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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1903)
The Omaha Daily Bee. JTA11LIMIE JUMl 1!, 171. OMAHA, SATURDAY JAN UAH V 31, 1003 TWELVE PAUES. SINGLE COP V T1IKEE CENTS. PEACE PARLEY HALTS Yeezte'.ai Erarozlio Eeetm at Tar from Eilt'.ircen'. pi Iter. HAY FINALLY GO TO HAGUE TRIBUNAL Arbitrat.oa NVoir.tat, Howitst, Prelim inary Frotocol of Terini PROBLEM 13 TO GET POWERS TO ME:T Belligerent kYiet L i tl on Preference Oyer Peaceful O.ainianti. CASTRO WAY ALSO DEMAND DAMAGES Jllorkarie Has ImpnaH InJary on Rf. public and Bill of fonts Hh Hrm I'repareil by Honti for Presentation. WASHINGTON, Jan. 30. No snswer hs jrrt come from the alllei to Mr. Bowen's last proposition. , The British ambassador irnt a long cable gram to Lord Lansdowne yesterday, stating what might be expected In caae Great Brit ain and Its two alliea Insisted upon the preferential treatment, blockading the other powers. The text of the cablegram cannot be published, but It Informed the Foreign office that Mr. Bowen, lo the event of a refusal of his proposition would call on the representatives of the other claimant powers in Washington and explain to them that Venezuela was being forced by the triple alliance to yield to a plan which would affect seriously the Interests of France. Belgium, Norway and Bweden, Den mark, Spain. Holland and the United States. When this step Is taken It la expected France will make representations at once to Lnaon, Benin ana no me protest ing against any Interference with the pre vious arrangement It has made with Ven rzuela for the settlement of claims. France may be Joined In this protest by the other tlalmant nation. Prance Sounds I'nlted States. There Is reason to believe that the French government already has sounded the United Stales government, to learn how much In common there may be between their Inter eata in Venezuela. It Is said that there Is a strong resemblance between the claims of the two nations, perhaps enough to link them together In resistance to any policy on the part of the allies, which would tend to destroy those interests. For Instance, the United 8tatea, through a regular tribunal, the Veneiuelan claims commission, has secured Judgment against Veneiuela for a considerable turn of money which Veneiuela has been paying in In stallments. Recently these payment have been delayed, and aa the money come In large part from the Veneiuelan customs the United JUatee may have a sound legal right to protest against any con duct oa the part of the allies which will prevent It debtor from meeting it obli gations to the United. States, France, by treaty and' negotiations, has Secured what amount to a Judg ment against Venezuela, and Claims that It debtor must not be destroyed or Venezue la's means of meeting it payment to Franca impaired, a will be the case by the adoption of the preferential treatment do. tnanded by the allies. These considerations are tending to draw France and the United States together in a policy that Is likely to take Issue with that of the allies. Baron Severn, the minister of The Nether lands, called at the State department to day and talked ovtr the Veneiuelan situa tion with Secretary Hay from the stand point of the allied claimant nations. In which The Netherlands and the United States are included. Baron von Severs has been assured by Minister Bowen that the claims of The Netherlands will be duly cared for, and that as soon as the block ading powers have withdrawn their ships, he will take up the claims of Holland. It Mr. Bowen cannot adjust the claims with the allies the matter will probably have to go to The Hague tribunal. But Just how the Veneiuelan question is to get before The Hague Is not quite clear The administration cannot believe that then, will be any renewal of hostilities on the Veneiuelan coast, no matter bow Mr. Bowen' work turn out. The Hague tribunal come naturally into light a port of safety. But to place a case before the tribunal necessitates the previous acceptance of certain basic propo sitions of the matters to be arbitrated and as to the limitations to be placed on the arbitrators, and it is' difficult to conjecture tow the different parties at issue can be brought together on the complex and dif ficult proposition Involved In an arbitra tion protocol. For instance, one point which undoubtedly will be difficult to agree on would be the result of the present blockade and whether Veneiuela might properly regard the damages inflicted on It a offsets to the claims of the powers. Mr. Bowen, already looking ahead, has prepared a long list of such Injuries, and this list grows with every day's continu ance of the blockade, but the representa tive of the alliea here would certainly resist to the utmost the precaution of any such claims. Frasr ubjerts to Allies' Attltode. PARIS, Jan. 30. The Foreign office here received today lengthy official advices giv ing details of the rejection by the alliea of the proposal that France and other coun tries receive equal treatment In the Ven eiuelan settlement. The French officials had not doubted that equal treatment would be recognised and this unexpected turn of event ha caused much surprise and concern. For the pres ent It does not appear to be the purpose of French authorities to aaiume an Im perative position, but rather set forth what they regard a the manifest equities of ths case. After conferring with those In authority an official said that the French position 1 based on two essential principles: t The first is that a pacific settlement be tween two sovereign nations is entitled at least to equal treatment with a war settle ment. If not a prreedent would be estab lished which would be an incent ive to war, as countries first adopt ing force In the collection of claims would have superior rights to those observing the Usual pacific means of settlement. The view is freely expressed here that the United States, France and Belgium are, in effect, pacific allies, a they did not resort to force against Veneiuela. It la Insisted that the present attitude of the alliea tend Dot only to prejudice the rights of the pacific alliea, iui alto establishes the dangerous (.riniiple that a resort to war Is preferable to efforts to maintain peace. The second principle of the French posl .meat is In the form of a treaty which en- (Continued, oa Second Page.) PUSHES POLISH PROTESTS (iermaa rtelctistaa; Menilic lnt.l are Many Cases v J tut Ire. BERLIN. Jan So. Pr. von I)ilnmb. ' Pnmplnn. In the Reichstag today, im pellatli.g Chancellor von Iluclow on al-' lrwcrt rl I fH m t n at (nn nvuintl f'r.loa rffo.l f many examples of alleged Injustice. Young nun who were eligible to volun teer for one year's service iu the army were compelled to servo two year, he ssld, a they wore punished for slight offenses In the gymnasium work by pro longed terms of service. A German teacher at Buchnlz was dis missed for attending a Polish meeting. Continuing, he said the government, dis regarding the terms of Count Radzinekl' bequeft of his famous library to Posen, had appointed a German librarian, "a j person who did not know one word of Polish, though the will stipulated that the I librarian should be a Pole." He asserted that a Polish girl, who had j rescued a drowning boy, was not given the ! Prussian rescue medal, because tue au thorities esld her father voted for Pollsfc caudldates. In conclusion he referred to the alleged German boycott of Polish merchants and the ln"sslon of Polish churches by the gendarmerie, anl said German letter car rier wrote Insulting remarks on letters ad dressed In the Polish language. Interior Secretary von Posadowskl Wehrner replied that no Poland. In an International sense, existed for Germany The Prussian-Polish provinces would re main Prussian so long as a soldier could be placed In the field. BIG STRIKE IS THREATENED Seventeen Thousand Men Isrolred la Labor Trouble on llol land Railroad. AMSTERDAM Jan. 30. Three hundred engineers and firemen belonging to the state railroads have Joined the strike of the employes of the transportation com panies. A meeting of the railroad employes' union has passed a resolution to the effect that If the Dutch Railroad company per sists In carrying the dock company's freight it will proclaim a general strike of rail road and tramway employes throughout the country. About 17,000 men will be in volved. A body of troops numbering 650 I ex pected to arrive here during the night. A conference was held during the day of representative of the strikers and director of the Dutch Railroad company with a view to arriving at some arrangement, but the meeting came to nothing. The service on the state railway I entirely suspended. The crews of steamers leaving Flushing this evening refused to sail If passenger arriving by the state railway were em barked. Travelers for London via this route were therefore unable to proceed. RATES PORTO RICAN MAYOR Attorn- General Sara Civic Condi tions Are Wltkost Parallel la . Municipal Mismanagement. BAN JUAN, P. R-, Jan. JO. Governor Hunt, In Issuing an executive order yes terday removing the mayor of San Juan, Manuel Egoxcue, from office, said he wa In possession of further proofs of that offi cial's negligence ant wrong doing. Criminal action against the mayor I still pending. In the meanwhile there Is ex citement and consternation In certain cir cle at the firm stand taken by the gov ernor and Attorney General Harlan. Tho latter'a letter to the governor, containing a thorough Indictment, coveting Egoxcue' entire career, has been commended by the federal press. The attorney general show that the city lost $35,137 In one Item of expenditure and says he found that the fraud and gross Incapacity In every de partment of the city government was so extraordinary that It Is difficult to find a similar Instance In the history of municipal mismanagement. WIRELESS NEWS FOR SHIPS First Attempt la Made to Supply Iu. eomlaaT Steamer with a Service. LONDON. Jan. 30. The first attempt to supply Incoming steamer with a news serv- j ice was made today, when Reuter' Tele ! gram company filed with the Marconi Wlre j less Telegraph company 100 words of news i for the Cunard line steamer Lucania, which I left New York Saturday last, and which !j due to arrive at Queenstown today or to morrow. . The wireless company thus far will only engage to attempt to transmit twenty to thirty miles from Brow Head, so the news will only reach the steamer a few hours before It arrival at Queenstown. Tho company will have a better chance with the Atlantic Transport line steamer Mlnne- tonka, which also left New York Saturday, to which a new message will be trans mitted tomorrow. Minnetonka passes twenty miles from the Scilly Islands, but only reaches London forty-eight hour later. SHARP FIGHT WITH LADRONES tlasht Katlvea and One Constable Killed In a sharp bat Deelslve'Battle. MANILA. Jan. 30. Eight ladroneo and one constable were killed in an encounter at Ormoc, West Leyte province, on Tuesday. The fight was a hard one, but the con stabulary ultimately won by a daring charge. One hundred and fifty ladroncs sur rendered M Ormoc the following day. The district had been disorderly, and It Is believed that the surrender of these men will lead lo Its pacification. The bodies of the three American volun teers, including Mr. Osborne, a teacher, who were killed at Bolanae, province of Zambales. recently In a fight with ladrones, have been recovered. Malanga, a noted bandit, who was among the enemy'a dead, directed the fight. The Americans charged and killed him before they were surrounded and killed. MUTINEERS MAKE CONFESSION Alleged American Accomplice De rlnrrs Tale Pare Kahrlratli a aad Protests Ills Innocence. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 30. The four seanieu of the British bark Vermoutc., accused of inuilny, were remanded today. Two of the prisoners have made a state ment Implicating themselves and the others In the crime, but another ot the accu ed men, William Smith, an American, de clare their (talciueots untrue. RAILROAD TURNS TABLES Emd for Discriroibation, Claim Grain Dealen Have Alio Conspired. "S TO PROTECT INDEPENDENT MEN in. Central Prefer first Charge defending; Case for Failure to Fairly- Furnish tars la Mason City. STRING FIELD, 111., Jan. 30 -The charge I of discrimination against (he Illinois Cen trnl today brought out art allegation that the Illinois grain Dealers' association has conspired to drive farmers' elevators and independent grain dealers out of business. The railroad. In answering charges of refusing cars to the D. H. Curry Grain company of Mason City, III., Introduced evidence to show that A. W. Lloyd, a for mer traveling representative of the Illi nois Grain Dealers' association, had served notice on several members of the associa tion, warning them not to transact busi ness with Independent dealers, but the defense was made that Lloyd had no au thority for this action. Lloyd res'gned his position on January 16 under duress, it is stated. E. P. Costello of Decatur, former presi dent, and H. N. McKnight of Montlcello. the present president of the Illinois Grain Dealers' association, and other members of the HHeoclatlon, denied any knowledge of any attempt to Injure the Independent dealers. RAILROADS STOP COMPETING Santa Fe and Reek Island Pool Their BialnrM In the South west. TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. 30. General Man ager Mudge of the Santa Fe today said of the Santa Fe-Rock Island alliance: The Snnta Fe will build from Dodge City to Liberal, h'Kn., connecting the Santn Fe main line with the Hock Island. From Liberal to some point In New Mexico, where the new Santa Fe cutoff crosses the Rock Island, a distance of X miles. the Santa Fe will -jjre the Rock Inland ITRCKS. ITIim ttliS point the KOCK IUhllKI i will use the Snnta Fe tracks to the Ph- ' rlllc coast. This will probably blot out the nlunx of both roads for bjildlng here tofore proposed New Mexico opposition lines. The plan for rebuilding the Santa Fe's I'ecos valley lines and the Panhadle divi sion will come to nurht, for the through truffle of the Santa Fe will not be sent south through Wichita. Wellington and Alva, but will go west from Newton to Hutchinson, K.'nnley and Dodge City, thence south on the proposed new line to Liberal. When asked whether the Rock Island had secured any voice In Santa Fe affairs by purchasing of stock, Mr. Mudge said: "That Is something which I know noth ing at all abou.." The Santa Fe and Rock Island have for some time been on the vergo of serious conflict, and the consummation of the traf fic has been brought about, It is believed, by the fear that 'such a conflict might re sult disastrously to both road. WABASH MEN ARE TO CONFER Firemen and Trainmen Arrange to Meet Raman y and Present Demands. , SPRINGFIELD, 111., Jan. JO. Commit tees of Wabash firemen and trainmen have arranged with President Ramsay for a conference at St. Louis next month to present grievances growing out of certain rules of the company. The wage question also will come up. P. Morrlssey, grand master of the Order of Railway Trainmen, will represent the trainmen. The conductor and engineers are not involved. Santa Fe Wages Raised. LOS ANGELES, Cat., Jan. 30. General Manager A. G. Felt of the Santa Fe rail way line west of Albuquerque, has an nounced that the are men on all the coast lines of that company will be granted an Increase in wages amounting, it is said, to ' 5 or 6 per cent. The firemen requested an Increase of 10 to 15 per cent. Soo tirtn ew Freight Manager. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 30. William L. Martin has been appointed freight traffic manager of the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. Martin, who is 45 years of age, has been associated with the "Soo" for 18 years. LAND SWALLOWS HALF HOUSE j 1 tali Salipldenee Knarnlfs Part of Hra. I ' Idence, Instantly KIlIlnsT Two Children. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Jan. 80. An ! accident occurred in one of the slope of the Old Telegraph mine at Bingham to I day, wrecking the residence of James John ! son, a miner, and Instantly killing two of Johnson's sons, aged 3 and 5. The sudden sinking of the ground spilt the Johnson house In twain. One half. In shlrh the two children were playing, was completely swallowed up. Mr. Johnson, his wife and three other children were In the oiher portion of the house and escaped without injury OPERATORS JGNORE COURT Will Kot Leave Indiana to Stand Trial to Be Held la Chlcaaro Today. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Jsn. SO. Hugh ! Shlrkle Of Clinton. Ind., and Six Of the .other Indiana operators under Indictment j was Immediately presented in court, pleaded in Chicago, said today that they would not I not guilty, and, by agreement, released on ; go to Chicago tomorrow, and would not $3,000 ball. I absent themselves from the Joint wage , Cecil came into Frankfort secretly, by j conference, which is now in session In this j agreement with the commonwealth', attor i f'ty. j ney, and not more than a dozen person. ! Walter S. Bogle, one of the indicted op- ; aaw him here, as he was spirited away after erators. said today: be had spent several hour. In the grand I am a resident of Chicago, and have given bond to appear for trial. The state ! of Illinois cannot reach Into Indlunarolia j and extradite the Indiana operators. I ! SPARK FIRES MELLEN'S CAR Northern t'aclne President Has Kx cltlaur Experience In Arl soaa. PKESCOTT. Ariz . Jan 30 President Mellen of tha Northern Pacific passed through Preco't this mcrnlog In the pri vate tar Mayflower. The car had a narrow escape from being destroyed by fire on the way frira Phoenix. While roming up a heavy gr-'le a rk from the engine set fire to the end of ;bc car and it wa with same difficulty ll was xucgulsUed. TWO CORONERS PROBE WRECK Itlval Tucson Officials Claim Riant te Hold laqaest aart Accord ingly Sum mm Jarlea. TUCSON. Ariz., Jan. SO. Conflict' of au thor ty between the 'wo justices tit the pesce of Tucson Is retarding the investi gation Into the train wreck at Vails. Un der the laws of Arizona. Justices of the peace act as coroners. Tucson has two Justices, and therefore two coroners, and both claim the right to Investigate the wreck. Two Juries were summoned. The evidence of Parker, conductor of the west- 1ounJ ,raln- bofor Rltchcy's Jury, although Culver's deputy waa first on the scene. Superintendent Scrnufe of the Ttiseon di vision testified befora both Juries. His evidence plncd th responsibility for the nondelivery of order to No. 7, the west bound passenger train, upon Operator Clough at Valla station. Brakeman Lees of No. t said Immediately after the collision he wa ordered to Vails station, four miles esst to notify the Tucson office of the wreck. When he arrived t Vail he found Op erator Clough standing in the door o' his office. Clough said: "la anyone killed?' evidently knowing a wreck had occurred. Iees answered that a number bad been killed. Clough is reported to have said: "I don't care much about the car being de stroyed, but I am sorry I killed any pas sengers." Clough added that Parker, conductor of No. 7, did not take all his orders, and that was the cause of the wreck. He appeared to be much excited and exceedingly nerv ous. Agent Mann of Valla station said Clough called him a few minutes after No. 7 had pulled ouT of Vails, and said Parker, the conductor, did not take all bis order. "He left this one," said he, poiutlng to one lay ing on the counter,. and which wa the or der to pass No. 8 at Esmond siding. Both Juries have taken the testimony of all the witnesses, except Clough, who can not be located, and Fireman Gilbert of No. 8, whose condition I will not permit of hi appearing or testifying. The sensation of today I the disappear ance of Operator Clough, who, It has been alleged, was responsible for the disaster. It was stated lust night that Clough would anneir Ihl. min (no and $ 1 1 hit, rto tt 1 n . " ;- "-; - the affair; but, notwithstanding the fact that officers of both paries have been searching throughout the city, Clough baa not been found. . The railroad officiate profess ignorance as to his whereabouts, but a report from Benson Is current that he -was seen yester day on an International train, presumably bound for Sonora, Mexico. FAST FLYER RAMS . FREIGHT Pennsylvania Trains Collide Kear Ha sleton and Two Men Die. HAZLETON, Ta.. Jan. JO. The fast ex press from Wilkcsbarre for Philadelphia on the Schuylkill valley division of the Pennsylvania railroad collided head-on with a freight train 4) evening near Lofty, nine miles south of. JUfeslcton. The engineer and fireman of the' freight train were killed; the engineer slid fireman and the colored porter, ol the passenger train wereserlously hurt and seven passenger lightly Injured. The dead: ROBERT M. OVER, engineer. FRED OEARHARDT, fireman. Seriously injured: Israel Carey, engineer. John Smith, fireman. Harry Hayward (colored), porter. Between Haxleton and Lofty there Is a Ingle track, which I used by both the Lehigh ttnd Pennsylvania railroads. Through a misunderstanding both train got on It, and before the engineer saw I the danger It was too late to avert the collision. The locomotives came together with a terrific crash. The freight train leaped over the top of the express car and plunged Into tho chair car. Passengers in thl car were hurled in every direction. The porter, Karry Hay ward was thrown gainst the roof, and probably fatally In jured. The hot Coals from the firebox set fire to the chair car, and it waa destroyed In a short time. A igyllef train was sent out from Hazle ton and the Injured brought to the hos pital. It is said the engineer of the freight had an order to take the siding and let the flyer pass, but failed to reach the station !befor' ,he paE8PnBrr Brrlved- ANOTHER JERSEY VICTIM DIES Twenty-Two Are .Now Dffd aa suit of Kaatern Railroad WrecU. He. PLAINFIELD, N. J.. Jan. 30.-WIUlam M. I i-.i. m.LK.u .u- ...... ...taken and the Quorum d soual fled to hold Ul iiaiuuciu. uuc ill mo Tll'limi ml the railroad wreck near Graceland, died s . . . .. The condition of Samuel McCarthy, fire- J. Everett Relghton of Plalnfield, another victim, is low. The death of Mr. Clark bring the list of dead to twenty-two. GOEBEL SUSPECT GIVES UP UUCDLL. OUOrcUl Ul.ta ur Frank Cecil Surrenders to Charge) Connecting; Him with Gov ernor's Murder. FRANKFORT. Ky., Jan. 30. Frank Cecil of Bell county, under indictment as an , .cressorv before the fact to the murder of i , Willi. m Coehel surrendered tnd. ;t I I lurv room. Cecil waa Indicted In Januarv. 1902, and has been a fugitive for a year. BANK BANDIT REVEALS CASH Says Mqney Was Clvrl Him by Hob bers with Whom He Was ot Connected. ST. LOCIS, Jan. 30. Jerry Rirh'myer. who was arrested yesterday, charged with robbing the Steclvllle till.) bank, was taken to bis room oa Pine street this afternoon and gave up $315. part of the $3,500 stolen from the bank. Rirh'myer declares the money was given to him by one of the men who robbrd the bank. He has waived requisition pa pers and probably will be taken to Steel ville tomqrrow. THOMPSON TARES THE OATH BacfliTei Bit Final Iistruet'om tailing far Jriiil. Before CHARGED TO AVOID COMPLICATIONS Several Bills Pass the House for the Relief of People In Nebraska ad Other Sections of -the West. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Jan. 30. (Special Tele gram.) D. E. Thompson, minister to Bra il), took the oath of office today, and will salt next Saturday on Kalserln Maria Teresa, by way of Gibraltar, for his post of duty. He will take train from Gibraltar to Lisbon, and then steamer direct to Bra 11. With Senators Dietrich and Millard and his sponsors the new minister was pre sented to Secretary Hay and the assistant secretaries with whom he will come Into communication. There were no general Instruction given Mr. Thompson by the secretary of state or assistant secretary. The only charge that he received waa to avoid complications. This, however, he had been advised t? through letters of the State department before he left Nebraska. Tomorrow morning the senators will present Mr. Thompson to the president, and beyond that he has no program for the day, except to call upon his friends in the department before leaving for New York on Sunday night or Monday morning. Mrs. Thompson will meet her husband in New York next. Friday, and sail with him to Mrs. Thompson recently austrlned an accident, and, while not en tirely fit to make the Journey with her husband, hopes that the voyage will prove a benefit to her. Secretary Hay Informed Mr. Thompson that definite Instructions as to his office would meet him at Rio, and that he wished him all measure of success in the I diplomatic position to which be had been appointed by the president. Mr. Thompson was the guest today at luncheon at the capltol of the Nebraska senators. In conjunction with Representa tive Burkett. Day for S per la I Bills. The house today passed Representative Mondell's bill to pay David Tweed of Lan der, Wyo., $5,000 for the loss of both feet a a result of being caught In a snowstorm while guiding a squad of soldier from Fort Brown to Fort Stambaugh in 1878. Senator Clark today Introduced a bill to Increase the limit of cost of the public building at Evanston, Wyo., to $175,000. Representative Martin secured the pas sage in the houee today of a bill authoriz ing the secretary of the treasury to pay Mrs. Clara H. Tulford of Sioux Falls. S. D., face value, together wtth accrued interest to date of maturity, on two government bonds owned by her which were destroyed by fire. Representative Larey today secured the passage In the house of a bill authorising the secretary of the treasury to refund (75 to the Bank of Colfax, Iowa, a sum collected as penally, by reason of delay In receipt of special tax. T. C. Munger of Lincoln la In Washing ton upon private business. Collector Stephenson of Omaha is in Washington. The postoffice at Sappa, Harlan county, and Day, Deuel county. Neb., have been ordered discontinued.. Rurrl free delivery carrier were ap pointed today as follow: Iowa Alhia, regulars, Arthur X. Hickman, John Z. Ben nett; substitutes, Charlie S. Hickman Richard Ingham. Joke, regular, Taller Gunderson; substitute, Sever Hoveland Talntor, regular, Clarence I. Garner;, sub- stltute. Ernest R. Garner. South Dakota- Yankton, regular. Newell H. Hopkins; sub- J..11. n unnki.. Th c.ntr.i v.tinn.i k.nV f r..,n,. I Neb., has been authorized to begin busi- I ness with a capital of $450,000. ! A board of officers consisting of Majors ' Daniel H. Brush, William C. Butler, Cap- i tain Ross L. Bush, Twenty-fifth Infantry; i First Lieutenant Shockley, assistant sur- i geon; Contract Surgeon Preston S. Kel logg and Captain William H. Chapman, Fcrty-second infantry, rcc rder, has been appointed to meet at Fort Niobrara for the examination of officers ordered before It for promotion. SOCIALISTS CHOOSE OMAHA National Headquarters Will Be Moved to Nebraska from St. Loa Is. ST. I1UIS, Mo., Jan. 30. On charges of disloyalty to the principles of the socialist ... ...,, ,k. ..i... l.j. of the national committee were removed at the committee meeting tonight. It was after a heated discussion lasting . .. . ugnoui tne anernoon mat a vote was . . - . - - . j mce further- Their successor will be I r .lincasnr. 111 .a elected tomorrow. The members removed ! ... . c j. x. t ; -"- " reed with h.v interest. f th e. n.,ti. .ni cal parties and the party. Tney were cnarg Ing attempted to fuse the socialist with other political parties and trade unions. Members of ,ay the ousted committee e principal reason for their removal was ! tBe Pfact tht v, delPgate. representing five other states objected to Missouri rep- ' resenting the controlling Interest of the i , L ... . ., . ...i party, masrauen as an oi mem uvea in St. LouU. In the selection of headquarter. . the Pii.l.l.,, e.r nm.h. ... th,.. Omaha wa. chosen : agalnat St. Louis. The commlttea meeting ' will continue until Mondsy. CHARGE THEFT TO TRAINMEN Foar Brakeraen on laloa l'neiae at Cheyenne Aerased of Hob bias Cars. CHEYENNE. Wyo., Jan. SO. (Special Telegram.) A sensstlon was sprung here today, when four well known young men. all employed in the train service between t neyenne ana Diaaey, were piscra unuer arrest by Chief Canada and his secret serv ice men of the Colon Pacific. It Is alleged that an organized gang of about fifteen men has been robbing cars enroute be tween Cheyenne and Sidney. At first the oftiuers were unable to trace the thefts, but the gang disposed of many of the stolen article here in Cheyenne and the ped dling furnished a clue. It 1 said th-t two more member, of the gang, who wen aauwo uraicun, no mru yisceu under arrest at Sidney. Deputy Sheriff Snow left tonlnght to bring them to Chey enne, they having agreed lo come with out requisition papers. Effort, are being made to get the other, .aid to be impli cated in the wholesale theftt and that ar ret, will occar tomorrow. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nehru kn K.iir Suturilny: Bun. lay l'robnluy liaiti of Snow, with Coluer In West Portion. Trniprratare at tiinnhs' l eterda t llnar. K a. w l a. m T a. if H a. n U a. it l a. n 11 a. n 12 m. . . tlr llonr. 1 p. m . it i. in , a p. in . 4 ft. m , n p. m , 41 p. Ill . 7 . in . M i. ni , p. in, lira. . :n . 41 . -ill . 4T . 41 . -til . I . ;tti . NT lit ill XI Ul V 1!7 HI LATTER DAY SAINTS' MEETING orth Nebraska Conference f the t'lmreh Opens Its Annual Seialou. The annual conference of the northern Nebraska district of the Latter Pay Saints opened In Oiunha Friday evening in tho Saints chapel, corner of Clark and Twenty first streets, and will continue over Sun day. The conference was quite largely at tended and is being presbled over by Presi dent C. fel. Buttcrv.onh. Among the promi nent members ef the denominatlou who are in attendance are: A. II. Smltn, patriarch of the general church of La mona. Ia., and P.ev. Wight, one of the general mirslonarles. At the session last evening the minis terial reports of the various districts were I rendered, showing a general increase in I the church throughout the entire state. The membership of tha Omaha branch has rnwn m over Son v.h:,i. includes ten nrles.s snd ten eMor l,c..lca five teachers, i The report of the district treasurer j showed the receipts for the past year to have were been $S7!t while the expenditures ir,8 leaving a hslance lii the treas- tiry of $3P0. Ths college fund of the de nomination has enjoyed a very liberal in crease, it was reported, as there is now on hand In that fund $106. Included In the business of last night's session wa the recommendation to onlaln as teacher In the Valley district JeBse Allcu, a promi nent worker. Owing to the scattering of the members of the Fremont branch and the lack of inieresi in me wora oi ine cuuren iu uittt i district, the conference accepted the recom- I tne senate Harrison of Hall and Brown of mendatlon of the president and that branch Kcya Paba wero the leaders for acjourn and church was disorganized. It was also ! ment and ilowell of Douglas, O'Nell of Lan voted to raise a fund which will be ex- I caster were the opposing leaders, clusively devoted to maintaining the tent ! The senate and house each refused twice missionaries in the fields of the state, and to coucur In fixing a time for adjourning also to working In new territories where land it looked as If the deadlock wag to the representatives of the Siiints' church ! last indefinitely, until Bears of Burt, in have not been hble, through lack of proper funds, to work al all. About fifty delegates ore In attendance. The conference will be continued toda and Sunday,- this morning's scsxion being devoted to business and Sunday school work. The conference will close Sunday evening. J ROBBERS CALL ON A SALOON! Emll Gall's Plare Visited, and Com paratively Small Amount Secured. 1 ; Emll Gall's saloon at Ninth and Douglas trceta wa held. up at 1:30 o'clock this moruiug by two men with red handker chief mask and large revolver. Tho plun der which they divided was between $25 and $30 and a gold watch. John Martlg, the bartender, on watch, wa the only one of those In the house to be searched and gave up the timepiece and $1. Louis Beroti. George White, ' Edward C. Spencer and Florenz Tlezen, the other bartender, who had come oif duty at midnight, wero In the saloon when the robbers entered. Tlezen, who wa near the Douglas street ! dr. bolted when he saw the pair enter and ran to the Eagle saloon at the next m h. oi..etert ht mtht h ! corner, tailed a safe place, and lay low, without ! telephoning for the police. He had $9 In his Docket. There are three doors to the saloon, one at the corner tnd one each on Ninth and on Douglas streets. The robbers entered simultaneously, tho corner and Ninth street doo.-, with pistols In hand. They ordered the men to hold up their hands and go into the billiard room at, the rear. One covered these while the other went through the register and the barkeeper. They expressed disappointment at the sr.iallncsa of the take. When they had the money they. went. , out the Douglas trect door and were not ! followed. Martlg telephoned the police. W R. PARKS IS IN CHICAGO " " Man Who Disappeared from Lincoln Hotel a Mont-h Alto is Koon'l. After nearly a month of most distressing uncertainty among his friends as to his i fiif v h I'nrit. or cnicaso. wno a saD- i . poared from hi. hotel In Lincoln. Neb., has ; ' been found In hi. home city and taken in I ! charge by his friends. Mr. Parks, who Is; . ,....,,. k. rm nt nir.rh u'lekwirn i I - . ":,: ( rsrua vi mn-ssu i. ,vi i... I nnnln .Kn.,t a mnnlh IJIH l"J. .idium , v . " ' ......... i " on dumb. a ana suaoemy uisappearci : from his hotel, leavina no word and fall ' , ,n tak. ... b.Aetlll!e wlh bln, After ' to had been mfssing for some days tho ! management of the hotel communicated 1 with his friends and from that time a i w . ..,.. ,,.,, search has been continued until Wednesday I night, when Mr. Parks was found in Chi- "8 ,w' or n" nrra: Iar 88 e S"1 PubUo ' "oneerned. the my.- surrounoing me u-c , Mr. Tark. ha. not yet been cleared up. for when Questioned Mr. Ware would only ay . " v . ... . . , i ,nt M ?-- 'ou"J n'1 i " ,0 " ...uuui.l be able to returu to his business. DECAYS AT FORTY-SEVEN Indiana Mr.n Lives Half a Lifetime In Less I'han Twelve Mouth. I I Will U , UU., IIU. U'J. 1 IlDIIIDNI oi- J tending Charles F. Sehultz, city treasurer, who ilt.$ tonight at tho age of 47. declare that he died of old age, having lived half j , nffiima in less than a year. Movements of Ucrau Vessels Jan. :t(. At New York Arrived: Teutonic, from Liverpool; Cevie, from Uvcriuml; AuguMe Vletorli. from Hsmburg; Amsterdam, from Rotterdam and Boulogne; lilin, from Genoa. At Naples Sailed: Trave, from Genoa, for t'liortiltar nd New York. At I'rawle Point fussed: Manitou. from New York, for London. At f alrrmo Srtiled: Perugia, for New fa,,p,S8t.a: Devonian, from , jtIon, (,,r IJv. r ool At Liverpool Sailed: Oenrglc, for New York. At Movllle Bailed: Mongolian, from Glas gow and Liverpool, for Ht. J ilni. N P. At The Lizard Passed: Main, fn.m New York, for Hremen; fennlaud, from Ant werp, for Philadelphia. At Hamburg Arrived: Assyria, from Philadelphia. FIGHTING FOR TIME Revenue Revision Committee. Finally Car ries Its Point is Legislature. ASKS AN ADJOURNMENT FOR ONE WEEK Some Members of Both Hornet Oppose and a Hot light RewlU LOOKS LIKE A DEADLOCK AT ONE TIME Stars of Burt Forces the Issue j defer Move in the House WATER WORKS BILL READY FOR GOVERNOR Kent Ksfate Men Kiprru Faith In Final rir of Taxation Amend ment the Omaha Charter. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 30. (Special Telegram ) Alter aa all-day flgh In house and senate the legislature late this afternoon decided that when it adjourned tomorrow it be uutil Mundny, February D. for the purpose ot lvlnK J,nt revenue committee time nirb tu ".mpleta s work of framing a rev.enve b,U- Not tUlv'' " convened, January 6. ha aUJ'thlug stirred tho animus of the legls laturc as did the debate on tills questlou today. Those favoring and thottu opposing aujournuiini prcsseu meir contentions wnn relentless vigor anil if there were ulterior motives on either side they certainly were well coiHcalel. In the houso Sears of Burt, Douglas of Rock, Thompson of Merrick, Sweezy of Adams, Wilson of Pawnee ano Lootul of Dodge, all members of tho committee to frame the revenue bill, with House of Hall, Kennedy of Douglas, Hpurloek of Cass and others, led In the fight for adjournment, while Ten Eyck of Douglas, with many others, championed the opposite side. In the house brought the matter to a crista with one of the ct.verest scheme that doubtless has been witnessed '.n either body for many a sesslou. The bouse having ' refused to adjourn until Monday, February j 2, because It would not efford sufficient I time for the work at hand and until Febru ary 9, because it was too long, and the senate having stubbornly refused to con- cur in anything the houso did. the Burt county man introduced a resolution pro viding that from such time as 'he house adjourned until February v all regular or der of business under the various hcsdluga I observed dally, be dispensed with and all I members filing applications with the olerk i be excused from attendance. Thl natu- raj would have had tha effect ot bringing ,i ul luru tn a utunilaflll In thu huilM. Kwa of the resolution wa immediately trans mitted to the senate and before the house had time to vote on the matter it was ad vised that tho senate would concur In ad journing until February V, which question was put to the house and carrlod and con curred in by the upper body. Time In Keeded. Members of the special house revenue committee pleaded that It would he useless j 'or. tnem to unaertaae a revision or tne . reveuuu ui lu. a.-.. uu.. B..-u uum February 9. at least, and insisted that it would lo a gross injustice to force It to , attempt tho work In less time. Some of . he argument used by Ten Eyck and others. : opposed the long adjournment was that if the committee could not do its work by next week that . individual members should take hold of the matter and intro duce their bill. Certain members of the house special committee remarked privately, during the fight, that unl88 they were granted the time asked for they would request re lease from the committee and allow the matter asBlgned to them to go back to the bouse. Sear made a statement a follow In the lobby of the house just after having Introduced bis resolution. In lan- ' KUUKe Dlch dnoted hi Intense feelings j In the matter: "This effort to prevent adjournment I simply the wjrk of that combination ' of in fluence that are opposing revenue re vision." Yet recognized railroad men in both house and senate led in the fight for ad journment and as It is a well known fart that the railroads are against revenue re- "Ion their part In tod.. . affair, become, he more tn ..erlou. h""" ,hs ..gniflc.nce of today J 'nc. to the attitude of the railroads may be i t. . evident the eornor.tlon. have daelded i . . not to show their hand for awhile at least. Kennedy was the only Douglas county member who voted for the week'a ad- ! Journment. Nelson of Dougla. wa. chair ! ' of house committee to act with h" J"l" senate committee In determining adjournment, and urged that v i ,, February t. be decided on. February t, be decided on. tin Down to Rualaess. The Joint revenue committee tonight got down to business. It went over the first four sections of article 1, chapter 77, com piled statutes of Nebraska. Section 1, relating to property taxable, and section 2, relating to school land assessments, was amended. Al present It provides for the assessment of the money invested In achool land and the proposed change is to tax the land on It value less than the amount owing to the state. Section 4, providing for the assessment of property at it full rash value, was not changed, and, while action was not taken on It, It will doubt less stand as It Is, wtth a new enforcing clause. l-'laht on Charter Revision. It is a hard matter to determine the fate of the Omaha real estate exchange bill to compel the railroads to pay their Just share of municipal taxes in Omaha. The railroads are bending every effort to defeat this measure, and thers Is no use evading the fact that they are wielding a potent influence. Yet the Omaha Real Estate exchange men and their attorney. J. II. Mcintosh, are not east down, but take a decidedly hopeful view of things. Before leaving for Omaha today Mr. Mcintosh was 1 asked what hn thought of the chances of success. He said: "I am confident that It the member of this legihlature address themselves with sober a I'd Impartial t hour lit to this meas ure In all its parts and (fleets It will pass, and I want to Intiat that I believe they will do this. I am not one of those who believe that legislatures are necessarily