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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1903)
TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, I!0.1. 3 iT d ...f(. X'1 I t-7 TEACHERS COME IN FORCE Largest Attendant cri Opening Day jn History of Awoiiatlon. y I ENDORSE FOWLER'S NORMAL SCHOOL PLAN D. P.. rhOBpto AiDoinrri that He Will Leave for III Post In Rrasil Jaaeary 4 Jadgrt Talk I Mew Uwi, . fFronl a Start Correenonder.t.) . LINCOLN, Dec. 81. (Bpeclal.) From tha- highways and the byways and from . HI' over the state were gathered teachers this afternoon to begin thi thirty-seventh 'annual meeting of the State Teachers' as sociation. In nine different sections and In as many rooms at the Btats university the teachers were called to order promptly at s o'clock and there were no "tsrdlns." The flrat general session was held this evening at St. Paul's church and that com fjnodloua edifice was filled to Its utmost , capacity. .The feature of this meeting was ths lecture. Illustrated, on "Imperial In dia," by Frank R, RoBersan. The speaker ad spent years In the Orient and his lec ture was Interesting o every detail. At ths close of the lecture the teachers of the Incoln achoola gave a reception In the parlors of ths church to the visiting teach ers. 4 I addition to the lecture musical selec- inn. .M mwAmmmA tm '! fW.Ibur Starr and Mrs. Will Owen Jones. " ' j i . u . . . hi uw . . 1 1 1 hi vi i uiuaii. IDr. Fletcher Wharton conducted, the devo- ttlonal eierclaea. Down to Practical Work. as I The work of the afternoon session wa follows I Teachers of mathematics were assembled In room 308 mechanics art hall at the uni versity, where papers were scheduled from )i. R. Snodgrsss of Wsyne, E. E. Beekwlth f Ncllgh and R. E. Morlts of University Place. Teachers of science met at room 206 unl-i- TersKy hall to hear a lecture from Prof. Wilbur 8. Jsckman of the University of ' Chicago, to witness laboratory demonstrs ' tlons by A. T. Bell of Wesleysn univer sity and a lantern lecture on the geogrsphy of Nebraska by O. E. Condra of Nebraska university. Teachers of German are in session at room 11.0, university ball, with papers scheduled from Alice Landls of Omaha, May Chamberlain of the University of Ne braska and Sue Plllabury of the Lincoln High school. Teachers of Latin met at room 106, uni versity hall, where papnrs wore announced from Mary ' Scherser of Lexington, Orace Bridge of the Lincoln High school, Esther A.; Clark of the Peru normsl, W. N. FiUon of Hastings college and Prof. O. E. Barber of the University of Nebraska. Teachers of history met In room 109, library building, where papers were prom ised from Olivia Pound of the Lincoln High school and Ellen Rsoney of the Omaha High school on Greek and Latin literature. The child study section assembled In Union hall, where discussions of topics hsd been assigned to Mrs. Jeannette Marfend ing of Lincoln, W. A. Clark of Peru, A. H. Staley of Friend, H. K. Wolfe of Lincoln. W. H. Rhodes of Mlnden, Frsnk W. Smith tf the Stats university and C. W. Taylor of Geneva. Teachers of physical science met In the physics lecture room of Nebraska hall. Pa listed from Prof. Moore of the pers were sists university. Percy Purvlance of Lin coln. Prof. Jackman of Chicago, J. E. Almy of the State university and others, with demonstrations and exhibits of apparstus. Teachers of literature- met at room 810, library building, to hear discussions by Prof. Sherman of the State university, Bertha Bloomlngdale of Grand Island, Bertha Tru man of Blair. F. M. Gregg of Wayne, Sadie B Smith of Holdrege, Oertrude Gardner of Falrbury. Harriet Towne of Lincoln, Cells Gorby of McCook, Sarah T. Dak In of Lincoln and R. M Campbell of Humphrey Those interested chiefly In kindergarten. , primary and. child s udy ' work met in the new university chapel, with a promised pro- I Weaver of Lincoln,. Miss Kolls of Grsnd Island. W. H. Clemons of Fremont and T. L. Bolton of the university. ' Teachers Act on Normals. The committee on normal schools last night adoptod these resolutions: j;solvrd. That we levor two state nor mal fcc hiiolci for Nebraska, located on each slilo of tho sixth principal meridian. Hesolved, 'irmt we favor the establlsh ti ni rtf iinlrir nnrmela At tro.n three to points lr. the state where public school buildings may be secured for the purpose without expense to the state J The first resolution means that the state teachers fsvor the removal of the Normal school from Peru. It means also thai I either Omaha or Lincoln are favored for the school to be established In the esstern part of the atate. Much speculation la be ing ludulged In, providing the legislature acts on ths suggestion of the teachers, as to which of tho two cltios will try for the school. Practically all of the recommenda tions of State Superintendent Fowler were acoepted by the teachers' committee and ratified by the educational committee in a meeting held this morning. The attendance this evening had reached over ths 1,200 mark and Treasurer Cavlncss said it would reach 2,000 before the close of ths session. Superintendent Pearse ot the Omaha schools said the program this year waa the best that had ever been presented to the teachers of the association. Late this aft ernoon esch of the various sessions of ths association elected officers. Miss Laura Oregg, of woman suffrajs fame, has taken a dig at the Normsl school yyy I Caught the croup And it I I I I CI I life to keep on hand a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Just one dose at bedtime, when the cold t threatened, 'will stop all future trouble. We wish you would ask your doctor if he knows v anything better for colds, coughs, bronchitis, weak f throats and lungs. xmm xtwxu. j.c.Aruc4..Lma,iust, I ,V I hire used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral coining couia oe ocner tor ids 6 down it Peru. Phe endorses fltste Super intendent Fowler's recommendation about the establishment of normal school. She does It In a letter written to the superin tendent. Pardoas a Ho?. Joseph Martin.- sent to the penitentiary from Lancaster county for one year for retflng too familiar with a wscon and team ! ar?ond some brass and other atuff belonging to someone rise, wis released from the atate prison by Governor Savage this morning. He had served about half of the time for which he was.sentenced, and aa the police and others told the governor that tho boy had been sufficiently punished the governor made the New Tear's present. Thompson Leaves In January. D. E. Thompson expects to l"ave for his post In Brazil January 24, so Mr. Thomp son has Informed the committee that waited upon him In regard to the reception and banquet thtt the Commercial club Intends to give in honor of the new consul. The banquet will be given on the evening of January 22 and will probably be followed by a ball In the capltol building. Marry Stars with Blind. Oovernor-elect Mickey announced this afternoon thst he would retajn J. T. Morey at the head of ths Institution for the blind at Nebraska City. Mr. Morey was selected, because of his faithful conduct of affairs as former head of the Institution, over many applicants for the place. Tonight Governor Mickey left for Osceola to spend New Year's with his family. Jndnea Recommend Chances. I . ... ...... I tlon met hera ye.tday t0 dUru.." i A )Mnmm iim .r ina ki.i. Haw legislation and made some recommenda tions to the coming legislature. Among the questions discussed were cbangea In the d'V01 08 ,aWB' return t" the district attor- J ooivui .' u HUliTUUlUCUl Ml LUC J ( - form sihool law. Those present were: I Judge C. B. Letton. Falrbury; Judge H. M. ( Grimes, North Platte; Judge I. F. Baxter, i Omaha; Judge E. P. Holmes, Lincoln, and Judge B. F. Good of Wahoo. County Officers Raise Funds. A report la current here todav that a move is on. foot for the county officers of the state to collect a large sura of money to be used In securing legislation favorable to the present officeholders. It Is said notices have been sent out over the stste requesting each officer to send to Fred El sasser, treasurer of Douglas county, 1 per cent of his salary for a year, to be tried for legislation purposes. Strong Man Insane. Henry Guntrum. for many years consid ered the strongest man In Lincoln, was to day admitted to the asylum for the insane. His case Is one of aoute pares? For the last year he has been acting stXngely and his family, fearing that he would become violent at any time, had him taken before the county commissioners, who adjudged him Insane. Physically he Is a giant and formerly ran a transfer wagon. Appeals from Daynasre Award. The case of Margaret Claaen against Au gusta Pruhs hss been taken to the supreme court from Lancaster county. Augusta se cured judgment agslnst Mrs. Ctasen for 12,000 in a damage suit for $10,000. The former appealed. Several years ago Au gusts was residing with her parents In Germany. When Mrs. Clasen, who Is Au gust's aunt, went there on a visit she brought the child to Hallem to reside with her. Augusta made her home at Prune' house for about three years, when she re turDed to. Germany. Her parents then re moved hero and the suit was brought be cause Augusta claimed that her aunt had abused and mistreated her and had actually whipped her -with a switch. The supreme court Is asked .to decide whether on not the switching was necessary. i1,; Sln-n Contract with Illinois. The negotiations that have been carried , ,, foot hllI1 h.rt -,., )n tB ,gnlng of , contract for , Llncon nMt TnankBglvlnK. The contract apccifles that Nebraska guarantee the 1111- tpam chairman Wyer of the Nebragka Athletlc u h nounccment that the Cornhuskers would now reaume relations with the University of Iowa, sfter a break of three years. The Nebraska management has also offered to play the Hascall Indians In Lincoln No vember 7 on the same financial basis as prevailed in last year's Nebrsska-Haskcll , game. The Indians constitute a good draw- ing card and the financial returns from ' their games with Nebraska are generally I highly satisfactory to the Cornbusker man agement. The Kansas date in Lawrence falls on November It, while Missouri probably will come to Unco)n th- week or game ,n cIong wUh njBOlB th- BcheduIe of ,hB h,rrt ,h. rrnv.u . i have Is made complete. Practice games with Lincoln High school, Doane and possi bly Colorado, Drake, Ames and Grlnnell. snould put Booth's men In fit trim for the bard work that begins late In October. Farmhouse Robbed. DAKOTA CITY. Neb.. Dec. 81. (Special.) j The farm house of Lewis Dierklng wss robbed some 'time after the retirement ot Its inmates, and the two hired men, Oeorge Hlrschbach snd Lowry Asher, were losers to the extent of $105 in cash, the former losing $3) and the latter $75. Hlrschbach also lost his gold watch. None of the in matrs of the house were arcused, and knew nothing of the robbery until tuornlug. The hired men's room wss the only one entered. The contents of Hlrschbach'a trunk. In which was his money and watch, were sea- ! tered over the floor. Asher's money wss . taken from his trousers' pockets. in the shower ! Damp a part of school life. should be a part of home la mj family for eight years, and I cougns ana coui or CDiiarenv Mrs. W. II. Brytner, Shelby, Ala. I NEW YEAR WATCH MEETINGS Churches Hold Serricai to Walooms ths Coming Tear.. SOCIAL AND RELIGIOUS FORMS MIXED Vers- Few of the (iafherlncs Partake Strictly of Devotional C haracter and All Arc Well Attended. Watch meetings were held at a number of the churches of the city last night and the new year welcomed appropriately. The services were sa a rule seml-rellglous, seml-soclai At Kounlze Memorial Lutheran the watch service proper began aC 11:30 o'clock and was concluded very early In ths fol lowing year. At 9 o'clock a reception be gan In tho church parlors, under the au spices of the Christian Endeavor society. Those received were not alone members of the church, but any of those Interested In the church and Its work. Light refresh ments were served and music and recita tions given. . In the First Methodist church the Ep wortb league conducted services during an hour, beginning at 9 o'clock. In the class rooms under the church. M. Withers of the Young Men s Christian association was In charge of this meeting. A social hour followed, during which light refreshments entered into. At 11 o'clock the watch service, or prayer mestlng, began and ended at 12. The watch party at St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church was of a social na ture and was given by the White side of the Christian Endcavorors. There were songs and one or two recitations. Refresh ments were served and a number of holiday games Indulged In. Ths regular prayer meeting was postponed until sunrise this morning. Westminster Presbyterian church began the evening at 8 o'clock with a meeting of the Sunday school teachers. This waa fol lowed by a social hour, with refreshments, after which a meeting of prayer continued until midnight. Rev. T. V. Moore, the pas tor, lead the services of the evening, thH being his first sppearance since his illness. Speeches and Sonars. The service in Calvary Baptist church be gan at 8:30 o'clock and continued until after midnight. There were several short addresses appropriate to the season given by the pastor, Rev. Thomas Anderson, and other gentlemen of the congregation. Dur ing the evening songs were sung and sev eral solos. The watch services in Seward Street Methodist Episcopal church began at 8 o'clock with preaching by the pastor. Dr. Gorst. The full choir rendered some spe cial holiday music and several papers on appropriate subjects were enjoyed by those present. Messrs. McCulloch and Ball read articles on the subjects, "Seward Street Methodism" and "Family Life in tho Church." Some of the members of Grace Lutheran church enjoyed a go-as-you-please service, under the auspices -of the Luther league, at the home of its president, J. F. Smith, at 1322 South Twenty-fifth street. 'The services were conducted by the league and a cottage prayer meeting was held snd re freshments served. At Grace Baptist church the services be gan at 9 o'clock and continued until mid night. The pastor. Rev. Mr. Fellman, and Rev. George Van Winkle of South Omaha preached on the topic of the season. The more serious part of the evening was Inter rupted at 10 o'clock for an hour, during which those present enjoyed a social time. 8t. John's Episcopal church, Twenty sixth and Franklin streets, was lighted up and tho rector. Rev. C. H. Young, and the members of his congregation gathered td watch out the old year with appropriate observances. Rev. Mr. Savidge, Rev. Arthur Potter of Pittsburg, Pa., Rev. Mr. Manual of Hast ings, and others made addresses at the services held in the People's church last night. The services lasted three hours, be ginning at 9 o'clock. . The Salvation Army hall at 1515 Capltol avenue was opened from 8 o'clock until 12 last night. An early service was held, as Is usual, and at 11 o'clock the special watch service began, being conducted by Brigadier James Toft and the divisional staff. The Chief of rtealers. Old sores, ulcers, piles, fistula and like stubborn maladies soon yield to Bucklen't Arnica Salve or no pay. 25c. For sals by Kuhn Co. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair Thnradny and Friday la the Pre diction of the Weather Darear. WASHINGTON, Dec. 81. Forecast: For Nebraska, South Dakota and Kansas Fair Thursday and Frldsy. For Iowa Fair Thursday; Friday, fair ad colder. v ' For Illinois Fair and warmer Thursday; Friday, Increasing cloudiness, probably rain In south portion, fresh to brisk south winds, becoming variable. For Missouri Fair in north. Increasing cloudiness in south portion Thursday; Fri day, probably rain in east and south por tions. Local Record. OFFICBOKTME WKATIIETt BUREAU. OMAHA, Dpc 31. Official record of lem peraturo and prvrlpltntlun compared with the corresponding day of the last thieo i ears: 192. . 46 . 29 . 3H . 00 1D01. 1900. JSi9. 39 12 12 272 2 3.1 & 7 oo .c T Maximum Wmp.Tattire. Minimum temperature. Mt-an temperature l'reclpltatloti Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this diy and since March 1, Normal temperature Kxt-esa for tli day Total excess Hnce March 1, 1D02 Normal precipitation Deficiency for the day 21 17 163 ..... .3 Inch 03 Inch 29. l Inrht t'recltntatlon since March t Dellcjency since March 1, 12.. .t7 Inch Deficiency for cor. perloJ. 1U.. inches txcess lor cor. period, 19W 04 inch . January Averages. The following data for the month of Jan uary, covering a iierlod of thirty-one years, has been compiled from the weather bureau records at Omaha: Temperature Mean or normal tempera ture. 21 decrees. The warmest month waa thut of livi, with an average of 35 degrees. Tha coldest month waa that of 1M. with an average of 8 decrees. The hlrhtst tem perature was 63 degree on January JO, lti. The lowest terrperatjre whs 32 de Siees below xero on January 6. 18a4. Aver age date on which first "killing" trost oc curred In autumn October 7. Average date on which last ' killing" frost occurred In spring, April IS. Precipitation (rain or melted snow) Aver age for the month. .03 Inch. Average num ber of days wl:h .01 of an Inch or more, 7. The greatest monthly precipitation was Ml Inches In 11. The least monthly precipi tation was .07 Inch In ls.i and lietS. The greatest amount of precipitation recorded In any twenty-four consecutive hours whs .93 of an Inch on January Zl and ti, 1NS1. The greatest amount of snowfall recorded In any twenly-iour conaeruilve hours r-c-ord extending to winter of l&M-kS only) was I Inches on Jar.isry 1.', lxi. Cluitua and e..ther--A versge number nf clear day. 13; partly cloudy das, ; cloaJy das. 9. Wind The prevailing- winds have been from the northwest. The highest velocity of th wind was 45 miles from the north- wt wa January 28 IttTd. l A. Wti.SH. Local Forecast OiUcUL KELLEY, ST1GER & CO OUR GREAT AHMUAL DISCOUNT SALE STILL IN PROGRESS " SALES INCREASING DAILY, GREATEST CUT PRICE SALE FOR STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS DRY GOODS EVER INAUGURATED IN OMAHA 33 1-3 per cent Discount on all our Women's, blisses' and Children's Cloak? . 33 1-3 per cent Discount on Entire Stock of Furs a 20 Per Cent Discount on all our Black Dress Goods 20 Per Cent Discount on all our Colored Dress Goods 20 Per Cent Discount on all our Dress Trimmings, Buttons, Linings 20 Per Cent Discount on all our Women's, Misses', Children's, Boys' and Men's .Winter Underwear 20 Per Cent Discount on all our Blankets, French Flannels; Outing Flannels, Eiderdown Flannels, Fine Wool and Embroidered Flannels 20 Per Cent Discount on all our Comfortables, medicated cotton, wool filled We guarantee that in no instance have prices been changed. Every piece marked in plain figures. No reserves. COR. FARNAZVL AND NO CRIMINALS IN HOLT COUNTY the Docket All Civil. ' Are O'NEILL., Neb., Dec. 31. (Special.) The adjourned September term of the district court adjourned sins die today. Several cases of considerable importance,, as they Involved titles to land In this county which In the last few years have become valuable, have been submitted to Judge Harrington and also Judge Westover, who presided dur ing a portion ot the term. Numerous de cisions have been cited on both sides of the controversies and from recedt decisions of the supreme court it will keep the trial Judges guessing what to do in tha various cases under advisement. ' The docket for the September term con tained 515 civil and no criminal cases. Most of the civil cases are where the county Is foreclosing for taxes due it on lsnd by non resident owners, or where parties bought the land at tax sale and brought an action to foreclose the same . as ttey would a mortgage. . - The late decision of, the supreme court In the case of Logan count'agalnst Carnahan is more discussed in western Nebraska than any decision ever handed down by that tribunal and should It stand as the law ot the state it will cause more litigation than any decision ever promulgated. This de cision undoubtedly involves the property rights of hundreds of citizens of Nebraska. After the supreme court decided in the case of Grant against Bartholomew that parties owning or buying tax sale certifi cates either at public or private sale, and also that a county had the right to fore close on land for delinquent taxes, thou sands of cases were Immediately brought In nearly every western county of the state. In one county west of Holt 275 cases were brought by the county attorney against the owners of land for delinquent taxes. It appeared that no taxes had been paid for several years, and the balance of the tax payers who resided In the county began to kick, and the county board Instructed the county attorney to bring an action against every piece of land where the tsxes had been delinquent for more than two years. It wss discovered that there were nearly 400 cases. Actions were commenced and In a few cases the taxes were paid up, but in the majority of cases the land waa sold for two-thirds ot Its appraised value, which in nearly all cases wss about the amount of taxes and costs, to parties re siding In the county and sheriffs' deeds is sued to them. In many cases these lands so sold have been transferred several times for four and five times what thty cost when they were bought from the county, owing to the great Increase In the value of land. Thus It will be seen tbst should the late decision of the court become the law of the state, which in a measure reverses the former decision it will cause no end of litigation. That portion of the latter decision which seems to be most criticised Is where It holds that a county or its agent must buy the land at tax sale before It can com mence an action to force the collection of Its tax lien. EXPLODES ONE SENSATION Nebraska, City's "Woman In Black" Simply a Woman Who Is Hnn Ibst Work. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. Dec. 81. (Spe cial Telegram.-) The police today cleared up the mystery of the "woman In black," which has been quite a sensation here this week. This morning the police re ceived a call from the west-end ststlng that the woman waa creating a disturbance. Chief McCallum arrived at the home of Mrs. H. J. Padgett, where tha woman was making a visit. The woman gave her name as Mrs. Nolan and said that she had lately come to this city and was hunting work. Investigation seems to show that mosfot the aensai tonal stories were untrue and that the woman was simply attending to her own business. Cass Coanty Hortsaare Record. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. Dec. 31 (Spe cial.) H. A. Schneider, register of leeds, furnishes the, following report of mortgages of Cass county for the month of 'Mcember and also for the yesr 1102: Fsrm mort gages Bled, 11, amount, $16,400; released, 12, amount, $19,990; city mortgages Sled, 8. smount, $8,225; released, 9, amount, $(,140. For the year there were 230 farm mort gages filed amounting to $',32 221; relessed. 259, amounting to $445,100; the amount of the city mortgages filed was $73,935; re leased. $66,723. Farmers Kear Kearney Oraaalse. KEARNEY. Neb.. Dec. Jl. (Special Tel egram.) Pursuant to the call cf L. 8 beets and others, the farmers met at Glrn wood today to dlsrusa grain-shipping j grlevancra. C. Vincent, publisher, of Omaha waa present and eiplalned tha pur- I pose of the Farmers' Co-Operative Shipping association and a branch was organized to do business at Kearney. A canvassing committee was chosen to solicit member ship and report January 7, when delegates will be chosen to the state meeting to be held on January 22 at Lincoln. MAY ARREST THE WITNESSES Jvrr Empress Belief that Perjury Was Committed In the Hawax Trial. YORK Neb., Dec. 81. (Special.) The trial of Alice Hawn, keeper of a resort, and "Brickey" Boslough, a young man about town, who has been living at the Hawn house, charged with taking and keeping $73 from Louis Price of Havelock, Neb., occupied all of yesterday and part of last night and the verdict wss not ren dered by the Jury until late at night. The verdict was guilty. The jury was com posed of the best business men of York and, although the evidence was not as direct as they might have wished It, it la generally believed that they arrive at a verdict on the ground that on general prin ciples the defendants should be punished. They declared that several witnesses per jured themselves and the opinion - Is that there may be several arrests of witnesses and other charges brought that will make criminal cases. Nebraska, CHr Favors Pern. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Dec. 81. (Spe cial Telegram.) The Commercial club of this city has adopted resolutions favoring the retention of the State Normal achool at Peru. All nearby towns are aiding In the effort to prevent the removal ot the school to Kearney. IS MAKING SLOW PROGRESS (Continued from First age.) Ing of the murder, and by this It la Inferred that they want to show that someone had tampered with It and that it was don pur posely. Judge Sklles has not admitted this evidence yet. The Woman's Christian Temperance union is having all kinds of trouble and from present Indications the end Is not yet. A prominent official of this orgsnlzation stated yesterday that the resolutions and Interview published in an Omaha paper with reference to the LIUle case was v. holly at the Instance and request ot Mrs. C. M. Woodward, and on her own responsi bility, and that the organization did not ap prove of this, and they would hold a meet ing In a few days and pass resolutions re pudiating the whole proceeding. Sam LIUle, brother cf tho murdered man, was taken sick yestcrd.-"? morning and as a consequence thereof he and his aged mother were not in attendance In court yesterday. Mrs. Ltllie Is beginning to show that she realizes fully the gravity of the charges against her, but so far as she csn Is In a pleasant mood and apesks pleasantly to all who speak to her, occasionally smiling at the witticisms of the sttorneys. In the event that Judge Sklles holds that the state makes a prima facie case the de fense will introduce about twenty wit nesses. Mrs. LIUle will also go upon tha stand. County Judge Sklles stated yesterday evening that be would not hold court on New Year's day. End of Recent Coal Strike. The recent anthracite coal strike Is practically ended, the miners and opera tors have decided to allow a board of ar bitration to adjust the differences. The quickest way to settle any disturbance In the stomach or kidneys is to take Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters at the first symp tom. It hss cured thousands ot cases of loss of appetite, lmomnla, Indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, constipation and liver and kidney troublea during the last fifty years snd it won't fail you. Try a bottle; also obtain a copy of our 1963 almaDac from your druggist. It is free. FAILURES 0FYEAR ARE LIGHT Bradstrert Sas Were Smallest la Two la Hoarier lean, I NEW YORK, Dec. 31. In spite of some crop shortages, added to record breaking strikes and reduced foreign trade. Brad street's January 1 111 report that the failure record for the last year la on the whole a favorable one. In only one sec tion, tne aouth, was there an Increase of casualties over the record of 1901, sod In only two, the south and central west, was there an Increase of llsbllitles. During the year there were reported 9.971 commer cial failures, with liabilities of 105.9S.t2J and assets ot $00,870,800. a decrease In num ber of 1.4 per cent, and a falling off of liabilities of IS per cent from 1901. Compared with 1900 and 1&99 Increases FIFTEENTH Railroad l Three through trains daily I j j to California, Oregon and 1 1 If all Western points, except I i the Union Pacific, viz. : l sa "TH" VMr and that great California Express" Wrtft California train Paomo'iEipriss" Owland Limited" If.'' ' sto VlS NO CHANGS OF CARS ACROSS THE CONTINBMT CITY TICKET OFFiSHm FARNAM ST. j7 NN 'Phone 316. ....WHY STAY.... IN A GOLD OFFIGE? Warm Rooms $10.00 Up THE BEE BUILDING. Rental prlco Includes Heat, Light, Water and Janitor Service. R. C. PETERS At Co., . Grounc5 Floor Rental Agents. Bee Dldg. A A New Year's beverage mild, palatable, gently exhll eratlng, It meets every requirement of a dinner drink. We will be pleased to send you r. caso today. You will b: pleased that you got It. Your prompt orders will ensure quick delivery. Telephone right now. Brewing Co. in the number of failures of 6.5 and T per cent are shown, but comparisons with prior years are markedly in favor of 1902. In liabilities an even better showing is made, those for 1902 being the smallest reported for twenty yeara. While the pro portion of aasets to liabilities was 48 per cent In 1902, as against 46.9 In 1901, and 47.2 in 1900, it is lower thsn In any pre ceding years since 1S85. With two exceptions the number of fail ures wss the smallest In fourteen years, despite the fact that the number of con cerns in business is growing steadily, the Increase since 1892 aggregating 19 per cent. The annual "death rate" is shown to bs only O.m in 1902, agalnBt 0.88 In 1901. and 0.85, hitherto tbe lowest records made in 1900 and 1899. Soldier Dies of W.nnili. 8TURGIS. 8. D.. Dec. SI. (Special Tele gram.) Albert Hill, a private In the Thir teenth cavalry, at Fort Meade, arrested on tbe charge of burglary and shooting at Chief of Police Rouse, died here today. He was shot In the leg by Rouse while the latter wss arreating blm. Hemorrhage and septic fever csused death. fold la .Colorado. R F. IX LI KKK. Colo.. ier. 31. The severest cold spell of the winter was ex perienced here today, the thermumetrr reglKterlog this morning from 25 to 2 de grees below t-ro; no wind or snow accom panied the cold wave. STREETS Omaha. Phone I2i DR. McGREW SPECIALIST Treats all forms of ISEASES AND DISORDERS OP MEN ONLY JT Years Experience, 17 Years In Cms lis. His remarkable sue cess hss never been equaled and every day brings many flatter ing reports of the good he Is doing, or ins relief he hss glvsn. Hot Springs Traalmsnt for Stptiilis And all Blood Poisons. NO "BRE VKINO i l.'f on the aKin or rues ana an xiornsJ signs of the atfease disappear at oncu. BLOOD DISEASE Srron ntly rurett la leu tb.u 0 Dm y it. VAK.COCi.LE Cures guarantrod la I.L.BS lit an b LtAis. UltK oU.uJJ Uiuol. jvlui.ey una cases curea ot iiui v oub deuu.ty. loss of uLhurttva, 6Uici,urev lim'iucr UueasoB, it)- arocme. SlLlCK CUKE8 LOW CIIAittlLd. Trekinicut by inu'L f. U. tiix su. ui"cs ovar na o iiu iirii, uetwten caruitm tu.4 ijouttias streets, UMAitA, MTJSSl V KE"V SkANO q.irrUTCilt Pat !tlC Ndrviuu.r..wi!.'-ciu:t.-cf iiiiii-ti. It-, EVl u'mi.ood. UrCi.ii. lutwi, fMJm at li Mimed ntra ami nrn ir.tentlihf tu biarrjr aii'u4 laKu 1 Im,k; r.t4untfenliii r-aul ; iiiail wenk um aim )"? ujwor imujrtta. Sltjftt ahisrmaa A VlcConuelJ Drug Cs., Uniah I V