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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1903)
slht, which mpryis IhAt -the grain fr which Iho curs are orrtftH mill be st'nrpd In elevators- or In th buil'llnaa within the n.rfrnte limits' of the ehlnplne; point. Vnrier any oihr plan we have no iir-nc-e thHt the cnri will bo irnmilly loailed. Tli"re In Uti' crop. 16 b moved and with fiH'h agltiinre from our grnln-Phli-1'lt.n fr1nil w hope to l able to handle our rrtui(imnt, r Jtii to afTnl the ru'cee rry fn II lien srwi rive prompt service, which win be Impossible if can are de-lav-d At th loiiuln point. Mr. But !-r mailn an earn out and effective plea for the farmers of Nchraftfca to Join force In a determined effort to secure ade quate protection and preservation of their Interests against the encroachments of the elevatcr trust, the grain tnn's enrnblnatlon and the railroads. He Impressed the Im perative necessity of cheaper rates, better shipping facilities and last, elevators owned and operated by the farmer himself. Let the farmer be the" producer and aeller ef his own grain id then he can reap the profit, was the burden of his plna. Discussing the Farmers' Co-operative Shipping association, Mr. Hoffman said: Jt will be Incorporated jnder the laws of Knnms with an authorised capital of tW.f. divided Into 2n,(i shares of 110 eRch. It will build or buy elevators In Kansaa and adjoining states and territories to buy grain directly from the farmers and aell to the best markets, I dividing profits among the stockholders In the way of dividends: upon the stock and premiums upon the grain bought from or sold to stockholders. Stocks will receive t per cent dividends from the net earnings after pnlng such amounts as a wise and con servative, policy may dictate into the re serve und betterment fund. The balance of the net earnings will be divided among the patrons of the association who are stockholders. The man who ships 6,ti) t.tif-hrls of grain through the aoclation will receive five times as much premiums on grain aa the shipper of I,"' bushels, provided he holds a proportionate amount of stock. The exact method of making these divisions cannot now be given. Those detnll will be arranged by the. board of directors. ' He Endorsement of Lease Dill. Had the legislature remained In session this afternoon Governor' Mickey would bave transmitted to It a communication on the Dietrich land-leasing; bill, now pending before the national congress. He will transmit the document tomorrow. This comes from the governor's own office. It Is pretty well understood that the gov ernor will not any favorable- recom mendations' for this bill. He will nof. It is understood, ask the lcflslature to memori alize, congress to pass the bill, as he has been "petitioned to do by the Nebraska del egation In the national -botrse and senate. His action, therefore,-" It Is safe to predict, will be satisfactory to the stockmen of this state who have exerted their energies to defeat this bill. Here Is a little siHVoquy which took place thla morning In Wwi -cloakroom 'adjoining representative ball .'between two members of the house,- which may be taken aa a fair Index of the sentiment' In that body on this bill as near aa It baa been possi ble to ootain It; "Well. I see bv the morning papers that Secretary Htlchoock has recommended the passage -by congress of the Dietrich bill.' "Why, certainly: why shouldn't ha want his own treasure to pass? But the secre tary of the Interior must not think that hla ideas or wishes' constitute any criterion for tha people or the Iegisltauro. of the state of Nebraska, where the working out bt the bill, should if ba enacted Into law, would take place." ,'.", ,- Look Into Printing. '' 8wcety of Adams raised quite a, little stir when be Introduced a resolution in the bouse this morning authorising the committer on publio printing to ascertain tha particulars of the contract for printing the bouse Journals. "It seems that no one : knows anything about, this Important 'matter,'! sa,Ld Mr. Sweety, "anil sltu'uly took. thlB'tte'ans;.of, finding uV. ,i- , . . Mr. Swerzy. thought ' the" llnes-vwere printed too far apart and that poney Vould be saved by economising roix rspaeA. Vd using, fewer leads. .. .' . Tj: Anderson of .Knox, chairman pf thla 'com mittee, had thla to say of the matter : - "I - understand the 'contract .ra.4'. let 'to the State Journal company by the State Printing board and that It called for twenty-live lines to a page at $1.34 a page, with 600 copies of each bill.- I have-not fully satisfied' myself on this point, but that Is my understanding at present." Mr. Sweozy and other members of the bouse are of the opinion that the bouse should bare bad the right to make its own printing contract and proposes to go Into tbe matter fully. i ASSESSMENT UP IN THE HOUSE After Rome Debate the McClay- Reso lution Is Tabled aa Betas; of ' bo Beaeflt. ' , ...... . (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Jan. J2. (Special.) Fes tooned with holly, Ivy . and ferna, dotted here and there with . pretty potted planta and elaborately decorated with the'Amer lean flag, In anticipation of tha reception tonight to the new minister to Brail I, Hon. D. E. Thompson, Representative hair pre sented a beautiful appearano when Speaker Mockett thla morning called the bouse to order. The bouse referred to the railroad com mittee this petition, introduced by Hoy of Folk county: We. the undersigned realdenta of Jeffer son county and ciUsena of Nebraska re spectively represent: That the railroads traversing the elate of Nebraska Invaria bly fail, refuse and neglevt- to .furnish or provide cars when requested so to do by farmers or others who desire to ship grain to the markets lndeteadent of elevator n en and rearular rraln buyer;. Wherefore, wo ve tit ion your honorable body to enact men law or lawa as will provide an adequate remedy for the evil herein complained of. te the end that the farmer and the Independent shippers of grain may be guaranteed equal rights and privileges wltb the elevator men and reg ular grain buyers, and providing a penalty .Downward Course. ' aasaBB-na Fast Being Raalizetl By Omaha Peopla. A little backache a firet. Dally Increaaing till -the back is lams and weak. ". ' ' ; ' 1 ' Urinary diaordera quickly, follow. . , Dlabatea and finally Drlght'a dlaease. Tbls Is the downward course of kidney Ms. ' .. - V Don't take this course. Follow, the advice of local citizen. 1 Mr. Mada Johnson of 1407 Pacific atreet employed at the O. A. Hoaglaad Lumber Co. says: "1 have good deal of heavy lifting te do aad It la neceasary to have a good strong back to do the work. My back commeuce,d to trouble me and finally became eo bad I had to lay off work, la fact waa not working when Doaa'a Kidney pills came to my notice. I procured box at Kubn . Co'a drug store and bad taken thenf but a few days when I waa able to return to my occupation.- have not had a symptom of backache since I took the treatment aud you can use my came aa one who thinks Dpan's . Kidney I'llls the finest medicine there Is for ths back aud kidney." - - For aale by all dealers, price (0 cents Fobier-MUbum Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the Vetted- States. - Rvuembet the name Doaa'a and take no substitute. for the violation of said proposed law by any railroad corporation or Its' agent. Hanoi by Samuel Clark and 2P0 ottiers." IL Ra. 81, 1, 101, 48 and 24 were recom mended to pass. 4 McCtay of Lancaster then- moved the adoption of his resolution of .yesterday, published In The Dee today, seeking to place the bouse en record aa favorteg the assessment of all property at Its full value. He spoke la support of the. resolution, say ing the house should adopt it aa a formal and official criterion to the committee ap pointed to revise tho revenue laws. In the course of his remarks Colonel McClay quoted the state auditor's report to ahow that the assessment folia of Nebraska bad undergone a reduction in amount . of 815,000,000 and urged the necessity of prompt action. Jonea of Otoe was opposed to adopting ' the resolution as he considered It nntiece- eary, the houee already being on record as favoring revenue revision. This brought to his feet Sweezy of Adams, who forcibly declared that the. boose was confronted by this Imperative - duty and should meet It honestly and fearlessly. Thompson agreed 'with thla, but saw no occasion for adopting McClay'e resolution, and his motion to table it was carried. : laqalrr Over 1'rlntln. ' . This resolution by Sweezy of Adams was adopted: ' Whereas, This house Is at a losa to' un derstand the necemity for the use of so much apace and so little Ink in the prjntlng of bills, and also decir'.ng 10 know the cost of the eime, 1 move that the commlrtee on public printing be Instructed to make a careful Investigation and ascertain: I. Whether or not a contract, exists for euch printing. i. Under what law, and by whom said contract, If any, was made. . i'he time and the order of printing bills. 4. W hether or not' olds Were arked or re ceived for such work. 6. The usual price for such work., in the open market. . . . i . . To furnish this house, wltH copy of any such contract and.. report in ttvet days. McAllister of Deuel .introduced . a du plicate of the senate 'resolution ' on Irri gation and it was adopted.' ' 5. F. 1, Howell's Omaha-waterworks bill, waa read for the first time in the boust H. Rs. from .181 to 196 were read for the second time. ' ' H. R. 40. by Thompson, relating to. leas ing of lands, was amended, and passed. At noon the bouse adjourned 1 until 2 p. m. Friday.. , .' . . , .. .,. " :-'. - Hew Bills. H. R. 197, by Fries-Requiring notices of application for saloon licenses to be filed with village or , city clerk and empowering him to publish notice thereof In some news paper In the county of, general -circulation. H. R. J9a. by McClay-Provldlng fop elec tion, of Lincoln uiujiollmen-at-Jarge, Qjia from each ward. . , . ' , H. R. 199, by McClay To repeal article tv, chapter lv, Complied Statutes, entitled "A" act to provide for the organization of sani tary districts and to define their powers, and to provide for the transfer of f jnds be longing to eald district to and the expendi ture thereof by municipal authority of the municipality within said district. H. R. M, by McClay To authorixe the Lincoln tax commissioner to aasess prop erty and franchisee for local taxation. II. R 201, by Rlgga (by request of stare auditor) Requiring county, city and vil lage clerks to make out. certify and trans mit to the auditor of public accounts, a full and complete statement of the bonded In debtedness of every deacriptlon, of such county, city or village, as snown by the recorda of aucn county, my or viiibjo clerks, on the 31st day of March, the 30th day of June, the 30th dav of September and the 81st day of December of each year. . it 9iio hu rinnA To nnnroorlate monev belonging to the etate normal school fund for the purchase of books for the library of the said mate ivormai acnuui. H. R. 203 by Warner 10 proviue ior inn ppolntment of corporatlona as receiver, sslgnee, guardian, executor, administrator or other trustee. - . - ...... H. R. 204, by Thompson To prohibit county Judges from acting as attorneys in probate proceedings-. ganization or alteration of school district, H. R. 2. by Thompson Relating to dam ages and attachments. H.- K- VJl. ny UCVIBf rruviume ;wi trons for county Jails. . h r. luR. by McClay Providing for a matron for county Jails. LITTLE . BUSINESS IN SENATE lame Qnestlon Wnetner noweii Water Works BUI Waa Legally .. ' Enacted. (From a Staff Correspondent.) - -LINCOLN. Jan. 22. (Special.) A ' ques tion waa raised this morning aa to whether S. F. 1, passed by tb' senate Tuesday afternoon, had been invalidated, by tbe manner in which It waa passed. The bill waa introduced by. Howell of .Douglas and Ita intent la to compel the city council of Omaha to purchase the Omabwater works. When the bill came up for a third read ing and final passage Tueaday afternoon the secretary did not have. the. last page of the blll.-whlcb oontalned ' three lines. A recesa of teven minute was, token while the secretary Jooked up the page. One member thla morning at a ted that a receaa taken during tbe third reading of a bill would invalidate the measure, while Other hold that It would make' no filffer ence." The records do not show, that a re cesa 'waa taken.'' Senator Harrison, who la an oldtlme legislator, said the recess made no difference and would not invalidate tbe bill. "We were slnsply at ease," he said. "while tbe secretary got the bill togetber, and the records wlll not show that there was a recesa taken." In an opinion of Attorney General Prout, published in bis report of 1901-1302, he laid down the aame opinion aa expressed by Senator Harrison by quoting from tbe supreme court of Nebraska In the caae of tbe State against Moore, 37 Neb., 13. The court said: '. Where a bill "hfci'been attested by the signature of the presiding officers of both branches 01 tne legislature, ana signea oy the Kovernor. it will not be declared in valid becaiute of Irregularities In the pro-. ceedlngs of the legUUtvre 'where no ex- preaa provision ol the cuuautuuoo Has been violated. . Courts will not Inquire -whether the leg islature, In enacting a law, violated Its own rules. (McDonald against State, SO Wle., 407.) . : While it la possible a-rale of ' the senate has been violated, the provisions of the constitution bave been carried. Jout and it would aeem that ths (car; expressed by some senators as to the. safety of the mea- aure, should it become a law and then get into mo courts, is btowhuicbs.. Private schools under .thejrupervislon of the stste superintendents that have an In vestment of 150,000, have the authority to Issue certificates te Uachers tbe same aa do the normal schools - now. No. 35 was passed thla nvflrolng. cutting down the amount of Investment from 8100,000. S. F. 8, relating to the powers of county board ot health, also paased the senate. Shortly after 11 o clock ths senate ad journed VntU Id o'clock tomorrow. In or der, to' turn tbe aenate chamber over to the decorators to prepare it tor the recep tion to D. B. Thompson tonight. During tbs afternoon Governor Mickey, accompanied by Warden Beemer and ths committees on penitentiary-from: both the bouae and the aenate, visited the peniten tiary. About alxty member of both houses accompanied the party. Heatine PreeeeeJas. 8. Fs. I and SS were read a third time and paased. .8.- F. S relates to boards of health, defining their powers to establish quarantine. 8. F. 35 la a bill te reduce th amount of Investment of aebdbl from 1100.- 0(0 to 150,000, to give thuro the aame power to Issue certificates aa a normal- school. These bills were placed on general file: 8. F. 23, providing for entering on tax re ceipts all delinquent taxes; 8. F. 20, "ea- tabllsblng tha rsteef Interest te be charged en county deposits, amended to change tbe rats from l per cent te 1 per cent; 8. F. TUTS OMAJIA , DAILY UEJE:, . FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 100,1. 23, In regard to establishing township or- X ganlzatlon. Olffen'of' Dawson 'moTed to suspend1 the rules and pass Itie Sol towing resolution, which was done. Whereas, An investigation by the irriga tion.' experts of th" I ni ted States Depart ment of Agriculture has been planned for the benefit of those using water from the Plntte river In the three states through which the atream flows; and. Whereas,- The eeld Irrigation' experts have made arrangements for carrying thla work to completion, and. Whereas, We believe that the funda ap propriated for this kind of work in former years have been repaid to the government and to the Irrigators of the country many fold; therefore, be It Kesolved, That we respectfully request and urge that when the agricultural ap propriation bill' Is tinder discussion on the floor of conaress the recommendations of the secretat of ng iculture and the director of the office of experiment stations relative Investigation be thoroughly endorsed by the. honorable representatives of th state of Nebraska In the senate aad In the house of representatives; and be It further Resolved, That the secretary of the senate Iw" instructed to address forthwith B: copy of - this, resolution to each member of the Nebraska delegation. In congress. . . The annate aceepted aa . Invitation te attend a meeting of the Farmera' Co-Operative- Shipping, association at o'clock, to be held at the eeurt house. , - , , A telegram-from the legislature of Ari zona asking tho..aenate , to urge the Ne braska senators to vote for Vbe - omnibus statehood blil was read. . . .. - " The aenate -went into committee of; the whole, with Marshall of Otoe In the xhalr, to consider H. H. 22. providing for an ap propriation . to pay the expense. of ths legislature. The committee reported favor ably. ' ' ' ' ' ' .' ' M The committee on employes reported to employ G. C. Edwards as fireman. Carried. The senate adjourned at 11:10 o'clock until 10 o'elocTi Friday morning.' Bills on first reading: . 8. inn, by Sloan of FiUmore-To' repeal section 6M of the Criminal Cede, relating to grand Juries. . . . S. F. 101, by Sloan of FlUmorc To amend sections bJ0, tfil and 662 of the Code of Civil Procedure, relating to Juries. 8. F.-102, by .Brady of Buene-To require railroad companies and common carriers to erect and maintain a side track, or switch, extending; a reasonable' length,' the outer edge of which shall, be at ' least ' within four feet of tha outer edge of the right of way, to any elevator or elevators erected by any firm, corporation; association, per son or persons, for the purpose of buying, storing and shipping any station within this state, and providing for, a penalty for the violation thereof. '" GUNS GUARD . HOUSE (Continued from First Page.) the city. It Is ald that the republican leaders propose at tomorrow's session the twenty-five democratic members shall ba expelled and. their seat given, to tbe re publican contestants. The republican senate. It Is further said, will also throw' out all democratic mem bers. " Governor Peabody, it Is declared, will recognize both senate and house it ma solidly republican. MORRISON GOES TO , HOSPITAL Illinois' 'Politfclan Keeds pa're'nl'ck 1 "Me'dical Instltntlon Alone ' ,', . .... . Can. Give. ' ., :. 8T.. LOUIS. Mo., Jan.- 22. Colonel' Wil liam R. Morrison was brought to a hos pital here today. " ' " Ha la In such a condition that constant hospital 'rare la necessary. It is possible an operation" may be necegsafyC' Mrs, Mor rison atrbmpanled blm. ' 1 ' ' DEAJH .RECORD.; - .'. Mrs. Robert E. I Ma. ' ;' I'' ' Th'A many "friends "of Robert E. Stein wtll be pained to learn of the' sudden death of hla wife at 1 yesterday morning from a stroke of paralysis, .which occurred at about 6 o'clock Wednesday evening. ' ' . Mr. and Mrs. Stein are numbered among the older settlers of Omaha, having lived here between twenty-five and thirty year. There are three children.' all grow'fi, Misses Nina, Clara and May, left lth"Mf SWli to mourn the loss of their mother. ' '"' Funeral aervtcee, conducted by Rev. Wil liam K. dray, pastor of the McCabe Meth odist Episcopal church, will be 'held from the family residence, 4116 Farnam street., at 2 o'clock Sunday afternbon. Inter ment will be at Prospect Hill cemetery. '' ""Wife of Rev, Steward, , , YORK, Neb., Jan. 22 (Speclal.)-rThe funeral aervlces of Mrs. J. Steward, wife of Rev. Steward of Pawnee City;, will be held tomorrow at tbe Methodist -church of this city.. Mrs.' Steward la mother ot Mr Ida Bell of thla city. . The -family lived at Torki for years and for manv year Rev. Steward was the Methodist minister at this place, and also presiding elder, and it waa through bis .work - and the., assistance of bis noble wife that money wu raised to' build the fine Methodist church, which is one of the largest an finest In . the state. They expected to continue In the ministry at Pawnee tor another year and then return to York, ' where they have property, and enjoy life. Pioneer Vorlc Hortlcaltarlat. YORK. Neb.. Jan. 32. (Special.) In the death of Thomas ' B. Reed, York county not only loses a -pioneer farmer, but one of1 the leading horticulturists and a plo- beer In fruit raising In York county. Tbe deceased was 70 years old at the time ot hi death. - He bad accumulated con si d erable property, owning a fine farm In the north part of the county, on -which Is one of tbe best bearing orchards In the state. and owned a realdence In North York. Tbe funeral services were conducted at hla realdence In North York; Rev. C. 8 Harrison officiating. - Peter Granat. BENNINGTON Neb.. Jan. 22. (Special Telegram.) Peter Grandt, one of Douglas county's earliest settlers, dU aX his bom six mile south ot Bennington at 2:20 this afternoon from pneumonia. He was 71 years, of age. Four aens and four daugh ters aurvlve him. Mr. Grandt had lived on bis farm .for. forty-five years and. wag universally respected by a large circle ot acquaintances. His funeral will be held from the realdence Sunday afternoon. - refer Esnlcb. HUMBOLDT, Neb.. Jan, 22 Speclat.) Peter Emlgh. one of the old settlers of Ne meha preclnst, died Tuesday from the et: feefs of an attack of, pneumonia, aged 85 year. Deceased wss well known through out this section.! The funeral Services were held at the family borne today. Jnaa-e H. W. Brace. . , . LOUISVILLE. Ky, Jan. 22-F-Judge Hf W. Bruce,- chief counsel for the Louisville h Nashville, former chancellor of th city of Louisville and a member of tbe confederate congress, died at his home here today. aged 72 years. Bricklayers la Guod Condition. MEMPHIS, Tenn.. Jan. 22. At today' session, of tbe International Association of Brtcklayera. tbs committee ea aubordlnate unlona showed $705.7(3 la the hands of the treasurer. The total mmberiblp ' wsJ 77.238. Tbe financial condition et all local unloaa In the I'nltsd States and Canada was classed as follows:, Seventy per cent good, 13 fair and 17 poor. TO .XK A IIII.B l) 0S OAT Take taxatl Btoojo Quinine Tablets. This signature Jtftv oa every boa. CANAL TREATY IS SIGNED Hay vai Hefaft' AfBi Signature . to Pa.m Jprotecol. SOUTHERNER OBJECT TO CRUM'S COLOR Senator . Tlllniani', ' Telle Comnttee Carolina Wants 14o Kegroet A p " pointed to Fill ' Government nMeea la that State. 1 WASHINGTON, Jan. 22 The treaty be- wecn.the, United State and Colombia, for the construction-of. the Panama canal, was Igned, today..,.,, .. No details, .were obtainable,, but at- the presidential .reception, tonight the newa leaked out .and was later confirmed in offi cial clrelea, It was not. Intended to make the newa publio until .tomorrow, but. It. was ap- arently too good, fox some to keep. The principal, obstacle for some time to tbe conclusion of the treaty has been the price that tne United States was to pay in tbe shape f of. a cash payment and by. way of anaus.l, rental for the territory along each side, of the right-of-way. It ould not be learned tonight what waa tbe price finally agreed on.. Some time ago there waa a hitch .pver the question of the extent tar..wbjcb control by the United States shoul 1 go, but this matter was am icably .adjusted, r ;. . Tbe treaty waa signed at Secretary Hay'a house Jlnls. evening, Mr. Hay acting for the United States and Dr Herran, charge affaires of Colombia, on behalf of Co lombia., , The jtrpaty iwlll have--to go to the senate for ratification and it is be lieved It will be transmitted to that body tomorrow. It is stated that ' details' ot tne agreement will not be maarteublkr fa advance of such transmission. Cram's Color Called- Bar. , The' nomination1 of Dr.'W. D. Crum. to be collector at Charleston, 8. C.,-was' the sub ject of an hOur'a hearing tbday 6y the sen ate' committee tin' commerce before which the nomination la pending." Senator Till man, 'Mayor Smlthe '6f Charleston and Colonel J. C. Hemphill appeared in oppo sition to confirmation. Thev referred charge to tne effect 'that Crum bad sold out as K delegate to tbe Minneapolis republican convention and in atlpport ot the chargo read an affidavit In wTrick it was declared that he 'bad been Trent ' to ths convention' as a Harrison' delegate, but had shifted to Blaine on the promise of appointment to the position bf' pbstmarter; It was made' quite plain, however, " that the - principal oppftslflon - was because of Crum's color, and Senator Tfllman admit ted as much. He told tbe committee that tbe people of tbe South did not want their offices filled by' negroes.' "and," he aaid, so long as they are so filled there will be trouble; oil and -water will not mlx.w" Ex-Governor P. B. 8. Pincnbatk of "Louis iana and Whitfield McKlnlay, 'formerly of South Carolina, both colored, appeared for Dr. Crum. They declared the charge of selling out -at Minneapolis was unrounded and eulcglzed Gram as a mttn of education and characteri - ' '. - . - " Nebraska Postmasters Named'. .iit.j-.. . 'i The. senate.-WBdajr, confirmed the follow ing, appointment:- -.,- Poat,maters: Colorado Maude F. Mc Lean, Drecltonrldge..., Iowa R. O, Clark, Wtbatcr .pity; D. ;Ball, Mystic;- M.' S. Brown, .NortU,Engllb;, William H, Crooks, Adair 1 D,, H, ,fce.t, -Grrswolffi - Dr -M. Ro la.ij'd.j MarenfoJitspsaB-rJ. D. Hirschler, Hlllsboro; J,J.,E,yans, Hartford; J.. .Oil man, Madlaon; A. Brown, jCedarvllle; A. Kublmaa, -Hanover -Missouri C. R; Lan drum. Mount Vernon; T. Hollenbeck, Wst Plains. Nebraska H., H., Campbell. Osceola; J. C. lllott, , West, Polnn A. Nefdham, Bloomjleld; J. H. Logan, Ponca; W. A. Rodgers. ,Glhbon;, E. Tash, Alli ance; W. T. Spelts, Wood jiver; A.. A. My ers, Havelock; J. V- lnk. BterllnK,. New Mexico i,C. C.orrjr,. Spring. , Also colonel. Edward M. Hayes,. Thlr- teentb. cavalryt ;tp be brigadier general. , : President Haines Appointees. The president today aent the following nominations to , tha senate: ..... Lee Fairbanks, register land office. Del Norte, Colo. ' Navy Engineer. Ernest H. Gaynor, Mtn- sourf; Paul L. Reed. ' Postmasters: ' Nebraska Lee 'Van' Voor- hia, Crawford; Jdhp F. Nesbltt, Tekamah. South 'Dakota James B." Barber, Rapid' City. " low Joseph " E. Howard. Forest Cltjr. Kansas Edward J. Byerts, Hill City. Missouri August,' w. Enis, Clyde. Matt Prosecate Insgglers. The Treasury department has received a report from Custom Collector Crusen at San Juan, Porto -Rico, In regard to tbe In dictment jot a number of naval- and army officers, charged with smuggling into Porto Rico cigars and liquors on government ves sels. He says offer of compromise have been mads and deairea to know what course to pursue. In his -reply sent today tha secretary says tbe department declines to entertain offers of compromise and that it Is desired that all persona Implicated should be prosecuted. President Offers Left Ileaa. President and Mrs. Roosevelt's reception In honor ot the ' judiciary, the second ot the formal evening affairs of the season at the White House, took place tonight. The president extended his left hand In greet ing, as he hurt his right hand, only slightly, in single-stick exercise wltb General Leo nard Wood. ' PENSIONS .FOR WESTERNERS Survivors of Wars Generously Re membered by the General Government. WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. (Special.) The following pensions bave been granted: Issue of January 3: Nebraska: Increase, reissue, etc. Ablram Johnson, Sidney, ; Gorge Shoup. Hub bell, 1U Klteha Wattlea, beaver Crossing, to: John J. 8tuwers. Lincoln, 112; Clark D. .Blood, Mlnatare, 10; Daniel W. B. Kvans, University Place, 114. Widows, minors and dependent relatives Sophronl. B. Hawley, Kearney, s; ancy J. oyeriy, reierauurg, IS. . Iowa: Originals Henry F.. Miles, Charles City, 16; Marquis A. Hills. Dee M'nes, tti. Increase." reissue, etc. Cornelius M. Dear Inger Kingaley, $S; Milton -Herring. Kast Dee Moines, U4; Zachariah T Armstrong, Allerton, ; Ward W. Williams, Wapello, 14; Hiram 8. Rich. Jrsup, 4W; Charles I .klifh tv 'hnrle O Klflxlri. Grand iunotlen, J12; Simeon I.. Smith Hud son. 112; Jamea 11. isesmun, uxrora. it; Thomas C. Ueamer, Clinton. 111. Widows, minora and dependent reiaiivea-ara n n. PI11 1 rips, Cedar Rapids, ti; Susaiina Hllley, Qgden, SK; Mary Collins. Onawa, IS; Elisa beth D. Barr. Moone, $12. 8uth liaaota: increase, reiaaue, eic Nvlmn Ralston. Canton. W, tlenry I, Kartlett, r-rwln, K; iurner oenneu, While wood, Hi. Issue of January B: Ki,raska: Orlirlnal Arthur M. Srhults Seward, tti (war with Spain). Increase, re- l.ii. etc. William H. Nichols. Kearney, six; Robert lonahM. 1 torchester.; B?vrly A. Jeaj, Juniata, s: Jonn weyer, Aln.wnrth. 110. Widows, minors and de pendent relatives I-aura J. Mnrton. Ne maha. ; Mary A. Dunlap. Phillips 18. Iowa: Original Thomas K. ltevvll. Bloux niv ts. Intrrase. reissue, etc John But ton. Ottumwa. USt; Charlea 8. Lang. Clear 1 .k 111: Knllm . Lewia. Mancheater, Id. Widowe, minors and dependent relatives Malissa A. Kernel, Mount Pleasant. IS. Mouth Dakota r ' Inervaae, reissue, etc. Panlel Teaser, Geddea, ts; Joseph D. Page, Hot Springs. HZ. Ihiia nt Januirf S: 1 hsbraaka; OrllnJ-WUiUm A. BUnrnt, trong. VL Increase, reissue, etc. UlrtcM Inheliler, Cedar Creek, f 12. . Iowa: Originals David Imnoff, Marshall town, ft: Neal Conroy. Cedar Rapids, fS (war with 8paln. Increase, reissue, etc.- Peter (jualter. Soldiers' Home,. hull town. 'Ill': Kenjamtn F. Palmer. Missouri Valley, IS; Oarrl M. lloll. 1V Moines. 1J; Thnmaa H. Peabody. Whiting, $10. Widows, minors and dependent relatives Margaret U Packer, Kddyvllle. IS. TARIFF F0R PHILIPPINES Senate Committee Aathorlses Fa vorable Report n tllll Passed by the Hosts, WASHINGTON. Jan. 22.rrlhe senate committee on the Philippines today au thorised a favorable report on the Philip pines tariff bill, which recently passed th house, but with Important gmendments. The house bill carried uniform reduction ot the tariff on Philippine goods Imported into the United State, making tbe rate only 25 per cent of tha rates .Imposed by the Dlngley law. The senate commute amended the bill so as to .provide for the admission of all Philippine-produced articles free Of duty except sugar and to bacco,' and on these two commodities fixed the tariff at CO per cent of the 'Dlngley schedules. This change was made to meet the objections of the sugar and tobacco producers of this country, who have claimed that, a duty rate of only 25 per cent on those articles would result in lulnotis com petition. ' ' ' " '. The committee also decided to recom mend an amendment to the hill admitting Into the Philippines all material used In the construction and equipment of steam and electric railroads duty free for the next five yeara, ' at the discretion of the commission. FIREMEN f FINISH UP WORK After Klertlom of Officers Convention Winds fp with a Ball and B.,.et. CRETE, Neb., Jan '22. (Special Tele gram.) The twenty-first annual convention of the Nebraska Volunteer Firemen's as sociation Is at an end. It proved to be an interesting and, profitable meeting and' In point of numbers the largest held In re cent years. At the morning session the question raised yesterday regarding "the holding of the 'convention lb connection with the tournament was -disposed of by be ing Indefinitely postponed. Several amendments to the constitution and change in tournament - rulos ' were unanimously adopted. One creating and doi fining classes "A" and "B" in the tourna ments is of interest to teams of the state. It provides that in the hose races any team which haa a record of 36 seconds or less In the regulation race and of 31 seconds or less in the straightaway cannot enter class "B;" also, that In the book and ladder races any team having ft record of 41 or less In the regulation race and 36 or less In the straightaway, is barred from class "B." John T. Schlek of Beatrice was chosen as state delegate to the National Firemen's convention. Tbe afternoon session : convened ; at 2 o'clock and after transacting miscellaneous business proceeded to the election of offi cers. C. E. Hartford of Norfolk was chosen president by. acclamation. . Other officers elected were: Mike Bauer - ot Nebraska City, first vice president; John McKay ot Blair, second vice president; E. A. Miller of Kearney, secretary, and George . N. Youngson of Minden, treasurer. As no Invitation . were, received tbs choosing of a place for holding the next state tournament was referred to the hoard of control. The Fremont, delegation had little difficulty h capturing the next con vention.' Thla practically ended the busi ness and after tbe Installation of the new president In office the convention adjourned sine file. ' Business over the fire, fighters gave them selves over to pleasures for the remainder of the day; very few of them leaving town tonight.' Tho annual hall was held this evening. In connection with it a sumptuous banquet was spread. SMITH BOOSTS UNITED STATES Late Postmaster Says America Stands for Liberty and Hamaalty and Overawes World. ' CHICAGO, Jan. 22. Over 250 prominent advertisers and publishers were present at the annual banquet of the Agate club, which waa held at Kinsley's tonight. The prlncl- pai auurewi ui iuo cycuiuk " j ex-Postmaster General Charlea Emory Smith, who spoke on "Tbe Greatest of Na tional Advertisements." ... t - Mr. Smith said la part: Our moral Influence is equal to our ma terial strength. The great powera of Eu rope are engaged in a rivalry of contention as to which Is the best friend of the United States. Kngland and Germany combined agalnat Venesuela, but both declared be fore they Dfgan tnat tney wouia emer upon no violation of the Monroe doctrine. The United Btates speaks out for arbitra tion and they, both respect its voice and accept its will. Our State department pro testa to the signatories of the Berlin treaty against oppression In Romania and our remonstrance is heeded and the ameliora tion of Its proscrlptlve laws already begins. We remonstrate against too revere an In demnity from China and the allied powers, exacting aa they may be, are constrained to moderate their terms, We stand for moral right, we stand for magnanimity, we stand for Justice among nations and the righteous influence ot our position makes itself felt throughout the world. We have a mission in commerce snd In civilisation, we embody the spirit of lib erty -and humanity and we have no rlnht to let our light be hid. PRAYER IN AJURY ROOM On Member asks lor isprtns new While AH Reverently Kneel. CHICAGO, Jan. 22. A "session of prayer preceaeo tne ueiiueranuua ui Jury In Judge Chetlain's court, which rer suited in tbe acquittal of Patrick Deenan,' charged with the murder of John Linden. When the twelve took their placee around the table, William H. Pelti aald: "Gen tlemen, this Is a moat serious duty. A human life bangs in the balance, awaiting but s word from us to be made free or to oe ended. This Is such a colemn duty that r almost fear to approach it. and I think that we ought to ask for courage and for light. Won't you gentlemen join me In prayer? Let ua kneel here In the Jury chambers and ask divine guidance In the duty we are undertaxing,-; The twelve men In tbe Jury chamber dropped to their knees and bowed their heads as tbe one juror offered a prayer. In which be petitioned for supreme guid ance. NO STAMPS ON THE TUBS Lars Qaaatlty of Renovated Batter la Seised by Revenue Officers la Bt. Louis. BT. LOUIS, Jsa. 22. United Btates rev enue officers bave wl'.bla ths last few days seised prastlualiy all tbe butter stored at tbs various institutions. Tbe butter seised Is et aa lufsrior grsde, known as "process" er "renovated" butter. Men et tns tubs In wblub it waa originally delivered bear th required rev eowe lateli wblvh bad, It la believes, keea renters M burpeses el SuVstlUtlsS: PUTS BLAME ON CATTLEMEN Great Wests Pre?idnt ' AHegw Chicago ti8 Stock Assikjiation.U.Ui'iriouj. :" DECLARESCOMMtS'JIONS ARl OUTRAGEOUS '"),.' . ,i .i ; . .. t .' -.. eays Rwaflaw Receive Only Blatr P" Cent More for Manila Freight Than Arraigned Body Col lects la Windy City. CHICAGO. Jan. 22'. At today's meeting of - the Interstate 'Commerce' commission A. - B. Btlckney, president of the Great Western, appeared to defend his aetlon In making la' seven-year contract with the big pocker on the basis ot greatly reduced rates. Mr. Stlckney'e dc-fense was coupled with ah' attack' upon the Chicago Live Stock ex change and MS competitors, classing the former 'as barnacles and the latter as Ori ental savages. . ' In bis criticism of tbe Chicago Live Stock association he declared ' that company; whose j assets were tew chairs and an office -desk, collected commissions during 1901 amounting to 13,151,000 against an In come of 22,451, 256 received by the Union Stock Yards company: Tbeso commissions amounted to over 40 per cent of the total freight charges upon the stock brought into ' Chicago. Mr. Tomlinson of the exchange showed that the commissions collected amounted to 22.154.286, - while the freight charges were $14,263,400, about IS per cent Instead ot 40. In speaking of the 20 per cent con tract packing house rate made by the Great Western, Mr. Btlckney declared that aa soon aa It became known three of his com petitors, in order to wreck a sort ot Ori ental vengeance, made a 12-cent rate on livestock between tbe Missouri river and Chicago, which left -them a net rate ot between- 7 and 8 oents per 100 pounds for hauling. the .traffic 600 miles, and which In jured no one but themselves. He followed the lead of other ra'.lroad officials, in asserting that the rates as at present adjusted favored Chicago, and went further, by giving figures to prove that the Missouri river points and St. Paul were enticed to slaughter about 40 per cent of al) tbe hogs and : cattle raised In the country,-,,. :. ,-, -- .... t A..C. Bird, third, vloe president of the St. ,Paul road, declared, that rates on live stock , were . too ' low and did -not bear a jurt. share, et transportation-charges. .. SAYS RATES ARE TOO LOW Railroad Man's Opinion of Live Stock Charges from Missouri River to Chicago. CHICAGO, Jan. 22. Vice President Bird of the St. Paul road today answered com plaints of the Chjcago Live Stock exchange aa to ratea, by declaring that the present rates tor carrying live animals from Mis souri, river, points to Chicago are too low rather than, , too high. "Under present rates," he said, "live atock does, not bear Ita share of the general charges." Mr., Bird's testimony waa given before tba Interstate Commerce commission. He thought that without reference to present competitive, conditions, rales on finished products should be higher than on live stock, and he admitted that the. contrary rule Is In force on the St. Paul road, prlnr clpally because of the example, set by tbe Chicago Great Western line last August. This , example i was followed by moat ot th western roads and was tbe cause of the present. Investigation. - r t : IOWA ' DIRECTORS ELECTED Revr Railway from Rloax City St. ' ' 1 ' Loaf a' Holds Meet- "T KANSAS CITY. Mo.; Jan. 22. At a meet ing of the. Iowa and Missouri railway to day the following directors were elected for the ensuing year: John W. Gates ot Chloagd, John Lamber ot Chicago, J. J. Mitchell of Chicago, James Hopkins of St. Louis,-J. W. Keefe of Chi cago, E; F. SwJnney of Kansas City and H. F. Reddtg of Kansas City. The road is being constructed from Ma- eon, Mo.,' to St; Louis and Is part ot the Iowa ft St: Louis railway, whlbh Is to run from Sfoux c tQ Macm M mBB,n. . ,... ,... -rom ,. r,. Rt. IjOU,- - - Make Harrlman President. - NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 22. R." H. Harrl man was today elected president of Mor gan's' Louisiana ft Texas railroad' and Steamship company, the Louisiana division of the Southern Pacific, to aucceed the late A. C. Hutchinson. ' ' '' INSANE MAN .SHOOTS OFFICER Demands aa Imaginary Fortune and la AI tercet lea that Follows -" ' Commits Deed, KA.NSA? CITY, Jan. 22. Sylvester Swank, an insane man, at noon today ahot and fa- l tally wounded Policeman A. R. McKlnney ; Bt the . central police station In this city and fired another shot before .he was over powered. An officer fired one shot at Swank, but It went wild. Swank, who was discharged from the .St. Joseph hospital laat spring, had appeared before Sergeant Snow and de manded an imaginary fortune which. he. as Always; fho. Santo , 4 Gcbd Old , 1 Ui) Is Ls lia Ths Pflla' of UlIWa'Aee Bend Postal Card tor Nw Brock are , whlch-.tslla why . . . BLATX BEft IS RIGHT BLATZ MA1T-VIVIIIE (NON-INTOXICANT) t : TOmfOrlTHE WEAK " AA tfrugglst or Dlreot 1' f AL BLATZ tl WINfi CO . MllVaakM 4 OHAHA BKA1CU, ' ' 141B Dene I a St. Tel. tosll. HARRY'S I'eiv . , t u .-. ''. I HOT LUNCH FRCC . , Telephoijfl 2434. , IIARUY WADSWORTII. Proprietor. Jit i.'..- serted th officer was withholding from him. , II attempted to shoot 8B0W. wbsa Mr Kinney, who was unarmed went to his su perior's assistance. Swank turned upon McKlnney and firing point blank at that officer Seat a bullet through' hie head. BUTLER PLANS FAKE ROBBERY Fires PUtol and Guards Millionaire' House In' Hope of flower and Reward. NEW YORK. Jan. 22. On th night ot January IS the home ot August ,D. Julllard, In the "Millionaire Dlatrlct" of West Fifty seventh street, was supposed to. have been entered by burglars,, . .. , ... Pistol ' shots aroused the nolghbor and when the police. arrived- James Rollly, the second butler, was guarding. tbe house, re volver In hand. Today the police arrested Reilly and be confessed that be had arranged a "fake burglary," so that, he might be compli mented for his bravery and receive ths emoluments thereof. -Reilly eobtessed that he bad atolen many articles ef value from Peter- Whitney, .whose second , butler be used to be. - ' "... MAPLE LEAF TRAIN WRECKED Broken Rail Kill Eaglaeer and Fireman and Cause Debris .' to Cateh Ftr. "'' . , .1 v - FREEPORT, 111... ,.Jn. 22. A Chicago Great Weatern passenger train which left Chicago for SL Paul at 6:80 o'clock to night, struck a broken at South Free port and Jumped from ths track. . The engineer and fireman were killed and several pBsaengers ware Injured. Tbe train Is burning. . . 1 Th dead: . . , GRACE, fireman.' Dubuque, la. , SHERIDAN, engineer, Byron. 111. . , Express Messenger Bheedy Is among tho Injured. , Tha Illinois, Central sent relief train to the scene. , . ,. . ,n ,. , TUG IS TANGLED WRECKAGE Leyden Beaten Seas 'gieaka la Pieces After the Crew ;'"is;'Ksee;d.''' ''"; BLOCK ISLAND, ,B, L, - jan- 12. Tbe naval tug Ly4n. which went. on a ledge yesterday, -was beaten. .Into a tangled heap of wreckage by the heavy seas jast night. A government 'vessel took 'the crew to shore today, only Seaman - Leylhm being left behind. : Although Leylam waa badly Injured, It was- 'thought -today that hs would recover. , . :.'. -: . ; r . CLARA MORRIS IN NO DANGER . k . -, ' I" '. SufTerln; - from Hervssi ' Prostration, but 1 Able io Be About Her Room, t ..' YONKERS, N. Y:, Jan. 22. The physi cian who Is attending , Clara Morris, the actress, said -today that hla patient was in no Immediate danger." ",','', He said she. was suffering from nervous prostration and intermittent fever, but was sble to be up and about the room, though very weak. ' . ',"..' F1 t; JAGQBS; kOIL USED FOR 90 YE ADS. ' ' ' ' THE GREAT PAWS KILLING REMEDY. NEVER FAILS TO CURE' J" RHEUMATISM. 'V ".!.' ,' '" . " SPRAINS. STlFFNES.f8CATlc; NEURALGIA r : 8ORENESS-, :t- , , LUMBAGO CHEST COLDS And all Bodily Aohee and Palna , THERE IS NOTHING. SO GOOD .. ACTS LIKE MAQIO ' CONQUERS ' bOLiJ IN .' , w-k a Vj 25c and 50c Sizes IfAIlM MtSEMIJT. " bo YD'S jsssssrr TOJIIOHT AWD" gATPHDAV HIGIfT, IATIRDAT MATIICt:. v ' Pettt-and Arttstle " " ANNA HELD IN- , x. --. "Tho Liillo Duchess" Price Mat., 25c, 60c. 76c, I1I00, Jl.W. ' Night tbe, J5c, tl.U0, 11.60, K,0tt., ....,, . Bl'XDAY MAT.. MiillT AMD MOXDAY BED HKHDRICKl la "OLE OLSON" Price Mat. lie, uoc; night Ke, sue, J 5c Beat on aale. 1 ' Telri.ore i&sl.: - : v -'.i Matinees, Thursday, baturdav. Sunday, til5; ' tvery Jllght, :16. (. v ' HIGH CLAS ,VAUDEV1UE - Hailen an Fuller, TrereS DeLucci. Lieut Carl Nobel, Beatrice Moreland. Warren an' blanchard, Ortb and. fern, and, the Klnc drome. ' ' .c Prices 10c, tbe, We. ' - ;-' .' .- . 14th Annual Celebration, ' Birth ef ' HUBERT DIB5S. . r " Auspices Clan'dordon, lyp'ej, Crela-htea Hall, Friday Eve.,' Jan. U ' HftatJaJent tn city' at concert and grd ball to follow. i L , -' . " Tlckt 60 cents each. Beglna pronV'y at b;lft. - .-.. ,, . . ... .. . UO't'iCl., ',.., , v. i m MILLARD Uita mm DmmmU . OMA11A, JltCI ' Omaha .LMdliialotel . ' 1 1 k I'KCIAL KKtTtHB. -11 LUNCHEON. riFTT CKNTI, ! AUNDAY. I.u p. aa. DINNgB.U Mteadlly. Incraaalns -iMMlnea ba eewl tUd aa enlargement et tills cat, sibling tta.lyruier 4ivuy. - Place. Cor. I3tl & kssnt ... NOW Oft. 2)