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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1903)
The Omaha Sunday Bee jj EDITORIAL SHEET. PAGES 11 TO 20. I KSTAHLISIIKI) JUNK 1!, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY JIOKNING, FEBRUARY 1, 1JU).'J. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. 3? BKrriirHJiBJMam;iTMWgw'uvlfltiaiMi Aimr La S uj it mimv ONLY EIGHT DAYS TILL THE TRUSTEE DISPOSES OF THE BENNETT STOCKS IN ONE BUNCH, EVERYBODY KNOWS IT'S BETTER TO SELL TO OUR REGULAR CUSTOMERS AT 50C ON THE DOLLAR THAN TO SELL TO SOME SPECULATOR AT 30C ON THE DOLLAR, MONDAY WILL BE A SENSATIONAL DAY AT BENNETT'S. BARGAIN SALES AND BARGAIN TABLES WILL GREET THE VISITOR ON EVERY HAND IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, MUSIC, WALL PAPER, ETC flAIN FLOOR SIXTEENTH STREET LEFT. 'A LOT OF SUMMER SKIRTS AND SUITS AT LESS THAN COST IN NEW YORK. Pique Suits and Skirts, Linen Suits and Skirts, Dimity Lawn and Organdy Suits, Duck Suits and Skirts, Chambray Suits and Skirts. WASH 'SUMMER WAISTS AN IMMENSE STOCK TWO BARGAIN TABLES 500 COLORED WAISTS, IOC 7:.C, OSC AN1 ?1.(0 WAISTS. WO. ALL BETTER WASH WAISTS ONE-FOURTH OFF MARKED PRICE, SILK PETTICOATS ELEGANT STYLES FINE TAFFETA AND PEAU DE SOIE, UP FROM $1.9.1. ALL ONE-FOURTH OFF MARKED PRICES. WOMEN'S SILK WAISTS Fancy striped and figured taffeta and plain colors in 0 Jt Q fcitU peau dn sole our $1.95 values, for SILKS! SILKS! SILKS! 19-lnrh rolnred all silk taffeta our "jo quality, for, yard 10-lnrh R5-cent quality for 49c 69c 67c "ALACK TAFFETA 20-lncJi good heavy make, strictly fiOf all pure silk 8rc quality, (nr UsCG 27-Inch guaranteed $1.50 quality fur 1.00 DRESS GOODS Black t2-lnch Plnck English Cloth 11.25 quality. for 36-Inch EngliBh Drllllantlne 60c quality, for 42-Inch Imported Cheviot Serge, strictly all wool, 76c quality, yard BLANKETS! BLANKETS! 600 PAIRS OF FINE ALL WOOL AND COTTON BED BLANK ' ETS TOO LATE FOR EARLIER SALES WILL BE SOLD MONDAY AT LESS THAN COST OF MAKINQ. ( 10-4 One heavy cotton sheet blankets. In gray, worth 95c, for, pair 11- 4 large size heavy cotton blankets. In gray, worth QC 1.35, per pair 9UW 12- 4 extra large and heavy cotttm blankets, in gray, I ft"! worth $2.50, at, pair : Illl I .10-4 all wool and heavy bed blankets, worth $4.00, 1 (IK at, pair fclOO 10-4 fancy plaids, all wool blankets, worth $5.00, Q flE UiUW 73c 39c 49c CMLLIS! CIIALLIS! GIIALLIS! 11EST QUALITY FRENCH CHALUS IN PERSIAN AND FOUL ARD EFFECTS very danlty designs and colorings, only a . few pieces to sel former price was $1.25 will Ttm go tomorrow, per yard IwC I PIECES OF WOOL 1ARES8 GOODS This, lot - Includes all , Homespuns, Cheviots, Mattalesalcs Bankets, Venetians, Covert " Canves and Plaids choice pattern our regular price for these fine goods was from 6ic to 98c yours M f tomorrow, per yard 7UW 8 TIECES BRILLIANTINE AND SICILIAN MOHAIRS iA I all colors a 98c fabric, at,, per yard TvC Tho balance of our all-wool French Challls, two color effects. Just the right thing for waists, dressing sacques or 00 home gowns, all fast colors, tb Cue kind, at, yard sCwG ONLY A FEW PIECES OF. FANCY WOOL WAISTINGS, STRIPED OR FIGURED, ALL NEW DESIGNS all ft price. at, pair SHEETS! SHEETS! SHEETS! 81x99 Inches fine bleached cotton bed sheets, free from Cflft starch or filling, worth 65c, for, each UUw PILLOW CASES, 42x45-inch sizes, free from starch or filling our 18c value, at, each Extra heavy quality largo size, hemstitched sheets, made tT n from best Utlca sheeting our 90o value, at U I C lie TOWELS, ETC! 25 dozen fine quality hemstitched, all linen buck . towels our 25c values, for, each 23x46 Bleached Turkish Bath Towels, made from best absorbent cotton our 25c values, for, each 200 pounds German Knitting Yarn, all'colors, worth 22c, at, skein 300 gross fancy small Pearl Buttons, worth 12 He, at, 2 dozen for Silk Pillow Tops, worth 75c, at, each , ,. Ladles' linen collars, worth 15c at, each GOLORED DRESS GOODS novelty Suitings regular $1.49 values, All net for . ETAMINES IN BLUE, BROWN AND GRAY, worth $1.39, for 64-INCH SUITING8, In mnroon. navy blue, D. K. green and gray, 98c value, for BILK AND WOOL PLAIDS regular $1.25 value, for , 25 PIECES 64-INCH SUITING in green, brown, blue and tan, regular $1.49 value for 85c 89c 46c 85c 98c 17c 15s 15c 13c 40c ...lie 39c 39c MO You Have the Confidence, We Have the Goods, Let's Trade. Quite a 7 Rfl Sui,S 1,mt S"1,1 tn ,,V00- ThX Oil. OfJtl fin 'nn, ily!?:i0.(0. .r,-.00 an,! ? 10.00. Wlllld Ul UhuU means a selection from huntlrt Wrt of wUIlb Wl UlUiUU Rrokaw Rros'. liantl tailored soils. tin' linest ready-to-wear clotliinp; made in America. Young Men's Suits $4.99-The kind that ecu for eio.oo, 12.50 and $1:5.50. QverCOatS $15.00 For men, worth if 30. 00. Overcoats $10.00 VoT ,nt5li worth 20.00. OverCOatS S7. 50 For men, worth $15.00 suits in both single and double-breasted styles, made of such fabrics as imported tweeds, fancy worsteds. American Woolen (Vs. blue and black 20-oz. blue series, fliibets. etc., the greater part of which hold at $10.7." ONE I'l.ICH, tfT.r.O. Quito fh 7K Trustee Sale 500 suits which form- W II IIS 91 WWi I O erly sold at irices ran-riii-i from $'20 to 2'2.77t, an nrpsj-atUm of the very finest suits, in all weights, colors anil fabrics. Boys' Overcoats $7.50 Overcoats on sale at 3i50 $8.00 Overcoats on sale -at 4s00 $10 Overcoats on sale at 5.00 $12 Overcoats on sale at 6.00 Boys' Top Reefer's $5.00 Top Reefers on sale 2s00 $6.00 Top Reefers oh sale 3.00 Men's Trousers $1.00 Trousers on sale at 59c $2.00 Trousers,on sale at .QQ $3.00 Trousers on sale at .50 Children's Wash Suits All New Spring Goods. Wash Suits- Oft worth 75c. at UOU ... 48c Wash SuitS worth ll.oo, at Wash Suits- Gfp worth $1.25, at wllw Wash Suits - , worth $1.50, at. Wash Suits- " worth 12.00, at.. 78c 98c Duchess Trousers in fhaso Ibfs 10c a button, $1 a rip, or a new pair Wash Suits- I Of worth $2. 50, at fatJ Wash SuitS worth 13.00, at. 1.48 Wash SuitS worth 4 00, at 1.98 Wash Suits- O Cfl worth 5.00, at fcUU Wash Suits- 3 flfl worth &t).00. at WlUU Hat Department Hat OB flfl Il'ce of fitty dozen lldlO OliUU P,,ft hats, stylish shapes values up, to $2.50 Monday only $1.00. Patie QQf enrt Winter Caps in (JajJS Www lush, kersey and beaver, 75c and f 1.00 value?. vv Pane 7Ql Men's best quality of UUpS Iwu caps that we carried goods that sold'up to $2.00. p n Toques, Tarn o'Shanters, USPS LUb all the $1.00 kinds in fancy children's caps, at 25c. Stetson Hats, $3.00 Umbrellas SI to S3 Just-one-half4he.price,-before the Trustee sale. Do you need one ?' STOCKINGS Our entire stock of ladles' fancy and lace lisle hoss, all sizes, worth up to 89c, at, pair CORSETS 20 dozen medium and short length corsets, gray colors, worth 75c, (sizes 24 to 30) at, pair LADIES WHITE WOOL, RIBBED UNDERWEAR full regular made, sizes 7, 8, 9, worth 11.50, at, garment.. SKIRT BINDING all wool brush skirt binding, all colors fZ j and black, worth 10c, at, yard UW ' HAT PINS 500 fancy Jeweled hat pins, worth up to 10 I A 40c, at, each lCa2W COLLAR TOPS 600 dozen collar tops, embroidered Swiss l and linen, worth up to 36o, at, each IS NECKWEAR 25 dozen ladies' pique washable stocks and silk ties, worth up to 75c, at, each 10c Uomti's Skirts Uomen's Shirts Vc have been compelled to accept a large shipment ef women's dress and walking skirts ordered before the failure they must be scld at once, and will be put on sale Monday subject to same SLASHING DISCOUNT as on our present stock. Come and see them. (UlEN'S'FURNISHI Hosiery 39c Wilson Bros.' Hose, 85c and $1.00 values. ElnCIGril QRn Men's 'Sample" Hosiery, consisting of liUdlGiy tCUU the best French and German makes, in fancy novelties, plain colors, values up to 75c. Pajamas SI.QO Our $2.00 Men's fine Pajamas, in plain and fancy patterns. Ctiirtt HQ fi Jjion an(i Wilson Bros.' makes both stiff WilinS OUU and soft bosom, coat fronts, cuffs at tached or separate, $2. 00 values. Bath RobeS-What's your price? Smoking Jackets-Wnat's your pric? Cardigan Jackets what's your price? Jersey Office Coats what's your price? Here's your chance to talk. We must turn these goods into money. CLEARING SALE OF WALL PAPER FOR JUST A FEW MORE DAYS "Think Of it! People Of Omaha!!" Goods you formerly paid 20c to 25c per roll for, fl you can buy NOW Tor money running from 20c down to ....ftjllj ' These goods include foreign and domestic made tapestries, burlaps, ingrains, plain tints, florals, stripes everything in late up-to-date wall "DECORATIVE ART." WALL PAPEK KEMNANTH Tied in bundles, containing from 0 to 20 rolls, including "border" and "ceiling" some ICg contain goods that sold as high as GOc per roll. This sale up from, per bundle IwU ROOM MOULDINGS Nothing in the moulding line left but gilts and tapestries, yours at, per foot, .'k Worth double. WALL PAPER CLEANEPi Dest on earth, 1 lb. can, of which we sold hundreds of thousands at 2."c, Yours for . 5C NOTE No paper trimmed during this sale. Samples on Main Floor-Come and See Them. The Rarest Bargains in America. SOLD ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN. $5.00 MONTHLY PAY MENTS. Sheet Music at Your Own Price. J. S. CAMERON, Manager Music Dept. TWO VALUABLE JIESESTOES General Manieraon Presents Interesting Material to Public Library. INVITATION TO M'KINLEY-SAXTON WEDDING rime Cmrd Koltlrr of the In Ion Purine gprrlal Train that Carried ( Uraud l)n ke Alexia to Ilia Huflalo Hani. Two documents presented to the Omaha Public, library by General Manderiou add ome Interesting material to the collection of historical souvenirs which is gradually beluf gathered togelhi-r lu the library building.' The letter of transmittal, which was prenrnted to the library board at its meeting last week and which explains briefly the Import of the girts, reatU as follows: OMAHA. Jan. ?8, IStS.-To the Librarian Df the Omaha I'ubllo library: I send to you an lnt rtatlng paper to add to the CulKt'ttim In the Hyron Kei H room. It is the Invitation to Mrs. Mun.l.r. m and my self to trre wedilliiK of William McKlnli-y to Ida S.ixton at I'anton, O. The addr.-ss H on the rnvr!oe la In the handwriting tf Major Mi'Klnley. afterwards l'rexldent UKInUy. The papers should be framed to prvserve them. They are of interest pow and to future gem-rations will be of treat value. Truly yours OHAHLKS K. MANOKR30X. P. B 1 alxo acud an invliatlnn tn the trip from Omaha west to Grand Duke Alexia of Tb invKaiKn r(errd to i enclosed la a peculiarly constructed envelope bearing the embossed monogram of the contracting parties. As General Maadcrson points out, the address on the outside should be readily reccgntzed as the handwriting of the late President McKlnley by anyone who Is familiar with bis well known s'gna ture. The marriage of William McKinley, Jr., and Miss Ida Saxton took place in 1871, but the year Is nowhere noted upon the invitation, which. In its peculiar wording, reads: Mr. and Mrs. James A. Saxton will be pleased to have you present at the marriage of their daughter Ida, to ' William McKlnley, Jr., Wednesday evening, Jan. 1X. at "Vi o'clock. First Presbyterian churrh. Reception from 8 till o'clock. Canton, Ohio. Hello of Koyalty. The other memento Is a more gaudy cardboard folder, printed In red, blue and gold, and enclosed in an envelope bearing on the outside over the scutcheon of the road the inscription "Time card for special train, Union Pacific railroad, from Omaha to McPherson, Friday, January 12. 1872." eki the first page of the folder the 'words read, "Complimentary to HIb Imperial Highness, the Grand Duke Alexia of Rus sia, and Suite. Vnlon Pacific Railroad Company, Omaha, January 12, 1872. Thomas A. Scott, president; John Duff, vice presi dent." On the second page the announce ment appears "Special traiu of the Union Pacific Railroad conveying Grand' Duke Alexis of Russia and Suite will ,leave Omaha, 3 p. m.. Friday, January 12. 1872. This train will have the right of road over all other trains. T. E. Sickles, chief en gineer and general superintendent." The wording of the third page is as follows: "His Itnperial Highness and party will lt-ave McPherson atation. Union Pacific railroad, Saturday morning, January 13, 1872, for a Grand Buffalo Hunt under di rection of Lieutenant General P. H. Sheri dan, IT. S. Army." Under this Inscription Is a beautiful picture in gold portraying a wild buffalo chase In fullest excitement, with two or three mounted huntsmen scat tering a herd of several thousand buffalo, in a fashion up to the dime novel standard. On the last side of the folder is the special time card for the ducal excursiou, giving Omaha aa the starting point at 3 p. m , and the names aud distances as well as the time of arrival at the thirty points of stop page to the destination. McPherson which Is down as 277.5 miles from Omaha, was to be reachrd at 2 a. m. the next morning auJ the fact that nothing Is said about the re turn leaves the Inference that the, buffalo hunt was to last as long as the pleaxare of his Imperial highness was promoted. It Is tho purpose of the Authorities of the public library to have the documents presented by General Manderson properly preserved and kept available for Inspection of all who have any reason to look at them. PRATT1.K UK TIIK l Ol AUBTKIIfl. Mamma asked Nellie what she bad learned in Sunday school, and she replied: "That I must sell throe tickets for the concert next week, give 20 cents for the superintendent's present and that Noah buili the ark." Mother (to her 7-year-old son William, who has been growing free of speech) Hilly, dear, I will give you 10 cents a day for every day you don't say "darn fool." THE SILHOUETTE MAN WANDERS THROUGH THE CITY HALL Harold (little brother of C, with superior air) Humph: If "darn fool" Is worth 10 cents, I guess I know words that are worth a quarter! Mamma Johnny, did you wipe your feet on the mat when you caino in? Johnny I couldn't get my shoestrings untied; they were in a hard knot. Mamma But what have shoestrings to do with It? Johnny I couldn't wipe my feet without taking off my times, could I? 10. Hostou breathes deep In patriotism and culture, as will bo recoguized from the fol lowing examination in geography In one of Ita public schools. Teacher Have you ever heard of the "Happy Isles of Greece?" Little Waldo Yes. ma'am Teacher Can you tell m anmoihtn. "i about tbem? Little Waldo They are pieces of pork en tirely surrounded by beans. 1 liifnr Frank w. Uaapm- a Pliw T,a... . r i. - i i . , . . . . J ,. Comptroller Sv.tberi; maK,; 'W S ZVuS!'' ' i'Ute T" The other day the teacher was question ing a scholar as to the cause of bis absence from school on the previous day. ''Johnny, John Hlley, why were you ab sent from school yesterday?" "Me mother was sick." "Me mother was sick. Such grammar. What was the matter wlh your mother? "I think she had the mumps." "She had the mumps? Well, don't you know the mumps are catching? Your mother might give you the mumps, then tbs other srohiars would catch the diseats from you." "Aw, she wouldn't tU bis Bawtbia'j he's uie sttximotbar.'