Thn evidence Was not sufficient to hold the drfc cilunl and be was released. CREIGHTON COLLEGE WINNER I.arce Delearatlna of Omaha and oath On aria V. M. . A. Pn t Mr a Lit a ad Take la Flihli, Mistake In (irlillil la Responsible fy First Irtllon la r'nvor of lloane. O. W. Slubba officiating. Mr. Ewing la clerk of tbe district court of this district and prominent In the political affairs of this county. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. 31. I?pec!al.)--Frank Maxwoll, clerk of the First Na'lonal bank, died this afternoon from th effects of In juries received by falling MI attempting to alight from a moving motor car Thursday evening. The car had passed I' aire, t, at which Mr. Maxwell desired 'o alight, and teeing this he ran to the front end of the car and Jumped. He was picked tip uncon scious and taken home, where he died to day. The deceased was a highly respected and prominent citizen of Lincoln and leaves a family. Governor Mickey will aaaiat In the dedi cation of tbe new Methodist church In I Di versity Place tomorrow. Following Is the program: 10:30 a. m. Sermon. Hlohop C. C. McCab?, ,1 It. ; dedicatory service. H'.shop McCabo. ' :30 p. m. Platform meeting with ten minute speeches by Governor J. H. Mickey, Revs. P. P. Carroll, L. F. Smith, F. U Wharton and N. A. Martin. ! :30 p. m. Union missionary me ting of young peoples Chrletlin organization. 7:30 p. m Bermon by O. W. Abbott, D. D. Omaha was represented In Lincoln to day by forty boys from the Junior depart ment of the Young Men's Christian associa tion and nineteen from the same organiza tion of South Omaha. They were here to eee the Bights, the guests of the Young Men's Christian association of this city. The entire crowd, under he guidance of a delegation of the Lfncoln Young Men's Christian association, visited the state csp Itol this afternoon, shook hands with tbe (From a 8tfT Cnr"-si rnr1etit. LINCOLN. Jan. 31. (Special Telegram.) Crelghten eol'ege s the winner of last j night's ora'orical contest. Last night It was announced that Imane was the winner. I It was discovered this morning that Rev. II. O. Rowland, one of the Judges, had graded three colleges the same for second place. I nder the constitution no two colleges can be graded the same. After a consulta tion, upon motion of Doanc's representa tive Rev. Rowland's votes were thrown out and in their place were substituted tbe votes of the referee. Lysle I. Abbott. This gave the decision to Crelghton col lege And placed Dome third. Crelghlon was represented by F. S. Montgomery. COAL IS ALL CARRIED AWAY at Three Carloads Left In Yards Grand Islam! Tikes In One Mht. LINCOLN. Neb., Jan. 81. Union raclflc switchmen at Grand Island allowed three cars of coal to stand la the yards over night. It wat the first of a rush shipment from Colorado to relieve the coal situation In Grand Island. This morning the cars were found dis mantled and wrecked and the coal had all been carried away. There Is no trace of the parties who took the coal. RAILROAD AND SUTTON AGREE Ireet la to Re Opened! and Company Will Make Mrny Sabataatlal Improvements In City. SUTTON. Neb . Jan. 31 (Special) Th controversy between the R. & M. railroad and the city council 1.4 in a fair way. to a satisfactory siljvstr.irnt. Superintendent Blgnell was here today and met th? citizens In mass meeting, ex- I plaining the nerds of the company In order to handle stiecufMully Ue rncreascd pas senger and freight traffic by reason of the establishment or the TCtnsas City Omaha division station and the general prosperity of this region. After a free dlacus.'lon the sense of the meeting was taken nnd was embodied In a motion aud passed unanimously, agree ing to the closure of the street ssked for. In return for this the city gets certain sub'tnnttal Improvements by the company which will be ornaments to the city. New streets are to be opened, crossings Improved end lighted at night and num erous other Improvements made by the railroad company. Already plans have been perfected for a new brick block as soon as the brick plant csn commence operations. PLANS A COMMERCIAL CLUB governor and saw most everything that I , , .,, he - "-" ' was to be seen. Later they went to t penitentiary and finally finished up with a basket ball game. They were a handsome lot of youngsters and were distinguishable from their Lincoln brothers by that "rich, beefy flavor" which they brought with them. The Atlanta State bank of Atlanta. Phelps county, has organized and filed Its papers with the State Banking board. The capital stock Is $5,000. The Incorporators are: J. J. Titus, W. B. Fulk, E. O. Titus. M. A. Fulk and O. H. Titus. Battle Creek Is to have a new church, known as St. Patrick's church. Its cost will be not more than $10,000 according to the articles of Incorporation filed with the secretary of -state today. The Incorporators arc: Bishop Scannell, A. M. uoianeri Tomorrow Slasht to Perfert Organisation. . HASTING9. Neb., Jan. M. (Special.) Mayor Miles has issued a call for a mass meeting at the city hall next Monday night for the purpose of organizing a commercial club. Aa there are numeroua propositions up for discussion and constd eratlon It is thought that a permanent or ganlzatlon will be established. Wasti Partnership Dissolved. WAHOO, Neb., Jan. 31. (Special.) Sarah A. Johnson has filed action in the district court asking for a dissolution of Thomas Walsh, pastor: Owen O'Neill and j tne Partnership existing between her and John I. Hugh. The Callaway family, of whom there are six, at least that number have attached their names to articles of Incorporation filed in the office of the secretary of state, intend to operate a flour mill and elevator at Oakdale. The capital' stock Is $r0,000 B. R. B. Weber and John B. Weber. All parties are Interested In tbe Valparaiso drug store, for which plaintiff gave $1,350 for a half Interest. This partnership has been In force since May 20, 1902, and she now states In her petition that the part nership agreement has been violated; that Colonel J. W. McDonnell of the Second regiment, Nebraska National guard, bns ap pointed Lieutenant Justin M. Sarbach of Company V regimental quartermaster. Pythian to Meet In lleatrlee. BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. 31 (Special ) A district meeting of . the Knights of Pythias Indies will be held In this city next Wednesday, Delegates will be In at tendance from Falrbury. Wymore. Liberty, Tecumseh and other points In this sec tion. The grand chancellor and the grand keeper of records and seal will be here to exemplify the work. Secretary Allen Move. TECUMSEH. Neb.. Jan. 31. (Special.) Mr. A. B. Allen, for many years a resident of this city and now private secretary to Governor J. H. Mickey. Is moving his family to Lincoln. Their home will be at 1623 K street. lornsheller Takes Two Finger. BEATRICE, Neb.. Jsn. 31 (Special.) A. J. Johnson, a promlent farmer of Han over township, lost two fingers In a eorn sheller while feeding tbe machine on his farm yesterday. PRINCE GIVES UP THRONE Heir to Eaxonj Grown Decides to ficnoucca ths Eaocecioo. HAS A PECULIAR SENSE OF HONOR Most Flash! a Dael with Man Who Kloped with the Princes or Retire from Head of the Army. tiet Job at Lincoln. TECUMSEH. Neb.. Jan. 31. (Special ) Miss Mary Greer of this city has secured a position as stenographer In Adjutant Gen eral Culver's office In Lincoln and Is now at her new employment. FEAST AND TOAST THE WOMEN Men of Albion Give a Danqnet and Reception to Member of (he Local Woman's t'lah. ALBION. Neb.. Jan. 31. (Special.) A pleasant affair occurred here last evening In the nature of a reception and banquet to the Woman's club by their gentlemen friends. The club has been Interested In a number of public Improvements In addition to the regular courfe of study and has In conse quence become a very popular organization. At different times In its history the gentlemen-have been permitted to be present at the annual banquets, and in consequence took special pleasure In making the event of last evening as successful as possible. The following toasts were responded to, Hon. H. C. Vail acting na toastmaster: "The Twentieth Century Olrl," H. F. Lehr; "The Woman's Club as Viewed by a Mar ried Man." W. C. Weitzel; "The Dtnght- zen as an Art Decoration." O. M. Need- ham; "The Woman's Club as Viewed by a Bechelor," F. M. Weitzel; "The Ladles." F. J. Mack; "The Gentlemen," Mrs. E. T Farmer. LEGISLATIVE MILL AT WORK Many Bill Are Reported by Commit tee Anemone for State Flower of Sooth Dakota. LEASING SYNDICATE ACTIVE Lincoln is to have a new building and j has been excluded from taking any loan company known as the American i P" ln lne Business oi me nrm ana irom Home. Savings and Loan association, and participation In the business or affairs of the articles of incorporation were filed to- Arm; that said B. R. B. .Weber and John day with the secretary of state. The In- B. Weber since August 4, 1902, have been corporators are: F. M. Tyrrell. A. W. Lane. ln possession of the stock, are applying tho C. A. Wyman. S. A. Boyd. E. R. Fletcher parmersmp property 10 meir own use, ais and J. H. Mcday. The Incorporators made 1 slpatlng and squandering the property; thai arrangementa with the state to do a busi ness that will Involve $5,000,000. SPRING THE FAKE, IN . YOF.K Sam Old B-xploded Fallacy Aboat IJe craaalac County's Tasen y Eqnal Islaar CHy. Aaeasnea. that said Webers keep no books of accounts or ledgers or correct account of the re ceipts or expenditures of the business. On account of these things the plaintiff wants an accounting and receiver appointed. Klectrle l.lnrht NIOBRARA. Neb., Plant Resume. Jan.' 81. (Special.) Delegation Help (olng to Uaihhixton FIs I'p Indian Matter. PENDER, Neb.. Jan. 31. (Special Tele gram.) A. E. Wlltse, at the head of delegation representing the land lease speculators In the neighborhood of the res ervation, Is on the way to Washington with the avowed Intention to bring pressure on congress in favor of an appropriation for the salary of the Indian agent, which was left out of the appropriation bill. In cldentally, the committee will try to se cure a revocation of the ruling of the In terior department which set aside and can celled the bargains made for the purchase of Indian heirship lands. An effort will also be made to have Agent Matthewson reappointed. Women Give an Entertainment. TABLE ROCK, Neb., Jan. 31. (Special.) The electric light plant here, which has xne women of the Woman's Suffrage asso been shut down for the last year owing to elation of this place gave an entertainment BENEDICT. Neb.. Jan. 31. (Special.) , vn" m artesian en Here lait nlHI il Ibc omri booie. A tea The' railroads are commencing to use the ' power at the flouring mill, will be opened ture nf (nt program was a matron's con test, ln which six matrons competed for an oratorical prize. The following were the successful contestants: Mrs. Lydla K. An drew, Mrs. K. E. Cleaveland, Mrs. Ann Kovsnda. Another feature was a contest between tho Women's quartet and the fa mous "Happy Husbands' quartet," ln which the latter unexpectedly carried off the honors. A neat sum was realized for the cause. country papers ln molding public opinion , up early ln the spring, a new forty-horse against reform In taxation, especially at- 1 power engine having been contracted for. tacking tho Omaha real estate dealers' Over 300 lights were in use when the busl plan of reform. This wse:i an unsigned ness suspended, and It will be patronized article appeared In tho York Republican, ( better than before, since the great annoy a newspaper that always stands for the , ance ln the old fashioned ways have been public's Interests. The anonymous writer . experienced. Greenburg Bros. & Randa are reproduces the arguments which are being : the owners of the plant and franchise and used by the railroad organs of the atsto. also operate plants at Verdigris and Creigh According to the statements made by ths ton and secure power from the .Verdigris' anonymous correspondent, York county creek for both. would collect less tsxs and Omaha would secure more than Ita share by the adoption I of the plan of the Omaha Real Estate ex- MeKlnley Day nt Niobrara. NIOBRARA, Neb., Jan. 31. (8peclal.) change, whereas the facts are that the McKinley day was observed last evening Omaha plan wculd increase the assess- under the auspices of the Grand Army of inent of railroads In every city In the state tho Republic, the school children occupy- and would not a Bert tbe situation In the ing most of the time with an ar-nrooriate counties In the smallest degree. I program. A supper was served, after which I I Mr, and Mrs. Jamea Esgate publicly cele- J HIS FATHER WILL PROSECUTE brated their golden wedding. Rev. E. J. T. , Connely, pastor of the Metbodist Episcopal Beatrice Yonth to Answer Charaje of church, officiating. Occasion was also taken Stealing a Horse from Hla Parent . to further organize for tbe forthcoming district reunion, to be held here next Au- gust. Accomplice Alao Arrested. Daalnesa Chanare at Edajar. EDGAR. Neb.. Jan. 31. (Special.) BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. 31. (Special Tel egram.) Otia Heffleflnger and BUI Blowers were arersted today at Concordia, Kan., ' 8. J. Whltten, Edgar's largest lumber and charged with stealing two fins saddle ! coal dealer, has sold his yard, stock and horacv from the former's father, who lives grounds v to the Nebraska Lumber com near this city. The 'horses were sold to a pany. Poor health and the fact that he farmer near Concordia and have been re- I s obliged to undergo a severe surgical covered. Tbe young thieves are residents I operation prompted him to go out of busl of this city. They will be brought here ' ness. Monday to answer the charge of horse stealing. Mr. Heffleflnger has expressed a willingness to prosecute his son, who stole team from him aeveral years ago. Johnson County Doctor Oraranlse. TECL'MSEH. Neb., Jan. 31. (Special.) Tbe Johnson County Medical association has been formed and officers elected as fol lows: Dr. M. Stewart of Tccumseh. presi dent; Dr. E. T. Black of Cook, vice presi dent; Dr. C. K. Chubbuck of Tccumseh, secretary; Dr. G. J. Rubleman of Tecum seh, treasurer. Drs. J. W. Turner of Ster ling and C. D. Barnes of Tecumseh were chosen delegates to the state association. A committee on public health and legis lation includes Drs. B. F. Gay, A. J. Fitz aimmons und C. D. Barnea of Tecumseh. PIERRE. 8. D.. Jan. 31. (Special Tele gram.) In the house today the appropria tions committee reported favorably on the bill for deficiency ln the expense account cf the Aberdeen Normal: for an appropria tion of $45,000 for a girls' dormitory at be Aberdeen Normsl. for an appropriation to pay Mary E. Kldd's expenses as a mem ber of the Woman's Botrd of Investigation. The Judiciary committee reported favor ably on a bill to give school boards and townships the right to refund bonds with out a vote of the people, and reported ad versely on a bill to raise the age of con sent to 18 years. The state affairs committee reported fa vorably on a bill to Increase the bend of the state treasurer from $260,000 to $1,000. 000; the bill to authorize the wsrden of the penitentiary to get out building stone for stste capitol: the bill to compel heads of state Institutions to keep for inspection schedules of stste property under their control, and the senate bill locating the state fair at Huron permanently. Bills Introduced ln the house were: By Hale, to provide for appraisement by county boards' of stste lands in the, various coun ties for the purpose of fixing a lease price for same; by Price, to appropriate $6,000 per year to the state fair; by the approt prlatlons committee, to appropriate $6,303 for printing constitutional amendments and appropriating $36,100 for printing state re ports; by Gross, fixing April 1 as the date for valuation for assessment. House bills up for third reading were to provide for notice by mall of delinquent personal property taxes before the list la placed In the hands of the sheriff for col lection, which passed, as did the bills fif ing compensation of road overseers at $2 per day; placing mutual fire Insurance com panles under control of the state Insurance commissioner and providing for the Inspec tion of sheep. A bill to prevent prostitution was mads a special order for next Thursday. In the senate favorable committee re ports were presented on hills providing for regulations governing surety companies on official bonds: establishing a mining ex periment station at the School of Mines and a bill adopting the anemone as the state flower. There was a slight discussion on the bill to- abolish days of grace. In which Abel of McCook championed the mea sure and Boyland opposed It, the bill pass Ing by a vote of 24 to 14. The principal new senate bills were by Robertson, providing for a state tax com mission of three, to be appointed by the governor; by Northrup, fixing fees for filing chattel mortgages. Next week promises to put a little more life into the session as several measures of Importance such as tbe lease bill, in surance laws, and appropriations are likely to get out Into the open for the members to exercise themselves upon.. BERLIN. Jsn. 81. A curious story widely told In the provincial and Berlin papers this morning is thst the crown prince of Ssxony Is determined to renounce his suc cession to the throne in favor of hla son, George, who Is ten years of sge. The reason given is that the military code of honor does not permit a husband, wronged as he has been, to remain In the service, and the crown prince, as com mander of the First army corps of Saxony as the the future lommsnder of the entire Saxon contingent, must pass upon the flnd- I Ings of military courts of honor, which, In circumstances similar to those or tne crown prince, require a challenge or the laying aside of the uniform. The crown prince, it Is sdded. Is scarcely expected to challenge Prof. Glron, the tsacher of languages who eloped with the crown prlnoess, but opinion In the srmy Is so rigid on points of honor that the crown prince Is regarded as ineligible to review decisions of courts of honor, pro tecting the honor of the uniform. The Rhelnlsche Courier of Wlesbsden says without reservation that the crown prince has renounced his right to succes sion to the throne and ;he Berlin Morgen post's Dresden corespondent says he has already appealed to the emperor to relieve him of all military positions. ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WEAK? Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It To Prove What the Great Kidney Remedy, Swamp Root, Will Do for VOL, tvery Reader of The Bee May Have a Sample Eottie Sent Absolutely free by Mali. HALL STILL IN TROUBLE Man Discharged for Bank Rohhery Moat Anawer for Rohhlua; Postofrlce. KANSAS CITY. Kan., Jan. 31. (Special Telegram.) James Hall, acquitted of tbe charge of complicity In the robbery of tbe bank at Clatonia, Neb., yesterday, was brought here this morning and will be tried for robbing the postofflce at Green, this county. Tbe evidence against him is strong. WIFE MURDERS HER HUSBAND Bitter Quarrel l.ate l.aat Mnht Be. trreen lonple Ends In a Traaredy. HAZELTON. Pa.. Jan. 31. Adam Relch- ert, aged 60 years, died today as a result of bullet wounds Inflicted late last night by his wife during a quarrel. Mrs. Reichert Is under arrest. It used to be considered that only urinary and btadder troubles were to be traced to the kid neys, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their beginning In ths disorder of these" most Important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood that la their work. Therefore "when your kidneys are weak or out of order you can understand how quickly your entire body Is affected and how every organ seems to fall to do its dutv. If you are sick "feel badly," begin taking tbe great kidney r.'m.d.v. Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root, because as scon as your kidneys are well they wilt help all the other organa to health. A trial will convince anyone. Weak and unhealthy kidneya are responsible for many kinds of diseases, and it permitted to con tinue much suffering with fatal results are sure to follow. Kidney trouble irritates the nerves, makes you dizzy, restless. sl?epless and Irritable. Makes you pass water cften during the day and obliges you to get up many times during the night. I'n healthy kidneys cause rheumatism, gravel, catarrh of the bladder, pain or dull ache In the back. Joints and muscles; makes your head ache and back ache, causes Indigestion, stomach and liver trouble, you get a sallow, yellow complexion, makes you feel a though you had h art trouble: you may have plenty of ambition, but no streng:h; get weak and waste away. The cure for these troubles Is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. the world-famous kidney remedy. In taking Swamp-Root you afford natural help to Na ture, for Swamp-Root Is the most perfect healer and gentle aid to the kidneys thaf is known to medical science. " , If there is any doubt In your mind as to your con dition, take from ycur urlno on rising about tour ounces, place it in a glass or bottle and let It stand twenty-four hours. If on examination it is milky or cloudy, if there is a brick-dust settling, or If small particles float about in tt, your kidneys are ln need of Immediate attention. Swamp-Root is pleatant to take and Is used In the leading hospitals, recommended by physicians In their private practice and Is taken by doctors them selves who have kidney ailments, because they recognize in tt the greatest and most successful remedy for kidney, liver and bladder troubles. If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root Is what you need, you can purchase the regular P DR. KILMER'S SWAMP-ROOT Kldry.LtrwBteJdr CURE. T titlM,tf OT 1f- taaMTitMrlfnU T ftfVf raaaaJi Msl t Wall .rraaV CKtrtt iMt VYryvM In f. lf rmm tmtrn ltV tlraJM Mj I BCTCM r fall 4rM ?r tbt em twU nm l rvqsilr. TOli rn rvmtdy ttm til Aeid trmtfclM a4 tftaWm !) to weak hMntn, path aa catarrh of lb Maria?, fra? rhumrtlaava livhaft ana Uri-lM'l 'Hmu. . kite tl ttl wvt fanrif kHpy filar alt. Illia.aaanlUUia. tinn otxiT vr sr. kuum co BINGIIAMTO, K. Y. Sold by all Druggists. W'S'. (Swamp-Root Is pleasant to takaV, fifty-cent and one dollar slzn bottles at the drug stores every wbere. Don't make any mis-' take, but remember :he name'.' Swamp-Root. Dr. K'lrnef'k Swamp-Root, and the address,' Blnghamton, N. Y., on int bottle. EDITORIAL NOTE You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful remedy Swamp-Root, sent absolutely free by mall, also a book telling all about Swamp-Root: and containing many of the thousands upon thousanda of testimonial tetters reeelveil from men and women who owe their pod health. In fact their very lives, to ihe grat, curative properties of Swamp-Root. In writing to Dr. Kilmer ft Co.. Hlnglmtoi; N. Y., he sura to aay you read this generous offer In Tbo Omaha Sunday Bee. wlatart la Discharged. BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. 31. (Special.) t'riah Swlgart, who was arrested last week of-the polumbla hotel, with District Judge Prominent Ma la to Marry. NELSON, Neb., Jan. SI. (Special.) The announcement has Just been made of the approaching marriage of George W. Ewing and Miss Marion Gammlll. The ceremony will take place February 11 at the parlors Business Chan are In Wahoo. WAHOO, Neb.. Jan. 31. (Special.) A number of business changes have taken place ln this city tbe last week. Alfred and William Brrggren have purchased the Implement business of Hanson ft Wen strand; Hough ft Gustafson purchased the city dray and transfer business of Dodds ft Sturdevant; J. V. Newcom discontinued bis racket store today and remeved to Codar Rapids. A new meat market will open up In the Beermaker block In a 'ew days under the management of Frank Allen. ybur Jffo&m I HUNGRY tf FEED IT fe4"'r - ji -w I1 ' "' - " - - - If your hair is turning gray or falling out, it is starving. There isn't life enough in the roots. The remedy is simple : Feed your hair. Feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It will not do impossible things, but it often does wonderful things. It always restores color, stops falling, cures dan draff, and prevents splitting at the ends. i-iri: "My hair vat three pans gray before I used Ayer'a Hair Vigor. Now there isn't a gray hair lo be teen. I have many friends who have had tbe same experience with it." Henry Coleman. New York City, N. Y. Men of Beatrice lilve a Dance. BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. 31. (Special.) Young society men of this city gave 3 re turn party iu the form of s reception and dance to the young women and others who have entertained them this season. In Nlcbrls' hall, last night. The affair wan attended by abcut 100 couples of Beatrice's leading society people and was In all re spects a notable social event. Cuests were present from, Lincoln. Wymore and Falr bury, aaicng those from the latter place being Hon. E. H. Hinsbaw and wife. Will Drlna; Young Man Dark. WAHOO, Neb.. Jan. 31 (Special.) Sheriff J. R. Webster left today for Lin coln, wbtre he will get requisition papers from tho governor to the governor of Mis souri to bring bark one Charles Owens to answer tbe charge of statutory assault. Ov. ens is from Memphis and the girl's name is a Mies Johnson of tbe same place. York Coal Supply Is Limited. YORK, Neb.. Jan. 31 (Special.) Owing to scarcity of coal the York Elic tric Light aid Power company haa been obllge-1 at times to tiiscuntinue its service from mldn'.ebt until 5 o'clock. York bus plenty of coal for heating purposes, but a limited supply of manufacturing cosl. Only One "alary for Jadare. PIERRE, S. D., Jan. 31. (Special Tele tram.) In the supreme court today In an opinion by Corson it is held that the pro vision of the law of two years ago fixing a different salary for the Judge of the Third circuit thsn that fixed for the Judges of the other circuits Is unconstitutional and the court glvea Judge Bennett of that cir cuit Judgment for the difference between the amount he has received and the amount which, he should receive to place him on the same basis as the other cir cuit Judges of the state. The f miner Brooklyn Itehnllt. Improvements costing a half million dol lars have Just been made on the cruiser Brooklyn.' Her decks have been rebuilt and all the wooden apartments have been re placed by steel. To rebuild the system after It has become weakened by sickness or neglect you cannot find a better medicine than Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. During its fifty yesrs' experience It has never failed In cases of headache, dizziness, Vln- dlgestlon, dyspepsia or constipation. It Is therefore deserving of a fair trial. For sale by druggists. I k nn I jjgpM ., Uutiyilll I ,:5rJii.V . 11- EI II II IJ 19 II SHERIFFS SEEK LEGISLATION Want Jailor to Watch Prisoner and C'ompenaatlon for Attending Jnatlcea' Coarts. STURGIS. S. D., Jan. 31. (Special.) There are two,bllls to be presented lo ths state legislature for consideration at the present session, by the sheriffs of tbe state. One is for the employment of a Jailer when there are any prisoners In confinement. The sheriffs argue that they cannot, as far aa experience goes, keep guard over a prisoner or half a dozen pris oners In the Jail, and be serving summons or other papers In a llfferent part of the county at the same time. They therefore think it an Imposition to compel them to pay Jailers' salaries. The second is to provide for some sort of compensation for attendance on Justice court with a prisoner for preliminary bearing or other cauae. At preaent a sheriff or bis deputy may be in attend ance on Justice court with a prisoner a whole day or maybe two days, receiving no feea whatever. Beatrice Win at Bon I. BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. 31 (Special. ) The Biatrico and Crete bowling leamr played r. cloa and Interesting game here rester-fay after-.coD, which waa won by tie f?rxrr by e'evea piD3. A large crowd wltnccsed tho cxh:bit os. T. CnldweU Very III. EDGAR. Neb.. Jan. 31 (Special.) Hin. S. T OHwell, who is suffering from Br'.ght's disease, sad who went south aboat tvo vits ego. rraa just returned and Is now ln a very critical condition. -"CtntTnent for Meat, firfeack. rAlRBWRY. Neb.. Jan. Jl. tScecial J- Biiearnah Boalae Men Oraraalse. SPEARFISH. S. D.. Jan. 31. (Special.) The business men of Spearflsh have organ ized for the ' purpose of furthering many projects for the benefit of the city, and the organizational now doing active and good work. The officers of the new or ganization are: R. F. Crawford, president; L. W. Valentine, vice president; Charles Pearson, treasurer; R. M. Whitney, secre tary. The association has succeeded ln impressing upon the county commissioners the importance of improving the roads leading from the city to the country dis tricts snd they have ordered v.ork begun upon the thoroughfares. Contraction Work at Kort Meade. STURGIS, S. D.. Jan. 51. (Special.) Captain CharUs B. Vogdes of tbe quar termaster's department will arrive at Fort lleade about the first of February. He will be regimental quar.ermaeter until the 8'ith cavalry arrives from tbe Philippines, but Is stationed as permanent construc tion quartermaster. This latter provision, with the fscts already known regsrdlng appropriations, chew conclusively that tbe War department haa Bottled on a program of txtfnslie ccnslixcuon at Port Meade, which will extend over a period of many years. ew Baslae Firm STURGIS, 8. U.. Jan. at fttarsls. SI (Special.) A oopartsrrshlp has been firmed by John Mctttlm, J. W. McSIoy (both cf thia city) end J. M. Wbelan cf Lead, fcr the conduct cf a general merchand'te business here. Oae-Tblra of All the ths Imported into this country Is G. H. Vumm . Co-'s rxtra Dry. Its leadership Is trily established that no other brand came Itb'a 4M,to of Ita record of a milUea aaa a Bail kotUas Imported la 19Q2. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER VrbriaVa to Hrtve Two Pair Day. While Iowa U Promised Haln Tomorrow. WASHINGTON. Jan. 31. Forecast for Sunday and Monday: For Nebraska and Kansas Fair and colder Sunday; 'Monday, fair. For Iowa Fair Sunday; Monday, rain and colder. For South Dakota Snow and colder Sunday; Monday, fair. For Missouri Fair Sunday, except rain ln south portion; Monday, rain and colder In northwest portion. For Illinois Fair Sunday; Monday rain; freth south winds, becoming northwest. For Colorado, Montana and Wyoming Fair Sunday and Monday, except snow In mountain districts. For North Dakota Snow Sunday; Mon day, fair. t Local Record. Or K1CE OF THE WKATHER Bl'HEAU. OMAriA. Jan. 31. Official record of tem perature ana precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1903. 1902. 1901. 1900. Maximum temperature ....60 17 B0 IS Minimum temperature !rl 1 15 7 Mean temperature 43 8 t!2 3 Precipitation ut) .00 .w .Oj Record of temperature and Dreclmtation at Omaha for this day and since March 1. Normal temperature 21 Excess for the day I'l Tatal excess since March 1 S Norma1 precipitation 02 Inch Deficiency for the day 02 Inch Precipitation since March 1 29.71 Inches Deficiency since March 1. 1902.... 1 19 IncheH Deficiency for cor. period. !!.. 6.js Inche ijetlclency tor cor. period, I'M Si Inch Catarrh Can Be Cured. Dr. Blosaer's Catarrh Cur Haa Cured Mora People of Catarrh Than Any Other Remedy. YOUNG HEN ' who are Just realising the responsibilities of manhood and who And themselves hsndlcapped In life's battle by reason of the errors and dissipation of early youth, unfitting them for the station in life that Is the goal of every able-boded man, should not hesitate a day, but call or write for the advice of our physicians. - WE UNDERSTAND TOUR AFFLICTION and can restore you to strength snd vigor. MIDDLE AGED '.Ed This is the only remedy that gors directly to the diseased parts snd curei Catarrh. Bronchitis. Deafness ant Asthma without burdening the system by taking into the stomach medicine which deranges the di gestion and breaks down the general health. Dr. Blcsser'a Catarrh Cure Is a vegetable compound to ba smoked in a pipe. The medlcatedVmoke is inhaled Into tb? head, ncse, tbrcat and lungs, reaching every af fected spot, giving speedy relief and ef fecting a permanent cure. Rev. G. 5. Parions, Groveton, Tex., writes: "I am cured of oie cf ha worst enses of catarrh." ' Mr. Win. H. Barton, Oleclceh, Tcnn., writes: "Tour Catarrh Cure 's a Gcd-send to catarrh aufferera." Mr. J. P. Hill. Scffner, Fla., writes: "YovT'i it the cmy cffrctBsJ catarrh and aathot cere ca ttut market." This Tnaedy Is put p la tin boxes ecn l lining a month's treatment, which will be sent ry mail to any part of the Cn'ted Stales or Cam da fcr JL00. Trial samples mill be mailed free to per tena deslri?. ( teat the remedy. Ad dress, Dr. Blooser Company, U5 ' Walton , tL, aUUata, Ga. who And themselves growing old before their time, who find the Are of youth burning low, the aches and palna of the aged alowly creeping upon them with that paht across the smsll of the back that grows worse Instead of better; that IRRITABLE, NERVOUS. DESPONDENT FEELING that WILL NOT be shaken off. It means you need our treat-, ment. Consult our physicians, avail yourself of our FREE CONSULTATION and rid yourself of your ailments before It is too late. OLD me:i who realize that they are not as strong as they used to be. .md these who are suffering from Kidney and '.Bladder Troubles, Rhevi.' matism, Lumbago, Impaired Digestive Organs, Constipation. Fsglty Circulation and the Kindred Dlsesses THAT COME WITH YEARS, csn obtain relief quickly and surely by consulting us. Remember, there Is no charge for consultation, either at our office or by mall. WE ALSO CURE Lost Vigor, Premature Decay, Unnatural Losses, Wasting Drains, Shrunken Organs, Nervous Debility, Stricture, Rupture, Tumors, Varicocele, Special Dlseasia, Enema. Sleeplessness, Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Kidney Diseases. Bladder Dlsesses, Spine Diseases, Heart Dlsesses, (Blood Dlsesses (Syphilis), Skin Diseases, Stomach Dlsesses, Rectal Dlseosei. HOME TREATMENT We have perfected a system of home treatment whereby the TRUTHFUL ANSWERING OF ' THE QUESTIONS OF OUR DIAGNOSIS SHEET and send ing us a SAMPLE OF THE URINE FOR ANALY SIS, we can positively arrive at the true dlagnosh of your complaint as readily aa though the patient were in our office. Twenty years' experience has mads our physicians experts, and our success In curio r diseases by Home Treatment hsa, never been equalled. It Is successful and strictly privste. . State Elocfro-Ucdical Institute Longest Ktubllheil, Thoronsrhly Reliable, Authorised hy the Laws of the itate. 1308 Farnam St., Bat. 13th aid 14th Sis., Omaha, Nell. g-WiLasajiil I IUIi i Grandpa's Rye Unsurpassed ea si or west. hverywhere coas:dered test. Holiest qjiLty, rictest flavor, perfect purity. Sold to dealers oIy. The rUunstas'ii MstJCjaz Ca., OfaUnsantS. OMtv.