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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1903)
10 Till: OMAHA DAILT l.EE: SUN DAT, FEIIKtJAllY 1, 1003. SPECIAL NOTICES Affr1limrili fr thesa elwi vlll libra antll 13 m. for tfca ttrilif edition and III States'! l-2e a war irsl lasertlaw, l a ward thereafter. Nohln takes) far less lhaa an tloa. These a verilseaaeats taast ria coasecollrelr. Advertisers, br reaaaatlasi tiered rtrek, " tressed ta a aambrrrd letter aara f The flee. Aaswere aa addreeaadl will a delivered araaaalallaa sf keek ! WANTED SlTl'ATION 3. A POSITION as stenographer, or would accept general ofllce work; experienced; references rurnistiea. Aanress i m, mp, A-SX2 ! YOUNG man wishes position as drug clerk three years' experience; best references. Address W J2. Hee. A 914 2 WANTED MALE HELP. WKN to learn barber trade; free railroad fare upon o'jr failure to convince you of this being the BEST and only reliable, tnoat practical barber college In the United States. Write for catalog today. WeBtoru barber' Institute, Omaha, Neb. GOOD messengers wanted; high salaries. A. D. T. Co., 212 B. 13th St. B 380 WANTED Experienced, honeat, hustling organizers for Fraternal Union; beat order In America. Liberal compensation. F. b Itoose, President, Denver, Colo. B M23u F-17 WANTED, two good solicitors. H. B. Rldgely Mdse. Co., 707 8. 11th. B Mioo il MARRIED man to work on tarm; house furnished"; send references. Address Hox 4, Crelghton, Neb. B M 1 59 1 WANTKD, an efficient dry poods salesman; window trimming, card writing and ad, Writing essential. Ievl Downs, Atlantic, B M768 2 la. WANTED for U. 8. army, able-bodied un married men between agea Of 21 and 36; citizens of United States, of good char acter and temp rate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Infor mation apply to Recruiting Officer. Ulth and Dodge Sts., Omaha, or poatotllce building, Lincoln. Neb.' B BAiTebMEN 'WANTin-Up-to-date and active, to sell first -c,rb groceries direct to conaumora at wholesale; flrst-clusn ter ritory and .liberal Inducements, George Melrirum & Co., 63 and 71 North Green St., Chicago. II MSs8 1 CIVIL service government positions; 14,93 appointments last year; this was 4,692 tnnre than any previous year; excellent opportunity for young people; catalogue of Information free. Columbian Corre spondence College, Washington, D. C. B PERMANENT position for a man of good habits and energy to represent large man ufacturing establishment known to every bank In the United States. Salary $) per year and expenses, opportunity for ad vancement. Applv, stating age and quail- . flcatior.s, to Manager, Dept. 1-3, Box h24, Philadelphia, Pa. B GOVERNMENT positions More than 13,000 appointments made last year; chances better for 193; examinations soon In every atate; circular 161, giving full particulars as to positions, salaries, etc., sent free. Address National Correspondence Insti tute, Washington, D. C. B LRARN proofreading: situations secured. $15 to $26 weekly. Home Correspondence School, Philadelphia. B DETECTIVES, every locality, gool salary, experience unnecessary. International De tective Agency, Milwaukee, WIb. B 906 1 WANTED, young man for bill clerk by wholesale house; must be rapid and ac curate. Answer In own hand writing, stating age and salary wanted. Address . W 13, Bee. B-4U1 2 TO BOYS Tool chest, complete, absolutely free. Send address (no money) for par ticulars. No endless chain scheme. Unique Monthly, 18 Warren St., New York. B 918 ! WANTED Responsible parties to represent us and act as our financial agents In different localities. The Globe Loan & Investment Co., 830 Canal St., New Orleans, La. B 925 ! WANTED Experienced stock food sales man. Liberal proosltlon to first-class man. State territory wanted, experience and references. R. A. Pike & Co.. Min neapolis, Minn. B 924 1 MANAOKR wanted In every large county; "flame o' Skill" nickel slot machine for drinks, clgnrs or money; takes place of forbidden slot machines; strictly lawful everywhere- rented or sold on easv pay ments; ,( now In use. Cunningham Co., Department 85, Chicago, III. 11-944 ! , WANTED, men everywhere, good pav, to distribute circulars, advertising matter, tack signs, etc. No canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. H 912 4 DKTIMJl'lVK Shrewd, reliable man wanted In every locality for profitable secret rrrvlce. Experience unnecessary. Write American Detective Association, Indian apolis, Ind. B 928 ! WANTED Men with rtua to introduce poultry compound; straight salary. 120 wrcujr anu an expenses, r.nclose stamp for contract and particulars. Dept. 117, Royal Co. up, Mfg. Co., Indianapolis. Ind. fl 931 ! LIVE men; excellent proposition; light work; good pay. W 6. Bee. ii99i WANTED, men to learn barber trade; growing demand for school icraduates: always rush for barbers in spring; pre pare now: free work, exnert Instructions. l-ctures, demonstrations, etc.; tlrst-class rncumes, newly fitted throughout; special finishing department, revolving chairs good light; tools, diplomas and positions given graduates; catalogue free. Moler Barber college, l.ltq Douglas St. B-953 YOUNG man. travel, advertise; experience unnecessary; $m month, expenses; enclose urii-niiiiii'i.iieu euvflOW. jamrs I o Monon Bldg., Chlcugo. B !Mtt 1 WH WILL pay any man $, per month and all traveling expenses, such as horae hire, railroad fare, hotel bills, etc., to take orders for the greatest portrait house In the world. Your salary will be guar anteed and pnlil to you weekly If pre- lerreu. Address, it. li. curry, Dept.i lTfi, Chicago, in. B 987 ! WANTED State manager for Nebraska tdvertlslng. collecting and Increasing cal representatives. Salary to start. $ mommy and all expenses. Address Kipt of Managers, Wabaah Ave.. Chicago, III- B-9.S4-1 CIRCULAR dlstrlh iters everywhere; $3 to $7 per tho'isaivt earned Distributers" Na tional Union, Cincinnati, O. 1 I'M ! COPYlNtI letters, return to ua. $2S ptr l.Ono. Send stamped addressed envelope. Amn ion Chemical Co., 20, 45 IiSallv- St., C hicago. H 977 ! Stum A MONTH anl expenses paid one party In each county in the U. 8. Par ticulars and $l.iio outfit free. tlolden West Co., Vlnalla. Cal, JV-ltN) 1 WANTED Harness m.ikers; steady work good pay. Marshall-Wells Hardware Co.. Duluth. Minn. B 1J7 3 WANTED Solicitor to scll.-lt subscriptions on two flrst-class technical papers: n.ust be. man of fair edjeatlnn. good appear ance and address; only man desiring per manent position and capable of earning from $26 to $40 a week need applv; In writing atate reference, age. previous ex. perlence. Address Hill Publishing Co, World Hlflg . New York. B 14a i WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars si.mphs etc tio canvas!": g od p;.y. Sun Advertising' Bureau, Chicago. B 110 l The New Law School in The CrelKhton Medical College, Cor. Htl and Davenport Sts. Winter Term Buglns Monday. Febrc.arv t Opportunity will be given New Students to take up work now Evening class,-. 7:15 t o'clock Address E. F. McCartney, Bev'y . M2 N. WANTED, person to call on ret-ill trade and agrntt for manufactu-ing h n-re; local territory; salary $m.7n. paid weekly, and expense money advanced: prev'.oua ex perience unnecessary; business successful: enclose selfiddreased envelope. cHaud ard House, Canon bldg., Cbloajo. B WA1TF.D-M.ltE II KIP. GIVE YOUR BOY A CHANCE. Educate him, give him a business training so that he can hold his own in the competition of life. Equip him with an accurate knowledge of business methods, forms and accounts'. Book-keeping, penmanship, correspondence and typewriting, thoroughly learned, lead to success. Select the right school. We claim to be experts in our line. Students are entering daily. Day and night sessions. , ENDORSED BY ONE WHO KNOWS. Boyles Shorthand School, N, Y. Ufa Building, Omaha. Gentlemen: I desire to add my testimony to the efficiency of your school. In the summer of 1901 after the close of the Omaha public schools. I placed my sons Jules Oreevy, then undor sixteen years of age In your school for n course of shorthand study, and OTHER BRANCHES NECESSARY FOR A SHORTHAND OPERATOR TO HE PROFICIENT IN. 1 DID THIS AFTER A CAREFUL 'NVE9THJATION OF THE METHODS USED IN ALL THE SHORTHAND SCHOOLS IN THE CITY. AND AS I AM AN EXPERT STENOGRAPHER MYSELF. I HAD MEANS OF DECIDING THIS -JUESTION FROM MY OWN EXPERIENCE. The writer operated the first type writing ma chine (old Remington No. 1) ever operated In the State of Iowa. This was In 1879. I "hammered" the second machine In the Union Pacific headquarters a year later In this city, so I think I can be classed as one of Omaha's veterans In this line, and capable of selecting a suitable school for my son. After a course of eight months, my son Jules accepted a position as secretary to the Freight Claim Agent of the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad In its gen eral headquarters, Omaha, and at present holds this position. ALTHOUGH A LIT TLE OVER SEVENTEEN YEARS OF AGE NOW HE IS CONCEDED TO BE ONE OF THE MOST THOROUGH. ACCURATE AND SWIFTEST STENOGRAPH IES IN THE CITY. ALL BROUGHT ABOUT BY THE CAREFUL AND THOR OUGH METHODS OF YOU R SCHOOL. I heartily recommend Boyles Shorthand art for the purpose of making a livelihood tv'lu l. . .1 . . .. ,i ..!.. vviui niiiu itgaiuB, uuii uuij, Apply for Catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE SALESMEN, our new 1903 map of the l nited mates and world Is easiest, great est seller out; strikingly new features se cure Immediate attention and quick sales; new railroads and changes on no other popular priced map; clean territory. C- B. Hammond & Co., 163 Broadway, New York.. B 113 ! GENTS or boys copy letters at home and return to us; highest prices paid weekly; send addressed envelope for copy and In structions. Ri gal Mfg. Co., 130 Fulton St., N. Y. B 115 1 WANTED, permanent, profitable positions for men and women who can give refer ences; we start you In business. The Eureka Paint and Equipment Co.. Liberty, Indiana. E-124 1 RELIABLE young man to place stock, must reside In Nebraska; salary and ex penses; permanent right party, state age; some collecting, references. Addressed envelope. Manager, 701 Star Bldg., Chi cago. B 990 ! WANTED, a young man as assistant cook; must hava somo experience and furnish references; no Sunday work. Address W 19, Bee. B M174 3 WANTED, a harnessmaker, at once. Oeo. C. Chapman, Hastings, la. B M173 14 WANTED Hustling salesman wl?h experl ence; salary and commission; good thing to the right person. Address The Smith Premier Typewriter Co. B 155 8 SALESMEN WANTED. SELL Bitters as side line on commission; fine article, well advertised. 2o5S Cuming. 704 F3 WANTED, 3 salesmen to solicit and collect; quick promotions. C27 Paxlon block. -M76 WE MUST have more traveling salesmen. Apply at once. George A. Baker & Co., South Bend, Ind. WANTED, salesmen by manufacturer of grocers' specialties; give experience fully; good salary. Address Box 617, Chicago. 111. TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska ter ritory; all round hustler; no technical knowledge; exceptional opportunities; es tablished, reliable and well rated house. F, R. Jennings, Sales Mgr., Detroit. Mich. B 907 ! WANTED, to supply salesmen with gro ceries at wholesale who take orders of farmers and ranchmen and deliver In car lots; good territory. Address Midland Grocery Co., 1635 Piatt St., Denver. Colo. B-908 3 WANTED, Immediately, by reliable Cleve land house, a wide-awake man with good business experience to complete our trav eling force for 1903: standard line. Church & Co., Ellastone Bldg., Cleveland, O. J-916 ! CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line. High commissions with advance of $100 monthly. Permanent po sition to right man. Jess H. Smith Co.", Detroit, Mich. J 938 1 WANTED At once, experienced traveling salesman for Nebraska. Must have a clean record and give bond. Box 514, Chicago. - 9601 SALESMEN John Sexton & Co., Importers of teas and coffees and wholesale grocers. 16 to 22 State St.. Chicago, want experi enced, honest, energetic, high-grade men to sell farmers and other large buyers. We are the largest grocery house In America engaged In this business and the originators of honest and modern methods of conducting It. We handle the finest goods and guarantee quality and quantity of every ertlcle; no capital required; ex clusive territory given In which to estab lish trade insurea line Income. We are Farmers' Headquarters In Chicago. -65 ! WANTED, at one, capable traveling sales man for the state of Nebraska to solicit the general merchandise trade. -Address Box 6. St. Louis, Mo. 967 I WANTED, salesmen, $60 monthly, expenses, permanent. Perry Nurstry Co., Rochester, N. Y." 119 4 BA LE8.M EN $25 per week to sell a lamp that ni'vkes Its own gas; lamp free. East ern Gas Co., 87 Nassau St.. N. Y. B W ANTED FUSIALU UELP, 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 15th & Dodge. C Ss3 WANTED, girl to.' general housework, small family and good wages; good home for good girl. Apply 3124 Poppleton Ave. C-780 NURSES' Training School, Pueblo, Colo.; six weeks' course; diplomas. Address above. c 3S&-F-6 WANTED, housekeeper In small family. GIRL wanted, to do plain housework. 4929 Davenport. Tke Far nam car. C 719 WANTED, experienced cook ana laundress; good wages. 224 N. lMh si. C-M74J 1 WANTED, 20 young ladles to Introduce a new brand of breakfast food. Address W 1, Bee olllce. C M734 3 A CHAMBERMAID wanted at the Creche, 19th and Harney. C Um I WANTED A middle-aged lady to tend baby. Call at )Tu8 California St. C MS81 1 WANTED Woman to do family washing. Call at 641 South !6th avenue. C 9l 3 1 PAY $20 to $40 per week for addressing tnvelopea and wailing advertising of my pianos and other musical goods; Instruc tions and complete outnt sent by express; charges pnld, no experience required. Cronkrlght s Wholesale ituslo House, Pittsburg. Pa. C . LADIES wanted in do embroidery and Hat tenberg at th.r homes; steady work. Chicago Crcchet Co.. Chicago, III. C LEARN proofreading; situation cured. 15 to $25 weekly. Home Correspondence School, Philadelphia. C WANTED, girl for general housework; two In amlly. 2522 Poppleton Ave. C-917 ! WANTED, trustworthy lady or gsntlvman to manage business; $.t straight salary and expensee paid weekly from headquar ters; expense money advanced. Thomas J. Cooper, Caxton Bldg., Chicago. C-945 I WANTED Competent lady bookkeeper with experience; $15 pr week; reference required. Addreaa W 13, Be. C 16 I OMAHA, Neb., Jan. 28, 1903. 8chool to any one wishing to acquire this at It. . T j-i irr ill. , ui.c 1 I, B WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, a first-class dressmaker to lo cate In Walnut, la. Griffith & Hanson, Walnut, la. C 943 3 WE WANT good lady solicitors. Good propositions. Investigate. Harper & Brothers, 611 Bee Bldg. C 941 1 $6.00 PER hundred for addressing envelopes. Send dime and stamp for full Instructions. Steady employment. N. G. Dorset, Cum mlngs Bldg., 61st St., Chicago. C 32 I WANTED, ladles to learn halrdresslng. manicuring and facial treatment. New and practical method that saves years. Practice furnished by free work. Instruc tions and lectures by experts. Tools, diplomas and positions given graduates. Call or write. Moler College, 1302 Doug las St. C 956 6 LADIES to work doilies and centerpieces at home; all materials furnished; highest prices paid; no canvassing. Send stamped envelope to Ely Novelty Co., Ely Bldg., Chicago. C 957 1 $5.'H) PER hundred for addressing envelopes. Send dime and stamp for material and Instructions. Steady work. C. E. Miller, Ely Bldg., Chicago. C 959 ! LADIES to do piecework at their homes; we furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 34 Monroe St., Chicago. C-967-1 A GOOD position awaits every woman who will sell our beautiful petticoats and solid comfort walking skirts; exclusive terri tory; big profits; no experience necessary; send for catalogues and particulars. Paris Skirt Co., Cleveland, O. C LADY, energetic, to work for ua In home territory; 112.60 weekly; permanent ami advancement. State former occupation. Send addressed envelope. J. L. Mao Brody, 366 Dearborn St., Chicago. C 989-1 HOME employment, plain writers, filling email blanks; rate $26 per 1,000; stamped, addressed envelope. Woman's Commer cial Union, Desk 23, Chicago. C 976 1 I WILL give to a responsible person a life scholarship In one of Omaha's leading business colleges; the scholarship may be paid for after the course Is finished and position secured. Address P. L. C, 204 Burdette St. C M116 1 LADIES or girls copy letters at home and return to us; highest prices paid weekly; send addressed envelope for copy and In structions. Regal Mfg. Co., 130 Fulton St. N. T. C 114 ! ' WANTED Experienced house maid; high est wages paid. Mrs. G. A. Joslyn, 3902 Davenport St. C M163 3 COPYING letters at home, full or spars time; no names to supply or addressing envelopes; nothing to buy; $20 per l.OtO, paid weekly; send addreased envelope for copy and application blank. Imperial Co., 123 Liberty St.. N. Y. C 999 ! LADIES or gents copy letters at home; no names to suppl)' or addressing en velopes; nothing to buy; $20 per 1,000, paid weekly. Send addressed envelope for copy and application blanks. Practical Mfg. Co., 128 Market St., Newark, N. J. C 998 ! l OH KENT Kl KM1SHED HOODS. DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Famaro. E 393 $1 PER WEEK 122 So. 18th St., one block south of court house. E 394 AETNA HOUSE. European, 13th and Dodga K $96 ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th A lcago U-3V. U M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 780. E-M393 ELEGANT steem-weated rooms. 1909 Capi tol Ave. K 191 FRONT parlor, furraca heat, gas. KM6 If. 20th St. E-M747 F VIENNA HOTEL, 1011-15 Farnara St. E Ml 31 8TEAM-HEATED rooms, $10 per month. Barker Hotel, 13th and Jones sts. Tel. K99. E M316 F17 KLkUANT rooms; hot water heat; mouern; reference. 1616 Webster. E M397 3 ROOMS for light housekeeping. 1112 So. lllh street. E 459-1' 1(17 CASS Gas and bath. E-95- LA ROE front room, neatly furnished. 110 S. 26th Ave. E 901 2 LARGE front room, south exposure, mod. era, heat if desired. 1211 Park Wilde Ave. E 970 3 TWO large rooms, heated, centrally lo cated; cheap if taken at once, $2 per week. 17' Webster. y 1 1,7 KIHMSIIED HOUMa AND 1IOAKD. FURNISHED rooms, with board, at the Hillside, Hth and Dodge sts. Tel. F-2162. F M746 ! 5t S. 25TH AVE., single room. F M400 PLEA8ANT alcove room, with first-class board, for two refined pe iple; private fam ily. 2571 St. Mary's Ave. F S57 F9 LARGE front parlor: bed roc m a for two ;tth board, $3.50 and $4 .00 per week. 937 rs. mn bi. - jfyj FOR RE XT l NFIRNISIIKD ROOMS. ONE suite of 3 unfurnished rooms on first floor, also one furnished front room with alcove; all modern conveniences and board. Mrs Geo. L. Dennis, 15u2 So. 29th. Tel. F-2;a. U 16 F3 FOR RENT Four rooms In first-class con- anion, (.an at 3004 s. 17th St. G M-S90 ! CENTRAL all modern, steam heat, two rooms, zjd n. ad. il lwi rOH RENT STOKES AND OFFICES. DOUBLE parlors. Call at 161$ Webster at. 1-M647 OFFICES in Ths Bee building. $10.00 per iiii'inH up. r.eni.1 price includes neat, llgbi and Janitor service, h. C. Peters A Co., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Be bldg. , 1-279 FOR RENT Commission house. 5o5-T South Eleventh. Best room and location and Ijwret rent In the city; t.Ouu ft floor space. Including basement and second Itoor. oood vault and Iron shed. S. D Mercer Co., 32U Bee Bldg. I 176- Men and Women Looking for Positions Read the Want Ads. WHEN YOU HAVE A PLACE TO f ILL, TRY ONE. WANTED MALE HELP. IF MONEY MAKING POSITIONS Could be assured, many young people would at once take a course In business training. The Nebraska Business AND Shorthand College The following graduates were assisted to positions last week: Miss Appel, Cudahy Packing Co. Miss Maley. Cudahy Packing Co. Mr. Chlsek, American Express Co. Miss Reubsamen, Pacific Express Co. Miss Mcpherson, lopp-Woodward Co. Miss Martin, Journal-Stockman Co. Miss Gosney, Fairmont Creameiy Co. Miss Kennedy lams Stock Co., St. Paul, Miss Brown, H. E. Fredrlckson. Miss Orton, bookkeeper. Mr. Silver, F. E. & M. V. R. R. You have only to visit the above Institu tions to be convinced of the fact that we not only give a thorough business train ing, but by reason of our reputation for tuinlng oat competent help we are able to assist to positions all who finish the course. Although another floor was added to our space last year, we can accommo date but a few more at this time. New classes Monday for those who have ar ranged to enter. Send for the finest catalogue ever published by a business college. A. C. ONG, A. M., L L. B., President. FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purpuet-s at 916 f aruam, 22x90, tour stories and first-class cemented basement, elevator, lire and burglar proof vault, office counter and tlxturui. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, tec ro tary The Bee Building Co., room ltl. Bej building. I M567 FOR RENT Store In first-class location, rent reasonable. Apply it. C Peters ok Co., ground floor, Ute Bldg. 1266 FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied by The Bee at 916 Farnam St. It has four stories ard a basement which was formerly used aa The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at office to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1261 HALF atore. 620 So. 16th St. 1-438 STORES FOR RENT. The 4-story and basement building, 82x120 feet In sise, Nos. 141 and 1414ft liarney St.. $250 ner month. Good store room. No. 1412 Harney St., $60 per month. Store room and basement, In first-class con dition. 1613 Howard St., too per montn. Store room, in tlrst-class condition, 1433 S. 16th st., $10 per month. GEORGE & CO., lOol FARNAM ST. I-M628 Fl FOR RENT Nice office in the Omaha National Bank uiug., io.uu. umana oaie Deposit & Trust Co., 210 S. 13th St. 1-8949 UNITED 8TATE3 NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Charles B. Williamson, 1203 Farnam St. tin building.) M 134 1 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment, with assured good in come. Agents in the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily $60 to $100 per month. Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. 213 WANTED I want hustling agents to as sist me In obtaining buyers ior nans&s land; big profits for energetic people; no experience requireo. ntiana r. lockwooo. 102-3 Bryant bldg., Kansas City, Mo. j mm i WILL erec. one-story building to suit tenant at 1218 Harney. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Bee bldg. J-M7S2 6 CALENDAR SALESMEN who have had experience. To such we will make most liberal proposition to Introduce and sell the handsomest line of calenders for 19u4 ever offered to the public. Write promptly with references. Do not write unless you are experienced calendar salesman. The Kemper-Thomas Company, Cincinnati O. WANTED, an agent, either sex, to sell shirt waist goods In their home and sur rounding towns. Large line. Including high-class novelty patterns and exclusive designs. Sells on sight. Big pay to right party. Buckley Custom Shirt Co., Dept. 1, St. Louis, Mo. J AGENTS, don't work for Khers; learn a profession In ten days that will pay $10 to $25 per day. Prof. 8. A. Weltmer, Ne vada, Mo. J THE AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE IN SURANCE CO., Elkhart, Ind., Insures persons from 60 to 84. Seventeen years In business. Liberal contracts to agents. J 6HAMROCK8 for St. Patrick's day March 17. We are the cheapest house In America for shamrocks. Send for wholesale price list or loc for sample line. Jos. F. Bllz, Omaha, Neb. J WE PAY $26 a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce Poultry Compound. Internationa) Mfg. Co., Parsons, Kan. J-905 ! WANTED, manager In every city, county to handle best-paying business known; legitimate, new; exclusive control. Phoe nix. Co., 16 W. 2Sth St.. New York. J- BRASS UMP free to agents; makes Its own gas; costs lc a day; no oil. wicks, chimneys; rivals electricity: quick seller; cheap. 1'erfect Light Co., 140 Nassau St., New York. J-920 ! OIL BURNER free to agents; heats stoves or furnaces; burns crude or kerosene oil; makes blue flame; fit a week salary or will give right to make same on a roy alty. Write National Mfg. Co., Station L, New York. J $22 WEEKLY and all expenses for men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound; straight salary. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept. o4, I'arsons, Kan. J-926-1 $10 TO $J5 dally, agents selling greatest business getter for all stores. Turning darkness Into daylight In homee and churches. Write quickly. American Lighting Co., 1"0 Michigan St.. Chicago. j 9:9 i MEN willing to work positively make l..oo to $, per year selling our Just . . . i I t' .. 1 i, o-.-J paiemeu niaciunr. cogir i oui v o., n. Cincinnati, O. J-937-1 EASY, profitable home work; photo por trait painting: paying manufacturing secrets; send stamped addressed envelope. F Pierce, 22 D. 142U Monroe, Chicago. J-973-1 WANTED Salesman for local territory to handle line of patent advertising fans. Liberal commission. Good side line. Press-Novelty Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. Sta tion E. J-978-1 ' BELLING AGENTS WHO SELL TAILORING from SAMPLES. One wideawake mm In each town; men who have an eye to business ami money-making will appreciate our work and woolens, which are tha-niKst on the market, (mr liberal business methods and powerful advertising will triple your sales. Spring and summer outfits now ready. pnst offlce Box 6:'4, Cnlcago. J 979 ! STOP runaways, hitch hnrses solid In stantly; carry In pocket: sight seller; gents wanted. Potket Hitching post Co., Richmond, Ind. J-5 1 AGENTS WANTKD. WE MAKE novelties nnd supply catalogues at cost to us. Our new 36age catalogue with colored cover, having your name and address on, coets you $6 per thousand. Sample of the latest novelty retails for siic, with our catalogue and wholesale prices li"c, postpaid; 12 samples of nov elties which retail for $1.50, with our catalogue and wholesale prices Mc. post paid; 20 samples of novelties which retail for $3, with our catalogue and wholesale prices $1, postpaid. We have no free samples. Our goods are all worth money and In ordering any of the outfits to get acquainted with our line, you cannot lose, as you can easily obtain twice what you pny for the articles. We are manufactur ers. Write at once. Stamps taken. Nov elty Supply Co., 80 Dearborn St.. Chicago, 111. J-974-1 WANTED, agents everywhere, either sex, Zarema diamond; experts puzzled to de tect from genuine; liberal commission; catalogue, sample tring or stud), free on application. Zarema Diamond Co.. 85 Dearborn St.. Chicago. J 9S2 ! AGENTS. $30 to $60 weekly easily made; we prove this. Luminous nameplates, numbers, signs readable darkest nights; samples free. Right Supply Co. Engle wood. 111. J-9S3 ! AGENTS 125 profit: sells to every plum ber, marble worker, blacksmith, mechanic or farmer; one sale a day clears $75 a month; agents clearing $375 a month. Luther Bros., 68 West Ave. N., Milwau kee, Wis. J 141 ! WANTED, first-class canvassers for an ln despcnsible new household article: sells on sight: sample 6o cents: write for terri tory; particulars free. Wollman Window Washer Co., Kansas City, Wo. j-ion i AGENTS can make $2,000 to $4,000 next three months handling newly patented article, absolute necessity, demand enormous, ex perience unnecessary, exclusive territory given. Household Novelty Co., Manufac turers, 3512 Broadway. New York. J-lll 1 AGENTS to handle our hlgr. grade per fumes; our plan wins; large profits', terms reasonable. Leffler & Co., St. Louis. Mo. J 120 ! AGENT wanted in each county; $5.40 free; exclusive territory; get full particulars at once. The Cremollne Mfg. Co., 1729 Olive St., St. Louis. J-123 ! WONDERFUL, coal outdone; new gas heater Just out, for bath and small rooms; per hour. Attach to gas fixtures. $1 delivered. Winner for live agents. Home Supply Co.. 118 Michigan St., Chl ca go. J-Wl 1 WANTED TO RENT. A RESPONSIBLE business man will maki a two oi three-year lease of well built, attractive, seven or eight-room modern house In good location. Address S 67, Bee office, staling particulars. K M518 WANTED, 6-room house, with or without board, centrally located, for 2 months; modern conveniences. Addrees U 66, Bee office. K M7S3 3 WANTED, to rent, good, fast driving horse and buggy for 2 months; must be moderate; for city use only. Address U 67, Bee office. K M732 3 WANTED, three or four unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. Addrexs W 7, Bee. K M779 ! WOMAN, employed, wants two or three rooma for light housekeeping. Must be first-class. References. Address, W 14, Bee. K 971 1' FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. O 403 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. TRY ME on wagon repairing. First-class work. 11. Froat, 14th and Leavenworth. P 403 GOOD family horse. 1318 7arnam. P M600 F3 ONE carload of heavy draft horses. Omaha Stables. 14th and Howard sts. P M7o7 FIRST-CLASS barber wanted; guarantee $16 week; steady Job. W. G. Schmelxel, ldunha Hotel, Boise, Idaho. P 144 7 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SEWING MACHINES For Three Days CHEAP For Three Days Singer drop head slightly used 520.00 White, five-drawer, drop head 15.00 Standard, five-drawer, drop head 20.00 Davis, five-drawer, drop head 20.00 Household, five-drawer, drop head, . 25.00 New home, five-drawer, drop head 25.00 Wilcox & Gibbs, box top 25.00 Singer tailoring 10.00 These machines are all in perfect condition, and the latest thing the factories produce, and such machines 'as the usual agents sell for new. Box top machines, all standard makes, with the latest heads, complete with attachments, from $1.00 to $1.00 We rent machines at 75c per week or $2 per month. We repair and sell parts for any machine manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. Geo. E. Mickel, Manager, Cor. 15th and Harney. 334 Broadway, Co. Bluffs, hi, 612 N. 24th So. Omaha, Neb. L FENCE LATH for quick shipment, crib bing combination ladder. vl Douglas. W Mo4 FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any other musical instrument, $5 up. The Wutmann Co., 14 Farnam. W turn 2D11AND safe cheap. Deright, 1119 Farnam. Q 407 WAREHOUSE. 63,000 square leet, fine trackage facilities. Beeoc Runyan, luta and Farnam. W-713 F4 FOR SALE, first mortgage note bearing t per cent interest, payable every all months; has about 2H years to run; good security and endorsed by responsible party; amount. $1.wa. Inquire C. M. Lucliouaiin. Boom t-4, I'axton block. Q-4 4- FOR SALE, six-passenger rockaway car riage, in good condition. Milton Rogers c Sons Co. y MIo 75 LADIES' and gents' watches. 160 dia monds k-ft In pawn, good a new selling at half price. Diamond Loan Office, lfl Douglas. Q M7u F27 PROFESSIONAL stereoptlcon and moving picture machine, cai'ium lamp, oak case, almost new; will taks $4u. Taylor. us South mh st. Q-M728 1 SODA WATER pays large profits; new and second-hand fountains; larg line; low price.; easy payments; full Instructions to turchasers; catalogue free. Hobt. M. rceu t Sons, Philadelphia, Pa'. IM foil SALE MISIUIXANEOIS. SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables: billiard tables repaired; a large stock of cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc. The Bru.-iawlck-Balke-Coliender Co., 4"7- B 10th. Q-M426 Ml FOR SALE. 1 blacksmith shop, 1 sets of tools. Inquire at 1612 Webster St. FOR SALE Two stoves and three show cases with stands, cheap If taken at once. Address U 67. Bee. Q M681 HARP, Sebnstln Prard. double-acting, por fect condition, cost $950; Will sell $.'50, on easy payments If taken at once. 19ns Cum ing st. Q 363 NEW and Zdhand typewriters. Ul Farnam FOR SALE, scholarship In Omaha Busi ness college cheap. Address W 2, Bee. Q-M723 ! FOR SALE, first-class house moving outfit, doing good business; my health failed. Lock Box 493. Norfolk, Neb. y 176 1 INDIAN goods and relic. 1119 Parnam. a MISCELLANEOUS. $1.60 TUNING; guaranteed first class. Per- fleld Piano Co. Tel. 701. R 1iV ! CLAIRVOYANTS. CHIEF DONA HUE makes another good move. His order requiring traveling clair voyants to show letter from the cnlef of police In the last two towns where they have onernted rs commendable. This Is a piotectlon to a certain class and is a bar to the fakirs. It Is a fact that very few genuine "life readers" travel and every town should iar the "grafters." If a medium or palmist Is genuine there la a demand, for them anywhere, and there is absolutely no necessity for their traveling. MME. GYLMER. OMAHA'S FAVORITE PALMIST, has been six years In Omaha, and she has by her honest methods and scientific work created a following that Is a credit to her, and one 4he would not leave only through circumstances which would make It absolutely necessary. If you desire to know your future, or If you are In need of advice see MME. GYI MER, she can help you. Parlors 316 So. 15th, In Granite block. 2d floor; take ele vator. 8 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1614 Caas street. S 40 MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist, 315 S. 15. S 110 MADAME LUCRETIA, medium. 16o Chi ci. .to St. ft M692 F3 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. IS. 2d floor, r. t T-M771 FT GRACE O'BRYAN of Kentucky, 720 S. 13th. T-324 F17 MME. SAUNDERS gives magnetic treat ment. 1819 Leavenworth. Flat 7. T-M764 4 BATH8-)1 N. 13th St. T 769 F28 Mrs. Davis, 1621 Howard; baths; attendant. 99528 MRS. HARRIS, 1821 Leavwth, 3d floor, flat 2, T M175 F28 PERSONAL. VIAVI, Woman's Way to Health. Horn treatment. Booklet free. S46 Boa Bldg., Omaha. U 413 TELEPHONE 780 tor L. M. E. messengers. U 41 DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. 13, Frenzer block. V 111 RUPTURE) CURED without pntn. Empire Rupture Co., N. Y. Life Building, Omaha. U 970 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Uardels, 2334 Lake. Tel. Red-18i4. U-117 PRIVATE hoi.pltal before and during con finement; first-class In every respect; br.bles adopted. Dr. L. L Miller. 250$ Blondu St. 'Phone F-1182. U M427 PERSONAL. CHIROPODY, manicuring, facial and spe cial massage taught and practiced. A, Mayer. 613 Be Bldg. Consultation fr, Tel. 1711 U M837 PRIVATE hospital for laales before and during confinement; babies adopted, livi s). 18th st. Mrs. Fisher. Tel. t JJli. U-M899 Fl ELITE PARLORS, (IS 8. 16th St., 2d floor. J -M461 F23 PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Gerisvh, 3625 California 01. Terms reasonable. U-M432 ECZEMA SALVE that cured W. A. Pax ton. U. i. Scannell, agent, bu Ware blk. U-MUS F22 MARRY! Western ladles. Addresses free. Enclose stamp. Star, 672 Fourth St., San Francisco, Cal. U 4i F-l Qruirtirloc lhat It- CHoba Optical Co., opecuueb 21s so. Kth. u-u- A WHOLESOME nerve and tissue food and home treatment for disorders of women. Write for free booklet explaining fully. Viavl Co., 343 Bee bldg , Omaha, 'lei. 16M. ' U MIU3 WBALTHT, refined, kind-hearted gentle man, with beautiful home, being lonely, will Barry for love and companionshin. Address "Mr, Edwards," 716 Looust. Room St- Louis, Mo. PERSON L HUY your phonographs and records whrre you can have the largest selection. Neb Cycle Co., Cor. 16th and Harney. U- 7 YOUR fortune told from cradle to grive What 1 tell you comes true. Send dime and Mrth date. Prof. J. Myers-, Drawer 7i4, Chicago. f-isi-i LADY of wealth, attractiveness and (tool character, semewhat lonely, seeks hus band to share her wealth end affection Sincere, 810 Olive, Room N-2. St. Louis, Mo. U ta-l ATTENTION Railroad Men-Information" wanted of Kid Lane: address, if living; where burled, If dead. A. M. MontHili, Beiton, Texas. U s-l A WONDERFUL French clairvoyant; what he tells comes true; send Vv and birthday. Prof. E. Oarnot, Box :'17:. Bos ton, Mass. l.'-'.M6 1 I WAS saved from consumption after my case was pronounced Incurable and hope less y eminent physician. If you lire suffering from this dread disease and will write mo I will gladly tell you without cost how It was done at home. My solo objett Is to be of some benefit to Immun ity. Rev. Melvln L. Peden, pastor liniich of Christ, 141 Stone St., Glbsonhurp. O. U-9J6 -1 READ the truth, "Wicked Utile Suppers" nnd actresses' spreads. Febri'arv Whut To Eat. Newsdealers, 10c. U 950 1 WHY DON'T people eat horse flesh? Rend "Food Prejudices," February What To Eat. Newsdealers, 10c. U 951 1 FORTUNES TOLD Prof Hszelton, horo scope writer. Send lie, birthday ami three questions answered. 46 Orummond Ave., Detroit, Mich. U 9fS l" WANTED Names nnd addresses of parties holding homestead claims In Oklahoma. Address, IL, Bee, Council Bltffs. U-072-1 GET OUR BOOK. "IJst of Heirs;" we col lect clntms everywhere through Associate attorneys; wanted, nnmes of lost pcoplo and heirs; legal advice, particulars and references furnished. Severance, Davis ok Stuart, lawyers, Kansas City, Mo. C-K8 ! HANDSOME and Intelligent American lady, immensely wealthy, but lonely, wants Im mediately, honest, ' capable husband, lis advisor and protector. Address Vera. 4o7 Temple bldg., St. Louis. Mo. U 126 1 MARRY RICH! Photos and descriptions of hundreds of rich and handsome men and women who wish to marry, sealed, free. C. H. Rowan, Sta. B 226, Milwau kee, Wis. U 996 1 SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and molca permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; nil work guaranteed. Miss Allendcr. 1613 Douglas. U .i.50 TUNING: guaranteed first class. Per- ticld Piano Oo, Tel. 701. U 159 ! TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS-We have moved to 113 8. 17th street. 'e will continue to carry a nice line of pianos, talking machines, small musical mer chandise and sewirg machines nnd will endeavor to merit a share of your patron age. COLINS PIANO COMPANY. U-164 I AM a handsome blonde. 21 years of age. have $40,000 and will Inherit 33l). more; have brown hair and blue eyes; height 6 feet; weight 125; play the piano: will marry If suited; write gentlemen, this Is an honeBt add. P. O. Box 90, Sta. B.. Mil waukee, Wis. U-105 1 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG S H.. Touch T. W.. Bus. Branches, Teleg. Cat. free. Om. Com. Col., 17 A Doug. A, C. Van SANT'S school, 717 N. Y. Life. 441 BOYLES college, court reporter principal, N. Y. Life. -443 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 15UVs Farn. Tels. 1559-863. EXPRESSMAN'S Del. Co. Tela. 1195-U45. 47 GENERAL HOOFING. WORK In any part of the country. Jones Roofing Co., 1517 Burt SL Tel. 196. M173 BARRICK Roofing Co., 1616 Cuming st. Tel. 951. M47B LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry and City Towel Supply. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. A-17S3. 720 OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. & ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 615. N. Y. Life Bldg. TeL 1664. -463 Dr. Grace Deegan, 612 McCague Blk. Tel. 2968 462 LOST. LOST, gold stickpin, with small diamond setting surrounded by four opuls. R. M. Harris, M. E. Smith & Co. $15 reward. Lost-77,1 Fl LOST Black and tan dog, Saturday morn ing at loth and Bancroft; liberal reward; . return to 1472 S. 14th. 153 ! MAMFACTlHI.HO. P. MELCHOIH, 13th and Howard, ma chinist. OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. make a spe cialty of fire escapee, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andrcen, Prop., 102 8. loth st, 445 SIGN PAINTING. 8CHROEDER Sign Works. 209 8. 17th. We also ship signs Write us. 376 Junes LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8T1LLMAN & PRICE, 23 U. 8. N l Bk. Rldg. . 4S NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. T. Life Bldg., attorneys and collectors every where. los MACFARLAND It MAY, New York Life Building. Room 3o4. 'Phone 1562. -823 HARNESS. HARNESS made to order and repaired. Old harness taken in trade. 13th and Leaven worth. M447 K23 THINKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 606 8. 16th. 453 TUB DEPOT on time. L. M. E. Tel. 780. UROCERIES AND PROVISION. EGGS, 20C PER DOZ. T. eV E. Batterion, grocers, 324 N. 18th SL -467 ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN Pleating Co., 2U0 Douglas Blk. 750 V OMAHA PLEATING CO.. W. E. Hatch. Mgr., 1610 Howard SU Tel. iZA. -M787 F7 PATENTS. K. J COWGII.L No fees unless success. tut. iito a. uiu Dt-, taious- !. jya. SUES & CO., Bee Bldg , Omaha, Neb. Es. tabllsbed 186. No fee It wa fall. Hand book free. Telephone 163 and A-2G10. 452 MJ0 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Ofllca, rellabl. accommodat ing, all business confidential. Uvl Douglas. 42 SCHOLARSHIP. BUSINESS college scholarship for sale at a bargain In on of Omaha a leading com. marcial rollvgw; life scholarship. Addrasa ft 47. Bee bfiice. iAZ'-A 4