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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1903)
I p -i y The 1 Omaha Daily ' Bee. if ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, FIUDAV MOliNINCr, JANUARY 30, 1903-TEN PACS-KS. SlMiLi: COPV TllllKH CKNTS. I rr ) ALLIES REJECTTERMS tnjland, Ceraany and Italy Want Erery thing in Biglt INSIST ON PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT "Wi'.l Not Allow Other Powers to Share Veaesnilan Custom. 'PEACE PROPOSALS CONSEQUENTLY HALT Sowen liay Ears to Declare Mission to Ead I TreOble Dismal Failure. JDaatro Is between Tws Fires, for j Whether Ha Accepts or Refaees present Proposition Ho Makes Maay Rnemles. LONDON, Jan. Great Britain, Oer wfnany and Italy bar aent a Joint reply to Minister Bowen. They refuse to accept the proposal that all the countries oaring rlalma against Venezuela should be placed km an equality with th three co-operating jpowere. Venezuela's answer to the powers' re- fuaal to place all clalma on an equality la I expected to arrive tomorrow. I If Mr. Bowen can agree to give prefer- 1 . I tha .dattna fif flrt TH t I n flee- tnany and Italy the blockade I likely to be raleed Immediately, for so far aa known this Is the only outstanding vital point Ehould Venexuela demur or complications arise such as a protest from some of th other powera, the negotiations will be In definitely prolonged. Situation, especially the attitude ot Oer- man-, was discussed by tn senate com- mlttee on military affaire today ana in I situation Influenced the committee on some I natters pertaining to th army approprla- tlon bill, among which was th decision to I accept the bouss resolution relating to transports, that they be retained in me i ervice. The committee alao provided for an In- Urease of electrlclane, akllled gunnera, ma- tblnlsts and aergeanta and othera who take care of and handle guna In th aeacoast l defenses. I Some other additions wer mad In the bill with a view of atrengthenlng th aerv- I Ice. I The Influence of hypnotlo suggestion Th discussion wae earnest and the con- I diminishes In proportion to popular knowl elualon, aa atated by a member of the com- easa 0f it. it is moBt powerful when re mittee. Is that th United States make It plain that the honor and dignity of the I country wouia oe maintained ana 1111 wr many ehould not be allowed to "bluff" th government by any attituda It might ai aram. Meacotlntlona May Bo Off. Thar was a pause In tha Venesuelan tiegotlationa today that approached peril' pusly near a breach, and th and I not set In sight. It grew out of the attitude of the allies treatment. In Insisting upon preferential For half an hour today Mr. Bowen waa In conaultatton with Secretary Hay, al- though the secretary la taking no part In th. negotiation l any official aenae. Boa- lbly fresh and enlarged . powera will be siecesssry 10 cotoif wu & tucoi, iu. new demands. Two courses are now open to Mr. Bowen and probably will be for President Castro to elect which h shall follow. He may take the opportunity to Inform the world that Venezuela ylelda to over- powering lorco ana n it cbuuoi mmi uiuit i clalma aeDiors must recaon win tn al lies, .or he may declare his mission has failed and aend th case to Th Hague tribunal. French. Minister Waits. NEW YORK. Jan. 29. It has been learned officially, says the Herald'a Caracas corre spondent, that Venezuela has been In formed that M. Welner, the new minister of France to Veneiuela. haa been halted at Martlnlau until th alllee" blockade Is raised. It is said that th reason Is that the salute and other formalities that would be necessary might. In view of the actual state of affairs, cause a misunderstanding. WOOSEVELT REFUSES , BID Bcsrcts He Caanot Attend Ohio Cen tennial Celebration OwlasT to Western Trip. , t OOIXMRrP, Jan. 29. Ohio's coming cen tennial celebration at Cbllllcothe, which opens next May, will not aee President Jloosevelt. In a letter received by Governor Nash the president expresses regret and aaya engagements covering a trlat to the Pacific roast prelude the possibility of his accept- Ing th invitation KANSAS FARMERS COMBINE rn Braaeh of Co-operatlvo Grain Association and Will Balld Elevators. TOPEKA, K.n.. Jan 29.-A Kanaa. Branca ot ine r armers d-operative urain and Live Stock association waa organised tiers today It will build or buy elevators at aultabls points In Kansas and adjoining statea and territories, buy grsln directly from farmers and eull li in tne Deal maraeta. Better shlpplug facllltlea will also be demanded from the railroads. MASCAGNI TO GIVE CONCERTS Blgaa Contracts for Two Perform ances la Kaasaa City Neat Week. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 29. Ptetro Mas- gnt boa signed a contract to conduct two couct ris here on Monday and Tuesday aft ernoons, the Kansas City Symphony or chestra to play hta. composition. Uascagnl Is expected here on Saturday morning to conduct rt-hearsala. FOILED ASSASSINS TO HANG Connecticut l.eitlslatar Considers Bill Makiai Attempts on Presl- drat Capital tXraro. HAr.TTOKD. Conn.. Jan. 29. A bill was luiroilueeil today In the legislature making an alceirpt on the life of a president of the United States or a foreign ambassador equal before the law with murder In th jirai degree sua jiumsnsDie oy aeaia. STRICKEN AT THE PALACE Italian Minister Ha Attar Ic f Paralysis While Betas; He reived by the KIbb. ROME, Jsn. J9. Foreign Minister rrl- nettl bad an attack of paralysis of the right side while being received In audi ence by King Victor Emanual today. He ws removed to bl borne In a serious con dition. The minister were holding their nsusl f seml-weekly conference with the king af the qulrlnal when Slgnor Prlnettl. who was addressing his majesty, suddenly threw up his arms, staggered and would hare by hie colleagues. 1D' ,DC,a'"Dl csusea great excitement. I the king running for assistance and Min- Ilster ol commerce Haccein. wno Is a pny ilclan. doing what wai Immediately neces- aary. The king, who Is especially attached to Signer Prlnettl, was much affected. His majesty desired that the minister be put to bed In the qulrlnal, but Dr. Daccelll In sisted that It would be hotter to convey him to his own home, which was done. One of the ministers went ahead to break the news to Blgnora Prlnettl. Dr. Marronl Is attending Slgnor Prlnettl, who, although unable to apeak, retains full consciousness. The minister's wife, who was fox hunting when she heard of his illness, galloped i home at breakneck speed. It Is said the whole of Slgnor Prlnettl'i left aide Is affected, but the physicians are hopeful that be will soon recover. A host of persons called at th Frlnettl residence during the day. rAI I H UUHtb Aht bLUU I LU German Doctors Hay Hypnotism I Almost Worthless to Medicine. BERLIN, Jan. 19. The commission of I expert In mental diseases appointed by th ministry of education to Investigate tne healing value of hypnotism reports tnat it , almost worthless, n,. commission, composed of Prof. Men aei and nr. nock. Munter and Aschen Dorn. wa Dnolnted during the falth-heal- ng excltemeut here a year ago. The report declares hypnotism cannot yroduce organic changes nor cure epilepsy nor hys terla, but can be used helpfully in aome instances by removing symptoms through Uggestlon. No good physician would leave out 0f account the Influence of suggestion on patients, but hypnotlo suggestion may intensify disease when lsymen apply it wn0 q0 not jtnow when to use it and when not to do so. garded by a aubject aa marveloua and supernatural, PANAMA PEOPLE SATISFIED Glad Canal la to Be Bollt by raited States Without Help from Earope. PANAMA, Jan. 29. No comments on the atgnlng of the canal treaty are mad by ooa neWBpapeI, but ner, ,re generally satisfied. They are enthusiastic over the prospect that the canal will finally be built by the Un,u, SMett ,n wnlcn country the , conndence( wUnout th8 intervention of Burope,n power,, wnlcn now looked upon with disfavor. Th treaty la considered fair and mu tually advantageous, although some Colom blana think the annual rental might have been put at a more equivalent rate, consld- erlng the ,OSI of Bthmlan renta and the pr,cUcai beoeflta obtained by the United States. LIBRARY FOR THE HAGUE Oarneclo Mar Make Gift to the la. ternatloaal Court of Arbitration. THE HAOTJB, Jan. 29. Th foreign mln. ,ter. Dr- vn Lynden, replying to a qucs t,on ' the Chamber today ss to whether an offer from Andrew Carnegie of $250,000 to found library for the international court ' arbitration had been rejected, said It had not been rejected and added that no offer had been made in a form rendering either acceptance or refusal possible. The minister observed that in view of the special character ot the arbitration court. the best forui for such a gift would be to make It a special foundation. Mean while the government waa willing to ad mlnlster'the gift If It were offered. PRETENDER IS RETREATING Kepalaed by the Troops of the Saltan nnd la LcnvlnaT Field Hastily. MADBTn. Jan. 29. A dlsnatrh tn th. imperl.i from Tangier anounces that Bu Hammara, the pretender to the throne ot Morocco, has been repulsed and is re treating' rapidly. It waa announced from Madrid last ntgbt that the Spanish government had received news that the Moorish pretender was ad vancing to attack Fex. SCHWAB SEEKS SPECIAL TRAIN wishes to Cross Siberian Bond In Greatest Possible Com fort. ct PETERSBl'RO. Jsn. 29 Charlea M gchwab Is negotiating for a three-car spe- rial train from Vlrballnn, a station on the Rusao-Pruaslan frontier, to Port Arthur, as the Russian authorities stop the heavy International sleeper at Irkutsk. Siberia, and substituts lighter cara from that point onward. VON BALLESTREM VINDICATED Lata Presldcat of the Kelrbstaar la B-Electrd by that Body. BERLIN. Jan. 29. The Reichstag today re-elected Count von Ballestrem as presi dent. Ths count soon entered the chamber and accepted the office. He was rs-clected by 195 to 89 votes. Blank . ballots were caat by the, socialists and radicals. Aathor Divorced from Aathoresa. LONDON. Jan. 19. Henry Norman. M. P.. the author aud traveler, has been granted divorce from his wife, Minnie Muriel I Dowle, th traveler and author, on the I ground of the latter's infidelity. Lieutenant I Edward Arthur "it if era Id of the Dragoon i uuarue waa uamea as co-riuaeuu AGAINST LAND GRABBERS Burleson of Teiaa Explains the Purpose of His Concurrent Resolution. MANY SUITS ARE LIKELY TO FOLLOW Fart that Laidt Are Only Fitted for X Grailic Don Sot arraet Vlo- latlon ot law to Sreir '''.,. " Them. (Frov Correspondent.) WASHINGtV "'.(Special Tele gram.) Mr. Burlv exas, in explain ing the reason for tr Production of his concurrent ' resolution "yesterday calling upon the secretary of the Interior for cer tain Information relative to land leases and Illegal fencing In New Mexico, Wyom ing and Nebraska, said: "Certain laws on our statute books were placed there to enable poor men to secure small homes In the west where the bulk of the public domain la located. These laws have in fact failed of their purpose, except In a few Instances, but are being utilized to enable rich cattle owners and corporal Hons to acquire Immense bodies of land The present homestead act should be ma terially amended and the desert land law should be promptly repealed. Millions of acres of land are year by year, through practices never contemplated when these acta were passed, being absorbed by classes of persons whom it was never intended should acquire the public domain through these acts. The purpose of the resolution I have Introduced Is to get at the truth with reference to these abuses, and when the facts are elicited to vigorously prosecute suits to reclaim the public domain which has been fraudulently acquired. "It Is said old soldiers and often wld ows of old soldiers are used by land-grabbers to acquire land which should be re served for men who want to get homes live on them and improve them. It I can get a full report from the Interior depart ment, I expect to see numbers of suits In stituted to restore these lands to the pub lie domain and place them within reach ot the people who should have them. The claim that these lands, so acquired, are In the arid or semi-arid regions and are un fit for cultivation is no Justification for the monopolization ot vast areas to be used for the etfrlohment of large cattle owners, If the claim has substantial basis, then the homestead act should be amended and larger amount, not to exceed six sec tlons, should be allowed each actual set tier." More Money for Indiana. Through the effort of Representative Burke of South Dakota a number of addl tlonal appropriations for Indian schools In South Dakota were added to the Indian bill today. Before final vote waa taken on the measure for the Chamberlain school, $16,000 waa added to carry out the previous legis lation looking to an increase In capacity of the Institution; for Pierre 15.000 waa added, while for Rapid City a 19.000 In crease was decided upon over the bill as originally reported. In addition to thla amount the house voted $11,000 for the pur chase of an Irrigated farm at the Rapid City school, while the agent'a salary was Increased to $1,600. These additional ap propriations were made necessary by the determination of the Indian office to in crease the Rapid City school from 150 to 225 capacity. The item in the Indian bill appropriating $6,000 for the erection ot water works at the Genoa (Neb.) school waa opposed by Representative Burton of Ohio, who has been making a most earnest and at times hot fight against many of the obsolete Items In the Indian bill. Mr. Robinson of Ne braska opposed Mr. Burton's motion to strike out the Item and told how the town of Genoa had been supplying the school with water from Ita own water works and making money of the government In no wise commensurate with the service ren dered. Mr. Burkett, having received a let ter from a member of the town council re garding the water furnished the school by the city, read the letter. Little or no de bate resulted and when the vote was taken on Mr. Burton's amendment to strike out the appropriation It was defeated and the Genoa school stands a fair show ot getting an Independent water system. C. A. Fay, editor of the Clinton (la.) Advertiser, and wife are In Washington enroute to Florida, where they will spend several weeks. Howard Worth of Rapid City Is in the capital on his way to New York.' Vandevanter Gets Judgeship, President Roosevelt has decided to noml nate Wlllia Vandevanter of Wyoming as circuit Judge of the eighth circuit, aa waa predicted in The Bee on the day the bill passed congress creating an additional Judge for this circuit. Warren D. Lane of Slsseton. S. D., was admitted to practice this morning before the supreme court, and during the after noon argued In behalf of the appellee in the case ot the United States against Jamea A. Rickert, as county treasurer for Robert county. South Dakota. Senator Klttredgo waa also one of the attorneya for the ap pellee. Bontlne of Departments, Contract Surgeon Richard M. Fletcher, Jr., ha been relieved from duty at Fort Niobrara and ordered home, Huntsvllle Ala., for annulment of contract Postmasters appointed: Nebraska F. A, Witt. Thompson, Jefferson county, vice 8 J. Wahl, removed. Wyoming John H Sthmitz, Battle, Carbon county. The postmaster general has allowed the postmaster at Grand Island two additional letter camera to begin service February 2 Thu National Live Stock bank of Chicago has been approved as reserve agent for the First National bank of Algona, la. Trouble In the Bed Cross. General John M. Wilson, vice president of the National Red Cross, presented to congress today a memorial regarding organization, especially with ref renc to certain difficulties which 'aa;? arUen In re gard to the management of I'a affair. Included In the patra " letter roin Secretary Cortelyou to Mlsa Clara Barton, president of the Ked Cross, in which h says that in a ropy of iM bylavts sub mitted by the awiociaiion the puVoVni and his cabinet are constituted a haar l of con sultation of the American Red Crcsi. Mr. Cortelyou says it is Impossible f jr th pres ident and cabinet to serve .ai aka that public announcement be made cf that fact. Complaint la made In a memorial sent to President Roosevelt of the raanicr in which ths organization is pliced lu tie bands of one person and of the mana ment of the finances of the association, and legislation to remedy this Is asked. lew lust Fair Site. ST. LOUIS. Mo., Jan. 29. Several mem- bers of the Iowa commission today In- spected tne World's fair grounds, and ' especially the site upon which th stale j capitoi or Iowa is to De reproauced. WOOD SPEAKS TO KANSANS eneral I rarcs Seed of Reciprocity with Caba to Fnlflll National Promise. TOPEKA. Kan.. Jan. :. The feature of he banquet of the Kansas Day club to- ight. celebrating the forty-second anni versary of the admission of Kansas Into tie union, was the adjross by Genetal Leonard Wood. His subject was "Rclpr M'. ' and dealt with the needs of Cuba and th duty of the United States toward that Island. Gen eral Wood urged reclpro '.i'.y becaimi Cuhi had been promised such treatment t.nd because help given to the Ssliud row, at the Inception of its government . wo-il.l to n long way toward removjg the possibility of future comnllc atlons. General Frederick Funeton, commander of the Department of he Colorado, re fused to mak hti nd lress. hut thanked thtf members of th? club'for their gr-eilng and expreeaed pleasure at binn again In Ktn- SJS. The tosstra.'stcr was William Alien White cf Emporia, president cf the club. Three hundred leadlu-j republican haJ places at the banquet wblos. A receptioi by thn governor and state officers was Riven Geniitl Wood this sft?r noon. and General Funstcn was en tertained at dinner. ILIPINOS URGE MURDER General Otis Tells Chlcaaro students of Advice Gives Him on Islands. CHICAGO. Jan. 29. Major General Elwell S. Otis, In a lecture before the students of the College of Commerce and Adminis tration at the University of Chicago to night, declared that prominent Filipinos urged him to put down the rebellion by de vastation and murder. 'The advice given me waa that civilized warfare would not terminate the rebellion," he aald. "It was urged that the Insur gents would attribute human treatment to cowardice and would be encouraged. De vastation and murder were" advocated." Instances where Filipino were buried alive, beheaded and murdered by amlgos who did not countenance the rebellion were cited. 'What the Islands need." continued Gen. eral Otis, "Is a reformed currency, prac tical land laws, limited government con cessions for the upbuilding ot natural In dustrles and sufficient capital for the de velopment of the resources. 'The desire of the majority ot the In habltanta of the islands is for peace and protection which will enable them to enjoy the fruits of their labor." SHEEPMEN PUSH WORLD'S FAIR Ayrshire Association Appelate Com- snlttee to Insure' Proper Bepreacntatlon. NEW YORK. Jan. 29. The twenty-eighth annual meeting of the Ayrshire Breeders' association was held here today. Tha pres Ident. George H. Yeaton ot Dover. N. H.. presided, with Charles M. WiiMow ofratt don, Vt., as secretary. Aboif. thirty mem bers were present. It waa decided that the president and secretary appoint committees of from one to three member from states having Ayr shire Interests to co-operate with any sim ilar committees appointed by other breed era' associations, and to appeal to their respective legislature for proper action to insure a proper representation at the world'a fair. These officers were elected: President, George H. Yeston, Dover, N. H.; vice pres ident. Obadtah Brown, Providence, R. I.; aecretary, Charles M. Wlnslow, Brandon, Vt.; treasurer, Ntcholaa S. Wlnster, Green vllle, R. I. FEUD ' LEADS T0 BLOODSHED Kentucky Youths Witt Family War nd One of Thens la Shot Dead. LEXINGTON. Ky., Jan. 29. In a general fight In Breathitt county today John How ard was shot and killed by Liberty Clem ens. Howard and Clemens had been ene mies for some time. Clemens and hia two brotbere met How ard and two younger brothers at the com pany store and a fight ensued, resulting in Howard being shot through the stomach One of the Clemens boys was also badly Injured. The Howards retreated after their brother was ihot and threatened to avenge his death within twenty-four hours. John Howard is a cousin of James How ard, who has ben convicted of complicity In the murder of William Goebel. MURDER FOLLOWS PLAN TO ROB Negroes I. ore Man to Questionable Hesort and Slay Him In Subse quent Quarrel. ARMSTRONG, Mo.. Jan. 29 Harry O'Donnell, aged 25, of Mootpeller, Ind died here today as the result of a bullet wound received while Involved In a quar rel with negroes in a negro resort la Fayette, Mo. It is believed O'Donnell was lured lnte the place for purposes of robbery. Five negroes are under arrest, but the strong est suspicion Is upon Leonard Lyle, In whose possession waa found a revolver cor' responding In caliber to the one with which O'Donnell was killed. FUNSTON READY FOR SERVICE Expects to Be Ordered Bark to Philip pines, o lie Has Recovered from Wounds. TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. 29. General Fred erick Funston said tonight that he would cot be surprised If he were ordered back to the Philippines before long. He has recovered from all hia wounds and can well endure active service for a while. In anawer to a question. General Funston expressed doubt as to the stability of the Cuban government, lie says, however, it has a better chance for prosperity than South American republics on account of the high character of the men. In control. SEEKS TO FIX SMELTER RATE Colorndo Representative Asks Consti tutional Amendment to Giv Control of Metal Works. DENVER, Jan. 29 A bill Introduced In the house by Representative Samuel Bel- ford provldea for the submission of an amendment ta the constitution which will give the atat control of smelter and ore reduction mills and caabl ll to fix their I charges. PAf TRIBUTE TO M KINLtY Dining Room at tke Millard Crowded at the Ginb Banquet MANY FROM OUT OF THE CITY PRESENT Addresses Made by Governors Mickey and Cummins. In Which the I.ntter Elaborates on the "town Idea." The first annual banquet of the McKin- ey club was the occasion of about 300 persons meeting at tho Millard hotel ltisr night and the dining room was not larg" enough to accommodate the guests and the overflow was seated In one of the adjoln- ng rooms. The dining room was decorated with the national color. Behind the prin cipal table, resting upon a large American flag, vis a portrait In heroic size of the ate president, the sixtieth anntvercsry of whose birth the club nnd Its Invited guests had sesembled to commemorate. In addition to members of the club there were present republican from all parts of the state and a few from Iowa, forty persons arriving at 7:45 from Lincoln. In this party were a number of members of the Young Men's Republican club of the Capital City and six of the members of the state senate, with but three members of the house of representatives. It was 8:45 before the banquet was served nd 9:43 before the loastmaster, Frank Crawford, president of the club, called for order at the conclusion of the feast. Ho read a telegTam from President Roosevelt sending greeting and best wishes, and then Introduced Charles G. McDonald to respond to the toast, "The McKlnley Club." Mr. McDonald told of the organlza tlon and history of the club In a well re ceived speech. Governor Warmly Becelvcd. The second speaker was Governor Mickey, who responded to the toast, "McKinley'a Character." This waa the first public ap pearance of Nebraska's chief executive since he assumed the duties of office and he was greeted with warm applause. Mr. Mickey said In part: I am glad to be here thle evening to ptiy tribute to the memory ot McKlnley. and also glad to be here to be away from tho otllee seekers to draw one free breath. McKinley'a motto was the Golden Kule. and who can truthfully say It was ever broken by him? We all remember the word of our martyred president, Lincoln, 1 believe that God calls men to tnelr places in life," and I believe Abraham Lin coln spoKe tiy inspiration wnen ne bhi l In New Orleans that he would live to slavery abolished. I believe with all my neart that this nation nas oeen leu ny Godly men like Abraham Lincoln and Wil liam McKlnley. It has been said that McKlnley rlxen upon the country the pol'cy of protection. , He was able to grapple with the great financial questions, and to this great mind Is due more than to any other the benefits of our present system. God ues gooil men. Uod can trust those wno are lea oy ll in . . I l . .1 ....... I J ? . . 111., TV... AnU, nuu l"J m no vio. safe leader Is he who seeks divine help, and McKlnley was a man or prayer, as wera Lincoln, Washington and Gladstone. McKlnley, the Soldier. , C E. Adams of Superior spoke of "Mc Klnley, the Soldier." Ho said In part: 'The mfrn'who' Ml In "the Btrngg'TK for human liberty we mourn, but to McKlnley we have a feeling closer. The deeds of the soldiers have been commemorated In song and In monuments. Poets and sculptors have recorded their heroic lines. We sre here as republicans. Republicanism stands fir all tyogress, for those loftier theories of government taught by William McKln ley and the enforcement of law by Theo dore Koosevelt. I sometimes think we for get what we owe to the people of ' the past to Washington, to Lincoln ai.d to McKlnley, the soldier and patriot, whose, far-seeing military ability humbled proud Spain, and drove It forever from the west ern seas. The principles of William Mc Klnley were handed down to him from Bunker Hill, from C'hapultepec. Where In one country can be found three such men as Washington, the father; Lincoln, the savior, and McKlnley, the conservator of the nation. Always Did Ills Duty. Judge Paul Jessen waa then Introduced to respond to the toaBt. "The Victory of Defeat." He said in part: I care not how you view McKlnley as a soldier, as a statesman, as an executive you are Impressed at once wltn nis deter mination to do the duty which devolved upon him. There Is one thing that Im presses me with Mr. McKlnley s character. Hnd that was in the election of 1MW. For fourteen years McKlnley had utooxl upon trie Moor of congreiw battling for protec tion. Ills bill was attacked on eveiy himd by the opposition and given only lukewarm support by some of its friends, before it had been tried. For the first time In his life, so far as I know, the people of bis diHtrlct refused to give htm a seat in con gresB. The newspapers not only recorded what they called the defeat of the pro tective tariff Idea, but said that McKlnley had been sent to oblivion. He published n book to tell how the defeat whs accom plished. Sure of the truth of his iirlnci plee, he waited for the people to realize It. When the atmosphere cleared William Mc Klnley was railed to be governor, and when the people were looking for a man to be president In time of trouble, vlth ono voice the jieopte cried William McKlnley and the delegates at St. Louis simply rat ified a nomination made months before by the people. This was the victory of his defeat. McKlnley, the Man. "McKlnley, the Man," was the theme of Charles F. Reavla of Falla City ell said tn part: Development is the direct result of every man who has worked. The man who has nit rtbuteil most to this reBult we call a great man: that man who by his power In stalled civilisation wnere innrrny rueu, tint man who placed the world far ehad of its time was the man McKlnley. That man who believed that the only eternal part Tor man to play waa man, who was n true man because he was great. I shall not siieak of him as a sohlier, as an officer of the state or of the nation. Bather would I speak of the man himself. The speaker then related Incidents In the life of McKlnley. describing In effective word-pictures his first meeting with Mc Klnley at the White House, the scenes at his inaugural, his arrival at the bedside of his dying mother and his own courageous conduct during his closing hours after the assassination. Following this address Norrls Brown was Introduced to speak of "The OppoBl tlon." Mr. Brown, after bearing greetings from the Lincoln Republican club, said In part: It Is a peculiar thing, that the smaller the opposition grows the more it becomes divided. There are democrats who are j Jut democrats; democrats who are Just liryaiilte"; pepa In th mlil'ile of the road, pops In the brurti on the side of the road; then the free sliver republican party which died yuunr. However many divisions of the opposition, they are united on u num ber of principles first, to oppose every thing that is; second, to decry everything that will be, and. third, to prophesy every thing that never will be. Its demonstra tion of power wan such that no one Is willing to endorse Its last administration. It Is liecullar how willing they are to aban don the Issues upon which It wages its con tests What are they up to? Thev have undertaken to ressurrect that old Hkeieton, "tariff reform." In this connection it Is argued that the tariff mdst be revised as the only way in oesirny ine iruris. ir It will destroy the trusts now why did It not do so in 'ixS and 97?. it destroy almost everything else. Caninalna' Idea of McKlnley. The toast master Introduced Governor A. B. Cummins of lows, who spoke on the (Continued on Second Page.) condition ,ofthe weather Forecnt for Nebrfckn Fair Frl.liv and trimr in West portion. Sxiuritny Fir and Warmer l'i Weft portion. Temperature at Omaha lcsterriavl Hour. IV a. i 41 a. i 1 a. i N a. i i p. to n. i II n. i III in. . Urn. . . IT . . It . . 1 . . 1.1 . . II .. 14 . . 1I . . IN Hoar. I i. m X . in :t li, m 4 p. in R !. m II t. m f li. in N i. in f t. in Don. I! ita itt vt:t Si I 21 ON PHASES OF LIFE IN CUBA Major John It. .neh l.cctnres 1 nder Auspices of lllahnn Worlhliig ton I. cram. Major John It. Lynch, paymaster. V. S. A., laet night spoke at Young Men's Chris tian association haH on the subject. "Cuba and the Cubans." under the auspices of the Bishop Wotthini;ton lyceum, a lit erary organliatlon of members of the Church of St. Thlllp the Deacon. Major Lynch was three yenis In Cuba, from May, 1X99, to May. 1W2. when he came to head quarters of the Department of the Mis souri here. During that period he' visited every province In the Island and every Im portant city und town. Ho treated of the religion, the manners and customs, the j race question, the labor question and the advisability and possibility of annexation of Cuba and Cubans. He said In part: "Ninety per cent of the are Ro- man Catholics, and since being among them I have more respect for that religion than ever before. The Cubans practice what they preach, and preach what they prac- tice. Yet their religion does not interfere In any way with their pleasures. Sunday Is their big day for merrymaking. Then are their games, their races, their balls ana ineir tneaiers amoug oo'n nign aim low. Their holidays are largely religious, such as Holy Week, Good Friday and Eas. ter Sunday. On those occasions their feasts and assemblies nrc grand spectacles. "No race problem exists there. Sixty per cent, of the Cubans are black, but you cannot classify them by race. There Is far more mixture of the whites and blacks there than here, yet less external evidence of it. I argue that there Is no real rac antipathy In this couutry, else laws would not be necessary to keep the races apart. In fact, there is such an absence of such antipathy that all the laws do not avail to keep them apart. In Cuba there Is great unity between the whites and blnckB. They are always standing together nnd for each other. A white Cuban is for a black Cuban In preference to a white American. "Neither is there a labor problem there. This great question has not yet disturbed the Industrial harmony there to any ex tent. But the people bre acquiring Amor- canisms. and that feature will be among . them. The coloied man In Cuba Is not usert by either side, either labor or capital, to the detriment of the other. The con ditions should obtain in this country. Assimilation should be Industrial as well as political. In Cuba the whlt and blacks work side by side in peace and earn the same money. "I believe that Cuba will become a part of 'these 'Cnlted 8tats. Just now a great majority of the Cubans are opposed to this: They want nothing but Cuba and Cubans. But this sentiment is based largely on an erroneous impression. They think the Vnlted Statea would be merely another Epain, adopting the same attitude. They think they would be again held as con quered, and would be a mere province. Show them that annexation will lead to their admission aa a sovereign state later and they will consent." JOIN A GREEK LETTER FRAT Trio of Mcdlcnl Students Receive the Traditional Initiatory Treatment. Farnam street strollers were Btartled last night to see, arm in arm, in thel- midst the aultan of Sulu, George Washington and Happy Hooligan, all In their tradi tional or prescribed attire. The spectators did not know that tho three celebrities were In reality a trio ot unfortunate med ical btudenls of the medical department of the t'nlverslty of Nebraska who. had de livered themselves Into the hands of the members of Iota chapter of Phi Rbo Sigma for Initiation and other maltreatment. But the three had good spirit, and .Chough they certainly "got theirs'" In every sense of the word, they took all that was com- Ing and were still on deck for tho feed which followed. Here fervent congratula tions and hearty good fellowship proved a balm for all their wounds. George H. Morris of Chicago, M. D. Baker of Tilden, Neb., and E. AMarkel of Norfolk, Neb., were the additions to tho chapter rolls. Fully thlrty-flvo fraternity men sat down to the spread, and those present besides tho active chapter members were: Dr. Stokes, Dr. Lnmeer, Tn. Van Camp, Dr. Lludutilst and Dr. Cooper of Sheridan. Wyo. Dr. W. O. Bridges was ! toastniaster and he allowed said sultan. George and Happy, who now looked like ordinary serslble Americans again, to tell how the transformation had occurred and what had been the cost to pride. BRAVES CH00SENEW CHIEFS Donalas County Democracy Accom plishes Its Annual Election with Many Members Present. More than 200 members of the Douglas County Democracy attended Inst night's meeting at the club rooms, on Fifteenth street, and elected these officers for the ensuing year: J. H. Jones, preeldent; George Holmes, first' vice president; J. Levi, second vice president; Peter Hofeldt, third vice president; J. F. Morlarty, secre tary; Charles Emery, corresponding secre tary; Joseph Panuska. financial secretary; J. J. Mahoney, treasurer; Harold Overbeck, scrgeant-at-arms; Captain P. 11. Mostyn, marshal. Crew of I'nrltaa Injared. NEW YORK. Jnn. 29 A special from Norfolk. Vu., to the Evening World says that an explosion in the boiler room of the monitor Puritan today severely Injured sev eral of tho crew, 'i'ho dispatch gives no details. Movements of Ocean easels Jan. 2f. At New York Arrived: Philadelphia, from Liverpool. Hailed: Celtic, lor Liver- ool. At Havre Arrived: La Savole, from New York. At (Jueenstown Hailed : Oceanic, for New York. Hnverford, from Liverpool, for Philadelphia. At Liverpool Arrived: Corinthian, from Boston. S-iled: Ctllfornldii. (or Portland; Mor.ii!!n, from GI'sow, for Halifax. N b . and til. John, N. li. ; Canadian, for New York. At Glasgow Sailed: i ork. At London Sailed: York. At Naples Arrived: Hot'iti, for Genoa, wealth, fur liostui. Llvonlan, Keraba, for New for New Vancouver, from Billed. Cumnion- TALKS ON. TAXATION Jtiut KfTenne Committes Listen? to Furthar Argument froai Oitiiens. j ATTITUDE OF RAIthUADS IS ATTACKED E. Eospwster Ccmibata the Theory that They Fay a Prefer Share. JOHN N. BALDWIN MAKES APPEARANCE Hie Effort to Dodge Committee Meeting ii Baffled by Omahans. M'INTOSH STARTS IN AT A LATE HOUR Emphatically Denies Mr. Baldwin's Arsvamcrtt Hcaardlnsr the Distri bution of Values of Hall road Property. (From a Btalt Correspondents LINCOLN, Jan. 29. (Special Telegram.) E. Kosewater, J. H. Mcintosh John N. Balds in of Omaha and E. M. Pollard of Cass county addressed the Joint revenuo committee of the legislature tonight. Mr. Pollard spoke first, briefly outlining certain ways of improving the revenue llaws of the state. j Mr Kosewater dwelt tipon the question c( reVeiiue and taxation In Its widest i Bcope. lie traced the policy of evading UxP, maintained by railways from tho I fario8t days in Nebraska. Ho showed that , thpy evaded 'taxes on land by failing to 1 takp out pa,rn,a on thor ,an(lg Thl, wa. , otaby the polc). p,lrilUP(, by the lInlon . j.B(.n0( lhe mo8l favorpd rairoad of the 'at. Mr. Hosewnter urged tho revenuo com mittee to define railroad rights-of-way and settle how much of this property should be assessed by the mile. This is a complicated question nnd called for settlement. The I'nlon Pacific claims 200 feet of right-of-way, while others were as low as 100 feet. It has become nearly Impossible to compel these roads to meet their obligations be cause of these conditions. Regarding the alleged distribution o' terminal valuation, Mr. Roscwater declared It is untrue and challenged any tallroad lawyer to disprove whut be said. Imposed on By liallroads. "You have never distributed anything." he declared. "Nebraska Is shamefully Im posed on by tho railroads tn this respect, worse than nearly any other state." He successfully controverted the rail road argument by showing that they arc only paying about half the taxes In this state they ought to pay. They are paying on xj2,(mio,ooo, and they ought. to pay on 136.000,000, he said. On tho question of franchises Mr. Rose water said: "Assess the franchises sepa rately, not like this proposed Kansas bill provides to assess them In with all other property. I conceive a franchise to be a right of sovereign power. How can you assess that alongside of an engine or a... box car. 1 want to impress on you that when you frame this Isw you separate tho ' franchise from tangible property! and let the boards decide -w hat these franchises are worth. "I have shown you that the railroads afs not paying all the atate taxes they ought to pay. They ought to pay 25 per cent of the taxes and they actually pay only 12 or 13 per cent. I defy any man In this house to show that 1 cent of taxes has ever been added to the railroads' taxes in Omaha by reason of or since the establishment of their Improved terminals. These terminals are not taken Into con sideration. They pre utterly ignored. I ask you. Is that right? There Is not a county in this state that has not lost from $200, 000 to $2,000,000 in taxes that should hsve been paid by railroads." Mr. Rosewatcr dealt effectively with the Omaha situation, showing the fallacy of j tho railroads' claims that they are paying sll the tax there they ought. Hs said he would'glve $1,000 to snyone who could show 1 cent taxes was tsken away from any county or district In the state by In creasing Omaha s city taxes. J. H. Mcintosh explained hs would give an additional $500. Baldwin Fiends for Railroads. I John N. Baldwin was the next speaker, He launched out by denying that he was trying to dictate or Influence legislation. and even denied his former intention in which ho endorsed the proposed Kaasaa revenue law. "I am not," said Mr. Baldwin, "here to say anything about whether the railroads are paying their Just share of taxes. We are not denying that franchises ehould not be assessed. That is not a vital question now." Mr. Baldwin then plunaed Into a tech nical discussion of the theory of railroad taxation, using the Colon Pacific system ai an example. In this connection be stserted that his road paid taxes on Its franchise, and declared it paid all Its Just taxes. Hs brought out the argument that the property of the road throughout the atate la aa In tegral part of the Omaha terminals. Dra matically be xclalmed: "I am here to meet these gentlemen on trie proposition," but he met them with the allegation that the t'nion Pacific is distributing Its taxes throughout the stste, neglecting to answer the argument that the fair share of city taxes In Omaha for city purposes Is not paid. He denied that bis road admitted lta Oirsha valuation, to be $15,000,000. and said the whole road In Nebraska could bo reproduced for $:10,000.000. Seventeen times Mr. Baldwin fervently declared the Cnion Pacific Is paying Its fair chare of taxation and when ho cam to the eighteenth time he asserted that It was paying more than Its fair share. Its contribution for all taxea In the state being $-100,000. When pinned down by a question to show tow taxes In other counties would bs re duced if Omaha taxed the Cnlon Pacific as contemplated In the bill, Mr. Baldwin was unable completely to "deliver the goods." In Answer to Baldwin. Mr. Mcintosh waa given ths floor by Mr. Baldwin after 11 o'clock, Mr. Baldwin hav ing consumed two hours. The committee refused to allow Mr. Mcintosh longer than twenty minutes, and six members voted t adjourn, refusing to hear him at all. The speaker showed that Mr. Baldwin, though asserting that this is not a rues lion of assessment, devoted his whole two hours to It aa a question of assessment. Emphatically he denied the Baldwin argu ment of distribution of values and texts and contended that Increasing city taxss In Omaha cannot poslbly affect tbe. property or taxea In a single otbtr county In tba state. "All we ask is thai the railroads go be foro the same tribunal for fixing thalr local assesaoienta to which you and I so, x-